8 TIIE OMAIIA DAILY BEEi FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1907. Want - ads rolamas will be takea aatll tin, far Ike ftralic edlttea aad aatll a. at. for the norm la laaday edltleaa. t'aah miM across paay all erdere for neat ada aad advertlsesaeat will be accepted for leee tkaa lO Mill lor the drat Ineertlea. Hatea apply la either The Dally ar landay Be. Alwaya word ta a llae. Comblaatloaa af laltlala ar a ambers roaat aa aaa word. CASH RATES FOR WAST ADS. REUILAH CLASSIFICATION Oaa, Insertion, -per liar, 19 ccata. Twa or more ponseeatlve laarrtlona, per liar, It mil, Each Inarrtloa made aa odd says, 10 centa per liar. fl.BO per line per tnnntk. CASH KATES FOR NOTICES. Death aad Paarral Notlcea, Carda af Tkaaka aad Lodge Natlora, T ccata frv line for aaa rdltloa, niornla ar rvcalaari 8 ccata a llae for each ad lltloaal rdlttaa. Saaday, 10 ccata a llae. No ad takea for lcaa tkaa 80 teats. SPECIAL CLASSIFICATION H roar advertisement la laaerted andor any oaa of tke classl neat Ions circa below, It will be charged at tke fol lonlnc ratcai Ona Inaertloa, 4 ccata per llacl tkrca ta six caaaecatlTa la (ertloaa, a eeata per llae aaefc laser lion sevra ar mere coaaccatlre la te rt Ion a, a real per line each lneer lion BO ccata per llae per moatk. BARTER AND EXCHANGE. BUSINESS CHANCES. HELP WANTED FEMALE. HELP WANTED MALE. Except Agents, Solicitors aad "ales- OFFERED FOR SALE. ' Cowl, Blrda, Doff aad Pete. Horse and Vcklclca. Poaltty aad ( Fnrnitarc. Typewriters aad Sewlnar Machlaes. Planoa, Orgiiii aad Maelcal Instru ment. OFFERED FOR RENT t Furnished Boo ass. L'afarnlsked Bsoai. Want Ada for Tke Dee may be left at aey of tke following dra atoree sne Is "yoer coracr dradalst"- tkey re all branch offices af Tke Bee aad your ad will be laaerted Juet as promptly aad oa tke same ratea aa at tke mala office la Tke Bee Bolldlas, levcateeata. aad Farnam Streeta. Albach, W. C. 40th and Farnam. lH-ronck. 8. A.. 102 8. 10th St. Becht Pharmacy. 720 8. 16th St. Benson PUarroacy. Benson. Neb. Semis Park Pharmacy. 33d and cumlng. lake s Pharmacy, 2816 Sherman Ays. Caughlln. C. R.. th and Pierce Sts. Clifton Hill Pharmacy. 2218 Military Ave. Conta. J. B.. Slat Ave. and Farnam. Crissey Pharmacy, 24th and Lake. Ccrmak, Emll, 1264-6 8. 13th 8t. Eastman Pharmacy, 4046 Hamilton. Ehler, F. H.. 2o2 Leavenworth. Foster A Arnoldl, 213 N. 26th St. Freytag. John J., 1914 N. 24th St. Florenco Drug Co.. Florence, Neb. Goldman Pharmacy, KOth and Lake. Green's Pharmacy, corner Park Ave. and Pacific Greenough, O. A., 1M6 B. 1Mb St. Greenough, Q. A., 1624 B. loth St. Hayden, Wm. C, 2920 Farnam St. HnnHCorn Park Phar.. 1501 8. 28th Ave. Hoist, John. C24 N. 16th St Huff. A. I... 2924 Leavenworth St. King. H. 8.. 223S Farnam St. Kountxe Place Pharmacy. 3304 N. 24th. Patrick Drus; Co.. 1!4 N. 24th St. Lathrep, Chas. T... 1324 N. 24th St. pevton, L. E.,I4th and Leaven worth. Saratoga Drug Co.. 24th and Ames Ave. Sehsefer's Cut Price Drue; Co., 16th and Ih lea so. Peliaefcr, August, 2631 N. Wth St. Schmidt. J. II., 24th and Cumins; Sta. Storm Pharmacy, Irtth and Martha Sts. Wnlnut Hill Pharmacy. 40th and Cumins. Walton Pharmacy, 20th and Grace Sts. Worth. O IT.. nth snd Hamilton Sts. DEATHS AND FUHERAL NOTICES uTini' n.m,nl. a ir u veara Funeral Saturday morning, September 21, kt 8:$0 o'clock from family residence, Clark street, Benson, Neb., to 8t. Bernard's Cath llc church. Interment, Holy Sepulcher cemetery. PTFFER John,' September 18, 1907, at his home In St. Louis. Mo. Funeral from residence of his aunt, Mrs. Q. 1. Crager. 25W Decatur street, at 2 p. m. Friday, September 20 His uncle and nt. Mr. and Mrs. John Hnyward, will lecompapy his remains from St. Louis. TOMPKINS Fred A., at his residence, 2715 Douglas street. Thursday morning at 11 . o'clock, aged 60 years. . Funeral Saturday at 2 p. m., from family realdence; Interment, Forest Lawn ceme ".ery. Friends Invited. BIRTHS A BSD DEATHS. Births Jacob Fiscus, 1906 Center street, tlrl; Joseph Palllster, 2116 California street, ty; William bernnek. 1811 Csstellar street, tlrl: Fred F. Waancr. 2306 Laird street. boy; Edward Smally, Benson, girl; FTed Stromborg. 467 North Thirty-seventh Itrect. girl; K.- E. Dowllng, 2218 North Twenty-seventh avenue, boy; welter Oraw '.ham, 1413 North Nineteenth street, boy; lohn Johnson, Benson, boy; Fred Schults, liM North Tweaty-rourtn, noy; A. F, Thorn. 3221 California street, twin rlrls. Deaths Stella V. Johnson, 28L"7 Franklin street, age 1 year; F. L. Otis, 3868 Seward street, age G5 years; Mrs. Margaret a Bwan son, 1013 Webster street, age ,9 years. CARD OF THANKS. We wish to thank our many friends and neighbors for their sympathy and kindness shown us during the sickness and death ut our Dfioved husoana and father. MRS. J. H. WATT. MRS. O. F. K1LI.IAN,' V.H. AND MRS. F. M. DAVIS, MH. AND MRS. CVRTIS COOK. MR. AND MRS. W. L WATT. - MARRIAGE LICENSES. The following marriage granted yesterday: llcen ses were Name and Address. . Age. Fverett O. Long. Omaha 24 May Lucretla Uow, Bellevue, Neb 2J Arthur Hammers, .Glenwood, la 22 Qeorgie B. Vanderpool, Glenwood. Ia.... 18 Charles M. Kennedy, Holdrege, Neb M Mary J. Munden, St. Joseph, Mo 26 William E. Herb Omaha 17 Una vannate, Minneapolis. Minn 26 ANNOUNCEMENTS .V1CARTNEY INSTITUTE, liti'2 FARNAM ST. Classes now open. ABLE INSTRUCTORS. Shorthand. TvDewrttina. Bookkaanlnv Commercial Law, Penmanship, Business .orresponuence, uenerat umce rraotlce. Also Preparatory for Civil Benrlce, College or a protession. uay ana night sessions lei. i. lu. u. (1)-M51 O10 rilE CITT GARBAGE CO.. office 4th and Leavenwortn Mia, Yet. Douglas 1387. CD-MS TILE FALL TERM OF BOYLES COLLEGE Is now open ta both the DAT end NIGHT tnseions. let u is noi too lais to enter. Hook keeping. Shorthand. Tyvewritlrur. Te legraphy and Kngltaa. The catalogue Is Ire. H. B. BOYLES. TOES. BOYLES BLDO.. OMAHA, NFR. !)- MORAKD'8 classes In dancing for adults are now open. Lessons. Tun and Frt.. I n. m. Entrance opp. Burwooe theater. Call er lei. Doug;. 104L frtvate teaaona. CU-M ANNOUNCEMENTS iContlnii''! ' ANNOUNCEMENTS (Continued. MUSIC every evening, Hotel Rome (U-TM SIGN PAINTING 8. H. Cole, 1J Douglas. 1) m AUTOMOBILES ORIENT burkboard automobile., cost $4rS. only $126. Call at once; leaving city. 511 Paxton block. (16) MST 20 SEND for our list of second-hand automo biles. DERIQI1T. 11118 Farnam. U) 2o0 FOR 8ALB 1P07 model, two-cylinder Bulck car; good condition. See at MO N. Mh St. (2) M167 24 BARTER AND EXCHANGE AM LEAVING town, will sell high grads piano very cheap, with or without sim ple! player, or exchange for anything useful to me. Address D 190, care Bee. (3)-173 24x FOR EXCHANGE A fine up-to-date hard ware stock, located In a good Nebraska town of 1.000 Inhabitants; will Invoice about $4,000, Including fixture. This is a good, paying proposition. Has a good trade and in one or the best locations In town. Will consider part exchange, the balance cash. Globe Land and Investment company. (1) Moil FOR EXCHANGE Stock of buggies, wa gons and Implements, located In a small Illinois town; will Invoice about 11.716. Also house and 2 lots In same town. Price for real estate, 11.500; Invoice for stock. Will exchange for farm land In Iowa, Kansas or Missouri. Globe Land and In vestment Co., Omaha, Neb. tS) M517 TO TRADE for cheap land In Texas Colorado, or Oklahoma, controlling Inter est In telephone system of 176 telephones and two toll lines. Walter C. Macy, Springfield, S. D. (3 M783 21 X 480 ACRES railroad land, close to Kimball, $7.60 per acre; $2,200 equity and some cash for small hardware or grocery stock. Ad dress Y-997, care Bee. (3) MG90 20 WANTED Some Nebraska land In ex change for my store and stock of gei- eral merchandise; worth $5,000 B. K. Wilson, harpsburg. la. (3) MflSO 20x FOR SALE or exchange, Omaha or Lin coln residence, Improved farm 160 acres, 20 acres oak and ash timber, 33 acres broken, open water year round, fenced part can be Irrigated; house, outbuildings and corrals, good range; school section lease with above. D. Stlnard, Valentine, Neb. (3) M676 ZOx FOR SALE OR TRADE By owner, two nice building lots In Benson, two blocks from end. of car line, as part payment on house and lot in town. Address N 250, care Bee. (3) 126 18 x TO EXCHANGE Patent right on a lawn weeder for removing dandelions from yards. Fortune In this for the right party, win trane lor stock or hardware or land. Specifications sent on request. Address T-202, care Bee. (3)-MRS7 S74x FOR EXCHANGE Six lots with plenty of iruit; two-story nrick house, to rooms, 2 cisterns. In southeast Nebraska town, for western land or will trade on good Improved eighty. Harrington Co., Crab Orchard. Neb. (3) M274 28 91 acre Iowa farm to exchange for an automobile; price, $6,000. A good improved hair section for a $,000 rental property or business. Address Guarantee Land Co.. Ocheyedcn, la. (3) M313 22x WANTED A practical shoemaker to buy my business In Tekamah, Kct.; price, xiho; snap. m. w. tiaver. (t) Mill ZiX A GOOD INVESTMENT. , Will exchange for good Omaha rental property, a subdivision of 415 acres, located just five miles from the center of a large na prosperous coast city. The city is built ut more than half wav to my land and la well built up nil around me on small tracts f 5 and 10 acres, which Is used for small fruits and truck gardening. This land will make the owner big money Inside of a year or iwo ai me price i am asKtng for it. Art dress the owner, P. O. Box C, Wood River, Neb. (3) 174 24 BUSINESS CHANCES Do You iWish to Make a Change IF TOU have a farm, home, business or property, that you wish to sell or ex change, write .us. GLOBE LAND AND INVESTMENT CO., OMAHA, NEB. . t4 M1S3 Sept 26 FOR SALE Good opportunity lor man . -1 t ..'A.i L. I . V. -..Ill 1 iSlAll WHO, win, ,uvv, V. Will UBh .vv Jier month; good healthy, outdoor and egltiinate business; no experience neces sary. This is the orange belt, one of the most healthful places In California. Apply to R. A. Paulson, Box 518, Bad lands, Cal. 14 MS79 20x BETWEEN forty and fifty thousand shares or ma Ariiona Gold Mines at Mining lo. i stock for sale at, 26 cents per share; sold by M. E. Langley And John J. .Wystt at 75 cents per share; any information. Call or write N. F. Anderson. 5811 Walrath St.. Los Angeles, Cal. (4) Mo62 820s. FOR SALE A good paying hotel In Cen irai luwa. town or 10 la i nunuren; z ran roads: am eolnc Into otlter business. Will sell building snd furniture or fur niture alone and rent building. Hotel H block rrom depot, ir looking lor a snip get busy. v Address Y 173. Bee. (4)-M6U INDUSTRIAL AND MININO STOCKS BOUGHT AND SOLD. ROBERT C. DRU8EDOW It CO., STOCK BROKERS. 8( New York Life Building. Tel. Doug. 3666. Omaha, Neb. -I- ROMETHTNO GOOD. $50 to $150 a week in your locality selling stock In a Nevada nold Mining company that Is a winner. Big thing for the In vestor and for party who sells It. In vestigate this. For partuclars, address 8 135. Bee. (4)-630 S30 FOR SALE Dining room, with good bak ery In first-class hotel: only rename parry, capable of conducting first-class cafe, con sidered. Address Box 460. Sterling. Colo. (4) M824 lx WANTED To buy newspaper In central or southwestern isehraska. county seat freferred, or only paper In town of not ess than 800; confidential. Address Y 996, care Bee. (4) M766 26 x FOR SALE Hotel, one Sit the best money niaKing noieis in me siaie. Ail iransiem trade. Terms, cash, no trades considered. Clark E. Bales, Gettysburg, 8. D. (4)-M788 tlx TO GET IN OR OUT OF BUSINESS CALL, ON WILLIAMS, 411 HtAUUll BUILDING. UTH AND DODGE STS. (4-2t RESTAURANT Finest In the state out side of Lincoln and Omaha; easy terms, Hend for description. Red Cloud Real Estate Co., Exclusive Agents, Red Cloud, Neb. (4 M966 06z ALL KINDS of mining and oil stocks bought and sold according to their value. Omaha Finance Co., 21i N. Y. Life bldg. . 4)-Mlil Oct NO PUBLICITY In selling your business. C. J. CANAN, 701 14. I. L. Bldg., Osnan. (4)-166 826 TO BUY. TRADE OR SELL see "FUSI- N S3 CHANCE BUNNELL." 83 N. T. Ufa. Tel. Doug. D4. (4)-307 $1.60 RACKET stock to sell at a discount for cash or trade for small realty or for farm Implements stock, rental of land, etc Box 2M, Tecumseh, Neb. (4) MlfiO Ss MEAT MARKET doing good business for sale or rent with fixtures. P. H Harry Greeley, Neb. () M153 24x DRUG STORE for sale; the only drug store In good northwest Iowa town; a money-maker; will Invoice about $8,500; only those with cosh considered. Ad dress Y 6. Bee. 4-M136 Oct.! FOR SALE Country newspaper, doing a Plattevllle, Colo. (4) M14I 14 FOR BALE Good-paying three-chair bur ner snop ana ratn room. Aailress Box tit. Mitchell, 8. D. . (4) M14II4X RENT Ritchie's hall. South Omaha; saound noor; no posts: long lease. A. O, Ritchie. TiO 8. isth 6U, Omaha. (4 4 FOR SALE Billiard hall, barber shop and bathroom; fliu-st In state; busy season Just beginning; resson for selling, have other business snd csnoot attend to It; easy terms to right party. W. L. Baker, nmuiiu, a. iJ. uox Tvx, ttj u. r Manv Omahans have won success through 8 "BEE Want Ads." Many more could do the samo if thoy would use "BEE Want Ads" BUSINESS CHANCES (Continued. THIS adv. will not appear again: 18 room family hotel; best location; money maker, If taker, next few days; 1, 100.00 cash. We will furnish part of the money If desired KEYSTONE 8URETY ft REF. AGT8., 404 Bee Bldg. (4) M2l 10 BUSINESS CHANCE! Act quick; only store In live Iowa town for rent October lu; small stock necessary; can clear $2,000 annually. Address, full Information, Otto Ross. Valley Springs, 8. D. (4)-M281 x ACME EXCHANGE CO., Cherokee, la., has farm lands and town property for sale or trada. Write what you have and want. (4)-M284 Octl9x FOR SALE An old-established bakery In town of 1.800 population. For particulars write V. 8. Secrlst, Burlingame, Kan. (4 M281 I7x FOR SALE Livery barn and stock; snap If taken at once; good business. O. P. Casey, Crystal Lake, la. (4-M28 Kx FOR SALE Good 1-chalr barber shop and bath In good town: other business the rea son for selling. W. E. Bitney, Spearflsu, 8. D. (4)-M28 26X OGDEN HOTEL FOR RENT and furniture for sale cheap. Inquire C. E. Kimball, Ogden hotel, Council Bluffs, la. (4) M114 23x FOR SALE Pioneer restaurant, Hastings; good location for right party. liDDeis, Morey & Fuller, Hastings Neb. t4)-M275 Oct7x FOR SALE 14-room hotel, furnished, In a good, growing town, at a Dargain; cause of selling, sickness. For particulars call or address Albany hotel, Cheyenne Wells, Colo. (4) M280 26X SIX memberships In the Ohio Car-Sign syn dicate have been sold the last two aaya; you'll sure have to hurry. A money-making proposition like this does not go a-begging; only a few left. See the model in the show window of Haines Drug Co., 13th and Farnam; call er write for de scriptive literature. This Invention Is making many millionaires, so you'd better get In one the "ground floor." Fullest In vestigation solicited. Call or write Car Blgn Headquarters, 21 I'. 8. Nat l. Bank Bldg., Omaha. (4-M313 20 NEBRASKA $3,609 practice lor aale for rlce of office outfit. Address Y-2, care lee. tO-M6i Olix THE BEST MEAT MARKET In a City of 80,000 inhabitants, and building for rem. Address A, Omaha Bee, Council Bluffs, Is. (4) M643 012x FOR SALE Only bakery and lunch room In town over 1,000; doing good business; cheap If taken at once. A. J. Bishop, Liberal, Mo. (4 J M2.07 36s IF YOU have a few hundred dollars to Invest In best proposition offered in Omaha, will give you free trip to coast to Investigate same before paying a cent. Addresa F 192, care Bee. (4) M198 21 X DRUG stores for sale everywhere. F. V. Kniest, 707 N. Y. Life. Omaha. (4)-XH FOR SALE Good, clean stock of hardware, value about $4,600.00,' Including toola and fixtures, located in the best county In Nebraska; will maka liberal conces sion for cash, or trade for land In good locality. Address P. O. Box 653, Marys- vllle. Kan. 4) M205 26x FOR SALE Grocery and meat market; best location In Omaha; established nearly 16 years; will sell at invoice. C. W. Bhrader, 26th and Blondo. 4)-M231 2Sx RESTAURANT for sale cheap, 633 Broad way, Council Bluffs, Is, , , 4) 764x $600 WILL buy H Interest In established manufacturing business; will pay $4,000 per year clear profit. R, E. Brackott, Lansing, Mich. (4) Ml0 23x EXCLUSIVE MINING STOCK BROK ERS. Mining stocks bought and sola. - All orders quickly executed. List your stock with NEU8TADTL & DAVIDOV, Authorities on Mining Stocks. Tel. Red 1294. 604 N. Y. LIFE BLDO. (4) M991 Oct. 16 MILLIGAN, NEB., DESIRES BIDS for 4, 6 and 8-Inch tubular wells; board re serving the right to reject any and, all bids. Send all sealed bids to E. J. Kotae, Village clerk. (4)-M9S6 23 FOR SALE OR TRADE Confectionery, Ice cream and cigar store In good eastern Nebraska town. Fine opening for res taurant and bakery. Next opera house. Address a. W. Bedlen. Valparaiso, Neb, (4) M700 tOx WISH to meet gentleman who can Interest few people to extent of $6,000 or $6,000. Toe can make same or more at no ex pense to yourself. Address L 62, Bee. , . . W-M171 FOR SALE Grocery store and meat mar ket, pest location in the city; monthly sales $3,600; stock and fixtures will In voice about $3,600. P-184, Bee. 4)-63S :ix FOR BALE Bowling alley In good live Ne braska town, doing first-clans business; reason for selling, party leaving town. Address Y 101, care Bee. (4) 239 26x READ Are you looklna- for a farm, business or 111 V .DUllS.t We have General merchandise stocks of all slses. Shoe stocks. . Gents' furnishings. Hardware stocks. Furniture and undertaking. Hotels and restaurants. Rooming house furniture. Drug stocks. Printing offices. Flour mills, livery. Houses and lots. Farms and ranches. ' Call and See JACOBSON & CO., IX N. Y. I Bldg., Omaha. Neb. (41 M160 Octl7 BUSINESS DIRECTORY Aactloaeere. SALES made on mdse.. Jewelry, household goods, live stock. I arm implements, eta Roth Tyrell, 1212 Douglas, Omaha. (5-210 Baa Iraa aad Steel. The Pennsylvania Iron and Steel Co., Omaha. Neb.. Bells merchant bar Iron snd steel In any quantity and slse cheaper than any Job ber in the west. Write for prices. (5)-M69J 822 Barbara. EXPERT shaving and hatrcuttlng. 80S N. ioi n. lot iu ui Caataserelal Artists. H. O. BUNNELL, CO., 821 N. Y. Ufa. Doug. 6149. $) MSM Creaamerles. DAVID COLE CREAMERY CO., successor to Beatrice Creamery Co., Omaha. t6-C4 Carpet Cleaalag. SANITAKT Cleaning Co.. IH Farnam. (5-ll Chattel Lease. Chaa. D. Stanton Leon Co., 601 Bee Bldg. ay Ms Chlaa PalatlaaT. OIL AND CHINA PAINTING Class les sons until Oct. L oOo. Figure painting a specialty. Mia Ethel Vols, 1227 Dodge. 'Phone Taylor 4246. 5 M44 OS Chlraaadlsi. DR. ROY. R. I IMS rarnam fit Doug. 6487. BUSINESS DIRECTORY ' (Continued.) Deatlsta. BAILET MACH, 8d fir. Paxton. D. 10S6. (6)-2l7 Dressmaklag. IN FAMILIES Miss Stsrdy. Tel Harney 1368. w-iu. MME. WOODRUFF. 23 Neville Rlk. TeL Douglas 6i(. w jus ucu M'DOWELL Dressmaking Bchaol, 16?3 Far- nam bi. vi Florists. HESS SWOBODA. 1415 Farnam. (5)-21$ L. HENDERSON, 1619 Farnam. Tel. t. 1253. J. H. BATH, 1623 Harney. Tel. Doug. SOOO. tOJ MM HeteU. THE 8CHILTZ, European, 16th and Harney tb 218 Langraagrea. CIIATELAIN-I,. cSermin?KSPaS! ish. Davldge Bing., mn and Fnrnam. Day and evening classes. (5) 119 825 locksmiths. KEYS, etc. Heflln. 1324 Farnam. Tel. D. W7. ta- Millinery. LADIES' hats made over and trimmed In the latest styles; rials, reatners and ma terial cleaned or dyed. E. Leoln Pepper, 626 8. 2Sth St. 'Phone Harney 390S. (8)-649 014 Office Sapslles. FILING cabinets, files and ledgers, loose leaf devices and office fixtures ana sup plies of all kinds. Anchor Publishing Co., 306 South 18th St Tel. Douglas 6662. (6J-M920 Oct4 Safes, Shatters, Ete. OMAHA Safe and Iron Works makes a specially or nre encapec, snuiiers, aoora and safes. G. Andreen, Prop., 102 8. 10th fit C5)-ii28 Osteopathy. JOHNSON INS., 418 N. Y. I Tel. D. 1664. (S) 223 Dr. Bowser, over 1S02 Far. Tel. Doug. 6370. . . 7, (6)-Ml84 8 26 DR3. RINGLER, 806 Neville block. Phone Red 6467. (u) M707 8 SOX Pbntoa-rapaera. C. B. TRUSSELL. 115 South 16th St. (5) 224 ' Shoe Repairing:. . - RAPID SHOE REPAIR CO.. first-class worn. iniBj lapuoi at, rnong tea m (6) 227 Printing;. OUT-OF-TOWN merchants, Ak-Bar-Ben visitors, call and ses oiir new imported calendars for 1908. Lyngsiad A Jarve, 16th and Capitol Ave. (6) 226 Jewelers aad Watchmakers. N. P. BTILLINO-eWitjopX elocl; ' jewelry repairing. 1-8 Paxton UtK. Tel.. 4367. (5)-2il Staraare. STORAGE at 1403 Harney. (6)-196 Shea Shlnlagf. I CENTS every day, ladles' or gents' 211 S 13th. 6-618 S27 HELP WANTED FEMALE Clerical aad Office. M'CARTN'eY INSTITUTE. 1808 FARNAM ST. Classes now open; able instructors. Complete shorthand and business courso and preparatory for civil service, 'college or a profession. Day and night sessions. TeL D. 1070. (7)-M513 O10 WANTED An experienced saleslady. Rldr gley Clothing .Co., 1417 Douglas St. 7) 968 YOUNG lady bookkeeper In wholesale house; must be quick and accurate; good salary. Address L 197, care Bee. I (7J-241 22 Factory aad Trades. WANTED Women for ' hand Ireners and machines. Kimball Laundry, 1611 Jackson St. (7)-M540 DRESSMAKERS WANTED Dressmakers wanted to locate In Deniaon, la.; aplendld opportunity for the right kind. Address Y 994, care Bee. (7)-M770 21 WANTED Experienced skirt and Jacket hand for alteration room. Apply Elite Cloak Co., 1517 Farnam. (17)-MK30 21 . . HoaaekeeplaaT aad Doaiestle. WANTED Girl for general housework In family of three, where' second girl Is kept: 'good wages. Mrs. H. R. Rosenthal, 1048 8. 30th Ave. (7)-M166 COMPETENT GIRL for general house work. Mrs. Hall, 2216 Sherman Ave, 'Phone Webster 1723. (7)-M112 WANT a girl for housework, no washing and no cooking. 1329 So. 31st St. (7) M104 23 WOMEN for day work; housekeepers, wsltresses, $36. Canadian office, 16th and Dodge. (7i-22 WANTED Good girl for general house work. Byron R. Hastings, 2616 Dodge St (7) M798 WANTED A cook and children's nurse. Mrs. A. L. Reed. Tel. Benson 178. (7)-408 WANTED Good girl; must be good cook; Bohemian or German preferred; three In family; no children; good wagea. Apply 2970 Pacific St. Telephone Harney 2616. 7)-M2")3 23 WANTED Experienced girl for general housework, small family, no washing, best wagea. Apply 2661 Dodge St. (7) 671 WANTED Competent girl for general housework. Mrs. Chaa. Crary, TeL Harney 886. 1130 S. SOlh Ave. (7) MZ1 ss WANTED- ExDerienced girl for general housework, three In family; $6 per week. Tel. Harney asoi. 3901 Dewey Ave. (7)-965 WANTED Good girl, must be good cook; three In family, no children; good wages. Apply 2970 Pacific St. Telephone Harney 251SL (7)-70 19 WANTED Good girl for general house work; no washing or ironing: best wages paid; referei.ces required. Apply 718 N. faith St. (7-120 23 X WANTED Competent girl for general housework; have laundress. Tel. Harney 1616. 8402 Lincoln boulevard. (7) 1M WANTED Competent girl for general housework, no washing or Ironing: wages $7 per week. Inquire 604 8. 16th St. (71177 WANTED To go west, an experienced nurse maid, to care for three crUdien. 4 6 and 8: must be refined, neat looking and sew well; wages $36 snd Increase prob able; excellent home; fare paid; refer ences. 1141 B. list. 7 ITS 34 X WANTED Girl to assist with general housework. 261 Templeton Ft. Oh-X 22x WHEN writing to advertisers It taxes but a stroke or two of the $en to say you saw the ad ia The Bee- 8 HELP WANTED FEMALE (Continued.! - Mleeellaaeoae. 8CRUR woman wanted at Hotel Rome. Apply Housekeeper, K floor. 7l M141 34 WANTED Young lady for outdoor Work In city; salary and commission. tl, Frayer, 2S13 Dewey Ave. (7) M176 2x (7 Ml, 6 d-x LADIES and girls to stamp transfers at home; easy learned; $1.6 to $2 dosnn. 606 Paxton block. 7 M106 23x WE WANT an experienced lady to take charge of candy department at once; good salary. Apply to 404 Bee Bldg. (7) M29T 20 WANTED Lady to clean office In exchange for piano lessons; call Monday. 301 Bar ker block. (7 M1H9 22x WANTED Cash girls, cash boys, bundle wrappers and cashiers; must be at least 16 years old. Apply superintendent, J. L. Brandels A Sons. (7) M2C1 22 WANTED Friday morning, Sept. 20, good lady stenographer; one that can do billing preferred; good wages. (7) M299 20 HAND LAUNDRESS for defining cur tains; good wages; steady work. 2907 1eaven wort hSt (J)M 195 21 HELP WANTED MALE Agents, Solicitors aad Salesmen. SOMETHING GOOD. 150 to $150 a week In your locality selling stock in Nevada Uuid Mining company that la a winner. Big thing for the in vestor and tor party who sells It. In vestigate this. For particulars, address S J36, Bee. (9; 629 830 $100 PER MONTH and traveling expenses paid salesmen to sell goods to doftlors; reliable company; experience unnecessary. Purity Co., Chicago. (9 M26 20x ARE you out of work? Call and see us; good hustlers make good money. C. K. Adams Co., 1619 Howard St, J 125 WANTED A hustler who can give good references to soil good mining stock on installments; proposition will stand most thorough investigation; big thing for 'good man. Address G 193, care Bee. (91 M199 21 X WANTED An experienced salesman or promising young man of some knowledge In the trade, to decorate windows and as sist In selling furniture, carpets, etc.; must be a man of Integrity and good habits; no other need apply to the r'red S. Tucker Furniture Co., Colorado Springs, Colo. (9) 41984 23 Boy a. WANTED A bright v.oy, over 10 years, to noia copy ror proofreader, call at Bee composing room. (9-94 BOY WANTED-Age 16 or 17 years, tb work around and run errands. Uood wages; steady work. 2907 Leavenworth. (9) M315 22 WANTED Good boy with w!ieel, over 15 years; good wages. Apply The wardrobe, 1016 Farnam St. Tel.. Doug. 1729. 662 19 WANTED Good boy; good pay; wheel fur- nisnea. ine ttouen uempster to., nut Farnam St. (9) Mi90 21 WANTED Cash boys; must be 16 years or oiaer. Apply superintendent, J. L. Brandels & Sons. 00 M262 22 WANTED Bright, intelligent boy for clerical work, about is; must be rair penman, American Press Association, 1018 Farnam St. (9) M146 20 GOOD boys wanted, first class pay. A. D. T. Co., 212 Bo. 13th St. (9;-M868 FOUR or 5 strong boys; best wages In wtni. omaha Box Co., East umaiia. I (9.1-193 WANTED An office boy. Apply Omaha Printing Co., 10th and Farnam Sts. X (9)-122 WANTED Boy with 'wheel for delivery. Apply Baker Bros. Engraving Co., Bar ker $lock. . . (9) 181 20 WANTED Bright, active office boy, one wuung to work and anxious to learn. McCord-Brady Co., 13th and Leaven worth. ' . (90176 20 WANTED Office boy, to run errands. Call Omaha Hotel Supply Co., 314 8. 13th Bt. , (9)-237 25 Clerical and Ofllee. M'CARTNEY INSTITUTE. 1802 FARNAM ST. Classes now open; able Instructors. Complete shorthand and business course and preparatory for civil service, college or a profession. Day and night sessions. Tel. D. 1070. - (9)-M51 O10 BUSINESS today demands a business edu cation; If you work In the daytime you can get a business education at night at Association Institute Y. M. C. A., 17th and Harney; classes In commercial and technical branches; Instruction by prac tical men; great opening rally Septem ber 21. (9) M271 23 WANTED Clerk for railroad office: must be fair penman and accurate at figures; salary, VA to $76 per month, according to ability; previous railroad experience not necessary. P 2oL Bee. (9 M270 22x WANTED Clerks, both men and boys. In railroad office. Address F. B. Southard, A. V. A., U. P. R. R., 4th floor. Pact lio Express Co. Bldg., 14th and Harney Hts., Omaha, Neb. (9) M837 octl WANTED Registered drug clerk for re lief work sbout September 20. No booxor. Slater at Wler. El wood. Neb. (9)-M241 23x WANTED A young man to clerk In cloth ing store. Rldgley Clothing Co., 1417 Douglas St. (9 W BOOKKEEPER In wholesale house; state experience and salary expected. Address K 196, care Bee. ()-242 22 Factory aad Trade. WANTED A young man who wants to learn the harness trade In all Its brunches; no boozer, hobo or clgaret fiend need apply. Stock Yards Saddlery Co., $14 N. fcalh EL. Bouth Omaha, Neb. Vt M611 WANTED Two watchmakers and one Jeweler. Address P. A. Staples, 163 First It., Portland. Ore. (91 UMi 26x TAILORS WANTED-A first class ladles' and gentlemen's tailor; a steady position and best wages will be given for one year to the right man. Apply to J. Jawlts, UUi and Farnam Sts. (91-M10I WANTED An all-round tailor; good place for steady man. Address James Tucker, Sidney. Neb. (8l M215 26x MAN wanted to rebuild automobiles, Write Y t, care of Omaha Kee. (9-M27 26 WANTED A first-class candy and Ice cream maker; state age and experience. Apply J. E. Miller, Leadvllle. Colo. 19)-M.T2 26s WANTED Printer-manager for one of the best weekly papers published In north west North Dakota; printer must take from $: to iUfj Interest; you drsw $li per week and get prorata s tie re of pro ceeds; rererences requireo. Aaoress H P., 1W7, Towner, N. D. (9)-Ma6 2a BLACKSMITH wanted to run shop on half In Hemidji. AUUrsss w. n. I nnpmau. Ikmildjl, Minn. ( M2M -IX WANTED First-class tailor to buy first-class merchant tailoring trade; rea armable. Addresa 427 East Jefferson St., ttprlngneld, XlL ( aijos zsx TWO TAILORS wanted. Diets Keck, Maryvllle. Mo. '. M4MBJx WANTED Tile ditchers to work by rod; make $2.60 to $3 60 a day. Apply J. W. lea Brink, Kfeserson, jh. W- HELP WANTED MALE Paetory aad Trades Coatlaaed. PRINTER wanted for Job and newspaper work. Address Independent, Seward, Neb., stating wages and experience. t9) M204 22x WANTED At once, butcher or knussge msker, single msn; must he good one In his trade and strictly sober; German r referred. Wm. Tlmmerman, Manning, owa. (9-M974 23 WANTED First-class shaper man for sash and door factory; high wages; steady work; must be ready to take po sition at once. Box 1155, Lincoln, Neb. ()-M137 21 POSITIONS for drug men everywhere. F. V. Kniest, 707 N. Y. Life, Omaha. (9)-231 WANTED Fine coat maker, bill $9 to $1660, back shop, steam heat. William H. Shepherd, 401 Locust St., Des Moines, la. (8) M266 23x MACHINE men and lumber men; good wages. Omaha Box Co., Easl Omaha. (91-192 WANTED-Carpenters Ft. Russell. Wyo; 8 hours; $4 per dsy. R, W. Bradley & Co., Cheyenne, Wyo. (9)-M3W 23x WANTED First-class watchmaker and engraver at once: $26 per week. C. A. Tucker, Lincoln, Neb. (9) SS WANTED Carpenters: $3.50 to $4 00 per day. Jos. Pullman, Lestervllle, S. D. (9I-M774 21X PLASTERERS needed on the Kearney Military Academy Bldg., Kearney, Neb.; four to six weeks' steady work; 62 cents, nine-hour day. (Signed), J. L. Hershey, superintendent. (9) 6-jO 19 ailerellaaeoas. BOUND young men, aged 18 to 85, for flremert and brakemen du.lng rush sea son on leading railroads here, in the west and on new lines being completed; experience unnecessary; firemen, $100 monthly, become engineers, $'J)0; bi-ake. men, $100 monthly, become conductors, $150; many positions now open; write at once for particulars. National Railway Training association, 620 Paxton block, Omaha, Neb. (9) 415 Oct8 WANTED Men to attend evening rlnsses ft Y. M. C. A.-meclianlcal and archltec ural drawing, " shorthand, typewriting, bookkeeping, arithmetic, English, pen manship, commercial law and other branches. Join now and savn money. Great opening rally September 23. (9J-567 21 WANTED At Avery, 2 men with fami lies. We have 2 nice cottages for them. Steady employment Omaha Hydraulic Press Brick Co. 9) M296 23 WANTED Al first class all around grinder, to leave city; transportation charges paid; $25 per week to the right man; prefer married man and will pay transportation charges of family If man proves satis factory. Replying, give reference, years of experience, also age. Address Y 995, care Bee. t9 M983 23 WESTERN REF. A BOND A8S"N (INC.). 721-722 New York Life Bldg. Hours: 8 a. m. 6:30 p. m. Credit man, wholesale drug house, $125. Bookkeeper. $75. Assistant bookkeeper. $65. City and traveling salesman, young man between 26 and .28, $100. Traveling salesman, furniture and fixtures, $100. Extension clerk, $100. Office clerk, $60. 2 ofllce clerks, young men, $50. 2 stenographers, 1.X5. Stenographer, young man, $40 to $'A And many others. Call or write for com plete list of vacancies. (9) M306 20 PHYSICIANS who are registered In Ne braska for ofllce work only; no operating; permanent: advertising specialist's office; good habits and appearance most essential; salary, $60 weekly and com missions; mention other stales you ar-a registered In; also reg. pharmacist; 8 hours' work. Address Dr. M. J. Kraus, HotelvMurray, Omaha, Neb. () MS01 26x WANT Railway mall clerks, $18 weekly; examination soon; preparation free until appointed. Franklin Institute, Rochester, N. T. (9) M208 30X GOOD PAY Men wanted everywhere to tack signs, distribute circulars, samples, etc.; no canvassing. National Diet, bu reau, Chicago, 111. (9J M287 26x WANTED A first -class soda water dis penser; one willing to work in bakery and confectionery; good wages; steady work. Apply J. E. Miller, Leadvllle, Colo. (9)-M271 26x WANTED Competent delivery man; wages according to ability. Alamlto sanitary Dairy Co., 1812 Farnam. (9) M317 21 WANTED Two thoroughly experienced soda clerks; three experienced candy clerks and three young ladles to wait on tables. Apply 'candy department, J. L. Brandels & Sons. (9J M264 22 WANTED A good gardener with some Knowledge or landscape gardening; good pay and permanent position to competent man, married or single; answer promptly and fully If Interested, as it la now time to plant. Plotner & Stoddard, Buckeye, Texas. (9)-M437 26x ' YOUNG MEN, STUDY LXw! Omaha School of Law. Evening sessions only. Further Information, address Secre tary, 701 N. Y. Life Bldg. 'Phone Doug. 867. (9 M647 BeptSO YOUNG man to learn drug bualness. W. A. flei. isth and Farnam. (9) 7 20x FREE Employment Bureau supported by Business Men a-association: helps work men find positions. Call 842 New York Life Building. () 162 S2b WANTED One first class business getter ror eacn state, good money for right party, represent Nebraska corporation, reference and bond. Stamp for reply. Address 8 170, care Bee. (9) 335 WANTED Japanese boy that can cook. 1W4 eouin Kid Hi. (9) ifl WANTED A man, who has had experi ence, at the head of our wrapping de partment. Apply T. P. Redmond, care J. L. Brandels 4 Sons. (9) 131 19 WANT ET Man for furniture shop, who tnoroughly understands packing and set ting up furniture of ajl kinds. Apply Orchard & WUhelm. (9) 233 20 LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Hones aad Vehicles. NOW Is the time to buy your driving v. . . A- .In.l. avnn lutri, mm we ,r. making room for heavy horses. Have several fine single drivers for ladles; 6 or 8 extra good single wagon horses; have some good cheap farm teams. Omaha Horse & Supply Co., Bear 414 N. 16th Bt, (11M713 WE are selling delivery wagona teaming gears, uugsics, tiui. ,ihi huiit,i cheaper than any other firm In Omaha. Johnson-Danforth Co., 8. W. Cor. 10th and Jones Bts. (U 237 RUBBER-TIRED road wagon. W. A. Stone, 303 Lincoln Ave., Council Bluffs. (1D-M103 FAMILY horsb and buggy for sale. Tel. Red 6647. (1D-M196 21 ONE 2-aeat, two runabouts, top bugry. all rubber-tired; hack harness, one double express harness; one or two horses. Corns In. The Harney Bt. Btablea. (!!)- FOR BALB-Pony and trap In No. 1 condi tion. Ihs reason for selling, the children have left the city. Apply 2606 Peppleton Ave. (U)-MXO 20 GOOD horse, 1,250 lbs.; heavy double har ness; ons lumber wagon. 4010 Parker. (ID M9S4 21X FOR SALE Excellent large, gentle horse for surrey, buggy or general purpose. Also buggy and harness. Dr. Prtbbennw, 214 Karbach Blk. (U M831 Horses bought and sold. Myers, 1114 Doug. CU 269 OI8 FOR BALE S-jrear-old family driving mare, safe for women; canopy top light rubber-tiittd Henney surrey snd single harness; both new Jons L Club Barn, lull Leavenworth 8L ai 4tt tlx faaltry aad Barza. FOR BALE Ona hundred head of Homer pigeons, will give a bargain; they are pure bloods and best quality. Apply B. W. Couka, kUrnbaU, Nebraska. CID-Mfiat a LIVE STOCK FOR SALE roaltry aad Fage Calaaed. GOVERNMENT book free. Model "qnae Co., Omaha. (ID M77J 02 Covre, Blrda, Dags aad Pets. FOR SALE Two purples. 2 months olrlj mixed Rnsslsn wolf and stag hoonl; also the mother. Shs Is a fast dog snd the puppies srs very promising. Mer rill Mowers, Lelioy, Minn. (1 1)-M144 14s LOST AND FOUND J. HANSEN, the upholsterer snd furniture repairer. 1512 N. 24th. Tel. Webster ty.H. (12-M868 04 LOST Dun horse with single harness. Re turn to W. H. Simpson, l'A miles weal of Benson. 'Phone Bnnsjn 4182. I2) 85T , i - FOUND Runch of keys Wednesday morn ing in or near Hee Bldg. Owner can havi 3r same ny paying lor advertisement a Identifying same. (11) 182 lOx LOST Gold watch with fob. Return t J. Kopp, care Dreibus Candy Co, Kl and Howard sts., receive rewsrd. Q2)- 19s LOST A genuine shell comb, solid goM trimming; finder please return to Mlat Helen Summers, 2763 Farnam St. Rewsrd OD-261 20 MEDICAL RUPTURE CURED No knife, no retes tlon from business. QUICK CURB RUP TURK CO., over B. W. Cor. 14th ani Douglas. Omaha. (U)-241 ANY poor girl In need of a friend call oi write to the matron of the Ralvatloi Army Home for Women at 8S?4 N. Ittl St., Omaha. Neb. (U)-MK4 BEST nerve bracer for men, "Gray's Ntm Fond Pills," II a box. postpaid. Shsrmal & McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. OD-241 FREE medical and surgical treatment at Crelghtnn Medical college, 14th and Dav enport Bts.; special attention paid to con finement cases: all treatment supervise by college professors. 'Phone Douglai 1167. Calls answered day or night. i .-. (13) 12$ DR. PRIES, specialist, diseases of women 80 years' practice In confinements. Office tit N. 16th; residence, 2421 Charles. Omaha (131-144 MONEY TO LOAN SALARY AND CHATTELS. Did you ever hear of a BARGAIN BALI OF MONEYT That Is Just what we are having. WI HAVE TOO MUCH MONEY on ham) and must loan It out at ANY OLE ' RATE. If you deal with us you are assured of i . fair square deal from start to finish. AS LOW RATES as can be made by anj firm. ALL THE TIME necessary for you t "get on your feet" in. case of slckneei or other trouble. Omaha Mortgage Loan Co., 119 Board of Trade Bldg. . 16th Street Entrance. (14)-M714 Bowen, 703 N. Y. Life Bldg. advances private money on chattels or sal ary; easy to get; no red tape. You get money same day asked for at small cost Open evenings t'.il 7. (14) J4 FURNITURE, llve'Stcck, salary loans. DuJ Green Loan Co., room 8, Barker Block. (14)-d61 Loans. Loans Losna Bankers to Salaried Men. Do not be without money when we will lend you without security. See us for loans on Salary, Furniture, War houso Receipts and Personal Property. Reliable, quick to act and confidential Cheapest rates In the city. Msks terms to suit yourself. Your employer, family or friends knot nothing about It. RELIABLE CREDIT CO.. 307-808 Paxton Blk., 3d Floor. 'Phone D. 141L I . (14 348 UNION LOAN CO. We will make a special low rate on cot lateral loans, mortgages on personal prop erty and notes, without security. Terms U suit. 'Phone Douglas 2904. 310 Bee Bldg. (14I-M164 Oct. ( FOR A SQUARE DEAL GO TO THB PHOENIX CREDIT CO. for chattel or salary loans. 633 Paxton Block. 'Phono Douglas 746. 04-2M CHATTEL, salary and storage receipt loans. Foley Loon Co.. 1604 Farnam St. 14)-J4S EAGLE LOAN OFFICE Reliable, accom modating, all buslnkss confidential, lioj Douglas. (14-tt MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPL1 and others without security; essy pay ments. OffK-es in 63 principal cities. To6 man, room 714 New York Life Bldg. (14) 261' LOWE8T rates, chattels er salary. ' No bra ska Credit Co., 214 Board of TVas 04)-MS T OFFERED FOR RENT Apartsseate aad Flats. I4O.00-616H No. 24th St., Bouth Omaha; six. room apartment In new "Srargo" building All modern conveniences, including hot water In kitchen and bath. Hall Dis tributer Co., 817 First Nat l Bank Bldg. 'Phone Red 7406. (16) M61S MODERN 8-room brick fiat, 1008 Pndfle Bt, $40 per month; beat residence district 11 the city. 'Phone Harney 82x8 for par ticulars. M. Kellner. (IS) 140 ' FOR RENT Ready October L two netl 8-R. brick flats, walking distance, $SA. Ap ply 2646 Capitol Ave.' (16) M287 22 BTEAM-HEATED Cat, modern, 220 N. 73d FOR RENT 8-room flat, corner 29th ard Douglas Sta Globe Land and Investment Co. 'Phone Douglas -6662. (1 11 Beardlagr aad R eeata, BOARD and room In finest down towi location, largs front room with alcova four windows, all modern, suitable ioi gentleman and wife or two or three gentlemen. References required. 114 8. 19th Bt (16) M143 ttx DEWEY European Hotel. 13th and Farnam. (16) 264 VIENNA hotel; private dining rooms; cafe. (16) 264 NICELY furnished rooms, close in, good board. The Rosa, 2020 Harney. (161-M280 26X PLEASANT front room, with first-class beard, for two: new, modern house; pri vate family. Tel. Webster 233a. (16 MTO 21x DESIRABLE furnished rooms with board but and cold water In rooms. 128 & 8th Ave. (16)-M84S Ha Vacalahed Bsosuu DESIRABLE) room 'n modem house, pri vate family. 13 & 26th 8t. (le-Kl tlx FRONT ROOM with sleeping room adjoin Ing; first floor; dose In. 'ltd. Red lBdt. (!) itm 23a NEATLY-FURNISHED room, with break fast privileges. 218 North 23d Bt. (UD-M1M S FOR RENT Four connected strloUy mod ern furnished or unfurnished roams, suitable tor housekeeping; with furnace beat. 127 So. 27th Bt, Tel. Douglas 6348. (16)-MUi 22x ROOMS In alt parts of ths city. Qanff lsted. 403 liee Bldg. TeL D. 8449. (16) M303 FOR RENT Front room, In new modnra home, private family, Hanacom Park die trict. Pliojie Harney 716. (1&-M11 24 128 S. 26TH St.. large east front room suit, able for three gentlemen; house strictly modern; rooiay porches, large. ldy lawn. (16) fid FOR RENT DEHTRARl.E ROOM IN ALL PART OF THE CITY. OMAHA RENTAL CO., 80s N. T, U.VX BLitU. Tl.. DOUO. BOX . Ia Ms at 4