Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 19, 1907, Page 3, Image 3

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Berate Railway Commiision for Be
centlj Announced Cream Bate.
Jadg Jaekatm ft ! frora ".aprerne
t'oart (lannjnlta t Re-nter
Praetfrre f 4adj BMW
Takes nil Place. '
(From a fltaft Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Sept. IB. (Special.) Though
the attorneys for the central creameries In
the hearing before the State Hallway com
. mission In th matter of cream ratea re
fA peatedly said the .would b satisfied with
' s rata baaed on mileage which did not dls
ctlmlnata agalnat r any town. Attorney
Halner la now objecting to the ratea pro
mulgated. Thla morning he made verbal
objection! to the commission, after first
breaking Into print with hla proteata. Aa
a matter of fact, according to one who haa
looked Into the matter, an analyst of the
ratea will ahow that only in very few In
stance have the, ratea been Increased, and
that the objections of the creamery men are
due to the fact that they have no advantage
now over the local creamerlea. Mr. Halner
ta quoted In a local paper with saying that
the new ratea will Increase the coat to the
creamerlea about $22,000 a year. A little fig
uring ahowa how absurd thla etatement la;
Halner clalma the rat pa have been increased
1 cents a can. Dividing the 122.060 by I.
gives 733.31) cana. Multiplied by 30, the av
erage amount of pounds of butter fat to the
can, glvea 21,to9,no0 pounds of butter fat,
which would have j to be shipped at an In
crease of 3 cents 'a'pound to make up that
extra expense claimed by the central cream
erlea. The testimony shows the amount of
pounds of butter at shipped waa only 18.
000,000. . I (
Aa an example of how the rates have
Tibt been Increased by the commission, the
old and new ratea from Holdrege are cited.
Allowing three cans to the 100 pounds, a
creamery at Holdrege would be able to lay
down butter at Omaha for $1.07. Previous
to the new rate It would have cost the
creamery at Holdrege $1.28. The Omaha
creamery, yundat: the new rate, can get
oream Into Omaha from Holdrege for $1.08.
Under the old rate it costs W cents to get
butter fat fronts .Litchfield to Ravenna, a
distance of twenty-six miles; from Ravenna
to Omaha It cost 68 cents, or a total cost of, while It eo"st the Omaha creamery
under tha old rate only $1.02 for butter fat.
Under the new rate Ravenna can get but
ter Into Omaha for 98 cents. Rut the cen
trallsers are n6t discriminated against, be
cause after the butter fat gets to Omaha
the creameries add the water and salt
which makes up easily the difference.
Following are a. few comparisons taken
at 'random of the old and the new rate:
To Omaha.
Old rate. New rate.
Centa. Cents. Miles.
.. 31 31 1S2
.. 33 S3 . 163
..St 83 178
... 82 33 m
... 3t) .17 2,6
..43 43 3
... M (A 416
... m ! c:o
.... S4 32 172
.." S7 So 214
... 43 41 271
... 43 41 264
... 45 43 24
... 34 32 151
... 36 . 34 192
... 37 S7 2E0
... 60 ' U 382
Grand . Island
Proken how
Tnedford ...i
Blts Buff. .........
Wood Klver.. .'.
Elm Creek.
Brady Island
Callaway .,,
North PMte,. ......
Nellgh .,..;..j,i'.w.
O'Nell ....X...:...f.
Long Pine
Gordon :.J'..:.
To Crete : ; y.
Quid. Rock.,
Red Cloud... A
rCuUeertaofuv..bM..v- 4
Clay Center 22
Falrmanf i IS
DeWltt ....... 17
- Bo far aa the Rock Island rate Is con
cerned there are only nineteen stations on
this" toad' In," Nebraska from which cream
la shipped and of these statlona the rate
la rafted slightly at six stations only. In
his talk to '-tha- commission - this morning
Attorney Halner did not make any pro
A Nurss's
If you are a sufferer from
headache, neuralgia, or paini
from any cause you should read
the following letter from a nruse,
. Tor soma time I have felt It my duty
to writs you. I was having my doctor
twice every 'week for headache. All he
414 for me waa to give aomethlng to eas
tha pain. Sometime tha pain was so
saver that I eonld not speak, and mem
bera of my family stood over me and
gave me medicine every fifteen tplnutes
nntlt I -was relieved. A sample of Dr.
Wiles' Anti-Pain Pllla fell Into my hands.
I read the circular very carefully, an.1
found my' case ' described exactly. 1 he
next time my head began to ache I took
tha Palo Pills according to directions
and I felt I was getting better, so I nt
to tha druggist for a box and took than
aintU I waa- m better that I waa
about tha house all the afternoon. I have
Hot kd a doctor for headacb sines.
JWhen ha met ma aom time after- h
wanted, to how I was, and I told him
(what I bad dons, -and he replied: 'If you
hav round anything that will help y u
tick to it," and so f have. Being a nurae
I have recommended them to a great
atatny grateful people. On oaaa i will
snenilou. 1 aaw a. doc tor go to a neigh
bor every week far months becauae eh
bad aoah awful headaches; but for a long
tins I iared not suggest anything to her.
On day 1 met her and I gave her a half
vox off Antl-Pata' Pills and ah uid
than am baa had no doctor sine. She
aays they ar a gTeat blessing to her and
aald, "VVny didn't you tsll ma about them
bfor.1 I could tell you of many similar
lit W. Danes St, Auburn. S. T.
Da. KUr AatJ-Fala Fills are sold by
raw 'drcafla, who will guarantee that
Vh rtrat aaakaere will benefit. U It falls,
Ik a111 man y saeney.
H aoaas ft aanM a ever sold ta talk.
Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind.
C. A. Llndquitt,
Merchant Tailor
i S3S3S lxten Block
Maker of Gentleenm's Clothes. Nw
lln for fall Is ready for your Inspection.
Butts and Overcoats $15. 0 and up.
Do not let any dealer
insult your intelligence
: . .v. ...
by offering you u substitute, when
you ask fur an article you bar
seen advertised In The Be. We
uo not accept advertisements (or
articles that ar not worthy of
jojr patroaage. When you are
4)nvlnod by oso of these adver
tiremeuta ibat the article is what
)ou with, lnstst on getting it.
wten 9u ask (or it ni jot:r
dealers. ' ' " '
Avoid salUru(As '
64 sUi you ask (or. .
posal but merely" berated tie eommlsslon
for the rates it did make, claiming the
Rock Island rate should have been put
Into effect. Had the commission done
thla the discrimination In favor of the
centrfl creameries would still have been
Cole alfled wits Ratea.
The central creameries are not together
on th kick on the rates on cream pro
mulgated by the State Railway commission.
While Attorney Halner, a stockholder of
th Beatrice Creamery company, was berat
ing the commission Pavid Cole of Omaha
Informed a commissioner that the rates
fixed-by the commission were fair and Just
and satisfactory. Senator Aldrich, special
attorney for the commission, said the new
rates were satisfactory to the people of his
community, who had expressed themselves.
The central creameries, he aald, had been
built up under special favors from the rail
roads and the kick was due from them be
cause the commission has discontinued this
Reese Sacceed Jaeknoa,
Supreme Court Commissioner N. D. Jack-
fson has tendered his reels-nation to ths
supreme court, giving as a reason that he
could not afford to hold the position. Inas
much as he could make mora money In the
practice of law. Judge Jackson was ap
pointed a member of the commission Im
mediately after the legislature adjourned
two years ago. He was a member of that
legislature. Judge Reese has been appointed
to fill the vacancy.
Two Closed Sessions.
It remained for the present board to do other .canvassing board ever did
before canvass the vote behind closed
door. The work was begun yesterday and
Is not finished yet, the excuse being that
Wheeler county haa not made proper re
turns. The "railway commission followed
stilt by holding a meeting with Attorney
Halner behind closed doors this morning.
The commission said It shut out the public
because the member are usually mis
represented at every hearing by the Lincoln
afternoon papers. The law specifically sets
out that no persons shall be denied admis
sion to any hearing held by the commission.
Forma for Railroad Assessment.
Oeorge Bennett and Henry Seymour
have completed the forms for the guidance
of the city and precinct assessors who are
to assess railroad property In villages
and cities. There are 819 towns In Ne
braska through which one or more rail
roads run. Orte report the state board
will send to the railroads to be filled out,
showing the value of railroad property In
each town and sent, to the taxing officer
of that town. The taxing; officer then se
cures a form prepared by the county clerk,
and with the report of the railroad to aid
him makes the assessment and returns It
to the county clerk, who In turn sends a
report to the state board. This report
sent to the railroads contains ten separate
formp. A second, report. Is sent to the
railroads to be filled out and. returned to
the state board. This contains eleven
forms. These repoYts must be In the,
hands of the assessors by March 1 and
delivered to the state board by the first
Monday In May.
Grand Island Man Named. ' '
' Max J. Egge of Grand Island was ap
pointed today by the governor a member
of the State Board of Optometry. This
la the third appointment and nils the
Forest Rrwn Apportionment.
State Superintendent McBrlen has Just
made his first apportionment under the
government forest reserve fund. The ap
portionment la made on the acreage In th
reserves. .001341 cents being accredited to
each acre. Tha total acreage In the . Ne
braska reserves Is 689,002.93 acres and there
was divided $790.87, and it was given to the
counties as'follows:"- Blaine, J152;'Thoma
$103,39; McPherson, $312.29: Grant. $200.78.
and Cherry, $165 44. One-fifth of the money
is divided equally between the school dis
tricts, one-fifth to th public road fund
and three-fifths is divided according to
th enumeration of -school children. - The
forest reserves In Nebraska are divided
as follows: Dismal River reserve, Elaine
county, . 273.16 acres; Thomas county, 77,'
021.09 acres; total, 83,294.26 acres.. North
Platte reserve, McPherson county, 232,802.73
acres; Grant county.' 149.608.86 acres; total,
382.411.68 acres. Niobrara reserve. Cherry
couDty, 123,297.10 acres. .
Inspection of Oil.
Attorney General Thompson has given
State Oil Inspector A. B. Allen an opinion
that he must Inspect every particle of oil
used in the stats. A farmer, living near
the Kansas line, wrote to Mr. Allen asking
if he could us oil shipped to him from
across the border without Inspection. It
was cheaper than Nebraska olL Th at
torney general said that th Kansas prod
uct could not be used In Nebraska with
out Inspection.
Mother seeking: Her son.
Governor Sheldon haa received a letter
from Mrs. Plnkaton, 631 East Eighth street,
Oklahoma City, Okl., asking him to help
her get Information of her eon, 'Robert Lee
Plnkston, who left home July 18, 1901. II
was then 21 years old. He was flv feet,
four lnchea tall, weighed about 140 pounds
and had blue eyes and brown hair. He was
last heard from In Omaha.
Mrs. Knox Denlea Charge.
Mrs. Knox, county superintendent of
Cheyenne county, has Written Governor
Sheldon that ahe haa not defied the law In
her own county as has been alleged by
State Superintendent McBrlen and that ah
would like an Interview with the governor.
She Is at present In Iowa, where she was
called by th Illness of her son. On her
return sh will stop off at Lincoln and de
sires to straighten matters out. State -Superintendent
McBrlen has consented to let
tho caae rest until that time.
Th following cases were marked for sub-
i mission to th supreme court at this sit
State against Several Parcels of Land
(Burgess), on motion for rehearing; Cra
well against State.
Th following cases wer marked for
submission before DeparUnent No. 1:.
Busier against McShon, Prusa agalnat
Everett. . Harrison against Rlc. Ellis
against City of Kearney; Bernard against
Atchison 4k Nebraska Railroad Co., Shep
herd against Lincoln Traction Co.
. Th following cases wer marked for
submission before Division No. 1
Brockman agalnat Oatdlek, King against
King, Fairbury Brick Company against
Chicago, Rock Island, A Pacific' Railroad
"for nnUi 1 kU reus eVUwltWia).
4 sll klxa Bi4iiat. Mr xuy tu
i -ullr u frs mm srtis. Sir fcrokik hxlu,
I t. T. wt mn nu4 reevs,Sia4 I
C..,.t, m.4 , willl.f ly M j
mkmrntrviir mmf tkal hmj kr tlnly r4 . I
Ik.nlnr, l.i r U, ttt I sssll reeomMal
tku la n rlnc (rem th lmbl."
CkM. I. Hslrara, 114 C. Its u. .w Tsrk, A, J.
rt-MtaM. rUbl. r Tula Grod TH Boo4.
Nii Mclu, t r brw, Mr. . to. K.,i
i4 la fc.ilk. I'd, ! tal.lvt uu4 vUC.
Cifcaai4 mm srs wr -ur mtoumg mmxm.
Sterling Remedy C., Cblcag r N.Y. 34a
f(F Btsl For
Co.; Hitchcock County against Cole,
World Publishing Company against Doug
las County, Ogden against Sovereign Camp,
Woodman of the World.
The following cases wer continued:
Oakdal Heat and Light Co. against
Fepmour. Woods against Lincoln Traction
Co., Grandjean against Byle, Parker
against Louden. Heenan A Flnlen against
Parmele, Hendee against State, State ex
rel Caldwell agalnat Cltlsens' Railway
Co., State ex rel Union Pacific Railroad
Co. against Stat Board of Equalisation
and Assessment.
Union Stock Tarda National Bank against
Day, marked for submission on briefs.
Display of Thoronghbred A at mala at
Nebraska City Larger than
la Former Years.
NEBRASKA CITT, Neb., Sept. 18. (Spe
cial.) Today was the opening day of the
second annual stock show and sale held In
Nebraska City and It was a success In
every particular and the promoters are
congratulating themselves upon what they
have accomplished. Last year the first
show was held and It proved such a suc
cess that It was decided to cut out all
Fourth of July celebrations and devote ail
their attention to the stock show. . The
first day has proven tho wisdom of their
decision. At the Union stock yards tho
exhibition Is being held and a better place
could not have been selected, as th yards
are all under cover, paved with brick, with
the best of sanitary conditions, so there Is
no danger of rain. The parade thla morn
ing was on tha streets paved with brick
and It was an Immense procession. The
Nebraska City and the Merchants' bands
furnished the music, and the merchants,
the manufacturers and the retail dealers
were represented by floats and the prlte
winning horses and cattle wound up the
procession. There were also a number of
farmers wh had displays. The number of
animate on display is double thoe expected.
Tomorrow la the gala day. In the morning
there will be a parade of decorated Vehicles,
of which some fifty or mora will be In
llhe, and there will be In line all the prlzeN
winning animals. The sales have been
beyond expectation, as the animals have
brought what might be considered ex
orbitant prices. One self-evident faot, and
that la that the counties adjoining Otoe
can produce as good animals aa can be
raised In the United States. Every busi
ness house here has displayed the colors
gold and purple and It has been a general
holiday for this section of the state.
John J. Hani of St. Panl Killed Han
dllns Revolver He Thought
LINCOLN, Sept. 18.-WTille handling a
revolver, he supposed was unloaded, John
J. Haul, son of N. J. Haul, president of the
St. Paul State bank, accidentally shot him
self through the heart late last night He
was 23 years of age and a director In his
father's bank.
Beartanlnar of School Reveal It la
Promising; Condition. ,
KEARNEY, Neb., Sept. . 18 -(Speclal.)-Todoy
registration began at the state
normal school here. Tomorrow Instructors
will meet their classes. Members of the
faculty have all returned from their sum
mer vacations well rested for the work of
th coming year. Students are coming In
on every train and upward of a hundred
are already In the city . finding boarding
places. Th representation promise to be
wider than rn any prevl6us year. Students
are already here from McCook 'and west
and from Franklin, Albion and from the
northwest part of the state.
Th first faculty meeting of the year was
held at the home of President Thomas to
night, at which the president gave his
opening address. '
Improvements have been made at the
normal building during tho year, the most
notable of which Is the beautiful tinting
of the walls and pillars of the corridors
and the president's offices. This relieves
the bare appearance of the halls and the
effect Is pleasing to the eye. The floors
have been dressed with oil and wax.. New
metal lockers have been put In. . Almost
every department haa been supplied with
new and more extensive equipment. Ten
new microscopes have been added to the
biological department and $1,600 worth uf
new equipment has been added to the physi
cal science department. Maps, globes,
charts, etc., have been added to the lan
guage and history departments. A good
assortment of supplies have been added to
th model school. A large flag pole has
been ordered for the grounds, which will
be placed at an early date.
A few changes In the teaching arrange
ment are noted. Wayne Chapman, on of
last year's graduates, will assist In the
library.' Miss Lora ' Huntley, also a last
year's graduate, will have an assistant
position In the kindergarten. Bert Danley,
a senior graduate, will give a portion of his
time as assistant In tha physical science
The plumbing haa been changed In the
dormitory and connected with a large tank
which will aupply hot water to the baths
In the building.
As th students com In they are met by
committees from the Young Men's and
Young Women's societies and assisted In
finding . boarding placea In suitable homes,
and th president finds that this relieves
him of much of this work.
Mea Betas Selected to Makf tha Party
FAIRBURY, Nob.. Sept. l.-8pclal.-Jefferson
county republicans selected C. II.
Dennty as delegate to the state convention
and tho democrats will be represented by
W. H. Barnes, both of Fairbury.
PAPILLION. Neb., Sept. lS.-(Speclal.)-P.
J. Langdon 1 th democratic delegate to
th platform convention and William Pat
terson th republican delegate,
YORK. Neb.. Sept. la.-(Spec'lal.) Hon.
O. H. Sedgwick la the delegate to the re
publican state convention from this county.
The commute also (elected A. B. Taylor,
present county Judge of York county, chair
man county central committee; C. E. San
dal1, county attorney, secretary; Fred
France, treasurer. .
AUBURN. Neb.. Sept 11 (Speclal.)-At
a meeting of the republican candidates for
county office, which waa hel din th court
house last Saturday, a county central com
mittee was selected. There was also a
meeting which waa selected by tha candl
datea aom time since. This commute se
lected one to serve on th state committee,
N. G. Titus of Nemaha being named for
that place.
York Creamery Mea Pleased.
m YORK. Neb.. Sept 1$. (Special.) Th
owners of th large creamery plant her
ar well pleased with tb ruling of th
Nebraska Railroad 1 commission which
made reasonable ratea on th short haul
of cream, thereby glvtn gth local cream
ery as good a show as th larg central
laed creameries. York's creamery will
now secure sufficient cream to work to Its
fullest capacity and will under th nw
short rat promulgated be one of th large
paying Interior creamerlea.
Blar hlaaate at Btawk.
VALENTINE. Neb.. 6ept. II. (Special.)
Yaienllne la experiencing tta busy Um
these days now that the slock season
Is on. Testerday morning there were
nine stock trains on the Northwestern
tracks at a standstill, every rail of track
age being occupied. Passenger trains
and regular dead freights are steadily
behind time, the latter being abandoned
for two and three days at a time. Every
available engine la being pressed into ser
vice and the company Is having a hard
time to find crews. It Is certainly a .man
New Balldlasr Partially Ready for
KEARNEY. Neb.. Sept. 18. (Special
Telegram.) The eighteenth year of the
Kearney Military academy waa formally
opened this afternoon with addresses and
a parade on the campus. Students are
arriving on every train and there ar al
ready In the city and registered for tho
school year about 110 students and with
prospects that there will bo 125 beforo
the week Is over. Work on the new build
ing, Cochran hall, has been rushed for
the last month and remarkable progress
has been made, and at o'clock the work
men vacated and Immediately thereafter
supper was served, with everything In
readiness. This was the first meal served
In the new building.
The workmen will now concentrate t'noir
forces on the completion of the upper
floors, which It Is expected will be ready
for occupancy by November 1. School will
be held In th rooms of the lower floors
that are now completed.
Tomorrow the contractors will begin th
laying of the cement walks about the
building and to connect the same with
the older buildlnts on th campus. There
are few changes In the faculty for the en
suing year.
Back to Lincoln for Trial.
SIOUX CITY. Ia,, Sept. 18. (Special
Telegram.) Special Agents Shields, Mor
welser and Meekln of the Rock Island
railroad axe In Sioux City to take James
Williams, J. D. Daly and Max Hubbell
back to Lincoln, whera they will b
charged with having robbed three persons
at the Rock Island depot and where they
ore suspected of having been Implicated
In th holdup of th Rock Island train
near Murdock. They were arrested by
Sioux City detectives last Friday during
the Interstate fair on the ausplclon of
being pickpockets. . They wer arraigned
for vagrancy and sent to Jail under $1,000
Nebraska. Nwa Nates.
BEATRICE The horn of John Scharton,
on South Tenth street, was slightly dam
aged by fire yesterday anernoon.
TEKAMAH J. W. Holmqulst of Oak
land was elected delegate to the repub
lican state convention at Lincoln.
PLATTSMOUTH in Justic Archer's
court George Barter paid a fine of $5 for
stealing a skiff In the Platte river.
NEBRASKA CITY The Institute for the
blind opened Its fall session yesterday
with as good an attendance as It has ever
BEATRICE Hon. Peter Jensen left today
for British Columbia, where he and several
others have purchased 3.000,000 foet of stand
ing timber.
HASTINGS E. H. Batty of this city
has sold the Alma Record to Arthur W.
Shafer. who has operated the paper under
lease for the Inst two years.
BEATRICE The funeral aervlces for the
late H. B. Gue were held yesterday from
the family home, conducted by Rev. Wk A.
Mulligan. Interment was In Evergreen
Home cemetery.
TEKAMAH The county commissioners
w:-re In session yesterday viewing the
combination ditch" and spurs preparatory
to making a final settlement wttb the
Tekamah Ditch company.
TEKAMAH Manager Stapleton haa
made arrangements fur a ball game here
next week with the Omaha Western league
team. This game will-' probably b th
last as well as the best or the season.
HASTINGS Miss-. Franoe E. Mundon
of MoCook and Benjamin F. Millard of
this city will be married at the bride's
home in McCock at 4 o'clock Wednesday
afternoon. They will reside in this city.
BEATRICE William Floyd, a farmer liv
ing six miles west of Beatrice, brought In
a load of new corn yesterday which he aold
for 50 cents per bushel. He has gathered
nearly 200 bushels of the train, which is of
ar early variety and well matured.
BEATRICE In the presence of nearly
15 auests, Mr. Herman Bartling and Miss
Esther Denton, two promlrent young peo
ple of this city, were united In marriage
laat evening at the Lutheran cnuron, itev.
J. A. Lowe officiating.
BEATRICE George F. Norton, for many
years a resident of Beatrice, died last night,
aged 88 years. He t?aa the father of the
late Mrs. J. E. Smith and is survived by no
family. Funeral services were held .today
from the Episcopal church.
NEBRASKA CITT Mrs. Isabella Klm
mel, one of the pioneers of this city, fell
last evening as she was getting into hor
carriage and broke her right arm. As
she Is quite advanced In years. It will be
some time before she recovers.
NEBRASKA CITY This afternoon at
the borne of the bride'a parents, Mr. and
Mrs. F. W. Brugmann. In Hendricks pre
cinct, Mlsa Delia Brugmann and John
Dughman were united in marriage. Bota
are prominent people of that precinct
BEATRICE The marriage of Mr. Jack
M. Zartman and Miss Emma Williams oc
curred laat night at Wyraore, where th
bride and groom have lived for soma time.
Monday night Mr. Jamea M. 8ktnner and
Mrs. Lucy M. Gray wer married at that
BEATRICE Mr. and Mra. William Ar
nold and Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Chipper
field, who leave soon for their new home
at Phoenix. Aria., were tendered a fare
well reception last evening by the Royal
Neighbors of America and the Modern
Woodmen of America.
PLATTSMOUTH Four mora complaints
have been filed In Justice Archer's court.
alleging the violation of the antl-treating
law. So far as known Cass county Is the
only one In this state to try and enforce
Us provisions, and one case may be taken
to the supreme court
B E ATRICEt H. A. Burt, living one and
a half miles northeast of Plckrell, died last
night after an Illness of several days, of
kidney trouble. He waa B0 years of age and
had resided In Gage county for a number
of years. The remains wer taken to Ver
mont today for Interment
BEATRICE F. B Horton of Omaha,
general foreman for the Western UTilon
Telegraph company, la In the city figuring
on th removal of th local office from the
Paddock .block to the Drake block. In case
the change ta made the Paddock opera
house will again be reopened.
GENEVA The republican county com
mittee met at the court house Saturday,
September It, and organised by electing
M. M. Akin of Fairmont chairman; Ar
thur r. Curtiss of Geneva, vie chairman,
and Frank R. Hitch, secretary. Charle
H. Sloan waa elected delegate to the state
TEKAMAH The new Bhafer theater Is
naarly completed and Manager Shafer is
negotiating for a good troupe for the open
ing night. Thla ia one of the best thea
ters In this part of the state, being a
brick structure, fitted with electric lights
and steam heat and having a seating ca
pacity of TOO.
ST. PAUL Frank Shirk, a laborer en
gaged on the farm of George E. Wood
bury, Just south of the city, died sud
denly LI. is morning. As he did not .e
spond to the call for breakfast an in
vestigation showed that he had fallen
dead at his work, presumably the result
of heart failure.
and Miss Clara Mackln had a narrow es
cape from injury last evening. They
were returning from a drive through
Morton park, when a farmer drove Into
them, tearing away the front wheel and
throwing them to the ground. The horse
they were driving ran away, but th
women escaped with but few injuries.
HASTINGS The republicans of Adama
county have organised for the ensuing
campaign and It is expected that more
than usual Interest will develop before
election. The officers of th county com
mute ar J. H. Fleming, chairman; A.
A Strong Tonic
A Body Builder
A Blood Purifier
A Great Alterative .
A f f A Doctor's Medicln
xlcohol w.esj.r!,,iw.
T. Bratton. secretary, and W. A. Taylor,
treaaurer. I. I. Kvana of Kenesaw haa
been selected by the committee to attend
the platform convention in Uncoln.
BF.ATR1CK The city counrll met last
nls-ht nnd decided to make Improvements
and extensions In sidewalks at a cost
not to exceed $10. Tills action was taken
at the request of Postmaster Holllngworth,
who la of the opinion thst the depart
ment at Washington will furnish Beatrice
with another letter carrier If this Is done.
Mayor Reed announced the appointment
of Rudolph Woelke as fire chief, and th
council confirmed the appointment.
BEATRICE All the Bell telephones were
removed from th courthouse yesterday In
compliance with the decision recently made
by the Plate Railway commission. The
Itoroe company was awarded the contract
for furnishing the "phones at the court
hotue, and although the Bell company loft
Its 'phones in for several months with the
hope of having the action of the Board of
Bupervlslors rescinded, the company was
unsuccessful, and finally had to remove Its
ANSLF.Y Every bird dog and every
hunter who could get a gun and go hunt
ing were out after prairie chickens Mon
day and Tuesday. Reports are thr.t
prairie chickens are very scarce and hard
to find. Pome think that coyotes and
skunks have robbed the nests and de
stroyed the young birds, while others aro
of the opinion that the June bugs klllxcl
them. Reports from the sand hill coun
try Indicates that prairie chlckaVis , ar
very scarce.
NEBRASKA CITY At St Benedlct'e
Catnolic church yesterday Rev. Father
Emanuel united In marriage Carl Trettor
of Ferdinand, Ind., and Miss Emma Ureas
of this county. The bride Is a prominent
and well-known, young woman of this
ccunty, and the groom a well-to-do young
man. 1 ney will make their horn on a
farm of their own south of this city.
They were given a reception last evening
at the home of the bride'a mother, Mrs.
William Uress.
BEATRICE The long-drawn-out con
test over the possession of the little
Whltcomb child is soon to be settled. Sev
eral years ago Mr. and Mrs. Frank Whlt
comb separated and left their child In the
care of Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge Reed. Later
they set tied their differences and wanted
the child back. They finally secured pos
session by means of habeas corpus pro
ceedings. Now the Whltcombs have dis
solved partnership again and the father
Is willing that Mr. and Mrs. Reed should
legally adopt the child. This will prob
ably settle tho case for all time to come.
HASTINGS The Board of Education of
the Hastings school district will make an
effort to collect $300 damages from a num
ber of business men who enjoined tha
sale of a tract of real estato owned bv
the district. The business men wanted
the property kept for a park. The school
board wanted to sell it and use the money
toward buying a site for an addition to
the high school building. The Injunction
waa dissolved after aome litigation. A
fee of $300 was paid the attorney who
represented the school board and It la
for this -the board seeks to be reimbursed.
Qnalnt aad Carious Feature of Ufa
la Rapidly Gronlsg
Doing Penance The writer wishes to ask
the forgiveness of the public for the hard
things he said last year of the tenth
grade. He sincerely promises to say noth
ing ill of the tenth grade this year. North
Loup Loyalist
Just a Little Bandy Ben Sandy of Gos
per county was made the recipient of a
fine present a few days ago by his wife.
Ben Is a good fellow and deserves his
luck even If It Is a little sandy. Anyway,
he is luckier than most people, for Arapa
hoe had to put up with the whole Sandy
Bottom. Arapahoe Pioneer.
Two Ways Th chickens are particularly
fond of those tomatoes that are Just begin
ning to turn red. Do you blame thsmT
Aren't youT If you don't want them to
hav them, you must do on of two things
either shut up th chickens or feno In
the garden place. We prefer very much
to do the latter. Vardon Vldette.
A. Silent Business Boon Decays Oh, mer
chants. In thy hour of e e,
If on this paper you should coo.
Take our advice and be thrice y y y.
Go straightway out and advert III,
You'll And th project of soma u u u,
Neglect can offer no z q q q.
Be wis at one, prolong your d a a a,
A silent business soon de k k k! Lexing
ton Pioneer.
Only One Place for Profanity Young
man, don't swear. There 'is no occasion
for It outslda of a printing office, where
It la useful when the paper Is behind time.
It also ccmes In handy when the proof Is
read and nearly Indlspenslbla when the
Ink works bad or the press begins to kick
and it haa been known to entirely remove
that tired feeling an editor sometimes has
when he looks over th paper after It has
been printed. Outside of a printing office,
however. It la a foolish habit Ord Jour
nal. m
Only a Few Jobs to Do We apologlx
for all mistakes made In former Issues and
say they were Inexcusable, as all an
editor has to do Is hunt news and clean
tb rollers and set type, sweep the floor and
pen chaste Items, and fold paper, and writ
wrappers and make the paste, and mall
the papers, and talk to visitors, and dis
tribute type and carry water, and saw
wood and read proof, hunt the shears to
writ editorials, and dodge th bills, and
dun delinquents, and take cusslngs from
th whole fore, and tail our subscribers
that we must hav money w say that
we've no business to mak mistakes while
attending to those little matters, and get
ting our living on hopper tall soup flav
ored with Imagination, and wearing old
ahoes and no collar and a patch on our
pants, and obliged to turn a smiling coun
tenance to th man who tells us our paper
ain't worth) a dollar anyhow, and that he
could make a better one with hi eyes
shut. Arcadia Champion.
Blasleal Comedy with Jast Raoagk
Plot to Haasr Upeelaltle and
(keras Aa.
Th offering at the Krug theater Tues
day night waa a rousing musical comedy,
"Th Lady Birds," In two acts. There
Is a slight thread of a plot which winds
throughout the play and Is Just sufficient
to allow specialists, chorus girls, acro
bats and comedians to rnakw their en
trance and exit gracefully. Th first
act Is laid on tha Island of .Samoa, where
a United States battleship anchor and
an American captain finds his lost sweet
heart The second act Is In Los Angeles,
wher th battleship has arrived and to
which plac It has been followed by th
king of th Samoa n Islands, with a band
of soldiers, for th purpose of demand
Ing ransom for th release of an Aroerl
can aallor. The American admiral paid
th ransom after It had been reduced
from 11,000,000 to 111. and th king anj
bis handful of soldiers proceeded to tank
up on th money.
ttalek lain Iko Polish
Contains no turpentine or acids, g1vs
aatln finish, will not rub off on th clothing,
Cost 8c pr box; worth IS. 00. Bed Cross
I- Cough Drops.
It in th For Exchange columns of Th
Be Want Ad pages.
Without Alcohol
wMthout Alcohol
Tithout Alcohol
Without Alcohol
Without Alcohol
Without Alcohol
wil. Mix-
The strongest sometimes
eat the least, but they eat
Not what you eat, but what
you digest, gives you strength.
Uneeda Biscuit
is the most nourishing and di
gestible food made from flour.
Eat wisely eat for strength
Uneeda Biscuit
In moisture and
dust proof packages.
Sayi Unless Comptroller Transfers
Money Action Will Come.
Lobeek Saacest that Before Itesort
las to Conrt City llnalneer and
Council Finance Commit
tee Get Together.
A law suit between two city officials
Is brewing and will coma to a head soon
unless the finance committee of the city
council changes Its attitude regarding
certain money set aside laat February for
the payment of salaries of Inspectors of
street cuts.
Under the amended charter of Omaha
all money set aside for this purpose at
tha time the amendment went Into effect
waa declared transferred from the special
fund to the public works fund, which was
placed under the conrol of the city en
gineer. At the time of making the an
nual apportionment In January no mony
was set aside for street cut inspectors,
but In February a sum was so set aslio
and there la $1,757.88 In this fund. The
amendment to the charter went Into effect
In April and at that time the comptroller
was supposed to transfer this money to
the public works fund. In place of this
transfer being made the city council
passed a resolution ordering the return
of the money to the unappropriated gen
eral fund. This resolution was vetoed
by the mayor and the veto was sustained.
Th majority of the finance committee
then secured from Assistant City Attor
ney Rlne an opinion to the effect that th
money should not be transferred to- the
public works fund as It waa set aside In
February and not In January. Under this
opinion the comptroller has ' refused to
make the transfer,' but on tho other hand
has not' transferred the money to the
general fund, holding It for special treat
ment at some' future time.
The city engineer has now written to
the city comptroller telling him that be
cause of the condition of his fund this
money Is necessary for the administration
of his office and that unless It Is trans
ferred to the public works account he will
be compelled to bring suit to have tha
matter adjudicated, and that In such event
Famous Chef
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Full information
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he will be compelled to sue for attoa,
neya' fees as well, as he cannot afford t
pay for lawyers in an effort to perform
the duties of his office.
The comptroller says he stands ready
to transfer the money Into any fund th
court may decide entitled to It but sug
gests that before suit Is started an ef
fort be mde to get the finance committee
of the council and the city engineer Into
an amicable agreement as to the disposi
tion of the cash. ' '
Roraeons In San Francisco Contlna
Bacteriological Examination
of Rodents,
BAN FRANCISC, Sept. lg.-The Board
of Health reports thirty-one cases of bu
bonic plague to date, nineteen deaths and
nineteen cases under observation, prac
tically all of which will be verified.
Health Commissioner Gunn reported that
of seventy-4wo rats bacteriologlcally ex
amined within the last forty-eight hours
only five showed symptoms of plague and
only one was positively confirmed as car
rying the germs.
Dr. Rupert Blue of th marine hospital
service, who has been placed In charge of
the situation by the federal authorities,
said that Dr. Ttucker, who was sent her
from the Jamestown exposition. reported to
him for assignment today. He has had
extejjslve experience in the treatment of
plague and cholera. Drs. Creel and Voget
reached Seattle last Saturday from th
Third Occurrence Within Week
from This . flame
. Don.
The fire department responded to Bti
alarm turned In from Sixteenth and Capi
tol avenue at mldnnrkt. -Tuesday night,,
but no Are was found. No on In tha
neighborhood knew who turned In tha
alarm. Chief Salter expressed himself In
red hot terms about the frequency with,
which false alarm have been turned In
from that vicinity of late. During the last
week there have been thrco false alarm
turned In from ' that corner. Three men
were arrested after the fire department
had made lta fruitless run Tuesday night
They were seen hanging around the flr
alarm box from which th' alarm cam,
and it Is thought they may be able ta
throw some faint light on the mystery. .
hotel noted for its fine
liberal user of the cenulne
Starch in makinr: most of our
SON, Ofweaa.
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