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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 15, 1907)
GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Heavy Liquidation of Friday Leavei Thinfa in Nerrow State. LITTLE TEADDfO CARRIED ON table Shovr Meady Tf aad De mand U Heavy for Caaa Grtli - Sttaattoa Make No Real Ikuit, OMAHA. Sept. 14. 10T. Th market ws nervon fter the heavy liquidation nf r'rlday and Utile trading aac done, Cablr showed a steady (one and there wee a strong d.'inand for ca-li grain. Fuither liquidation would ease prim lower, hut situation remain practically unchanged. Wheat opened aonie firmer after the hyM liquidation of yesterday, owing to a ymy strong demand for caali wheat. l.i.spl'e of the atrong- hull news from the northwest and excellent foreign de mand trader were nervous and held the offerings. September wheat opened at 66,c and closed Corn was weaker and some lower, with .rommlsston houses selling at the opening. Buying was scattered and mostly on testing orders. Favorable weather and weakness In wheat were the bear, factors. September corn opened at 65c and closed 67V'- Oats opened moderately firm on strong buying orders placed at the opening, but September later on selling by locals and longs. September oats opened at Ij-c and cloned at BOc. Primary wneat rplpta were MO.onr) bush els and shipments were l.nw4.i bushels, against receipts last year nf l.OMMX) bush els and shipments of 492,60 bushels. ' Corn receipts were ,0nO bushels and Shipments were 621,000 bushels, against receipts last year of 6t9.0"t) bushels and shipments of 6f.5.000 bushels. Clearances were 2,000 bushels of corn, 8,0X bushels of oats and wheat and flour equal to 414.000 bushels. Liverpool closed d lower on wheat and Hd lowsr on corn. Local range ot options: Artteles.l Open. Hlgh. Low. Close. Yea" jr. Wheat I I Sept... S 7H M m W Dec... 1V, 1S tlS May... 07H 974 87HJ . ?S T Corn I . Kept... RS . 65 to S.", I.... 6214! 62H B1H! 61 K'i May... 63SI 53HI KVfc 63 Oats I I Sept... guv M'il 6o & 61 Iec.... 60i,l 50Hi 60 W K May... 611 61VI 61 ' 61 j 61 Oaaak Cask Price. WHEAT No. 1 hard. 9t4c;; No. S hard. 80S1:; No. 4 hard. NOtfSSc; No. I spring. mt'i&inc; no grade, 71jS0c. CORN No. 1, 63VjiW4c; No. 4. 65fllc; no grade, BoyiMc; No. i yellow. 6tj67c; No. I white. G4(fi64ic. OATS No i mixed, 45iyff46He: No. 3 white. 47o47Hc; No. 4 white. 4c; stand ard. Ite. R ItNo. 1 78J80c; No. 3. 76S77C. Car Lot Receipts. Wheat. Corn. Oats. Chicago .'...14K 400 25s) Minneapolis lt Omaha 39 ' 107 75 Duluth 152 ... ... CHICAGO CHAIN AMD PROVISIONS Peat n res of tho Tradlaar and Closlnat ' Prices oa Hoard of Trade. CII1CAOO, Sept. l4.-Cold weather In the Canadian northwest caused strength today In the local wheat market, the De cember delivery closing at a net gain of Vuc. Corn was down lSe. Oats were off - He. provisions were KtyttOc lower. Wheat today recovered much of yester day's loss on buying, brought out by the low tcmperaturea prevailing over the wheat fields in western Canada. The weather bureau forecasted frost tonight for that section of the country and this tended to stimulate the buying of wheat here. Re port from New York, which claimed that an active export business was being trans acted at the seaboard, .were additional strengthening Influence. The sharp break In corn caut.-d considerable profit tsklng at times, but prices held firm the greater pfcti of the day. The market closed Aim. IJeaeniber opened -fetf!." higher, a,t- f Vo. sold off to, 17-i.c, and then advanced rV5tfl99c. -The dune' tva . K(S(s4o. Clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 4J4.U bu. Primary receipts were .- 000 bu., compared with 1.0&S.OOO bu. the corresponding day a jrear ago. Minneapolis, Duluth and Chicago repcrted receipts of 77 cara agalnat 180 cars last week and 741 cars a year ago. The oorn market was extremely weak the entire session because of liberal realli . Ing sales, which were baxed on the favor able weather for the new crop. The inar ' ket was also bearlahly affected by an an '1 tlolpated material Increase In the local re ceipt. The heavy selling caused a break of more than 1c In the price of the De cember option. In the last five minute of trad the market regained about lc of the loss on covering by a large short. The closa was weak. December opened un changed to He lower, at 54$6mc. sold off ta hflVhO and clnila! at n7Un ... were 400 car, with 17 of contract giade. Trade In oat wa quiet and the market m Inollned to be weak, owing to the slump In corn. The ainallnea of trade was due to the reluctance of many traders to either buy or sell because, of th light stock and of the susceptibility of the market to manipulation on account of the big holdings In the hand of a few leading ber opened uncluinged at S2'c, sold be tween oio and 62V36Z4c and closed at ' TjU.l MMi.ta am Ml Provisions were dull and weak, the bear- , lsh feeling being due to th break In corn prices. At the close January pork was tiff lOe at tl6.4S. Ijird waa down lutfUHo. at M.2H4.(i6. Klba were loo lower, at Kl.uO. St. Laala Uaaaral llarket. 8T. LOUIS. Sept. 14. WHEAT Easier; : 4iiHc; May. 11.02. . CORN-Track No. oash. eiH1Tc: Sep tember, t,c; May, 65iic; No. t white, ic. OATS Track No. 3 cash. 47o: December, , 48Hc; May, lose; No. 1 white, 61c. KLOL'K Plrmi red winter patents, I4 I0&4.SU; extra fancy and straight, 1 H Mi4 SO; clesr. ta.)0$ 69. t BliKDd Timothy, steady, 13.7544. 10. (XiKNMKAl Steady at 17 86. ) BRAN Strong; sacked east track. 11 1! HAY Steady: ttmothv. tlB.oai2$a- nr.i. rle. M 5011 60. IRON COTTON TIES $l.U. . w Mist r Hiesay, ll.M. ' BAOJINa-ll 6-1IV. ,. HKMP TWINE-llo. " x-jw ioi.o rorx, quiet; .obtna 'fl 16. Lard, steady; prime steam. Is ?. Dry salt nieau, steady; boxed, extra . shorts, W.J7H; clear ribs. Is.Jl't: shan clears, Bacon, steady; boxed, ex- ra snori ..; clear rios, II0.: short Clears. 110.37V. POL LTHY Uulet: chtcksna tlrr anHnva ISoj Tvrkt. 14(l6o; ducks. lrto; Geese. BCTTER Steady; creamery, Bo. ' JKOOS U'fcc, csae count. 17c. Receipts Shipments. riour. bhls 6 one v vio Wheat, bu. 97.utiu 7iouo Corn, bu tr.uuu S011O Oats, bu I18.0CO tsooo Maw TarK. Ueaeral Markat. NEW YORK. Sept. l.-3iraARRaw steady; fair refining. 1.42r; centrUugi W test. J-Slo; molaaaes sugar. i.04o; rau'ned steady; crushed. .T0c; powdered, S.lOc: grsnulated, 60. COrFAlie-yuiet; Mo. I Rio. 5Hc; No, 4 Bant os. tu. MOLjtSdK8 flleadv- Kaw Orleana ? 4Sc. BITTTER Quiet and steady, unchanged. CHRKE-yulet. but firm, unrhate,l. KO",-r!rm; first to extra firsts, tlfJJc. POULTRY Alive, qultei spring chickens. KV-; fewln, lvc; turkeys, 13c Dressed, firm; broilers, U31ic; turkeys. liTHc; To Oswlsj a rrefUlsat. IJVKKPIXIL. Sept. 14-WHKAT-Spot : Nominal. Puiurea: Market firm: Beotem tailVu December. 7 10ad; March. CORN-Bpot: Market 'firm; prim mixed Amartcao, a ' 4d. ruturea: Market ldJyJ SepUn,br- i: October. 6 Dalwtfc Grata Markat. DULL-ni. Minn., Sept. 14. WHEAT No. I norUiero, W.S; N 1 northern. 11.07; September, Il.O.V; December, n.0a- Mv KL Ms OA TS To rrlve. 4c; on track. 4e. f la... wn 11k . . . MiNNEprriSL tv-pt. 14-n.o! Rlr,m rtifi"" .J50: setonj patent. i.i, ! SU'liC e. -w 1 "o. second clears, Uran la bulk. W 764)91 a. W UKAT-S-ptember. December, 1"4S; May. $l.0H: No. 1 hard. old. nH; No. 1 hard. new. 11.07V.; No. 1 northern, old. tl.'H: So. 1 norihern, new. Si ''; No. t northern, old. l.o4i; No. I northern, new, $1.031, 1.04V No. i northern. Il.01fal.ot. OMAHA WHOLKSltB MARKET. Conditio of 1'rade aad Qaotatloas oa ataolo aad laser rrtsar. mrjH-per dor... lic. HI "ITER Pst kinir stork. 3-, Choice to fancy dairy, ic; creamery. 2c UVE ItMLTRY-Pprmg chlrlten. 1" 12-; bene, Tc: musters, w; turkoys, lJc; ducks, 91110c; geMie. c. HAY Choice No. 1 tiplsnd. $10.00; me dium, S3 ti; No. 1 bottom, t'.wO; off grades from i.J.) to J6.50; rye straw. $7.; No. 1 alfalfa. Ill.'Vi. ' FRISTS AND MELONS. APPLE! Weslthv, for cooking, ir ISO per bu.; California Bellefleurs, ti."f 1.25. WATERMEI.OXS-.Eich, t-gf-'c; crated for shipment, 1'4c per lb. CAN"' MjI'PE Kocky Ford, standard crate, . ; home jroen standard, IZ .'0. CALIFORNIA fEACUES-Per box. 1.5; Ctah and Oregon. ll.oO. CALIFORNIA I'LL MS Per Crate, flOO; prunes, 11.6a PEARS Colorado Pnrtletts, 13.50 per box; FlemHh beauties, 53 no. ORAPE Home arown. -lb. basket, 30c VEGETABLES. NAVY PF.ANS-Per bu.. No. 1. $2,000 M0: No. 2. j;.0O; Lima. 6'i-c per lb. POTATOKS Per bu., new, tbfjKbe. IIEAN9 New wax and string, 50c per market basket. BKETtf. TURNIPS AND CARROTS-Pcr market bket, S0C. RADISHEa Per dox. bunches, home grown. Mo. TOMATOES Horn grown, market bas ket crate, UyaHftc, CVrcMBERS Per basket, 40g50c. LETTl'CH-Per do., 2Ao CELEP.Y-Kalsmaioo. JOf?3Tc. ONIONS Tellow and ri.fl !U nmr lh Spanlnh per crste, 11.35. BEEF CUTS. BEEF CUTS-tKo. 1 ribs. 14c; No. I ribs, 11c; No. 1 ribs, 6Vfec; No. 1 ioin. lc; No. i loin, lt'ic; No. S loin, o. No. 1 chuck, 64c; No. t chuck, 4'c; No. chuck, 34c. No. I round. c; No. t round, No. t round, 7c. No. 1 plots, 3c; No. 2 piate, 3c; No. 1 plate, J1?. TROPICAL FRUITS. LEMONS Limonlera. 56 slie, VM; 360 sire. 17.00; other brands. SOcOtl.OO les. NEW PKPPERS-Per msrket basket, 75c. SWEET POTATOES Market basket, 75c; Vlrrinla sweets, per bbi., 14.75 DATES Kada way, 6Vtc; bayers, 6c; Hal lowls, 6c; new stuffed walnut dates, 9-lb box. 11.00. RAN ANAS Per medium slxed bunch, $2.0"-a?.i".; Jiimbos, UOOJjl.60. ORA NCI ES Valencia. 0 and 9 lxes, U .ia4.75; K6, IfiO, 176, M and 216 sizes, to.2S MISCELLANEOUS. COFFEE Roosted, No. 36. 2c per lb.; No. V, H4n per lb.; Nj. 15, 19c per lb.; No. 21, 124o per lh CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS-Prune are somewhat unsetled by freer offering from second hands, who seem desirous of moving supplies of Immediate grades. Quo tations range from be to c for California fruit and from 6Vtc to lc for Oregon. Peaches are slightly rasler. with fancy yel lows quoted at 134o. Raisins are firm; three-crown loose Muscatels are quoted at 9c; four-crown. 10c; seeded raisins, 11c. FISH Halibut, lie; trout, 18c; pickerel, 10c; pike. 14c: pike, fresh frozen, 12c; whtterish, 14j1c; buffalo, Sc; bullhead, skinned and dressed, i:ic: cattish, dressed, 17c; white perch. 7c; white bass. 15c; black bass. 2fc; unflah, 6r&9.v; crapples, sftyc; large crapples, 16c; herring, fresh frozen. He; whitefish, frosen. 13.yl5c; pickerel, fresh frozuu, 9c; SpamMi mackerel, lUc; native mackerel. lyfl.Ec per fish; codfish, fresh froii, 12c; red snapper, 12c; flounder, fresh froxen, U'c; hadd.x k. fresh frosen, 12c; smells. 12c: shad roe, 45c per lb. ; frog legs, .'c iier dux.; green sea turtle meat, 26c per lb. CANNED GOODS Corn, standard wt. ern, 660. Tomatoes, fancy 3-pound cans. 11.46; standard. 3-pound cans. $1.26. Pine apples, grated. 2-pound, tiao2.30; sliced, fl.75i0Z.35. Gallon apples, Canfomia apricots. $2.W. l'ears. 1.75t32.60. Peaches, 1. 750140, 1. C. peaches. I2.o0fri.60. Alaska salmon, red, ILJO; fancy Chinook, flat, 1115; funcy sockcye. flat, ll.9:. Sardines, quarter oil, 3.26; three-quarters mustard, J3.10. Sweet potatoes, fl.i&yl.35. Sauerkraut, 9jc. Pumpkins, citl.00. Lima beans, i-pound, "5cCJ1.2d. Soaked peas, 2-pound. t0o; fancy. l.itd.46. ' HIDKrt AND TALLOW Oreon salted, No. I. 14c; No. 2, 7lic; bull hide. r; green hide. No. 1, 7o; No. 2, Co; horse. 1.50i23.60; slieep pelts, 50c311.26. Tallow, No. 1. 4Ucj No. 2, Wc. Wool, 154322c. WKATIIEH I THB GRAIN BELT Probably Fair, with No Important Chancres 1st Temperature. . t , . OMAHA. Bcpt. H. 1907. Whll a very slight rise In temperature Is shown in the extreme northwest, the weather continues cool In that section and frost occurred last night In North Dakota, Montana and Idaho. Temperatures arc slightly lower In the Missouri valley, hut generally warmer weather prevails through out the east and south. Light and scattered showers occurred In the extreme upper Mississippi and Missouri valleys Friday and tight rains have fallen In the east Quit state. A generally cloimy condition pre vail In the central valley this morning, but the weather will probably continue generally fair In this vicinity tonight and Sunday, with no Important change In tem perature. Omaha record of temperature and precipi tation compared with the corresponding day of the last three years: 1907. ISO. 1906. 19M Minimum temperature.... 68 63 66 41 Precipitation 00 LIS .22 .00 Normal temperature for today, fit degrees. Deficiency In precipitation since March 1, 6.NI inches. Deficiency corresponding period in &x, 4.92 inches. Deficiency corresponding period In lfOS. (93 Inches. L. A. WELSH. Local Forecaster. Cora aad Wheat Reloa Balletlsv. For the twenty-four hours ending at a. m., 76th meridian time, Saturday, Septem ber 14. 1907: OMAHA DISTRICT. Tenin. Rain- Stations. Max. Mln. fall. .00 .00 .00 .10 .00 .00 T .00 .10 .() .00 .00 .00 T .00 Sky. Clear Clear Pt cloudy Clear Pt. cloudy Pt. cloudy Cloudy Pt. cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Pt. cloudy Clear Clear Clear Cloudy twelve-hour Ashland, Neb 92 06 Auburn. Neb. 63 6.1 64 Vi 60 50 4 62 66 5s 69 62 6ti 53 56 Columhu. Neb... F-alrbury, Neb..., Fairmont. Neb... Or. Island. Neb.. Hartlngton, Neb. M Hastings. Neb.... 94 Oakdale, Neb W Omaha. Neb ft Trkamah, Neb... W Alia. la H Carroll, la U CI a rind a, la 87 Sibley. la. M . Sioux City, la... 84 Mln imam temperature for period ending at I a, m. DISTRICT AVDRAQE3. No. of Temp. Rain. Central. Station. Max. Mln. Inches Chk-ago. Ill It 80 58 .00 Columbus. 0 17 ( 64 .00 Des Moines, la.... 10 84 to .00 Indianapolis, Ind., 11 St 54 .00 Ixiulsvllle. Ky U 82 M M Minneapolis. Minn. 16 62 4a .02 Omaha, Neb....... It 80 00 'f Temperature are allghtly lower In the corn and wheat region west of the Missis sippi river and are slightly higher east of the river. Light showers occurred In the upper and Missouri vallevs. Lv A. WELSH. Local Forecaster. Kaasaa City Grata aad Provlslaaa. KANSAS CITY. Sept, 14. WHEAT De cember, 92c; Msy. rc. Cash: No. 2 hard. S&iiiV; No. J. 87Q91c; No. I red. 91'59:c; No. 1. 8791c. CORN Docember, 49Ve; May, flc. Cash: No. t mixed, fHHjc; No. , 6iiiW; No. t White. 57io: No. S. 6H7c. OATS Ho. I white, 4B,9; No. I mixed. F.QOS Steady to firm; extras, tic; first, 19c. HAT Unchanged te ZSe lower; choice timothy. 12 6t313 25; choice prairie. 19 2 I 50. RYE Steady r 73c Hl'TTKR Oeamery. 27c: packing. 19V4C. Kansas City future ranged: Article I Open. Htgh. Low. Clo Wheat Iecember May Corn December May 97SA 4tl 44 61! tlB A asked. B bid. Philadelphia Prodaco Market. PHILADELPHIA. ge,4. 14. BUTTER Firm: extra rater a creamery, I8'alc. J.iKiS Firm; western choice, I4c at mark' Western fair to good. Eic CHEESE-FIrm; New York full creams. Oils aad Hvala. OIL, CITY. P... Set 14 -OTL-Oredtt b lances. 11.78: run. isi.;.5 bbli. ; avera.. 14)1.413 bbls. ; shipments. ItiSJTy bbis.: aver age. 1S5.J4J bbl. 7 96 6o 5t. 6.IV1I 531 THE OMAHA TRADE CONDITIONS IN 0MA11A T, jr.v-. r xr ' JJttTtri On JUOre HumerOTUi I Thin Ever Before. AK-SAB-BEU WILL ATTRACT MORE Hardware Hoaees Vfrr By nillai Pall aad Wlatr Orders a rar la Pecallar Coadltloa aad Mast Advmaee. The inhher nf Otrtaha h ve surely en - Joyed a prosperous seesen so far. uyers ate on the local market this fall In larger numliers than ever before, despite th fact that the railroads refuse to grant rates to vllil n,.r..i..rta In. !! nf the full merchant excursions Is on and the mint - ber expected lu th city during the Ak Bar-b.n festivities will undoubtedly make a record f r this rear The hardware houses are as busy as bee hives, shipping out goods to till their orders for fail and winter. A slight de crease In the price ot tin las been made, but It will not extend to the manufactured poods. A little decline In tin usually has little effect en the manufactured articles, as in tie making on tin plale only pounds of pig tin are used to 100 pounds of steel. Aluminum Is considerably higher than lx nienths ago. Titu movement of stoves from local houses Is heavy. Manufacturers of cotton goods are evi dently paying more attention to other con ditions than to the growing crop, for Hi" government report on the condition of cot ton did not have the erfecl that was ex pected. Cotton Is backward and ginning Is slow, but the scarcity of labor at the fac tories seems to have more effect than any thing ele Just now. While llght declines In cotton yarn have taken place, advances have been made on finished goods. Ad vances for spring In the knit goods line run from 7 to 25 per cent. Prints Advance. Prints have been advanced to 7 cent by the American Punting company and ad vance have been maue by tne Algonquin Printing company and other factors In me trade. It was exactly two months ago yes terday that these same leaders In the print ing Industry advanced prices to a basis of Vi cents. Local jobbers have not made an advance on prints lately, but this ad vance In the east will affect the local mar ket Li time. Despite trade uncertainties and the high cost of raw material, some manutaclurei s of broad silks have made prices for spring, 190. While the figures for the season are not available because ot the reticence of most selling agents, still It was learned last week that the cost of dress silk for tnat season has been advanced cents on whi roods and from 1 .10 IV cent on narrow labric. Kuau men for Omaha manufacturer and Jobbing house are booking large orders for rail and winter shoes, rubber goods, etc. Report from these travelers are most atlMactory as the trade conditions, and there is every Indication that the coming seasons will bt i.iost prosperous In the shoe trade. The leather market ha pro duced no new feature during the week. Hop price are so low that, according to late advlct from Tacoma, only about 40 per cent of the crop grown tlils year will be picked. About 48.000 bale hava been grown In Washington this year, but It is said about 2t;.uw bale will be allowed to rot upon the poles. jpoutliwt.-ite?rrm rice crop I estimated at barrels and the grade Is said to be excellent. The mill are at work on the crop. Sagar Mast Advance. Refined augars are bound to move upward oon. say the local Jobbers. There was a pronounced activity earlv In the nk in raws, which aro now on a basis of $., iiuiua inai 1110 rennea article at pres-nt la considerable below what It should he in price Not for. many year ha a ilmllar peculiar condition prevailed In the tnark-l Tha aiuinlv of i-u.. i. w,tnn i at a point which In other years would have meant for refined sugar a price 20 cents abov th present figures. Prospects are heoomlmr hrljrhter for good tack of Cal fornla fig this aron. according to late Fresno advices. The In creased acreage every year Is a factor to be seriously considered In the fir ques tion, as It I lway very appreciable In Its effect. A fig packer is quoted a say ing that In case the weather holds good for one week th crop will be verv large. A big block of the figs was held over from last year by most of the concerns, and this will help to Increase the slie of the pack which will be put out. A feature in the sardine situation Is the continued scarcity of cans reported from Maine packing points, and there la reported a (rtous delay In making deliveries of tock In both quarter-oils and three-quarter-mustards, and Some order booked are a month behind the schedule of delivery. Price for shipment from Eastport arc un changed, but a further advance 1 probable In October. I v iters received yesterday confirm re port as to hort deliveries by Columbia river packer on spring packed Chinook. They Indicate, as a whole, deliveries of 27 to per cent of talis, 45 to 60 per cent of one-pound flats and probably 100 per cent deliveries on half-pound flat. Som of the packers, It I stated, will deliver no one pound tall. There will possibly be a small urplu of halve after deliverlea ar made. Tho Tomato Pack. The tomato situation Is much brighter than at any time for a month. Supplies arc coming In to packer In good quanti ties and the growers are reporting a larger yield than they had expected. Estimate of the size of the crop are still gues work. Ppot tomatoes continue scarce, the deliv eries so fsr made coming on an abnormally bare market and going directly Into con sumption. Gallons for Immediate delivery aro said to be unobtainable and future are offered sparingly. The corn packing season I about half Sone. It la generally admitted that the pack will be considerably short of former year, though definite figure are hard to obtain. The tea market ha been uneventful. ru i r. , i i . .. . .1 . - . . unexpected. There I an active demand for Ping ftuey. The recent strong de mand for Pea Leaf gunpowder teas ha re sulted in an extreme crclty of these grade. Nothing of moment ha happened In th coffee situation In the last week. Interest center still. it has for month. In the Brazilian valorisation scheme. Paint and Oil. Early In the week there was a slight de crease In th price of turpentine. A harp advance In price of linsred resulted In an advance of X cent In the price of oil. The situation is one that neeus careful atten tion and there Is every Indication that there will be further advance. Wring th week no particular Intrrest ha been manifested In (tuple line. Few charge have been noted. The opium mar ket la normal on a basis of 17 for cxe'i snd powdered opium at J7.76 to 17 (0 Quinine still remains at the old figure of 1 cents for bulk In lOO-nuncc tins. Re Jined camphor Is secured with a downward tendency. Uolden Seal Is steadily advanc ing, owing to the hort supply In sight. Cottoa Mnrket. NEAV YORK, Sept. 14 COTTON Fuiurea opened ateady; September. 11.600 bid; October. l;'..c; Noveinner. Ji.t,;c; De cember. ll.71c; Jmiuaiy, 11.7sc: February, 11 Sue bid; March, l.Me; April, ,l.;c bid; May. llaic; June. ll.Ssc; July. 1.'.uji11.uSj. Futures closed easy. Closing bids: Sep- if'i,'r,r,n i,'i. October. U.y.c; November. 1. file . December 11 f,. T u n . . . r , , . . February. 11.7ne! tr..i, 'n t-. !!.,.: May, 12.S6c. Spot closed quiet, w' points .ir'-.. Wdland upland. U.Mc; mlddllnit U'i-.. Jj."i no sales. iavu. r uiurra uwoaa iini.i anrf mtmrnAm, i closed easier. Close: Sent tember-October. .Hd; October-Nove'mbeV .Jitd: November-December, laid; Decern-! b4r-January i.lSVid; January-feoruarv. a t bruary-Marcb. i; Maroh- April. (taVad; April-May, ISd. May-June. lHil.vniTr.v brf , . ,,. LO78-..8ept; l-WrTON-Qui.t; middling. 13c. No sales. Receipts. JS uuies ho shipment; stoca, I.87B bale. CotTeo Markot. TORK. Bpt. H.-Xr-rKE7-utiire opened teady at unchanged price ta a decline of 6 rvotnt. whtc-h . .v,... w mica, uui raiuoa on buying by trade interests. Th clove wss steady net unchanged to 1 point higher. Sales war .TP.'1-rf "-T ''""ludlng September I -1 ; A1ir;n'br- lc I Ma rch. IV; May, IStVaaj.joi.. July. l.ic kinot Stn.i -4 ,11. A ".-T"- aanto, lc. 110. dull; Cordova. SKJ12V'. Dry fiooda Market. NEW YORK. Sept. 14.-DRY OOODft-The market waa quit 10,. tarViTSJK I V - iii pni, ana price trtic.turn.y unchanged. Higher figure would not be "uura"J' doiT Vi . . U, fi'pt- 14 -COTTON-flpot. No 1 northnT I LOW No I northern' ,hc bll' ""d seller, of sheep on h iai-PJE3 mMZ:Am7e'n ,llJuul'". W.044J1.IH; December. II oi ' northtrn South Omaha market. The receipt. havS nftlfin- "SlIS1, 7frli n"0'11"'. "W; Rivsteady; No. 1 -)u- . Wn ,h ' of the season to date, still Th. L.I.. Sf'tL SOOd u.d'r"rr- I MARLKY-Lower; No. 2.Mc 2on 9 '' to "UPMy tlio magniflcen i-Miir-' h.6 d,y onl,, of C'ORN-Lower; cash SiWolr- n.m demand that ha prevailed every day for Which o wer for speculation and export, ber. E7"c. ' ' 6z'"3lci Decern- botr, klIi,rl and feeder. Each day' re- and Included 4.aii a u . , . . . .i,,,. P . . SUNDAY BEE: SEPTEMBER 13. 1907. for staple prints r being received before the Jobbing prlc t sdvsnced on September Raw silk has shown a sharp d-cllnc. Cotton yams continue essy. Fine ysrn "" S""is are easier snn lower, neports re cwnnl of large printers rreirlng to I operate In the gray good market for the nexi inree months. Linens are firm. 'KW HIRK STOCKS AD BOD4 Disordered Coadltloa of Metal Mar ket Asals Domlaotlaa; Islsesr. NEW YORK. Pept. 14 The disorder I conditions in the metal markets was tl e dominating Influence avaln In the stork market and defeated any tendency towr1 Improvement prompted by other consider ations. The distinction w mnikt'd again between the railroad list and the metul industrial, the former hetna- moderately 1 affe'-ted by the depression in the lsttr 1 and showing some disposition to rally at the last. I The feature of the day's market vta th ' heavy liquidation In the United "tsle I Steel Stacks, hnth r1aaaa f.!lin in 1 o'r levrle for the year, the common stock eeinnr at X7' and the preferred ato-k at 90. Evidently the speculative . a. umntlon was that fha rnnnuiniii Vha. nave overcome the copper trade might d. velnp In the Iron and steel trade. N-0 Mil was forthcoming to Indicate rnir fresh changes In the Iron and steel trS.le. An effect was felt from the ptih.lcatlon f a report from Pittsburg that the pro ducers of Iron had determined to meet ny falling off In demand with a curtail ment of Droductlon. Rennrt that that United MeUls company, the agency of th , Amalgamated Copper co'ropany, had cut Its I'rices or electrolytic copper to 1H wa n effective Instrument In the hands of the bear party. The principal t rod tut cf the Amalgamated Copper It. not lake, but electrolytic copper. The copper stocks Were not so acutely depressed as yester day, neither AnialEamateri 4'nnner n.-ie American 8meltlng selling at yesterday's iow ngures. pentiment continued very do- 1 r. indent, however, over the copper altaa- uon. '1 he bank statement did not reflect the expected rain In rash, but tha rhamroa In the averages of the different Item) were small In spite of the general trans- actions concluded during the week, an l confidence wa unimpaired of the growing Improvement of the nionev situation. Pay- ment was made today of the 16.000, 'VuO fftanaara oil dividend distribution. The ! undertone of the marTfet remained wea in spit of ome feverish rallies In th closing dealings. Bonds were Irregular. Total sales, par value. 11.16.000. United Htates registered 2s advanced nd the coupon poc cent on call during the week. Closing quotations of Ntw York bonds were as foU""-s: Atrlitson H N'orlhfm Picltr a" pM H Ot. Northern Did Baltimore Ohio... Amal. Copper ... Casadlan Pa-ISt tmtr. c. F... 'hlco A N. W....143 Am. Ixjromnte dn pfo tOft Am. . a R . ItTH . l4 . 7 H . tsv. . 11 . 44 . V. . . II .157 4? .lit .1J . us . 74 . IS . US . v, -oiorano southern .. i.iu, do pM 'Denrf r R. O. .. 4 Brooklyn R. T.. .. M Colorado r. A I. .. J"! 'Int. Papar . . 13T Na1. Blacult ...'tv, Mailonal Lead .. .. 17 Ptrlflc Mall .. Peopla'a Gaa ... ..C4 PranMl g. C . Pullman P. C... .. it'i Btanilara Oil ... . ,. Sutar .. t Tann. 0. A I... ..11 V. 8. atari .. r do pW .. 14 Wetra rnion ..ltxl, Inlrrbnmdgh Met .. f Mo pM .. 114tMai'kav ..16 do pfd do pf Krle Illtnoi. Central .. LouliTllla A N Mrilran Central ... Mlaeourl Par-lllc ... N. T. Central...... PennylTanta Reading Rork laland So ptd it. Paul Southern Fielflc ... Sosthem Railway Cnloa PaclBc do pid Wabash Wla Central Rid. Boston Copper Market. These quotation are furnished by Loaan A Rryan, member New York and Roston Stock exchanges, 113 Ronrd of Trade: Annum 10 MaanarbnSMU 4Uj Atlantic 11 Michigan Blncham 9 Mohawk :. SI ! Biuton Consolidate Black Moiintatn 4 Nevada Consolidated.. U It North Bntta 4T'4j 1 Old Dominion Mw -inm Calumet Art Arlaona. llv Oaeaola Itu i'"".,.-1' r.,l?m't. Hrla- t i-iiiaocrf a iniluta.. i .425 Pnea. Barrlce 1JH 4H 15 I imnnii . irViOutncy . 67 3bannaa , 12a Tana-nck , S Trlnllr . tvtt'nited ilalea. roa. 6 Ithodo Island Copper Rang .... Daly Weat bala-Dalr Balakalals Rat Butta Laaall Greens Copper ... Oranbr Halvetla Ial Royal Kataaansw US. Plttaburg 4 . t lah ron.olldated ... IS . DttNayada-l'tah i , 4 Victoria I . IHwinonn .. . 16 Woiverlna 7S 1 . Mplsalffi f . 11 Arcadia J Ocarina; Hons Bank Statement. Xfl-vi- vrinu- a . . . i . V.' 'J' 'r "lrmenl 01 rl.n .hou.B .ba.r,.k ?.r.tne w" how "V"" n'o .s..ou more than th ii'lf.... q" rSTa?n.l5 of rrv- Thl la a Z:Z .VT" . y"rnParea win last week, lh tatement follows: Amount. Decrease. e.OS.;2,S0U 875.WK) ,. 1,044.862,4iiO 1.632. 0 Loan Deposit Circulation 60,ii49.2) 2:f ;2 546,709 r.4O7.E0rt Legal tender Specie Reserve Reserve required . Burplua , Ex-U. S. deposit. 69.221.900 1WI.908.') 2Kfi,131.oiJ0 Ml. 113.100 . sis, 700 It, 436,300 1.(I0 New York Money Market, NEW YORK, Sept. 14. MONEY On call, nominal; time loans, easier and very dull: sixty days. bUfeWj per cent; ninety day, tl1 per cent: six months, a nr rent PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER -6Ui-? per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Steady with aot jal business In bankers- bills at U SS40n 4.K45 for demand and at 4.8170i4.lrO for ixiylay blU; commercial bill, HAlLif 4.12. n 'w SILVER Bar. 67o; Mexican Khc. dnllara -. , bONDS Government, steady; railroad. Ir regular. Bank Clearlag. OMAHA Sept. 14. Bank clearing for to day wer t2.00o.180.71 and for th oorreepond-' uo.o fvmr iv. 1KJ7. t 3.2C6. 233.10 l,766,(e,0 l.M3,l4.7 2.US.764.95 2.008.18S.71 1806. l.lD.43S.2 IM1.MM l.m.bM.V l.47.SC.U l,fcO S. 16 1.441.B60.70 Monday ... Tuesday ... Wednesday Thursday , r riuay Total .I12.27S.U0.45 19 & 00S.C4 "!.f'p. Responding wek l.t! year t2.294.C4.01. Prle of Copper Loworod. NEW YORK. Sept. 14.-The United Metal Belling company announced today that It had reduced li price of electrolytic copper ; to Wii per pound. Th company the eU!n agent for the Amalga- acts as maied Copper company. Cernaaa Gikaa(, BERLIN. Bent. l4.-Exchngo on London. A pfg for check; dlacount rate, hort bills, ( per cent; three month bill, i'.i per cent. Motal Market. NEW YORK, Sept. 14. METAL3 Metals generally were unchanged In the absence r.r i. .... Ttw ....... . ... . . , cllne. Copper continued weak and unsettled . S'" in tone. Lead and arbiter ihna.J nr .A.w a featuias. being quiet at recent prices. Iron was unchanged. a J-lA ,L'iS- , METALS-Lud. dull, t4.60. Spelter, nominally lower, to.0u. Kvaporated Apple aad Dried Fratt. alJ.",,VoY2RK' 8,,, ,4 EVAPORATED . .v.,nri nun, wiin fancy iuoted at lo. choice at 'V14jirfl4 prime .it c and common to fair at 7iiv.c. ' HUI-VKMA I7HIED FHI'IIS-Pum.. are unciiariged. Apricot and penohe eon- scarce on spot, with nricea firm. . -v -iiim. rvaisiii ro I .. ! Mllwnnkoo Grain Market M 1 1 .W T If w ir a. u ,.r,.n.. Wool Market ! 8T LOnS, 8;t. 14 WOOI-Oulet "odium frade combing and clothlnir ?v "ne. 24r.'S.-; heavy, fini' I Z I ,ub wahd. teuato. . ' 1 - ttock la Receipts of live stok at th six prlnclDl estern market yeeterdev: princip.i weetern Catllo. Hog Sheep. 676 6 7-XJ .... South Omahi I Sioux City.... I Kansas City. 100 l.OuO 1 t4K) 600 HJ 1.500 4.1'ia 1 bl josepn. '. St Loul ' Chicago i Tot ,4 Jl, t. Joseph LIto Btook Markot. ,J8V- Mo- Pt- CATTLE il X. '".mr",..,"Mri r.'lves 4.j7.4jn; eow and heifer, tocker and feeder, r76NW. 1. 75135.0I; ni-HMlpti, 4.W head; market SHEEP AND LAMS-Receipt. 122 head market steady; Urn ha. UHMih' 1.i" UW yi Wr-rkni; I. - . . .... mm ui ,ii-ir SlSe. BOIL1 OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Generally Ten to Fifteen CenH Lower for Week. ;H0GS STEADY WITH WEEK AGO! Receipt of Kfceep aad Lamas t-araeat of Aoy Week Tola Heaaos Trade t ery Active, Heady Prices Malatalaed. BOt'TH OMAHA. SlepL 14. 1907 Rei-elp! w .-le: Caul, jioxs. Snevp. ,. . 3..V OiTlcial Mon lay Official 'lueenay 1 Official Wednesday . ' Official Thursday ... Ortlctal I' r I lair 7.13 8.41 J i.K.'i 1..94 i.t 9.4L4 ll.'M A.177 l.4il 7,w l.i,i .nK 6.2. .; ! 4-stlmat Saturday.... , H,x dy" ,M" w"h I Pame ave last week .38.4:7 . ra' nay . weess ao..rt. .w 1 bme days 4 we?ks ago. .r 4 ' arn day 4w.eks go..23.u2 anle asys hist year.. . .22.744 '1 lie lvliow'.ng table show the lauelpt ut cattle, hoft and cneep at Sjuth Otvao fer the year to date, compared with last year: Id 17. IV. Inc. lec. Cattle 76 6.3.T97 112.141 Hogs'i.tM l.KW.ilO 10S.M6 i 8hJTp .l.Jl.';2l 1.6,6a ..797 The following tables iions the aveiaae price of hogs at Huuth Omaha for th last several das, with comparisons: Date, j 1907. UCtt-jlX. l?l4.;ii8.U08 101. Sept. I 7 I ' 6 471 I S7 6 2l 7 Ul f 11 i 6.t 6 ST., I I 3 i .: J S4 0, 6 W I I JS, I 4, 1 t 4 7 it; I 16 6 SI 6 H , 6 J b w 7 v; w 'J 6 HlVwt 6 7 S !' 6 I 1 6 I aj 114 I 5 ts, fs. i 6 4, 1 J , Kept. i sjept. j o- pi. I Kept. letct. S...! 6 ) 16 M, 6 Su 6 U! T , Sept. l...iSIIV.i 1 1 ill L, 1 M, i u, I jd-pu I 9C, 1 4, 6, 7 4N I 46 ! bept. tl . . ; b tv.-a 0 a S tCj 6 W T 4( M ', Kept. 12.. .j 6 ', 901 6 Ij: I 51' 1 I bi M ' Bejit. 13. 1 I xjni, , 0i 6 ill 6 61 5 3j 7 6fi 4o Sept. 14. ..( 6 sbVt oji 6 14' 0 ori 6 ! I Wl Indicate Punday. HANiit OF TRICES. Caitle. Hots Omaha CIlK'hgo Kansas City tH. Louis ... bloux city . 6.;r8n.a 6.i.-imv.:H t.KI6..0 G..6u.0 a. .Vfln.l'i 2.L'b'iT .fc6a7.'.-t I.;vi.1U .... X.jnfati.i.0 Th official h umbel of cars of stock brought lu today by each road was: Cattle. Hogs. Horses. C, M. & St. P... 6 1 Missouri Pacific i' I nion Paclllc C. N..W. (east) C. A N. V. twest).... 16 C Ht. P., M. 4k O C. tl. ft 4J. least) C., it. ft Q. (wesi) U C. R. 1. at P. (easti C, H. 1. P. (west)... 1 Illinois Central Chicago Ot. Western.. .. Totals fl 4 11 11 M 11 3 11 "i 100 The disposition of the day's receipt was s follow, each buyer purchasing tliu num ber ot head Indicated: Omaha Packing company Swift and Company CilUahy i-acklrig company Armour 6t co , Ktngan Total i.2?o CATTL& Receipts of cattle have bn vety letge tin week, showing a consider able bum over. the prevlou week and a very large gain over the corresponding week of a year ago. The tendency of the market throughout the week has been lower and to mat extent at least unsalis lactorv to the selling Interests. Trains have been late on a good many day and that fact together with la rue receipt has made a slow and late maraet a good snare of the Urn With heavy receipts of beet steer It ha been an asv matter lor hoy era to ' pound prices this week. The result I that at the close sellers are generally quot ' Ing all kind of beef cattle fuilv lira lie lower, wiin a mucn a a ac decline in I limit Spot. Ill Stllte nf the ahum rlnrllnl. corn-fed steer. a,d,i . hi.h .. Vrlrt i ".71 ; best cattle sold and tha beat mine nu'td at vein poini tor som utile tune. The cow market has also been coins- steadily downward all the week, the same ' v inn nu ui ' ne ween I generally quoted UKulEc lower. The decline liaa been on the good kind of oow and heifer as well as on tho Inferior grade. In fact aome of the medium klr.-Ss , nave possibly held up better than the more ! desirable kind. Wuile a large business was done during th week In Blocker and feeder, but with uch liberal receipt buyers, who have a,yn ,i:at Prlce 100 high, wore enabled to force a general re- ductlon in values all along the line. At th close of the week the market i 10!6c 41.701 77. 4M t,.bU ill, Tt,; 4.1. S3 ln.lo. So. 90-1 l,ie S4.U6J ., 4?, 150 ? lower man a ween ago. aome kind possl 463. SoO , bly have not shown that much loss, while 217,250 others have shown more. uuotattons op cattle; uood to cholc corn fed steers, fii.25'57.10; fair to good corn-fed rattle, X5.6Ctt6.2i; common to lair corn-fed leers, 4; gcci to choice range steers, 6.00Cg5.nO: fair to god range steers, Itf fii.OO; common to fair range steers, t3.K4i4.4o: good to choice c6rn-tcd cows and I heifers. 4. 26I&4. it; good to choice grass cows ""1 heir,r' fair to good grass I cows n4 heifer. $3.0u4Jia; common to fair ! ?r'"l ,cow. ?A h',lfS!,; V KL gn21 , chol0 t? teTi'.T; U JfH I fair to good etockers and feeders, W io common 10 ihii Svtt:K?rs sail leeuiTS, t3.004IJ.S6. HOGS Hogs opened about steady thl morning and a considerable proportion (old that way. Later on as th mora urgent order were tilled buyer took advamag of the fact that It waa Saturday and closed the market gererally c lower. The trade was at no time very active and th later market wa naturally dull from th effect of th pounding administered by buyer. The receipt today ran very largely to heavy hnga. there being comparatively few light weights and nothing choice of that i qutrterniaster of th Department of the description. For this reason the sales look Missouri, was a visitor at army head lower on paper vcn than c3ierday. ,,,,., , . , ' ',Lau The week owned with a break of twioc 1urer Bnturday morning. Captain Davl- ' lr,ce 'hat day there ha been a grad- and thl. I. hi first to Friday the market was practically back to where It was on the previous Saturday. The T.eiKness developed today leaves the week closing a shad- under la sit week, taking ne average price ns a cuiae. t aKing qual- Ity Into consideration, however, the mar- lt at l.1u v l n a rnllv .L.tlv m-llv. Week ! apo. J R-Kresehfatlve ' ale: No. II 4 44 67 tt 45 tl 44 t; to 41 47 Ay. .141 ..5.0 ..lit ..Ml ..HI ..Mi ..Rl an. Pr. 6 70 No. 41.... CO ... 11T. . . C5... Av. ...IM ...274 ...!TJ ...!M ....IM ,... ...2VI h. rV. 1M IK 10 IK M 6 44 ... I IS ... 6 H 10 III ISO I S3 ... I 44 4) i 7I 14" t 7 ) ... I 76 ... I 71 . . 5 Jo IW 4 7. ... 4 7i 140 6 If, D4 . . . tl... 74... 41... U... 74 .. 40... W... ... M... 4... H... ... 4(1... 11... M... r.4... 4 ... 74... 41... 7... t4 m 1 4Tt . SM 171 ..ft 40 ( 77V J4 ... I ITVj ..'II ... S (TV, -M ... 1171 . Jl hi I N rj ... tn fi V) I 9 .:.'.o in m ..10 14 I H .. 6 77V, 41) 0 I) K I 10 .. i 0 .. I 10 .. I t .. JC K ID 4'1 tJ 4 I 4u 6 1 .. 6 .. i M h ir 40 4 W .. I 43V, l C I K e It li i to M III n Id ..SSi I u.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.Ui ...1i7 ft. . St.. 6V. 41.. M . H . .I4 fil .74 .SS4 . e'l .2tt r4 !47 ... I M t V) I) 1(0 ... I ... Ill 44 I K 49 I ttUj ... 4 00 4J 4 M ... 4 10 00 ... 4 M ... 4 04 11 It) 40 ( t 170 tilt 141 Ul II 340 344 I.-4 140 234 134 .... 141 " 1 H '7 I M 1,1 : " i ;5 I ..f.i ..Ml ..It) ..311 ..lie- i a? 1o.. !i. 47.. 45. t . I promtly on arrival. As a rule JI7 great flienged TnsT and s. .1.. ... big bulk of everything reportn ' bends by o'clock In t!:o ' before the close of the market Iff the aft- ' rnoo Practically everything In the barn would be weighed up. The official figures "f the stock yards company ahow "nere ? ' '". " snoep and larasi. out of this niim'ier n, scsle reports showed 71,31 head as having beon sold and weighed at the close of busi ness Friday afternoon. That would leave on!v n.212 head a unold out of the total wren u rere:pis. 4jr mis latter number I about f.SfO head Wer brought In her ' by mistake of the railroad contrary and 1 taken out again without being ohcred for , A few other car were shipped out , without r-lng eild. Thl ia record that , anv market might b orond of. nui me (is or the receipts an! th fact tht everything old on th (Ity of ar-lvs! does not by snv means tell the whole story. The quest'nn thst most Interens the sellers Is how were price maintained. Thl I eashv answered. In spite cf the large receipt fully ateady nrlce were main talned with tendency the middle of th week toward strength, feeder lamb on Wednesday selling uo to 17.10. th highest price ever pld on thl mrkt. The last of th week price wer not quit o atrong. RI71TKP Thl, ham kn Hn x- . I hut they rlneed fully teadv with th prevlou week. On the other band wethers and ewe, which also allowed strength, maintained the acquired strength until th close, quotations being higher thn at the close of last week. Operator on the market without excep. lion are looking for a continuous good de mand. Quotations on geod to cholc killer-I-arnb. 94 7607 40- rearllro waihera uri fi..W: wether. Sif03 9r-: ewe. 14 766.40. o Quotation are given on "lr to good killer. feeder buyer r taking rrac tlcallv everything of trat deecriptlon at better price thn packer will pay. Quotation on fewtert; Lamb. tS.Srtf) yearlings. Rr.vfr7.c: wether. 15 nort IS; ewes, Cni4 45; yearling breeding etres, p!.cu.iO; aged breeding wes, titOJ 6C. Henrrsentatlv sales: Av . 6T . 3 Pt. I t 7 S 9 Idaho lambs 71 Idaho lambs CHICAGO I.IVR STOCK It A It K K T Cattle, II oa. Sheep aad I .a asks Are Steady. CHICAOO. Sept. Il-CATTLE-Recelpts. estimated St about itn head Market atea.1v .7 , beeves, t4CrVQ-. 0: row. Il.2to5.i0: Texas steeers. l3.7r.Vo.ot'; calves. .0ous.Oil; western . attle, 4.0ito.rt; stocker and feeder. J.6t 66 00. HOCJS Receipts, estimated at about 1?.nm head. Market eteady; light. Mti.SH; mixed. K.ktt.0: heavy, &fia: rouh, 6i.66; pigs. t5.60U.40; bulk of sales, 16 7MU 5 IS. PHEKP-Recelpt. ratlmated about 1.610 head. Market steady : native, riTSftSun; western,; yearlings. 5.io41.40; lambs, o.0-47.u; western.$7.70 Kaasaa City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY. Mo.. Sept. 14.-CATTLF-Reeelpt. tit) head. Including 400 south ern: market unchanged; choice export and dreesed beef steers. 96. HV.OC; fair to rood, 4.76i6.i6- western steer. H.v((a40; stock er and feeders. ,.. JOfca. ;6 ; outhern steers, 1364)4.30; Southern cows. K lffi 40' fis tlve cows. IJ.av4.60: native heifers, 75a 6.0C; bulls. fc'.fcitii.BO; calve. S.V 7646.60 Re ceipts for the week. .4M heed. HOGB-Recrlpt. f.flto heod; market strong to 6c higher; top. loJCi; bulk of I?-"!:-16'-: heavy, Ki.0Wiil6; packer, ..toti.a; pigs and light. K.Vadl.Sn. R col lit for the week. M,rt head. SHEEP AND LAM US Receipt, none; rrarket nominally steady. Receipts for the week, 46,900 head. St. Loal LIto Stork Market. ST. LOUIS. Mo.. Sept. 14 CATTLR Re ceipts. 2.400 head. Including 000 Texsns; rrarket for native steady. Texan steadyr native shipping and export steers. Id .WT 10; dressed beef and butcher teer. 16.73 ii.2S; steers under l.OtO pounds, II.C0u6.f!6: I , leeaers, 2. (0K14. (t; cows nd ,, J heifers. I7.00ff6.ii0; canners, 1.25l7.40; bull. ;..y(..: calves. 4Sft7.76: Texas and Indian steer, $:J.9J&6.60; cow and heifer. H.7offt4.Cfl. IIOtjS-Recelnts. 3,600 hrd; market 8c lowe-; pi,f and lights, JR.SC34! .; packers. c5.26u.0; butcher nd best heavy, 96.1047 U.4fi. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt. Urd head: market strong: native mutton. ri.7! 1 cull and bucks. M.OO-SJ.sR; lambs, 14 00 7.00; stoikers, 3.2K.OP. lonx City Live Stock Market. SIOUX CITY. la.. B-pt. 14.-(?pecll Tele gram.) CATTLE Receipts. 1TO head: mar ket steady: heeve. 4.i.Vri 50; cow and heifers. $:.60&4.r0; dockers and feeder. ia.504V4.75; ralve and vearllngs i.B0!tIJ.;0. HOOS-n-celpt. S.6O0 head; market steadv. selling St 5.7C6.10; bulk of sales, S.ijdj3.Sri. NEWS OF THE ARMY AFFAIRS Conrta-Martlnl Will Convene at Fort Meade and Fort Crook Monday. A general ccurt-martlal is convene at Pert Meade, g. D., the trial of such rase as ordered to Monday for may como ...,.. I . . tv. . 1 1 r . v. . . I I n . . ...... .. ia. vapiHin ii. lanzia, r irei uruifnauia Captain C. II. Lanzas L. 8. Carson. James P. Blrney and R- C Well of the Eighth cavalry; Second ! lieutenant Thomas L. Sherburne of I .... .-. .. . .. . th P. """"" cavalry, .jacar roiey ana r. i Grimth, Jr., of the Sixth cavalry. the Sixth cavalry, the latter a Judge advocate. A general court-martial In ordered to convene at Fort Crook, Monday, with the following detail: Captain Waldo L. Ayer of the Thirtieth Infantry, W. F. Clark of the Second cavalry. Charles P. , -C . Cunningham of the Signal corps; I lrst I Lieutenant W. E. Persons and Second i nepoum, uno A. iNesmun, Mam It I Lieutenant Joeeph E. Bar I i.,,.., if, Itu .v , t'I''er'tl Infantry, with th Barzynskl of the last named a judge advocate. I Thomas Humphrey, Troop L. Second cavalry has been aentenced by general court-martial to dishonorable discharge i from the army and to be Imprisoned at i Fort Leavenworth for three months for conduct prejudicial to good order and mili tary discipline. Major R. M. Blatchford of th Eleventh Infantry from Fort D. A. Russell, was a visitor at army headquarter Saturday on leave of absence. Corporal W. C. O Brlen of Company D. Fourth infantry, ha been ordered trans ferred to th Hospital corps upon the recommendation of the chief surgeon of the department. Captain Peter W. Davison of the Twenty oond infantry, formerly acting chief ' "on "or stationed with hi regiment In 'om.h. -,. ft, . , . mah "1nu th departur of th regl- ment for the Philippine four year ago. T. P. Mahoney, who for the part thirteen i n,ontl1 hB been employed a. clerk ln th t n ... . . ; . . ..... ir ui me i'.iarierinasier general at Washington under General Humphrey, now retired, ha been transferred back to Orrmha. Ho I Main on duty In th offlcd of th chief quartermaster Department of thj Missouri. MISS GANNETT IS IN OMAHA New Phy steal Dlrertor of Young Women's Christina Association Ready for Work. Mis Jane Gannett of South Hanover. Mass., th newly engaged physical director of the Young Women Christian associa tion, arrived In Omaha Saturday morning. Miss Gannett taught one year as assistant In' the association at Dayton, O., and four year a. director In th association at Kprlnsfield, O.. wher eh ha been taking a course of study In th Boston Normal School of Gymnastics. Work will begin In tho gymnasium under Miss Gannett October , with dy and night classes. Ml Gannett will superin tend the equipment of th now gymnasium, which will be 60x 90 feet, beside a gallery and swimming pool. There will be u rlly of the association members In the near future. Saloon Men EserrUeil SIOUX FAI.I.8. 8. D.. Sept. ll-(Spclal.) Local saloon men ar omewlit agitated by movement which, It i alleged, ha been inaugurated by Mayor Pillsbury for the reduction of the number of saloons In Bloux Falla to twenty, or one for each WO Inhabitants, estimating th population of Sioux Fail at U.OOO. If you hav anything to trad advertise It In th Tor Exchange column of Th Be Want Ad tag. B9YGE & BLA3INGHAM, 0RAIW N,!TCK !RKR? h.,.b-Iied.e,r cuaAtomn jh b" rvlce In Omaha. Tradeg Jtt 1.000 buibel train and upward.; 10 ahar. and upward. A rellabU firm . Room 4 N. T. Life, Omaha. Long distance telephone. DoujIm 7545. J J... -oi tm. j ASIATICS WILL NOT REGISTE - Serious Condition Confront British QoTernment in Traniratl. MAT SPREAD TO OTHER NATIONS If r reseat 4athreak of Yellow Peril I Not Dealt Wllh Finally Troahle l.lkely Will Itesnlt. JOH ANN L8BURO, Sept. 14 -tSpClal ) Will the Transvaal hve to build a new Jail to accommodate 10.000 Asiatics? Or will the first law passed by the first elected Fsrllament be successfully defied by th eastern people within It border? These are the question South Africa I asking. Th Tranvaal' ltet trouble raise an Issue of th greatest Importance. The Indian In the colony have armed themselves with the weapon nf th Eng lish nonconformists. They have hecom passive restxters. Thry alt down and stolidly refuse to obey the law. They art prepared to be sent to Jail or ruined In buslnesa or deported. Rut they will not h registered by act of Parliament. The dead lock 1 an awkward one. What lh Asi atics In the Tranev! do today the. Asi atics In Natal or Australia or British Co lumbia may do tomorrow. Worse still, th resistance to the law may have had effect upon the millions of colored peopl In the ubcontlnent. They may begin to ay mong themselve that the rule of the white man la not so very strong after all. And. Itry. the mere fact of thl re sistance may tend to fan th llama of antl-Brltlsh feeling In India. There are In the Transvaal om U.Oot Asiatic exclusive of the Chinese mln coolies, who do not come within th new net. It Is declared by the admlnlstraitin that their numbers ar being constantly added to by the lnflu of newcomer, who get In on the strength of false permit or without any permits at all. It ws resolved, therefor, to find out precisely who re entitled to rtde In the Transvaal, and for thl purpose ther was passed the Asiatic law amendment ordinance, which, although not assent4 to In the day of tho nominated legislature, was allowed by th Imperial authorities when passed by the self-governing colony. This lw calls upon every Asiatic to apply for a registration certificate and on th form asking for thl certificate every Asi atic male over t years of ge must plao hi finger Impression. PatHa Act la Force. The government decided to put the act In force district hy district. It hean wtth Pretoria, where the A Slat let war called upon to register between July 1 and July 8L Led by the British Indiana, the Asi atic refused. Thry placed picket out aide the registration ofTlce, and the official appointed to receive th application t all day and rvery day waiting for Asiatic who did not come. Then It ws decided to receive application ecretly at night at private houses. Forty Memon gave In and It I believed another thirty or forty i Indiana applied. But In Pretoria alon 1.6VO Asiatics defied the law, and. assum- Ing that the proportion Is maintained In , ... all the other district, there will eventually be over IO.000 Asiatic llahl first to a flna of t&t or three months' Imprisonment, then to tho loss of their trading license and finally deportation. The Indians objoct to the principle of th act and alno to Its provision. They declar It Is a cIof legislation of the worst type. They say that ir every man in the Trn val wero called upon to regltr thy would register as quickly a snyono. . But when they re singled out by law they re fuse. They protct that a precedent would be created; they ay that once the prin ciple of special legislation Is dmltted In the statute book there I no guarantee that It will not be expanded nd that they will be forced to live and trade In special loca tions, pay .special taxes and. In fact, b treated differently from other British sub ject. The eeondry objection are equally strong. They protest that the finger-Impression system I humiliating and degrad ing and classes them with criminal; they protest that the demand that they shall declare their mother's name I an Intl1t to their religion Ideas, for with many In dian It would he deemed a erlou dis grace to utter the nnme of their mother. Merchant F.nter Protest. Well-to-do merchant have reolved ta face ruin rather than submit. Mr. Gandhi, who headed the recent deputation to Eng land, asks to be the first to be sent td prison for resisting what he says I groat Injustice to law-abiding and peaceful Brit ish subject. Head of Asiatic buslnes nouses have cabled to their supporter ta ill part of the world cancelling order until it 1 decided whether thry ar to b ruined or not! The hiwkrr abandon hi daily roiMid In order to attend protest meetings; stores In distant dorp ar closed while the owner hasten to Pretoria to rupport the agitation. Two or threo month may elapse be for all th district have been dealt with. There la thus time to come to compromise. But when the act ha been proclaimed all over the colony, what will happen If th Asiatic still defy th lawT STOCK BARGAINS 20 General American Coffee 4 M 5,000 Octva Mining 76o 1.000 Ooldfleld'a Hyndlcate Jvneal . . 2c 5.000 Penn-Wyo. (Treas.) 60s 4 Chicago or N. Y. Air Lin R. R. .,.2 C0 6 Alaska-Cent. R. R. pfd v. ..It AO 100 Penn-Wyo.. I Treas 1 E2a 1,000 New Stockton. Utah ..61 111. uo nr. west. o. R. At P. L. . ..Hid D.bOO CillDln American . tUe bid lc tOO Mohawk Jumbo Lea... 600 Nevada Star 1,000 Do lOottellaa M. 41 D.. 2 per cent mon.) (pay .11.11 .llVo ..70 . . . 1 o , ..Kid .10 1.000 Wellington Development .. 4.000 Chlsna Consolidated I.VV0 Verde Grand. Arts 1. 000 Mogul, H. H 1.000 Manhattan. Nevada Taonsanda Mors Writ for aallotla. v ray uua xor tocc. OfXsr Tour. Western Business Exchange 12S LaSAXI.B ST. OXZOaVOrO. tU W. Farnam Smith & Go. Stocks, Bonds, Investment Securities. W oaTer. sokject to sal. Id ta 84) ghat-M f rtock Tarda at tT at. 1320 Farnam St, Tel. Dcag!ailQ64