Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 15, 1907, NEWS SECTION, Page 4, Image 5

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rancleis Fall Hals
AdtpUtiont From j
Pirlsltn Mod if
Appointed Dtpirtnttnt
Halt! Jill H H iiM M llll .11 U
,f x U'XTy;. - T i mi m "nrrTiii r mmwmm nr k ov , h f j t
lWfy Tm position, Bran- Oi
'. Jk f T ...v t H . TiJl y ' vfT' .an
It - l 1
: j ; f
ill &rsf 0ur new',J re'
dtis fills as dictator
of millinery style in the west is
Si7 i n 7 t r7 V? J T T ,..,(. jA...A
. a nds of weatern Women of fashion
irio demand styles of elegance an I
exclusive chai ac'.er. The Iirandeis
ha s possess style refinttntn'. ft
C7ur nexo'.y re
modeled millin
ery department
is more charm;
iny than ever It
it a privilege to
x-lect your an
num hats amid
urroundings of
'tixury and
Women's Ready-to-Wear Apparel
' Fashion's Latest Dictates for fluumn, 1907
lleady-made attire for women has never reached such a
plane of 'excellence. Every woman who inspects our show
ing declares there never wus no much smart style revealed
in tailored wear. The range of fall style is more than usually
large. This coming week the showing will be in its most
brilliant stage.
SmarlNcw Tailorzd Suits for Fall
These are stunning new arrivals in the dressy long fitted
and half fitted coats as well as shorter coat suits mater
ials are the most elegant and many extreme novelties are
shown these are the ultra fashionable $TCI $ ASb
tailor modes in which we show specials at 10 7tJ
The services of
assistants who
are author it j on
millinery styles
assures you of
intelligent aid in
the selection of
hats that are
suitable and becoming.
In all the years of Brandeis millinery leadership in the west f
we have never been able to open a new season with such an
array of millinery beauty. The hats are simply superb.
An Assemblage of Exquisite Fall Hats t sell at $25.00
We make this line one of special prominence this season because we are showing hats that in
ejegance and rare beauty equal any creations we have ever seen priced at $40.00 and $50.00
Many are original models from Fifth Ave., New York, designers; others are the most
bewitching Paris patterns- your critical inspection is invited
wriginai iiimnery i'loaeis irom i oromosi c rencn oiyie AUinors Ti
We have imported through our Paris office the rarest gems of original French millinery &Ss3
bought from the Rue de la Paix. Every hat is a masterpiece of color harmony And graceful beauty, n,''
fir - ,f-4r'
Charming Fall Hats
All the favorite shapes all
the correct garni-. (PI A
Smart Millinery
The most up-to-date hats
ever sold at a moder- dE?
ate price all new ones. pD
Tailored Suits for Women
No make of suits has the popularity of the "Fashionseals"
styles are all copies of expensive French models all
authentic French styles are represented "Fashionseal
suits are fashioned and finished by
expert man tailors equal to any $33 or
$50 suits, at
New Models in Voile Skirls at 57.50
Made of fine heavy Altman's French voile, with silk folds
or wide self pleats made to sell at $12.50, 50
First Showing of New Arrivals in Smart Walking Skirts
Very high grade skirts, in French wire voiles, chiffon pana
mas, broadcloths, novelty mixtures, etc. some made
fine silk drops, IZ-l85 "P 35
We Offer a Fine Panama Skirt at $.9S
Made in the newest fall plaited styles in new walking lengths
' correct weights favorite colors, 98
To the women of Omaha who have been wait
ing to see our line of high grade Furs, we are
pleased to announce that we are now showing the
most complete and elaborate line to be seen west
of Chicago.
th If S t:i If 1 V SU
Women's Street Dresses
fall dresses, in wool
-specials at 19, $25,
A new showing of very fashionable
batiste, cashmere, plaids, voiles, etc
$29, $35 and $49 ,
The New Black Taffeta Waists
Made of the most elegant ellks ever put into a
priced waist the styles are all new and altogether
charming Our special line at
Women's Long Tight Fitting Coats
These are the season's swellest effects in coverts
and black broadcloths, a ISffi up Q
score of styles at. IT to
Fall Mixture Coats
The long stylish coats that are bound
be so popular a special price.
Rubberized Automobile Coats
in piaiu uoa Binpe imiema uuu piuiu Hatiu very iuuuiou wti.
and up-to-date. jjSQ P
Dund to -
lile Notice of Tariff with Interstate
" ' Commerce Commission.
I icrrMf Rat from rctc Coast to
MlMlMjppI Blver Oan-Foarth an
Maaafartarrra Frar Baatnraa
Will B Halard. .
The blow has fallen. The railroads have
ftn-mally announced th expected Increase
lit lumber rales.
Tocal lumbermen hava received news
Nom WuhlnMnn that tha transcontinental
freight bureau baa notified tha Interstate
Oominrree commission of a new tariff
schedule which will Increase the rates on
shipments of lumber from the Pacific
eoaat to the Mississippi valley. It will to
Into' effect November 1.
Th rata frnm tha Pacific coaat
r - -
to Chloaso Is 40 cents per 100 pounds and
the railroads will increase th rate to 60
cents. Just what the Increase In the rate
to Omaha will be the dealers have not
learned as yet, but they expect to hear In
a" lew' days.
'An advance of 10 cents per 100 pounds
means W per 1.000 feet and consumers will
hae to pay It If they set Pacific coast
lumber. That they will not take It at the
advance, but will buy southern lumber In
stead. Is the fear that Is driving- the west
ern lumbermen to distraction. The lumber
manufacturers say tha Increase In rates
Will take away every cent of pront In
their business, aa the coat of production
ls'll W per 1,000, feet more than It waa two
years ao, and In the last year no manu
facturer has had a profit of more than
It SO per 1.000 feet and few more than 1
TUry declare that unless th rates on lum
ber from the south also are raised TO per
cent of them, the majority 'of those who
ship by rail, will be forced out of busi
ness. A local dealer says the manufacturers of
Washington have raised a fund of $260,000
to fight the advance and will engage the
ablest lawers In the country. Several
weeks ago their organization requested
the Interstate Commission to Inform them
of the filing of Increased lumber rates, so
they could make formal protest with the
Some of the most radical anti-railroad
enthusiasts see In the advance of rates a
move on the part of the Hill and Hariiman
to drive the manufacturers out of business
and then secure for themselves the control
of the mills and lumber lands.
JL$ Dentist
' Hours
8 A. M.toSP. M.
Douglas 871
: .,, So many wanted one of my $3
gold crowns that It waa Impossible
t9 wait on them before September
16th. when the original offer ex
red, that I have extended the
ttme to October 15th. Call and
let me examlue and advise rou re-VM-iUng
th care of your teetb.
Fss Figures Oat aa Eadlns; to Seaaoa
that Would B a gar
Th two fans were eating their lunch In
a local restaurant. Of course, base ball
was the topic of conversation. Finally
after an interval of silence one spoke.
"Know what I'd like to seef"
WhatT" asked the other.
"I'd Ilka to see Lincoln win enough and
Omaha lose enough to make 'em just about
even, and then have the last game here In
Omaha on a Sunday."
"Bay, that'd be goin' some, all right, all
right." said the other.
"Then I'd like to see the score a tie In the
ninth Inning, with Omaha to bat."
"Oee. I'd die."
"And two of our men out."
'Oh, stop stop."
"And two strikes called on th batter
our batter."
"And then see our batter lam the ball
clear out over the fence on the next strike
and make a home run." v
The two gased at each other for a while
lost In contemplation of such an ecstatic
moment of excitement.
"Say, waiter, you. needn't bring me the
rest of my order." said the one who had
done the listening. "I ain't got no more
And they went out.
Big Arch il Finished and Work on
Booths Being Pushed.
)naer Weald Hot More Tham This
for I'almproTed Daaajlaa
Coaatr Fares.
Ninety dollars an acre has been refused
for the unimproved Btlefel farm, four mile
southwest of Bennington and three miles
northeast of Elkhorn. The owner does not
wish to sell It at that, but will rent It
at 13.60 cash an acre.
Five years ago an Omaha man had a
chance to buy this farm for 146 an acre.
He was disposed to quibble about some
details of the transaction and Mr. Btlefel
put an end to negotiations, soon afterwards
deciding not to sell at all.
Fred Bchraeder, formerly of Millard, Neb.,
now of Wyoming, has sold his 10-acre farm
three and one-half miles southweat of
UlUard to Joseph piambeck, jr., of Millard,
Balloon Race, High Dive, Ride for
Life and Other Thrillers, Be
side Staay Good Bide
Shaw. i
Governor Sheldon and his staff will be
the guess of honor with the members of
the Board of Governors of Ak-Bar-Ben at
a dinner to be given at the Rome hotel
Monday evening. Secretary H. J. Penfold
received, the governor's-acceptance of the
Invitation by telephone Saturday - morning.
The skeleton work of the great Ak-8ar-Ben
carnival Is rapidly going Into place.
The great arch at Seventeenth and Douglas
streets Is completed and between now an
September 26 the magic city will be ready
for the reception of the thousands who will
go there In quest of pleasure. The carnival
will be bigger and better this year than
ever before
Fifteen mammoth sldo shows have been
engaged with all varieties of attractions
and at all prices ranging from 5, cents to
26 cents. In the latter class are "Beautl
ful Bagdad" and Otto's trained animal
show. The former Is designated "a riot of i
fun and a feast of music." 8lxty people
and a symphony orchestra are advertised
with Charloa O. Wolfe, "America s funniest
comedian," and May Btuart with her
Holland dancers. Mss Florence Colby,
late prima donr.a with the "Babes In Toy
land" company, is also a member of the
troupe. The trained animal alio Is said
to be one of a very superior order of ex
cellence. College Kdacated Horse.
"King Pharaoh," the horse with a col
lege education Is to be one of the star at
tractions. "Doc" Breeds, who has seen
the equine declares that he Is convinced
It has reasoning powers. lie says It can
read and write and do everything but fancy
Then there Is Charles Blgney, the human
Ash. This gentleman Is not a masculine i
mermaid, but just a plain msn, who ex
hibits the remarkable amphibian qualities.
which make him unique. He Is advertised
to eat, drink, smoke and play the cornet'
under th water. The notes of the cornet,
when thus played are said to have a
peculiarly beautiful and rippling sound.
"The Qlrl In Red" Is a mystery. In tho
great Turkish theater there will be dancing
and singing of th type supposed to be com
mon in the harem and In the palaces of tho
Turks. "Salome" Is a show In which there
is a grand display of Illusion and flr danc
ing. 'i her Is to be th time-honorad glass pal
ace where the beauties and wonders of the
glass blowers are exhibited and where sou
venirs are made.
Tit "Home of Mystery" is a laughter
palace something on the order of the "Katx
enjammer Twins" show. "The Laundry"
Is a sort of mystic maxe which does all
sorts of strange things to those who enter
and -abounds In surprises, the last of which
Is the precipitation from the building by
way of a short shoot the chutes or tobog
gan slide. "Hales' Tours" Is a show In
which scenes are exhibited of famous places
In all parts of the world.
The merry-go-round, the Ferris wheel
and the big circle swing will be a part of
the carnival. '
Balloon races are to occur every day, the
gigantic balloons which have been in course
of manufacture here in the city for several
weeks for this speclil occasion being In
charge of Henry Latoma and his crew of
famous aeronauts.
Among the other acts In the "thriller"
class will be a 126-foot dive by Charles A.
Blgney, champion high diver of the world.
Madamoselle La Blonche will execute the
"peerleBs ride for life" dally.
WoroaV Float Parade.
The woman's float parade, which Is an
Innovation, will be given Thursday after
noon. October S. It Will consist of dec
orated floats each to represent some
organization or group of women to the
number of not less than six and at least
that number shall ride upon each float.
Any woman's fraternal organisation, society
or club is eligible to enter or any group
of women to the number of six or more ar
at liberty to mske entry. No man will be
allowed to occupy any position on the float
proper, not even as drlx-er. All horses will
bo led or guided by a postilion rider.
These prizes have been offered by the
Board of Governors: The most beautiful,
first prlxe, $100; second prixe, 7S; third
prize, SSO; fourth prize, 126.
The must original design, first prize, (100;
second prlie, 175; third prlxe, $50; fourth,
prize. f25.
Gould Diets says:
"Entries should be made with the com
mittee m a reasonable time to enable It
to assign positions In parade. Place for
housing floats during process of decorating
win be provided or If those entering prefer.
they may have om location central to
themselves to enable them to do their
decorating more readily.
"Horses snd trucks will be provided by
tne committee.
"The judges will be disinterested parties
to ne m. lected hereafter,
"Any further Information may be ob
tained by calling up Samson, telephone
Douglas 3J. H. J. Penfold. secretary. 14
rarnam street, or Mr. Oould Diets, chair
man of committee in charge of the parade.'
Fremont Telephone Company Sfert
( It Llaea for Tneaty
Thoaaand Dollar.
The Fremont Telephone company, whose
lines extend Into Douglas county, has
mortgaged Its lines for 12U.O0O to Richards,
Keene A Co. of Fremont and th mortgage
was placed on record at th Douglas
county court house.
Lets Contracts at Increased Price of
Second Competition.
Board Refused to Reject Resalar Bids
for Lower Proposal on Two
Items by Tom Collins
Be want ads ar business booster.
The county board at the meeting Saturday
submitted to the Increased bids of the coal
dealers and let contracts for the furnish
ing of coal te the county to the lowest
bidders In th second competition. Mr.
Solomon came In with a proposition from
the Tom Collins Havens company offering
to cut the price on the two principal items
in the specification, but the board rejected
his proposal and accepted the bids.
The bids accepted were the second set
received by the board. When the second
series of bids were opened It was found
the price had been boosted from 10 to 20
per cent. These were the bids accepted
Mr. Solomon reported he had secured a
proposition from Tom Collins Havens to
furnish the court house and Jail with
Cherokee steam coal for a ton, which
Is cents less than the lowest bid, and
the county hospital with the same coal In
car lots for (2.35. a cut of t cents a ton
under the low bidder. Solomon favored re
jecting the bids on these two Items and
giving the contract to Mr. Havens, but the
other four members of the board favored
accepting the bids that were offered, de
claring if they rejected the bids the coal
dealers might get angry and withdraw
their bids on other Items and refuse to fur
nish the county coal except at higher
The bids were let as follows:
Court house and Jul). Victor White Coal
company, Cherokee steam $2.94.
County hospital, Cherokee steam, Ne
braska Fuel company, (2.40.
Indigent poor. South Omaha, A. L. Berg
qulst, (410 In ton, 12-50 In half ton and
(1.(5 In quarter ton Iota; Omaha, Victor
White Coal company, $4. SO In ton, (2.55 In
half ton and (1.38 in quarter ton lots.
Detention school, hard coal. Victor White
Coal company, (10.26; Sheridan luinp,(T.M
Flak Submits a Report.
County Treasurer Fink submitted a re
port of the collection of taxes fromhe
tsx list of the year 1904. The total levy
for the year was ( The county
treasurer has collected on this levy, with
the Interest and penaltlea, (;M,271.M, or
considerably more than the principal. Sep
tember 12 there was uncollected of the
principal (12.475.47, or only I K per cent of
the principal. Of the uncollected amount
(4.74.73 Is personal and (7.630.& realty.
Owing to the large number of persons
owing these uncollected taxes, Mr. Fink
is of the opinion it would be unprofitable
to go to any grea. expense to collect It..
The claim of William Powers, a farmer
living In the western part of the county,
for (600 for damages due to the ravages of
the Elkhorn river, owing to a small cutoff
ditch, was rejected. The board held that
Powers had assisted In digging tho ditch
without authority from the county and the
county was not responsible for the dam
age. Powers will probably appeal to the
district court.
The bid for resetting the boilers at the
court house was let to Robert Houghton
for (750.
County Treasurer Fink was allowed not
to exceed five extra clerks to get up a
list of the delinquent taxes since the or
ganization of the county to the present
time. The salary of the clerks was limited
to (80 a month.
General Manager of the Foetal Makes
Thl Announcement to Local
E. F. Williams, local manager of the
Postal, Is In receipt of a letter from the
general manager of the company, B. J.
Nolly, who announces the strike of the
telegraph operators Is over and denies re
curring reports that negotiations are ' in
progress looking to a compromise settle
ment. His letter is:
The statements which are being made by
strike leaders that there are negotiations
E ending or Influences at work or preiistire
eing brought to bear on th telegraph
companies to bring about a settlement of
the strike through compromise or other
wise are untrue and their recurrence from
day to day In one shape or another is
simply for the purpose of misleading the
men and buoying them up with false hopes
which are never to be realized. We con
sider the strike Is over; hence what It
the need for further negotiations? I only
repeat what I have reiterated before, that
we will deal with audi of our old men
who Individually apply for work so Ions
aa we have places for them, and as we
are adding to our force by th employ
ment of outsiders every day, the limner
oir former employes delay putting In their
applications the less show thev will have
of aettln r-aev their old positions. I sny
this sorrowfully, too, becaufle there are
many of the old men whom we highly
prized, but we cannot. With Justice to the
men who have stood by us, dlfcliarge any
of them In order to make a place for a
Troops Leave and Army fltntlon
Finally Abandoned by th
1 ailed State.
Troop M, Klghlh cavalry and the de
tachment of the Hospital corps which haa
been on duty during the summer at the
camp on Wind Itlver reaervstlcn near old
Fort Washakie, Wyo., have been ordered
to abandon the camp and return to Fort
Robinson. With the departure of thee
detachments from Fort Washakie, the
old fort has completely passed out of
existence. The fort proper was abandoned
about a year ago with the departure of
the Tenth cavalry, but a temporary ramp
was maintained there until all th govern
ment property could he removed or dis
posed of, whleh Is rw accomplished.
Fort Washakie was established in U.T, iu
the heart of what was then the Shoshqna
Indian country. It was one of the most
remote posts from railway facilities of any
In the country, being eighty miles from
Wolt'on, Wyo., on the Wyoming and North
western railway. Prior to the establish
ment of the post, Camp Washakie had
been for many years a military cantonment
and waa the headquarters as base of sup
plies for inuny important expeditions
against the Indian's In the late '60s, and all
through the 70s. Many stirring and historic
scenes have been enacted in the vicinity of
the old camp, which has now relapsed Into
but a memory.
Tha Texaa Wonder
cures all Kidney, Bladder and Rheumatlo
troubles. Sold by Sherman & McConnell
Drug Co. and Owl Drug Co., or two
months' treatment by mall, for (L Db. E.
W. Hall, 292 Olive St., St. Louis, Mo. Send
for testimonials.
. u I .ruira to amen.
Wanted, about forty more Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben
to ride a horse In electric parado
on October 2. Either telephone or drou
postal to J. D. Weaver, Bee business office.
Piles Quickly
Cured At Home
Instant Relief, Permanent Cor a
Trial Package Mailed Free to
All In Plain Wrapper.
Piles Ik a fearful disease, but easy t
cure if you go at It right.
An operation with the knife la danger
ous, cruel, humiliating and unneceaaary.
There Is Just one other sure way to b
cured-palnless, safe and In the privacy of
your own home It la Pyramid Pile Cure.
We mail a trial package free to all who
It will give ynu Inatant relief, show you
the harmless, painlesa nature of this great
remedy and start you well on the way to
ward a perfect cure.
Then you can get a full-slzrd box front
any druggist for 60 cents, and often one
box cures.
InslKt on having what you call for.
If the druggist tries to sell you something
Just as good. It Is because he makes more
money on the substitute.
Tho cure begins at once and continues
rapidly until It Is complete and permanent.
You can go rixht ahead with your work
and be ray and comfortable all tha time.
It U well v.i.rtb tiylng. ,
JUHt send yfjr imiim and address to
Pyramid Drug company, 92 Pyramid build
ing Marshall Mich., and receive free by re
turn mall the trial package In a plain
Thousands have been cured In this easy,
painlesa and inexpensive way, in the
privacy of the home.
No knife and ita torture.
No doctor and his bills.
All druggies, W cents. Writ today (or a
free (uckago.