THE OMAHA SUNDAY REE: SEPTEMBER 15. 1907. D About Plays and Players U81CAL, comedy held sway In I 1 Omaha during the week At the I J Krug tha good old "Wliard of Oi" came very nrar s-urlng a record fnr business transacted, the atlendanra being- practically capacity at ach of the ten performance. At the ftoyd "Mini Pocahontas" a-nt a little of the real money. "The Heir to the Hoorah" drew better houses at the end of the Week, and fairly deserve the presence of all. Both the vaudeville houses did well. The bill at the Orpheum la an evidence of members Miss Nina Collins, Georgia C'un- city. iiliialiani, Mlhi Mabel Hull, Kengan, llariy I-'ox, Frank Harry Young, Tom Jurdnn, mid the Clipper Comedy Four. Twenty captivating ihnw girls, who sing and dance most fascinat ingly are also pHrt of thin company, and the "Pony Olrla" are pronounced marvels In their lino. Clirlea E. Hlaney will present his novel production, "Young Huffalo, King of tha Wild West,'- at the Krug theater for three days, starting Thursday, September 19. It With torch, they destroved the cltv: Mart with sword, they killed every living thing, Katie, sparine onlv Hahah. the harlot- hr mother tamer and brothers and all her kindred. chapter 195 of the public laws of 1W. reads as follows: "Rectlon IS. Every corporation lncorpo rated under the laws of the state, except such as, are excepted by sectidi J of chapter 4T. shall pay an annual Iranchlsp tax cf $o, provided the authorized capital of said corporation does not exceed $ao,); and Joshua abjured them, saying: "Cursed ' 10- provided said authorited capital ex- "ie man Derore the lord that rlseth up and buildlth this city Jericho." The entertainment lasts for two hours and a half and Is a melange of music, pantomime and pyrotechnics. In which la blended all the arlety of historic drama In geatlculatory action, the fet ceeda If.urto and does not exceed ttiO.OOO; of in, provided said authorized capltaf ex ceeds and does not exceed ISoO.OnO; of $75, provided said authorited capital exceeds IGoO.nuO and does not exceed I1.U00,- wi'. ann ine further sum or M a year for each $1,000,000 or any part thereof In AMlF.MKtT. AMI "RMRTS. AMI HKMKNTI. 3C fo) y the serloua Intention of the managers of t, n fmir artll- and eHon one ,nis In one that circuit to meet the Klaw & Erlanger opposition and to furnish Us patrons tha very best that can be found In the line. Tha bill at the Hurwood waa worthy, and provea that an excellent entertainment can be had for a small admission price. "Two a day" at the Orpheum has proved a pay ing venture, and the three performancea at the Hurwood have boon patronized o far to an extent that encourages the man agement In the belief that It Is a good move. The bills for the current week at the vaudeville houses are attractive, while the Krug and the Boyd offer another week of musical comedy and melodrama. Colonel John J. tyder, deputy labor Commissioner, has given due notice of his Intention to apply the child labor law to the theaters In Nebraska, and enforce Its provisions strictly. In this he will be gen erally applauded by the public. Once In a long time cornea a play whose action de pends on the presence of a child, but they are like angels' visits. Children have been numerously offered on the stage In Omaha when the Impression was unavoidable that It was the little ones who were earning livelihood for parents who might better be at work themselves, providing for the Lillian Tyce. the real Irish girl. Is down children. If Colonel Rvrtpr will ic wh-t 'how how "h" fan yodle with her rich he has promised to do, the day of this sort of those thrilling climaxes for which Mr. Fllaney to noted. Cowboys. Indiana, stealers, ranchmen, outlaws, tenderfeet, miners, Chinamen and "cowgirls," are por trayed by a specially selected company. The production will be up to the unual nianey standard. At the Orpheum the bill for the third week starting matinee todav Is declared an unusuallv strong one. WiMlam Courtlelgh, the distinguished nctor, who was promi nently Identified with Mrs. Flshe's company and to whlrh company he returns to play n comedy lead, after a limited engagement Dl?Z rT l 'upply th in vaudeville Is the bright particular f" n .team .hovel, to dig , their canals? Do you want to form a com- ' " J - e- -- pany to ral the circus, the ballet, orchestral band con- excess of Jl.000,000." Philadelphia Ledger. cert and carnival, in conjunction with a marvelous display of up-to-date fireworks. Trae? BhIku Instinct. The nature of the performance calls for Ed- was mighty bright negro belonging night exhibitions only. The great fire h1? .a,V.'.?Jni Columb'av Tel,n- ,Ie ha(1 , , ' "ro been a faithful servant for manv vears, spectacle requires an acting company of and by saving and carefully Investing his over zw actors. To these must be milled lie wages be had belied the usual thriftless big ballot corp.. In the final acene of this aTohlX" ' JUS,'Ce historical spectacle of "The Siege of His master was an attorney, and one Jericho," the vast walls of the city break morning, before he had arisen, the lawyer away and the beautiful fireworks are shot w'.c.?Iltd. Kd; wn. ': nn In ....., i...u "". hi mnu jv ier uraw . - . .. VK uijuiu lire. Happy Home of Promotions Mr. Courtlelgl, with a company of four dcslrl. conefrn t , In the snirita of Wr a people will present a sketch entitled the herca of thn., 7 .i P "Boss." said Ed "Peaches" bv Hugh McHugh. author of -nV ..P " yU d' g VA!' int cnrl"' n' in Maine nnfi n , vnv n v the John Henry series of books. The other form , eorporatlon w Kh .V.plUl limit onlv features are typically of vaudeville and are CX(dpd ,kyXt Tt co t calculated to complete about two and vnll . , . . . , one-half hours of dtvlrslfied and endulgent either rnaterla"r amusement, rtarnor'a Marionettes are put For yrs M through a variety of "stunts" fashioned tho wnn ,.,,.,, tn .?" nlon.r, nl,l onH vn,.n oliUa A .kit " v,..,,.TB un ' ........ In. iinailsnetlna. UD a mawaldo-e "A mortgage?" asked his master. "What do you want a mortgage for?" "Well. All's done lent I'nc' l,lsha 15, an' Ah wants a oiawgldga on his cow an' caff." "For how long have you lent tha money?" "Fo' one monf." "One month! Why. the Interest on that se bananas In Alaska? Do you amount for that time wouldn't rny for the iimiignK I" inni 1111. scratching his bead. iffln' fo' dat Intrust; Ah Jes' wanta dat nlggah's cow an' judge. caff." to The fees Pointed Parasrapha. Tt takes a deaf mute to express silent contempt. Money must he tight when a man Is shy of loose change. Why ahould a tax collector have a high for opinion of human nature? of play In Nebraska is at an end. It mean emancipation for the "kids." romlni Kvents. "The Royal Chef" Is coining to Boyd's theater for four nights, beginning this even ing, with a matinee on Wednesday. It Is a musical comedy of much reputation and Is constructed on comic opera linos, some of the music ranging from grand to the pop ular miwic hall style. The piece has been newly and brightly mounted for the com ing season's tour and nearly all the prin cipals who have worked conscientiously to assist the "Cher' to the prominence It pos sesses will be In the company. Among them la Miss Gertrude Hutcheson, who, It Is said, has a fresh, pure voice and sings as If for the love of singing. Ben M. Jerome Wrote the music and many of the numbers are richly hued and characteristic, and possess an excellent swing. Oeorge Stod tfard and Charles S. Taylor evolved the tory and lyrics. William J. McCarthy Is the Jocose factor In the proceedings, In the Character of Hetnrich Lamphauser. the chef. A comely and well trained chorus nd the piece lo resistance of the "Chef." the famous original "broilers," sixteen lit tle singing and dancing beauties, will be much In evidence. On Thursday, Friday and Saturday even ings, and at a matinee on Saturday, the Boyd will offer "The Yankee Regent." a companion ahow to the "Isle of Spice" and 'The Royal Chef," composed by Mr. Ben M. Jerome, with the book and lyrics by Adelman and Lee. The story of the con cert centers around a peripatetic politician poetically Inclined, who, while a Yankee by birth. Is a thirty-second cousin to the ruler of an obscure Herman free state, and the aged regent departs this life conveni ently as his Yanke relative arrives and the American Is placed on the vacant Mirone. An American millionairess, looking for a title, falls a victim to the regent's Charms and he surrenders the keys of state for the keys to her money vaults. Head ing a list of favorites In the name part of the regent cornea Mr. Toby Lyons, remem bered for his "Goo Ooo Man" in the "Isle of Spice." hie clever work with the "Land of Nod," and other musical . successes; Thomas Burton, Joe Allen, Osborne Clem aen. J. Paul Callan. John Walton, Miss Bertha rJhalek, last season prima donna with De Wolf Hopper; Miss Elale Balrd, Miss Elsie Herbert and Edith Arnold. In addition to this cast of light opera favor ites, a pony ballet and a half hundred pretty and talented slngera and dancers will contribute to the success of the many musical numbers with which the ottering la (aid to abound. Rose Stahl'a success In "The Chorus Lady" has been a source of genuine delight to the vaudeville world, for during her three seasons as a "headllner" she won the liking of variety performers of both high and low degree. On the night of her debut at the Savoy theater In New York aha recalved shoals of telegrams from "extra attractions," "special features," acrobats, "slater acts" - and monologlsts. all wishing her the "success ydu deserve.1 and It Is as nv tnr nn.nnn.. .nu perted to hannen and Is prepared for It. cello biooue and dispense a few witticisms. v,, . , . It s high finance if you win. but It's hlgl - - iu ij way rorjnery ir tr Rose and .leanette "French Models" those Interested In. marksmanship will bev fnUaI amout, likpIy to Pald ln .r display to be made by Pauline Cooke to 5"?" 0T ,m"n- Good""'s. and Mav Clinton, whose clficiency with fire- W"i they m,ne? "' B"V"' PP. AMUSEMENTS. , , v trr are merely nominal. The rt- -nnii y in hip iiuhiibi vi Bovciiti uiiicr serve Jack Mlson and company to launch taxi.8 are it) more eompthn ke an cljlldren besides invention. fun. donee and sonir In blackface guise. anmial frnhi. J. Tn'" 1pss yu know about people the . " w, cap- longer you will retain tneir rriendsnip. ltalizatlon. Almost no questions are asked Wise Is the man who expects the unea- it. high - i'" way rouoery it ine rn.ner leuuw wiim. Iiuui tne neCeSSarV fee And nrlntlnr tn .aI m - m,nman hru aha la AniDassafieun, raris, wno nesicies ens- fledged charter as It Is for a man to get a "mely she doesn't expect a man to believe piaying ineir charms in poses will execute drink In the ritv of n.r,crnr.n "" believes It. the popular dances of European countries. l "o ever w n I to that clTaTd w.nt.t .Wh"7,hr ",raRP ?8" ,t'?at hJ" ' . . wno ever went to that city and wanted the sins will find him out sooner or later, he "' -' niiM- sttirr mat cheers but Inebriates went very willing to bet that they won t. tainers with characteriHtlc songs and dance. dry either. That air castle which a girl builds dur- " "K ,n me omce or tne secretary of state In man of her choice. Chicago Newt In comedy, burlesque and acrobatics and innnt. an .n.. .i.j - " I " v. .auuu; (flMliru IllttrVS OI a series bf the latest klnodrome pictures stock are offered to the public. You need complete the bill. not Ilmt your capltallxatlon-to be sure, the $' more capital you have the more tax you A surpassing array of vaudeville talent are supposed to pay, but after you have dis has been engaged to furnish the bill at the posed of your shares you probably won't Burwood the coming week, starting tomor- pay your tax anyway, and will let the row matinee, which performance Is the be- charter of the company expire. It's only ginning of the third week of twentieth cen- another of the get-rlch-qulek schemes, tury vaudeville at the beautiful Harney The other day a list of delinquent cor street theater, and to Judge by the ever poratlons was published In one of the Ban Increasing attendance, the new policy has ffor papers, corporations whose charters caught the public's fancy In a manner were to expire on account of unpaid taxes, most flattering to the management. Con- 11 fl1lPl nearly two pages set ln nonparlel splcuous position on the bill will be held tyv'. with close spacing at that. And all of by Walter Schrode and Llzssle Mulvey, who tllplr taxes. amounting In most cases to less forsook "Babes In Toyland" company for than ,25 had been ""Paid- But hundreds the allurements of vaudeville. Their of ,npr8 Hrc formed every month, so a few vehicle during the engagement will be the more or ''" aren t missed very much, unique little , sketch. "Blllle and the The 'P11' Sunset Mining companies, with Actress." which Is said to be a most laugh- a fpw r"""on dollars capitalization, of nhio rnnnniinn rf qii which nothing Is paid In, and about an (? theater 15c-25c-50c-75c " HIGHEST CLASS ATTRACTIONS AT FAIR PRICES CTP I7frv STARTING U WO lyjgiys Matinee Today SPECIAL MATINEE MONDAY Wm. P. Cullen Prosonts PIXLEY LVDERS MERRY MUSICAL MASTERPIECE E mm era TjCREIOHTON arms is of world wide reputation. In J. Bernard Dyllyn auditors will find an artist of ponderous personality, volcanic delivery and a real sense of humor. Ills monologue, "Just Like Teddy Did," Is slated as one of the trump cards of the week's bill. Earl O. Illcks, an Omaha baritone, will begin an Indefinite engagement at the Burwood tomorrow, offering the latest Illuminated ballads In his customary artistic manner. Merited favor will undoubtedly be accorded monds, platinum, mica, feldspar, rubles. garnets, anything that the earth holds, all are decked out with their little papers, and duly labeled at the secretary of state's office. And that' about as far toward ac tual business as any of them go. Companies to dig tunnels In regions where travel la absolutely nil; companies to raise mussels and put them on the mar ket: companies dealing In oil; companies dealing in assurance (about all of them have plenty of this for their stock In trade the two Havllends for their performance althougU ,t la mora commonly known as on the bounding wire. Their skill on the galI). companies dealing ln patent medl treacherotis foothold Is announced as really clne, of a klnds. 1n ..gyntnt.Uc coai ,f remarkable. Miles and Raymond will be anyone know8 wnat tnat ls. lrl amsemenW seen ln a comedy sketch. To close the per- a1(, women; wear; , rui,beri concrete. formance another series of the Burwood pavInK Btoneai tngineKi fo0(,g and ,and own animated tableaux will bo displayed. are ton,y too oommon. Xne most lntcrPSt. This bill will be given dally at 2:30. 7 15 ing onpg are tne freak on, Tney abound and 9:15. Something distinctly novel In the froln tne propagaton of CRta to tne savlng way of a special matinee will be the Green of .0ul8. Among a few ln the advortUod matinee to be given Tuesday In honor of illit wn)cn yyen i pald thelr taxea ,re tlle the peerless Irish comedienne. Lizzie Mul- Baldwin Airship company, the Artlatlo Dls vey. The first 500 ladles dressed and hatted play company, tha Blue Blazes Heater corn In green will be admitted free to the thea- pany. the College of Phv.lo.mnnw h ter. After the closing number of the after noon's program. Miss Mulvey will person ally deride whose costume Is the greeneBt Sublime Wisdom of Life, the Boston Ex ploration company, the Beacon Ethical union, the Conscience Iaw corporation (one of the green and will present the fortunate corporation evidently has a conscience), a ,.r wo., a ...c-..m r u. .. ,., concern organized up In Kitterly for tha I e, ToT" y purpoae of dcalln ln bananas, a company 2:30, 7:45 and 9:15 p. m, known Bln,p,y the 8uperlatlve company S which didn't appear to have any business Channlng Kllery, proprietor of the famous at all; a company for the development of Ellery's band of Chicago, has sent to two republics, according to Its title, and Manager Gillan of the Auditorium the com- so on ad infinitum et ad nauseam, plete programs for the series of concerta At one time last winter tt .rot tn b. , which will begin at the Auditorium on Monday evening. September 23, and con tinue through the week.- Mr. Kllery has an organization that stands on a par with the great "Thomas orchestra" ln its am bitions and achievements. In fact, Hilary's band has an advantage over the Thomas orchestra In that It presents great operatic compositions as well as aymphonlo work, These In turn were followed by letters of Tne programs for this Omaha engagement congratulation. One night the male half Of a well known aketch team stood in tha lobby expatiating on tha (lories of her triumph. "Well, the little woman got there, and got there strong, didn't aheT" he re marked to an attache. "A-n' maybe we aren't tickled sick. She's all to the ele gant. When she butted Into vaudeville from the legit, three years ago, she didn't bring no aide with her. Never too puffed up with her own big hit not to watch a fellow's act from the wings; and if you didn't go as well as usual, right there to console you and hand you a laugh to make you forget your troubles. And if she dia at the Auditorium will cover all schools and classes of music, from tha simplest popular ditty Just off the press to the subllmest classic taken from tha archives of the world's musical masterpieces. Mr. Ellery lias adopted a unique and very popular method of explaining to the audi ence tha themes and the dominant ldeaa to be conveyed by many of the leading selections on each program. Instead of using foot notes In fine type, which so many people never take the trouble to read, Mr. Ellery, who possesses a very pleasing personality, steps to the front and ln a few brief and well chosen words fashion to incorporate electric roads. Elec tric roads between Podunk Comers and Bquedunk Center, with a distance of per haps fifty miles up hill and down dale, with an average population of one family to a square mile, were put through ln ail seriousness, and the necessary charters promptly given. Small wonder that Maine is the happy home of promoters. Tha law, an amendment of section 18 of covered a good turn that aha thought was explains the selection about to be rendered getting along as well as it deserved, she didn't hesitate to tell the main mokes about It. There's a bunch of 'hicks' up ln tha gallery tonight rootln' to beat the baud. I'll bet they brace back after the show to tell her aha 'went great.1 An' take it from ma, she'll maka just as big a fuss over those honey lambs as If they were John Drew or Willie Faveraham." Miss Stahl waa seun In Omaha at tha Orpheum a couple of seasons ago In her sketch, which has been expanded into a play In which aha ls coming to the Boyd for three nights, beginning Thursday, goptember 21 "Tha Burgomastei," tha most tuneful of all Uia 1'u.le and Luders' musical come dies, will be the attraction at Krug for two days, starting matinee today, with Gus Wauiburg and Kulh While a tha featured members of the cast. Mr. Welnburg and Miss White ware the originals in tha parts of Pater Sluyvesant and Willie, which they will portray here. The c-ostumea this year ara especially elaborate, nd the produc tion la a handsome one. The chorua has tma picked for Ha singing ability as well as for Ita beauty. There will be a special mat ine Monday afternoon. An Innovation In tle buriesqua Una Is an nounced aa tha attraction at tha Krug tor two nights, starling Tuesday night, Sep tember 17, when Alf. G. Herrlngton will offer his "Tha Lady Birds." Mr. Herring tons departure from tha beaten paths of burleaque takes tha form of a two-aot musical extravaganza, with original book aial lyrics by tha two prollfki comedy writers, Ned Nya and Bob Bly and tha munlo by Goorat A. Nlohola. who haa many sue.r.nful compositions to his credit. Mr. Uernnaloa Laa aevurad as hi leading AMUSEMENTS. ' 'Phone Douglaa 494. ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE Matinee Daily 2:15, Eierj Night 6:15 Week Commencing Mat Today William Courtlelgh & Co. Presenting "Peaches." BARNARS MARIONETTES Unique Originalities JACK WILSON & CO. Playing "An '-Upheaval in Darktown." LILLIAN TYCE The Real Irish Girl. ROSE & JEANETTE French Models Direct From Paris. BERT & BERTHA GRANT Colored Entertainers. TEDDY TRIO Burlesque Acrobats. With GUS. WEINBERG, RUTH WHITE and OVER HALF A HUNDRED Others. Including tha Famously Original Kangaroo GlrU. ORIGINAL PRODUCTION A VERITABLE TRIUMPH TWO DAYS Starting Tuesday w WfllW SEPTEMBER 17 MATINEE WEDNESDAY The Melodious Musical Comedy n 12) DIG PONY BALLET IRTH ELODY USIC 35 People 35 D Magnificent Electrical Effects AINTY ARLING EBUT ANTES IS Beautiful Show Girls z&r 0 MlfiMTQ STARTING THURSDAY NIGHT U lUUn I U September IP M ATI NE E SATURDAY Chas. E. Olaney Brings You 0 Ml It It '" h King fhfe Wild West J, THE GREATEST OF ALL WESTERN PLAYS Cowboy Bran Band I Tribe of Sioux IndisLiii Bucking Bronehoa 50 People in Cait WATCH FOR THE GRAND STREET PARADE NEXT SlIVDAY "NELLIE, THE BEAUTIFUL CLOAK MODEL" KINODROME Latest Perfected Animated Pictures. PRICES 10c, 25c and 50c 1 htm new Him subject wiil ! oat wltiiia wfki OAUMONT "Good Wtut," oomo dy, 237 ft.; "Wipe) off your FH PImm," comedy. 400 ft.; "Wlmn'i Horm," descriptive, 1 ft. I "Chinaman VUiu JLoodoD," oora- dy, 117 ft. m4 your Mutant order to yoar rental Mncy today. If thj ean't eupply yov- wnta tie ll jou aurnvbod; who can. Poatal brmri yon adraaca llrtof the ry) ee Muviuc Picture aubjte every weak, ttm. ir r - n-a wsiMmrm. 1 SIXTH AVI, NEW TOWK by Ills splendid organisation. He does this ls an easy. Informal manner which In variably secures the Immediate Interest of his audience, and the sympathy and i thought of every one In the house swings into unison with the thought of the author and the work of the musicians from whose hands tha rendition of the selection In question is to come. Great interest Is being aroused ln the presentation of "The Siege of Jericho," the very latest and altogether novel pyrotechnlcal spectacle originated by Mr. B. E. tin gory, tha best of the world's great pyrotechnists. It will be given at the Vinton atroet bull park each evening during the week beginning with Monday. The story chosen by Mr. Gregory, and upon which he has founded his latest Mrs show enterprise Is an adaptation from the book of Joshua, of the old testament. It con cerns the Lord's displeasure over the acts of the king of Jericho and his people, and, their punishment by him through his In strument Joshua, the son of Huh, the prophet Moaea' minister and successor. Obeying the behest of God-Joshua went around about the city each day for six successive ones bearing the 'ark, and ac companied by seven priests, each bearing seven trumpets of rant's horns, all pre ceded by the armed soldiers of tha chil dren of Israel, In the early morning. On the seventh day, still obeying the Lord's command, he encompassed the city seven times, the priests blowing the ram s horns. At a given signal one long, loud blast was sounded and Joshua said: "Shout, for the Lord baa given you the city." The besiegers set up a might snout, and the walls fell down flat and Joshua'a army of LLe children of Iiael entered into the BURWOOD GREEN MATINEE The first 600 ladles dressed la OKEEBT wtll be admitted nil to the matinee Tuesday, September 17, ln honor of the Peerless Comedienne. X.XZSIX JICIVIT. 93 prise to wearer of the OKEEMEST costume, judged and awarded by Miss Mulvey. Third Booming Week of 20th CENTURY VBLLE STARTING Tomorrow and all Week Another Giant Show at Lilliputian Prlcta Schrsdo & Mulvey fTo7&d' co.abe" EVENINGS AT :4D & a: id 10c and 20c J. Bernard DvllVny"?.rlna "J? aa Teddy " uia ana uig buck. Cooke & Clinton World'a Champion enooiing btars. The Two HavllandsGnratc,f. Xn.r,. Miles a Raymond&Xlnlkeatc1S!Ur,ou' Pari M I r Lf a Omaha's Own baritone nlBR In Illuminated Ballads. ANIMATED TABLEAUX l.,n 1,000 tsit.. Osil Millies al t:J0 P. M., ft At a i30, T:45 and US Don I O'U&V Book' 0-1 Capt. Henry! "J dock! Walter Bpenoeri Fiotu 10a Xeno's Boys and CHrla; Barry Barney Williams 1 o. X. Vad. tares. IVIA LANDOW CONCERT PIANIST AND PEDAGOGUE Formerly Taachar of Finishing Class, Starn Conservatory, Berlin Piano, Instruction and Ensemble Classes (Practical lestoas la sight retdiig by perlriala laor u eight haa a pieces Iwa plaies.)' Studio: Arlington Block. Dodge Street 1511 '21 BOYD5S THEATER TONIGHT MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY WEDNESDAY MATINEE THE ROYAL CHEF 60 PEOPLE 40 BEAUTIFUL GIRLS THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY SATURDAY MATINEE THE DASHING MUSICAL SOUFFLE THE YANKEE REGENT WITH THE KINO OF LAUGH EXTRACTORS TOBY LYONS and 65 STRICTLY EYE FILLERS Tenth Season in Omaha Delmore Cheney BASS BARITONE TVaoher of Tolea Culture and tha Art of Slna-lna. Will resume teaching ln my New Ktudlo In the Boyd Tbeater, Rooms, 401 and 402. Lessons and "Auditions" begin Monday. September 18th, 107. New pupils should make Immediate ap plication for lesson hours. 'TUOITB BOVOliAB 8017 SEPTEMBER 26, 27, 28 THIS SEASON'S BIO SUCCESS ROSE STAHL THE CHORUS LADY ELLERY'S GREAT BAND of Fifty Musicians Direct from the ...COLISEUM IH CHICAGO... Opens tne Season at the AUDITORIUM Monday Night, Sept. 23rd and Continues through the Week In D AIL Y CO NCERTS SEATS GO ON SALE FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 20TH PRICESi 23c, 38c and SOc Grace Thielke Piano Assistant to Prof, Max Landow. Pupils play onoa month before Max Lan dow, who personally over sees and dlrecta their work. Beginners taught also. At Studio, Wednesdays and Saturdays. Room and T Arlington Block, 1511 Vi Dodge Street. 2 -'--. THE BORGLUM STUDIOS 1810 Capitol Avenue PIANO l.NHTKl CTIOS Auguitt M. ItorKluni Madame IWkIuiu i'uplls of U tyrr BwsVTie, Paris. I.KStllKTIZKY WKTHOU Btudtos open now. School Pupils wishing desliablu hours should reserve at once. Loudest Talking Machine EWorld TLAYS AT HANSCOM PARK SUNDAY, 2 TO 8:30 P. M. Loud enough to be heard by all. E. M. JONES PIANO Will reopen hla studio Monday Sept. 16, at rooms 201-202-203 Boyd'l Theater. THE BOYD THEATER SCHOOL OF ACTING (a practical training school for drama tic and operatic stage.) Fourth Klaxon Opens Sept. 15. Students' Matinee Lillian Fitch, Engagementa Director W. J. Burgess, Manager. i