Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 15, 1907, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 10, Image 19
10 THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: SEPTEMBER 15, 1007. , REAL ESTATE (Continued.) AX EIGHT KOOM TWO STORY HOUSE, $j:0 DOWN 'At 1412 North 29th St. we have a good two-tory house la eicellent con dition of repair which can be bought for $1,800; $260 down and the BAL ANCE TO SUIT YOUR CONVENI ENCE. Go and look at It. 'ANOTHER ONE, $250 DOWN J At 4 211 Lafayette Ave. we have a two-story, seven-room house, now va cant, with large lot, plenty of shade and some fruit. Price $2,000; $260 down and balance to SUIT" YOUR ! CONVENIENCE. R. C. PETERS & CO. 220 South 17th St., Bee Bldg. (18) THIS Ik your opportunity. To build up new division, I am offering 47 lots for lino ach, 6 cash and :i monthly with no Interest or taxes. Thirty ml nut en from the center of Milwaukee, with electric rara every half hour. Thin la an Invest ment, no speculation. Fhotos and par ticulars on request. Write for them. Charles R. David, 87 Wisconsin St., Mil waukee. (19 742 15x Mt'ST UK SOLD. ' -room cottage, nvxl. except heat, elegant south front lot, 60x128; good bam, chicken linuae, paved street, cement walks and fruit of all klntisj M Evans St. (formerly Lalk St.); price, $600; $300 cash; bai. $15 per month. BEMIS, PAXTON BLOCK. Phone Doug. E85. (19) LOTS CHEAP. Attend our Oelghton Heights auction sale, on premises, (Saturday, Sept. 14. 2 p. m. Walnut 11111 car. Heed Bros., 1710 Fa roam. (18) M& 14 7-KOOM house, with floored attic, half a block from East Hanscom park car line. Price, $2,060. Call or address 2830 Capitol Ave. 'Phone Harney aw9. (19)-M59fl Hx rOR 8ALR BY THE OWNER-10-room modern home, West Farnsm district, hot water heat, large grounds, east front; need money only reason for selling. II 228, care Bee. (19 648 17x West Farnam District The walls of the new house, 3512 Dodge St., have been beautifully deco rated, the gas and electric light fix tures have been put in and the interior presents a very attractive apearance. It has a large living room, a good sized reception hall, dining room and kitchen; four commodious sleeping rooms upstairs. HOT WATER HEAT ING. If you are seeking a good house look at it. Price $6,500. R. C. PETERS & CO. 220 South 17th St., Bee Bldg. (19)- ti LOTS In Halcyon Heights. Benson, lying well, close to car line; m minutes' rlue to Omaha. Will sell altogether or in bunches of five. For prices and terms ad dress H 42, care Bee. (19) 157 REAL ESTATE TITLE! - TRUST 'o CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON. Pres. (18) 296 LIST your property with Chls Boyer, 22d and Cuming Bts. (IS) 298 REAL ESTATE FARM AND HANCli LAflU FOR 8ALB. California,. CALIFORNIA IRRIGATED LAND Valu able Information fur humeseekers. Bulle tin Issued by National irrigation congress on the great Mucramento valley mailed free. Drop postal to Chas. k O'Brien. Dept. 1W, lloi Post St., San Francisco, Caf. v t2o) CALIFORNIA Come to the GREAT SAC RAMENTO VALLEY for a home or In vestment. Writ) us and learn iiuoul lis unrivaled products, soil and climate. Pa cific Coast Investment Co., Sacramento, Cad. (JO) kX TOR SALE Quarter section best Bask. Canada land in settled community, close to good town; price, $3,200; a bargain for someone; land la clear. Address, Y .881, care Bee. (20) Mt8J 16 IKH'OLAS COl'NTY RANCH FOR SALE 'At sections, 2C6 acres Irrigated, 276 acres cultivated, suo acres tillable, valuable water rights, ditches and reservoirs; pua totroa fenced and watered; $12 per acre. aHaHass P. O. Box Ho. Castle Rock. Colo. (20) U26 16x Colorado. FOR SALE This company owns 12,000 acres of land, lying from five to twenty miles from Denver, all supplied with linn water rights, both from direct flow and from reservoir; It will be sold In any sized tracts to actual settlers at reason able rates and upon very easy terms; when desired buildings will be erected to suit purchasers; some parta of nearly very section are In hay and there Is no . more fertile land to be found In Colorado. It will be a pleasure to show the prop erty to preapeclive purchasers, and ap pointments may be made at the com pany s offices. DENVER RESERVOIR IRRIGATION CO., 711-14 Ernest and Cranmer Bldg. Denver, Colo, (20) M42 19 X SNAP 1920 acres of tine Colorado farm ing land. Price for ten days. $4 per acre. Write Charles B. Wilson, Mondumln. la. (.V) MuSti las Iowa. J"OR SALE Farm of 29 acres, one mile from (ilenwoud. on Council Bluffs and Olenwood road. Well Improved, plenty fruit, several acres large limber, mostly walnut. Especially adapted to raising hogs or chickens. Must be sold to close an estate. Inquire of F. M. Hhriver, ad ministrator, Ulenwood, la. (20)-M627 19. WESTERN IOWA corn land for sale and exchange. Write H L. Craven A Co., On aw a, la. CU)-MiiS& Olax 12.000 ACRES good wheat land at $7, acre; Organise Company, buy It, moke fcio.Ou). O. P. Wyland, Harlan, Ife (DO) "67 16x IUmiii. KANSAS LANDS Write for our complete list of Kansas lands. Agents wanted. Globe Land and Investment Co., Omaha, Neb. () Malt Oil) aiiaaeoota. ,KR BALE 3fi0 acres unimproved land In a splendid dairy country. Three miles from railroad and Co. seat. The best bargain In Minnesota land. E 242, cars Bee. a (20) M:S0 Us Nebraska. ,iAND tM acres three miles from good market town: 140 acres cultivation, balance pasture. I.arge new house, bara and hog house; also other necessary out building. This Is a most desirable farm In one of the best farming districts In the slate of Nebraska. Price, $06 per acre. We have other choice and rare ' farm bargains like this one. Alan ranches ' of all sites. Oet in line at once before th bargains are gone. Write or better see Jocuu - Co., Kit N. T. L. Pldg., Omaha, Neb. (20) 761 16 ' FOR SALE. " 160 acres unimproved land, four and one half miles uortheast of O'Neill: lays nice and level; gid soil; In thickly settled community. Price 116 per acre. ; & F. McKENNA- O'Nslll. Neb. (-UMt n REAL ESTATE FARM AM) HAtCH LA.l9 FOR 9KI.V. atlases. flebra NEBRASKA FARMS 640 acres. 17 miles from Omaha, 1 mile from good railroad station, 2 sits of Im provements; T per acre; half cash, bal ance easy payments. 640 acres, 13 miles from Coiad, barn for 40 head of stock, granary and cribs; ulniut 300 acres In cultivation, balance pasture and hay land; $1( per acre. - 49 acres very choice smooth land; fine soil; full set of Improvements; about 100 acres under cultivation; all can le culti vated; 6 miles from Overton; JJ& per acre. 1,2(0 acres adjoining above; smooth, till able land; One soil; fenced and two good wells; $20 per acre;; will divide. 1.3J0 acres, sama location, j fine plow land, balance fine soil, but somewhat rough; fenced and plenty of water; $12 per acre; will divide. I'M acres fine level land, 1 mile from At kinson; ItiO acres In cultivation, 20 acres alfalfa, balance hay and pasture; extra One soli and a bargain at iJb per acre. 640 acres smooth land; every foot can be cultivated; black loam with clay subsoil, no sand; Kimball county; $7 per acre; ad joining lands held at $10 per acre. 100 acres good pasture and hay land, 44 miles from Stuart; farms all around It; only $6 per acre. ltw acres fine level land. Box Butte county, near county seat and railroad division point, with 6,000 population; best quality soli: $12.60 'per acre. liit acres on Iup river, In Blaine county, t miles from Brewster; nonresident owner; only $3.60 per acre. 240 acres near Blair, choice level land, fair Improvements; $67.50 per acre. inr acres, same location, SM per acre. 812 acres, 4Vi miles from South Omaha; well Improved, good lSnd, close to best market In the state; must be sold to close an estate; price reduced from $100 to $W per acre to Insure quick sale. 229 acres, - 4 miles from South Omaha; fine land, fan- Improvements; $90 per acre; will divide If desired. 315 acres, close to Bellevue, fair Improve ments; $90 per acre. 60 acres smooth, level land, with good Improvements; high state of cultivation; 5 acres In alfalfa; 1 mile from Fort Calhoun; $tf per acre. 40 acres unimproved land, Vi mile from South Omaha; best bargain In this vicinity; can be made to bring an income of 15 to 20 per cent and Is bound to Increase In value; $2ii0 per acre; will aell H at same price. 106 acres close to Omaha; cultivated but no building; $110 per acre. 616 acres near Arlington, Washington county; fair Improvements. An gxcep ceptlnnally fine grain and stock farm with living water and timbered shelter fnr min, U' X! per ax-re; easy terms. Will divide, iu m:itb on iwvbq roaa, cinse- to umana, all In cultivation, $160 per acre. 4R.O00 acres southwest Missouri, rough, stony land, but with fine grass, water and 2d growth timber excellent for stock rais ing short winters, healthful rllmai. rini $3 "per acre. 20 acres, mile west of South Omaha. 16 acres In fruit, 2 acres pasture, 2i mie minus., gnoa improvements; cheap price; owner can't give land personal at tention: easy terms to rlirht nartv exceptional chance for a large, family by Industry and thrift to Bet rich. PH,- $9.(Ki. - Suburban home, lfiO acres, near Omaha. 40 acres good timber; 40 acres alfalfa; 12 acres iruu; new improvements which cost I10.OK). High and sightly location. $176 per acre. Owner's business compels him to move to city. Will take comfortable cltv home or good investment property as part tmf int-iiv. Suburban home Inside city limits, mile from car; 6 acres In bearing fruit and garden; 2-story house, 28xl!; burn, chicken house, etc. This year's crop goes to pur chaser. Price. $3,300, but must be sold as owner is leaving city. Any reasonable offer considered. Also several other choice suburban fruit ana garaen rarms near Omaha and South Omaha. Write for description and prices. J. H. Dumont & Son CIT- REAL ESTATE I'Hul hH I KUH BALE. (Continued.) Tea as Loatlnaed. THE campaign Is on again for Texas lands. Luring the summer months we have laid i.p, although other land com panies have been taking thousands of people Into lexas. September I we will commence to run our regular weekly ex cursions and want a bunch of "live" agents. We would like to arrange for good, live firms to tske the state agency for us In Iowa. Illinois, Indiana, Kan sas, Nebraska anil Missouri. We have a very attractive proposition for hustling land men. We have good equipment, good land, prices are right, commis sion liberal. Write us for our advertis ing matter and further particulars. Now Is the time. Texas and Southwest Colo nisation, Cor. Third and Nicollet, Min neapolis, Minn. (20) TEXAS LAND. Choice 150.000 acres In Matagorda county, Texas, where two crops a year can be raised without Irrigation; 16 miles from gulf; 2H miles from navigable river. Also, splendid land In the Panhandle. Prices will double within a year; easy pay ments. Next excursion, Tuesday, Sep tember 17. Call or address Texas Land and Immigration Co., 640 Bee Bldg., Omaha, Neb. ()) MM6 16 FIFTEEN thousand acres splendid lands; best rice canal proposition In the south. Great, money maker for the developer. Write for plat and price. Large and small tracts to suit. Send for pamphlets and price lists. . Agents wanted. W. C. Moore, Houston, Tex. (20) 865 lox Allscellaneoas. RANCH FOR SALE A ranch of 1.120 acres three and one-half miles from Fullertnn, Neb. Good house and barns about 260 acres under cultivation, well watered, fenced and crossed, has been used as a stock ranch for thirty years. Owner Is getting old and wants to re tire. Will take a small payment down and long time on balance. Irlce, $.'t5,0"0. 4H0 acres In Thomas county, Nebraska, all valley land and as fine as can be found snywhere. Twenty feet to water of the finest kind. Large growth of hay. Price, $2u per acre. WO acres In Clarke county, Iowa. Has large two-story house with furnace and modern conveniences, Is in first class repair. Large barn, good cattle sheds, good tennant house, water piped to cattle and hog lots, fine groves round house and barn, everv thing In first class shape. 4U0 acres of this land can't be beat In any state, balance slightly rolling. Must he sold to clear up en esmie. t-rice, mo per acre. '.Ei stock of general merchandise for sale at a bargain. Stock Is a running stock and not odds and ends. About 2,000 worth of nuiidings can be put In with this stock, and might take some trade of clear of Inc. 149 acres twjo and one-half mllpa from Osceola, la., with excellent Im provements. 120 acres fenced hog tight. i acres of fine farm land, balance rolling pasture. Fine, location on main traveled road. Telephone and R. F. D. Prii,e, $55 per acre. 820 acres three miles from Osceola, la. Fine house and barn with other good Improvements such as lots, sheds and fences. 160 acres of good land, balance In fine blue grass pasture. Is all clear of Incumbrance and Is one of the biggest bargains In this part of the country at $45 per acre. John P. Revnard, Osceola, la. (20) 743 15 V afiX "Phone Order by Phone. There arc Rio Seasons Courtney's No matter what you want, or when you want it, wo can supply you. Every modern facility for the rapid transpor tation of Good Products is at our command and we can fur nish you with Nature's Choicest Gifts from every Clime, every week in the year. If you want canned fruits and vegetables you will find ours" just a little better" for they are all pYeiared. by ex perts who know how. Grand Showing of New Style Boys' and Children's Clothing The. same excelence in quality that has always marked Ilnvdcn's Clothing the best. Groceries - Meats - Dakcry Table Delicacies - Fruils - liquors. I'hone Douglas 047 Private Kxcbange Connects All Departments. 3 17tti ana Douglas Sis. CHEAP land Jacobson & Co., 9.15 N. T. L. (20)-M46B 29 CASH or trade, 1,440 acres, near Winni peg, tin.; level, on new K. r. ; also 10 acres corn land, Hyde Co., S. IX Hnx 123. Sibley, la. (20) M678 17x 1 640 acres Lincoln county. Neb.. 820 acres iiHiiiuiun county,, one steam .thresh ing machine and corn sheller, also horse and buggy; what have you. WHt North W!U5L .2n)-S3fi ffix 1605 Farnam Street. Omaha, Neb. (20) FOR SALE, 640 ACRES In Banner County, Neb., six miles from county seat, for $4.00 per acre; $60 cash; THIRTY CENTS PER ACRE annually thereafter until paid. This is open for a few days only. Address Q 176, Bee, (20.1-636 18 FOR SALE OR TRADE We are offering a first-class farm, which is well improved and is a half mile west of Calhoun, Neb. The owner wants to come to the city and will take some city property In trade. The farm Is 93 acres and will sell at $76 per acre. ROBINSON & WOLF 423 PAXTON BLOCK. (20)-8Sl 18 WE HAVE for sale over 6.000 acres of first class farm land In Douglas. Washirgton and Sarpy counties, Nebraska, some of which we can exchange for city property We also have a large list of good , farni . land In western Nebraska at $o per aero and up. , M MENEMY & RIKER, 406 Bee Bldg. Tel. Douglas 61J. FOR BALE. Half section. Improved land, eight mllos northwest of O'Neill, In German commun ity; good rich soli. Price, $26 per acre; easy terms. C. F. McKENNA. O'Neill. Neb. 20 ACRES, unimproved, near Florence; fine grove, balance farm land; easy terms. A. T. Seybolt, 3622 Grand Ave 'Phone Webster 1970. (20) M360 (20)-M343 14 FIRST-CLASS Nebraska farms and ranehea ur iiuiues or investment, tiemis, Omaha (20)-3u0 A Special Land Deal I have for sale a bunch of western Ne braska land. In which I think there Is a good chance to make some money. I want somebody to go in with me. Will take a few thousand dollars. O. Q. WALLACE, BROWN BLOCK. (20)-684 14 FOR SALE. Hay farm, 240 acres, four miles south of O'Neill; well improved; will cut 200 tons of first quality hay. Price $16 per acre. This Is a snap. J. F. McKENNA, O'Neill. Neb (20) M344 14 FOR SALE 1280 cares level land In Kim ball county, $7 per acre; $2,000 cssh; tl.OOO each year at t per cent. J. w. Dally, Owner, 83 North 26th street, Lincoln, Neb. (201-MS30 14x 8NAP If taken quick. Highly Improved PW acres; only 6 miles from Pawnee City. Want money. Call or address owner. 232 Neville Blk., Omaha. (2W MO 16 oatk Dale t a. OUT THET Oa You can always And good rich wheat land and Just the kind of a stsok farm you want by select ing from our luo.uoo-acre tract in the famous Hettinger county. North Dakota. Oo out and see It. Look us up. William H. Brown Co., Klcaardton or Mandan or Mott. Nona Dakota, or 11 Laealle tit., Chicago, 111. (2o) M3a V ISO-ACRE South Dakota farm, smooth, level, unimproved. $2,6u0 down, balance five years. Near railroad and Mcpherson county seat. Smith, Tama, la. (J01-M698 Us Two fine farms, half section each, high state cultivation, new buildings and fences cost $3,ou, dose to market, fine corn and o lover section. Moody county, near Deil Rapids. 8. D. Must be sold before Octo ber 1; per acre. $47.60, easy terms; worth $6 more.. Flue homes or Investment. Act promptly. H. V. Harlan, First National bank. Dell kaplds. a D. (3o Mo67 Ux RECEIVER'S SALE October 1st. 1907. at Richmond, Fort Bend County. Texas, the assets of Brasorla Irrigation Company, comprising complete rice irrigation plant, houses, etc.. 17.600 acres of tlrat -class rice and farming lands, crossed by four railroads and within short distance of the clilea et Houston and Gal veston. Tex Inquire of MARION DOUGLAS, Receiver, Ualvesiao, Texas. ( FARMS FOR RENT Colorado. FOR RENT A number of farms lying near Denver; good houses are being built when needed, so as to provide com fortable accommodations for tenants; the size of the tracts varies, so that anyone with an equipment to properly care for any sired farm can be accommodated; the land has been In cultivation from one to ten years and is provided with both direct and stored water for irrigation; railroad stations are from one to tlvo miles distant; good tenants with suffi cient equipment can secure first-clans lo cations on reasonable terms. DENVER RESERVOIR IRRIGATION CO., 711-14 Ernest and Cranmer Bldg. Denver, Colo. (20) M427 19 FOR RENT To a first-class farmer, a farm of 180 acres in Douglas county, Neb. Will make the best of terms. M MENEMY & RIKER, 406 Bee Bldg. Omaha, Neb. (201-793 15 REAL ESTATE LOANS LOWEST RATES Bemls, Paxton Block. (22)-3ul WANTED City loans. R. C. Peters & Co (22)-3u2 LOANS on Improved city property. W. H Thomas. 606 First National Bank Bldg. (22)303 $1,000,000 TO LOAN on business and resi dence property In Omaha; lowest rates; no delay. Thomas Brennan, Room 1 N Y. Life. ' (22) 304 UNION LOAN & INVEST. Co., 310 Bee Loans on Real Estate. Bldg.. Buy 1st and 2d mtges. 'Phone Douk. TMH. (22)-M12$ Oct6 BAILEY MACH DENTISTS THIRD FLOOU PAXTOX BLOCK Corner 16tli nnd Farunm Streets. v; l Best equipped Denial office In the middle west. lllgnest grade Dentistry at Reasonable Prices. Porcelain fillings, just like the tooth. m . I II I law I III . IV.. MONEY TO LOAN Get our rates and terms before arranging for a loan on real estate. GARVIN BROS., 1604 t a mam (22) WANTED City loans snd warrants. W. Farnam Smith & Co., 1320 Farnam St. (22) 308 $600 TO $50,000 TO LOAN at lowest rates: no delay. GARVIN BROS.. 1606 Farnam. (221307 PRIVATE MONEY F. D. Wead, 15J0 Doug. (22)308 MONEY TO LOAN-Payne Investment Co. t2j 30 LOANS on Improved Omaha property. O'Keefe R. E. Co., 1001 N. Y. Life Bldg. (22) -305 $500 TO $fi5,000 TO I-OAN Private monev; no delays. J. H. Sherwood, 937 N. Y L. (23 REAL ESTATE WANTED $S00 CASH. I want to buy small, modern home, on or very near car, coating up to $3,000. Can pay $KU) cash, balance $100 monthly. Box 2M3, PoBtofncf. (23) MKS3 16x RANTEDTO BORROW, WAN ED TO BORROW $1,000 to enlarge a good paing business with privilege to reduce loan yearly. Ad dress W llo. Bee. (24) ""SI WANTED TO BUY WANTED To buy second-hand furniture, cook and healing stoves, carpets, lino leums, office furniture, old clothes and shoes, pianos, leathers bed pillows, quilts and all kinds of tools; or will buy Aia furniture of your house complete The highest prices paid. Call the right man. Tel. Douglas Si,L (2u MJti UJ7 WANTED To buy first-class rooming bouse. Must be In good location and first-class condition. No second-cla?s places need answer. Address J-l,, cure Bee. (2o M&9 14x CASH paid for second-hand clothing, shoes, sUk KM No. 1U 8U Tel. Htd t2. (23-21i CASH paid for old books. Crane-Foys Co.. Ui a. 14th, Phone Douglas U. C-$10 WANTED A copy of The Sunday Bee of March 81, 1907; anybody havlug a copy of this issue please Uave at business office and oblige; will pay 26 cents for paper. 0-)-6;i 15x I WANT to buy a good seonnd hand tour ing car cheap for casu. Y MM. oare Omaha Bee. MU ?lx WANTED TO RENT SHOE salesman to share office or store room; one or two trunks stored while on Uis road. Address B s. Bee. . (a&a 16X WANTED TO RENT (Continued.) THREE or four unfurnished rooms, thor oughly modern. In residence of private family. South or west part of city pre ferred, by business man and wife. Ad dress K 20S, Bee. (2) 669 15 MIDDLE apod gentleman wants one lare or two small front moms with bath In private faniilv; furnished or unfurnished. Address A 187, Bee. CM) 703 lox WANTED to rent, board ind rooju- In Hanscom Park district by teacher; pre fers private family. Address N 'J33, care of Bee. CM) MM2 17x WANTED Two connecting front rooms, with mealM, In private family; yowiis couple and 2-year-old baby. Address S 2R3, Bee. (2fi) MX27 21 x YOl'NG man wants board and room in Catholic family. ReHstmable, references. Address D 211, care of Bee. (Si) K'l lux. WANTED-SITUATION A MIDDLE-AGED widow lady would like. position as inanaKlng housekeeper and would do the plain sewing, or as care taker while family are awuy; best' refer ences; reasonable salary. Address H 177, care Bee. (27) M539 14x ADVERTISING man of long and successful department store advertising experience In New York, Chicago and I'ittsliurK, so licits Interviews with department stores requiring the service of a superior adver tising manager. Address D 207, Bee. (27)-4Ml 18x OFFICE manager Hnd advertising man of ripe and successful exiierlence seeks a position with Bolue growing, progressive concern, where superior ability and sur passing results will command liberal sal ary; If you're looking for a high-class business builder address G 244, Hee. (27) 912 lSx r. f I ,0 I $ 1 Q 1 i If fSf ; v ; IT THE RELIABLE Priced at the same close margin of profit that always in sures) cash saving. Boys' Ctothes That Wear The quality of garments is a satisfac tion insurance policy in itself. It's easy to buy inferior clothing that will sell at equal prices with our garments, but the quality is not in them and in no case will we sacrifice, quality for larger profit. The confidence of our customers is our greatest asset and we must be confident 1 i of the sterling worth of a garment before S it becomes part of our great stock. " v 1 The Fall season's showing surpasses 3 1 in variety and value any we have ever M shown. BOYS' KNEE PANTS SUITS in ovory imairinalilo stylo material. Color in cluding: nil Hie new and popular shades of brown, $10 down to $7..r)0, $0.J),"), $;.."0, .-).!).-), $.-), $4.50, $;!.!).), $.'.50, $L!)5, $L'.r0 and 1:95 BOYS' AND CHILDHEN'S TOP COATS AND OVERCOATS A perfect assortment of the season's latest now ready for your inspection, prices from $ll.50 lwn to $2.50 YOUTHS' LONG PANT SUITS A showing embracing all the host on the market, every garment carefully selected superior in quality and sure to give the host of wear sat isfaction, no one ciHihl offer you. bettor, but few would equal our values at $18 to $5.00 wumtiwi i nn mm 1 11 iMay WANTED Ey first-class accountant, em ployment evenings. Address K-21H, care Bee. (27)-M345 llx WANTED Hy all-round general store clerk, position. Eleven years experience; worker. Best reference. Address y-l, care Bee. (27) MDii 14x' EXPERIENCED and capable bookkeeper open for engagement; lumber business preferred; can furnish bund and first clnss references, fair stenographer. Ad dress L 1S care Bee. (27) MS17 15x WANTED Housework In small family or chamber work In hotel; not less than $"i per week anil transportation. Address Miss Cora Bailey, General Deliverv. Orand Island, Neb. (27) Mk"i3 16x WANTED Position by registered druggist as manager of country drug' store; best of reference. Write at once. Address Y 993, care Bee. (27) M772 21 x LADY, educated and reliable, will go out by the hour to care for babies or small children. Telephone Douglu-s D9M. (271-790 15x WANTED By competent stenographer , and bookkeeper, a position; four years' experience. Address O 234, enre Hoc. (27 1799 lox MEAT CUTTER Young man, good meat cutter and salesman wlshea position; good references. F 243, Bee. (27-93 21 x A WANTED Ppslt Ion, eleven years In gen eral merchandise; reasonable wages. Ad dress Y 5, care Bee. (27ly-2 16x LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICE I'KOCOdALS FOR Laying ater Mains healed proposals will be leceived by tlio city clerk of i;uvor City, Nebraska, at his otlice until the iSuLi day of September, lUui, at 8 o'clock p. in-. for the 1 mulshing and laying of lo.fw feet 4-Inch cast water mains (wt. 22 lbs. to foot); S.4w) feet of 2-mclj surface galvanised main (pressure 2U) ibs. to n. Inch); 2,550 feet of iliich main (wt. 83 lbs. to foot), and ioo feet of s-incli main (wt. 43 lbs. to foot), with IS two-way tire nonle hydrants for 2'zs-lneh fire hose with all necessary fittings for all mains and hydrants. Bids to In clude the digging of all ditches at least leet below the surface of street at any place and the established grade of the city and also to Include all connections anil extras as shown bv the plans and speci fications on file at oflli-e of said city clerk. One-half of contract price for laying and furnishing said mains as above to be paid In cash and the bal ince to be paid in war rants drawn on general fund of said city (option to city to pay all cash). All bids must be accompanied by a certified check equal to 10 per cent of the amount bid as a guarantee thnt If the bid la accepted the bidder will enter Into contract to perform and carry out the bid. The cltv reserves the right to reiect aiw or all bids. W. L. LEONARD, City Clerk. S7d24t OCEAN STEAMSHIPS JAPAN, CHINA. PHILIPPINES, HONO LULU AND AUSTRALIA By the Royal Mail Steamers of the Canadian Pacific Railway Sailing from VanooHver, B. C. CneiMf4 seme to th Orlsat oe oar stuai ra. Kmiiraas of India, Emprs et China aae gmpraaa of Jtpaa. Tbtaa ataamara ara las laauat b;lt.i. AmarU-a and lSa far Kaat Stranwr Mom (aits, ons daaa ol cable paaaeugara eniy. at tn Inteiuicdiats rata, falliiifa aboai arj iiu dan. Slaasiara Moau, Mlowara and Aoraagt foraj laa euir Una la Auatmia; riciiaai acoaaa BoSaUoaa. laalllasa ooca aaonlk. rr rate, lafarotatiaa aa4 Utaratarst as sir ts A. C . Stat. Ct a. igt, 83 8. Clark St., Chlcst PATENTS that PBOTFCT-a i.a UCt'.E.ihkjrtimJI.C. UtiiJSliLI FALL FASHIONS in FRY SHOES Our Fftll lines are now ready for your inspection, and as always we lead the Rhoe trade of the west in tipi-to-date, snappy and fashionable styles, as well an In perfect fit. fine finish nnd high quality of our shoes. $3.50, $4 and S5 No other shoes at these prices con tain so much value, the perfect fit and eletnnt nppenrance of the shoe as the lines we are showing this fall. Come and see the latest. FRY SHOE CO. n TBS IBOI1I n 16th and Douglas Streets. A Brand New Suggestion in !Footweai SOMETHING EXCLUSIVE About the newest thing right now in footwear for women is the new Gulden Jirown. Ilight-up-to-the-mluute in style and will prove to be all the rage. We have Just received a large shipment of these 6hoes this week and can show you the only exclu sive line in the city. They come in a cloth and kid tops, golden brownfl tops, with gun metal vamps and in button orlace. The stamp of 2 approval is set on this footwear and we want you to see them. Brexel Shoe Co. 1119 Farnam SI. Full and complete instructions re garding the opening of a part of the Lower Brule Reservation, including maps, etc., showing the location of the land, will be sent on receipt of $1.00. This land is lt-Bs than one hour's drive from Pierre, South Dakota, the State Capitali Reference, any business man in Pierre. J. 17. Laughiin, Pierrs, South Dakota. A IUXG FREE T 111 ..-.a . .. . w n. a arc-iiu 7 icsaucr Ul I U II papfT W DO Will . msj innr oinif ma aimmm aim so lamp a bt-auilful inn ring-. vah an Initial d.lrcd tad iwr.niM tba ring to wear I ytarg. All I ah la j that you ahow U to your frlanda sod toll thtna J about my ppr. If you want on of thf ruiM I Juat aoad n your nam and addroaa atd a So vjui I St AT ABOUT THE REGULAR FIRST CLASS RATt TO WASHINGTON THE F0LL:WI!i3 LOW RITES ARE IK EFFECT EVERY Ul 11 -OCTOBER 31, 1101: $20 to Butte, Anaconda and Helena, to Ogden, and Salt Lake City. p ( to Pendleton and. Walla Walla. iZi tZm I to Spokane and Wenatchee, Washington, to San Francisco, Los Angeles, San Diego, and many other California points. to Everett, Fairhaven, Whatcom, Van couver, Victoria and Astoria. )to Ashland, Roseburg Eugene, Albany and Salem, via Portland. to Portland, or to Trtcoma and Seattle. VIA ilSOBI Pi smc For full Information Inquire at Cin TKKET OFFICE, 1314 FAMMI ST. Fhtne Dciiglts 1823 rrs'rv.r .ilSan flafiil- A Check drawn from this bank Is a recog nized endorsement of the character and standing of the depositor. The same courteous treatment is extend ed to all patrons. If you are look ing for a strong, solid bank where you can feel that your money will be absolutely safe, come In and talk the matter over with ns. Our officers are always accessible. OK AHA JtolOJUL BA JJK lOli STREET BETiYMN MRNArfE- DOUGLAS!' as. J tt MILLARD """" VY. WALLACE ' C T MfGREVY VI M. BUCMOL2 fHAHK fiOYD. RUBBER GOODS V MAIL KX'RCSS Oil FREIGHT We sell a thousand different Items made of Rublier. Write for our catsl'ieu" of Bubbsf Ooods and Fatsnt Madlcinas TB.EH. 2-qt. Fountain Syringe, 6ue; by mail 60s 2-qt. Water "'sk. 60e, by mail t,0o i..",d Trusses. $1 00 and fa.00 Hublier (iluves. 4Dc to 91.00 Frtlulit pultl on f 10.00 Cash Order. SHERMAN & McCONKELL DRUG CO., mm L OWL DRUG Oernsr Xta aad Dodgs Bta, Oorasr lath and Xaraaja CO s