OMAILY, SUNDAY MORNTNO, SI UTE.NrRET. 15, 1007. OFFERED FOR SALE TtwfHtt mmi gewlaar MrkliM. (Continued.) ONE) Rmlngton typewriter. No. t, In food condition, fur sale cheap. Oil at Bee offlc. (16) 29 IIUerlUiMUt DUPLEX PUMP OO-gallon Worth Lngton duplex pump, size UxlOHxTO, for sale about October L This pump bu seen about six months' actual service and la In good condition; will sell at a bargain. Apply W. 11. Brides, engi neer Bee Blu. O6)-670 J. P. O'BRIEN'S SALOON and Restaurant Furniture and Kitchen Utensils, No. 1415 Faxiuun St., for sale, W. W. DODGE, Trustee In Bankruptcy, 825 New York Life Bldg. 'Phone Douglas 1267. (!) M359 RIDPATH8 History of the World Amer icanised Encyclopedia Brltannica; new international encyclopaedia; on small monthly payments. Webster's Una bridged Dictionary, $10 edition only $3 25 I thin week. B. H. Robert s. southwest corner 16th and Farnam 8ts. US) 447 8p2S GAS, ELECTRIC AND COMBINATION FIXTURES Largest, moBt up-to-date stock at lowest prices In the city, select now. Delivered when needed. Inspection Invited. BURGESS-URANDEN CO., 813 Bo. 16th St Tel. Doug. JSL Ut-2a FOR BALE Onyx soda fountain, 24-ayrup, two body, refrigerator base, counter au tomatic carbonalor, niter, all as good as new; also dnu store fixtures, counters and show cuse. Howell Lrug Co., ItiUl and Capitol Ave. (lti 64 FOR 6ALB Show cases, two 6 ft., 17 Inches high, Muck walnut; one ft., 12 Inches high, black walnut; one 12 ft., 17 Inches hlKh. oak; one Carey safe, 56 inches high; one Jewelers' wall cane. Matter-Thadon Co., 27 U. B. National Bank Bldg., Omaha, Neb. (Ill) MSOti 16 THE BEST MEAT MARKET In a city of 30,000 Inhabitants, and building for rent. Address A, Omaha Beo, Council Bluffs, la. (16)-M642 012x FOR SALE) A butcher's refrigerator, sev eral shew cases, a new peanut roaster, large coffee mill, two large automatic oil tanks and store fixtures too numerous to mention. Olobe Land and Investment Co.. Omaha, Neb. (18) 271 FOR 8 ALIO CHEAP 28 H. P. Fairbanks & Morse gasoline engine, new; has been run only a few times; will give a bargain. Apply to B. W. Cooke, Kimball, Neh. (16)-M094 27 BHKRM AN-WILLIAM8 CO., best mixed paint. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co. (16) 278 SECOND-HAND rubber hose, tools. Singer, 416 N. 16th. (16) feu FOR SALE Finest boarding house In the city; bent location, all furnished; walk ing distance, etc.; cheap. Inquire 803 Karbach Blk., Omaha, Neb. (18) 474 DRUGS at cut prices;-freight paid on all orders; catalogue free. SHERMAN & U'OONNELL DRUO CO.. Omaha, Neb. (16) 275 . 6KND US your mall orders for drugs; freight paid on $10 lots. Myers-Dillon Drug Co., Omaha. (18) 277 HOMEOPATHIC medicines, wholesale and retail. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co. (16) 278 HAY $9.00 per ton. Wagner, 801 N. Kith. (16) 20 HALL'S safes, now, 2d-hand. ISIS Farnam. (18 279 FURNACE for sale; used only short time; Is In good condition. Address W 186, care Bee. (16) 645-15 FOR SALE Hot air furnace; must be sold at once. Inquire Q. Jameson, 2784 Blondo St (16)-frl7 15 FOR SALE Furnace, suitable for heating a 9-room house; good jis new; apply at once, 3627 Harney St. (10) 823 FEW bargains in 2d hand soda fountains, monthly payments. Derlght. 1818 Farnam. (16)-2&i 0-INCH black walnut roll-top desk, good repair, $J0. 228 Bee Bldg. il6) M667 16x FOR SALE Three hundred tons of fine Ice. Will quote price f. o. b. at Perry Coon Valley Ice Co., Perry, la. (IS) M813 21 FOR SAT.W-French Orient motorcycle, cheap. Address C 240, care Boo. (16) M892 17x FOR SALE Good cooking range. Call evenings. 2511 Pierce St. (16) 946 18x PATENTS LARSON CO.-Book free. Bee Bldg. (17) ZU D. O. BARN ELL, patent attorney and ma chine designer, Paxton blk. Tel. Red 7117. Q7) 678 Octll PERSONAL YOUNQ WOMEN coming to Omaha as strangers are Uivlted to visit trie Young Women Christian Assooiatlon rooms, 1516 Farnam street, where they will be di rected to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. (18) 815 THE ELITE B?prt tady operr 14Ui "mlu gives massage, chaly beate Scrub baths. Room $u0, Barker block, litU and Farnam. Now establish ment. (18) 606 16x PLEATING Dyeing and cleaning, sponging and shrinking only 5o per yard. Bend for price Hat and samples. GOLDMAN PLJiATINO CO., 10 Douglas Block. Tel. Douglas 1936. (ls)-M644 CHILD SAVING INSTITUTE RUMMAOE SALE. ' The nursery committee la collecting do nations of clothing, furniture, hardware, dishes and all kinds of second-hand goods to help raise funds for the institute. 'Phone the Institute, Webster ltnrt, and donations will bo called for. (18) M549 14x THE SALVATION ARMT solicits cast-off clothing: In fact, anything you do not reed. We collect, repair and sell, at 114 N. Uth St., for cost of collecting, to the , worthy poor. Call 'phone Doug. 4186 and wagon will tall. (18) til IDEAL HAIR PARLORS, room 1L Crelgh- ion diock; new mauageraeni; manicur ing, halrdresslng. Markman-Peters. Tel. Red 2247. (18) M63S SEWINO machine rented. Neb. Cycle Co., ltth and Harney. 'Phone Douglas lmij. U8)-g4 nf AflNTVTTn Osteology and Massage. OlAUiXrjXJVJ Vapor ana Tub Baths. Room 2, 1204 Farnam Bt. 2d floor. (U)-U2U (U SYRINGES, rubber goods, by mail; cut prices, pena tor rree catalogue. Myers Dillon Drug Co.. Omaha. OSt-Ml LOT8 CHEAP. Attend our Crelghton Helgtita auction sale, on premises, baturday, Sept. 14. i p. m, Walnut HiU car. Kml Bros., 1710 Farnam. , OH M40 14 a FIRST-CLASS painter and paper hanger will do work In exchange for old clothes, old furniture or merchandise of any kind or will pay highest cash price for same. Call or address Bhank, 20u M St., South Omaha. (!) 044 Z2x TRAINING SCHOOL for nurses at Child Saving Institute; there Is one vacancy; auyoue dosirlng admission should apply u.e anauutie. ism aua unio bib. UJb Mirf 14x PERSONAL (Continued.) PPIVATB CONFINEMENT HOMBl Mrs. Dr. King, 1320 N. 24th St Tel. Web ' (18) 2&8 t AnKT.TTP treatment and bath. Mme MAUXS-CjlA-' Smith, lis N. 15th, 2d floor. (18) ) OMAHA Stammerers' Institute. Ramge Building. 08)-2M OMAHA Steam Paste Co., manufacturers pure flour past. 2210 Cuming. Telephone Douglas 1521. 08) PAINFUL burns, any sore or skin hurt quickly healed by Satin skin cream. 25c. BUPFRFLUOU8 HAIR, warts and raolea permanently removed By electricity; con sultation free and confidential; all work guaranteed. Miss Allender, 422 N. Y. Life. (18) RETIRED business man, wealthy but lone some wishes to correspond. View matrl monv. No objection to poor woman. Box 94 Elgin, 111. (18)-72G 15x MARRIAGE PAPER Highest character; Incorporated; 11th year; members; paper sealed; send 10c. R. K. Txve, Box 1000, Denver, Colo. (18) 740 15x HANDSOME young lady, worth 25.000, wants acquaintance of honorable gentle man; early marriage; no objections to poor man If honest. Address Mrs. W., 697 Fulton St., Chicago. (18) HEALTHY, wealthy, middle aged lady with large business Interests would cor respond. View matrimony. Rich or poor, write box 104. Elgin, III. (18) 725 lGx WANTfTD Concessions of a good clean character for eastern Nebraska live stock show at Ashland. Neb., October 8 and 4. Address A. L. Skinner. (lV-754 16 A HOME for women during confinement will find comfortable homes for babies, whose mothers cannot care for them; ac commodation first class, terms reasonable. Address Mother Lee, Superintendent Flnley Home. 'Phone DoukIbs 1921. 403 Bancroft. (18) MS1S Oct. 14x WANTED For Callaway, Neb., during fnir week Sept. 24 to 27 a tent show, comedy or minstrel. Address Sec'y Fair Associa tion. (18) M444 16 REAL ESTATE HEAL ESTATE DEALERS. RUSSELL & M'KITRICK CO., 432 Ramge. (19) 249 PAYNE INV. CO.. 1st floor N. T. L. Doug. 1781. (19)-&1 R C. PETERS & CO., Bee Bldg. (19) 292 GEORGE Sl COMPANY. 1601 Farnam. Tel. Douglas 766. (19)-fi96 C. M. RICH, 16th and Locust. Tel. Web. 1476. (lv 814 Oct2x CITY PROPERTY PO&'lALB. t RENT 1336. On two 6-room cottages at 2910 and 2912 8. 16th St., plenty of room for another cottage; we want an offer on this prop erty. BEMIS. PAXTON BLOCK. 'Phone Doug. 685. 09)- NEW MODERN SEVEN ROOM HOUSECLOSE IN. Reception hall, parlor, dining room, bed room or library, kitchen and pantry on first floor; three good sized bed rooms and bath on second floor. Large porcelain bath tub, stationary wash stand and water closet In bath room; hot Vater tank and fiorcelaln sink In kitchen- Nicklad plumb ngt Combination gas and electric light fixtures throuKhout. Full cemented cellar with both In and outside entrances. First class hot air furnace. This house will he completed about October 20 and la being thoroughly well built. Investigate for yourself. Located on south front lot at 2616 Blondo tit. Price complete $2,900, 8750 cash, balanoe to suit. C. G. CARLBERG, 911 N. Y. Life Bldg. 09)- FOR SALE Two houses, 90-foot east front. Inquire of owner. zn6 if. z7tn Ave. (19)-M671 15x Two New Houses WEST FARNAM DISTRICT On Harney St., near 84th, we are offer ing one of the choicest 9-room houses In the city for sale. House has tiled vesti bule with cloak closets on each aide, very large and attractive dining room and but ler's pantry and kitchen downstairs. Sec ond floor has 4 very elegant bedrooms, bathroom and linen closet and a very pleasant room for the maid on the 3d floor. House Is beautifully papered through out. Full cellar wtlh concrete floor, with laundry, etc. Pressed brick foundation,', ce ment steps, paved street and very beat neighborhood. This Is a house good enough for anybody. Price, 27,500. Not all cash re quired. On Dewey Ave., adjoining; the above house on the south, we have Just finished a very attractive 7-room, 2-story house. Large living room, dining room and kitchen, 3 pleasant bed rooms and bath room. Full cellar, concrete floor, cement walks. Street Is being: paved. Price 85,250, on easy terms. INVESTMENTS 84,250 buys two 7-room houses on Locust St. near 22d. Rents for $480 per year. $10,000 cash, balance long time, buys a three-story brick building renting for $3,900 per year. This property la close In and always rented. $9,500 cash, balance at 6 per cent, buya a row of 6 pressed brick bouses wtlhln 10 minutes' walk of postotflce. $27,500 for the 6 houses aid large 2-story brick building on N. W. corner 10th and Pierce Bta. A mighty good proposition. THE BYRON REED CO., 212 8. 14th St. (19) WALKING DISTANCE Brand new 5-room cottage, thoroughly well built; cemented cellar under entire house; double floors; nice lsrge attic for storage purposes. Nickel plumbing. Every thing modern except furnace, located on the north side of Blondo St., Just east of 27th. Now In process of construction. Go and look at it and see for yourself how It Is built. Will be completed about October L price, $2,850. Easy terms. C. G. CARLBERG, 11 N. Y. Ufa Bldg. 0- BAROAIN8. 89 acres. 11 miles northwest. Improved, $8,000. 160 acres, Burt county, Improved. $12,u0. 80x134. east, 3116 Franklin, .. 34x167. east front, S. 14th, $8u0. -U140, S. 14th 6t.. U.SW. 8119 Half-Webster, 2 houses, $1,300. Near 31st and Davenport. SOxli), $1,600. 33x142. south front, close In, $1,350. $; Vinton. 4 ronni. 3cxll2. $i.6uu. 2731 Davenport, T rooms. $2,000. (615 Rees. m rental. $2,3u). T rooms, modern, near 2oth and Grace, $3,400. 110x114, northasst, tn and Webster, $4,600. $ store and flats, 8M0 rental, $6,600. Near High School $n40 rental, $7,'. 13Lxl feet, corner, within six blocks of postofllCA, $8,300. I brick stores. $1,500 rental. $1! .690. Northwest corner 14th and Dodge. 44xM feet. 8-story and basement., brick. $23,500. JOHN N. FRENZER, OPP. OLD P. O. (19)-b38 II PLEASANT borne or good Investment. 8 room all modern house, laundry, corner lot, good location; also vacant lot adjoin ing. 2701 Wool worth Ave. (ID) M607 ltx REAL ESTATE CITY PROPERTY TOR SALE. (Continued.) GEORGE (St 1G01 Farnam Street DUNDEE Few people realize that over $l,Ono In cash is being apent this year In houses, grading and other substantial and permanent Improvements Just west on Dundee, on Dodge St.; also that upwards of $50,i0 Is being expended In grading, cement side walks, building reinforced concrete bridge across Lndorwood Ave., setting out trees, making roadways and other Improvements of a permanent character In Dundee along 51st Bt. r Dundee Is Omaha's best residence suburb, Joins Omaha on the west, has an 8 minute car service and can be reached by taking any West Farnam litndoe car; water, gas and electric light are furnished Dundee by the same companies that serve Omaha. Dundee has a church, a tine school, a grocery, a drug store and a fine golf and country club. Dundee has NO SALOON, and NO oM AHA CITY TAX. The finest and most costly houses built this year are west of Dundee, on Dodge St. Home of the best lots In Dundee, 60x135 feet, with lots, blocks and streets put to uniform and established grades, with water, gas, electric light, trees, cement side walk, and on car line, can be boupht now for $W) on easy payments; 6 per cent dis count for all cash and 10 per cent additional discount for parties who commence building this year. GOOD HOMES AT REASONABLE PRICES WEST FARNAM DISTRICT $S,000 for well constructed -room modern house, new, 1906, hot water heat, lot 67Hxl20 feet, northwest corner of 30th and Davenport Sts. $4,300 for good 7-room house, with reception hall, all modern, on Slst Ave., near Dodge St; lot 60x136 feet; possession October 1, 11)07; reduced price for quick sale; choice location. Investigate. $2,750 for 6-room cottage, all modern except furnace. In first-class condition, with additional room finished In attic, large cistern, on Chicago St., near 31st Sts. Reason able terms. IIANSCOM PARK DISTRICT $6,500 for an exceptionally well constructed 10-room all modern house. In good con dition, with barn, east front lot, on 33d St., one block from car line, asphalt paved street. $5,000 for 1022 8. 30th Ave., 8 rooms, all modern, good barn, cement driveway, lot 60x1411 feet, beautiful location. If Interested arrange with us to see the Interior. $3,200 for 6-room 2-story house, all modern; In good condition, built only a few years, on 2ttth St., near Poppleton Ave. Desirable location. fci.500 for 28j8 Shirley St., good 6-room house, modern except heat, lot 60x100 feet; only $300 cash, balance $33 per month; a special discount for all 'cash. HOMES NORTH OF CUMING f $4,350 for a new 8-room house, with rec.-ption hall, all modern, hot water heat. double piped system, good burn, cement walks, trail, near sun ti. eireei is Deing pavea. $3,700 for lo-room house, modern except furnace, In first-class condition, lot 64x132 feet, on Bristol St., near 26th St. $3,2uO for 2019 N. 2oth Bt., 7 rooms, all modern, built In 1906; owner leaving city; will give possession any time. $3100 for 9-room house, all modern, well built, with barn, lot 42x120 feet; east front, near 2sth and Parker Bts. $3,200 for 411 Military Ave., 8-room modern square house, new in 1905. lot 50x145 feet, on car line, near Country Club; owner will conaider a good 6-room house, within walking distance, in trade. $2,376 for a new cottage, having 4 exceptionally large rooms, with reception hall. all modern except heat; also a barn; lot 50x124 feet; on 23d St., near Laird. $2,300 for 924-928 N. 28th Ave., two 4-room houses, renting for $22 per month; near car line. 81.RI0 for 7-room house, city water, sewer and gas, east front, on 27th St., near Parker. $1,800 for 6-room cottage, all modern except furnace, on Fowler Ave., near 24th St. $1,500 for 6-room cottage, city water, sewer and gas, on N. 20th St., near Laird, rents for $16 per month. CHOICE BUILDING LOTS $4,200 for 60x116 feet, east front corner lot, south of Farnam Bt, near ear line and Brandets' tine home. $3,500 for 100x126 feet, northeast corner 31st and Chicago Sts.: paving Diild on both sides; room for three houses; nonresident $3,nn0 for 6Wx68 feet, southwest corner 26th and Chicago Sts.; suitable for flats. $2,500 for 66 feet, west front on 22d St., between California and Webster Sts. $1,900 for 100x124 feet, northeast corner 24th and Laird Sts,; good location to build three houses. $l,tli0 for 42 feet, east front on 25th St., near Cass; paving all paid. $1,350 for 40x150 feet, on Park Ave., facing Hascom Park, Just south of Hickory; reduced from $1,700 for quick sale. $1,300 for 75x120 feet, north front on Cass St., Just east of 31st St. $0 for 50x124 feet, south front on Wirt, 340 feet east of Sherman Ave. $E0 for 30x140 feet, east front on 19th St.' boulevard, 62 feet north of Lake. $3u0 each for a few lota left In Patrick Add. at 24th and Lake Sts.; easy terms. ACRES $5,600 for 10 acres, well improved, near Wth nnd Hamilton Sta. ; 10-room house, large barn, all necessary outbuildings, bearing fruit of all kinds; suitable for dairy man or truck gardening. $2,500 for between two and three acres on Hamilton St., near 6fith St., having pood 4-room house, barn, chicken houses and bearing fruit of 11 kinds. It will pay you to sue this property, If interested In an Improved small acre tract, near Benson and Dundee. $3,ooo for about one acre and 7-room house, with fruit of all kinds, near 27th and Fort street car line. (19) Investment Three-story and base ment brick building on South 13th Street, close in, first floor store rooms, second and third floors rent for store purposes. An excel lent investment. See us for prices and termB. W.. FARNAM SMITH & CO. Telephone Douglas 10G4. 1320 Farnam Street. (19)- DANDY FIVE ROOM COT TAGE In fine repair near 83d and Bpauldlng; aewer, water and gas; lot 60x128, nicely sodded and terraced Permanent walk in front; fruit and shade trees; barn. Price, $1,600; $400 cash, balance same as rent. C. G. Carlberg 911 N. Y. Life Bldg. (19)- NOTICE WAIT FOR OUR SPECIAL LOT SALE IN TILE -FIRESTONE AND ELLISTONE PARK ADDITIONS. SEPT. 23rd TO 29th Particulars later. Call at office for circular and plats. REAL ESTATE TITLE TRUST CO. Chas. E. Williamson, Pers. 1201 Farnam Street. (19) SAME AS RENT . A fine 6-room house, city and cistern water, sew and gas, good barn, all In first-class condition, near 27th anA Laku, Only $1.(50, $250 cash. Near high school, 4-room cottage, city water, paved street. 88-ft. lot; lot alone is worth the price. 4-room new cottage, cor. lot, I blocks to car Una, $1,060, $160 cash. CHOICE LOTS 4 fine lots, near 20th and toanderson, only $360 each. $ e legant lots, near 26th and Poppleton Ave, very cneap. 1 choice eor. lot, south front, on paved street, 1 block to car line, only $600. J. W. RASP CO. 4$5 Paxton Blk. Douglas 1638. 1) 6 FEAUTIFVL lots on West K St., South Omaha; good 7-room house, barn, well, etc.; lots of fruit. A splendid place. Price. U 500. We want an cfTer. M MEKEHT RIKER, 06 BeBld. Tel, Douglas 611 REAL ESTATE CITY PROPERTY FOR IALA. Continue. I COMPANY Phono Douglas 75G nlc,e shade trees, lot 50x124 feet; on owner wants offer for quick sule. I W. IT. OATHS Room 617 New York Life. 'Phone Douglas 1294. S 1.3 00 A five-room p.ottaen nn n South front lot 5Axl27: water and electric light; located at 2882 Ohio st.; gooa neiguDornooa; close to car and a bargain. $1,800 A six-room cottage on Spencer, near 25th, lot 66x134; large barn, nice shade; very cheap. 11.900 Five-rnnm cottage on Ma ple, near 16th, modern except furnace. $2,600 A seven-room two-story house, modern except furnace, on south front lot 60x130; a very good home for some One. $3,260 Six-room new modern house on Binney, near 24th; hot water heat. $3,600 Eight-room new modern house, with hot water heat; a good barn; on a south front lot 40x134. $4,200 Seven-room new modern house, hardwood finish, maple floors; one of the best put up houses In the city; east front lot 60x100, near 30th and Burt. $4,500 Eight-room new modern house at 2006 Maple St., hardwood finish on first floor, south front lot 4 Ox 122, on paved street, a nice barn; renting at $35 per month. -Two five-room cottages on corner 20th and Bancroft, water, sewer and gas, ground 60x115, renting at $30; good investment for $2,800. Two east front lots near 24th and Lake Sts., cheap one for $600 and one for S476. 33x140 on the boulevard, near Grace St., oflered for $800. (19)- AS ADMINISTRATOR I AM UKOED BY THE HEIRS TO SELL A nice little home property, consisting of a 5-roum cottage, a line two-stall barn and two lots, all at 210S N. 28TH AVBNUE. There Is no better constructed In the city. 1 know tho property well. No expense was spared In making a comfortable home-like place. Just the thing for the family with a horse and cow, etc.; nice mantel and furnace; two ltO-barrel cis terns, city water, etc. No commission is involved in miil.iug this sale and buyer will profit thereby. Immediate posses sion given and a bargain is in store for some one. Bee me or 'phone Douglas 179 at 211 B. ISth, or after office hours. Maple 0040. WM. FLEMING, Administrator. Property convenient to three car lines. (19)-867 16 $5,000 INVESTMENTS. RENTS FOR $600 A YEAR This la a double bouse, of 6 large rooms on each side, strj"tly all modern In every way. In a good location, where property will advance a great deal the next year. Located In Kountxe Place, one block from Sherman Ave. car line. This house Is never vacant and will rent for more money next year, It only takes $2,600 cash, bal ance per cent. Hastings & Heyden, 1704 Farnam St. (19)- New Close in Modern House Constructed by owner; nothing but beBt material and workmanship from cellar to garret; 8 rooms; room for two morel first lloor natural oak; second hard pine polished; cemented cellar snd walks; hot and cold water In basement, first and second floors; both electric and gas lighted; south front lot, 40x110; On Central boulevard: three blocks to Crelghton col lege and St. John's parish school; only 13 blocks to postoftlce. BARGAIN VACANT Lot 60x150, between Farnam and Douglas: east front; only $500. The above for sale by owner. m NVlLLB BLOCK IU-S1 IS REAL ESTATE CITY FROTRHTT FOR SALS (Continued.) ARE YOU PUZZLED to know where you are going to move Oct. It Misery loves company there are others, and each Is competing with tho other In a mad scramble for 6 and 7-room dwelling. Not much fun In going 51 blocks to look at a house, only to find It has a musty cellar, un sanitary plumbing, painted woodwork, splintered floors and other objet'tlonshle feat ures. If you don't enjoy such excursions, let us suggest THE SOLUTION of the problem buy a brnnd new house, modern from cellar to garret. We have 'cm. Show you through any day. You will And more satisfaction In a day In a new house than a year spent In an old rented property. Try It. This case needs no argument. BRAND NEW HOUSE We have 6, 7 and ft-room houses noarlng completion. Olve you a little closer figure now and possession when com- j pleted. They aro modern In every particular; first-class neighborhood and only two blocks from car, on 18th St. HOI'LKVARD PARK. Ask us about them. EIGHT ROOM DWELLING 8-room, downstairs onk fin ish, entirely modern through out, comer lot, built InRt frill. Mock from Sherman Ave. 17th St. Boulevard Park. Price $3,800. A VARIETY OF HOUSES From $2,000 to $10,000 and up ward, walking distance, resi dence district, etc., etc. Come In and make known your needs. WANT A FRUIT FARM T We have It, 25 acres in the corner of Omnha. Don't try to heat It. Price only $250 an acre. Later you can divide It Into 5-acre tracts and double your money. Shimer & Chase Residential. Industrial, Commercial Sites. 1009 Farnam. Douglas wi. (19)- EASY-PAYMENTS 5-room cottage north part of city, two blocks from 24th Street car line, in ex cellent neighborhood. Has 5 large rooms, good brick ed , up cement floor cellar, toilet, city water, sewer, gas, permanent walks and everything in Al repair. Price . $1,550. $300 cash, balance easy payments, W: FARNAM SMITH & CO. Telephone Douglas 10G4. 1320, Farnam Street. (19)- Investors We have one of the best paying properties on the market, abso lutely safe, Nine Thou sand Dollars cash will swing same. For con fidential price, loca tion and particulars, call on AlfredC. Kennedy 209 First National Bank Building. Telephone, Douglas 722. 09)-, ALL MODERN HOME FOR $2,100 rooms and bath, strictly modern, hot water heat, modern plumbing, permanent sidewalks, nice lot and fruit trees: loeated near 2Mb. and Decatur St. price only $.',100. C. G. Carlberg 911 N. Y. Life Bldg. (19)- A NICE HOME t rooms, east front, good shade, large lot, near two car lines. In good neighborhood, $3,000. as yviliat i:i"ttri ii, i w ITI firm v, UUU barn, near 24th St. car line, $4.5oO. T rooms, modern except heat, $2,500. rooms, small barn, near 16th St. car line, modern except heat, $2,750. We have what you want; come and see ua or call ua up. SEARS 63 N. Y. Life. 'Phone Bed 987.' (19)- 4304 MAPLE ST. T Rooms, story and one-half, c'ment cellar, well, cistern, lawn, barn, fruit trees, two lots, two blocks from car lines. The owner Is moving on a farm and will sacrifice on this property. See ua about the price. TUR&ELLi Co, B. U Patterson Bldg ii;-M7o$H REAL ESTATE CITY PROPERTY FOR IALB. (Continued.) "Advertised and Sold" The following properties were advertised by us in the Be during the past fifteen days nnd nil hnve been sold. Wo must liavo more listed with us nt once to supply demands. If your property is for sale and the price is right, we can sell it. Exclusive listing required in nil cases. Cottage Home, 22nd and Pierce to Mr. Dee. Cotage home, 2904 Erskine Street, to R. A. Bullard. Choice 7-room house, 2444 Templeton Ave., to H. Dnnncr. NEW COTTAGE nnd two lots, 32d and Corby Sts., to F. W. Van Busk irk. Cottnge home, 3330 Manderson Street, to David Linn. ' 8-room modern home, 2802 Ruggles Street, to P. M. Fulton. C-room"new house being built for M. A. Parmer, 29th and Dewey Avenue. We Want To Sell This Week 2718 Ruggles Street, 5-room cottage, only $1,900. 2837 Ruggles Street, choice, new, modern, only $2,800. 3716 North 21st Street, choice, new, modern, only $2,700. 2211 Larimore Ave., nearly new G-room, choice, $2,700. 4404 North 30th Street, 5 rooins, new, snap at $2,100. R. H. LANDERYOU Tel. Douglas 2151 Residence Webster 5()3. RK3IDKNCK SITES. $3.500 13xm northwest corner 24th and Kurdette. I14O0 Four lots, 200x11, 47th and Franklin. $1.5'Hll7xH7. mm, and Fort. $l,tH 4xl."i. on S. IMt h. near Vinton. $ !iktinxli, on 8. 2Sth, near Shirley. $ 900 Ox75, south front on Poppleton, near 27th. $ 9004lxlti5, east front on S. 10th. near Bancroft. $ 700 Full east front lot on paved street, 84th and Frances. $ 700 Knith. front on Seward, near 33d. $ 45040x124, east front on 25th, near lilondo. $ 40 Full lot on Fort, near 27th. Lots south of Miller Park, $100 to $200 each $5 down and $! per month. BEMIS, PAXTON 1UXXTIC 'Phone Douglas 55. (19J- LOOKING FOR A BARGAIN 10-room new house, thoroughly modern, hot air furnace, gas and electric lights, lot south front, 76x134. Near Kountze Place and one block from Sherman Ave. car line. Price cut from $3,750 to $3,500 for quick sale. C. G. Carlberg 911 N. Y. Life Bldg. 09)- A Dandy Home 8-room modern cottage, except furnace, excellent condition. 18th and Clark; walk ing distance from P. O. : possibly Just what you want, for $2.50; part cash and time. J. H. JOHNSON. 843 N. Y. Life. (19) IS93 15x PLEASANT home or good Investment, 8 room all modern house, laundry, corner lot. good location; also vacant lot adjoin ing.. 2701 Woolworth Ave. (19) MS08 16x D. V.-Sholes Company 110 Board of Trade Tel. Douglas 49 OWNERS WANT TO SELL THESE PROPERTIES THEY ARE GOING TO SELL THEM AT ONCE AT SOME PRICE. IF YOU WANT TO BUY A PLACE, LOOK THESE OVER AND THEN COME IN AND SEE US 3343-Taylor St., 60x130 ft, 8-room houe; well, sewer, small barn; block from car. Want an offer. 8330 Manderson St., 50x128 ft., 6-room house; water, gas, chicken house and large barn. 4715 North 29th St. two blocks from Ames Ave. car; 100x132 ft.; with good 5-room house, modern except furnace. Part cash and balance monthly. 2218 Harney St., nice 5-room brick house, modem except furnace; situated on rear of lot, with room for a good flat In front. 174S Park Ave., 50x100 ft., with 7-room story and a half house; hot water heat; front ing on Hanscom park; fine new paving, all paid. $830 Seward St., lot 50x136 ft., with 8-room modern except heat; good cellar, screens, storm doors and windows; large, pleasant, airy rooms; good barn. Owner non-resident; says get an offer. 8S64 Seward St., 50x136 ft., 9 rooms, afl mod ern; window shades, screens, storm win dows and doors; high, sightly location. Non-resident; says get a proposition be fore October 1. 404 North 40th St.. 50x111 ft., with t-story modern 8-room house. Owner very anx ious to close out quickly. 120 South 37th St., half block from Farnam car. brand new 2-storv 7-room house, all modern; oak finish and floors below; white enamel above; house handsomely dec orated Inside. Want to close out and will make reasonable terms. S56 North 40th St.. east front on 40th. op posltn Joslyn's home; a fine 10-room house hot water heat. 86-ft. lot, fine hard wood finish, splendidly built; this csn be bought at the best "-raln of anything In West Farnam district. VACANT. 40x120, west front on lfith. Just south of Good House, Good Lot, Good Location K.,nAm n,t . n irn mmtaw .AW.. C II nnA bath; In fact, ail modern except heat; permanent sidewalks, etc. lAicatea mil ana Manderson St. Price. $2.. C. G. Carlberg 911 N. Y. Life Bldg. (19)- HOME BUYERS WILL DO WELL TO SEE THESE BARGAINS a ... . ... a era Try 11 A am ATPArit .DOV rWW B-Iuum v-w ...... , . . . v ' lurnace; can uuibii ih-j ... , , . . .... i ... i ,.l . i ...1.1 n li . In. Ji.l r- rnn. Crete walk; cement cellar; paving paid; on unsioi close 10 :iui. .w. ...I... .1 ...... K i.,.ltn0 tin VI fl.tuu ai-m - ......... : - near Manderson; sewer, water, gas; cant DO ueni HI -limn ii,. inc. JI.1W O-i uuiii iitir in,ii J' '-. close to car; paving paid; this home has maple noors auove anu ueiuw; u.n w.n way; fine fixtures; Is back plastered and has double floors; completely modern ex cept furnace. Manderson St. You cannot appreciate this offer until you have seen the goods. $2,000 takes 7-room collage close to N. 24th car, on Emmet. For Information, 'phone Web. 1069. For Investigation call at S320 N. 24th St.' UNDERBILL & CO. (19)-4M 16 SNAP An Ideal home of 8 rooms, at 3232 Harney; Just completed; hot water heat, tile floor In bath, oak finish and oak floors upstairs and down; lot 4 Ox 103, lawn, cement walks and steps; In short, a thoroughly up-to-date house. Price for Immediate sale, $6,000; $2,600 cash. ERNEST SWEET, 613 N, Y. Life. (19) 8.0 14 BUY THIS BARGAIN. Lot at 16th and Fort street only $225. 8 O. KouWuist Owner, .tvi S. Jvth St REAL ESTATE CITY PROPFRTY FOR IAMB. (Continued. I 442 Board of Trada. vwi iAr.s i hn Mai i I'.ttAin. $1,300 $;ini cash will buy a 4-room cottagsj in iiiMiii tni fc ui me Cliy. $1,500 $.'i)0 caxh fyr E rooms, city water, toilet and gns, near 32d and Burdette. tl V1 '! . e - .., mr a o-room collage, city nnnr iinii eiecino iignis. $1,W $:m rauli, for a E-room cottage located on U...,tl, 1 . I. at I.,.. $l,i50-.i0 ensh. a cottnge of 5 rooms on 8. lfith. near Bancroft. $1,800 $.100 cash, for a tt-ruom home, neaf 27th and Burdette. $2,500 $fim cash, buys an 8-room house Iq north part of the city. $4,000 $&oo cash, buys a 10-room all nidera BEMIS. PAXTON BLOCK. t 'Phone Doug. 585. 09) HERE IS A GOOD LOCATION fwrofim rntto tret wot,, uw.. n . .1 . u permanent walks, etc. Located on Mander son St., one block from Sherman Ave. car line. Price, $1,850. C. G. Carlberg 9U N. T. Life Bldg. 09)- Opportunity Exceptional Southeast corner 20th St.,v BOULEVARD and MANDERSON, 80x140 feet, to litth St.; can built two west and two east front modern COTTAGES; WILL rent readily, or sell at handsome prollt. NOTHlNf equal or so available In north part of city for the money. SPBCIAL price for fewi days. Bee - me. J. II. JOHNSON. 843 N. Y. LIFE, (19) 895 15X Vinton St; high, sightly and close to. the car. 60x120, North front on Vinton, between 15th and 16th;, paving and permanent walk paid for. This la a splundtd location for cheap fiata. Southeast cor. ' 18th and Vinton, 44 x80. This Is one of the best business corners In the south part of the cltv. Southeast cor. 88th and Farnnm, 45x87 ft. Make us an offer on this. We have two lots adjoining It on the south and can give you as much frontage as you want. It's one of the best buys in the city. East and west fronts on 20th and 21st fit. I Just south of Mason; choice lots of any jjm wain. r-.a-iy tfrins; in warning distance and within railroad calling dis tance; perfect title. Speclnl Inducements If you will build Immediately. FOR INVESTMENT PURPOSES. We offer three good frame cottages No. 1915-171-19 Vinton St. Renting $35 per month. 523-27 South 26th Ave., the finest and best built double brick terrace In the city; leased to good tenants for $100 per month, on yearly lease. It Is Just as safe an Income as government bonds, and a wholo lot better per cent. Bu sure to see It. Southwest cor. 28th and Dewey Ave., two A-l modern houses of 8 rooms each, and a vacant lot big enough for a double, brick terrace. This Is one of the best bargains In the city. ACRES. Let us show you Keystone park the finest suburban acreage proposition ever laid out around Omaha: It Is soiling fast; prices! reasonable, $175 to $375 per acre. Will . show you Inautomoblles any da v. (19)-03 15x i A GOOD PLACE TO BUY A LOT, Near South 32d Ave., along the new car line extension, on $2d Ave., south of Hanscom Park. We have several good large lota we can sell vou now for $450 on our essy payment plan. $26 cash, $10 pe month. The prices all along the extension will be a great deal higher shortly. Hastings & neyden, 1704 Farnam St Bee Building. (19)- LOOK AT THIS ONE 6-room cottage, water, sewer hth ran. storm sash and screens; south front lot, well improved and in a 'good location. S Make' offer. Te"uiun- 1r,ue- C G. Carlberg U N. Y. Life Bldg. 09) HOW'S THIS FOR SNAPS f Some Cheap Houses. $1,1000 will buy a fine 8-room house In, first class repair, good well and large lot. The number of this house Is 3721 Ohio St. It is a little unhandy to the car line at the present time. Hut It Is absolutely the biggest snap in the city. We will guar antee to rent this for $16 per month. $3,300 will buy one of the finest 7-roont homes there Is In the city. It Is located near 24th and Kinney Sts. This house la nearly new. Absolutely all modern. Oalt finish, large lot. If you are looking for something fine that Is a snap, let us Show you this. We haw houses In all parts of the city. No matter what you want wo can suit ' you. KELLY & WAIT Phone D. 4604. 224) Neville Bile. (19)- $1,350 4-room cotage. city water, gas; lot 60x124: $H0 cosh. 3815 N. 21st. $1,900 New 7-room bouse; nice shade, south front. Small cash payment: balance. $16 per month; per cent. 2509 Sara toga. $3,000 Nearly new 6-roorn house, fullr mod., fine lot, 60x150. This is a great snap; located near d and Call fornia. $ 200-60x128. 47th and Burdette; snap. I 2C0 2th and Fort. 49x124; bargain. $ S5O-&IX150. 46th and S.ward; great snap. $ 6ft0 Business lot near 17th and Vinton. F. C. BEST, 821 N. Y. L. f