( ( ft' 1 ( HELP' WANTED MALE tWO SALESMEN FOR JOHN WANA MAKKR'B OH EAT REDUCTION BALE OK "THE HISTORIANS' HI8TORT OF the world." uheral INDUCE MENTS AND AN EXCELLENT OP PORTUNITY FOR RIJ MONEY FOR THOSE WHO CAN HANDLE A HIGH GRADE PROPOSITION AND WORK FROM LKADB EXCLUSIVELY. AD DRESS: O. FREDERICKS, 416 CEN TURY BUILDING. KANSAS CITY, MO. (9) 718 15 IVANTED Ralesmnn experienced In any - VV. . "r" iraao in Nebraska. A Liberal ciimmtKnlima .nii tiz ...i. advance. One salesman earned JoW.Ol last month, his first experience with us. The wumnreui,, jeweiry to., Cleveland, Ohio. r (9)-753 16x PICTURE ao-ent wanted- n ,.. logue mailed free; guaranteed portraits; r"""ii, puiow tops, frame and art foods; 400 per cent profit. Daniel H. Bitter Co., 819 Van Buren St., Chicago, 111. , (!)-744 16x I'AROG manufacturing concern will nave representative in Omaha within a ween or ten days to engage salesmen for Minnesota territory. Want young, ex perienced traveling salesmen Hccustomed to selling country dealer. Give age, lines handled to obtained interview, llox 656, Chicago. (9) "3d lEx 8ALE8MAN for Nebraska; experienced traveling man preferred; line stapla for general trade; position permanent; $30 weekly advance with mmmisalons. Saw yer, Leslie A Co., Detroit, Mich. () 746 ICS BIX MBN wanted at once to sell the New International Encyclopedia In Nebraska. Iowa and 8outIl Dakota: imn,l , ,,!. sions and a guaranteed salary to the fitrh, ....... A . -... ,. .,,. unite or WTlte 71S N. Y. Lifu Bldg., Omaha, Neb. , , (9)-838 15 tN SIX weeks we educate you in salesman ship, secure you position aa traveling salesman with responsible firm. Address The Bradstreet System, Rochester. N Y , 19) 773 IBs S.n TS- h(,V,"e canvassers, both sexes, sell Suvlo," best cheapest gas jet heater, 10 dally. Suvlo ly70 TnfVd Ave., New York. , (9)-780 15x AGENTS everywhere. Write quick, Some thing abaoluately new. Imported from Europe, never sold before In America, lerrltory given. America-Europe Com pany, ltd, Columbus Ave., New York. . () 778 lis DNB or two hustling land salesmen. Salary according to ability, 232 Neville Blk. , (9)-M9 19 WANTHD Salesman. $75 per week and ex penses; staple specialty; old established house; permanent; high priced men In vestigate; references. Frank R. Jennings Sales Manager, Chicago. (9) NSs lux ?i WKlvLY easily mado selling the Lit tle Wonder Combination Churn. Egg Beater and Cream Whip, poople cult make the r own butter In 2V, minutes. Unexcelled for whipping cream or beating CKgs. Rig profits. Restaurants and bakeries buy at sight. Write at once for Salle St., Chicago. (9)-fi77 15x WANTED-An experienced high class spe clii ty aaleman for a new sales system and full line staple mill remnants to dry goods notion and general stores. A big proposi tion. Only experienced succeasful man considered for middle west. Address Bales Dept., Room 3o6-66 Fifth Ave., chl- (91-87 lMr DASOIJNE light men answer this ad and gut best proposition ever offered. Ad- ure.a national l,lgnt, Heat and Power v.Kiiiaiijr, aui y. iko Bt., Chicago, 111 ()-70 lx IF YOU don't sell advertising pipes we both lose money. Write for samples and particulars. Commission. Japanese Nov elty Co., St. Loula, Mo. (9)-72 16x PHOTO pillow top agents, deal with the , Tnanufaoturers direct. Big profits. Easy Christmas money. Catalogue free. Ber lin Art Assn., Dept. 30. lij Lake Bt., Chicago. (9)-871 15x WANTED AORNTS-Lcgltlmate substi tute for slot machines; patented; sella on sight for II; particulars. Glsha Co., An derson, Ind. (9 B76 16s TRAVEL for old reliable wholesale house; staple, well advertised line; $150 to 1260 a month and expenses. Wanted good man for Nebraska territory nt once. Address Wholesaler, ilXl to 7 Houser Bldg, St Louis, Mo. (9)-874 IBs tALESMEN-Slilo line advertising novelty and calendar men; something new to add to your line. Patent Novelty Co., Fulton . (9)-873 15x " EXPERIENCED salesmen to carry our small line of nek. original advertising novelties; fine sellers; samples prepaid. 125 to practical salesmen; write Spots wood Specialty Co.. Lexington. Ky. , (9)-768 16s LUCKY BUG JEWELRY Oentilno Bra zilian beetles, artistically mounted, bring luck: a whirlwind craxe; agents' oppor tunity; particulars free. The Warren Novelty Co., 27 Williams Bt., N. Y. (9)-70S 16s RESIDENT salesman to handle dry goods lines of New York houses on commission bases. References and small bond re quired. Uulnn Commission Co., 710 N IHhSt.. St. Louis. () M543 It ' lloya. IVANTED-A bright boy, over 16 years, to hold copy for proofreader. Call at Bee Composing room. (9 494 300D boys wanted, first clasa pay. A D T. Co.. 212 Bo. lath St. (-MS68 WANTED- Omce boy, by large manufac turing establishment, must be 16 years ffi.tf'V "a,.c,"u,c for promotion to blight boy. State salary desired. Ad dlens O 1,W. Bee. (-M096 15 BOYS 1 years old or over, for printing department Experience not necessary. Bemls Omaha Ba Co. (9)-M(u )OUR or S strong boys: best i Omaha. Omaha Bo, J.', aat oZll ,n 19J-19S Sv ANTED At once, several bright, Intelli gent boys; must be at least Itf years of 11,"'1"-,lr, Jd floor. The Ben nett Company. fui-ka I is WANTLD-Oood boy with wheel, over 15 years; good wages. Apply The Wardrobe A Farnam u Tel.. Doug. 1729. ' 19) 663 19 If WANTED Boy to learn trade and run ui, o. uui Uf . tJ-M870 16 WANTKDKxperlenced crtlce boy: nerina. nent position. Apply PKh and Farnam Bee be at Itunyan Furniture Co. 19) M934 16 Clerical aad obn, " MCARTNEY INSTITUTE, WUB FARNAM BT. Classes now open; able instructors. Complete shorthand and business course and preparatory for civil service, college or a profession. Day and night sessions. Tel. D. lino. ()-MM4 O10 WESTERN REF. A BOND ASSN.. INC.. w, 721-J N. Y. Ll' m Bookkeeper, 176. Bookkeeper and tenographer, ITS. Office clerk. . Railroad clerk, out of town, 0iX , Stenographer. 19). Stenographer and clerk, t&O. I collectors, fjo to itit. Yuung nun, retail store, 146. 4nd many others. Call or write for com plete list. () M71I 14 W A NTED Clerka, both men and boys. In railroad office. Addresa F. B. Southard A. P. A.. U. P. R. k.. 4th floor. Puclrte KspieM t o. Bldg., ltn and Harney fits., Omaha. Neb. lj-rM!iW ooU WANIED-Offlce men and advertising writers for high salaried positions In Wattle. Is transportation required? De tail experience and sav If you can give bond; Inclose stamp. II. T. Bnyder. 1411 Taylor. Seattle. () 77S 15s WANTED-Registered drug clerk for re lief work about beptember aa No boost r. tMM Yklnu ElWBQi. Neb. . HELP WANTED MALE Clerical and Oflet-CoatlaaeA. CO-OPERATIVE OPPORTUNITIES. Salesman (experienced,!, 1,2W). AsslMtant b-iokkeeper and collector (must speak German ), 675. Clerical man lth 'experience desired by railroud company. 176. Typewriter and clerical man (experienced). "). Otl,o rlerk. muit be ambitious and willing to learn business, jtf. Cunliier (experienced!, 11,210 to 11.500. Hardware clerk (experienced), salary ac cording to ability. Invoice clerk (experienced), $). Boy lii to IS years, desired by dry goods house, salary I . IVilloclor, young man 18 to 10 years, 135. 1 veral tnltlons not listed above. We are very anxious to fill the above posi tions without tlHay. and request that ap plicants call as early as possible Monday. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., 404-5 N. Y. Life Bldg., Omaha. (9)-3 15 SEE the Keystone for a position. iH Hoe. (9)-9U 15 WANTED Clerks, both men and boys. In railroad office. AddreKi F. H. Southard, A. P. A., U. P. R. R., 4th floor Pacific Express Co. Rid., 14th and Harney Bt., Omaha, Neb. (") M307 14s IF you want work call the Keystone. (9)-915 15 TAILORS WANTED Two coat makers at once. Wettstein, Ames, la. (9)-M828 lx WHEN you think of position think of the Keystone. (9) 812 15 WATCH the CO-OPERATIVE opportunities. () 12U Factory and 1-rade. WANTED A young man who wants to learn the harness trade In all Its branches: no booxer. hobo or cliinret fiend need apply. Block Yards Saddlery Co., 314 N. &lh SI, South Omaha, , Neb. (9; Mfill WANTED Men to learn the barber trade. Wonderful demand for barbers. Few weeks completes. Practical experience, careful instructions, demonstrations and examinations. Positions waiting. Top wages. Catalogue free. Call or write, Moler Barber College, 110 S. 14th St. (8J-M889 19x WANTED An Al tinner, capable of lRy lng out and doing all odd ohn; must be sober, honest. Industrious, willing; st-tte age, number of years' experience, mar ried or single, wages wanted; give refer ences. Frank E. Lahr, 1032 O St., Lin coln, Neb. (9) M924 lux WANTED Fash and door man, Tyrr.er band sawyer, moulder man and two (21 bench men. Crawford & Hamer. Scott's Bluff, Neb. (9) M922 15 WANTED Clock and Jewelry repairer; state previous experience, salary expected and give reference. L. S. McCabe & Co., Rock Island, 111. (9) M507 lSx PRINTER To handle average run of Job work and help on local news; must be sober; steady Job; state wages first let ter and when could come. Argus, Red Cloud, Neb. (9) M508 17s BARBER WANTED Must be first class and steady; 116 per week and half over VS. Steady work. F. C. Wltte, Aurora, Minn. (9) M139 14s POSITIONS for drug men everywhere. F. V. Knlest, 7tf N. Y. Life, Omaha. (9)-23l WANTED A few good tight barrel coopers and shook makers to make from five to flfty-flve-gallon packages; hand shop; steady work. Address, Box 437, Little Rock, Ark. (9) M395 15 WANTED-Fine coat maker, bill 19 to tltf.60, back shop, steam heat. William H. Shepherd, 404 Locust St., Des Moines, la. , (9)-M266 23s SHOE REPAIRER WANTED Man to do . general shoe repairing, and who can wait on trade during rush hours. Write, stating age, exper'.enoe and wages ex pected. Thomas O'Brien, Stuart, la. l M625 19x' WANTED Saddlemakers to work on good grades of stock saddles. Only competent and steady men wanted. P. R. L. Har denbergh & Co., St. Paul, Minn. 19 M674 16 WANTED Tile ditchers to work by rod; make 13.60 to 13.60 a day. Apply J. W. Ten Brink. Nlckerson. Neb. (9)- TWO TAILORS wanted. Diets A Keck, Maryvllle, Mo. (9) M465 S2x MACHINE men and lumber men; good wagea. Omaha Bos Co., Eaat Omaha. (9J 192 WANTED Carpentera Ft. Russell, Wyo; 8 hours; 64 per day. R. W. Bradley A Co., Cheyenne, Wyo. (9)-M20 23x WANTED First-class watchmaker and engraver at ouce; I2C per week. C. A. Tucker. Lincoln, Neb. (9)-38 WANTED Good general blacksmith who can do some wagon woodwork repairing. Good Job and good wages. Addrexs C. G. Jackson. Grafton, N. D. (9) M419 16x WANTED Experienced tinner; steady em ployment for right man; married man preferred. Addresa Clarke Hardware Co., Ashland, Neb. () M435 17x WANTED A good coat maker, at once. Oscar Dahl, Valley City, N. D. (9) M423 16S PLASTERERS needed on the Kearney Military Academy Bldg., Kearney, Neb.; four to els weeks' steady work; 624 cents, nine-hour day. (Signed), J. L. Hershey, superintendent. (9) 660 19 TAILOR A first-class bushelman tailor; steady work and good pay tha year round for the right man; also a second man or woman for repair work. Address P 235, care Bee. (!$) M836 17s WANTED Carpenters; 63.60 to 64.00 per day. Jos. Pullman, Leatervtlle, S. D. (9) M774 21s WANTED Experienced ruler for Hlckok machine; state wages wanted. Address Western Tablet Co., Bt. Joseph, Mo. (9)-7G4 16 COATMAKERS at once; first class only. J. H. bpotls, Hastings. Neb. (U U17 15 Miscellaneous. WESTERN REF. A BOND ASS'N, INC., 721-2 N. Y. Life Bldg. Traveling salesman, furniture and fix tures, 6126. Traveling salesman, lumber, 6100. Bookkeeper ar.d cushler, 175. Bookkeeper and stenographer, $75. Offlci clerk, 6U). 1 Two extension clerks, 66 to 675. Assistant bookkeeper, young man, 645. Three collectors, . And many other high-grade positions pay ing good salaries. If you are open for a position see us at once. We can place you without delay. (SO-916 15 LOCAL representative wanted; a large In come assured to any one who will act as our representative after learning our business thoroughly by mall; experience unnecessary; all we require Is honesty, ' ambition and willingness to learn a lucrative business; no eollcltlng or trav eling; an exceptional opportunity for those who desire to better their conditions and make more money. For full particulars address Dept. 7 B, any office. National Co-Operative Realty Co., 52 Dearborn St., Chicago; 607 E St., Washington, D. C; Phelps Bldg., Scranton, Pa.; fur Delgar Bldg., Oakland. CaJ. () 741 l&x SOUND young men, aged 18 to 35, for firemen and hrakemen during rush sea son on leudlng railroads here, In the west and on new lines being completed; "experience unnecessary; firemen, 1100 monthly, become engineers. 2U0; brake men. 1100 monthly, become conductors, 1160; many positions now open; write at once for particulars. National Railway Training association. 620 Paxton block, Omaha, Neb. (91415 OcUl WANTED 360 men, women and boys to take part in Gregory's "Siege uf Jericho" each night next week. Apply to J. O'Connor. Vinton street base ball park at 7:60 Saturday night. (si U720 14 ' WANTED Men to attend evening classes at Y. M. C. A. mechanical and architec tural drawing, shorthand, typewriting bookkeeping, arithmetic, English, pen manship, .commercial law and other branches. Join now and save money. Great opening rally September 26. 00-fcT7 a WANTED A good gardener with some anowieoge or landscape gardening; good pay and permanent position to competent man. married or single; answer promptly and fully If Interested, as It Is now time to plant, Plotter A Stoddard. Rurke, TX l)-MiS7 Ms, THE OMATTA HELP WANTED MALE M lerellaaeaae Coattaaeel. TH CAHH and 810 per month for elgtit months will provide for a future perma nent position and make you profits of i. w per annum, ror partr-mars address P. O. Bos 135, St. Paul. Minn. (9) MG8J ICS HUSTLERS everywhere, 25 to 80 made weekly distributing circulars; samples; no canvassing; steady. Merchant Out door Ad. Co., Chicago. (8) M477 ISs COMPETENT drug clerk. City experience, references, permanent position. 2fi2 Cuming street. () MS29 16 THE Keystone can place you in a position. (9) 14 15 MAN to work as coachman and do gen eral work; none but first-class man need apply. Ira 8. 4oth, between 6 and 6 p. m. ( M426 16 GOOD PAY Men wanted everywhere to tack signs, distribute circulars, samples, etc. No canvassing. National Dist. Bureau, Chicago, 111. () M604 19x WANTED A competent young dentist, single man. registered In Nebraska, as an assistant and perhaps later as partner; a good thing for the right man. Address Y 1S6, care Bee, (Ui M434 lix YOUNG MEN, STUDY LAW. Omaha School of Law. Evening sessions only. Further Information, address Secre tary, 701 N. Y. Life Bldg. 'Phone Doug. 867. (9l M547 Bept30 FREE Employment Bureau eupportedN by Business Men's association; helps work men And positions. Call 842 New York Life Building. (9) 152 826 WANTED One first class business getter for each state, good money for right party, represent Nebraoka corporation, reference and bond. Stamp for reply. Address 8 170, care Bee. (91335 WANTED First class grocerv man, also a meat etitter; must give best of refer ences. Address Y 989. Bee. (9)-M43S 13 AT ONCE, young man with 1 or I years' experience In drug store. Address Smith Drug Co., Tecumseh, Neb. (9)-M546 lSx LABORERS wanted by Omaha On Co., 11th and Jones streets. (9) M006.18 FTX)RIST wanted at Henderson the Flor ist. 1519 Farnam St. (9) M379 19x YOUNG man to learn drug business. W. A. Piel, isth and Farnam. (9 725 20x MEN learn plumbing. Denver Plumbing Trade school. 1609 Fremont, Denver, Colo. (9)- ANY Intelligent person may earn good In come corresponding for newspapers; ex perience unnecessary. No canvassing. Send for full particulars. Press Svndl cnte, Lockport, N. Y. (9) I MADE 6SO.O0O In five year In the mall business; began with 65. Any one can do the work. Send for free booklet; tells how to get started. Manager, Box 670, Lockport. N. Y. (9) WANTED Several high grade, first class, . experienced road salesmen, men who can earn 13,000 to 83.000 a year; old. reliable Jobbing house; staple line. Address Wes tern Mfg. Co., Lumber Exchange. Min neapolis, Minn. (9) -746 16s POSTOFFTCB examinations will be held In all large cities In November. Full in formation about all government examina tions and questions used by the commis sion free. Columbian Correspondence Col lege, Washington, D. C. (9) 8100 MONTH and expenses for 25 country distributing managers for established mall order firm. No capltnl required; ex perience unnecessary. Saunders Supply Co., Dept. C, Fifth Ave., Chicago. (91-748 15s THE Keystone for high-grade positions. 404 Bee Bldg. . (9)-913 16 WANTED Men, everywhere, to distribute samples, circulars, advertising matter and tack signs. No peddling or canvassing. Globe Adv. A Distr. Ass'n, S5th and In diana, Chicago. (9) 727 15x ROUGH RIDERS Rifle men, Spanish war veterans, National guardsmen, volunteers, men of grit, any profession wanted. Em ployment abroad. Foreign Legion. 135 Wsst Sixty-first St., New York. f) 781 IBs WANTED Yotmg man. HUler Liquor Co.. WANTED Two men to work. Call at Henderson, the FlorlBt. 1519 Farnam Bt. (9) M8ta 16x WANTEJD Reliable man In every locality to represent a large real estate organiza tion; good pay; instructions free; experi ence unnecessary. North American Realty Co., Des Moines, la. (9) 869 15x WANTED Carpet layer, steady work, good salary. Apply Hartman Furniture and Carpet Co. (9)-890 15 WANTED Experienced tailors and Jacket hands. Apply Superintendent, west end, main floor, between 7:30 and 10 a. m. J. L. Brandeis A Son. (9) M927 17 WHEN wr!ti7,g to advertisers It takes but a stroke or two of the pen to say you mw th ad !. The Bee. KcLP WANTED MA LIS AND VEUALR WANT a man and wife to work on farm, B. Demarse, Bathgate, N. D. (10)-M547 16x MEN and women everywhere can aaslly f;o In business for themselves by eend ng for our free list of over 300 gioney maklng recipes; private formulae and trade secrets. Rich Mfg. Co., Bos 72, Dayton, Ky. - ()75 j5x BOYS AND GIRLS-Work for us and earn 81. Address the Great Southeastern Sup ply House, 20 O'Connor Bt, Montgomery, Ala. (10 WANTED-JGerman-speaklng salesman oi saleslady; must be a good stock keeper, know how to do some decorating and sell goods; permanent position and good wages for right party. Address Y 4, care of Omaha Bee. (10) M919 18s LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horses aad Vehicles. NOW la the time to buy your driving horse or single wagon horse, aa we are making room for heavy horses. Have several fine single drivers for ladieit; 6 or 8 extra good single wagon horses; have some goovi cheap farm teams. Omaha Horse A Supply Co., Rear 414 N. 16th St. (11) M713 FOR 8AL19 Rubbet tired trap buggy. Call at 211 South 12th Bt. . til) Mi94 Us WE are selling delivery wagona teaming gears, buggies, carriages and harness cheaper than any other firm in Omuha. Jnhnson-Danfortu Co., S. W. Cor. 10th and Jones Bis. (ID 237 RUBBER-TIRED road wsgon. W. A Stone. 3u6 Lincoln Ave., Council Bluffs. (ID Mlu3 ONE 2-seat, two rnnabouta, top buggy mi. m uumi iiitu , ones. Harness, one uouule express harness; one or two horses Come in. The Harney Bt. Stables. (ip-6: FIVE single-footer on the saddle and fine driver; call 622 Bee Bldg.. or Telephone Iouglas 23m Monday. Can be seen at Palace barn. (111723 15 LEAVING the city. Good work horse for sale; also two seated buggy and single surrey horses. 2229 Locust Bt. (U M786 16x One 1,060-lh. driver. One l.Mb. work mare. One l,5uu-lb. drafter. 2006 Maple Bt. ai)-801 15 FOR SALE Pony and trap in No. 1 condi tion. The reason for selling, the children have left the city. Apply 2rifW poppleton Ave. ClD-MSuO 20 GOOD horse, 1.260 lbs.; heavy double har ness; one lumber wagon. 4010 Parker (11) M9 21x ' FOR BALE Horse, buggy and harness; perfectly gentle, large, good looking horse. Btubeu's barn. Wool worth and Park Avea (1DM935 17x ' FOR BALE-. Excellent large, gentle horse for surrey, buggy or general purpose. Also buggy and harness. Dr. Prlbbenow. 214 Karbach Blk. (11) M931 FOR BALE Good driving mar. W. B . Clara, AUilard bote 1 SUNDAY BEE: SEPTEMBER 15, 1907. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE (Continued.) rltrr suasl Basra- GOVERNMENT book free. ModH Squab Co., Omaha. (ID M775 OJ FOR BALE One hundred head of Homer pigeons; will give a bargain; they are pure Monus snd best qtinllty. Apply li. W. Cooke, Kimball, Nebraska. (ID MT9B 27 Cows, Birds, nog aad Pats. FOR SALE-Good cow. 233 Hickory Bt. (U)-M540 18s MY beautiful angora rat and kitten for sale at a bargain, Mrs. Btout. 81H 8. 22d bt., flat 28. (19) lf.x LOST AND FOUND J. HANSEN, the upholsterer and furniture repairer. 1512 N. 24lh. Tel. Webster 32& 12)-Mlw8 04 FOUND Ray mare, last week. Owner can have same by paying for feed and ad vertisement. Call 6134 No. 17th St. (12) M691 16s LOST Dun horse with single harness. Re turn to W. H. Simpson, 14j miles west of Benson. 'Phone Benson 4182. (12)-57 LOST North of Lake St.. a physician's bag, containing a few Instruments, band ages, etc. Will give reward. M. M. Loomls, 2415 N. 24th. (12) M717 14x LOST Bay mare, Friday evening; was shod all uround and had leather halter on. Tel. Douglas 4919. Reward. (121-M791 16s ONE dun colored Jersey cow; short horns, turned considerably In; reward. 'Phone Webster 4240, or address G. M. Hlttle, 2ol8 Paul St. (12) M798 16s LOST Female Fox Terrier, black head, large black spot on left side. Reward. Tel. Webster 2168. G. R. Ransdale. (12J-SS9 15 MEDICAL RUPTURE CURED-No knife, no reten tion from business. gUICK CURE RUP TURE CO., over S. W. Cor. 14th and Douglas, Omaha. (13) 242 FREE medical and surgical treatment at Crelghton Medical college, 14th and Dav enport Sts. ; special attention paid to con finement cases; all treatment supervised by eollege professors. 'Phone Douglas 1167. Calls answered day or night. (13)-129 BEST nerve bracer for men, "Gray's Nerve Food Pills," 81 a box, postpaid. Sherman A McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. , (18-243 DR. PRIES, specialist, diseases of women. 3 years' practice In confinements. Office, 614 N. 16th; residence. 2421 Charles, Omaha. (l3)-244 ANY poor girl In need of a friend call or write to the matron of the Salvation Army Home for Women at 8S24 N. 2Uh St., Omaha, Neb. (12)-Ml'i6 DR. HUTCHINSON, specialist of women and children. Office, 2205 Cuming. 'Phone Douglas 3667. MONEY TO LOAN BALAUI AKD CHATTELS. Diil you ever hear of a BARGAIN SALE OF MONEY? That is Just what we are having. WE HAVJS too muui mujn.i on nana and must loan it out at ANY OLD RATE. If you deal with us you are assured of a fair square deal from start to finish. AS LOW RATES as can be made by any firm. ALL THE TIME necessary for you to "get on your feet in case of sickness or other trouble. Omaha Mortgage 'Loan Co., 11 Board of Trade Bldg. Utli Street Entrance. (14)-M714 Loans. Loans Loans. Bankers to Salaried Men. Do not be without money when wa will lend you without security. See us for loans on Salary, Furniture, Ware- houso Receipts and Personal Property. Reliable, quick to act and confidential. Cheapest rates In the city. Make terms to suit yourself. Your employer, family or friends know nothing about it. RELIABLE CREDIT CO.. 807-308 Paxton Blk., 3d Floor. 'Phone D. 1411. (141-248 Bowen, 703 N. Y. Life Bldg. advances private money on chattels or sal. ary; easy to get; no red tupe. You gel money same day asked for ut small cost, Open evenings till 7. (14) 249 UNION LOAN COMPANY. TUtl 1 mulia a .iplal .. , . . ..... ' hj wo kuuuierat loans, mortgages on personal property and notes, without security. Terms - to suit ' t l, TVr.. ft f. I OIA Tl - . . . A uuiis wubiao vs. fliu xeo 3iag. (14) M130 OctB FOR A SQUARE DEAL GO TO THE rnunmiA i.nr.uii ... ror chattel or salary loans. 633 Paxton Block. 'Phone Douglas 745. (14) 250 MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE ana omers wimoui security; easy pay ments. Offices In 68 principal cities. Tol- iiaii, lyuui in a-,cw x ora iiie ijiug. (14)-2B1 FURNITURE, live stock, salary loans Duff Green Loan Co., room 8, Barker Block (14)-2E2 EAGLE LOAN OFFICE Reliable, accom modating, all business confidential. 1301 Do"'"- (14)-245 CHATTEL, salary and storage receipt loans. Foley Loan Co., 1504 Farnam Bt 04)-248 " LOWEST rates, ohattels or salary Ne braska Credit Co., 214 Board of Trade. '14) M3 OFFERED FOR RENT Apartments and Flats. ONE of the best 6-room apartments In Omaha can be had by the right party taking J250 worth of household goods' Call Harney 3630, Sunday and after 6 p. in. through the week. (15) M2i2 14x $4O.00-61t;4i No. 24th St., South Omaha- sis room apartment In new "Scargo" building All modern conveniences, including hot water In kitchen and bath. Hall Dis tributer Co., 817 First Nut'l Bank Bldg 'Phone Red 7406. (16) M613 MODERN brick flats 8 rooms each, No 3'05 and 3009 Paclllo street, 140 per month. Each In best residence part of city, phone Harney S2&3. Owner, M. Kellner. (15) 710 BTEAM-HEATED flat, modern. 210 N 23d (15)-M426 FOR RENT 8-room flat, corner 20th and Douglas Sts. Globe Land and InveKtment Co. "Phone Douglas 5562. (15) 141 8-ROOM apartment; gas and water. 1024 8. 26lh Bt. (lot (08 15 Boarding and Rooms. BOARD and room in finest down town location, large front room with alcove; four windows, all modern, suitable for gentleman and wife or two or threo gentlemen. References required 114 S lath Bt. U5) M162 17s ' DEWEY European Hotel, 13th and Farnam. (15) 264 VIENNA hotel; private dining rooms; cafe (15) 2.")8 NICELY furnished rooms, close in, good board. The Rose, 202J Harney. llai-M;fJ 23s PLEASANT front room, with flrst-claaa board, for two; new, modern house; pri vate family. Tel. Webster 233h (la)-M793 21s DESIRABLE furnished rooms with board; hot and cold water in rooms. 123 S. 2uth Ave. (15) MS48 21x Furnished Rooms. 4U6 B. 24TH AVE. New furnished rooms, S1A month, up; plenty hot water, bath and stationary washstands; 'phone, electrlu light. Bachelors' quarters. (15) M524 819s VERY desirable room; references required. 640 So. 24th Bt. (15) M5W8 1 NICELY furnished rooms; strictly modern. iUiavt fe, TL lied 642. - . CLU-M441 Is OFFERED FOR RENT Rooms Cost laved. FOR RENT Furnished room. 1817 Dodgt Bt- (181-811 S2x THRKR or four furnished rooms, all mod ern, gns range In kitchen; references re quired; adults only; no other roomers. 2701 Woolworth Ave. (18) MS 14x FOR RENT DE5TRAHI.E ROOMS IN ALL PARTS OF THE CITY. OMAHA RENTAL CO., 608 N. T. LIFE BLDG. TEK DOUO 88St ' (16 M68 60 128 B. 26TH St., large east front room, suit able for three gentlemen; house strictly modern; roomy porches, large, shady lawn. (lu 76s TWO LARUE FRONT ROOMS, n rely fur nished and In fine location. No t.aiislents desired. 412 N. 22d St, (15) 267 ROOMS, 82 per week; good dining room. Ogden hotel. Council Bluffs. Is. (15)-M96 622s NICELY furnished rooms. 665 8. 2T.th Ava. (15) 327 S26S ELEGANTLY furnished rooms, private family; tmst location In city; referenlce re quired. 'Phone Doug. 4901. (16) M718 19 2039 HARNEY, furnished rooms. (15)-M674 B2s ELEGANTLY furnished rooms. 1915 Cap itol Ave. (16)-769 B23 123 S. 2PTH ST. Room In modern house; large lawn. (15) M291 14s SUITE of rooms, all modern, steam heat for 2 or 8 young men. 818 8. ?6th St. (15)-M308 14 FOR RENT-Two furnished rooms. 4123 Hamilton Bt. (16) 634 THREE rooms, quiet, private family, no children. 2627 Davenport St. 05) 680 17 FOR a gentleman, a south front room. 22n8 Douglaa Bt. (151-M296 14x NICELY furnished rooms. 410 "o. 24th. (16J-M442 16 NICELY-FURNISHED rooms, J02B Far nam, 8d floor, right. (15-M528 17s EXCELLENT, modern, furnished rooms for gentlemen; delightful location. Call and see for yourself. 118 N. 18th St. (15) M716 20x WELL furnished 7-room house. All mod ern. In Kountze Place. 'Phone Webster (16)-816 16x THREE or four furnished rooms, all mod ern, gas range in kitchen; references re quired; adults only; no other roomers. 2701 Woolworth Ave. (15) M809 16s LARGE front room, suitable for two gen tlemen, private family; 6 minutes' walk from postofnee. 215 N. 23d. (16) M828 21x HANDSOME furnished rooms; private fam ily; fine neighborhood. 308 N. 22d St. (16) M840 21s HANDSOMELY furnished rooms, in new brick flat; everything first-class; reason able terms. 614 N. 20th Bt. (15) M861 21 NICELY furnished front room for light Housekeeping; aiso large parlor, In mod ern house. 2318 Douglas. (15) M&2S 21x Housekeeping; Rooms. TWO beautifully furnished rooms for llKht noil HuliflAr.ln tr ir.3 t. n.t. ... . e-"o- mw iiui ill "in Ol, Phone, ebster 462. (16 M6U6 15 One furnished room for light housekeep ing for a bachelor, 2910 Farnam. (15)-M70 16 TWO strictly modern housekeeping rooms, two blocks from postorlice; rent reason able; no children. Address K 230, care "He- (16) 762 15 TWO modern rooms, new house, close In. lki. narney (16) M847 17 Unfurnished Rooms. ONE elegant unfurnished room, strictly iiiuucui. oaa t ain. Ave. TBI 80S FOUR OR FIVE ROOMS, modern except tnt.1 I1DIUI DU UU) MblU HfX THREE unfurnished rooms. 1120 N. 17th St. (151-H21 FOR RENT 4 nice rooms In partly mod- iu uumi kiuBB id car. osit Hamilton St. (15)-541 13 THREE unfurnished rooms; modern. 1426 . au di. (lb) M541 18x TWO unfurnished rooms for rent, modern ""in neai ; also lurnished rooms with board by day or week. 2"9 South 28th Ave. (15) MOOS 15s Furnished Houses and Flats. BEAUTIFUL HOME FOR RENT FUR- iianiLU, One nf t i mour H.,ai M- -....!., i - . . . . u. ........ u , roiugiiurB ill tha WAitarn ra - . . t ..;.. . r . .. ., t ... njf, jo ruoinn, not water hasit ar.u l.an i grounds rontal 8150 por month. Will lease Mum u.jr A, iwa, GEORGE A CO., 1601 FARNAM ST. (15)-063 14 KOUNTZE PLACE HOME FOR RENT r L.n. ioi-ih, ij. Verv rieslrnhlo U1t, i . south and east frontage. Will lease to good inj mini amy i, Bi ,o per month. uaumiti u CO., 1601 FARNAM BT. (16) 064 14 FOR RENT Furnished house, reasonable ' 'su. ijuny. inquire km uovenport St., Mrs. E. O. Hamilton. (16) M910 17s Houses aad Cottages. FOR RENT 8-room modern house and uurn, iiiri lirani nt., corner, with nice shade, very desirable xr so Two rooms In Davldgo Bldg 8-SO00 JOHN W. BOBBINS, 1W2 FARNAM BT. (16)- FOR SALE OR RENT. Nearly new strictly modern home, 7 rooms and hall. i021 North Twentieth street. Bee it. 'Phone Webster 3157. (16)-M905 17s 2516 Hees St. 8 rooms 88 00. 1516 N. 2th rooms 320.00. 1904 N. 24th St. brick store-$26.00. JOHN N. FRENZER, OPP. OLD P. O. (15) 839 16 FOR RENT Neat 8-room cottage, 84th and I'ewey Ave. See Gurvln Bros., 16th and Farnam Sts, (16) Msi6 16 FOR RENT 7-room house, 8H68 Seward St., 2 blocks from car; modern except fur nace; fine yard. (16) 946 15 COTTAGE. 6' large rooms, modern except furnace, $24. 918 So. 31st Bt. (15) M933 16s 7-ROOM house, $15. 5016 No. 42d St. 'Phone Harney 1114. (15) M932 lbs FOR RENT By owner, 8831 N. 22d, new 6 room modern cottage. Tel. Webster 1856. (15)-268 Five rooms, new. 816 per month. 4015 N 26th Ave. J. Kendls A Son, Paxton block. (15)-M534 14 WE MOVE PIANOSMaggnrd Van and Storage Co. Tel. Doug. I486. Oltlce, 1713 Webster St. (16)-262 NEW, 6 rooms, porcelain bath, electric light, on car 620. 8. S. Trulllnger. Tel. Benson 2251. (16) 468 HOUSES i? f!1 P"-'1 of tne cty- R- IlUUOriO c peteri A Co Bee Bldg. (15)-260 10-RO(M, modern bouse and barn 2913 Hickory Bt. J. 11. Parrotte, 825 Board of Trade. (16)-M4t8 16 FOR RENT Larre store room. ' 16th and Vinton Bts. C. M. Bachmann, 437 Paxton block. (15)-380 HOUSES, Insurance. RIngw alt. Barker Rik (15)-265 HOUSES i? .aL' part" of the "y. IlUUk5fiO crelgh Bona A Co., Bee Bldg (16,-874 7-ROOM. modern house, walking distance 717 N. 23d St. Inquire 2223 Burt St. (16) 474 t ROOMS, 2104 Bo. 10th. Inquire 9o5 Cas tellar. (16) 662 14s 6-ROOM house, modern, except furnace. 7H Hickory Bt.. no children; Inquire 3o7 8. 17th Bt. (15)-7M Its FOR RENT -room house, 2217 Capitol Ava. (15) M8(2 17s OFFERED FOR RENT Haaaea aad Cottages xxattaaad. YOUR OITOUTUN1TY to get 'what you have been looking for. We have six new apartments to be com pleted about IV to tier 16 to November 1. Modern In every respect and finished carefully In every detail. All ttie rooms extra lrg. and well lighted, location. 3"th and Mason. Three apartments of 5 and three apartments of 6 rooms. For further particulars call and see the plans at our office. PAYNE, HOSTWICK A CO., Main Floor N. Y. Lite, 'Phone D. mid. (151-844 15 4015 Ixard St.. 8 rooms, modern, elegant location. ISO. S?26 No. 23d St.. 4 rooms. 813. 666 So. isth St., 4 rooms, first floor, the "Ormond." 815. 4174 Cass Bt., 6 rooms, modern except heat. 26. SAW No. 25th Ave., 7 rooms, modern. 626. HEM IS, Paxton Plock. 'Phone Doug. 66. (15) M4T0 HOUSES FOR RENT. 3716 Capitol Ave., brand new, 5 rooms, modern, 827.50. 2709 Capitol Ave., 6 rooms, modern, 630. 1819 Ix-ust St., choice, 6 rooms, modern but furnace, 625. 1746 S. 2sth, 8 rooms, modern, 820. 106 Stanford Circle, 6 rooms, bath, 818. 8620 Dodge, 7 rooms, bath, J18. 607 8. 84th. 6-room cottage, 815. 623 B. Un.h. 4-room flat, bath, 816. GARVIN BROS., 1504 FARNAM ST. (15) 727 15 6-ROOM, 127 N. 87th St., water, sewer, bath, owner pays water, 820. 8-room, Dim! N. 22d St., modern, 827 50. 6- room, Sf.19 N. :uh tU., new, modern ex cept heat, 822.M. 7- room, 2213 N. 2lst, modern, new paper and paint, 825. 8- room, 3al0 N. 22d St., modern, 827.50. To see complete list, call at oltlce. HASTINGS A HEYDEN, 1704 Farnam St. (15)- 924 N. 27th Ave., 7 rooms, all modern, close In. 8-5. 1546 8. 27th Ave., 8 rooms, all modern, close to new 2lth St. South Omaha car, only 625. 2!7 Farnam St., 8 rooms, all modern, ojose In, vacant Oct. 1, 6.'A ' PAYNE, BOSTWICK A CO., Main Floor N. V. Life Bldg. Douglas 1016. (15) 845 16 2707 N. 221, 8-room, modern, hot water heat, larpo yard, 830. 2212 N. 21st 7-room modern flat, new deco rations, 626. 127 N. 37th, 6-room, water, sewer, buth, gas, new decorations. 820. Owner pays water. To see complete list rail at office. HASTINGS A HEYDEN, 1704 FARNAM. 15) M6W 14 808 N. 39th, 8-r. and hall, all modern, ono block to new Farnam and Cuming lines, 810. 628 N. 36th, B-r. all modern, near Harney and Cuming lines, 632.50. ' O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 1001 N. Y. Life, 'Phone Doug. 2162. (151-M703 17 25th and Cap. Ave. 10 rooms mod., 6SO.00 9H,H nr..! f ' .. .. A . . n . . , . . - lU. v o,. . 9 IUUIIID IIIUII., fjo.uu 28th and Ohio Streets 8 rooms 825.00. am juapie street 6 rooms 815.00. 3410 Boyd 4 rooms 816.00. 441x Tzarii A runmi ftl&lin TURRELL A Co. R. 17 Paterson Bldg. Lei. u. (15)-M708 14 125.00 PER MO., 2504 St. Mary's Ave., 6 rooms, modern. 636.00 per mo., 2710 Rrlstol St., 7-room mod ern;, also good barn; all In best of re pair, very desirable home. 630.00 per mo., 1823 Plnkney St., 6 rooms, thoroughly modern house, almost new. GEORGE A CO., 1601 Farnam Bt. U5)-36 16s FOR RENT. A fine 6-room cottage, In excellent repair; modern except furnace; full basement, at 2730 Capitol Ave. THE BYRON REED CO.. Douglas 297. 212 8. 14th Bt. (15) MSU2 16 FOR RENT 9-room house, modern except furnace. 26th and Blondo. 628. New 7-room st.lctly modern house, Grace bu, near 2tn., iji.do. W. O. SHRIVER, 1023 New York Life Building. (15)-797 15 One 8-room, all modern house. 840. 8. E. corner 24th and Binney. One 6-room, city water in kitchen. 2907 Seward Bt. 816. CH1US BOYER, 22d and Cuming Bts. (tf)-M448 WE DO expert piano moving at lowest prices. Tel. Douglas 1625. Schmoller A Mueller Piano Co., 1311-1813 Farnam. (16)-229 OMAHA Van A Storage Co. pack, move, store H. IL goods; storehouse 1120-24 N. Uth. Office 16u Farnam. Tel. Doug. 1559 (15)-261 HOUSEHOLD goods packed, forwarded; cheap freight rates. Moving and storage. Expressmen's Delivery Co. Tel. Douglas 894. . (lo)-2D8 FOR RENT 8-room modern house, de tached, 2 blocks from 24th St. car line to South Omaha. Tel. Maple 6100. (15) M095 15 8-ROOM modern detached house, 2705 Dewey Ave.; hard wood parquet ted floors: all in good condition; rent $40. Harrison A Morton, 918 N. Y. Life. (151654 15 11-ROOM, modern house except furnace 2611 Pierce St., one block to ear. Inquire 1301 South 25th Ave. J. H. Althouse (16)-56 Dulldlngs. 1312 HARNEY ST.-3 floors and basement. 83x130 feet; suitable for wholesale. Mc Cague Investment Co., 1506 Dodge Bt. (16)-867 THE entire building formerly occupied by the Dally News, 44x30 feet, 8 stories and basement. McCague Investment Co., 15os Dodge St. (16)-266 FOR RENT, A SIX-STORY BUILDING IN WHOLESALE DISTRICT. The six-story and basement building at 1206 nowaru oi., xormeriy occupied by the Haywurd Brothers Shoe Co., for rent Annual rental 82.400. Floor space is 2ox183 ft., and all floors and basement contain about 20,000 squara feet surfaoe. The building has a good elevator and office apartment, and Is equipped with a modern fire sprinkler system. R. C. PETERS A CO., t20 a 17th SU Bet Building. .U6-M7uti FOR RENT-Octobet 1. 2-storv brick store building In south central Nebraska town; excellent location. Address Union Stat Bank, Harvard, Neb. fit) M248 14x Oftttes. OFFICES FOR RENT If you are in search of offices or want to find a new location for your placo of busi ness, wa would like to have you call at THE BEE BUILDING and look at the space we can offer you. In the southeast corner of tl.e fifth floor we can show you an elegant suite of two rooms, a floor space of 6su square feet, with good light, a vault and nicely decorated rooms. This faces both Farrutiu and Seven, teenth streets and is the best office space In Omaha today. On the sixth floor we have two small rooms, which are connected, and would make a splendid conmlnatlon for anyone desiring small, but well arranged offices. There is another room on the sixth floor, facing on Seventeenth street, 8-8x19-6, which tents for 817 per month. Anyone wishing a small oltlce with good light would be pleased with this one. On account of contemplated changes, wa are In a position to make leases on desir able space on the second floor. .These rooms are very desirable and hav been occupied by enterprises requiring much space. Call and let us figure on your re quirements. THE BEE BUILDING DESIRABLE outside offices for rent. In quire of Omaha Loan and Building Asso ciation. outUtest ouruer lUi and Dodge. '7 OFFERED FOR RENT Oirteee ton tluaed, 1ET AN OFFICE NOW. The following offices are for rent In the U. S. National Bldg., 13th and Farnam Sts.: Third floor. 8 office rooms (together), $33 per month. Third floor, 1 single office room, $16.25 per month. First tioor, 1 single office room, $16.60 per month. This low rental Includes heat anil Janitor service. The offices are In gvod condition, and modern. Apply at once. REAL ESTATE TITLE TRUST CO., Chas. K. Williamson, Pres. I. S. National Bldg., 1301 Farnam St. (16)-34 18 $.16 00 PER MO. for 2210 Farnam 8t., 18s 60 feel. $2600 per mo. for 212SH Farnam SL, good location for tailor, fioood for 1615 Howard Bt., about $0x60 feet, good basement. UEORUE A CO., 1601 Farnam Bt. (16) 987 15S FOR RENT Desk room in Bee offloe, city hall building. 417 N. 25th Bt, South Omaha. Apply to manager. (18) 184 DESK room. 605 Paxton Blk. (1S)-4T6 TDO nice offices In Krug block, 14th and Harney. Cassel Realty Co. (15) 402 16x DESK ROOM-Rolt top desk 'phone serv ice. J. 11. Johnson, 843 N. Y. Life. (1S MS04 17S Halls and Lodge Rooms. FOR lectures, concerts, dances and balls. Fraternity hall, 1818 Harney St., opposits public library; fine floor, stage and bal cony: seats 660; make engagements now. N. P. Dodge A Co.. 1714 Farnam St. (15) MM1 14 FOR lectures, concerts, dances and balls. Fraternity hall. 181X Harney St., Opp. public Klirary; flne floor, stage and bal cony; seats 6M; make engagements now. N. P. Dodgo A Co.. 1714 Farnam Bt. 0O-MSS1 17 tor. One store room In new "Scargo" building In South Omaha, near postofnee, with lighted basement, modern show windows and awnings; beat possible location. Hall Distributor Co.. 817 First Natl. Bank Bldg. Phone Red 7406. (16J M868 MODERN STORES FOR RENT. Modern store room, light, very desirable, opposite public library, next to Independ ent Telephone- building, 19th and Harney, SHIM EH A CHASra CO., 1009 Furnum St. Douglaa 8807. .(14)- DRUO STORE; best unoooupled location for local drug business In city. Will al ter and lease to right party. Also A-l ' wcery location. RKMlfi, 806 Paxton. Blk. 'Phone Douglas 66. (16) M340 NEW STORE ROOM, corner Locust and Sherman Ave., for dqy goods, shoes or notions, good location, good place for right party. Inquire Joseph Houska, 2828 Sherman Ave. 05) M615 19 STOREROOM. 621 S. 16th St Clarke Powell. 2044 Farnam Bt. (16) 268 616 S. lth St.. 22x00, 1 floor and basement. 621 8. 16th St., 22x60. 1 floor and basement. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 1704 Farnam St. (Loj-. OFFERED FOR SALE Fencing, ANCHOR and Iron fencing; wlrs fencing 6o per foot. 806 N. 17th St, Tel. Red 814, (l)-26 Faraltura. tD HAND furniture bought and sold; busi ness on the square. Rosenberg, formerly with Chicago Furniture Co., 109 B. 14th Bt. Tel. Douglaa 6886. (16) M469 S3 FOR SALE Furniture of a 10-room house) all or part; furniture must be mostly cash or terms. 2617 N. 18th St. (16)-M447 FOR SALE, CHEAP Bed room and sitting room furniture. 123 Bo. 26th Ave. (16)-M641 14 FURNITURE of seven-room house Includ ing Emerson upright piano. Monitor steel range, gua range, china and kitchen cabinets. Radiant Home base burner, etc SS68 Seward St. (16) 724 16s FURNITURE for ten rooms, complete for housekeeping, good location, modern, close In; three rooms pay all expenses. 8300 If taken this week. Address H-21L care Bee. (15)-8J4 tlx FOR SALE Cheap, piano, side board, steel range and other household furniture. 621 N. 17th St., South Omaha. (16) M814 23 DINING room table, chatrs, sideboard, ma hogany library table, hall tree, etc. Phono Webster 8157. (16) M908 I7x FOR SALE Furniture for 7-room house, been used less than a year. 8662 Farnam St. Tel. Harney 359. (16) MS96 17s Pianos, Orgaaa, Musical lasts eats. FOR BALE CHEAP-Story A Clark cabinet organ, 13 stops, a beautiful, strong-toned Instrument, suitable for church or home, good condition; cost $260. Addren L 784, Bee. (16)-870 ONE buffet baritone saxaphone, brass, in sole leather case; used only two months: bargain. 808 N. 16th St. (16i)-46 17s FINE upright piano, nearly new. at H of cost less than one year ago; party leaving for the south. Call at 416 N. 23d St. (161-676 17 FOR SALE One Cecllian Piano Player, in good order, with about forty rolls of music. Matter-Tliaden Co., 27 U. 8. National Bank Bldg., Omaha, Neb. (16)-M807 IS Red Tag Piano Sale 100 new, slightly used and second-hand Pianos at a deep cut In prices. A big red tag, on which the prloe is marked la plain figures, attached to eaoh Piano. Watch for the red tags. Every red tag means a bargain. Kimball Upright 68 Singer Upright to Bhubert Upright 120 Davis A Sons Upright , 136 Gabler Upright 17J Tha same easy terms $4, $6 or $6 monthly. Don't miss this chancs, Mrs. Piano Buyer. Watch for the red tags. Every red tag means a bargain. Schmoller & Mueller Piano Co., Doug. 1623. 1311-1313 Farnam 8L U4)-M3JS Pool aad Billiard Tablea. FOR SALE New and second-hand billiard and pool tables. We lead the world? la cheap bar fixtures; easy payments. Br una-wlck-Balke-Cullsndar, W 8. 10th St, U6)-I7l - FOR SALE 6 pool and two billiard table In good condition; must be sold and re moved In 8 days, less than half value. 418 N. 24th Bt., So. Omaha. (16) M436 16 Typewriters aad Sew las JUaehlaoa, ' . i Something for Nothing Cut this ad out and bring it la and wa will rsnt you a typewriter on month without charge-free. This effer good only this week and for new customers only, as our schema is to Increase our rental list. We rent all makes Rem lug tons. Smiths, Olivers, Bllckensderfers, Densmores, etc. CENTRAL TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE, 1907 Farnam, 'Phone Doug. 806. 16)-641 18 FOR BALE High grade second-hand type writer; good condition: a bargain at IjGl Call room dug. Bes Bldg. (U)-o"71 REMINOTON TYPBTWB.ITJER No. 1 Una shape, $46; call at onoe, as I need tha V L