Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 15, 1907, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 6, Image 15

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Want - ads
AtTfrtlirmfDlt for the want ad
will he take aatll 13 m. for
evening edltlea aad aatll ft p. m.
far Ike morning and Roaday edltloas.
Cash mast accompany all orders for
waat ada and advertisement will
b accepted for less tkaa 10 ceate for
Ike II rat Insertion.
Rates apply to either The Dally or
Bandar Bee.
' Always rouat sis words to a line.
Comklaatlona af laltlala or aaiabera
eoaat as one word.
Insertion, per llae, lO ceata. Two or
tore ronaecatlve Insertions, per line,
eeats. Ear h laaertloa made oa odd
daye, 10 eeats per llae. 91. SO per
line per montk.
Deatk and Faneral Notices, Cards of
Thanks and Lodge Notice, T ceata
per line for one edition, morning or
venlng 8 eeats a llae for eack ad
ditional edltloa. Sudan 1 cents a
line. No ad taken for leas tkaa UO
yoar advertisement la laaerted aadcr
kelow. It will ka charged at tka fol-
lowlag ratest One Insertion, 4 eeats
per llae tkreo to six eonsecatlve lii
tertloas, a rents per llaa each laser
float seven or more consecatlTe In
sertion a, a cents per Una eack Inser
tion 60 cents per Una per montk.
Except A seats, Solicitors aad Sales
Iowa, Birds, Doss aad Pets.
Horace and Veklelea.
Ponlti aad Eggs.
Typewriters aad Sewing Macklnes.
Plaaos, Organ and Musical Instrn
Farnlsked Rooms.
Unfurnished Raaai.
' Housekeeping Rooau.
Boarding and Room.
Want Ads for Tka Dee mar
at aar af tka following drug stores
ne Is "roar corner dragglst" tker
are all braack oflleea of Tha Be and
roar ad will be Inserted Jaat as
promptly aad oa tke same rates as at
tka main office la Tka Bee Balldlag,
Tenteentk aad Farnam Streets.
Albach, W. C, 40th and Farnam.
Beranok, 8. A.. 1402 8. 10th tit.
Becht Pharmacy, 720 8. 161 h St
Benson Pharmacy, Benson, Neb.
Bemls Park Pharmacy, 33d and Cuming.
Blake's Pharmacy. 2816 Bherman Ave.
Caughlln, C. K., 6th and Pierce Sts.
Clifton Hill Pharmacy, 2219 Military Ave.
' Conte. J. B., Slut Ave. and Farnam.
Crlssey Phai macy, 24th and Lake.
Cerniak. Emll, 12U4-6 B. 13th St.
Eastman Pharmacy, 4046 Hamilton.
Ehler. F. H., 2(2 Leavenworth.
Foster 4 Arnoldl, 213 N. 26th St.
Freytag. John J., 1814 N. 24th 8t.
Florence Drug Co., Florence, Neb.
Goldman Pharmacy, 20th and Lake.
' Groan's Pharmacy, coiner Park Ave. and
, Oreenough, O. A.. 1025 8. 10th St.
Orecnoush, G. A., 1624 8. ICth St.
Hayden, Wm. C. 2820 Farnam St.
Hanacom Park Pher.. 1501 8. 29th Ave.
Hoist, John, 624 N. 18th Bt
Huff, A. L., IS'.M Leavenworth St.
King. H. B.. 2238 Farnam Bt.
Kountie Place Pharmacy, 8304 N. 24th.
Patrick Dm- Co.. M24 N. 24th St.
Lathroo, Chan. E.. 1324 N. 24th St.
Peyton, 1m E., 24th and Leavenworth.
Saratoga Drug Co.. 24th and Ames Ave.
Bchaefr' Cut Price Drug Co., 16th and
Schaefer, August, 2631 N. Kith Bt.
Schmidt. J. H., 24th and Cuming Bts.
Storm Pharmncy, lfith and Martha Sts.
. Walnut Hill Pharmacy. 40th and Cuming.
, Walton Pharmacy, 20th and Grace Sta.
Worth. O. H.. 40th and Hamilton Sts.
THOMAS John Carr, at 207 Bpalding St..
Omaha, September 14. 19o7, John Carr
Thomas, beloved Infant son of Theodore
and Wlnnlfred R. Thomas, age 4 weeks.
Funeral Sunday; private.
The funeral of Mrs. A. Maystrlck will be
held at the residence. L'4"9 Houth Twentieth
street, at 1 p. m. Monday, September 16.
All friends Invited.
Births Halger Topp, 910 Dominion, girl;
W. K. Parks, Clarkson hospital, girl; El
mer Lemons. 1922 South Seventeenth, boy;
Andrew Christiansen, 1609 North Thirty
fourth, girl; William T. Cares, 1721 Dorcas,
boy; Andrew Peterson, 2413 South Forty-
' first, girl; M. Coyle, 2736 Camden avenue,
' boy.
Deaths Mrs. John Olander, 419 South
Twentieth, 47; Oustav William Erlckson,
Thirty-fourth and Fowler avenue, 20 days;
Baby Perry, 1614 California; Hugo I. Kam
acctottl, 2809 Mason, 62; Andrew Hoffmann,
Douglas county, 66; Mrs. Joseph Stobble,
St. Joseph's hospital, 63; Henry W. Hilt.
191$ Capitol avenue, 29: George W. Peter
son, W lse Memorial hospital, 16; Elmer
M. LlndDerg. 3348 Meredith avenue, 1
The following marriage licenses have
been issued;
Name - and Residence. Age.
Raymond Atwood. Wayne, Nob 22
Rosa Bourley, Wayne, Neb 22
John Pallcs, Bethany, Neb 29
Julia Klnetl, Bethany, Neb 83
Peter T. Hagerman, Chadron, Neb ti
Elisabeth E. Child, Omaha 20
. Union Pacific lodge No. IT, A. O. U. W.,
will, on Friday evening, Sept. 20, hold an
old-time revival meeting In their hall at
14th and Dodge streets. Grand Master
Workman Walilng of David City and
Grand Recorder 8. K. Barton of Grand
Island will be the chfof mourners. All
Workmen and their male friends are in
vited. Refreshments will be served. By
erder of promotion committee.
Fall Term
Of the
19th and Farnam
Students are enrolling every day. New
classes will begin again tomorrow in the
Business, Shorthand, Typewriting and
Telegraph departments. A good time to
If you cannot attend day school Join our
night classes on Monday, Wednesday and
Friday nights. We are organising a spe
sial class in Shorthand. How would you
Hka to join It? Tuition low. CalJ and
see us.
Write (or free catalogue, call or 'phone
Doug Las tOSt.
19th and Farnam.
THE CITT GARBAGE CO . office 4th and
Leavenworth Bis. Tel. Douglas 117.
AtUBIC every evening. Hotel Roma.
' (U-75J
Personal Instruction
The doctor gives one kind of treatment
for meaales.
He gives an entirely different treatment
for scarlet fever.
One kind of pupil will gain more knowl
edge If allowed to proceed nt a rapid rate.
Another punil will be, perhaps. Just as
thorough, but won t grasp the true idea
of a lessen if hurried through It.
That necessitates personal attention.
That business college that teaches In
large clauses with all kinds of pupils with
all grades of learning ability grouped to
gether Is bound to either retard the bright
pupil and thus take his Interest off his
studies, or It Is bound to rush the slow
pupil along at a rate that will make It
Impossible fot htm to become a thorough,
successful bookkeeper, stenographer or
Boyles College
firldej Itself upon the uniform success of
Is graduates and points to Its system of
Instruction as the reason for their success.
The Bovles staff of Instructors are mads
up of successful bookkeepers, stenograph
ers and telegraphers. There are no theo
rists among them. They" Infuse Into te
pupils that practical ability that earns
good salaries and frequent promotion out
In the business world. The staff is large
enough to give each and every one of our
pupils Individual, personal attention to
push him or her along towards graduation
time Just as quickly as his or her devotion
to studies and success In examinations war
rant. We know that If you will Investigate the
matter you'll know that the best business
college Is our college. The fall term is now
open. Ask for the catalogue.
H. B. BOYLES, President
Boyles Building, Omaha, Neb.
18o2 .FARNAM 8T.
Classes now open. '
Shorthand, Typewriting, Bookkeeping,
Commercial Law. Penmanship, Business
Correspondence, General Office Practice.
I Als
Preparatory for Civil Service, College or
a profession. Day and night sessions
Tel. D. 1070.
(D M512 O10
The Proof
The Mosher-Lampman Business College
has opened with an attendance greater than
other business schools have had, even after
they were several years old. This proves
that there Is a demand in Omaha and Ne
braska for a strictly first-class, hlgh-grado
business school a school that can afford to
employ experlohced Instructors for every
department. This school does not believe
in student teaching. It Is, therefore, at
tracting the best class of students and has
among its enrollment a large number of
High School graduates and graduates of
literary Institutions. If you wish a business
training thai will fit you for a 'first-class
office position which will command's good
lary a training that will be a stepping
stone to high business positions, you should
attend the
Business College
Catalogue Free, .
Call, 'Phone Douglas 6619, or Write
Mosher-Lampman Business College,
17th and Farnam Bts.,
Omaha, Neb.
MORAND'S classes in dancing for adults
are now open. Lessons, Tues. and Ft!., 8 p.
m. Entrance opp. Burwood theater. Call or
Tel. Doug. 1041. Private lessons. (1) 938 4
SIGN PAINTING & H. Cole, 1303 Douglas.
0) 19
Have a good mall-order business, about
11.400 worth of stock on hand, plenty of
advertising matter, will exchange for au
tomobile; state make, model and value of
ma-'Clne In first letter. A cash offer will
be considered. P. O. Box 1034, Omaha.
(2) 475 lax
FOR BALK Cheap, two automobiles. In
quire E. Klmbal, Ogden hotel, Council
Bltltrs. Ia. 12) M624 19x
0.TNT buckboard automobile, cost $425.
only $15. Call at once; leaving city. 641
Faxton block. (16) MG97 20
BEND (or our list of second-hand automo
biles. DERIGHT. 1818 Farnam. 12) 200
TO EXCHANGE Patent right on a lawn
weeder for removing dandelions from
yards. Fortune in tnls for the right
party. Will trade for stock of hardware
or land. SpeoiQcatlona sent on request.
Address Y-k)2, care Bee.
(D-M887 S74x
FOR EXCHANGE A fine up-to-date hard
ware stock, located in a good Nebraska
town of 1,000 Inhabitants; will invoice
about 14,000, including fixtures. This is
a good, paying proposition. Has a good
trade and in one of the best locations In
town. Will consider part exchange, the
balunce cash. Globe Land and Investment
oompany. ' (3) Mj1
FOR BALE or exchange, Omaha or Lin
coln residence, improved farm 160 acres,
20 acres oak and ash timber, S3 acres
broken, open water year round, fenced
part can be irrigated; house, outbuildings
and corrals, good range; school section
lease with above. D. btlnard, Valentine,
- Neb. (3) Mb7 20x
TO EXCHANGE We have three desirable
patents, consisting of wrench, oil can
and neck yoke attachment that we wish
to sell or exchange (or good farm prop
erty in Minnesota, Canada or Texas pre
ferred, li. H. Walters, C&sselton, N. D.
(3)i Mx
FOR EXCHANGE Stock of buggies, wa
gons and Implements, located in a small
Illinois town; will Invoice about 11. 7.0.
Also house and i lots in same town. Price
for real estate, Il.&uO; invoice (or stock.
Will exchange for fjrm land In Iowa,
Kansas or Missouri. Globe Land and In
vestment Co.. Omaha. Neb. (.3) M517
I MODERN houses, paved street, one
block from 24th Bt. car line; will exchange
for good farm land.
One Merrltt county farm 160 acres to ex
change (or suburban vacant lots.
CH AS. E. 6M1TH.
404 Be Bldg. Tel. Doug. 8347.
- (J) um i4x
TO TRADE for chean land in Texas
Colorado, or Oklahoma, controlling Inter
est in telephone system of 176 telephones
ana iwo lull lines. " vt alter c. Macy,
Bpruigiittia, B. v. 13) M7B3 Zlx
480 ACRES railroad land, close ta Klmh.ll
87. bt cer acre: 12.2UO eaultv and umi imh
for small hardware or grocery stock. Ad-
areas i -nil. care Bee. (1) M6s0 3v
TO EXCHANGE A Victor phonograph and
9 records for a bicycle. P. Torsles, 248
epauiuing. uei. weDater 87lf.
(ft-818 It
WANTED Some Nebraska land In ex
change for my store and stock of gen
eral merchandlss; worth 88.000. B F.
Wilson, Sharpaburg. Ia. (I) MS0 20x
EIGHTY ACRES In Minnesota to exchange
for vacant lots In Omaha. N. P. Dodge
aa V.O., 1, i fmrnam bi. li) Molt u
EIGHTY ACRES tn Mthneaota to trade foe
Omaha lota. N, JS Dodge at Co . 1714
remain. ts Ma.l U
CAR-SIGN leases have been secured In
Lincoln and lnver on over ) cars,
those who got stock In these two compa
nies for less than 2c on the tl less than
two months ago ran now sell their stock
above par. It gives us great pleasure to
say, "I told you so!" Another syndicate
Is forming to control the street car ad
vertising in twenty-four cities In Ohio:
110 or ll"0 per month for a year will make
you disgracefully rich. For psrticulars
call on or write Car Sign Headquarters,
21 V. 8. National Bank Hldg.
P. 8. Bee the working model at Central
cigar store. Pearl and Broadway. Coun
cil Blurts, la, (4I-M636 16
UNION LIVK STOCK CO.. (Ltd .-Capitalization
$2,onrt,no0; Mrs. Fanny Royce
Drrtwne, president and manager, Box 575,
Sioux Falls, 8. IX
Organising to purchase largest stock
ranch In world. (Old Mexico), or dispose of
at 75c per acre; includes 1.260.000 acres
highly Improved land. BO per cent good sgrl
cultural, 40,000 cattle, 2.OJ0 registered bulls,
J.Ono horses and mules, ten pedigreed stal
lions, tine buildings, sixty-five miles river
front, fourteen carloads strung barb wire
Immediate attention solicited stockmen,
packers, etc. (4) M760 17x
We have some that are bargains and want
to sell now. Two on Farnam street, one at
$675, cost 11,100 less than six months ago,
and one 1750; several on Douglas Bt. from
$3W to W0; one on Harney at 1700; one on
South 20th at $700; a bargain on So'ith 25th
Ave. at $Ff0; one on Howard at $ln0, and
several others that are bargains. We will
furnish part payment on all of these If de
404 Bee Hldg., Omaha.
f 41-MS20 15
TECHNICAU practical Investor and en
gineer. International reputation who has
received awards and been decorated by
royalty for his productions, is constantly
precluding valuable Inventions embracing
electrical, mechanical, automobile, chemi
cal lines; furnished ready for manufac
turing; factory installed when desired;
wishes additional connections with
responsible manufacturers or Investors to
market Ms inventions; references ex
changed. 9036, No. 1 Madison Ave., New
York. (4)-7S4 lx
tVE own and ccntrol some choice groups of
mineral claims in li i.ol'liii'ld. Tonopah
and other mining districts in Nevada,
showing high grade values In gold, silver,
and copper ore. We will consolidate with
Investors or will sell control to live pro
moters and take our Interest principally
In stock. We solicit correspondence with
brokers handling "Gilt Edge" Nevada se
curities and stocks. Boake, Wagner &
Brooks, Tonopali, Nevada. (4)
If so, we need your services. An organ
ised company, owning a large mining prop
erty located In one of the best mining
camps, surrounded by noted developed
properties, wishes to secure representatives
who are In a position to sell a good mining
stock, for the purpose of developing the
property. The stock will be listed and ac
tively traded In soon. Address W. C.
Downing, 42 Broadway, New York City.
(4)-776 J5x
Do You "Wish to Make a Change
IF YOU have a farm, home, business or
property that you wish to sell or ex
change, write us.
U M1S3 Sept. 26
STOCK of general merchandise, about 81,-
, an clean stock, in one of the best
towns in Nebraska, surrounded by good
farms; DUO population, Ave churches, good
schools, city water, electric lights, ele
vators, roller mills, etc.; light competi
tion; offers not considered after Septem
ber 30, 1907. Address Y 990, care Bee.
4J M54a 1SX
FOR SALE Good opportunity for man
ana wire, wun touu, wnicn will net 8iuu
fier month; good healthy, outdoor and
egitimate business; no experience neces
sary. This is the orange belt, one of
the most healthful places In California.
Apply to R. A. Paulson, Box 618, Red
lands, Cal. (4) MU79 20x
CAPITAL furnished going concerns; manu
facturing preferred; money right away
if proposition satisfied; new enterprises
Incorporated and financed; bond Issues
arranged; state what you have and I will
advise you free. Moreland Brown, 406-6-7
Scarrltt Bldg., Kansas City, Mo.
OLD established wholesale house, whose
products are handled by largest concerns
In the country, desires reliable man of
personal resources, who can furnish un
questionable references as to character
and ability, for sales manager; salary 81G0
monthly and cons-nlsslons. P. O. Box Hi,
Chicago. (4) 734 16 x
ESTABLISHED consulting engineer, hav
ing wen equipped offices centrally located,
and corps of expert assistants, acts as
New York representative and purchasing
agent; all engineering, manufacturing.
eiectricai, mecnanical, marine ana auto
mobile lines, highest references. Business
Engineer, Suite 9035, . Metropolitan Life
BIdg., New York. (4) 778 16x
BETWEEN forty and f.fty thousand shares
or me Arizona uoia Mines ac Milling lo. i
stock for sale at 26 cents per share; sold
by M. E. Langley and John J. Wyatt at
75 cents per share; any information. Call
or write N. r . AndSrson, 6811 Walratn St.,
Los Angales, Cal.
(4) M568 BXX
FOR SALE A good paying hotel In Cen
tral mws, town or it) to u nunarea; z rail
roads; am going Into other business.
Will sell building and furniture or fur
niture alone and rent building. Hotel H
block from depot. If looking for a nij
get busy. Address Y 173, Bee. (4) M611
8(4) New York Life Building.
Tel. Doug. 8566. Omaha, Neb.
(4) 208
We have a few bargains In hotels tn the
country, iou can rent tnem. uo you
want one? Call the Keystone, 4M Bee
Bldg., Omaha, Neb. (4)-906 16
t4 2u6
BAKERY FOH SALE In a town of 800,
only one In town; good trade; must sell;
other business. Writs J. D. Cooper,
Loulsburg, Kan. (4) M600 l7x
BLACKSMITH SHOP for sale; well
equipped; good location; only shop; a bar
gain. Address John 8. Wells. Shaw, Kan
(4)-M9ul 18x
FOR RENT Restaurant only, at 1818 Har
ney St. Only first class party wanted.
N. P. Dodge & Co., 1714 Farnam St.
(4 M87S 18
ONLY confectionery, Ice cream business;
6,000 town; established eight years; also
extra soda fountain, freeier, ermine. 'A.
Jaseph, Lemars, la. (4) MbSl 16x
BAKERY business; good location; doing
frood business; reasons for selling. Amer
can Fork Bakery. American Fork. Utah.
iVj MS60 17 x
ALL KINDS of mining and oil stocks
bought and sold according to their value.
Omaha Finance Co., 212 N. Y. Life Bldg.
(4) M14J Oct 8
FIRST-CLASS cook would like partner in
rooming or boarding house; have every
thing but furniture and house, l'l So.
20th St. , (4)-MS38 14x
PARTLY furnished house, full of good
roomers, good location, for sale if sold
at once. Address A 22L Bee.
(4)-M440 16x
HOTEL TAMA Newly furnished. Block
of Northwestern roundhouse; rent M.
Will sell furniture one-half down. Smith,
Tama, la. 4 M599 Ux
FOR BALE Grocery store at Invoice price;
doing a buslnes of 140 a day cash. For
particulars address P. W. Fsy, Marengo,
111- (4 M6U0 19x
8 A LOON for sale. Up-to-date saloon. Going
.out of business. Address H. E. B, Box
26, Lanesboro,. Minn. (4) M418 Ux
FOR SALE Wholesale ice cream factory,
runs year round; city 10,000. Box 400,
Fresno, CaL 4 M608 17x-
NO PUBLICITY In selling your business
C. J. CAN AN, 701 N. Y. L Bldg., Omahv
(4) 166 SZa
Life. Tel. Doug. 114. (4)-20T
RESTAURANT doing good business for
saie. rteaaon. nave not time to care (or It.
Address E-Z25, care Bee. 4 M621 l'x
TO BUY or sell any business or real es
tate, call or write B. O. Oangestad. 4
Be Bldg. A)-m
850 to 8150 a week In your locality selling
stock In a Nevada Gold Mining company
that Is a winner. Ptg thing for the in
vestor and for party who sells It. In
vestigate this. For pertuclars, nnMrosi
8 136, Bee. (4)-6S0 830
FOR SALE! Or exchange. 8B,0on stock of
furniture and undertaking; owner going
into other business; will take lend tn
southern Minnesota; this chance will not
be open long. Write at once If Inter
ested. A. J. Tatum, Sibley. Ia.
(4)-M421 1SX
for rale; In thriving town In fruit belt of
southern Oregon: will Invoice about 84.000,
work enough for two young men; you
can make money from the start. Write
for particulars. Sergent A Dunlsp, Tal
ent, Ore. (41-M422 lx
FOR 8ALE At once, first-class restaurant
and bakery; soda fountain In connection;
doing good business; sickness reason (or
selling; no competition. Address The
Harvard Bakery, Harvard, Neb
(4)-M503 17x
acres tested gold bearing gravel. Richest
placers known. First offering stock 10
cents. Installments. Illustrated prospec
tus free. Bhould pay 81" for every dollar
Invested. Yukon Banln Gold Dredging Co.,
Ltd., Kansas City, Mo. (4) MtW6 16x
YOU can never profit ty business chances
unless you have some money; small ssv
lngs are the foundation of large fortunes;
start a savings account with J. L. Bran
dels A Sons. Bankers, 16th and Douglas
Bts. Assets over 84O0.000. (4
TyRNED Illustrated guide book and list
of Inventions wanted, free to any ad
dress. Patents secured by us advertised
free In World's Progress; sample copy
free. Evans, Wllkens A Co., 588 F St,
Washington, D. C. (4
MONEY Do you need It? We are In a
position to furnish capital for any mer
itorious enterprises; we can sell your
stocks and bonds quickly on commission
basis; money advanced on good securities:
charters procured In any state; do not
fall to confer with us; It will be to your
Interest. R. Kaatz & Co., Bankers. Ta
como Bldg., Chicago. (41733 15x
THIS COMPANY does a general real estate
ana loan Business; a specialty of looking
up good farming lands and locating east
ern people on them; let us hear from you,
we can serve you. Eureka Land Com
pany, 411 Buchanan Bldg., Portland, Ore.
(4I-M782 Oct. 14X
FOR SALE Dining room, with good bak
ery in nrsi-ciass note): only reliable party,
capable of conducting first-class cafe, considered.-
Address Box 450, Sterling. Colo.
(4) M&24 21x
ROOMING house for sale; very close In
ana niceiy lurnisnea: act promptly ir
you want .It. Price $750; house has 10
rooms and all modern: rent 84i per month.
J. H. Sherwood. 937 N. Y. Life.
(4) M850 17
WANTED A partner, active or silent,
n,l,U 1 AAA , . I , , ... .
-.mi iv juni me in a legitimate
money making business; absolutely no
risk. Investigate. Address W 237. .care
Bee. (4) M899 17x
WANTED To buy newspaper In central
or souinwestern ivenrasKa, county seat
preferred, or only paper in town of not
less than 800; confidential. Address Y 996,
care Bee. (4) M766 26x
For a rrlvate hospital, boarding or room
ing nouse; i rooms; painted; all mod
ern; two-story; built 6 years ago; house
32x60; two lots, 182x130 feet, for sale at
2819 8. 18th street, city. (4) M921 16x
STOCK, bond offering, mining, electric, in-
ausiriai or railway company wanted for
sale; commission basis. Address, full
particulars, Clientele, P. O. Box 208, New
York. i4)-758 15x .
DO YOU need capital, extend or start busl-
nessY write me today: exceptional facili
ties for placing stocks or bonds quickly.
Everett Dufour, Corporation Attorney,
Le Droit Bldg., Washington, D. C.
(4) 730 15x
DENTAL practice furnished; complete
wun nimrumeni cnair, etc. Average
$2,600 cash per year; no competition.
Owner will retire; price very law fine
office rooms. Address Y 8, care of Bee.
(4811 16x
HOT Peanut Machines. Public beware!
fames manufacturing, using or selling
machines infringing patent 874049 will be
prosecuted individually. Automatlo Mer
chandising Co., 241 Nostrand Ave., Brook
lyn, N. Y. (41-177 16x
CREDIT Men's suits and overcoats $15
ana iis oy man airect rrom ractory; 81 a
week; no references, no security, no
money down; particulars free. Menter ft
Rosenbloom Co., Factory A, Rochester,
Y- (4)-771 15x
FOR SALE Hotel, one of the best money
limning noieis in me state. All transient
trade. Terms, cash, no trades considered.
Clark E. Bates, Gettysburg, S. D.
(4 M785 tlx
FOR SAt,EM3tnck of Jewelry, Invoicing
about 81,600. Matter-Thaden Co., 27 U
S. National Bank Bldg., Omaha, Neb.
(4)-M806 18
EXCEPTIONAL opportunity for party with
-.v iu jwui me in a lucrative Dusiness.
wllLbear strictest Investigation. Address
A 238, care of Bee. (4)-M'J8 17x
WANTED Man with 8500 to 81,000 to take
working interest In good office business.
Address B 239, caro Bee. (4) 897 16
FURNITURE of IS-room rooming house.
n,-ttr r'miniiiT, at uarKain, mis week. Ad
dress M 232, Bee office. (4) 950 17
FOR SALE Drug stock, fixtures and ikilld
Ing In live town In eastern NebrHka;
excellent proposition for a doctor. OVner
Is not a druggist, and has other business.
Address Y 181, care Bee. (4) M266 16x
FOR SALE New, clean stock of drugs
In live new town In Nebraska; might
consider part cash and land. Address
Y 180. care Bee. (4)-M267 15x
RESTAURANT Finest In the state out
side of Lincoln and Omaha; easy terms.
Bend for description. Red Cloud Real
Estate Co., Exclusive Agents, Red Cloud,
Neb. (4) M9H6 05x
HARDWARE stock for sale; cash only;
county seat town, eastern central Ne
braska; well established trade; Inv.ilce
about 810,000. Box 474. Omaha Postofflce.
i .
Meritorious projects only; strictly com
mission basis. The H. J. Folts Co.. Minne
apolis. Minn. (4 766 16x
RENT Ritchie's hall, South Omaha; second
floor; no post; 60x60; long lease. A. Q.
Ritchie, 220 8. 15th St.. Omaha. (4)-dr.)
1500 BUYS blacksmith shop, lot, tools and
stock. Part time. Write box 143. Monda
min, ia. (4) m3 iux
NEBRASKA 13,600 practice for sale for
price of office outfit. Address Y-2, care
Bee. (4)-M26 012x
FOR SALE Real estate business In Omaha,
well established. Address 8 1H, Omaha
(4J-oj1 15
ROOMINO houses for sale! all slses"
Gangestad, 418 Bee Bldg. (4) 209
DRUG stores for sale everywhere. F. V.
Knlest. 707 N. Y. Life. Omaha. (4V-20S
RESTAURANT for sale cheap. 633 Broad
way, Council Bluffs. Ia. (4) 7l-4x
FOR BALE Bakery In county seat town.
Owner deceased. Good paying business.
Address 6i3 W. Sd St.. Sioux City. Ia.
(4 787 15x
LARGE clothing company wants managers
for branch stores; salary 81,300; Invest
ment 81.200. Address 'Oalbrealh,"
Youngstown, Ohio. (4 S67 15x
6NAP 10-room rooming house, nice clean
furniture, full of roomers. Price $100.
Gangestad, 4oS Bee Bldg. (41878 16
FOR SALE A ten-room house, good loca
tion, full of boarders, $iu0.00. ' 'Phone
Douglas 86. (4-948 16x
Attend our Crelghton Heights auction sale,
on premises, Saturday. Sept. 14. 9 p. m.
Walnut Hill car. Reed Bros.. 1710 Farnam.
(4 M(41 14
FOR SALE Elegant cafe In Excelsior
Springs, centrally located, doing good
business; a iiantaln If sold soon. Address
Box 186, Excelsior Springs, Mo.
(4) M54 lSz
AT HALF PRICE Gasoline lighting plant.
In good condition; twelve lights or less.
Writ or call The Cola Drug Co., Dayton,
la. (4-kU71 Ux
WANTED Man with two or three thous
and dollars to Increase capital stock In
mtg. and mercantile business established
and doing good paying business; must be
willing to devote time and energy and
take half tne work and management.
Don't answer unless you mean business.
Address. B 1SS. care Bee. (41721 16x
WANTED Good, reliable man to take ha'f
Interest In cattle and hog ranch In moun
tains; good healthy place; or will rent
furnished nouse, country grocery and
postofhVe to party In poor health. Ad
dresa Mrs. E. J. Bt. Clair, Log Cabin,
Colo. (41-M436 17x
FOR SALE OR .TRADE Confectionery,
Ice cream and cigar store In good eastern
Nebraska town. Fine opening for res
taurant and bakery. Next opera house.
Address U. W. lied lent, Vaiparslso, Neb.
(4) M70H 20x
FOR SALE or trade, mill and mill property
In Iowa county seat town of 2.6ii. Best
Percheron stallion In Hardin county. Ice
and fuel business. Cheap If taken at
once. Faulk County Land Co., Hldora,
la. (4)-M593 19X
WISH to meet gentleman who tan Interest
few people to extent of ib.WM or o,ij0.
You can make same or more at no ex
pense to yourseir. Address L 62, Bee.
BOWLING ALLEYS Sell or trade; big
bargain; good business; fine condition;
lively town of 2.tiuo; must sell at once; no
competition. Box 037, Allkln, Minn.
(4)-M234 14x
FOR SALE Grocery stock and fixtures In
good town In southeastern Nebraska; pop
ulation 4.600; good proposition; reason for
selling other business. Address L. B S63,
Plattsmouth, Neb. (4) M684 15
FOR SALE Grocery store and meat mar
ket, bt-st location In the ,clty; monthly
sales $3,600; slock and fixtures will In
voice about $3,600. P-184, Bee.
i (4)-6j 21X
I DESIRE an active correspondent In every
town to sell approved Investment securi
ties; high-class proposition paying big
commissions. G. W. Clawson, Kansas
City, Mo. (4)-M(i87 16x
rights extension feeder on a corn shpller;
trade for personal property, rial estati- or
cash. John Tanner, Nebraska Cltv, Neb.
(4) 4J8 16x
FOR BALE-Blacksmith shop and tools;
good business and making nionev; reason
for selling, poor health. Address P. o.
Box 366, Souris, N. D. (4) M62 19x
SMALL grocery stock and fixtures for sale
a-Labar8alni muat b "old at once, at
8702 Sherman Ave. (4) M166 06
SALES made on mdse.. Jewelry, household
goods, live stock, farm Implements, eta
Roth aV Tyrell, L02 Douglas, Omaha.
Bar Irtm and Steel.
A. ALPIRN, wholesale and retail dealer In
Iron, metal, rubber, etc. We have
shears for cutting Iron from a 32d of an
Inch up to a rail, making (4 cuts a minute
per shear. These are the first shears In
the state. Private switches In yard, loth
and Itard on M. P. R. R. 1508 Cuming.
Twl. Red 6196. (5) 99 16
The Pennsylvania Iron and Steel Co.,
Omaha, Neb.,
Sells merchant bar Iron and steel In any
quantity and tize cheaper than any Job
ber In the west. Write for prices.
(S)-MG92 B22
EXPERT shaving and halrcuttlng. 309 N.
16th. (5)-783 Ol
AUGUST KROFFT, building contractor,
1003 N. 21st St., South Omaha. (5) 218
Commercial Artists.
H. C BUNNELL & CO.. 822 N. Y. Life.
Doug. 5149. (6)-M996
, - Creameries.
to Beatrice Creamery Co., Omaha.
Carpet Cleaning.
SANITARY Cleaning Co.. 1919 Farnam.
Chattel Losyis.
Chaa. D. Btanton Loan Co., 601 Bee Bldg.
(5) M926
China Painting.
sons until Oct. 1, 60c. Special attention
given young ladles. Mm. Ethel Vols, 1227
Dodge. 'Phone Taylor 424$. (5) M446 09
DR. ROY, R. J, 1508 Farnam St. Doug. 6497.
Dentists. .
BAILEY A MACH, Sd fir. Paxton. D. ions.
IN FAMILIES MIbs Sturdy. Tel. Harney
1368. (6J-2U
DRES8MAKING. Mrs. Hlrtes. 8618 Blondo
St. (6)-MR34 16
MMB. WOODRUFF. 223 Neville Blk. Tel.
Douglas 6170. (6J-M9K9 Oct
M'DOWELL Dressmaking School, 1828 Far
nam Bt. (6J-213
HESS BWOBODA. 1415 Farnam. (6)-219
L. HENDERSON. 1519 Farnam. Tel. D. 1263.
J. H. BATH, 1623 Harney. Tel. Doug. 3000.
THE SCHILTZ, European, 16th and Harney
(6) 218
PTTAT'FJiATNScnoo, of languages
llliViriljAliM French, German, Span
ish. Davidge Bldg., ISth and Farnam.
Day and evening classes. (6 lit SIS
KEYS, etc. Heflln, 1324 Farnam. Tel. D,
2971 (6)- 221
LADIES' hats made over and trimmed In
the latest styles; hats, feathers and ma
terial cleaned or dyed. E, Leola Pepper,
83b 8. 28th St. 'Phone Harney SMU.
(8)-549 Oil
Office Sapvlles.
FILING cabinets, files and ledgers, loose
leaf devices and office fixtures ami sup
plies of all kinds. Anchor Publishing
Co., 806 South 18th Bt. Tel. Douglas 6662.
(5(-.Mt).0 Oclt
JOHNSON INB.. 418 N. Y. L. Tel. D. 1664.
Dr. Bowser, over 1602 Far. Tel. Doug. C370.
(i))-ail14 8 26
DRS. RINOLER. 30$ Neville block. Phone !
Red 5467. (a) M.07 8 30x
C. B. TRU8SELL. 115 South 16th St.
HIGH-GRADE Imitation typewriter letters
and Job printing; no Job too large or
small. Anchor Publishing Co , 906 Sn. 1'th
bu Tel. Doug. 5562. (6)-Mi32 B19
OUT-OF-TOWN merchants, Ak-Bar-Ben
visitors, call and see our new Imponed
calendars for Lyngstad A Jarve, Hih
and Capitol Ave. (o-225
Eleetrla Blae Prlatlng. "
NORTON-CARBON CO.. $20 Bee Bldg. Tei
Red $167. (6-l5gl fili
(Continued )
Jewelers aad Watchmakers.
N. P. STILLI NO Watch, clock. Jewelry
repairing, 8-9 Paxton Blk. Tel.. 4:w7.
Shoo Repairing.
RAPID ' SHOE REPAIR CO.. nrst-rtaaa
work. 161S4 Capitol Ave. 'Phone Med CM
t CENTS every day, ladles or gents CT1 S
13th. 6 618 827
STORAGE at 14nJ Harney.
Rafea, Shatters, Ete.
OMAHA Safe and Iron Works makes a
specialty of fire escapee, shutters, doors
and safes. O. Andreen, Prop., 102 S. lot I)
St. (6)-22
Clerical aad Office.
Classes now open; able instructors.
Complete shorthand and business course
and preparatory for civil service, college
or a pnUcsslon. Lay and night sessions.
Tel. D. 1070. (7 M513 O10
Stenographer, experienced, $W.0O.
Stenographer and bookkeeper, .no.
Heveral positions not listed above. We are
very anxious to fill above positions with
out delay, ami request that applicants
call aa early as possible Monday.
404-5 N. Y. Life Bldg., Omaha.
(7i 852 15
LADY cashiers wanted at the Keystone.
. 17)-9U7 15
WANTED Lady stenographer who can
operate Sinlt h-Premler machine. Only
experienced operator need apply. Steady
employment. llartimin Furniture &
Carpet Co., 1414-lb-18 Douglas. (71-846 15
LADY stenographers, $40.
Bee Bldg.
Keystone, 44
'.J) 809 15
WATCH the CO-OPERATIVE opportunltlfM.
KEYSTONE wants bkpr. and stenog. 404
Hee Bldg, (7)-9o8 15
Factory and Trades.
WANTED Women for hand ironers and
machines. Kimball Laundry, 1511 Jackson
Bt (7) M540
WANTED Mangle girls at Model Steam
laundry, (7J-M462 x
LADIES Our catalogue explains how we
teach halrdrtssing, manicuring, facial
massage, etc., in a few weeks; mailed free.
Moler College. Chicago, 111.
(7)-M688 19x
wanted to locate In Denlson, Ia.; splendid
opportunity for the right kind. Address
Y 994, care Bee. (7) M770 21
WANTED Experienced skirt and latket
hand for alteration room. Applv" Elite
Cloak Co., 1517 Farnam. (17) M-80 21
WANTED Skirt and waist helpers at 1618
Cass8t. (7)-M904.17x
WANTED Coat and skirt finishers. Ap
ply at Ladles' Cloak Dept., Hayden Bros.
(7) MSD6 17
WANTED Ladles tailor. experienced
presser for skirts and suits. Apply Hay.
den Bros.. Cloak Dept. (") M87 17
Housekeeping and Domestic.
WANTED Girl for general housework In
family of three, where second girl Is
K'S'L gnoi w&e- Mrs. H. R. Rosenthal.
1043 S. 80th Ave. (7)-M156
WANTED Woman for general housework;
no washing or Ironing. 80v9 Marcy Bt.
WANTED A cook and second girt. 1610
rarnam Bt. . (7 M8b7
WOMEN for day work; housekeepers,
wsttresses, 835. Canadian office, 16th and
Dodge. (7J-229
WANTED Good girl for general house
work. Byron R. Hastings, 8516 Dodge St
WANTED An experienced cook, also a
second girl, in private family. Residence
191$ S. 32d Ave. Telephone Harney-3221.
GIRL for general housework, in small fam
ily. 3030 Maple. (7J-M293 14
WANTED A cook and children's nurse.
Mrs. A. L. Reed. Tel. Benson 178.
(7 408
WANTED Experienced girl for general
housework; small family; good wages.
Mrs. W. J. Hynes, 8604 Harney.
(7) 404 14
WANTED Good plain cook; good wages.
Mrs. R. 8. Hall, 8224 Farnam Bt.
WANTED Experienced girl for general
housework, three In family. Tel. Harney
2663. 3901 Dewey Ave. (7) 668 14
WANTED To go west, an experienced
nursemaid or nursery governess, to care
for 3 children, 4, 6, 8; must be refined,
neat looking and sew well: wages, tib and
rare paia. Appiy wiui rererences 1142 80.
31st Bt. (7)-661 17x
WANTETH-Experlenced girl for general
housework, small family, no washing,
heat waaea. Annlv 9nMl rioritf fit
WANTED A neat girl as caretaker; also
one as laundress, at the Creche, . 1824
Harney Bt.; wages $20 each, with room
and board. t7) M701 16
WAITRESS and dish washer. The Bache
lor hotel. (7) M66O
WANTED Jlrl for housework In small
family. 1518 Center St. (7) M666 lix
SECOND girl wantea in private family.
2i-5 Farnam St. (7 679
GIRL for general housework. 8315 Burt
Bt. (7)-681 17x
WANTED A competent girl to help with
general housework; $5ia week. 131 N
41st. a (7)-648 15
WANTED Good girl for general house
work. Apply 3254 Farnam.
(7)-0 15
GIRL for general housework; location
downtown. 702 So. 26th St. (7) M704 16x
WANTED Girl for housework: small
family. 1518 Center. (7)-80S lSx
GIRL for general housework: three In
family; good wages. Tel. Harnev or
call 50$ 8. 40th St. (7J-MS79 17x
WANTED A good dishwasher. The Mer-
rlam. (7)-9i7 16x
WANTED Cook and an assistant cook and
laundress for mostly hand work; refer
ences required. Inquire at Jennie Ed
mundson Memorial Hospital, eorner Oak
and Pierce Bts. (71948 Ux
GTRL for general housework. No washing.
Wages, $5 per week. 2287 Feward St.
(7)-M29 17x
' Mlsrellaneoas.
W G IRIi! W A N T B D 50
GIRLS for power sewing machines; piece
work; experienced girls make $7 to
GIRLS to turn bags; make $6 to $9.
OIRLS for llirht work, clip threads, fold,
count bags, etc.
Experience not necessury; we pay while
Cl'-an, well ventilated work rooms.
Soup and roffee free every noon.
Apply St office Bemla Omaha Bag Co., 11th
and Jones Bts. Entrance off viaduct.
(,7-755 15
PARTIES csn have shopping done at lo-
est prices by experienced bivyer. Write
for iifiriicular and reference Addr?-s
M 46. Bee (7-MlM 815x
WANTED Young lady for outdoor work
In city; salary and commission. U.
Frayer, 2fi!3 Dewey Ave. (7) M178 I9x
(7) M176 Six
CALL on the Keystone for a position. 40$
Be BkJg. (7)-910 16
LADIES and girls to stamp transfers at
home; easy learned; $1 50 to $2 dozan. $0$
faxton Blk. (7J-46I leg
WANTED Millinery trimmer for second
place. Mrs. H. M. Pcott, Atlantic, la.
(7-M'l 15x
1 EAniERS-One 'year's free enrollment ta
teachers needing positions. Manual train
ing touchers In tpecial demand. Write J.
L. Talt. Austin. Tex. (7)-Ma. ISx
WANTED Sewing women for alteration
work. Apply Indies' Cloak and Suit
Dept. Hayden Bros. (7)-44 15
WANTED Two or three girls for office
W'ork. Hayden Bros. 87) 722 16
- 1 . 1 -
ANY Intelligent person may earn good In
come corresponding for newspapers; ex
perience unnecessary; no canvassing;
semi tor particulars. Press Syndics
ixicapori. i. i. (7)
I MADE $sooon n five years in the mall
oraer nusiness: began with 85; any ona
tan do the work. Send (or free booklet;
tells how to get started. Manager, Bo
870, I.ockport N. Y. (7
WANTED Two lady pianists ani ladr
vocalist. Call today at 913 South 26tt
St., from 9 to 12 a. ni., $ to 7:30 p. m.
("i-796 15x
WANTED Experienced tailors and Jacket
hands. Apply superintendent, west end,
main floor, between 7:80 and 10 a. m. J.
L. Brandels & Sons. (7) M926 17
WANTED Bundle wrappers, cashiers and
cash girls. Apply superintendent, west
end, main floor, between 7:80 and 10 a.
m. J. L. Brandels Sons.
. (7) M928 17
Agents, Solicitors
WANTED-A traveling saleman for a
wholesale liquor house. Must have ele
gant references. A German or Bohemian
preferred. Address F-J09, care Hee.
(9)-M537 lr.g
Specialty Salesman
Omaha corporation manufacturing mh
trade specialty line wants a man to sell
lis goods to dealers In a good permanent
I territory; he must show a successful record
i p .any salesman, prove his Integrity,
.-.v.. M limn, ana ao a square Duel
ness and plenty of It; to such a man we
will pay a good salary and expenses and
advance him as his value Increases. Olva
age, experience, present employment, refer
ences and salary you can surely earn, and
If information Is satisfactory will grant
personal Interview. Address M 181, care
Be (9J-674 15
M to $150 a week In your locality selling
stock in Nevada Gold Mining company
that is a winner. Big thing for the In
vestor and for party who sells It. In
e?U8ai.e thl8, "or Particulars, address
B 136, Bee. (9) 62$ B30
WANTED Experienced clothing salesman
for Nebraska and southern Iowa. Suits
f2 '5.Jl,9'60 rf "ult a,,d pants from $9 00
to StO.W) per doxen. None but those with
established trade need apply. Americaa
Clothing Company, Louisville, Ky.
W-M489 15
WANTED-Experlenced tea and coffee so
licitors; ais.i men to take chaige of
country branches, and city delivery men
reference required. Apply to J. A. Smith!
Manager Jewel Tea Co.. lull Cuming 8l!
(9-471 16x
AGENTS "The Life and Works of Paul
Lawrence Dunbar," the world's greatest
negro poet, is Just out; agents earning $J0
a day; write for free outfit and exclusive
territory. J. L. Nichols Co., Naperville.
, (9)-M691 ltix
A'ATCH tha CO-OPERATIVli opuortunfttesi.
NEW specialties. Just In. big pay, steady
work. C. F. Adams Co., 1619 Howard.
EXCLUSIVE territory to district manag
ers; liberal contract to write our wage
earners' combination health and accident.
certificate. Address World Accident Asstvfc
ciatlon, 60J W. O. W. Bldg., Omaha. NebT
. ()-
SALESMEN-Best side line ever offered.
Staple goo,. Bell to all kinds of trade.
Backed up by Irresistible advertising.
Good men clear $200 to $260 a month,
ordinary men make more money than
they ever made before. Won't Interfere
with regular line. Also few state men
in unoccupied states. Advanced Company,
4B Front, Milwaukee, Wis. (9)-
''ULih:. MNTH and traveling expense
paid salesmen to sell goods to dealers; re
pair ? CmpaJ'; '"PPrlence unnecessary.
Purity Co., Chicago. (9)
DURING the next 90 days"youran maka
?..!Lim,onry ,8P","r 'f'd for us. You
furnish the buyer, w do the rest. The
lend sells Itself. Call or write for cir
culars, maps ynd commission offer, stat
ing your present business. Scandlnavlan
tanadlsn Land Co.. 172 Washington St..
Chicago. (8j
WANTED Traveling salesman: slngla
man preferred. American Bottling Co.
Fremont. Neb. (9)-731 15
SALESMEN to enrry pew spring line whlta
goods, dress goods, etc, on commission;
loom to retailer F. C. Rollman & Co.!
Mfgr's.. Philadelphia. (9)-729 15x
CAPABLE salesman to cover Nebraska
' ap'e line; high commissions with
1100 monthly advance; permanent position
w,riRht man' Je"B H- Smith Co.. Detroit.
'; (91 -739 15x
SALESMAN to call on doctors outside city:
clean, well paid work for hard worker!
stale experience, p. 0. Box 121. Phlla-delPn'-
9 749 16x
WANTED-Experlenced salesman to carry
our line of pants and ladles' skirts In tha
fi.h ruBlta We have an estab
lished trade In this territory and have
;Pn,n ,for "rat class salesman:
none other need apply. We will pay good
salary, or salary and commission to first
V ZrTAZ.S?" lth reference..
Y 992, care Omaha, Bee. Omaha, Neb. ,
, (9)-760 15x
ASlriNTfL'i? "p" dr" Koode and walstlngsj
latest fall and winter styles; no cenltai
Brqn, ,"'v.fa.'npAP" frt": nar"; reference"
Scott Novelty Company, 101 Franklin s
. York. N, Y. (9) 732 16x
iiis2ar' c" 8het"Srl
PI,nTKHK.AaNT8-,Tar",l r "aw pearl
Tnfl k. rta,Mn" an'1 ,ace medallions; new
k V" T": "Pt bu"' f"r th 'all trade;
Port'. picture proposition out. Largest
"r'rait and frame houae In the world;
!Tn catalogue. Indiana Moulding and
Frame Co.. Dept. 6. La Porte. Ind
(9)-747 15 x
' W,AN'TED-Brlght man to travel this terrt-
j ' nce "ol necessary; expense
advanced and fair salary to start Mo
Brady A Co., Chicago. (9) 738 lix
IF YOU'RE the man' we want, write right
maae wit) commission weekly or
start as side line; well known staple sold
by most lines, every town: no sample to
lug: season Just opening: liberal dating.
Manufacturer, Box 1J, St. Louis
(9) 738 lEx 1 V
WANTED Salesmen for NebraskaTsend li
for full particulars: aeveral of our sales-
men earned from $100 to $600 per month
during July and August. McAllister
Cornan Company, Jbt Dearborn Bt , Chi-ao-
()-737 15x
X ANTED-C'anvassers handling embroid
ery iioveltlea. walat suit patterns. Jap
anese and Mexican drawing work linens
to mall them our Illustrated circulars,
samples prices, etc Japaness Imuortmi
t o.. ( l.lcago. ,7ta n"
WiM,TJ,:Trav,'lln,r ""'-"rnen for old es
la 'list ed vinegar and cider house; salary
end expenses. R.d Cross Vlnegsr Co.,
I'oul- Mo- (9I-7T.1 16x
WANTFT-r,nts to sell wranplng paper
as a side line in Nebraska. Bamnles can
be carried In pocket; can earn tJb to $40
iT-.wTi,k: f.,a,a wher Vu travel and
what other line vou carry: ask for paner
samples and address Psoer Dept.. The
Kemper-Thomas Co., Elation H. Clncln
'0hl0' (9)-752 16x
crew manager for Kaness. $26 weekly.
Kenderdlne, BL James Hotel.
, (9)-M7W Its
WANTED 8,r0 men. women and boys Id
take part In Gregory's "Siege of Jericho"
each night next week. Apply to J.
O'Connor, Vinton street base hsll park,
7:30 Psturday night. (7) M719 14