Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 15, 1907, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 2, Image 11

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Falks on Teeth
By E. R. L. MURPHY. 0. D S.
You Musi Have teeth I
When a man or woman is bo tinror
hinat y& to tos pearly nil of hi or
her te;th lieratiso of dinnso or poor
dentist ry, It Ih time to ltMen to what
we have to say.
Delays are dangerous.
It the etomarh Is abused, tt will not
stand abune very long.
Then conies the worst of all trouble
When a man'a stomach go-B back
on him, he has lost his bets friend.
He desorves pity. The whole trouble
in nine cases out of ten Is that he has
not been masticating his food because
he has lost his teeth.
You must have, teeth!
Now for the bright side of the
By the Alveolar method we can
aupply real teeth In the place of those
that are lostand put them In your
mouth so they will act and feel like
nature's teeth. We won't bore into the
gums or hurt you. The work Is prac
tically Dalnlena. It can only .be had In
Our office. Patents liave been iHHUfd :
for thla country and sU foreign
countries: I
If you have lost nearly all 'your!
i.t, ,t b a victim of BVOrrheaJ
and are threatened with a loas of an!
. , aP.1B f,.r'
We can supply those you have lost
with the Alveolar method and cure
the cause of the loose teeth pyorrhea.
. If you can come to our office, we
will' examine your teeth without
charge. If you cannot come now,
send for our free book, "Alveolar j
Dentistry," which explains the method j
In detail.
Our charges are moderate no high
er than other first class dentists would
ask for the simpler forms of lentl?try.
We "straighten teeth, cure loose teeth
and tighten them fill ' and crown
teeth.' and all such work Is done by
expert operators
Our work Is guar-i
Suite 609-510-511 New York Life Building,
Omaha, Neb.;
Formerly examining and consult
ing dentist ttifbf Q.- Gordon' Martins,
Inc. .
Caution W have secured rights
and privileges ' to ' practice'. ' Aveolar
Dentistry and can had. at pur
office as above.
You will find our restaurant un
excelled for its appetizing menu
and excellent service.
If you are "taking your meal
out," we earnestly Invite you to
Bee us about serving you. The
surroundings here are most pleas
ant and prices reasonable.
T&ble D'Hots Dinner
Served Kvery Sunday From 11:80
A. M. to 8 P. M. Price, 73 cent.
, 1S18-20 Farnam Street.
Phone Doug. 711.
On Special Rand Platform, on
Aa Vnequalled Aerial Exhibition
From the ltl Foot ILallooit Hy Mis
Aladtilne WnUIcmar mid 1'rof.
(iforpM Kniltlt.
Teacher of Voice
Studio. 231-2-5, Boyd Theiire
Tatsaar aa4 rrtaays
Fall Dayi Are Filled with Many
Thini of Note.
I BH.IT1F. HAS PTfJWT ftv WIV imrv
Marrlaa-e af Some Well
Knntrn Vooa Woarn la the
Principal Topic .tmoif the
Smart Folks.
"He makes sdvancea unto me.
Kuch day with fervor,' so spoke she,
Assuming self-complacent atrin.
That typified the suave "1 win."
"No wonder, dear." replld her friend,
"Surh unto you he does extend.
To ante up a pausing whm.
For those your father makes to him."
' The aoelaTTalendar.
I MONDAY Mrs. Bums. Jr.. Informal bridge
rarty for Miss Phoebe Hmlth.
K8DA Y Mrs. W. L. Selby. luncheon at
Happy Hollow club; Mrs. J. A. Monroe,
lunrheon at the Field club; Ladles' day
st the taipy Hollow dob.
WEDNESDAY Clark-Kloke wedding;
Phillips-Fatten wedding; tadles day at
Country and Field rlub; dinner and dance
st Field rlub: Miss Frances Hochstetler.
luncheon at the Country club; luncheons
will be given at the Field club by Mr.
K. O. M'-Qllton. Mrs. XV. H. Wllllnnis,
Mra. F. J. Dale. Mrs. C. K. Twamhley.
Mrs. Zacbary. Mrs. J. O. Meredith. Mrs.
J. A. Munroe and Mrs. It. C. Friable,.
TIU'RHPA Y M r. and Mrs. Frank Colpet
aer, reception and dance at Country club
for Mr. and Mrs Masher Cnlpetaer;
IjulioiH ilsv nt Happy Hollow club;
luncheons at Hnppv Hollow club will be
given b. Mrs. A. B. Bomers. Mrs. A. O.
Wriwards end Mrs. o. K. Mriuuey
PH 1 DA Y Mr. Hen Cotton, OrijrinHl Bridge
gATi'RD ay- Dinner snd dance nt cniMi-
,ry club' HftPPy Hollow club and Field
Oairtv fa reianlna supreme. Not
even a
hint Is noted of a period of rest In
on imsni ne i -i i 'u"i 11 .,--
iml;:n. Brlden
visitors and the college set
claimed the leading Interest of the week
Just ended, and quite monopolise the In
coming seven days to tin recorded. The
brilliant event society le looking forward
to Is the Clarke-Kloke wedding, which will
take tdace "Wednesday, tha best day of
all," which has gone back to favoritism
after a few rival nuptials of prominence
selected Thursdays and especially Satur
days. The latter Is the day of all days
that ueed to be tabooed. But Saturday has
! Ita advantages, especially for . out-of-town
weddings, by those who wish to nave a
more complete membership of the families
than Just the maids and matrons. Then,
too, Invitations havo been Issued for a large
reception and dance to be given by Mr.
nd Mrs. Frunk Colpetser at the Country
club Thursduy evening in honor of Mr. and
Mrs. Moshcr Colpetier, wno win return
today from their wedding trip, wmi imw
two large affairs scheduled and several
popular Visitors In town, brides-to-be still
honor guests, there promises to be an un-
I precedented whirl of good times for this
particular time of the year.
At taa Country Clab.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Kloke entertained
'ut one of the largest dinners at the Country
club Saturday evening in honor Of the
Clarke-Kloke wedding party. At their tahle
were Miss Mona Kloke, Miss Hortense
Clarke, Miss Helen Davis, Miss Jean
Cudahy. Miss iAjulse Peck, Miss Adcle
McHugh, Miss Marlon Connell. Miss
Rrownle Bess Baum. Mr. Lou Clarke, Mr.
' Lawrence Brlnger. Mr. Clair Beard, Mr.
Walter Roberta, Mr. Chat Bhlverlck. Mr.
Harry Tukey, Mr. Junius Brown and Mr.
; Robert Burns. i
i' With Miss Lilian Lane were- Miss Mildred
I Butler, Miss Elisabeth Davis JIias Elha
i beth Bruce, Miss Mene Davis, Mlas Ruth
! Hammer. Miss Daphne Peters. Miss Kath-
' erlns Beeson, Mr. Blaine Young, Mr. Francis
; Gaines, Mr. Donald McWhorter. Mr. Robert
I Howe. Mr. Lloyd Lomax. Mr. Percy Hall,
j Mr. Dudley Banuker and Mr. Stanley Olf-
i ford, . ., . .
In honor of Mr. and Mrs. George Redlck,
1 who have recently returned from their wod
dtr.g trip, and Miss Ann Brown of Ten
j nessee. Miss Ellssbeth Congdon entertained
Miss Brown, Miss Natalie Merrlam. Miss
Isabel French, Miss Frances Wssaels, Miss
Mary Morgan. Miss Gwendolyn White, Miss
I Carolyn Congdon, Miss Hasol Connell, Miss
! Hilda Hammer, Mr. and Mrs. George
Redlck. Mr. Elmer Redlck. Mr. Barton Mil
, lard, Mr. John Redlck. Mr. Robert Dinning,
! Mr. Robert Tpdlke, Mr. Paul Cooley, Mr.
Paul Gallagher, Mr. Frank Pollard. Mr.
Ed Crelghton, Mr. Jack Dumont and Mr.
Hugh McWhorter. Tha table was attrac
tive with clematis and golden glow.
Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Robinson had as their
guests Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Wllhelm. Mr.
and Mrs. H. N. Wood and Mr. and Mra.
W. D. Williams.
Smaller dinners were given by Mr. and
Mrs. Samuel Burns, jr., Mrs. C. A. Hall
and Mr. McCord.
Happy Hollow Clab.
Mr. and Mra. Kobert Dempster entertained
as thir guests at dinner at the Happy
Hollo w club Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs.
J. A. Munioe, Rev. and Mrs. E. H. Jenks,
ftf m .. K .. T - n A I If .1
nil biiu .'it m ic.tti , v m i j 1 1 1 , mi. anu
."urs. cucua mariin, aiiss r.iatr ana Miss
Allen. ,
With Mr. and Mrs. James Cliadwlcs. were
Mr. and Mrs. A. K Reed. Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Johnson and Master John Chadwlck.
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Towle had aa
t heir guests Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Marshall,
Miss Marguerite Marshall and the Mlases
Marion and Naomi Towle.
Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Durkeo and Mr. R.
K Carter were th gueats of Mr. and Mrs.
M. V. Kinkhousr.
With Dr. and Mrs. B. C. Henry were Mr.
and Mis. Howard Oraham, Miss Bernlce
Clarke of Lincoln. Dr. Hopkins and Mr.
and Mrs. Dull Branch.
Dr. and Mrs. H. O. Henry entertained
the members of the executive' board of
the Christian Benevolent association, which
Included Mr. and Mrs. Solon R. Towne, Mr
and Mrs. D. W. Merrow. Mr. and Mra. T
K. Sturgess and Mr. and Mrs. K. H. Pack
ard. Mr. and Mrs. Draper Smith entertained
In honor of Mr. I.. H. Hugrlns of St. Jo
soph. Mo. At tuetr table were Mr. Hug
Ins. Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Bryson and Mlsa
Luella Allan.
Dr. and Mrs. George H. Blcknell enter
tatned Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. William
son and Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Anderson.
Smaller dinner parties were given by Mr.
Cyrus Erown, who had two guests; Mr. T
W. Austin, four, Mi. Rees, four; Mr. H. D.
P.errt. two; Mr. F. B. ICennard, fauri Mr.
E Zabrlskls. two.
Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Flnley gave a beau
tifully appointed dinner Friday evening at
the Happy Hollow club. Their table was
attractive with a centerpiece of red
geraniums and asparagus ferns. In which
fav.-rs were concealed attached to the end
of red satin ribbons, the other end of which
were attached to the plate cards. Covers
were la!d for Mr. and Mrs. W. M. David
son. Mr. and Mrs. F.. K. Kimberley, Miss
Frances Cliavrs. Mr. K. C. Page and Mr,
and Mre. Flnley.
Field Clab.
Among those who gave dinners at the
Field cluh Saturday evening were Mr. and
Mrs. Kd. P. Smith, who had five gussts
Mr. McMenemy. six; Mr. and Mra. J. B
UlsDchard. four; Mr. and Mra. H. J. Pen- j
fold, three; Mr. and Mra. L. M. Talmage. I
four; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Jordan, elghl
Mr. and Mra. D. V. Bholas, four, and Mr.
Hadley, four.
In honor 'of Mrs. W. R. Kelly of l,os
Angeles. Cal.. Mrs. J. A. Munroe gave a
charming luncheon at ttie Field rlub Sat
urday. Tha table had a handsome center
piece of yellow and white.
Dahlias and clemstls were the flowers
used. Tha plats cards were autumn
scenes. Those present were Mrs. Kelly,
Mrs. iRsymond Welch. Mrs M. J. Welch
of Lincoln. Miss Helen Welch, Miss Jes
sie Millard. Miss Clara Elder. Mrs. J. K.
Hsuin, Mrs. T. J. Orr, Mis. Charles Clapp,
Mrs. C. F. McC.rew. Mrs. Klmr Rankin,
Mrs. Oeorge Perk, Mrs. Fred ttuutg. Mrs.
Fred Rusnn. Mrs W. RA Kelly. Jr., Mrs.
W, B. Miliard, Mrs. David Bantu. Mrs.
Nathan Merrlsm and Mrs. Munroe.
Pleasures Past.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard ''on
Informally SaturdHV cvenh.g at their home
In lvjnor of their twenty-fifth anniversary.
About twenty-five of their frien.U were
Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Meek enter
tained Thursday evening at their lorn.-,
35i! Farnam street, f.r Miss Belle Warg
bi re. who leaves, shortly to send the
winter In Texas and California. An en
joyable evening was spent at cards.
Miss Essie Aarons entertained at a
musical Wednesday evening at her home,
?t."3 Caldwell street. Both the hostess nn 1
her guests contributed musical numbers.
Thnre present weir: Misses. Irene t.ed
dell. Ora Oglo. Knllierlne Phelps Alice
McMabnn. Anrona; Messrs. Morris of New
York. Archer. Aarons, Dr. Ward, Dr. Pul
ver. Mr. Fred McConnell entertained at din
ner at his home Saturday evening In
honor of Mr. Robert Stout. Mr. Carl Bel
den end Mr. Vallery White, who will leave
Burn rnr their respective schools In the
east. Ills guests were Mr. Robert Stout,
Mr. Carl lioldcn, Mr. Vallery White, Mr.
Isbhc Carpenter, Mr. Sam Carrier, Mr.
Coe Buchanan and Mr. John Bowman.
The Cpsllon chapter of tha Gamma Sigma
fraternity gave' their second annual In
stallation banquet Saturday evening at the
Rome hotel. Covers were laid for Mr.
Earl Burkett, Mr. Fred Wallace. Mr.
Charles Meyer. Mr. Myles Standlsh, Mr.
Martin Bush, Mr. Clyde Peake, Mr. Pren
tiss Lord, Mr. Rogsr McKensle, Mr. Jack
Welsh, Mr. Lloyd Smith, Mr. Robert
Arthur, Mr. George Thummel, Mr. Lester
Phillips, Mr. Lloyd Osborne and Mr. Tur
ner MeAllster.
Dr. and Mrs. F. 8. Owen gave a dinner
Friday evening at their home In honor of
a number of the young people who will
leave ahortly for school. Their table was
artistically decorated with garden flowers
end covers were laid for Miss Irene Jaynea,
Miss Alice McCullough. Miss Edith Fisher,
Mlsa Hazel Rogers. Miss Elisabeth Gould.
Mr. Hubert Owen, Mr. Robert Fisher, Mr.
Lane Summers, Mr. Edward O'Brien, Mr.
Phillip Frederick and Mr. William Christie.
Mr. Waldo Scott entertained at cards
Friday evening in honor of a number of
the young people who will leave within a
few daya for school. The rooms were beau
tifully decorated. In the parlors pink and
white asters and clematis were used and
In the dining room pink cosmos and cle
matis. Six-handed high five was the game
played and the prises were won by Miss
Bessie Gould and Mr. Roger McKenzle.
Those present were Miss Josephine Fra
iler, Miss Marlon Tllton, Miss Louise Lord,
Miss Elizabeth Pickens, Miss Marguerite
Busch, Mtaa Bernlce Edwards, Miss Elisa
beth Pryor, Miss Elizabeth Gould, Miss
Florenoe Squires, Miss Alice Troxell, Miss
Edith Fisher, Miss Irene Jaynes, Miss Mar
garet Guthrie, Miss Marcla Pratt, Miss
Ines Latey, Miss Corrlnne 'Lessell, Miss
Ruth Gould, Miss Varda Scott, Mr. Jack
Welsh, Mr. Lisle1 ' Smith, Mr. Prentiss
Lord, Mr. Earl Burket, Mr. Turner McAl
lister. Mr. -Lane Summers. Mr. Phlllln
Lehmer, Mr. Robert Fisher, Mr: Roger Me-
Kensle, Mr. Hubert Owen, Mr. Harry
Deutmatre, Mr. Vallery White, Mr. , Ed
ward O'Brien, Mr. Albert Busoh. Mr. Harry
Eyler, Mr. Uakn Robertson, Mr. Robert
Stout and Mr. Waldo Scott.
Social Chlt-Chat.
Miss Holland la expected from New
York Monday.
A son was born Monday to Mr. and Mrs.
Arthur B. Smith.
Miss Pauline Mills Is visiting Miss Shir
ley Castetter of Blair.
Misa Pearls Ley will return today from
six weeks' eastern trip.
Mrs. F. C. Best has returned from a two
weeks' sojourn in Denver.
Mra. E. E. Baich will leave this week
to visit friends In Chicago.
Miss Erma Pickett will return home In a
few daya from an extended visit In Denver.
Mrs. Charles E. Williamson and children
ave returned from an extended visit In
Miss Nell Moore of Council Bluffs left a
few days ago for an extended trip in
Miss Nettle Witt has gone to Chicago to
meet friends and visit several points on
the lakes.
Miss Frances Gould will leave Tuesday
for Lincoln, where ahe will attend school
at the university.
Mr. Claude L. Peake will leave Monday
for Oreencastle, Ind., where he will enter
the DePauw university.
Mra. Joseph Allen and Miss Luella Allen
have returned from the east, where they
have spent the summer.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gllmore and Miss
Amy Gllmore have returned from a three
weeks' visit In Indian Territory.
Mr. Leon Dudley has returned to Lake
Foreal college after spending the vacation
with his parenta and In the west.
Miss Faber Dow has gone to Rvanston,
nr., where ahe will attend school at the
Visitation convent this coming year.
Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds Barnum of E34
Park avenue have returned from Lake Oko
bojl. where they have spent the eummer.
Mrs. Millie Ryan has returned from i
three months' visit spent at the Thousand
Islands, tha Catskllls and New Tork City.
Mrs. John L. Godfrey and Mrs. Zack
Howell will leave Sunday for a three weeks'
visit with their sister, Mrs. E. H. Smith.
In Ogdcn, Utah.
Mrs. F. J. McBhane, Miss Marie Mc-
Shane and Miss Louise McPheraon will
leave the latter part of the month for a
visit in the eaat.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomaa Kllpatrlck. who
have been spending several weeks at their
summer home In the Adlrondacka, are ex
pected home next Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Crane and son
leave today for a vtslt to Hot Springs, S.
D. During their absence Mrs. A. S. Ray.
mond and Mlas Ruth Raymond will occupy
their country place. "Rosemere," near Flor
ence. '
Mr. J. C. Huteaon and family, accom
panied by Miss Krlcksnn, returned Friday,
after spending nine weeks cruising on
Tiursday, Friday and Saturday '
First Fall M illinery Open ing
F. M. Shadell
1522 Douglas Street
Puget Sound and the Straits on their new
yacht the Optic, and camping on Bain
brldge Island, near Seattle.
Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Thompson of Ijogan.
I'tah. are vlsillng Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Kern, at t30 Burdette street. Mr. Thomp
son Is an old schoolmate of Mr. Kern.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cowell and daugh
ter. Miss Mona, have returned from the
east. They took the lake trip, stopping en
route at Clevelsnd, O., to visit at their old
Mr. Crawford left Saturday on a business
i trip t'o New York Cltv and Skowhegan, Me.
While esst Mr. Crawford will visit rela-
ivrs snd friends in Boston. Cnlcbrnok and
New Hatnpxlilrc.
Mr. J.inics Conway of Harrington and
i Mr. J. F. Conway of Denver were the
! kuesis 'f their mother. M-s. B. Coiwav.
J for a few davs this week en route to Kx
enlertslned i ct Islor Pnrlngs, Mn.
Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Kunkhouser w'!t
Ichv" today for an extensive eastern trip
which will Include Buffalo. New York.
Washington. Jamestown exposition and
other points of Interest.
Com In a Invents.
Mrs. W. L. Selby will give a lunchepn
Tuesday at the Happy Hollow club.
Mrs. J. A. Munroe will be hostess Tues
day at n luncheon at the Field club.
Miss Frances Hochstetler will give a
luncheon at the Country club Wednesday.
Miss Luella Allen will give a supper at
her home this evening In honor of Mr. L.
N. Hugalns of St. Joseph, Mo.
In honor of Miss Phoebe Smith, who !
one of the brides of next week, Mrs. Sam
: Burns. Jr., will give an Informal bridge
' party at her home Monday afternoon.
; Reservations have already been made at
the Happy Hollow, club Thursday for
luncheons by Mrs. A. B. Somcrs, Mrs. A.
Ct. Edwards and Mrs. O. N. McCulley.
Luncheons will he given at the Field club
; Wednesday hy Mrs. E. O. MeGllton. Mrs
j W. B. Williams. Mrs. J. F. Dale, Mrs. C.
I E. Twambley. Mrs. Zackery, Mrs. J. C.
! Meredith. Mrs. J. A. Munroe and Mrs. H.
j C. Frlsbia.
' Mrs. Ben Cotton will be hostess Friday
at the meeting of the Original Bridge club.
The -Lynn Social club will give their
' first party of the season at Chambers'
academy Monday evening, September 23.
' This club gave a series of dancing Pr
. ties last year at Patterson hall. This year
1 the parties will be given at Chambers' and
j take the place of the Toung Ladles'
I Pleasure club, who . have given up their
j parties, and have turned over their In
1 vltatlon list to the Lynn Social club. Tho
j club will give their parties every alter
nate Monday evening at Chambers' dhrlng
the season! The committee having charge
I of the detailed arrangemenla Is: Bertha
i E. Ellis, president; Edith Reed, secretary;
Grace Reed, Anna Holmes, Betty Novltsky,
Ella Noel and Hattle Carberry.
Weddings and Engagements.
The wedding of Miss Mona Kloke,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert F.
Kloke, and Mr. Louis Clarke will be
solemnized Wednesday evening at 7:30
o'clock at St. Mary's Avenue Congrega
tional church. Rev. L. O. Baird will of
ficiate. The bride will have aeveral at
tendants, which will include Miss Helen
Davis, as maid of honor, and the brides
maids will be Miss Marion Connell, Mtsp
Louise Peck, Mtss Hortense Clarke, Miss
Adele McHugh, Miss Jean Cudahy and Miss
Brownie Bess Baum. Mr. Ward Clarke,
brother of the groom, will aerve as best
man, and the uahers will be Mr. Lawrence
Brlnker, Mr. Chat ShlvericK, Mr. Harry
Tukey, Mr. Robert Burns and Mr.- Junius
Brown. The church wedding promises to
be one of the' most brilliant of the season,
followed by a reception at the home of
the bride at 333 Harney street, where only
the relatives s,nd intimate friends have
been Invited.' ... . ..
The following clipping from the Waah-
FosaVi'will "be of interest to many
Omaha people who . knew Mr. . Francis
Colton In the early. ds of Omaha as a
general officer of the Union Pacific railway
and later his son. Colonel George R. Colton,
a banker in Nebraska, who led the First
Nebraska regiment at the taking of
Mr. Francis Colton announced last even
ing the engagement of his .daughter, Mlsa
Daisy Coulton. to Lieutenant Commander
Archibald H. Davis. V. B. N. Miss Colton
returned with her father on Friday from
Deer Park, where they spent the summer.
They will stop In their home here until
Tuesday, when they go to Atlantic City to
remain until October.
Lieutenant Commander Davis, who Is
here to spsd Sunday, la stationed at 1-hll-adelphla.
tie Is a member of the leading
clubs of that city and la Identified with its
most exclusive social circle. His marriage
to Miss Colton will probably take place in
(Continued on Third Page.)
A Staple and Imperishable
Investment ,
uninjured from age and con
stantly growing more valuanle;
lending the stamp of prosperity to
the prospsrous, and the Insignia
of thrift to the thrifty.
In IMa wises Blue White aad Ix
tra White Diamonds has estao
llshed for this firm, a name
second to none In Omaha.
Investigation will further con
vince you that our prices ore
Albert Edholm,
aa ' Haraey
Mr. and Mra. Morand's classes In
Dancing and Physical Culture for
children, will reopen (28d season) on
Saturday. October 5th, 3 P. M., In Ed
ward Crelghton Institute, 210 So. 18th.
Street, (first floor near Farnam).
Lessons for beglnnera Saturdaya
2:30 P. M. and Wednesdays 4:15
P. M. Terms season 6 months, $16
advance Saturdays only, 4 P. M.
Terms season 6 months 110. For
further particulars, 'phone Douglas
& Company
adies' Tailored Fall iiifl
sutt'iwsis as
. 1 ' ' '
M tss Holland
has jwt returned from New York and will
be pleased to show
Models, Materials ' and Trimmings
i at her former location,
205 Paxton Building, Omaha
Wednesday" and Thursday the eighteenth and
nineteenth of September
Ftir Garments g
....Made With &
516 Karbach DIoek
Omaha's Fashionable Tailor and Furrier
Garments Made and Remodeled.
Prices Reasonable.
First Fall Millinery Opening
F. M. Schadell & Co.
1522 Douglas St.
Ihursday, Friday and Saturday.
amperes or kilowatts do not interest you, but the price
of electric light does. With the new reduced rate you
can burn 16-candlepower lamps for less than one-third
of a cent per hour after you have used an amount equal
to the high rate portion. Why not investigate?
Omaha Electric Light & Power Co.
'Phone Douglas 10G2.
can aave a olg part of th.-lr expenne bill If they will commence now nn a want list
of thlnas net-Jed fir the winter In the drug store line and bring tills list to our stores
when they come to the big show Ak-ar-Benj bigger than ever this jsar and re
member! we have five u irux stor-H two In Omaha, In In Houth Omaha and one
i. .-....-.nil m,,ff ami mi. Imv moi.' driik tlisn tiny competitor, which explains how
!we caa undersell all competition. Don't foi'tct t about that big Banltol offer. (3.70
I worth of Kanltol for ll un. t ut coupon out of the Saturday Kvenlng Post, ladles'
Home Journal and mniiv other magazines, put ouf nauitj In us your druggist and Hand
I to the company, with $1.0(i, and they will send vou an order nn us for 12.70 worth
of their goods, which we will deliver to you without a cent charge. We are bead
quarters for the Saaltol gooda. Prescription filling Is one of our specialties and we
Invite SI! lO Dring ineir precrnllm IU u
tried to put ue out of business and now
On aha Corner llth and Douglaa Sta.; Kth and Chicago His. Boats Om
Cor. tb and N fcUa. Couaell Blags 4th. Ave and Mala 8 la,
like druggists wba don't have to substitute.
The Stripe a Predominating Feature
Many of the most exclusive models in Tailor Made Suits for
fall are made In handsome striped cloths, broadcloths in wide and
narrow stripes, also striped English suitings and herringbone ef
fects; of course, plain colors will, as umml be preferred by a great
many people, and we show a large collection, which Includes the
new blues, mulberry shades, browns, grays and greens, as well as
Semi-Fitted and Fitted Coats rrf Styles
which are to be most fashionable, and we show them In many
different lengths from 24 to 52 Inches; all the. coats are lined
throughout with rich satins or fine quality taffeta silks. The
skirts are full pleated models, made wlih deep pleats and finished
with folds of the same material.
Some of these Huita are very simple, tliolr kimpllcity being
tine ritMlnifiiiKhlng feature. Others are more or less elaborately
trimmed with wide braids In plain and fancy weaves and hand
some buttons.
A Stunning Model
To the left we exactly picture a handsome model, one of the many
stylish Suits you will find at the New Cloak Store. It U a tlshl
fittlng military effect 27-inch Skinner lined Coat, handsomely
trimmed with braid and comes In the best quality of HentnK-
bone cheviot. The skirt is side pleated and has
a four-inch fold. This is ouly one of the many
we are showing at
It la a difficult matter to attempt to describe these new Suits.
You must see them to fully appreciate their artistic beauty.
. If you want polite and careful attention, honest, reliable
garments and want them to fit faultlessly, then you cannot afford
to trade elsewhere.
Tailor's Touch....
Y. M. C. A. Bldg.
m hum av ih..w miu MIU LIUB1
we have them all guessing.
alias at) kfc5jJa:
Why Not
have that Bracelet, Pendant, Pin
or any other piece of
Jewelry Repaired
in time for the Ak-Sar-Ben Ball
and Fall Festivities? You muy
lose that diamond or other valu
able atone; better have It reset.
That's My Business
Rooms 2 and 3 Paxton Block
I SI Rubber Gloves 49c
Monday at
It's a duty every housewife owes
her hands.
rVIIss Blanche Sorensen
Teacher of Singing
New Pupils received Tuesday and
Studio 54S Ramge Block
Table d'Hoic Dinner
Chesapeake Cafe
11:30 a. m. lo 8:00 p. m.
1508-10 alolSTard Sfree
Potter's Mandolin Orchestra
The Chesapeake
New Grill Room
1512 lioward Street
8tri tljr Every tiling First Class.
A complete line of wines, liquors
nd clears, imported and domestic
served front our own bufiVt.
n n
lift Jb TT
..74 . C- i 1 Ull II iaarntMAkal