Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 15, 1907, NEWS SECTION, Image 1

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    The Omaha Sunday Bee
brffc Ptor
Best & West
French Biihopi Insut Government
Shall Make Needed Bepairt.
Relig-ions Bodies Will Not Accept
f Them Unlets Put in Shape.
Dfflcials Dare Not Close Edifices Be
cause of People.
leaalt Ilaa Bees to Cloac Hondreda
of Cesluo. Barked by Moat
ronerrol Financial Or
tasliallosi. PARIS, Bept. l.-;Erc1al.)-For the I
resent matters as between church and '
Itato are) in a condition of suspense. There j
will be no further movement until Decern- ;
ber, when the question of the leasing of i
the churches by the bishop will come un- .
o'er discussion. At present the churches '
are open, and the priests permitted to say
mass; but It Is entirely on sufferance. At
any moment the government could close
the churches, and there Is little doubt they
would If they wre not afraid to rouse the
French people by such on extreme step
to open revolt.
They have offered to lease them to the.
bishops, but on the understanding that the
latter should keep them In order. Now, as
under the concordat, the minister of public
worship wa bound to keep them In proper
order and repair, but failed for the last
twenty-flvo yeara to do so, the amount of
money necessary to effect repairs on the
huge churches of Paris, such as St. Sulplce,
Notre Dame and the Madeleine, and on the
cathedrals of other towns, and to keep
them fit for public service In the future,
would be entirely beyond the means of the
church of France. They are government
property, and the bishops will not lease
them unless they are put and kept In re
pair. The government Is therefore on the
horns of a dilemma. They officials dare
not closo them entirely, and the prelates
will pot accept them under the conditions
Pop Condemns Project.
An attempt was made some time since
to form associations of laymen to lease
them on behalf of the church, but the
bishop refused to sanction the project,
and tho pope entirely condemned it., It
would lead to many abuses. The priests
would find their hands more tied in many
cases than before. Any noisy man, pos
sibly 'a politician, getting himself elected
on one of these committees could glva In
nnite trouble. In other countries It has
occasionally happened that a man well
meaning, but cranky, acting on a com
mute for the Improvement of a school or
church, hag been able to give a good deal
tf JtoUlfelfr -Uer they would not be well
meaning, and tho bishop wisely refused to
j'ountenanc these association.
1 The French are a wealthy and generous
people, and now that the clergy ar left
to look to thorn for support they will ac
cord it freely. It will take aom little time,
because they have not been accustomed to
priest voluntarily imported, a In. Ireland;
but they will com to learn their duties in
that, respect very oon, and will discharge
them gerterously. At the present moment
they contribute to the fund ; for tho
propagation of the faith more' than all
the rest of Europe put together, fn the
palmy days of the church in France, be-
for the revolution, they had 3,000 foreign
missionaries. They have now 87,000. This
statement 1 almost incredible, but It Is
true, and statistic bear It out.
French Not Irreliglooa
The French have a character for being
volatile and sincere and earnest about
nothing (except in the dangerous times of
war), and that is fairly correct. They
eertalnlv make no violent open protesta
tlona of religion, but they are far from
being' an irreligious people. It 1 not quit
taay for a stranger to understand this or
to know the Influence, which away them.
For Instance, In a street not far from
where this is written there is a family of
treat wealth, olden name, and long descent.
It 1 a street of palace, and their 1 the
Ineat mansion In It. There are three there.
leaders of fashion in this city, and a leader
f Parisian society I very much of the
world, indeed. No one would ascribe to
Ihem very deep thought of religion. Tet
there were seven children of that family
irlglnally,- and the four eldest are In the
church, and serving as missionaries In the
A new life Is growing even in Paris. As
k result, Cardinal Richards ha had to
tstabllsh nineteen new parishes In this city,
At some of the masses in the city, the
thurches, numerous and hug as they are,
tannot accommodate the worshipers. So
xiuch has the religious spirit in Pari de
reloped that one cure, a man of large
private means. Is erecting, in the Rue
Malakoff, not far from the pariah church,
k new one for the accommodation of hi
Merry del Vol to Retlro.
According to a well posted correspondent
it Rom there 1 good reason for believ
ing that there will shortly be some Impor
tant political changes at the Vatican, the
chief being the retirement of Cardinal
Merry del Val from the post of vardlnal
secretary of state. The writer says:
"I imagine that most of the sacred collegia
and all the chancelleries in Europe will
give a algh of relief when this Is a fait
accompli. For Merry del Val has been a
distinct failure as secretary of state and
has got the Vatican at alxe and sevens
with half the governments of Europe. His
latest circular to the leading prelates In
various countries announcing the postpone-
ment of the celebration of the pope's flf
"i tleth anniversary of hi entrance Into holy
I tirder Is a monument of tactlessness. The
rration given, that the pilgrims' Uvea would
not be safe In Rome, owing to the antl
clerical tendencies of tha Italian arnvern.
ment. Is, f course, a gratuitous Insult,
What the cardinal secretary ot stat can
expect to gain by coming Into conflict with
iu.n umcnii or r.urope i a mystery.
I mpo.l. bad remained In
power orhad becom. pop. I do not h..l -
If Cardinal Rampoll. had r.m.lnd In
taia .it mmj win tn. separation Dtwen
church and at si. would not hav tak.n
place In France. That It would have com
In time Is probably true ther wa a
strong movement In that direction but tt
would hav. been carried out in a much
lvs violent form. Th concordat, a far
as th government wa concerned, had too
many advanUge. to be lightly thrown ' Odd Fellow will be heldnext week, be- ! eontend with,
away. But th. Intra n.tgeanc. of Merry ' ginning with, services at th. People's ehurch I Matters should be arranged between In
del Val precipitated th. cat raphe, and. Sunday morning. Wednesday afternoon th : dls Ireland and Egypt so that th. three
Iha ka to him, th Vntt-cl.riral movement 1 big parade will take place. Thursday will 1 people should act together and at an op-
ib Minneapolis day. Thousand of visitors I
ar xpttu" . (Continued on Fifth FagsJ
ftuedny, Dirnbrr lit, llOT.
1907 SEPTEMBER 1907
2 3
0 10
5 6
12 13
10 20
15, 16 17
22 23 24
29 30 f
25 26 27
1 '
Forecast until 7 p. m. Sunday:
For Omaha. rriiincil HhifT and Vicinity
Probably fair Sunday; no Important change
In temperature.
For Nebraska Probably showers Sunday.
For Iowa Continued warm and generally
flr weather, except possibly showers In
wet portion Sunday.
T"""r"" rnaha yesterday:
Hour. Dcg.
Japanese consul at Seattle has asked for
protection for his countrymen at the
hands of the chief of police of Seattle.
X. Fag 1
Cotton boll weevil has commenced Its
migration and fear is expressed that It
will cross the Mississippi river.
X, rag 1
Report is current that some of the
prominent coal operators of the country
will not bid on the supplies wanted by
the government for Its Paclflc trip.
X, Far 1
Armour has turned over the private car
line to the Harrlmun interests on the
Pacific coast. X. Fag 1
II. II. Rogers' health is a matter of legal
controversy In Boston. X, Fag 1
Boilermaker on the northwest rouda
strike for nine-hour day and Increased
wages, and roads expect much trouble.
X, Fag 1
Water supply of the collieries, Hchu1-
klll county, Pennsylvania, ia running low.
X, Fag 1
Ferney, S. D.. was raided by bandits.
who terrorised the people while they
pent two hour cracking a bank safe.
X, Fag 1
Secretary of State Junkln has received
official returns on a number of district
Judgeships contested for at the recent
primary. X, Fag 3
Senator Burkett, before leaving Lincoln
for Washington, declares he la opposed
to government aid for the Alaaka-Yukon-Paclflc
exposition. X, Fag 3
Railroad employe of England threaten
a general strike for advanced wages. .
X, Fag
oc!r x
Banker of Nebraska will hold their
eleventh annual convention In Omaha this
week. X, Fag 5
W. H. Bchmoller, Just returned from
France and Germany, ay governmem-
owned railroad give poor service.
X, Fag S
Local ' lumber dealer have werd . th
western railroad have given notice to
the Intertat Commerce commission of
an advance in rates on lumber from the
Pacific coast. X, Fag 4
Work on Ak-6ar-Ben carnival grounJs
ha begun, and Samson Is getting together
a great list of attractions for the knights
of Qulvera. X, Fag 1
Laying of the cornerstone or t.
Cecilia's cathedral, with big parade and
sermon by Archbishop Ireland, will he
greatest day In history of Omaha Cath
olicism. X, Fag
Real estate men report but little farm
land in the eastern part of Nebraska for
sale. XI, Fag 5
Date for laying cornerstone of new
Roman Catholic cathedral at Omaha ia
fixed for October 6. XX, Fag 6
Building record for August for forty
two cltlea shows that Omaha is far ahead
of average in amount of building being
done and In value of building being
erected. XX, Fag S
In th Magaslne Section of tht num
ber will be found a short biography of
Daniel Hotchkts Wheeler, a pioneer of
Nebraska; Description of the Roman
Campagna; How the Burmese Conduct a
Funeral; Bom Short Stories; Golden Ju
bilee of Masonry in Nebraska; Cost of
the New Love; Qosslp of Plays and Play
ers; The Lonllest Spot on Earth; In th
Field of Electricity; Anecdotes and Inol
dents. -l
In the Home Section of this number will
be found Buster Brown; The Busy Bee'
Own Page; Hunting the Frog In Jersey
Swamps; At a Great Mohammedan Uni
versity: Making the nana urauiuui
Curloua Capers of Cupid; First Fall Neels
In Tailored Costumes; What Progressive
women Ar Doing; Fluffy Kumes
Blx Pages
' Port.
. Lueanla
. ('Ilia
. Lithuania
. R D llila ....
. Cmpanta ....
. K. Victor!..
Twi Iowa Attorneys Are Admitted to
Practice) Before, the Interior
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON. Sept. It. (Special Tel
egram.) Ellas P. Ripley of Belmond. Ia.
and George L. Scovlll of Massena, Ia..
have been admitted to practice befor th
Interior department.
Th. postmaster general today ordera.1
I -atahltshait atatlnn K
io. 5 of th. poMoms
at Burlington. Ia. Th new station Is
I to be located at th corner of Central
avenu. and South atreet and I to b
, openeu ior .. uv.., -
I ,
I ..
I Elarhty-Thlrd Annual Convention of
verela-n Grand Lodge Will
Be Held.
ST. PAUL. Minn., Sept It Th eighty-
hird annual convention of th sovereign
third annual convention of th sovereign
rand lodge of th Independent Order of
v-; a. m
i -,1 ft a. m
'Vfx 10 a. m
Ifi VS- II a. m
Jfi- 1 P- m
"Wv P- rn
AT . P. m
6 p. m
" rt. m
7 n. m
. n. m
-1 9 rt. m
Sinn Fein Party in Ireland Has Elabo
rate Campaign Ahead.
Would Establish Ooyernment in Op
position to Westminster's.
Rule of the People, by the People
Chiefest Aim.
llangary Secured Fr- , -f .A Aus-
Irla by Adher
0V ork.
U1NDOS. S. .. l.-(Sneclnl )-The ques
tion has often been asked, "What Is the
policy of new Sinn Fein party In Ireland?"
A contributor to the official organ of the
Sinn Kelners throws a great deal" of light
upon the matter. He Is exceedingly iranK
snd. "makes no bones" about me eecreis ui
he party. The object la revolution.
"Last vear. and. Indeed, ever since tho
movement started," he writes, Blnn t em
ers were hopeful, but now they have be-
e sanguine of success. And wun re'
cruilb pouring In by the thousand and our
nnnnnents' right and left captured, how
could they be otherwise?" What, does ,
- n. . . . i , i. . .4 In vlnm-T '
success mean; wnm ia -
An anon as the Sinn Felners have suc
ceeded in getting the Irish members to
withdraw from Westminster they uueno.
to set us "a new constitution" in Ireland
In defiance of the act of union and of tho
king's authority. With reference to tht
national Parliament." wnicn is iu
created In opposition to the assemmy ai
Westminster, it is stated:
As the assembly that will sit In our capi
tal will be a Parliament in every n.c i
the term, it will naturally require an
executive and a ministry to carry oui
mandate. It will be representative of the
people. It will be the embodiment of the
principle, "rule of the people by the peo
ple"; it will be the head of an Irish state
comprising some 8.CO0.OCO of people; It will
be as much entitled to legislate and direct
the external affairs of Ireland as the
Cromwelllan Parliaments, or the conven
tions that bestow the English crowns on
William and Mary were entitled to maxe
laws and policies for England. Why,
therefore, should there not be a govern
ment? Theoretically, an Irish state will
have com into existence. Those who have
taken any oath binding themselves In the
service of the British government Will have
to alter their allegiance either oy repuai
atlng the oath or adhering to Its terms and
acting in the service of the Irish state.
Two Chsnlwn After Constitution.
iravina- obtained " new constitution"
by the mere setting up of two chamber
in Ireland-an upper and a lowr-what
will be the next step?
It would be rather difficult Tor aucn a
body a that proposed to direct the affair
of th country without an executive min
istry. For Instance, it could not devote
exclusive attention to industries, foreign
affairs, commerce or education at the samo
time. A person responsible to me inn
council-one of Its members well acquainted
with the subject would havo to be ap
pointed for conducting each aeparimem,
. that it would receive the attention and
care Us importance demanded. All these
heads of department would requir sal
aries; in other words, the officers of the
council should be a paid ministry. There
would be openings for Irishmen with a
good technical knowledge of Irish subjects,
political and economical.
Thus we would have a minister of for
ests, whose province it would be to super
Intend the reafforestation of Ireland by
the Irish county councils; minister of
agriculture, to assist and advise our farm
ers; a minister of education and a min
ister of Industries, to operate in their par
ticular sphere, and. lastly. I think there
should be a minister of agitation. The
latter position would not be a very en
viable one. but it would serve a very use
ful purpose. A person, when he makes a
study of any particular ubject, will dis
cover ways and means which would be
beyond the command of those who devoted
little or no study to the matter.
Ministry la Contemplated.
Again, if Ireland is to enter into ex
tensive foreign and commercial relations,
It will require minister to carry on the
work of these departments also. The coun
cil will require a minister of foreign af
fairs, on for commerce and one to work
the Irish organizations abroad In sympathy
with the home movement. A well con
ducted foreign policy would perhaps be
Blnn Fein's most effective weapon in fight
ing her foes. The great object of th
foreign minister would be to embarras
England and to take every po"l "ad
vantage of thl embarrassment. And never
was a time more opportun for the de
velopment of uch a policy than th pres
ent. Th Russo-Japanese war and Its
aftermath In Russia have Inspired national
movements all over the world. Thia Is
particularly the caae inside the pale of
that empire which Britons boast is syn
onymous with liberty. India, Egypt and
Ireland are vainly looking, Inside the pale,
for that which Englishmen have been say
ing for centuries Is there. Could not th
Copt and the Hindoo and the Gael work
together? Could not the Blnn Fein, the
Swadeshi and th Egypt for the Egyptian
movement be welded together into one
powerful ax for chopping the flesh off
John Bull' bones? A good foreign min
ister to an Irish assembly could do It. See
the Indian and Egyptians newspapers for
coun lT.
countries in me uinu r... pu.iw.
vantag of h.vlns three '" nt'on'
tho Interest which Is manifested In these
orgBmsawim- ' . . -
I tered empire, working In ympathy. is
quite obvious. Of course. Ireland would
. 1 MAiiau avKan Tnilla
j be,
c.m. Into tn. quesuoo out
i of th. lion wa iw- -
; to different music. That tiny little animal
j might not let the lion out of the net when
th tiger and th crocodile came along.
, ' . . .
n , "."a
I would h.v. to dlr.ct ."
The mlni.ter of th. irun cotonie. aoro.a
nnamg -
WOrld over Into on powerful. pro-Irinh
.organisation. When thl n wa aecom-
I pllshed th official wouia nav ine maaing
and unmaking of alliance a well a of
! popular potentate. A Hiberno-Germanlo
.ntente In America would be as It already
eotente In America would be as It already
i. a certain extent a mighty fore, to
Crime. Committed Outalde of World
Fa mo n a rtesorta Formld-
bla Mat.
LONDON. Sept. 14. (Bpeclal.)-The United
Kingdom of Owal Britain and Ireland Is
the greatest gambling nation on the fare
of the earth. There Is more gambling In i
the British Islands than In the whole of the
other countries of the world combined. The
very papers that preach sermons here hava
every day columns of gambling news
relating to horse contests, stock exchange
speculations and the numerous kinds of
alleged .ports which are Indulged In for !
the British to gamble. As to tho crime
which arise out of British gambling, they
re uncountable. The thefts, suicides, Im
moralities, drunkenness and all manner of
evil that takes place in one year In Great
Britain and Ireland through gambling, are
hundredfold more numerous than during
the whole period of the existence of Monte
Carlo. As to the few suicides and crime
that occur In the latter place, they are
really hardly worth noticing. The people
who aro ruined, or commit suicide, are
undesirables, by whose death or ruin the
world is the wholesomer. The hypocritical
part of the business Is that while these
Journals condemn gambling abroad, they
ar too worldly minded to Indulge in
similar denunciations of their own country
men and women for being such Inveterate
and desperate gamblers.
British gambling Is not confined to the
male sex, or to any class of society. Toung
English women of station waste their lives
and reputation upon gambling at cards.
Other women are owners of race horses.
There are women who make betting books,
and we are told that hundred of the grrls
In the textile factories are persistent
gamblers. At all the continental spas and
watering places the British are gambling
, . . ....
openly; at home they will hypocritically
only gamble in secret. We need some mis
sionaries, say, from Japan, to declare the
evils of gambling to the English. The
home societies for Its suppression are not
numerous enough, the evil has become so
Great Sculptor at Work on I'nder-
tnklnsr (ircnter Than Any
Vet Attempted.
PARIS, Sept. 14.-(Speclul.)-M. Rodin,
the sculptor. Is at work on a great "Monu
ment to Labor," which will be a yet larger
undertaking than his "Gate of Hell." In
the small model, only three feet high,
steps wind round a column. This is the
"Tower of Labor." On the steps will stand
figures representing different forms of work
In different ages. The tower will stand on
a crypt guarded by the figures of Day and
Night. Within will be miners, divers, and
all who work below the aurfara of thn
earth or of the sea. Two angels on the top j
of the tower will watch with outstretched
wing over the labor of men. These two
figures have, already, been sculptured In
marble. The rest of the monument I only
!n-the model state. M. Rodin cannot even
estimate what the cost of the final work
wilt be, but hopes that some International
committee will raise funds. Ha ha already
found an architect, M. Venot, to co-operate
with him In designing the monument.
Mary Klnaraley Tokens Given to Men
Making; Discoveries In Sani
tary Field.
LIVERPOOL, Sept. K-The Mary Kings-'
ley medal. Instituted by th Liverpool
school for' the study of tropical diseases
to commemorate Miss Mary Klngsley, the
African traveler, has been awarded among
others to Dr. Charles Flnlay, chief sanitary
officer of Cuba, whooriglnated the theory
that yellow fever Is carried by mosquitoes,
to Colonel W. C. Gorges, United State
army, who as chief sanitary Inspector ut
Havana, gave practical effect in 1902 to
the discovery of Dr. Flnlay and the Ameri
can commission In connection with the In
vestigation of the cause of yellow fever and
succeeded In banishing th disease from
Havana, and to Dr. Theobald Smith of
Harvard, who discovered a new kind of
blood parasi'.e In his investigations of the
so-called Texas cattle fever.
Colonel Gorgas is now chief sanitary of
ficer of the Panama canal lone.
Chinese Emperor Devotes His Time
. to Beantlflrntlon of Ills
SHANGHAI. Sept. 14. - (Special.) - The
emperor of China Is making a desperate
resolve to rvnder Peking equal to the
capitals of western civilization, for he has
now ordered a complete "xoo." Nearly half
a million sterling has been spent upon wild
animals, ranging from elephants and tigers
to monkeys and crocodiles, and the pur
chase was accomplished at Hamburg by
the Chinese minister In Berlin, who tittle
dreamed on his appointment of the extraor
dinary extension that his diplomatic duties
would receive. ,
V i
I'nlon of Employes in England De
termined to Enforce Demands
on Company.
LONDON. Sept. 14.-A general, railroad I
strike Is threatened In England as the re
sult of the long struggle of the railroad
men's union with the British railroad com -
panies for th recognition of their organiza-
tlon. Th decision of the executive com-
mlttee cf the union will be announced In
Manchester on Sunday. It Is understood
that It gives the companies a week In which
to officially recognize and treat with the
union, and that a strike will follow a re-
f usal.
iK1.or ror.,.hed by Lo-don Hotel,
fellow Where Golden Strenm
Is Golan-.
LONDON, Sept. 14.-(Sreclal.)-Somethlng
, ... . . Amr,,... h. vi..,i i.,nHn
, Vhl
; ZIZ:
Americans have spent about 17,500.000,
chiefly In London. This calculation la based
on figure, supplied by one of the largest
hotels, which alone has housed 6.600 Amerl-
... .in,, m.v, .nri h ..,.. h,
I bill of each ha. been K60. Th-e are at
' least five hotel, which can giv. .Imll.r
, -
Dirigible Balloon Successful.
BERLIN. Sept. Jt.-MJor Parseval'a
dirigible balloon wa virtually placed at
th disposal of the public today at Tegel,
i near irra by the company which con-
structed It, in order that experimental voy
ages may be mad. to show th. progress
reached in the building of airships. About
a dotcen ascent were mala successfully
during the day. Ewch time the airship
carried on. passenger In addition to th.
aeronaut la cbarf
Congressman Proposes New Means to
Protect Public Purse.
Connecticut Member Replies to Stric
tures on His Course.
He Says Proposed Improvement at
Charleston is Graft.
Needless Pnblle Works to Provide for
Constituents of Congressmen De
nnanced In Vameasured
WATERBt'RY. Conn., Sept, 11 Repre
sentative George L. Lllley, member of the
house naval affair committee, who ha
been criticised because of his outspoken
attitude on Charleston harbor, has written
an open letter In which he ay: "If I had
the supreme law-making power In this
country the only crime punishable with
death would be that of grafting. Murder
would receive aecondary consideration.
"Any man who alts as a member of the
committee on naval affairs and uses hi
effort to obtain an appropriation for some
tumble-down navy yard in his district to
the end that he may provide well-paid Jobs
for his constituents. Is grafting. Not a
single dollar may' touch his hands1, but
Just the same he is grafting grafting from
the. United Stares government, which he I
paid to serve and sworn to serve."
General Strike on ISnmber of BiT
Lines of Northwest Has
ST. PAVL, Minn., 8ept. 14. A general
strike of boilermakers on the Chicago Great
Western, Great Northern, Omaha, North
ern Pacific and the Soo railroads was called
today, and it Is expected that before night
the shops of the entire systems of those
roads will be tied up. The boilermakers
are aided in their fight by their helpers,
and In the case of the Chicago Great West
ern, the machinists In the big shops at
Oelweln went out In sympathy.
The strike of the boilermakers followed
a refusal of the -allrmils to a:ede to a
demand for 46 cents nn I. our cast of Iro
Missouri river and ITVa cent west of that
rlver- Tt"18 railroads consider t.i bo the
heaviest demand ever maj.i by any of
their shop employes. As a comprimliie tho
railroads offered -41ft cent an hour east
and 4SH cent west of the Missouri river,
with the nine-hour day . for both. This
inorease would have been equal to a 1H
cent differential above the wages paid
machinists. The Great Western situation
I complicated by an. alliance between the
rogxhjnjjitg. and the boilermakers and th
machinists in the big shops at Oelweln,
Ia., struck In sympathy. On the other
line ' only the ' boilermakers and their
helpers went out. Of tho entire umber
of men out, the boilermakers represent
about one--hlr.l, while the rest are helpers
who have no grievances. Reports at head
quarters of the railroads here show thut
there are out on the Great Western, 225
men; Great Northern, 360; Omaha, ISO;
Northern Paciflo, 338, and the Soo Line
at Shoreham, 226. Railroad officials expect
that the strike will spread rapidly and that
they will be seriously handicapped at once.
SUPERIOR, Wis., Sept. 14. The entire
force of boilermakers. numbering sixty.
employed In the Great Northern shops
hero struck today. The machinists are
still at work.'
One Man Killed and One Severely In
jured by Shock at Alton,
ALTON. III., Sept. 14. Fifteen thousand
pounds of powder exploded shortly before
noon today at the Equitable Powder works
at East Alton, two miles from here, killing
Charles McOinnlss and shocking Charlea
McGllson, so that his mind Is temporarily
gone. The shock of the explosion wa felt
throughout Alton. Houses trembled, wln-
low raiuea una ma..y ki-.- w.UuB...
fere w" Bn """l""''
' neiper. mouuson. wu.a. ... .'
mill, and McGlnniss was letting powder
run from a drum into kegs. McGllson
was wheeling a truck 100 yards away. Sud
denly there was a flash and McGllson, 300
feet away, was blown Into the air and
carried more than 100 feet before he
alighted. When h was picked up McGll
son was unconscious, and later It was
found his mind was blank. Parts of Mc
Glnness' body were found near the mill.
The cause of the explosion is a mystery.
Supreme Coart of Massachusetts Sum
mons Physicians to Give Tes
timony nf It.
BOSTON. Mass., Sept. 14. Several promt-
j nent business men of New Bedford have
j Deen (ummoned to appear before the
j supreme court here on Monday next to give
' testimony as to the physlctal condition of
Henry H. Rogers of New York, who has
been declared by a physician to be unable
to appear In court.
! The persons summoned Include Walter P.
Winsor, president of the First National
bank, and Rufus A. Soule, former president
of th Massachusetts senate. The object
j1' twhrth" '
physically able to appear In connection
i with a 50.OX.000 suit brought against h.m
by Cadwallader M. Raymond, which was
: continued Indefinitely upon testimony of a
; physician that Mr. Rogers was physically
unable to be present and would not be able
to attend to bu.lnes. for t least thre.
I vi.. p.ii..i v-lrh.-k. Mad. OimI
ALBION, Mich., Sept. 14 Vice President
Fairbanks and Governor Warner were to
day guest of honor of th Michigan con
ference of th Methodist Episcopal church.
Mr. Fairbanks, In an address, eulogised
th devotion of the Methodist clergymen,
saying In conclusion:
As I walked up the street this morn
ing from the depot with this great band
of Methodist soldiers, marching arm in
arm, I thought that if, In th new Jerusa
lem, ther. Is anyone , who ia entitled to
be nearest th thron. It I lha M.thodlat
Two A re Dead and Tare Mla.lngr ra
Result of Collapse of Brim
CINCINNATI. O., Sept. 14-The brick
building on Central avenue, near Sixth.
occupied by J. N. Dohn's shoe store, col-
lapsed a few minutes after 11 o'clock this
morning, carrying down the occupants of
several apartment In the upper stories.
One dead body has already been taken out
and It Is believed that several others of
those carried down In the wreck must also
have perished. The front of the building
was bring remodeled.
Two are dead and three are believed
missing In the collapsed building. Rescuers
are searching for others who may be In
the ruins. An unknown pedestrian was
the first victim.
CINCINNATI, Sept. 14.-Two unknown
men and one woman were killed "and a
doien other persons narrowly escaped death
In the collapse of the Uohan Shoe com
pany's four-story building, on Central ave
nue, near the. Sixth street market today.
The building was one of the oldest In the
retail section of the city and was under
going repairs, a new front being added
and other Improvements made.
Shortly before noon, , with a warning
rumble, the front of the building fell for
ward into th atreet, leaving only the
rear sections standing.
An unknown man, passing on the side
walk, was stricken down, being dead when
reached, while a woman within three feet
of hi in was uninjured. A second man, ap
parently a laborer, was found dead In the
ruins, as was Mrs. Mary Daley, who lived
on the second floor.
Of the seven workmen In the building,
three were reported missing, but all were
later found unhurt. A number of women
In the apartments that occupied thn upper
floors were In their kitchens preparing
the midday meal, and to that fact they
owed their escape.' The busy Sixth street
market was thrown into a panic when
the building fell, but fortunately no one
was Injured In the crush.
When Kaiser Sent Itlm Seven Pairs
He Cordially Kept Entire
NEW TORTC. Sept. 14. Kaiser Wllhelm,
says a Berlin dispatch to the Sun, has had
an amusing and expensive experience in
remembering the king of Slam's birthday.
The king, while the kaiser's guest, ex
pressed admiration for the kaiser's two
Intelligent little daschhunds that follow
their master everywhere. When the king
went to Homburg he expressed a wish to
purchase a similar pair to tako with him
to Slam. The remark was communicated
to the kaiser, together with the fact that
the king' birthday would occur In a few
days, and he gave order to procure a
number of the best specimens of tho
breed and sent seven pairs for the king
to choose from.
The ruler of Slam was so overcome with
the klndnes of the kaiser that he ao
cepted all fourteen dogs, which he will
take home, with him. It wa only when a
palace - official who had been entrusted
with th delivery of th dogs returned,
that the kaiser learned the cost of the
gift. He took the situation good humor-
edly as a Joke on himself.
Meeting; of National Prison Assocla'
tlon Will Take Place at
Chi caa;o Today.
CHICAGO, Sept. 14. A number of Inv
portant prison reforms will be advocated
at the annual convention of the National
Prison association, which opens here to
night. Among the more Important mutter
considered will b the extension ot the
probation system to adults, a uniform pa
role law for all states and reform of the
criminal laws.
Mayor Busse and Warden E. J. Murphy
president of the association, will make the
opening addresses. Attorney General C. J.
Bonaparte will speak on "Punluhment and
Pardon," and Governor J. Frank Hanly of
Indiana will speak on "The Indeterminate
Tuesday the "tramp" question will be
discussed by Orlando F. Lewi of New
ork, who Is regarded as the greatest au
thority on "tramps" In this country. Ar
thur N. Sager of St. Louis will speak on
the "Results of Probation with Adults." ,
More than 600 delegates are expected from
all part of the United States, Canada and
Harrlman Interest Succeed to Fruit
tar Business of Paciflo
' PORTLAND, Ore., Sept. 14.-0. M. Be
crlst, general manager of th Paclflc Fruit
Express company, with headquarter at
Chicago, Is In Portland for the purpose of
establishing a local service of this depart
ment of the Harrlman system In Portland
The Harrlman Interests have succeeded to
the refrigerator business heretofore con
ducted on the Pacific coast by th Armour
car lines.
The transfer of th business at Port
land from the Armour people to the Harrl
man representative will be effected about
October 1. The new owners will be pre
pared to Inaugurate the service with about
1,600 cars. Others are being built at the
rate of forty a day. The company pro'
poses to hsve C.GO0 of these cars.
Collieries Supplied by Tank Car
Filled from Dlstnnce In Schuyl
kill County.
POTTSVILLE. Pa., Sept. II. The wate
supply furnished by the recent rains did
not last more than twenty-four hour In
the colliery section of Schuylkill county
and the railroad companies hav again
started to haul a supply for the colliery
Ixng trains nf oil tanks are being filled
from th Tumbling Run dam.
Coal operatora predict that at the end
of another week many of the collieries In
the region will be forced to suspend bus!
pess because of the lack of water.
Governor Magoon Report. Fonr Case
at deaf ueuoet Three Among;
WASHINGTON, Sept. 14. In a dispatch
from Havana, Governor Magoon say that
four new cases of yellow fever were dis
covered at Clenfuegos Thursday and three
yesterday. All are of Spaniards except one
American soldier. Private William Foster
of th Fifteenth cavalry. Discovery of
these case I attributed to the Increased
enVicncy of th medical patrol. Thor. is
also en new case at Alaeran and on.
at Neuvapaa, both Spaniard
Few Bids Received for Supplying- the
Paciflo Fleet.'
Dealers Say They Are Unable to Get
the Fuel Needed.
Welsh Coal Will Be Imported if it
Becomes Necessary.
Department Will Not Ilcaltat t
Order Abroad If Home Dealer
laslat t'pon Prohibitive
NEW YORK, Sept. 14 -The situation wlU
regard to the proposals Issued by th
bureau of equipment of the Navy depart,
ment for supplying coal for the battleship
fleet on Its voyage to the Pacific, says th
Journal of Commerce, has assumed rathei
Interesting shape here hy the statement
of several agents of tho Inrgcr coal mining
concerns that would not present bids. Tholi
reasons are that they have not the nec
essary quantity of coal on hand, nsid
from "the quantity demanded by prlvaU
contracts already entered Into.
The companies claim they hove no re
serve stocks on hand amounting to any
thing, and that the labor situation Is sucb
that they cannot Increase their mining ca
The coal, it was stated, ran be obtained
In England If li Is necessary to go ther,
but the prices will undoubtedly be what
might be classed as "fancy."
May Import Welsh Coal.
WASHINGTON. Sept. 14. If coal mining
companies havo decided not to present bid
for th contract of furnishing coal to tk
the Atlantic fleet to tho Paclflc coast thl
purpose of the companies has not been
communicated to Secretary Metealf, so
cording to a statement he made today. Th
secretary said that the department will
have no difficulty in getting all of tha coal
desired and he believed that If It Is neces
sary to go to England for It the prlc
will be less than, would have to bo paid
In the United States.
Admiral Cowlea, the chief of the bureau
of equipment, says he lifts no apprehension
that the Navy department will be unable
to obtain all the coal needed for the fleet.
Some of the coal already Is pledged by th
companies through which the usual supply
is obtained. The department prefers that
the fuel furnished be the American product
to be shipped In American bottoms, but it
necessary will resort, though with regret,
to the use of Welsh coal transported In
foreign ships, if the prices submitted by
American dealers are regarded a prac
tically prohibitive;
Arrangementa are being made for loading
the supply ships Glacier and Cul'goa with
provisions for the trip of the battleship
fleet to the Paciflo coast. They will b.
ready to salt. December 10, giving them
time to Join the battleship fleet when it
starts on the 15th.
All of I he big battleships of Admiral
Evans' fleet except the Vermont and the
Louisiana are now at the target grounds,
Cape Cod bay, and the range firing will
begin Monday. It duration 1 Indefinite.
Bnndlt Order Resident to Stay la-
door and for Two Hour .Work
on Bank Safe.
ABERDEEN. 8. D Sept. 14,-(8peclal
Telegram ) Bandit raided the town ot
Ferney In this county late last night. They
broke Into the First State bank, wrecked
the safe and got away with $2,00). The rob
bery was one of the boldest of this section
of the country. At least six men were In
the gang, who, finding three men In th
blacksmith shop, warned them not to mov
and then visited threo or four houses where
light were burning and commanded th
occupant to extinguish their lights and
remain Indoor. By thl time the greatest
excitement prevailed, and tn a few minute
the people were terrorised by hearing an
explosion. The bandits worked nearly two
hours before making their escape with
their booty. There Is absolutely no clu
and the authorities are working tn th
dark. This I th fourth robbery In thl
vicinity in the last few weeks. It Is Be
lieved It was worked by the same gang.
Every town In this and neighboring coun
ties ia on th lookout.
Young Woman and Mother Arrested
at Lincoln on Charge
from Ohio.
LINCOLN, Sept. 14. Mrs. Viola Lawrene
and her mother, Garnett Meschoock, wer
today given into the custody of an Ohio
officer to be returned for trial bn th charge
of using the mall to defraud. Mr. Law
rence wa arrested in IJncoln yesterday
upon the application of her husband, who
married her In Ohio several months ago,
after payhig tjO cash ball to secure th
freedom of herself and mother from JML
He had become acquainted with her
through an advertisement. The federal au
thorities have charged Mrs. Lawrence with
defrauding men who want to marry,
through the mails.
Grand Jury at Jackson, Miss,, Return
Indictments for Wrongful
JACKSON. Miss., Sept. 14.-The county
grand Jury today returned Indictment
against the Illinois Central and Yaaoo tt
Mississippi Valley railroads for Issuing
passes to persons not entitled to them In
accordance with a law that has been on
th. statute books of the state sine 1H84.
The state railroad commission Is brought
Into th case by the assertion that th
passes were Issued at the request of mem
bers of that body.
Nebraska Senator Declare He Ha
Had Enoeah ef Big; Ex
position.. LINCOLN, Sept. 14-Senator E. J. Pur
ket, who leave this evening for Washing
ton, today declared that he would fight
the Alaska-Tukon exposition appropriation
In congress. He declared that the ex
position at Jameetown had been a lamenta
ble failur and h would eppeee aU auea
proj.ot la th future.