Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 14, 1907, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 16, Image 16
16 THEnOMAIIA DAILY TiEE: SATUItDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1907. 1 M m Women's 16-Bittn Length I long EM Gloves n H3 13 m M These nre real kid gloves of fine quality and one of the best makes all in 1G button length colors are black, tan, white and brown extra rie cial for Saturday only, at, pair , . Women's Elbow Length Silk Gloves These are lon gloves of all silk material good quality double finger tips, black, white, tan and gray, special, at, pair 2?? mm Vi HOSIERY SALE n H H K M Great lots of wo men's, men's and children's hosiery on big bargain square, all mzcs, at, pair 15c Women's lisle and cot ton hose, double, sole and epllced heel, many are Bilk em broidered and boot patterns. Prices are 25c 39c W omen's fast black lisle hosiery made with full fashioned foot, an excellent bargain, at, pair 19c I 1322Fa&amSt. I 1 35c Silk Ribbons at 19c Yd. and fancy 19c I HANDKERCHIEF SALE 5 Thousands of yards of fine silk ribbons, in plain and fancy colors many of the favorite new designs, wrorth regularly up to 35c a yard, on bargain square, at, yard H n n u H a a -n ra m Ladies' plain and initialed handkerchiefs, many all linen cross barred, sheer quality men's all linen extra fine handkerchiefs, all widths hems, -f A at, each UC n lOcs 12V3c Women's Fall Neckwear The newest fall styles in stocks, lace collars, turnovers, bows, collar and cuff sets, etc., worth up to 25c, 11 li 2 at. trd Floor WAIL PAPER WINNERS New Store J Hundreds of sensible men and women invest their J money in Brandeis' Wall Paper, because it is an investment J not mere spending of money unprofitably. You can get that satisfied feeling about your Wall Paper only at Bran- " deis. t Papers for every room in white, blanks, gilts, tapestries, two tone specials, worth 5c, 8c, 10c, 15c and 25c per roll, at, per roll 2Vcf'4c, 6c, 10c and 15c ARTISTIC PAPERS In all the season's special and fashionable color lngs, worth 30c, 60c, 75c per roll, our price, roll, 20S C5 and 50! PASTE The kind that sticks where others fall, pkg., 1Q and 200 M a M Corset Sale, Basement Store American Lady and II. & H. Corsets, perfect fitting, with front and hip supporters, $1.50 values at, each- 98 c Regular $1.00 Corsets, In all sizes, hip and front supporters, not allowed to advertise the name when we sell this brand, at, each 49c White, pink and blue girdles, all sizes would be cheap at 50c, Saturday special, at 39c o RR ANDF.IS .. Rndnn St 5 NEW BUILDINGS FOR BREWERS Two Omaha Firms Planning Improve ments to Cost $90,000. ST0RZ AND JETTER ADDITIONS rrmrr Will Dilld S0,O0O Stock Hoim and Latter an Addition to South Uuiaaa Ilrewerr Costing U0,OO0. Omaha breworlea are Increasing their trade so fast that all of them have been oh II fed to make additions to their plants j in the lat two year within the lant year, and Meti Bros, are completing a bottling house at their brew ery at Sixth and Leavenworth streets. Mr. Vo haa also completed plana for an $8,000 bouse for Louis Met on Twenty-sixth street, between Jackson and How ard, and a $3,000 addition to the Cassell Realty company's building; at Twenty fourth and Hickory streets. He has let the contract to Parsons & Kiene for an $8,000 machine shop for P. Melcholr on Howard street, between Twelfth and Thirteenth streets. It will be 22x133 feet and two stories In height. Plans are being drafted by Mr. Voss for a $6,010 bank building for the Btate bank of Boelus, Neb., also for a $1S,6u0 building. 50xM feet, at Grand Island for the Inde pendent Real Estate company of Omaha. laera of Qaick Shlno Shoo Polish The latest Improvements In this line are say It Is the best and most lastlna rjoltsli they have ever used. It gives a polish to announced by Henry Voss, architect, who has prepared plans for a new addition to - tha Stors brewery on Stiermun avenue and tha Jetter brewery at South Omaha. Con struction will be begun on both as soon as contracts can be lot. The new Storm building will be a stock house. It will be SSxfirt feet, five stories in height and will cost $no,yiO. Tfca Jetter building will be part one story, part two stories and part three stories In height and will be 6Gxl feet. It will cost $.50,000. With plans out for these structures, there is not a single brewery in Omaha but has made or planned new buildings lately. The Krug and the Willow Springs breweries ' both have mads extensive improvements To Cure Dysentery, Cholera Morbus or Cholera loiantura tike WAKEFIELD'S Blackberry Balsam You better get a battle today. You may need it tonight It is a mtst reliable rem edy for all loos conu ;"n of the bowels, JUl druc2i'. 611 it. Fu.l via be ( DIARRHOEA LEWE VOIR ORDER FOR CUSTOM SHIRTS ...NOW... To Insure Prompt Delivery with ALBEUT CAHN 1322 FARNAM ST. Men's Furnisher sod Shirt Maker yard .(nocks TWO SPECIALS -AT OUR- Soda Fountain SATURDAY Nosselrode Pudding 15 Red Raspberry Ice 10 ICE CREAM SODA Made from our high grade lco cream, with ireen crushed fniit--every day, for THE STORt TOB PFIICAC I F.- 1518-20 Farnani Street. Phone Doug. 711. So PROOF OF ...MERIT... No ehoe ever gets the hard knocks that a boy gives his. Now the Idea-we wish to convey to you is that you buy for the youngsters a shoe that can stand the rough, hard wear. The boys' shoe we Bell The Steel Shod is built to withstand rough usage and con trary to the usual idea in little chaps' shoes It is stylish and comfortable it outwears any two pair of ordinary shoes this we guarantee. Sizes 10 to 13 4 .$2.00 Sizes 1 to 2 ....... .$2.25 SIzeB 2 to 6 ...-$2.50 fc, (U OMASA'S tTTKS rOOO CXBTTKa g J he shrewd housewives of Oniai.a ' buy their Sunday's meat supj lies I (' at our big ti MEAT IHil'AKTMKNT h We have had killed especially fr.r j U Saturday's selllnK 100 choice H ! lambs M ' Les of lamb, per lb 10 He ' . 1.000 lbs. leaf lard, per lb ... . lOc W I "Ji Rex's California Hams, lb 8Hc 3 5? i-. i o n will aoll nnl I.' r ruiu i iu o m. v.. ! I & ton of choice boiling meat, at, per B X pound IHc K jj; We will also sell at sausage coun- 5 M ter BOO lbs. of pork sausage, at, nut n 1 per lb. K FRUITS AM) VKCKTARLKS h Cauliflower Head Lettuce S Endive Spinach U i j Fresh Mushrooms Blueberries $5 Jersey Sweet Potatoes j & Michigan Bartletts 5 Michigan Crab Apples CiROCKKV HAIMJAlXa ?J Drexel Shoe Co. 1419 Farnam St. Full and complete Instructions re garding the opening of a part of the Lower Brule Reservation, Including maps, etc., showing the location of the land, will be sent on receipt of $1.00: This land Is less than one hour's' drive from Pierre, South Dakota, the State Capital. Reference, any business man In Pierre. J. IV. LaughTin, Pierre,. South Dakota. K Sweet or sour pickles, bottle . . .7c is Pin Money pickles, per Jar...4c o SHalf lb. can Steak Salmon ... .fc ys K One-lb. tins irc A j Korn Kinks, per package 3c Si ! ?P 40-bar box Laundry Soap. . .11.00 fa JS Sunlight Soap, 9 bars for. . . .25c ft P C-lb. box finest Starch COc f; W Marvelll Macaroni, per lb. .... 10c & Boston Baked Beans in Tomato m , Sauce, 5c. 10c and 15c s; $ Sardines In oil, Imported, worth & 9 wisnini PARKER'S HAIR DAL8AM Immn tAd bMBtlAcf th halt 'roanotw lintarlavrtt frowth. ifrror Ti to fiHUre Oraj Hsttr to itm Youthful Color. Cim Mlp dtnr d hfr failing. avcuno n ew t jmiggim Oklahoma Bute Fair at Oklahoma City, October 6 to IS. It's Harvest Time in the Southwest Low Rate on thee dateei September 17 November 5 and 19 October 1 and 15 December 3 and 17 OL Round-trip tiokets sold from nearly all Rock Island points in the North and Central West to practically all points Southwest. To the greater part of the territory these round-trip fares are about equivalent to the reg ular one-way fares to many points they are even less, fiucofss Is reasonably sure In tha Southwest. It's tha Land of Supply Ions; grcrwlna season products with big profits nearby markets offering; ready sale rapidly Increasing land values all conditions favorable for making money and enjoying life. An illustrated book or two will help you to a better acquaintance with - the country. Just write ma and state tha section which most Interests you. I'll tend an 11 luet rated book about It and quota rate for a trip of Investigation. . F. D. RUTHERFORD, D. P. A. ROCK ISLAND LINES Omaha, Neb., 1323 Farnam SC Gas and Electric Fixtures Why spend your money needlessly for new Fixtures, when we can, make your old ones look as good as new for much less. ANY FINISH OR COLOR YOU DESIRE IN BRASS, COPPER, NICKEL OR SILVER. We plate Anything in Oold, Silver, Nickel, Brass or Copper. Automobile Lamps and Statues Repaired. OMAHA SILVER COMPANY 314 South 13lh Street. Between Farnam and Barney Telephone: Douglas 1773. """""''''""''r' 1." '-"''" 'iMl'irfaii'aLi if 1'"--'!-. , ,.,(" 3 the leather and It won't rub off on the clothing.' A well advertisement. itlsfled user is the best WATER COMPANY SAYS NO Refuva Now ta Make Coaaectloaa with Srwrra for Flasalas at Request of City. 3cm er contractors are experiencing soma difficulty In making tests of flush tanks on newly completed work and the- city en gineer Is trying to devise seme plan whereby less trouble can be fouml in get ting water with which to test these tanks, which must be done before tha work can be aocepted. I'ntll a short time ago the Omaha Water company would make connections with sewers .upon the application of the en gineer, ao the teats could be made when work as done. Thursday It refused to make such conectlon and an order was signed for a aimtlar connection Friday with no better results. I'nder the franchise of the company water for sewer flush tanks Is sujipl'4 without cost to the city. There's Pertaae la It. Irrigated lands In Snake River Valley of Southern Idaho produce the largest and best crops. The warm south slope on t!.c north side tract la Ideal for orchards. lie.tXO acres will be opened to entry Octo ber 1, llfttf. Write today for particulars. Twin Kails North Side Land and Water ary, Mllner, Halo. Saves You Money $40.00 Regular Fare $25.00 Colonist Rate S15.00 Savo it! Very low colonist rate of $25.00 during September and October to California and the Pacifio Northwest. Proportionately low rates to hundreds of interme diate points. .Through tourist sleepers daily to California and Northwest, Call for free folder giving detailt. Ticket Office, 1602 Farnam Street. mum it 1 r ii it-' i ' -TV-""ir. y 18c, two tins for 25c h LIOrOK DKI'AHTMKNT $ Greatest bargains ever yffered & in very old California wines, bot- $ Q tied in California. y jg Regular 60 size 30c ft jjj Regular 75c size BOc O ft Regular $1 size 70c $ 0 Regular $1.25 size 83c (;! Jjjj One large bottle FREE with every Q purchase of liquor at $4 or over D M per gallon. $ (Q C 1 Ponrtncy a Co. 0 - 17th and Douglaa SU. H ToL Douglas 47. y Private Exchange Connects All Dept. OUR MISSES' SHOES Our Misses' Shoes for fall and winter wear are a very attractive line of choice. Just-right shoes. They are made by a special maker, who understands how to make Misses' Shoes correctly. Patent colt and vicl gun metal calf, glace kid, button lace or bin-' i cher, medium or heavy soles $1.509 $2.00 and $2.50 If we fit the young lady's feet, she will be fitted with the shape of last, size and width of shoes she should wear. FRYJH0EC0. 16th and Douglaa Streets'. 17 , $2,000 worth of new Gor ham Sterling Silver just op ened in our store yesterday. Can you get anything quite as nice for wedding presents? And our lines of $5 and $10 presents 3 are finer than they ever were be fore. The more expensive things "you must see to appreciate." C. B. BROWN CO. (Successor to Brown fc aorshelm) Does the dealer know better than you what you need in your home? If not, you owe It as a duty to yourself to Insist on getting what you ask for when you try to buy an advertised article. You are at tracted by the advertisement in ' The Bee. You read it and make up your mind that the goods ad vertised are what you want. You enter store to make your pur chase. Be true to your conviction and get what you ask for. Avoid substitutes THE Advertise I. OMAHA DEE Best & West Crp.AJE,!'TS protkct i lt. UCf T w.till(nciLu u L,tt- Grand Showing Saturday of Boys' and Children's Fall and Winter Clothing A more complete display of the style ideas it would be hard to conceive. Boys' Knee Pant Suits in every imagin able style material. Color including all the new and popular shades of brown. Variety far excelling anything ever shown here and we believe, in fact our customers tell us, the best assortment and values shown in Omaha today. It's the quality of our clothing values that brings us our enor mous business. It's the quality of these offerings that will greatly ' increase our children's Suit business this fall. Prices $1.95, $2.50, $2.95, $3.50, $3.95, $4.50, $5.00, $5.95, $6.50, $6.95, $7.50 and up to $10.00. Children's Top Coats and Overcoats A perfect assortment of the season's latest now ready for vour inspection, prices from $2.50 up to $12.50 YOUTH'S LONG PANT SUITS A showing embracing ( all the best on the market, every garment carefully select ed, superior in quality and sure to give the best of wear satisfaction, no one could offer you better, tf jO (f but few would equal our values at $5 to. . . P 0f When most careful dressers think of ready-to wear clothing they think of Hart, Schaffner & Marx hand tailored clothing. Why? Because it's the best all wool, styles right and prices right. We want you to see our new fall styles in the F;i'iiev.s Hart, Schaffner & Marx clothing. Once worn you'll have no other. newl , iH mi rrr IM1 m THE RKLMBLK STORK New Fall Styles In Men's and Ladies' Furnishings No matter what you wnnt in the furnishing goods line our complete assortments insure you satisfaction, and at the prices, quaUty consid ered, you'll find less than you expect to pay. All we ask. Is investiga tion of our offerings. The Famous Griffon Hrand Shirts Shown here in 100 different patterns, all latest styles. In 3 qualities, at choice, $2, $1. $1.50 f)8 SHIRT SPECIAL Men's fine I MEN'S FLANNEL OVER SHIRTS Madras, percale Shirts, mostly The most extensive in the west, single breasted, all colors $1.98, $1.50 and .., line shown or double at $2.60, 08 samples, worth to $1.00, on sale at choice 50 HEADQUARTERS FOR MEN'S UNDERWEAR We bought early be fore the strong advance in prices and are now able to offer our cus tomers garments at less price than the majority of merchants own them. It's Only a Question of What You Want, Prlcpti are Right. OMAHA HEADQUARTERS FOR ADLER'S AND FOWNE'S GLOVES We carry complete line of Adler's Men's Dress Gloves at from 08 to '. 83.00 IN LADIES' GLOVES We show the most complete assortment to be seen anywhere, such well known brands as Adler's, Fowne's, Reyniei LADIES' LONG KID GLOVES In blacks, whites and colors, 12 but ton, at $2.98 lC-button lengths at $2.50 and $4 SHORT KID GLOVES A special sale of samples Saturday, many pairs worth to $2.50, in three lots, at 75, 08 and $1.50 LADIES' SILK GLOVES A splen did assortment of silk gloves that would sell regularly up to $2.bu, not a pair In the lot 'worth less than $1.75, mostly samples in black, grays and white, greatest values of the season at . . , .f)8 Ground Floor OSSiees are scarce, especially In tfcs center of the business district of Omaha. This fact Is an Indication of, the growth of the city, as well as the volume of business which Is being transacted. R. C. Peters & Co. mere compelled to move into larcer quarters and because we could not give them more apace they rented elsewhere. IS VOIR BUSINESS GROWING? Don't you want to be on tha ground floor? Here J an opportunity to rent space that will pleas you and give you a chance to Increase the volume of your business. 1 .1 e Bollclino offers for rent one room 16-6x40-6 -and another. 19-10x25-10 on th 17th street side of the building 'on the ground floor There Is a large vault In connection with the. rooms and they can be rented as one large room or divided. On the Sixth floor we have for rent three rooms facing 17th street and three rooms which tut nicely arranged on the court. On the Fifth floor is a suite of two offices, 22x20 and 7x20, witli good light. Thi-e Is a vault In the larger of these room. We have other rooms for rent and would be pleased to have you call anj let us show you through the building. Remember you do not have to pay extra for light, water, heat nor Janltot service here as it all goes free. ak for Mr. R. W. Baker, Supt. ; THE BEE BUILDING CO. lTtti and Farnam Sts. f NEW SLEEPER TO DENVER To accommodate passengers who wish, to go on the night train to Denver, leav ing Omaha at 12:10 a. m., the Union Pacific has placed in service a new Pull man Palace Sleeping Car, which will be at the Union Station at 10:00 p. m., and may be occupied by passengers any time between that hour and leaving time. For sleeping car reservations call at, or tele phone, City Ticket Office, 1324 Farnam BU 'Phone Douglas 1828.