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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 13, 1907)
( 7 OFFERED FOR RENT (Continued.) , v - li-faralaheat Hooma. ONE elegant unfurnished room, strictly modern. 633 Psrk Ave. (In.-781 ax FOUR OR FIVE ROOMS, modern except hcet. 24C7 Bristol at. (15-M10 1x THRIVE anf urnlsbe-l room. moTuTa!- ' ' (161-821 FOR RENT 4 nice rooms In partly mod ern house close to car. $874 Hamilton St. ' ' (li-641 IS THRFP unfurnished rooms; modirn. 1426 N. 2"h Bt. (15)-M541 Wx Fwralsfceel IIoaaa aad Flats. FURNISHED HOV8E for rent, modern and delightfully situated; halt block to rar Phone Harney 2400. OR Mm 13x -.- Hmm east -Cottaare-a. 4015 Issrd .t., S rooms, modern, elegant location. $30. Vl'l, No. 23d Bt.. 4 room. $13. Bo. 28th St . 4 rooms, first floor, the Ormond." $26. 4174 Cass Bt., 6 rooms, modern except heat 136. 820 No. 2Sth Ave., T rooma, modern. $26. BBMI8, paxton Rlock. , 'Phone Doug. 685. (U)-Mt0 On S-room, all modern house. $4C. 8. E. corner 24th .and Blnney. One 4-room, .-oity water In kitchen. 2907 Seward St. $16. CHRI8 BOYEK, 22d and Cuming Sts. . . (15) M448 WH DO expert piano moving at loweat prlcea. vTel. Douglas 16-ft. Bchmoller & Mueller llano Co., 1311-1313 Farnam. t . t (16 219 OMAHA Van etorage Co. pack, move, tor H.' H. goods; storehouse l20-i N. lth." Office 1 Farnam. Tel. Doug. 1559. (16 261 $618 N. th, -r modern ex, heat, $22.50. 1 B. 27th, -5-r., modern m. heat, $20. 2222 Fowlerv ( rooms, modern, $35. 3910 N. 22d,- 8 rooms, modern, $27.50. To see entire list call at office. HASTING ft HEYDBN, 1704 Farnam St. " (15)-..MH19 18 SIX new strictly modern 7-room brick houses; 'fine location; three at $40 and three at $37.80. . J, H. DI'MONT SON. 1606 Farnam St. . (15)-590 1 3 $25 per .month 2504 St. Mary's ve.. 6-room modern noui-e. ' $25 per month- o'Jnibndo St., 8 rooms, modern Pxcept I'urnaoe. $25 per month-i&04 ' St. Mary'a Ave., 6 room. modrn,xoepf furnace. $35 per month 2710 Bristol St., 7 rooms, all modern, barn and large Int. $37.5 per month-2309 California St., 8 room modern hous. $40 ptr month 1016 N. 40th St., new 7-room modern house. OEOROE A CO,. IfiOl FARNAM PT. "... ' 15)-6H4 13 FOR REfT By owner, 3831 N. 22d, new 8 room, modern cottage,. Tel. Webster 1M6. - ' . ' (Is) 283 7 ROOMS 204 Bo. lvth. Inquire 905 Cas tellan.'. . (15) 562 14x HOUSEHOLD gov is packed, forwarded, cheap Oelght rates. Moving and storage. Kxpreavnen's Delivery Co. Tel. Douglas 394. ... ' (J5)-238 Five, room,- new, $15. per month, 4015 N. 26111 Ave. J. Kendls & Son. Paxton block. (15)-M5M 14 WE m6VX. PIANOS-Maggnrd V an and Bt-ragv Co. Tel. Doug. 1496. Office, 1712 Webster St. (15) 262 HOUSED . In H parts of the city. R. C. Peters & Co., Bee Bldg. . : (16)-280 10-ROOM, JiVodVfn hOuse and ham. 2913 Hickory St. J. IT. Parrotte, 325 Board of Trade. ' , s .... ,. (15) M488 15 FOR RENT Large store room, 16th and Vinton Bin.' C. M. Hachmann, 437 Paxton block. (15) 360 i -- , HOUSES. Insurance. Rlngwalt, Barker Blk- - - ' ' ' (15) 206 TinTISSTTf 4it"alf- parts ' or the - rtty. riAJUOC0 CrcKi, Sons ft Co.. Bee Hldg. " : ' ". (15,-874 '5KW, 6 rooms, modern, with basement, on car, $20. 'Phone Benson 2251". .(15) 416 7-ROOM. Modern house, walking distance. IIT" N. 23d St. Inquire 2223 Burt Bt. (15) 474 . Will.. FOR RENT it-room modern house. $27'50. 1401 North 20th. ' 115) M558 ' flnlldlngrs. 131S ItARNKT 8T.' 8 floors and basement, 33x180 feet; suitable tor wholesale. Mc CaKue investment CO., 150$ Dodge St. (10)-267 jj: -i , . THE entire, building formerly occupied by the Dally News, 44x30 feel, 2 etorle and basement. McCag-ue Investment Co., Ifi06 Dodge Bt. (15)-266 FOR RENT October "I, 2-story brick store bunding In south central Nehraxka town; excellent location. Address Union Btate ltarttf. Harvard, neo,- t Mm 14X FOR RENT. A SIX-STORY nUIT.DINQ IN WHOLESALE DI8TR1CT. The alx-story and basement building at 12ng Howard :8t.r formerly oocupled by the Hayward Brothers Bhoa Co., for rent. Annual rental $3,400. Floor apaoe la 20x!33 ft.,! and -all floors nd basement contain about 20.AH0 square feet aurfaoe. The bonding has a good elevator and ofllre apartment, and Is equipped with a modern lira spttnklor system. R. C. PETERS & CO., 220 B. 17th St. Bee Building. '.. (15-M7ix . '. Dm Hall. FOR lectures1. cortceMs. ' dances and halls, Frater rnlfy hall, 1R18 Harney St., opposite publip library: flue floor, stage and bal cony; seate (J&fl;- make engagements now. N. f. Dodge & Co., 17H Farnam St. ' ' - (15) M561 14 OOhcaa. . OFFICES FOR RENT If you are in search ot offices or want to And a new location for your placo of busi ness," we would Uke to have you call at THE BEE BUILDING ind look at the space we- can offer you. In the southeast corner of the fifth floor we Can show you an elegant suite of two rooms, a floor space of 6K0 square feet, with aood light, a. vault and nicely decorated rooms.- This faces both Farnam and Seven teenth Streets and is the iK'at office space in Omaha today. On ' thai sixth' floor we have two small rooms, which are connected, and would make a splendid conmlnattun for anyone desiring small,' but well arranged offices. There aa another room on the sixth floor, facing on Seventeenth street, s-Sxl9-, which renia lr 17 per montn. Anyone aisning a amall othoe with good light would i pleased with this one. un account of contemplated changes, wa n la uoaitlon to make leases on deslr- utile spactt , on the irn( poor. 1 neae rooms are very desirable and have been occupied by enterprises requiring much spaoe. CaU and let v figure on your re qulrementa THE BEE BUILDING FOR RENT Desk room In Bea office, city hall building. 417 N. 2alh St.. South Omaha. . Apply te manager. (15)-134 DESK room. 604 Paxton Blk. (ll)-47 TDO nk-s offices In Itrug block. 14th and Harney. Caaael Realty Co. u&)- lax fOR RENT Fine office space, reasonable, hot and cold running water, Janitor and elevator' service; finest building in uinana. t care tine. (15)-649 13x DESIRABLE outside offices for rent. In quire or umana in and Building Asao. ciaitoa. southeast corner ldth and IK.o. ... . J . l-J-7J 1$ OFFERED FOR RENT (Continued.) tore . One store room In new "Scargo" building In South Omaha, near postoftVe. wtih lighted bswment, modern show windows and inlni; bst possible location. Hall Distributor Co., S17 First Natl. Bank Bldg. Phone Red 7406. flS MK DRUO 8TORF. , b-st unoccupied location for local drug business In city. Will al ter and lease to right party. Also A-l grocery lorntion. BKMIS. 3o6 Taxton. Blk. "Phcr.e Douglas 5W. (15I-M340 NEW STORE RfHOM. corner 1-ocuet and Sherman Ave , for dry goods, shoes or notions, good location, good place for rHrht party. Inquire Joseph Houekfi, 2623 Sherman Ave. "(15) M616 19 STOREROOM, 621 8. I67h8t. ClarkVPowelT 2044 Farnam Gt. 1S)-2S 1615 Howard Bt., large store room and full basement. Just north of Thompson 4 Ileldens. 2210 Farnam St., store room and base ment, will subdivide If desired. 21 Farnam St.. small store room, very desirable. See us about lease. GEOIU1E & CO.. Wl FARNAM 8T. .(jjiyaj3 OFFERED FOR SALE Fenclngt, ANCHOR nd Iron fencing; wire fencing 5o per foot. 2"6 N. 17th St. Tel. Red S14. (16)-26J Faraltare. fD HAND furniture bought and sold; busi ness on the square. Rosenberg, formerly with Chicago Furniture Co., 103 8. 14th Bt. Tel. Douglaa f8G. (1) M469 S29 FOn SALE Furniture of a 10-room house; all or part; furniture must he mostly cash or terms. 2517 N. 18th St. (16)-M447 Ft.'RNITl'RE of Id-room rooming house, near postofllce, a bargain, tills week. Ad dress M 232, Bee office. (16) 651 13x FOR SALE. CHEAP-Bed room and sitting room furniture. 123 So. 25th Ave. (1G)-M542 14 Plaaos, Organs, Mnstca! Ismtrasaaata. FOR SALE CHEAP-Story & Clark cabinet organ, 13 stops, a beautiful, strong-toned Instrument, suitable fr clmrch or home, good condition; cost 2o0. Address L, 734, Bee. (161-270 ONE buffet baritone saxaphone, brass, In sole leather case; used only two months: bargain, m N. lSth St. elft) 546 17k FINE upright piano, nearly new, at '4 of cost less than one year ago: party leaving for the south. Call at 415 N. 231 St. (16) 675 17 Red Tag Piano Sale 100 new, slightly used and second-hand Pianos at a deep cut In prlcea A big red tag, on which the price is, marked In plain figures, attached to' each Piano. Watch for the -red tags. Every red tag means a bargain. Kimball Upright ....$ Singer Upright 90 Shubert Upright ................ 120 Davla ft 80ns Upright 138 Oabler Upright 175 The easy terms $4, $5 or $8 monthly. Don't miss this chance, Mrs. Piano Buyer. Watch for the red tags. Every red tag means a bargain. -' . Schmoller & Mueller Piano Co., Doug. 1623. 1311-1313 Farnam 6t. (1)-M338 Pool and Billiard (Tables. FOR SALE New and second-hand billiard and pool tables. We lead the world In cheap bar fixtures) easy payments. Uruns-wick-Balke-C'ullendar, 401 8. 10th' St. '' " " 0)-2'l , .. . I, FOR SALE 6 pool and two billiard tables In good condition; must be sold and re moved in 8 days, less than half value. 418 N. 24ttr Bt., So. Omaha. (16) M426 16 Typewriters and Se Ins; Machines. FOR SALE High grade second-hand type writer; good condition; a bargain at $50. Call room 803. Bee Bldg. (16) 671 ONE Remington typewriter. No. 8, In good condition, for aale cheap. Call at Be office. (16)-4129x REMINGTON TYPEWRITER No. 6. fine shape, $45; call at once, as 1 need the room. 541 Paxton block. (16) M553 14 Mlacellaaeaas. DUPLEX PUMP 600-gallon Worthlngton duplex pump, size 12x1(j4x10, for sale about October 1. This pump has seen about six months' actual service and la In good condition i will sell at a bargain. Apply W. H. Bridges, engi neer Bee Bldg. . . (16) 670 RIDPATH'B History of ths World-Arner-icanixed Encyclopedia Britannlca; new International encyclopaedia; on small monthly payments. Webster's 'Una bridged Dictionary, $10 edition only $325 this week. B. B. Roberts, southwest corner 16th and Farnam Sis. (l)-447 Sp2S J. r. O'BRIEN'S SALOON and Restaurant Furniture and Kitchen Utensils, No. 1415 Furnanv St., for sals. W. W. DODGE, Trustee in Bankruptcy, $26 New York L,lfe bldg. 'Phone Douglaa 12(7. 116) M35i GAS, ELECTRIC AND COMBINATION FIXTURES Largest, most up-to-dile stock at lowest prices in the city, select . now. Delivered when needed. Inspection Invited. BURG ESS-G R ANDEN CO., 313 So. 16th BU Tel. Doug. 6S1. U6)-273 FOR SALE Onyx soda fountain, 34-syrup, two body, refrigerator base, countor au tomatic carbonalur, nUr, all as good as new; also drug store fixture, counters and show cases. Howell Drug Co., ioth and Capitol Ave. , Ut 64 THE BEST MEAT MARKET in a city of LUM inhabitant, and building for rent. Addreas A, Omaha Bev, Council Bluffs, la. (16) M642 Ulix FOR SALE A butcher's refrigerator, sev eral shew cases, a new peanut roaster, large coffee mill, two large automatic oil tanks am1 store fixtures too numerous to mentlun. Olube Land and Investment Co., Omaha. Neb. (16) $73 SHERMAN-WILLIAMS CO., best mixed paint. Sherman ft MeConnell Drug Co. 16)-27S SECOND-HAND rubber hose, toola Binger. 4H N. 16th. . ... (16) 2b0 FOR SALE Finest boarding house 10 the city; beat location all furnished: walk ing distance, etc.; cheap. Inquire HCC Karbach Blk.. Omaha, Neb. U6 T74 DRUGS at cut prices; freight paid on alt orders; catalogue free. 8HERMAN ft M CON NELL DRUQ. CO.. Omaha. Neb. Oo 171 FOR BALE l-room, nicely located, rooming house: closj in; cheap - rem; rooms all rented. Y 1$$, Bee. (1 MJ4I llx BEND US your mall orders for drugs; freight paid on $10 lots. Myrrs-DIU in Drug Co.. Omaha. 0)-277 HOMEOPATHIC medicines, wholesale snd retail. Sherman ft McConaell Drug Co. oj-r$ THE OMAHA OFFERED FOR SALE Mlacell ." tinned. PERFECT white diamond. lt carats, for sale at bargain. Address C 223. Bee. (1) M496 13S HAT-$00 per ton. Wagner, 801 N 16th. Q6)-2SJ HALL'S safes, new, Id-hand. lttS F'arnsm. , C1J 27 PATENTS LARSON ft CO. Book free. Bee Bldg. (l7)-2 D. O. BARNELL, patent attorney and ma chine designer, Paxton blk. Tel. Red 7117. 07) 67 Octll PERSONAL YOl'Nll WOMEN oomlng to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian Association rooms, 161 Farnam street, where they will be di rected to suitable boarding places or otherwise, assisted. tU) $16 TIIlV VI IT V Expert lady operator Allrj rtUll-uive, massage. chaly beate xcrub hatha Room aju, Barker block, 15th and Farnam." Now establish ment. , U8)- W PI H A T 1 N Cl Buttons, Ruching, 1 l,bn I lit Embroidery. Dyeing and cleaning, sponging and shrinking only 5c per yard. Send for prlco list and samples. GOLDMAN PLEATING CO, 10 Douglaa Block. Tel. Douglas 19$& (18)-M844 - CHILD SAVING INSTITUTE RUMMAGE SALE. The nursery committee Is collecting do nations of clothing, furniture, hardware, dishes and all kinds of second-hand goods to help raise funds for the Institute. 'Phone the institute, Webster 1991, and donations will be called for. 18-M54 14x THE SALVATION ARMY solicits cast-off clothing; In fact, anything you do not need. We collect, repair and sell, at 114 N. 11th St., for cost of collecting, to the worthy poor.' Call 'phone Doug. 4135 and J wagon win can. tin) Hi IDEAL HAIR PARLORS, room 11. Crelgh ton block; new management; manicur ing, halrdresslng. Markman-Peters. Tel. Red 2247. (18)-M35 SEWING machines rented. Neb. Cycle Co., 15th and Harney. 'Phone Douglas 1663. (18)-S4 MAOKETTC Osteology and Massage, MxltjlN Xj J. IVj vapor and Tub Baths. Room 2, 1204 Farnam St., 2d floor. (1)-MIS1 828 SYRINGES, rubber goods, by mall; cut E rices. Send for free catalogue. Myere lllon Drug Co.. Omaha. (18) 287 WANTED To ship box with party coming to western coast within two month. Chas. E. Wildey, Klamath Falls, Ore. (18)-M506 Ux LOTS CHEAP. Attend our Crelghton Heights auction sale, on premises, Saturday, Sept. 14, 1 p. m. Walnut Hill car. Reed Bros., 1710 Farnam. (18)-M640 14 WANTED For Callaway, Neb., during fair week Sept. 24 to 27 tent show, comedy or minstrel. - Address Sec y Fair Associa tion. (16)-U445 16 A COMPLEXION satin smooth and fair given by Satin skin powder. Four tints. (18) TRAINING SCHOOL for nurses at Child Saving institute; there is one vacancy; anyone desiring admission should apply at the Institute, 18th and Ohio Bts. (18 M550 14x PRIVATES CONFINEMENT HOME Mrs. Dr. King, 1320 N. 24th Bt. Tel. Web. 3659. ' . (18)-2 MAnNFTrO treatment and bath. Mma. Hi.VJlMHAXtj 8mlthi ug N- 15th( 2d floor. (18)-$(0 FEW bargalna in 2d hand soda fountains, monthly payments. Derlght. 1818 Farnam. (l$)-$86 OMAHA - Stammerers' Institute. Ramge jiuuoing. .. n) aa REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE DEALERS. RUSSELL ft M K1TRICK CO., 433 Ramge. (19j 2B PAYNE INV. CO., 1st floor N. T. L. Doug. 178L () 291 R. C. PETERS ft CO.. Bee Bldg. (19)-292 GEORGE ft COMPANY. 1601 Farnam. Tel. Douglas 7S8. (l)-295 C. M. RICH, 16th and Locust. Tel Web. 1478. OA 4 Oct2x CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE). LOTS CHEAP. Attend our Crelghton Heights auction sale, on premises, Saturday, Sept. 14, 2 p. m. Walnut Hill car. Reed Bros., 1710 Farnam. (1 M639 14 KEYSTONE PARK 62 TRACTS SOLD ONLY 38 TRACTS LEFT SOME OF THE REASONS WHY IT SELLS THE CHARACTER OF THE LAND ITS LOCATION The artistic manner In which It la laid out. An ideal place for suburban homes. The magnificent view It commands of the beautiful gently rolling lands in the coun try. The demand for such a suburban acreage addition near Omaha at the present time. The fact that in a short time its beauty and value are going to double. If you want a home In the country that you can thoroughly enjoy and that will help sup port you we want you to Investigate Keystone Park. Watch the aales. 62 TRACTS SOLD ONLY 38 LEFT. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., ' Flrst Floor N. Y. L. Bldg. Tel. Douglas 1781. AND D. V. SHOLES CO., 110 Board of Trade Bldg. Tel. Douglas 49. (19)-53fi 14 FIVE-ROOM cottage on a full 60-foot lot. everything In good repair and a nice home. $1.5u0. 4326 Seward 6t (191-576 13 LIST your property with Chls 3oyer, 22d and Cuming Sts. (19) 298 SMALL CASH PAYMENT, BALANCE $5.00 MONTHLY. Build a Home to Suit Yourself On one of those beautiful lota In Halcyon Heights, the finest and most sightly locstlon for a home, only two blocks south business center of Benson and Military Ave. car line. You can't buy such lots else where at these prlcea 1250 to t'oU). Make your selection to day. RUSSELL & M'KITRICK CO. Sole Agents, 32-33-34 Ramge Bldg.. 16th and Harnev Bts. (19)-646 12 GOOD HOUSE. GOOD IX)T, GOOD LOCA TION. Five-room cottage; water, sewer, gas and bath; In fact, all modern except heat; per il ane-u siai waUs. etc.: located at 17th and harder"'. n Sts ; price. R.Jrt). C. Q. CARLBERis, $11 N. Y. Life Bldg. (1-M(i30 U DAILY BEEj FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER in. 1007. REAL ESTATE CITT mOMCRTT iron ALB. (Continued. AUCTION SALE REAL ESTATE TWENTY LOTS IX CREIGHTON HEIGHTS TEN ITS IN INSTITUTE PLACE SATURDAY,' SEPTEMBER 14. 1907, AT I P. ., ON THE OMOUND. Nice sightly Iota, located between 43d and 46th Sts.. Just north of the stiect car line to Krug Park and on the projected ear line to the Deaf and Dumb Institute. Take Benson car to 46th St., then gt north two blocks. All to be sold without reserve to the high est bidder. Terms. $10 down and $5 or $10 per month. Perfect titles. Abstracts given with each lot. A greut opportunity to, obtain a fine lot at your own price. -, REED BROS. 1710 Farnam Bt. .'Phone Douglas Sl. (lftN-M616 13 TWO NEW HOMES WEST FARNAM DISTRICT On Harney St., near 34th. we have an ele gant 9-room. thoroughly modern house, pressed brick foundation,, fine lawn, ce ment walks, fu!l cellar, etc.; reception hall, with mantels and settes; library or den. very attractive dining room. 6 bed robnia. House too-Marge for owner only reason for selling.' Price; $7,500. On Dewey Ave. and 34th. 8-rooin, J-story house. Just flnls'.ied; cement walks, yard sodded, etc.; full Vasoment. Price, $a,260. The Byron .Reed Co.. 'Phone Doug. 297. 213 South 14th. (19)-637 12 BARGAIN LOTS Northeast corner 2Kth and Franklin Sts., 6xl27 ft.; cement walk, sewer, gas. water In street; room for three houses, $800. Northeast corner 27th and Burdette Sts., a bargain at $575, . Large lot, corner 80th and Fowler Sts., paved, $560. Some vacant lots near end of Ames Ave. car line, lie flne; $225. Three lota, 40x125 each, on Grand Ave., near 37th, aouth front, air or- $800. Lot on Taylor-8t., between 26th and 28th Sts., south front, $34A. W. T. GRAHAM. BEE BUILDING. j (19) 482 13 . $5,000 INVESTMENT. RENTS FOR $600 A YEAR.-' This is a double house of 6 large rooms on each side, strictly all modern In every way. In a good localiort Where property will advance a. great deal the next year; located in Kountxe Place, one block from Sherman Ave. car line. This house Is never vacant and will rent for more money next year. It only takes $2,300 cash, balance 6 per cent. HASTINGS HEYDEN, ... , 1704 Farna.'m St. : - , )-55oi V?. MR. INVESTOR! Located near Hanscom Park, on corner, 96x180; streets paved permanent walks, all paid: two Vroorf lijuses, rented .at $22.50 each, and on -room house, at $26, all modern except beat, JC I can sell this month will- maka price whlvh will net you 12 per ' cent on your money. Address K 179, Bee, . . v.' '.., (l69 Ux BEAUTIFUL, COTTAGE HOME No. 3926 N. 20th (Florence 'Boulevard), flne east front lot, beautiful view, nice neighborhood, well built 6-r. cottage, mod ern' except heat,- room for another, some fruit;-reduced from $3,700 to $2,600 If sold in September. Call at the office about this. G. G. Wallace,' Brown Block (19)-588 14 BUY THIS BARGAIN. Lot at 26 tu and Fort streets only $226. a O. Kordqulst, Owner,. 624 S. toth St. ' ' (19 7ilX HERE IS A GOOD L0CA1TON Five-room eottagei ' water, sewer and bath; permanent walks, etc.; ' located on Manderson St., one block from Sherman Ave. car line; prloa, $1,860. C. O. CARLBERO, ,911 N. Y. Life Bldg. ... - ()-M63i 13 $3,500" FOR THREE HOUSES That Pay Owner. 12 Per Cent These houses are on a large corner lot,.. south and east front, on good car line, always rented, In splendid re pair; one of tjie, best .invest ments in the city today; an nual rental $444, or . over 12 per cent. " PAYNE, BOSTWICK & CO., Main Floor N. Y. Life Bldg. (19) 536 13 FOR SALE Neat 5-room cottage; sewer, city water, etc., on Bristol near 24th. Telephone owner, Florence lof?. (19) 184 1SX I1.7D0 TAKES cosy 5-room cottage on 22d St. near Manderson; part modern. See Underbill ft Co.. or phjne Webrter 10.'9. (19) 162 11 BETWEEN CREIGHTON COL LEGE AND HIGH SCHOOL And only ten minutes fsom the poatofflce, an all modern home, hot water heat, best of new plumbing, good "barn; for quick aale owner offers for $4. 10. . Let us show you this bargain today.- v O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO.. 10T1 N. Y. Life. Phone Doug. .2153. 09)-M5l3 14 A Real Home Must Be Sold at Once (-room cottage, all en one floor, living room full width of house, finished in oe with oak floor and finely papered; dining room w)th bay window, den or bed room with large bath room, porcelain tub., etc.; another large bed room with E. and 8. windows; lighted with, eleotrictty and pa peied throughout; basement bricked up and floors cemented; hot air furnaoe. Nothing else like It In tewn for ttte money. House aud two lota, lauxl&O feeL fc.6uu; one-half cash, balance Building ft Loan Aaen. loan. Will cut the price If all Cash la paid. Owner leaving the stale and must sel at once. J. H. Dumont Son,- 10$ Farnam gi (lt)-$8$ 1$ REAL ESTATE 4ITV PHUPKHTl KOH SALB. (Continued ) ALL MODERN HOME FO R $11,100 Blx rooms Slid bath; strictly modern: hot water heat; modern pl'imlitng: permanent sidewalks; nice lot and fruit trees: located near th and Decatur Sts.; price, only 12.1 a. C. a.- CARLBERO. 811 N. Y. Life Bldg. tm-MTO 13 PLEASANT borne or good Investment. 8 foom all modern house, laundry, corner lot, good location: also vacant lot adjoin ing. 27C1 Woo I worth Ave. ll) r, 14x 7-ROOM house, with floored attic, half a block from East Hanscom park rar line. Price. $?.?. t all or address 2S30 Capitol Ave. 'Phone Harney . ll-M.'86 Hx FINE LOT 4T1I AND BROWN $525 We have Just one lot left in our addition at 24th and Brown, an east front lot with fiermanent walk and city water. Contract s let for pnvlng and sewer and It la right on car line. We will sell it for $10 down and $10 per month. It's a good speculation or a fine lot for a home. HASTINGS & HEY DEN. 1704 FARNAM. (19) 585 12 A Fine Place for Your Money 11 cottages and store, brings $1,236 per year; In good condition. Will net a better Income than any othr property I know of In Omaha. Price, $7,500. G. C Wallace, Brown Block (191-5R7 14 . GREAT SNAP A bunch of five lots to be sold at once. Here Is a bargain for someone who wants to build houses or to buy for investment. These lots will he worth $750 apiece next spring. Locsted In the west part of the city on a good street, with aewer, water and gas, car one block, south front on a nice terrace. Price reduced to $550 ench for quick sale. PAYNE, BOSTWICK & CO. Main I'loor N. Y. Life Bldg. (:9-5fi3 13 $3,500. 1501-1603 8. 28th St., corner lot. 50x142 feet; two cottage; rent $3." per month; room for two more cbltaxes or flat,. Easy terms. THOMAS HRENNAN. Room 1. New York Life Bldg. - ' 'Phone Douglas 1264. (18)-297 INVESTMENT $8,000 Rents $840 per year, t brand new, strictly modern 8 - room houses on car line, !n good neighborhood. O'KEEFE REALTY CO., 1001 N. Y. Life. US) 118 13 REAL ESTATE TITLE - TRUST f'f CHAS. 6. WILLIAMSON, Pres. (l-296 New Modern Cottage, $2,300 - New house, 6 rooms; first floor has bath, closet, gas. seWer, line condition. 30L8 Plnkpey St. W. T. GRAHAM, BEE BUILDING. (19) 480 12 Two Houses, One Price Southwest corner 29th end Charles Sts.; one hus 7 rooma, one 5 rooms; lot 63x104 ft.; good condition. Both for $2,300. W. T. GRAHAM. BEE BUILDING. -. 19)-481 12 Here is Your Opportunity $2,650 neW 5-room cottage with extra large rooms, three to finish above, modern except furnace, built of best material, ce ment cellar, concrete walk, paving paid, close to 24th St. car, on beautiful- Bristol 6t., lot 44x132, a model home for someone. Underbill & Company, Phone Webster 1059. Office 3320 No. 24th St. . (l)-46i 13 FOR BALE Furnished, suitable for heat ing, a 9-room house, good as new, apply at ones 1&27 Harney 8i. (19 ' - . CL08E IN. I will sell this corner with ten-room house, all modern except heat, cheap if taken at once. Apply to owner, 822 No 19th street (19) 543 17x A LITTLE PLACE Email house, good well, lot 76x132, 87th and Ssprague gla., $425. W. T. GRAHAM, BEE BUILDING. (19) 47$ 13 DESIRABLE HOMES AT REASONABLE PRICES $6,000 for 1082 8. 30th Ave., X rooms, all modern, in good condition; with barn, cement driveway; lot 60x140 feet; de sirable location; look at the place from the outside, and if interested arrange with us to see interior. $4,800 for good 7-room house, with reception hall, all modern, un 31 tit Ave... near Dodge St.; lot 50x136 feet. Possesion Oct. 1, 1907. Reduced price for quick sale. Investigate. $3,200 for 8-room. 2-story all modern house, built only a few years, In good condition, on 281 ii Street near Puppletou Ave. Nice location. $3,200 for 7-room all modern " square houae, built in 19ii6, on N. 2)th rit., near Grace, owner leaving city and will give pos session ut any time. $2,750 for t-room house, all modern except furnace. In first class co mil lion, witn room fin ished in attic, good cistern, on Chicago bt. near Slat. $2,500 for $-room, 2-story, all modern except furnace,- un Davenport St. near 27th. In good condition. Close in. GOOD BUILDING LOTS CHEAP $1,350 for 40x150 feet, on Park Avenue lacing Hanscom Park, only t bloca to car line, t'rxu reduced from $l,7ol) for quick sale; a splendid Investment In a vacant lot in Hanscom Park district. $650 for 30x140 feet, east front on N. 19th Bt. Boulevard, Just porrh of Lake Etivtt. Conven ient to alores, school and cur v line. Just the lix atlon to build ' a cottage for I tn I. $650 each for choice lota 6ox 128 fret each, in Dundee be tween ulsi and Happy Hollow club grounds, on terms cash. Laluni e at 6 per cent. City aater, gas and foment walks included in above price; apocril Inducements to people who will build this fall. GEORGE & CO., 11 Farnam Street. 'Phone Douglas 760. (19) 682 12 DANDY 5 ROOM COTTAGE In flne repair, near $3d and Spalding; aewer, water and gas; lot f0xl2a, nicely sodded and terraced; permanent walk In front; fruit and shade tree; barn; price, '.!: $io cash: balance same aa rent. C. G CARLBERO. U N. Y. Life Bldg. (1)-M! 13 24 LOTS in Halcyon Heights. Benson lying well, close to car line; n minutes rtue to Omaha. Will sell altogether or la bunches of Ave. For prices and terms ad dress H 42, cars Bee. (1)-167 REAL ESTATE CITY rHort.HT FOR 1.E. (Continued.) YOUR CHANCE To g"t a 7-room iMMise; It has city water, j cistern, sewer and tan; Just been put In flne repslr; good barn; It s vscant now and must be Sold at once, therefore the ; great saorlllce. This Is enly shout two miles from the postofllce. It s dirt cheap at $1.7.0. But best offer takes It. $) , cash, and $22 per month. J. W. RASP CO.. Dong. 1663. Pax'on Blk (19I-M460 FOR SALE RT THE OWNER-10-room modern home. West Farnam district, hot water heat, large grounds, ciist front; need money only reason for selling. II 22. care I'ee. (19 5tS 17x REAL ESTATE FARM AJSD RANCH LA.D FOR S ALB. t'otorado. FOR SALE-Thts company owns l$.nrs) acres of land, lying from five to twenty miles from Denver, all supplied with tine water right, both from direct flow and from reservoir; M will be sold In anv slscd tracts to actual settlers at reison ahle rates and upon very easy terms; when desired buildings will be erected to suit purchasers; some parts of ne.irlv every section are in bay and there Is no more fertile land to be found In Colorado. It will be a plea f tire to show the prop erly to prcspectlve purchasers, and np pointrr.etus may be nind" at the com pany a offices. DliNVKR RESERVOIR IRRIGATION CO.. 711-14 Ernest and Cranmer llldg. Denver, Colo. (20) M 428 19 i A SNAP 1920 acres of tlnp Colorado farm I Ing land. Price for ten days, $4 per acre. J Wilte Charles B. Vllon, Mondmnln, la. (2i)) Mi3'l 15x Iowa. - FOR SALE- Fs mi of 29 acres, one mile from Olenwood, on Council Bluffs and Glenwood road. Well Improved, plenty lrull, several acres largo timber, mMtly walnut. Especially adapted to raising hoRs or chickens. Muvt be sold to cloee an fstnte. .Inquire of F. M. Shrlver. nd mltilsttator, Glenwood, la. (2O1-M027 I9x Kansas. KANSAS LANDS Write for our complete list of Kansas lands. Auenls wauled. Olohe Land and Investment Co.. Om-iha, Neb.- ijni- MMii ( 1 ( .Nebraska. FOR SALE, 610 ACRES in Banner .County, Neb., six mllea from j county seat, for Ji.OO per acre; S5) cash; THIRTY CENTS PER ACRE annually thereafter until paid. This is open for a few days only. Address G 176, Bee. ' (20)-635 18 FIRST-CLASS Nebraska farms and ranohes for homes or Investment. Bemls, umalia. (20) 3u0 A Special Land Deal I have for sale a bunch of western Ne braska land. In which 1 think there Is a good chance to make some money. 1 want somebody to go In with inc. Will take a few thousund dollars. G. G. WALLACE, BROWN BLOCK. (20)-586 14 FOR SALE. Half section, Improved land, eight miles northwest of O'Neill, In German commun ity! good rich soil. Price, $26 per acre; easy tevn.B. C. F. McKENNA, O'Neill. Neb. (20) M343 1 1 20 ACRES, unimproved, near Florence; flne - grove, balance farm land; cauy terms. A. T. Seybolt, 3'122 Grand Avu. 'Phone Webster 1970. l20; M360 FOR SALE. Hay farm, 140 acres, four miles south of O'Neill; well Improved; will cut'200 tonj of first quality hay. Price $15 per acre. This Is a snap. C. F. McKENNA, O'Neill:. Neb. (20)-MS44 II FOR SALE. 180 acres unimproved land, four and oue halC miles northeast of O'Neill; lays nice end level; good soil; in thickly settled community. Price $15 per acre. C. V. McKENNA, O'Neill. Neh. (2v)M342 VI FOR BALE J 280 carea level land In Kim ball county. $7 per acre; $2,(.0 cash; $1.C00 each year at 6 per cent. J. W. Dally, Owner, 862 North 26th street, Lincoln, Neb (20)-M.iao I4x . Texas. TEXAS LAND8. Arrsnge to go with us on our next ex cursion, Sept. 17, and buy land In the Pan handle. Every dollar that you Invest In these lands will double within the next year. For further Information write or call on E. G. GANG8TAD, 403 Bee Bldg., Omaha, Neb. (20)-664 12 (South Dakota. OUT THET GO. Tou can always And good rich wheat land and Just the kind of a stock farm you want by selecting frim our . 100,000-acre tract In the famuha Hettinger county, North Dakota. Go out and see It. Look us yp. Wllllaiv H. Brow n Co.. Richardton or Mandan or Mott. North Dakota, or 131 Lasalie St., Chicago, 111. (20 -M352 27 160-ACRE South Dakota farm, smooth, level, unimproved. $2,500 down, balance ,flve years. Near railroad and Mcphcison county seat. Smith, Tama, la. . (2u)-M5S8 19X Two fine farms, half ectlon each, high state cultivation, new buildings und fences cost $3,000, close to market, fine corn and clover section, Moody county, near Dell Rapids. 8. D- Must be sold before Octo ber 1; per acre, $17.50. easy terms; worth $6 more. Fine homes or Investment. Act promptly. H... V. Harlan, First National bank. DH haplda, 8. D. (20)-M567 18x. Miscellaneous. CHEAP land-Jacobson k Co., 635 N. Y. L. (20)-M4&. 29 FARMS FOR RENT Colorado. FOR RENT A number of farms lying near Denver; good houhrs are being built when needed, so as to provide com fortahle accommodations for tenants; the size pf the tracts varies, so that anyone with an equipment to properly care for any aised farm can be accommodated; ths land has been In cultivation from nn to tea years and Is provided with both direct and stored water lor Irrigation; railroad stations are from one to Ave .niles distant; good, tenants with suflt flent equipment can secure first-class lo cations on reasonable terms. DENVER RESERVOIR IRRIGATION CO., 711-14 Ernest and Cranmer Bldg. Denver, Colo. ; () M427 19 REAL. ESTATE LOANS LOWEST RATES Betuia. Pulton Block. IZ2)-3.1 WANTED Cltf loans. R. C. Peters Co. (2)-3o2 LOANB on Improved city property." "W. h Thomas. 6 First National Bank Bldg. ; () 303 $1,000,000 TO LOAN on business and resi dence property in Omaha; lowest rates; no delay. Thomas Brennan, Room 1 N Y. LUe. -' (23)-304 UNION 1X)AN INVEST. Co.. $10 Bee Loans en Real Estate Bldg . Buy 1st and M mtges. 'Phone Doug. 2m04. (22)-M12 Oct WANTED City losns snd warrants W. Farnam Smith & Co.. 1320 Farnam 8t. l)-0l $600 TO $50,906 TO WAN at lowest -rates; no delay. GARVIN LKOrf.. li Farnam. (22)-3u7 $28000 PRIVATE money tn loan; na delay. J. IL Sherwood. $87 N. T. L. Bldg. (-)-MtOa a REAL ESTATE LOANS iContlnued. ) FRIVATE MONEY F. D. Wead, ! Doug. (221-306 MONEY TO LOAN-Fayne Investment Co. 122) 0 LOANS on Improved Omaha property. O Keefe It K. Co.. 1.01 N. Y. Life Rid. 22)- WHEN you writs t advertisers, remember It takes but a few scratches of the pea te state that you saw- the ad in The Be. WANTED TO BORROW WANTED TO BORROW $l,ooo to enlarge a good paving business with privilege to reduce loan yearly. Ad dress W 7.5. Bee. i24)-291 WANTED TO BUY WANTED To buy second-hand furniture, cook and heating stoves, carpets, lino leums, ottlce furniture, old clothes and shoes, pianos, feathers bed pillows, quilts and all kinds ot tools; or will buy the furniture of your house complete The highest prices paid! Call the right man. Tel. Douglaa 89.1. . ( M368 627 WANTED To buy first-class rooming housv. Must be In good location and first-class condition. No second-class places need answer., Address J-17 care lice. 2o) M559 llx CASH paid for second-hand clothing, s'loes, etc. 308 No. 16th St. Tel. Red $.126. , . . (25)-2IJ CA61I paid for old books. Crane-Fbys Co., 313 S. 14ln. 'Phone Douglas 13il. () 310 RUBBER-TIRED phueton In good condition and al right price. Aridreas (1-22;. Bee office. ' 633 13 WANTED A ful ti-onn bulldog or hrln dle spaniel. Address F 175. Bee. (25) 643 WANTED A copy of The Sunday- Bee of March 31, 1907; anylxidy having k copy of this Issue please lavo at business cnVe and oblige;' will pay 25 cents for paper. (25)-4)71 16x WANTEDTO RENT WANTED Two uslurnlelicd rooms; must be heated and In good locution. Telephone Harney 2627.; i2t)-Mi l.lx WANTED Two or three rooms. Ilaht housekeeping; man and wife cuily; answer promptly. N 18-V , l.tee. (2) M'l"9 !: WANTED-SITUATION A MIDDLE-AGED widow lady would like position as manuglng housekeeper and would do the plain sowing, or as care taker while family are away: lcst refer ences; reasonable sulary. Address H 177, care Bee. (27) M539 14x WANTED By flrst-cjass accountant, em ployment evenings. Address K-213, care Bee. " . t27)-M34o 14X SITUATION WANTED An experienced business man and capable salesman Is open to an ena-itKeme'bt In the wholesale or manufacturing hues. Address W HU, fare Hee. (27) 466 13x WANTED By ' alt-round general store clerk, position. Eleven years experience! worker. Best reference. Address Y-L care Bee. ' C27) M555 14 X EXPERIENCED and capable 'bookkeeper j open for. chgagemcnt; lumber business I preferred; can furnish bond and first- class references, fair stenographer. Ad dress L ISO, cafe Bee. (27) M6I7 15x GOVERNMENT NOTICES PROPOSALS FOR FLOUR, OATS, DRIED Fruit, Etc Department of ths, Interior, Oflliai of Indian Affairs. Washington, D. C. August 7. 1907. Sealed proposals, plainly marked on the outside, of the envelope "Proposal for Flour. Oata ried Fruit," etc.. as the caw may bt aud addressed to the "Coirmlhsionor of Indian Affairs, Wash. Ington. D. C," -.will. Ua received at the imliuti ulHi-i- until, 3 o'clock p. m. of Thursday, f'epteniber 26. 1907, and then opened, tor furulsiiing the Indiun servloe with cauru-d Mm r foes, orpmesl, cracked wIichI. drud ftnlt, feed, flour, hominy, oats and rolled oats during llscal year end ing June 30, 190tl. . Bins must be made out on government blanks. Schedules giving all necessary info.matlon for bidders Will b furnished on application to the Indian Office, .Washington, D. C; the U. S. Indian warehouses at New York City. Chicago, III.; St. Louis, Mo.; Omaha. Neb., and San Fiancuco, Cal ; the Commissary of Subsistence. IT. S. A., t Cheyenne, Wyo. ; the Quartermaster,' IT. 8. A., Seattle, Wash., and the postmasters at -Tucson, Portland, Kpokano nnd Tacoma. The de partment reserve's 'the' right- to' eelect any and all hlda or any part of any bid, C. F. Larrabee, Acting Commissioner, ' A26dl8t UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF Agriculture, Ofllce of the Secretary. Washington. D. C, August 31, 1907. Notice Is hereby given that the Secretary of Agri culture has, under1 authority conferrod by law, issued Amendment No. t to the Regu lations of the Secretary of Agriculture, governing the. Inspection, ditilnfectlon. cer tification, treatment, handling, and method and manner of delivery and shipment of live stock which Is the subject of interstate commerce (B. A. I. Order No. 143). This amendment affects' Regulations 24 and 33, pertaining, respectively, to the interstate shipment of dipped, scabby cattle, and the requirements regarding proprietary dips, and will become .effective fcetttmber 15, 1WJ7. Copies of Amendment No. 1 to the Regulations may be obtained from ths Chief of the Bureau of Animal Industry, whose address Is Washington, D. C. JAMBS WILSON, Socretary of Agrloulture. i ' Sept IS DR CHIEF QI'ARTER MASTER'S OFFICH, Omaha, Neb., Sept., 10, 19t7i Sealed, pro posala. In triplicate, subject to the usual conditions, will be received here until 10 o'clock a. m., central standard time, Oc tober 2, 1907, for constructing a ten-Inch sewer at Fort Crook,. Neb, Full, informa tion furnished on application to this orlice, or to the quartermaster, Fort Crook, Neb., where plans and specifications may be seen. Envelopes containing proposals to be marked "Proposals for Constructing Sower at Fort Crook. Nebraska. and addressed to Major THOMAS CRUSE. Quartermas ter. Omaha. Neb. ' 813-14-16-30O1-J LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NO I'lCE PROPOSALS FOR Laying VUlir Mains Sealed proposals will be received by lliu city clerk ot Beaver City, Nebraska, at Ids ofllce until the 30ta day of September, )'Ju7, at 8 o'olock p. tu,. i-r me luimsnmg and laying of reel . 4-Inch cast water mains (wt. 22 lbs.- to foot); 8,4i f.wt of 2-inuh surface galvanised, main (pressure 200 iIm. to sj. Inch): 2,650 leet of 6-Inch main (wt. 33 lbs. to foot), and it) feet of fc-lnc h main (wt. 43 lba. to foot), with IS two-wav flra nrntsle hydrants for 2l4-lneh Are hose with Alt necessary fittings or an mams ana nyarants. mas to in clude the digging of all ditches at least 6Vj feel lep.w the surface of street at any Plucr and the established grade of the city -lid also to include all connections -and extras as shown by "the plans and sVecl flcations on file at office ef aald city olerk. One-half of contract price for laying aiJ iiriiisning said mains as a Dove to ue pais In cash and rhe baUnet- to, be paid In war rants drawn on general fund of said city (option to city tn pay all cash). All bl Is inuMt l. accompanied by a certlAed check tqual to 10 per cent of the amount bid as a guarantee that If the bid Is accepted the bidder will enter Into contract to perform and carry out the. b',rj. The city reserves the right to reject any or all bids. W. I LEONARD, City Crerk.' S7d24t BONDS FOR SALE WATER BONDS OF Baver City. Neb., to the amount-ef $26,. COO. dated day of delivery, paable at Ne braska Fiscal Agency; New York City. N. Y. Twenty years sfter date, interest $ per rent .from date, option to city to redeem jgir.e a:,v Urns sfter Ave years from their date, issued In denominations of $500 each. City reserves right to reject any and all bids. The above will be received by W. 1 Ionard, ct'y clerk, up to and Including September 20. 1907. W. U LEONARD. Cltj Clerk. A26dt OCEAN STEAMSHIPS CANADIAN PACIFIC "VMPfff sa" Unt of th Atlgntlo Third class rate on "Empresses' from rhirago-: $44.75 to Hamburg. Bremen. Antwerp. $4376 to Liverpool. London! Glaagow. $ 50 to Scandinavian common ports. $5$. 60 to ILuigo, Abo H.lalngfora. Our regular steamers $135 lower. Two tnd four berth rooms reserved. C. M. BETJAIir, Oeaeral Agent, aaa cuik u ouoac. LL .