SO COSTJSHPR' CALDWELL" Clay Cotnty Man Will Abide by Count ia the Primary Election. RAQAJT HIGH MAN OF DEMOCRATS - ' ' .'. filagtoa Road ONrn It Areata to Ito No lafnrmalloa to Camalc 'I' ilraliM Come to Head , . qaartere for It. - (From a fHart Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Sept. 12.-Speclal.)-In an In tervlew secured over the Ion distance telephone and published In the Lincoln New this afternoon, r. A. Caldwell, de feated candidate for railway commissioner, ' said he would not content the nomination s of Mr. Clarke If the official' returna showed he had a majority. Caldwell blamea Gov ernof Sheldon for the large Clarke vote In Cass county and aaya he loat many votea In Clay because, of hla ardent aupport of Sheldon laat year. To Benator Norrla Brown he Veturna, thanka for the vote In Buffalo bounty mnd aaya that paya him for the effort a he made to' aecure the nomination pt Mr, Crown for aenator. Had Wallace not been In the race he aald ha bUre he Would jave aecured two-thirds of. Ufa" frite- arid been nominated. Ha Would like, ha aald, an explanation of the Dauglaa county -vote. Dlscusalng Oovernor HHeldoft and the convention laat year, Mr. Caldwell aald: from the raturna It appeara that all the alata officers now serving; their flrat terms, with one or two exceptions, made a bid for Omaha's vote by throwing; their coun ties to Clarke. I wish to give all honor anil credit to Senator Norrls Brown, who has more than repaid the efforta" which I . put forth a year ago when 1 waa making the tight for him. I lost many a friend In Clay county on oonunt of advocating Governor Sheldon's nomination. I was never satisfied with the deal I got In the state convention last year, but have alwaya felt that 1 waa sacrificed to make way for others. I ran for railway commissioner thla year to see whether a man who stood uncompromis ingly for right principles would receive the support of the people. You can see. that I am more than satisfied with their verdict. My campaign waa made on the Issue Outlined In my circular to the voters, namely, that I . stood for distance tariff. Had It not been lor Mr. Wallace being In tha race. I believe I would have got two thirds of his vote and been easily elected. My sAtltudo-la In. favor of railroad ratea which will assure, the Interior development otVthe atate. I realise at Lincoln and other cities have 'been robbed in the mak ing; of . grain rates. In order to build up Omaha. So far as a contest Is concerned, I am not hungry enough for the office to make on. Whether I will make the race again next year la something that I do not care to, state, at this time. , ' Hasan Heads Democrats. Caldwell will not be the democratic can didate for railway commissioner against Henry T. Clarker jr., who defeated him or t ho republican nomination. That Is, unless the Clay, county man can force the demo cratic party t him as Its candidate, and then, thnrmg the courts, force the sec retary of state to put his name on the dem ocratic ballot Secretary of State Junkln said, this morning he would not put the name of Caldwell on the democratic ticket, anV neither will be put any name on the ticket as a democratic candidate for com missioner unless he Is compelled to do so by tha courts or by the advice of the at torney general. Caldwell, however, con trary to his own belief, has not received the democratic nomination. Bo far as heard from officially, John M. Ragan leads those who" recelvedv democratic votes for com missioner. -Ho received fifteen cast In Red Willow county. .'Caldwell, according to the official returns rrHW In. received two votes 1 4 Clfty n4h n-"Burt -county,' making 1 Mm a total of ' three ' democratic .votes Henry T. Clarke so far has received three democratic voles, one In Cheyenne, one In Knox and one In Dundy. Wallace received three In Clay county and one In Red Wil low, .Caldwell -A received eleven . populist votes In Clay county. Several counties re turned from-two -to seven scattering votes for commissioner without giving the names, so unless the canvassing board overrules the secretary of , state the votes cast for candidates' not on the primary ballot will not be counted) but merely termed scattesv In. . Whettier the democrats will be able to get a candidate on their ticket is a question which Secretary Junkln believes the courts will have to decide. , Aejeats Ordered ta Be Mam. . t has developed today that the Burling ton railroad has sent written orders to. Its agents throughout Nebraska not to furnish any Information to the members of- the State Railway commission. The cir culars are couched In most elegant phrase and mean 0.1 the Surface that the road Is anxious to furnish all Information that will assist the commissioners In their In vestigation of railway problems. But the circular ends with a statement that such Information may best come from the rail road headquarters and that none of the gents shall divulge anything or answer any questions emanating from the commis sion, referring all such inquiries to tha head offices. f. Information oTfhls character recently eame to the cars of the commissioners and Chairman Wlnnett Immediately wrote to C. C Spens lu Omaha, general freight agent f the Burlington," who replied, enclosing a copy of the circular. DUcaas the Iajaaetloa. Tfte, restraining order Issued against the tnenxbtrs of the- Bute Railway commission by Federal Judge T. C. Munger, at a time the commission was Just beginning the Investigation of rates charged by the vari ous Irallroads for hauling grain. Is being discussed considerably around the stats kouse. ss well aa elsewhere. Attorney Gen eral Thompson aald he failed to sea any grounds for such action. 'Under the com mission Jaw." he aald "had the commission put In a new rate, even on the day the restraining order waa isaued. It could not have gone. Into effect until October 10. or THE 1 SHOE Old' fashioned making, combined with new fashioned material ttyle last produce 'And it holds iu snow, mud and slush have no terrors for the wearer of a Packard. Buy a pair and secure foot comfort. Sold at $3.50, $4.00 and $5.00 in all style It your dealer does not carry the Packard Shoes, write ' ua for catalogue and name of nearest dealer who does. 1VI. A. PACKARD CO.,. Drockton, IVfass. thirty days after the order was Issued! Ia the meantime the railroads would be en titled to a hearing on the proposed rates, when they would hare been given an oppor tunity to be heard even a second time." Senator Aldrlch, who framed tha com mission' law. Is very much put out over the action of Judge Munger and ha also failed to see upon what grounds an Injunc tion could Issue. "The commission law was drawn with special reference to Injunction. I had that In mind while I worked on the bm and so did other members of the special committee. No rate made by tha commis sion could become effective until thirty days after It Is promulgated, ami In the meantime the railroads have a right to be heard. But" In ; this Instance thty have Jumped In and secured a restraining order when the commission was merely Investi gating the matter "of rates. After this hear ing they would have been entitled to object to any rate the commission might have made." Governor Sheldon has already expressed himself on the matter and he expects to hold up the hands of the commission aa against the railroads at every turn of the road, even to calling the legislature to gether. .. In his defense of the commission In the Injunction suit Attorney General Thompson will argue that the federal court has Just as much right to enjoin the. legislature as It hss to enjoin the commission In the making of a rate. The commission, ha holds, has Its authority delegated to It by the consti tution Juat tha same as the legislature. Disease lloldrege Matter. Members of the State Railway commis sion conferred with Attorney General Thompson today regarding the advisability of swearing to a complaint against George W. Holdrege, general manager of the Bur lington. The commission alleges that In the pass list submitted by the Burlington several names are omitted and that this road has also failed to file a rate showing the IS per cent reduction on certain com modities. The commission and the attorney general are not Just sure whether a com plaint against Mr. Holdrege will stick. The commission law provides that the books of the railroad company shall ba -open to In spection by the commission, but they are now of the opinion that probably the of fense complained of Is not an Infraction of the law. However, the matter Is still un der consideration. ' Jaakta Tarsi Reqaest Dm. Secretary of Btale Junkln today said that the request of Messrs. Telser and Dicken son of Douglas, county to be placed on the official ballot as fusion candidates having received endorsement of voter of the re publican and democratic parties, will not be granted. Hoase Joa reals Ready. Copies of the house . Journal have -been received from the printers by Secretary of State Junkln and each volume 'contains 1,673 pages. The addresses of employes Is not given In this Journal, so It is not possi ble to tell whether. the representatives of Lancaster county were able to land as well as the Lancaster senators in this line. A comparison of the house and senate Journ als shows that twenty-two pages are dupli catedthat Is, printed from.the same plates. The printer thus gets paid twice for the work, with . only the additional cost t f printing and paper. That the same plates were used on these twenty-two' pages Is shown by the mistakes being the same In both volumes. In the list of the state In stitutions the Mllford Soldiers' Home Is left out, while Colonel Prceson is given as the superintendent of the Grand Island Soldiers' Home. Bank examiners are listed In both volumes as "bank commissioners." The printing of both' Journals was done by North V Son anil theerm received $tI8 a page for houis and l.a : -page for 'senate journals. .,. BOYS OBSTRUCT THE TRACK smssssaa) Travelers from Fort. Collins, Colo., Discovered In Bator t to Make Railroad Troable. REPUBLICAN CITY,' Neb 'sept. 12. (Speclal.) Yesterday, as the Burlington, section gang was returning from Its day's labor, the handcar wa sthrown violently irom ine traca and upon Investigation It was found that the rails had been tam pered with. A little distance from where the handcar was derailed they found pieces of Iron and two-by-fours pounded down against the rails, which would have wrecked an engine had one come along be fore It was discovered. The men suspected two boys about 12 or 14 years old, who had passed them. The section boss wired to Woodruff for the ar rest of these boys, which waa done, and they were brought here, where they said they put quite a lot of trash on the rails, but didn't suppose It would da any harm. It was done In fun. The boys said they came from Port . Collins, Colo,, and were on tholr way to Norton, Kan. They re fused to give their names. After promising never to bother a railroad track again they were freed. BANDIT MAKESHIS ESCAPE Eladed Posse Who Itad Hiss CornereJ aad liaa Made His Get away, LINCOLN, Sept. 11-The solitary bandit, who yesterday robbed the Manley bank at Manley, Neb., has eluded his pursuers. The robber escaped from Manley on horse back. He deserted the animal three miles from town and sought concealment In a corn field. Next hs stole a rig near Mur dock and abandoned it a few miles from Ashland. It Is supposed that hs escaped to Omaha or Lincoln. The report sent out that the robber of the Manley bank is headed toward Omaha receives little credence from the Omaha police. No official notification has been received by them to be on the lookout for him, and It Is not considered likely that ha would head In this direction unless he had Jbr MEN honesty ia and latest the Packard Shoe. shape. Rain and A-"4k 1 1 THE OMAHA! friends' here or was anxious to make rail road connections at thla point. BIGNELL MAY GET SHOPS l.ltlgatloa at Honk Platte Mar Caasa rkaari la Railroad Plaaa. NORTH PLATTE, Neb., Bept, 11 (Spe cial.) It has now been definitely ascer tained that the "E. W." ranch, consisting of 7,000 acres, was not purchased by the Burlington railroad at all. Instead the Lincoln Development company, a new cor poration Just organised, paid James W. Payne 1126,000 for the tract. Mr. Payne has Just sold practically all of his personal property also to this new corporation. In cluded In the personal property Is 967 cattle, twelve horses and all farm machinery on the ranch, and the consideration paid for this property was between $.10,000 and HO. 000. Rumor Is that the division terminal and shops of the Burlington when constructed will be located at the proposed town of Blgnell, about twelve miles east of Jehls city, on the tract purchased by this cor poration. It Is said the Burlington officials feel very unkindly toward North Platte by reason of the litigation over the Dillon land, 10 acres of which the Burlington thought they had purchased. It waa In tended to use this 106 acres for tracks, shops and other necessaries for a division terminal. Borne of the Burlington officials have announced that they hold North Platte responsible for this litigation. The suit Is brought, however, by Roy B. Tabor, as trustee In bankruptcy, to recover the land, sell ths same and use the proceeds to satisfy the claims died against the bank rupt's estate. Mr. Tabor lives In Chicago, as also did George W. Stewart, who owned the land at the time the adjudication In bankruptcy was had against him. The best posted people In this neighborhood are un willing to believe that the Burlington will treat North Platte In this fashion, because North Platte Is the largest and most pros perous city in the western half of Nebraska and has a population now of about 6,000. General Superintendent Park of the Union Paclflo and Superintendent Anderson of Cheyenne yesterday went over the line of, the North River branch of the Union Pa cific on a tour of Inspection. The Union Pacific has Just ordered that t,0u0 tons of Ice be shipped weekly from their large plant here to Denver. Scavenger Law la Gage County. ' BEATRICE, Neb., Sept. 12,-lSpecIal.) County Treasurer Barnard haa furnished some figures which show that the total amount of taxes collected under the scav enger sales was approximately $79,600. Of this sum the city of Beatrice received $36,SU0 and Beatrice school district $17,400. Wymore city received $2,700 and the school district of that place $2,000. The city of Blue Springs was benefited to the amount of $900 and the school district $700. From this It appears that about $00,500 of the total amount of $79,600 went to the three largest towns In the county. The re mainder of about $18,000 was collected from the various villages and school districts that had the delinquent habit, but not In so advanced a stage. About 2,600 tracts of land were sold In all, not Including those which were bid In by the several ctles and villages. Treasurer Barnard states that the bringing In of considerable sums of money was not the only benefit derived from the scavenger tax sales. A large amount c" property was put on a tax paying basis which would still have been on the delinquent list. A large amount of real estato will also be improved now that it can be cleared of delinquent taxes, The November, and December terms of the district iceurt : svllj .be, devoted largely . to tho confirmation of scavenger tax sales. Search for Whereabouts ofGlrl. CENTRAL CITT, Neb., Sept 12. (Spe clal.) Under $1,500 bonds furnished by his uncle, Robert Cramer of Fremont, Henry Havens of Creek has been released from custody. Havens was ftrken In tow by Sheriff Holllster at Fremont last week after a hard pursuit on a charge of contributing to the delinquency of Clara Hunt, the young daughter of Ell Hunt 'of Silver Creek. He was first re leased on $500 bonds furnished by his uncle, but upon refusing to tell the whereabouts of the girl he was rearrested and the heavier charge of abduction pre ferred against him. His uncle again came to the rescue and furnished the ex. tra $1,000 ball required by the 'second charge. His preliminary hearing was set for October 7. It Is alleged that Haven's mother, Mrs. Tlllle Lanlgan, Is implicated In the case, as she left Silver Creek about the time the girl disappeared. It will undoubtedly go hard .with Haven If he persists In keeping the girl's whereabouts a secret. He Is farming a rented prop. erty near Silver Creek and has resided In the county but a short time. Boys' Band for Ak-Sar-Bea. CENTRAL CITY, Neb., Sept. 12.-(8pe. clal.) While in Omaha Monday, Rev. Mr. Flnrent Del fosse cloaed a contract with the management of the Ak-Sar-Ben by the terma of which the Boys' band of this city will again participate In the paradea thla year. Ths band has taken part in the Ak Bar-Ben parades for three successive years and has given such excellent satisfaction in the past that It had no trouble in se curing the contact again thla year. At the Merrick county fair, to be held at Clarka September 18 to 20, Inclusive, the band haa been secured to fill a two days' engagement. Father Takes Back His Sob. CENTRAL CITY, Neb., Sept. 12. (Spe cial.) Paul Plegman, a young man about ? years of age, was taken Into custody at Chapman Sunday by Sheriff Holllster and brought to Central City. The boy was enroute from his home In Osceola to Amherst, Buffalo county, and was in tercepted at the request of his parents. When taken In charge he was driving his father's rig and had a trunk full of useful articles tied on behind- Mr. Pleg man arrived In the city the following day and the boy was glad to return to his home in Osceola. Block Stork Yards Project. NORTH PLATTE, Neb.. Sept. 12.-(8pe-cial.) The Union Pacific Railroad company has removed to the federal court the In junction case which John Frailer brought against ths company and In which he se cured a temporary restraining order pro hibiting the further construction of the ex tensive stock yards because, as he alleged In his petition, the refuse of ths stock yards would be emptied Into a stream which fed a lake from which he secured his supply of ice. Barber Bads Life at Alllaaee. ALLIANCE, Neb., Bept. U. (Special Telegram.) In a fit of despondency as a result of continued drinking. J. H. Moomaw. barber of this city, committed suicide early this morning by drinking four ounces of carbolic acid. He waa practically a stranger and not much la known of his relatives, but it la believed be has a brother working for the Burlington at Sterling, Colo. Hs baa been wired as to the disposition of the body. Nebraska Xtwi Xetea. REPUBLICAN CITT After a nln mM day Mondsy, it cleared toward evening, resulting In a heavy frost Monday night. PLATTSMOCTH-W. J. West, proprietor of the Lyrio theater In Fremont, haa leased Ihe Parmalee theater tn thla city and with Las assistance of Billy Kicker gave their DAILY DEE; FRIDAY, SKPTEiflVETC 13, 1007. first moving r'cttire show to a crowded houae this evening. COOK Henry Livingston hss completed his HO.OOO farm residence, two mil's east of town, and will movs Into the earns at once. BEATRICE Many Beatrice people are making preparations to attend the Ak-Sar-Ben to be held In Omaha from September 2fi to October &. FLATTSMOUTH Mrs. Emma Alexander died last evening, aged 71 years. Rev. J. E. Houlgate will conduct the funeral services Friday afternoon. PLATTSMOTTH Ctmntr Attorney Rawls has filed In Justice Archer's court a com plaint John Lassny, charging him with wife abandonment, . BEATRICE Many farmers In Gag county have finished their fall plowing and prospects are that a large acreags of winter wheat will be sown. BEATRICE At a meeting of the Beatrice fire department last night Rudolph Woelke was elected chief on the second ballot to succeed A. D. Whit, n-slgned. LIXJAR Dr. Bhaw Little, a dentist of Clarka, and Miss Wynona Armstrong of thla city were united In marriage at the home of the bride a parents, Mr. and Mrs. IL A. Armstrong. BEATRICE Mrs. Emanael Thomas, an old resident of Beatrice, died last night after an Illness of six weeks. She was 68 years old and leaves no family except her husband. , BEATRICE Burglars ransacked the resi dence of Thomas Irvine last nlRht and secured a watch and a small amount of money. The family was away from home when the robbery waa committed. ' CENTRAL CITY Mr. Que, an elderly man, taken Into custody last week by Sheriff Holllster, upon the belief that he was somewhat demented, was discharged early In the week, aa no charge was pre ferred against him. EDGAR-Mrs. M. P. Dawson, who died St her home Saturday evening, wss burled from the Presbyterian church yesterday afternoon. The husband, M. P. Dawson, has been a prominent business man of Ed gar for the last twenty-two years. NEBRASKA CITY A company consist ing of John A. Nelson, Frank B. Eccleeton, Samuel Nelson. A. P. Moran and others. with a capital of $75,000. has been organised here for the purpose of msnufacturlng the Center Sesl Ring Bearing pump valve. This valve was patented In this city and has been In use at local factories lor the last six years. PLAINVIEW The Methodist Episcopal church has officially Invited the return for the third year of Its present pastor. Rev. J. P. Yost. During the last year a new $11,000 church has been completed, with the entire cost provided for. Plalnview Is situ ated In a most prosperous part of the state, with one of the best Methodist churches In the north Nebraska conference, REPUBLICAN CITY-A young married man, O. K. Kent, suddenly left town Fri day last, taking with him hjs wife's gold wstch and chain and several dollars be longing to a stepson. He owes among the different merchants and meat markets several hundred dollars. No one knows where he is, but the last trace of him showed him In Omaha. BEATRICE The funeral services for the late Claude Traylor. who died yesterday of ptomaine poisoning, were held today at 3 o'clock, conducted by Rev. V. O. Brown. The-dead boy ate heartily of Ice cream MolWay night several hours before he was taken 111, and It Is believed the cram con tained some poisonous substance which ulti mately caused his death. NEBRASKA CITY Albert McVey, who lives on a farm near Dunbar, met with a severe accident Wednesday. He attempted to stop a horse that was attached to a buggy and In so doing got his foot between the spokes of the wheel and was dragged quite a distance. The limb was broken in several places and the foot almost torn from his body. The attending physicians hope to save the foot, but they cannot tell the outcome fur several days. B HATR1CB Em II Plttlllo and Walter Smith, the two lads who were lodged In Jail Tuesday for entering the home of a man named Smith, were In the "sweat box" for several hours yesterday, and County Attorney Terry learned that their parents resided In Knoxville, Tcnn. He will write to them before taking any action tn the case. The boys have expressed their desire to go to the reform school, where they can get a better education and learn a trade of some kind. Neither one of them can read or write. NO SIT DOWN, NO PAY FARE Slogan Which .Nebraska TravellasT Mrs Ire iContenplatlac aa Basts at Fight. "No seat, no fare," -may soon be the slogan of the Nebraska traveling men, who are now fighting with the Union Pacific for the privilege of riding on the com pany's fast trains. At a meeting of the state' post of the Travelers' Protective as sociation a day or two ago, this subject was discussed and the opinion was ex pressed that the association ought to find some means of compelling the railroads to furnish seats for the passengers. It was suggested that some suffering travel ing salesman be selected to sue a railroad for the return of his fare for failure to provide him a seat. There has always been more or less com plaint In ths matter, but It was brought before the association because several salesmen were compelled to stand In the aisles of a Northwestern train all the way from Norfolk to Omaha last week. If you have anytnlng to trade advertise It in the For Exchange columns of The Bee Want Ad pages. Mrs. Taft Is Recovering, WORCESTER, Mass., Sept. 12. Mrs. Ixmlsa M. Tsft, mother of the secretary of war, whs 00 years old yesterday, and for the flrtt time since she became 111 on July 26 she sat up and received callers. Her physician says he expects that she will soon recover completely. GOOD BREAKFASTS Start the Day Right. Breakfast Is perhaps the most Important raeal of the day. Europeans usually eat a very light breakfast. Many Americans have stomach trouble because they eat too much or food of not the right sort for the morning meal. An Ideal breakfast Is a baked apple or some other fruit, a dish of Grape-Nuts food with little cream, soft boiled egg, slice of hard crisp toast and a cup of Postum Food Coffee. Leave off all meat, hot biscuits, etc. Grape-Nuts and Postum both furnish the phosphate of potash together with other food elements that go to make up brain and nerve centers as well as muscle and tissue, and both can be digested by the stomach of an infant. It is the part of wisdom nowadays to use food especially selected for nourishment fcnd that can be easily digested. Ten day's trial of this breakfast and you will feel as though you had "cleaned bouse." The exhilaration of bounding health Is worth a hundred times the small outlay of time and care In arranging such a break fast. A New Jersey woman says she formerly breakfasted on chops, hot biscuits and coffee. "After such a meal I would havs severs pains and they would last sometimes far Into the night." She finally deter mined on a change In her diet, and had for breakfast only Grape-Nuts food . with cream, and Postum Food Coffee. She says: In a very few days the intestinal trouble all disappeared. I have regained my old time weight, lost the irritability and ner vousness, and life takes on a nsw aspect. When I feel a little exhausted In ths day I simply drop every tiling and stir a spoonful of Grape-Nuts In a little cream or bot milk, and In ten minutes I have re gained my vigor and freahness." Orape-Nuta food is best when served Just as It comes from tha package without any cooking whatever. Tha food has already been cooked ten or twelve hours In ths process of manufacturing It. When made up Into puddings, plea and other desserts It does not hurt It to be cooksd again, but when served simply as a breakfast food It should never be cooked. On the contrary, Postum absolutely must be boiled fifteen to twenty minutes before ths food value and flavor can be brought out. "Tiere'j a Reason." OMAHA BIG BARLEY MARKET Object to Be Accomplished bj Gate City Malt Company. BETS0N BUYS ALL HE CAN Loeal Price la !ow Better Tha a Tbat Paid ta Chicago or Mll waakee for Thla Klad of Grata. That the Gate City Malt company will eventually make Omaha a big barley mar ket la the belief of members of the Omaha Grain exchange. President E. E. Bryson Is on the floor of the exchange every morning at the j cash trading hour, snapping up every car j of barley offered. He Is searching the Omaha elevators for old barley. He Is wiling and writing to points In all parts of Nebraska and western Iowa. He has Instructed elevator managers at a number of stations In southeastern South Dakota to send him all the first-class barley they can get. The company, with a capacity of 1.000 bushels a day at Its South Omaha plant and 500 bushels a day at Its old malting house at Second and Pine streets, Omaha, can use more barley than Is raised at pres ent in the entire state of Nebraska. It Is estimated that 1GO.0T0 bushels of the grain were used In Nebraska In 1306 and the records of the labor bureau show that 322,000 bushels were shipped out. The malting plant will use SOO.000 bushels In the next twelvemonth if It can get the grain. As the yield this season Is sup posed to be not any larger than this, and as some of It Is not fit for malt, Mr. Bryson has to search outsldo the state. Price Better Than Other Towns. The price of barley on the local ex change has been running from 78 to 86 cents for the malting gTades, which Is a little better than the Chicago and Mil waukee prices when the freight Is added. The new demand for the grain and the good price that must be paid In competi tion with Milwaukee will undoubtedly make Omaha known as a market for barley as well as for wheat, corn and oats. Once the barley gets to coming In quan tities, more malting plants will be erected, say the local grain dealers, for there Is a fine field for trade In the Missouri valley and the Rocky mountains, and the Gate City company may have more orders than It can fill. Only 1R7.000 bushels of barley passed through the Omaha Grain ex change . last year. Receipts are expected to reach GAO.flno In a year or two and 1,000,000 In three or four years. "It pays to raise barley," says E. E. Bryson. "It Is worth more today, pound for pound, than any other grain, and you can raise more of it to the acre than wheat." The company will begin malting In about a week. NEBRASKA FR0MDAY TO DAY Quaint and Cartons Featnres of .Life In a Rapidly Growlnsr State. No man should object to paying for his wife's hats. If he had to wear them he might nave some kick coming. Osmond Re publican. On September 15 there la apt to be a larger crowd out hunting prairie chickens than there will be attending church. Plain view News. A Hard Blow With the temperature Into the 90s, didn't It grind the independent, self respecting man to be quietly requested to throw away his straw hat Just because the blvalvular Intelligences have come to town and because Madame Grundy has said the word for the devotees of fashion? How would It do to eat the oyster, Ignore Mrs. Grundy and wear what, for the season, might be most comfortable? York Repub lican. Trouble With Sheep Will Arrowsmtth of Liberty, who Is always doing some crary thing, bought some sheep a few weeks ago and they are creating no end of trouble all over Liberty and adjoining townships. The ferocious beasts have escaped several times and broke Into neighboring pastures and scared the horses and cows In the whole neighborhood Into nervous prostration. It is said that they even attacked a traction engine and caused It to run away. The women and children In the entire com munity are terrorised and afraid to go out after dark. A petition is In circulation to have the militia called out and the beasts captured. Mr. Arrowsmlth has spent several weeks on their trail, but so far has not succeeded In securing them. Exeter Enter prise. Loone Beedar Letter Deer mlstr editor I thot lde better ride an tell U how offle wet an nastle its a gltten In this kountry sum of th fellers R dun puttln up ha an uthers alnt stated but ar a thlnkin bout It th roads ar bad i hall, 2 town th grond Is In bumpln shape fur fall wheat thar will be lots uv th stuff sode R skul teecher kum out tother nlte 3 tech R skule but couldnt find no one t batch with were so offle sorry that th loone trea editor died an al hla section uv th kuntry Is a morn ing over th sad los we dont no gist what wus th matter leaa twaa the offle big words he got thru him an kuddnt digest them thru his stumack they had Dr watklns but he got titer to late he has ben gone bout t weeks, we seen th flags at haf mast and dldnt know what wus th mater til we In quired we R all wel an hope yu ar the same en dont never dl for we got to hav th nus fur Its a big Job to git a feller what noes onuff 2 fil your boots. Stockvllle Repub lican. LYNN ALLEN IS KILLED At Least Such Is Report that Contes frons t'olombos and Police llant Relatives. Word was received by Captain Mostyn at the police station Thursday morning that a young man named Lynn Allen was killed Wednesday near Columbus, and the authorities are trying to locate relatives whom' he Is supposed to have In this city, lie Is said to have told some of his fel low workmen on the Union Pacific con struction gang that he was a brother-in-law of a sergeant on the Omaha police force. No ?mcer has yet been found who has any relative of such description. W. P. JACKSON IS JAMES MILLER Ideality of Pal of Mario. Hedgepetn Established by Kansas City Officials. Word was received from Daniel Aheam, chief of police of Kansas City, by Chief Donahue, Thursday morning that W. P. Jackson, the man who was recently ar rested here In company with the safe blower, Marlon Hedge path, and now In Jail at Council Bluffs, charged with operating there. Is ons James Wilier, who wss ar rested once In Kansas City In 1. He was later released, as nothing could be proved against him. He has served one sentence In the Jefferson City penitentiary for bur glary, being released from there In HS. He Is supposed to have been with Hedgepath .Schools Colleges BELLEVUE COLLEGE, I i!rr ' .-'re A-'ir:.Jft'i"i.;t The College ha.i six buildings, four of which are dormitories, two for young men and two for young women. The mln recitation hall contains the library, scienti fic laboratories, literary society rooms, recitation and lecture rooms. . The College department offers three courses classical, scientific and phlloso ji" s'l''nts who hsvo finished the 12th grade of accredited high schools and have from twenty-eight to thirty-two points are prepared to enter tha freshman Class. . , The Academy Is regularly seeredlted by the State University as a four year nign school, snd prepares students fur Bellevue College or any other college or university. Small classes. Individual attention. The Normal School is accredited by the State Department of Instruction and cates e'einentary and advanced courses and the graduates receive atate certlfl- The Cnnerv.or .k. , i .. . ' ClOCUtion ftnd irt. mw mcui Omaha eonnprHoni .ThA OmnTia a- Chicago, Burlington & Quincy, and Mtfisnurl Pacific Railway. The new trolley connection at South Omaha with the Omaha & Council Bluff a ayatem make HelieVUe Very eailV Of HCrnn and tha inHln llnna am shot I u,lll ... ..1.4 1 . a suburb of Omaha. Fall Semester opens Tseot. 17. " For catalogue and other information, PRESIDENT GUY W. WADSWORTH, Bellevue, Nebraska. THE TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION OF THE ST. LOUIS Schpol and Museum of Fine Arts COMPETENTLY COVERS THE FIELD St. Z,onls has votsd 9100,000 art work for ths bsnsflt Grand Prlss for Stndsnt Work from International Jury, World's F.r Director, Halssy C. Zvss, Z.I.. S. u Ittxt term opens Beptsmbst 33 ror mutated Handbook, Address School and Museum of Fine Arts ST. LOUIS 15 T T?T7C MILITARY DJUiJJjO ACADEMY MACON, MISSOURI" university graduate Instructors. Splendidly equipped physical and' chenilcnl labora tories, manual training shoos, library, etc.. rirnwlnir n.l mmir M.r,....-i combines home Influence with military discipline, drill, systematic physical culture and high educational standards. Enrollment limited and only boys of Kood chars, ter sdmltted. Early applications advised. Tuition 60. Write for Illustrated cat logue. Hox 123. - CoL Geo. X,. Burnett, T.X.. B., at. A. (West Point 'SO) Bnpsrlntendent, ' MaJ. X.ools B. X,awton (West Point 93), Commandant' ASK a us aboul school We will send you catalogues and school information of any kind which you cannot obtain to easily in any other way. The service is ABSOLUTELY FREE No charge now or at any o '.tr time. The follojying classes of schools are included in this offer : 1. Collr(Ft mi Unlvetiltifi. 2. Byl' or Cirll' Prepantory Schools. 3. ScKooli ind College! tot Young Ladies. 4. Military Srhoole. 5. Buiincaa Collrgel. 6. Muflc and Art Schools. 7. Normal Scboolt. 8. Medical SchooU. 9. Dental Schooli. 10. Pharmacal Schoola. 11. Law Schools. 12. Telegraph and Trades Schools, 13. Technical Schoolt. 14. Training Schools tor Nurses, Etc. 15. Correspondence Schools. Educational Information Bureau 03 Mtnloeti Building. St. loula. Mo. tsnssv TODD BEMTtTAJgT POB BOTS ' An ideal school for young boys, beauti fully situated in the "hill country" of Illinois. One hour from Chicago. (0th year. Send for our prorpectus. sTOBIiE HH.Ii, Prln Woodstock, XU, wiiaSoir coi.x.xaB rom women is lbs beautiful Cumberland Valla?. Couraea m. Ins to srm ot A. B. and Mui. B. Classics, kg. sic, Art. A moat excellent faculty. Campus fro acres; 14 buildings, ratea moderate. M. H. HEAoKR, rfc D.. freer!. U College at.. Ckasifeoribujg, ra. since the latter was reloased from Jefferson City and the Missouri authorities think he also Is one of their paroled convicts. TESTS OF SIGN ORDINANCE Two . Dealers Are Fined In Police Court and Appeal Their Cases. The twenty cas s against prominent busi ness men for violation of t he recent city ordinance against curb and sidewalk signs were brought before Judge Crawford In police court Thursday morning, and as tests Morlts Meyer and E. Kistle were lined (5 and costs each. Mr. Meyer's sign Is a( Ui'4 Farnam street and Mr. Elsele's at 1513 Dodge street. .Both are ornamental posts set out on the curb line. The cases were Immediately appealed from police court and will be taken up before Judge Troup In district court. All of the other defendants have agreed with City Prosecutor Daniel to submit their own cases to the decision given by Judge Troup In tho cuses against Mr. Meyer and Mr. Eisele, and In the mean time they will not be further prosecuted. Judge Troup has agreed to allow no delay In the trial of the two test cases. LOBECK AFTER CONVENTION City Comptroller Tries to Us I League of. American MnslcU palltles for Omaha. Comptroller Lobeck Is sending out circu lars to the mayors of all towns which are to be represented at the meeting of the League of American Municipalities asking them to do all In their power to secure the selection of Omaha as the meeting place In 19U8. .The circular Is signed by Mayor Dahl mn and Counellmen Funkhouser, Bedford, Zimman and Bridgea,' who will represent the city at Uie Jamestown meeting. It sets forth briefly the advantages of Omaha ss a convention city and promises each dele gate an opportunity to become acquainted with the Ak-ear-Ben tuysterlea If they come to Omaha. ' BELLEVUE. NEBRASKA. J . 'l-,f "r.rfc I ! '.' - .1-' . " , ? r.-Jv.-,., w,2,J.m 7 'kjH 'AY- va, iuudiv, yianut viuuu BUU TUCdl IlluaiOs Cnknrn rnnei.ev,.n nAtiA t.m..... address a ysar to this Institution's and credit of the West. The only military academy whose super IntenriVnt and commnndant are both West Polit graduates. Plant cost $600,000 and la modern, sanitary and absolutely fire proof. A $60,000 gymnasium, 1,000 aores of woods, lakes, parade ground and athletin floM. Cadets rooms all single. Large corps of How about the boy- your boy? What school for 1907-08 ? The book called The right school for your boy" gives many helpul suggestions. We send it and cur catalogue, without cost, if you ask for it. . Racine College Grammar School Racine. AViv.-onMn. Here are the names of four old Ractns boys who think there Is no school like: this one; any of them win be glad tq tell you about It and what they say mil help you to deride. V. B. Caldwell, V.-Pres. U. S. Natl. Bank Omaha. A L,. Reed, Pres. Byron P.eed Co., Omaha, Wm. A. 1'axton, Ogalalla Land fit. Cat tit Co., .Omaha. W. 8. Puppleton, Attorney, Omaha. Erownell Hall A boarding and day School for Youna Women and Girls. Students holding oer. tlflcates covering In full the entrance re quirements of a standard State Unlvsr. slty. are admitted without examination to Junior year In advance course. Certi ficate In college preparatory course aarnita to Vassar, Wellesley. Smith. Mt. Holyok Univ. of Nebraska, Univ. of Wisconsin and Univ. of Chicago. Exceptional advan" tanes In Music. Art and Domestic Science. Well equipped gymnnslum and outdoor' sports. Students mothered sympathetica! I by women of - large.1 practical' experience with glrla in that highly Important forma tie period between fourteen and twenty one years of age. . w?enl.,or '"""'rated Tear Book. Addreaf ' Mlaa Macrae, Principal. Omaha. University of N.tre Dame Wont! IPAME, IsTPTAWA A Catuolis Cojlogs Horns Every Educational . Ad van tags Every Mural Safeguara is Huiluiuga 7 4 piufessura aoa Students. Courses In Ancient and Modern Lan guages, English. Hlatory and Eco nomics. Chemistry, Biology, Phar macy, Civil, Electrical. Chemical and Mechanical Engineering;. Architecture. I-aw. Shorthand, Bookkevplng. Type writing. " TEBMBt Board, Tnltl and X.anB dry -too, gpaoUl partmsnt for Boys Undsr 13 $360. Atdrsss The Bar. Jotaa Cavaasugh, Presldeai, Lasell Seminary For Yoanaj Women. Auburadala, Mass, an unusual trhool. doml.lnea tborousta Inairuo. tlon In uaual studies wta unique Somaxtlo Ualnh.g thot Ola lur livn uf cu lurnl uarfulnns and noma kappluma. HpxHa.1 6iirtunltla In Tluuaafeotd huKliooilcs. Music, Art, lw. rtu, Ixll(htful sub. " . ? ioeatlon. ten in Has fnin ffctun. rtalusue and full Information un applluavtlou. iddrns C. C. aiifcOON. Prladpal. aaeansaslc. Mass. Where Shall I Send Him Tour bor's prosrass saaunds Ursa If ooa hla aoas fort aad happluaaa. Oar bora ar ceatmtaa a4 eomtortabla, surrounded wlUs aarf adaslas "--t conirtbutaa to lbs buildls a of charaatsr. rht urn 1to arrr opportunity to lesrn awlf eotrol Ant valla trusting u Ualr honor, duwlpllno ofvtbt'hlsa. sat order la rlf'.dl, malntalrsd. New rire-roof bulldints. Bxrr anodara aOantass. Special da. Sartmant far bora S to It rears, lead for Catalog J. Karny Military Academy, Kearney, Neb. Chicago Conservatory asabllabos ISS. W.M Fastis. tral. Oiiteet aad best arhool for InornuKil r.tti'lna of MUSIC AND DRAMATIC ART Thla eoimni elwa.s snnintiu tho hisbeat etaaa rle of emetic osrllii xmpl,,. , mj nui o..l,l Un.lueua sr. wbII uuii.iI in j.ver ae. niil siuir. u.ri,t ul Miulo aud briuo.Ha Art. bud It tuwraatrua TaW mm4 riooT. auaaseHiMo s.iiei.a. cm..,., m.