Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 13, 1907, Page 2, Image 2

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    erhlctl TMohM across the continent from
the Atlantic to the Pacific. In t IH nam
of th Urand Army of the Republic, the
loving care or our comrade no hulldett
no wisely and tenderly for the aflllrtd
la hers recognised. When other hesl
tated, he pushed the more resolutely to
the front ; objection were overcome by
unsnswerahla argument; ofTAiiil Indlffer
nc only Inspired renewed effort, and,
like the true soldier,-he halted not until
victory was wen Today we give a sol
dier's thanks and Messing to a modest,
large-hearted. Intrepid worker In our
rank a, Past Department Commandar
lenry E. J'slmer of Nebraska, and his
loval associate In a treat cause.
Kindly references were made In the ad
dress to this treat work being dona by
the Woman's Relief corps and by the
ladles of the Grand Army of the Republic
.and kindred organizations.
Increase of Per Capita Tax.
t'pon the queatlon of the proposed In
crease of the per capita tax from 34 centa
to 4 cent 'per. member, which wag carried
over from the last encampment for dis
posal it this encampment. Commander
; Brown said:
Expenses can he reduced and under con
dition as they now exist the revenue can
be increased somewhat without Imposing
added burden upon tha. membership at
large. I need not go Into details. We
have a permanent Invested fund that It
aeema remonablc to me will Increase. Al
leady bequssta have been made to the
Orand Army of the RepunHc. tf we manl
iest a capacity and willingness to hus
band, our resources, this fact will not go
unnoted. A full purse often Induces over
Indulgence In that which sometimes begets
fatal Indifference to aound business policy
and leada to pitiful conditions. Sometimes
In a body Ilka this, oratorical blandish-
menta carry ordinarily sane men Into
.spasms, of generosity never . met with In
I heir personal relation! to the noble Im
pulse of -giving from thr private atore.
A permanent Invested fund gives reason-
-wi uupe iur ine perpetuation or this, tho
, most valuable civic brotherhood In tha
annals of mankind, until,, Jet me say, wo
Jhalj cease to exist by the law of limi
tation. Tho address closed with a handsome
tribute of appreciation to the Grand Army
-for its loyalty to the commander-in-chief
nd to his associates rn office during the
last year for their loyalty. Industry and
Patriotic Instructor Goss urged that atepa
1 taken to place military Instruction In
tha curriculum of the public schools. Dr.
Johnson recommended that the establish
ment by the government of hospitals for
insane veterans be: haatened.
- It was expected that the encampment
would elect officers and select a place of
meeting for the next enoampment day,
thus concluding Its work. Otherwise final
adjournment will not be taken until to
morrow morning. A muster will take placo
hi convention hall thia evening with na
tional offlcers and' distinguished members
of the grand army as spectators.
.Death Roll for the Year Over Mne
SARATOGA, N. T., Sept. ll-The report
of Adjutant General Josepn W. O'Neall of
the Grand Army of the Rapubllc, which
as inado public at the enoampment here
today, allows that the memberahlp of the
Grand Army of the Republic on June 30,
19J6. waa 222,T baaed on returns from all
but eight statea.. Georgia. Idaho. Indian
Territory. New Mexico and North Dakota,
from which no returna have been received.
The Iilgli water mark of members In the
rmy waa reached in 18. when 409,489
were enrolled. 6itice that time death has
lapldly depleted the ranks of the aged
vetorane and General O'Nealls report
ahows that 9.063 rnembera have died In the
last twelve months. The report ahowa
that e.UH old soldiers Joined the Orand
Army of the Republic during the year. The
total number of posts In the army Is now
lt.m. General O'Neall reports that $95,314
hu been expended for relief during the
, General O'Neall atrongly recommends
that the Grand Amy of the Republlo es
tablish permanent headquarters Instead of
changing Its home office each year, as is
now tns practice. General O'Neail in hla
report eaya:
my hutnbls Judgement the time has
quurtere khotild be establlKhed, . I can aee
r1.Jfion. .why "ur headquartera should,
from ear to year, becarrled around over
tne country, incurring freight bills and
ctumaging what Huh- furniture we have and
without any compensating results. 1 know
2iJ? ""rf'lety or organisation that con
?h?Ii yJ """ honie om',' "! I can
a! .i ' no ,,0,,1 "ason why we should.
.t . uZ m,,tke Is the annual change
t.f adjutant general. 1 rare not how com
fui .no.r fiow Hie aqualntance of
a aPr' " cornea Into the office
who ly unacquainted with conditions. Ha
must become acquainted with hla corro-IlTfrri"-
e heada of the departments.
lS-.pec"'. Tn, "lulrea time, and by
i!"'" le"rJ, th'"e thl" h K
.v, wniti 1d ,ome other comrade take
P . ork.d.' novo- Tne "rand Army
SL1. JiPub"0 hould continuing"",an,i? chanKlng Institution
is iio .rf.l lJ"l ot ,he U'nt general
i.ra.7 iifu of ihe """" adjutant gen
k.en inm If.?0!1 """" ccmpetent, and
our nr.r. "I"1'? '."k" 5nd ucn "hould he
our practice. I, therefore. In the Interest
of aconomy, and as I fairly believe In the
best interest of our beloved organisation f'0". takp.n by tnta ncampment
filter by the eatabllshment now of per
manent lieaoVjuarlere or by the appoint
"If"1 u' committee autnoriaed to act
IA 'iV,r'rt. t0 n,ak "Port to tha
txt national encampment.
Osiba Bar New Player.
. Pt' Three playera wera
added to the Chicago National league team
T7b'L are. W'rtln Walsh, a pltcheY
from Danville, Va.; Arthur Evana. a
ratoher from Lynchburg. Va . and Curtis
J-ton, an outfielder from Lancaster, O
Walsh is a brother of Ed Walsh of the
Chk'ago American league team.
Good School Suits
Our sort of School Clothes puts a boy on
hia metal and his manliness stands right
out. They're just tfght.
Don't think of buying cheap or inferior
clothes for a school boy. It won't pay. It
never pays.
Our School Suits cannot be made better
or priced lower. Our prices and qualities
agree. '
pur etirt of School Suits are made from
tne most durable cheviots and caasimeres.
Sewed with silk, linings strong, buttons on with strong
linen thread. Every point where strain comes is strongly
reinforced. Nothing omitted that would add to the ap
pearance or durability of the suit. And yet we name
such moderate prices as
$6.00, $5.00 or $3.90
: We guarantee every School Suit we sell to hold up to
the high sttrtidard we represent.
1513 1517 DOUG
Looks for Federal Court to Deny In'
junction of Freight Rates.
Prematare In Flrelnar to Manser for
Hefage t'ommlaaleaier Haa
Kothlnat to ay on the
lloldrege Case.
"I think Judges W. H. and T. C. Munger
will reverse the decision of Judge T. C.
Munger in granting the temporary re
straining order which preventa the com
mission's Tate schedule from going Into ef
fect," said Henry T. Clarke, Jr., state
railroad commissioner, who Is up from
Lincoln. "We feel confident ef this and
that when the hearing comes up Ht-ptem-ber
23 the court will see that the commis
sion is right and the railroads are wrong
and the. reduced freight rates will go Into
effect. ,
"I want to say this: The railroads ran
for cover before they were stung In apply
ing for this Injunction. I see an Inter
view in The Boo by one railroad attorney,
Mr. Kelby of the Burlington, In which he
aeeks to lay all the blame on the commis
sion to make it appear the commission
foroed the railroads Into court. That is
all wrpng. The commission's purpose and
determination has been, from the first,
and It la yet, to be considerate wltn the
railroads; that Is, not to take any unfair
advantage-of them In the matter of the
enforcement of new rates or regulations.
We realise tha railroads will require time
to adjust themselves and their affairs to
new conditions and we have never given
them any license to draw a different in
ference. They Jumped at conclusions and
hastened to seek refuge In the courts be
fore they had any just cause. They have
not yet been hit by the force they are
dodging. They have plenty of time to
wait before running to cover."
Mr. Clarke said he did not care to make
a statement regarding the case of Gen
eral Manager Holdrege and the filing of
the pasa list by the Burlington, over
which some talk of Irregularity has sprung
up. That Is a matter, he said, which the
commissioners cannot discuss now.
Connell at Fremont Adopt Resolution
Condemning Overland' Policy
FREMONT, Neb., Sept. 12.-(8peclal.)-It
was the Union Paclflo against the United
Commercial Travelers represented In the
local council last night.
Tha meeting was largely attendul and
the following resolutions passed by a unan
imous vote:
Whereas, The Chicago A. Northwestern
and the I!. A M. railroads In Nebraska
have manifested the proper appreciation of
the greatness and prosperity of the terri
tory from which they draw their financial
support, and have evinced a desire and a
readiness to increase their passenger and
freight facilities to keep pace with the
rapid growth of the towns and country
tributary to their lines; therefore, be It
Resolved, That we express our hearty
appreciation of their efforts to accommo
date the people of Nebraska, and that wo
show this appreciation by diverting to
these lines at competing points all freight
shipments that we can control, wherever
possible; and, further.
Whereas. The Union Pacific railroad Is
showing an Increasing disregard dally for
the convenience or welfare of the million
Seople who live along that line from
maha to Cheyenne, and have lately man
ifested their contempt for the traveling
public by making arbitrary rules without
the sanction of law or common sense, ex
cluding travelera from Council Hlnir la
and all Nebraska points from five of tbelr
beat trains, and have refused and 'neg
lected to substitute other trains for those
withdrawn from public service, and have
so arranged their train schedules that the
trains which do carry passengers follow
one another so closely that they have the
force and effect of one train onlv run in
sections, which do not connect with the
branch lines of the system at Junction
polnta; therefore, bo It further
Resolved. That we deplore thla utter dis
regard of the rlahts of the people aa shown
by said I'nlon Pacific railroad, and Its ef.
feet upon the people so outraged Is stirring
up strife and embittering them to the ex
tent of still further widening the breach
created when the I'nlon Pacific refused to
pay taxes In Nebraska and committed
other nets hostile to the Interests of the
people whose patronage haa made said road
the bvst pRvlng piece of railroad property
In the world.
Resolved. Thst a copy of these resolu
tions be furnished the public press and
sent to the atale offlcera and delegation
In congress for the state of Nebraxkn
Fremont Council No 152. t". C. T.
Beeomea Epidemic In Home of Nathan
Nplesbercer, Striking; Poor
The epidemic of appendicitis ambng the
relatives of Nathan Bplesbergtr shows no
signs of abating. Wednesday Mr. 8ples
berger a 13-year-old daughter Hortense was
operated on, making the fourth In the fam
ily to undergo tha knife In tha last alx
weeks. The operation was successful an
the patient spent a good night.
The record ot the Spleaberger family for
appendicitis operationa la considered re
markable. About six weeks ago Mr. and
Mrs. Nathan Spleaberger were operated
Sixty-four page
Catalogue in press.
1 1
upon within a few days of each other. The
result was fatal to Mrs. Kpleshergit, but
Mr. Pplesherger recovered. A month later
his brother, Jacob Bplesborger, was oper
ated upon for the same trouble. Another
unusual feature c the case is that Ir.
Millard Langfeld, who performed the flrrt
operations, waa operated upon himself for
the disease a few days afterward.
Attract Attention of Dnlnth, Whose
Officials, Hlnh l:i Buatneea,
Come for Polntera.
F. E. Mouse, president of the Puluth
ft Iron Range railroad, will arrive In
Omaha today In his private car for the
purpose of Inspecting the furnishing of
the Toung Men'a Christian association
building. Mr. House Is a member of the
board of directors of the Duluth associa
tion and chairman of the furnishing com
mittee. A new building has Jurt been
completed In Duluth, and Is ready to be
furnished. Mr. House Is making the trip
to Omaha for the special purpose of get
ting ideas along this line.
Phil Bevls. secretary of the Duluth as
sociation, has arrived In the city, and Is
making a study of the Omaha building,
which he considers a model of convenience
and taste. He will return to Duluth with
Mr. House Friday night.
The educational department of the local
.association will open September 23. This
department occupies the entire east half
of the third floor. The equipment Is new
and up-to-date. The faculty Is as follows:
Charles C. Ball, educntlonad director; E.
A. Jiartmcan, Instructor In penmnnshin
Omaha high school, penmanship and busi
ness correspondence and spelling; Oeorge
Rort, H. 8. of C. E.. chief engineer Paxton
and Vlerllng Iron works, mechanical and
architectural drawing; J. A. Frye, short
hand and typewriting; John Speedle, prin
cipal Benson school, boys' school; J. P.
Palmer, assistant boys' school; Charles
McDonald, attorney, commercial law; A.
T. Lorliry, bookkeeping and business prac
tice; W. D. (Irandy. elementary Kngli"
and civil government; A. R. Congdon, A.
B. . instructor mathematics Omaha high
school, business arithmetic, algebra and
feometry; E. F. Denlfon. debating club;
' O. Kratz, vocal music, advanced En
llsh. The prospects for a successful educa
tional year are considered exceptionally
The boys' department of the association
will open next week with various "doings,"
including the circus, which Is scheduled
for September 19 and SO. Gymnasium
classes will open September 16.
L. M. Oberkotter, director of religious
work, has arrived In the city, and will
begirt work with hla classes In Bible study
and other branches as soon as possible.
Friday of this week will be a day of
receptions and socials. The boys will have
programs In the gymnasium, swimming
pool and assembly halls. The members of
the association will have a social In the
The Initial membership ,fee for adults has
been raised from $10 to $13. This change
will not take effect, however, until October
1. Therefore. It Is expected that several
hundred new members will be added be
fore the Increased fee goes Into effect. The
membership Is now 1.850. The renewal fee
will remain at $10. In the boys' depart
ment the fees have been lowered somewhat.
The fee for boys aged from 12 to 16 years
Is now $6 for Initial fee and $5 for renewal;
for boys aged 16 and 17 years the Initial
fee Is $8 and renewal $7.
Firt Cabin Charge on Eaxtboaad
Baalneaa Cnt Over Twenty
Per Cent.
NEW YORK. Sept. 12.-The International
Mercantile Marine company announced to
day a reduction In minimum eastbaund
cabin rates of $22.60 on the steamships
Adriatic. Baltic, Cedric, ' Arabic, Celtic,
Minnehaha, Mlnnetonka and Minneapolis,
to correspond with the reduction made by
the company recently on the Oceanic, Ma
jestic and Teutonic. Tho new rate on the
Adriatic $77.60 and on tha Arabic,
Baltic, Cedric and Celtic $72.60. The Mesaba's
rate Is cut from $70 to $50. A similar reduc
tion was announced on the Oceanic, Ma
jestic and Teutonic a few weeks ago, as
was also a reduction of the same amount
on eastbound ships of the Lloyd line.
The International Mercantile Marine com
pany announces it was not the plan of the
company to assume the aggressive In tho
rate cutting war, but simply to meet com
petition. Later the Cunard line announced,
a new achedula for Its steamers, showing
a further cut, in addition to that of a few
weeks ago. ,
The eastbound first cabin rate on tho
Campania and Lucania, which . had been
$100, was cut to $73.50. The rate on the
Caronla and Carman la, recently reduced to
$75.50, was further cut to $72.50. The ratea
on the I'mbria and Etrurla, recently cut
from $82.50 to $60, were further cut to $07.50.
Whether or not the rate on the new giant
turbine steamer Lusltanla will be cut the
agents were unable to tell until after the
arrival of the ship in New Tork.
Asalatant Cashier of Vntted States
National Dank Treasurer Repub
lican County Committee.
W. E? Rhoades, asaletant cashier of the
1'nlted States National bank, has been se
lected as treasurer of the republican
county committee by the candidates and
Thursday morning notified the committee
he would accept the place. When Mr.
Rhoades was first mentioned for the place
he declined to act on the ground that hla
work at the bank would interfere. When
hia colleagues heard he had declined they
urged him to accept and under this pres
sure he reconsidered his first action. The
candidates at the meeting Wednesday dele
gated W. Q. fihrlver to aee him again and
Thuraday morning he gave a favorable an
swer. Ilia Selection fills the principal of
fices of the committee.
The candidates will hold a formal meet
ing Saturday, at which the precinct mem
bers of the committee will be announced.
Couaty Jadge Performs 'Three Mar
riage t'eremoalea In Jaat
Tea Situates.
Three weddings In leas than ten minutes
Is the record of County Judge Ieylle, made
Wednesday afternoon In an effort (n aee
whether he could tie matrimonial knota as
fast as the district court can untie them
The ruah came at the close of one of thu !
busiest days the marriage license depart - I
ment haa had since last June. Nineteen '
marriage licenses were Issued during the '
day, an unusual number for thla time of 1
the year. That the rush waa only tern- i
porary Is Indicated by the fact that on !
Thursday morning only one lone applicant ,
was served.
The three couples who aided In est ah-
llshing the record were Richard H. Mlnlkcn 1
and Sena Chrlstensen of Fremont. William
Morrison of Oretna and Lola Cain of Papll- j
Ion, and Eugene fiplker and Jennie Broas .
of Ilialr. ' i
AlfsUCsk Arreaae tm Kaasaa.
TOPEKA. Kan.. Sept. 11 Kansas has a
greater area and production ot alfalfa
than any other slate In the I'nlon. . If. I).
Coburn, secretary of agriculture, has just
Issued a bulletin stating- this. His report
nos the Kansas acrxage In alfalfa now
Is 7C1M. an increase of JUT per cent over
last year, and 132 per cent more than In
The Be Want Ads are tha Vest Business
Smoker Finds it Hard When Lured
-by ..Clever Ada.
F.ntrance II I m with Fine Sample
and I'letare la Their Wladon
and He Almost Falls
"This thing of swesring oft ton smoking
for a month isn't as easy aa it's crackad
up to be," said the young man who stood
on a Far nam street corner. "I'm lust
rounding out my third week and I've got
ten days to go yet. Don't, know whether
I'll hold out or not. . ,
"You see. It's this way. The follows that
keep tho smoke houses have become so
diabolically clever the ge.t up all kinds of
things to assail a poor man that's trying
to be virtuous In this special line. There's
a fellow down here a block or so who gets
the most tempting things Into his window
to ruin Just such a -man as me. For a
week he'a had a sort of -a new kind of
pipe In there. It has glass at the stem
so that you can see Uie mok circulating
around and getting purged. of all the nico
tine before It gets Into your mouth.' He
has signs there explaining that the smoke
out of that pipe couldn't harm a newborn
bnbe and ttat It was actually a benefit to
the health killed the germs that were
floating In the air.
"Well, sir. I stood by t1vt window and
got enchanted. I looked at the pipes and
read the alvePllaemnt and then my eye
wandered up to a fine colored picture
showing a man smoking one of them. His
wife was sitting on the other side of the
table doing some fancy work or something
and the man was reading his paper and
smoking one of those pipes. Well, sir. It
all looked so hartnless that I walked right
Into the smoke house and before I knew It
I had bought one of them. It wasn't till I
came otit that I remembered I had sworn
It's Ortalnlr Awful.
"It was awful.-' There I was with the life
preserving pipe in my hand and my smoke
time two weeks off yet. I tried to reason
myself out of my' pledge, but I had prom
ised several people not to- smoke and had
made a bet about it, .so what could I do?
And I wouldn't smoke eir the sly. Well, I
finally took the package back and left It
there, saving I was going out of town snd
would call for It In a few' days.
"Well, today I passed, that same shop
and they've put some new pipes In the
window. They're' some of, these clay ones
with stems about two feet long. The stems
cool the smoke and make It so It doesn't
bite the tongue. That's what the adver
tisement says:
"When I caught eight, of the chlbooks I
Just had to stop. I didn't want to go, but
my feet Just carried me up to the window.
They have a new picture In. the. window.
It shows n Jolly old bald-headed geezer sit
ting In a high backed chair In a raftered
room with his feet sfretched out to the
tire. He ii smoking ono of those Infernal
plpea and blowing- rings, up to the celling
and smiling to beat the band. I had to
buy one of the pipes, but I lert It there to
be called for when I got back to town,
that, is, when my time hr up on this bloom
ing no-smoke deal. ,;' '
"Say, what's th usei.of swearing off .any
way when you can get pipes that sift out
the nicot ine and c;ool l.Snioke?",
High sb.ool TrooiM -WIll Begla Prep,
aratloa for W later Cam
palg-ii -Taeedar.
High school cadet drill probably will be-'
gin next Tuesday, when the freshmen will
be assigned to companies. Those of last
year's offlcers who are la school this year
met Captain Oury, the commandant, this
week and plans were discussed for this
yesr s drill, -i-.
Enough promotions have been made to
enable the alx companies to begin work
next wtek. They are as follows:
A Company Captain, Roy Brownell; first
lieutenant, Norman Schroeder; second llou
tcnant, Simpson Standeven; first sergeant.
Herbert Ryan; second sergeant, Claude
Neavlos; fifth sergeant, Btanton Salisbury;
corporals, Alfred Kennedy, Otto Jones,
Isaac Carpenter and E.' Trultt.
B Company-Captain," Merle Howard;
first lieutenant, subject to further orders,
Lloyd Magney or Uny Wood; second lieu
tenant, Frank Latensef; fliat sergeant,
Donald Wood; quurterniaster Sergeant,
Pere Tony; fifth sergeant, Herbert Edllng;
corporals. C. Hoffert, C. Schrum. W. Den
nis and Brandon Howell.
C Company-Captain, Harry Cockrell; first
lieutenant, Ralph Wood;econd lieutenant,
Hurold Pagela; first sergeant, 8lgurd Lar
mon; quartermaster swgeant, Frederick
McConnell; second sergeant, O. Bufflngton;
third sergeant, F. Frederick son; corporals.'
C. Wassberg. T. Bellknap, F. Fernald and
C. Hudson.
D Company-Captain, Vanstone Fulla
way; first lieutenant. Carl Epplen; second
lieutenant. A. Nelson; first sergeant, Bam
Carrier! quartermaster sergeant, J. Meis
ter; corporals, P. Stoddard, R. McCague.
R. Priday and L, Buresh.
E Company-Captain, Ralph Doud; first
lieutenant. Reed Peters; second lieutenant.
Carl Nugl; flrat sergeant, Max Flothow;
quartermaster aergeant, Coe Buchanan
corporals. A. Tukey, J. Davis, L. Nelson,
C. Pat ton and a. 8ugarman.
F Company-Captain, Bearle Holmes; first
lieutenant. Robert flchenk; second lieuten
ant, Vaughn Bacon; first sergeant, How
ard Roe; quartermaster sergeant, Hurry
Drucker; second aergeant. Lawrence
rricke; third aergeant, Lyle Roberts
fourth sergeant, Evan Rogers; fifth ser
geant. Bert Hene; corporals. Morley Toung
Henry Hansen and Sam Kellner.
To be first lieutenant and adjutant, sub
ject to further orders. .Lloyd Magney or
Guy Wood. '
Inspecting; Herlam.iloa Projects.
HLUON. 8. D Sept. . H.-lBpeclal.)-While
In the city today. Hon. 'Robert 8
Persons, treasurer's auditor of the Depart,
rreiu of the Interior. Washington. D. C,
stut.d that for nearly wo montha he, in
yOUNQ Men taught
watchmaking, en
graving and jewelry
trade and started in
For full particulars
address, . -Dubuque
ing-Engraving School,
321 Bank and Insur-
ance Bldg, Dubuque,
Iowa. Dept 6.
company with Mr. Garfield, had been visit
Ing government reclamation projects of
government lsnds In various parts of the
country. There are twenty-five o( these
now under wy. the most stupendous and
Interesting of which Is the one at. Belle
Fourche, 8. D. Concerning political mat
ters, Mr. Persons was not Inclined to be
Interviewed, but expressed the belief that
South Dakota would send a Taft delegation
to the next national republican convention
and that Hon. A. B. Klttredge would suc
ceed himself as I'nlted States senator from
South Dakota.
September Asalgameat Has Beea Aa.
aoaaeed hr Clerk at
Des Moines.
DES MOINES. Is., Sept. 12. -(Special. V
The September term of the supreme court
will convene Tuesday of next week. In the
assignment of the cases for oral argument,
cases from Lee and Henry- counties have
been assigned for Tuesday. Cases froiri
Monroe, Wappello and Van Buren counties
for Wednesday; cases from Jefferson,
Davis, Appanoose, Decatur. Wayne, I'nlon,
Taylor and Adams counties for Thursday;
tases from Woodbury, Sioux, Monona, Dal
las, Marlon, Guthrie, Adair and Warren
counties for Friday; cases from Jasper,
Poweshiek, Keokuk, Scott, Johnson and
Iowa counties for Monday, September 23;
cases from Iowa on Tuesday, September
4. The cases of the state against Erich
Von Kutxelben, convicted of murder by
causlng the wreck of the Rock Island
train a year or two ago, will be argued
on Monday, September 23. Aside from this
none of the cases on the docket have at
tracted any widespread attention over the
Judge Hugh Hrennan of the district court
held yesterday In a divorce case that one
year must elapse from the time the pre
siding Judge signs th decree before the
parties can marry. Mrs. Helen Wagner
obtained a divorce last, spring, but the
de'cr'e was not signed till this week. She
must wait a year lvsfore she can marry
again, because of the new law passed last
Republics Begin Kesrotlatlons ' In
Wash In a ton for Permanent
WASHINGTON, Sept. 12.-Practleal agrre-
ments on the main polnta and general
good will marked the preliminary meeting
today of the five Central American repub-
l'cs to carry out the suggestion of the
L'nlted States and Mexico for a permanent
peace understanding. After a session of
several hours the conference was ad
journed until Monday next. The govern
ments represented were Costa Rica, Nicar
agua, Guatemala, Salvador and Honduras.
Assistant Secretary of State Adee of the I
I'nlted States and Senor Godoy of Mexico
were present. The only point on which
any hitch occurred was that ' relating to
the protocol to be signed. Two of the
Central American representatives were
without authority to sign the' document
without first submitting It to their gov
ernments. One of these said It was pos
sible that this might Involve some trouble
und perhaps the changing of the protocol
In some important particulars. Some delay
therefore is expected to be caused by rea
son of this fact. It Is not doubted, however.
that a permanent peace pact will be en
tered Into.
"Everything was exceedingly encour
aging," said Mr. Adee tonight, "and the
utmost good nature prevailed."
Four Cities Now Over the Million
-Mark for the Bummer
Benson. '
CINCINNATI. Sept. 12.-(Speclal Tele
gram.) fries Current ssys: A somewhat
smaller number of hogs was marketed
tna last wsek. Total western packing was
355,000, compared with 96,000 the preceding
week and Sal, GOO last year. Since March
1' the total Is 1I.0I5.OCO. against 13,030,000 a
year ago. Prominent places compare as
107. 1SXM.
Chicago ". J.116,000 t.M5.VX)
Kansas City 1.846.0O0 1,720,000
South Omaha 1.846.000 ,335.o
Ht. Ixuls 87J.OUO W5.010
Br. Joseph 1,047.000 DMi.OwO
Indianapolis 831.000 ' 74S.OOO
Milwaukee ftl&.(0) 60:',0oo
Cincinnati 324,000 26,000
Ottumwa 832,000 83i,t0
Cedar Kaplds M.OOO 191.000
8loux City..... SPlfOO ,
fit. Paul 4f,000 431.000
Cleveland 296,000 2S5.O00
Governor Will Act if Railroads Per
sist In Ianorlnar Two-Cent
Fare Order.
TOPEKA, Kan., Sept. 12. Kansas poli
ticians are strongly of tha opinion that
Governor Hoch will call a special session
of tha legislature if the railroads persist
In their determination to Ignore the 3-cnnt
fare order. The governor has not been
notified of the action of the roads except
through the newspapers. He doclsres that
Kansas will have a 2-cent fare or It will
be cancelled In states around it. A confer
ence was held between Oovernor Hoch,
Attorney General Jackson and G. F. Orat
tan, attorney for the Kansas railroad com
missioners, this afternoon. It Is understood
thst if the railroads fight along lines of the
resolution adopted In Chicago In court It
will be the signal for the special session
Dakota Wesleyan to Open.
MITCH EL. U, 8. D.. Sept. 11 SptHial.)
Next Monday, September' 18, Dakota Waa
leyan university will open Its doors for ti e
beginning of the fall term and with an out
look for attendance that surpasses nay pre
vious year in the history of the Ins! Mu
tton. The field agents of the college huva
been st work In all parts of the stata ! ir
Ina; the summer and they have been very
successful In securing new students for the
beginning of the year. This is shown by
the fsct that every room In the large dorm
itory building has been engaged since the
first of July. Tha anticipated increased ot
tendsnce haa required the making of a
number of changes in the building o ac
commodate the new students. Rnumi tr
housing tha young women and men have
been aecured outside hi college I u'MIng
and all who come will be well taVn care
of. There have been quite a few changes In
the fsculty for the coming yesr, made ao by
reason that three of the teachers hrve
been granted leaves of absence for ne
yesr snd the sickness of another has -vj-1
him to reaign. The additions to the fnc-
ulty sre: Miss Qert-iide Elghme, llano;
.Percy H. Fullenwider of Cincinnati, violin ;
Arthur V. English, askJstant professor of
Bngllah language and literature; Prcy R.
Neal. professor of natural science: Miss
L.U1I Von Baumbach. piano; Miss Trmpie
' Stansell, director of physical educati tn a-id
Instructor In English and elocution; W'l
1 Ham A. Barber and Miss Hanna Mll'er. as
' s'stants in the commercial department. MIms
' Georgia Scott will also teach piano. Dr.
I Nicholson haa aecured a most ex-e'lent
I r.n.Jo ,k. .nil,,, thl. ..M I,.
1 ' -
""rip" vr:
I saaraate(4 pa
ntts Vanilla is
ry successful year throuh-
pare uadsr Us law, Bur-
tb beat by test. Lss lu
as a reminder not to mlsa KllpatrlcU'a
Great Sale
. . SATURDAY, AT 10 A.M.
Enormous Purchase, Immense Variety Dtggest
Bargain of the year, worth up to $1.50. some more-
Tell your , neighbors, they'll be glad Mlaa the
sale, you'll be aorry
Just One-Third Usual Price
without investing it does not accomplish, T
results. Every person prides himself upon .
his ablity to save money and too often ,
neglects to profit by it. Our facilites are ,
. ., very convenient for every one. We pay .4
per cent Interest on deposits. Money may :
be with drawn any time. l,;
Oldest, Largest and Strongest Savings Bank in Nebraska
If 1
I 1
lGtln and Douglas Streets -
ft I
Siti- iI- rT ------- - -rJ
Le s f e
0ft aha .National
S 1
Phone your Drug wants to
DOUGLAS 81 .Prescription and Drug
. Department. .
DOUGLAS 82 Prescription and Drug
Department. - .
DOUGLAS 83 Cashier and Book
keeper. '
Kindlr note our telephone numbers
and call us up when In peed of the best
In the Drug line! ...
15th and Farnam
The Druggivts Noted for Accuracy In
Initial Contest Over. Estate ii Made
by the Executors.
Ask Leave" to Dispose of securities
ass ' Not . eer , . 1'ermlsaioa
Each. Time from the
The first legal contest in the settlement
of the John A. Crelghton estate was fought
out before County Judge Leslie Thurl ly
morning, when the application of the exec
utors for permission to sell the securities
belonging to the estate without specific or
der of the court wss srguetl. The varlo-is
Catholic institutions named in the will and
the McCreary and Bholby heirs appeared in
opposition to the request. Judge Leslie re
served his ruling.
Judge McHugh and D. M. Vlntophuler
appeared for the executorC They a,d the
executors wanted tJeaYe. to sell xe 'irt!es
from tline '.JO Jlme - without securing a
specific order'' hi each case, because they
believed thf could Secure better results
for the ealsie.. JMdg W Hugh said the
stocks and etlwr ae:urlt: belonging to the
state were of flue ttla tins' Value and If tha
executor had be- right to sell them with
out going throutigh the-formality of aecur
Ing a court orrter -tby .wouJd be able to
realise much jflore than If, they were o be
subjected to th-detar- of gwlng Into court
at eacliieais.' lie tletf a re ' t he securities in
the hands W the r xecutors' had deprec'uted
to the 'tmoulH rf ttA since March, lie
urged they bo U;en the "right to use their
own Judgment in disposing of the securities
1 from thne to time
rhun, conditions were
J right.
T. J. ;Mahoney appeared for the Cathnllc
J societies Interested and Judges Doane and
Wakeley, Arthur C. Wakeley, C. B. Keller
and W. H. rerrsnee appeared for the
Shelby and McCiesry heirs. They contend
It Is not necessary to turn tha property Into
cash at present, as there Is almost tl.0).00Q
In cast) In the banks and this IS sufficient
to pay the cash beqrats snd the debts of
the estate at presehr. ' They also d ny tha
power tf the court to Issue such in ord-r
ppllee to bo It Ulhnn.
WAHH JNGTOf. !'-' -Tn preparation
for any emergency, Colonel Goetbals, engl-
Wilh Ample Capital
Courteous treatment, superior
facilities and a desire to serve you.
with intelligence and fairness,'
your business is solicited.
Our officers are always acces
sible. ' ..
Kim..., Cr. M?GRW!
tm.,, - VY n.DVCHQLZ
The Great Musical ljxtravaganz
Capacity srsry performance. Crsi
Stats early.
Usual Prices.
Vest Bandar and Monday. - Matinee
saon say.
The Great Big Mnsloal Comedy .
ous wrnrauxo and nvrw wkxtb
Bo. 1 Company. Another Big Show
At popular raeea.
494 '
Daily Matinees S:1S. Brsry Wlfht HIS
Elfls Fay. Arthur Dunn , and Maria
Glazier, four Arconls: Bowers, Walters
A Crooker, Bcott A Wllaon. Anita Baff
ling, Murphy at Kranois and the KVno
drome. ......
Prices, 10c, 25o and SOc. '
The Kirks Isabella Co. Brsssat the De
lightful Comedy
' 1 ' 1 1 S
Pit iTJurrr cr-mitr
& Eve.
uoa i.ano'S ' xappy
l oungstars, 'Captain
Hetiry. Harry iioolt-
r A Co.. Barney
Williams. . O. U
Paddock, ' Walter
rfpmicer afld pic
tures. - .
Settings, lOe, Mo.
Seats ready ' w-ok
in adv. .,,
TAi ana
Vark Closes Bnnflny, Sspt. 18.
Special band platform la are.aa--4.000
scats Orand nrs Works.- .
Sunday Onlyi Doable Parachtats' ftuno
Madeline Waldsmajr-and Vrof. Bmlta.
Aamlssioa, axiernooa, toot Bvsnlng, jaao.
neeer In charge of th Panama canal, has
arranged for storing In tha refrigerator
pliint at Colon a lara quantity of nieat
supplies. The Isthmian Canal commission
haa approved his suggestion tn send H the
Ixthmus & quarters of beef, which will
be forwarded on a transport sailing Sep
tember 17. What port thq transport ..will
tall from Is not knows.'' A large supply or
coal also la to be sent on five vessels, sev
eral of which are already on the way to
Colon. The commission doijira that there
has been any shortarf either 'of "meal sup
plies or coal 00 the Isthmus)