Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 13, 1907, Page 10, Image 10
10 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: FRIDAY, RETTEMBER 13. 1907. ji.-.wiiiji III tltlllf 1 Sow FRIDAY There Will Do An Extraordinary REMNANT A Now Shipment off Mill Ends All Wool Dress Goods Panamas, Serges, Poplins, Mohairs, Henriettas, Fancy Armures, etc., the pieces are from IV2 to 3 yards, a 'great many match up, worth up to $1.00, on south Sixteenth street entrance, for quick clearance, yard Odd Lots f Fine Wool Dress Goods All wool Dress Goods, no remnants, but enough of one kind for entire suits, separate skirts, children's dresses, fine range of patterns and colorings Olf Cfnl worth up to $1.00 and $1.25 per 3 llP"Bl" 31 yard, at yard U'OU Tailor Suitings at 79e and 90c yard $1.50 and $2.00 Tailor Suitings from an English Importer. New goods brought forward, some great bargains of last Friday that created such a 7Qf Qftf furore, very special, at yard Uu"UUu Dress Goods In tho Basement Imported Panamas, Drap Armure, Fancy Suitings, Storm and French Serges, 44 to 50 inches wide, worth $1.00 yard, at yard . 59c Silk Remnants All the short ends of pieces must go regardless of their cost. Thousands of travelers' samples from Vi to 2 yards, spe cially arranged on large bargain g? 1- Qf square at Vk their value, at each. U lU "Oil 50c and 59c Silks at 25c yard Plain and Fancy Silks, no remnants, taffetas, satins, pretty Foulards, colored Pongees, etc., in a good ft f variety of colors, worth 50c to 59c yard, J I" at yard $1 Silks at 49c yard Every new weave and pattern suit able for dresses, odd waists, petti coats, linings, etc., new jm y shades, on two bargain al5"C squares, at yard Black Taffeta Special 15 pieces yellow-edge guaranteed Taffeta, always tailed at $1.00 yard, Friday only, yard... re- Remnant Bargains in Basement Thousands of yards, yard wide plain and fancy a 1 Silkoline Remnants, just the thing for making Siof comforters, Friday, at yard P Jf Remnants fleece back Flannelettes, medium and dark styles, worth 15c off the bolt, at yard New fall patterns, 36 Inch Percales, rem . nants left from the 15c grade, will go at yard Pretty fall suitings ell the new London plaids right weight for rail, at per yard Very fine grade of mercerised Sateens, black and colored, at per . " , yard 5c 124e 15c Bookfold French Flan nelettes, Persian pat terns, Jap patterns, French end Scotch plaids for kimonos, waists and children's school dresses, at yard. . Short pieces Shaker and Canton Flannels, worth up to 16o yard, in snort mill lengths, at each piece... White Curtain Organ dies, worm 10c yard, at yard . . . . 12ic 1c gan- 2c Pretty Persian Challles and 50 bolts medium and dark colored outing Flannel, at yard. New Pacific Rope Prints, lengths suit able for making com- rorters, at per yard. . . . Good grade striped, checked Outing Flan nel in pink and blue, at yard. . 4c lope BUlt- :om- 5c ...Jit Sample Strips of Laces Remnants and odd lots of Net Tops, Orientals, Point de Paris, Vats, etc. in a variety of widths Ql C on big bargain square, at, yard.... v2mvm 1 1 All widths of Embroideries, Insertings Bands and Galloens-up to cor-1 C 7'r set cover widths, at . UC" f2C 25c Trimming Braids at 5c a YarcU-Silk braids, dress trim mings, draw braids, almost 100 styles, black and all colors, worth up to 25c a yard, at, yard Friday in Linen Dept. Basement H-in, Red Cross Cat ton Diaper, best qual ity, worth 11.00, g Mill remnants of bleached and un bleached Linen Toweling, worth ' up to 10c yard, will iq at, per yard Rub-Dry Wash Cloths sold everywhere at 5c, Friday, at, each 1C Small lot' of 50c qual ity mercerized Table Damask, In mill f r A remnants, yard.. 1)C 2ic Slightly Imperfect mercerized Ta ble Napkins worth $1.00 per . dozen, will go on Bale, MQ at, per dozen . .......... "7C NEXT SATURDAY BIG SALE or BED SPREADS , . Great, Manufacturers' Entire Stock of Fine MtrseiHe and Satin Bed Spreads at One-Fourth Their Value SEE THE BIG WINDOW DISPLAY! " NEXT SATURDAY A Grand Sale Men's Boys' i SHIRTS From the Railroad Wreck, Worth op to .. at 29c-50c-75c-98c Have Yon Seen the New Fad TIFFANY CANDY GLASSWARE Unique Novtlly in "Siyee'llana" East Arcade It pays you t have your shoes repaired A r"lr of our half sole wear longer than any soles on new shoes. We do work right at right prices. Free! Free! Free! We call for and deliver nil work free to your place of business or house. Repairing while you wait. MEN'S HALF SOLE? Sewed 9 9 c Nalled Men's Heels 35 LADIES HALF SOLK- Hewed Tr.v Nailed 60,- Ladies' Heels 2oc RUBBER HEELS . Ladles' or Oenta'..60c Shoe Laces, Polishes, Shoe Trees, Etc., always In stock. Standard Shoe Repair Co. 1804 Farnam Street Telephone Donflts T667 WHEN A WOMAN WANTS ADVICE On making an investment, it is often hard to find a true friend whom she can trust implicity, for a conservative, unpreju diced opinion. Every woman depositor in the Women's Banking Boom FIRST NATIONAL BANK feels at home there-more than this she knows that if she ever needs advice, she has at her command, for the asking, the mature judgment of the officers of a banking institution of un failing strength. Any woman may open an ac count for any amount. First NalionalBank Omaba, Neb. K OMAHA WEATHER FORECAST Friday! Cooler. ft Come early Now Is the time to have your fall clothes cleaned and re paireddon't wait till the day you want to wear, .them. We put in new linings, put on velvet collars and new "but tons, 'alter skirts and jack eta, put on new braid and new bands, etc. First class work and reason able prices. 'Phone Douglas 963 for a wagon. THE PANTOMUM "OOOfi CLEAJTEM" ' 1S13 Jones It. Tel. Bong-. 868 Every Saturday Especially Tomorrow We shall sell nice, fresh Saturday Candy (Uccett's) for ae Remember, this Is a 60c assortment of Chocolates, Nuts and Fruits, sold Satur day only and In One Btore Only In every city In the United States. Look out for Imitations, for the market is full of them but there's only one Llggstt's Sat urday Candy which is the genuine and delicious kind, the kind that'a Bold in every city Saturday only, fresh. tc 6 ILEUM AN & McCONNELL DRUG CO. Corner 16th and Dodg-e mtu. OWL DRUG COMPANY, Cor. 16th ant Kara ay Bta., Omaas, trek ft 9 Tl.-. Win f Karh " rrnrx of Autumn fashions; 1W T "IWUWa ,iarh an indication of the superior qnalitle Jiandled hy thH great Mow. The (Jarnct window; the Ma- rine-Navjr window, the Autumn-brown window and the beautiful Tea- cork window. Nothing to equal them away from State St., Chicago. TRW .to The hottest bargain day of the week; nothing in Omaha at any time to exceed Friday's bargain giving at Dennett's. Dozens of bargain tables re newed hourly with all manner of new, clean merchandise; all at shattered prices. i Ln LINENS AND WHITE GOODS 60 Inch Cream Table Damask, good heavy quality and good patterns, regular 30c quality, special, per yard Towels, Huck and Turkish Towels, good size and weight, regular 10c each, Bargain Friday, each Blrdseye Diaper, Red Star, pure antiseptic, ten yard pieces, regular $1.00 value, special, per piece Bed Spreads, full size, hemmed, good patterns, and heavy quality, regular SBc, Bargain Friday, each 19c TVac WAISTS SB Hew Plaid Waists Tailor styles, all new models and made , of fancy plnids and striped taffeta silk, at $4.95 Fine Met Waists Handsomely trimmed In filet net and lace, Ibfrp variety of styles, ecru and white, at $6.50 k CI,BaIT UP Friday we wll make a (reneral clennlns; up of f all Lingerie and Madras Waists, regular $2.00, $2.50 and !.toWQQ valuon, for ' Dennett's Dig Grocery Coffee, Special Offer i Boasted as Zt Is Sold. Always Fresh. On Friday mornlnK. Sept. 13th. we place on sale, three thousand and five hundred one pound pnrkBjre"- - ' BEMHETTT1 CAPITOL OQ,. COTFEB tv And 60 Green'Tradlng- Stamp. Remember this la simply a special offer for one day only. FREE This eoffee will he serred all day with whipped cream. FREE. FEACSt SFECIAX, ' A few hundred baskets Home (rrown Free Stone Peaches, from four and one-half to five down ln basket, per basket Granulated 'Sugar 6l fifi twenty pounds ipIUU wm NOON LUNCHEONETTES del'htfui 'service I 8 cj A Fish Special 1,000 pounds fresh Baby Hall bat and Bed Sal mon, siloed, per pound NOON LUNCHEONETTES Full and complete Instructions re Carding the opening of a part of the Lower Brule Reservation, .including maps, etc.. showing the location of the land, will be sent on receipt of $1.00. This land is less than one hour's drive from Pierre. South Dakota, the State Capital. Reference, any business man ln Pierre. J. IV. Laughlin, Pierre, South Dakota. If an advertisement convinces you, stay convinced. When you read In The Bee the ad vertisement of a ' manufacturer who has paid for the space used, to convince you that it is to your Interest to buy his goods, and you go to a dealer where such artlclea are usually handled for ale, do not let the dealer or one of hi clerks sell you something else which he claims is "Just as good." If an advertisement con vinces you. it was because of the truth which It contained. Insist on getting what you ask for Forttl for aa Mrtni met) - uuu arbo find their power te rvnc vork and youthful riant VO ou M reeult of over work cr mental exertion eboud take GRAY'S NEK VE FOOD PILS. They Will Snake you eat and sleep and be a nan emi tl Boai hoses nM by MmII. KXBJIAjr ft MoCOarxi.X. BmUO OO, Ooraer lsh am4 xede irte. UWL SSQO OOMPABV Oor. lath aa.4 aLaraey ate. Omaha. Boh, BO eelay 1st olosiaa- loaas when securvd The iStopy of a wedding;. First the Invitation, next the gift bougt from us. Bride pleased. Everything; "lovely." Spend a few minutes In our store. Look for the name. S. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler lfia Douglas Btreet. One-way, Becond-class Colonist tickets on sale daily via the Eock Island, Sept.1 to Oct. 31 ' Through tourist sleep ing cars daily via Col orado Scenic Line or via El Paso Short Lino take your choice of routes. FttU particulars and co.y of our Tourist folder promptly on request. Cheap Rales (o California on the prodlg-ality of style that da- entrances every woman oi than this, It proves the re- of onr bnyex, Inasmuch as aooess to all markets., xne waist manufacturer as a general rale, con fines himself to hat two or three styles at. the moat. Oar styles are legion. The American Beauty Corset Second Floor American Beauty Corsets givevgrace and comfort to the wearer, to a degree greater than any other corset. Ameri can Beauty. Corsets are the dressy lady's ideal of perfection. "Ve carry the largest and best selected line of styles. Our corset experts will select the proper model for your figure, every garment guaranteed to fit and wear to your perfect satisfaction. One lo Five Dollars FRIDAY'S BARGAIN BULLETIN GREAT SALE OF LINOLEUMS SATURDAY y TNB RILIABLK TRB 1L 1S LINOLEUMS SATURDAY ai LESS THAN HALF REGULAR FRICES FRIDAY IS REMNANT DAY IN OUR FAMOUS DOMESTIC ROOM TWO GREAT SALES, FORENOON AND flFTERN&ON At 8 A. M; 10,000 yards of all kinds of Mill Ends in short lengths, worth up to J 5c yard, yard 1 10,000 yards of High Grade Wash goods, French Ginghams, Bilk Wnrp Organdies, Silk Warp Zephyrs, var ious kinds of Wash Goods that sold from 25c to 59c yard, your choice, 'ard 10 Remnants of Amoskeag Staple Checks at 4f Remnants of 15c heavy Outings.. 5 Remnants of 12c Flannelettes f? Remnants of Heavy Sheetings. .. .5 Remnants of 7c Prints, red 2 Remnants of Silkoline, 12 He grade, at 50 Remnants of fine Linings up to' 8Rc, at ,...50 AFTEKXOOX ONLY 2 P. M. 10,000 yards of fine Wash Goods. French Silk Warp Zephyrs, slllt Warp Organdies, Silk' Warp Mulls, Etc., that sold up to 60c yard. at 70 10,000 yards of New Flannelettes. .5 10.000 yards of New Outing Flannels, at 50 10.000 yards of Silver Gray and Indigo Blue Prints, 7V4c grade 30 100 pairs of 65c Cotton Blankets, each 290 Wool Blankets from $(.5 tip to $10 LINEN DEPT. IN DOMESTIC ROOM . 100 made Table ' Cloths, large hV email sizes, slightly mutssed, to cIosh your choice at, each ISc? Remnants of 10c and 12c Towels, eaeh 20 10c Bleached Muslin by the yard G-0 and! Sr Unbleached Muslin by,, tho mo j . yard re 8,000 yards of all kinds of Irish and German Linens, 58 to 72-in. wide, ranging in price from 75c to $1.50 yard, ln four lots: Lot 1 Bleached, unbleached and :ro and Lot -Bleached, unbleached Bleached, unbleached -Bleached, unbleached -Bleached, unbleached ANOTHER BIG SILK PURCHASE ON SALE FRIDAY IN OUR DOMESTIC ROOM Between 6,000 and 7,000 yards of 19, 27 and 30-inch Satlnes, Taffetas, Veau de Soles and handsome Novelties, regulnr fiOo mid !?!.!( values, secure:! from a large eastern manufacturer at a special bargain; the ;it5-ln. goods have been on display in our windows for the rnat few days All on sale Friday on bargain square in Domestic Room, at one price, per yard $1.00 color and change- Xew Plaid Checks, 29c able Taffetas, 27-inch wide, Friday ln main Silk Dept., at, yd.590 $1.25 Black Dress and Skirt Taffetas, 36-luch wide, Friday, nt yard. .890 $l.RO Quality Swiss Dress Taffetas, 36inch wide, on sale at. . . .$1,05 $1.00 Chiffon Voile:, In pin In colors, 4C-iiu h wldo on !alc in main Dept.. t 5J) 0 stripes and Jacquards, 65c to 85c values else where, special 49c and 59 9 1.00 Black Taffetas, .ich wide. fine heavy quality, at . ., 750 85c Black Dress and Skirt to 'A s, 19-lnch wide, at.. - jO REMNANTS OF HIGH GRADE WOOL DRESS GOODS AT 8:30 A. M. I These Remnants are of our very best goods that sold out first. They rangoi in price from 75c to $3.50 yard and will be placed in four lots: Lot 1 250 'ard Lot 2 .390 yard Lot 3 .49 yard Lot 4 , .50 yard At 2 P. M. an entirely new line of Remnants jt Wool Drcs3 Goods, in goods from 59c to $2.50 yard, in 4 lots, 'at 190 250 390 and 400 Ppr 'ard. Remnants of Danish Cloth and 36-lnih Henriettas, in light shades, worth up to 25c yard", as long as they last, yard 100 MAGNIFICENT UNDERWEAR BARGAINS FRIDAY A solid carload of Men's, Women's and Children's Underwear and Fur nishings on sale in DomeMtic Room Friday in seven great lots. Haniplc lines, odd lots, secured direct from tho mills by our Xew Yorkt Buyer. Seven great squares piled high with the grandest lot of bargains in clean, seasonable merchandise ever offered by this or any otler Omaha House. Square Xo. 1 Ladles' and Children's fleeced Underwear, flat or ribbed fleece, values to 39c, at per gar ment 150 Square Xo. 2 Ladles' Vests and Pants ln white,, cream or grey, vests long sleeved, pants ankle length, worth to 75c garment, at 40c and 390 Square Xo. 8 Ladies' . Union Suits, regular 75c values, in white, grey and cream, ankle length, long sleeved, on sale at 49t Square Xo. 4 Men's and Boys' Madras. Shirts, new clean stock, all sizes, worth regularly t $1.00, grand bar gains at, choice . . . . 250 Square Xo. 5 Men's Heavy Fleeced Underwear, worth,unto 75c garment, all sizes, greatest values ever known l 390 Square Xo. ft Men b Woolen Shirts and Drawers, worth to $1.50, Shirts come in single or double breast, bIbo Men's fleeced Overshirts in blues and tans, at 7f Square Xo. 7 An immense line of Fascinators, Shawla and Caps, worth up to J1.60 garment, all at one price, choice j 490 Over 100 dozen Men's Woolen Shirts ln blues and tans, regular $1.50 values, on sale at, choice. ; 490 Xo one ran afford to miss these marvelous bargains Friday. SPECIAL NOTION SALE FRIDAY IN OUR GREAT DOMESTIC ROOM Hump Hooks and Eyes, per card, . t 1 Spool . Cotton, per spool ,1 Aluminum Thimbles, on sale at Pearl Buttons, at per dozen 1 3.(0 All Over Lace Over 100 patterns to select from, the greatest chance you will ever have to buy the material for a XEW LACE WAIST at such marvelous bargain price; choice of the lot Friday at, ard 980 EMBROIDERIES worth regularly to 15c yard 5 Children's School Hand kerchiefs, each .... 1 Hose Supporters, at per pair 50 Curling Irons, Friday, each 2,'0 Cube Pins, on sale at 20 Full'feount Brass Pins. at .-2V40 3 Doa. Nursery Pins, Friday, at 5 Hundreds of" other staple Notions at propor tionately low prices. A new lot of Embroideries, Edges and Insertings, worth to 15c yard, on sale Friday at, yard c 50c SHEARS FRIDAY 15 The entire line of a well known cut lery manufacturer secured at a fraction of their real value, all styles and sizes, worth to 50c pair, In three lots Friday, at Sc, 10c and 15c. DRAPERY BARGAINS Heavy f.O-lnch Oriental Couch Covers fringed all around, thoroughly revers ible and durable, worth $4.50, choice Friday, each 92.98 Roman striped Couch Covers, full size, worth $1.76, at $1.25 Plain red and green Tapestry Bordered Portieres, worth $C.50, Friday at, lalr J 94.75 1,000 pairs of Cable Cord Lace Cur tains, made by Zlon City Mills, in 6 different patterns, at, pair. . .$2.49 I Regular $1.75 Laca Curtains, ln full I size, Friday at, pair SI. 25 Regular $1.00 Lace Curtains, at. ,7y Regular 60c Lace Curtains, at. . .39 Ruffled Swiss, with lace edge, worth $1.00, at pair 4Q Odd Lace Curtains, worth from $1.50 to $2.98 pair. In two lots at, each, 76c and 390 12 He Silkoline at, yard 80 15c Cretonne at, yard 100 is vie swiss at, yara ...MVte 1 9c Sateen at, yard , . . 12 V4 P. D. RUTHERFORD, D. P. A. ROCK ISLAND LINES Omaha, Neb., 182S Farnam SU A BEE Want Ad BUY YOUR GROCERIES AT HAY DENS THE GREATEST PURE FOOD STORE IN THE WEST 20 lbs. pure cane Granulated Kugar, $1.00 12 bars best Family Laundry Soap for 25c rornmsal. per sack 10c The bnst MttCHronl, p-r (ikg sVfcC The l-st Kucla Crackers, per lt Go The let rrlHii tilnxer Hnaps. per lb. 6o The brut Corn Ktarch. per package ..4c Flu Newton Oxikleii, per pound 8'c pretzels, per pound c ItromaiifK-ioii. Jcllycon, Jello or D'Zerta, per packaga . . . 7'e The l t-t Tea Sifting, per pound 12 Wo Fancy Santos Coffee, per pound i5o CHEESE AMO BUTTEB . FBICES Fumy lalry Hutter, per lb 21c Fancy Creamery Hutter. per pound ,..2Sc JTanuy Full Cream Cheese, per lb lie Buy your reaches and Plums for Can. nlnj while the cas lasts. " rKivcl t hum-hea fresh Hajislna for 5o 4 head fresh Irfttuoe for , k 6c Wax or (ireen Means, per lb.. ", '. 6o I.lma KcaiiM, per quart , ,'50 Summer Kiiiaah, eaih , i0 2 heads freah tVlery for Be Kreali Spinach, per peck io Fresh Turnips, per hunch lc Fresh Carrots, per hunch lo Fresh Meets, per hunch 'jc Fresh, Klpe Tomatoes. Sweet Peppers etc., ln V, bushel baskets, at less thaji market prices. OBAPES rOB i'KZ.X.T l-ancy Concord Grapes for Jelly, basket 10 ) 4 tv!. Telephone Douglas 238 DEE OFFICE 17TH AND FARNAM STS. M HAYDENS' sm