in HIE OMAHA DAILY BEE: WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 11. 1007. OInlJIL.JJ ran Minn D W !1 i n ri I Men's Shoesg Brandeis Presents &. Complete jl Assemblage i the Cor rett New Styles U Fall Waists For Women U Our handsomely appointed Waist Section J will be a popular feature this season. We M have made a great effort to make our show lng of fall waists superior to any ever 1 shown In Omaha. The fall styles are cer- tainly charming. m As a leader we mention this Beason the II finest black taffeta waist ever shown in Omaha, a score of pretty A QQ M models, at .TWV II . t , 1 1 1 UArooriff the ultra fashionable separate Y aists wnicn we mrve w assembled this season are the new plain tailored linen II If mata 4m nor trnUfB nf Vintist.e and veiline also the sea-M Bon's freshest novelties in lace, net, taffeta and messalines I as well as those stunning plaid silks that are enjoying such marked favor. 1 z Charming models for evening wear as well as the smart and serviceable waists for wear with fall suits the variety is almost endlessi the prices are extremely moderate U l!?-2L8-3-4L8-7!? ,7 $25 These early days of Au tumn find us ready for the Fall Shoe Business. We never entered upon a season better prepared to fit every man's feet correctly and ,to .suit every Man's purse. We're ready for the Smart Young Fellow, who wants extreme styles, and for the Dignified Man of modest tastes. MEN'S SHOES AT 53, $3.50 up to $5 Patent Colt, Vici, Box Calf and Gun Metal Calf are some of the good leathers that go into our Men's Shoes. WE'RE EXPERTS FITTING. IN FRYJH0EC0. 16th and Douglas Streets. OMAHA WFJTHFR FOKKCAST Wedne1T, Fair and Wanner jljX FURTHER EMPHASIS v t L ! SALE OF SAMPLE FURS WEDNESDAY Manufac turers' Sample Garments THB RILIABLK TRB Less Tftan Manufac ,; urers i Cost Price is Omibt'i e-raat atyl. .tor. fe.oanee It la first In Omaha's "forward. morem.nt" for higher rr Fall Btylee. State street, ewoifo, aoe. not off.r anything- with a eonnder rlnf of a.naUty In It than this grant atora now offarn In rail Btylaa for 1907 H.r. la a ramarkabla truth out prlora ara laaa by from tan to twenty-five par cant than thoaa pnoaa in force in unioafo toaay. Thia atora la a crystallsattoa of ee.ry tn markat town." tma oltlian'a Omaha "tha 1 The Season' Best Showing of SILK PETTICOATS Brandeis has always been noted 'for the beautiful lines of silk petticoats, but this year's showing: Is greatly in advance of prerlous ones. The highest quality of se lected silk Is used and each petticoat is made with care by skilled workmen. The trimmings and finishings are elaborate and beautiful. Every new color and shade Is shown as well as tbc staple col ors. You should select one now for your new suit 41s l? $25 Alter the Matinee BALDUFFS --for-- Luncheon! Balduffs is the popular place for delicious luncheons for after matinee parties, or for you to come in to quietly enjoy a cup of rich chocolate. The surroundings pleasant. Prices reasonable. ... Our facilities for making and serying all the little deli cacies are unexcelled. THE STORE roSDfllCACIfSv 1518-20 Farnam Street. Phone Doug. 711. 9 Wall Paper Sale Get you Wall Puper at Bran deis' and feel satisfied. 6c Papers at, per roll . . 2 ? 8c Papers at, per roll. . . .4 12 V4c and 16c Gilts, roll, 6 To make you acquainted with our 1907-08 line of high class goods we offer these bargains in Papers, worth 90c, 75c, 60c and 50c per roll, at, per roll, 50S 35S 25 SO Parte The kind that sticks where others fall, per pkg., at 20t 10 3rd Floor, Now nidg. In Basement NewLondon plaid suitings copies of the finest wool fabrics, very pret ty for fall wear, Basement bar gain square per '. 12ic fl See Window 0 Display of Shoes. 1 r-iriAMnr a. SO See Fine if Shoe Display in Window. I M M iV COAL Central Goal & Coke Go. of Omaha 15th AIID HARHEY STS. l . 1 u y r 1 Over Eleven Million Bottles of W-2r Blue Ribbon Bottled Beer were sold in 1906. Comparative sales for the past four years re as follows: 1903 .... 3,827,776 bottles 1905 .... 7,212,217 bottles 1904 .... 4,334,854 bottles 1906 . . . 11,003,648 bottles We have been compelled to treble the capacity of our new and modern bottling department twice during these years to keep pace with the enormous increased demand. ' These impressive facts are indisputable evidence of the high quality, purity and delicious flavor of STORZ BEER. It's steadily growing popularity is based entirely on merit. Wi ar not required to change our method of brewing in the iighteet degree in order to comply fully with the strict pro vision of the National Pure Food Law. STORZ BEER ' always bat been and, always will be absolutely pure. "Phn Webster 12G0" Food for 1 aad narvoua maa ho find their Dower to NAPVne fork and youthful rigor 01 vvci ,on- a result of over work or rnentaj exertion aboud take GRAY'S NEHVE FOOD PILS. They wilt oake you vat and Bleep and be a man again, fl Bos 1 3 hose ka.60 by Mall. IBSXK1X ft XoOOSHIU SSUO OO, Oornar loth sad Sodf IU. OWL XMVO COatPAMi Cer. IStk aad Xaraay Sta. Omaba. aTefe. Wo delay la clol&a loaaa when secured You Would Not Accept Coun terfeit Money, Why Accept Counterfeit Goods. Good money ia made by the gov ernment, in which you have im plicit faith and confidence. Good goods are made by manufacturers who are wining to stake their reputations on the quality of the material ottered to you througn the medium of their advertisement In The Bee. Counterfeit goods are not, advertised. The reason for it is. they will not bear the close scrutiny to wnicn genuine goods are subjected. Counterfeit money pays more profit to the counterfeiter. Counterfeit goods are offered to you for the same reason. ftTORZ BREWING CO. () OMAHA. NEB. (be moat delicious flavors ia cakes aad pastry. Business Boosters Try' th Want Cnlnmna of Tb) ! IN EXTRA SPECIALS WOMEN'S FINE READY-TO-WEAR GARMENTS Women's Man-Tailored Suits, made of fine Chiffon broad cloth andVenetian cloth, in" the nobby Prince Chap styles; taffeta silk or Skinner's satin lined; skirts are full pleated models with self fold; handsomely trimmed and finish ed; colors . black, brown, green and gray, Wednesday 140 Women's Fall Jackets Made of broadcloth, covert, English worsted and taffet.1 silk. These were bought from the manufacturer at a big sacrifice to him. "NVednesdav, three prices 7.50 $5.95 $4.95 Dress Goods Bargains fl! Ten plrres. cf elegant 8-ln.Mj 81llt Waist Patterns nf four blark taffeta, with green edg?. yanls each. About 75 different vry fine and lustrous for suits styles to choose from. Each rat- or skirts, will wearspecial prl( e. tern the swellest new plaids Wednesday only, per yard .7e Wednesday, your choirs. . ...$3.48 Wednesday only, we offer the best all wool albatross, series, rhevlots. etc.; goods that never sell for less than 60c, In every color possible, per yard 89o Tha best 10c and 12Hc flannel- The best 12Ho Outing Flannel, ettes on ale Wednesduy. In all In all colors, lights or darks, neat colors, neat -styles, per yard 640 checks or stripes, per yard.. 7Ho Ott 1,800 garment sent to us In order that we might compare and H"-t (rnmictita for onr Fntl Mora. ThronRh special arrangement with the manufacturer mill be on sale Wednesday, Thursday and Friday and Saturday at less than manufacturer's" cot prices. A niagnlfleent lln of samplen In genuine seals, near seal, beaver, krimmer, Persian lamb, pony, aqnjf rels, fox, mink, coney, coons, etc. Monday morning all that remains will be return ed to the manufacturers, tlreatent opportunity of tha year to secure an A I fur gar ment at a fraction of its real value. $:iOO Alnxka Seal Coats, magnificent values at 8225 liobus Island Seal Coats, $250 values, sale price $195 $t.1.00 lleaver Coats, splendid quality, sale prices C9 and $59.00 Itrook Mink Coats, regular $50.00 val ues, sale price $35.00 Squirrel Coats, handsome garments, worth to $90, sale price. .$C9.00 Xenr Seal Coats, beaver trimmed, regular $75 value, choice $45.00 Nnble Dyed Coney Coats of finest duality Skinner satin lined, $3o.00 values, sale price $22.50 Handsome Snble Coats, sable, dyed, great bargains at ; $18.50 Mink Scarfs, prices $io.O0 to $12.50 Jnp Mink Scarfs ut $15 to $3.00 Thousands cf Scarfs in every imaginable kind and quality of fur, in all new est styles, the greatest assortment and best values ever offered In sample sale at 98c to G5 FURNISHING GOODS SPECIALS In Domestic Room y fOT, '.ft. A series of hour sales that in bargain offering discounts A I anything ever known in Omaha in variety and-bargain worth of offerings. All items are seasonable offerings of unquestion- 7it 1 able merit. I mMmjm 1 Headquarters for School Supplies f MILTON BRADLEY'S SCHOOL PAINTS 19 Pencil Boxes, with keys at 10 and 5t Lead Pencils, with rubber tips, each ; A ... . . . . .-.jj Lead Pencils, 5c kind, 2 for. 5, Rubber Pencil and Ink Eras ers, each 1 Slates, best make, 35c to. . .4 Slate Pencils, for.. 1 TATXOJTBBT DEFAKTMBHT Bennett's Big Pencil Tablets, each .' 5 School Straps, best grade at 10 and 5 Webster's School Dictionary, cloth IQ A $2.50 Fountain Pen for. .$1 Solid H-karat Gold Pn, guaran teed for one year, fine, medium and stub points to select from. KAIIT TZ.OOB H i Trom 9 Till 10 A. M. Ladles' and chil Y i i drt-n's cuts u'nl l'Hiits. worth to r.iic. heavy ribl.ed or fit cci i conies in " C, whites or grays 1 . . --cM I rrom 10 Till 11 A. T.I. Men's heavy fleeced I'tuleiwcar and 60 do.en heavy Jersey ribbed vershlrts. Tide and rr. !5o lfc values, on sale at, choice.... 1 to $ rrom 4 Till 8 T. M Ladles' Cornets and (tinlles, From 11 A. M. Till la K Misses' anil Children's t'nlon Hulls, all sixes, natural R-ray, fine worsted aarments, OKi worth tn $1, choice rrom 9 Till 4 F. M Lad Ins' outing flan nel sklrtH anil nowns, fancy colors, nice ly trimmed. lonK arid full; values Cl choice . corsets come In white only, heavy great The Maroon and Peacock Windows WINDOW displays The Marine and Navy Window One-way, second-class Colonist tickets on sale daily via the Kock Island,- Sept. 1 to Oct. 31 Through tourist sleep ing cars daily via Col orado Scenic Line or via El Paso Short Line take your choice, of routes. Full particulars ui.d copy of ur Tourist fold r promptly on, request. : Ctieap Eates to California on the F. D. RUTHERFORD, I. P. A... ROCK ISLAND LINKS Omaha, Neb., 1823 Farnam St. Two Cents per Mile qualitv jflrdles. In fancy colored materials, hose supporters attached, worth ?Qf to fl pair. Pt. choice BUY YOUR PEACHES MD PLUMS WHILE THE CAR LASTS Thin will bo tin- hfst Mile at tills price. Fancy yellaw Freestone Peaches, per crate $1.50 4 -basket crates fancy Italian Blue Plums $1.59 URAPKS FOR Jlvl liV This will probably be the last week of the Jelly Grape sale tomorrow, per basket . . . . 10 IB ''HAYDENS 'BEST 1 w ininon.. jn Ml'tjlrf One reason why our customers are so loyal to (his bank is that their Interests re ceive the personal attention of our officers. If you are thinking of changing your bank or of opening an new account, a call upon o'ur officers will be appreciated and will prove valuable to you. Oil AHA NATIONAL BANK 13U STREET BETWEEN fARNAM5 C0UCU13G? JflMILLARD. Wm WALLACE. C f. HfGRtW, W rl. DUCM0L2 wttii "RANK BOYD, Ground Floor Offices... are scarce, especially In the center of the business district of Omaha. This fact is an indication of the growth of the city, ar well ai the volume of business which is being transacted. R. C; Petlert & Co. were compelled to move into larger quarters and because we could not give them more spAce they rented elsewhere. IS VOV'R lU'SIXKSS GROWING? Don't you want to be on tha ground floor? Here is an opportunity to rent apace that will please you and give you a chance to Increase the volume of your business. TT&e Bee Building t . . . ' offers for. rent one room 16-6x40-6 and another 19-10x25-10 on the 17th street Bide of the building on the ground floor There Is large vault in connection with these rooms and they can be rented at one large room or divided. On the Sixth floor we have for rent three rooms facing 17th atreel ami three rooms which are nicely arranged on the court. 'On the Fifth- floor is a suite of two offices, 22x20 and 'X20, jrtUl Kood light. There Is a vault In the larger of these room. Between all Station en th CHICAGO GREAT 5tf WESTERN Railway Better than former excursion rates. Goad an all trains. Come and go when you please. Take that long contemplated trip NOW. Tlokata and Information ft n W. C. DAVIDSON. C P. AT. A.. 1312 Farnam 8C. Omthi, NaV BAILEY & MACH DENTISTS THIRD FLOOR ' PAXTON BLOCK Corner lOtb aad Farnam Street. Best equipped Dental office in the middle weaL Highest grade Dentistry at Reasonable Prices. Porcelain fillings, Just like the toot! t We have other rooms for rent and would be pleased to hare you call and let us Bhow you through the building. Remember you do cot have to pay extra for light, water, heat nor Janitor service here as It all goes free. - Xsk. for Mr. R. W. Baker, Supt. THE BEE BUILDING CO. 17th and Farnam Sis. Office desks are the backbone of our stock with other houses, desks are only a side line. Our daka ara mad. for us la carload lot especially a.lected for buay buaDaa men price to you tha aama aa tba retail furoltura dealer paye the Jobber. Everything Needed lor Ibe Cilice OMAHA PRINTING CO.. Farnam and lOtb l Omaha Telephone Doutiaa lit KaU tera Ua4. aa fo catalog. JS f! V 1 I 1 I! u u 1 it 1 i ( J f t r y 1