THE OMAHA DAILY REE: MONDAY, F5KPTEMBER 0. 1907. II F ' .1 I Vkl v . -Bv - . - r A " - 1 , S a i l 11 i aa ' .af, .-sT,. 7r- - W Aassl . . ! , I f .L - -.j ... t-. ' V. L T ? - ''. ' -y ""V X X -aV-XT- VaJ , t . sBBBssaasV 'oLP sW-. , JS awsW .It't'.t III 1 1 i f 7 JS WW A --.-- - y .. I:lv-::7:t V ' r::.;:.v;;-.i lTd l.v AXSTM r if H iJ I U y,I W 1, iJj i." v::;:v VW II J Mr I I MTS Y tfJrJf?tk ' z- i " - 1 " ' - r i ' ' i' ' i" -'if fT i- (rv '-'7 inl Feather rour nest MMlt nonoLA.s a" Fl RMTl nR. If you desire foods of hlfh qaailtr, low prloea and T tezma, It be hooves you to trade t TOE PEOPLES STORE ltth aad rAJtVAJS ITS, HIOB CLASS FIAJHOB Beasonable Terms TarK Brlecteil Htorlc of Weber. Mehlin, Henry nd S. . I.lnrieman, Foster rn. Hrhlller. MATTHEWS PIAWO CO. Mf?rs. and Dealers 1813-15 BarneT. Omaha PlAJfOS Everything In Art and Music A. HOSPE CO. 1513 Douglas St.. Omaha' PIANOS. J. S. CAMERON Manufacturers' Stat Agent GRAND and 1PRIGHT.P1ANOS 106-9 Ho. Uth St.. Omaha. Neb. Tel. Red 2S4L PIANOS OHHOLLEB ft xvxia.Ba riAjr o co. PIAITOB Manafftcturar. kai Detim la Hlrb Orads Pianos Over MO Plnu la Sleek 1311-1313 Karnam St. Omnha, Neh Mt'SIC BY MAIL Illustrated Music School, 1611 Farnam t, , x3 Music by Mall Les than 10c EHht different courses. Investi gate them at the store of the Perfleld I'Mano Co., Omaha. PHONOGHAPIIS AND RECORDS. Columbia Phonograph Co. Bold Moulded 1 Moulded Jtbo- inji. I to fit any Cylln- f ljTn Talklnn Machine f ZJUU le You throw) eras der l mad away money If you pay more. 1881 TAJUTAJC ITBBIT rivars. R.bber Goods and Drns;s. Praeorlptlon Aoonracy Ouarauteed. Byrlnges, Rubber Goods by Mall, cut prices. Bend for free catalogue. Send us your mall orders for drugs. Freight paid on. $10 lots. Cigars at cut prices. 10o rt Kara, So. Myers Dillon Drag Co. Siaan PAI9TTI fth and Tamam. I4K Harney. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL CIGARS. BREWERIES Always Ask for Metz Bros. Brewing Co. FAMOUS KEG AND BOTTLE BEER .OMAHA. . WATER FILTERS. DaiHK PTOE, SPABKXIHO WATXB BT VSIBO MI3 BOVBI WATXB TUiTEKB. C. II. BUBER, Mfgr. 1301 Farnam St., Omaba. TELEPHONES Nebraska Telephone Go, 17163 Subscribers to Date. PHOTO SUPPLIES. JOIBIBI AMD IMirrBBI OP PHOTO SUPPLIES X. ABO EST HOUBB IB IBB WXST. The Robert Dempster Co., 111 PABlf AM BT. OMAHA. SHOE REPAIRING Standard Shoe Repair Co. 1804 PABBAM We do the work right, phone Poug. 7687 and we will rail for your work. We eell polish, lacee and shoe special ties. CLEANING AND IIVKING. W. are headquartera for ail cleaning, dyeing, pressing and repairing of la dles' ana gentlttmrn't clothing. TOCB TBADB SOLICITED THE WARDROBE SOU Farnam Branch Office. 172S Leavenworth. Telephone Duug. Hit. LAI N nil IKS "TUB BSW WAY" We don't lrun shirts at ail. We press them. This gives an attractive finish without wearing out the linen. BYAJTB' STEAM LAUBTSBY tst. l7t. Allan B. Hamilton, Mgr. Sll B. llta Bt. Tel. Douglas SS4. Tltl N KS AND LE ATHER GOODS TRUNKS ou.IMv Salt Caseti Bags sag Fine Packet leskt riELIMG i STUME Tri. Best. IrM. IM3 Fara si MOVING AND STORAGE OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO. Morea. Packs and Stores Household Goods. is Boagiaa ISO lsor Paraasa fa TOBACCO xQSIiSlI HATB IT. si nr.TT bods. boost OHiii it vATmovisnr THE ONLY HOME CO. Surety Bonds Metropolitan Bond and Sorely Co. 438 Vw Tork Lift BnUdlnf For information eonoerninc lefltl mate mining in British Columbia, address F. H. KNIGHT Booms 419-80 Columbia Bldf. 1FOIAK1, WA1HIHOTOW. iiaks. FIRST NATIONAL BANK ..OMAHA. Deposits $12,000,000.00 HAK United States National Bank OF OMAHA, NEB. United States Depository I6th and Farnam Sts. BANKS. OMAHA NATIONAL BANK ..OMAHA.. Capital $1,000,000 BANKS J. L BRANDE1S Q SONS BANKERS Capital $100,000 4 PER CENT INTEREST PAID SAVINGS BANKS. 4 Interest on Deposits CITY SAVINGS BANK Omaha INCORPORATORS. LIT EX7EBTI Incorporate Your Company. Money to Promote Oood Propositions. THE MERCANTILE IKCORPOR ATIK6 CO. 488-488 NBW TOBK Z.ZPB BTTXXDtJIu). EMPLOYERS' REFERENCE AGENCY IJf TKIS. DAT OP IFKCIAXUTI you waste time and money selecting your help. WB ABB SPBCZAX.I8TS The best ability in the city Is listed with us. Give us your needs let us assist von no charge to employers. VTET. BXP. ft BOND ASS. Btllt 79a BT. T. I.lfe. T.L Dong. 4383 REFERENCE AGENTS. HIGH QRAOE POSITIONS Keystone Surety and Reference Agt. Inc. B. B. CXOTXB, Oan. Mrr. Suit 404 Bee Building. OFFICE FtHMTlnE Best Selectloh DESKS OMAHA PRLTIG CO. 10th ukl Farua sts. OFFICE SUPPLIES. LOOBB LEAF DEVICES VUlnc OabUets, Piles and Ledgers, Offlos ruturwi, Aad BappUea of AU Kinds. AXCHOB PTBIISHIXG CO. ISM Parnam M. Tel. Doug. BBt OFFICE SUPPLIES Office Supplies BTerythlng front a Pla to a Piling Cabinet OMAHA PRINTING CO. 10th and Parnam Sts TYPEWRITERS. We will rent you a Typewrit er as low as $2.00 a month. Central Typewriter Exoheng 107 Tarnam Phone Dong. 80S AUTOMOBILES AND SAFES. J. J. DERIGUT & CO. Wholesale and Retail Safes and Automobiles 1814-1818 FARNAM STREET I.1FI1 AND ACCIDENT INSURANCE. TOM S. KELLY Manager I.lfe and Accident Depart ments for Siats of Nebraska. The Trawelers Xnsuranoe Company liartfort. Conn. tin Bee Rldg. Omaha. Neb. Mall Order, Novelty and Presa. Goods WESTERN SPECIALTY CO. BBOXEBB AJTD DIBTBtBUTOBB W holesale Dealers In ?.OTI!H"8' 'MnrM OOODB MaU Order BnppUes of All BUnoa First Class Agents Wanted OMAHA. NEB. MONUMENTS MONUMENTS Largest Stock in the West ..,vF blom a co. I8IS r"n St. onnaha Pl'DLICITY DESIGNS Prosperity Omaha is emphatically a city of home owners. Few cities In the country offer opportunities for get ting a home, as favorable as they have been and tstill are In Omaha. The people of the city have the true western spirit, the love of the open, and as a result there has been almost none of the crowding of families Into flats and tenements and rows, as is customary In other large cities. Within the last few years there has been a marked demand for homes, a demand that Is still far in excess of the supply. The records show that in 1906 about 1,000 dwelling houses were built ' in different parts of the city and the record for the present year will bo much greater. In spite of this In crease, the one crying demand among the citizens, particularly the newcomers, Is for moderate sized houses, at moderate prices, either for rent or pur chase. Business In all lines has been moving along at such a rapid rate that the people have been slow to realize how rapidly the city has been actually grow ing or to appreciate the demand that has sprung up In the last year and which, is growing more insistent each week for more homes. Every family hotel and boarding house in the city is filled with families who are searching eagerly for houses and meeting, for the most part, with disappointment. As a result of this condition, real estate in Omaha has increased in val uation very materially in the past year and is certain to go higher, much higher, in the next few years. Population and realty values have an affinity for each other. Land values depend upon population and rise when population increases and fall when popula-' tion decreases. The increase in population in Omaha in the last half dozen years has been at a JEWELRY AND WATCHMAKERS N.P.STILUN6. Dlaauad Expert Watch, Clock and Jewelry Repairing. Special attention to complicated and Intri cate repairing. All work guaranteed. Boom 8 Pazton Block. JEWELERS AND WATCHMAKERS. Guitafisn Ql Henrickson Bnooessors to P. B. PXODBCAJSJ fe CO. Jewelers (SL Watchmakers 1614 Capitol Avenue. PHOTOGRAPHERS. IlIW X.OCATIOJT WXAJ0 BX.DO. 18th and Parnam PHOTOGRAPHERS. 107 SOUTH 16th STREET MILLINERY. RILEY SISTERS Exclusive v Millinery 517 SOVTH loth STREET OMAHA DENTISTRY. MATTHEWS OBIOXBAX. PAXirLEBS BBHTXBT Largest and Plnest Dental Of floe West of Chicago Suit 4, Bushman Blk.. 16th and Doug. HAIR STORE. SEE MONHEIT'S EXCLUSIVE BAXB BTOUB Por Everything In Hair Goods, air Work, Hair Dreaslng, Switches, wigs and Topeea. 1411 PABBAM ST., OMAHA, HEB. Telephone Donglaa 8333. OPTICIANS The H. J. Penfold Go. WB LEAD. OTEEBI FOLLOW SCXEBTXPIO OPTXGXAHB Sea Our Hsw Torio Lenses 140S Farnam SL Omaha, Neb. Olive Oil, Candy, Mineral Waters. Imported Olive Oil Dlreot Prom Italy I! 25 per gallon. Special prices to dealers. Agenta for Huyler's fins candles. Fresh dally. Agents for White Rock Mineral Water and Mountain Valley water. My. re-Dillon Drug' Co. 16th and Parnam. Engineer and Mfr. Machinist. P.'MELCHIOR'S MACHINE WORKS MAJTUPACTUBXHO ABS BB PAXBIHO OP ALL XXBDS OP MACHIBTZBY Erecting and Consulting Engineers N. R. Cor. llth and Howard St., Omaha. WAGON Dl ILDKIIS. ANDREW MURPHY & SON Wagon Builders OMAHA, NEBRASKA BOILERS WLBOX STEAM BOILBat CO. Mlgn. si Tskalar rise sail rtre Bex Mm II ss Vsr Tasks, Stack! aa Brcecaukg J'fJDjlFR.i-) tsdlaWS.llfr.Be.gM "'asa us ssi sis I M I saSMd Factory ltth and Pierce Sts., Omaha MACHINERY SUPPLIES. JOSEPH R. LEHMEK Headqoarters for Everything Xleotrlcal Bail way, Prompt Bk Onaraateed. BtaUway, Bteaaa and MU1 Buppu.s . Prompt Bklpment aaa aauaiaouoa 1218 FARNAM STREET ELEVATORS, SUPPLIES, ETC. J. R. KENNEDY Passenger and Freight Elevators SUPPLIES and REPAIRING Psoas Douglas 897. 104 H. lth St. In Omaha Real Estate greater ratio than the increase In realty values or the increase in home building. The developments of the present year, up to da(e, add further testimony to the desirability of Omaha real estate as nn investment. Many of the larger job bing and manufacturing establishments have been en larging their warehouses and plants, and making ilb eral real estate investments In the process. Their em ployes, too, are prosperous and an unusually large proportion of the workers of the city are buying their own homes or preparing to do so. While it is true that as land values rise It becomes more difficult to . own a home, it is also trrte that the ease with which "Omaha can expand its area prevents such a rise in land values as to compel population to congest in order to live. Conservative real estate men and citizens familiar with the growth of the city admit that the prie of Omaha real estate has not increased with the enlarged population and with the improvement in other lines. This condition assures the investor, whether the home builder or the purchaser for speculative returns, of remunerative returns in real estate transactions In the last two years: i!nr. i90 Janunry $412,606 $ 72.1,201 .-hriiary 475.H5S R0H,30 MarPh 632.692 S99.6S7 fl"U 766.9S6 1.161.425 M B2.K!I8 1,744.688 !,,n" 62H.0PS! 723, .168 JAu1 V 5.MU 26 678.248 AuK.""t. 711, KH5 810,161 (ptf-mber 64S.7S5 824.288 October 6fi8.)93 82B.2S5 November B !2.7 3 1 8.rl27 December 679.492 68o',030 Totals $7,144, 337 $10,311,937 SANITARY PLUMBING. T. F. DALFE TCiUMSnrtr, MOT WATXB ASS BTBAM HEATIHTO Oas and Bleotrlo rutnrea Bpalr Work a Bpeclaitj Tal. Pong-. 743. 1607 Howard St. PLUMBING Lynch BrosC CLEANING AND PLEATING. Pleating All Kinds ....DYEINQ AND CLEANING.... RUCinNGS, BUTTONS. ETC. Send for price list and samples IDEAL PLEATINQ CO. 801 Douglas Block, Omana, Beb. CORNICE WORKS Cornice list. 188a, Bteel C tilings , M. X.' CABTXB aXXT BXBTAX. WOBII rialala, Metal Booting, Tanks, Sky lights, Sheet Metal, Fire proof Win dows. Large stock, of Metal Ceiling 171S-2A-22-24 tit, Marys Avenue TeL Doug. 602. Omaha, ELECTRIC SIGNS. BEB Vfl POB ELECTRIC SIGNS Omaha Electric Light & Power Co. TEL. DOUGLAS 1068. FIXTURES, ELECTRIC AND GAS Gas and Electric Fixtures tt noioaaie ana Retail BLRGESS-GR1DL CO. TeL Beag. Ml us S. litk SL GAS WATER HEATERS Why heat up your coal range Just to heat water when a Gas Water Heater will give you enough hot water for a bath in a few minutes. We sell them. OMAHA GAS CO. STEEL ENGRAVING, PRINTING. ETC. KOTERA (SL COMPANY Stool and Copper Plato En graving . Embossing and Printing 1S0S Jicksoa St, Onuka, Nek. ENGHAV1NG HALF-TONE & ZINC ETCHERS ENGRAVING. ii r j m 1 1 1 1 , .y i ; i ; ;j3j ANIMAL FEED A. W. WAGNER Wholesale as Retail Dealer la FEED FOR ANIMALS Tel. Douflas 1143 S01-3-3-7-9-11 N. 16th St.. Omaha FEED FOR ANIMALS M. ROSENBLATT Wholesale Btay, Bran, OaU, Peed BEST QUA D10S OF COAL Office, Coal Yard and Orala Elevator Tel. 1412. U2I Nicholas St. WHOLESALE SHOES. Hayward Bros. Shoe Co.'s STANDARD FOOTWEAR HAS PBOVEH BEBT BY TEST. OMAHA, : : : NEBRASKA CARRIAGES FOR HIRE r IT aV-n 7 RUSINESS BROKERS Do you want to sell or buy any business We do the work ' quick. Also exchange your store for land, or land for business. We handle Parma, City Beal Estate, mentals, Loans and Insurance. Let us have your pntronnire. krLDBBTK LOWHAir, BIO Bee Bldg. Omaha, Neb. DESIGNERS. Let Us) Design a NEAT LETTER HEAD Por Yonr Business Stationery R. O. BUBHXX.Ii CO., Commercial Artists 822 N. Y. Life Douglas 6149 BUILDERS. The Western Home Builders Will Solid Yonr Boms for Yon and Let Yon Pay for it Like Bent 81-38 V. S. VATXOBTAX. BABX BX.DO. Phone. Dong. 4603 Wholesale and Retail Palat. Ws are sols agents for Lowe Bros. High Standard Paints and B. X. gap-A-Lao, P. S. Brakote and a complete lias of Varnish Call or write for color card. Myers-Dillon Drug Co. DKTJOSt PAIBTl 18th and Parnam.' 1416 Barney. SIGN PAINTING. S. D. COIE SIGN COMPANY SIGNS of Ever? Description 1308 Somrlaa Bt. Tel. Dong. 8618 FURNACES. AmcpiGan Furnace BUILT Lin A BOILXB CLE AW,, BOOBOMXCAX W. 8. HEATON Basement, 1301 Faraaai St Phase Beag. KM COAL. Central Coal & Coke Co. OF OMAHA 15th and Harney PRINTING. U3 umuainnv PHINTING. "Have Root Print It" 1210-1213 Howard St. Omaha Nebraska. Telephone Doaglaa 1604 PRINTING. Geo. S. Snell Albert Simmer SXKLL PRINTING t'O. PABTICULAB, PRDTTEBB 810 South lath St., Omaha, Beb, Telephone Donglaa 6764 COLOB WOBX -I- -I- EMBOSBXBO PRINTING. Imitation Typewritten Letters. Practical Printing, Bo Job Too Largs o Too Small. WOBX BIOXT PBJCXS BIOHT ANCHOR PIDUSHIXG CO. 1B8B Parnam St. TeL Dong. 8968 PltlNTING. Continental Print Shop ALL WORK fIt6.7eV'ir., 21-36 V. S. Nat. Bank Bldg. Continental Bealty Oo Props. I1-J8 U. 8. National Bank bldg. Telephone for estimates, Douglas 4503 i'lllMl.Mi Good Printing No Job too smalL No Job too large And the same careful attention to details. OMAHA PRINTING CO. loth and Parnam Bta. PRINTING. ran TYPEWRITTEN LETTERS ABB TBB BBBT BOOBTBBS POB YOOB BTJSIaTESB WE BSAKB TAB PBAXBCT KUTD ' MANCUM (A CO. Telephone lSAS 10 Bo. 18tk St. REAL ESTATE. R. C PETERS fc CO.. Bee Building MORTGAGE LOWS, REAL ESTATE, RENTALS, ISLRCE REAL ESTATE. GARVIN BROS. But and sail Collect Bents. Bsnt Property. BEAL ESTATE, Loan Money on Beal Estate. 1604 PA Alt AM BT. REAL ESTATE. BIRKETT & TEBBENS Ral Estate. Cure of Properties, Insurance and Loans. Phone Dong-. 4754. 433 Bee Bldg. REAL ESTATE. Globe Land and Investment Co. Beal Estate and Investments Farm and Banoh Lands Por Bala or Trade. 1888 Parnam St. TeL Dong. 8608 REAL ESTATE. 10 Room Modern llouso and Barn H Block from 4nih anil Cuming Owners leavinK cltv. youth front Jot. 2t;th and Woothworth Ave., paved street, only 1000. Hutchinson-Bollard Co., 1633 PABBAM. REAL ESTATE. 1033 S. 80th Bt. 3.Room Cottage, 81,300 1035 s. sota St. S-Room Cottage, 81,530 Street Paved and City Water McCague Investment Co. 150B rmrtuf St. REAL ESTATE. CHOICE LOT South and East corner front, paved street and walk all paid for, 1 block to car line. Only 1550. J. W. RASP CO., 435 Pazton Block. Douglas 1653. REAL ESTATE f f Build" 1 1 J UirP4 FaaNAM at. Li L It K A l ESTATE. 10 rwua St. Tel. Song. s7 SKimerl Co. BBAL ESTATE, XHTEBTMXaTTB, BEBTTALB, XBBUBAHCB BUTX.DEBS OP MODEXB HOUSES Omaha, Nebraska. REAL ESTATE. J. K. DUMOBT. J. B. DUMOBT, J. H. DUM0NT & SON BEAL ESTATE, STOCKS, BOBTDS RENTALS, LOAHS, FIBB IBT8UBAHCS 1605 PABBAM STREET, TsL Donglas 690. OMAHA. REAL ESTATE Payne Investment Co. CITY BEAL ESTATE, LOAHS AJTD BEBTTALB, LABTDB ABD BAHCHE8 The "Alfalfa Land Men" ' Main Floor, N. Y. U. Bldg., Omaha REAL ESTATE, ALFRED CKENNEDY BEAL ESTATE, LOAHS, XHSUHAHCB, RENTALS 808 Ptrst national Bank Building, tsl Dong. raa. omaha, heb. REAL ESTATE. $2,500 WILL BUY 8 room house, modern except furnace, on iiOth street boulevard, near Mnn derson St.. with double front lot 50x140 feet. JOHN W. ROBBINS 1808 Psrnsm Tel. Deug. B8B REAL ESTATE. Ci D. V. SH0LES CO. Real Estate, Insurance 110 BOABD OP TBADB TsL Douglas 49. OMAHA. REAL ESTATE. Louis Berks Onas. Btelger DERKA 41 CO. BEAL ESTATE City Propsrty, Parn Lands, Loans, XaTaetments and Pire Insurance Office: 3 N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel. Douglas 7497. REAL ESTATE. CALL POB OUB PLAT OP WEST FARNAM LOTS 1,800 to $1,600 Each Harrison & Morton 913 H. Y. Llfa TeL Dong, 314 HEAL ESTATE. MORTGAGE LOANS (3,000,000 TO LOAH on Improved city property. It desired loana can be closed without delay. W. H. THOMAS, 503 PIBST BATIOBAL BARK BLDO. REAL ESTATE. ERNEST SWEET 613 Hew York Llfs BoUdlag Builder of High Class Residences Several How Beady at 33rd and Barney tr-'arnam Hill lustrtct) See Them Today REAL ESTATE. GEORGE (SL CO. Real Eatato Abstracts of Title Investment Seourltlee 1601 Farnam Stm Omaha. Neb. REAL ESTATE. Investments, R.eJ EsteJe, Rentals, Mortjaa Loans INSURANCE M. J. KENNARD ta CO. S09.SIQ Brown Block. REAL ESTATE. Beal Batata Xaanraaos Abstract of Titles Loans Hentals The Byron Reed Company 818 South l4tB Street Pbons 897 O MA BTA, HEB. REAL ESTATE. DENSOIV (SL MYERS 31S N. Y. Llfa Bid.. OMAH A Special attention given to prop erty for out-of-town clients. REAL ESTATE. THOMAS DRENNAN First rioor Now York Life Bldg. Makes a specialty of handling property owned by eastern parties, and has ex clusive agency of every piece of prop erty on his hooks. Ueni suae, el lh? Uwest CsTrenl last el Intereet REAL ESTATE. WRIGHT & EASBURY Real Estate and Insurance Tel. Douglas 152 504 gouth Sixteenth Street. REAL ESTATE. BENSON a CARMICHAEL Real Estate, Care of Properties, Insurance, Loans 643 PAZTOH BLOCS OMAHA, REAL ESTATE. If you want to buy or sell Improved city proper t y ; Im proved farm property; unim proved land, see Be Caa Fit Yen OtU HEAL ESTATE. ELEVEN ROOM HOUSE Walking distance, on csr line, rents at $35.00 COeTprr. per month, for 4 f National Investment Co. 'Phone Donglas 6691. Donglas Block. REAL ESTATE. FARNAM RESIDENCE New g room house, fir finish strictly modern, papered, oak mantle, price 13,800, terms I7B0. C. P. traver, ESrzsXZS: REAL ESTATE. W. S. FRANK BEAL ESTATE AND BU8IBEB8 CHANCES. PROPERTY BOUGHT, SOLD OB EXCHANGED. 391 Neville Block, TeL Dong. 3600. REAL ESTATE. 80 ACRES 94 of a mile west of Elm wood park, Eently rolling land, every foot can e cultivated: fine spring. Fine for a country home, dairy farm or garden land. O'KEBPB BEAL ESTATE CO 1001 N. 1. Life Bldg. Omaha. REAL ESTATE. H. B. Payne, S. P. Bostwlck. E. M. Slater PAVXE, BOSTWICK & COMPANY BBAL ESTATE, BEBTTALB CITY LOANS, XNSUBVANOB Mala Ploor H. Y. Llfs Bldg. Telephone Douglas 1016. REAL ESTATE tlO. HL tli Menthly Paysunta. 115. $. ITI.f 10t Cash Are the terms on which we sell 'lots, houses, homes and properties of all kinds. Only ( per cent Interest. Start paying for a home today and waste no more paying rent. lowU 6 McKltrlck C... 43VI4 8amt Blss REAL ESTATE. W. Farnain Smith & Co. Loans, Real Estate. Rentals and Fire Insurance 1380 PABBAM ST. OMAHA. ABSTRACTORS. S. M. SADLER & SON Abstractore and Title Examiners New LocadoB 0I Sosfli 18lh SL ABSTRACT OF TITLES AealenortoA Uadstracts siAi7x reruarrrrtioKi B ABSTRACTORS. Midland Guarantee & Trust Co. Incorporated 1888 Abstracts of Title, Title Insurance 1714 Parnam St. TeL Doag. 889 ABSTRACTORS. EED ABSTRACT CO. p.djBt Abfl)rt Offl 171 Faraaa Street, Omaka. Nek ABSTRACTS OF TITLES rTT'tH TT 1 asw L