Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 08, 1907, NEWS SECTION, Page 8, Image 8
8 c m -J-,, THE OMAHA SUNDAY HEK: SEPTEMREIl 8, 1007. popularity these suits have gained in Omaha is " Fashionscar Suits be compared with other suits at a similar price. They show a mark ed superiority in both style ' and tailoring. wonderful. WE PRESENT THE EXCLUSIVE NEW FALL MODELS IN THIS MOST QUEENLY OF ALL TAILORED APPAREL m Mi V 1 i';-iev 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 x wi& r, & ft u - . A Ai ft TP THE ACCEPTED STYLES for AUTUMN 1907 in an almost endless variety SSuits The Style Aristocrats w mi, y il Him ' Women This Fall's presentation surpasses all our former showings of "Fashionseal Suits" in every way. The makers of these MVV ' ave taken advantage of a season of graceful btyle and rich colorings to turn out the most stunning effects ever achieved in fl vsj ilored garments for women of taste. If INew Half Mttec rnnce Uhapsi Jonnny Jones and nutty Kutties military bnort Form Fitted Coats Long Military Braided Effects Plain Tailored Single and Double Breasted Etc. Makers of the "Fashionseal" Suits copy their styles from the most exquisite original French models. The styles are always exclusive. No other line can show duplicates. The fahrics are woven expressly for Fashionseal garments. Brandeis is sole Omaha agent. Favorite Fall Colors Ari New Browns Blues Purples Greens Greys Wines, Black The length of coats are from 26 to 52 inches self colored linings are featured. Skirts in new circular gore with hand trimming, cluster gores many with single, double and triple folds. Cloths are plain, checked and striped broad cloths striped cheviots and worsteds, novelty mixtures, cheviots, serges, etc., etc. We wish every woman in Omaha to consider this a personal invitation to view these suits whether she is ready to buy or not- MlRses' bIbps for nilsuM and umall womon. from 14 to. 18. Also extra Blzea for women requiring larger than usual size garments. Suits of inch high character of the "Fashion seal" can bs sold nowhere else at lesi than $35 to $50 NcW AUTUMN WAISTS Plain tailored linens and lingerie effects, lace and net dress waists, black and colored messalines, tailored taffetas and crepe de chines, beauti ful plaids, many style innovations, prices 1.98-2.98-3.98525 STUNNING VOILE SKIRTS FOR AUTUMN Our line is now complete with these popular skirts. All the correct new fea tures of fall season charming novelties for '07, a range of popular prices from 7.50, 9.98 up to S35 SMARTEST OF SILK PETTICOATS The handsomest line of high class Silk Petticoats ever brought together. The new tailored suits makes these silk skirts the most desirable and necessary than ever any" color you wish, 3.98-4.93-7.50 ip toS25 HANDSOME NEW FALL JACKETS in all the newest popu lar shapes of Prince Chap, long loose or tight fitted broadcloths or mixtures, in a price range from 9.98 up to $35 f Hl? ; ill I Mil I WHJ lit l ::.. i 4iV. ., r 1 I! If AM st.T,..,w,u,.BHn.,K;W..,.w 1NFRT P New Lot of Fine Embroideries KT4 y EARLY SHOWING OF THE CORRECT . H W m W New Fe.ll Gods Worth Up U $1.50. at 79c Yard One of the largest dress goods mills in the United States closed out entire surplus stock. Just 10,500 yards of the newest Fall 1907 dress goods, in 48 to 54-inch materials plain shadow check and Pekin stripe panamas, her ring bones, wool taffetas, chiffon broadcloths, suitings, etc., in brown, navies, prunes, plums, new greens and black, none worth less than $1.50 yard, choice, at .-. n Adunce Showing of the Ultra Fashionable Imported Dress Goods for FaJl French modistes have dictated the correct styles in shadow stripes of 4" various widths, quite the reverse from last season's stiff plaids the j weaves most prominent are in the chitron broadcloth some run ning in the soft Foule serge effects and hard twisted French serges in all correct shades for Fall "NVe 7 C A 50 JV - T g 4-4- t 4- Brandeis first. Our superior adrantages In both Paris and New York, where we maintain our $ own offices In charge of resident buyer, enables us to get the newest styles as soon as they are shown In New York. Ijrire Trimmed Mushroom HatD at $5.00 This is the greatest variety of $5 hats ever shown In ?! Omaha, and the greattst values too. Silk and fol miiahrnnm chunpfi iHmmed with Fluffy Ruffles bows, fancy feathers and flowers, black and all colors, at 4 4 4 4 4 qJ? s 4 g 4 These are the very beautiful embroideries and in- sertings in medium widths, nainsooks, Swisses and cambrics, also afine lot of corset cover em broideries they are worth, in a regular way, up to 25c a yard--on bargain squares Monday special bargain, at yard.......... Allover Lace)Nets at 75c Yard The finest dress nets and lace nets in'silk and fancy cotton 45 inch widths, cream silk figured nets and very fine black silk Chantillas, a. i n n it t . . A 1 ... 1 MM 9 Graceful Fall Hats at $10 It Is decreed by style experts that the correct hats for fall are tne large mushroom Bhapes and the tilted front hats with long backs. Here we are showing a " new assemblage of the hats, many of which are trimmed with long ostrich plumes and flowers, i also with choux of velvet ana fancy birds the variety is am- 2J pie the price have about 150 exclusive patterns at, yard. 1 1 w " 1 onRA'w rnrn a t nrunucrn itiau 1 1 as well as fancy figured lace nets for entire dresses and waists and the daintiest of Filet laces, worth as high as $2.00 a yard, at yard Women's Kid Gloves in Elbow Lengths Best quality of long kid gloves in black, white and tan ju many are the best known makes and all sizes are repre seniea, it is a reauy wonueriui uargam, ui u imi 4 4 Imported prap armure, 4 4 inches wide, comes in IB different colorings street and evening shades, regular r price $1.00 yard in 1 f basement, yard Mill ends suitings, 4 6 inches to 52 inches representing about thirty different weaves, good range of colors, worth $1 yard in basemeut, yard 39c Exquisite Autumn Silks Our customers comment "Why, I the other stores." You can ahva 4- 8 4- H 4- a i i U 8 Brandeis' has more silks than all ys find the new and scarce things in our silk department. THE NEW SILK PLAIDS Wonderful combinations of colors and artistic styles clans, Scotch plaids, French plaids, CCI to 195 satin barred plaids, Dresden and pompadour praids, yd.'' I A SUPERB COLLECTION OP EVENING SILKS From the 20 inch plain soft dinging Messaline and Kudium silks to the stunning invisible 48-inch Pekin stripes, 48-ineh bordered Marquisette, 44- mcli bordered chmon de soie, 50 inches wide, fl Q t 9S L eilk voiles, etc., ut, yard UC J. 4-4- 4-4-4- In Housefurnishing Department Basement Old Store GAS MANTLES MADE Have you seen our interesting (Jas Mantel factory? A miniature factory has been installed in our hardware section, making that best of all mantels THE FAMOUS CAPITAL BLUE GAS MANTLE 'The practically indestructible flexible gas mantle. One of the most unique and interesting sights you ever seen. 4 4 4 4 4 Handkerchiefs Ladies' and Men's Fine all linen Handkerchiefs, narrow hem stitching, etc., itfL regular 23c val- n I ues, at mum w 4-4-4-4-4- 4-4-4-4- Women's Neckwear Almost 100 all new fall styles, 4 many linen effects, worth as 4- high as Ag 1 4- 2Ct 50(5 each, at p 44?4?4?4444r4?444?44r4r4?4?44444?44 LINEN SPECIALS IN BASEMENT 4- 4- T y Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday throughout this X demonstration ana saie we oner inese mgu ciuss T mantles at, each 4-4-4- SILKS ON BARGAIN SQUARE Plain and fancy bilk taffetas, peau de cygnes, plaid kllks. fancy fllk itultlDgs. Roman vatin strlpea on taffeta grounds, 27-in. colored peau mufctjallnes, 24-lnch Imported fou lards worth from fA a aa it?" ,l. !? a.r.d . olJc49c-69c EXTRA SPECIAL We make up to measure from any material selected in our silk de partment, silk petticoats, flttj 10 insure saiisracuon, en maklnc. Monday onlv. L Minirrn i iii iii ui j 8 4 4 4 4 4 Mnfn Tallin 14 00. Extra fine all linen Moach- ed Satin Table Imali. 2 yards wide, worth up to 11.60. at 98c yard. Klne quality Table Damask. worth up to 85c, at &Uc yard. Kln al pattern cheap each. $1.25 Hemstitched Lunch Cloths, 45 Incliex Briiare, with 3 rows of openwork, 6 'Jo each. bleached Outh at val urn ud to l l.OQ. at 68o each. 4 7 Be Runalfisancn Center ! Piece, each 4 lie. 4f HenalHHancH Doilies, I SOc Heavy Cream Table Oamiisk. le vmt.1. 18x64 itenalxttance. Scarf. 4W 10c 3 Vic each. We require the services of men tailors in our cloak alteration room; also experienced drees goods salesmen, young women in silverware and leather goods department and millinery apprentice. Apply between 7:30 and 10 a. m. of Superintendent, West End, Main Floor. BRANDEIS Help Wanted SPECIALS IN STERLING SILVER Each piece stamped Sterling 925-1000 tiut. The Htste Houveuir Spoons In tea size, gold band engraved Omaha $1 each Cold meat forks, cream ladles, sugar shells, bon-bon spoons, sar dine forks, olive spoons and forks and pickle forks, worth up to $2. at These are In fancy French handles; the pop ular rose pattern all In silk lined boxes. $1 Id Our Basement You can't have a circus without a Teddy Bear. We are showing the blKgebt bear meoufrerle iu town all sizes silent bears or squeaky bears all sizes 49c Up to $7.50 TEDDY BEARS Lace Curtains and Draperies Real Arabian Curtains, our own importation, from $4.98 up to $18.50 pair. Iirunsels Curtains, exclusive pat terns, $4.00 up to $10 pair. Cluny Curtains, unlimited assort ment, mounted on the bettt French nets, from $3.25 up to $8 pair. Duchets Curtains, all new styles, from $4.9 up to $10 pair. Klne NcittlnKhiini, Cable and Novelty Curtains. We can show the larKeat aahorirnert of these popular cur tains, from Hir up to 14 pilr. Klne Silk 1'orlieres, from tlu up to 117 60 pair. Uorrter Portieres, from f 3.98 up to ;iu pair. Cord K.ilse Portieres, from 13. US up to S12.6U pair. Fringe portieres, from 11.69 up to 1 60 pair.