THE OfAIIA SUNDAY BEE: SEPTEMBER P, 1007. Hundreds of Special Bargains Monday in the Very Best of Fashion's Fall Favorites Send for Sample of the New Fall Dress Fabrics All mall orders promptly filled. Send for Our Special Catalogues You'll find flic values money saves 75c Center Pieces at 29c Monday we place on sale a big Job of Odd Center Piece and few pairs of high grade Pillow 81uuns, regularly worth 60c to 7 Be each, In two lot Lot 1 Your choice. .19c Lot 2 Your choice. .29c 8ieclal Hale of Ladies' Handkerchiefs Monday. Lace and Embroidery Sale The Greatest Embroidery Hale of the Soaxon An Immense as sortment and unmatchable bargains at, yard 50 Laces In Two Lots Lot 1 Per yard 2'2c Lot 2 Por yard 5c Torchons, Vals., Real Linen, Point Paris and other popular laces Included. THE RELIABLE STORE. HIQH Linen and VJhite The largest stock, the finest west. Our own direct importation! 72-ln bleached Irish Linen, $1.00 values, at 690 72-ln. bleached Irish Linen, $1.25 values, at -750 72-ln. bleached Irish Linen, $1.50 values, at Q80 72-ln. bleached German Linen, at .890 72-ln. fine heavy Irish Damask $1.50 72-ln. fine heavy Irish Damask at 92.00 Irish, all pure Linen, $2.50, $1.50, $1.00, 75c, 50c and 39 Napkins at, a dozen, 75c. $1.00, $2.00, $3.00, $5.00 up to.. $30 Popular Priced Dress Goods Dept riOH 850 TO $1 Wm. Anderson's genuine Clan plaids, 44-in. wide, made in Glasgow, all clan tartans $1.00 French and Austrian silk overshot and poplin and serge weaves, at $1.00 English overshot silk Lion a plaids at w 75 Domestic overshot plaids. . . .500 Domestic overshot plaids. . . .300 Banty Plaids L&$ $1.00 Henriettas, all wool German at 590 75c and $1.00 all wool French erge 59 75c and $1.00 all wool storm erge , 59 $1.26 broadcloth, all colors . .$1 Six Remarkable In offering these special prices values are far superior to any you you find more complete assortment saving. flB.OO Tapestry ling, size 9x11, twenty-five patterns to select .from, Monday, at $11.75 tfOfOO Boiunless Wilton Velvet Rugs, oriental and floral pat terns, size 9x12; special Monday at ...$22.98 $28.00 Extra Axinlnster Hugs, 15 patterns to select from, size 9x12; special Monday $21.98 $1.60 Ax niliis tor and Velvet Car pets, with borders to match; special Monday at, yard, $1,15 BUVNOW, PAY LATER, IF YOU WISH. thousands or asw Lace Curtains EVEKTTHIITO 8EI.I.IHO AT Imported Saxony and Swiss Brus sels Net Curtains, extra close weave, In a variety of styles, at from $19.60 down to $10 Brussels Net Lace Curtains, in very elaborate designs, in full size, the correct curtain for par lor use, at, a pair, Monday, from $8.75 down to $6.50 Tapestry Portlers, full mercerized, In a complete range of colors, very handsome, at, pair, $9.98, $8.98. $7.50. $4.98 and $3.98 A full line of Novelty Curtains at, pair, $3.98. $2.98 and ..$1.98 Read Hay den's Big Grocery 20 lbs. beat pure Cane Granulated Sugar -for $1.00 Large narks Cornmeal lOo 12 bars boat Family Laundry Soap U5o Egg-O-See Breakfast Food. pkg. .SVtO 'old Water Starch, per, pkg 4c Bromangelon. Jellycon, ' Jell-O or D'- Zerla, per pkg 7to Large bottle pure Tomato Catsup Si,o Peanut Butter, per jar 9o Stuffed or Plain Olives, bottle Be 1-lb. cans Assorted Koups 7o gettldaclvll .la?a eBr Pfa- . ) la 12 1-lb. pkg. Macaroni, Vermicelli or Spaghetti, per pkg BViO The beat Soda Crackers, per lb... 60 The beat crisp Qlnger Snaps, lb.. Be Fix Newton Cookies, per 1L Bl,0 The beat Tea Sifting, per lb... 181.0 Fancy Santos Coffee,-per lb luo Porto Klin mend Conee, per lb. SOo Fancy Dairy Butter, por lb aio Gossip and Stories About wr V oTda la War Tint. the last Installment of his IS : tKerolnlscences" In McClure's, he Carl Bchuri describes l.'ia K'l l,tl4 ot Missionary Ridge era of th war. "Oeneral Sherman kindly Invited m to It with them," he aays, "and I 3M to. A few minute later Ueneral Howau! en tered. I have already mentioned V:ei Gen eral Howard enjivi the revolution of great piety and went by the name of 'the Christian aoldier.' General Bheruiun greeted Mm In hia bruaque way, exclaiming: tilad to see you Howard! Bit down by the fire I Damned cold thla morning!' Howard, Who especially abhorred tne uae of 'awear words,' answered demurely: 'Yea, general; It la quite cold thla morning.' Sherman may have noticed a slight touch of reproof In thla answer. At any rate, I obecrved a wink ho gave General Davis with his left eye, while sarcastic arnlle flitted acroaa Ida features. It became at once clear what It meant, for Davis Instantly, while talking about aome Indifferent sub ject, began to Interaperae bis speech with such a profusion ot 'damns' and the like, when there was not the slightest occasion' for It, that one might have supposed him to be laboring under the lnteuaest exxite ' inent, whlie really he waa in perfectly cold blood. In fact, as I afterwards learned, Goueral Davia was noted for having mas tered the vocabulary of ' the 'Army ot 1'landera' more completely than any man of his rank. ' "Howard made several feeble attempts to give a different turn to tne conversation, but In vain. Kncouragvd by repeated winks, and also a few aympathetlo remarks .ross aUieruiaa, Davis Inexorably, continue OllOI Goods Dept. grade and the lowest prices in the s. Table Cloths, In all desirable sizes, from $40 each to. . . 750 High grade Towels, each, 60c, 60c, 35c, 25c, 19c and 150 St. Gall hand embroidered Swisses at, yard, $2.50, $1.50, $1.00, 75c, 60c, 39c and 250 Domestic Swisses at 25c, 19c, 15c and 10 India Linens, yard, $1.00, 75c, 60c, 25c, 19c, 16c and 100 Persian Lawns from $2.00 a yard down to 120 French Lawns from $2.50 a yard down to 190 Other lines of high grades goods always in stock at popular prices. .85 P TAIO. $1.00 Mohairs, black and navy B2-in.,at 59 76c all' wool Fancies, dark and light colors 490 $1.50 Ombre plaids, fine designs, 48-ln. wide 90 64-in. all wool Mixtures . . . .590 3 8 -In. all wool Suiting Mixtures at 390 27-ln. Tricot's strictly all wool at 250 French all wool Walstings. . 750 French all wool Challis. . . -590 English fancy Mohair Walstings at 500 Large variety of other goods will be on sale. Rug Bargains Monday we feel positive that the 11 find elsewhere. Mo place will and prices mean a distinct cash $13.05 Mitre Tapestry Rug, size 9x12, very special bargains at, choice $9.49 $27.00 llody Brussels Rugs, big range of patterns for selection, size 9x12, on sale Monday at, each $20.98 $2.00 Velvet Rugs, size 27x54, beautiful design and colorings; special at $1.29 Ilalf Wool Ingrain Carpets, extra heavy quality, good patterns, at, yard 390 Our Credit System Provides for Payment to Suit You. riTmss siowi and Draperies OUBl UBTJAXi LOW PKX0E8 We have exclusive sale of the Zlon City Lace Curtains, In cable net, barnett and Nottingham weaves, in white or ecru, at, pair, $6.50, $4-98 and $3.98 Bed Room Curtains in ruffled' Swisses, also ruffled net at, a pair, $2.50, $1.98, $1.60, $1.25 and 980 Ottoman Tapestry Portlers in plain colors with heavy fringe, at, pair, Monday $5.60, $4.98. . .$3.98 Tapestry Portlers in plain colors with heavy fringe, Monday at, a pair, $3.98, $2.98 and $2.50 Sale List for Monday Full Cream Wlaconsln Cheese, lb., 15o per lb 15o BUT TOVK JILIT DRAPES NOW. Large baskets fancy Concord Grapes for Jelly, per baoket 10c OMAHA'S VEGETABLE MARKET TOM 1KB 7EOPI.B. Fresh Beets, per hunch lo Freuh Turnip, per hunch lo Freah Kadlsnee, per bunch. ...... .lo Summer Squatih, each ,,...lo Large Cucumbers, each ... .0 Freah Lettuce, 8 heads for lo Wan Beans, per pound 60 Green Beans, per pound 60 Sweet Potatoea, per pound Bo Parsnips, per pound So Kgg i'lant, each THo Freah Cabbage, each aCio Fresh Celery, per head 3lo Cooking Apples, per peck 8 So Hartiett Pears, per dosen ,..800 the lurid flow of Infernallams. until Anally Howard, with distress painted all over his face, got up and left, whereupon Sher man and Davis broke out in a peal ot laugh ter. And when I ventured upon a remark about Howard's sufferings, Sherman said: 'Well, that Christian soldier business la all right In Its place. Hut he needn't put ou airs when we are among ourselves." " Ileary Watteraoa at Close Range. This graphic pen sketch of "Marae Henry" M'atteraon Is contained. In a very Interesting article In Harper's Weekly, In the aeries, "Democratic Presidential Possi bilities": "Let us look at Henry Watterson as he Is today. Height about five feet Ave Inches, with every inch of tils thick, round, deep body enclosing a cell surcharged with nervous energy. Head finely poised on bread shoulders. The face a delight for students of character. The eyes restless with alert perception. The nose well modeled; the chin a challenge. Crown this shapely head with a plenitude of snow white hair that touches his forehead with the caresa'of a single vagrant lock, and you have the portrait. His arms are ahort, and the hands awing back and forth nerv ously aa he moves along, unless they hap pen to be shoved down into the pockets of his sack coat. He wastes no moment on the street, looking always straight ahead as he plunges along; and' this habit has earned for him an undeserved reputation for incivility to friends or acquaintance whom he passes. The rush habit and de tective vision are really responsible. "At his club, or In the big chair before his plain table-desk In his little crowded office on the second floor of the Courier Journal building, be Is always courteous and agreeable. "U U young &a ra the paper regard The Leading Dress Goods House of the West Three Large Dress Goods Departments High Grade, First Aisle, Center Section; Popular Priced, Third Aisle, Center Section; Bargain Department, in West Side Domestic Room. Monday will be our first series of fall sales in this department. BLACK 1IIKS$ GOODS DEIT. Priestley's $1.25 Arfuree 70c Priestley's $1.25 Powederetts 75c Priestley's $1.25 Poplins 75c Priestley's $1.60 Voiles 8c Simone's $2.60 black Broadcloth 1.39 Slmbne's $3.4 4 black Broadcloth $1.08 Simone's $4.00 black Broadcloth 2.SO Simone's $5.00 black Broadcloth $2.98 Lupin's $1.50 black Cheviots 89c Lupin's $2.00 black Cheviots. . .$1.19 Lupin's $3.00 black Cheviots. . .$1.08 Lupin's $4.60 black Cheviots. . .$2.08 A Matchless Display of Fall Garment Fashions New Skirts A showing most captivating in its style completeness the most newest fashion ideas in all mot wanted fabrics and colors. No place in Omaha will you find its equal. Prices $15.00, $12.50, $10.00, $8.90, $7.50 and. . .$5.00 Hundreds of Silk and Satin Rubberized Coats In all newest styles for auto and street wear shown at $30.00, $25.00, $18.50, $15.00 and $12.50 $10.00 Covert and Broadcloth Coats, $7.50 A splendid line of stylish covert and broadcloth coats, very newest fashions for fall; on special sale Monday at, choice , i $7.50 $7.50 Silk Waists, $4.95 Pretty styles in checks, stripes and plaids, made of Simond's best taffetas; rousing bargains Monday at $4.95 Children's New Fall Coats As a special Monday bargain we are offering a pur chase of children's coats, in all new styles and materials, that would sell regu larly up to $6.00 at, choice From 9 Till 11 A. M. "Women's $6.00 I From 8:30 Till 10:30 A. M. Women's Silk Underskirts at, choice. .$3.95 1 $2.00 Moire Underskirts on sale.89c SPECIAL f -? $2.60 Rocker, like cut, full size, solid wood seat, well braced, fine golden finish, on sale this week at $1.75 n ih ... u s 1 4 Try MaydL2jrii's First Noted People him highly, and they are ready to swear to his great talent, and to fight for his su premacy as a Journalist; but as their per sonal knowledge ot blm is mostly confined to the glimpses they get as he rushes from his office on the second floor to the compos ing room below, It can hardly be wondered that they know little of him socially. Tet every column of the Courier-Journal bears his Impress," Nelson Morris Name. "If you will go to the place In Germany where Nelson Morris was born," said a New, York butcher, quoted by the New York Tribune, "you will find no record ot a Murrla family, because Morris was not the butcher king's name. His German fam ily name was changed to Morris through a peculiar chain of circumstances. As a lad he worked in Chicago for a man by the name of Nelson, and became known among Nelson's customers aa 'Nelsun'a Morris -he having changed his first name Morlts to Morris. 'Nelson's Morris'-was a bright fel low, and became popular with the people whom he served. When he atarted in busi ness he retained his nickname, and In time people lost sight of his real family name. He finally dropped the '"s" from the Nel son and became Nelson Morris. He had the elements of success In him, and would have become a leader under any circumstances, but I think the adoption ot the euphonious name helped him." A Turreat of Wards. Mr. Blrrell. chief secretary for Ireland, la accounted the fastest speaker In the British House of Commons. A member of the press gallery thus describes one ot blrrell s torrents of words: "Mr. Blrreli's peaeU was, I think, one ot the laaUst COLORED DKESS GOODS. $1.50 Broadcloths 08c $2.00 Broadcloths $1.25 $3.00 Broadcloths $1.08 $1.25 Wool Taffetas .8c $1.50 Panamas 08c $2.00 Fancies . . . ., $1.19 HEAKSK1XS. We have the largest variety of fine Bearskins, Astrakhans and Cloakings In the west. $3.50 Bearskins $2.25 $5.50 Bearskins , $2.08 $6.60 Bearskins $:l.08 Astrakhans at Exactly HALF PlllCE. 1 , . A veritable exposition of newest and most charming fall modes from the fashion centers of Europe and America. The captivating style, elegance of ma terial and workmanship and almost unlimited assortments of design in this dis play marks Hay den's supremacy as Omaha's style center. Beautiful Voile Dresses In the newest imported designs, all the richest new shades; assortment and quality second to none ever, offered at our prices at $75.00, $65.00, $50.00, $40.00, $35.00 and $25.00 Elegant Tailor Suits In fine chiffon broadcloths, cheviots, etc. A charming col lection of the best style ideas for fall wear most attractive values, at $65.00, $50.00, $40.00, $30.00, $25.00 and $20.00 $20.00 Tailor Suits, Special at $14.95500 beautiful suits to select from, in very best materials blues, browns, grays, black and fancies unmatched bargains Monday at sale price 14.95 $1.50 FURNITURE BARGAINS Every day we offer extra special bargains as an Inducement for you to visit this great department. We want you to look over our new and complete lines, to ask and compare prices, to permit us to figure on supplying your furniture needs this fall. YOU'LL CERTAINLY FIND IT A PAYlNXJ PROPOSITION AND OUR CREDIT SYSTEM OFFERS YOU THE PRIVILEGE OF PAYING AT YOlll CONVENIENCE. INVESTIGATE. $7.75 Hall Rack, like cut, made of half sawed oak, polish fin ish, stands 6 ft. high, Is 2 ft. wide and has 3 double hooks; spec ial this week $5.85 $1.95 Sewing Rocker, like cut, very strong, with bolted brace arms, very special bargain at . .$1.25 : $15.85 Solid Oak Extension Tabic, like cut, 44-ln. polish finish top, 6-in. legs, a beauty and a re markable value at . . . .$12.50 I ever experienced. It occupied twenty min utes, and mado something like 1,200 words, which represents a sustained speed of 160 words per minute. That would be the pace, mind you, suppose no Interruption whatever took place, but it must be remembered that there were cheers, and some inter ruption, and short delays occurring while Mr. Blrrell referred to his notes or looked for a passage In the bill which he was ex plaining. If the time consumed In these breaks be deducted from the twenty min utes, you get a uniform pace of more than 200 words a minute. However that may be, one thing I am perfectly sure of is, that the speed was not uniform, and that while It sometimes fell as low as 160 or lower, at other times It roa well above 2U) words per mnute." x Cameron of Pennsylvania. Ex-Benator J. Donald Cameron of Penn sylvania, whose name was a national by word a few years ago, la one of those men who have so retired from the public gaze that the fact of their still being alive la not Infrequently a surprise. Mr. Cameron Is now 74 years old, and, according to the Washington Herald, his summers are spent at his farm at Donegal, Pa., where once a year he entertains his friends. "Don" Cameron, as a younger generation may have forgotten or never known, was secre tary of war under Grant for a time in 174 and U77, after which be entered the senate from Pennsylvania, succeeding to the seat made vacant by the resignation of his father, Simon Cameron. It was he who managed Garfield's campaign in lisO as chairman of the republican national com mittee. His twenty years' service as a senator ended in lfeST, when he was suc ceeded by Penrose. Cameron Is reputed to be a very wealthy man, and although ap proaching his seventy-fifth birthday Is building ft castla near Carlisle, Pa, t EVEX1XG SHADES. Mohairs, Batistes, Sublimes, Pana mas, Granites Henriettas, Fancies, etc. Every thing (except Lansdowne at ex actly HALF THE MARKED THICK. EXTRA SPECIALS FOR MONDAY. From O to 11 A. M. 25 pieces of 52-inch Black Panamas, that we are now selling for $1.00 yard, at 50o From 2 to 4 P. M. We will sell $1.50 Broadcloth, all col ors (no blncksi. at .80c And $2.00 fancy Broadcloths at $1.19 No dealers sold at special prices. fl.25 Dining Chair, like cut, solid wood seat, slat buck and bolted brace arms; on sale this week, each, at 850 Curious and Romance of a Zinc Mine. LEX M'CARTAN of Tiffin, O., was married at Joplln, Mo., last Wednesday to Miss Annio Dona hue, one of the wealthiest young girls of that city. The marriage ''fit? was the culmination of a pretty romance, which was woven about the life of the lata Senator Connor, the millionaire banker and mine owner of Joplln, who died last April and was burled In Tiffin, his boyhood home. Several years ago Annie Donahue was a poor but pretty Irish girl, employed a a waitress In one of the large Joplln hotels. One day her beauty and gentle manner at tracted the notice of Connor, at whose ta ble she was serving. He became Interested in the girl and tound that ahe had ideals, hopes and aspirations strangly at variance wilh her humble position. He resolved to help the girl. Following his usual method of bestowing benefactions, he Invested In certain undeveloped mining properties In her name and without htr knowledge. The land, under his manipulation, soon soared to fabulous value and became one of the best-paying properties in the zinc district. One day he casually Informed the girl that she no longer would have to work. Think ing that she was about to be discharged for some fancied cause, she burst Into tears and pleaded to be permitted to remain that slu might earn an honest living. She aoon dried her tears, after being Informed of the true situaticn, and when she dis posed of her holdings she became the mis tress of a fortune greater than that of any seen In her wildest dreams. Miss Donahue repaid her benefactor with all of the gratitude and devotion of her young Irish heart. When .he became ill she ministered to his needs and journeyed with him to Colorado, a here she was his constant nurse. When he died she acrom (ranled the body to Tiffin, and It was her Opening Sale of New Silks Never before in the history of Omaha merchandising was such variety in exquisite new silks offered in any stock. The best manufacturers of the world have contributed their choicest productions to this matchless display of fall silk beauty. We cordially invite you to visit this department Monday, assuring you that you'll be fully repaid, as assort ments are perfect in their completeness and every piece will be offered for this opening day at the closest possible mar gin of profit. Elegant plaids, stripes, novelties, richest brocades, exquisite weaves and colorlnRS In plnln Silks, Voiles, Marquisettes. Onions, Voll de ssoies, etc., eic, a collection of weaves and colorings to suit the most particular buyer, on sale Monday at, yard 500 to $3.50 We Are Leaders in Showings of Black Silks. Monday we offer an immense as sortment of finest black silks, 27 and 36-in. wide, every yard a splendid bargain, at prices f"ni 690 $1.75 High Grade Wash Foreign Wrapper Cloth, border, at 390 Foreign Wrapper Cloth, no border, at 35 Persian pattern Flannelettes 150 Persian pattern Flannelettes, yard at 120 Persian pattern Flannelettes 100 French Ginghams, ellk warp, 500 French Ginghams, silk warp, 39 French Ginghams, overshot plaluo, at 25c Anderson's Glasgow Ginghams at, yard 25 French Percales, extra fine, 10? Domestics, Linens and Flannels The largest, the best lighted and the most popular Do mestic Room in the west. BKEETXIf OS Peppercll or Lockwuod 9-4 bloachM at 260 Pepperell or Lockwood 9-4 unhloiu'hrd at S4o 9-4 Atlantic, bleacliPd 360 Black Kork, yuril wide, bleached, 7V40 Pnow white, yard wide, bleached.. 90 Hope, ard wide, bleached 9o Lonsdale, yard wide, bleached ...10c Fruit of the Loom, yard wide, bleach ed, at lOo First Call, yard wide, bleached. .BHo Security, yard wide, bleached Co Household, yard wide, unbleached, at SHo Pcotadale 70 Buckhead 7Vio Vlneland 6V6o Over 200 other dlffuront brands at equally low prices. X.IITEN SEPT. 70-ln. pure Irish Linen, full bleached at 69o 60-ln. pure Irish Linen, full bleach. d at 9o Finest mercerized German Daraank at 49o The finest Domestic Damask, mer cerized 390 Fine Domestic Mercerized Damask at . . .23o 19c Towels loo IRc Towels 8io 12Hc Towels 7V40 lOo Towels Bo All pure Linen Towels ,.6e Blanket Flannel Department Largest in This COTTON" BLANKETS Signal ,. -45 Silvlan 5 390 Saco . . , Rosebud Nassau 75 e8tor $1.00 8TAII FKITED BLANKETS No- 1 S1.25 No. No. No. No 20 $1.50 30 at SI OS 40 at $2.25 5 $2.50 No- 35 at $1.98 Wool Blankets, 10-4. 11-4 and 12 4, ranging In price, a pair, from $45.00 down to $1.00 Romantic Capers of Cupid that she met young McCartan. The attach ment was mutual, and It was not long until they wore engaged. Never Too Old to Wed. When Isaac Embrey, 70 years old, and Frances C. Brown, aged 75 years, both of Eldorado, Kan., walked into the office of Probate Judge Van B. Prather, Kansas City, Kau., and asked for a marriage license, the magistrate, who has so fre quently figured In Cupid's romances, looked tip over his eyeglasses and smilingly In quired: "This Is not an elopement, I trust?" "No Judge. I will testify that the mar riage Is with the consent of all concerned," spoke Mrs. J., W. Moberly of Kansas City, Kan., who Is a daughter of Mr. Embrey, and who had accompanied her aged father to the court house to act as a witness to his second marriage. After Judge Prather had filnshed filling out the license Mr. Embrey turned to his sweetheart of 75 yeara, remarking: "I guess we might as well have the whole Job done now while we are at It." She willingly consented, and the ceremony was per formed. Upon leaving the judge's office the bride, with her face smothered with blushes, said she felt more embarrassed than she did the first time ahe waa led to the altar. Tlna a Knot la Oklahoma. Herman Davis, a Justice of the peai In Oklahoma, was called upon to perform the marriago ceremony for a young couple ot Guthrie. The Justice, who until a short time before had gained his legal knowledge In a neigh boring state, where ministers usually offi ciate on such occasions, was at a loss to gnu how to proceed. However, he arose to the occasion. Commanding the couple A choice line of plain and fancy Silks, worth from 60c to 75c a 1 yard, all new fall colorings and patterns, on Bale Monday In do mestic room, In two lots, at, per yard 250 nd 390 Dress Goods Dept. French Percales, extra fine, at, yard 12 H All kinds of Cotton Dress Goods here. LINING DEPT. The Greatest in tho West Lustral in 85 shades 10c Gloria In 90 shades 35 Heatherbloom in all shades, 4J Percalines, Spun Glass, Padding, Hair Cloth, Canvas, Mohair Sat ins, Italians, Mending Tissue and everything In tailors' trimmings and findings, at the very lowest prices. llie bleached Towellnsr lOo 12c bleached Toweling 740 10c bleached Toweling 8'jo Cotton Toweling y3Ho Full standard prints So American Indigo Prints 4Ho Sampson's Silver Grey 4Vo America "B" 9o BcBt Apron Checks made 6Ho 12 lc Dress Ginghums 70 10c Dress Ginghams So 10c Shaker Flannel Bo All wool white Flannel 850 All wool white Flannel 19o 12MtO Flannelettes 7Ho 10c Flannelettes oc, 12 He Amoskeag Teazledown lOo 1921 Outing Flannel, Amoskeag. ,7Ho lOngllHh Flannelettes So lac extra heavy gray Flannelettes at 7Ho Cotton Uatts So WOOI. SBESS GOODS roll riecas $1.00 Henriettas S9o $1.00 Fancies 490 $1.00 Serges E9o 11.00 Fancies 390 8Uo CasBimeres 19o 49u Henriettas flfio 69c Wool Huitlngs 19o 25c double fold Drees Goods ISo 3uc double fold I resa (iiuda 19o 19c double fold Dress Goods . . .120 36-ln. all wool SultinKS 39o 64-ln. all wool Suitings 49o 6,000 yards of all kinds of wool remnants on sale here. Part of the Country COMFOKTABLES Our famous Hue of home made Comfortables, made of our own cloth and fine white corded, are the bout In the world made here In Omaha prices range from $5.00, euch, down to . . . .$1.50 FLANNEL DEPT. Shirting Flannels from $1.00 yard down to 25 White Flannels, from $1.00 a yard down to 100 Embroidered Flannels from $2.50 a yard down to 390 Canton Flannel from 25c a yard down to jj All kinds of Shirtings, etc., at very lowest priceB. to stand up, ha directed that they be sworn In , I. r , I . "Do you solemnly swear that you will obey the constitution of the United States and the constitution of the territory of Oklahoma, and perform the duties of your office to the beat of your ability, so help you God?" The couple nodded assent. "Then," con tinued the Judge, "by the power In me vested by the strong arm of the law I pronounce you man and wife, now, hence forth and forever, and you will stand com mitted until the fines and costs are paid, and may the Lord have mercy on your souls." Saved Aaaln. As a sequel to an Incident that occurred In the west a venr am). Marearet Vlpa th v ,.. . . - ... . ' 7V aaugnier ol a weuuny coal operator of r Centervllle, Pa., has heen married to a former councilman, George W. Brunell of Philadelphia. The couple started on a honeymoon on the Pacific coast. A year ago Brunell, who was staying at Eton's ranch at Wolf, Mont., saved Miss Flee from the embrace of a big cattleman named Miller, who had everybody In that vicinity terrorized. While his friends kept the other cattleman from interfering Bru nell gave the man a sound thrashing. Kelurnlng from a circus, a person named Miller Jostled Miss Flee and placed his arms about her. Brunell at length knocked out the cattleman. Misa Flee thanked her pre server. Introductions followed. Brunell then made frequent visits to Cen tervllle and DUrsuadwl MUa Via In t,mm. his wife. The Be Want Ads are the Best Business Boosters.