Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 08, 1907, HALF-TONE SECTION, Page 2, Image 20

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People Who Love
(he Outdoor Life
II C 1 A II S a il a 4 a g II 1 1 t k ft a
tfarasMMa mhvimi awst WaaeM vafWwVal litrriaW SW Wat
ft Ik II tl aft ft b ft ft ft I ft f
odid Opportunity to Save
1I1S week's values will appeal strongly to those who appreciate big
values those who desire so save money on dependable homefur
iiishings. Melow we tell of a few of the many specials on .sale all
week at Ilartman s Omaha store hundreds of vther specials of
equal importance also will be found. It is an extraordinary price-lessening
movement and presents a splendid opportunity for you to save monev.
Generous Credit Given on Terms to Suit
A Sole
& ski
EW TORK. Sept. 7. If you are
tired of the starchy rub of a hard
boiled shirt. If your toes are sore
and cramped from the press of
triangular shoes, If you think the
caress of seaside breezes will cheer your
thinning thatch. In other words, If you
want to get right down to close acquaint
ance with old Ma Nature, the tent colony
at Rockaway beach might help some, cvun
though the season la waning and there Isn't
much time left for Arcadian experiments.
Around the big, nnlsy, glittering food
palaces, where the popping of champagne
corks punctuates the mar of the surf and
the sardonic honking of high power auto
mobiles drowns out the gentle, melancholy
ong of the bell buoys and the latest suc
cessful Broadway souhrette sweeps by tow
ing her fleet of wine agents and broker
persons and the waiter sticks a check for
18.70 In front of your nose every time you
breathe hard, there Is no rial Joy of life
for the man or woman who loves the sea
and the shore and the sunshine. Also It Is
fast, with the appetite of a dinosaur, and
a long loaf on the warming sands, with a
bit of a nap, perhaps.
Of course there was a little houseclean
Ing to do, but the women attended to that
neatly and with dispatch. Oil stoves, chaf
ing dishes and percolators for coffee made
housekeeping a snap In the colony.
In the course of the day fresh vege
tables and milk, with meat or Huh, had to
lie scouted for by the male members of the
colony", but usually these things were
brought by enterprising tradesmen, who
found that It was worth while to get the
trade of the tent colony.
After luncheon, served usually In the
open on nnpery spread over the sand, thu
women did fancy work and the men played
cards, bridge whist or a little poker 3-cent
limit and no fnJr to bluff or maybe took
another dip In the ocean. Dinner was
eaten cut of doors also In fair weather,
and then, with the coming of night, heads
began to nod and eyelids to droop. That
was about the usual routine of life in
the tent colony.
no place for the piker, and there are many
auch, though worthy persona.
Ufe at the big seaside hotels for the
man who hasn't got the price, who can't
Up the waiter a U tip on a 1 10 dinner,
who knows that ha simply has to make
the 100 bucks he has salted away run
througti his two or three weeks of shore
Vacation, Is a cruel and bitter thing. He
has , to be done up all day In hot and
tuffy clothes. He misses the feel of things
altogether, and he goes back to work when
It la all over tired and dispirited and
grouchy wttlt everybody, Including himself.
Vacation for him has been a delusion and
a snare. He hasn't got a run for his
That's the way the members of Rocka
way beach's tenl colony eiced up the sea
shore vacation proposition. Some of them
had money, some of them hadn't, but all of
them wanted to get tome real fun out of
their outing, to live a real life, be natural
and oopper the artificial.
They evolved theli plan slowly. Tents,
they figured, especially the small A tent,
accommodating two or three persons, were
inexpensive to begin with and cost little to
run. It a tent should be blown down or fall
over it could be put up again at the ex
' pense of small labor and profanity.
If the location wasn't good or a neighbor
Insisted on murdering poor tunes on a good
banjo It would be easy to move to another
pot As for supplies, they figured closely
en groceries, meat and milk, not to speak
of beer at $1 a case and found the larder
could be supported at ridiculously small
There ware no real estate agent to deal
with, Janitors to cajole or servant to
bother about. A fin stretch of clean white
beach near the sea and sufficiently re
moved from the racket of the hotels made
the site of the colony.
They started In living the simple life
ariy In the summer, when the sun got
pleasantly warm and the water had lost
lta chill. .As fast as some left to go back
to money grabbing others took their places,
and the colony has been running finely all
summer long.
First off they discovered the foolishness
of wearing clothes, ordinary street duds,
that la It was so pleasant and laiy and
In keeping with the spirit of things to Ho
around all day In a bathing suit and soak
MP the sunshine that after a while nobody
bothered about changing from bathing suit
to the customary wrappings.
Along about o'clock In the morning
there was no set hour because there were
no hard and fast rules in the colony and
everybody did as he pleased It waa time
to get up, climb Into surf togs and take a
plunge in the roller. After that break-
It was mighty seldom that anybody ap
peared In anything but a bathing- suit. If
a visitor happened to drop into camp all
done up In summer toggery he was about
a much of a curiosity a a man In a
bathing suit would be on Broadway. The
tent dwellers surrounded him, kidding him
gently, and If he or she hadn't brought
along a set of abbreviated clothes it was
easy to supply a suit Just to preserve the
sartorial harmony of things.
It wasn't long after the colony got
started until complexions were many
shades darker, for the good, strong sun
burned . itself Indelibly on faces, necks,
arm and legs that were exposed to it all
Brussels Rue. sZ9 f "7 C
IP ft. 6 in. x 9 ft. 1 la f S
This Is our celebrated Imperial Monarch Brus
sels Rug. It Is a full woven rug, made with
out miter sesms. It Is made of finest wors
teds, aniline dyed. Guaranteed for great dura
'I i i' 1 1 J " 1
1 -I "
. p JjjtfiTMAN fig
Brussels Rug,
size 9 x 12 ft.
Our TniDcrlal Monarch Hrussels Rug Is
tlonahly the blgtest rug value obtainable
180 Couches to be closed out at factory cost. Positively the greatest sacrifice of thoroughly
aepennanie coucnes in inn nisiory or umana. l'rices represent just aoour actum
cost to niRke. 24 couches upholstered in genuine leather up from 128.50. 49
couches upholstered In guaranteed Boston leather, up from 112. !Ti. 67 masslvn
and elegant couches upholstered in imported velour. clearance prices begin at.
Omaha. These are superior quality ruga.
of finest materials, without miter seams;
New Style.
Hotter Goods.
Lower Prlrea.
Terms: $10 Cash; 18.00 Month
Comblnarn Dresser Q75
and Toilet Table.... I
This article of furniture will
appeal to every woman. Made
of solid oak throughout, strong
ly constructed, serpentine front,
large bevel mirror and two
smaller ones, mirror frame
are of fancy shape. This dres
ser I exceedingly handsome in
every line.
This New Model
Mechanical rarts inclosed in
dust-proof case, nickeled parts
heavily plated, has autoinatlo
bobbin winder, new feed mo
tion operated on ball bearings,
double four-motion drop feed
stitch regulator, aelf setting
needle. Woodwork of solid gol
den oak, beautifully polished.
Complete with all accessories
and thoroughly guaranteed for
All Goods
; 4
I L. wjr 1 11
Special I AC
Table.. -
New Special
Exactly like cut, size of
top 16x16, decorated top,
shaped nds, shelf below,
heavy legs, quartered
oak or mahogany finish,
highly polished.
Exactly llko cut. New special
exclusive design, made entire
ly of quarter-wHwed oak. mam
moth French beveled oval pinto
mirror, full swelled front, hand
somely carved.
Magnificent Quarter C
Sawed Oak Rocker
This rocker is made of selected quarter-sawed onk,
of extremely handsome dcnlgn, with fancy whiipe
back, large carved front posts with carved heads and
claw feet. Has novel spindle aides, the spindles ex
tending from arm to runner. The seat is extra wide,
spacious and comfortable. This is positively the
greatest rocker value that was ever offered for your
Each Article
No Matter Uovv
Low the Price
Six-Hole Steel
Range !
Guaranteed for five years, complete with high
warming closet as shown In Illustration. This
steel range Is a marvel for the mon?y posi
tively the best ever sold at anywhere nenr
the price. H;is 6 large full size 8-lnch holes,
hus extra largo square oen, Is beautifully or
namented with nlckle trimmings.
leather your nest'
Special Kitchen
Above illustration Is an acurate pic
ture of the cabinet, it Is of superior
construction, mado of white maple,
large Inclosed apartment, double door,
2 bins, 2 clruwers and moulding board,
4 roomy drawers In top.
Jk H .H: ir ti H H I H M"4 l t tt
rainstorm or an extra high tide had flooded They went back to town with the appetite
tent floors and left a two-inch pool of water of truck drivers and ready to sail Into work
where shoea and trunk and playing card, Just for the love of doingomethlng a It
dishes and bottles and maybe inquisitive really should be done.
crab were swimming in company. That The colony had a social life all of It own,
1 .. r
day long. But that was part of the game
and, worth having, a any tent dweller
When wet weather came along, or a cool
evening, and dinner had to be eaten In
side the poky little tents, there wa some
crowding, but that simply made thing
more Joyful. With the board and oil stove
and dishes and things, there was Just
enough room left for leg and feet and
heads, and the rain, maybe, fell pitilessly
on other portions of bodies that couldn't
be crowded Inside.
It wasn't much fun, though, to wake up
In the morning and And that a roaring
didn't happen often, though, and beside
there waa always the chance of fishing for
ea food a one lay lastly in bed and cussed
the deluge.
But the best of it all, the tenter found,
was the good, clean, healthful, ane life.
Some who were member of the colony
went down to Rockaway early in the sum
mer thin, nervoua, fagged, physically and
mentally irritable and ready to anap at the
lightest excuse for affront.
They left after three or four week with
brain cleared, bodies strengthened and
ready to find a laugh In .every line of life.
rBr. Lyon's
Tooth Powder
Cleanses, preserves and
beautifies the teeth, and
Purifies the breath
A superiof dentifrice
(or people of tefitifuicnt
. EttaUUhea ta 1666 by '
mixing little with hotel boarder or visitor.
They had their own concert, their own
dinner parties, their own beach picnic and
their own port, and they got to know
each other beneath the skin. The thing
that tickled them most of all. perhaps, was
to have a supercilious visitor from one of
the hotel stroll among the tent, saying
quite audibly:
"It's funny that people would choose to
live like thla. BtufTy, uncomfortable little
tents, bathing suit all day, anta in the
soup not for me!"
That would make the tentera smile, al
though they wouldn't take the trouble to
argue about 1L They knew that they had
found the secret of good, clean living and
they pitied, perhaps, the folk that were too
dense to understand what it all mean.
A lundieon is more complete, an evening cull
more enjoyable by a bottle of Gold Top.
Pure barley malt, choicest grade bops, pure spring water,
combined by the most pertect brewer's art.
.Develops your appetite and your energy.
Promotes your comfort and health.
Produces profound and refreshing sleep.
Jelfer Brewing Company
Telephone No. 8, South Omaha
Omaha headquarters, Hugo F. Bilz, Uth ami
and Douglas, Tel. Doug, J5J2; Council Bluffs head
quarter, )e MitrbeU, 1018 Muiu St., Tel. 80.
Prise Beoaevelt Family.
Mr. and Mrs. John Bennett Harris of
Albion take the prise for the largest
Roosevelt family In the state of Iowa.
They have Juat twenty-three children. Alt
were born to one wife and none of them
1 twin or triplet.
"I guess, according to the statisticians, 1
would have had over half a million dollar
now if I hadn't any children," remarked
Harris, when the twenty-third wa born
the other day. 'They ay It take $S0.0U
to educate and bring up a child nowadays,
and I have brought all mine up and edu
cated them, too. Let's see, twenty-three at
$30,000 apiece; that would make somewhere
around M0O.000. wouldn't It? But I guess
the kids are worth it."
Harris is an Englishman and a miner.
He wa also in the English army and
served for nineteen year a a muaiclan.
We sell desksnot to dealers'but to youat
prices dealers themselves pay. We sell ten times
more desks than any other western dealer.
All the advantage to you in Yartety- style
economy. A better desk for lese money than
anywhere else.
Srevytalaf needed for the off toe
Farnam an4 10th St., Omaha
Telephone Douglae 141.
I orders filled, Bead tow catalogue.
We sell a thousand different Item made et
Rubber. Write for our cutalopu" of Kabbcf
Goods and ttt.M Medietas EZ.
t-ot. Fountain byriogu, 6uc, by jnull eoe
I-ut. Water Ha?. 6nc; by mail VSS
Good TruBats. ll.oo and
Rubber Uloves. 4lio to .1.00
Freight paid on f 10.00 Cash Order.
Corner 1Mb a&a Dodge bts.
Cornet let aad Xaraey.
It is presumption to say you
haven't a mind of your own.
yet, that Is what U practically
said to you when you afig for an
advertised article and ara offered
a subbtltute by a dUsr- Ha
would give you what you made up
your mind you wanted, but for
the fact that a substitute payg
him a larger percentage of profit.
Kuih a dealer a interest lies only
la making as much money out of
you as possible. The first-class
dealer would have given you
what you asked for, by that
course admitting that you had a
mind of your own and were capa
ble of exerrlHing it. Show the
substltutor that you have a tnlnd
of your own by getting WHAT
A ItlXG Fit EE
t will on to er.rr mdtr of thCe ptpar who will
send m Ibelr n.r and .ddSPM and 4 te lams e
bMUU'u! ai.Dt ring, wltb any Initial dlr4 and
f iaramaa ilia ring to wear I Mara. All I aK la
that run show ll to your Irlonda and tall ibem
aiut mr ppr. If rou waut ana of th'aa rtna
Juat aond ma yrur namo and addraaa and a tc ataiu
O. a. White, JX hld.a block, Kanaaa Cur. Mo
abacrlbe Hraslarlr for The Bee.