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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 8, 1907)
.HE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: SEPTEMBER 8, 1907. 9 REAL ESTATE CITT MOPF.RTT FOR 9 ALB (Continued. REAL ESTATE CITT PBOPKWTT FOR SAI.B (Continued.) REAL ESTATE CITT PROPERTY FOR SAI.l (Continued.) REAL ESTATE I REAL ESTATE CITY PROPERTY FOR t ALB. I CITY morCRTY rOlt tALR, Costlned. (Ooetlnoxi.1 REAL ESTATE FARM aaa RAXCH LAD9 FOR ft A LB (Continued.) REAL ESTATE LOANS (Continued.) r' I AUCTION SALE REAL ESTATE 20 Lots in Creighton Heights 10 Lots in- Institute Place SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1907, AT 2 P. M. ' ' ON THE GROUND Nice sightly lots, located between 43d and 45th streets, just north of the street car line to Krug Park and on the projected car line to the Deaf and Dumb Institute. Take Benson car to 45th street, then go north two blocks. All to be sold without reserve to the highest bidder. Terms, $10 down and $5 or $10 per month. Perfect titles. Abstracts given with each lot. A great opportunity to obtain a fine lot at your own price. Call or send to office during the week for plats showing lots to "be sold. REED BROS. 1710 Farnam St. 'Ph one Doug. 501 RESIDENCES -room house. Auburn Hill, east of Coun try club, on Lake St.. on block to car.' Almost new. 81, ISO. 2615 North 17th Ave., 7 rooms, partly modern, good condition. Clone to car line. H.WO. Terms. Three small houses. South Omaha, near 3 and mh St., always well rented. 31.M0. Two houses, each 4 rooms. South Omaha, 1 B and 29th St. Will pay 13 per cent on Investment of 31.2S0. 1Mb. and Webster, two houses, 6 and 10 rooms. Renting for 348 a month. Large lot. This Is a good Investment, which we should be pleased for you to Investigate. VACANT LOTS A rood building lot on 27th St., east of Hanscom Park. The owner Instructs us to sell at once and has listed It for $100 less than three years ago. Price only 1660. A large building situate on corner, Auburn Hill overlooking Country club. A most desirable location. Call at our office and Investigate this. Lots at one-tenth down and 60 cents per week. Lots In various parts of the city, near Tort Omaha, near Fontanelle Park, to. All good building lots. Prices from 170 up. No taxes and no Interest for two years. Suitable for Chicken, Fruit, Etc. In Edgewood Park, near Boulevard and ?ut-Off lake. About eleven acreage tracts, fertile, sandy, dry. Only 1195 per tract Easy terms. Real Estate Title-Trust Co. CHARLES E. WILLIAMSON. President. 'J. 8. Nat l. Bldg. 1301 Farnam St. Office open Monday evenings, 7:00 to 9:00. (19)- Keystone Park For Country Homes You can buy three or four acres here for the same price that a bo-foot lot In the cKy costs. Wouldn't you enjoy a home In the country, where you could have an acre or two oi your own which you could cultivate or beautify as you choose. k home which your friends would consider a treat to visit, away from the crowded city. Here your children can have plenty of frenh air. sunshine and exercise to de velop a foundation for health. These are Just a few suggestive arguments which may lead you to Investigate Key stone Paik. Better see us before It Is all sold. 50 tracts have been - sold only 40 tracts u-:ft. Bend tor plat showing sales to date. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO. First Floor N. Y. Life Building, and D. V. SIIOLES CO. First Floor Board of Trade Building. 19)-28 t CHEAP 12 ACRES IMPROVED Good 5-room house, with barn, granary, ."hlcken house. 125 hearii.g fruit trees, 1 acres in grapes, acre irswierrit-s, acr blackberries, also red raspberries. cl lant, gooseberries, currants, etc.; one acre n alfalfa; also youny trees that will soon ome Into bearing. Tn.n iH'antiful place lea about He miles north of Florence, on ihe main road. BIRKETT & TEBBINS CI Bee Bldg. 'Phone Douglas 4751. (19)- W ANTED IMMEDIATELY l man with good references 'and 11.000 to purchase an elegant e-room. strictly mod ern house In one of the best resident dls $ tricts of Council Bluffs, close to school. If not sold by September l& will rent tor SJk per month. Full cellar, S closets, eiec trto light, gas and furnace. Don't fail to let us show yon this. Price only R&00. Benjamin Real Estate Co., VS-i Neville Blk. ith and Harney. 'Phone Doug. 7332. ' (m-Msm t Attention Builders BUT the B. E. corner Id and Manderson. V il to. I fronts, divided Into 4-36-foot lots, fouling P75 ch; erect modern COT-rAiit-iS thereon. Will readily at a handsome profit. DON T it appeal to you hl wayT J. H. JOHNSON. (43 N. T. Ufa il-313 tx PLEASANT home or good Investment-groom all modern house, laundry, corner let. good location, also vacant lot ad nlr.a. (AH Woolwortb Ave. 1S-813 9s ACRE PROPERTY 10 acres and fine Improvements. Shade and fruit trees, near city, must be sold soon, good reason for selling. Caa be bought right. A snap if taken soon for cash; 6 acres, very close and convenient to cars. Investi gate. 5 acres northwest, on top beautiful hlU, car only one-half mile, 32,500. t acres and 8-room cottage, near Benson, 2.500. 10 acres In fruit. West Dodge, 33.8(0. 10 acres In fruit. West Leavenworth. 13,500. These are samples. I have many others. CITY PROPERTY 8-room cottage, corner lot. north part of town, 31,600. Lois near new car extension, 42d and Grand, 136 each. SOUTH DUNDEE Acres or lots In this swell locality. Buy now, prices will never be as low again. FARMS I have some fine Douglas county farms for sale. Let me drive you out and in spect them. EXCHANGES Splendid full lot near high school to trade for acre property. Also some cottages to exchange for acre property. A large lot and house In South Brooklyn, N. Y., for western landa for Omaha real estate. S. ARION LEWIS Acre Specialist. m New Tork Life. U9- J. II. DUMONT & SON BEAUTIFUL WEST FARNAM HOME Modern in every respect. Including two servants' rooms, servants' bath, etc.; finished in quarter-sawed oak, with oak floors first story; polished floors through out; large living room and hall combined; east front lot, pavement, permanent walks and private driveway. This is a very desirable home, almost new. In the choicest residence 'district of Omaha. Price 9.0X; half cash. J. II. DUMONT & SON 1606 Farnam St. COZY HOMES, MODERN All of these are nearly new, well built, modern except heat: ' H. 500 S-room cottage, nice neighborhood, M block from car, permanent walk; rental 32S a month; reasonable. 32,600 Florence boulevard, near Mander son. east front, (-room house, room for another front; good neighbors. 12,700 All new. never occupied, move right in; reasonable. Terms cannot be dupli cated. GEORGE G. WALLACE, Brown Blk, M-104 T BARGAINS. SO acres. 11 miles northwest. Improved. P.SOO. lSu acres, Burt county. Improved, I12,io. ,Vxl24. east, 3116 Franklin, 3r"0. 33x157, east front. 8. 14th. 3w). SnxHO, 8. 16th St.. 31. &U. Nmr 51st 8nd Davenport. fr'xUM, 31 . 311! Hslf Webster, t houses. tl.3M. 33x142. south front, close in, 31. tn Vinton. 4 rooms, 3vxll2. t.M. Z731 Davenport, 7 rooms, 32.WO. 2sla l:.s, t-2fl rental. 3i.30. 1 rooms, modern, near 2vth and Grace, 33.4u. Ilixll4, northeast corner iih and Webster, M.SoO. Three stores and flats. 3900 rental. K.bJO. Near High Btliool. 340 rental. 37.00. ltixlJO teet, corner, within six blocks of poeU'fUce, 3o.&CU. Five brick stores. ILfrO rental, fl2.V). North et corner 14lh and Dodge. 44xfiO feet, 3-story and basement, brick, 323,M. J. N. FRENZER, OPP. OLD P. O. tli-320 I FORCED TO SELL Near 34th and Parker streets. 2-siory house, modern except hrat; t rooms and bath, electric and gas light; house only ) y. ars old and in perfect shspe; beautiful lot. owner leaving for California and very anxious to sell. Price, &. but any rea sonable offur will be considered. BERKA & CO. 'Phone Doug. T4T. 338 N. T. Life. 0 MUST HAVE MONEY So must sell a nice 6-room bouse at a great sacrifice, house has city water, cis tern, sewer and gaa. ust been painted and papered throughout and is all in ft rat class condition; barn and roal shed. Fast front en ICth Ave., near Burdette Bu Price, 31.750; 3 cash and 3-2 per month. This is the biics,rt bargain I have ever had to offer you. BEB IT. Then ee. J. V. RASP CO. 436 Paxton Blk., Douglas 1CJ o- n DEOATX'R ST. A 4-room cottage, gaa. city water, sewer, ehsde trees, tot xl27; cn make terms. Turrell A Co., room IT. Patterson bldg. Tel. Douglas 11 3L ti;-iU I BEM1S I-room, all modern home on Manderson, near 2th; first floor finished In oak; brick and cement cellsr under whole house; euth-front lot. itcI; private driven sy, paved street, cement walks, fruit of all kinds. Pric. U.M. 7-rocm, all modern house on 4"th, near Izard; east-front lot, on paved street; cak flors and finish. Fine place. Price, 84.5UO. -room home on Bo. 24th, near St. Mary's Ave., built t years so, modern In every renpect, hard-wood finish. Close-in home for 84.6iO. Two 6-room cottares at 210 and 2311 So. lth. renting for 3. We will submit any reasonable offer this week. Cottages on Easy Terms. tl.joo IJO cash, 4-room cottage, north. tl.frO 1 cash, t rooms, S2d and Burdette. H."-.0 cash, 3610 Blondo. Il.n 0 cash, near 3Tm and Burdette, liStO-l'"") caMi, K-roora house, north. 34,im (JuO cash, 10 rooms, close In. VACANT 83,500 131130, N. W. corner 24th and Bur dette. $1.404 lots, JoOxlSO, 4Tth and Franklin. Il.iuo 117x147, th and Fort H."-s 4hl;, on Bo. i4th, near Vinton. $ iv 9-xloo, on Eo. 2th, near Shirley. Im 6"x75, south front, on Poppleton, near 117th. t 900 Mxlf5. east front, on Bo. 10th, near Bancroft. t "00 Full east-front lot on paved street. 34th and Francla. I 60 Ta-tt. frontage on No. 24th, near Hlmebaugh Ave. 460 4"xl24. east front, on SStH. Dear Blondo. t 400-Full lot on Fort, near 27th. Lots south of Miller Park. 31u0 to 3300 each; 35 and 35 per month. BEMIS 'Phone Doug.' 6S6. Paxton Block. (1)- Payne Investment Co. Main Floor X. Y. Life Building Douglas 1781 3 850 Small cottsse and two lots near 38th and Fort Sts. $1,000 Near the new street ear bam. 1 acre and small house, at 7th and Arbor. 31,900 New 6-room cottage, with good barn, near S4th and Blondo; corner lot and but one block to car. Easy terms. 32.0UO 7 room, full 2-story house, with gas, city water and sewer, finished In hard pine; cemented cellar, paved street and cement sidewalks; two blocks from two car lines. Terms, 12f) cash, balance IZZ monthly, to re sponsible party. 32,600 6-room cottage, modern, furnace, on Bouth 12th St.. 10 blocks from depot. Terms. $400 cash. balance U3 monthly. $3.000 8-room home on Mason St., east of 24th. Well arranged and in splendid condition. Reasonable terms. $5,000 At 33d and Poppleton. 8-room, mod ern house; comer lot and both streets paved. VACANT $ 3.V-J lota at 48th and Pierce, south front. $ 800 South-front corner at 28th and Miami, $ 800 3UX150. 28th and California, south ironi, pavea street. $1,600 -xloo,' 29th and Shirley, paved and on car. ACRES CERTAINLY Keystone Parkthe liveliest spot on earth, the home of beauty and the abode of bliss. THINK OF IT-652 acres In the tract, 6 miles of splendid boulevards, thou sands of beautiful trees, over two thirds now sold. The beet invest ment you can make. Tracts 1 to 20 acres each $176 to 3375 per acre. Let us take you out In an automobile. ' PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., First Floor N. T. Life Bldg. Douglas 178L (19) Cheapest Corner in West Farnam District If sold at once, I4.J00 will buy the southeast corner of 86th and Dewey Ave., 64x138 feet; $2,500 cash, bal ance long time at 5 per cent Inter est. This la certainly a snap. J. II. DUMONT & SON 1605 Farnam St. (19) NEW RESIDENCE This Is an 8-room strictly .modern home, best material and Al workmanship; must be" sold at once and will be Bold at a genuine bargain. LOCATION; 31st St., a UtUe eouth of Cass. Immediate possession and about $1,600 cash required. Rylander & Simonson N. T. LIFE. 13-3S2 3 MAKE AN OFFER THIS WEEK H Ersklne street, -room cottage, water, gas and elec trio light, large lot, cement walka, fruit and shade trees. .Can be. bought at a sacrifice If sold at once. Terms ar ranged to suit you. R. II. LANDERYOU TeL Doug. 215L 443 Board of Trade. cm FRUIT FARM CLOSE IN Ten acres at 45th and Fow ler Ave.; gond buildings, all kinds of fruit. This is an ideal place; walking distance of car line; high and sightly. PAYNE, BOSTWICK & CO, Main Floor. N. T. Life Bldg. (19)- NOr.TH-SIDE HOME A HARE OPPORTUNITY. 3J.30O-2S17 North lfcth St. Rooms. Lot 4S12S. If anyone wishes, a very comfortable home fcr his family, with all conveniences near school and two car linea, not new" but In perfect condition, he can get It for about one-thtrd the or'glnal cost, or what il would cost now to build, and not over nne-i.alf Its present actual value; new plumbing throughout ; never used; furnace and barn; excellent neighborhood; terms OA?'. HALL DISTRIBUTOR CO.. 311 Flist Natl. Bank Bldg. 'Phone Red .. W F1NTCNF.Y ST. A 3-room house, entirely modem. lot 6oli4. facing park; owner left city and anxious to sell, we can sell this place right; see us for jrice and terms. Turrell A Co room 1.. Patterson bldg.. Tel. Douglas H- (1-M147 J FOR SALE By owner, 10-room cottage, all modern except furnace, one block east of Park car. for UI'j; one payment down, the reet la monthly pay mania. 17Df 4L 2U tU. 0 BUY ONE OF THESE HOMES At 33d and Harney, I am building several very handsome resi dences. Some of them are now completed. Only the very best of material used, and utmost care taken with every detail. This is your opportunity to get the benefit of wholesale prices on ground and material. Houses finished in oak and birch, hot-water heat. Bath rooms have tile floors, medicine closets with bevel mirrors and side-lights. Fine light basements, with laundry and furnace rooms; up-to-date lighting fixtures. If you are not in the market for a home, buy for investment These houses will rent for $540 to $840 per annum each. Don't you think it will pay you to see this property! ERNEST SWEET NO. 613 N. W. H. GATES Room 617 New York Life Bldg. Thone Douglas 1294. $1,350 Five room cottage on Ohio, Just east of 30th; sewer, water and electric light; south front; lot 60x127; a very cheap place for the money. $1,800 Six-room cottage on 25th and Spencer, with large barn; lot 66x134; shade trees; a well lo cated piece of property..- $2,500 Seven-room, two-story house at 2 524 Patrick Ave.; modern except furnace; south front lot 60x134. $3,250 Six-room new modern house,' with hot water heat, on south front lot near 2 4th and Blnney. $3,600 Eight-room new modern house, with hot water heat, on south front lot, 40x134. Good location. $4,200 Seven-room new modern up-to-date house; hard wood fin ish, maple floors; an ideal home; near 80th and Burt; east front lot 50x100. $4,500 Eight-room new modern np-to-date home at 2006 Maple, near boulevard; south front lot 40x122; on paved street; a good barn. 33x140 on the Boulevard near Grace, lays up nice; can be bought at a very low figure within the next few days. ' on- Beautiful Suburban Home. One acre, with rood 8-room cottage, fur nrce, gas, large barn, cow yard, chicken house and yard, more fruit of every kind than owner needs, large and fertile garden plot, beautiful shade trees, magnificent view of city and Iowa bluffs, fine neigh borhood, one block from car. Well worth the price, 33.S0O. G. G. WALLACE Brown Block. M-105 7 WILT WILL YOU TRADE i For a vacant lot at list and Dorcas? I will pay difference !n cash. 0. C. OLSEN 101 Bouth Kth St. ()- .HERE IS YOUR CHANCE a (-room cottage: haa water and gas; corner lot; with barn, etc. This property Is In good repair and well located. Price for quick sale Is ll,95o; small payment duwn. balance 32u per month. W. S. FRANK, 'Phone Doug. JflOO. 321 Neville Blk. (lSl-MfcO t BENSON REAL ESTATE. F. S. Trulllnger, Telephone Benson 2281. (lS)-M3f.J A Dandy Home 8-room modern cottage, eicent furnace, excellent condition, lMh and Clark; walking distance from P. O. ; possibly Just what you want, (or fc.aOO- J. H. JOHNSON. Mi N. T. Life. (li-jU x FOR SALE-Twu houses, modern except furnace, renting 340 per month; room (or three other houses 34.edU one block from 14th. 61. car line North Omaha. CHARLES E. SMITH. : Bee Bldg. 'Phone Doug. 336T. (1)-MU4 x BARGAIN IN HOME DESIRABLE LOCATION. Large r-story -room moaern bouse, barn, permanent sidewalks, newly painted, to luol lot, near 24th and Maple, t-,7i), W. O. BHRIVER, Real Estate. Luans. Insurance, Rentals, lX New York Life tk) IUJ-33I 3 1501-16C3 & 3th Bt , corner lot 30x141 feet; twe cottages; rent 33i per month; room for two more coltaaea or fiats, Easy terina. THOMAS BRENNAN, Room 1. New York Life Bldg. 'Phone Douglas UaL !4 LOT In Halcyon Heights. Benson, lying well, close to rsr line. HI minutes' riae to Omaha Will sell altogether or in bunches of Ave. For prices and terms ad dress H 4i care Bee. (1 1(7 LIST your property with Chis Boyer, Bd and Cuming 8 La. (Li 254 REAL ESTATE TITLE - TRUST r C CHAB. -U WIlXJAkiaON, Jtm VU. - Y. L. BLDG. (ID KOUNTZE PARK HOME Choice 3-room cottage with very large attic, room for I rooms, house now being com pleted; niodern In every re spect. 160 feet from Kounts park; east front. No. 1713 No. Sst street, See It at once. Price and terms are right. R, IL LANDERYOU Tel. Doug. SSL 442 Board of Trade. C- IN VESTMENT Three houses on car line, near Bemls Park, bringing an Income of 337 per month; all In good shape, lying on fine high ground, with splendid surroundings, for sale at 33.SO0 on reasonable terms. We have handled these houses for the last four or five years and they are never vacant. This Is a first-class proposition for anyone looking for Investment property. Come In and let us show It. PAYNE, BOSTWICK & CO., Main Floor, N. T. Life Bldg. (1)-M1S T HEALTHFUL ALTITUDE Modern five-room cottage, now building, n Capitol avenue. Lot Is S3 feet abovo post office site. Ready September 30. Prloe 32. BOO. Extremely easy terms to the right party. C. 8. SHEPARD. Owner. Tel. 3613, Webster. O3)-M960 Tx BIG BARGAINS (-room modern house except furnace, nice barn, full lot. list street, near park, SouUt Omaha; house must be sold In few oar a. MKLCHOIR LEIS SON. Phone Douglas 36C6. 0-834 PRETTT HOMES. 34,000 10-room house, all modern. 10 blocks to court house, one to car. 31.300 S-room house, In good repair. N. FENOER, OS N. T. Ufa Bldg. Tel. Red ?17. 09-3Sl t 7-ROOM modem cottage. West Farnam St.; beautifully finished Interior wood work. M-foot lot. good, shade, good barn. r or particulars address C 172, Omahi Bee. (1-17 IX A BARGAIN. 10-room house, modern, finest location In city, barn, laundry and cistern; owner going west; easy tertna MR& GARDNER. 4013 Cuming St, OSJ-130 t WATCH the CO-OPERATIVE opportunities. (l)-13o REAL ESTATE FARM AND RAXCH LAXD FOR (ALE. (fellfarmlaw CALIFORNIA IRRIGATED LAND Valu able information for homeeeekera. Bulle tin issued by National Irrigation congress on the great Sacramento valley mailed free. Drop postal to Chas. F. O'Brien, Dept. lit, 1107 Post BU, San Francisco, CaL (30) CALIFORNIA Come to the GREAT SA CRAMENTO VALLEY for a home or In vestment. Write us and learn about Its unrivaled products, soli and climate. Pa cific Coast Investment Company, Sacra mento, CaL (30) 285 8x HOME8EEKER8 will learn of the rlchrat soil and finest opportunities by sending 4 cents postage to the Chamber of Com merce, Stockton. Cal. (30) 301 4x Celereae. FOR SALE Improved ranch of 180 acres In Ban Luis valley, all cultivated, hog tight fence, small bouse and bars, reservoir, artesian well. Price. 327.30 per acre; one third down. The Pond Realty and Loan Co., Colorado Springs, Colo. (20) FOR SALE San Luis valley ranch of 100 acres, partly Improved, full water right. A bargain at 317.40 per acre. One good crop often pays for land. The Pond Realty and Loan Co., Colorado Springs Colo. ly))! lows. 3-ACRE PLACE. Council Bluffs, 1 mile from car line and city school, all In bearing fruit, good 3 room house, large barn, very sightly loca tion, with long view up and down a beau tiful valley, overlooking 2 lines of railroad entering the city. Death In owner's family makes it necessary to sell. Price Is cut from HihO to U,5j0. H. G. McOEE. 14 Pearl St., Council Bluffs () 3X7 t FOR SALS Improved 30-aere farm, Wood bury Co., la., all fenced, small houae stable, well, windmill, tank, orchard, fruit; a nice home: cheap. H. I. Hrown 300 4th St.. Sioux City. la. OP)-MgT8 3x THE two cheapest Improved farms In Iowa O acres, one mile from Cherokee, 3h5 easy terms; 1 acres, one mile from' Larabee, 36; 36.000 rash; write for de scription. Address Y 182. care Bee ( M9il 12 FINE 30-ACRB FARM. About 4 miles from Council Bluffs post office on main road, all level to city; good bouse, barns, orchard and amsll fruit, 14 seres timber, bslance In cultlvstlon; build ings stand on one of the prettiest sites to be found anywhere. Price. 3v,Q0O. H. G. McOEE. 14 Pearl St.. Council Bluffs. (30)-3S laalaa Territory. tuesdayTsept. 17. OVR NEXT EXCTMIOV TO SEE THOSE FINE INDIAN TERRITORY LAST GO WITH LJ. WRITS FOR PARTICU LARS. THE PUTNAM CO. M N. T. Urn OMAHA. WANTED Axents fo represent us In the sale of our Kansas lands. Write fcr par ticulars. Globe Land and Investment Co , Omaha. Neb. (Vt a Nebraska. PAWNEE COUNTY, NEB. ?H acres of fine land. 1H miles from Pawnee City; well Improved. good buildings, everything In first-class shape. Price, SIX per acre. PAYNE, BOSTWICK & CO., Main Floor, N. T. Life Bldg. ( W have for sale over 3.0"0 acres of flrst class farm Isnd In Douglas. Washington and Sarpy counties. Nebraska, some of which we can exchange for city property. We also have a large list of (rood farm land In western Nebraska at 3B per acre and up. M 'MENEM Y & RIKER 403 Bee Bldg., Tel. Doug Sll (J0 FIRST-CLASS Nebraska farms and ranches lor homes or Investment. Bemls. Omaha. tJ0 FOR SALE. Half section. Improved land, eight miles northwest of O'Neill, In German commun ity; good rich soli. Price, 3C5 per acre; easy terms. C. F. McKENNA. O'Neill. Neb. (30-M343 14 BIT NOW Northeastern Nebraska and South Dakota farms. In German Luth eran and Catholic settlements. Write Charles B. Wilson, Mondamln, la. (&)-M92 6x GREAT BARGAIN We have for sale at 340 per acre, an Im proved farm In Douglas county, Neb., M 'MENEM Y & RIKER 403 Bee Bldg., Tel. Doug. 613. t3n . A SNAP for 30 days 19)-acre fsrm, 33,600. 3. T. CAMPBELL, Litchfield, Neb. U0)-Myi9 7 FOR SALB 20 acre of com. oats and hog land In Boyd countv. Nebraska. 34U acre. Write to Frank Pokorny. R. No. 3, Spencer, Neb. (20) M89 Jx ALFALFA LAND In the famoua REPfBLICAN VALLEY. From 3 to 31'0 Per Acre. Two soldiers' sections (adjoining), good ones; center of state, id each. Western lands at 36, 310 and $16 per acre. Will be at the Omaha Young Men's Chris tian association next week. N. P. KLOWGARD, RED CLOI D.' NEB. (20) 248 Sx FOR SALE. Hay farm, 24" acres, four miles south of O'Neill; well Improved; will cut 3no tons of first quality hay. Price 3l& per acre. This ts a snap. C. F. McKENNA, O'Neill. Netv (M) M344 14 Bt'Y NOW Northeastern Nebrsska and South Dakota farms In German Lutheran and Catholic settlements. Write Charles B. Wilson, Mondamln, la. (2Ti) gx FOR SALE 23 acrea, loins town of Ash land, Neb.. 3 acres pasture, balance farm land. Good 8-room house, barn and other Improvements. Some fruit. D. B. Service, Ashland. Neb. (30) 265 8x FOR BALK. ISO acres unimproved land, four and one half miles northeast of O'Neill: lays nice and level; good soil; In thickly settled community. Price 31S per acre. C. F. McKENNA. O'Neill. Neb. ()-M342 FOR 8ALE cares level land In Kim ball county, 37 per acre; 32,000 ensh; 31.00 each year at per cent. J. W. Dally. 0ner, 862 North 26th street, Lincoln, IJU) M4dU 14X 30 ACRES, unimproved, near Florence; fine grove, balance farm land: easy terms. A. T. Beybolt, 3633 Grand Ave. 'Phone Webster 1370. (20) M360 Soath Dakota. OUT THEY GO. You can always find good rich wheat land and Just the kind of a stock farm you want by selecting from our lOO.ono-acre tract In the famous Hettinger county. North Dakota. Go out and see It. Look us up. William H. Brown Co., Rlchardton or Mandsn or Mott, North Dakota, or 131 Lasalle St., Chicago, III. (20) M3S3 27 A BARGAIN In South Dakota land; 320 acres in Sulley county, every acre till "able; will be sold for less than actual value if taken at once. Dr. R. D. Mason, tOO Brown block. (20) ttt Texas. RECEIVER'S SALE October 1st, 1907. at Richmond. Fort Bend County. Texss, the sssets of Brasoria Irrigation Company, comprising complete rice Irrigation plant, houses, etc.. 17.500 acres of first-class rice and farming lands, croased by four railroads and within short distance of the cities of Houston and Gal veston, Tex Inaulre of MARION DOUGLAS, Receiver, Galveston, Texas. C0 THE campaign is on again for Texas landa During the summer months we have laid up, although other land com panies have been taking thousands of people Into Texas. September 1 we will commence to run our regular weekly ex cursions and want a bunch of "live" agents. We would like to arrange tor good, live firms to take the state agency for us In lows. Illinois, Indians, Kan sas. Nebraska and Missouri. We have a very attractive proposition for hustling land men. We have good equipment, good land, prices are right, commis sion liberal. Write us for our advertis ing matter and furthur particulars. Now is the time. Texas and Southwest Colo nization, Cor. Third and Nicollet. Mln neapolta. Minn. (20) TEXAS LAND. Just secured. 100. !' acres of land In Matagorda county. Texss. where two crops a year rsn be raised without Irrigation: jfifteen miles from gulf; climate temperate ana neanny. eoia on easy payments at prices that will double within a year. Next excursion Tuesday. September 17. Call or addreaa: Texas Land and Immi gration Co., IH) Bee Bldg. (30 U33 Mleeellaaeoas. CHEAP land Jacobson A Co., MS N T, L (20)-M4 FOR SALE Get a homestead on United States government land before the good land Is all taken. Mure than six hun dred millions of acres of V. 8. govern ment land. Including agricultural, timber, grazing, mineral, oil, coal, stone, moun tainous, desert, arid. Irrigated, swampy, etc., located In twenty-five states and ter ritories. Briefly described by counties In bonk eontslning over ) pages, with full information of how to secure lends from the government under homestesd law and by purchase. Mailed postpsld for 11. Ad dress P. G. O'Hara, Box 117, Bloomlngton. Ill (2")-M6S 7x REAL ESTATE FOR RENT Parse aad Raaek Lead, FOR RENT Farm of about 960 acres, sixty . miles from Omaha and four miles from railroad town: about 1(0 acres plow land, remainder pasture: good place to raise stock; will rent pasture for rash and plow land on shares . will sell very reasonable If I find buyer before renting. W. Haffke. 3310 T fct , South Omaha. (ni-Jrf 6 10 REAL ESTATE LOANS LOWEST RATES Bemls. Paxton Block. (a)-3oi WANTED City loan. R. C. Peters tt Co. . (g)-303 LOANS on Improved city property. W. H. Thomas, tot Fust National bank Bldg. WE HAVE $15,000 TO LOAN on downtown security or Dong las county farms. W. FarnamSmith& Co, 1320 Farnam Street (TV- 31.00r.000 TO LOAN on business and rest- dence property In Omaha; lowest rates; no delsy. Thomas Brennan, Room 1 N. Y. Life. (r-30 VNION LOAN INVEST. Co., 810 Be Loans on Real Estate. Bldg . Buy 1st and 2d mtgee. 'Phone Dong M! (i2 MIS Oct WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith at Co., 1320 Farnam St. 2)-M MONEY TO LOAN Get our rates and terms before arranging for a loan on Omaha real estate. GARVIN BROS., 1604 Farnanj I CL2)- 3600 TO 360,010 TO IX)AN at lowest rates; no delay. GARVIN BROS.. 1J6 Farnam. (22) 307 PRIVATE MONEY F. D. Wead, 15 Doug. (2)-30 3M.00O PRIVATE money to loan; no delay J. H. Sherwood. 327 N. Y. L. Bldg. (22)-M403 21 3Jno AND 3.VX) private money to loan t.1 Omaha real estate. W. L. Belby. 444 Board of Trade Bldg. (22) M101 8 MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment Co. (22) 30 LOAN8 on Improved Omaha property. O Keefe R. E. Co.. 1001 N. Y. Life Bid (22)- REAL ESTATE WANTED WANTED To buy, about 10 acres neat small town In eaatern Nebraska. Addresi L-14 Bee. C3)-M3M lfrx . WANTEDTO BORROW WANTED TO BORROW 31.000 to enlarge a good paying business with privilege to reduce loan yearly. Ad dress W 775. Bee. (24) 1 WANTED TO BUY WANTED To buy second-hand furniture, cook and heating stoves, carpets, lino leums, . office furniture, old clothes and shoes, pianos, feathers bed pillows, qullta and all kinds of tools; or will buy the furniture of your house complete. Tbe highest prices paid. Call the right man. Tel. Douglas S37L (26)-M36S aU7 CASH paid for second-hand clothing, shoes, etc 308 No. lflh SU Tel. Red 332S. (25) 21s CASH psld for old books. Crane-Foye CoM 313 S. 14th. 'Phone Douglas 1321. (26) 310 WANTED To buy. 20 shares or any part Nebraska Telephone stock. Let us have lowest figures. Address Y-23 Bee. () M903 12x WANTED A stock of hardware and Im plements; location not material. O P. Short. Missouri Valley. la. (2SI-M&21 WANTED A light delivery wagon. U Pet erson. 1921 Clark St. Tel. Webster 3KM. (2i)-110 8 WANTED High wheel run-about. Must be In good condition and a good make. Address G 210, care of Bee, naming price. (26) 30 8 WANTED Small motor, or would buy second-hand electric fan; will pay caah. Addresa N 216. rare Bee. (Jf M3S 10 WANTED TO RENT WANTED By man and wife, an exclualve apartment or four desirable rooms la good location for housekeeping. Tele phone Harney 2627. (20-MS12 7s GENTLEMAN and wife desire first-clsss board and room with strictly private American family; give particulars. Ad dress II 110. care Bee. (36) M98S tx IF you have rooms for rent call Smith t Linton, McCague Bldg., Doug. 65. (26) MM 12x WANTED By young woman, room and board in private family, where there are a few other boarders. Address G 103, care Bee. t26) 8 s WANTED To rent desk and desk room In roomy office; will buy desk (If for sale) if price is right. Address P. o. Box it. (2-M127 7x BOARD AND ROOM wanted In private family, walking distance. Tel. Douglas 78. (W M146 tx WANTED One or two rooms with board in private family by man and wife, or apartment, suitable for housekeeping. In good location. Address M 3e, rare Bee. 2t lw x WAN TEDBy a lad y. board arid room: front room with alcove; must be In good location; reference. Address H 34. car Bee. (24) M23 11a , WANTED By man and wife, two or three unfurnished modern rooms, heat and bath; must be desirable locality. Addresa P 100, Bee. (2T)-302 sx WANTED Board and room with private family, for two, In desirable location. Ad dress D 173, Bee. (26) 300 8s . : 7 is- "1 WANTED SITUATION WANTED Position at hotel manager or steward, thoroughly competent and ex perienced. Address G. R. K., 2018 Daven port, or phone Douglas MOO. (Z7 3&0 8 WANTED Position as assistant cashier; four years' experience; Al references. Bog 377, Wayne, Neb. MiU tx WANTED Three to six months' position by young man experienced n both city and country banking; can furnish best of reierences ami expect good salary. K. A. racaaro, iuiii, c. u. U'7)-Mfi Tx WANTED By a man with 1 years' ex perience a position as bridge foreman on trestle and repair work; can give refer ences. Addresa F lvJB, car Bee. (27)-M31 T JaPANESE BOY. 17 years old. going to school, wlsbee position in private family before and after school. Address K 112. Bee. (27 383 10s POSITION wanted by stenographer; a be ginner; can assist with bock work; refer encee. Address 4734 North SMh St. (2T-MS7 Ix POSITION wanted as cashier tn email bank or asuistsnt in large bank, by young mar ried man with four years' experience- Al bsnk man. Address box A. Wilder. Minn. (27-MV7t lis MAN and wife wants place to work farm, garden or greenhouse; beet refer ence. Address M. L, care Gen'l Delivery. Omaha Puaiofflca, t27 11J te