Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 08, 1907, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 2, Image 10
TI1E OMAHA SUNDAY REE: REFTEMBEft 8, 1H07. SOCIETY LOOKING AHEAD Zorse Show and Ak-Sar-Ben Ball Begin Claiming Attention. HAPPY HOLLOW PLANS MTJSICALE laurke-Kloke Wedding Party ( V.nimr Merrr Rss)4 of QlTa lallowr Affairs TkU Wesk. Glrlat Olrlst "He thinks I'm ths sweetest of girl In town, Pays my beauty hss falrlf upset nlm. I la think I'm as alrjr as peach-blown down, And hs now wants to call; shall I let hlmV "Well, dear." said her friend, "If you'rs really wise." Her arm In her bosom rhum's linking, "And would still remain such In his fer vent eyes, I would let him continue his thinking. The Listener. Tfc SocUl Calendar. IUESDAY Mrs. Raymond Welch, lunch on at Country club for Mrs. W. R, Kel ly; Miss Adele Mc.Hueh and Miss Iulse Peck, tally ho party for Kloke-Clarke wedding party; Mrs. W. L,. ttelhy, luncheon at Happy Hollow club; Mrs. T. J. Nolan, luncheon at Happy Hollow club; musical and tsble d'hote dinner at Happy Hollow club; Mrs. Elisabeth Colfsx, luncheon at Happy Hollow club. WEDNESDAY Edminton-Whltmore wed ding; Frlck-Bruening wedding; M". N. F. Marrlman and Mrs. Arthur Fetters, bridge luncheon at Field club for Miss Blanche Howland; ladles' day at Coun try and Field clubs; table d'hote dinner and dance at Field club; Miss Hortenie Clarke, luncheon at Country club for Miss Mona Kloke; Pr. and Mrs. Ewlng Brown, dinner at Field club for Miss Mona Kloke and Mr. Lou Clarke; Mrs. W. J. Connell, luncheon at Country club. THURSDAY Ladles' day at Happy Hol low; Miss Jean Cudahy and Miss Bess Baum, dinner at Omaha club and theater party at Boyd's for Kloke Clarke wedding party; Mrs. E. A. Ben son, luncheon at Happy Hollow. FRIDAY Miss Anna Covell, card party for Miss Blanche Howland; ushers of Kloke-Clarke wedding party, dinner and dance at Country club; Miss Bessie Brady, Original Bridge club. SATURDAY Dinner and dance at Coun try, Happy Hollow and Field clubs; Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Kloke, dinner for Kloke-Clarke bridal party at Country club. The Ak-Sar-Ben ball and horse show are beginning to loom up on the autumn cal endar and society is beginning to consider bow It shall be gowned, who Is to be quoen and whether a box is greatly pre ferable to "seats." From every quarter Where fancy or facilities could take thorn people are hurrying home to shake their furs and winter cloths free of moth balls j and make ready for the more formal sea son which will open with the two conspic uous functions of the year. If there has been any doubt that Omaha women will do their part to mako these two autumn vents a success, a glimpse at the order books of some of the local modistes and at the check books of certain prominent society leader would dispel It. It Is certain, .however, that unless the ball committee Improves upon Its methods of the past two years and extends Its In vitations to the' ladles of the court and la dles In waiting at least a week before the night of the coronation the out-of-town attendance at that ceremony will be ma terially smaller than It has been In past years. ' , . .1 At the Coantrr Clab. The Country, Happy Hollow and Field clube are always conspicuous on Saturdays as the table d'hote dinner, followed by a dance, never falls to bring out large crowds. Complimentary to Mr. George Van Brunt of Council Bluffs, Mr. Stanley Ineson of Onsonis, Conn., and Mr. Denlse Bsrkalow, who were class mates at Yale, Mrs. S. D. Barkalow entertained Miss Bess Congdon, Miss Nathalie Merriam, Miss Haxel Con nell, Miss Edna Keeltne, Miss Helen Davis, Miss Bess Baum, Miss Louise Peck, Miss Adcle McHugh, Miss Nannie Page, Miss Jean Cudahy, Miss Mary Morgan, Miss Ann Brown, Miss Isabel French, Miss Car oline Bsrkalow, Mr. John Redlck, Mr. Barton Mlllaid, Mr. Ed. Crelghton, Mr. George Van Brunt of Council Bluffs, Mr. Btanley Ineson, Mr. Frank Wllhelm, Mr. Arthur Lewis, Mr. Claire Balrd, Mr. Ben Wood, Mr. Wlliard Butler, Mr. Chat Shlv rtck.'Mr. Cedrlck Potter. Mr. Ed. Cudahy nd Mr. Denlse Barkalow. Mr. John Caldwell had as his guest Miss Alice Carey McGrew, Miss Dorothy Mor fan. Miss Caroline Congdon, Miss Elisa beth Pickens, Miss Mildred Rogers. Miss Elisabeth Sweet, Miss Margaret McPher son, Miss Carmeleta' Chase, Miss Helen Forbes. Miss- Katharine arable. Miss Helqn Cudahy, Miss Klolse Jenks, Miss Brooks, Mr. Charles Meyer, Mr. William McPherson, Mr. Robert McPherson, Jr., Mr. Charles Mets, Mr. Myles Standish, Mr. Sam Millard. Mr. Herbert French, Mr. Frank Wllhelm. Mr. Harry Coke, Mr. Laret Smith and Mr. Clement Chase, Jr. With Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Peters were Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Butler, Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Beeson, Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Rogue, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Love, Mr. and Mrs. Harry O. Jordan, Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. Victor White, Mr. and Mrs. George L. Hammer and Miss Sherwood- Their table wos decorated with pink and whit asters and the plate cards were colonial bonnets. In honor of Mrs. Bradway of Chicago, Miss Gertrude Moorehead entertained Mrs. Bradway, Mr. and Mrs. Harley O. Moore head. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Brogan. Miss Rthel Tukey, Miss Mabel Hays of Lincoln, Vls Jeanne Wakefield) Miss Ella Mae Brown. Mr. Harry Tukey. Mr. E. A. Cope. Mr. J. E. Oeorge. Mr. Frank Haskell and ' Mr. Ross Towla. ' With Miss Elisabeth Bruce were Miss TO IMPROVE THE COMPLEXION Some IreatmcBt Said to be Most Ellec the In Bringing the fjlow ol Health to Sallow Faces The wash and massage as given in the formula below comes from th noted French dermatologist and la most generally used among the ladles of the exclusive social cir cles of Paris, wber powder and cosmetics f all kinds ara now scorned. Obtain from your druggist the following: Two ounces Rose Water, on ouncs Cologne Spirits, four ounces crystallised Bartoln (akin food). Put lbs Bartoln In a pint of hot watsr (not boiling); let it cool, then strain through a no cloth Into a botUe or small fruit Jar and add the Rosa Water and Cologne Spirits. This will make a sufficient quantity to last for a loi;g time and Is an Inexpensive toilet preparation, at the same time being the most effective known to the profession. The only thing to remember In using It Is that U must ba well massaged Into the akin. If this la dona and It la used persistently It la remarkable how It will restore that en viable, youthful bloom, 0t Elisabeth Davis, Mis Mildred Butler, Miss Ruth Hammer, Mis Lillian Lane, Miss Mene Davis, Mr. Lloyd Lomax, Mr. Blaln Young, Mr. Fra-icla Gaines, Mr. Hal Brady, Mr. Harold Prltchett and Mr. Percy Hall. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wyman and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Deurl were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Millard. Mr. and Mrs. E. 8. Westbrook, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Guolu, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Wheeler, Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Cowgill, Mis Daisy Doana and Mr. O. C. He-dlck had dinner together. Mr. and Mr. T. P. Klrkendall and Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Wattles were guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Bruce. With Miss Margaret Bruce were Miss Gladys Peters. Mr. Charles Gate nd Mr. Gardner McWhorter. Mr. H. L. Cuming had six guests and Mr. and Mrs. L. O. Doup haj four guests. At Happy Hollow. Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Nedd had as their guests at dinner Saturday evening at the Happy Hollow club Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Funkhouser and Mr. and Mrs. Harry C. Broraa. Pink and white asters made a pretty center piece for their table. With Mrs. C. E. Sumner were Miss Mary Sumner, Misses Florence and Ellen True, Mrs. HUlls and the Misses Edna, Eloiss and Madeline Hlllis. Dr. and Mrs. A. B. Somers entertained Rev. Frederick Rouse, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Harding, Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Loomla and Mr. and Mrs. George Marples. With Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Benson were Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Austin, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Barlow, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Selby, Mr. 'and Mrs. George Payne and Mr. and Mrs. Euclid Martin. In honor of Mrs. Robin of Bhelton, Neb., Mr. and Mr. T. L. Combs entertained Mr. and Mr. John Ross, Jr., Mrs. Robins and Mr. Stgmund .Landsberg. Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Hasbrouck and Mr, and Mrs. B. F. Thomas were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Herring. Mr. Carroll Belden had as his guests Mr John McCague, Jr., Mr. Isaac Carpenter, Jr., Mr. Robert Stout, Mr. Frederick Mc Connell," Mr. Harry Carpenter, Mr. Edgar Zabrlskle and Mr. Prentiss Lord With Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Johnston wero Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Stout and Mr. C. A Stein of Lincoln and Miss Johnston. Mr. Eugene Royce entertained Miss Mable Benson, Mss Mabel Marr, Miss Lorls Wood, Miss Helen Sholes, Mr. Lewis Lor Ing, Mr. Fred Crelgh and Mr. Clifford Hine. Mr. Joseph O'Hanlon had two guests, Mr. W. E. Mlliken four and Mr. T. E. Stevens four. Prominent among the pleasure for this week will be the musical given at the Happy Hollow club next Tuesday evening. Table d'hote dinner will precede the pro gram and the following reservation for dinner have already been made: Mr. Ed ward Updike will have twenty guests; Mr. Edgar Zabrlskle, sixteen; Mr. and Mr. J. R. Webster, twelve; Mr. George W. Sum ner, two; Mr. and Mr. C. O. Talmage, three, Mr. and Mr. Robert Dempster, five; Mr. and Mrs. John Flack, four; Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Buchanan, six. The musical program follows: Trio from "Peer Gynt." In Memortam Eduard Grieg a. Dawn ...Grieg b. Asa's Death Grieg c. Amtra's Dance Grieg d. Romange Marshner Mr. Landsberg, Mr. Coke, Mr. Lots. Ninon Tostl Mr. W. H. Wilbur. . Ballade, O Minor Chopin Miss Eloiss Wood. II Baclo, Walts Song Ardlttl Mrs. Wagner Thomas. Flute Solo Moon Moths No. 1 Mr, Louis Meyer. Cello Solo " ' a. Prlxe Bong from Melsterslnger...:.. t Wagner b. Romanse, Sana Paroles Goens c. La Clnquantalne .r. ..Gabriel Marie Mr. Reslnald Coke. Cupid and I Herbert Mrs. .Wagner Thomas. Flute Obllgato . ' Mft Louis Meyer. Trio In C Minor a. Andante Mendelssohn b. Finale Mr. Landsberg', Mr. Coke, Mr., Lots. Orders for the table d'hote dinner must ba placed by o'clock Monday evening. Pleasures Past. Among those who had dinner parties at the Field club Saturday evening were Mr. and Mrs. Ed P. Smith, who had eight guests; Mr. FA Williams, ten: Mr. Zackery, four, and Mr. J. W. Hynes, four. In honor of Miss Neva Robinson of Texas a box party was given Thursday evening at the OrpVieum, chaperoned by Mrs. Will B. Bolln. In the party were Miss Neva Robinson, Miss Anna Brostrup, Miss Mercy Baldy, Mr. U H. Baldy, Mr. Emll Stilling and Mr. Arthur Brostrup. In honor of Mr. Carroll Belden. who will leave this week for Amherst college, Mr. Isaac Carpenter, Jr., gave a corn and marshmallow roast Friday evening at their home. About eighteen guests gathered around an open campnre and with refresh ments and glee songs passed a delightful evening. Miss Pearl 8malley entertained Friday evening In honor of her sister. Miss Agnes Smalley. A very delightful evening was spent In music and a mystery supper was served. Ths following guests were pressnt: Misses Mamie Aumann, Mayme Newklrk. TUlle Gross, Pearl Smalley, Agnes Smalley; Messrs. Charles R. Forbes; Fred Sldner, Walter Pflasterer, Glen Ogden. J. O. Gar ner. . Madame Mothe-Borglum gave a delight ful 4 o'clock tea Saturday afternoon In honor of several young women who will leave shortly for eastern schools. A variety of games afforded amusement for the aft ernoon. Those present were: Miss Bea trice Coad, Miss Irene Coad, Miss Ester Byrne, Miss Helen Cudahy, Miss Ophelia Hay den. Miss Edith Patrick and Miss Katherlne Grable. In honor of Miss Ella May Patten, whose marriage to Mr. Lester W. Phillips will take place September IS, Miss Mary Taylor gave a miscellaneous shower Saturday afternoon at her home, 1S15 Locust street. Those present were: Miss Patten, Miss Eunice Holmes, M)ss Winifred Terry, Miss Helena Trimble, Miss Katherlne Powell, Miss Bess Oould, Miss Marguerite Busch, Miss Marthena Harrison, Miss Gladys Graham, Miss Ethel Rice, Miss Alice Hans dale and Miss Taylor. Miss Marguerite Grant and Miss Glenn Way, who are twins, gave a lawn party Friday evening at the home of Miss Grant. Twelve doxen Chines lanterns en closed the large lawn, which was mad attractive with rug and cosy corners. Punch waa served on the porch by Mlsa Evelyn Bergman, Miss Elisabeth Branch and Miss Helen McCaffrey. Assisting In the rooms were Mrs. C. E. Herring, Mrs. Hasbrouck, Mrs. Grant and Mrs. Way. Those present were: Mrs. R. E. Harris and Mrs. Montgomery Harris gave a most enjoyable "at home" last Tuesday afternoon at the horn of Mrs. R. B. Harris. sSM Hamilton street. Th house waa abloom with garden flowers and guessing games afforded amusement for the afternoon. A beautiful prise waa won by Mrs. Ellsworth. Those present were Mrs. G. W. Hervey. Mrs. O. H. Wlrth, Mrs. E. H. Howland, Mrs. Harry Jennlson, Mrs. Oeorge W. Ketchain, Mrs. Charles Bates, Mr. Ellsworth. Mrs. M. M. Van Horn, Mr. J. r. Wagner, Mr. Dmjnon. Mrs. Englehsrt, Mrs. Ed Jones. Mrs. Bullsrd, Mrs. Will Brown, Mrs. Donahue. Mrs. John Campbell, Mr. Data, Mrs. A. 8. T. Clarke, Mrs. Cunningham. Mrs. James Owen, Mr. M. P. Conklln, Mrs. Balrd. Mr. J. H. Dumont, Mrs. Isaac Carpenter, Mrs. Marshall. Mrs. Hatteroth, Mrs. Milter. Mrs. Oreenty Mrs. Jordan, Miss Florence Jordan. Mrs. Bryant. Mrs. A. L. Patrick Mr. A. G. Edward, Mr. John Auston. Mr. John Buchanan, Mrs. A. A. Buchanan, Mrs. Chlsm. MJsa Blanch Howland and Miss Hatlle Plckard. Miss Haxel Evans, Miss Harriet Mets, Miss Gertrude Met, Miss Lenta Bran dels, Miss Kalherlns Beeson, Mlsa Isabel Vlnsonhaler, Mls Elenor McGllton, Mis Elenor Marker, Miss Helen Epene ter. Miss Alice West, Mis Nannie Bar ratt. Miss Frances Hochsteter, Mlsa Merlon Howe, Miss Dorothy Dale, Mlsa RUth Dowling, Miss Marlon Hasbrouck, Miss Helen Hasbrouck. Miss Emily Went worth. Miss Florence Liver, Miss Marjorte Foote, Miss Blanche Brotherton, Miss Lillian Riley, Mia Marl Flnley, Mis Irene McCaffrey. Miss Helen McCaffrey, Miss Clair McCaffrey, Miss Bernlca Thomas, Miss Helen Wallwork, Miss Helen Rayley, Miss Ruth Ijitenser, M1ss Helen Chesney, Miss Grace and Kath erlne Spurgln of Chicago, Miss Elisabeth Pickens, Miss Lois Howell. Miss Emma Fullaway, Miss Sidney Stebln of St. Louts, Miss Ellxsbeth Grant, Mis Glenn Wsy, Miss Marguerite Grant, Messrs. Don aid McWhorter, Drexel Slbbernsen, Ken neth Reed, Edward Kennedy of New Tork, Percy Hall, Hal Brady, Charles Hall, Robert Howe, Philip Metx, Robert Mac kay, Philip McCullough, Malcom Baldrlge, Roger McCullough, Homer Dallas, Horace Slsson, Luther Gibson, Wallace Dodge, Joe Woodward, Robert Williams, Bert Flah. Harold Johnson, Elmer Sunderland, Art Frederick, Darwin Chesney, Leon Nel son, Herbert Brandels, Donald Atlchlson, Ned Atlchlson, Alfred Kennedy, James Mo- Caffror, Edward McCaffrey. Frederick Mo- Connel!, Robert Blendorff, Gilbert Lootnls, Warren Carey, Charles Herring, James Robertson, Richard Barnes, Harry Goets and Brandon Howell. Prospective Pleasures, Mrs. W. J. Connell will give a luncheon at the Country club Wednesday. Miss Bessie Brady will entertain the Original Bridge club Friday at her home. Mrs. T. J. Nolan will be hostess at a luncheon at the Happy Hollow club Tues day. Mrs. Raymond Welch will give a lunch eon at the Country club Tuesday for her mother, Mrs. W. R. Kelly of Los Angeles, Cal. Mrs. W. L. Selby will have the round table at the Happy Hollow club Tuesday when she will give a luncheon of twenty covers. Mrs. B. A. Benson will entertain Thurs day at luncheon at the Happy Hollow club, Miss Blanche Holland will be honor guest Friday at a card party given by Mis Anna Covell Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Royce will entertain at luncheon today at the Happy Hollow club, when their guests will be Dr. Mc Nell of Ames, la.. Mis Lucille Zlnk and Mr. Eugene Royce, Mrs. N. F. Harrlman and Mrs. Arthur Fetters have Issued Invitation for a bridge luncheon to be given at the Field club Wednesday In' honor of Miss Blanche Howland, one of the October bride, Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Combs will give a family wedding at their home Sunday even ing In celebration of their tenth wedding anniversary. Those present will be Mis Robinson ' and Mrs. L. B. Moorman, both of Bellevue, Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Combs, Mr. and Mr. Walter Bllxt, Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Combe, Mr. and Mr. C. W. Winter. Miss Elizabeth Combs, Master Bernard Combs, Master Comb and Mr, T. L. Comb, Jr. Miss Mona Kloke and Mr. Lou Clarke, whose wedding will take place Wednesday venlng, September IS, are to be honor guests at some affair every day this week. Tuesday, Mis Adele McHugh and Miss Louise Peck will give a tally-ho party, followed by refreshment at the Country club; Wednesday, Tils Hortensa Clark will give a luncheon at the Country club; Wednesday evening, Mr. and Mr. Ewlng Brown, dinner at the Field elub; Thurs day, Miss Jean Cudahy and Mis Bess Baum, dinner at the Omaha club, followed by a theater party at the Boyd; Friday, the usher of the bridal party, dinner and dance at the Country club; Saturday, Mr. and Mra. Robert F. Kloke, dinner for the bridal party. O. W. Cherrlngton. He expect to leave the early part of next month tor Lincoln, where he will attend school this year. Miss Frances Standish left Saturday evening for Chicago, where she will Join Mr. and Mrs. Samuel E. Wherritt and ac company them on an automobile tour to New York. Boston and Washington. Mrs. C. S. Lnblngler will return In a few days to Omaha from Michigan, where she has been visiting relatives. She expect to get bsck In time to attend the golden wedding anniversary of Rev. and Mrs. George Lobtngler of Lincoln, which will take place September 23. Several Omaha people also expect to be present, among them Mr. and Mrs O. W. Cherrlngton. c Coma and Go Gossip. Miss qracs Winegar of Denver I the guest of Miss Ester Wllhelm. Mra Ferdinand Adler has returned from Colorado Springs and Manltou. Mr. and Mrs. James H. Macomber re turned Saturday from Arnold's park, Lake OkoboJI. Mrs. Joseph Berkhtmer of.Corbln. Kan., la the guest of her alster. Mr. Richard H. Cox. Mr. W. O. Sturaman ha returned from a visit with friend and relative In Brook field, Mo. Mrs. J. C. Ollllck haa gone to Goldfleld, Nev., to join her husband and they will reside there In the future. Miss Bernlce Edwards will leave about September IS for Tarrytown, N. Y., where she will enter Castle school. Mrs. Oeorge W. Hervey and Mi Ola Belle Hervey returned Saturday morning from a week's visit In Lincoln. Miss Helen Branded returned Saturday morning from a three month' visit In the east and the northern pleasure resorts. Mrs. Clara Bell Grace Jones of Grand Ridge. I1U, 1 visiting hsr sister, Mr. Rich ard H. Cox, at 104 South Twnty-lghth street. Mr. and Mra R. S. Anglln returned Sat urday from an extended trip to Jamestown, Washington, Atlantio City and other east ern points. Mrs. Edward Rosewater, Miss Blanche Rosewater and Mis Nslll Elgutter re turned Saturday morning from Bemus Point, N. T. Mrs. J. M. Guild and children returned Satuiday from an outing at Lake OkoboJI, aocompaaied by Mrs. Guild's mother, Mra J. A. Hake. Mra George W. Johnston returned home Saturday from a two months' trip to Canada, Toronto, Buffalo, Niagara Falls and Detroit. Miss Maud Robinson of 60S South Twenty-sixth avenue returned Friday from Colo rado Springs, where she has spent the last seven weeks Mrs. George E. Mtckel and small daugh ter. Miss Gladys, have returned from a brief visit to Chicago, where they were guests of relatives. Mr. and Mr. George Redlck, Mrs. SwartalAjider sr.d Mr. Elmer Redlck re turned home Saturday from an extended trip through Europe. Mra A. 9. Downey and Miss Wancea Downey have returned from New Tork and Philadelphia, where they hava been spend ing the last two montha. Mr. David Crowell and daughter. Miss Ida N. Crow!l, have returned from their summer outing at Ord, Neb., and will ba at home at 4oS North Twenty-third street. Mra Herman Kountse, Mr. and Mra Howard Baldrlge and Miss Baldrlge, who are traveling in Europe, are at present In Paris and expect to leave for home early In October. ' Mrs. J. C Baxter, accompanied' by Miss Ella Fearon, haa gone to her home In In dependence, Cal., after spending the sum mer In the east and with her parents, Mr. and Mra B. Fearon, of Omaha. Mr. B. M. Cherrlngton. who has bean physical director la ths Young Men's Chris tian association at Adrian, Mich., for the last two years. Is spending the month of September with his parents, Mr. and Mra rial I hlt-t hat. Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Cole hsve rented their home, furnished, at 1S10 Spencer street to Mr. snd Mrs. J. B. Evans. Mr. and Mrs. Cole have taken apartments at the Mer riam for the winter. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Fry and daugh ters, Misses Anna and Helen, returned Sat urday morning from an extended trip to New York. Baltimore, Washington, and other points of Interest, Including the Jamestown exposition. Mrs. S. A. McWhorter, accompsnled by her sons, Hugh. Gardner and Donald, will leave this week for Chicago, where the young men will enter Lake Forest college. Mrs. ! McWhorter has taken furnished apart- j ments, temporarily, that she may be with her sons. Mr. and Mrs. McWhorter have rented their Omaha home for a time, par tially furnished, and will occupy It again when Mr. McWhorter haa recovered his health. ' Word has been received from Mrs. J. H. Evans and Miss Pauline Pchenck. who are thoroughly enjoying the pleasure haunts of the various points In Europe. They have been traveling in an automobile from Paris to the extereme south of France. While in Paris they stopped at the Hotel de Paris, Monte-Carlo. They are now mak ing their return trip to Paris over the Basse Alps, having covered 3,000 miles In all. They are stopping enrotite at all the prominent places. Including Bordeaux. Blarrits. Marseilles, Nice, Monte Carlo and are going over the same route described In the "Lightning Conductor," even stop ping at the same hotels as near as possible. Wedding and Knarisreinen . Mrs. J. M. McCoy announces the engage ment of her daughter. Miss Irene, to Mr. Thomas F. Rhoy. The wedding will take piece Thursday evening at the home of the bride and will be very quiet. The wedding of Miss Lida Edmlston, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Edmlston, and Mr. Jesse Dwlght Whitmoro of Grand Island will take place Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock at the home of the bride's parents, 2121 Spencer street. The brides maids will be Mis Jeannle Whltmore of Valley, Neb., Miss Lorraine Comstock, Miss Edith Patrick and Miss Ida Smith. A re ception will follow the ceremony from . to 11 o'clock. The young people will take a wedding trip, after which they will be at home In Grand Island, where Mr. Whitmoro Is engaged in business. Women's High Class Tailor-made Suits New Fall Styles Our New Uno. of women's swell tailor-made suits Is fully In keeping with the reputation we have made during the many years of our successful mer chandising. Every garment Is tailored In a perfect manner and la made to fit and hoM its shape. The garments here offered are all exclusive models, made from the newest and handsomest materials obtainable. A Grand Collection of Women's $25 Suits We wish to say that such suit values have never been offered in Omaha before. They embrace every fashionable materials in a variety of new models. They are perfect In fit and workmanship our special, at 25 Beautiful English Walking Suits at $35 .at $35 Made In rlqh luster broadcloth, black and new au tumn shades, 36 inch coat, snuc fitting model. Single breasted 17 gored side pleated skirt, very handsome gar ments moderately priced, at 150 Women's Sample Suits Will go on Sale Mostly copies of imported models- only one suit of a kind, all are of the finest imported materials they will be offered at one-third off their original price, $24.75, $29.75, $32.50, $45 BEST OF ALL ILLUMINATION Most Brilliant Display for Ak-Sar- Ben Will Be Mad This rail. "The street Illumination during Ak-Sar- Ben week will be the most beautiful we have ever had," declared City Electrician Mlchaelsen Saturday. The plan for the treet lighting have been completed and the stringers for the lights are now being placed. About 6,000 Incandescent light will be used, 600 more than last year. The principal features of this year' llumlnatlon will be the arches across the main street of the business section. These will run from sidewalk to sidewalk and will be supplemented at the Intersections by festoons. There will be four of these at each Intersection, one festoon running from the center of the Intersection to ths corner. The usual stringers of side light will border the principal streets. All of the lamps will be clear except those at the Intersections which will be red. Mr. Mlchaelsen promises the lights 111 be ready opening night and will be used ten night. riwrOTS1 Bmiiri' i mil ""M it, A MUjiiiiilii'iai TiiiH I Tk. Texas wtt cure all Kidney, Bladder and Rheumatlo troubles. Sold by Sherman A McConnell Drug Co. and . Owl Drug Co., or two mouths' treatment by mall, for fL Dr. A. W. Hall, tm Ollv St.. St. Loula Mo. Sand for testimonial. Fall Productions In Jewelry and Gems Of that excellent quality and attrac tiveness for which this store I pre eminent. Lm Valllers On of the season' most popular form of adornment, In an endless variety of gems and deeigna roochea Beautifully and o daintily enameled they look like nature' flower. Set with the popular precious and eml- precious stonea Stick FMna The grotesque and art-novean de signs wilt figure very strong this season. Designs being very attrac tive and like all fall jewelry show a great deal of character. Albert Edholm, lath aad Xaraey The Suits for Fall That Fashionable Women Demand That's the keynote desirability and worth. Whether you pay $25 or $75, you may depend on procuring a suit whose quality, tailoring and make is not only good, but the best obtainable and this feature alone of our policy has made many of Omaha's best dressed women patrons of the New Cloak Store during the past few weeks. Special Showing of Fall Suits Monday A wide range of fabrics and styles, broadcloths, chev iots, serges and fancy worsteds in every fashionable style and shade Prince Chap,semi-fitted and fitted back mod els in long, medium and short lengths. You cannot afford to buy your fall suit without seeing these stunning models. We have just received a largo ship ment of silk petticoats the best val ues in Omaha. They come in all plain colors, also the fash ionable plaids. Prices range from $5.50 to $17.50 SKIRTS, WAISTS, KIMONOS, EVENING COATS AND FURS in a great profusion of pretty styles and fabrics. PETTICOATS 1517 TARNAM ST. UFFS ICE CREAM BARRELS Are filled with the most delicious Ice Cream possible to make. iuaae rrorn ricn, sweet cream, direct from Balduff's Private Dairy Station every morning;. Ex perienced ice cream makers give it particular attention the' choic est fruit and vegclable flavors are used, and It Is wrapped within the air-tight barrel In a special vege table paper, affording double pro tection from heat and foreign particles. Three flavors In each barrel. Quart size, sufficient for six or eight persons .....40c Pint size, sufficient for three or four persons 20c To insure prompt delivery for your Sunduy Dinner, give us your order early. 151H-20 Far nam Street. Pbone Doug. 711. nLpyyOJ SIM g m I 2.70 For We are offering $2.70 worth of Sanitol Prep arations for $1.00. Drop in and let us tell you about it. Beaton Drug Co. 15th and Farnam SCHOOLS AMD COLLEGES. fGhlcago Conservatory Ol besrCbool tt'l tkorouth tflMhlss of MUSIC AND DRAMATIC ART buat Mpiiili tnatrvtnr. Grtati TfeU school LmlDttai tb QU.Pi im Try ti bmiImmIoI Mull m LrAuU An. UmmA lor irif tsim. THE NEW RATE for electric light for the residence is 14c a K. W. hour for the first hour's use of C0 of your connected c. p. lamps, and 6c per K. W. hour for all cur rent used over this amount. At least a minimum re duction of 20. We rhall be pleased to answer ques tions concerning the new rate. Investigate. Omaha Electric Light & Power Go, u Phone, Douglas 10S2. Y. M. C. A. Building. MISS BLANCHE SOREHSON TEACHER OF SINGING STUDIO 548 RAMGE BLOCK TEL. HARNEY 2687 THE BORGLUM STUDIOS 1810 Cspl'nl Avenue riAXO l.VSTIU CTIOX August M. IlorKlum MaJani llorglum fuplls of Wager gwayne, I'arU. LEpt'HKTJZKY MKTHUD Btudtos opn now. School Pupils wishing dealrabls hours should reserve at once. Li PATENTS that PROTECT, Table d'flotc Dinner "'Chesapeake Cafe SUNDAY: 11:30 a. m. to 8:00 p. m. 1508-10 Howard Street Potter's Mandolin Orchestra The Chesapeake New Grill Room 1512 Howard Street Strictly Everything First Class. A complete Hue of wines, liquors and clears, imported and domestic served from our own buffet. TABLE D'HOTE DINNER -TODAY AT The Twentieth Century Farmer Bsst Pars I'spsr Sabscrlbs Nw. CALUMET THE PAXT0N HOTEL CAFE Will bo open evenings till 12 o'clock. Commen cing MONDAY, KK1TKMHKK 9, with a formal opening at 8 p. m, a PUNCH SERVED FREE. MUSIC, FLOWERS Drop in and llbteu to the music whether you dine or not. NEW FOURTEENTH ST. ENTRANCE NOW OPEN V Mn