Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 04, 1907, Page 3, Image 3

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Attendance About th Saoic as
Second Day Ltut Year.
Waa Bees a Reeldeat ef I. taenia Twri.
tr-Eleat Tear m4 for Panther
f Tear tne Herd actaa'a
Legal Hear fx atatlve.
fTnm a Sa!T Cnrreponder.t
LINCOLN. ept. l-From i:i "Tr Ne
braska people M rr t!ay to jtrenS
the second day of tha fair a-.d they wnt
t the grrrands eariy !n The morning and
sstayd until 'vt'Mlrg t'rae. not thtnainc
ence eg the election, but all bent on w!d(
the fine cattle, hnre. and hnn arj the
agricultural eahlblt. prohatlr the frt In
the ernrld; the tftowards of fhes in the
little brook created and bu.i. ty Mr.
O Brlen, the hundreds of thousands of doi
lara" worth of tha latest made machinery,
the pnmpa and the windmills, the b'g
waanna and tha tittle ton. t.-.e wire
fences and the other kind of f-n-es; the '
eider press in operation: the threshing ma
chines; the pretty quilts made by the good
wome nof Netraka and the little girls:
tha fancy work; the paintlrg an.L in pass
ing, tha booth, fixed up by the merchant,
wha ara adyertislng their wares, and then
as m final rest for tha eyes the d.spiay of
vegetables which make, tha culd storage
Brotosltlon. seem ii:. Of course the man
ti nu'i iwuTfi m, .........
nerler-ied by the crowd, and neither was -
- . - M .... w
tha Incubator which turn, out chickens
while you wait. ' Two base hall same.
added to the enjoyment of the visitors.
- while the horse racing, the fancy riding
end the riMeles wonders creted the w.i 1- n Lincoln since I?7. le arma. tie a.ea
est enthuaussa. A eight that does man j -honiy after noon to0.ay of cancer of the
good la tha array of Jeliy and Jam and ! Momecb. and Urer after an Ulnes. extend
cake and adiblee fixed up by the women over a period cf almost a year. Mr
from .rtau. perte-of the st.i o nexhibi- 1 Jve. a w,d w and two m. and
.. , . J7 two daughters. AH live in Lincoln except
tlon for prlxes. Wiiford Deweese. who reside, at Oxford.
The crowd this year seem, to take more " ''" ,u .
Interest In the fl. stock and In the farm i funeral ar.ngement. will be announced
machinery than m any previous and . p,,,,, w eTVMllr of the firm
the catUe. horwt. .heep and swire bam, are , of M e weese ft Hell, but upon
elwey. crowded, while hundreds Hock ; dth of Mp M4njuMte he bame the
through tie machinery ground, cot.stantiy. j j(..tof for BBrl!rron. He was re-
Gree crowd, of visitor, are inspecting ranJr4 members cf the bar as a lawyer
the state house, asylum, pn.teni:Mry and of ceptiona.I ability and was unusually
tate farm. ', succw.;ui in litigations affecting the rail-
Tha attenJancs la running about the same ! roaj, jjf Was of modest disposition and
mm e year ago. It aa U.u ttKlay, aa cum- . of t rel.gioua turn, teaching a claa. In
pared with 16.7J0 on the corresponding day ; the pirat chrstian Sunday school and gt
of last year. j lng liberally of hi. mean, to chanty. He
An Interesting; feature of the fair is tha j cara, t Lincoln from Newton. Ia., where
lame' live stocx, horses and mara. all I f , practiced law.
Imported. Probably never before has there ! gome week, ago Mr. Peweese became
been such e collect n of imported anLaiaU (
shown In Nebraska, Mr. Frai.k Ian. a has
Just returned from Europe wnre he boug.n
among others forty f r ie winners of nu
xneroas horse shows. He has a train of
m nm lu ! T n.r w1 horses mrn.
which he has lust bought, besides the two ! Commercial club rooms tomorrow to take
cars bought in July, which mane with his : action regarding the funeral,
other horst-s registered animals, i.-.rlu.l- j Jsilag Oat etate Defct.
log Percherons, Beigiams and Coachera. etat(. XT.asurfr Enan haa great hopes
Owing to tha beck crops in Europe, and be- t ' tte debt i be practical'.y
cause he pajd the cash end bought in large w . out M(r9 the next leglalature a4
numbera. Mr. Uies waa able to get his I ' At tni, tizM tne warrants resta
enimals at t.1lwest possible prices. Th amount H.0M.0M. thOJgh from
eoUectlon of horses promise, to attract j, v.,mbFT the debt wiU be tn-
more visitor, than any oth.r feature of j d prob,bly by that time will
th. fair. Mr. Urn. is tere in pereon and j ,nd wU1 begin the
b. he. oumber of men emp.oyed who ch down pro. From the levy
loeet after the horses and show them off C"PPT" "... m k.ii he .xects the
te the visitors.
Cis asrsa saaai
Today there were numer
. Arovod. the harxw aod K
was the general opinion thit a ftr-er lot of
anlmaia was never before brought t3 the
Laaeuttt Reject. Bids.
"1 r. AnunfT hn.ri1 nf T . , . . . .
kas turned down, the biiis flied bv the j en V bout or at Ifr"
Jttrors who passed on the sanity of Frank ' r..'JW. Should the next legislature keep
Barker and Jesse CharpWL and one of tne I down expenses, Mr. Brian believes Ne
jarors has filed a suit in the district court j braskans will stop paying interest within
for Hi which he alleges is due him for j two years.
eel-rice a. The case will he heard at the I Prlaaartee Are Qalet.
next session of district court, an 1 consld- I The primary in Lincoln was not unlike
arable Interest attaches to the verdict of ! tne usual election day. Rooter, were at
the higher court. The law provides that tj.e polls as of yore and numerous buggies
U the warden of the penitentiary believes J anJ ,utomoiiles were circling through the
prisoner condemned to d-at.-i is insane i Mreeta picking up voters. The contest here
ke may apply to t?!. district court for a!mal (elwn lurti candidates.' though this
swuis '"rr jury m lne ma.ier. ii '
does not provide, however, who is to pay ;
the cost of ucn a .uit. In this particular
case Warden Beemer did not file the in
. aanlty charge, but It was dune by Barker.
attorney. Judge lUmer. who made affidavit i
.. . '' 7 . .. .. ;
ar mat tna waroea naa to.a mm me pnnner ,
eras m. ne. The hearing was had. but
the Lancaster county board conten ts 1!
On Hands, Arms, and FaceforThrea
- Years Spent Hundreds cf Dollars
in Seeking a Cure Hands Be
came a Solid Sheet of Sores No
Rest from AfJ Itching Until
FFTTTTPn A PIIRFV Tegram.-Prof. Charles Woodbury, cfcem
UTLUILU n tUnt teacher in the Lincoln High school.
"I had aaJt rheum f,ir three) Tears on
Riy hanis. arms, and face and fthought
It would get all over me. I tried fur
or free dca-tor. but thev failed and mr
husband has sprat hundreds of doUars
te trying ewythir.jr we cxtuld hear
But I grew worse ax. J worw, my hand
itched awfully arid 1 ccuid get no reat
ai aU. 1 was just in aeon v ail the tune
. bees use when they did not luh they
were so dry and crack It that I ws. nus
erableand when thevcrax kci. thev bled.
The naiieuf my flav and thumb bean
bo eotDB off. aod tne hand) were a auiid
beet of aorea. beeerai cf mv frK-nos
tuld nae to try tbe Cuticora Iwmexltea
CI fi a cake of Cudrur Niep and a
s uf CutMrura Omtzorril and from the
first an hands begu to imrxive and
How they are well, aud I thu.a that the
Cuticura Kemexliee are worth their
weight in goal, and I advise every . ne
thai baa skin trouble to use them. Mrs.
Otnie f-ark arson. 39 11th Ave.. N s.-h-wilia,
Teniu. Jan. 3, Feb. 11. and Mar.
W, 1907."
Of Skin Tortured. Disfifured
Oabiet S boo Id Know
That warm bath with Cutirtjre,
Suep and gentle anointing, with Cuu-
rura, the great hin
CwT, afford instant
reiief. permit rest and
aieei, an 1 point to a
pewdy mire uf tortur
ing, aii'Srunng erse
tbas. rakhea. iuiLumts.
Irntaonos, and cxvaf-tt-gs
of infants and
children when ail else
fi ii Cnirint...!
sranhalefy pure under the luted btlUa
food and ururs Act. aad may be usud
from the hour uf birvh.
rwwpM Bswensl aae eraal Tnwtaieet aw
t BwaueW luua ."Wi-w. kaj a4 .K -w
ass aim aua .iu le r, i Mm.
. rna.Mil Ui liv 1A ia.
I r-u IV imt w. sktSO le r'ur-fw um
i iani.aia ia r4. e-nar iinc a a
. . riv. nil mm
September Ailments
Durng 'he rron'h cf Prtrr,her the
davt sre apt to ht and th rights
n ir.BT instance, this f r1 j-n a eon-
n of the svstem r-ghtlr named sys-
temi- catarrh. The mucous merr.bran
"f th" "i,rr1 orn
t-rfrrg with the function, pf theee er-
gana. It produce, a condition snmetimej
f")'fnb;is nervosa dprss'on. -me-t.mes
People in th! condition are easy vic
lin.s ti acite contagious diseases.
Katarna la a reliable remedy for sys
temic catarrh, and its fame, nnder the
name of Peruna. ia known to most people
al ever the land. A few doe. of
Katarr.o ,s sufficient to convince the most
skeptical as to its m'rm. It operates
d;rxt!T aa a to the mucous mem
branes, and in this way restores the func
t;rn of the d-rang.-d organs.
Katarro la a remedy very useful !n the
household aa a prompt and reliable relief
in many catarrhal a.lments peculiar to
F'r ea by
A". W. Cor. tilK
d .V. ISU.
Ffh e
f XEB.
f aOWA.
tha prisoner 1. a resident of Webster
county and Is here only by force of clr
cumstancea and that if any costs are ever
pa d they should be paid by Webster
county or the state, aa the state compel.
br.nj?1r, . pf condemned pnsoner. to
. , . ...
the penitentiary in this county.
J. W. Drwenf D'aa.
Joel w. Iweese. a-d 3 years, attorney
for the Earlinaton railroad, who ha. lived
0rse and went to Wisconsin to consu.t a
specialist about his health. Shortly alter
he arrived there he became critically 111
and his family was notified. He managed
to get home Just a few .lays ago. The
r ,-, ter county bar will met at the
j created oy mc on"
SLaia to raise during the blennium in me
nt ghborhood of -5r..W-T-nla
to be abided during the blennium no less
than collected In feea. while he be
lieves the surplus left over after the ap-
trocnailons of the recent iegiswur. .
. . ;. .v, candidates for SU-
had it.
preme Judge.
The action of the lawyers
slats long before the pii-
in fixing up
arie. and msist.n. n .... y,J '"Z
fr it. candidate, was resented, causing
of the DeoDle to vote for
"l - w...- - ew.
J-'.dge Water, and cut Judge Frost, w
instituted tr.e car nmem.u.
' rirr.ora were circulated dunng the day .
one to the effect that the anti-bar ticket
ft Hows intended to vote for Cornish and
Tulile of the bar ticket and Waters for
the antis. thus endeavoring to punish Frost
for his action in originating tha bar ticket.
Other rumors were of various combinations
I being formed. A good portion of the voting
was done late in the evening after the
working men had uit work. A large
number of farmers took advantage of the
pleasant day to visit the state fair and
did not vote st all. aa waa the case with
a lot of town pecpi-
1 Pr-af. ( aariea Wsaiiarr. Stadytac at
Lawreaee. Drwwaed la
Haw River.
LAWRENCE. Kan.. Sept. I. 'Special
) istrj' tei
i waa drowned in the Kansas river near here
j last evening, the body not being recovered
until this morning. He was spending his
vacation with his parents, who live here.
Testerday. with his father, mother aad
' uncle, he rowed up the river for a picnic
at Cameron . bluff, where the men went
swimming. He swam across the river
I while the others wera disrobing, and while
they were not looking he sank without a
r..m.l or simal which reached thern.
! Woodbury was years of age. He grad
I uated from the fatverstty of Kansas here
iwo years ago, taught one year at Pa
j djrah. Ky.. and one year at the Lincota
High school.'
Hired Maa. Han aad Other lras
erty te Miaalac
(From a StaS Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Sept. J (Special Tek-gT-am.)
When Jacob Martin, who lives about
Ova miles south of Firth, went home from
the polls about 1 this afternoon, ha
f jund his wife lying under the bed with
1 head c" btd to a pulp- A man
; named hujiway, who had been on the
' farts but a short time, was gene and
some money, a horse, saddle and gun had
j disappeared. Officers are scouring the
, country ja search of Shummay.
tllr Oat ml Llahilaa B
FALLS CITT. Neb.. Sept. 1 .Special.
At a meet. eg cf the city council of this
city Monday evening it was decided to
make the following change ia tha electric
light system October 1: The plant will
be turned over to a private individual who
I will run tha plant and furnish aa all night
system for tUe per mocth. About (LOU
worth ot cement croaaings wera paid for.
To avoM iz aangarous raxiroad ci
tut,', taka the White Line ara ta the
state fair troond
rm: omaha
Attorneyi Want Two Montii
Hearing on Grain Rate.
Wlaate roaiaUatlaa af Caralai a4
Eaaeaaea Will Be Praaare4 !
Caaaaalaalaa) at Ready
ta Rale. j
and Northweern railroad, be-
.Ur- ine ataie Ka .way comrr.1Sion i!i7
and demanded two month.' time to rre-
pare evidence for the hearing on gT.-n
wnicn were promuisaiea ay me c"in- py the r-ceptjon corr.mirtee and mar.y clti
mLtaion two weeks ao. These rate, cjt yri and the P!attamorth Bohemian band
the forrn-r achedules about 13 per cent. , Aftr the atreet parade Rer. J. H. Paishury,
Tte attorneys aseerted that earh road wiil 1 ptor of the Presbyterian church, intro
make an extended aPtowina- at the hearina. 1 diioed the speaker, and each (tare an ln
reia; the expenditure of thousands of terestir.g taik on tha labor questions of
dollars f'-'r experts. The rads will be re- j the day. each advocatina; arbitration for
valued, the earnirps and expenses will be t? settling- of all questions in dispute of
compiled. Attorney Edar.n FJrh of the j hoth .fate and nation. The governor stated
t'nion Pacifo estimated that it wi',1 take ' th4t as proper to have one day set
three months for the commission to hear "part for the labortca; men to rest, and
the testimony after It is gathered. As two j ,'d th"' ' wl great pleasure for him
of the commissioners are at their hom-s j t0 m"t many of hi. friends here bn this
to attend primary election, n j action Kill wru!on-
be taken on tie railroad revest for av- In ,h ftmoen tha turning exhibition
era! davs. ! br th Omaha, gouth Omaha and
eli far Mae Fta ta ife Mardered
Xepaew af Victim's Ha. ha ad fas -
parted af tae Olaa.
BEATRICE. Neb. Spt. 1 .Special Tele-
gra.ii. Mrs. Jacob Martin
fe of a pros-
Wrorii frr.r lirinff iOa.
so,:th.ast of Cortland, was murdered this
ifcniMin by an unidentified man. Th
bvy was found lyirg under the be,! with
the victim's head crashed at her home by
Mr. Martin, who had been away for sv
enil hour. ai-end;r.g the primary election.
She was about 5 years of agp. It Is
supposed the was committed about
.j wiw. .ao is ass:nea tor tne ' a
The woman's throat waa cut and
butcher knife was found in the room.
About I-1" was taken yfrom the house.
A young man named Shumway. a
nephew of Mr. Martin, who has been in
his employ for some time, has disappeared
and is suspected cf being the murderer.
The murderer, after looting the house,
stole a horse and rode away. Immediately
The "Yell-Oh" Man
And One of Hii W.,j
To cail a man a liar seems rud. so we
wjil let the reader select his own term.
Sometime ago the Manager of "Col
liers Weekly" got very cross with us
betause we would not continue to adver
tise in his paper.
We have occasionally been attacked
by editors who have tried to force us to
advertise in their papers at their own
prices, and. on their own conditions, fail
ing in which we were to b attacked
through their editorial columns. Th
reader can fit a oame to that tribe.
We had understood that the editor of
"Collier's" was a wild cat of the Sinclair
"Jungle bungle" type, a person with
curdled gray matter, but it seems Strang?
that the owners would descend to using
their editorial columns, yellow as th.y
are. for uch rank out and out fa:sehoods i
as appear in their issue of "tth
their Issue of July ITth.
where the editor goes out of his way te
suae us. and the reason will appear I
tolerably clear to any reader who under-
stands the venom behind it. ,
We ouote in part as folIows;--One j
widely c circulated paragraph lalc,rs to
induce the Impression that Grape-.fjts
will obviate the necessity of an ocen.
tlon In appendicitis. This is lying, and, !
potentially, deadly lying. Similarly Pos
tum continually makes reference to the
endorsements of "a distinguisned physi
cian" or "a prominent heaita offlcial"
persons as mythical doubtless, as they
are mysterious."
' l ""l reproduce tr.-se
mendacious falsehoods in order that i! ;
We do not hesitate to reproduce these
may Be made clear to the puhllc what j ents. sir. and Mrs. L. S. Bage.
the facts are. and to nail ihe liar up so j COOK Flia. the ;.year-nld daughter of
that people may have a look at him. If ' Mr an Mr- Henry Behrer.a. north rf
this poor clown kn-w !Jt produced ap- "?ZvVak:"lC k diphtheria ve-
.. . , . , . i terday. The home has been quarantined
pendlciUs. he might have some knowiedtf and ever precaution is being taken to pre
cf why the use cf Grape-Nuts would pre- j vent the spread of the disease. No other
vent it. Let it be understood that ap- j '"a-", re anown of here at the present
pendicitis results frm long continued i t n:'-
disturbance in the intestines, caused ! Gt'iPE. ROTKa-The GuMe Rock schools
. , .....n.. ,,., i
by undigested starchy fvi, s.j.-h as i
white bread, potatoes, rice, partly cooked j
cereals, and such. These lie In
the I
warmth and moisture it the bowels 'i
an undigested state, anl decay, general- !
ing gases, and Irritating the mucous sur- I
faces until, under such conditions, the
lower tart of the colon ar.d the arrdiv i
' - l
Z1 . C
frequently, of a form known as arpen-
Now then. Grape-Nuts food waa made ,
by Mr. C. vt . Post, after he had an aita-k
of appendicitis, and required some f'oJ
In which the starch was predige-ted. Xi
such food existed, from his knowledge of
a.etetics r.e perrected the rl: made it
primarily for his own use. and
z'teT. '
warda introduced it to the public. I
iooa tne starcn is transtormej by mon
ture and lur.g-time cr.king into a f:rra of
sugar, which is easily digested and iim-s
not decay in the intestines. It is a prac
tical certainty that nhen a man has ap-
preaching symptoms of aprendiciiis. the October.
atta.k can be asoided by discontinuing i EEATRIE At the home of the brides!
all f jod excel t Grape-Nuts, and Ly prop- . uncie. 8. S. Rumbaugh. last evening at
erly washing out the intestines. Most : " lo'h- was e.lemr.ixed tr.e marriage of
Physician, are now .c.ualnted with the VkZL 'iTow? oVut"- i
facts, and will verify ;te statement. .ing. i
Of course. is all news, and rhoull ! PEATRICE Wilber Barnard. son of !
be an education to the person who writer ; C .untv Treasurer Famard. was s-verely 1
the editorials for Collier's" and who Injured in a runaway accident which oc- '
should take at least &.rme training be- ourr'"J.,n lh n'h nt ,n cUv eser-
. . , , diT afternoon. The young man waa thrown
fore he undertake, to writ, f or the public. , ain a tree and rendered un"wto" :
Now as to the references to "a distln- : The a'tending physician says it will be !
guislied ' physician" or "a prominent , lm' t:me befcra be recovers from his in-
health effi'-ui" being "mythical persona." I Jur,r- .
W. are here to wager -Colliers Week- L Y?R5-Th Ba,io!lal bank' "" on ,ut '
w- . cf lork. oy the statements putlishel
ly. or any skeptic or liar, any!: -is week, show a mortprr.sperou. con
amount of money they ar ta nme. and j d.tion of York s bus-r.efs men an4 farmers
which they will coitr. that we will pro- n',""r,T The deposits of th four benas
due proof to any Bard cf Investigator. ! na.r'eltS" -X "-" ,
that w. have never vet pub.,.l.el an ad- TORK-When the Wr ght milld.m went '
vertisemer.t ar.acuncing the ovmlon of a 1 out ther was considerate talk about
prominent physlcua or neaith omcial on ! sme ne haa dynamited the dam. Mr '
Po.tum or Grape-Nuts, when w. did not i v r?hf h" bn b.g an Investigation. h. ...... ! now "" hat the cause of tne.
.o. ... ..m.iun. i
It can be easily understood that m&nv
prominent physicians dislike to have
their names made ubiiit In reference to
any article whatsoever; they hava their
own reasons, and we respect those rea
sons, but we never make mention cf en
dorsements unless we have the actual
endorsement, and that statement m will
tck with any amount of money called
Whea a Journal wilfully prostitutes Its
columns, to try and harm a reputahie
manufacturer In an effort to f-rce him to
adveruse. It is time the public anew thc
facts. The owner or editor of Collier's
Weekly cannot force money from us by
such xnstnoda.
daily bee: wedxesdat.
farter the rrcM-r was dieccvered Sheriff
! waa notiiled and ha left in an aut -
j rrnS'le for the Martin h.rr with a pair
1 of the Beatrice bkwlhounds for the pur
r : poe cf rannir.a- n ih murierer. A
, p-e cf lndignact citlaena la In punru:t.
I Td if tha murderer la caurht a lynhinj
prohabiy will result.
alrsratei Araltratlaai Laker faa
trararalaa. PLATTSMOrTH. Neb,. Sept. l- Special.
The citiaen. of Platt.mouth and Ticlnity
shewed their loyaity to latnir and to the
gnrernor of the great state of Nebraska
,n!or u ?n,1Jon Hon
Loon,,, cf Fr-moirt. and Hon. Hh Mrera )
j of Omaha arrival on the BurUnrton train
; at ! o clock in the f wenoon and w-- met j
riattsmouth tearaa.
Other amusements
wrr r rec. wheelbarrow race, tug of
t war. women's race, boys' race, egg race.
horse ra-e. potato race, barrel race, diving
I dcg. and the Japanese Lantern runl. m-t
freworks In the evening.
Mtirray defeated Cedar Creek In a game
' cf ban by a score of 5 to t.
Dead Ma. Waa free.
Petenbarg te PIlaa!a1a. I
P.OGERS. Neb.. Sept. X. -Special Tele-
gram. Philip Ferrant. e passenger on'
L'nion Pacific train No. 4. was killed her- '
today. He alighted from the train when j
it stopped and was crossing the track when
estbound passenger train came along
j and he was run down and instantly killed. !
a The body waa sent to Fremont. Ferrant
waa enroute from St- Petersburg. Russia.
to Philadelphia.
resBsnerclal Oak te Take Trlr. '
. . , ,
fcept. J. Special.)
The rnr.ri'1.l flnK rt .Via nt V .
cepted an in-ltatlon from. the Ord Com-
mercial club and from the authorities of ;
the Loup City fair to attend the fairs In ;
those cities on the LSh and 3Clh. respec- !
tively. Effort, wiil be made to secure the i
services of a band and to secure at least j
fifty members of the club for each ex-
PLATTSMOCTH-The city and parochial
schools opened today.
PLATTSMOCTH The dry. hot weather
1 1U Coolel hv A Biviri rain fl inilar .ftr.
noon. .
BEATRICE The "P-itch" bail team yes
terday defeated the nine from West Be
atrice, i to 1
PLATTSMOLTH The two days session
of the Catholic Turners state tournament
closed last evening. The principal contests
were between trie teams from Omaha, j
South Omaha and Plattsmouth.
TALETNTINE The funeral of Eda-r
E"yer. the boy who died suddenly from
cholera morbus Friday, eras held at the
B"TRaLa!eUCacia.!n1.,laJ' '
rPLANDrpland has been favored with
tcr rains durmg wek The rain
enme too Tate,- however, to heip the com.
and a very poor cewp 4. erpected here.
H'SHTOM-Henry Stotlar was united in
m.anai"t. v" EJna t.
i Rev Me i-iff ni vn . tfl c, D ..
. ....... .-j
r i ii r i ne reemonv a. r- w-r . .. ;
tr.e church. v
Lanham died Sunday morning aftr a hrlf
Ulneas. She was 4 years of age and is
dren. "usua a nve cm-
FALLS C ITT This section was visited
by a very heavy shower wnn-h lasted about
an hour Sunday afternoon and then settled
7? Jf' y ram. which continued
until Monday noon.
miles' southwest of Adams, threshed four- ! 1 want ,n 1"ve Ox'.ori Junction, there
teen acres of oats yesterday which yieid-d ! or mr business is for sa. Also please
sixty-five bushels to the acre. This is the call and settie for the meat you have a!
heaviest yield yet reported. I ai1r fttm ,, haven't paid for. Come
BEATRICE Evan Sage of this city, who and pav your accounts, and if yon want
has been at Rome, Itaiy. for the last nine w th. ,-n,.
,,.. loc,, up records for the Chicago
university, is in town visiting with his par-
an.t nve teachers in cha
Prof. W I
bwtsher. Warren Vance
nd the Misses
Ijene Ferguson. Margaret Evans and Eeila
d'f bw k Jk 'l " .i'''"'"
evening by an older'boy whon'thTust
point of an umbrella in ins eve Dr." M ir-
anviile and a specialist from Fairburv did
?U V"- M beiieve the sight can not
oe saveu.
BEATRICE -Postmaster HoCingwor-h
y-strrday received notice that the former
ruling of the department denving Beatrice
an a.ianionai earner and other Improv
uau own reverse. and that the
id be given further considera-
EEATP.Ic'E Mrs. FVederlca S. Hill, who I
recently returned from a trio to Europe.
unj .en vnM;ri in ine city witn her sis-
t,r Mra Wiii:iim Zimmerman She went
to Omaha yesterday to visit with her other
sister. Mrs. Knehs. and from there she will
go to her home at Carthage. Ind.
BEATP.ICE Beatrice l wlif No. ITT. In-
; dependent Order of Odo1 Fellows, met last
n ght and elected F T. McManan and W. j
I Pease delesaies to the grand lodge, which '
' mee's in m j. -a .He sm.,.! ... . . , .
cam going out as muaarata and beavers 1
no had mfaia a imiu opening underneath. '
ITLAND At a special meellrc of the !
tow n i
erd Saturiy it was decided to '
boil aa c.ection on September 14 lo vote
tor or against the issuance of f.(tt-. '
IWenty-year. per cent water tv.nua When
it was learned that this action was c.n
tempiatei six res. Uents. oaT-r.g consider- '
aole land on the outskirts of town, netl- I ihe district court to lake ttiem out
r - ' !"'. Trie town, bowever. found a flaw
in trie petition ant a nice legal ba'.Ue is ex
pected as a result.
YORK York s huslr.eaa men and farmers
living near York have be-n engaged In
a dispute for the last three montns s n
the paving was put in whether or not tr.e
ct.a.n and poets will he placed bec sur
rounding tne square. The iisput be
come ((Uote warm and 1n cases very
bitter, and yesterday tnoae lntereated to
thenumb r of KM appeared before the
ni board uX cumu. .sal oner. reAauestna-
?eitembeh 4. w:.
ZZJ-'i rra IM ecr tobacco is made any-
jyT'f where. The finest leaf is
I -eSl selected with the utmost care
AKId " J?P AAlfli only the choicest of the bestof
ft nSf" j every ingredient used.
ffify'f vfS-v Not expensive even though it '
sVhsK ' irFs. .is the best. Sold in more stores
CIS 'vR an any other plug tobacco.
''v'T ,, ' (rCxV because particular men demand ite
; that body for the privilege of pUcir.g the
I posts inside tne curbire around the square.
Spe-ech after speech was made and many
1 Zn bi',h ,J w" roasted. Finally tne
i iu.t a vie a-r.-j xney voiea nve 10
: : the proposition.
EEATRICE Kiipatrick Bri. cf this city
i have resumed
ork "n the Marysvil.e-To-
peka cutoff of the t'nion Pacific, after a
shutdown of several months, due. it is said,
because the ii-cent rate weTit into eff-ct in
Nebraska. The contractors have put a
large f iree of men to work and if nothing
prevents it is the Intention to have ti.e
line to Marvsvilie comrleted within ti.e
next sixty days. The Une is within eighteen
: m'" (,f Marysviile and. with favorabie
weather, work will be pushed with ail pos-
sible haste. With a line nanning direct
j rom L!ncon , r,k Beatrice will un-
doubtedly receive belter service over this
j Une
Qaalat a ad Carleaa Featares af Life
la Rapidly Groalsg
The bite of
. rattlesnake. It has been
cure cancer the medicine
. discovered.
from the Jug cures the snake bite, and the
1 county pays for curing the little brown
h.bit.-Oakd Sentinel.
j v- ' .... . ...
Mature Fake Seld . corn seeiler had te
j Jut work awhile last Friday on account
I of bumblebees. The machine was at Robert
1 Jones when the men who were scoonim
I corn disturbed a nest of hu-h!eh. m
: the corn crib. Ther had to nuit work
j after a lively fight, while some of them
' were stung, and before they could do anv
j thing the engine had to kill the beeswith
T'.red of His Job An exchange published
not far from here, contains the following
i advertisement i "Hivir.r. tire r f mv
esa. my meat market and slaughter i.ouse
are for sale. People have used me rough
L ' l""'""'' cu""? "l Dn
rut TM"h. Bloomfleld Journal.
Green Eyes There sre a lot cf young fel
lows around this town that think there la
nothing under the sun quite so nice aa a
young school ma am. but they think a
teacher's institute thirty miles away must
be about a. near hade, aa anything they
can think of. for well they know that while
they have the glris under their watchful
I care iney are saie enougn. out 'when they
are away. away, off at some fool teachers
j meeting there is no tell-'r.g but what the
I girls will be led to make goo goo eyes and
i CUt Up W,th om ffo1 he oh,o1 ma am
1 w!,h curly ha:' 'nd bIu9 h F1T"!'
j Won't you please come home? Crof.o.i
i Journal,
Odd Loss of Subscribers Trie Hay Press
lost four subscribers in an odd way lately
Two months ago we tho t It would be a
good piece of news and enterprise to pnnt
the addresses of Hopkins and Pembroke
, people who moved west. As me expected
j it was interesting information to home
readers, especially so to the creditors of the
distant Hay Press subscribers.
ho de-
luged them with duns. A. a result one
Nebraska, one Ijwa an! two Kansas sub
scr.bers stopped the raper. and the end.
we fpar. is not yet. Sumner News.
Lorne Seeder Letter Dear mister editrr 1
thot ide better rite about sum uv the fellers
along tie seeder fur tha hav ben Ctten mad
all summer kose i haint said nuthen bout
them grandpap Orkut tried to cut heas hed
off las: weak w:th a raixer but failed he sed
the kusW thir.g woudnt kut Ivt butter
Fred Hack is a ir-en to biid heas woman
an kids a new house capt e, h. Gilliand
Is a tenden th ole solgers anniversta at
kambridg lighten struck ever blessed foam
along th Irish sweeOish line last Sundle
nite chariie Brown lies got up 3 tuns of
m.ghty g-sd ha R korn Is oSl yeller but
weans all planted that kind that wua a fel
ler' roune here tother day kol-tin fur th
Paper most of us sfan hirn E4 he sean us
an we hid an R wives sed we will In town
an we got rid of him Frank krommer hed
5 alters of wheat an he threshed 17'.) bu
about 32 bushoi 2 a aire we oter have rane
sose we kud fail plow fur whet las thursdi
wu. a picmck " mr Johnsons groave thar
wux a lot uv folks thar an tha had a
gud tint-etockville Republican-Faber.
Sylvia M- O Kan to The O F
I 'avis Co.. lots 11 and St. block '
Himeba-iKh's Ad ...
Same to s n- , f lot" i."n"d "n'lS
feet l..t a. biocJc 4. Lekeview..
H. A. Earr et al to Liilie M. Colel
man. lot L bl.xk 14. Omaha V-.ew
- -- Kenny to Fmm. v,i-IA. ....
t 100
f . block 5. HelvZV;
Blanche Burdu k and husband to"&.'rl
niHn-An.. man Life Insurance Co .
'' L. bi"ck 4. t)upont Place
srjn'KMa. arJ m,fe to Rabert
tm"tZ b''H'k '" Scu,n
M-hora W. Fa.'rrield 'and husband Vo
tharies W. Martin, lot a. bioil I
auphur Snr-ngs
A.Rert Doading and wife" to A "' EL
vrT.D?,r' ;l ' t,ir"-- Walnut Hill..
?-ar"J! Arrr f-l husband to
A.hert towa:ng. sa.-ne
rrU lOT1 "V w:r ' James "p!
Ford, und-, kt s. Fords Saratcgi
Jesse H Huuen'a'nd ' 'wlfe'Ve' Jul-a
A. Karnerer. w lot, !4 ,Rd tl '
M. LN'n.ivan s S ib
ni-.Mc,''ann'-y' and -"to"Et'hH
Lutie Chambers to' Uattie ' E.' " S''ielbe
tract nei, Jwi, . lt-li-12 T'
John A. Iterron to (.-ynir.ia e" He'r
ron. lots 15 and 1. tl.-k i. Gram
mercy Park -iam-
J-,,w;. Ak;? ,' A- m' ' And'e'raonV part
lot Ij.; Neie.n Ad
1 I
ji.ofiias i l.vis to N. B.
jn ,ois j and r, bi.K-k L
t est
Anna C.-rrman "to" John' ' j'.' Ry aii. ' 'kit
r'r" toorngan'
Janm,P '' '' Henrietta ' 'if
-Tt""iU.!!".,.,ld - b'k 2i-
F. K Lee and 1 f e t o J F ChMmV
let . block 47. ft.uth Omaha . "
1 ,?c J-0 ,0 Je Campbell'
lts 5 and S .1 m -a . . .... . . '
.... " " l.siije
....... ji auuii k aivi wire to
Paul Wis1om and wife to W E
Meed. frt li , tiock J. E. V
emitns Al '
N. K gnutn to Hetiry ' wlison."' aeU
ne'. U-ls-L3
J. A. Jackson and w.fe to i .v. "p.
Smith, same
Straight from our New York office
Women's Tailored Soils
' 4 A Ivl ITllii Correct
Just as boon as a new model in fall tailored suits fraLn
recognition in New York, it is secured and sent to Us di
rect from our own office on Broadway. "We receive the
nraartest novelties daily, and our finely equipped cloak
and suit department is always replete with the newe.-t
fashions in ready-made wear.
We mention sew lota cf the .tannics; pliln t&Kored suits la
newest long coat atylea, military Prior Caar and Joans
Jones, mil the shades of brown, green, red. blue and mixtures. Two
special (croups at
Fashionable New Tailored Skirts
In the new gored cluster pleats, pin plaits, etc. graceful
new walking
kirts in the
the favorites this se-av.n. N'o
tore s-hows sur-h varietv at. . . .
Georre X. Brown et aL to Martin
L'abelstein, wij n w4 17-15-10 1,H)
JssaseM Unit Perssltted te
RereHls. af Trembler at
WASH3XQTOX. Sept. J A distinct earth
qi ake shook, indicating a very severs seis
mic disturbance at a far distant point,
was recorded on weather bureau instru
ments here today. The shock lasted an
hour and a naif.
Tha recording of the shock was wit
nessed ty Prof. F. Cmori, a seismologist
of Japan, who happened to be present.
Prof. Omori. who is president of the Japa
nese Six-iety far the In estigation of Earth
quake Causes. Is on hi. way to the tnterxa
tion congress of seismologists, to meet st
The Hae 'ate thta month.
Refasee te Talk er frou the River
Wliksat Foraal State
Marten Hedsepath, the notorious safe'
blower and highway roller, confined in tha
city Jail. Is a surly crimtnsl and refuses to
talk much of his long record f crime snd
adventure. He refuses absolutely to return
to Council Eluffs. where he is wanted on the
charge of blowing open the Transfer and
Stove Storage company', safe Sunday
eight, unless requisition papers are made
out. It is not believed at present he and
his partner, W. P. Jackson, were respon
sible for the Sunday night robbery, as the
saf contained no booty anl the cracks
men, evidently either Inexperienced or
frigntencd, entirely cverliH'ked a card at
tached to the knob f the door which had
the combination written upon it. It is not
believed by the Omaha police that a man
to whose ability as an expert safe biower
many big hauls are attributed could hava
had a hand in such a hungim Job.
rea thc teas aas Taia, vhc
ot aaa avour. "iiiuiit
Derails as pcmcT aa atca.
aas aao currs. .t trim aaa use-
lAea roa thc C4.Mrrr ukaac
a r oM e-e. a taa,
stvle that are y1 O