Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 03, 1907, Page 3, Image 3

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3 -
ttendahce on tht Opening Day in
Eiceii of Fire Thousand.
Bryfcl Polata ta Moat RirprufU
Stata Pair' Plvr Held rallllpa
Bar , Knrna to Ilia
' ' ' i- Ho...
(From a fUnft Correspondent
LINCOLN. Rppl. 2. 8peclal.)-The Btata
Jalr la on. The big wide gatea wers thrown
pn to the public at t o'clock thla morn
ing and great crowda were ready and
inxioua to enter. The awlne barna are full,
the aneep barna are full, the horae barna
ira full and ao are the cavtle barna. The
rrounda were Just a little damp today but
not too. damp to .prevent the people from
looking at everything In aight. Aa la
naually the case not all the ezhlblta were
In place and win not be (or a day or two,
bat the work la Sip to the average. The
promise of "he, management that thla would
be the blggeit and beat fair Nebraaka haa
ver had la going (o- be kept, judging by
the alghta today, The alrahlp la going to
attract a lot of visitors and will go up
every day when the weather will permit.
Tha grounda are easy of acceaa, aa both
car llnea run there and the Burlington, la
running a five minute service. The In
junction ault against the traction company
waa continued ao thla company will bo able
to haul passangera aa usual.
One of the Interesting features today waa
the atock .judging' by the atudents of the
agricultural college. Each student took a
look . at the . live Block and marked hla
points. ' The record made by the students
will be kept and compared with the records
of the experts who are to do the judging.
The town la filling up with visitors and
every rooming house here will be full.
Many of them h.ave rented cota and bed
apace will be rented. '
Tha attendance yesterday waa 6,068. Mon
day of laat year it waa 6,080.
rallllpa Boy Hrtirni.
Paul Philllpa. the g-year-old son of Dis
trict Clerk Phillips, has been found aitoi
a mysterious7 absence of twenty-four hours.
The boy' waa located at 6 o'clock this morn
ing, walking along the street near the Kock
Island ticket office. lie told his father lie
had been to Omaha In company with a
stranger whom he did not know. The
stranger Induced him to go to Omaha, he
said, and after walking up on the viaduct
gave lilm money to pay his way home and
auggotfted, to hint to hike back to Lincoln.
The boy cam back on the midnight train
last night, and oil' the advice of the
stranger kept put -.of slghb' of the homo
folks a long aa. iioaelble. Mr. Phillips, who
la a candidate foe (re-election, believes the
boy. was induced to leave home by a po
lttlosl 'enemy, who. In this way Bought to
take his father'! mind off of the coming
election and keep Mm busy looking for his
boy. '
Gasoline Barna Are Fatal.
. Mr.,J..G., Bujrua died at 1 o'clock thla
morning aa a result' of being burned In an
explosion of gasoline at her home, 1107 K
straet," Sunday- morning at about 9:30
o'clock, k Forgetting,, that there was a flro
In the water heater, Mrs. Barruss yester
day., morning went Into tha basement to
clean soma clothing with gasoline, which
aha had In an open bowl. The basement
room waa soon filled with gas and a ter
rlflo explosion followed. Mrs. Burruss was
going up .the. stairs when her clothing
caught fire. jBha ran, screaming, to the
Wcrus of Praise
For tbe several Ingredient of which fa
Pierre's medicine are composed, ts given
Dy leaden In all -the several schools of
medicine, (tumid havo far more weight
than any amount of non-professional tes
timonials. Dr. Pleroo's Favorite Prescrip
tion hat the bahoe or hosestt on every
bottle-wrapper. In a full list of all it In
gredienta printed In plain English.
It you are an Invalid woman and suffer
from frequent headache, back scha, gnaw
ing dlstr?i In stomach, periodical pains,
dlssgreoCtflo, catarrhal, pelvic drain,
dragglrfyUown distress In lower abdomen
or pelv), perhaps dark spots or specks
dancMg before the eyes, faint spells and
klndsol tymstoinscauscd by female weak
ness, oLsthar derangement of the feminine
organs, yi can not do better than take)
Dr. Plcrcfe Favorite Prescription.
The hf sAltal, Surgeon's knife and opera
ting uti Vmay be avoided by the timely
dm of f avorite Prescription" In such
esses.' Thr the ohnoMotis exsmln-
pliyslciancan he avoided and a thorough
cuilf of successful treatment carried oul
In Jl.p mi.i.-vjii hnnu-- "Kavnrita
Prescription Is composed of the very be t
native medicinal roots known to medical
science (or tha cure of woman's peculiar
ailments, contains no alcohol and no
bsrmful or habit-forming drugs.
Do not expect too much from "Favorlta
Prescription; "It will not perform mira
cles ; It will not dl solve or cure tumors.
Vo medicine will. It will do as much to
establish vigorous health In most weak
nesses and ailments peculiarly Incident to
women as any medicine can. It must be
given a fair chance by perseverance In lia
use for a reasonable length of time.
rfln'f Tnrd eept a cnerpt. nna.
trum as a suhtiTiie or ihh rAy ..j
kamv iLc o in dps i 1 1 i vu.
bick women are invited to consult Dr.
Pierce, by letter, free. All correspond
ence Is" guarded as sacredly secret and
womanly confidences are protected by
professional privacy. Address Dr. R. V,
Pierce, Buffalo, N. V.
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets the best
Isxatlvo snd regulator of the bowels.
They Invigorate stomach, liver and
bowels. On" a laxatlvo j tro or thren a
aihartlc Easy to -ike m candy.
r9Pn, aboye ,.
. Ker daughter. Miss Lois Burruss, whd
heard her cries, threw a rug around her
mother- and succeeded In amotherlng the
flames. In doing' this the daughter waa
also severely burned about the arms. Dr.
Lehnhoff waa called and on examination
found that Mrs. Burruss was burned all
over tha body,' wlih the exception of her
shoulders. As practically all the skin was
burned to a crisp, the physician enter
tained but little hope of her recovery. He
tailed in Dr. Stevens. Dr. Mitchell and Dr.
Woodward to aid -him.
Tha explosion of the gasoline set the en
tire basement ablaise, and an alarm was
turned In, The fire department succeeded
in extinguishing the fire before It spread
to the upper floors.
The funeral arrangements will not be an
nounced until word Is received from, Mrs.
Burruss' daughter, Mrs. Fred Funke, who
Is In California.
Dohaos Inspects Irrigation Work.
Becretary Dobson of the State Board of
Irrigation haa returned from a trip to the
government diversion dam for the Inter
state canal at Whalen, Wyo., forty miles
l from the Nebraska line. This work Is In
the charge of Bert Forbes, formerly as
sistant to Mr. Dobson, who haa devel
oped Into quite a water witch, having found
water at a depth of twenty feet where all
others had failed. Including old settlers who
had gone there In prairie schooners. The
canal Is completed with the exception of the
dam at the head to control the water. By
the beginning of next season It Is estimated
that there will be sufficient water in the
canal to Irrigate 40,000 acres of land, and
before the aeison closes 80,000 acres, most
of which Is In Nebraska. The dam Is TOO
or 800 feet long and will be made of con
crete and cost about I200.00O. The con
tractor began work by driving sheet piling
across the river Just above the proposed
site of the dam to ahut off the water tem
porarily to permit construction. When thla
work Is complete a large ditch will be dug
to divert the flow of the stream around
the proposed dam. A large framework of
boards holds the concrete from which the
dam will be formed. Plenty of sand and
stone and gravel Is. found close to the dam
site. After the concrete Is mixed It Is car
ries' - across - In . oars .on a cable
way and dumped wherever used.
peared and have never been seen atnre.
The child waa taken 111 soon after being
deserted and died. Every effort Is being
made to locate the man and woman.
a Mian shads vnih
t, .' '
Give your floors a coat
of jap-a-lAc, and have
them look as bright and
new as . they did the -day
they were first finished.
The cost is prnall, -and you
will enjoy doing the jap-a-LAC-IMO
- t a .. ji.ia
tun km if-. rtti.i mcl
at ' vnw vvaun-
If an advertisement convinces
, 70U, stay convinced.
When in The Bee the ad
. .. vertisement of a manufacturer
: who baa paid for the space used,
to ccnatlnce you that It Is to your
Interest to buy hla goods, and
you go to a dealer where such
articles are usually handled for
; sale.'do not let the dealer or one
of hla clerks sell you something
; else which he claims is "Just as
. ,. good. , If an advertisement con
, vinces'you, it waa because of the
uutj-hlch,lt contained.
Insist oa getting;
srnat yon kk for '
State Catherine to Be Held 1st Hast
ings 'Thla Week.
HASTINGS, Sept. X. The Seventh Day
Adventista of Nebraska Will hold their
thirty-third annual state camp meeting In
Prospect park In thla city for ten days
beginning next Thursday. It Is expected
that between 700 and 1,000 persons will be
camped on the grounds throughout the
The camp meeting will be tha first ever
held by the Seventh Day Adventista In
Hastings and aa the denomination haa re
cently established state headquarters here
an unusually large attendance la expected.
The headquarters buildings for the atate
officers and the state conference are nearlng
completion and probably will be occupied
late In the fall. ' ,
Among the speakers engaged for the
camp meeting are Elder ' A. G. Daniels,
president of the general conference; W. A.
Bplcer. secretary of the , foreign mission
board; K. C. Russell, chairman of the
religious liberty department of the church.
All these men are from Washington, D. C.
Among tha speakers from other places will
be E3. T. Russell of College View. Neb. :
I H. Christian, Milwaukee; B. Mortensen,
Chicago; LWls Johnson. Seattle; Professor
C. C. Lewis. College View. ' president of
rnlon college; Dr. W. A. George, super
intendent of the Nebraska sanitarium at
College View; Ds. David Paulson, super
intendent of tha Hinsdale sanitarium.
The public services will be conducted in
tha Chautauqua pavilion. There will be
separate pavilions for services which will
be conducted In the German and Scandi
navian languages. '
CHy OmeUls Tear Railroad Track
Art Arrested.
FREMONT. Neb.. SeDt. l.Citv A..
ney C..E. Abbott.' Chief of Police Peterson
ana street Commissioner Fletcher were ar
rested today upon warrants sworn out by
Union, Pacific officials for imIhi vinunn-
on laborers who were laying track at
i nion and C streets. While tha chief of
police kept back the laborers with him r.
volver. the city attorney and atreet com-
missioner tore up the track Just laid. Ab
bott ts a prominent attorney and la a can
didate for the nomination for district
Judge. The city offlclala have six special
omcers guarding tha contested streets.
t'BMeatlfled Haa Killed.
LEXINGTON, Neb.; Sept. -Speclal
Telegram.) An unidentified Syrian, who
apparently was beating his way over tha
I'nion Pacific railroad, fell from freight
tran last night, going -west about o'clock,
and had both legs crushed, lit waa taken
charge of by 1'nlon Paelfle Surgeon Rosen
berg, but died this morning. Greek funeral
services will be held t the Catholic ehurcn
tomorrow morning, conducted by a Syrian
priest, who haa been sent for- that pur
raneladlaa- eMta ( the Conference
at Beatrice.
BEATRICE, Neb., Sept. t. -(Special.)
Testerday'a session of the Vnltcd
Brethren conference was devoted mostly
to committee reports and the closing, up
of the business of the session. At 'the
ministerial meeting In the morning plana
were laid for better and more auccessful
work on each and every charge In the
conference. The laymen pledged them
selves to a better support of the minis
try and demanded a better training In
every way. Rev. Dr. Schell, Dr. Brooka
and Bishop Weekley made short ad
dresses, after which the treasurer's re
port on missions was submitted. It
showed a good gain In home missions of
fering. Mrs. J. H. Caaselman was elected
president of the conference branch of
the woman's auxiliary to the Home Mis
sions society. Rev. Mr. Spore, a re
turned missionary from China, gave an
Interesting discourse on the work In
China. - A resolution was passed chang
ing the general erection Interest from
an assessment to a general offering for
church erection on Easter Sunday. The
report of the committee on ' Sunday
schools was read by Rev. J. F. Hedge J,
and was discussed by Rev. T. L. Swan,
Mrs. J. E. Casselman and Colonel Cow
den. In the evening Rev. Dr. Hayden of Des
Moines, la., addressed the conference and
the business session waa brought to a
Sunday a number of the visiting pas
ters filled the pulpits for the local pas
tors, both morning and evening.
Bishop Weekley delivered an eloquent
aermon In the mprnlng at the Congrega
tional church and at the close announced
the following assignments for the East
Nebraska district:
Beatrice, J. R. Mower; Blue Springs,
E. F. Wriggle; Crab Orchard. E. N.
Ballon; Dubois. A. Payne; Falrbury, H.
r. lluise; ureanam, i;. li. spore; HarDine,
W. U. Booker; Julian and Nehawka, C
W. Armstrong-; Lincoln. W. O. Jones;
Lushton, J. F. Hedges; Memphis, Charles
Foster; Otterbeln, F. W. Brink; Cheney,
J. G. Horaore; Omaha, M. O. MfLaugh
lin; Panama. J. L. Hayden: Pawnee. A.
W. Nevlll; Tork, C. S. Lor; Pickrelr,
H. A. Ranch; Ileasant Hill. A. Smith:
Seward, to be supplied; Shelby. O. J. Mel
ville; . Knnon. v. h. isehell: eitrang, Mrs.
E. H. Adklns; Swanton, G. B. Slrlckier;
waco, Ray Smith; West Blue. O. E.
Gregg; Zimmerman, W. O. Rooker; Mur
ray, to be auDnlled: tiresldent York col
lege, W. E. Schell, D. D. ; evangellst-at-
large, J. Dean; evangelist, T. K. Surface.
Nebraaka News Notes.
BLUE HILI-Another fine rain fell here
last night and will be a great benefit for
lan plowing.
HARVARD Another fine shower of
thirty-six humlreths of an inch fell In this
city last night. In various places outside
during yesterday and last night It waa
considerable more. '
HARVARD The last of the Ullon series
of meetings held by our three churches
burlng the summer months, closed , last
night with Revj Gregg of Fremont, a for
mer pastor or the Christian chruch.
preaching a most excellent sermon to a
crowded house at the Congreatlonal church.
HARVARD Eugene Averlll. was brought
tome Harvard cemetery Irom Borenvllle,
for burial yesterday, where he died Friday
from over heat while at work and caused
Incident thereto. Mr. Averlll lost his wife
here two years last winter, and several of
nia children nave round homes In different
parts of Nebraska through an Omaha
HASTINGS Taking advantage of the
mua weather the Christian church eon
gregatlon of this city assembled at Prospect
park today for the regular Sunday religious
service. There was prearhing this morn
ing ana tonight and Sunday school In the
morning. The members enjoyed basket
dinner and supper on the grounds. This
waa me nrst outing of Its kind ever con
ducted In Hastings. -
Qoalnt and Cartons Featares.of Life
la a Kapidlr tiro win ar
Columbus Item It was only a little fire
on Friday afternoon, but It gave the fire
men a chance to get there. It waa only a
car on the Union Pacific that had some
straw In and aome one wanted to see how
It would burn and how fast the firemen
could turn out. Not much damage was
Observation Did you ever go Int' one o'
them tonsllitis parlors an' hev a bald
headed barber talk fer an hour f ait vou
f try aome hair restororT, A gal will stan'
In front o' th' looktn' glass an' powder her
nose for twenty, minutes an' then fly lnf
tantrum If anybody tella her it shows -
Abe Martin, in Oakdale Sentinel.
Nature Fake Oulte a nhannmona
unearthed by one of our cltlsens th other
day as he was out In the garden digging
potatoes. As he turned up one plant he
found that he had also dug up a pop battle
which contained a larre. well develoned
potato. The bottle was broken and the
potato found to be the same quality aa
any others In the garden, although It had
been a "bottle-fed" one Wausa Gasette.
A Country Auto Mr. Gutru and Mr. Har
vey went to Madison Saturday to bring
home an automobile which Mr. Gutru had
taken on a trade. The car did not prove
to be very bridle wise and the train did
not get away from Madtson until lata In
the afternoon. They got as far as Humph
rey, where they put up for the night. The
next day they resumed their Journey and
tha next reported of them waa when they
wera forcing their, and the automobile's,
way up the hill by John Keaney's. They
reached here in time for supper. The ma
chine will be put through repairs and then
turned loose as a roadster. Newman Grove
A Jewel Gone Misa May Kerker, who has
Las just beer; closed for grading work on the Omaha & Nebraska Central Railway. The construction work will progress
rapidly. A strong, substantial roadbed will be built and it is only a question of time when actual traffic will coinmenee. Inter
urban electric railways are being constructed all over this country. Every one of them has been a money making proposition.
iirirnan mf-r-- - -
what interurban roads have done in other states; what we propose to do here; how it will be done and why you ought to be
interested. We have a legitimate, bona fide, business proposition. Let us explain it to you your own good judgment will
tell you that this is an extraordinary opportunity for small investments.
Ilowt By bringing rural towns into closer and quicker relation with the larger cities; by carrying produce promptly,
quickly, safely to market; by affording traffic at teduced cost, greater comfort and less time; by furnishing better traffic
facilities, both freight and passenger. The Omaha & Nebraska Central Railway will do all this for one of the richest dis
tricts in the state of Nebraska. It will do more, it will increase land values in every county in the state. ; 1
If you are, you know that your interest lies in encouraging home enterprise, in-the development of this wonderful west
ern country. We want stock-holders in the west. v e want stock-holders along the line ot this railway. W hy T Because every-
1 1 i 1 A A 1 Al J" " "- I t II
one who owns a share of stock is interested in the sue
cess of the undertaking. Every farmer who owns
stock is interested in marketing his
produce over this line. Every mer
chant who owns stock is interested
in having his goods shipped
over this line. If you are Inter
ested in the welfare of your
state, In Its future development,
you are Interested In this
rY K - T I
' butij.r,wI JU'jr ( ( e ;'
l.r--. . ; SAUNDERS 1 1 SARPV
Bsav- s m I a m
I jfavtKj T I
- JjL
T"; , r 7T
.JtZJJ . I tUEaBaU BiBriEaa I II V Wl II Ea Itf 9 ' ;
r-r . C 4l,.nn w..'n4'la en Kcnr! r rY 1 ' Tf Tint" A ' Of nt
Fgcai m mm nave you sent in your name iut a mice mvumn 0uuouillvu . , - - ,
Ml" P , once.' Fill out the coupon herewith and we will send you a copy three months free ;1
IIImBL 0f charge. This is an interesting, valuable publication, brimfull of information ! .
on electrical subjects and particularly electricity as a motive power. Don't neglect to mail Mi
your name today and secure the September number.
Omaha & Nebraska Central Railway
' ' 330 First National Bank Bldg.
OMAHA, - -
COUPON. ! . . "
Send further information and ."Electrical
Progress" Free for three months ;
. Town . .
State. ......
been head angel In tha Advertiser office
for almost three years, aa welt as clerk in
the postofflce, haa resigned these positions.
although ahe promises to help us out if we
get pushed. Miss May la one of the very
best helpers we have ever had in our ex
perience of thirty-five years In the busi
ness. She haa always been willing to do
even more than her share, la Intelligent,
quick to learn, always taking great Interest
In the work. We regret very much to
have her leave ua, and wish her all pos
sible good fortune In her future life. Ne
braska Advertiser.
In Deep Water The "around town" man
of the Norfolk News saya: ' "Another
bunch of teachers Is In Norfolk, but you
don't get this column mixed up again with
any padded enrollment." Thla Is because
the newspaper boys had soma fun about
an unpadded roll of teachers, or roll of
unpadded teachers, the boys were not quite
sura which the News referred to. Now the
News haa cut out the whole deal, and
whether .the teachers are padded or- not,
it Isn't going to say a blamed word about
It. The News reminds us of the little girl
In school, whose teacher waa In the habit
of giving the class talka about birds and
animals, and having them write tho sub
stance of them the next day. One day
ahe told them about tha blue heron, and
among other thlnga she remarked that "the
blue heron has no tall to speak of." The
next day the little girl wrote, "The blue
heron has a tall, but we mustn't say any
thing about it." Elgin Review,
, tws crarxTSaT
AvCaom rsarcx courttr
o nh Ttfc .. Omaha
Sever Storm at Beatrice.
BEATRICE, Neb.. SepU t (Special Tele
gram.) A aevere rain and electrical storm
visited this aection last night. Lightning
flEelt the wheat stacks on the farm of 8.
Pheasant and a man's grain near Ellis,
causing a heavy loss. BevraJ barns were
struck and badly damaged. Rainfall, I S
Parents Desert Call.
BEATRICE. Neb., 8ept l-9pclai Tel
egram.) forsaken" by a man and woman
unknown to the authorities, a child 1
months old waa left at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Barbee, ; twelve , mjla west of
town. Vpon leaving the Infant,' the couple
stated they would return, but thty dlsap-
She Haa t arlens Habits.
When a person haa. to keep the feet out
from under the cover during the cbldeat
nlghta la winter because of the heat and
prickly sensation. It is time that coffee,
which causes the trouble, be left off.
There la no end to the nervoua condi
tions that coffee will produce. It shows
In one way In one person and In another
way In another. In this case the lady
lived In 8. Dak. She 'says:
"I have had to lie awake -half the
night with my feet and limbs out 61 the
bed on the coldest nights, and felt afraid
to Bleep for fear of catching cold. . 1 had
been troubled for years with twitching
and jerking of the lower limbs, and for
most of the 'time I have been unable to
go to church or to iecturea because of
that awful feeling that I roust keep on
the move.
"When It waa brought to my attention
that coffee cauaed so: many nervous dis
eases. I concluded to drop coffee and
take Postum Food Coffee to see If my
trouble was caused by coffee drinking.
"I only drank one cup of coffee for
breakfast but that waa enough to do tha
business for me. When I quit It any trou
bles disappeared In an almost miraculous
way. Now I have no mora of the Jerking
and twitching and can aleep with any
amount of bedding over me and eleep all
night, in sound, peaceful rest.
"Foatum Food Coffee la - r,baollitely
worth Its weight in gold to me." "There's
a Reason." Read the little With claasle,
The Road to Wellvllle," If), ga.
Board of Pablle Lands and Ball
' lass Eaters JVew
- Order.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Neb., Sept. t (Special Tele
gram.) The atate board of public lands and
buildings this morning entered an order that
Warden Beemer of the atate penitentiary
shall no longer charge a fee of 10 cents
for visitors desiring to Inspect the Institu
tion. Heretofore during times such aa the
state fair, hundreds are ahown through and
tha revenue, amounting during a rush time
to seveial thousand dollars, has been
turned into the library fund. The board
holda that the public la entitled to inspect
its rironertv free of charae.
The trial of the Lincoln and Des Moines
base ball players, accuaed of playing Sun
day base ball, - was postponed today In
Justice Rlseer's court until September 16.
. The attorney general's suit to enjoin the
express companlea from violating the Sib
ley rate Injunction law, which was trans
ferred from tha atate to the federal court
here, may. be returned to the atate court.
A motion on this form of application will
be argued in federal court here soon.
Trafflo association. Judge Speer holds that
lumbermen who have suffered from the
extra 2 cents per hundred pounds on Ohio
river points and the west are entitled to
recover such sums of the lines as they
have bean forced to pay under the In
creased tariffs. The decision lets In all the
lumbermen who were expecting an ad
justment of claims. More than 11,000,000 Is
Involved and much time will be required
for full hearing of all claims.
t'oart Deeldea Roads Have Over.
charged Tarns on Shipments
front Booth.
MACON, Oa., Sept. .-Judge Emery
Speer haa rendered a decision touching the
famoua lumber rate casa of the Georgia
Saw Mill association agalnat tha Southern
ana Uta ailiat Un of tha Southeastern
Decided Tendency to Advance Shown
la Securities of All
NEW TORK, Sept, 2.-The feeling of
anxiety and apprehension which has been
prevalent In financial circles for several
weeks past was perceptibly quieter last
week, and this was reflected In some im
provement in prices of securities. This
was accomplished without any very sub
stantial revival of demand for stocks, the
buying coming clearly for the most part
from the covering by short contracts left
open aa a consequence of bear operations
during the prolonged decline In prices. On
the selling side, however, there was a
marked subsidence of the kind of pressure
which haa kept the market disordered
during the previous period. The change
In sentiment waa easily discernible In the
disregard of the many rumors of an alarm
ing character which were circulated in
the early part of the week, alleging em
barrassments by stock and bond houses
snd even by the 'influential mercantile
houses. The bears soon perceived that
these devicea were ineffectual. Including
further large offerings of holdings, and
they were led perforce to buy In stocks
on a rising scale to cover their short con
tracts. Quite the most Influential factor
In bringing about the betterment was the
announcement of the secretary of tha treas
ury of his Intention to make large weekly
deposits of government funds with the
national banka during tne period of the
crop moving demand. The response was
prompt, not only In the American money
market, but In the great foreign loan cen
ter as well; In London especially the dis
count rate declined and It became quickly
manifest that defensive measures In that
market against New Tork's supposed In
tentions to dray on foreign money re
sources were being abandoned. The treas
ury meaaure for supplying our currency
gives promise of a relaxation of demand
on foreign money resources for this pur
pose. There is general agreement, however,
that this country's position in the interna
tional exchange la atronger than for sev
eral years paat at this period of the year.
Pare Food Rearnlatlons Are Good, but
They Come Hlah to Man
ufacturers. ., It costs' money for manufacturers and
packers to comply with food laws. Omaha
wholesalers have been notified by the Cali
fornia fruit packers that an extra charge
will be made for branding packagea to com
ply w(th the Nebraska law-
Local butchers are having sorne worry
over the question of whether it is safe for
them to use preservatives and coloring In
making hamburger, bologna,' frankfurter,
link, bulk and liver aauaagea. Health Com
missioner Connell assured them the law
would be strictly enforced and advlaed
them not to uae preservatives without get
ting . advice from the state food'' commis
sioner. The offloera of,' tha Recall Butchers'
aasoclation are advising the mSmbers to use
neither preservatives nor coloring, for the
. To avoid 12 dangerous railroad1 cross
ings take the White. Line cara to the
atata fair grounds. . . y . .
A great many blood medicines contain Mercury, Potash, Arsenic or some
other strong mineral. These ingredients act unpleasantly and often danger
ously on the system by affecting the stomach and upsetting the digestion, and
sometimes do great damage by eating out the delicate lining and tissues of the
body. No such results ever come from the use of S. S. 8. This great medicine
enjoys the distinction of being the only guaranteed purely vegetable blood
remedy on the market It is made entirely from the extracts and juices of
healing, cleansing roots, herbs and barks of the forests and fields gathered
under our own supervision. In the treatment of Rheumatism, Catarrh, Sores
and Ulcers, Scrofula, Skin diseases, Blood Poison, and all blood diseases and
disorders S. S. S. is a safe and efficient retredy. It removes from the blood
all impurities, humors or poisons, and safely as well as 'surely cures all iHs
and ailments due to a bad condition of the blood. For more than forty
years 8. S. S. has been recognized as the best Blood Purifier and the Greatest
of all Tonics. We have books on the different blood and skin diseases.
which we will be glad to send free to all who desire them, and will also
xunusn any medical advice wanted without charge.
" Urt, Wlnslow. Soothing Syrupy
r oe?. owrajw oiiTT-rivg tears t
VlM.IONS of UOTUtKS fur their rMIt.IRE.t
"nut jLtiniait.wnn rr. nrixi Rl ucbntl.
bju i a i
11 PAJ
Art or
!' Hootklns lm," sod Ukt no otbrr kiud.
Twpt7-p mU bottl Ousruiteod UimW the
food a4 Iru Act Jud MXb.l. SHI Number
las, JlJ gU A&ii YVLU. ibJXU tOJULht. I
The Official Train...
Department of Nebraska
Will leave Chicago for Saratoga
bunday afternoon, Sept. 8th,
via Wabash R. IT. Through
cars from points in Ne
braska without chancre.
Low Rates
Jamestown, Cana.-
dial., New England... NS 11 fA0,
Long Limit. Liberal StopoveraRound trip
For rates, descriptive matter and all information call
at WABASH CITY TICKET OFFICE, 1601 Faxnam street
or address Harry E. Moores, O. A. P. D., Omaha, Neb.