Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 03, 1907, Page 12, Image 12
12 THE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY. SEFTEtBETC X 1M7. 9 I I J RM U ifliiiniiri ' n n II i it J l Tt3c TUESDAY A MOST EXTRAORDINARY of 20,000 YAWPS OP PLAIH AND FANCY SILKS. WORTH UP TO f 1 A YAWP, AT 29c The Duplan Silk Mills closed out to us at 33M cents on the dollar 20,000 yards of strictly up-to-date Dress Silks, Waist Silks, Silk for Petticoats and Linings mostly 27 inches wide newest browns, navies, Copenhagen blues, Bordeaux, greens and plenty of black and white, also a very fine . lot of 27-inch dot Rajahs, satin and twill Foulards positively worth up to $1.00 a yard. They have been greatly admired in our Sixteenth Street window. Tuesday, your choice, yard $1.25 Dross Goods at 69o a Yard Strictly latest Fall Dress Goods 52 and 54 inch black and col ored Panamas, wool taffetas, French Zibelines, gfa g light weight covert cloth, worth $1.25 yard, Ifiljf on bargaiu square at, yard CjpO if 0 OMAHA WEATHER XRECAST TupmIaj. Fair. TTTV Si- A MAM Wide Embroideries at 25c and 39c Fine Corset Cover Embroideries up to 27 inches wide, beautiful Skirtings and Flouncings, many are the fin est "French Batiste fine lot of shadow effects and baby Irish wide embroideries suitable for making waists and children's dresses AP a Af actually worth as high as 75c a fP n 4HP yard, at yard -UU d IMUU 31c and 5c Point de Paris, Plat " Vals, French and German Vals, Tor chons and Baby Irish Laces many in sets to match worth as high as 10c yard, at 3Mjc and 5c on bargain squares. I LKagl QMAHA See that Your Boy is Ready for School. Here's the Most Extraordinary Sale We Ever Held on IYS' FALL SUITS Entire Sample Lines of All Wool Knee Pants Suits and Knickerbocker Suits Bought from M. Asinoff, 189 Mercer St., New York. You can properly fit the boy in good up-to-date, all wool Suits in medium Fall weights every suit this season's, style big variety of favorite patterns. No mother should mis this chance. These are S3, $4, cg-n 93 S5 and $6 suits U Brandeis $5 Boys' Combination Suits at $2.98 Extra pair of knickerbocker pants free with each suit practically two suits for the price of one made of Scotch QA cheviots, ages 7 to 16 years, at wt U(j Boys High Grade Suits for Tall Are Here. These are the finest, dressiest fall novelties, made by the most skilled tailors in the most accepted styles. No store f tliept lmS eV?r stown Bucil w' excellent line of boys' the prices are . . . . Tr. $3.98 up to $9.98 'WAr - CMOOL SHOES FOR DOYS AND GIRLS Ladies' lhe most complete showing in Omaha every, pair aiade on footform lasts, enabling the children's feet to con tinue natural growth. M 18808' Lace or Button Shoea, sizes im to I, 91.Z5. 81.50. 81.98 Shoes, slses 2M to BU. 91.59 81.98 82.50 Shoes, In sizes 1 to 6H. 91.50 81.98 82.75 Shoes, sizes 9 to 18V4 91.50 91.98 92.25 in sizes 8H to 11. 98 91.25 91.50 Young Boys' School TNSia. Boy,' School vN Children's Shoes s t. MNiNiULL DLftMiETS-BLANKETS The opportunity of the season for money saving in Blanket buying. Don't mind the mercury, when it falls Blanket Prices will advance. Buy now when; you have bargains offered you. Every Pair Guaranteed New and Perfect in Every Way. Bargains in Cotton Blankets 10-4 Cotton Blankets, a heavy quality, all colored CQ borders, gray, tan, white, in this sale per pair. . JtJC 11-4 Cotton Blanket, one of the very best qualities made, this blanket has the elegant German finish, beautiful borders of all colors, gray and tan only, on sale, now, per pair :rs or ail 76c 12-4 Cotton Blankets the very best of their kind made, has very fin soft finish like the best all wool blankets, the very largest size, pretty tan ana grey only, in this sale, per pair 1.39 Bargains in Wool Bl&nkets Cut out the salaries of en gineers and firemen by using Electric Power the motor will start your machinery with that simple switch. Investigate! Omaha Electric Light and Power Oo. Tel. Douglas 1063. Y. M. C. A. Bid. rtr nnnnniiDV nv.4. 1C03 FAR NAM ST., OMAHA. rhn Douglas 1756 Etractlo -"" . We mak. specialty ru j J I I r iBg, uu s Naock. White wool Blankets In all col ored borders, extra heavy, looks like an 18.00 Blanket, . washi i fine on sale now, per t pair 11-4 White Wool Blankets, Just a little cotton mixture to keep this blanket from shrink ing, various colored borders, a treat bar gain, per pair eep in in 398 11-4 plaid wool Blankets in all colors, pink, blue, red, tan or black plaid, one of the greatest blankets . " Z caver shown, each pair in this sale. ....... ...Wsjf Mew Plaid Silks 1 rinmostta Killra 'Ploirl Rilu-o wviww MUUUH A SW4V4 75c to $2.50 Stylish collections of foreign and domestic Silks., Plaid Silks imported direct from Paris. New color combinations not to be found elsewhere FOB JA.CXBT SUITS These light weight French chiffon broad cloths come In brown, wine, green and navy blue colorings with beautiful plaid effects of either self or contrasting shading especially green pllds or brown, entirely new, very Frenchy, prices from 93.00 to CHEVIOT PLAIDS are recog nized In Europaas the late novelty for Coat Suits or Skirts. These elegant stuffs are the right weight, come In tlons prices, per ( yard.. $2.00, $2.50 and 3.O0 nmslOA." OXiOTX, a strictly Frenoh fabric the colorings are entirely different from our American stuffs. You recognize the excluslveness of these styles at once. The lateCopen- nagen smt snaaes, eic. trices ranging irom $2.50 to S3.SO .;i. KOTTLID CHICKED r KBIT CM BaOaSOLOIH in the swell est fall shading, these elegant materials are especially "beau tiful, as lustrous as velvets, color combination as wine and navy blue, mode and reseda green are the swellest for street suits, prices from ' S1.50 UP XO S3.SO NEW FALL TAILORED SUITS Chic style for early Fall Wear, made in three style cloths, broad cloth, cheviot and serge, colors are black, brown, green, garnet and navy. The tailoring on these suits are first class either Skinner satin or taffeta lined. One of our early sea son bar gains at 19.50 FALL SKIRTS Made of fine chiffon Pana ma, full pleated or good flare style, trimmed in straps and folds, colors black, brown, navy, grean and russet. Tuesday . we will place on sale one hundred of these Cl Kfi styles at PS.OV FALL WAISTS Tailored Linen and French Madras Waists, strictly tailored handsome new de signs, early season prices nd60:.?,.7.5. $1.95 $1.00 and ii.zs nOr Undermuslins at. . "-M Just 87S garments, odds and ends of our $1.00 and $1.28 lines: Corset Covers, Prawers, Oowns snd Skirts trimmed In dainty lace and embroidery, ftQ Mondsy for JJV SOME GREAT LINEN BARGAINS 71 Inch Cream Table Damask, regular 60c quality, per yard Tl Inch Bleached Table Damask, regular 86c quality, per yard 71 Inch Bleached Double Satin Damask, regular $1.60 quality, per yard 35c 68c 98c It Inch Bleached all Linen Napkins, regu lar $2.60 quality, per dosen 1.98 18x64 Drawn Work Dresser Scarfs, three rows of drawn work, reg. 60o quality, each 40c 18xS Chiffonier or Dressing Table Scarf to match, regular 40c quality, each 25c BIG LOT OF German Salads EVERY SHADE AND DECORATION BENNETT S BIG GROCERY FRESH, NEW TABLE PRODUCTS. 18c 38c 24c 15c( Roasted Santos Coffee, pound And 10 Green Trading Stamps. Teas, all kinds, pound And SO Green Trading Stamps.' Bennett's Capitol Cocoa. pound can.. And 20 Green Trading Stamps. Durkee s Curry Pow der, bottle ......... And 10 Green Trading St'ps. Durkee Celery Salt, -f r bottle AUC And 6 Green Trading Ht'ps. Marshall's Kippered OAn Herring, can And 10 Green Trading St'ps. Bennett's Bargain Soap, OSf nine bars stC "Best We Have" Salmon, can Ui And 20 Green Trading St'ps. cuieei ueiauuo, pounu pekae for Batavla Macaroni, pound package . . , And 10 Green Trading Stamps. H. J. lie..,. .VijM.u, And 10 Ureen Trading Acme Mansella Olives, bottle And 10 Ureen Trading H la flips. Galllard's Imported Olive Oil, bottle And 10 Ureen Trading Stamps. It J. Helns Pearl Onions, bottle , And 10 Green Trading Stamps. GRANULATED SUGAR, - , 20 pounds for ISM !! 20C lac 15c 15c : 24c 25c NEWEST FALL DRESS GOODS. Our buyer selected these goods personally in rranoe and Barman?. The newest styles with latest color combinations wsrs purchased by blm right at the mills. Two to One... Can you do as well? IS BUYING SCHOOL SHOES I FOR THK HOV IK) NOT AT TEMPT TO DO IT IN A SLIP SHOD OH CARELESS MANNER. LOOK TO THE WEARING QUAL ITY IT IS MOST IMPORTANT. HEALTHY ROYS ARE HARD ON SHOES. OUR STEEL SHODl SCHOOL SHOE OUTWEARS ANY TWO PAIR YOU CAN BUY. WE GUARANTEE THIS. Roys' sizes, 2 to 3 t 53.50 Youths size, 1 to 2 at qjo or Little Fellow's sizes, 10 M to 13 H, at $2.00 TRY A PAIR FOR YOUR BOY. Drexel Shoe Co. Hit rirnam SI. i niiHiiiiiisa Lkd LiL'LfiTil Yon Leave Your Important Papers In the Desk Drawer, your Valuable Jewels in a frail case, or your Family Silver displayed on the sideboard, you expose yourself to unnecessary risk of loss! $5.00 pays for a box In Our Safe De posit Vaults for a year. , "When you want your Valuables you can always get them, and when you DON'T need them, not one person cart tain access to them! First NaUon&Baiik Omalia, Neb. y FOR COUNTY COMPTROLLER. EMMET G. SOLOMON Office hours. SrOO to :& a. m., 12:00 to 1:31 p. m. Tslephone Harney 89. OMAHA VETERINARY HOSPITAL 28 lO Mason Street, OnaaJfca, Nek. H. U Ramacclottl. D. V. 6., Deputy State and City Veterinarian, Food Inspector, Chief Surgeon. . C. Scott, D. V. B Hos pital Surgeon. CrTE,?TS th protect B t. t A. B.UCEVWHhlnrf n.O.fa. Uttt-1869. I BULLETIN NEBRASKA TELEPHONE COMPANY All Specials In Sunday's Advertisement Art Continued for the Benefit of Tuesdif Bujets You'll Never Find Crater Bargain Opportunities , THE milABLK TW1 J Bring Sunday Advertise- mentWithYot Tuesday Another Great Silk Bargain Tuesday ..... ' We received too late to advertise Sunday a shipment of 5,000 yards of very desirable new silks, including beautiful foulards, plaids, checks, stripes, taffetas including twenty pieces' black taffetas in dress and skirt finish. This lot fZZ3 (T" secured at a special bargain is worth to 75c yard. All will go in one lot Tuesday; choice, per yard ADVANCE NOTICE OF SALE THE ENTIRE STOCK Bersback-Maloney Co. The Well Known Crockery and Glassware House. SECURED AT A TREMENDOUS BARGAIN WILL BE On Sale Friday, Sept. 6 See Display WATCH FOR PRICES. M HMDEMS' na Make It a Point To look over 'our stock of Sllvsr and Cut Glass before you purchase tho wedding present. We have a hand some line of these goods and would like to have you spend a few minutes In our store. Look for the nam. S. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler 1111 Douglas Street. r Grand Army Train Through Sleepera --via-- The Line. The Only Double Track Route. Leave Omaha 6 P.M. Sept. 7. Direct Without Change To SARATOGA via Chlcaoo and The Official Line A Day at Niagara Enroute Aik for berth early; and prexapt information 1401-03 Farnam St. F. S. MILLER. G. F. & P. A. G. F. WEST, G. A. P. D. Sept. 5 Utility Duplication DttJly Parallel Number II Through its connection with the 38 asso ciated Bell Companies which serve the dif . ferent sections of the country the Nebraska Telephone Company benefits in many ways. It has connections with the only compre hensive long distance service in the coun try. It is able to secure apparatus of the highest grade, practically at cost. It has at its command improvements which the engineers of the Bell system are constantly devising in telephone equipment. It has also the advantage which comes from the perfection of operating and construction methods due to the combined experience of the different companies. In times of trou ble or emergency, any Bell Company has the assistance of others in promptly restoring service to normal conditions. It is the business of a telephone company to sell service. In order to do this the com pany must provide an adequate plant. It must also enlarge that plant as fast as necessary to meet increasing demands upon it. Conforming to these principles the Nebraska Telephone Company has built an adequate and up-to-date plant; it gives good service and pays a fair return upon its capital which has been actually paid in dollar for dollar. If you are a telephone user you need the service of the Nebraska Telephone Company. , Copper costs more than twice what It cost three years ago. 'V ,. General construction expenses arp fronv 30 to 40 percent higher. ' - . ; Labor costs have materially adVancecJ. 7 Omaha is well covered with telephones and the number of Bell subscribers is in creasing rapidly. . , , , Omaha telephone users are accustomed to high grade service and. comprehensive toll and long distance connections' through out the state and country. The Nebraska Telephone Company is In splendid condition both physically and financially. Yet the bond circular of the new opposU tion company makes ' the amazing state ment: ' "Never did an Independent Telephona Company start out with such assurance of unprecedented success." The facts do not bear out this statement but show that the contrary is true. Inde-' pendent companies have been started in soiae cities at a time when the "local ser vice was at low ebb or when business had gotten away from the local company ihd the development was consequently low. ' Such conditions have given several inde pendent companies a certain temporary, success which cannot be permanent chiefly; on account of overcapitalization.' No independent company was ever start ed in a city where there was less real reason for duplication than there is in Omaha. This is because the new company must break into a field already very thoroughly covered with telephones and must compete against far-reaching toll lines, good service and low rates 1