Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 03, 1907, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee
Fift;csth Rational CongTets .'. t
S?:o!i at Sacramento, C.
. r.
Vies PreiitUct of United States
liven Address to Delegates.
Message is Delivered by Chief Fores
t:r Oifford PinchoL
Work of rrrwrtUc Forests
Iterative a4 Of
rr of ftatloa.
tACR.VME.VTO. Cal.. Pert- Markka
by a large attendance and much enthusl
aro the fifteenth national Irrigation con
gre opened her tnl afternoon la the
Irrigation palace which baa Beating ca
pacity for about t.100.
Governor Chamberlain of Oregon, presi
dent tf the rrr. jre. responded to the
addressee cf welcome.
Vice President Fairbanks was given an
enthusiastic reception when be arose to
deliver his address.
Gilford Pine hot, government forester !
and personal representative cf President
... ...
Roosevelt at the congress, delivered the
message cf the country's chief executive,
which came by telegram. Following is
the message la part:
Gentlrmen: t send you hearty greet
ings and my earnest wlanes for the full
est success of your convention. I run
arraiulate von on the nrnereaa of the areat
movement you represent. There is no '
movement more emphatically for the ben-
etlt of the small farmer and the small !
ranchman. The reclamation service and !
the forest service are directly adaptej
to help the small roan make and main- ,
tain a prosjerou hon.e. and they are do- ;
Ir.g It. These services were recently In-
spected on the ground by ths secretsry j
of the Interior and the secretary of agrl- !
culture, who have tr.em In c Marge, and I
congratulate you on the high standards
cf integrity and efficiency tbvy have at
tained. Vice President Fairbanks spoke n part
as follows:
Vice President' Seeerh.
Tl.e suggestion that the government
si';id lujiicipate la the work of trriiia-
some opposition ainung .
ti.ue wo iiaj
11.1... tHnutfh ... It
and who tailed to realise
poasibllittes. i look uuvs
Its tremendous.""""
incident of i
" puouc service inn more satiai action i 0ne fatal case of cholera has been re
then the support which I gave to the re- ' . ... , - .,,. i
cianauon act upon the statute books. The Pored In the port of Yokohama. Par 1
measure now spraka cor itself, its critics
have Oi-coilie its sunuorte ra. and the min-e.'
of it all Is that Its virtues wer not earlier
IviMttn and such m. measure sooner eu
, ui-U d.
On cf the most promising things tn the
rvtt-nston of irrigation ts the development
of the beet sugar industry- This la a sub
ject of i mere local Importance. We aro
sending abroad more than $l0.O00,00O a
year lor sugar. Tfcla enormous sum goes
to the enrichment of sugar producers In
foreign countries. This is sn unwise ool
Icy. and should not twi .nnitnuA avMr
Tula, treowndoua antuial .drain ahouid Ihv.
atuiViM.. jby . pursiiig a rational courae. i
e can proauc irom our own soil and re
fin In. our own factories all of th sugar
"wo ior use. it is readily to 3e seen
that th cultivation of sugar beets In th
arid and seml-artd reriona will be a source i
of wn falling and expanding wealth In the
future. To fail to utilize to the utmost our
opportunities to develop this great in-
uueiry ana retain within our own borders
11 Or nearly all of the ennrmmia aiun f
Sl00.teO.000 annually, now sent abroad, would
aeern ts be the part of inexpressible folly.
. w-iy rruum ia in auDject of irrlga-
. .iw
ra inw won or forestry pn
ins two subjects go hand In band
ve parsuea a somewhat reckiea
w-nn regard to the forests of the X'nited 1
-r-"."- -
in some sections or th country.
In fart. In almost every section, we have
denuded our lan-ls of timber In what now
seems to have been almost a wanton
Valae of Streaaaa and Rivera.
It Is but a tn-Um that If the forests are
swept away, the rainfall quickly flows into
..- xifiuua ana is wastea into trie sea.
i,res ne
tree are nronerlr nre- i
served upon the wateraheda. the rainfalls 1
iT" L"L'",n? ow" "tures
j rvuirs ana ar gradually Ted Into th i Awaits,. .
atrean.s for the benefit of both agricnltur turned and fired a fusillade of shots, but 1 ' iaTatloa of HI
and navigation. one w bu, The burglar then ran Into AsTalr by Experts.
fuM vTue or t rfm. VXZ1 a swamp, trying to find a plac where h.
tVlmibl-tlwiA swim th. river, but th. mud and I CHICAGO. Sept. I. Dismayed by the con
to th. benefit of our agriculture. Industry slim, dragged him down and he becam j dUon of bi financial affairs, and on the
5om-wCn,m.f1T: TT' wh,ch com i hausted In hU effort to escape, Healii- verge of a physical breakdown. Jesse E.
a( ITOm trie Side Of the, mnnnli m I . - . I ., ., .. - ..
ar be convened Into electrical power and I
csma nundrefls of miles with but little
lose to th Initial energy and appropriated
to lighting and heating cltiea. operating
mine and rivtng th wheels of Industry
J,T thousands of miles of rivers
which may be made navigable with Uitle
expenae to the government compared with
thy benefita flowing from their use In car
rying commerce. There are thousands of
mn.s of rivers which are navigable In a
dears hut which should be fleetvneri srd
Imoroved no as to meet our growing needs.
we are earnestre carrying forward th
construction th Panama canal, con
resaedly a work of great lmnonanoe not
only to our commerce, hut to the commerce
f L . mor,a- ImoorUot aa Uil matter
l-K l not more Imnortant than the tm
provwment of navigation upon many of our
Fpon such an occasion a thla. I would
vJrT",ur to obtrude nolltlcs; aothlng
coutd be more Inapnrorrlate. Tne fart Is
,urtV,t of nolltlca. What
M(.E w""1 H J,or b",n- and lees
... tb midst of a pros
perity th. like of which was never before
tT W ,,t1,," ' 10 our. benefit ?
There never wa an hour when It waa
more 'moortant teat we srmuM He
oer funent We should v1.,W,.w
r" '"'" tiee,.t MrH an1
a spirit of
,j"i'tc"v r racn other.
M etna a Die at Berkeley aa4 Aatbori.
tlra Are rrtniii.t War.
(aro oa Bats.
SAN FRANCISCO.' Sept t -Th health
hoard reports aa additional death from
bubonic plague and two additional case
under suspicion lace Saturday. The death
was that of a woman and occurred tn
Berkeley, across the bay from 6aa Fran
rlaoo. This case fall with la th limit of
the suvuwnent-b- th plaru authorities
that all porta a the Pacific coast having
Intercourse ith transpacific points ar
ubject u pariiMlic arpearancea of tbe di-
The ral war her is being prosecuted
Ita energy atd stioesa under th system
adopted last week by which the city la
AtviAA J .....
.. reive ain nets, each In charge
Tlas snd other precautionarr meuuee. .n !
bepre-ed v.'rusly whU, the outbreai: rMrt ' ' rt- l,N UUUBT' of Tb.. . j
- 'Freacb Aerwa.! Dell.ew ta Make' .RT'FFALO. X. T.. Sept, I-Twn polish'
' MLLtJ! Vellmata. ' both about U year. old. were shocked to '
X-fU K.a'rf.J. 2. . ".. .'death Sunday en a steel tower, which cr- i
K.adeet ef C-l-e,...
' "u,1,i- l o-e l ife Uer.a
Aaianakllr Rare.
.z.iv y ata. Bept. : -W. B. Kekrr.
wwalthy Danvar man, and E. V. Dasry
r killed la a fifty-mile auUmobU race
at Owarla-d iark this afterno-
Taeeday, September S, ltOT.
1907 September
mi wis Tn rst
3 4 5 6
10 II 12 13
17 18 19 20
24 25 26 27
' 1 "C
) 30
Temperatur at Omaha yesterday:
itrg. Hmir.
& a. m..
i a. m..
... C
... Si
... 5
... M
... ?
1 p. m.
1 p. m.
2 p. m.
p. m.
I p. IT).
( p. tn.
7 n. m.
.... i2
.... n
.... n
.... t:
.... 7
a. ra,.
J 1 a. m..
ill a. m..
lU m
.... 7"
71 p. m.
p. m.
Rain msrs the Labor day celebration la
jjs'ew Tors, but the worklngmen parade.
striking telegraphers taking part,
Par l
William Randolph Hearst and President
Cotnpers of the Federation of Labor speak
at a Ms; Labor day celebration at the
Jamestown exposition. Par 1
Farmers' earning this year, according;
i to a recent compilation, will be a thou
; sand . million dollars greater than last
year due. In the main, to high prices of
product. Pago a
! Dedication cf the convention hall to be
; used by the transmlssisslppl congress at
Muskogee, Okl., the occasion for a recital
! of the history of the organization and It.
....... -
accomplishments. Pag a
Vice President Fairbanks Is the orator
j of the day at the national Irrigation con-
g rep a at Sacramento, Cal. A telegram
I waa received conveying a message from
President Roosevelt. Pay. 1
An Italian blackmailer who was endeav-
to extort money was killed at
Elalrsvllle. Pa. Par 1
Two Polish boys are electrocuted at
Niagara Falls In the sight of thousands
of persona. Par 1
Fifty car laborers at t. Chrjs. MoN
engage In riot during drunken fight.
Par X
The death cf the premier cf Persia is
greatly deplored by friends of the nat1n
in the civilized nations. Par 1
! French aeronaut declines to go with
1 Walter Wellman on his polar trip be-
causa of fear that the p!ans are not well
laid. Pag I
rnr erl.ta of a a-eneral strike af nor.
workers at Limoges, France.
! woiing ai Antwerp among me uock la
borers Is Incited by women workers.
Par 1
State Board of Public Lands and Build
ings orders that visitors at the peniten
tiary sha.Il not be charged for the priv
ilege of going through the institution.
Par a
! Mardera rsUeeswa mm Then Shoots
I Himself Rather Than Per.
salt Caatwre.
. T tx-tvut-t ht hi t .
LTIkDHUKST' N- J- S1- 1--Georfa
Cassldy. policeman, was shot down and
nilea mtIt tndav while endeavorlnc to ar- 1
rest two burglars who bad been caught In
th act of robbing a store. The burglars
then pursued by a crowd, and rather j
than .ubmk to capture, on of them killed
U. ir . ,h.. h.i., i
- "
Cassldy had arrested 1th. men and started j
with then, for th. station house when one
of them drew a revolver from his pocket !
r-..-. .t
" " - " i
pulled the trigger. Cassidy fell dead and i
the two men ran away. The shooting
aroused th neighborhood and a crowd gave
chase. The burglars separated, one
of i
them aklna- for th. Paair river When
,A tnn ,,. kll,., I
,n' that ne wou,a captured h. used the
last carrnage in nis revolver to snoot hlnv
elf. He was dead when Ms pursuer
reached him.
Body of Late Aetor la Laid to
Near Saaaaaer
NEW LONDON. Conn.. Sept. 2. All that
was mortal of Richard Mansfield was
lowered Into a grave la the little Garden
cemetery, within a few rods cf Seven
Acres, his summer home, today. The cere
mony was attended by many friends and
acquaintance of the lata actor. By re
quest of tbe family the service at th
house were simple. There waa no eulogy
or address.
After this thos present formed In pro
cession and moved to the plot selected fur
th burial, almost diagonally across th
street, and with bowed beads listened to the
Impressive wcrds of tbe Episcopal church
r.tual and witnersed th. buriaL
. Protest Vet Belied fro-, Cbta.
. Over Jap Oeraratloa of i
Sept, t-No protest has yet beea
received from the Chinese government In
regard to Japanese occupaUon of Kantao j
In behalf of Cores, lt Is believed that th j
Japanese ar aWermined not to recognize I
the claim of China ta that strip of land, j
which Is rich In forest and mines bvi
side poaseeslng a fertile aoO. TWe was '
a time when Russia, It la asserted, had an !
z'zit r'm rj- s
ta be perfect siac th conclusion ef the
R uaao-J a panes
agreement and protest
from China against Jspaa' course there u i
expected to be of no ava'L
C rfTV or- ... - i
rv-" '-'. :-V. the
;r-, r'. rT-o-.Lt. Wio ..-'sffed Walter ;
i V .V.n-a- ,f t:.. wr-r-u ."..ti;. P..r-1-I
Ie-a,U er d t! .n. 1-, the construe-
tti'.erviewej at Btxo ;
Harhcr. aaid he was mvited t take part
ta th ezrdition. but refused, aa he
doubted the safety of llr. Wtllmaa . plana,
James Clark. Turns Oat to Be Fa
mous Marion Hedgepath.
: Drr(tTM Lwi Ob ef the Meet Sae
j rmfil Criminals la tailed
State aad Ilia Latest
ld Partner.
Jamas Clarke and W. P. Jackson of Bt
Louis, -a ho were arrested Sunday by De
tective Devereese and Heltfeld. hare
I proved to be Important captives. Clark
' has been identified as Marlon Hedgepath.
one of the most notorious afe blowers and
; highwaymen in the Vnlted States, lnfor
j mat Ion was sent to Omaha two-days ago
j that a sang of safe blowers was headed
j this way and a lookout was maintained by
the local detectives. Saturday eight a safe
was blown In Council Bluffs and Derereese
and Heltfeld were stationed on the Douglas
street bridge to catch the robbers If they
rame across. Clarke and Jackson appeared
about 2 o'clock In the morning and were
taken. Chief Savage later recognised Clarke
as Hedgepath.
About fifteen years ago Hedgepath be
longed to a famous gang of safe crackers
known as the Sly-Wilson gang. It was
composed of Dick and Charles Wilson.
Hedgepath and a man known as "Sly
In ISM they robbed a Missouri Paclflc train
at Westside Just out of Omaha and got
nearly S5O.000. A few days before that the
Ames avenue street car barn had been
ln"T " "? T a responsive
for that crime, with their booty they went
1 tl fit 1 A. m.A a - V. I 1 .. 1. -1 .
'. " J m ..lull uiur iirr I IT"iU UJ
another Missouri Poclflc train at Courtland,
Mo., from which holdup their booti Is n
j pod to hare amounted to i7S.M Hedge
! path and Sly went to California and were
arrested In Los Angeles. Dick and Charles
Wilson were caught In Syracuse. Jf. T..
and in trying to escape there shot and
killed Detective Harvey of that dty. Dick
Wilson was executed In the electric chair,
and Charles Is now serving a life sentence
In Sing Sing. Hedgepath and Sly were
taken back to Missouri and sentenced to
twenty-five years each for the Courtland
affair. Hedgepath was released after a few
years as a reward for valuable aid he had
glren In suppressing a mutiny and for
furnished evidence that led to the con
viction of Holmes, the famous wife-murderer,
who had committed his crimes In
Chicago and PhUadelphla. He is now at
the city jail and will be held for M. k
I bcry in Council Bluffs.
CTcasro Car Wlthont Waralna; Col-
lldea with Light Raaakoil
oa Sixth Aveaae.
KEW TORK, Sept. i-Mrs. Cleo C. Colt,
wife of CHcott C. Colt formerly of Hart
ford. Cona., was probably fatally Injured
early today In a collision between a run
about wagon. In wbjeh the ColU were rid
ing, and a trolley car on Sixth avenue.
Mr. Colt wis badly bruised. The motor
man and conductor of th? trolley car hare
been arrested. -
Mr. CoTt la the son or the late re arms
manufacturer. Mr. and Mrs. Colt wer
driving across Sixth avenue, when aa
empty car returning to the .car bams
crashed into the light runabout. The car
was speeding at the rate or thirty mile aa
hour and eye witnesses state that an the
lll, ... M . V
"? V.; "ilB xnm m " -
! C,Y V H Warn euttm
,' 2 " "r" " u mr"-
J ""7 V"' Tb ho
" Jmm Pnt n elevated pillar and
tMme r1 mr. rlA l ,v. , .
i ' ui iirra, jar. ana
Mrs! Colt were tmnvmA (. 1
whfre lt w that Mra Colt was
rT.5,ea from wtM &QWn
, . , , ... ' suner-
from "t"l injuries. Mr. Colt was
bruised all
lhj j,...
over and was Injured about
lull I I C UPDOeo Tnr- n n - -
"-- i noniw inc ounucri
President of Refrla-erator to.
presiaent or tne Belding-Hall manu-
j company is on tne other eld of
1 the Canadian border awaiting the result
j of the investigation now being made by
! the company's creditors. Clay Clement, the
i"clor- wUb whom Mr H" " oci.t.d
I In a theatrical venture, told last evening
I of accompanying Mr. Hall to Detroit. Do-
velopments Indicate that the venture of th
refrigerator manufacturer Into the theatri
cal business, when he backed, "Sara Hous
ton." was but a drop In the bucket with
his other financial ventures. According to
Mr. Clement, who played the title role In
his production, Mr. HaU Invested but a
small sura of money in the play, doing this
because he had had a hand tn the writing
of the play.
Mr. Hall was collaborating with Mr
Clement In writing a play at the time h
left Chicago. The Uahllitle of the Beldicg
Hall Manufacturing company are estimated
at tMP.000 to rW.WB.
' -
jAaaerteaa and Itallaa Sao Me.
t aartes. Me, Settle
rght tZZT'sr
afternoon at Rt rn,.i w. . ...
.. ,. jv., L.viii-nve
i m!!t from here, and when the battle i
- -... . . u, .uu Him uie uaij
jcnara it waa found that an American, i
Oscar Deroy. had been stabbed In th. I I
by an Italian dagger and several were
slashed and bruised. There had been bad,'
feeling between American and Italian work- i
lreB ,n lh cr hops for some time.' and lt '
e" to yesterday sfler two gangs of
bout twenty-flv each had spent the after-
Mc"t ,r,nkl' ln rro r St Charles. '
P ,t"'n ""ted at the end of th.
err i
lltitt Carreat Gee Tbro.srh Bodies
,r Tmr Hoor la Slsht
rie high voltage from Niagara Fall power
houses to the Lackawanna steel plant.
Ther was great delay In communlratlng
with the power house to get the currant
sl ut cff. and for earl tkr w,.. .k-
bod to hung tn midair with th blue Same
, playing about them, tn plain view of thou- i
jsaada of street ear passenger. j
English troops maneuvering
Week of "Play War" Gives Soldier
f Great Britain. Mara
to Do.
LOKDON. Sept. 2. A atate of warfare,
which will continue throughout the week,
began this morning on the military area
known as Salisbury plain. The troops of
one district are being pitted against thos
of another, some ..ow iriea of all ranks
being engaged, this being the usual strength
of the Aldershot command. Lieutenant
General Blr Jan Hamilton, commander of
the southern district, with troops, is
playing the part of an lavadar from -Blue-land,"
described as a country situated
seren days' steaming from "Redland." soon
whose shores HamiltTi baa effected a
landing. The defending force Is under the
command cf Major General S:r Frederick
Btopford. Marlborough I supposed to b
the chief harbor oa Uie east coast and the
only other places suitable for landing
troop are FigtteMean and Wilton 'bay.
"Redland" la supposed to have as Its cap
ital Redtown." which Is laid down about
forty mile west of Bath. A certain en-gagc-ment
Is assvraed t bare occurred and
arrangements are anderstood to have been
made for capturing "Redtown." All the
various mobilizations, marchings, establish
ment of garrisons, etc. having been ef
fected, the cavalry brigades of the two
forces are expected to eome Into touch
today. Then the work will g-o on without
intern, ission as In actual warfare, one
phase of the campaign merging Itself into
another until the problem set lor elucida
tion Is solved.
Reminding their men that public spirit
led the landholders to place their ground
at the disposal of the military authorities,
the officers have announced that endc-avors
should be made to avoid damage and an
noyance and that the game in the Isnd
owners' preserves particularly must not be
Frleads of Persfaa Declare Great (!
piracy Exlats to I phold
Coast It atloa.
LONDON". Sept. . It la believed here that
the assassination of tbe Persian premier
and minister of the Interior. Mirza All
Asghar Khan, who was shot and Instantly
killed ss he was leaving the national coun
cil at Teheran Auurt fX was planned by
the secret societies which have their head
quarters at Baku, and wtiose members,
numbering about SCflOO, hare bound them
selves to uphold the constitution. The
societies have collected arms and ammuni
tion, possess considerable funds, and
through the Persian press have been carry
ing on a campaign against the late premier,
declaring him to be an enemy of the con
stitution. The Persians ia London deplore
the assassination, occurring as it has Just
at the time when the Angio-Russien agree
ment gave fresh hope of progress for
Persia, the late premier, having been a
friend of both Russia and Great Britain.
Black Itaedreds of Odesea Kill Sev
eral People Wane Shoot
laa la Streeta.
ODESSA. Sept. i The Black Hundreds
began rioting er this afternoon, alleging
that the Jew arere responsible for the ex
plosion of the bomb In the court yard of
the central police station here Saturday
tnornlnr. reaaltlng In the deaths of an
artillery oflloer and four policemen, al
though It was stated at the time that the
bomb was accidentally dropped by the
The rioters ran through the streets In
habited by Jews shooting promiscuously
right and left. Several were killed and
fatal: caseof cholera
First Deatk from Th la Caaso Take
Place at Yokohama oa
TOKOHAMA. Sept. 2. The first fatal
case of cholera In this port has been re
ported. The victim was tbe Japanese
supercargo of the steamer Takasigo Maru.
It Is supposed thst he contracted the dis
ease at one of the ports of call between
here and New Cliwang. The passengers
were landed before the rase was discovered
and search Is now being made for them.
The vessel and crew hav been quaran
Ha vllw aid Factory at Limoges, Fraace.
Mar Be Shat ky Labor
LIMOGES. Franc. Sept, -.-The H axi
ls nd Porcelain works here are partially af
fected by a strike of X.00P workmen, which
threatens to Involve 15.000 men.
Revelation la Cerrlra tea.
BCENOS ATRES. Sept. t Xewa of ua
ret In the province of Corriente has
reached here. Armed bands have appeared
on the frontier and a revolution is said to
be Imminent.
ToIIa open 8 a. m. to 9 p. m.
at the same time.
First Ward.
1 1S03 Soath rta.
toi PaciAc
a axi Rickery.
I Bscroft.
Seeoad Ward,
1 S333 South astb.
S 30-1 Tiacea.
S 1683 latea.
171S T la ton.
Boat itb.
Third Ward.
1 ISIS W abater
S gl Boath lota,
a sia Bona ma.
4 41 Boath 13Uu
a MS Boat Lna.
. Poarth Ward.
1 llg Savsnpert.
a aa avowta luta.
a via sowta iu.
Sixth Ward.
1 S39T Borth lata.
S 171 Borta Seta.
8 S0O4 Monk sate,
4 Siaa Military Asa.
Seventh Ward,
1 STl Lea vow wortk.
a 16a. s bveorgta (barn.
a 133S Park.
4 104 Boath
Elgblk Ward.
V 130 Berth attli.
a lrl Cnmiar.
a 1404 Caaa.
4 1A OaaUnr.
.Mala Ward.
i asoa cuoiar.
a ail Bark
a 3304 XMvaaporl (bax
U Boath aeth (aarai.
a k14 Paraaas,
Tenth Ward.
1 10ia Boatk lota,
a 163 eawerih.
3 LeaveaworUi
4 14S4 Booth lata,
a 1444 Beat 13ta.
taeveatk Ward.
4 14 BonUi SOva.
Ptftb Ward.
HAS BorUt lata.
-4 iMtaeoawarth.
T06 Boatk 37 th Bk
Wages KeTer So Higrh or So Many
Men at Work as Now.
Controversies Generally Settled by
Arbitration Paraara la rw
Tork, bat Xoa la
Ch leaao.
KKW TORK. Sept 2.-More than fiv
million men and women members of labor
organlzatlona spent today celebrating the
one dsy In the year set apart la most of
the ststes and territories in the union as
a trit.jt to thoa who earn their dally
hr.. r .
- - . iviu mit inn ' i inc country came Mnuun uiii taooring men ma
women nsve rsred well In the last twelve
months and that ths day will be celebrated
with enthusiasm. There have been fewer
labor controversies than usual, only four
serious strikes baring been recorded dur
ing the year. Such other disputes as have J
arise between capital and labor have been
settled by arbitration.
The general situation throughout the
country Is good from a labor standpoint.
Wages, according to reports In th hands
of the federal bureau of labor, were never
so high In this country as now, nor were
there ever so many men at work. Hours
have shortened rather than lengthened, and
the remuneration, according to government
experts, hss generally kept pace with the
Increased cost of living.
Italw Mara the Day.
A drizzling rain which began to fall early
In the morning and continued without
rMBlbm urlnr the fnminnn vaji not fter-
mitted to entirely mar New Tork's celebra- j
Uon of Labor day. Two great parade of i
organised workers had been planned, on
by the Central Federated union, and the
other by the Consolidated Board of Busl-
: ness agents. Despite the soaking rain, fully
i 3.W0 marched, and the rubber clad, u;n-
j brella topped processions proceeded over
I the lines of march laid out for them
J through streets sparsely lined with drench-
ed spectators. Central Federated union.
with lS.ono men In line, mad by far the
Ibemt showing. Its rival , organization mus-
tering only. 7,W marchers. In the position
cf honor at the head of the big parade
i marched a delepatlon of striking teleg-
, rapnrr. m-.M5 - v,...w.
the advise to "mall your own telegrams."
I All the other organizations represented, car
I ried banners bearing the emblems of their
' union, and tbe Typographical union had as
a part of their turnout a "boycott wagon,"
upon which was Inscribed the names of
several firms which the union is fighting.
There were many sporting events on the
schedule for th dsy Including the regattas
! of the Larchment and Alantlc yacht cluba.
J Metropolitan swimming championship at
! Bensonhurst, the opening of the annual
rifle tournament at Seagirt, N. J-, and
racing at Bheepehead Bay.
Km Parade ta Chicago.
CHICAGO. Sept. - For the first time
since the Inauguration of Labor day the
great parade of the unions was omitted.
Several weeks ago the various organization
deckled to abardon th parade and devote
to other uses lh large ntr.ocnt cf money
which waa formerly expended upon K
Bwsinos houses and factories ware gen
erally cloeed.
. Haare Parade at St. La!s.
ST. LOUIS. Sept. t Fifteen thousand
members of St. Louis organised labor
marched through the street this morning
tn their annual labor day parade. The line
was divided Into ten divisions, each headed
by a band, and twenty floats added to the
Interest of the big turn-out. In respect for
the eighty men killed at Quebec Thursday,
the structural iron workers carried their
standard at half-roast. All banks and
business houses closed for th day. At
Eart St. Louis. 111., across the river, S.OO
men, representing thirty-eight local unions
psrtlcipsted ln the parade.
8T. JOSEPH. Mo.. 6ept- S. The Labor
day demonstration here was the largest In
the city's history. Ten thousand union
men wer in the parade, which was delayed
several hours by rsln. Many union men
from towns hi Missouri and Kansas par
ticipated. KANSAS CITT, Mo.. Sept. r-Flfteen
thousand, labor unionists marched In parade
here today. There were Z"X striking teleg
raphers, men and' women. In line.
: the Hawaiian pineapple will be the fa-
HBABST AND GOMPEB8 TOGETHER j vorlte variety on the markets of the cen-
; tral dnd western states. They are far su
Addre. Labor Day Celebratloa t . prior to th. Florid pineapples, which are
,"""",W ExiMrattloa. jthe mmtn oUrc, nf .uppiy her now. The
NORFOLK. Va.. Sept S.-W;U1am Ran- tlnDbl. bi.nt.tion. in H-il ar- -.
uiMtm nr.ivi ci c . ion can cimuri j
vmj-rw. preform oi vne American reocr- j
at today' great Labor day celebration at
the Jamestown exposition. The weather
was clear and thousands of people from all
part of tidewater Virginia, together with
several thousand here for the opening of
the grand aerie of Eagles tomorrow, at
tended. The exercises were held at the
reviewing stand on the Lee parade grounds.
Mr. Hearst arrived this morning from San
Francisco, accompanied by Mrs. Hearst,
Max F. Ihmsen, president of tbe Hearst
Independence league, and Charles A. Walsh.
(Continued on Second Pace)
Yon ran register for November Elmioa
Twelfth Ward,
1 4418 Borth 4tk.
a aoS4 Asaea Ave,
8 110 Ourky (b ra,
Tr ). '
4 8104 Borth S4tk.
Ft rat Ward.
S SOtk and lUowit Ar.
a aU Borta ta.
leeeaS Ward,
t 0th aad B,
1 4ta aad L
Third Ward.
1 BroadwaU a) Bieh eoal
yard, list aad aUuiroaa
a Ml Boath 34 tk.
Foartb Ward.
1 asth aad P.
a aoir .
Fifth Ward,
a rta Berth ITtk,
latb Ward.
11114 Berth 34th.
a PeUoa aeark ktk, 1
nan rrz,
B JaJPaUl &1 J&rfl 1
Br Toting; for this ticket representing
all republican elements.
, Por tiinai adg-s
. .X
. .X
Per Railroad Oomnxlssloaer
Por Barents of But Tfalrarsity
or Clerk of District Ooort
Por Coaaty BhrrLS
; 'or Coaaty rain
Jf Clerk
i -orOoniity Trea rarer
, rKAXK A. f L R.A V
rn Vonst? Assessor
Por Ooaaty Superintendent
Pot Coast Coroner
Por Coaaty Surveyor
Por Ooaaty Comptroller
Por Coaaty Ooauaissloa
Per Polio Magistrate
Par Justice of th Psooa.
Efai-N K. LUNG X
Mrs. Dora McDonald Galaa Entrance
Residence of
Gaaabllaa; King.
CHICAGO, Sept. iSick and nearly pen-
1 "N""1- Mr- McDonald, widow of
Millionaire Mike" McDonald, the former
j ' gambling king'" of Chicago, has returned
i to the family residence at 4W1 Drexel
i boulevard, which her husband had not al-
! lowed her to enter since she Is alleged to
j have shot and killed Webster Guerln, her
i supposed paramour. The latest action on
j the part of th widow has startled the
j oth. he!rB- who fer lt mty coni Klne
IeRaJ trkk affecting their Interest. Every
; peefui means possible has been taken to
; Induce her to leave, but without avail, and
an armistice has been declared between tbe
contending factions until Wednesday, when
McDonald's will is to be probated.
Mra. McDonald left the sanitarium at
which she had been staying since her re-
from Jail on bond and, with her nurse.
j Amanda Beck, appeared In a cab at the
j family residence. L. V. Rickey, placed in
i charge of tha houa until the will cutd bo
probated, was told Mrs. McDonald wished
to get some of her things. Once intrenched
In the large front room on th. second
floor, however, she refused to consider such
an uncomfortable thing as departure. Last
night Mrs. McDonald remained tn her room
on the second floor, while a close watch
was maintained on her by Rickey. A col
ored maid la the only medium of communi
cation between the two hostile camp.
rnUI I l
First hlme.t of Tkla Ck.r-eter Be -
eelved from Soath PaclSe
CHICAGO. Sept. 1 After a Journey of
eighteen days from the plantations of
Hawaii the carload of fruit brought here
aa an experiment under the auspice of
j the Chicago Association of Commerce ar-
j rived yesterday and probably will be placed
on exhibition today. This is the first shlD-
ment of Hawaiian fruit to invade the ln-
j terlor of America. While the car waa not
i opened last night to ascertain the condl-
I tlon of the fruit, J. H. Higglna. the repre-
I sen ta five of the Vnlted States Agricultural
j department's experiment station In the
i Hawaiian Islands, who Is in charge of the
! car. believes th fruit stood the trip first
Th fruit will be disposed of here through
the committee of tbe association named to
conduct the display. (
"We raise the best pineapples in the
world In Hawaii," said Mr. Higglna. -r
am sure the time is not far distant when
lng rapidly
While now the annual acreage
u 1,0(10, I predict that Within two
it will be twice that-
Sboesaakeg from Whom Money Waa
Deaaausded Opens Fire Ho
U Woaaded.
BLAIRSVTLLE. Pa.. Sept. t Gulssep
Giusalfo. aa alleged blackmailer, was shot
dead, one companion wa arrested and a
third escaped following their attempt to
blackmail Frank Clepplnnj. who probably
wa fatally stabbed by one of the Itallana.
Ciepplnno la a ahoemaker. Late Saturday
night as he waa about to close hi a hop th
three men entered and demanded a sum of
money. Ha refused to give them any and
Immediately opened fir with a revolver.
Aa be fired Giusaifo fell dead and on of
hi companion slabbed Ciepplno la the
breast. The outrag attracted many per-
ona, who gave chase to th two men.
One, whose nam. In unknown, wa cap
tured by th authorities, who placed him
on a freight train and lodged him ta Jail
at Indiana, Fa- It is said th man who
escaped was recognized and hopes for hi
capture-are entertained.
Flremaa Killed aad Eaglaeer Severely
I lajered by Easalag lata
Opea Switch.
northbound passenger train on the Iowa
Central railroad ran Into an open switch
at Xew -Sharon last night. William Gan
I son of Marshalltown, fireman, wa killed.
: and Jamca Clark of Marshalltown. engi
; neer, waa seriously Injured. Several pas
l sengers wer. badly bruised. Mr. David
. Kennedy of Marahalltowa had several ribs
, broken and is Internally Injured.
California. Mam Convicted of Laad
Fraads Get m Heavy
SAX FRANCISCO. Sept 1. -I'nlted State
District Judge DeHaven haa sentenced
John A, Benson and E. B. Perria, recently
convicted of land frauds, to ten years Im
prisonment ln the Alameda county Jan and
to pry a fin of ll.WQ each
!cin uonorsIaboii
Day for Sons of Toil One Grand Sue
c:ts in Omaha.
Six Thousand Union Workers March
j in Bi; Parade.
Winds for Hour and More Along1 the
Principal Streets.
Crowd Gather at Pretty Resort
Afternoon, ladalsea ta Saorts and
( Hears Addresses Alvng
l.aoor Liar.
Labor day In Omaha was a big success.
The celebration started with a long parad
in the morning and finished with danctng
at Syndicate park In ths evening, after an
afternoon given to sports and addresses.
It was pronounced a grand occasion.
Organized labor turned out aa It had not
don for years, and the parade which
passed along th street In th morning
was the largeFt ever seen In Omaha, it
was estimated that w,ot men marched In
the parade. It waa more than two mile
In length nd exceeded altogether the ex
pectation! of those who had It In charre.
Th place of formation was Sixteenth
street and Capitol avenue. The parade
marched from there at 10 o'clock headed
by C. A. McDonald, ex-prealdent of Central
Labor union and marshal of the parade.
The assistant marshals In charg of th
four divisions of the psrads were John
Polisn, R. A. Schneider. H. H. Farmer and
A. C. Kugel. A. J. Donahue waa aide to
the chief marshal. Tbe Una of march wa
south to Farnsm. east to Thirteenth, north
to Douglas, west to Sixteenth and north to
Jefferson square. But by tbe time tbe head
of the parsde had arrived back at Sixteenth
street and Capitol avenue th third and
fourth division had not yet started. It
was necessary to march around Capitol
avenue to Ffteenth street, north to Daven
port street and then west again and north
on Sixteenth street.
All I a lea oa Hand Early
The vuioua unions were on hand promptly
and in large force. Most of them appeared
In some distinctive uniform. There wer
four bands and dozers of Sags and banners.
j IV'
L . , IT?1 Unl" "d t0
Following th platoon of polio cam th
tne btructural Building Trade' alliance.
Then came the carpenter In such great
numbers that It seemed they never would
pass. They were fallowed by th painters,
about ITS in number, dreased m whit over
nils. Jumpers and capa.
The plumbers and gas fitters cam next.
They numbered about 110. Th bridge and
structural Iron workers tn h.
-uuiin i VL
about 68 brought up ton rear of tbe first
e miter carried a big
wooden model v,f an Iron worker ..
I Bine overalls anil ahirt. .-ka . ....
Tt ileal workers who ,h. ,'!
with a force of about 15. The atrlting
telegraphers followed, several of the women
operators riding In a carriage and the men
following oa foot. They wore their badge
labelled "Stkk" and carried a banner.
"Mall your own Urograms."
The members of the Typographical unir-a
..... -w,aU UITI.1DB
loiioweu. anout zoo In number. They
j hdgea with the inscription tn big letter,
i "5 hours" and threw cards ta ria-ht an i.e.
j on which was printed the union label. The
. Printing pressroeu's assistant followed la
j D,ue CP nI shirts. The bookbinders,
jcla,r niakeia and switchmen brought up th
rear oi mis division. The clgarmakers rod ,
ln six large automobile.
Over 11 aad red Metal Workers,
There were 130 neet metal worker lead
ing th third division. They wore white
shirts, black tie and light hats aa their
distinctive uniforms. The Iron moulder to
th number of seventy followed. This is
the oldest union which appeared In th
parade. It was organized ln UC7.
The horseshoers to tb number of seventy-five
presented a striking appearance
ln black shirt and cap and th. red apron
on which waa printed a whit borseahoe.
There were 'J06 machinist who wore white
caps and shirts as a uniform. Fifty ma
chines! were also present from Fork Dodg
and Waterloo, Ia. Th blacksmiths to
black caps and shirts followed to the num
ber of about seventy-five.
Degree team of North Omaha lodge No.
1. Ancient Order of I'nlted Workmen, fol
lowed In full uniform ln command of Cap
tain Henry Hempen, Jr.
The brewery workers, who led th fourth
division, numbered nearly 309. They wore
sprigs of hops ln their cap and had their
banner deevrated with th same. Tb
railway carmen followed thent more thaa
ISO in number. Two big omnibuses carried
the member cf the sign writers' anion.
Tb Federal Labor union and th cooper
union brought up the rear of th fourth
division. A delegation of twenty-flv mra
from Ftemont marched In the parade.
It waa necessary, on account of tb un
usual length of the parade to march north
of Jefferson square, which waa to hav
been the turning point on North Sixteenth
street. Then the parade returned south oa
Sixteenth street to Leavenworth street,
where it disbanded,
Beeogwltloa of the Day.
Tbe big federal building aa well a th
army building wer about aa quiat and
uneventful places - a could be found la
Omaha Monday. All of tb government
department studiously observed Labor day
as a holiday, including th courts, army
headquarters and elevator conductor. Th
postoC.c shut down business for th day
at 14 o'clock a- nv
Th general office of th railroad ln
Omaha were cloeed Labor day by order
from the general (nar-agera.
Retail business did a rushing business In
the forenoon, but aU tbe larger stores and
many of the smaller ones closed at 1
o'clock. Ttie banks and th Omaha Grain
exchange were not open at all. Real est:
office and many other business offices were
closed at noon.
An Immense crowd spent tb afternoon
at Syndicate park. South Omaha. This waa
where tbe official Labor day program was
held. Tli pretty park waa equipped for
tbe occasion with all the institutions which
make a picnic. Including aide shews, re.
freahment stands abd dancing platform.'
On the program were addressee by sev
eral citizen a. Including Mayor Dahlman. C.
J. Smyth. W. W. Dodge. Judge Sutton and
Rev. F. I- Lot-eland. C. A- fcu Donald
presided. A II the speeches were along labor
line. Mayor I -ah! man lauded the laborlrg
man and declared him the most potent
factor la th upbuilding af a community.