T? PERSONAL (Continued! REAL ESTATE CITT PROPERTY FOR (Continued.) REAL ESTATE CITT PROPKRTr FOR ALB. (Continued.) REAL ESTATE cmr pbomhtt roa saub. (Continued.) REAL ESTATE CITT PBOrRRTT FOR 9ALU. (Continued 1 REAL ESTATE CITT PROPFWTT FOR tALB. Continued.) REAL ESTATE CITT PROTORTT KOR HAMS. Continue).) Ai.a miVATK CONFINKMKNT HOMB-Mm. Dr. King. 1ZM N. 2uh bt. Tel. Vn. Sfl. TOE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: SEPTEMBER 1, 1907. MAGNETIC iZVrXiWh Clfc n FAIR. sweet satin skin secured using 8atln skin ocam and face ponder. 25c. 18- M AHA gleam Pate Co., manufacturer fnre flour paste, 2210 Cumins. Telephone oug1as 1521. erpFRrrrors hair, wart end moles permanently rmnvwl hjr electricity; con sultation free and confidential; all worn guaranteed. Miss Allender, CI N. Y. Life. (18) HANDSOMK ung lady with mnni would like to meet (rontlrnmn considering early marriage. Mrs. V., 60? Fulton 8t.. Chi cago. v (IS) TRKTTY orphan arlrl. 22 yeara of age, worth $2.h, desires to correspond with gentleman with view to matrimony. Ad dress Lock Box 4, Kast Boston, Mas. (11)-19 lx MIDDLR-AOFI WIDOW, good looking, tired of single life, would correspond with gentleman, object matrimony. Hox 104, lRin. 111. 18)-617 lx BOYS OIRl.S Receive hundreds of ton venlr pst cards from ail parts Tnlted Statea. Canada, Cuba and Mexico. For II we send you 60 beautiful selected cards and send your name to i.ftio young men and women, Glad to mall you cards and rvchangc net a collection. Souvenir Exchange, 153 Sixth Ave., New York. (1S-ft9 lx RF.TIRED business man, wealthy but lone aome, wishes to correspond, view matri mony: no objection to poor woman. Box m. tigtn, III. (18-6ilx ENLARGE YOU R RCSTS. LADIES No matter how young or old you are, we en large It 4 to 10 Inches; no appliances, no poison; absolutely nafe; $l.0"0 If we can't; home treatment. Sealed particulars 4c stamps. Conway Specific Co., 1K4 Tre tnont St., Ronton, Muss. We guarantee It. (18- lx WB SEEK husband for refined young widow, no children, worth over $,rto and 40 worth s,fM). Write us. Homestead Club, Toledo. O. (is) 5(W lx GENTLEMAN, aged 26 jrs. well con nected, good appearance, wishes to corre- ' spond with young lady or widow with wealth and good appearance, object mat rimony.. Address U K, McKay, Hen'1 Delivery, Omaha, Neb. (IS) 669 1 . REAL ESTATE rkaL estate dealers RUBSSLi, A M'KITRICK CO., 432 Ramge. (19)-3t PAYNBJ IN V. CO., let floor N.7iT"lug7 (19) 400 R. C. PETERS CO.. Bm BMr O1D401 I W. BUNNELL, A CO., Douglas 5149. 828 N. . Life. Cl)-40l .... - GEORGE & COMPANY, 1801 Farnam. Tel. Douglas 756. (19) 404 C M. RICH. 10th A Locust. Tel. Web. 147$. (19) 817 tlx CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE. COTTAGES ON EASY TERMS. $1,300 Jaio cash, will buy a 4-room cottage In north part of city. $1,W cash, for 6 rooms, city water and toilet, gas. near 82d and1 Bur- dette. $1,S0O $.i0 cash, for a 5-room cottage lo Inted on Bouth Kith St., near Vinton. $l,fi00 $6on cash, will buy 3M0 Blondo, city water and electric lights. H,T50 cash, a cottage of 5 rooms on So. ltfth near Bancroft. J1,800 law) cash, for a 6-room home near 27th and Rurdette. I-',600 tuCo cash, buys an 8-room house In north part of city. 4,000 J.VW cash, buys a 10-room all mod ern home, close In. BEMIS. PAJCTON BIX5CK. 'Phone Doug. 6S5. (19)- 1IOMES CLOSE IN NEW ONES. I have two 6-room modern homes In the choicest part of the city, walking distance to town. Let me show you them, I'rloe is right and terms to suit you. R. II. LANDER YOU, Tel. Doug. 151. 442 Board of Trade. (19)- $3,300 If Sold This Week. Suburban home Inside of city limits; only 4 mile from car line; 5 acres In bearing fruit and garden; 2-story house 28x28; barn, chicken house, etc. This year's crop goes to purchaser. J. II. DUMONT & SON 1605 Farnam St. (19) DANDY 5-ROOM COTTAGE In fine repair near 33d and Bpauldlng; lewer, water and Baa: lot WxlJj, nicely Kidded and terracecj. Permanent walk In front; fruit and shade trees; barn. Price, n.toO; tto0 cash, balance same aa rent. C. (1. CARLBERG, 911 N. T. Life Bids. (19) ACREAGE TRACTS KEYSTONE PARK One mile west of Benson. An acre tract here costs one-third less than a 50-foot lot In the city. Makes an attractive site for suburban homes; many new tracts ' BOLD. Buildings and extensive Improve ments are soon to be begun on these tracts. Those who have bought here are taking considerable pride In planning buildings and beautifying suburban homaa. Better aee ua while some ot the beat tract a are left. $176 TO (376 PER ACRE. Payne Investment Company, First Floor, N. T. Life Bids., Tel. Doug. 1781. and D. V. Sholes Company, 110 Board of Trade Bldg., Tel. Doug. 49. (1)-M470 1 CLOSE IN 270X DODGE VERT DESIRABLE NINB-ROOM MOD ERN HOUSE, suitable for rooming, or for a family of grownups where the car-fare runs Into the dollars each month. VERY COMPLETE Rebuilt; new porch, stone steps, art glass, large rooms, paved corner; not a dollar to pay out; quick poaaaalon;ten to fifteen hundred caah. or will trade into, a nice house further out. $4,500 WILLIAM FLEMING, 211 So. 18th. Douglas 179. (l)-73 1 A Rare Opportunity. T-r6om house, lot 6txl2T ft.; large barn, worth $; good well, fruit and shade trues; close to Oar line, on edge of the finest residence district In Omnha. Make us an offer. Easy terms-$l,5u0. Silas Robbins, Frenzer Blk. (19-7 1 FLAT building bringing In $tS a month $5,000. ' Flat property In Bouth Omaha bringing In lei a month. C 6'. . Lot, $10 down and $6 a month. a UA.WVER, 1C14 EJJMETT 8T GEORGE & COMPANY FARNAM BT. 'PHONO DOCOLA3 73S. DUNDEE We have some of the flneat Iota In this beautiful suburb, Just east of the new Happy Hollow Club grounds, all of which are put to an established grade, and trees planted. The prices at which we are offering theue lota Include cement sMewalks, city water, gas. etc. Where can vou buy auch line Iota near a car line for 10 each, on reasonable terms of H ciah, bn lance at A per cent? We And from Inquiries re ceived at our office that a --treat many people have not been out to Dundee for years and know nothing of the extensive Improvements which have been made thero. Take a West Farnam Dundee car and go to the end of the line and look over this property, pick out your lot and then call at our office and make arrangements to purchase. WEST FARNAM t'.ion for new pu room home In West Farnam district, only one block from car line all modern and very desirable, hot water iwkf oeoroomi on ! noor. $4.tV) for 8-room all modern house on 31st Are., near Davenport St.; oak finish, full lot. BEMIS PARK We have Just listed Hn elegant -room home In Romls Park, located on a large corner lot, asphalt paved street, south front. This home Is finished In hard wood, has hot water heating plant, and Is very desirable In every wav; very reasonable terms of only $2,000 cash, balance at per cent, will buy this property. HANSCOM PARK K600 for large 11-room house only 1 block from car line, Just newly painted and put In excellent condition. Th's property faces east on asphalt paved street in de sirable loentlon. $.".) for well built home on 35th Ave., near Field Club, east front, 1 rooms, all modern; lot 4tixi:5 feet. J3,l(i0 for 6-room all modern house on 28th. near Woolworth. KOUNTZE PLACE $4. Run for 1317 Wirt St. 9-room all modern home, located on paved street, on full lot, 5"xl24 feet. Terms. K.ono cash, balance at 6 per cent. HOMES IN VARIOUS PARTS OF THE CITY. $4.Vi for new all modern home, on Fowler Ave., near Florence" Roulevard, south front lot, .IfixlM feet, only K,wn cnr.h, bnlsnee same aa rent. t4.no for brand new 7-rooin house on Webster Ht., near 34th, oak finish, all mod ern and up-to-date, full lot, fiftxIfiO feet. LOW for ft-room all modern house, on Webster St.. near Remls Park, onk finish, cemented basement with laundry, .lust completed; lot 42x150 feet. .'t.20rt for ailD N. 20th St, 7 rooms, all modern, paved street, on car line. See us for terms. $3,600 for 5-room house, modern except furnace, and five Isrge lots, having entire frontage of 130 feet on one street, and 230 feet on another; plenty of shada and fruit trees; only i blocks from 24th street car line; practically a country home In the nildnt of the city. $.1,950 for 416 S. 28th Bt.. 8-room house, nil modern, oak finish, house Just pslnted and In excellent repair; this is within walking distance, and Is located on a corner lot and naved street. , $3.il for -room house, modern except'furnace. on N. 2Rth St.; lot 4214x110 feet; good lawn and shade, house in good repair. $3, KH for 7-room house on Ames Ave. car line, near ?5th St.: lot 40x127 feet; good barn, 16x22 feet; house Is 28x30 feet. Owner might consider $1,000 cash, balance at 6 rer cent. Will give possession September 15. $2.1iK) for 7-room house on Emmet St , near 24th; lot 58 feet frontage. . VACANT $3,000 for 6SxS6 feet, southwest corner 25th and Chicago Sts. $J.fi0 for m feet, west front on 22d St.. between California and Webster Bts. $1,360 for lot. 40x150 feet, on Park Ave., opposite Hanscom Park. $2,100 for lot, 30x150 feet, on 26th St.. So. Omaha, between N and O Sts. $500 each for three lots on 19th St., near Bancroft, each 60x122 feet. INVESTMENTS Two all modern brick houses, having 7 rooms each, oak finish, hot water heat, now renting for $1,110 per yeur, within walking distance from business. Four modern brick houses in West Farnam district, now renting for 14 per cent net. $3,500 for two good houses on S. 15th St., near Vinton, one 5 rooms and one 6 rooms. (19)- T1IRBK MODERN HOUSES. Within eaay walking distance of the busi ness center. Have been built about 3 years and rented for $35 each; 7 rooms, furnace heat, oak finish and floors, combination fixtures, open plumbing, everything In fine shape. Might divide. Price, $12,000. BEMIS. PAXTON BLOCK. 'Phone Doug. &io. 09)- ALL MODERN HOME Six rooms and bath, strictly modern; hot water heat, modern plumbing, permanent sidewalks, nice lot and fruit trees, located near Kith and Decatur streets. Price only $2,100. C. G. CARLBERG, 911 N. Y. Life Bldg. (19) BENSON COTTAGE 6 rooms, new and nobby, large lot, fruit trees, must be aeen to be appreciated. Bee us about It. R. II. LANDERYOU, Tel. Doug. 2151. 442 Board of Trade. (19)- A. P. TUKEY & SON A Sale of Off Lots At Low Prices We started this week the sale of 24 lots in one of the best districts of town, lying be tween the Boulevard and 35th Ave. and Davenport and Far nam. The great majority of these lots are below grade, but our prices are below the county apralsement on same. The lots belong to a hold ing company which must sell them and at the price we of fer them it will pay anyone to buy them for either specula tion or to build on at the present time. We can make the easiest kind of terms on these lots and when you con sider that you can buy a lot of us for $600 to $700 when lots ' on the same street a half a block away are selling for $2,600, It might pay you t look them up. A. P. TUKEY A BON 444-445 Board of Trade Building. Tel. Douglas 2111. (19 "Very desirable 'new 5-room modern cottage, part on time. Take Dodge or North 24th car, the house is 2707 Sprague (mid dle of three new ones). For par ticulars phone D. 6133. JOHN N. HASKELL, 914 N. Y. Life. (!) NORTH SIDE HOME A RARE OPPORTUNITY $3,300.00 an n. utii bt.- rooms. LOT 4SMXL. If any one wishes a very comfortable home for his family, with all conveniences. near school and two car lines; not new, but in perfect condition, he can get It for about one-third tbe origins I coat, or what It would coat now to build, and not over one-half its present actual value. New plumbing throughout, never used; furnace and barn. Excellent neighborhood; terms easy. HALL DISTRIBUTER CO.. 117 1st Nat 1 Bank Bldg. Phone Red 7406. US)-U I REAL SNAP s T rooms, part modern; nice lot, close to ear and walking distance on easy pay ments, $1,750. National Investment Co. 6 DOUGLAS BLK. DOUG (61. (19) M67I $ PRICE CUT $500 Nonresident owner was In town yester day and cut his price on neat 4-room cot tage and two full lots with 136 feet front on Ames Ave. and It feet on 29th His price was $2.S00. but he will tske $1,750 If sold et once. Call us up. V. P. Dodge at Co., 1714 Farnauj aH., Bee Bids heat, full basement and cement sidewalk; 1BTH AND VINTON. 2910-2912 Bo. lWh 8t.. two 5-room cottages with city water and gas, renting for $14 each. Room for another cottage. Price, $3,000. BEMIS, PAXTON BLOCK. 'Phone Doug. 685. (19)- A BARGAIN 10-room new house thoroughly modern, hot air furnace, gas and electric lights lot south front 76x134. Near Kountxe Place and one block from Sherman avenue car line, Price, $3,760. C. G. CARLBERG, 811 N. T. Life Bldg. (19) Setting Up House keeping Oolng to have a home of your own this tall? Rent or buy? js'lee new moderate priced houses don't stand vacant. They're acarce, but we can fit you out with a new a, 7 or 8-room dwelling wherein never man dwelt. The reception hail a room, parlor, dining room and kitchen nrst floor, bed rooms, bath and closets on sec ond, cellar bricked and cemented, every convenience throughout. These houses are being finished as rap Idly as possible consistent with good workmanship. There is no prettier place to live either than BOULE VARD PARK, within live minutes' walk of the beach, where is good boating and fishing. BOULEVARD PAJUC is sightly, yet level; public . improvements are there, Sherman avenue car runs along entire east side, five-minute service without a transfer. Take car to Sprague Bt. and turn west Into addition. tee for yourself the splendid class of Im provements, completed and building, your own eyes will confirm all we claim for BOULEVARD PARK. Buy before prices are advanced, as the result of extensive building in the addition. Choice lots may now be had for $575, $6U), $650. DWELLINGS IN GENERAL 8-room modern, finished In oak, Uvtng rooms, bath and one bed room on first floor, three nice bed rooms on second, large cemented cellar, good furnace, built by owner only few months ago. Special price, $3,800. WALKING DISTANCE 7"room' mode"n. built two years, $3,500. BLOCK HARNEY CAR -room, modern, oak finish, $4,000. Large and small houses in every part of city. Ask us. Shimer & Chase Co. 160$ Farnam. Douglas 3867. U9 P. D. WEAD o-r. cottage on Hat St.. near Grace; lot 40x n ironi; nas gooa well and will put in city water $260 or more cash, bal- inoniniy payments, xsoo. 5-r. cottage, city water No. 1615 North 26th Bt.; has renis ai ia.t per month; lot avxtf. If sold at onoe, $850. i-wo 4-room, new houses, Nos. 1525-1527 North 21st St.; have city water; monthly 'ntl. $26 for both $2,500. Might divide t ea.cn ana mane eaay terms. -r. cottage on Charles St., near 86th; has city water and electrlo light, south front S.BW. New 6-room. modern cottage. Just being finished; has open plumbing, cement cel lar, gaa and eleolrlo fixtures to be put in; corner lot, one block from car house -$2 260 U bU"t CU old on '"y terms New -r., modern cottage on Wirt Bt., near 24lh., Just being finished, has every mod ern improvement except heat, cellar un der whole house, has gas and electrlo fixture ordered; lot 6uxU5. with brick walks In street and cement walk to be put around house; Is one of the best mod ern cottages built in north part of city this year; flooring is of Vsaw.d yellow pine and all floors are to be polished. $-r. modern house on Charles St., near 26th St.; has porcelain bath, closet, laveratory and gas; paved street aud paving fully paid $2,000. ' T-r. house, and barn; has city water and sewer, nice shade and good lawn; eaat front; No. Kls , 27tn Bt- not ther tenants $3, Oua $-r.. modern house and barn, srood fur nace, south front, on Farnam St.. No. 4468 house Just vacated and ready t move Into snap, $2,600. F. D. 1524 DOUGLAS. WEAD ow- ON MANDERSON STREET NEAR SHERMAN AVE. CAR Large T-room all modern rot ! ....i. front lot 4iixl50. built by owner for home fine repair: $5u0 cash, balance monthly nay- j. H. DUMONT & SON, . JW iaruaui 8u Bargains ! Corner lot and house, Dewey Avenue, $800.00. 3128 House and lot, 920 North 18th street, $1,200.00. House and lot, 3028 street, $1,250.00. Charles House and lot, 1614 North 27th street, $1,800.00. House and loti,SW. . Bristo , $1850.C'$$$ street Brick house and full 'lot, West Farnam St. District, $2,000.00 House and lot, 2713 Douglas street, $2,000.00. House and two lots, 1913 South 29th street, $2,100.00. House and lot, 2622 Manderson street, $2,200.00. House and lot, 2715 Hamilton street, $2,300.00. Eight room modern house, Cum ing street, near 32d, $2,750.00 Two houses and corner lot, in Hanscom Place, rent for $40 per month, $3,500.00. Elegant new modern nine room house, in Beinis Park, $3,800, Ten acres near Countrv Club wiin seven-room nouse ana barn, 7Vsj acres in fruit trees $4,000.00. Double house in Kountze Place eight rooms, two bath rooms fronting east on Sherman avenue, $4,500.00. Elegant modern house, 414 No 31st street, east front, paved street, permanent sidewalks $4,500.00. One brick house and two frame cottages on 20th street, near Lake street, rent for $61.00 per month, $5,700.00. Ten-room modern house and lo 57x132, 2513 Farnam street $7,500.00. Three houses on South 25th avenue, rented at $97.50 per mon,th, $9,000.00. Brick block of three stores and 32 rooms, rents for $200.00 per month, good business property, $16,000. Eight brick houses which will rent for $300.00 per month, $0,000.00. The above properties are all owned by eastern parties who are anxious to close out their investment here and will sell on a moderate payment down and 5 per cent interest on deferred payments, which can be made at any time. Loans made on improved Omaha property and Nebraska farms at the lowest rate of in terest. f Thomas Brennan Room 1, New York Life Bldg., Omaha, Nebraska. Telephone Douglas 1264. OUR NEW HOUSES IT IS SURELY A SATISFACTION WHEN BUYING A NEW HOME TO KNOW THAT Y0UJHAVE A HOUSE THAT IS UP TO DATE AND BUILT THE WAY IT SHOULD BE. ALL OF OUR HOUSES ARE BUILT BY DAYS' LABOR AND WE USE THE BEST MATERIALS. WE HAVE A LARGE FORCE OF COMPETENT WORKMEN. IF WE HAVEN'T WHAT YOU WANT, LET US LOOK AT THESE. 3028 Meredith Street, $3,000 Next street north of Ames Ave., south front lot. oOxl.TO ft., cement walk In front and around house, cemented cellar, fine furnace and all modern conveniences. We think this plsn Is one of the best plans we have ever built, has large reception hall, very large parlor, large dining room, alao good kitchen, pantry, rear vestlhule on first floor, three very large bedrooms, with large closets on second floor, first floor Is stained in Imitation weathered oak, is waxed and is very tasty, the floors are all planed and Varnished, has electric lights and gas, combination fixtures. There Is no better built house in the dtv than this one. The price Is exceedingly low. If you want to sre a nice nlan let us show vou through this house. All good houses will be built In this addition. 3820 Hamilton Street, $2,750 Parlor, dining room, library, kitchen and reception hall on first floor, three bed rooms and bath upstairs, large pantry and cellar, best of plumbing, Quaker fufnai1", with tbe new time regulator. House fin ished downstairs in mahogany statu, papered, dining room burlapped. cement sidewalks in yard, one and one-half blocks 3831 North 23d, $3,000 We have Just completed this beautiful house of six rooms and reception hall, has HASTINGS 1704 Farnam Street. NEAR CRKIOHTON COM.FX3K. Ijot 110x350 with two houses, one of rooms and the other 5. Price, $4,300. BEMIS, PAXTON BLOCK. 'Phone Doug. HA. (19)- Home $3,700 A Snap WHT go away out of town to find a rea sonable home, when you can live two blocks from P. O. and one block from Omaha car. In fine residence neighbor hood In Council Bluffs? Nine-room mod ern house; lawn and trees; good terms. C. B. Tel. Red 1893. (19) 7C9 lx MUST SELL AT ONCE 2904 ERSKINE STREET Choice 8-room cottage, large corner lot, electric light and gas, cement walks, fruit and hade trees. Want cash offer . at once. R. H. LANDERYOU, Tel. Doug. 2151. 442 Board of Trade. (19)- HOM 158 .SWEET HOMES. $J.6S0 All modern. 9 rooms. $2,000 New, all modern, 6 rooms. $1,800 Easy terms and 6 per cent, t rooms. 11,900 Large lot and 6 rooms. N. FENGER, 828 N. T. Life. Tel. Red 3217. (19)-663 1 0'Keefe Real Estate Co. City Lots and Homes Lot on Vinton extends through to 20, 25 ft. front, $750. High lot on Seward, 100 feet west of 33, 47x127, $800. On Manderson, l.blk from be sold this week. Make your Fine corner for stores on NEW So. 24 Car Line, paved st. On Walnut Hill, near school and car, 9-r., $2,250. Near 20 and Bancroft, paved street, 8-r., all mod., $2,500. Corner lot in West Farnam Dist., 8-r., mod., $4,500. Western Land and Ranches 160 acres smooth land, black Co., Neb., $b.2o per acre. Section in Western Nebraska, 5 miles from R. R., same soil as above, $6.25 per acre. Fine Ranch in Western Nebraska, improved, adjoining good town on U. V. mam line. Send 10,000 acres in North-Eastern Nebraska, mostly smooth land, to suit, bend for descriptive circular and full information. luui n. . Lite Bldg. WALKING DISTANCE AT A BARGAIN. New house, six rooms and hall, first floor finished in oak, three bedrooms and bath, ntckle plumbing, furnace, combination fixtures, large pantry, walks all In, piak Ing a beautiful home and close In. Price cut for this week to $3,600. Terms reason able. .C. P. TRAVER, Phone Red 4721. 1824 Farnam St. 091699 r ANOTHER CLOSE IN 223 SO. 29TII AVE. Eight-room modern, and very good value at $3,125 Will rent at $30, if bought Investment. Bee me soon. WILAJAM FLEMING. 211 So. 18th. . -Douglas 179. (l)-729 1 ANOTHER NEW COTTAGE ON YOUR OWN TERMS. 4404 North SOth street, one block to Ames Ave. car,, paved street, permanent walvs, mod ern except furnace, large east front lot. Bee It at once $2,100. R. II. LANDERYOU, Tel. Doug. 2151. 44$ Board of Trade. . il- BUILD YOU A HOUSE. very convenient floor arrangement and Is one of the neatest plans built this year, has gas, electric light and combination fixtures, good furnace, cemented cellar. cement walks. In fact every modern con venience. Is lust a block from csr. on corner lot. We can make terms on this property. 2906 Vinton Street. $2,100 New House Blx large rooms, nice porch, city water and sink in kitchen, ha five nice rooms on first floor, and one finished and one un finished room on second floor, full south front lot. high and sightly. In a location that Is sure to Increase In value. We can sell this on very essy terms. 1811 Emmet Street $4,000 . A flno new seven-room house, cnntslnlng large living room acrosa the front, din. dining room, kitchen, pantry, front and back vestlhule. three sleeping rooms and bath room upstairs, fine cemented cellar. outside cellarway. Carton furnace, best of plumbing. combination fixtures. street paved, permanent walks, one and one-half Mocks to car line, 1n the choice residence district In Kountze Place. We liave thirty new houses In the course of construction. It us show you some of t nem. oflire open Monday evenings until 8;30 o CIOCK. & HEYDEN Bee Building. (19) WEST FARNAM INVESTMENT. We have a double frame flat and cottage which with the expense of $&oo can be made to pay 10 per cent net on your investment, South front lot, 50x140. I'rlce. $3,000. BEMIS. PAXTON BLOCK. "Phone Doug. 685. j (19)- VACANT LOTS 1D0, 41st near Jones street; $350. Ohio near 30th; $40 Charles near 33d; $160, 25th avenue and Gust. 70x132. easy payments; $600, cor ner on Ames near 28th; $550 Leavenworth near 44th; $K. two lots, 26th and Sprague; $1,000. 41st near Davenport; $1,000 44 feet south 10th near Bancroft; $1.SXX, 2Sth near Woolworth, eaat front; $1,700 67 feet, east fro it. Soutli lfith near Castellan $2,100, 50x 140 Park avenue, near lavenworth; $3,0U. 6xl61 South 28th near ,lnr)son. C. G. CARLBERG, 911 N. Y. Life Bldg. (19) 35TH AND FARNAM STS CHOICE BUILDING LOT ltX) feet north of Farnam, full lot at a bargain If sold this week. R. H. LANDERYOU, Tel. Doug. 2151. 412 Board of Trade. (19)- FOR SALE 8-room cottage, S5th and V Sts., $1,000 ; 4 cottages. 31st and T Sts., $1,300 each; 10 lots 39th and P Sts. In Mahoney & Mlnnlhan edition; all on easy payments. P. C. Caldwell, Bo. Omaha, (19)-726 1 BUY THIS BARGAIN. Lot at 26th and Fort streets only $25. 8. O. Norduulst, Owner, 624, South 20th St. . . 09)-751x Boulevard, corner 60x140, must offer. , soil, clay sub-soil, in Kimball for illustrated rlat. Colorado, and South-Western $6.25 per acre. Will make terms 'Phone Doujt. 2152. Ten Acre Fruit Farm Within walking distance of the Ames Ave. car, good 7 room house, and all kinds of fruit; an ideal place for a country home, where you can raise everything; don't fall to see us at once. PAYNE BOSTWICK & CO. Sole Agents, Main floor. N. Y. Dife Bldg. (13) FOR RENT NOT FOR SALE Two very desirable new brick houses, modern In every respect; tiled vestibule oak finish, polished floors, 4 bed rooms and bath second floor. Located on a quiet street now being paved, I blocks from the two best car lines In the city; convenient to Presbyterian. Methodist. Eplacopal and Catholic churches and good public and pariau scnoois. stu and I42.GO per month, respectively. Keys at our ofllce. J. II. DUMONT & SON, 1606 Farnam St. (19)- UST your property with Chris Boyer. rnd and Cuming fits. (!) 407 BARGAINS SO acres 11 miles northwest. Improved, $8,000; 10 acres Burt county, Improved, $12,000; 30x124 eaat, 111 Franklin. $5oo; 33167, east front. South 14th, $)00; ttixl40 Bouth 16th street, $1 660; near 31st and Davenport, 50x120, $l.tio0; 3119 Half Webster. 2 houses, $1,800 ; 33x142, south front, close In, $1,860; 23t9 Vinton, 4 rooms 30x112, $l.dW); 2781 Davenport. 7 rooms' $2,000 ; 2615 Rees, $A2 rental, $2.3u0; 7 rooms, modern, near SOth and Orace. $S 4"0; 7 rooms, modern, nesr High school $3.S50; 110x144 northeast, Kth and Webster, $4.iu0; 1 stores and flats. $J0 rental. $.6o0; near high school. S40 rental. $7,000; itx 19t feet, corner, within six blocks of post office, $8,600: brick stores. $1,600 rental, $12 500; S. W. corner 14th and Dodge,- 44i M feet, 8 story and basement, brick. $3, OOl J, H. rreoser. pp. post office. t .. Ctt-lSft The Byron Reed Co. Thon Doug. 157. 212 So. lttrt BU $1,800 6-room colt ago on Burt Bt., near 8?f $3,800 28th and Davenport Bts. J houses oif corner lot. City water and gaa. gewr( In street. Live in one and ri'nt th other. $4,600 Ojsy 7-room all modern house on 8o 28th Bt. Choice east front lot with) hade trees. Paved street. $4.000 Cm Pratt SU near 2fith, a ne room all modern square house. Built by a good carpenter for his own home. $5.000-On Fratt St. Choice 8-room new square house. All modern convene lenccs. S choice lots with consider able small fruit, 1 block to car. $5,000 Oil 3fith Ave., near Popnlcton Ave. A new 8-room all modern house. Kant front lot. $5,250 On Dewey Ave. and 34th. We have a new 6-room 2-story all modern home Just completed. Houth front lot. Full cemented cellar, etc. Easy terms. $!,6n0 A fine Field cluh homo of 8 rooma! House finished In oak downstairs. Modern conveniences. East front lot. Paved street. $7,600 For a choice 9-room thorouehl modern home on Harney St., near 35th. You won't find anything in town bet ter for the money. Good reasons for. selling. $11,600 buys HG Farnam St. Thin la an 11. room house with 6 bedrooms, down stairs has elegant dining room KxU ft., tine living room, etc. Burn. 2 soutli front lots. VACANT xiiu on Burdette SI., east of 24th. $SJ0 474x150 on Burdette St., near 2Jd. $!, i 60x135 on Capital Ave. and 30th. $1100. ' 60x135 on 8. E. Cor. 30th and DavonnmL $1,200. 50 ft. south front on Dewey Ave. and 31th, $1,500. 7 choice pes. for flats, closo In, each 6fix60 ft., $3,250 each. INVESTMENTS $1,250 A good double frame dwelling rent ing for $lso per year. Oood location. $10.000 Large tenement, 6th and Pierce.' rents for $112 per month. i $13,600 An elegant brick on 2tith Ave. Rent ed for $1,200 per year. If you don't see 'what you want call oii us. Maybe we can get you what vou want. (19)- . 7C- BARGAINS $1.600 Near lKth ami Dorcas, 7 rooms, lull lot. $1,600 Bet. Omaha and South Omaha, very nice lot and houae of 6 rooms. $1.700-On 13th. 8. of William. II rooms; house In cornet repair; owner very anx ious to sell on account of moving west. $1.900 Very well built house of 9 rooms, blah bric k base ment, shade trees. $2,600 No. 1920 N. 34' h St.. 6 rooms and bath, modern except heat, electric and gas combination; very anxious to sell soon on account of moving west. "iVO For four lots west County Hospital. of We also have some hlg bar . gains In acreage property from 1 to 2o acres near Omaha. Exclusive agents for Kountzn's 8d Add. lots, on 11th and lfith. Bts., between William and Center Sts. BERKA & CO., Phone Doug. 74OT. 93S N. T. uaj Keystone Park Suburban Acreage Divided into 2H to 20 Acre Tracts. $176 to $175 per Acre. 0 Acres Have Been Sold. Drive out today and view Keystone ParV Boulevards Have Been Oiled.. Stakes have been set showing the boundc ries ot-eai h tract. If vou take one of ou map with you, you can easily locate an tract showing the number of acres, price) per acre, etc. suu us , PAYNE INVESTMENT CO. AND D. V. SHOLES CO. (19) $1,2SA will buy a fine 8-room house with 4 full lot at 3721 Ohio ft. This house Is In first cluss repair. Just the place to raiita chickens and a fine garden. Look thlj over, as It Is the biggest snap In the city. $2,200 will buy a 9-room beautiful homo. with a full lot. near 41'i and Harney bt. This house Is ail modern but furnace and a tine place. $2.i will buy a fino 7-room new house, all modern but furnace, with full lot, at 2Mti and Miami 9(s. This Is a bargain. $2, Oil) will buy a fine 6-room cottage, mol ern except furnace, at 30th and ('hrk Sts. The above places are only a partial llHtf real bargains wo have, and we will b4 glad to show you any or all of ihc-ir Call and see us. f KELLY INVESTMENT CO. 30 Neville Block. (19) BARGAINS. BEST BKS1DKNCK U(T3 IN FLORENC'B t'HKAP. $ lots, east front. 6txlj0, 44th and Call furnia JJW each. 1 lota, same vicinity $2iO each. Lot on Hamilton St. (Orchard HIM) $175. 1 lots on Franklin, south front it each. 2 iois near Mill ami 'n'f) and Lots near L SI. and :.ih, Houtu Omaha. 3 lots, Omaha View, sight Iy-$1W for both. DKXTKR L. THOMAH. 411 Bee Bldg. (lth-ttl lx DI'RING the next 90 days you can make big iiioney stlling land for us. lull furnlah the buyer, we do the rest. The land sells itself. Call or write for cir culars, maps and roinmixsion offer, stat ing your present buslm-m) -44candinavlan-Canadian Laud Co. lit Washington St Chicago V .MhI I '0