Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 29, 1907, Page 10, Image 10

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A4rrrtlmriiti tor th wm! nd
rolnnta will be taken aatll 11 m. for
the tili edition aad aatll 9 a. m.
for the moralac aad liadiy editions.
Cash mil (Ktnri'r all rder for
waat ad aad ao advertisement will
he accepted for leaa tana 10 eeata for
the flrat laaertloa.
Ratea nnply to either The Dally or
Bandar Bee.
Always eoaat als word to a llae.
Combinations of laltlale or aambera
eooat aa oae word.
laaertloa, per llae, 10 eeata. Two or
tore roaaecatlTe laaertloa, per llae,
8 eeata. Each laaertloa atade oa add
day, lO eeata per llae. $1.00 per
llae per month.
Death aad Faaeral Notlcee, Carda of
Thaaka aad Ledft Notices, T eenta
per llae for oae edltloa, morn In a; or
evening 8 eeata at Una for each ad
ditional edition. Saadar, lO eeata a
line. No ad taken for leaa than 30
yoer advertisement la Inaerted nnder
any one of the elaealflratlona given
below, It will bo charged at tho fol
lowing rateai Oae laaertloa, 4 eeata
per line i three to six eonaeentlTO la
aertloaa, S eeata per line each laaer
tloni aeren or more eonaeentlTO In
aertlona, S eenta per line each Inser
tion SO eeata per llae per month.
Rrsi.tEft CHANCES.
Except A areata, Sollcltora and Sales
t'owa, Blrda, Doita and Petit.
Horace and Vehicle.
Ponltrr aad Egg.
Typewriter and Ifwlni Machlaeo.
Plaaoa, Oraaai and Musical Inetrn
furnished Room,,
Unfarnlahed Rooma. '
Housekeeping Rooma.
Hoarding and Rooma.
Want Ada for Tho Bee mar left
t anr of the following dm atorea
one la "ronr corner drnBulat' 'ther
nre all branch offlcea of Tho Beo aad
roar ad will ' be Inaerted Jnat na
promptly aad on the aame ratea aa at
the mala olllce In The Bee Balldla
Seventeenth and Farnarn Streeta.
Albach, W. C. 40th and Farnarn.
Beranck, B. A.. 1402 B. 10th St.
Beclit Pharmacy. 720 8. 16th St.
Benson Pharmacv. Benson. Nob.
Hemls Park Pharmacy, 83d and Cumlnf.
Blake's Pharmacy, 2816 Sherman Ave.
('ana-hlln. C. K.. 6th and Pierce Sts.
Clifton Hill Pharmacy, 2213 Military Ava.
Cnnte, J. B., list Ave. and tarnam.
Crlssey Pharmacy, 24th and Lake.
Cermak, Emll, 1264-6 8. 13th Bt.
Eastman Pharmacy, 1046 Hamilton.
Ehler, F. H., 2oJ Leavenworthi
Foster Arnold!. 218 N. 26th Bt.
Fieytag. John J., 114 N. 24th St.
Florence Drug Co., Florence, Neb.
Unldman Pharmacy. 20th and Lake.
Careen a Pharmacy, corner Park Ava. and
Greenough, O. A., 1026 8. 10th St
Greenough, G. A., 1624 8. 10th Bt.
Mayden. Wm. C, 2820 Farnarn Bt.
Hanscom Park Phar.. 1501 S. 29th. Ave.
Hoist. John. 624 N. 16th Bt.
Huff, A. L., 2924 Leavenworth Bt.
King. H. 8., 2238 Farnarn St.
Kountse Place Pharmacy, 8304 N. 24th.
Patrick Drug; Co., 1624 N. 24th St.
Lfcthrop, Chas. E., 1824 N. 24th St.
Peyton, L, E., Hth and Leavenworth.
Saratoga Drue Co.. 24th and Amea Ava.
' Bed aef er a Cut Price Drue Co., 16th and
Schaefer, August. 26S1 N. 16th Bt.
Schmidt. J. H 24th and Cuming Sts.
Storm Pharmacy. 16th and Martha Bta.
Walnut Hill Pharmacy, 40th and Cuming.
waiton rnarmacy, ixn ana uraco Bta;
Worth, O. H., 40th and Hamilton Sts.
JOHNSON Mrs. Cora Battelle, aged a
years, alater of Charles Battelle, died
Tuesday morning, August 27, at her home
in caxiana, cauiornia.
LANKTREB Mre. Martha, ared 83 veers
August 26, at Nampa, Idaho, formerly of
We wish tn thank mip manv eviM.
neighbors for their klndnesa and sympathy
...u uiuiui uur ma nareavement in the
ur unoYKi lamer snu nusband.
wirtna Hlbbard Riley, 1254 South Six
teenth, girl; Frank C. Dunn. 2816 Seward
.i Vi ! Aiwooa. MTfenty-second
and Grant, boy; Carl Anderson, 3333
Sprague, boy; Arvld Btromqulst. 4368 Dodge,
Deaths Mrs. Minnie MayalL J54J p.rK
venue, age 43 yeaja.
The following marriage licenses have
been 1mii4- "
Name and Address.
Il.ut, n C ..... 1. . . . ABO.
......... uiuwi
Pearl Henry, Palmyra. Neb It
r rang l-ros, umaha
Roee Bvojtek, Omaha
oennn, enawa. Neb, ri
Lena Jorgenaen, Weeping- Water. Neb.. 21
IZ Ji ""1ter.V "neoln..
Pehr J. Holmberg, Omaha " .
Betty Larson. cJmaht?...:.:::::::;:.-:::: s
J. Theodore Helgren, Omaha " m
Edith Dennis, South Omaha ""! 22
Edward O. Davla, Creston. Ia
Annie E. Btrohmler, Creaton, Ia....M6
JVllllam J. Stevens. El Paso, N. M..... 4T
Josephine Thatoher, Omaha " jj
George Ckerwlnakl. South Omaha " it
Sophia Plska, Bouth Omaha ij
William T. Cbnnell. Allen. Neb ... 24
Anna Laura Kellogg, Allen, Neb 24
Henry W. Bchlffbauer. Onuhi..
.... 22
.... a
Dura Lambrecht, Omaha
McCartney institute
1802 Farnarn Bt.
Fall term begins September 1
complete: BusiNta courbb
Short 1 an-1. Typewriting, Bookkeeping
Commercial Law end Penmanship.
to students registering on or before Thurs
day, Auguat 29.
Day and night sessions.
Call on or telephone Doug. 1070.
Miss E. F. McCartney, Secretary
MCRAND'S classea for adults (entrance
"PP. Burwood theater) will reopen on
Tuesday, September I. p. m. Buy your
ticket on or before opening nirht and
pay 12 less thap regular price. Open all
day, noon and evening. Private lessons
and stage dancing. Assemblies Wednes
day. Call or 'phone Douglas 1041.
(D-M881 B3x
SIGN PAINTING B. H. Cole. 1301 Douglas.
THE CITT GARBAGE CO., office 4th and
Leavenworth Sig. Tel. Douglas 17.
" -' gEND for n,ir iIl)t of second-hand atitomo- I Iff
- - biles. DERIG1IT, 18U Farnam. (2;- ID
FOll SALE Cheap, two automobiles. In
quire C. E. Klmbal, Ogden Hotel, Coun
cil uuirrs, ia. O M764 3"
TO EXCHANGE Patent right on a lawn
weeiler lor removing dandelions from
yards. A fortune in this for the right
party. Will trado for stock of hardware
or land. Specifications aent on request.
Address y-202. care Bee.
(3)-MK87 BUx
EXCHANGES If you have city property,
iwirnn ut guuun, iarm linn or property oi
any Bind to exchange, write Tor our com
plete list. We have properties and lands
in an parts or the country to exchange.
-ur list is free. Bend for It at once.
Globe Land and Investment Co., 1S22 Far
nam Bt., umaha. Neb. (3 306
GOOD stock of general merchandise in an
lowa town or 2.609. Will trade for clear,
cheap land. Globe Land and Investment
Co., JS3 Farnarn. (3) 307
IF I owned 20 houses, each of them was
rented under long time leose for 125 per
month or a total rental of 1600 per month,
and I offered to sell you the whole busi
ness for 1400 on easy payments, would
you buy?
TV. - , I- 4 .. V. . ... I ....,. In -
Car-Sign syndicate meane to you. it
may sound crary, but if you will call
to see me I can convince you that the
proposition Is very safe and sane, and
if you want to get rloh not quick, but
sure can on Theo. Knaras, the car
Sign man, room 21, U. 8. National Bank
Bid.. Omaha, Neb. (4)-M365 30
FOR SALE I9.0TO will buy a flrat class,
modern. eroom hotel, steam heat, elec
tric light throughout, 8-story brick build
ing, with basement, good location, and
in one of the best small towns In Ne-
hi-mkn' terms to enlt niirnhnir- nee
rent Interest on deferred payments; or
will rent to a responsible party, posses
sion in October. Address Henry M. Ha-
con, 1239 1st Nat l Bank Bldg., Chicago,
III. (4) M137 lx
WANTED A partner In hotel and cafe; a
good paying business: open nignt and day
For Mils l have too mucn to attend to
to be around all the time: must have 11.800
cash. This Is a good chance for the right LIST your property with ua; we have buy
party to make money. Come and see for I ers; have property for exchange also
Milbank, 8. D. (4)-M886 81x
Do You Wish to Make a Change
IF YOU have a farm, home, business or
property that you wish to sell or ex
change, write us.
(4 M183 sept 26
FOR SALE At bargain, one of the best I
iii.rrm h-i..w hm.i. 1. .m.ih.rn Minna. I
40-room brick hotels In southern Minne
sota, modern In every respect, large lot
ana pretty parte witn property. win
make price right to anyone wishing to
buy a g3od paying hotel. Can give Dest
01 reason ior selling. Address 1 it.
care or aee. (4) Mtjao zx
FOR 8 ALE fob
ob printing plant, doing good
ly three printing planU In
business; on
entire city and county; Washington press
and almost enough material for weekly
paper; nne opening for practical printer;
bargain; investigate. Box 1176, Durango,
C OlO. (4) M8D3 SIX
FOR SALE Account sickness, owner will
sell 60-room brick hotel property, with
complete furnishings. In. good town of
I EMl a - KapCToln. 1 .
worth Investigating; also fully-equipped!
aairy tarm ot jm acres ana a cows,
cheap. Address Geo. H. Lennox. Colfax,
wasn. (4j six
WANTED Manager branch automobile
salesroom. Responsible man, with first-
clnas references nnH tK Una i.aah Ia man
age branch automoblle'salesroom. High
class machines. Position pay 15.000 per
year. Highest bank and commercial
references furnished. Address P. O.
iiox 669, Chicago, 111. (4) M403 29X
BETWEEN forty and fifty thousand shares
nf th. irlinnt finA llln.. A.
etock for sale at 25 cents per ahare; sold
by M. E. Langley and John J. Wyatt at
76 eenta rer share; any Information. Call
or write K. F. Anderaon, 6811 Walrath Bt.,
Angeies, Lai. (4) M6S3 BZOx
09 New York Life Building,
Omaha, Neb.
FOR SALE A good paying hotel in Cen
tral Iowa, town of 10 to 12 hundred. I
railroads: am rolna- Into other htialneaa
Will sell building and furniture or fur-
mure aione ana rent Dulldlng. Hotel 14 I
uiock irom depot, it looking for a snap
uuBjr, Auaress 1 in, net. () MtHl
FOR SALE In Fullerton, Neb., blacksmith
business, one set of tools, one 4 H. P.
gasoline engine, new, a good opening
now; easy payment. Address C. H.
Dtenoerg, Indian School, Genoa, Neb.
(4)-M491 S9x
FOR 8ALE Good Irrigated ranches and
elty property, business opportunities.
general merchandise, bicycle, auto gar-
age and implement business. In the best
town in northern Colorado. F. E. Bakar
& Co Box lis rireoiav rv.i I
v-o., uox lis. ureeley, Colo.
(4) M167 2x
FOR BALE Furniture and fixture In 15
ruuiu nouse; everyuung new; doing a pay
ing tranalent buslneas; reason for sell
ing, leaving the city. Investigate
ii mi. Auaress tiox J57, rort Smith,
BUSINESS CHANCE On account of sick-
neae wm sen narness anop, only one in
th. nl.i.. riAln. ml U . . I . ,,.
or lease the building; aeven hundred takes
stock and building,
Address Box S, Hop-
sins, Minn.
IV M4t tx
rVB SALB-flood, clean, up-to-date atock
of harness and tonlar nnlv ahnn in A
1.250 people; Invoice about $800; reason for
euing, umrr ousinesa. Address Lock Box I
w, ouaar wiiy, 1.010.
(4)-M414 4X
FOR BALE Clean and nn-tn.rtut. .11,
f ru5" lnon ot th" farming countries
. miaauun; price !.) or Invoice.
Auaress sox M. JtteiDourne, Mo.
(4-M413 4x
' "nap" In copper property for small in-
Ycaiuia, win invest own money with
"lU'AablJ?.Pnner AddreM or Interview
8 163, care Bee. (4)-MlM 28x
FOR BALEv-The Metropolitan; furnished I
rooms; inoaern, witn bath; P. H. Fell.
r-rop., iim rean oi.; Boulder, Col.; 18
ruum. ior particulars write P. H. Fell
BEST laundry In the city of Longmont
for aale chesD: low rent- fln. r.n..
SS XngValu'd." rVnWner.n,1Clf " FIRST-CLASS CHOP BUET. 13M DOUG
mont RealtJ Co"".?' JhD'' LAS- UP8TA1R8. (6M894 Beptl
w a - vpHiuuv, VVIU,
(4 M761 80s
FOR BALE Owing to Illness, a J30 OCO stock
of general merchandise In one of the best
X?TI" wlhl 7 m,1 of Ban Francisco.
Address D. M. Walters, 1064 Fourth St..
Banta Rosa, Cal. (41-M316 8 6x
WEST SIDE upholstering, carpet cleaning
business for sale; doing businesa of SMO
a month. Apply to Francla Jeffery. 130
W. Broadway. Butte, Mont.
, ) MS49 8 VOX
WISH to meet gentleman who can Interest
few people to extent of $i,0Ou or wSSf
K"n or more at no ex-
mm .u luumii. Address i. 83, Bee
(4) M271
FOR SALE-26-room hotel cheap; hustling
town, end of railroad- U.",..ln"
Addres. J. L. Bourret, Stlckney, S. j)
- (4-M127 six
1RS7 jSH-B3- "P-'o-date jewelry atock
located In, best business portion k,Tai.
. Fiinaa, v. 010.
()-M758 SOx
FOR BALE Good paying haraaln ,
country. Address Y t T care Bee '
(4 M342 S10
OPENING for enterprlslne .nn.
'? "J.il5y ,nd millinery; no atore
?f.,ih,,.,"ni htrt- ''"A ot .tore ?..'.:
C M.
Truesdell, Taylor's Falla.
3J 4x
. -" ,.,.v rr-neiii ever
market tn govl town; good trade, burner
.h.,rY.?i lar1t,nJ hou-.d dollars buys
It Addres. Lock Box 13. Pelican Rapid.
Mlna (4-M411 tx
The quickest solution of
the servant problem
I FOR BALE Only livery barn In Orrlck;
doing good business; good reasons for
selling. Address Hlnca A Sons. Orrlck,
Mo. - (4) M350 B 3x
FOR SALE First-class, blacksmith and
wagon work business, with tools; 14 to 16
received for shoeing and $4 to It for set
ting tires. Address Y 129, Bee. (4)-31.I
FOR SALE Good paying laundrr for
13,o00. will stand strict investigation; It
ia a bargain. Answer M 149, care Bee.
(4)-118 lx
FOR SALE Fishing game, for fairs; price.
money matter, lau or address O.
Bchnoor, 1213 8th Ave., Council Bluffs, Ia.
(4J M136 lx
FOR SALE Or exchange, a well equipped
iuncn counter ana care in town or 4 000.
Address Y 210, Bee. (4) M361 SOx
I CAPITAL wanted to form stock company
I " rnnnuinciure nume-maae sausage; pro-
tected by patent print. Address Q-144,
care Bee. (4)-M972 81x
A BARGAIN Furnishings ?o-room (only)
notei; iuii ot traae an ine Time! town
1.0U0; junction point. Address Y 1W, care
. (4) M361 S6
ALL KINDS of mlnlnr and nil .tri.
Dougiu ana sola according to their value
Omaha Flnanca Co., 212 N. Y. Life Bldg,
I DOCTOR, you will learn particulars of a
prai-iice in rveoraena worm from 13.600 to
r,wu a year cry addressing y 21, enre Beo,
(4J-M407 813x
CLiuuinu, id l XI A is u JJULHJK STS
(4)-M6M 8 21
0nTaEhrrr:lthwi(.u,:J.t.u t'r'a'rfo0?"."
tn southern Minnesota. Km Sf,a liiHum
' (4)-M738 30x
1TUK a A UK Fantorlum In a good town
001 nij a gooa Duniness; no opposition.
Auuress 1 1:0 care i ne nee.
(4)-MGfi9 29
n-oni-vziv . n . . ;
GROCERY and meat market for sale;
invoice ana give good discount. 2227 W
Broadway, Co. Bluffs. (4) M.197 4x
rstiS CHANCE BUNNELL," 822 N. Y.
llie. iei. uoug. 0H. (4) M968
T?t?U?.,?r anji;,u" ?f real
l". faJi BiSIJ Gan5esia,d'
BARBER SHOP-Two chairs; rood busi
ness, ;. Aaaress . Houtn Main St,
Mason City, Ia. (4) M353 S3x
LADY In rooming house business wishes
partner with capital. Address M 114, Bee,
W 724 sx
RENT-rRItchle'a hall. South Omaha; second
noor; no posts; 60x60; long lease. A. O
Kitcnie, Z-0 S. loth -Bt., Omaha. (4) 656
FOR SALE Drug atore; good for doctor.
Aaaress box 124, Ashley, Mo.
(4)-M740 10x
PHYSICIAN desires location In Nebraska
Address Y 111. care Bee.
(4) M409 10X
LAUNDRY for sale or rent; Is a good
ining ior experienced parties. Jas. Hal re,
Aiutun, ncu, tfj HSJ tsix
N PUBLICITY In selling your business.
C. J. CANAN. 701 N. Y. L. Bldg.. Omaha!
(4) 166 S2S
I HAVE the best monev maklnar nrnmul
non in 1 lie siaie ior a rename man with
a few hundred dollars; Investigate. Room
si, jnercnama Hotel. (4) 16o 28x
PARTLY furnished house full nf room,
ers; nne location; win sell furniture If
eoia hi once. Address u loL Bee.
(4)-140 lx
QUICK transfers made in selling or buying
jiujjcrijr. it. 1. ij, (4) M498 89
ROOMING houses for sale,
All sires.
uangesiaa, js lie Jiag,
(4) 310
LIST your pronertT with us. Rerka a p
m aia XT v t 1 i - . . - -
i. a. 11 a. HI 016
DRUG store for sale everywhere. F. V.
Aineai, iui ri. x. iue. umaha. (4) 315
HALES mad on Mrt.e i.-,.i,
rood. iv .tHoV tlrJ
goods, live stock, farm lmple
Roth Tvreil. 12U Tin..ri n,
emenra. ate.
nom lyreu, iiia uougias, Omaha.
Bar Iron and Steel.
The Pennsylvania Iron and Bteel Co.,
Omaha. Neh
Bell merchant bar iron and ateel In any
quantity ana sixe cheaper than any Job-
uer in me wesi. write for prices.
(6)-M692 821
F2.R.j?A "A 0,f "tefi "? u'ht
scrap. Shenandoah Iron Worka, Shenan-
qoah, la. (6) M406 81
Bar be raw
EXPERT shaving ft halrcutting. 809 N. 16.
w oepii
Ir FAMILIES Mlsa Sturdy. Tel. Harney
M'DOWELL Dreasmaklng School, 1623 Far
narn bt. (6 M666
AFOUST KP.OFFT, building contractor,
1003 N. 21st St., South Omaha. (6)-el9
to Beatrice Creamery Co., Omaha. '
(6) CI
Chop Saey Parlor.
Carpet Cleaning;.
SANITARY Cleaning Co.. 1919 Famam.
(6) 317
Cairo podtat.
DR. ROT, R. 1 1606 Farnarn 8t. Doug. H97.
(6 318
BAILEY A MACH. td fir. Paxton. D. 10S8.
(6) S3
THE 8CHUTZ. European, 16th and Harney
(d ajb
HESS Ic 8WOBODA. 1416 Farnarn. (5)-34
HENDERSON, 1619 Farnarn. Tel. D.12SX
Jeweler aad Watekasaker.
N. P. STILLING-Watch, clock, ewelr
repairing. 3-1 Paxton Blk. Tel. D. 4:7.
t aa-aagree.
CIIATELAIN gr? ? '""'
Ish. David? Bldg.. 18th' and Farnarn.
Day and evening classea. (6) 118 S
KEYS, etc. Hefl'.n. 1324 Faieam. Tel. D.
. (5 818
LAWRENCE, 1708 Leavenworth St Tel
Harney 240 (6 M697 B10
a "BEE want ad"
C. B. TRUS8ELL, Hi South 16th St.
JOHNSON 1KB., 4iT"nT T. L.
Tel. D. 1664.
Dr. Bowser, over 1502 Far.
Tel. Poug. 6370.
(5J-M184 8 26
BEFORE placing your 1908 calendar order
don't fall to See our elerant Imnnrtert line.
Lyngstad Jorve, printers, 16 & Cap. Ave.
HIGH-GRADE Imitation typewriter letters
ana jod printing; no Job too large or
small. Anchor Publishing Co.. 1822 Far
narn Bl. Tel. JJOUg. 6563. (5) M532 Bl
Softs, Shnttera, Etc.
umaha Bare nd Iron Worka makes a
specialty of escapes, shutters, doors
snu antes, u. Anareen, t'rop., ira B. lotn ut.
RJectrlo Bine Printing;.
NORTON-CARSON CO., 820 Bee Bldg. Tel.
"'. (5) M6J1 S19
I Skoe Repnlrlngr.
RAPID SHOE REPAIR CO , first clnsg
worg. Minn capltol Ave.' Phone Red 994,
(6) 313
Shoe Sklnlngr.
t CENTS every day, ladles or gents. !U S.
loin. ()
8 torn (re.
STORAGE at 140J Harney.
Agents and Salesladies.
WANTED Makers and millinery sales
ladiea having- department store experi
ence; references. La Ferte, 24 W. Su
perior St., Duluth, Minn. (9) M737 SOx
WANTED Lady canvassers at once; good
wages. Addiesa M. Brill, 783 3d St., Mil
waukee, Wis. (7) M346 S 7x
WANTED Experienced cloak and Bult
salosladles. , Apply cloak dept. Hsyden
tiros. () 531 a
Clerical and Office.
Address D 7s, enre
Factory and Trade.
TVPn.SXKnn'alrr AGB
Steady employment at good pay; cool,'
wen-ventuatea worn rooma; hot coffee
served tn comfortable lunch rooms at
noon. Apply at once to Byrne & Ham
mer D. G. Co. Factories, 9th and How
ard SU., Omaha,, apd 417 North 26th St.,
eouin cimana, vio .( M391 Beptl
WANTED Woman for hand ironera and
machine, iurabau Laundry, 1511 Jackson
ot- '( '.f Oi M640
WANTED Lady barber at 108- W. 16th St., I
. . .
Cheyenne, Wyo.; good wage
. iih 7) M892 Six
WANTED FIrt-fcl. waitress; $7 week
to gooa gin; come at once. Oate City
Honaekeeplna' and Domeatlo.
WANTED Girl for, general! tioosework;
good wages; amaUl family. - 606 8. 29th
Ave. (7)-4506
TWO girl; one to help cook, the other for
dlnlngroom. Hotel, Howard, Edgerton,
A1II1I1. . 1 ,71 M7 TO-
GOOD Cook wanted. Apply $254 Farnarn.
GIRL for general housework. 3315 Burt St.
(7)-721 29x
WANTED A girl for house work;
washing; no cooking. 1329 8. 31st St.
(7) 774 SO
GOOD COOK-famlly of three where ec-
ona gin is Kept; good wage. 1043 Bouth
win ave. (7) JS7
GERMAN housekeeper; cook for ranch.
siu.vv. . anaaian omce, lath and Dodge.
(7) 838
WANTED Good competent girl for gen- I
eral housework.
136 No. 41st St.
(7)-141 28
W A NTED Good girl for general house
work; no washing; good wages. 33J6
iiarney Bt., Tel. Harney 808. (7) S32
WANTED A competent girl; give refer-
ences; ior general housework; In family
of two. .1624 80. 82d Ave. (7) M368 80
WANTED-Experlenced Klrl for general
nouse worx; no washing.
Bailey, S606 Lincoln blvd.
Mrs. R. W.
Tel. Harney
yu niu w 1
. 1
WANTED A girl or an elderly lady to do
nousewora ana neip take care of two
children. Call at 2241 Larlmore Ave. be-
tween 1J and 2 o'clock, or 6 and 8 p. m. I
GIRL for general housework, S In family.
other help kept.
R. E. Welch, 414
Ho. 88th street
(7)-377 S
GIRL for general housework; plain cook
ing; no waaning. izm leaven.v-urth.
(7) M4014X
WANTED Girl for general housework In
zamiiy or tnree; good wage. Call, 111
B. asm Bt. Telephone Harney 3070.
(7) M402 Six
GIRL WANTED for general housework.
jars. w. a. jverr, 811 Emmet Bt.
WANTED Colored chambermaid at once.
u iMug-iaa Bt. , i (7) M419
jwv a l,.a, ... ...
rAitiL a prty to sell stocX In a
uoiu Mining co. The location of
the property cannot be surpassed. Both
the property and Its officers will bear the
Closest investigation. Liberal commission.
Aaaress s. Bee. - 11) 77 BA,
WANTED Lad v to Aemn.atrata th. u...
ove Hair Grower; liberal salary to right
pany. ur. sainerva James. 30:4 Daven
port, iei. Douglas 6686. (7) 340
PARTI E8 can have shopping done at low-
cai prices,. iy experienced buyer, write
for particular and reference. Address
i to. oee. . (7) M1C6 S15x
WANTED Young lady for out-door work
in city; salary and commission. M.
Frayer. 2526 Bt. Mary Ave.
(7) M17 8-26X
FOR A BUSINESS education register Me-
arinry insiuuie, jauj arnam Bt. Fall
term Degina Bepiember Z. (7) M418
GIRL to aaslst In housework. 8315 Burt St
t7j 721 29x
LADIES AND GIRLS, at home, day or
evenings, to etamp transfers; easily
learned; $1.60 to $2 dozen. Room 606 Pax
ton jjik. (7)-$14 2x
WANTED Experienced clerk. waitress
ana airuns dojt in canay department
Apply candy dept., J. L. Brandeia A Bons.
uy 333 29
A...t. .ltelt.r and
WAXTED A party to sell stock la
Nevada uoia Mining CO. The location of
the property cannot be surpassed. Both
the property and lis officers will bear the I
closest investigation. Uberal Commission.
Addres J t. Be (91-866 Si I
Agents aad Salesmen Continued.
AGENT8 WANTED Good live land agenU
wanted In North and South Dakota, Wis
consin and Iowa, Nebraska and Mlnne
sota; will make lllieral contract with good
agents. Texas Gulf Coast Land Com
pany, 417 Kaaota Block, Minneapolis
Minn. (9)-M348 8 3x
WANTED Several hustling aalesmen an t
saieaiaaies 10 introduce new article;
sella rapidly; agents can make from
iiu.uo to 816.00 per day; can give citv
or country territory. Call or addrein,
Omaha Burglar Alarm Co., 1008 N. Y,
I tildg., Omaha. (9) M166 29
I GOOD hustlers wanted as agents In Omaha
for one of the largest lewlerv Installment
houses In the country. Watches are sold
at one dollar per week. Steady employ
ment. Salary or commission. Address
c isi care Bee. (9) 316 29x
WANTED Active real estate neent. In
surance solicitor or reliable business
man In every town; $250 to $600 per
month for right man; high-class propo-
tlon. Address, with references, TulJa
Height Co., Tulsa, I. T.
(9) M392 29x
WANTED General furniture salesman.
nne, steady position. Nebraska Furniture
and Carpet Co., 407-9-11 North 24th St.,
Bouth Omaha. (9) M6S6 29
WANTED At once, several experienced
iniivasaers, eitner ladles or gentlemun;
permanent position; money advanced
dally; nothing to sell. Call for personal
Interview. 118 N. 18th St., Wlllson.
19) M164 29x
WANTED Salesman for house furnishing
aepartment; must understand window
decorating. Address Y 209, Bee.
(9)-M179 29
WANTED Experienced carpet salesman.
inquire kl carpet dept. Huyden Bros.
(9)-330 29
WANTED-Strong boy, good habits, care-
iui ana industrious; must write rlaln
hand; position permanent. Inquire Mr.
McArdle, mall room, Bee, 17th and Far
. nam- (9)-M731x
WANTED Boys, 16 to 18 years, for a gen
eral iraining in railroad accounts and
affairs. Call on or address General Btore
kecper, U. p. r. r. Co. (P)-M196 29
WANTED-At once, smart. Intelligent boy:
...uni ut bl ieasi ib years old; Interesting
work. See timekeeper, third floor. The
Bennett Co. (9) M338 30x
WANTED At once, office boy. Apply
'tuu i-rmiing wo., lutn and Farnarn
(9)-M169 23
WANTED-Several bright boys. Apply
man order department, Hayden Rros.
(9)-M34l 30x
Wr a v. t. yt r .
iiinu-uog(i s'rong Doys for nailing
H.I.II1IIC. wiiiuiiu 130X wo., tant umaha,
(9) MliO SeDtlt
I WANTED -Errand boy. with Kood refer-
ences. 415 Paxton block.
(9) M400 lx
Clerical aad Office.
wanted Clerks, both men and boy, In
jmiiuu umce. Aauress u. southard,
A. P. A., U. P. R, R.. Omaha. Neb.
(9) M683 29x
Tmetorr n Trade. '
WANTED A first-class planing mill bench
nana; a man wno tnoroughly under
stands all of the better class of planing
nun uencn worn; none other need apply;
write stating experience, age, whether
married pr single, and wagea demanded.
Address Y-148, Bee. (9) M177 1
BARBER WANTED Must be first class;
su.nuii, kh ana experience;
15c shaving; write or phone. Leo M.
Zimmerman, Hiawatha, Kan.
(9)-M347 S3x
GOOD cornice man and tinner, at onee
Lincoln Cornice and Metal Works, Lln-
kviu, ntii. IS J M770
POSITIONS for drug men everywhere.
V. Kniest. 707 N. Y. Life. Omaha.
ONE good tinner wanted; pay $2.60 ner
day: steady work. E. Garnlch & fionj.
Ashland, Wis. (9) M447 Six
DRUGGIST wanted In good business town.
fluuren uivs out m, uunning, rveb
(9)-617 S2x
WANTED Good cabinet man and finisher,
,, p. j iiruuBKH rurnuure
and Carpet Co.. 407-9-11 North 24th St.
South Omaha. (9) M68S 29
WANTED Good all around blacksmith
Write James Clxek, Wagner, S. D.
(9) M678 29x
WANTED Six first class. exnerlnnceH
chocolate dippers; highest wagea, steady
employment. The Balduff Pure Candy
wAMtu-uooa carpenters; steady work
winter: 50 cents per hour for .i-i,
I hour day. Gannon & Co.. niiiir... VX.
(9) M191 S2x '
WANTED A shoemaker; steady job; good
, ""Jr. Aaaress J. li
juiuwiei, riviiiuuL. iveD.
() M967 Six
COMPETENT tinner for all round shop
and furnace work. Hartman & Bullock
"- "
(9)-M907 31
WA NT ED-r A shirt-maker; ateady Job, good
wages 10 riBni party. - Address J. H
fiuuwiea, rremum, neo,
(9)-M967 Six
.jwvv x-w, 1 f uur lorwaraers; none
uui inai-uiaaa lurwaraers need apply
1 an or write eamuei jj. Page & Cn
Des Moines, Ia.
At - fia-OAV aka
'S ' UX
WANTED-Shoemaker that Is steady and
u,h.r mint V. o ki. a . ' 5
: : : ";.' .,".. Y " luMB- uooa
" " - . . ,, on iiini li bin mnnn I u
Mohrman, Pierce. Neb. (9) M133 lx
WANTED Two first class core makers
Open shop. Steady work. Best watrea.
No trouble. Wire or coma at mi
cc uir,, ner oius oi., uenver, c;olo.
() M139
njiiiibiJNiiiijr niaaer, specialist on
cream and soft goods. The Balduff Pure
-anay jo., m r arnam at. (9) 154 28
WANTED Two delivery erroeerv lv.
ac once. Apply Del ween 7 and 8 o'clock
this evening. Sommer Brothers, 28th and
r .rnaiu Dim. IS) S3 &
nAjiiM ah au-rouna printer and a
iaay compositor ror country office; state
smiicu. Auares r. f. Ilealy
Bedford. Ia. (9) 161 87x
WANTED Tile ditchers to work tiy rod'
iiiaa.fl it.M iu m anr. Apply J. w.
Ten Brink. Nlckerson, Neb. (9) $45
WANTED Young man with drug and soda
loumun experience. Saratoga Drug Co.,
24th and Ames Ave. (9) M 172
D1UCK. () S18 19
WANTED First class watch repairer. At-
1 . . . , , . J , r.
i-ijr ni a. A.iuni, jcwoiry, rtranaets &
Bons. (91375 30
WANTED At once, first-class Job com-
puanura. iumDe mining o.. Bt Jo
seph. Mo. (9) M393 SI
WANTED A good, ail-around butcher-
good wages; German preferred. Huf.
mlth Broa., Crelghton, Neb. (91 M418
At leeeltaaenaa.
WANTED-On first class business getter
ur encn nit, gooa money for right
party, represent Nebraska corporation,
reference and bond. Btamp for reply.
Address (3170 care Bee (9 83S
W'A NTED Young man, good habits, will-
iia to won nara. inquire 404 N. Y. Life
Bldg. W. A. Kerr. (9-M354 29
FOR A BUSINESS education reaistar Me.
Cartney Institute. lM F.Jnim Fall
term begin September J. (9J-M411
Mlerellaneoae Con tinned.
Stenographer. $75, t.
Stenographer anil clerk, $,
Three aselstant bookkeeper, $50, . $(B
(m-e clerk, voun man. 80.
Salesman, building material. $100 to start.
Retail clerks, grooerhs, $ik); dry goods,
$Ho; drugs, $75; Implements and hardware,
$76; general merchandise. $d0.
If you are In need of a position see us
wunout delay, we can place you on snort
721-1 N. Y. Lite BUlg.
(i)-MCl 3
BOUND y:ung men. ages 18 to 35, for fire
men and brakemen during rush season on
leading railroads here. In the west and on
new lines being completed. Experience
unnecessary. Firemen $100 monthly, be
come engineers. $Ai; brakemen, $S0, be
come conductors, $150. Many position now
open. Call or write at once for partic
ulars. National Railway 1'rainlng Ass n.,
(UO x Paxton Blk., Omaha, Neb.
(9) 3 8S
FREE Employment Bureair supported by
xiusiness Mens association: helps work
men Hnd positions. Call 842 New York
Life Bldg. (9j- !R2 BcpM
LABORERS for handling freight at Union
racinc, council HlufTs transfer; was"
17V4j cent per hour. Board arranged If
necessary. Apply Thos. Ecanlan, fore
man. (9)-8t3
GOOD, stout husky men wanted to work
n grain terminal elevator; must he
sober and Industrious. Steadv employ
ment to right panics. Apply Transmls
slsstppl Grain Co.- Elevator. Council
Bluffs. (9)-MG99
YOUNG man to learn drug buslneas. W.
x-ici, win and Farnarn. (91313 Zix
GOOD pay; men wanted everywhere to
tacK signs, distribute circulars, samples,
etc; no canvassing. National DIM. IlU'
reau, Chicago, 111. (9) M394 4x
WANTED-4ompetent foreman for Job
priming omce. Address B 121, care Bee.
(9) 3S6
WANTED Strong boy for paper stock
room, omana Printing Co., 924 Farnarn
treet. (9) 378 30
WANTED 2 men to unload lumber. Omaha
xiux o.. J5.asi Omaha. (9) M417 31
WANTED Man and wife (Swede or Ger
man prererred) to work In a country
home; man must bo polite, gentlemanly
and acquainted with handling stock;
woman must be good housekeeper, neat
and good cook, and know how to take 1
care of milk and butter; elegant home,
good wages; employer Is elderly, wealthy
gentleman, who rents his lands; couple
wmiuui cnnaren very mucn preferred;
make application by letter at once. Ad-
ureas n lbs. Bee. (9) M432 30
Morse aad Veklcle.
SELLING horses 1 our business: Just re.
ceived one car or drafts, drivers and
single wagon horaesi prices from $50 uu
also have several good farm mares; every
horse guaranteed as represented. Cash
or time. Omaha Horse and Supply com
pany, 414 No. 16th, rear. (11) M192
ONE big 1,3(0 lb. horse; $75. One biiy horso,
i.ivv ius; sou. une learn ot young horses,
IU5. One good mare, 1,200 lbs; a llttlu
sore in Iront; $50. 2816 No. 15th Ave.
(11) M193
uk BALE Two standard bred driving
... w, iuuu unveri euncr single or uou
ble; can be acen at Cole barn, 1718 Caas.
For particulars call 'phone Douglas W9.
Unlnger Implement Co. OlO MU71 81
FOR BALE Three runabouts, rubber tires;
will sell worth the money. Harney BL
Stable. (11) 6S6
THE late Henry Homan's livery stock. In
cluding 8 general purpose horses, ready
for'use. Is for aale at Myers" stables, 1114
Douglaa St. (11) M089 29x
A very stylish southern bred, high class
galted saddle horse; 7 years old; 17.1 high;
very fast and gentle. Frank Latenaer,
'Phone Harney 2422. (11) M797 31
WB are selling dellvory wagons, teamlnj
gears, buggies, carriages and harness
cheaper than any other firm In Omaha.
Johnson-Danforth Co., 8. W. Cor. 10th and
Jones St. (11) 3(9
DR. COFFMAN offers for sale hi horses
and carriages and two buggies. Inqulrs
024 Douglas St. . CU) 817 All
ONE S-sprlng wagon, new, and one dellv
ery, buggy, rubber tired. Oscar Harte.
29th and Farnarn Sts. (ID 718 1
HARNESS, Saddles. Trunks, Traveling
Bags some good bargains. Alfred Cor
nlsh & Co., 1210 Farnarn St. (1D-J47
SALOONS 8lx barrels Pepper whisky !h
V; J"'" Vr ' Ior standard bred
colt. 626 S. 19th St. (U)-M753 3Ux
GOOD work team; good heavy har.ioss
snu naKuii, cueap. 4io barker St.
(11) Mi23 Six
RUBBER-TIRED road wagon. W A
Btone, 803 Lincoln Ave.. Council Bluffs.
1 (U)-M103
FOR SALE-Shetland pony and rig com-
nieie. a. m. Kinti, 716 South Sixth street.
Council Bluffs. Ia. (1D-M103 S 4x
FOR pony buggies, runabouts, wagons.
V,.Z7 ,CrJf "S1 ,.h,lSe"' Johnson
Danforth Co.. S. W. Cor. 10th and Jones
i au-ais
Pooltry and Gags.
GOVERNMENT book free. Model Snusb
'-Q- cimana. (1D-M386 Bepl
Sow, Birds, Doc and Pet.
NEVER die. mule-fonted cllt. m,-io-v,i.
tXr v ,r l6: Bcotch collie dogs.
... niiuwin, uumes, ia.
. Ml)-M677 29x
LOST August 27, 1907. a large poeketbook
containing lady's gold watch and small
change in vicinity of S3d Bt. and Pros
pect Hill cemetery; watch a highly-prised
keepsake; leave at room 712, N. Y
bldg., or telephone Webster 3649 or Red
-ill, suuaDie rewaia. a. I. Gordon.
(12)-M357 29
LOST Gold watch and chain on Friday or
Saturday, August 23 r 24,' with Initials
L. Y. on fob of watch; watch, Hamilton
movement; engraving on Inalde, lfe sr.,
to Lafe, Jr; finder notify Ife Young. Jr..
luuiiicB, Auwa, ana receive reward
(12)-M410 31
LOST Small bangled neckchaln, with
heart locket attached; reward for return
to room 2, army headquarters. Telephone
LOST Gold locket; 310 reward. 157 Ex-
cnange oiag., Boutn umaha. (12) M371 29x
RUPTURE CURED No knife, no reten
tion from business. QUICK CURE RUP
TURE CO., over 8 W. Cor. 14th and
Douglas. Omaha. (18) M136
FREE medical and surgical treatment at
Crelghton Medical college, 14th and Dav
enport Bis.; special attention paid to con
finement cases; all treatment supervised
by college professors. 'Phone Douglas
1167. Calls answered day or night.
(U) 129
BEST nerve bracer for men, "Gray's Nerve
Food Pills," II a box, postpaid, ghermaa
b McConnell Drug Co., Omaha.
ANT poor girl In need of friend call or
write to me matron oi me salvation
Army Home for Women at 8831 N. 24th
St., Omaha, Neb. (12)-Mlu6-,
DR. PRIES, specialist, diseases of women.
A ' .,.,!.. In ..rknflnamAnta 1 1
U N. 16tb; residence, 2iU Cbarles. Omaha!
OS) 851
phoenix chkuit t o. ror cnatiei or
salary loans. 623 Pattnn Block. 'Phone
Douglaa 746. 14)-tJl
FURNITURE, live stock, salary loans Duff
Green lavan Co., room L barker uioc.
Oil 3d
en furniture, pianos and all aort of per
sonal property.
. WK A HE NOT a finance company, or a
brokerage company, and do not have to de
pend on the payments of one person to get
the money to loan to another.
WL HAVE BKEN eiiaaaed In this bust
?.Jn.0m"ha f,,r FIFTEEN YEARS.
BfVi- !Yl.OI'K'T n"" b"-n o ! FAIR and
ii-r lth ,("T one.
i.w .u,1AVK " thorough undertandlnj
with the borrower as to payment, rebate. .
cost and requirements.
119 Board of Trad Bldg
uo not be without money when w will
lend vnn Kiii,r,t,t . .... "
See us for loans on Salary, Furniture. Ware
nous,. Receipts and Personal Property.
Reliable, qulk to act and conildentlaL
vncapest rates In the city.
"'.""Ployer. family or friends know, II, IS, BUVUl II.
T? VI .1 A nT l.- rnrnri. no
S07-S0S Paxton Blk.. Id Floor. 'Phone D. ltlU
and others, without security; easy pay.
menta. Offices in 63 principal cities. Tol
rnan. room 714 New York Life Bldg.
(1) 7
GIVE us a trial with your next loan. We
, " "Muipiien io give best service, best
terms, and loan at as low a rate a
money has ever been loaned In Omaha.
Nebraska Credit Co., 211 Board of Trade.
t amain entrance. (14) 710 81
Bowcn, 703 N. Y. Life Bid..
ad.,!".ncea nr,vat money on chattel or sal-
10 get; no red tape. You get
money same day asked for at small cost.
Open evenings till 7. (14) 36$
EA,9JL'? LOAN OFFICE-Rellable, accom-
VX.. , oustnes confidential, mi
iJougla. (li) SU
CHATTEL, salary and stnraee .1.1
loan Foley Loan Co.. 1504 Farnarn St.
Apartments ana Flat.
Tsa. BtEa r,?om"' cltjr wa,r- 151 M.
Jtn Bt. C. M. Bachmann, 436 Paxton P.Ik.
STEAM-HEATED Hat, modern. 220 N. 23d.
. (is) M4a
Bonrdlagr aad Rooma.
DEWEY European Hotel, 13th and Farnaa.
- (15)-3M
IS? .ut,l room' "Ut'ld entrance, modern
tlfi1lPlawnte:K5-hoi'eJM:atlonj ,ar"e' b'u-
tiriu lawn, j-j, park Ave. (14) MM
VIENNA hotel; private dining rooms; cafa,'
2421 Dodge. Room with GOOD board.
- (16)-.12 S1U
Ni-fJont om: wlth modern con
venience. Douglaa 8837. 217 a 25th St.
i iR.iPi,LEAS;NTON-23::4 Harney Bt,-An
b,.JlVi S1" for, lcPlo ne-lrlng rooms and
Good location.
Call early.
(15)-648 Six
FrooS.T"rtLA83 haV? an(1 nloe comfortable
aD'.'f a".',abL" rat can be secured
v wV DUULH IVin Bt.
(15)-M947 Six
LARGE front room, with running water:
also other rooms. 128 S. 25th Av" '
15)-148 1
FOR RENT-Room and board for vonn-
MS r Awlll,n l work for boar
608 B. 24th Ave. (16)-3:6 1
Pnrnlshed Room. 'V
Mh?'. .28th" f,ront rooms, all modern; steam
heat; furnished or unfurnished.
(15) 709 2x
tOOMS. 82 per week; ,oool dining; -room.
Ogden hotel. Council Bluffs, la.
(16) M696 S22x
l?"! y. furn,hel single room; modern.
o a. 2n Ave; (lt)-246 816
TWO-newly furnished rooms In modern
nouse. si. WJ and $2.60 per week. 624 North
20th street. (1)-M 189
TO COUPLE-Two nicely furnished modern
uu,- v. iigiii iiuuscKeeping. mis Daven-Port-
(15)-M1S6 B tx
2039 HARNEY, furnished rooms.
(16)-M674 822
LARGE FRONT ROOMS, nicely fur- w
nislied and In fine locslitv. N i,.n.i 1
desired. 412 N. V?t at ,,v A
FUlNS"ED01om., for.wo sTentlemen.
1V M. Hive, S1. UUU(, Wli,
4CS,a8 TkH AYE''. "w ". room
... v.r-.n, m,i waier, bath
and stationary washstands; 'phone, eleo
trio light. Bache ors' Quarters
(16J-M526 Site
LARGE front room, furnished, In new mod
ern home. 2703 Cuming. Harney SM0
(16)-78l 30x
WELL furnished rooms, large, modern,
reasonable. 308 N. 22d. (15) 783 SOx
FRONT rooms, new brick, strictly modern,
block and half from Roma hotel. 623 S.
17th Ave. (16)-782 SOx
ELEGANTLY furnished room. 1916 Cap
ltol Ave. (16)-769 621
TWO front rooms, furnished. 2?11 Douglai
St. (15)-M932 31
SPLENDID furnished or unfurnlshel room
in aosoiuiuiy new nat. ziu N. 24th St.
Tel. Douglas 3301. (lfi) M970 SI
BEAUTIFUL large east room, suitable for
one of two young men; reasonable. 270$
Farnarn. (15) M91S Six
NICELY furnished rooms, new house and
furniture; fine location, private family
rent reasonable; board If desired. 609
Bo. 26th Ave. 05)-M10S Six
NICELY furnished room for rent. Apply
at 545 South 25th avenue. (15) 817 2x
FOR RENT-Furnished room, 161T Dodge
tret- (15)-81S 8 26x
THREE rooms, newly furnished; gentle
men preferred; board can be had within
a few doors. 607 8. 25th Ave. (16)-$28 S
NICELY furnished rooms. 656 8. 26th Ave
(16)-327 826x '
LARGE pleasant rooms. 718 8. 29th St
(15)-S2S lx
NICE large room, modern., 624 8. 96th Av.
(U)-8 lx
LARGE furnished room with privilege of
breakfast If desired. 2632 Capitol avenue.
(16) 879 S
FOR RENT-Furnlshed rooms, modern,
good meals, good home, 'Phone 2976
(15-S76 Jx
TWO very desirable, clean rooms- ess
range; adults. 416 8. 19th.
(16) M306 2x
Hoaeekeeplac Haas
LARGE front rooms wltr or without
housekeeping privilege; reasonable. Una
Et. Mary's ave. (15) 806
GET your rent free by Investing $380.
runiuuiv ui iv ruiini ior sale. Jdodera
house; cloao In Address Y 151, Bee.
(16) M46S Sim
first or second floor.
(16)-r-Ui Is
1713 Jackson.
TWO very desirable
room complete!
(15)-lit tox
adults. 416 B. 19th.
S FURNISHED ROOMB-llght housekeep.
ms, uin ui inaiiru niuiai, 1 el. UOUgla
Into. 140i Junes street. - (16 (16 tx
FOR KENT 3 rooms for light housckeeD.
ma, iiiwwcii. .iv r .i iimu etreec.
- (16-874 SOx
FaraUaed Banaaa.
rooms, strictly modern, nicely furnished
near 18th and Rlnney streets, will be va
cant about September 1. Oeorge A Co.
low! Faruam street. CU Mt30 $1
-t eV
t J