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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 28, 1907)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 28, 1907. 7N J s- iQlV J? good tobacco, and ly good tobacco makes a fine chew But it takes the pick of the finest to 'if make Piper Heidsieck The only plug tobacco JgK that is sold in every good tobacco store. Not $y$M expensive even though it is the best. BRIEF CITY NEWS Xv. Boot print It. !....- e Bobert Bnlta for district clerk. X. Ii. Belsol for county treasurer. "W. O. Bhrlver for county assessor. M. J. Or.rry for county easeaaor. Souffle Printing Co., S14-lf 8. lth St. SamM O. Solomon for Co. Comptroller For olerk of th. district court Robert O. Fink. leo Koffmu, undertaker, new location, 101 h. and Jones. Tel. Doug. 3901. T. A. Blnahart, photographer, removed to Eighteenth and Farnam streets. V. W. Bingham,' candidate for repuo lican nomination clerk of district court. The ralue of the conveniences of the City Savings Bank Is plain to all thrifty people. Bock Spring Ceal Plane your order now for prompt delivery. ' Central Coal and Coke Co. of Omaha, 16th and Harney. Ten Say for One Test David Tobln whs given ten days In jail Tuesduy morning for mealing a veat from a Douglas street Vjiid hand dealer. iJm Stock of rail and winter woolens is complete. An order placed now may no filled at your convenience. Ouckert & McDonald. S17 S. 16th. bcfcepr kuttrtlng association mon"y in Omaha Is to be had of the Consarvallve, 1614 Harney streutT Interest rate CO cents per 100 per month. Five Dollar rire A clothesline aus punded over a cook stove caused a small blare In the home of William Morgan, 3L'13 Hurt street, Tuesduy morning. The damage did not exceed . Two Bew Houses Sold The Bvron Reed company today sold two of the houses It erected this summer. One at !7u5 Chi cago street went to Martin T. White for $3,250, and one at Twenty-second and Bur tlette went to U D. Poster for $3,260. Divoro for Abandonment Tlieodor llasard has applied to the district court for a divorce from Minnie Hatard. They formerly lived In Ohio, but several month ago he says she left him and refused to live with htm any longer. He charges her with abandonment. rire Consumes Awning The awning of the Globe Furniture company's a-tore at 70S North Sixteenth street caught fire from a thrown match shortly after one o'clock Tuesday afternoon and burned down. No other damage was done and the department put 'out the blase without difficulty. I Transfer of Barton Bomestead Though the deal was made three years ago, deeds went on record qnly Monday for the trans fer of the Guy C. Barton homestead, at the southwest corner of Twenty-first and California streets, from Mr. Barton to T. C. Byrne. The consideration named la $11,500. On Hundred Ber Cent Front Although the amount Invested la small, 8. R. Faulk ner made 100 per Cent on his money In real estate In two years. Two years ago he bought a part of a lot adjoining Axel ' Helgren's residence at Twenty-eighth av enue and Chicago street and a few 'days ago sold It to Mr. Helgren for $600. Bang-alow Crass la Omaha Because he has lived In Florida where bungalows are plentiful and knowe how pretty bungalowa are constructed, B..A. Ebraann has been engaged by J. H. Craddock, an architect newly come to Omaha from Lincoln. Mr. Ehmann and Mr. Craddock will endeavor to popularise the bungalow In Omaha. Woman Bays Ska Lacks Support Nora A. Poling complains In a petition for di vorce filed In 'district court Tuesday that Arthur O. baa for a long time neglected and refused to support her, though he Is able-bodied. She asks her maiden name Nora A. Crum be restored to her. They were man led In Auburn December i. 1M. Bound Over on Stabbing- Ckarge Frank Uurnesa of Fourth and Martha atreets. who was arrested several days ago on the charge of stabbing William Bullard, a fel-, low resident of the bottoms, was bound over to the district court by Polios Judge Crawford Tuesday morning, after waiving preliminary examination. His bonds were .iiifd at $600. " Oeneral Family Clean-Oat Frank Ben Uh of Tenth and Grata atreeta waa taken into police court Tuesday morning on a charge of beating his wife. The story of a general "family row" come to light In which children, drink, a mother-in-law and another woman figured with more or leaa prominence. He waa "gtven'a sentence of fifteen days In jail by Judge Crawford. Mere, Tom Bnokeyea, Botloe There will be a meeting of the Ohio society at the office or the secretary, Frank Barrett, 1.07 Farnam street, Thursday night at o'clock. All native Ohloana or thoee who "have lived there any considerable length or time are Invited to be present. There will be an election of officers aad plana laid for the future. Employers te Use Binders tUsnuel Rees of the Reea Printing company has set Wednesday night for the conference be tween the employing printers and the book binder was threaten to strike. The em ployers declare there Is little use for the conference, as they are determined not to grant the eight-hour day, but they cannot refuse to meet the binders. Comet Still Tlsible Tils Morning- The comet Is still visible In the morning sky, but the person desiring to see It must look at the right time. Father Rlgge at Crelgh ton university says that at 4 o'clock a. m., by looking to the right and a little below Jupiter, the bright star In the morning sky In the northeast, the comet will be visible. A wait until the morning twilight will make the sight of the comet Impossible. Wary Becmltlng Improving A very no ticeable improvement Is manifest In tha number of applicants for enlistment in the United States navy at the recruiting do- rtnt In fnt aha Thnpa lei at n Inn pan a a t about 10 per cent in the number of appll- cations over that for the corresponding period of last year, and this same ratio prevails In the number of acceptances. Most of the applicants aspire to enter the service as apprentice seamen. Improvements at Federal Building Custodian Barrows of the postofflce build ing has applied to the Treasury depart ment for authority to contract for repairs to and a general overhauling of the side walks about the building. These repairs contemplate raining the sidewalk at tha south side sufficiently to prevent the over flow on that walk that-usually follows al heavy rain storm. The new carpeta for Judge W. II. Munger'a suite of room have arrived and will be laid at onoe. Celluloid In Metal Boxes The Postof flce department has Issued an order rescind ing Its order of July 15 relating to the mailing of articles made wholly or In part of celluloid. This order required that all such articles must be enclosed In a metal box with tightly fitting lid before being admitted to the domestic mulls. This order has now been revoked and surh articles may be mailed as under the old customs of the department. The Postofflce depart ment Invites attention to the fact that the Canadian postal regulations require that all celluloid articles must be enclosed In her metically sealed boxes. Mixture to Lay the Bust Residents along the Dodge street road are petition ing the county board to have the road bed treated with a mixture to lay the dust. Complaint Is made that the dirt on top of the macadam Is ground up into a fine dust and makes It very disagreeable for people living near the road on windy days. A representative of the Omaha Gas com pany appeared at a meeting of the com mittee of the whole Tuesday and sub mitted a proposition for the use of the residuum from the gas plant as a dust set tler. The board has not acted yet. Ever Swap Houses f Your location Just suits the other fellow, and the other fellow's location may just suit you. If you want to make a swap If you want to find out how numerous the other fellow la explain your situation through The Bee's want columna and some thing will be pretty sure to happen. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. J. H. Dumont made a business trip to Blue Springs Tuesduy. John R. Rlngwalt and family have gons to New YorK ana uosion. Floyd Campbell of St. Louis, formerly of Omaha, la In the city on business. Stenographer Dave Dickinson ot the United States district attorney's office haa gone to Tekamah on a few days' visit. Deputy United States Marshals J. O. Moore and Logan Summons are enjoying their annual vacation during the lull In court work. K. T. Roberts and young aon. of Lincoln, are visiting In Omaha. Mr. Roberts, who la bailiff of the supreme court, is enjoying a vacation of a month. D. H. Bennett of Arapahoe, C. C. Vaughn of Sioux City. fc. Llndhol or Oakland. O. K. Wright of Huron, B. D., O. Drake of Kearney and J. A. Bothwell of Hebron ara at the Millard. W. L. Scovlll of Pender, Mrs. F. T. Demick of Wauneta. Susan Vennum of Paltaaile, M. T. Garlow of Grand Island, J. O. Caldwell of Lincoln and Fred Latham of Cripple Creek are at the Murray. C. O. Shelby, A. Kde Rlegals of Denver, C. D. Crouch of Rapid Cltv, H. G. Thomas of Arlington. Mrs. Sadie Blackloe of Ever ett, Idaho, 8. B. Kingsbury of Honolulu, Mrs. W. H. Blalock of Cheyenne, and Mr. and Mre. C. W. Pugsley of Sheridan are at the Paxton. M. C. Cowee of North Platte, Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Dlvoll, A. EX Dlvol! of Farnam, J. H. Arenils. W. V. Rill of Syracuse, A. W. Scott of Slromsburg, J. C. Dunn of Arapahoe, A. A. Plummer of Randolph, R. L. Whltcomb of Fremont. A. W. Mills if &c-otl Bluffs, V. J:- Llpman of Basselt and D. D. McKee of Shelton are at the Mer chants. Rebxcca M. White of Philadelphia, grand daughter of Barclay White, wtio waa Indian agent at Omaha in tne and her mother, Mra. Anna R. White Baker, Were In Omaha Sunday and Monday looking after their realty Interests.; Anting other property they own Is a tuu-acre tract near Seymour park, oa which Shlrne at Chase have taken an option. . Colonel Jack Ohlman of Beatrice dropped doan Into Omaha from an eastern trip Tuesday morning, uoionei uiuman said "I thought trtat I had seen some pretty live cities while away, but I want to tell ou light here, they are not In It wl'h Omaha. Of course some of them are tid ier, but for real, live push and every Indl eatlon of prosperity of the substantial kind, Nebraska and Omaha have them skinned lo a noun down tast. PERISHABLES HUSTLED ALONG Freight Carried to Coast in Doable Quick Time. OVERLAND HAS NEW SERVICE Consolidates Shipments Twice Week at Omaha aad Beads Them Through on Special Tralas to the West. The new fast perishable freight service Just Inaugurated by the Union Pacific from Omaha to the Pacific coast is meeting with the approval of the Packers and all Uppers of perishable freight. The Union Pacific has arranged whereby all perUhable freight la consolidated at Omaha twice week and sent to the Paclflo coast on record time. Just as the good housewife has her wash day and baking day, so the Union Pacific has set apart two days of the week for the handling of perishable freight. Every Tuesday and Friday evening solid train of fresh meat, butter,' egga and all perishable goods are started west from Omaha and special effort Is made by the road" to-hasten these to-the coast, This system results In Improved service and keeps all perishable goods together and naturally simplifies the Icing features and Is proving helpful all around. Under the old system the cars of meat and .other fresh produce were placed In the regular trains and men had to be on the lookout at the various stations to see that these scattered cars were kept filled with Ice. Under the new system when the cars are run In a solid train word Is sent ahead and a large for:e of men Is ready at the Icelng ststlons to care for the cars and hurry them on their way across the eon tlnent. Not only arc the Omaha packers bene fited, but packers of other Missouri river points are taking advantage of this fast train and are so timing their shipments that they reach Omaha to go out on this train each Tuesday and Friday evening. Besides the cars picked up at Omaha, con nection Is made with tha St. Joe A Grand Island road at Grand Island, where cars are brought from St. Joseph and points beyond. Car Repairer Scarce. Trouble la bdlng experienced by the Har riman lines In securing a sufficient num ber of car repairers, and this to some ex tent Is hampering the traffic of the road. The Pacific Fruit Express company has just completed the purchase of ,G0 re frigerator cars for the use of the western H&rriman lines. This company Is a Harrl man concern and was organized last win ter with a capitalisation of $12,000,000. The cars will be built by the American Car and Foundry company at Detroit and St. Ix)uis. These cars are now practically all In use as the last consignment' has arrived. Australian Coal tor Harrlauaa. The first cargo of coal bought by the Harriman lines in Australia haa arrived and S.C00 tona of It are now stored at Sparks, Nev. - The Harriman ay stem has bought 20,000 tona of Australian coal to guard against a shortage this winter. Oeneral Manager Mohlcr if the Union Pa cific says his read proposes to sure 300.0CO tons of coal to guard against any emer gency, and of this large amount. 210,000 tons la now In atorage. Doable Track Helps T raffle. The new double track of the Union Pa cific Is helping considerably In getting the immense business of that railroad over thi track. The company Is now operating the double track between Silver Creek and Watson's Ranch and from Rawlins to Solon. The rails are all In place on the new double track between Vajley and Fre mont and the track Is being ballasted as fast as material can be hauled in, so that It will be but a short time befo.e thla sec tion of tha track will be In readiness for use. New Specialty Store Opens. The Elite Cloak Co., occupying quarters at 1517 Farnam St., opened for business Monday morning with an elegant Una of high-class tailor made garments for women. Tha atore la richly furnished with new fixtures throughout, making It one of tha moat model cloak rooms In the west. Mrs. E. Kosters and H. A. Grohosky have Just returned from the eastern markets, bringing with them a well-selected line of hlgh-clnsa garments, and they both ex pressed themselves aa being .well pleased with their first day's business. Our silk and dress goods buyer and our cloak and suit buyer both returned from fall buying Sunday morning. Tha former spent two months In Germany and France, visited the great exporting manufactbrers of silks and dress goods. New dress suit ings personally selected by him at the mlila will be on special display Wednesday. THE BENNETT COMPANY. Announcement. weddsg stationery and calling cards, blank book and magaslne binding. 'Phone Doug. 14M. A. L Root, lag. TALK OF ME POLITICIANS Little "Clubs Busy Making; Slates of Their Own. . SOME ADOPT FSICE HARE FLAN Follow Salt of the Foataaellrs In Knocking Off Far ore at -o Mack Per Favor .Any Candidate. The little political clubs are now busy making alatce of their own for the coming primary and aome of them are proceeding long the same lines as adopted by the Fontanelle machine by affixing price marks on the different places according to what they think the traffic will bear. In a few cases, the professional "clubs" are going the Fontanelle machine one better by ex acting tha price of endorsement in advance. Bo far aa the candidates are conoerned that la to say all except tha Fontanelle en dorsees they aeem to be canvaealng each for themselves, and making all the al lianoes that they can that promise to pro mote their Interests, taken fell together the campaign has thus far been reasonably free from the customary "knocking" of one candidate by his competitor. Grand mufti "Bill" Kennedy could not help passing comment at the Ak-Bar-Ben that the multitude of candidates for office In attendance was an Irresistible reminder that a political campaign was on. He took care, however, that none of the candidates for office were called en to speak their pieces lest they forget tha rule agalnat tha Intrusion of politics and .religion Into tha secret mysteries. The managers of the Fontanelle machine have a new scheme to save "Bob" Smith from fore-doomed defeat. They propose appealing to all voters who bear the Smith name to rush to the rescue and If this doea not work to call upon all the red-headed men to stand by him on tho score of affinity. B F. Bralley, who la looming up aa the next sheriff of Douglas county, haa resided here since 1893, when he came to Omaha to take a commercial college course and Incidentally helped pay his way by accept Ing employment as a Bee carrier. His straightforwardness and Industry madtt him friends and when he went Into bus! ness for himself later, after an apprentice ship with Undertaker N. P. Bwanson, hs quickly made It a go. More than this he haa been an ln-season-and-out-of-season republican, always working In the ranks when the party had anything at staki. One candidate for a minor office mads the mistake of having his campaign cards printed by a Council Bluffs establishment, not knowing that the union label would give away the place of publication. man who goes to Council Bluffs for his campaign cards," proclaims a member of the local Typographical union, "had batter go to Council Bluffs for his votes. In fact, I think this particular candidate would run better In Council Bluffs than ha will In Omaha.". The only real fight In the democratic end of the primary la for the nomination of coroner, and the contesting competitors are actually spending money for advertls Ing, although they know the democratic nomination can not be cashed, in for any thing else. Who denies that advertising pays?" .. r ; a, The Foraker club will bold a public met ing at Petersen bain Twenty-fourth and Burdette atreeta,' Wednesday evening. O. . A, K. Nebraska official , train . for Saratoga Springs will leave,! Chicago . over the Wabash railway Sunday afternoon, Sep tember 8. via Detroit and Niagara Fall Through cars from points In Nebraska and many other advantages offered. For berths, rates, folders and all Information call at Wabash city office, 1601 Farnam street, or address Thomas A. Crelgh, De partment Commander, Omaha, Neb. HARRY E, ilOORES. O. A. P. p., Wabash Railway. Some manufacturers do not advertise, but give the dealer an extra discount in order to get him to push their goods at the expense of the advertised article. There fore insist on getting what you ask for. PLANT TO MANUFACTURE GAS Scheme of ImproTement Claba Which Do Not Belteve Bond Deal Wilt Co. Dollar gas? Too high; two-bit gaa la now the cry. Omaha Improvement clubs are getting Into tho gaa game and are going Mayor Palilman's plan several points better. 'While the plan haa not been thoroughly matured, the leadcra of the movement are confident that the proposed tlree-and-a-half-million-dollar bond Issue for the pur pose of purchasing the gas plant will full. I In this' event the Improvement Clubs will I present to the council an ordinance which will provide for the installation of a plant for the manufacture and distribution of gas by the city. This will have an Initia tive and referendum feature to It and will go direct to tha voters for endorsement or rejection. It la expected that an elec tion can be bad in April to decide on tha matter. The ordinance will provide for a com mission of citizens to handle the gas busi ness and will contain other provisions to ssfeguard the public Interests. The Clevela.Td promoters, who are push- ASK a school Wc will tend you catalogues and school information of any kind which you cannot obtain so easily in any other way. The service it ABSOLUTELY FREE No charge now or at any o'.:t time. Tha following classes of schools arc included in this ofler : 1. Colleges ei4 Unirtnltiea. 2. gert' of Girls' Pressrstory Schools. 3. gckoolosne Colleges Su Young Lsalee. 4. Millisir Schools. 5. slnei Collegrs. 6. Matte one Art Schools. 7. Marnul schools. S. Medical Schools. 9. Dental Schools. 10. Pharaiacal Schools. 11. Lsv Schools. 12. Telegtah vi4 Tisees Schools. 1J. Technical Schools. 14. TisioUg Schools Ha Nerasa, Etc. 15. Correspondence Schools. Educational lalormation Bureau SOS Klalocls Bulldtna. St. I out. Ma. DELLEVUE COLLEGE goLUSOg Ctaes'enl. ectoetise. ohlloooohiuol eoisceoe. ACaUftSSf oawoSi 11104 aa eskoos siepajos sss goiiovoe er ear eikee eelloee et aalvomiy. Boassai. acnoot-giomooiaty a wums CoTtlSwuoe a" CO Ska VAToK T Theory et Baal a. ileliu, aloe at loo aoo art. (DSrlS COIWKCTIOrS) gloetrto II BO as aVtHlar loo rtllnf, Fear Miles iMrmllor o rrastee sssmns. Bel lee SMSk imi ooi.z.zaB or otboatzt. Des Moines, la. The standard osteopathic college of America. We have more calls fur cur graduates thaa we can supply. Term begins Bays. Ilia. Catalogue O. Ing the straw and corn cnb gas plant, are 111 taking an active Interest In Omaha's gaa welfare. EGG-0-SEE HEAD WAN HERE CieaersU Messier J. K. Llaahaa tomes to t'oaalder Lex-atloa la Omaha. J. E. Llnahan of Chicago, general man ager of the Egg-O-See company, which proposes to erect a $600,000 plant In Omaha, was In the city Tuesday on his way from Denver to Chicago He spent soma time with President Wattlea of the Grain ex change talking over the probability of tha company's ability to float Its bonds In Omaha. While here Mr Llnahan received a message from President Cassldy at Chi-, cago saying the formal written proposition of the company to the Omaha commercial bodies would net be forwarded to Omaha until he arrived lit Chicago and aprroved of It. Railway Peraoaala. John Erler. live stock scent of the Rur. llngton, has returned from a trip over the Iilg Horn Basin lines of the Burlington. E. H. Wood, general freight agent of the Union Pacific, Is In til. Paul, Minn. C. J. Lane, first assistant general freight agent of the Union Pacific, Is in Lincoln attending the oil heating. FALL TERM OF THE MOSHER-LAMPMAN BUSINESS COLLEGE OPENS MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 2nd. We respectfully ask you to Investigate our location, rooms, equip ments, courses of study, Instructors, gymnasium privileges, etc. Those who have Investigated our claims agree with us that we are ofterlng the best advantages. Students enrolling every day. Day and evening sessions. We desire to secure board, rooms, and places to work for our students. New Catalogue for the asking. We will give a reception to all our friends Thursday Evening, August 28th, at eight o'clock. Visitors welcomed. r11 'PKnn. Tlnnvlaa C K 1 Q ft, MOSHER-LAMPMAN 17th and Farnam THE TECHXICrU ISTRUCTION OF THE ST. LOUIS School and Museum of Fine Arts COMPETENTLY COVERS THE FIELD St. X.oule naa voted $100,000 art work for tha benefit Grand Frlse for Btudent Wort from International Jury, World's Fait Dlrertor?llalaey O. Ives, XO.. . n Hsrt term opens eptemne U Tor Xllnstated Handbook, Address , School and Museum of Fine Arts ST. LOUIS THE LINCOLN ACADEMY, LINCOLN NEBRASKA A HIGH GRADE FITTING SCHOOL FOR COLLEGE ACCREDITED BY ' AQIf TEN TEACHERS TJnlTerslty of V.bra.ka. -wVPI graduat.a pedal- University of Iowa. Chancellor IS. B. Andrews ."7 Srery Xsbraska College. Hen. W. J. Bryan. W) Btodenta. $1,500 of Chemical, Physical and Botanical Apparatus. -A H . .. . I ...MMeiaiAU I Tuition. 130.00 a H 1 H DrtSr I. Rl. nUUUIVIMn, Semester. Bend U H Acadrmy Papar. PRINCIPAL. Ts.lVn mT. , , P TAX.Tj TSBK Opena September 2nd. Will be the largest enrollment In Its history. OEKEAAlT IwroH.MATIOT New JtOO.OOO building and squlpment. Rated among the tenlareest schools In the U. 8. Haa a body of ex-students of over 20,000. En rofls ovi? L100 eve?y y7aJ. Couraes thorough. Strong faculty of specialists. Fn,. .t,ir oonrie. literary society and gymnasium. Can work for board If doalred. All moat.a nlafOlt In DOSltion. Catalogue sent free. Write today. Wcntworth ffislltary Academy Oldest anil Largest in the Middle West. Active U. S. Army officer detailed by the War Department Class A. i'repsre for Universi ties, Government. Academies or Bnniness. $40,000 m improve ments now being completed. Bates $300.00. teaarats sVsm testa! far : bays. Catalogue Browned Hal! A boarding and day School for Toung Women and Glrla. Students holding cer tificates covering In full the entrance re quirements of a ataniiard State Univer sity, are admitted wltheut examination to Junior year In advance courae. Certi ficate in college preparatory course admits to Vassar, Welleeley, rim 1th, Ml Holyoke, Univ. of Nebraska. Univ. of Wisconsin and Univ. of Chtoago. Exceptional advan tages in Muslo, Art and Domestic Boience. Well equipped gymnasium and outdoor sports. Students mothered sympathetically by women of large practical experience with girls in that highly Important forms tie period between fourteen and twenty one yeara of age. Bend for Illustrated Tear Book. Addreas Miss Macrae. Principal. Omaha. Hsntan Military Acadomy Kor boya and young nen. Good Instruction: good board; good mili tary drill ana athlet ics. We are patron ted by the very beet families. A. M. KAN. IBB, FreaUUnt, 7U XOB, IU, ST. "Wrs ACADEMY O'NE' " ""AjfA Boarding and Day School. . Four year Academic courge. Music aad Art. Sepa rate department for boya, ho ara re ceived until they have completed the eighth grade. For parthmlarg and cat , alogue addrese: VIOTUW &IFEK10B. Men's FaJl Mais New Styles NOW IN STOCK AND ARRIVING DAILV We Intend lo preserve our lastly earned reputation of having tbe lar gest and best stock ol Men's Hats In Omaha As nsnal we give you the first opportunity to Inspect the new ' styles. Come In and we'll show them to' you. 1 Schools AND lies? ; . AA r MH ' BUSINESS COLLEGE Streets, Omaha, Nebraska. a rear to this Institution's aad credit of the West. Address Bohrbough Bros., Omaha, Men. 3 BOYLES COLLEGE FALL TERM SEPT. 3 BOOsrKBEPiT,HomTHAm and TYPBwmiraro, TULBOKAPXY, SaTGI.l2H and SI.OOTJTIOX. Tree Catalogue. Addreaa, H. B. BOYLES, President. 1803 HAB.NET BTBSBT. OMAJKA, WXBBAB1LA. free. A an rem. rru vciuscijiirr, oei m. uuuognm, ara. American snmoall Mail ttsetoets vvabaah Ae. Cnioago III. Conservatory The Leading Bohoolof MM sic and Dramatic Art. TWr.NTr-SECOND SEASON. Seventy emi nent Instructors. Unsurpassed coarse of study. Teachers' Training Department. Diplomas and Teacher's Certificates. UnrtUd frtt Adimm tatn. Thirty (ree end one hnvlred partial scholar ships awarded annually to talented students of limited means, fall terns begins Septembsr 1807. Catalogue, mailed tree. JOHN i. UATTSTAKDT. President, TAB AWT BOKOO-fc OT HOATKABB has recently moved Into new quart ore In the Real Estate Exchange Building. II to and t'asnam. It will maintain Ita character aa a select vchool for the training of ateiio vraphera. tllastriltd Musle SebooUIll Firiam Music - by Mall Lose) thsut lw a day. Eight different course. Invest!- 1. t hm n.1 tha store of th erfleld MaM Oo, Omaha. TODD BEMUIABT FOB BtTTB An Ideal School for yeung boya, beauti fully situated In th "hill country" of Illinois. On hour from Chicago, ttlh year. Send for our prospectus. XOSUI XTJoZh rsla, Weooataok. 111. WHAT SCHOOL Information concerning tha ad vantages, rates, extent of cur riculum and other data about the best schools and coUfgea can be obtained from the School and College Informa tion Bureau of The Omaha Bee All Information absolutely free and Impartial. Catalogue of any particular school cheor fully furnished upon request. McCartney Institute ISOa rarnam Street, Fall Term Begin Sept 2nd Complete Business Courses BhorUiand, Typewriting-, Bookkeeping, Commercial Law and Penmanship) Also College Preparatory Werk. Special Terms To students registering on or before Thursday, Aug. 28th. Call, or Tel. Douglas. 1070. ' UBS B. P. XoOABTHBT, secretary. Day aafl. Bight Besalona. TUDOR HALL SCHOOL FOR GIRLS 1640 V. Meridian Bt.,IndlanapollB, Ine, Boarding and Day School. College Preparatory General Course. Spetsal Courses In Music, Art, Voice Culture. Natle French and German TeaclierSj. Gymnasium. Private grounds fur nth letlcs. Bible Study In all Ixart ments. Household Science. I4s Day pupils. 26 boarding pupils. Cer lfloate admits to such colleges as Tnasar. Welleeley, Smith, University of Chi cago and Cornell. M1S3 FREDONIA ALLEN, Ph. Bv, Principal. Cornell UnlversltV RBV. J. CUMMINO SMITH, D. D, Founder. REV. NEIL McPIIERfjON, A. M, Dean. How about the boy your boy? What school for 1 907-08 ? The book v called " The, right school for your boy" gives many help cul suggestions. We send it and cur catalogue, without cost, if you ask for it. Racine College Grammar School Racing. Wisconsin University of Notre Da. me WOTBB SAH1, IBDIABA A Csthollo Cloliege Xosne Bvery Educational Advantage Every Moral aafegnara le ttuiluinga 7i lruf eeaors HO Students. Courses In Ancient snd Modern Lan guages, Kngllsh, History and Eco nomics, Chemistry, Ulolngy, Phar macy, Civil, Electrical, Chemical and Mechanical Engineering, Architecture, Law, Bhorthand, Bookkeeping, Type writing. TllMli Board. Tuition aad Laun dry MOO. Bpolal B apart meat for Boys uaner ie aaou. aaareis iss Kev. John Oayanangls. 'resident. Lascll Seminary Tor Y owing Wens. Akinxarartlale. ,Ma. Aa asiwsl school. Coenblnea thorough Uairue tlon Is usual atudlea with eulque aomaouo training Shot lor Uvea of caitared uoofulnooe at home nopplsina, ttaoetal opportunities In' Houeeaold fcouuoaalos. atusio. Art. Law, eta. Detujntful sub urban location, Ion an lies from Button. Catalogue aad full InlormauoB oa application. AdAroee C. C ULUD0., rrlactfal, Aeaaraaals. Haas. rChicago Conservatory, I tat' lets. WeNoa Perftiae. Voo. I getaMSaba I, Uideot aa4 best erhool Tne- taorooch I opening of MUSIC AND DRAMATIC ART This achool elvare maintains she ktsheet ataaa arde of artietlo oaoolloowe onoplnr only boot one bmmS eatable laatrootnre. Uradaoleo are well equlppoo la every oaoeatlnl reouiroaont of Mnaie an4 PraauUle Art. e)oa4 for lutaraaSl ag aatalu. SeeaaS Ptooe, aoSltaiiaaa S.f. Cklooao, IIS. nrnsi . avitmasica' ninfirfl Stammering or dinar bpteca Defect Medical references and Information about IM acnoot rurnisnea on app- I BAM OB BTnVSTJIO, OMASA, aZA ' WXXSOBT OOLUSs rOB WOMBAT ta tbe baeeiiral Cuioerlaa4 Valtojr. uwo laeaV Sag M tagrooa et A. B- aa4 Hue. g. Clonal oa. ate ate. An. A allot esoaiual taeottf. Caaspva s see eat is beiKlngai rataa eaeSerete. M. H. HSASKH, fas p., rtatft, at College Ass., Caas&berakiua, Va.