Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 28, 1907, Page 2, Image 2
THE OMAHA DAILY BEEs WEDNESDAY, ; i. i mi i AUGUST 28, 1907. T tmOVI DOUGLAS Special Sale of Leather Hand Bags Wednesday '., : COMMENCING AT 8 A. M. Those who know good qualities and styles in leather goods are the ones who will best appreciate this bargain. Chance to get a fine leather bag at almost half the regular price. They are a manufacturer's surplus, fine hand bags in two sizes, with leather and strnp handle. All have coin purse and moria lined. -The leather is black seal, with frames of gun metal and gilt trimmings; regular price is $1.75, on sale Wednesday as long s o as they last at, each yOC Howard, Corner Sixteenth Htrert. Bee - l - i BYRNE-HAMMER1 TO EXPAND Will Open Western Headquarters at . Salt Lake City. ANOTHER OFFICE AT SPOKANE i cal Jobnlna Iloiwi Hit Plaeea el Riilitu In Mar Cities aad raa Trad , Clear to ' the Const. To meet the growing demand of It trade ht the country beyond the Rocky mountains, the Bryne A Hammer Dry Goods, company will shortly open western . headquarter at Salt tk City., At present i an ofqr.e, with aampla room, la maintained there, but Its importance mill be enhanced ' py,-maKlng .It headquarter! for wc'.em 9 traveling men, and by laying In a limit ct' , stork -of good for ue "Where quick menti are demanded. Roy Fyrnc, nephew of President T. C. Byrne.' will be In rharse. The company will also bpen an office and i aample rooms at Spokane and enlarge tfc.t ' Scope of operation of Its, office at Seattle An office in already maintained at Ienver. Terhapa few1-' people , outside the Jobbing trade realize the breadth of business of some of the largest Omaha concerns. Borne t of them sell goods n every Ute west of the Mlanlnolppl river nnJ north of Indian Territory." Both the Itrvne Hammer com pany and M. E. Smith "& Co. maintain buylnir offices In New York city and keep buyers there the year rtrund. Many Oflleea In the West. M. E. Smith & Co. haver offices ut Chicago, . Denver, Salt Ijake City, Fuogane. Seattle, : Boise and flan Francisco'. This company -and the. Bryne A Hammer company sell tb,elr goods from the MtaMRFilppI to the ra pine coast. There Is no large dry good3 house west of Omaha to dispute their su premacy, -and every year they are winning trade away from Chlr-ego, for people are learning to the, nearest good mar. kt ... . The shirts and overalls manufactured by these companies are sold all over the west and are even sent several hundred miles east. They go as far south as Oklnhoma. ..The hardware .houses also have their western offices. Tin Lee-pinw-Androepen Hardware company has offices at Salt IJilie City,. Denver and Pooatello, and the ..Tl).fratoiT Si (Wtlkifliet eompnny. jrroc- era. ho' Office and wsf,n,i.o - a... I burn. Neb.. Hustings. Neb.. Crawford, ' Neb., Deadwood, Cheyenne' and Suit lki ! Cltjr. .At GheyenneUt has a warehouse too feet Jong and more, than S00 feet of track The Parllu, Orendnrff & Martin comoanv, wholesale Implements, ha a branch houe Jt Bloux, Falls, a. D. Other Imnlemrnt u". P"irr. nouses, grocery house and hardware, houses maintain branches and rflce cat,tered hr and there. ' -PEATH RECORD Orrln P. Lnne. IOWA FAJ.LS. Ia.. Aug. 27.-(8oeclal.)-Orrln P. Lone, one of Iowa Falls' let known and older citlaens. wa found dead In hi bed , t (th,l city yesterday after noon, death having evldontly come to him during the night previous, or when the body wa discovered Uie Indication were that ho hnd b'-eu dead veral hours. Few ,rldfnt or Jdwa Fall were better known than Mr Ln'ne, a he hud lived here for ,he last forty year. Ue wu veteran of the civil war and a member of the order of KnighJ of Tythla. being a trustee of the local' lodge at the time of hi death. Jle never married, and the only near rela tive living' la 'Mrs. Qcorse n. Wilson of thl city, ' The' circumstance aurroundlng hi dcth indicate" 'that his dmlae wa due to heart' trouble, and he' had evidently died- without a struggle." ' J ' Rnrl of Dnnmere. . 13NDON. Aug, n.-The enrl of Dun mere, a,, prominent. Christian Scientist who 1at December visited Mr. Mary linker Eddy, died last night at Trlmley manor, near Canterbiyy. He was suddenly at tacked by illneaa and died before a doctor could be summoned. HI only on succeed to the ,tltle. The late earl of Dunmer owned gbout TS.ltne acres pf land. ' i " William Ott. CEDAR, la.. Afr. !7.-i8peclaI.) -Wllllanj Ott, who for twenty year had AVe are reatly. with thnew 1 things iu CliUfiiJea.'s Hats and Caps for'faH. B?e'the new butterfly Tata OShant ers, in all colof$r;" " "A I - -WJ& H See the nowr-F?lt Hats for girls, in new '.shades.. V The "Waldorf; aud-iDupont-B!?. "Wald! shapes. See us at al! times when looking for the '.correct thing in juvenile wear. ' Benson. & Thoraa Go. "LILLIPUTIAN BAZAAR 1515-1517 D8U2LAS STREET CLMiLDREHS1-. M1CUI ILL SCFAkTMllTt. Open Saturday Evenings. 2T - '07. been In buslnee In this city, was burled today after suffering for three days with an acute attack of cerebral spinal menin gitis. He was popular here In the restau rant and Ice cream business and Is sur vived by his wife and one son, Harry. I a feat t Mr. mm 4 Mrs. Wia. Trobea, William Trobee, the Infant son of Mr. and Mrs. William Trobee of lint South Fif teenth street died yesterday. The funeral was held from the resilience to Forest Lawn cemetery Tuesday morning. Mrs. Tina Keraor. Mrs. Tina Keyaor, 84 years of age, of 801 North Twenty-eight avenue died yesterday at her home. No funeral arrangements have been made. - DANGER OF STRIKE IS PAST Parkers Give Teamsters Portion of, Money Demanded and Tronfcle Is Averted. CHICAGO. Aug. XT.-Danger of a strike in the stock ysrds was removed last night when the packing house teamsters ac ""pled an offer from the packer on all xcept two' point which relate to over time and Bunday work. The packer of fered an additional advance In wage to that previously presented and also changed working conditions. They agreed to give nl! teamsters 1 cent an hour Increase In stead of the Hi cents advance offered be fore to 60 per, cent of their number. Thl was accepted. Bualnes Agent Golden will present the amended agreement to the packers today. A special meeting will be called later to hear hi report. HYMENEAL Harrla-Latrohe. LONDON Aug. S7. There was a large gathering of British military men and Americans at Chrit Church.' Mayfalr, thi arternoon for the marriage of Ml Mary MacTler Latrobe, daughter of the late R. Stewart Latrobe of Baltimore, to Colonel Arthur P. D. Harris of the Fifth Light In fantry, Indian army. The bride was at tended by her slater, Mi Edna Latrobe. while Captain Walter ficott supported Col onel Harris. After the ceremony there was a reception which wa attended by Intimate friends. Colonel and Mrs, Harris will pro ceed In October to India, where the colonel will resume command of hi regiment. Tnompson-Metfeldt. ' GRAND ISLAND, Neb., Aug. CT.-(Bpe-clal. The' friends of both' c6ntfactlng par ties were surprised to hear ' of . the mar rttsre of Mr. Grover Thompson, inn nf Mr nnd Mr"- w H- Thompson, and All Lena Nletfcldt, daughter of Mr. and Mr. Diot- r,c" Nletfeldt of Merrick county, at tho home of the latter. In Merrick county. The young people will soon leave for the west ern part cf the etate, where Mr. Thompson will become the owner of a ranch. SHITR IFF MIIOWS POOR JI Gave Mob Too flood n Chance to Ott Hlgclns. WMT POINT. Neb.. Aug. 7. (Special.) Tlie lynching of Murderer Hlggin at Iiancrott yesterday wa not unexpected. The tires of revenge, which have been smoldering lnce the murder, were re kindled when it ix-camc known that the j murderer would be conveyed to hla trial by the ordinary routea of travel. The aherlffa having him In charge are criticised for tho manner In which they attempted to reach Pender. In ordinary case and under ordinary circumstance the railroad route would have been feasible, but In view of tho Iniinous threat that had been made and the known feeling of the people of li&ncroft, where the victim were so well known and beloved, the taking of Hlggin through tho lown In charge of only two men was a bid for more violence and a temptation tho hot-headed friends of the Copples could not resist. Had the prisoner been taken to Pender In an automobile, a wa first suggested, by the cross-country rout, at a rroper time delivered In court when It wa In session, no mob would have Invaded the precinct of the court room. , Public sentiment In Cuming county Is about evenly divided cn the matter, many citlaens, while deploring the act, urge In extenuation the atrocious character of the crime committed by Illggins. the absolute nbenco of piovocation. the degenerate ten dencies of the murderer and last, but not leat, tho maudUn ympathy which ome parties have shown toward Hlggina the announcements mude from time to time as to the line of hi o-calleU defense and the e'er-present feeling that by some chleanery he would, be allowed to cheat the gallows. Great regret la felt by all that 'Ue fair name t rmlax i I been sullied by this act of tbe mob. Wetoforo our county bos been singularly free from crime at violence, no county of ;it reputation m the'sfste having ' niaue- ix-rveairnv -or cttteens tj, , the state rrlaun. The onry other ry net In T known to have occurred 1n the count v was In th erly 1ay of Its first et(leneht' when the rountywaa unorganized and the' court of Judg. Lynch, wa Ike-only resort. Nona of tbe participants, are now firing. :. SOCLETY 6g KtCoVvBWTlUX ""w" 1 ooieo ond Orient.. . i to BTatlonal Hl t "''-""I conventloa at t ha American r-v.w ..i.uny r; enraka. which was. attended .by delegate, fruni lx counties, tho follolrg elate officers wro elected for Ihn niiBii'r. . i . n. .?Z?TL - Ee; leeret.ry. P. L. Boyd, Adams; A. C. WnosWd. Keirnev, dl recrors, D. R. Blew, A. VrecMd and T' U Olbaon. all. of Ad4n. count v. . he n. innal convention, which will be held In Ir.,llBr,apr,.s. October ?S to if F M 2- i S2W ,UU; 8- M' CUy; Bod. Kearney; C. j deWgato may ,,)nl , Bltfl.M, Tl! count le., ,B tne eoBv.. "T1 K-rn"- Cl- Har land and Adam m,. NEGRO ESCAPES LYNCHING Pennsylvania Officers Take No Risks in Case. POST HEAVY GUARD ABOUT JAIL Ho Had Commit ton Mirttr While Restating; Arrest and ''iron . Workers Were Moon Excited, EASTON, Pa.. Aug. There was much excitement about the county Jail at 3 o'clock this morning due to a rumor from South Bethlehem that a party of deter mined Iron workers had left that borough n an automobile to como to the county seat and take Wm. Handy, a 8outli Caro lina negro, from jail and lynch him. Tho negro was arrested several hours earlier for the murder at South Bethlehem last night of Policeman Shuman. Warden Col lins took no chances, and aroused and armed all the deputies and trusties, put the double bars on all the entrances to the prison and had the entire police force sta tioned around the Jail. The prisoner wm tak?n from his cell and hidden In a remote corner of the rr'snn. After waiting until dawn for the arrival of the suppnaed lynch ers the officers were dlmlas-d. Policeman Bhumun had heard of a negro Insulting women In a lonely section of Boulh Beth lehem and went to that quarter to make an Investigation. He found Hnndy nnd when he attempted to him uhdr st reet the negro opened fire. Two bullets entered the policeman's bodyl and be died a block from the r'ace where he was ehot. Pcllreman MeCue found ITandy In a board yard and Jumped upon him be- i fore he could get hi revolver, which had I iieen reloaded, into action.. A crowd of nngry men surrounded the prisoner and he was badly beaten. He was rushed to Jail In an automobile. Today Handy pretends to be ignorant of the happenings of last night. , h- LAWYERS TALK INSURANCE (Continued from Flrat Page.) much the natura of a trial In court. The complaint is served upon the rallwiy, which la required to answer. After issue la Joined evidence la taken, argument! heard and the case decided. The amended ait expressly provides that no order shall be made until after a full hearing u pen. complaint. Let It be further observed that both these Idea must find expression In what ever system adequately and Just y regu lates our railways. A lawyer me v be In clined to say that when the government has provided a tribunal before which a complaint can be heard, and hy which a remedy can be given, Its full part has been done. The aggrieved person must then make and proKeeute his comrlalnt. Dnty of Government. But this entirely overlooks the fact that it 1 the duty of the government to moke thla highway public, not merely to provide a means by which a cltl.i;n may secure theae benefits himself; . cer tainly not when those mean are In the very nature of t hints unavailable to the masses. Take a practical Illustration. The do mestic fuel of New England la anthracite coal. We will assume fur the moment, without suggesting, that the freight rate upon which this commodity I carrlM from the mine to the consumer, is 25 cent per ton too high. The total xm sumptlun of New England Is perhaps 10.000,000 tons annually, Co that the ex cesdve freight rate takes from the oi ple of this section 12.600.000 each year. Since the cot of operation Is the lani'i whatever the rate, thla ia an aUdlllin of $2,500,000 to the net revenues or the railways carrying this trafllc, which. If permanently maintained, adds, upon a 6 per cent basis, 50, 000,000 to tho mark.-t value of their property, a sum conidera My inCoeB of the cot of- .reprodu.jl.ij nil tho ruilroails in. my native state - of Vermont. ' Now, if the tribunal Is provided, who will prosecute Uio complaint, or ths' im inerou complaints, which may be neces sary to correct this most Important vio lation of law; will the coal dealer who pays the freight? Certainly not. H add the freight to tho price of the eol and charges It to his custotner. Will you. who aro consumer of twenty tons ferhap. and have therefore a make In his matter of $f annually, expend tho thousands of dollars necessary to test this question? Again, certainly not; un less perchance you ate u rundidate tor office, and therefore a friend of the p pl. Conclusions of PajM-r. The writer then referred to the laws of states on the subject of railroad regula tion, to procedinRS In courts under these law and to decisions of state und federal courts In cases more or less familiar to the public, tl)e powers of the Interstate Com merce commission, and concluded: Tho conclusion of the whole matter is thla. If the Interstate Commerce commis sion I vested with a Jurisdiction so tre mendous In extent, nnd of such finality every effnrt should be mado to provide a body adequate to the trtiRt. That com mission under the present law Is charged Congestive Chills era the result of thin blood, bad clrcu latlen and run-down, anaemic con dition. They occur more especially during the warm weather . 5S1 -tW.'X Duffy's Pure M!t V'iiiskey la distilled whollx from malted grain, and its softness, palatabtlity and free dom from' injurious subst.'.'ncc-s make It acceptable to . tjie morjt sensitive stomach. If you wish to keop sCong and vig orous and have on' your cheeck the glow of perfect health,, take Duffy's Pare Malt Wiiskey rofularly, accord- ins to direction aiul take no other medicine. It Is dangtrous to fill your system with drugs: hey polsoa the body and depress 'the heart, while Duffy's Pur Malt vhiskey tones aad strengtheas the heart action and puri fies the ontire sysUin. It is recognixej a e .family - n dlclne everywhere. Duffy's Pure ,MaJir' Whiskey has stood severe tests forrffty years and has al ways been found absolutely pure and to contain great medicinal properties. All drug&lat. grocers and dealer, or dlroct. f. per bottle. Illustrated medical boo'tlet containing- some of the many convincing testimonials re ceived fioti grateful men and women who have een cured, and doctor's ad vice seat free. Duffy Malt Whiskey Co., Rf heater, N. T. with two sots of duties requiring diverse qualifications (or their discharge. It stands, first, as rpTeentatlve of the government to see that these highways are In fact public. It r commanded to enforce the provisions of, the act to regulate commerce. It must see that rates are reasonable and Just; that the practices and aregulati-ins of railways are not oppressive;' that the pen alties provided hy the act ore enforced. In the near, future Jt powers must, be extended to the operation of tli railway well. Thee duties are largely executive. They can best be discharged by a single head, resporjHlhle to the executive, and answerable to the srir of popular criticism, "erne Remedies. Pecond, this commjaslon Is In essence a Judicial tribunal which hears and decides complaints. The qualifications of such a body are the exact opposite of the other. Its membership should be numerous so that its decisions may be the reiultant of Independent mind. It should be entirely withdrawn from all political and personal Influences, and It should have time for the deliberate consideration of the matter coming before It. I very much doubt whether the same body can properly discharge both theae runctlons. Jn. the end It will either be come remiss In It executive duties or will, In the zeal of those, become unfit for the dlsp.iRRlonate performance of Its Judicial function. Whatever may have been true in the rasr the time ha come when the commission should be relieved of all Its S , fxc'pt hearing and deciding of complaint. JTJlV'v. ar" J"'""8' In which this IT , b? ,""P!hed. The commission i. I I?Jh -Perhaps be reorganised, and it duties divided. Its executive functions could be transferred to a bureau In ome deportment, t bave mvaelf thought that a new department sbnnM be created. Buch a department- would from the first hev. Jecu"itlon In lntv. No deenrtment Wn.iM M,""'r by all classes, nor wo d n-v be of mor. wrvice th jrh-le TmMV. r,.wr ,.,, r,frn, Vkn In kp'e-'r this nsner , h Int-mled to TJt h,'" "fore mv sub- .leet. end I can only tiree the delrabH't of accomplishing the-thing In sorre man- HHURCH HOWF i IKES CHANGE Has Served i . . . . ""ore ana I.Ike the People and fho life. (FVom a Staff Correspondents WASHINGTON. AUg. J?.-It will be a surprise to many N.brskna to learn that Church Howe le to be transferred from hi post m consul general at Montreal. Canada to the consiUate at Manchester. England, and yet the transfer la made be cause the r resent consul at Manchester W. II. Bradley, m n bad health and the state department, rather than have him quit the aervlce, brought about the ex change or post. Howe going to Manches ter and Bradley to Montreal. Mr. Howe ha pent so many year In England that he ha come to like.! them socially and he would a consul accredited? direct to the dominion of King Edward than coneul general on the border line. The exchange la mutually satisfactory and Mr. Howo goes, back to the p lace where he made hi reputation as a consular officer and according, to the "slate department he stand at the head of hi corps. The Interstate Commerce commission to day made public a complaint received from the Traffic bureau of "the Merchant Ex change of St. Louis against the Burlington, Missouri Pacific and.'Rock Island roads making a genral .complaint regarding the charges Imposed upon shipment of grain from point In Kansas i and Nebraska to St. Loul. The complainant assert that In purchasing grain at the point of pro duction In Kansas or Nebasaka, the grain buyer and shipper at Omaha, Bouth Omaha. St. Joseph or K ansae City pay the local rate up to nhe Misgcattl - river where the grain Is sold for reshlpment to Mississippi river polrtt pjr lieyodnd when, the grain I handled -thjCHigh an elevator an allow ance of threetjuat-ter" "W one cent per hundred pounds'' fa1 nh to the elevator by' the, defendant.. vaUrood,! company which goes toward the ww.ment of the grain dealer or shipper' operating expense and on such trafti5''cornpenatidn .received by the railroad for. transportation is on wheat ti cents hundred poands, coarse grain TH cent per hbufidrerf- pound, while on through (hlpmcnt of grain, from the same points to St. Louis, no contribution Is made by the rmllrotxd companies toward oper ating expense of handling grain through an cluvator at a. JvOUi. Oeorge W. Cla.b, residing at Sioux Falls, 8. V., today entered . complaint against the Illinois Central railroad alleging ex cessive charges ' on shipments of potatoes In carload lota from Sioux Fall to Brook- haven, Mas. The ratio charged wa 6S cents pVr hundred and complainant aver It should have been not to exceed 19 cent per hundred. The total damages complain ant claims due to alleged excessive unlaw ful charges Is JA18.- A. L. Clrk. of Hatting, with hi daugh ter, spent, tho day In Washington. L. J. hrlkman, assistant cashier of the German National bank of Hastings, ac compansd by hit two daughter, arrived In Waiihihgton today enroute to the James .town exposition. , The cadets from the Culver Military acadixny, Peru. Ind., Who have practically had the key of the city of Washington In the'r possession during the past forty eight hour, have abused no privilege ac corded them, and Have been having the time of their live going about today seeing the sights of the nation' capital. They have entertained Waahlngtonlans, who are well used to well drilled bodies of men, by their drills, the precision of which ha only been equalled by the West Point. and naval academy cadet, who have appeared here from time to time. There are, two trim youth from Omaha In the battalion, W. D. McHugh. aon of Judge McHugh, and Joseph Woodward. In the battalion there Is also a. Q. Aid, of Council Bluffs. The cadet leave tonight for Annapolis, to be shown the naval academy tomorrow, re turning to Washington In the afternoon, and leaving for their school home at t o'clock Wednesday night. WOMAN'S BODY WAS IN LAKE Companions , -Finally Locate It Front f Can on Lake HonnteoBgr. Iu FATERBON. N. J.. Aug. n.-The body of Mies Agnes Magulre. the Brooklyn, N. T., school teacher, who mypteriously dis appeared from a carriage at Nolan' Point, Lake Uopatcong; N.J., Saturday night, wa found In the lake today. Mis Magulre, waa visiting at her uncle's home in Dover, .N.' J.. when on Saturday evening ' her epusln. Charles Magulre, a clerk In the Dover postofflce took her for a drive to Camp Lookout at Nolan's Point on Lake HopatcOng. They arrived at th, crimp after dark and Juat a a thunder Moron wa about to occur. Hitching horse to a tree, Charle Magulre left.' hi cousin waiting in the carriage while he! went to the camp to gel some clotVllng. He a1d he wa absent only a few mreutea, but when he returned Agme wa gone, leaving no trace of the route 'j had taken. Charle aald he supposed tA young woman, who was of a nervous teruperment, became frlghtenaa1 by the vivid, flashes of lightning after ho left her alone, and trying to reach the eamp, lot her way In tho wood. Tho body was brotnrht up with grappling lroi in front of t he camp. WESTERN MATTERS AT CAPITAL amber nf Nekvanka PnataMafcemklao Han Oat at tkn D. , at Washington. Aug. (Bpeclai Telegram). Nebraska Post master appointed: Clatonta. Cage County,. Qoorgo U. ydick, vice N. gm,1 iU,1 kCniEsaizagzai II Sec Ihe Crest U , i v in sw ym m-m in.v m feM4 o Womeii's' Fall $Miis The Stunning Brandeis' Immense and richly apjwinted cloak and suit department is brilliant in its advance showing of fall's smartest styles. This season more than ever the' women of; Omaha who heed Fashion's decree have been waiting for Brandeis to rereal the -.settled styles in tailored apparel, and our showing is unusually large. A popular in linings will be satins in self colorings Special attention to extra sized -garments for large or stout people. The suits are in the stunning, strictly tailored ideas new plain and mirrored broad cloths, striped and checked effects new herringbone and blend stripe cheviots novelty v mannish worsteds and mannish tweeds. Popular colors are new shades of brown in russet, Anaconda and ochre shades blues, in the popular navy, royal and Copenhagen reds in bordeaux and wine. s25-$29-$35-39 I' ' '" n 11111, iinn mm mi iiiniuini n 11 mines m in"i w nn w ' n 11 1 1 1 ummvimmmpw M 1 U)unJ I i mntte.ii iHnwmA 4 Four Per Cent 4 Interest and'no worry, has been a great con venience to thousands of people. You will find our facilities equally advan tageous to yourself, and we cordia lly solicit your'savings account Oldest, Largest and Strongest Savings Bank In Neb, CITY SAVINGS BANK 16th and Douglas Streets OMAHA L0NAND BUILDING ASS'N. and keep it growing by adding a little to It every weeu. A balance to your credit will enable you to take advantage of a profitable opportun ity ahould one present Itaelr to you later In life. Why not op-n an ac count today and be ready vhu 'for tune knock." W pay per cent In t'lrest on deposit account and make hometead monthly payment loin. Office S a. Oor. Sixteenth aad soar. O. W. LOOM 13. Prealdflnt. O. M. NATI'INGEK. Secretary. OUTS OH1KA (Opposite Postoncu) J. U. KOfiKTZ. Agent. Beaton's Every Day Prices 60c Magda Cream 40c 7 Be Perfection Cold Cream. . . .SOc 50c Mai vlna Cream 40c SOc Rlcksecker' Cold Cream. .400 SOc Creme Elcaya fiOc 60c Vantlno' Cream 40c 26e Sanltol Fac Cream 2.1c X Pompean Massage Cream.. 0Oc BEATON DRUG CO. UTH AND FABHAH P. S. Toilet articles a specialty with us. O. Mickey resigned; Coatesfleld. Howard County, Eaton 8. gears, vie W. R. Holmes resigned; Olltner, Itamlltoa County, Frank W. Mather, vice A. V. B. Feck resigned. Novelties Now Shown at Brandeis &OLDTOP me pexrecT beeha Mad by tke good Old German Froeess, Mild, Htaltbrol and Befrsablng. 'Phone, and have u deliver a rase of large or email bottle. Tou will like Gold Top. JETTER BREWING CO. TxtspMoira no. a so. omaka. Omaha Headquarter. HUGO F BILZ, 14th and Dougla. Tel. Doug. 1442. Co. Blurt Headquarter, I.EK MITCHKLU 10JJ Main bt., Teieption so. The Twentieth Century Farmer On Dollar a Tear. AMISEMEXTS. nerttlOHTdrT. 'Phone Douglas 44. ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE onn bubtdat mattbtxh, iirr. l. Matinee Bvery Say. W SZATa STOW OsT IAII. FsUClSi lOo, 8ft aad BO. RIetorasIca . I.innnln Spnfpmhpr 9. ft7 bmsivvsm wvtvaHtf vs aw w m v SEE THE AIR SHIP ' T,) a Bood Rcea Amateur Athletic Ball Best Stock in the World rirst to Show P the Various w Stjk reatnrcs IK that -i m Will Prevail II Popular, 22 and 2;'. inch - Military eoat suits,-.. 27 ami 30. ': "incK. Prince '; ' Chap and .lohnny -Jones ' .; coat suit, long , mannisH;, tiglit- fitting -coats, 3) , nnd up to 1 hi inch. up to 98 Ism tf&f&'i HOWARD KENNEDY District Judge , t Candidate for R-lecHon , lepibllcai rriagrlet, Taetdiy, Septl, 1W7 AMUSEMENTS. VINTON ST. PARK Omaha vs. Lincoln AUG. 27, , 28, 29 . , ' Thursday, Aug. 29, Ladies' Day ' : dame Called 8:43. " boyd theater; WSXT KU1TOAT MATIITXS A1TO JIWIT WEST'S MINSTRELS EAT SAX.B WXOITSISAT, . SFTSMBZK t, S, and 4 ' " Tn AMXKICAST OOMXOT 80CCESS THE 3 OF US ZAT SAI.X WSOITZJIOAT. BURVOOD THE COZY. HOME OF VAUDEVILLE Oraad Opening Monday (babor " 'Say) 3 PERFORMANCES DAILY BATS OsT BAX.Z IIU1IDAT 10 A. M. iuujss: 1UC 120c AND 30c KRUG Theater 15-25:50-75 i'."a' AfJT-V!.Wt' trfr,V , 1- )- 25 (V Tonlgat 1:15 Matinee Wednesday TK1 MVIIOAX MEX.ODBAMA The Cow Boy Girl Thnxsday, Qtrnot ADAMS lAWtlg State. Fair Meet Western League Bas i n x