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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 28, 1907)
10 TIIE OMAHA DAILY BEE: WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 23, 3907." Want - ads AUTOMOBILES (Continued J HELP WANTED MALE MONEY TO LOAN (Continued.) Alrrrllwmfilt tmr th waat ad role aa will h lake til 19 mi. for the Tenia edltloa aad til p. aa. for the anai-alaa aad liif cdltloae. Cash mast aeeonapaa- all order for naat ad and advertisement will Im aerepted for leee thaa lO rcata for In Brat laeertla. Rntea apply to cither Th Dally i'linday RHi A I aye roaat als word to a llae. ( orablaadoae of Initials or iimbrra roaat aa oaa word. An KATES FOR WANT ADS. nE(it l.AR CLASSIFICATION Oaa Insertion, per lino, lO rrati. Two or mora ronrntlrt laeertiena, per llae, 11 cent. Earh Insertion asad odd days, lO ccata per liar. fl.BO per lln per moatk. CASH RATES FOR NOTICES. Dnitk aad Faaeral Ifotlee, Carda of Thaaka aad Ldg Notice, T cent per llao for oao edition, morali or evenlngi 8 eeata a, llao for each ad ditional edition. Sanday, 10 eeata a llae. Urn ad takes for leas tkaa 30 eeata. SPECIAL CLASSIFICATION If roar advertisement la laaerted aader aar one of tko elaaalfleatloaa given below. It will ke eha red at tko fol lowing rateat Oao laaertloa, 4 eeata per llao i tkree to els eonecentlv In eertloaa, 8 eeata per llao eark laaer tloa aeven or more eoaaecatlvc In sertion, 8 eeata per llao each Ineer tlna BO eeata per llao per moatk. BARTER AND EXCHANGE. BUSINESS CHANCES. HELP WANTED FEMALE. HELP WANTED MALE. Except Areata, Solicitors aad Sales men. OFFERED FOR BALE. ( tin, Blrda, Dor aad Peta. lloraea aad Veklcleo. Poaltrr aad Egg. Farnltare. Typewriter aad Sewing Maeklaea. Plaaoa, Organ aad Maalcal Iaatra meata. OFFERED FOR RENT Fermlaked Room. I'nfarnlahed Rooaaa. Ilonaekeeplaa; Rooms. Bonrdlng aad Rooaaa. WANTED TO BUY. WANTED TO RENT. SITUATIONS WANTED. Want Ada for Tko Beo mar ke left at aar of tke following draf otoroo ono la "rr corner drnggUt" thy are all braack office of Tk Be aad roar ad will be laaerted Jnt aa promptlr tad oa tke aam rate aa at the mala offleo la Tk Be Barldtaaj, Seveateeatk aad Fmraam Street. Albach. W. C. 40th and Farnam. Heranck, B. A., 1402 8. 10th St Becht Pharmacy. 720 B. 16th St. Hanson Pharmacy, Benson. Neb. Bemls Park Pharmacy, 33d and Cuming. Wake's Pharmacy, WIS Sherman Ave. Caughlln. C. R., 6th and Pierce BU. Clifton Hill Pharmacy, 0213 Military Ave. Conte, J. B., list Ave. and Farnam. Crlssey Pharmacy, 24th and Lake. (Vrmak, Emil, 1264-6 B. 13th Bt. Eastman Pharmacy, 4046 Hamilton. Khler, F. H.. 2tMI Leavenworth, Foster A Arnold!, 213 N. 26th Bt. Freytag. John J., 1914 N. 24th St. Florence Drug- Co., Florence, Neb. Uoldman Pharmacy, 20th and Lake. Green's Pharmacy, corner Park Ave. and pacific. Qreenough, O. A., 1026 8. 10th Bt. Oreenough. O. A 1624 8. 10th Bt. Hay den, W"m. C, 2820 Farnam Bt. Hanscom Park Phar.. 1601 8. 29th Ave. Holat, John. 624 N. ltth St. Huff, A. L.. 2M Leavenworth 8t ; Klnr. H. 8., 2238 Farnam St. Kountie Place Pharmacy, 3304 N. 24th. Patrick Drue Co., 1624 N. 24th Bt. Lathrop, Chaa. E., 1324 N. 24th Bt. Peyton, L. B., 24th and Leavenworth. Saratoga Drue; Co., 14th and Ames Ave. Bchaefer's Cut Prlo Drug Co., 16th and Chicago. Bchaefer, August, 2631 N. 16th St. Schmidt. J. H., 24th and Cuming Bt. Storm Pharmacy, 16th and Martha Bts. Walnut Hill Pharmacy, 40th and Cuming. Walton Pharmacy, 20th and Grace St. Worth, O. H.. 40th and Hamilton Bts, DEATHS AND FUNERAL NOTICES MAYALL Mrs. Minnie C, August 26, age 43 years, mother of Madge and daughter of Magdalen and the late Major George L. Dennis. Private funeral from late residence, 1643 Park avenue. Chicago papers pleas copy. CARD OF THANKS. We herewith extend our heartfelt thanks to relative and friends for their kindness and sympathy In our bereavement of be loved wife and mother. C. E. Dlxson, sr., and Junior,, and Frank B. Cheatwood, BIRTHS AND DEATHS. ' Births-Frank Peurey. 70 Bouth Twert-ty-seventh street, boy; C. C. Trobee. 1106 Bouth Thirteenth, girl. Deaths John Bchmetlxer, 1433 Bouth Six teenth, age 48 years; Lafayette Winston. 1100 South Ninth, age 46 years; Tina Key son, 1916 Capitol avenue, age 84 years; Hahy Trobee, llo5 South Thirteenth; Baby Petersen, 2513 South Thirty-first, age 8 months; Mary Miller, Fortieth and Pop pleton avenue, age 81 years; A. C. Nel son, Twenty-ninth and Franklin, age 62 years; Edward M. TuthtU, Fortieth and Poppleton avenue, age 46 years. MARRIAGE LICENSES. The following marriage licenses been isaued: Name and Address. Floyd E. Wallace, South Omaha.... Agnes Neslba, Omaha John Crouse, Lincoln , Llasl Sheffield, Mlnersvllle, Neb....! Sandford McManana, Omaha Mr. Lulu Andrew, Omaha , Nel B. Palmqulst, Omaha Elisabeth Ix-lt rich, Omaha Anion Hychly, Omaha Amelia Kroupa, Omaha William il Goettsche, Omaha Myrtle A. Bnlde, Sarpy county Ed. H. Roey, Omaha L. Mary Danse, Omaha have Age. ... 28 ... 23 ... 87 ... 21 ... 26 ... 8 ... 28 ... 11 ::.n ... 18 ... 24 ... a ... 21 .... 18 ANNOUNCEMENTS McCartney institute 1802 Farnam Bt. Fall term begins September 1 COMPLETE) BUSINESS COURSE la Shorthand. Typewriting, Bookkeeping Commercial Law aad Penmanship. Alao COIXEOB PREPARATORY WORK. SPECIAL TERMS , to student registering oa or before Thar, dav, August 84. Day and night seaelons. Call on or telephone Doug. 1670. Mi 8s K. F. McCartney, Secretary (U-1I418 IIORAKD'S classes for adults (entrance opp. Uurwood theater) will reopen on Tuesday, September 8. 8 p. m. Buy your ticket on or before opening night and pay 83 leas than regular price. Open all day, noon and evening. Private lesson and stage dunning. Aaaemblles Wednes day. Call or 'phone Douglas 1041. ; (D M881 B3x SIGN PAINTINQ 48. H, Col. 1301 DougiaT (D-4u2 THE Crrr GARBAGE CO., ofllc 4th and Leavenworth St. TaL Douglas 17. n-i AUTOMOBILES SEND for our 11 at of second-hand automo bile. De UQUT, UU Farnam, (J X , FOR BALK Cheap, two itomoblles. In quire C. E. Klmbal, Ogden Hotel. Conn, ell Bluffs, la. (1 M764 80 BARTER AND EXCHANGE TO EXCHANGE-Patent right on a lawn weeder for removing dandelions from yards. A fortune In this for the light party. Will trsde fnr stock of hardware or land. Specifications sent on request Address Y-202, car Bee. (3 MR87 S24X EXCHANGES If you hv city property, stocks of goods, farm land or property of any kind to exchange, write for our com plete Hat. We have properties and lands In all parts of the country to exchange. Our list Is free. Bend for It at once. Globe Land and Investment Co., 1F22 Far nam St.. Omaha, Neb. (3) 306 GOOD stock of general merchandise In an Iowa town of 2.500. Will trade for clear, cheap land. Globe Land and Investment . Co., 1SL3 Farnam. (S 807 BUSINESS CHANCES IF I owned 20 houses, each of them was rented under long time lease for 825 per month or a total rental of 8500 per month, and I offered to sell you the whole busi ness for 8400 on easy payments, would you buy? That Is just what an Investment In a Car-Sign syndicate means to you. It may sound crasy, but If you will call to see me I can convince you that the f imposition Is very safe and sane, and f you want to get rich not quick, but sure call on Theo. Kharas, the Car Sign man, room 21. U. B. National Bank Bldg... Omaha, Neb. (4)-M366 SO I KNOW OF a legitimate proposition which requires 840 a month for a year to de velop It Into a fortune big enough for two; I can only spare 320 a month from my salary and want some man In the same fix to go In with me; requires no attention from us for a year; look Into this the longer I look the better It looks. For Interview address W 118, care Bee. (4) 121 27 FOR BALE 29,000 will buy a first class, modem, 40-room hotel, steam heat, elec tric light throughout, 8-story brick build ing, with basement, good location, and In one of the best small towns In Ne braska; terms to suit purchaser; 6 per cent Interest on deferred payments; or will rent to a responsible party, posses sion In October. Address Henry M. Ba ron, 1239 1st Nat'l Bank Bid., Chicago, 111. (4) M137 lx WANTED A partner In hotel and cafe; a food paying business; open night and day. 'or this I have too much to attend to to be around all the time? must have I1.R00 cash. This Is a good chance for the right party to make money. Come and see for yourself. Write at once. Lock Riut 736, Mllbank, S. D. (4-Mt Six Do You Wish to Make a Change IF TOU have a farm,' home, business or property that you wish to sell or ex change, writ us. GLOBB LAND AND INVESTMENT CO., OMAHA. NEB. (4) M183 sept 26 FOR SALE At a bargain, one of the best 40-room brick hotels In southern Minne sota, modern In every respect, large lot and pretty park with property. Will make price right to anyone wishing to buy a good paying hotel. Can give Deat of reason for selling. Address T 174, care of Bee. (4) M696 29x FOR SALE Job printing plant, doing good business; only three printing planta In entire city and county; Washington press and almost enough material for weekly paper: tine opening for practical -printer; bargain; Investigate, Box 1176, Durango, Colo, (4)-M89S Six FOR BALE Account sickness, owner will sell 60-room brick hotel property, with complete furnishings. In good town of 8,600, at a bargain; Immediate possession; worth Investigating; also fully-equipped dairy farm of 260 acres and 25 cows, cheap. Address Geo. H. Lennox, Colfax, Wash. 4 M896 Six BETWEEN forty and fifty thousand shares or uie Anions uold Mines & Milling uo.'S stock tor sale at 26 cents per share; sold by M. E, Langley and John J. Wyatt at 75 centa per share; any Information. Call or write N. F. Anderson. 6811 Walrath St., Los Angeles, Cal (4)-M563 B20x INDUSTRIAL AND MINING 8TOCKB BOUGHT AND SOLD. ROBERT C. DRUSFfnnw dc CO., STOCK BROKERS, 08 New York Life Building, , Omaha, Nob. (4)-4 FOR SALE A good paying hotel In Cen tral Iowa, town of 10 to 12 hundred, 2 railroads; am going Into other business. Will sell building and furniture or fur niture alone and rent building. Hotel H block from depot. If looking for a snap get busy. Address T 173, Bee. (4) M641 FOR BALES In Fullerton, Neb., blacksmith business, one set of tools, on 4 H. P. gasoline engine, new, a good opening now; easy payments. Address C. R. Btenberg, Indian School, Genoa, Neb. (4-M491 EX FOR BALE Good Irrigated ranches and city property, business opportunities, general merchandise, bicycle, auto gar age and Implement business, in the best town in northern Colorado. F. E. Baksr & Co., Box 115, Greeley, Colo. (4) M167 2x A COLORADO MINING ENGINEER has "snap" In copper property for small In vestors; will Invest own money with suitable partners. Address for Interview 8 153, care Bee. J4)-M160 29x BEST laundry In the city of Longmont for sale cheap; low rent; fine trade; $1,600 cash will handle It; owner sick and must change altitude. Call on the Long mont Realty Co., at Longmont, Colo. (4)-M761 S0x FOR BALE Owing to Illness, a 830.000 stock of general merchandise In one of the boat towns within 76 miles of Ban Francisco. Address D. M. Walters, 1054 Fourth St., Santa Ross, Cal. (4) M346 B bx WEST BIDE upholstering, carpet cleaning business for sale; doing business of 2800 a month. Apply to Francis Jeffery. 130 W. Broadway, Butt, Mont. (4)-MJ49 8 10X CAPITAL wanted to form stock company to manufacture home-made aausage; pro tected by patent print. Address G-144. car Bee. (4)-M97S Six FOR BALE 26-room hotel cheap; hustling town, end of railroad; no competition. Address J. L. Bourret, Btlckney. S. D. ' (4-M127 Sir FOR SALE Or rent, good store building, 82x72: good opening for another store In thriving town. Call or address Helen Thurston, Daxey, Barnes county, N. D. (4) M24 28x "T1? HENT-etore. 22 ft. by 100 ft.. In brick block, well located In one of the beat county aeat towns In northern low. Address John Galbralth. Algona, la. - (4 M636 28X FIRST CLASS, up-to-date Jewelry stock located In beat business portion of busi ness district. The Pond Realty A Loan Co., Colorado Springs, Colo. (4)-M758 SOX FOR BALRGood paying bargain store In live northwestern Nebraska town, having two rallroada; good farm and ranch country. Address Y 213, care B-e. (4J M342 810 FOR BALE Two hydraulic chair barber shop with bath tub In connection. In country town of l.SuO. Frank Rost. Ran dolph. Neb., Cedar Co. (4 M640 Sax FOR BALE Only livery barn In Orrick; doing good buaineaa; good reason for selling. Address Hines A Bona. Orrick, Mo. (4)-M350 8 Sx FOR SALE First -class blacksmith and wagon work buaineaa, with tools; 84 to 86 received for shoeing and 84 to 88 for set ting tire. Addreas Y 128. Bee. (4)-813 FOR BALE Only meat market In good bualness town of 600; good trad and beat location In town. Address Fulton Meat Market. Farnam. Neb. (4) MCJ 88 BALE Good paying laundry for 83,aO, will stand strict investigation; it la a bargain. Answer M 149, care Dee. 1 4)-lllx FOR BALE Fishing game, for fairs; pric. 8100. money makar. Call or adrirea 6. Bchnoor, 151S th Av.. Council Bluff la. (4-MlM lx FOR SALE Or exchange, a well equipped lunch couater and cafe In town of 4 OuU. Addreaa T 210, Bee M3&1 SOx i The DEE publishes more Pet Do aad Poultry advertising than any other Western paper. If you ure interested, it will pay you to read them. BUSINESS CHANCES (Continued.) FOR SALE The Metropolitan; furnished rooms; modern, with bath; P. H. Fell. Prop., 1140 Pearl 8L; Boulder, Col.; 18 rooms. For particular write P. H. Fell. Boulder, Col. (4) MI70 S3x FOR BALE -Furniture and fixtures In 15 room house; everything new; doing a pay Ing translont buaineaa; reason for sell Ing, leaving the city. Inveatlgat term. Address Box 187, Fort Smith, Ark. (4) M3S9 83x LIST your property with us; we have buy ers; nave property ror exenange also. Jacobson A Co., 936 N. T. Life Bldg. (4)-M638 S 21 A BARGAIN Furnishings fo-room (only) hotel; full of S20 trade all the time; town 1.000; Junction point. Address Y 1W, care Bee. (4 MS61 S6 FOR SALE Drug store, in Fort Collins, Colo., doing good business: no sgents. Address P. O. Box 1176, Fort Collins, Colo. (4)-M644 28x ALL KINDS of mining and oil storks bought and sold according to their value. Omaha Finance Co., 212 N. Y. Life Bldg. (41-886 86 TO GET IN OR OUT OF BUSINESS. LAUi w l LUAM B, 411 M l AUL E BUILDING, 16TH AND DODGE STS. (4)-816 WISH to meet gentleman who ran Interest raw peopi to extent or x&.ooo or S6,ouu, You can make same or more at no ex pens to yourself. Address L 62, Bee. (4) M271 HOTEL, with furniture, saloon connection and barn; will sell or trade for a farm In southern Minnesota. Box 359, Hudson, Wis. (4) M738 30X FOR SALE Pantorlum in a good town doing a good business; no opposition. Address i x 198 car The Bee. (4)-M66 29 TO BUT, TRADE OR SELL see "BUSI NESS CHANCE BUNNELL," 22 N. Y. Life. Tel. Doug. 6149. (4) M988 TO BUY or sell any business or real es tate, call on or writ K. a. Gangestad, 403 Be Bldg. (4) 312 BA-RBEB. SHOP Two chairs; good busi ness, 350. Addreas 408 South Main St.. Mason City, la. 4) M353 S3x LADY In rooming house bualness wishes partner with capital. Address M 114. Bee, (4)-724 29x RENT Ritchie's hall, Bouth Omaha; second noor; no posts; oxo; long lease. A. G. Ritchie, 220 8. 16th St., Omaha, (4) 656 FOR BALE -Drug store; good for doctor. Address ilox 1Z4, Ashley, Mo. (4)-M740 SOx 826,000 WORTH of men's clothing to ex cnange ror good farm land. Clarence Reckmeyer, Lincoln, Neb. (4 M132 28x LAUNDRY for sale or rent; Is a good tning lor experiences parties, jaa. Hatre, Albion, Neb. (4) M840 Six NO PUBLICITY In selling your business. C. J. CANAN, 701 N. Y. L. Bldg., Omaha. (4) 166 826 I HAVE the best money making proposi tion in tne state Tor a rename man witn a few hundred dollars; Investigate. Room 67, Merchanta Hotel. (41165 28 x PARTLY furnished house full of room ers; fine location; will sell furniture If sold at once. Address O 161, Bee. (4)-140 lx QUICK transfers made In selling or buying property, in n. i. l t M4W H ROOMING houses for sal. all sixes. (41-310 Gangestad, 408 Be Bldg. LIST your property with us. Berk A Co., ww n. x. x4i. hj aid DRUG stores for sale everywhere. F. V. jiniest, iui n. x. Lare, omana. , (4) 1 BUSINESS DIRECTORY Aacttoaer. SALES made on Mdse., jewelry, household goods, live stock, farm implements, ate. Roth & Tyrell, 1212 Douglas, Omaha. (5)-M581 Bar Iroa aad Steel. The Pennsylvania Iron and Steel Co., Omaha. Neb.. Bells merchant bar iron and steel In any quantity and aiie cheaper than any job ber in the west. Writ for price. (6) M682 822 , Barber. EXPERT shaving A halrcutting. 809 N. 16. (6) epu Dreasmaklag. IN FAMILIES-Mlss Sturdy. Tel. Harney Ubs. (61 S3 M'DOWELL Dressmaking Bchool. 1623 Far nam Bt. 16) SUM Coatraetor. AUGUST KROFFT, building contractor, 1008 N. 21st Bt., Bouth Omaha. (6) 319 Creanaerle. DAVID COLE CREAMERY CO.. uocessor to Beatrice creamery Co., Omaha. (6)-S21 Chop Saer Parlor. FIRST-CLASS CHOP 6UEY, 1308 DOUO- 1AS. UPSTAIRS. (6) M894 Beptl Carpet Cleaning. SANITARY Cleaning Co., 1919 Farnam. (01 SIT Chiropodist. DR. ROT, R. 1 1606 Farnam St. Doug. 6417. () sis Deatlats. BAILEY MACH, Sd fir. Paxton. D. loffi. (6-3 . HoteU. THE SCHLITZ, European, 16th and Harney lt-J-i Flarlats. HE8S ft BWOBODA, 1416 Farnam. (5)-224 L. HENDERSON, 1519 Farnam. Tel. D.1263. (o)-S2o Jeweler aad Watchmakers. N. P. STILLING Watch, clock, jewelry repairing, 2-8 Paxton Blk. Tel. D. 4367. (5) 327 Iaseot Exterminator. . KEEP your horn sanitary with Insect g.rra' exterminator. Room 11. Frenser block. . (5 M710 28 a.' CTTATELATN School of language. v-'11AAIVU"aAii French, German. Span ish. Davtdge Bldg.. 18th and Farnam. Day and evening claases. (5) 113 S2S 0 LackDilth. KFTS. etc HefUn. 1324 Farnam. TeL D. 2974. (I)-1S LAWRENCE. 2708 Leavenworth St. Tel. Harney 2406. (5) M687 810 Phtcraphra. C B. TRUS3ELX. lis South lh St v (6 82 Feol aad Billiard Table. POOL and billiard table for sale, five pool and two billiard tables; must be sold In ft flee day. 418 N. 24 tb St., South Omaha. ll)-0l 27 BUSINESS DIRECTORY (ContluuedJ Osteopathy. JOHNSON INS., 418 N. T. L. Tel. D. 1664. (6)-S28 Dr. Bowser, over 1602 Far. Tel. Doug. 6370. (5) M184 8 26 rrlatlag. BEFORE placing your 1908 calendar order aon t ran to see our elegant imported line. Lyngstad 4V Jorve, printers, 16 4k Cap. Ave. (o w HIGH-GRADE Imitation typewriter letters and job printing; no job too large or smaii. Ancnor publishing Co., 18-H Far nam St. Tel. Doug. 6562. (5 M532 618 Safes, Shattera, Etc. OMAHA Safe and Iron Works makes a specialty of fire escapes, shutters, doos ana sales, u. Anareen, prop., ioz 8. loth et, (5)-r2 Electrle Blae Printing. NORTON-CARSON CO., 620 Bee Bldg. Tel. nea si&7. (5) M531 S19 Shoe Repairing;. RAPID SHOE REPAIR CO.. first class work. 1618V4 Capitol Ave.' Phone Red 94, (5)-3U Sho Shining. 6 CENTS every day, ladle or gents. 211 S. uin. () Storage. STORAGE at 1401 Harney. (J)-19l HELP WANTED FEMALE Areata and Saleeladle. WANTED Maker and millinery sales ladles having department store expert ence; references. La Ferte. 24 W, Su perior St., Duluth, Minn. (9) M737 SOx WANTED Lady canvassers at once; good wages. Addiess M. Brill, 783 3d St., Mil waukee, Wis. (7) M346 8 7x WANTED Experienced closk and "suit salesladies. Apply cloak dept. Hayden arom. - (si331 -a Clerical aad One. STENOGRAPH BR, Be. Address D 72, ear tt)-M633 Factory and Trades. 1 FIRST CLASS shirt finisher, 114.00 per ween. 1 first class st archer. 812.00 per week. 1 first class marker and sorter, 818.00 par weea. fine noura per uay. BILLINGS LAUNDRY CO., Billings. Mont. (7) M500 28x WANTED Woman for hand Ironers and machines. Kimball Laundry, 1511 Jackson Bt. (7)-M640 EXPERIENCED machm girls wanted: short hours; goon wages, call any time. Omaha Tent & Awning Co., 11th and Har ney. (7)-M00 WANTED Lady barber at 108 W. 16th St., Cheyenne, Wyo.; good wages. (7) M892 S1X WANTED First-class waitress; $1 woek to good girl; coma at once. Gate City Hotel, Crawford, Neb. (9) M169 29 Hoasekeeplag aad Domestic. WANTED Girl for., genera housework; good wages; smaU family. 606 B. 2Mh Av. , (7) 606 TWO girls; on to help cook, the other for dining-room. Hotel Howard, - Edgerton, Mlnn. (T1-M679 29x GOOD Cook wanted. Apply 8254 Farnam. (7-'48 GIRL for general housework. 2315 Burt St. (7) 721 2BX GIRL for general . housework; good wages. Mrs. Charles R. Sherman. 8544 N. 27th St. (7) M1E8 28 WANTED A glrlfor house work; no washing; no cooking. 1319 S. Slst St. (7) 774 80 GOOD COOK family of thre wher sec- una gin is Kept; good wages. 1048 uoutn 80th av. (7) 787 GERMAN housekeeper; cook for ranch. stu.uv. Canadian Office, 16th and Dodge. (7) 338 i WANTEDt-Good competent girl for gen eral housework. 136 No. 41st St. 7)-J4l 28 WANTED Good girl for general house- worn; no wasning; good wages. 8326 xiarney Bt., Tel. Harney 808. (7) 832 WANTED A competent girl; give refer ences, tor general Housework; in family of two. 1624 So. S2d Ave. (7) M368 30 WANTED Experienced girl for general house work; no washing. Mrs. H. W. Bailey, 3606 Lincoln blvd. Tel. Harney 8102. (7) M340 30 Mleeellaaeoae. WANTED A party to sell stock in a Nevada Gold Mining Co. The location of th property cannot be surpassed. Both the property and its officers will bear th closest Investigation. Liberal commission. Address F 6. Bee. (7 A07 86. Experienced law stenographer, 8758100. Stenographer, $65, Remington. Stenographer, 860. Remington. Western Reference A Bond Association (Inc.), 721-tf N. Y. Life Bldg. (7) M364 28 WANTED Lady t demonstrate th Mar love Hair Grower; liberal salary to right party. Dr. Minerva James. 2024 Daven port. Tel. Douc)a65S6. (7) 8M PARTIES can have shopping done at low est prices, by experienced buyer. Writ for particular and reference. Address M 46. Bee. (7)-Ml6 815x WANTED Young lady for out-door work in city; salary and commission. M. Frayer. 2626 Bt. Mary's Ave. (7) M176 8-2SX FOR A BUSINESS education register Mo- -riney institute, lsu? f arnam Bt. Fan term begins September 2. (D Mill GIRL to assist In housework. 8316 Burt St 7) 722 SOx LADIES AND GIRLS, at home, day or evenuigs, to stamp transfers; easily eamea; to II aosen. Koom 606 Pax ton Blk. (7) 314 2x WANTED Experienced clerk. waitress and strong boy In candy department. Apply candy dept., J. L. Brandels A Sons. (7)-S33 2 WANTED Young lady for out-door work In city; salary' and commission. M. Fraytr, 2813 Dewey Ave. Tel. Harney 2987. (7) M176 S26x HELP WANTED MALE t Aaeata, Solicitor aad Saleasaea. WANTED A party to sell stock In Nevada Gold Mining Co. The location of the property cannot be surpassed. Both the property and its officer will bear th. cloaeat investigation. Addreaa J 9. Be. Liberal Commission. ( St AGENTS WANTED Good live land agenU wanted In North and Bouth Dakota, Wis consin and Iowa. Nebraaka and Mlnne . sot; will make liberal contract with good agent. Texaa Oult Coast Land Com pany, 417 Kaaota Block. Minneapolis, Minn. (9V-M348 8 Sx WANTED Several hustling salesman an! salesladies to introduce new article; sells rapidly; agent ran make from 814.08 to $1608 per day: can give cttv or country territory. Call or addreaa, Omaha Burglar Alarm Co., 1008 N. Y. I. Blag. Oman (l)-Ulli;i J HELP WANTED MALE GOOD hustlers wanted a agents In Omsha for one of the largest Jewlery Installment houses in the country. Watches are sold at one dollar per week. Steady employ ments Salary or commission. Address C 157 care Bee. (9) 816 2Jx WANTED At once, several experienced canvassers, either ladies or gentlemen; permanent position; money advanced dally; nothing to sell. Call for personal Interview. 113 N. 18th St., Wlllson. 191 M164 29X WANTED General furniture salesman, fine, steady position. Nebraska Furniture and Carpet Co., 407-9-11 North 24th St., South Omaha. (9) M686 29 WANTED Experienced carpet salesman. Inquire at carpet dept. Hayden Bros. (9) 330 29 $26 PER WEKK AND TRAVELING EX PENSES paid; salesmen to sell goods to grocery dealers; experience unnecessary. Purity Co.. Chicago. (9) M355 28X WANTED Salesman for house furnishing department; must understand window decorating. Address Y 209, Bee. (9)-M179 29 Soys. WANTED Strong boy, good habits, care ful and Industrious; must write plain hand; position permanent. Inquire Mr. McArdle, mall room. Be, 17th and Far nam. (9) M7Slx WANTED Boys, 16 to 18 year, for a gen eral training In railroad' accounts and affairs. Call on or address General Store keper, U. P. R. R. Co. ?) M196 29 WANTED At once, smart. Intelligent boy; must be at least 16 years old; Interesting work. See timekeeper, third floof. The Bennett Co. (9) M338 SOx WANTED At once, office boy. Apply Omaha Printing Co., 10th and Farnam 6ts. (9) M169 29 WANTED Several bright boys. Apply mall order department, Hayden Bros. (9) M344 SOx WANTED Good strong boys for nailing machine. Omaha Box Co., East Omaha. (9) MU0 SeotM Clerical 'and Offtce. WANTED Clerks, boih men and hoys. In railroad office. Address F. B. Southard, A. P. A., U. P. R. R., Omaha, Neb. (9) M683 29x Factory sat Trade. WANTED A first-class planing mill bench hand; a man who thoroughly under stands all of the better class of planing mill bench woxk; none other need apply; write stating experience, age, whether married or single, and wages demanded. Address Y-149, Bee. (9) M177 1 WANTED Paper ruler, who can handle a 54 machine and do all kinds of Job work; good wages In an eight-hour shop. Ad dress, with references, Y 168, Bee. (9)-M467 2x BARBER WANTED Must be first class; $12 guarantee; state age and experience; 15o shaving; write or phone. Leo M. Zimmerman, Hiawatha, Kan. (9) M347 S3x WANTED Steam fitters and plumbers; $6.00 per day; union shop; steady work. Billings Hardware Company, Billings, Mont. (9) M90A 28x GOOD cornice man and tinners, at once. Lincoln Cornice and Metal Works, Lin coln, Neb. ' J (9) M770 POSITIONS for drug men everywhere. F V. Knlest. 707 N. Y. Life. Omaha. - (t)-S4 ONE good tinner wanted; pay $2.60 per day; steady work. E. Garnlch & Sons, Ashland. Wis. (9) M447 Six WANTED A union cigar maker' at 11 Peart street, Council Bluffs, Iowa. (9) M702 28x DRUGGIST wanted In good business town. Address Lock Box 62, Dunning, Neb. (8)-617 82x WANTED Good cabinet man and finisher, fine, steady position. Nebraaka Furniture and Carpet Co.. 407-9-11 North 24th St., Bouth Omaha, (9) M685 29 WANTED Good all around blacksmith. Write James Clzek, Wagner, S. D. (9)-M678 29x WANTED 81x first class, experienced chocolate dippers; highest wages, steady employment. The Balduff Pure Candy Co. (9) M736 80 WANTED Good carpenters; steady work an winter; ow cenis per nour ror eight hour day. Uagnon A Co., Billings, Mont. (9) M191 S2x WANTED A shoemaker; steady Job; good wages to ngnt party. Address J. H. Knowles, Fremont, Neb. (9) M967 Six COMPETENT tinner for all round shop and furnace work. Hartman & Bullock, York. Neb. (9) M907 SI WANTED A shirt-maker; steady Job, good wage to riant party. Aadcesa J. H. Knowles, Fremont, Neb. (9)-M967 Six BOOKBINDERS Four forwarders; none dui nrsi-ciaas forwarders need apply. Call or write Samuel D. Page A Co., Des Moines, la. (9i- M""7 six WANTED Shoemaker that Is steady and uun , muai imve ms own tools. Good wages to man that makes good. L. M Mohnnan, Pierce, Neb. (9) M133 lx WANTED Good man tailor to make and press laaies sKirts ana jackets, steady work; big pay. W. F. Brown, 114 So. 9th St. (9)-MlS6 28x WANTED Two first clsss , core makers. Open shop. Steady work. Best wages. No trouble. Wire or come at once. Ens A Orr, 1739 Blake St., Denver, Colo. (9)-M13 WANTED Candy maker, specialist on cream and sort goods. The Balduff Pur Candy Co., 1114 Farnam St. () 154 28 WANTED First class man tailor for pressing suits. Apply between 9 and 10 a. m. Thompson, Belden A Co. (91-324 27 WANTED Two delivery grocery clerks at once. Apply between 7 and 8 o'clock this evening. Hammer Brothers, 28th and Farnam Bis. (9) SIS 28 WANTED An all-round printer and a lady compositor for country omce; state wages wanted. Address F. P. Henly, Bedford. Ia. (9) 111 87x WANTED Tile ditchers to work by rod; make tz.dU to au a aay. Appiy j. w. Ten Brink. Nlckeraon. Neb. . (l)-4e WANTED Young man with drug and soda fountain experience. Saratoga Drug Co., 24th and Ames Ave. (9) Ml 71 BUSHELMAN WANTED Room 6 Ramg Block. (9 818 29 U laellaa. Office clerk. 860. Stenographer and clerk, young man, $45. R. R. billing clerk, KM. Salesman. $75, all expenses. Traveling salesman, $100, all expenses. Young man, wholesale house, $30440, good chance for advancement. To aecure a position without delsy see us. Call or write for complete list of va cancies. Western Reference and Bond Aa soclatlon (Inc.), 721-3 N. Y. Life Bldg. (9)-M3t3 28 BOUND young men ages 13 to 86, for fire man and brakemea during rush season on leading rallroada her. In the west and on new llaea being completed. Experience unnecessary. Firemen 8100 monthly, be come engineer. $200; brakemen. $00. be come conductors, $1M. Many position now open. Call or write at one. for particulars- National Railway Training Ass'il, 44) x Paxton Blk., Omaha, Neb. 0) S3 88 St lan I laa a Caa 1 1 a aad. FREE Employment Bureau supported by Buaineaa Men association; helps work men find positions. Call 841 New York Lit Bldg. (9)-162 Bep25 WANTED Good, all around cook, lady or gentleman, must b sober; will pay $.6 or more for right party; to commence work first of September at Bmead Hotel. Lead. S. D. Come or writ W. Bartlett, Manager, Lead, 8. D. (91-M704 ax GOOD, stout husky men wanted to work In a grain terminal elevator; must be sober and Industrious. Steady employ ment to right partlea. Apply Tranamls slsslppl Grain Co.'s Elevator, Council Bluffs. (9)-MJ9 LABORERS for handling freight at Union Pacific, Council Bluffs transfer; wages 1JH cents per hour. Board arranged If necessary. Apply Thos. Scanlan, fore man. . t9)-803 YOUNG man to learn drug business. W. A. Mel, lXth and Farnam. ()-313 29x WANTED One first class business getter for each state, good money for right party, represent Nebraska corporation, reference and bond. Stamp for reply. Address 8170 care Bee (9) 335 GOOD PAT Men wanted everywhere to tack signs, distribute circulars, snm- Sies, etc. No oanvasslng. National Dlst, ureau, Chicago, 111. (9) M630 2Kx WANTED Young man, good habits, will ing to work hard. Inquire 404 N. Y. Life Bldg. W. A. Kerr. (91-M354 29 FOR A BUSINESS education register Mc Cartney Institute. 18(18 Farnam. Fall term begins September 2. (91 M411 LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horace aad Vehicle. SELLING horses Is our business; Just re ceived one car of drafts, drivers and single wagon horses; prices from $o0 up; also have several good farm mares; every horse guaranteed as represented. Cash or time. Omaha Horse and Supply com pany, 414 No. 16th, rear. (ID M192 ONE big 1,300 lb. horse; 876. One bay horse, 1,100 lbs; $60. One team of young horses, $126. One good mare, 1,200 lbs; a little sore in front; $50. 2816 No. 15th Ave. (11) M193 FOR SALE Two standard bred driving mares, good drivers either single or dou ble; can be seen at Cole a burn, 171 S Cass. For particulars call 'phone Douglas luO. Llnlnger Implement Co. ill) MU71 31 FOR SALE Three runabouts, rubber tires; will sell worth th money. Harney Bt. Stable. OU-teb THE late Henry Homan's livery stock, In cluding 8 general purpose horses, ready for use, is (or sale ut Myers' stables, 1114 Douglas St. (U)-MtS9 29x FOR SALE. A very stylluli southern bred, high class gaited saddle horse; 7 years old; 17.1 high; very fast and gentle. Frank Lntenscr, 'Phone Harney 2422. (11) M797 31 WE are selling delivery wagons, teaming gears, buggies, carriages and harness cheaper than any other firm In Omaha. Johnson-Da nforth Co., 8. W. Cor. loth and jonea bis. (111319 at CO DR. COFFMAN offers for sale his horses end carriages and two buggies. Inquire 2024 Douglas St (11) 817 Ail ONE S-sprlng wagon, new, and one deliv ery buggy, rubber tired. Oscar Harto, SSth and Farnam Bts. (ID 713 HARNESS, Saddles, Trunks, Traveling Bags, some good bargains. Alfred Cor nish A Co., 1210 Farnam St. (111847 SALOONS Six barrels Pepper whisky in bond for sale or trade for standard bred colt. 626 S. 19th St (1D-M763 30x GOOD work team; good heavy harness and wagon, cheap. 4010 Parker St. (11) M123 Six RUBBER-TIRED road wagon. W. A. Stone, 303 Lincoln Av., Council Bluffs. (11) M103 FOR SALE Shetland pony and rig com plete. J. H. Klnts, 715 South Blxth street. Council Bluffs, la. (1D-M103 S 4x FOR pony buggies, runabouts, wagons, traps, carts and harness, see Johnson Danforth Co.. 8. W. Cor. 10th and Jones Bts. iu-ais Ponltry aad Bags. GOVERNMENT book free. Model Squab Co., Omaha. (11) M386 Sepl Cow a. Birds, Dog and Pet. NEVER die, mule-footed gilts, welghlngV 150 pounds, for $15; Scotch collie dogs. W. H. Knowles, James, la. (11)-M677 29x LOST AND FOUND LOST August 27, 1907. a large pocket book containing lady's gold watch and small change in vicinity of S3d St. and Pros pect Hill cemetery; watch a highly-priced keepsake; leave at room 712, N. V. i bldg., or telephone Webster 3ft(9 or Red 2234; suitable rewntd. 6. I. Gordon. (12)-M357 29 LOST Liidy'a gold watch at Krug park, Sunday evening; liberal reward. 624 So. 20th St. , (12) 144 27 LOST Small bangled neckchaln, with heart locket attached; reward for return to room 2, army headquarters. Telephone 2490. LOST, strayed or stolen,' a strawberry roan mare, weight about 1,000 lbs. Return to I. Muocl, 218 B'way, Council Bluffs, and get reward. (12) M373 28x LOST Gold locket; 310 reward. 157 Ex change bldg.. South Omaha. (12) M371 23x MEDICAL RUPTURE CURED No knife, no reten tion from busineas. QUICK CURE RUP TURE CO., over 8. W. Cor. 14th and Douglas. Omaha. (13)-M136 a- ' 1 FREE medical and surgical treatment at Cralghton Medical college, 14th and uav' en port Sts.; special attention paid to con- flnement cases; all treatment supervised by college professors 'Phone Douglas 1167. Calls answered day or tilgnt. Q3-129 BEST nerve bracer for men, "Gray's Nerve Food Pills," II a box, postpaid. Sherman A McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. OS)-351 ANY poor girl In need of a friend call or write to the matron of the Salvation Army Home for Women at S824 N. 24th St.. Omaha. Neb. (12)-M1U6 DR. PRIES, specialist, disease of woman. 80 yera' practice In confinements. Office, 614 N. 16th; residence, 2421 Charles, Omaha. OS) 86. MONEY TO LOAN SALAIll AND CHATTELS. OUR BUSINESS 18 TO LOAN MONEY on furniture, pianos r.nd all sorts of per sonal property. WE ARE NOT a finance compsny, or a brokerage company, and do not have to de pend on the payments of one person to get the money to loan to another. WE HAVE BKEN engaged in this busi ness In Omaha for FIFTEEN YEARS. OUR POLICY has been to deal FAIR and SO I ARE with every on. WE HAVE a thorough understanding with the borrower as to payments, rebates, cost and requirements. COME IN AND BUB US. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN COMPANY lit Board of Trad Bldg. . . (14) 817 Loans. Loans. Bankers to Salaried Men. Loans. Do not be without money when wa 01 lend you without recurtty. See us for loans on Salary, Furniture, War. nous. Kecelpts and Personal Property. Reliable, quick to aet and confidential. Cheapest rates In th city. Mske terms to suit yourself. Your employer, family or friends know nothing about It RELIABLE CREDIT CO.. ' 807-308 Paxton Blk., 84 Floor. 'Phone D. 141L (14)-I MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE and othera, without seourity; eaay pay ments. Offices In 61 principal cities. Tol , toom 714 Near York Lit Bldg. UO-S57 GIVE us a trial with your next loan. W are equipped to give best service, best terms, snd loan at as low a rate as money has ever been loaned In Omaha. Nebraska Credit Co., 214 Board of Trad.. Farnam entrance. (141718 81 Fl'RNITl'RE, live stock, salary loan Puff Green Loan Co., room 8, Barker Block, no 368 Bowen, 703 N. Y. Life Bldg., advance private money on chattels or sal ary; eaay to get; no red tape. Tea got money same day asked tor at small cost. Open evenings till 7. (14) 856 FOR A SQUARE DEAL OO TO THK PHOENIX CRKDIT CO. for chattel or salary loans. 63 Pstton Block. 'Phonsi Douglas 746. (lOSRl EAOT.TC LOAN OFFICE Reliable, aecom modatlng; all business confidential. 1t Douglas. (14) 3(4 CHATTEL, salary and storage receipt loan. Foley Loan Co.. 1604 Farnam St. (141-8U OFFERED FOR RENT Apartment aad Flat. FOR RENT 4 room, city water, 1511 K. 18th Bt C. M. Bachmann. 436 Paxton Plk. U51-M7 Boardlac d Raoasa. DEWEY European Hotel, isth and Farnam. 05-868 NICE south room, outside entrance, modern and private; choice location; large, beau tiful lawn. 627 Park Ave. (U)-M284 VIENNA hotel; private dining rooms; cat. . 115 M 2421 Dodge. Rooms with GOOD board. (15) 4)12 SUx NICE front room, with alt modem con veniences. Douglas 8837. 217 8. 25th St , (16J-1$ FURNISHED rooms, with good board, In modern, detached house. IRIS Capitol Av- (16)-M617 28 THE PLEASANTON-2324 Harney St.-An Ideal home for people desiring rooms and Tki. -.p"!'11""; modern and good horn table. Good location, Call early. . (15)-48 Six FIRST-CLASS board and nice comfortable r?I!2 a- reasonable rates can be secured at 620 South 19th St. (16)-M947 Six LARGE front room, with running waterl also other rooms. 123 S. 25th Ave. (15) 148 1 FOR RENT Room and board for young UUC:aJWife.w"1,mj,to work for """ JS. 24th Ave. (16) S26 2 Varnished Booms. 818 S. 26th, front rooms, all modern; steam heat; furnished or unfurnished. (161-709 29x ROOMS. $2 per week; cool dining room, Ogden hotel, Council Bluffs, la. (15)-M696 822x NICELY furnished single room; modern. 646 S. 24th Ave. (15) 245 S16 TWO newly furnished rooms In modern House, xi.&o and $2.50 per week. 624 North 20th street. (16)-M 1K9 TO COUPLE Two nicely furnished modern rooms for light housekeeping. 1819 Daven-Prt- (16)-M195 8 2x NEWLY furnished rooms: fine location walking distance, 218 8. 26th St l"l,a"' (15)-268 T 2C39 HARNEY, furnished rooms. (16)-M674 822 3 LARGE FRONT ROOMS, nfcely fur nished and in fine locality. No transient desired. 412 N. 22d 8t. (16)-8C7 FURNISHED rooms for two 2416 Pierce. Tel. Doug. 4471. gentlema (15)-M470 28 4C5 SO. 24TH AVE., new furnished rooms. $10 month, up; plenty hot water, bath and stationary washatands; 'phone. leo trio light. Bachelora' Quarters. ' (16)-MS26 819X FOR RENT DESIRABLE ROOMS ALL PARTS OF THE CITY IN OMAHA RENTAL CO., 808 N. Y. LIFE BIDO. TEL. DOUG. S88L (15)-M589 8 SO LARGE front room, furnished. In new mod ern home. 2703 Cuming. Harney smo (16) 784 30x 2118 DOUGLAS; desirable room. (15)-M117 28x WELL furnished rooms, large, modern, reasonable. 308 N. 22d. (15) 783 80x FRONT rooms, new brick, strictly modern, block and hull from Rome hotel. 623 8. 17th Ave. (15)-782 80x ELEGANTLY furnished rooms. 191B Cap. Itol Ave. (15) 769 B2S TWO front rooms, furnished. 2211 Douglat St. (161-M932 SI SPLENDID furnished or unftirnlnhed rooms In absolutely new flat. 210 N. 24th St Tel. Douglas S3ul. (16)-M970 31 BEAUTIFUL large east room, suitable foi one or two young men; rcasonuble. 2701 Farnam. (15)-M913 Six GOOD rooms In first class condition; easy walking distance.. 2002 Dodge St. (15-M79 28x NICELY furnished front room, large closets Oentleman preferred. Phone. 547 So. 24th Ave. (15)-128 27 NICELY furnished rooms, new house and furniture; fine location, private family; rent reasonable; board If desired. 609 So. 26th Ave. (15)-M108 Six NICELY furnished room for rent. Apply at 645 South 26th avenue. (15) 817 2x FOR RENT-Furnlshed room, 1617 Dodge "twt. (16) 312 8 26x THREE rooms, newly furnished; gentl. iferrcd; board can be had within uii-ii pit-iern-u, Doara can t had within A ...... .4 ... a. tfJY, O .C . 1 .... .... . v wi d. jiu Ave. Hi) 328 NICELY furnished room kv a c.i. . 1 1"-1L1',t lurnisned rooms. 656 S. Blth Av. (15)-327 S26X LARGE pleasant room. 718 8. 29th St (161826 lx Hoaaekeeplng Rooama. t LARGE front rooms with or without housekeeping privileges; reasonable, igifl Bt. Mary's av. OB) 806 GET your rent free by Investing 3360. Furniture of 10 room for sal.. house; closn In Address Y 161, Bee (16)-M4'si HS,M8EK??EP1NO' flrrt or "ond noor; 1,12 Jackson. (I6m i. (16)-IU lx TWO very desirable adults. 416 B. 19th. rooms complete! (U)-146 x I FURNISHED ROOMS-llght bousekeen. Ing; 2 unfurnished rooms. Tel. Douglas 60M. 1406 Jones street. (16) 818 Sx Vararatahcd Reeaa. ONE elegant unfurnished room, ' strictls modern. 638 Park Ave. (16) 78V SOx FOR RENT Sept 1, five "desirable rooma. 22U North 19th. (16)-5f83 - FOUR basement room. 2206 N. 80th St. (16)-821 Sx FOR RENT Four unfurnished room. 4844 Leavenworth St. . (15) 31 tx Hone aad Oaltagea. S40-4USH N. 24 TH ST., Bouth Omaha-Big. room apartments In new "Soargo" build ing; all modern conveniences, including hot water in kitchen and bath.- 830-2517 N. ISth Bt-r-Nlne-room modern house, with altlo aad barn. $45 lsi7-8 Farnam St. Six-room apart ments In "Qulvet" building; all mod.ra conveniences. Including hot water In kitchen and bath. Hall Distributer Co. 837 First National Bank Bldg. 'Phon Red 7406. 15 774 EA8T front on Boulevard at 27th and Web ster, two new modern seven room house oak floors first floor. 4 bedrooms. SJt! taw North 22nd, eight room modern, 827 6o! til South 87th, eight room oak finish, hot water 'heat. On apartment In th Ma Jestlc. To see complete list call at ffw. Hastings ft Heyden, 1704 Farnam. A -V