Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 27, 1907, Page 9, Image 9
TIIE OMAHA DAILY HEE -TUESDAT, AUGUST BT, 1D07. i. i, i. . I., i 1 1 I. i , . i' - i - i. OFFERED FOR RENT v I8w hd Cttac-t;oattd. SfTT -rmM new an modern 1H blocks tx-nm Frham ear on "o. 9th, . fi (fr cottage, 8:70. Lara i-roflih.- fro "for Hnmm, clos In, .larg H-Tif lot, lis. u KTiirH REAL. FTATB CO. i loM H; t. Die. 'Phone Doug Ufa 4- Oo)-77 27 T-ROOM nous, t:s Evan. 818.00. room house,- 7 tt, 8Id, f 16.00. J. H. PARROTTE, Paxton Blk. . . UI)-MMl tl ft Mth, I rooms, partly modern, 15. .It vM St., room, modern except Beat, l6. . , . avaMwiBrlrt fit., t rorti, lit. Than botta". tA. BEMIS, Paxton Blk. (IS) M47 IF YOtr ar thinking of building It will fay eu to tee the Western Home Build- n- ,rvT,m" n- v- Nat l Bank BlUg., Tor ferlce and ' tf ma. C1B Uli ajU r. j . .... i. - ttOtBEUOLD' jrooda packed, forward; . erir-sp freight rate. Moving and storage. . wprtumeni xnumr Co... Tel. Dougla m. M-s:o tTiS- bo MPert felgno moving at lowest tHrloea,; TetT Douglas im. Bchmoller ft Mueller Piano Co., 13U-1J1S Farnam. aej-sn 1K1 R, gTTIt BT.-4 rooms, gas, well and . fc!arn, corner tot, ahade trees 15. -'OK!, Real Estate Co., im U. Y Utt. r.. (15)-T25 21 tlVVOfJa a entire Co., Be feltlg. r-1" 1 OMAHA Van Ktorage Co. pack, move, store) H. tU gow?: storehouse 1120-24 W, n . .... .fi t . n- i iu. Uth... Offlc 19 J'arnam. Tel. Doug. 1B6. Wll MOf PiAVOB-Maccard Van and Etnfkce Co. . Tel.. DoUg. Office, 1711 Webster St. tlB 7 to? f). Mtb 8t . 1st floor, foom. (K. Bui Jvo. 18th Bt., rooms; all modern, BKMIS, Paxton lk., 'Phone Doug. WW. ...... (1) M581 fr-oH rKnt Bt owner, wn No. Kd, new l- roont modern cottage.. Tel. Webster 14. iTnTtRTHI U Crt of the cltr. The (16)-374 FPl RKlJT large atore room, )6th and Vinton Bts. J. M. BtChmann, 437 Paftton 1lo4-Rf OG-360 frYTft RENT t-rtwm house, farker Bt. - modern. 2481 (16)-77 30 -ROXVM modnrn house. 8701 JPoda-e Bt - i none) vveraiw idv. ' tl6)MW0 27 IHOL'BteB, ItlsUrahce. fclngwalt. Barker Blk. roR RENT-rl(9-l()ei B, 80th Ave., 10 and 11 rooms, bricks, modern In every respect taitulre erf owner on the premises! for this week only.- loo a) l . . MaUdlng. TlTft rtlr otitldln formerly occupied by . ine iKiir riws, i4xro reet z atone an .nasement. Mocague investment ,lo.i lo' "bodg Bt. (lB)--77 1312 HARNEY BT.-S floors and basement ; .tl!ft feet I aultahle for Whrtleeale. Mo Cagtie Investment C., lKX Dodge Bt. o5)-sn I J . nmmm i . ! i Office), tWA RgNT-besK room In Re blTlce. cf hall .bulldtngt JT N. Bflth Bt.. flotlth Omahai. ' Apply to manager. tie) 1M bfeBtt todffl h rent la enogrtpTer, bt Are, to Paxton Blk. (1B)MW0 ttORgftftftM, l B. Wth ftt, Clarke Powell, inrtmia.m ptc .. , . ,, .tiBi-r.i OFFERED f OR SALE reaelnaj. fri?8 flsaa rrii Micai laaraiita Piano Bargains Iamtigttte th special offf we are BiaktfiB thii week- It wiU gave you some liioney. 400 Gabler, practically new..,.$2J0 400 Ivers St Pond, fine condition 21S 300 Kimball, parlor size;..... 115 , 600 Kimball, large size 95 ' 4 5r Emerson, nearly new 285 zs6 Hoffman, rnfthoganr case.. 155 500 deo. Bteolt. tie. ..... 825 The lama wsy tertna: S, M, 5 of 110 monthly. New Pianos for rent $3.50 monthly. "Schmolfer & Mueller Tiff- Piano ;Go. '-y - ' 'Phone Doug. IMS, -; . 1?1I-1813 Farnam Street w ,. ... (16)-MB7t )'." DEAGAN'B morattmphone,. in fine trunk mad ado for tt: baj-aaln. K8 N. lsth. WOR SALE CHEAPBtbrf tk Clark cabinet ...rgan, IS atopa, a beaimiui, airong-toned ; Instrument, suitable for church or home, - kood condltloni cost 126 Address 14, I H. . ' (!) M7N riNa-tlpriht XlmMll piano, m. Dealer se boi eau. . uavenporti - (14)-W0f9)t n i g-arultat'. W HAND fomltur bourht khd aoldi bual less en tn lotllire. Rnsenbert. formerly With Cttir(to rurtlltura Co.i 10 S. 14th - Bt. Tel. DBUglaa iltn, . . (16)-721 AH ' THREE OH.T-EIK1E BARGAINS. Furniture ' and complete equipment -of llrootu nousn, n-rnoin nat anu la-rrnm W AV mil.L B.U mi tttrH Uaa V. . f)0tuaS ooet; all well located; close in and tip king -money. . 'Phone Red lass, or call 424 N. T. Uf Sklg. (14)-M187 1 rtR BALE CHEAP--olld ak roller-top . afflc desk, chair an- typewriter. Ad . Areas B 70. Bee. , (l)-Mo2i FOR BALE A nearly ftw Hooeler kitchen Cabinet. Jewell aus range, lterncx rung frator (enamel lining). Gun s folding bi (oak). Apply Til 8. 1tU bt. . 1 (16) -12 27 - i ; i PmI sb4 Bllllar TaJele. tn ijLl.b K and aerOnd-hsnd billiard and pool table. We lead the world In cheap be flxtufps) easy payhients. Bi una wiua-uaiae-voiienaar, en w. ltnn et, -1 (li)-isa Typwrltlr aal ketrtlaat Maeklaea. i . . . . FOR BALRHikh rade second-hand type .Wr'terf snoit uon.lition: a bargain at W. ; Call room ton, Bes Bldg. dD-71 - ' i : . ONE Remington typewriter, NO. 1 In good, e.mduion. for aale cheap. Call at ne amy. y)-aax I Mtacellaaia. , GA ELECTRIC AND .' COMBINATION FIXTURES Largest, ihost up-to-date atock at lowest ptle In the city, select now. Deliver od elen needed. Inspection iavlted. -BUKUESS-UliANDEN CO., lit K).' Uth'St.' ' Tel. Doug. 681. : u 4M JdODKHN flve-roonv Mat, Irt business dli . trlot. newly lurmshvd, steam, heal) very dexlrul.lH. Call afternovHS, all week. Bat li Witrni-U Ilidg. (U) Ml$ lx UAVIC paid uwi ime-thlrd on my ontrat ir Ann 1. 1. I . Encyclopedia Brltan hlca; i.ui. .- -irknes un nut able to ' aeep tap payments. Will give my contract aua bookj to aujkftdy wiUlng to keep y. Mtna. Aadrec. K 14. ear Be. ' (io a R SAUb-Cvral load rock. 1M1 Bo. tli)-M I7a ta. OFFERED FOR SALE Mlscellaaeoat'otlaed. FC. BALB Oriy. soda fountain, 24-syrup. two body, reft iterator base; eeunter au tomatic earbnnator, niter, all a good a new; also drug store Mtr, counters and ihnw rases, tloweli Drug Co., lth and Capitol Ave. ' (1) 48 FOR BALK A butcher refrlgrrtr, Sev eral ahow case, a new peanut roaster, larg Coffee mill, two large aatomatlo Oil tanks and tor fixtures too numrroui to mention. Qlobe Land and Investment Co., Omaha, Neb. (16-Mfc9S FOR BAIE Finest bearding hooaa In the city; best location, all furnished; walk ing distance, etc.; cheap. Inquire Hut Karbach Block, Omaha Neb. (18)-238 DRUGS at cut pricee; freight paid on $1 orders catalogue free. BHERMAN ft M CGNNELL tRUQ CO., Omaha. Neb. .- (1 887 FOR BALE About October 1, one 800-gal- lon Worthlngton duplex pump, Size VAX luVixltf. W. H. Brldgea, engineer Omaha Be. (18) M879 HOMEOPATHIC medicine, wholesale and retail. Sherman 4c McConnell Drug Co. (l) 288 BEND US sour mll orders for druri: rreignt paid oft sis. lota. Drug Co, Omaha. Mters-Dillon 0)-4 BHEftWlN WILLIAM8 fO , best mixed paint, Bherman McConnell Drug Co. (1)-3S HALL'S safes, new, 2d-hahL 181 Farnam. (16) wo HAT-4 per tort. Wagnar, P31 N. 16th. - (16)-M7JI SECOND-HAND rubber hos. tools. Blnger, 41B JN. th. tl) 7 THREE fine tool tphsts, fclso butchers' meat block; 3 each. SOt N. 16th. (1M-71 tSx FOR BALE, 60 Vols. History of the World. I tet or BRizac. set of e'harles Reade. 1 set of pumas. 2604 Bherman Ave. (M)"-14 t PATENTS D O. BARNELL, patent kttorney and Inv cnine aesigner, raxion bik. Tel., Ked Till. (17) M907 8U LARSON A CO.-Book . free. Bee- Bldg. Oi-8l PERSONAL TILE ELITE fix: A peats scrub Dams, noom w, Marker block, Utn ana f arnam. new esiaonsnment. (18J-M768 rx THE SALVATION ARMY solicit cast-oft clothing; tn ract, anything you do not need. We collect, repair and sell, at 114 N. lltli Bt., for c6st of eollctlrtK, Id the worthy poor. Call 'phone Doug. 4133 and wagon win can. U) u OMAHA Steam Past CO.; manufacturer mire flour paste, sag Cuming. Telephone UOUglBS INll t (IJ) MS. IOUNO WOMEN coming to Onikha ai trahgers are invited to visit the Young Vfomen Christian Association rooms, lohl farnatn itreet, where' they will b di rected ta suitable boarding places or avnerwise assisted. 118) 914 A COMPU3XION eatin smooth ahd fair given by batln Skin powder. Four tint. 0)- I.ADY BKlI4Eb IN BCIENCH OF MAS SAGE, and stranger in umaha, pes I res patron; scrub bath, manicure and chir opody, 1524 Dodge St., corner 18th, oppo site f. u. - tia; eat ax MAONETIO 0ll8-y hd Massage, Room i 1204 f arham Bt.,' td floor. . 11K) Mim s E8 OMAHA Stammerers' lniUtute. Rathe tu's. - i)m SEWING machines rented; Neb. Cycle Co., mm anv narney. -none uouglaa FBW bargains In Id-haod soda fountains. monthly payments. Perlght, 1818 Parnani. (16) 394 ECREMAVabablutely Cured by W. A. Paxton saive. d. j, ecanian, agi., tti wara blk. - (18) M938 BYRtNGfcS, rubber goods, by mailt cut Sncea. oena tor irce catalogue. Myers lllon Drug Co., Omaha. rj8) V PRIVATE CONFINEMENT? HOME Mrs. Dr. King, 1320 N. 24th St. Tel. Web. 3569. 1 (18)-SS7 MAGNETIClKtt"1;",?,1?""! -- Cl& 860 REAL ESTATE REAL. KTATE DBALEltl, RUSSELL tt M KITRICK CO., (88 Rkmg. W. H. TVRRELL, II Patterson Blk. Doug. 112. . 'a . (1D-199 PAYNS tNV. CO., 1st floor N. T. L. Doug. 17B1. a)-400 R. C. PETERS V CO.. Be Bldg. . (19) 401 tl, tT. BUNNELL CO., 83 N T. Life. Deualas S14. , 08) 401 U LE " - A-m.i: - - ALFRED C. KENNEDY. First Nafl Bank Bldgi 'Phone Douglas TU. (1) 403 ti i it i : ' -- nnnnnl: A mwkvY. taoi Farnam. Tel. Douglas Hi. 09-4M C. tt. RICH, lth Lbaustl fl. Web. 1471 '', ' (1-T Jt CITY PROPERTY rOR" BAtBl T A BARGAIN .IN ACREAGE Three acre 1A fruit, sltaW bertle( Irkpes, - elc, V with house of' sl robrtia, (two unflhlihed). at d and Fort Sl. Tak Ame Ave, car ta. .. within a fw blocks. Price $f,loa - FOR A NICE HOME Six rooms, modern except furrsee, cemented cellar un der entire house. Permanent walks... House only en year -old. Rents for $278 per year. Price $2,900. O. C. OLSEN ' 8.' E. Cor. 14th and Dodge. (19)8S9 ft MONEY MAKERS FOR INVESTORS Bia new modern i and 4 rsoM cottaaea ust completed. Must b told at onee. 14 per cent, net guaranteed on your money. fave. ins at onoe. Ueo. Holme. tu7 Prown Uiock. . - (I8)-M188e8 . SIX ROOMS, $1,800 . North part of btty, near ear. partially modern; In fine locality; good lot: perma nent walk ami pared atfert. You had bet ter look it up. A good home. V WALLACE. Brown, Blk. Doug. 19a0. 09W-M188 ' "WANTED IMMEDIATELY I have rash buyers for a few 'good cot tages; must be well located and worth the uiorw) . W. S. FRANK, Neville Blk. Tel. Dug. 3i . . 19) 151 J8 THE KERR ABSTRACT CO.'S AB BlRXCTii.nK TITLE r tl aaf-tt. vu ore prtitected by j '"'l imnd eginnt Ices la- errors. Tou don'f btiy i-nri.i .urn . u i'u m r-rr a11!,. . lilt Harney. Tel. Duuglaa T. yt- REAL ESTATE CITY FROPRRTY roR feAtal tCvtitlhued.) LISTEN! While I tellyoa f sAm fine, bargains. then look at theee before vou buv: t1,0"0- Swell a-rocm, new hmie at 2ith and tinnney; not water heat; reduced Satur day from 83, ISO. $1,7004 rooms, on beautiful Manderson Bt., iuM west of 84th. all modern; price. wa 3,009, but rash will take It at this price. tl,7TiO Dandy S-room. fart modern house on iai, near atanaeraon. IJ.flno take! nice f-room modern home oil timmet, near I4tn car. Five hew cottage Tot sale on fhsv py ments. If your finances are under tne hill and you want to ret over tha hill Just buy on of these properties of UNDERBILL, Phone Webster 15. Office S3M N. 14th. (i9)-jSmn nx I'ROOM eottagp SfH Pofpleton Ave., on block rrom new South 4in Bt. car line; water, sewer, gas, cement sidewalk, per manent curb and asphalt paving, all paid fort unusually tare lot, ao-fl. front, 10 ft. deep; room on lot for t large houses; lot high arid sightly; a freat bargain; 12,500. Apoly to owner, tVllllanv A. L)e Bord, 620 First Natlbnal Bank Bldg. (19)-M17S tl Big Bargain Small Home car two .blpcke, CLIFTOr HIlA. neigh borhood. In very fair condition; very cheap, tl.4no. ' . . - WAubAUCji wrown BIK. Doug; 1950. . . Ol)-tal8 rt Why Pay Rent? Or try to suppof t f a Home in the City ( Buy five or th afcl-ea . In ttKtBTONE PARK, where you will have all the ad vantages of the elty and still live in the country. Build a neat little home, put but some fruit, etc. and in ft few year you will tiavg 1 beautiful, health mi home, and one, at the same time, that . will go -a long way toward supporting yourself and family. Drive out and see this I a till Ml tiac. Therb la only bhk keystonb FARtc. It tl oh Military . Ave., one mil weet of Benson. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO,, . tflrtt frlocr New York Llti Bldf.. Tel. Douglas 1781. D. V. SHOLES COMPANY, 110 Board of trade Bldg., ' ' Tel. Douglas 4S. (19)-7S8 2 SPECIAL BARGAINS . Two houses, T and rooms, corner 29th and Charles 8tft., both $2,830. 8615 Howard Bt., T rooms, modern, food repair. z,owji 8418 Blondo Bt., nlcb he odltage, medern, $1M). , 1619 Doeust St., rooms, modern, $5,864. W. T, GRAHAM. BEE BLDG. - (l9)-153fc $7.JGD;HOICB Investment, 621 and ? uoutn ntn at.-, g roomi, an modern, well built house, renting for 8Ho. Inqulra owner, w. r. lorenaen, zni b. zotn Bt. til) 149 28X TTBAIi BBTATB TITLB-TRUST fYY HD-408 FOB kAt .tl. E1eant 10-room residence, taCW knd rn08- ern throughout, large grounds hear upper Farnam motor una. uuica possession, Price, $13,600. HICKS REAL ESTATB CO.,' 439 Board of Trade Building. , OB)-H08i H U LOTS In Halcyon Heights. Benson, lying well; cios to car line; zu minute ride to Omaha. - Will jell altogether or In bunchea of five. For pricee and term address tl h, ear sea. tij-U7 M ACRbB Uhimpfoved, 10 cre cultivated. balance, grave wttn good son. well lo cated, eaay terms; $3,700. A. T. Beybolt, bll urana ave., pnone vveoster iBio. tlD-Trt WHEN YOtT wrW to advertiser remem ber it taaea nut an extra stroke or twa of the pen to mention the fact that you aw tn a in in uee. A BARGAIN 10-room house; modern; finest loeatlort lit elty l Darn, laundry, clatern; owner going west) easy terms. i MRS. GARDNER, 4018 Cuming Bt. - fJlJ-TTf coRNfia LOT. 75x100 ft., four ilvin ennm. rtove inn two rnirnges, rents for tSI:60 per montn, pn car una and paved. Price, $3,790 If sold by September 1. A. W. ANDERSON, 2830 Capitol Ave. Tel. . Harney sow. (18 101 tlx Also 2107 Chicago, high lot, on block from hign icnooi; oia cottage in rear, price, $2,400', assessed at $8,500. Frank crawford. 931 N. Y. Lira Bldg. Tel. Douglas 2397. (18)-MKS 17 $J,W. ISOl-lEOa South th St.. Corner lot. 80x141 feet! two cottage; rent 888 per month: room lor two mure cottage sf Sat. Easy irrm THOMAS BRENNAN. Room 1. -New York Life Blag. 'Fhcn Dbuglaa 134. C9)-S LIST Your property with Chrla Beyer, ta and cuming Bta. n) 7l BOUTfl front lot, two blorka from ear; sewer, water, gas, permanent Walk, $3, on payment of $1U per month. Tel. Vebtter 211 (191-771 RENT A MODERN HOME. I large rooms, all modern, brand hW house, attic and basement beside, sit bated la a flrst-clasa neighborhood. Call at once, as this must be rented at one. REAM A CO., t8t Paatdri ' Block. (191-157 98 CLOSE IN CORNER A Rare Opportunity GENUINE GOOD VALUE A complete, compact, well built, 9-room modern house in Al condition. 2701 DODGE Uaxe juat ten days to sell It and give possession. Inse no time. Will rent Sep tember a ir not soia at hi w a month. WILLIAM FLEMING, Sola Agent, Bl South 18th. - - Tel. Douglas 179. (18)-M1 f7 H'lltlt ysni wrft lo adver-r remembe It takes bn n extra strike ar two nt the -n 'o mer:mn the fact tuat yea saw ia aa w ill REAL ESTATE , FARM AND HAN CHI, AND fOR SALM. - - Clrd. . BE VERAL LARGE TttACTS bt FARM LAND . -in. COLORADO, KEAtt DENVER fdf Cordnizfttton rurpoSfis. Spe cial Trices aM Terms td Land Men. W. l SI1ELT0N LAND AGENCY, Sellers of good land, cheap. Dept. A. 318 Soi 15tli Bt.t . .Omaha, Neb. ()M87 81 0S0-acre ranch, with full water Hfcht, la beautiful Ban Luis Valley; beat place In the world to raise cattle, sheep and hof! price. $15.00 per acre: first crop often pays for land-. Tha Pemd Realty A Loan Co.i Colorado Springs, Colo. (20) M759 80 iVaaaaa. WANTED Aieht to represent Us fc lh sal of our Kansas land. VTHte for pat' tlculara. Globe Land and Investment CO., Omaha, Neb. (80) 411 . Saatai Dakwtmk , i OPENING LOWER BjRUIJ? . REftERVA TION IN BOUTH DAKOTA. Parties wishing full Information aa to the cnaracter or tne land, how to reach It and ho to take part la the drawing In October, also Information In relatlirt to the opening of Tripp Co., In the Rose bud reservation, ran aerure Same bt bending $1 to Charles H. Burke, Pierre, B. D., formerly member of congress and author of the fawwr Brule and Roaebud legislation. - (20) M745 B2S WAN.TEIJi-10o men to buy chean deeded land, reltnnulahments or cltv nronertv tf , Btanley Co., B. D.; good soil, water ahd nmoer; corresponnence solicited. Ray Bowerman, Real Estate Broker, Kadoka, IX yiot Ml 2k TRIPP COUNTY 6PteNtNQ-For full pa?- Ab.;ci,co.rt)aisl re7 ",na ,ntt .. (20) M761A29 .; , fitbifesfcA. , . FiRBf -CLASS Nebraska farm and ranches' xor nomea or investment, Bernl Omaha. . . . (B0)-41il . ' Texa. tAf la i iwh Choice land In the Gulf country of Texas. Just closed contract f or , i(Vtt0 acres fine farm and. garden, land Agent .wanted In every cuuntjr in. Nebrskk ahd Iowa. We juii noiei car to xexas every two weeks. Next excursion Bent. 8. Call or address: TEXAS LAND fc IMMIGRATION CO., nw iee tiiag. (20)-M986 l7 MUcellaneoua WB HAVE kn orgahlied .bddy of local -' -in inwa, Missouri, Kansas and Nebraska, and we can el your home, stocks of goods, roomlnfe houses, hotel or ahy Other property. ( ELrHVRALLf0mdfcb.. Of Bee Builditit. " .. . . (20)-D74 27 . REAL ESTATE LOANS LOWEST RATElSBemls, Paxton Block. (88)-421 WANTED City loans. R. C. Peter ft Co, (ZD 422 LOANS on Improved elty property, W. H. i nomas, sub irsi national Bank Bldg. (22) 414 $1,000,000 to LOAN on business and reel- uene pivj-Tn-in vnmna; lowest rates; no delay. Thomas BreAHan, Ropm 1. N. T. Ufa. , ... (22)-4l$ itONEY td loan orV Improved City Property or rni lanae in eastern nenrsaaaV W. J. Dermody Jhvestment Co., 838 HJ. L. LOANS 6ft Imbfoved' Omaha O'Keen R. B. Co., 1001 N. Y. Life Bltig. . , . (229813 WANTEDMJtty tsahs thd wafraftts. w. Carnam Bmitli ft Co., 1320 Farnam Bt t3S l? $509 TO $50,000 TO LOAN at lowest rale! a oeiay. uarvin BROS., 16 FARNAM. (23) US PRIVATE MONEY'-r. D. Wead, 153) Dougi (8Z)-419 MONEY TO LOAN-Payn Investment Co. ' v () 42 126,660 PRIVATE money to loan; no d lay. j. tt. tsnerwooo, 7 N. Y. L. Bi ig. - . t ... ... (21) M40II1 , REAL ESTATE WANTED ABOUT 10 Acre Improved, near small town in eastern Nebraska. Address W 154, Be., ' (23)-M175 f8 WANTEDTO BORROW wihrtn tr hnRwrtiw $1,000 to enlarge good paylHg bultnak with pnvnege to reduce loan yearly. au dress W Ti, Pee.. WANTED TO BUY CARD CABINET Of 18 t K afawart f6f card 8xt inches; .state pries; must j aheap. Addfeas Ii 882, BRA (2C)-U CASH paid fr No. ieth BL Tel. Red noes, etc. mm 8828, , U6)-Z18 cash paid for aid hooks, crane-Toy Co., 811 B. Htni j'iiune uougi" mi. ts) ii .WANTED.T0 RENT WANTED By a beat bojf, Willi reference, board and room .in a privat lamuyi will help around house if desned; pleaaS state what' board and room bill win be. Addres Y 9W, Boe. (26I-M781 80a WANTED Refined ydilng- Ikdy as room mate; all modern conveniences, zie n. 17th St. .(26)-M590 17X TWO nicely furnlShed rooms for .light housekeeping in good neigiiDornonu. o dress J 48, Bee. (10)-M48 31 WANTED Addresses of private famlllS that win Doara ana room moy iiuurm. at 84.00 per week Boyle College. (2 M97t Tel. Doug. 1984. WANTEDSITUATION WANTED POSITION li Years' experience bookkeeping ana oii'te ur in reai csiaie, department store, lumber, grain and mill, in. K. R. Pease, Fremont, NeU. (2:j-M189 EXPERIENCED, honest Japanese boy want a positiob 84 a cook in family. AJdress, CharUa Kawal, Vii So. 9th bt. (2D-M73S JOx WANTED By middle-agud lady, position as housekeeper, Wiivr there are no chil dren I referenoea exchanged; no call answered. Mrs. A. M., 713 Pacific Bt. iZlt M170 it YOUNQMArf, who 1 now and for past fir years has been a mail carrier, wants po siUoa of trust where honesty, ability and Integrity Will be recognised and rewarded. Address. K 78, Bee, 17) 611 K) WANTED la same town br tw ladles, positions as office clerk and trimmer Ad dress 180, EHuactIa. (l'7)-Sli9 Six POSITION by colored man a porter er waiter, a janitor, Ho. I reference. Address 1918 laard. 17J-814 87x YOUNQ man, 82. wlahea position as col lector Or other outside work; beet refer ences. What have youT Address B 89, Be. (?7j-70Sa EXPERlENfED -office man want small Set of books to keep; all or part time. Addreaa E 141, Bee. 17 ) 11949 tlx WANTED-Hlltaatlon by two young ladle (sisters). Violinist and pianist; four years' experience in orchestra work and good sight play eis. Address Y IM. care Ht-e. t7j-M7 SS COUNCIL BLUFFS CHURCHMEN ' FOLLOW FAIR kethotliit Conference Contend Kon- dty, fetptttaber Ninth. ntomnm ken to AttESa Vleltla Prearher Will Oeeapy Mar of tka . Plytt bt the Cl(yv the saAaar Taey Ara her. Tb wee foltowlh the street fair Shi carnival) with Its attendant- good road! oanventlon, Courtcll Bluffs will b the scena of a gathering of a tar 4lffernl character. The forty-eighth annual ebh terence of the lies Moines district I the Methodist Episcopal church will open Mon day, September 9. and continue over Sun day, September A. The conference will bring to Council Bluffs not only proall neht men of the denomination In this state, but men' 6t hole from blher parts of the country will be Irt attendance Sfid tak part In the program. Among the prbmtne'nV bhufchmftft who will Speak before thb cbhrerebce art Rv. William A. Quayle, D. D.. pastor of Bt James' church, Chicago; Rev. H. K. Car roll, D. b., of New York City! Rev. 3. B. Trimble, D. D., of Kansas City; Bishop banlel Ayeis Ooodsell of Boston, who will preside over Ihe conference; Dr. Charles M. Boewell of, Philadelphia and other bt lesSer hote. Tha VIsltlhK minister will hit th ptllpUS of several ht the local churches on Buh flay, the closing dy of the conferene. The following are th appointments made so far: ... First Cbngreiallonol - Mofiilht. C. L! Flferi evening, A. M. Bhea. y. Flrat Presbyterian Momihg, Rev. fi MpK. Btuart forhier pastor of Broadway) evening C. L. Ky. first Baptlet-Momlng, KAlhah Evans; eJhintf, Victor Wl. Becohd Presbyterian Morning, E. W. Fi ReQtla; evening, C. C. Bmlth. Trinity Methodist Episcopal Evening, Rev. Dr. Edmund M: Mills. Fifth Avenue, Methodist Episcopal j Evening. Rev. Dr. S. K. Carroll, . Eporth Methodlst-Bvhlhf, d. Augus tus Jones. ' . During the entire conference services will ba held dally bn th street, br. Bush lnlrhsm of Chrchtb hd RSv. S. Augustus Jones Will have charge bf the corps of street preacher, , At the evening session on Wedneedsr Congressman Walter I. Smith will deliver ah address of Welcome. The conference proper win not unt Wednesday morning, the two previous days being oc cupied with preliminaries, such as the ex amination ' of students and reception of dekirates. Program 6 file Wett. This Is trie Complete plfhsVVShi! MONDAY, SEPTEMBER a. 12:00 to 6:00 Examination of ministerial students. doa-Leeiiire. rsv, Dr. w, M. Fsieh, d. P"i y",Tln' Hrh lnplf' "The Problems and Methods of the Methodist Mlnlstry.'l TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 10. Reeentlon of dolegate and examlhation bf minlsleHSl Ithdents. IrtJO-iAhnufcl lecture by Rev. WlllHtm A. 8uayle D. D., Chicago; topio, "Sydney arton. WEDNEBDAT,. SEPTEMBER 11. 8:30 Opening of the conference by the ad ministering of the Lord's supper. :0-Openlng of tha first business Ses sion). . 7 Jir45-Aaourhmrlt. , 2:S0 Anniversary of the Iowa Anti-8a. loon league: address by Ret. W. C. Bar ber. Des Molnts, 4:00-Evangelistle meeting, led by ReV. J. Pi BrushlnghSfti, Chicago. . 7:30 Address of welcome by Hon, Walter 1. Bmlth. 8:00 Anniversary of Preachers' Aid S6 Jlety, Rev. Benjamin Bhjnn presiding: sd dress by General Jamea B. weaver, ColfaJt, THURSbAYi BEPTEMBfeR 11 , . 8. SO Devotional service, led by Rev. HcK. Btuart. 9:00 Conference business session, Includ ing selection of delegates to the general conference. l'lM Anlvrr rtt thm tt'MnM'l ttnntA ttisstohary Sodlety. Mrs, A. li Btorhis of Ame nrestdlnr: address oy ReV. W. M. Frye, p. D.. Trenton, N. t 4:oo Evangelistic services, Rev, t. P Brusningnam, unioago. 7:80 Musical program. 8:00 Anniversary of the Educational a rlety, Rev. W. E. Hamlltoh, Indlanola, pre siding; addreas by Rev. Dr. Edmund M. Mill. D. D., Cincinnati; topic, "Christian Education." FRIDAY, BEPTEttBEIl IS. 10:90 Lay electoral conference bf th DeS Moines annual conference at the Fifth kVenue ehureh. i 8:80 Devotional service, led by Rev. E. T, Hagerman. 9:00 Conferehce business seSalon.. 10:80 Address by the Bishop to the CIS8S fbf admission to conference. 9:00 Anniversary of the Women's Foreign Missionary society, Mrs. Flora B. Dudley presiding! addresses by Miss Irfiura Boben house, Allgarhi India, and Miss Kate tig. Burn, Nan Chang, China. 4:00 Evangellctlo service. Rev. Dr. J. P, Bruehlngham. . t (HI U ,,.1.1 b,nb.,U, 8:0O-.Anniversary of Slmpsoh College,. etti erai college rauy. SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 14. 8:StvDevotlonal Service, led by Rev. T, B. Thuresson. . , 9:00-Cohference business session. 10:90 Interconferfnee greetings. (Mio Conference buslhes sesrinta. 8:00 Women's reception at the home 6f Mrs. a. B. urimtn, upper Broadway. 4:00 Evangelistic service, br, Bfuahlhg ham, Chicago. ' 8:00 Anniversary bf Foreign Missionary Society. Rev. W. M. Dudley, Jlarlan,, pre siding; aanresses ny itev. tr. ii. h. t arron New York Ulty, ana ttev. ur. i Kansas City. B. Trimble, SUNDAY. SEPTEMBER 18. Conference love feast, led by Rev. J. H. Benseney, former paster of Broadway church. 10:80 Sermon by Rev. Bishop Dsnlul Aver Oaodtell, D. On Boston. 1:00 to 4:00 Closing evanselistlc Service. Rev, Dr. Brushlnghami young peoples service. 8:00-Ahhlvere&ry bt Home Missionary so ciety, Rev. fi. T. Hagurman, pastor of F'.rkt church. Lies Moines, uresuilna: ad dre"S, Rev. br. Charles - RoaWell, .- b Philadelphia; toplc "Americanism. Don't neglect the Children eyes. All children attending School should have their eye examined by ah expert, and corrected If necessary. Consult our eye specialist pr. J. W. Terry, about youf eyes. - Consul tation Is free. LEFFERT'S careful opticians, 809 Broad way, Council Bluffs, la. stilt at Sw Over Bridge. "I am of th opinion tiiat It would b best for the city council to adopt definite plans and specification for th concrete bridges proposed td be placed ever Indian creek at Frank and North Elfhth streets CITY. SCAVENGERS Horse and cattle hauled free of lutrge. Garbage, 8hea, raanur and all rubbish; clean vaults and es ponls. All work done Is guaranteed. r 1 1 ..AiMhll. at.n.. .( .n prompt iy at tepaeii ladt Bas 183S T. 1 9j m laisiooi m oiaaosi. WANTED SITUATIONS (Continued.) YOUNG ms,n Want plSe ( work for board while attending School. Bujrles colleir. Tel. Douglas 1984. (fl-MlOl WANTCn-PesHtloa a clerk Id " general nierrhanrti store; fifteen rears' experi ence; best 2 rettreoves. Boh 9, Swanton, Neb. , (li-at-lU tux is ask aak , I MP A aoarte- M rTiothtf ihald fee danwf ifieident ft the tdehl frtakrt u lirttifrfpMrbh bhe f Mttthtr's Priend the nly femedy wKlch relieve women of tl psin And danger tf ftiHernity ; thU hour which it dreaded a. fterervst trial is hot hljr Wade bAiritefn fetlt all th daritfrf i ttoided vv lie uc. xnusc wno use mis remeay are no longer despondent or fcfobhlyi rterrousnes. bausea and othef dtstresirtn tollditiohs rt) Vrttme, the tysterrt i rnlde rehdy fdf this toWing event, and the) serious accidents so common to the critical houf aft bviired by the tile of Mother's ft ft wIr, Friend. -It U its weight In gold." L J JlMgiP ayi many whe have Used it. $ per f j Vflitifl 0 bottle kt drtt itores, feook tontaininkr Ylltiible information of interest td b sent td itty address free upon DRADnaO RCQULATOR 00.. t in ,1 i. a -i In i.hii and then advertise for bids," said Council man ' Maloney bh his return from Des Moines, where h went with CWuncllmeh Younkerman and Bmfth and City Engineer E.tnyre' td Inspect a bridge constructed by tha M. w. star company of that eity. The bridge, the compnny stated. Is similar to the bhea It proposed Sultlng up her, according to. Its bid. The committee'. Which "arrived home ShArtiy arte midnight Bsturdsy, appears td be divided as to the Suitability of the bridge for Indian creek.. Some doubt as to the bridge being of sufficient site and-capacity for thi r-ity exists In the ,tnlhdS of Stems . bt tne Committer, while City En gineer Etnyre expressed the opinion that a Bridge on somewhSt Slml ar lines but larger might fill the bill. If thS dimensions of tne bridge were Increased, naturally the M. W. Stark company would raise their bid hccbrdlnW, The council Is slated to meet In committee 6t the Whole Wednesday afternoon, at which time the nnlclala Wo went to bee Molhea probably Will make a report. Matters la District Court. The September tertrt of district court will be convened Tuesday by Judge N. W. Macy., ThS dofket la the larreSt IM Ihe history of th Fifteenth judicial district hd Is due td the fact that nearly 1,000 cake Irt which the. Portland Gold Mining company appealed from the assessment bf ihfe Individual stockholder for taxation In Pottawattamie county are listed, but Will not comfc up for trial at this term. Evert Without the Portland cases, the docket Is kh unusually heavy one. The grand Jury will be Imoaneled Tues day and Its deliberations will. It Is expected, keep It in SeSsion for at least tWo waekt. There br a large number of cases to be Brought before" the grand Jury this term. Shd with' th probable Indictments . the criminal calendar thla term will be con siderably heavier than usnai, as there are bv!?r seventy cases carried over from the Mkr6h term. Thrkb comprise the grand jury! John Rrtllger, Roomer; Lewis Shield. Norwalk:.V. Currlce, Crescent; Morris Hough, Haxel Dell; James, O'Neal. Kane; F. W. Beck, Lewis; Nick Klrsch, Keg Cfeek; George W. Crpssley.. Garner; J.. R Wllmhtt. Noiai Uriah McLeah, York; W. M. Perkins, Rbckford; J. A. Brbckman, Silver Creek. Judge Macy has announced that he will adjourn court tor the carnival wee knd reconvene It Monday, September 9. The petit Jury Is summoned to appear Monday, September 18. ' t Old Settlers' Reunion Postponed. the annual reunion of the Old Bettlers' association of Mills, Fremont and Potta Wktlamle" ' oountles. which wa to haVa beea held Thursday bf this Week at Lake ttanawa, ha been postponed until carnival Week and th gathering will take plc Friday, September 6. within the street fair and carnival enclosure, according to pres ent plan. ' . The committee bh arrangement consists bf Rev. Henry De Long, president of the Sssdclatlon; Dr. B. D. Tohey and Attorney Frank Bhlnrt of Carson. City Clerk W. F. Bapp Is secretary bf the association. While the program ha not been completed. It ha been decided to have at least one prom inent BpeSkef hd brief talk! bl some of the leading member. Vlth the added at traction of the street fair and carnlvah a large attendance IS looked for. Thts will be th twentieth annual reunion bf th old settlers of the three counties, th association having been organised t a meeting held In Macedonia twehfy year ago. The late B. F. Clayton of this city Was the first president. MINOR MHNTIOBf. bSVIS, druitii. . ' V ' Btbbkert Sell carpets. Ed Rogers' Tony Faust beer. Bee Schrnldl's elegant hew photos. BUY BORWICK'B PURE PAINTS. ' PETERSEN BCIIOENING SELL RUGS Lewis Cutler, funeral director, 'phoh 97, Wbbdrlng Urtdertaklhg Company, Tel. 989, Pleture framifiS. C, B. Alexander, 889 B'Wy: IT ONLY COSTS A TWO CENT STAMP fO OKT HAFER'S PRICBB, COUNCIL BLUFFS, IA. FALL TERM Of WEHTERH IOWA COLLEGE OPENS AUGb'ST 9. BEND FOR CATALOGUE. The Misses Amahdh Shd Cora Buckman WIU leave today for New York, Where they will make their home. - . E. A. Brewer, Who has beer) a guest at. th H. H. Van Brunt home, lert laat even Ihg for his home In Cortland, M. V. BUDWEISER BOTTLED BEER .IB SEnVED ONLY AT FIRST-CLASS BARS AND CAFES. L. ROSEN FELD CO., AgtS. . WH WILL DELIVER ALL 8IZKS OK HARD COAL DURING AUGUST FOR 110 A TON. WM, WELSH. 18 N. MAIN ST. PHONES 13. Mr. and Mrs. Cohrnd W. Bork. formerly bf this city, now of Newton, la., are par ents of twin boys, born Friday of last Week. MISS Nora Brown, daughter of Captain and Mrs, t. i. Brown of this city, failed )8st .week from New Turk for a tour bf Europe. George II. Carter, who submitted ta an operation at th F.dmundson Meniorlsl ho- fltal for a minor ailment, IS rapidly cort-alesclna-. W. M. Dachterler. 619 East Broadway. IS Suffering from a stroke of paralysis Owing tp his extreme age, nia recovery is con sidered doubtful. The members of the Odd Fellnw and Ret bekah lodge are making efaburSte prepa rations for their annual picnic, which they Will hold Wednesday afternoon and evening at rairmount park. Tha West Council Bluffs Improvement flub will entertain with a ball at its flub house TtidrSdaV evening Ui eeleUrattuh uf the laying of the new hard maple lloor In the large hull. The wives of the members will serve refreshments. TtiA mMfltlmm,., m..lfnf nf I It o Mfnanlirl Valley Medical Society IS Scheduled for this CJty ty during carnival week, hut up to -date Dr. Oliarles Wood liaasetl, secretary of the association, has not announced the pro gram. County Surveyor Mayne, who Is enjrlheer lh charge of the construction of the Pigeon creek drainage ditch, aays the dredge work frobubly will be completed within the next wo weeks. Blnce the heavy rains the dredge has been making rapid progress. If. C: fourtrlgbt. a prominent road builder of Monona county, will bring hi entire building outfit to the good road convention in this city. The entire outnt, complete to the Smallest detail. Including Free from Alcohol Wsfcave Rtety mrttfiet' rili i great dread of the pain and darigef aUendimt upon UUUUUy the most cHtlcsl period tf hef life. Hetoinintt )oy to but th tirTertrttf; 4hi mi serf. the great Woman's all Women, will application to AUantm. Oa. r- inlii' , i, ,r tents for the men and horses, conk tehl, etc.. will he brought here. . H. M. McCaskrln, ah attorney, ud Albert E, Wrlxon, a dentist, holh of Rock Island. III., started from Council Bluffs yesterday morning to make the trip to Illinois on horseback. They purchased tHeir mounta Saturday In Smith tanahs. They expect to take their time on Ihe trip, Ss they hsve hot set any partlculsr date for reaching home-. . Mr. snd Mr. T. N. iMerseh and family SVe expected ti reach home rthnut Septem ber 1 from Germany. Acinrdlnit to th latest advices received here frmrt thftn thej expected to sail Thursday of last week. They will be accompanied by Mrs. George Bherer and Son, wluvwltl Jrtln Mr. Bhsrcr, head bookkeeper for Petersen eV Bchnen,lrtg. who preceded his family to this country about four yeara ago. Mr. Bherer end his family will mako their home at 63t. Bluff street. , Rev. MarcuS P. MrClure. pastor of th First Presbyterian church, Is the ortly representative from Council Bluffs on tha program of the Stale convention of tha Young People's poctety of Christian En deavor to he held at Waterloo on Beptem- fier 8 to 8. He Is booked for an address he second nay of the convention on "Jvy of Finding the Lost.'" Miss Marv McPher rln bt OSklhhd Slso represents Pottawatta mie colinty on the program. It is expertea that Council BlultS and Pottawattamie county Will be represented by a good slsed delegation at the convention. Guard Your !: ealgh t. Tin Hr take rlmirt of hvlh vnttS eyes ruihed by some ihcompetent. I am ah eyesight expert. I am the only optomet rist Ahd havq the bhly manufacturing lehS grinder lh southwestern Iowa, Consult rflS and be sure of an accurate fit. DR. W. W. MAGARRELL; 1ft Pearl St. Big bargains In second-hand cook stdvftg and ranges.- Petersen tk Bchoenlhg Co. the edol eVenlngs cah be ehjoyed oettet by taking a ride In the country behind dfis bf dlir fine dflvlrtt tearhS. Carriages Sl ways ready. Grahd tiivery, Phonel fri J. E. and Elmer E. Mlnnlek, proprietor. t'riholsteriaa. George W. klcin, ii Bituth Maid street. Thones: Ind T10; Bell, B4S. Wanted, at once, firet-clasS tov mkft, Petersen A Bchoenlng. One hundred girls who wish to work dttr In tha fall and winter cart flhd pleasSht and profitable employment at th candy factory of John O. Woodward & Co. Vrt employ girl both on time ahd piece Wot. Wanted, at ence, flrst-clasa stove mln, Petersen ft ' Bchoenlhg. , N. T. Pltimbinft Cd. Tel. 280. Night. L eii Fall decorating- has commenced. Th largest stork of pictures knd the best pic ture framing can- be found at Borwick's. 11 South Main street. Tee bream flavored- With pure vabllia; something that Will please you. Puritt Candy KltchPn'64B Broadway. Petersen' ft BChoenlng Sell matting. Wanted, at once, first-class stove mail. Petersen A Bchoenlng. Hafer sells more lumber to tha farmer and stockman than all the others. He haS his big yards at Council niuffS, la. A Shan, five' acre, 'Close in, fine housS, barn, four Seres th frttlt. Will sell cheafl and put Irt the crops. -Possession1 given ht once. Addres D. 8. Kerr, 648 Broadway, Council Bluffs, ftrfth 'phone. r i i few Second-hand book stoves and range. ttlUst be cleared at once. Petersen' Bchoenlng Co. A complete line of the latest pattern and designs In wall paper. Let US flgurt youf Work. Ws tah please yotl bti th price. H. BorWlck, lit South Main. BIG FIRE AT CEDAR FALLS three f the Largest M6r tj th City Ara a Total Lf. CEDAR FALLS, la., Aug. M.-(Speciai Telegram.) One of the most disastrous flfes In tha history bf the city occurred tonight, entailing a loss of over 8100,000. The fire started from art explosion of dyna mite In the hardware store of Theodor Carpenter. The shock of the explosion was felt all over the city. This store and th ones on each Sid of It were almost In stantiy lit flames, and With the building Wr all a total loss. The store conum4 wete the di-y god Is establishment of Deft nlson Brothers, Theodore Carpenter, hard wire, and Willis ft Alexander, clothing, They Were three of ' the handsomest and largest establishment lh Ihe city. Th upper floor of the building were occupied by doctor, dentists, lawyers and Othe? pro fesslonal men. Thef was no Wind, WhteH faet aided the firemen Irt their fight td prevent the fire from spreading to other buildings. The burned building was owned by Mr. R, W. Christian. JAPS INVESTIGATE SHOOTING Report to Washington aa Await tk Reply af t ailed , States. TOltlb, Aug. 86.-11 la reported that tha Investigation made -on the part of Japan concerting th Pribiiolflncldent of Jun 19 show that the Japanese offered no re. slstance Whatever and that th firing by the American guards was unprovoked.. Th Washington government has been notified to that effect and Toklo Is now awaiting a reply, Th pulille Is watching the sfTajr with keen Interest. Bee Want. Ads Ar Business Booster. Tralatnea Ar Killed. PORTSMOUTH.-- Q.f Aug. frl -Conductor Robert Uilrnor and Engineer J. C. Ptirdy were killed and SIX or mure trainmen seri ously Injured In a head-on collision be. iween two Norfolk & Western freight train bear Rarden early today, Putdy's body Is stlli In the Wieckage. men bince Msy, lbvd, Ajrer's barsspsnila has been entirely free from alcohol. If you are in poor health, wak, pal, nervous, asl )oif doctor about takln ibis non-alcoholic tonic and altera five. If ba bat ft better tnedlclne, take bit. Get the best, alwsr. This Is our advice. ae I w mMUk 4h.Armu1. tuf prvptrcltonft. Low-.iI. i T "I"