Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 27, 1907, Page 8, Image 8

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    n TTrP. Hf A TT A niTT V Tipp. rnrrr-dT-. a xt k rriTTf-n
Want - ads
Advertisement Hr tn Treat ad
rnlnmna will he taken aattl IS m. for
I he rrralnt edition and aatll a. m.
for tli moraine aad nnday edltloaa.
Cash mailt accompany all order far
want ad and no adrert laement rrlll
lf nr-rpiril for lea tbaa 10 rent for
tk tint Imrrtloa,
Hates rpply to either Tkr Dally or
nanilar Bee.
.tlnaya con at six word to a line.
Ciimlilnntiona of Initial or namber
roont aa on word.
Insertion, per line, lo reata. Two or
more consecutive Insertion, per line,
S rent. I'nrh Insertion made on odd
ia, lO reata per line. 91.60 per
line per month.
Perth and Faaeral yotlcea. Card of
Thanks aad Lodge Notice, T eeata
per line for one edition, morn In a; or
evening :i reata a line for each nd
illtloaal edition. Bandar 10 eeata a
line. -o ad taken for leaa thaa 30
roar adrrrtlaemeat la Inaerted aader
nnr one of the rlasal drat Ion gflven
below, It will lie charred at tke fol
lowing; rateat One laaertloa, 4 eenta
per linei three to als eonaecntlre In
ker! Ion. : eenta per Una each Inaer
lion aeven or more eonaeeatlro in
lerllnna, 2 eenta per line each Inaer
Hon l0 rrnta per line per month.
lit limit AMD EXCHAISfiK.
Except Aarata, Solicitor and Soles
lorn, Hlrda, Dom aad Feta.
Iloraea and Vehlclea.
Poultry aad Ebb".
Typewriter and Sewlas Maehlaea
Planoa, Orsana and Maalcal Instru.
men (a.
Farnlabed Hooma.
I ufnrnlshed Hooma.
llonackeeplnn; Room,
Hoarding- and Rooraa.
Want Ada for The Bee mar left
at any of the following drag store
one la "roar rorner drna;a-lt" they
ure all branch oruces of The Bee aad
your ad will be Jnaerted Jaat aa
promptly and on the aomo ratea aa at
the main office In The Bee Balldlag,
Seventeenth and Farnam St recta.
Albaoh, W. C, 40th and F&rnam.
Beranck. B. A., 1402 8. 10th St.
Uectit Pharmacy, 720 8. 16th St.
llpnaon 1'harmacy. Benson. Nob.
Bomis Park Pharmacy, 33d and Cumin.
Blake's Pharmacy, MIS Sherman Ave.
Caughlln, C. K., 8th and Pierce Bts.
Clirton Hill Pharmacy, 2213 Military Ave,
Conte. J. B 31st Ave. and Farnam.
Crisscy Pharmacy, 24th and Lake.
Cermak. Kmll, 1264-6 8. 13th St.
Eastman Pharmacy, 4046 Hamilton.
KliU-r, F. H.. 2802 Leavenworth.
Foster & Arnold!, 218 N. 26th St.
Freytag, John J., 1914 N. 24th St.
Florence Drug Co., Florence, Neb.
Goldman Pharmmjy, 20th and Lake.
Green's Pharmacy, corner Park Ave. and
Oreenough. O. A., 1025 8. 10th St.
Greenough, O. A., 1624 8. lotk 8t.
llayden, Wm. C, 2920 Farnam St.
Hanscom park Phar., liul 8. 29th Ave.
Hoist. John. 624 N. 16th Bt.
Hurt, A. L.. 224 Leavenworth St. '
King, H. 8., 2238 Farnam St.
Kountse Place Pharmacy, 3HW N. 24th.
Patrick Drug Co., 1624 N. 24th St.
Lathrop, Chaa. E., 1324 N. 24th St.
Peyton. L. E., 24th and Leavenworth.
. Saratoga Drug Co., 24th and Amea Ave.
Schaefer'a Cut Price Drug Co., 18th and
Bchaefer, August. 2631 N. 16th St.
Schmidt. J. 11., 24th and Cuming Sta.
Storm Pharmacy. 16th and Martha 8ta.
Walnut Hill Pharmacy, 40th and Cuming;.
Walton Pharmacy, 2oth and Grace Sta.
Worth, O. 11., 40th and Hamilton Sts.
McCartney institute
1R02 Farnam St.
Fall term begins September J
Short! and. Typewriting. Bookkeeping
Commercial Law and Penmanship.
to students registering on or before Thura
dnv. August 2.
Day and night sessions.
Call on or telephone Doug. 1070.
Miss E. F. McCartney, Secretary
MO RANI) 8 classes for adulta (entrance
npp. Burwood theater) will reopen on
1 uesday, September I, 8 p. m. Buy you"
ticket on or before opening night and
pay $2 less than regular price. Open aU
day, noon and evening. Private lessons
and stage dancing. Assemblies Wednes
day. Call or phone Douglas 1041
, (i) Mm ssx
BIQN PAINTINQ-8. H. Cole, 13tDoia7
', 1 3U2
THE CITT GARBAGE CO., office 4th and
Leavenworth Sta. Tel. Douglaa 1B87
r (1 W
Births Albert Zlmmat, Thirtieth and Jr
firson. girl; John Thellar. 1 El" ft:
TSUlard llelnsley. Mil Blondo. boy: R.
Bonaocl. 80U South Nineteenth, boy? Rich
, Carl A. Schmidt, 110 8)uth Nineteenth
Sort John l2mVerVltlZ:ihlr Joni."
poy; John A. Murphv, Fort and Thirti.ti.
boy; Klrkcatrlck, 5I Taylot
NeU Hansen. 4615 "North Twenty-fifth avL'
Jiua, girl; Claude Christie, U I North Tw,
U.,nhthfigVr.Hr1' R Wetb' UI
HDSi". N-iN'J? She'Pi Twenty-fourth and
' Uum Umni .l Bherm venua,
foVuli Tnty-venth and Caul
Name and Residence.
Jamea.J. Krajleek, South Omaha...
Mai-y Vacak, Sarpy county
Charles W. Iriah, Omaha
Frances B. Avery, Newburg. Vt ".'
Ita,-., li..,l. c . v. n , "
... M
... ti
... 44
... 36
ovum VTTTUtna . vj
Florence M. Mitchell. South Omaha ju
Jame. F. Mclaughlin. Omaha an
JUibI Q. Livingston, Omaha a
piepnen Drain, Omaha
Itos. Miller, Omaha
Cory Eastman, South Omaha...."
Marie Uraversen, South Omaha.!.'
Jamea F. Mclaughlin. Omaha....
liuiel G. Livingston, Omaha
Stcv.ii Bralh. Omalia
Uose Miller. Omaha .".
Cory Eastman, South Omaha
Mane Graversen. South Omaha...
. n
. 37
. so
. a
. a
. 27
. 25
. 21
SEND for our l!t of second-hand automo
blias. DEH1GHT. UK Farnam. (2)-40a
' FOR SALE Cheap, turn automobiles. In
untr. C. t. Klmbal. Ogden Hotel. Cotia
c.lRl;.ff. Ia t:)-M74 W
TO KXCHANOPT-Patent right on a lawn
wrM'd-r for iimoving dandelions front
yr.Ja A furtun. In this lor th. right
pariy. '.V i'l irsda for stock of hardware
or laanl. r-ol float lora sfnt on request.
A4f. M-M. car be.
yj-MS7 SJ4x
(continued )
; FOR SALR OR EXCHANOE-Tn tracts, to
match anv dal. for hit.-l nr tnnrf ...
aence, mi acrra or rnut anil timber land
In Spokane county, Washington; 20 mile
irnm cny; 2i ncree in fine bearing or
chard; fine spring water; 1 tnllea froir
imiroiin aiauon; land is aunirrurate; no
Incumbrance, price, $10 per acre. Same
kind of land few miles closer to city
sphs ior .i"u per acre. Hon t write If
yon don't mean business. Qlve full par
ticulars In flrot letter. Address P. O. Bog
im, umona, Neo. (3)-M3T Tx
EXCHANOF.P-If rou have cltv nronerlr.
atneka of goods, farm land or property of
any kind to exchange, write for our com
plete Hal. v have properties and lands
in an pans or the country to exchange.
Our lint Is free. Send for It at once.
Olobe Land and Investment Co., 1S22 Far-
nam at.,' Omaha. Neb. 3i
GOOD stock of general merchandise In an
Iowa town of Z.&nn. Will trarie for clear
cheap land. Olobe Land and Investment
, farnam. , tS)-307
NICE runabout for brick work. 004 Wirt.
f3)-770 Kx
CAPITAL wanted to form stock company
to manufacture home-made aaiinage: pro
tected by patent print. Address Q-144,
care nee. (4-M873 31x
FOR SA LK Account sickness, owner will
sell -room brick hotel property, with
complete furnishings. In good town of
a.oco, at a bargain; Immediate possession;
worth investigating; also fully-equipped
dairy farm of 250 acres and 25 cows,
(heap. Address Geo. H. Lennox. Colfax,
Wash. (4) M896 31x
FOR SALE Job printing plant, doing good
business; only three printing plants In
entire city and county; Washington press
and almost enough material for weekly
paper; fine opening for practical printer;
bnrgnln; Investigate. Box 1176, Durango,
Colo. (4) M8!3 31x
FOR BALE SB-room hotel cheap; hustling
town, end of railroad: no competition.
Address J. L. Bourret, Stlckney. S. V.
(4-M127 Six
I KNOW OF a legitimate proposition which
requires 40 a month for a year to de
velop It Into a fortune big enough for
two; I can only spare 120 a month from
my salary and want some man In the
same fix to go In with me; requires no
attention from us for a year; look Into
this the longer I look the better It looks.
For Interview address W 119, care Bee.
(4)-121 27
HOTEL MAN WANTED Dell Rapids, 8.
D. ; 1,600 population, located In beat por
tion of state. Is building 115,000 stone hotel;
company has favorable concessions fo
rive years; needs tenant for term of years
to furnish building and take some stock;
must be good hotel man of good financial
standing and furnish good E.
J. Elliott, secretary, Dell Rapids. 8. D.
(4) Mo tlx.
FOR RENT Store, 23 ft. bv 100 ft., In
brick block, well located In one of the
best county seat towns In northern Iowa,
Address John Galbralth, Algona. Ia.
(4I-M62S 2SX
FOR SALE At a bargain, one of the best
40-room brick hotels In southern Minne
sota, modern In every respect, large lot
and pretty park with property. Will
make price right to anyone wishing to
buy a god paying hotel. Can give best
of reason for selling. Address Y 174,
care of Bee. (4)-M696 X
BETWEEN forty and fifty thousand shares
of the Arizona Gold Mines & Milling Co.'s
stock for sale at 25 cents per share: sold
py M. E. Langley and John J. Wyatt at
75 cents per share; any information. Call
.or write N. F. Anderson, 5811 Walrath St.,
Los Angeles, CaL (4)-M5S S20x
i Xf tl,e 'dest and bent grocery stores
In (lie city; high class meat market in
connection; must bo sold today or to
morrow at any reasonable price offered;
get your order In at once. Douglas fi91.
809 New York Life Building.
Omaha, Neb.
FOR SALE A good paying hotel in Cen
tral Iowa, town of 10 to 12 hundred. 1
railroads; am going Into other business,
w 111 sell building and furniture or fur
niture alono and rent building. Hotel tt
block front depot. If looking for a snap
get buey. Address Y 173. Bee. (4) M641
FOR SALE In Fullerton, Neb., blacksmith
uuauiesa, one set or tools, one 4 H. F.
gasoline engine, new, a good opening
now; easy payments. Address C. R.
btenberg, Indian School, Genoa, Neb.
(4J-M491 H5x
FOR SALE Good Irrigated ranches and
cny property, business opportunities,
general merchandise, bicycle, auto gar
age and Implement business, In the best
town In northern Colorado. F. E. ilakir
& Co., Box 116. Greeley, Colo.
(4 M167 2X
nup in copper property for small In
vestors; will Invest own money with
suitable partners. Address for Interview
S 153, care Bee. (4) M1G0 '.Sx
Do You Wish to Make a Change
ijr ruu nave a farm, home, business or
property mat you wish to sell or ex
change, write us.
,;i ' i ' ' 4)-M18S sept 26
BE8T laundry In the city of Longmont
r io encap; low rent; fine trade;
$1,600 cash will handle It; owner alck and
must change altitude. Call on the Long
mont Realty Co., at Longmont, Colo.
(4)-M7Gl 30x
rPA.BAl,1!50r rnt- oa& tor building,
eu upEinng ror anoiner store in
thriving town. Call or address Helen
Thurston, Daaey, Barnes county, N. D.
(4) M624 2Sx
FIRST CLASS, up-to-date Jewelry stock
locaiea in pest business portion of busl
new district Th. Pond Realty 4
Co., Colorado Springs, Colo.
(4) M758 90s
r?wR.8Ap-Tw "Tdraullo chair barber
...op wun oath tub In connection In
dolph. Neb.. Cedar Co. (4)-M 640 x
'"P?. BALE-First-class blacksmith'
wagon wont business, with tools- 14 to i
received for shoeing and " to for Set?
ting tires. Address Y 1. Bee. (4)1 3U
FP.I. BALE Only meat market In a-norf
w..! M . Wn of 600; 800(1 r'l nd Vest
teet" Farnam"1 r"B F",,n"
Market. Farnam, Neb. (4)-Mfia
ffi and snict invelt g,on- li
Is a bargain. Answer t uu ii"' 11
(4)-ll lx
FOR SALE-19.0110 will buy flrst clssa.
modern. .nm h. nr". cls.
, ""in, .urioi neat, e en
ntereat nn .L,x vrT
win . . -" v vi y uiriu s or
. wx-i. Auumi Jienrv hi Ha
con. U39 1st Nafl Bank Bldg.cVilc.go
ag.. Llilcairo.
t ) M U7 lx
Ti 8ALE-Flhlng game, for fairs; price.
IK); money maker. Call or address O
fechnoor. 8ih Ave.. Council Bluffs? l
(4) M136 lx
LIST your property with us; a. ha v. buy
ers; have property for exchange also.
Jacobson Co.. Kia N. Y. Ufe Bldg
V M" 8 21
THE new town of Rosalie needs a drug
store and phyaician. harness shop, furnl
tur. and Jewelry stores; iuw brick store
room ior rent. Address F. L. I'onk
Rosalie. Neb.
(4) MiT7 37
A BARGAIN Furnishings 20-room (only)
hotel, full of eoo trade.!! th. time; t5
lOuu. Junction point. Address Y 1' care
(Il-UM 86
F?l6AK'"I,ru8 tlcrr- ln Fo" Collins.
Colo., doing aoj.1 bu.lne.,; no agents
Celo"" 117fi- Fort .c"'""i
Qi..l. w"n!'r;.m"i !n aelltng or buying
piopeny. tu n, Y. L. (4)-M) S
WANTED-A partner In hotel and cafe- a
For,tPhi.,ni8hbU,ln?,; open n'ht nd Sky
for tins I have too much to attend
T0hi.n1.".' th"mSl mu" "v .W
casti. This Is a good chance for the ricnt
Miibalik' a n 'l once' Lock Bn
a""""1' D- (4)-M6 Jlx
lnr h '"""'out. S-s-ory brick bulld-
S'1 ''b, '"m'n1, ooa l"-atlan. and
hi.???- .' tn i"Bt '"" towni In Ne
braska; terms td suit nnrh..... . r
cent li
The DEE publishes more Pel'
advertising than any other Western
fitTtitA if itill natr irsa. iA . . A 4l
..w.ww.v... m . trill
(Continued )
ALL KINDS of mining and oil stocks
oougni ana soia according to their value
Omaha Finance Co., 213 N. Y., Life Bldg.
14) S6 S6
l AU un niuuAMK, 411 M l AOL'
WISH to meet gentleman who can Interest
lew people to exieni oi JS.OOO or 6,010.
iou can mint same or more at no eX'
pernio 10 youraeii. Aaaress L 62, Bee.
(4) M271
HOTEL, with furniture, saloon connection
ana oarn; win sen or trade for a farm
in aoumern Aiinneaoia. aox 85, Hudson
(4) M738 30x
lk sale- 1'antoritim in a good tow
doing a good business; no opposition
AQtirrii i ivo cure in. ee.
(4)-Mfi 29
DRUG stores for sale everywhere. F V
t - i . -r - r v . . . .
tvi it. a. x.iiv, umina, (4) 310
GROCERT and meat market for sale; will
invoice ana give gooa aiscount. 2227 W,
uroaaway, io. uiurcs, (4) M576 27x
list your property with us. Berka A. Co.
vm n . i. juue. (4) nl$
I15.a tHAKLK BUM NELL," K22 N. T
e- km. uoug. mis, , (4 M96S
TO BUY or sell any business or real es
laie, can on or write E. U. Gangestad,
tvo dm Liiug. (4 3ia
FOR SALE Drug store; good for doctor.
Auuress do m, Asniey, wo.
(4)-M740 30x
25,000 WORTH of men a clothing to ox
cnange ior gooa larm land. Clarence
ici.Rincyrr, Lincoln, iNeo. (f M132 28x
RENT Ritchie's hall. South Omaha; second
noor; no posts; wixsu; long lease. A. G,
micnie, i.v a. loin nt., umtnt. (4) 668
LADT In rooming house business wishes
partner wun capital. Address M 114. Bee,
(4)-724 29x
ROOMING houses for sale.
all sizes,
Gangestad, 4C2 Bee Bldg.
uaikvhx ror sale or rent; Is a good
nuns iui r-Apt-nenceu paniea. jas. Halre,
Aioion, ei. (4) M840 Six
NO PUBLICITY In selling your business.
k.. j. lainain, yui is. I. L. Bldg., Omaha,
(4) lo 826
I HAVE the best monev nnVlnr nmnnii.
tion In the state for a reliable man with
a few hundred dollars; Investigate. Room
oi, mcrcnanis Motel. (4) J5 28x
PARTLY furnished house full of room
ers; fine location; -will sell furniture If
oiu m once. Aaaress u 161, Bee.
. (4) 140 lx
SALES made on Mdse., Jewelry, household
suoaa. nve siock, farm Implements, etc.
swiKii e lyren, uougias, umana.
(o) M5S1
Bar Iron and Steel.
The Pennsylvania Iron and Steel Co.,
Omaha. Neh .
Sells merchant bar Iron and steel in any
iuaiiiuy ana size cneaper than any Job
ber in the west. Write for prlcee.
, (6)-MB2 822
EXPERT shaving & halrcuttlng. 309 N. 1.
(5) 8& Beptl
IN FAMILIES Mlsa Sturdy. Tel. Harney
M'DOWELL Dressmaking School. 1623 Far
nam BU (6) M65S
ALGU3T KROFFT. building contractor.
iwt . ztai Bt., south Omaha. (6) 819
iu jieuirice creamery Co., Omaha.
Chop gaey Parlor.
.AO, Ura l A 1K1S. t5) M894 Beptl
Carpet Cleaning;.
SANITARY Cleaning Co.. 1919 Farnam.
DR. ROY, R. t, 1506 Farnam St. Doug. 6497.
(5) .115
BAILEY & MACH. 3d fir. Paxton. D. 1085.
. (5) 323
THE SCHLITZ, European, 16th and Harney
HE8S A SWOBODA, 1415 Farnam. (5)-324
L. HENDERSON, 1519 Farnam. Tel. D.1253.
Jewelers and Watchmakers.
N. P. 8TILLINO Watch, clock. Jewelry
repairing, 2-3 paxton Blk. Tel. D. 4367.
Iaaeot Exterminator.
KEEP your home sanitary with lnaect
germ exterminator. Room 11, Frenser
Block. (5)-M710 2S
CHATELAIN School of languages.
XJ.'VI French, German. Span
ish. Davldge Bldg., lfith and Farnam.
Day and evening classes. (5 lit BIS
KEYS, etc. Herl'.n, 1324 Farnam. Tel. D.
29-4. (3) 818
LAWRENCE. 2703 Leavenworth 8t. Tel.
Harney 24 (j)-M597 610
JOHNSON INS., 41 N. T. U Tel. D. 14.
Dr. Bowser, over 1602 Far. Tel. Doug. 6370.
(5) MUt 8 26
C. B. TRUESELL. Hi South 16th St.
Pool aad Billiard Tablea.
POOL and billiard table for aale, five pool
and two billiard tablea; mut be sold In
Of Ken daya. 418 N. 24th St., South Omaha.
(16)-604 27
BEFORE placing your 1908 calendar order
don't fail to are our elegant Imported lrne.
Lyngstad & Jorva, printers, 16 & Cap. Ave.
I (5)-10
HIGH-GRADE Imitation typewriter letters
and Job printing; no Job too large or
small. Anchor Publishing Co., 18?? Far
nam St Tel. Doug. to!. (5) M53J 819
Ulertrlo Bla Printing.
NORTON-CARSON CO., 630 Be. Bldg. Tel.
Red 3157. (51-M5J1 819
Safes, Shatter, Etc.
OMAHA Safe and Iron Worka makea a
specially of fire escaj-s, shuters. doors
and safe, a. Ap.dreen, Prop., 103 8. loth St.
pJ JUU IU 1 b UU
Shoe Repairing;.
RAPID SHOE REPaTr CO.. first clsss
work. 118H Capitol Ave. Phona Red KM.
ara are.
5TOH AG Eat J 408Harney.
Areata ana g.leeladlca.
WANTED Makers and millinery sale
ladies having department atqre experi
ence; references. I a Ferte. '24 W. Su
perior St., Duluth, Minn. (9) M737 30x
Clerical and Office.
Address D 71 car
Factory and Trade.
1 FIRST CLASS shtrt finisher, $14.00 per
1 first class starcher. 212.00 rer week.
1 first class marker and sorter, 318.00 per
U M5Q0 28x
WANTED Women for hand Ironera an
machines. Kimball Laundry, 1511 Jarkno
Bt. (7) M540
WANTED Lady to run shirt machine .n
starch In small laundry; good wages. Ad
' dress Holslngton Steam Laundry. Hols
liigiun, rvu. Kt)Mtm Zlx maenme girls wanted!
" 1 " " .,.,-, . n nr-m. v. u 1 1 any lime,
umani lent at a winng tn., Jltn and Mar
fry. 7) M9Cp0
WANTED An experienced hair dresser
one who understands hair work; also an
apprentice. Apply iiair uresslng Parlor,
J. u. uranaeis & sons. (7) M973 27
WANTED Lady barber at 108 W. 16th St.
vneyenne, wyo.; gooa wages.
(7)-M892 31x
Housekeeping: aad Domestic.
WANTED-Experlenced girl general house.
wora, smaii lamuy, no washing, best
wages, reference required. 2SC1 Dodge
TWO girls; one to help cook, the other for
ainingroom. Hotel Howard Edgerton
Mlnn- (7)-M679 29x
WANTED-OIrl for general housework;
s M"i amau lamuy. 006 8. zsth
GOOD Cook wanted. Apply 2264 Fsrnam.
GIRL for general housework. 3315 Burt St.
(7)-721 29x
uinu ror general housework: a-nnd
Mri- Charles R. Sherman, 8544
flt" (7) M168 28
wanjed A girl for house work; no
Ilu L'UUKing, ul a. sist St.
O) 774 30
eiei m i.unary ana kitchen, good homo
..u iuuu wages, i-none Benson 112.
. (7) 773 26
'KL for general housework. 602 No. 40th
di. in, narney autti. (7) 772 26
GOOD COOK-famlly of three where sec
ona gin is Kept; gooa wages. 1043 South
w-n ave. (7) 787
u"l'u ' for general housework. 1312 S.
tv. a 18 27X
Gt'iMAN,n0useKeeP'ri .cook for ranch,
-.v.vw. vanaaian umce, J6tn and Dodge.
', . - (7) 338
WOMAN to assist In house-keeping and care
iu iiniuren; iio per month; give
references; address P 84, care Bee.
(7) M942 27
WANTED Girl for cbamberwork; country
o j'.u.errea; gooa cnaracter required;
Kk't.furnl8nea- Perkins hotel. David
City, Neb. (7)-M891 27x
WANTED Girl for general housework; no
washing: aood nm una r.,. s.
Phone Harney losi. (7 M796 27x
WANTED Good competent girl for gen
ii. nuuaeworK. i; 0. 41SC Bt.
(7) 141 28
WANTED a party to sell stock In a
isevsda Gold Mining Co. Th location of
the property cannot be surpassed. Both
the property and its ofneera will boar th.
closest Investigation. Liberal commission.
Address F 6, . Bee. (7 W 86.
WANTED Lady to aemonatrate the Mar-
'' urower; liberal salary to right
Pry- Dr. Minerva James. 2024 Daven
port. 1 el. Douglas 6686. (7i 44
PARTIES can have shopping done at low.
"-. oy experienced huyer. write
IorpaJtlcular nl reference. Address
M 46, Bee. (7)-Ml6 813x
WANTED Young lady for out-door work
in cny; salary and commission. M.
Frayer, 2526 St. Mary p Ave.
' (7) M176 8-26X
FOR A BUSINESS education register Mo
Cartney Institute. 1802 Farnam St. Fall
iwrin Dcgina September 2. (7) M412
GIRL to assist in housework. 8S16 Burt St
t7)-722 2x
Model Steam
(7)-7S 26
WANTED - Collar girls.
WANTED A parly to sell stock In a
Nevada Gold Mining Co. The location of
the property cannot be aurpassed. Both,
the property and ita ofttcera will bear th.
closest Investigation. Liberal CominUalon.
Addreaa J 9. Bee. (9) 3M Si
WANTED Several hustling salesmen an 1
saicsiaaies to introuuee new article;
sells rapidly; agents can make from
$10.00 to 81U.00 per day; can give elf
or country territory, call or adOre-M,
Omalia Burglar Alarm Co.. 1008 N. Y.
u. mag., umana. (9) M165 29
WANTED At once, several experienced
canvassers, euner ladies or gentlemen;
permsHient position; money advanced
dally; nothing to sell. Call for personal
imvrviBCT. in . lain et., v nison.
(9) M164 29x
WE WILL teach you to be a (ravelin
salesman by mail ln eight weeks nd
guarantee you a position with a reliable
nrm; nunareas or good . positions no.v
open. Write for particulars today. Ad
dress National Salesman's Training
abb ii, duiii aa oca mil tflK., Kinidi
City, Mo. (9) M1C2 27x
WANTED A flrst class clothing salesman;
good salary to right man. Palace Clothing
Co., 14th and Douglas. (9) MI93
WANTED General furniture salcsmsn.
fine, steady position. Nebraska Furniture
and Carpet Co., 407-9-11 North 24th St.,
South Omaha. (9 MG54 'A
WANTED Salesman for houae furnishing
department; must understand wlnd.w
decorating. Addreaa Y 209. Bee.
(9J-M179 29
WANT agents to Introduce a new and
novel article In every locality; sells rspid
In every home where shown. Mfg. Co .
(16 Main St.. Kanaaa City, Mo.
(91-M834 27s
Clerical aad OOet.
W A NTED Clerks, both men and boys, tn
railroad office. Address F. B. Southard.
A. P. A , U. P. R. R., Omaha. Neb.
(9) M683 29x
WANTED A hustling clerk for tea and
coffee store, ona who will advance, sal
ary $10 lo begin. L 143, Be.
(D-lll 26S
Do and Poultry 1
paper. If you sxre S
WANTED Strong boy. good habits, car.
ful and Industrious; must write plain
hand; position permanent. Inquire Mr.
McArdle, mall room, Bee, 17th and Far
nam. (9) M731x
W A NTEfr Boys, 16 to IS years, for a gen
eral training In railroad accounts and
affairs. Call on or address General Store'
keeper, U. P. R. R. Co. ( M196 29
WANTED At once, office boy. AppIV
Omaha Printing Co., 10th and Farnam
bis. (9) M1S9 a
WANTED Good strong boys for nailing
macnuie. umana oox to.. r;at umana.
(9) MHO Seotlt
BOY wanted to learn watchmaker busl
ness. Apply 1514 Dodge 8t. (9) M912 27
BOY wanted to learn Jewelry trade; wages
i& jacoD i.. jacoDson, lonvk. Dodge St.
(9)-142 26X
POSITIONS for drug mtn everywhere. F.
V. Knlcst, 707 N. Y. Life, Omaha.
WANTED Pteam fitter and plumbers;
36.00 per day; union shop; steady worlc.
Billings Hardware Company, Billings,
mohi. msutt zsx
GOOD cornice man and tinners, at one
Lincoln cornice ana Metal works, Lin
coin. Neb. (9) M770
ONE good tinner wanted; pay $2.60 per
aay; aieaay wars. J'i. uarnicn tsonj,
Ashland. Wis. (9) M447 tlx
WANTED A union cigar maker at 11 Pearl
street, council rnuns, iowa. () M702 28x
WANTED Paper ruler, who can handle a
64 machine and do all kinds of Job work;
good wages In an eight-hour shop. Ad
dress, with references, Y IBS, Bee.
()-M467 J8x
DRUGGIST wanted In good business town.
Address Lock Box 62, Dunning, Neb.
(91-617 S2x
WANTED Good cabinet man and finisher,
fine, steady position. Nebraska Furniture
and Carpet Co., 407-9-11 North 24th St.,
South Omaha. (9) MUSS 29
TAILOR Pant a and vest maker; married
man prererrea; sieaay worn year around;
32.26 up. Parker, the Tailor, Oelweln, la.
(9)-M5C8 27x
WANTED Good all around blacksmith.
Write James cisek, Wagner, 8. D.
(9)-M078 29x
WANTED Six first class, experienced
chocolate dippers; highest wages, steady
employment. The Balduff Pure Candy
Co. (9) M736 30
WANTED Linotype operator (union) for
nigni sniii; goon wages 10 gooa operator.
C. H. Palmer, Hastings, Neb.
(9)-M.'96 7x
WANTED Good carpenters; steady work
an winier; oo corns per nour ror eight
hour day. Gagnon A Co., Billings. Mont.
(9) M191 S2x
BUTCHER A 1 man. one speaking Ger
man prererrea; siaie experience and
wages expected. Jackson and Kettleberry,
York, Neb. (9)-M575 27
WANTED First-class coat maker; can hav
steady worK year around. Write J. A.
Gough, Atlantic, Ia. (9) M666 27x
WANTED First-class coat and cants
makers. Martin Peterson, 415 Broadway,
Council Bluffs. , , ($) M484
WANTED A shoemaker; steady Job; good
wages ip ngni party. Address J. 11.
Knowlcs, Fremont, Neb.
(9) M967 Six
WANTED A first-class planing mill bench
hand; a man who thoroughly under
stands allof Jhe better class of planing
mill bench work; none other need apply;
write stating experience, age, whether
married or slnrle. and wages demanded.
Address Y-149, Bee. (9) M177 1
COMPETENT tinner for all round shop
ana lurnece worn, xianman & Hullock,
York, Neb. () M907 31
WANTED A shlrt-mnker; steady Job, good
wages to nam pany. , Aaur.ess J. H.
Knowles, Fremont, Neb.
(9)-M9OT 31x
BOOKBINDERS Four forwarders; none
but nrst-class forwarders need apply.
Call or write Samuel D. Page & Co
Des Moines, Ia. (9i- Ma"7 Six
WANTED Shoemaker that Is steady and
wwi I..UBI uuve ii ih own ioojs. Good
wages to man that makea good. L. M
Mohrman, Pierce. Neb. (9) M123 lx
WANTED Good man tailor to make and
press laaiea SKirts ana jackets. Steady
work; big pay. W. F. Brown, 114 So.
th St. (9)-M135 28x
WANTED Two flrst class core makers.
open shop, steady work. Beat wages,
No trouble. Wire or come at once. Enx
& Orr, 1739 Blake St., Denver, Colo.
(9) M139
WANTED Candy maker, specialist on
cream ana sort goods. The liaidun; Put.
Candy Co., 1114 Farnam St. (9) 154 28
GOOD PAY Men wanted everywhere to
ibck aigns. aistrioute circulars, sam
ples, etc. No canvassing. National Dlst
Bureau, Chicago, III. (9 M630 28x
F)R A BUSINESS education register Ma
cartney institute, 10 Farnam. Fall
term begins September 1 (9) M411
Office clerk; $.
Stenographer and clerk; $tt.
Assistant bookkeeper, $50; German pre
ferred. Salesman, young man; 900 and expenses.
Several retail clerks, different lines.
And many others. A good position Is
essv to obtain through our office.
721-2 N. Y. Life Bldg.
(9) M182 27
WANTED Young man with drug and soda
fountain experience. Saratoga Drug Co.,
24th and Ames Ave. (9) Ml 72
WANTED First-class waitress; $7 week
to good girl; come at once. Gate City
Hotel, Crawford, Neb. (9) M169 29
WANTED An all-round prlr.trr and a
lady compositor for country otT.ce; state
wages wanted. Address F. P. Henly,
Bedford. Ia. (9) If 1 S7x
WANTED Good steady delivery men. rrtuot
furnish bond; wages, $50 to pr
month; permanent position. Alamitr. Bat
itary Co. (9)-.Ui34 27
WANTED Night Janitor, married man;
good references required. Address Y 2uL
care Bee. (U-M899 27
WANTED Good pump and windmill man.
R. E. Case, St. Edward, Neb.
(9J-M130 27x
SOUND young nen agea 18 to 35, for fire
men and brakemen during rush season on
leading railroads In th. west and on
n.w lines being completed. Experience
unnecessary. Firemen $lo0 monthly, be
come engineers. $200; brakomen, t&0, ba
com. conductors, $150. Many positions now
open. Call or writ, at one for partic
ulars. National ttailway Training Ass n.,
6M a Paxton Blk., Omaha. Neb.
IS) 63 Ba
WANTED Good, all around cook, lady or
gentleman, must b. sober; will pay $7
or more for right party; to commence
work flrst of September at Bmead Hotel,
Lead. 8. D. Come- or write W. Bartlett,
Manager, Lead. 8. D. ( M704 x
GOOD, stout husky men wanted to work
in a grain, terminal elevator; must oe
sober and Industrious. Bteady employ
ment to right partlea. Apply Transmls
slsslppl Grain Co.' Elevator, Council
bluffs. (I)-Ml
FOUR trav.ltng men; high eommlsstca ; x
cluslv. territory i bond and reference;
tamp for reply. AddrtM A-776, car. Be.
Miscellanea Coatlnaed.
LARORERS for handling freight at Vnlon
Paclfle. Council Bluffs transfer; wai?ea
17H rents per hour. Board arranged if
necessary. Apply Thos. Scanlan, fore
man. () 'i
WANTED Tile ditchers to werh bf rod;
make t! i0 to 33 50 a day. Apply J. W.
Ten Brink. Nlckerson. Neb. (9)-34i
YOl'NG man for shipping department. Ne
braska Clothing Co. (81716
FREE Employment Bureau supported by
Business Men's association; helps work
men find positions. Call 842 New York
Life Bldg. (9)!52Sep26
dorses aad Vehicle.
RUBBER-TIRED road wagon. W. A.
atone, 103 Lincoln Ave., Council Bluffs.
ONE big 1.J00 lb. horse; 175. One bay horse,
1,100 lbs; 0. One team of young horses,
3115. One good mare, 1,200 lts; a little
ore In front; $50. 2816 No. 15th Ave.
(ID M193
FOR BALD Two standard bred driving
marcs, good drivers either single or dou
ble; can be seen at Cole's barn. 171 Cass.
For particulars call 'phone Douglas )0v. I
Llnlnger implement Co. ill) MD71 31
FOR SALE Thre runabouts, rubber tires;
will sell worth the money. Harney St
Btable. . (U 6M
THE late Henry Homan's livery stock, In
ciuaiug s general purpose horses, resdy
lor use, Is for salo at Myers' stables, lilt
Douglas Et. (11) MS89 29x
A very stylish southern bred, high class
gaitea saaaie norse; 7 years old; 17.1 high;
very fast and gentle. Frank Intenser,
Phone Harney 2422. (11) M7f7 31
WE are selling delivery wagons, tesmlnj
gears, Duggies. carriages and harnesa
cheaper than any other nrm in Omaha.
Johnson-Dnnforlh Co., 8. W. Cor. loth and
Jones Sta. (11) 349
DR. COFFMAN offers for sale his horses
ami camag.s and two btifrgies. Inquire
2024 Douglas St ill) 817 All
ONE 3-sprlng wagon, new, and one deliv
ery buggy, rubber tired. Oscar Hsrto,
28th and Farnam Bts. (11) 713
HARNESS. Saddles, Trunks. Traveling
Bsgs, some good bargains. Alfred Cor
nish St Co., 1210 Farnam St. (Ill 847
SALOONS-Six barrels Pepper whisky In
oona ior aaie or iraae ror stanilard bred
colt. C26 S. 19th St. (11) M75S 30x
GOOD work team; good heavy har.ioss
ana wagon, cneap. 4010 Parker St.
(11) Mi23 31x
SELLING horses Is our business; Just re-
ceivea one car or drafts, drivers and
ingle wagon horses; prices from $50 up;
also have several good farm mares; every
horse guaranteed as represented. Cash
or time. Omaha Horse and Supply com
pany, 414 No. 16th, rear. (ID M192
. M. WEEKS offers to sell his family
surry mare, weight 1,150 lbs., age fit.
yr,iL narn" nd rubber tired
. u.iairvui. wi uram at. 1'none Web.
UD-M952 27
FOR SALE Shetland pony and rig com-
A,,V,i7' n7' Jv,n;, na "omn Sixth street.
Council Bluffs, Ia. (1D-M103 8 4x
, FOR pony buggies, runabouts, wagons,
. ... , aee jonnson-
Danforth Co.. 8. W. Cor. 10th and Jones
Poaltrr aad Ers.
GOVERNMENT book "free. Mod-1 Squab
Co., Omaha. GD-M386 Seol
Cow, Birds, Doge aad Pet.
NEVER die, mule-footed gllta. weighing
luO Pounds, for $15; Scotch collie dogs.
W. H. Knowles, James, Ia.
(1D-M677 29x
LOST OR STOLEN 8orrel mare, light tall
and mane, right ear split, weight about
1.100. Tel. Webster 2128. Chas. D. Bum
mers. 4311 North 3Hth ave. (12) 7S8 2tSx
LOST Lady a gold watch at Krug park
Sunday evening; liberal reward. 624 So!
20111 Bt- (12) 144 27
PARTY who found watch on Omaha motor
at 8 o clock Sunday evening, corner
Broadway and Main St.. will please ad
dress or call on A. A. Clark A Co.,
- -" """- tlZI ,M17 Z7X
LOST Telescope suit ca
wardrobe, between Burlington depot an.;
.w... Loam iur return. aj.'S Cass St.
(12-147 26
LOST Small bang led neckchaln, with
heart locket attached; reward for return
to room 2, army headquarters. Telephone
RUPTURE CURED No knife, no reten
tlon from business. QUICK CURE RUP
TURE CO., over S W. Cor. 14th and
jjougias. umana. G3) M136
FREE medical and surgical treatment at
cretgnton M.aicai college, 14th and DaV.
enport Bts.; special attention paid to con
flnement cases; all treatment supervised
by college professors. 'Phone Douglas
iir. cans answerea aay or night.
BEST nerve bracer for men, "Gray's Nerve
Food Pills," $1 a box, postpaid. Sherman
ft Mct.onneii urug co., umana.
ANY poor girl In need of a friend call or
write to the matron of the Palvatim
Arnr Home for Women at 8?4 N. 24th
Bt.. umana, isen. (12) M106
DR. PRIES, specialist, diseases of women.
91 years practice In confinements. Office,
i rt, lbin; resiaence, zui Charles, omahi
OS) 33S
EAGLE LOAN OFFICE Rellabl.. accom
modattnir; all business confldcntlal. IVil
Douglaa. (14) 159
CHATTEL, salary and storagV ecelpt
loanv Foley Loan Co., 1504 Farnam Ht
on furniture, planoa e.nd all sorts of per
sonal property.
WE ARE NOT a finance company, or a
oroKerage company, and do not have to de
pend on the payment of one person to get
tne money to losn to another.
WE HAVE BEEN engaged In this busl
ness In Omaha for FIFTEEN YEARS.
OUR POLICY has been to deal FAIR and
EQl ARE with every one.
WE HAVE a thorough understanding
wun me borrower aa to payments, rebates
cost and rtqulrements.
119 Board of Trad. Bldg.
Bankers tn flalarien1 Man
Do not be without money when ws will
icna you without security.
See us for losns on Salary. Furniture. Ware
house Receipts and Personal Property.
Reliable, quick to act and confidential.
Cheapest rates In the city.
Make ternia to suit yourself.
Your employer, family or friends know
nothing about It
$07-30$ Paxton Blk., Id Floor. 'Phona O. 1411.
Bowen, 703 N. Y. Life Bldg.,
advance private money on chattel or aal
ary; easy to gat; no red tape. You gel
money aame day asked for at small cost.
Open evenings till I. (14) 366
PHOENIX CREDIT CO. for chattel or
salary loans. 623 Paxton Block. 'Phon
Douglas 746. (14) XI
GIVE us a trial with your next loan. We
are equipped to give best service, best
terms, and loan at as low a rate as
money has ever been loaned In Omaha.
Nebraska Credit Co., 211 Board of Trade.
Farnam entrance. 1) 716 n
"alary and Chat tela t'ontlaaed.
and others, without security; easy pay
ments. Offices In 63 principal cltl. ToN
man. room 714 New York Llf. Itvdg.
(14) KT
FUnNITCRE. live stock, aarary loans
Green Loan Co.. room t, Barker H
n 3
Apartment aa Flat.
FOR RENT 4 rooms, city water, 1511 M.
18th St C. M. Bachmann, 4J6 Paxton Blk.
(la) MI
6IX-HOOM modern new flat, oak and m'
plo finish, newly decorated. 2913 Ham
Adoption. Maple 614s. (15) 618
DEWEY European Hotel. 13th and Farnam.
NICE south room, outside entrance, modern
f.1 . rrlvate; choice Iocs t ton; large, beau
tlful lawn. 627 Park Av. (15)-M234
VIENNA hotel; prlvat. dining rooms; eaf.
2121 Dodge. Room with GOOD board.
(15)-12 SU
NICE front room, with all modern eoa-
"""" iougiaa IS57. 217 B. 25th St
(16) 1$
DESIRABLE rooms, flrst-clasa Joard ; rJne
location; walking distance. 118 B. 25th rU.
. (16)-M573 27x
Fl RMSHKD rooms, with good board, In
modern, detached house. 1818 Capitol
, Ave- f!6)-M6l7 28
T"K PLEAS ANTON 234 Harney St.-An
Ideal home for people desiring rooms and
board. Everything modern and good home
table. Good location. Call early.
. 15 A48 31x
FIRST-CLASS board and nice comfortable
room at reasonable rates can be secured
at 620 South lffth St. (15)-M947 31x
LARGE front room, with running water:
also other rooms. 123 8. 25lh Av.
. (151-14S 1
Famished Hooma.
318 8. 26th, front rooms, all modern; steam
heat; furnished or unfurnished.
(151-709 29x
ROOMS, $2 per week; cool dining room.
Ogden hotel, Council Bluffs, la.
(16) M69fl SJ3x
NICELY furnished single room; modern.
66 8, 24th Ave. (16)-146 816
TV, O-newly furnished rooms In modern
house. $1.60 and $2.50 per week. 54 North
2oth street. (16)-M 189
TO COUPLE-Two nicely furnished modern
rooms for light housekeeping. 1819 Dnven
ort (15)-M16 8 2x
NEWLY furnished rooms: fine location
walking distance, 218 8. 25th St '
(16)-258 27X
2039 HARNEY, furnished rooms.
(16I-M674 S2fx
3 LARGE FRONT ROOMS, nlcoly fur
nlshed and in fine locality. No transienta
desired. 412 N. 22d St. (15) 267
FURNISHED rooms for two gentlemen.
2416 Pierce. Tel. Doug. 4471.
(15)-M470 2
406 SO. 24TH AVE., new furnished rooms.
$10 month, up; plenty hot water, bath
and stationary washstands; 'phone e)o-
' trio light. Bachelors' Quarters.
(15)-M526 S19X
308 N. Y. LIFE BIL-Q. TEL. DOUG. 88tl.
(15I-M589 8 20
LARGE front room, furnished. In new mod
ern home. 2703 Cuming. Harney SR10. 1
(15)-784 30x
2118 DOUGLAS; desirable rooms.
(16)-MU7 28x
WELL furnished rooms, large, modern
reasonable. 308 N. .22d. . .. (15) 783 30x '
FRONT rooms, new brick, strictly modern
block and half from Rome hotel. 623 8.
17th Ave.
(10) 7SZ 3"X
FINE modern rooms for students. 60S So
24th Ave. (16) 776 29
ELEGANTLY furnished rooms. 19)6 Csp
ltol Ave. (16) 769 823
TWO front rooms, furnished. 2211 Douglas
St. (15) M932 31
SPLENDID furnlshad or unfurnlshe.1 rooma
in absolutely new flat. 210 N. 24th St.
Tel. Douglas 3301. (16) M970 81
BEAUTIFUL large east room,' suitable for
one of two young men; reasonable. 2702
Farnam. (15) M913 11 x
GOOD rooms In first clsss condition; easy
walking distance. 2602 Dodge St.
(16)-M79 2t
FOR GENTLEMEN, large front room,
modern house, private family, walking
distance; references required. Address
Y-203, care Bee. . (16)-M108 27x
NICELY furnished front room, large closet;
Gentleman preferred. Phone. 647 So.
24th Ave. (15)-13 27
NICELY furnished rooms, new house and
furniture; fine location, private family;
rent reasnnaDie; ooara lr desired. 609
Bo. 20th Ave. (16) M108 Six
Ilonsekeepfaa; Itooma.
LARGE front rooms with or without
housekeeping privileges; reasonable. 1810
Bt. Mary'a av. - (IB) 206
GET your rent free by Investing $360.
Furniture of 10 room for sale. Modern
house; close In Address Y 151, Bee;
(15)-M4US tlx
THREE furnished room for light house
keeping. 3119V California. Tel. Harney
8041. (16)-717
HOUSEKEEPING, first or second floor.
1712 Jackson. (16) 115 lx
TWO very desirable
adults. 416 8. 19th.
rooms complete;
(16)-146 28x
Uafarntaaed naoaaa.
FOR RENT 8 furnished or unfurnished
rooms; modern. 2670 Farnam St.'
(lE)-7t 26x
ONE elegant unfurnished room, strictly
modern. tS3 Park Av. (16) 781 J0x
FOR RENT Sept. 1, fiv. desirable rooma.
ZZ13 North lmn. (16) 785
Famished tloaae.
FIVE rooms, ground floor, very nicely fur-
itisueu. nururiivu nouce anu yard; mod
era except luat. 1559 N. loth St.
(16)-M795 27x
Iloaae and Cottage.
340-618H N. 24TH ST., Bouih Omaha-Six-
room apartment in new "Bcargo" build
ing; all modern conveniences. Including
hot water in kitchen and tiaih.
$302617 N. ISth St. Nine-room mod.ra
houae. with attlo and barn.
$451807-9 Farnam St. Six-room apart
ment ln "Qui vet building; all modern
conveniences, including hot water .In a
kitchen and bath. .
Hall Distributer Co.. 317 First Nitlonal
Hank Bids. 'Phone Red 7406. (15) 774
VJH NORTH 2UTH-6 rooms, modern except
lurnace, IJW Chicago slrret, 8 room,
modern, $3o; 2(13 Wool worm avenue. 8
rooms, modern, detached. $30, vacant
September 16; 120 North 31st av.nue. 8
rooms, very desirable, ). Riogwalt
Brothers. 306 South 15th street.
(16)-M 190
FOR RENT Five-room cottsg.. modern
except furnace. 26th and Parker. $20.
New 7-room modern houae. 23d and Grace.
$;7.f. W. O. Shrlver. 1013 New York IJf.
Building. . (16) MlN 27
318 N. 24TH. 6 rooma. modern. Inquire 214
No. 241 h 81. (15)-Mltts 28x
720 No. 23d. 8. W. Cor. Burt, 8-room, all
modern, close In, $40.
2721 So. 9h. 7-rom and hall, all modem
coiiage, ?!.".
N. W. Cor. 27th and Popplaton, (-room.
large ior. gaa, water, lio.
K01 N. Y. Llf. Thou. Dong. IlM
V (
" .t