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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 27, 1907)
TTIE OMAHA DAILY BEE TUESDAY, AUGUST 27, 1907. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Stronf and Higher, with Baying oa the AjgTettiTe. DE7 WZATHLH BEPORTS CAUSE Mt Oyfil Strong and A4r,rn Several .Fraetloae, While Car Followa rioarly In tho Pnrenlt. OMAHA. Aug. 2. 1907. The market wa strong and higher with buying aggressive and on tb reports of dry weather In the west and . northwest. Cable ar Very trong and. the foreign demand la heavy enough to 'warrant tho high price. vt heat opened itmni and u Mired aev-t-'ul finctlnn. Heavy buying, and higher cables, together with th ii?y fit-4i1 demand and continues! tnfavoi ahla weather In the northwest, were the Influence. September wfceat opened at KHo and Clneed at 1.C. Corn opened etron and went ome higher. Buying wu general and all aalea wer well alteorbed. Crop reporta are bullish and they state rain la needed badly In the western com belt, bepitnnber corn opened ut Uo nd rlostd at 64 ata opened strong on heavy buying by commission house. Receipt are Increas ing, but ara very poor quality and few ahlpmenta are. gradmg up to contract. -; There waa. aoma profit taking on the ad vance hv local lonaa. bilt Drlcea ware well maintained. September oat opened at llhn anl elna4 at 6110. I Primary wheat receipt were 998,000 buh- ela and ahlmants were 416J0OO buahela. aaralnat r ere lots laat year of 796.000 bush- ala ihlnmntill of 763.000 buahels. Corn rerelDta wera 677.000 bushels and Iklnmnnll ra KG 000 buahel. acalnst celpta laat year of C78.0OO buahela and ahlp menta of 841.000 buahela. ClMrtiuwi were 9.000 buahela of com, nona of oata, and wheat and dour equal to 876.000 buahela. Liverpool .cloned higher on and 4Wid higher on corn. Local rang of optlona: wheat OMAHA WIIOI.KsAMC MARKRT. Condition of Trade aad qaolatloaa ata pie nad Fancy Prodace. Per dot , Iflc. LtL'TTF. H To'-kliig stock. 18c; cholca to funcy dairy, J"li.'lc; creamery. 23c. LIVE Pol LTRT-Hprtng chicken. 130 14c; hens. lic. roosters, be; turkey, lie; flnrWa AiQr: apee. fir. 1IA1- Choir e No. 1 uplana. imwi; me dium. ta0O; No. 1 bottom, WW off gradee from to..") to Ih.bO; rye atraw, 4. .to; ro, i Ifalfa, $n o. KHL'ITo AND MB11M1. APPLKS- -Ducheaa and Wealthy, ror cooking. 1 ,LR per bu.; eating varieties, 1.M) pr market basket. L A LI FORNI A PF.ACHE9-Fer boa, 11.76. CALIFORNIA PLUMHPer crate, U-H MS. .. . ... BLT KBERRIF.S rer 16-Cjusrc TKXA8 WATER-MELONS Bach, ISi&dOc; crated for shipment, 14c per .... I A.M A l-AJL, 1 1 Kocy ror, crate, tl); Arkanaan atannara, w w. PKAHS Colorado ltartletta. .tu per w. Flemlah Heautlea. $3 .&( per boa; California Bartlelta. 13. u per hox. , URAPF.S Home grown, -io. dmi, - LEMONS-Umonitrt, 3 aire. I..W. alie, r K other brande. W leaa. BANANAS Par medium aiiea uu..v.... !2.M)-'.iiS; Jumboa. t2.0U4S.en. OltANUES-Valencia, v' t4.i'4.76; 120, 150, 176, 2v0 and 216 alaea, t.t "" . ... He. tral. DATES h an a way, ovc; rm""TL .1"' V7k lowla, be; new etuffed wainui oi-, box, tl.W. . NAVT BKAN8 Per bu., N9.1 iw' M0; No. a, tz.00; L.lma, SVc per io. lOTATOr:8-Fer T.U., new, ASPARAUl 875C per do. bunenpa. BKANS New wax and atrtng, 160 par market basket. . ,nnT!t.iv BEETS. TUKNii B ""' - market baaket. atooc. ,..... - vm RAUISHKS Per UOB. oui... . r? -arket baa- TOMATUES- liomo ket crate, 40c. une . ' CL'Cl'MBBKB- er Dai-Rj-w LKTTlCli-Per do.. CBLKK Kalamaioo, X(i35. ONIONS-Tellow, He per lb. ; red, , M Pr lb.; Brantah. per crate, i.c. . hulke. NEW I'hli'i'r.rstr- w , 7Bo. SWEETT $1.00. MAIA LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle of All Kindt Steady to Tea Centt Higher, and Actire. HOGS TEAVLL EAT IDLY UPWAED Feeder heep aad I. era be Aetlve aad Steady ta Stroa- Fat Sheea aad Laaaba Teat' t Flf teea Lower. POTATOES Market basket. Artlelee.l Open. Hlah.l Low. CToee.l Bafy. Wheat v i Sept... H 4 ! Pro SS4 fK May... H V4 Corn Bept... 54i Br teo.... li 61H 624 May... 63 G3'4j U Oata Sept... 61 62H 61 Deo.... 48'4 4HH r, May... 4v 4 4Vi S4 64' 61H 4Sl 49HI 83 84 1 94'i BS S3 47 ttiTTr.F CUTB. No. 1 rib, 13c; No. t rib, KVic 7c; No, 1 loin, i,; V"""w; s chuck KVwn chuck. 4.c: NoTl round, cj 1 round plate, c; No Ko. t rib, 4ac; No. S NO. 1 t hard. t aprlng, On aha Caaa Prlcea. WHBAT NO. S hard, 4ac: No tlUWWe; No. 4 hard. TeJc; No. i K no a-rate. 7ffT6o. CORN-No. 1 SlUo: No. t, 50H4MHHc; No. 4. 60c; No. yellow, 64W8Mo; No. t yellow, 64-8 )UHc; No. I white, tic. ATft No. t mixed. 4M?c! No. 4 mixed, 444446o; No. t white, 4WiM7c; No. 4 white, 4iKg;vic: atandard, 47c. BIE No. t 71e; No. t, 7(39o. y Cairlet Reeelpta, i- ' : . ' Wheat Corn, tOT 127 71 67 7-' iY?" . " ii a late. 2VV3, o. Z Piaie, COFFEE Roasted, No. It, ! No. JO, 14 Ho per id.; iu. DRIED FRC ITS - P'are'Vomewhat unsettled W re- ?o7 Calif oTnYa-f and" tm . I He to to Oregon. Pe.che. . , a.hU ea-Ur. l ll rm " " ----- . . . v v. ( with catela are quoted at 9c; four-crown, eeded raiaina, yt.Ii " i.n- trker. fish naiiDui, iioi 15- . n . . fcii,- Ua' nitflk. I ITB11 ll"" -' i'-SLr' wiArhuffalo. 8o; bullheads, rj ""'i":.VT,:;:i llci cattish, dreaaea i 'w ffc: iunnih. ic: crapple., Chicago Omaha . Oata. 144 60 16c; 3 lea. fresh llDc; tipanlsh Neb., Aug. 2. 1907. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep t,WK S.411 4.fM 1M 6.M 17 ,0U0 H.VOli 6.W1 3,421 t,K7 SOI TH OMAHA, RecolDta were: Kstlmala Monday 4.100 Same dajr UM week....lU.2f) 8a.ue day 1 weeka ago.. S. 172 Pm day a weka auo.. 6.0A4 fame day 4 weeka ag.. 6.1M dame dav laat vear 7.4J0 The following: labia ahowa the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha or un year to date, compared wun year: U07. Inc. Dec. Cattle . aa'j tut Tft A4.46 Hoga 1.670.617 1.826!l6 1o6.mS Sheep H75.006 1.014.625 ine followltia labia ahowa the average price of hoga at South Omaha for the laet several days, with comparisons Date 1W7. l.lo..lD4,!l0J.19O2.1901, tig. Aug. AUg. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aui. Aug. If... 14... 17.., It.., 20.,, a.. 2,1.. 14.. 25.. 26.. t 71 I 71 J4 . 1 t 62V t 63V t W I tot t HI I 81 t t Ml t 98 i Ml 6 89 t 03 j 6 tft H4i 6 5fil 6 911 t 4l t A3' 6 06 I 6 ISI 6 9fi 6 0S 6 J6a, f 85' t 921 f 041 5 K9. 6 S9 B till 6 7H on 1 1 J t Oil r t 68 I 77 4 M t 21 i 4 99 6 17 T 6 10 I 11 711 ' 6 13 f VA t t0 t t7 1 24! 6 17, t it . m et n,t I "i - -- i 82 6 M in it T r WT t 8HF.K.P- i n I r I 71 I n - I Tl TTH Recelpte 5 Tl 1 M m .is 140 11 a I" .las at I I I at t t w were the 5 4 , 5 4B 6 17 i 6 i2 6 SI Of sheen largest that- titer have, been so Tar since the opening of the range aeason. It looked like old times In the sheen market thla morning, the barn being full of bote sheep and 'buyera. Ihe market as a whole was In a very good and aatlnfactory condition. The trade In feedera was the lesdlng feature of the market, there being more buyers of that kind. The trade waa active and fully steady with the close of last week; In fact, the feeling, If anything was strong. Feeder buyers competed with packera and were aiirceesful In securing a good share of the receipts. It will be remembered that owing to very light recelpte the market on killers ad vanced sharply at the close of last week, carrying .prices 10 a point that placed this market out of line with others. Todav, with recelpte more llherat, packers were enabled to take fit ltwritc from last Frl day'a figures and left prleea Just about where they were one week ago. Hence, although qufitably lower, the market was still In a very satisfactory condition. yuntattone on killers: Rood to choice lambs, t7.V&?i5; fair to good lambs, tn-,6 i7.fln: good to choice yeartlng wethers, t6.7M6.10; good to choice wethers. !5.4ttf l; fair to good wethers, t6."fi9'J.40t good to choice ewes. t6.oo$f6.40; fair to good ewes. MfiOoikCO; culls and bucks, !1.6ViH0O. ; Quotations on . feedera: lmbs. 1H 69'jP 70; yearlings, ftwn.W; wetners, 6.76; ewes, t4.00(tW.60. Representative!, sales: No. l.OW Wyoming wethers 4 Wyoming njl : lamba ... 436 Wyoming yearlings .;.... 242 Wyoming lambs 240 Wyoming wet here VS Wyoming yearlings 200 western wethers, feeders. 245 western wethers, feeders 644 western wethers, feeders Wall Street Litteni to Eamors lricei Affected Thereby. $4fcH 2fS western wethers. I a t 90 1 19 25 'l it ii 'i 47 66 "j CHtCAOp ORAIX AND PROVISIONS Strong; Wheat Market on Good For- elara Demand. CHICAGO. Aug. 24. A good foreign de mand and bullish news from Europe were the chief causes of a atrong wneat mar ket-today. At the cloae September wheat waa lHo higher. Corn was up IVijC. Oals were higher, Provisions were 7H'10c hia-her. Tha wheat market held atronc all day, Frtoea opened higher because of firm rablea and reports of damage by weather to the croD In Germany. Eng llta markets were up Hd, against an ad vance of HtrH on tne local exonange on ftaturriav. I dlsnstch from Minneapolis. .-wlarlna that wheat showlna Indisputable dam Age by frost was being exhibited, also added to the strength. Although there waa profit-taking by longs and selling by shorts on each fractional advance, the market absorbed all offertnga and prices went up steadily. Country acceptances VMM repatei -tight rami the .- CTtah-v aajea aorwl . aWtntember onened atA-Hc rrfaher. at iM.4l)Vcl sold between txHir90a, and 92c . and closed strong at na. Clearance of wheat and flour were enuaJ to 176,000 bu. Primary receipts were w9ft,0A0 bu., against .796.000 bu. on the same day last year. .Minneapolis, Duluth and Chicago reported receipts of 171 rare, against 60s cara last week and M0 oara a year ago. September corn pasaed 60o today, selling "at 60'Ae. Trading was on a vastly larger scale than for several daya. the general pubUn taking all the corn that waa sold by professional speculators. The strength of the wheat market waa the dominating Influence, bul the ctop reports were gen erally unfavorable and the demand for 'caah grain- waa excellent. In many In etsneea, howvver, buyera on cash corn re fused to follow, the bulge. The market aheorbed. all offering and doeed near the hlwheat point. September, opened 6i He higher, at WiSMOo. sold between oT4e and . doeed. at tfVs. Doeal receipts were' 127 cara, with SI cara of contrast a-rade. September cat today reached the highest vprlre yet . paid ror tne crop. t n mara-ei, , .however, waa generally alow, with the ex- . caption at a short flurry at the. opening. i The volume of bualneaa waa very light, as compared with wheat and corn. Many re L rorta were received confirming previous statement of a abort crop. September opened IVWIUc higher, at 6ZVff62Hc, aold letween 6162e and closed at 61 He Local recelnta were 144 cara. '., The provision market waa fairly active and oricea were firm on fair buying of . the January product. It I generally be lieved that thla buying waa for forelm ac- count. At tne rinse September pork was 'im 10c. st 114 20. trd waa up 7Hfi'inr. at vJft Mr.17H. Ribs were 10c higher, at tft.ffi. , ytimatd receipts for tomorrow: Wheat,: 74- ears. Corn. tt5 caraj- oata, ST cars; hoga, lt.60 head. ;- ,'IWKATHRIl THB ORAIX BELT Probably I.oeal Tkaader Ihowera, j . Taeaday Caoler aad Fair. " OMAHA, Aug. M, 1907. ' Light showers were scattered over the i'Mlsaouri valley last night and continue In northern Iowa. Minnesota and North Da kota thla morning. LJght ralna occurred tn the-mountain . districts during Sunday.- vf he weaUiur is generally clear east of the Mississippi liver. It la generally cloudy and unsettled In the central valleys and - conditions are faverable for local thunder aliowera In- thla vicinity thla afternoon or tonight, followed by fair and cooler Tuea day. Omaha record of temperature and pre Imitation compared with the corresponding day of the laat three years: 1907. 190. 190K. 1904. Minimum temperature.... eg 67 96 64 Precipitation T .00 .00 .00 Normal temperature for today, 71 degreee. - lenclency In precipitation since March 1, - 6.2 inchea. .. Deficiency corresponding period tn 1906 e.47 Inchea. Deficiency corresponding period In 1906, 7.U Inchea. U A, WELSH, Local Forecaster. ' Corn anal Wheat Reg-Ian Balletla. For the twenty-four hours ending at I a, la., 76th meridian time, Monday, August tk, isvil - t OMAHA DISTRICT. Temp. Rain- v. Station. Max. Mln. fall. Ashland, Neb KS 47 T Auburn. Neb 94 6S .00 Columbua. Neb.- SS 64 .OS Falrbury. Neb.... 94 TO .00 frosen, 4c; whltetlsn, iroien. , i i -a.Vi frnfn HC. tna-kerei, ic. . n. . . " .," rB1, i per flh; coun-n ire-n snapper, izu , uuuimcii ...... - - - - - ltJ- haddock, fresh frozen. 12c; a melts lie; .h.rf rn 5c per lb.; frog legs. 35c per .BU t I au dos.; green sea turtio meai, CANNED OOODS Corn, atandard. west ern. 66c. Tomatoes, fancy, l-pnund csns 11.46; standard, t-pound cans, tl.26. Plno applca, grated. 2-pound. ta.J0.-l0l 2.60. Peaches, l.76irjiz.4o; u. w. ipu,., I2.00(2.fi0. Alaaka salmon, red, 11.20, fancy Chinook, flat, 12.10; rancy Yy; Hat, i.o. on"""". V a.. three-quarters mustard. 13.10. Sweet potatoes, 11.2501.36. Sauer kraut, 90c. Pumpkins. 80ctl.OO. Uma beans. 2-lb., 76cS ll.2S. Soaked peaa, 2-lb, 60c; fancy. HIDES AND TALLOWCSreen aalted. No. 1. 8 He; No. 2, 7 He: bull hide;, tc; green hides, No. 1. 7e; No. 2, 6c: horse, l.o03.50; sheep pelts. 60c1.28. fal low. NO. 1. c; -iu. a, a 71- Kanaaa City Grain and Provisions. 1C01HO Mghcr: September. Hci Deembein SsHc; May, 9Sc. Cash: No. 1 hard, 8M 80Hc; No. S. 82I&84C; No. J red. 88(g89c; No. 6lc; December. So'tc; May, 63c Caah: No 2 mixed. 5SHfl63o; No. I. 62HC; No. 1 white. 63floSHcr No. 8. 62V462e. OATH linclianirea; wmio, hmw 60Hc; No- I mixed, 4THC . , , Jilr. ro. Z, HAT Firm; choice timothy, tl2-60iS'U-00; choice prairie, I8.25f58.60. BUTTER Steady; creamery, 2SHc; pack- '"Eaa'sExtraa higher, lc; flrsta, 17c. . 600 477 1,632 842 m 3,041 777 739 2.799 1.0i) 973 1,446 SK) 91 !6 1S 1X8 370 ir,2 96 239 52 122 6X 119 110 19 231 55 - S .... 23 15 261 419 .... 6,378 6,994 3.145 16 198 cattle were quite Articles. Open. I Hlgh. Low. I Close. Wheat September December , Corn September December . 83KHl 44l SHl 84H 88' R')ii8B1!B'i ssn, 61 62H 61HI 82 49i! 61 49Hl60T B New York General Market. Aug; 98 SUGAR Raw, 20 cows.. .tn.i. fnlr reflnlnK. S.SSc:' centrifugal. Oil test, t'.89c; molasae Isugar. io. Keflned steady; crushed, 6. 70c; powdered, 6.l0o; granulated. 6 02c. ' ' COFFEE Steady; No. T, Rio. n,e: POULTRY Dressed, dull; western broil ers, 17f J0c; turKeys, lanioc; iuw, fwi BUTTER Firm; creamery specials, 25c ; W feeder ftvirai. ztiw same, inirus iu iiii". 2'"3tc; state dairy, common to finest, 19 24c; process, common .to extra. 18fjj"22Hc; western Imitation creameryf flrats, 20Hilv-1c; seconds. 19H&20C. ' " CHEESE Strong; atate. hill cream, small colored fine, 13c; aame, white, 13o; aame. good 12H6'124c; same, large colored fine, 12; same, wlilte. 12He. EGOS Firnv; atate, Pennsylvania and nearby fancy, selected white, 28tf)c; atate, Pennsylvania and nearby good to choice, lli- firsts to extra firsts. 2nff23e; west ern firsts, 20g21c; seconds. lTH'O'ltc. St. I.oala General Market. ST I-OtTIS. Aug. 2. WHEAT Higher; track No. 2 red cash, 0fllo; No. I hard, 8984c; September, tc; December, too. CORN lllgner; irac, na. i i-aan, vi-yn 680; September, :Wo; vrcemitsr, ooc-;.ju. S white. 58C. .j. . . OATS weaa; irai-a. u. a v-n, iutiu. September. 4jTc; DcemDer, c; no. I white. 49o. .. . wyirFIrm, 83C. M ET ALS Lead, dull, $1.95; spelter, weak, PVL UTl"7""' vulvae, tm, .f. , .'-, lSHc; turkeys. 12Hc; ducka, 'Vttlgeese. to. BITTTr.H Hieaay ; crramrrj, iMng, EQOS-Flrm, 16c. case count. I.lvernool Grain and Pravlelea. LIVERPOOL. Aug. 26.-WHRAT-8pot firm; No. 2 red. vABlern, winter, tw m. Future firm; BeptemDer. is 'a; iecein ber, 7s THd; March, 7e 8Hd. cftSK-Snot steady; American mixed. new, 6s lHd; old. northern. 5s IHd. Futures steady; beplemoer, us zia; utioriwr, o IVd. MC Sunday. RANGE OF PRICES. Cattla Tinas. Omaha t2.6(a.40 to Wnff-t OO Chicago l.Sotf7.46 6"8160 Kansas City ' 6.75a.10 Sioux City 2 75(U6.S0 .6C4.00 The ofTlclal ntimlwr of car of atoek brought lit today by each road waa: Cattle. IToea. hneen.Tt'itea. v... jvi. a m. tr Missouri Pacific I Union Pacific system. 28 C. 4 N. W., eaat I C. N. W.. west 95 C, 8t. P., M. & O.... t C, B. & Q., west 114 C, R. I. A P., oaat.. .. C, R. I. & P., west.. .. Chicago Ut. Western .. Total receipt 246 The disposition of the day' receipts waa as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of head indicated: Cat tin. flora. Sheen umana racking n Swift and Company Cudahy Packing Co Armour A Co Vansant Co Carey A Benton Lobman A. Co MeCreary A Carey W. I. Stephen Hill A Son F. P. Lewi.. Huston A Co Hamilton A Rothschild. L. F. Husa Wolf J. II. Bulla Sam Werthelmer......... Mike Haggerty Sel Degan J. B. Hoot A Co O. McConnaughey T. B. Inghrnm Sullivan Broa.... V. A. Brltton Kengan Other buyer Total CA'l-l'LB RecelDt of liberal thla morning, although not large for this season of the year. Tne receipts con sisted very largely of range cows and feed ers, with quite a little sprinkling of kill ers, but net many oorn feda. The market on beef steer was In fair condition, aa viewed from a sellers stand point. Packers all seemed to want a few and the trade waa reasonably active at prices safely atrong to 10c higher than last week. The quality was not especially en ticing, so that sales did Dot, show up any too well on paper. The feeling on cow and heifer was alao better and sellers who were fortunate In having what buyera wanted were quoting the market anywhere from strong to loo higher. On the other hand there were aome who were unfortunate In not having the kind buyera wanted and on such the market wa quotable no more than steady. Uood feedera were strong to loo higher and active at the advance. Common to medium grades were fully steady and the market, aa a whole, In a good, healthy condition. Representative sales: bp; BTKbttn, At. Pr. No. 4 40 COWS. I 1 11 I to I CALVES. 4 II WESTERN. NEBRASKA. 4 4" 4 feedera I 16 4 70 1 25 2 65 2 15 1 06 t 40 2 60 I 40 t 10 I 11 4 60 I 90 t 40 1 90 4 10 4 10 2 80 1 60 4 0 t 60 4 36 I 70 4 76 t 40 t 75 A. Kunkee, Nebraska. . 968 t (16 I cows 1066 F. Corrothers Neb. 80 feeder.. 1220 5 00 4 feeder. .1187 8 00 B. F. Robert-Neb. 18 feeder.. 1096 4 46 O. Dannell Neb. lbull. 1440 I 20 23 row.... t feeder.. 641 I 00 J. M. Gentry-Neb, 20 cow 1085 8 45 L. F. Saunders Neb. 17 feeder.. 845 4 00 A. D. Fltsgerald-Neb, 14 cow 892 1 00 tcow.... IDAHO. t feeder. .1041 4 16 9 cows... W TOM I.N Q. 10 feeder.. 171 I 26 J. "Jacob. Wyo. 21 feeder..10S8 I 00 49 feeders.. 1019 I 8. Ilawe. Wyo. I steer... 1087 4 60 6 steer. ..11H I steers... 916 4(0 1 str....l310 H. Z. Yoder. Wyo. I feeder.. 963 4 46 2 feeder . 110S I feeders.. KHO 4 46 t feeders.. low! SOUTH DAKOTA 151 Wyomlhc lamb 47 106 Wyoming yearlings 82 Wyoming wether lis 141 Wyoming ewe 100 9' Wyomlna- wether, feeder.. 77 162 Wyoming ewes, feedera 99 Chleagra Live "toek Market. CHICAGO. Aug. 28. CATTLE Re ceipts, about 21,000 head; market steady to strong; common to prime steers. u '17 7.40; cows,; neirers, (juuio 85; bulla, I2.40W&.00; calves. 3.00(p 00: stockera snd feeder. 12.00 5.00. HOOS Receipts, about 20.000 hea-1: market 10 20c higher: choice heavy hipping. 18. 306 6.40: light butcher. !45fT6.56; light mixed. t8 256.46; nnice llalit, 14. oOiSTB. 60; packing, &..vir. 26; e n. l5.ft0B6.fi0:: Milk of - sales. I4.26W4.56. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, about 1,000 head: market for sheen lambs strong to 10c higher; sheep, 13 80ifp t.85; yearling. 15.756.85; lamba, $fi.C0U 7.66. Kla II... ..UOt ....loss ....1041 403 47 feeders.. 771 19 heifers... 6 83 feeder.. 1009 It feeder.. 485 I heifer.. 623 t feeder.. 691 I cow... 917 7 feeder.. 855 t cows 9.3 1 bull 780 1 bull 1410 27 oows 970 1025 38 feeders.. 991 6 cows 968 16 heifers., 14 feeders. 19 feeders.. 8 heifers. 2 calves.. 4 ealvea.. 2 calves.. 19 feeder.. 1050 11 feeder.. 6fi6 10 feeder.. 1120 17 oows 1071 I calve... 406 A. Pr. .1MI .1111 I 18 I SO 771 100 798 Wlrmonl. Neb., Or. Island, Neb.. Hartlngton, Neb. Haetlnge, Neb.... Oakdale, Neb Omaha, Neb Tekanakh, Neb... Alia, la Carroll. Ia.. (6 T8 96 tl 80 71 74 75 CUrlaOa, la 4 70 M TS 40 63 70 (3 69 60 40 61 64 .00 .80 .00 .44 T .It .01 .00 .w 1.06 .04 for Slitter. Ia.:. ....... 77 Sioux City, Ia... 74 Minimum temperature period ending at a. m. ' DUTRICT AVERAGES. No. of Temp, Central Stallone. Max. Mln Chicago. Dl 16 Columbia." O. It Is Moines, la.... t Indianapolis, Indr 11 Minneapolis, Minn. 11 Omaha. Neb 14 t. Loula. Mo 10 Showers occurred In eud upper Mlaataalpul night, and continue In Sky. Clear Pt. cloudy Clear Clear Clear Clear Cloudy Clear Pt. cloudy tiouar Cloudy Raining Clear Pt. cloudy naming Cloudy twetva-hour Rain. Inchea .00 74 to 80 80 T 81 81 the upper Miseotiii valley Sunday northern Iowa, lOPS-In London Pacific coast, quiet at 1 6jiS. Visible Sang-lr nf Grain. NEW YORK, Aug. 96.-TI1 visible supply ot grain for the weex ending Augusi it without Peoria, Port William, t-ori Annur and the lakes shows an lncreaae In wheat of 1.02S.0C0 bu. and a decrease Id corn of 67,000 bu. Gotten Market. NEW TORK. Aug. 26. -COTTON-Market l, future Clemen steady. uioing uina; 12.14c; November, 12 lc: Dec-ember, ll.c; i..,,.rv i? sso: February. 12.19c: March. 1146c: April. lltSc; May. 12.68c. Spot cloeed steady; 15 polnta higher; mtdd'lng uplnnda. isiir: mlddllne- gulf. lt.75o; sale, 2 bale. LIVERPOOL Aug- .m ije poi market - qalet. pit.-es u polnta. nigner; American middling fair. .; gooa mm dllng. 8.01c; middling, 7.47c; low middling, 7.07o: aood ordinary, t.83c; ordinary, 6.7tc. The sale or the day were e.uw iiea, or which b were for simulation and export, and Include 4. W0 American. Recelpte. S0" bale. Including 2t American. Future opened and closed barely ateady. Ameri can ftilddllnc. Auruat. 7C6Ho: Auarut-Bep- tember. CKIHc: September-October. t.83c: Octoher-November. 4.74V4c: November-Ie. cember. 6.4SHc; Dereraber-January. r..7c; Januarv-Februarv. 6.ASHc; February-March. t fcic; March-Anrll, 47c; April-May, 67V; May-June. .ravtc. 192 , 726 711 673 245 312 , 450 4 feeder. 17 cow.... 8 feeder.. 915 tcow 980 10 cow 995 14 feeder.. 818 8 cow 868 2 bulls 13.10 4 bull 1250 44 feeder.. 769 I feeder. .1010 16 cow 9X9 1 heifer.. 652 6 heifer.. 614 12 feeder.. 6sA 63 steers. ...1110 6 calve... 222 2 calve... 2S6 1 ealvea... fX 45 teer....1018 2 feeder.. I'M 81 feeder.. 1774 26 feeder.. 1122 84 cow 912 J CO 2 70 3 2.1 2 55 2 60 1 70 2 80 1 30 2 86 I 90 1 75 t 30 4 00 2 90 4 10 4 10 4 75 4 00 2 80 4 30 I 75 6 25 4 75 I 06 I 05 903 t 40 . 9S6 t 60 .10W 3 45 4 75 4 60 4 60 4 46 6 10 Av. .. 108 ... 62 ... 92 ... 9 ...129 ...114 ... 99 ... 99 ... feeder.... 105 Pr. t 35 t 25 6 75 7 00 6 50 6 66 I 25 I 86 6 ffi I 15 T 00 t on t 50 6 00 I 60 4 46 KEWTORK STOCKS AND BONDS and LEGAL NOTICES STORIES SWEI0 PENDULUM Na (eagrnatloa la Received at Re porta Rlther Good or BadMoney Market Khovea on Improvement. NEW YORK. Aug. W.-The rarly dis turbance In today s stock mstket was tne residue of Saturday' unsettled condition and wa caused by the fear aroused by the feverish movements then. After It appeared that no ulterior consequences to he immoaiaieiy lonncununa. market resumed Hie more confident lone which was manifest earlier last week and which la based, presumably, on the neuei that liquidation lias been completed. The nnsnclal district waa full of rumore, during the early period of dleturbence in the market of trouble of one kind and another. Including alleged embarrassment ot well known bond house and threatened commercial failures. It was while waiting for the dreaded announcemenla that atocks sold off. other rumor had to do with the probability of dividend reductions and the absence of any conflrmntto.i of the trouble rumor were the negative forces making for the Ister Improvement of prices. A more positive factor working towards this en-1 wss an Improvement In sentiment over the monetary outlook, perceptible hot Only here but also abroad. The erTect on actual quotations for Interest was slight, although rats for time loans for ahorter period were quotably lower here. At the same time, the call loan market was rather suffer. The brightening sentiment over the money conditions was Increased by re ports of the probable formation of a hankers' syndlcnte to underwrite the 140. OOO.fOO New York City bond Issue, a restora tion of Investment confidence being argued from this, which was. however, without authoritative confirmation. Storks held the advances well to a atrong closing. Bonds were weak. Total sale, par value, II, 040,0(0. United States bonds were un changed on call. Closing quotations follow NOTICE TO CONTRACTOR? FA LEI' proposals will be received at the ofhee of the city clerk of Norfolk. Nebraska, tip to 11 o'clock at noon, August K I9., for tne construction of district eewr No. I in said city, furnishing all material and labcr therefor, aa per plans and specl!catlor,a now on file In the office of the city clerk. Sealed proposals will also be received up to said time and at said pla.-e for the con struction of a main eewer in said city on First street, from Norfolk avenu to the north fork of the Rlkhorn river, furnishing all material and labor therefor, as per plsaa and specifications, now on file in the office of the city clerk. Sealed proposals will alao be received up to said lime ann at aati tiUm fnr laklna tin and rrpladng the main sewer pipes at the mouth of the BANK STATEMENTS No. 27T6. , Report of the Condition of the Merchants atl4taat Bank at Omaha, In the state of Nebraska, at tha close of bualneaa Augnst ft, ISK: retmh rckr Loans and discounts., overdrafts, secured A unsecured I. S. bond to secure circulation I'. S. bonds to secure V. 8. deposit Ponds, securities, etc. Banking house Due from national- banks mot reserve agents) 8 tS,48.SAJ.l lSO.onfi AA M tr no ito.tyyj.oo main sewer where the same enter Into the , p, trom state bank Klkhorn river furnishln g nil msterisi anu labor therefor, as per plana and spccliua- me on-.ce oi in . re re turns, now on file In lark laalarl nl-nrwiaala mill also celved up to said time and at aiu piare for the construction of a water main on Seventh street In said city, from Park ave nue to Paaswalk avenue, and furnish all material and labor therefor, aa per plans and epeclttcatton now on file In the office of the city clerk. Form of pro'josal to be furnlahed by sstd cllv clerk on application. The proposals for district leexf No. land for construction of main 'aowof on First aireet, and for changing ot the main sewer at the mouth, to be eeparatc and apart. Also proposal for laying water main on Seventh street. It I the Intention to let tha rnntracta tn the low rut resnonslble bid der, but the right to reject ny nd all bid la hereby reserved. Dated this 8th day of August. 1907. C. B. DUR1.AND. mayor; JULIUS MPLFF, city clerk. AuglS-20-1? 462.088. ftt St. Loo Is I.lve Stork Market. ST. LOUIS. Aug. 2.-CATTLE-Recelps 500 hesd. Including S.000 Texans: market for natives, steady; Texan atrong to 10c higher; native shipping and export steers, I68IVS7.10; dressed beef and butcher steers, 4.lVi7.60: steers tinder lbs., t4.0O7T4.6O; stockera and feeder, 12.7506 40; cow and heifer, t2.90tffl.00; cannein. Sl.aifrLtO; bulls, !2.75"d'4.26; calves. 13.007.26; Texas and In dian steer, 1.75TK.00; cow and heifers, HOOS Recelnta. 4.500 head: market. lOfl) 15c higher: pigs and lights. t!.7oBJ.55; pack er. 5.25(B6.70; buteher and best heavy, 2.0mel.76. SHEEP AND I-AMBS-Recelpt. 80,000 head; market steady and strong; native nines. 13.0066.60: lamb. l4.0Ofm.8IS: cull and bucks, 3.C0rti4.50; mockers, 2.EOiJf3.75. Atrtllaon ln pM niltlraore Ohio. Canadian faelfle .. Chlraao A K. W. 'to pt Colorado Southern Denrrr A R. O... 1o pM r.n llllnoia Central ... boulaTtllr A N... .. Mellean Central , Mlaaonrl Parllle .. N. Y. Central rennavlranla Reading Roek Uland do pfd St. Paul ftontharn Pselflo . Southern Railway t'nlon Pari tie do era Wahaah Wla. Central Bid. New York I.lve Stock Market. NEW YORK. Aug. 26. BKBVRS Re ceipts. 1176 head; steers more active and firm ta a shade higher; fat bull ateady: cows steady; steers, 4.R$rS.t5; exports, 20 neaa. CALVES Receipts. 1,690 head: veala opened about ateady, fell off 16c, closing weak; buttermilk and graasers, 25'SttOc lower; veala. I5.6O&9.00; culls. M.OOflfi.OO; graasers and buttermilks, 13.003.66; feed ers, 4; westerns. t4.00.75; few at 17.36. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt. 13.656 hed; sheep steady, lamb weak to 16825c lower; sheep, t3.60ijy5.50; culla, 13; lamb, 16.6067.50; two cara at tH; culla, 5.00iSi5.60. MOU Receipt. 10.621 head: market 10 16c higher: good heavy to light hoes. 17.00 tj7.16. '' Kanaaa City !! Stook Market. . KANSAS CITT. Aug. ttCATTLBJ-Re celpts, 15,000 head. Including 2,000 head of southerns. Market steady; native steers, 5,267.00: southern steers, t3.66ft4.60; south ern cows, l'J.oonja.26; native cow and holf ers, t2.265.76; stockers and feeders, tt.JMI 6,60; bulls, t2.25tf ; ealvea. t4.Oipfl S0; western steers, tt.uuiou.iB; western cows, $2.4O(?i3.(i0. HCK1S Receipts. a,ono head. Market steady; bulk of aales, 15 90.r; heavy, t5.76 i.30; packers, 5.90S6.00 pigs and lights. il.'.W(J B. HI. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 6,003 head. Market ateady; muttons, t5.0OW5.75; lambs, range wethers, t5 Wo.60; red ewes,- 14.zdtjo.iu. , St. Joaeph Live Stoek Market. ST. JOSBU'H. Aug. 26. CATTLE Re ceipts. 1.802 head;, market steady; natives 14. 60f6. 75; rows . and heifers. 81-75(35.25; atocker and .feeders. I3.zim.75. HOG-S Receipt. 4.132 head: market 10c higher; top, t6.22A; bulk of sales. t5.95.16 MHlCKf AND liAUBB-Hecelpt, 4.152 head; market atrong; lamba, 66.67(37.30 yearling, to.soijjfl.10. Sloox City Live Stock Market. BIOUX CITY, Ia., Aug. 26.-(Speclal Tele gram.) CATTLE Market ateady, atocker. dull; beeves. t4.60rftS.0; cows and heifers, t2.7Mi4.6f; stockers and feeders, 13 50-4.75; calves and yearlings, 13.007(4.00. HOGS Receipts, ?,20 head; market 10c higher, selling at t6.60fi6.00; bulk of aales, t6.7tJl6.80. Slock la Slckt. ' Receipts of live stock at tha six dual western market yesterday: ,, cattle, nog. '. Northern far! Br ,, . . K) Ot Northern pf4.. . . Mi4. Atnal. Copper ,.1M4 Amer. C. A F ..14014 Am. I"omotlra , . .IK) Amer. Smelting .. .. H do pfd .. I1H Colorado Fuel .... ., Ml hrooklrn R. T.... . . UHlnt. Paper ..184 "Amer. ntac-lltl .., ..1P4mld .. 17T, Purine Mall . . (i4t Penpl'a - - ..let Preared Steel Car ..1174 'Pullman P. . C... .. 1 Standard Oil ... 114 uar . . 4i Tenneaar C. A I. ..114U. 8. Steel .. i do pfd .. IS Wealers Pnlon .... . .ISoTi Interborough Mat. . ., n io ptd .. 11 "Marka? ..14 de prd ..1114 . .14 .. 74 .. S .. 14 . . s4 .. 14 .. 4:h .. ii .. f .. it .. n .. Kit .. 174 ..1M ..441) 11.1 SI M4 17.4 4 n 'A . 40 NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS THR RE gents of education of the state of South Takoto will receive sealed proposal for the construction of a Isw building on the campus of the University of South Dakota at Vermilion, S. D. Rlda are Invited upon the following propositions: HI The con struction, heating, plumbing and wiring tot electrlo light; (2) construction only. 3 heating only, 4 plumbing only, (5) wiring only, ( any combination of proposition, 2 to 6. All work la proposed to be done ac cording to plans and specifications prepared bv the architect, Joseph Bchwara, and on file In his office at Sioux Falla. S D. ; at the office of the secretary of the university. Vermilion, S. D; st the office of the Build ers' Exchange, Minneapolis, Minn., and at the office of the Dally Journal. Sioux City, Iowa, and at the office of Tho Omaha Hee, Omaha, Nebraska. All bids must be accompanied by a certified check, payable to the president of the regents of educa tion rYir A nr eent of the amount Of the bid as a guarantee that successful bidder will nlr Into contract and elvO a Satis factory hotid for the completion of the same within the time and In the manner therein specified. Bidders are advised that n,,t rf,dfm than Mt nee rem i t mv cumi"' i I price will be available for payment until J,.iv 1 I'.ia rtld will be received up to September 26, 1907, and .-ontract will lie a ... ..I ,i - Drmiiiinti. a D.. at 1 D. in. Bids sent by mall should be addressed to Regents of Kduoatlon, urooainisa, d. u. Tla reaenta reserve the rlgnt to reicci any or all bids. fJ. c xicm dent; Irwin D. Aldrlch, secretary. AugI7-28-29-S0-Sl-Bepil-I-lu-ii Foreign Financial. PARIS. Aug. 26 Price on the Bourse today were firm throughout; copper shares strengthened on the New York advices; Russian Imperial 4 were not quoted; Rus sian bonds of 1901 closed at 604. Three per cent rentes 94 frsncs 60 centime for the account. Exchange on London 25 franca 19 centimes for checks. BERLIN, Aug. 26,-Prlees In all depart ments of the Bourse today were rather firm. The weekly statement of the Imper'sl Bank of Oermany show the following change: Cash on hand, Increased 24.8tO,(00 marks; treasury notes Increased 560,000 marks; other securities Increased 22,420,(00 marks; notes In circulation decreased 24,830, 009 marks. Omaha Chlcaro Kansas City St. Louis .... Sioux City .. Total ... 8.100 ...28.OT0 ...H.ono ... 5.600 8.600 to.oro t.fOI 4 5fO 2.200 .49,600 36,200 prln- Sbeen. 17.000 21.000 5.000 30,000 7S.0T0 Omaha, Clearing. OMAHA, Aug. 26. Bank clearings for to day wer tl.ooi .283.10, and for the corre sponding date last year tl. 495.504.42, BRYAN ELECTED AT LAST Nebraska- for Oaoo -Mas Favorite Son at Ike Head of the . Nation. "Bryan will be elected the next president of the United States," said L. D. Denton, advertising man, of San Francisco, who passed through the city Monday on Ms way home. "I base my prediction not on the usual grounds," continued Mr. Denton, "but upon the plain, Btralghforward propo sition that 'advertUlng pays.' Thla propo- Itlon Is subordinate, however, to the sup position that Theodore Rooaevelt will not be a candidate. If he were to be he would, win for the aame reaeon, namely, that ad vertising pay. "I am In the advertising business and I know that It pays, that th,c house which does plenty of it prospers, and that the houae which does not do It usually falls. Now these two men, Roosevelt and Bryan, kare . the two mosi aaverusea persons in America. No man Is so Ignorant that he does not know, no community so secluded that It has not heard of these two. Even those few In our enlightened land who cannot read aee and recognlie the fre quently published pictures ,of the Master of the Big Stic and the Silver Tongued Orator, sometimes known a William ot the Double Defeat. The two men are played up la every BONDS FOR BALE-WATER BONDS OF n.inr cm-. Neb., to the amount of lij.- 000, dated day of delivery, pa able at Ne hraaka Fiscal Arency. New York CJty. N. -- . Y. Twenty veer after date, interest per cent from' date, option to city to redeem same any time after five years rrom ineir date. Issued in denominations ot j"u rai n. City reserve right to reject any nd all hlda. The above will be received by W. I Leonard, city clerk, up to and Including September 20, 1907. W. L. LEONARD, City Clerk. A2ErtZlt GOVERNMENT KGViCXi PROPOSALS FOR BUlleDlNOS, WATER System, Etc. Department of the Interior, Olhee of Indian Affairs, Washington, D. C. Aug. 23, 1907. Sealed propoaals, plainly n.i.u.A r.n i. niitairi of the envelope. "Proposals for Buildings, Btc, Fort Lewis School, Colo," and addressed to the torn f Indian Affairs. Washington, D. C, will be received ut the Indian office until t o'clock p. m., Sept. ii, VMi, tor iur . . , .. 1. 1 . i 1 1 tha naceaaary ma- 1 1 m i , 1 1 1 a . i . - - . terlala and labor required to construct and complete an office uid a ecnooi minum knth Kri,.if with nlumbina. steam heat, and gaa piping; a laundry and an addition to the boya' dormitory, both of brick, with plumbing and gaa piping; for Improve ments to water system, moving hospital building, and resetting laundry maeninery i. .wnniitii.a with nlana and speci fications and Inatructlona to bidders, which may be examined tin thla office, the offices of the Improvement Bulletin, Minneapolis, Minn.; American Contractor, Chicago, ill. Evening Herald. Durango. Colo.; Republl oar. ri.nvrr. Colo. : Hobe- Democrat, St i Kin Journal. Kansas City. Mo, and The Bee, Omaha, Neb.; at the Ihilld era' and Traders F.xchange. Omaha, Neb. nt I'anl Minn . - and Minneapolis, Minn. Northwestern Manufacturers' Association, St. Paul, Minn., the U. S. Indian Ware houses. Chicago. 111., St. Loula, Mo., Omaha. Neb., and New York City, and at the school. For further Information apply to John, C. Spear, Superintendent, Fort Lewis School. Hesperus. Colo. C. F. LAR u iiit i.1 Ar-ilnar Commissioner. , - A27-29-81-S8-6-7-10-1I-14 11 ,444.11 103.Mt.t3 ,70t 153.41 4S8.871 .0 ' ' tO,000.(luu. t,tM.IM.4t 1600.O3 and bankers Due from approved reserve agent 1. 216,100. 51 Checks snd other cash Item F.xchange for clear ing house Notes of other na tional bank Fractional Paper cur rency, nickel, cent tawftil money recrv In bank, via.: Specie egal tenner note.,.. Redemption fund with I . 8. treasurer 14 per cent of circula tion) ToUl LIABILITIES. ' - Capital stock paid In. Surplus fund Undivided profits, less expenses and taxes paid National bank notes outatandlna- Due to other national banks tl, 198,004. 68 Due to stale banks and bankers 1,040,690 H Individual deposits. subject to check.. 1.747.157.66 Demand certlflcatea of deposit Time certlflcatea of deposit Certified checks Cashier's Checks out standing United State deposit Tola State of Nebraska, County Of Dnuglaa. a.: I, Luther Drake, president of th above named bank, do solemnly swear that tha above statement. Is true to the beat of my knowledge and belief. LUTHER DRAKE. President. Subscribed and worn to before me thla 26th day of August, 1907. LOUIS WETMULLKR. Notary Publlo, Correct att 'st: FRANK T. HAMILTON, GROnOK 7C. PRITCHBTT, O. SAM ROGERS, Director. r, 047,211. M to0,0.oft ISO, 000. Ot 4t.0r.ti 136.600.60 128.00 865,094.76 20,747.t4 ' 100,231.48 164,000.00- 1111983. 70 No. K.3J. Report of the Condition of tha " Omaha National Rank Omaha. In the atnte of Nebraska, at the close of business August 22, 107. RESOURCES. . Lonn and discounts Overdraft", - secured At feeder.. NA SI cows 073 S6 cows 1177 6 cows 174 1 60 2 Kit 4 45 2 80 4 10 I 10 Minnesota and North Dakota tbl morning. lure cbaafe have been alight and 1'ereprt Durtant- L A. WELSH, Local rorecaaterl Elgin Ratter MarVel. KLOIN. 111.. Aug 2 BUTTKR Firm at 4; r Oj. oil'i with laa Waek. Sale for th week, 1,001, Ow lb. 30 feeder. . 9N 4 35 6 feeder.. 1010 I 50 90 row 984 I 46 10 cow Wl l L. R. Bingham, South Dakota. It feeder.. 1028 4 35 6 steers... loss I calve... 336 4 00 COLORADO, r cow tol t 15 12 heifer.. 720 trow 1255 165 HOOS Receipt of hog were extremely light this morning, there bslng hardly enough In light to really make a good mar ket. Still there aeemed to be a very fair demand and the market opened In reason ably fair season and generally loc higher than the close of last week. The trade wa fairly active at the advance and the bulk of the bog sold In good season. A consid erable proportion changed hands at prleea ranging from to.70 up to S.a. with a top at t.M. Today s advance carries th mar ket to the highest point touched since week before last. Pr. 6 n I 4 Tt I 7T I v I M M I M 4 t I H f t f a et!4 I i4j 4 ; t ; I 15 I M I t"4 i Metal Market. NEW YORK. Aug. 28. MRTATJ? Tin was higher In the London market, with pot closing at 147 10s and futures at 167 6s. Locally the market was dull, but a shade higher, In sympathy with spot, quoted at t34 86037. 12tt. Copper was lower In London, at 76 17a 6d for spot and 75 7s 6d for futures. locally the market waa ' weak, but unchanged, with lake nuoted at tit. 25 11.00; elec trolytic, I17.6001t.00; casting, 117. 004J 17.60. Lesd waa unchanged, at 16.05 6.25 In the local market and lt 6a In London. Spelter was unchanged at 21 7s 6d In London, but was weak and lower locally at 5. 554t0.65. Iron waa lower in London, with standard foundry quoted at 65s 9d and Cleveland warrants at das 4'-l; locally th market waa unchanged: No. 1 northern foundry Is quoted at CI .822.20; No. t northern foun dry, t20.70s21.70; southern grades nomlntl. PROPOSALS FOR FLOUR. OATS. DRIKD Fruit Etc. Department of the Interior, Office of Indian Affaire, Washington, D. C, August 1, 19"7. Sealed proposals, plainly marked on the outside of the envelope "Proposal for Flour, Oats, Dried Fruit," etc., as the case may be, and addressed to the "Commissioner of Indian Affslrs, Wash ington D. C," ' will be received at the Indian Office until 2 o'clock p. m. of Thursday. September 26, 1907, and then opened, for furnlehtng the Indian service with canned tomatoes, cornmeal, cracked wheat, dried fruit, feed, flour, homlay, oats and rolled oats during fiscal year end ing June 80, 1908. Bide must be made out on government blanks. Schedule giving all necessary Information for bidders will be furnished on application Io the Indian Office, Washington, D. Cl the U. S. Indian warehouses at New Yurie City, fhicaeo. III.: St. Louis. Ma: Omaha. Neb.. conceivable way for reader, and vSter. of j andn ranelac. Ca.. th. Comnry Wyo.; the Quartermaster, u. a. a., neattie. Yvasn., ana me uuniHimni bi i uuaun, pr.nii.nd. Sookaneland Tecoma. The de partment reaervea 'the right to reject any ' . .. l , , .... . ... -. rl and unsecured U. 8. Bonds to secure circulation U. 8. Bonds to secure U. 8. Deposit Premium on U. 8. bonds Bond, ecurltle, etc. Hanking houae, fur niture and fixture. . , Due from national banks, (not reserve agents) tl. 220,118 27 Due from state bank and hankers 206,06121 Due from approved reserve agent...... 1,662,459.10 Check and other caah Item 11,501.64 Exchanges for clear ing hnuse 212,93.10 Note of other na tional banks 14.690.00 Fractional paper cur rency, nickels and cents 1,172.14 Lawful money re serve In bank, via.: Specie ... .4878.790.00 ... lyegel , ten- JS der bote 104,60.00 81,4.P Redemption ' f u n d with U. . treaa urer (6 of clrcu- . latlon) Total LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid In . . , burplus runa Undivided profit, less expense ond taxea paid National bank notee outstanding Due lo other - c-a- tlonal bank M,OC9,72S.OO Due to stte bank and banker 2,297,337.28 Due to trust com panies and saving banks 65.290.78 Indl'.ldual dt-posllti subject to check... 1,551,217.61 Time certlflcatea or deposit Certified check Cashier' check out standing Untied State dpo- Depoali of t:. B. di buralng officer..,.. t .940,t8I.M S. 470.45 too.ooooo 600,000.00 49.000,00 28,02S.81 2O0.OO8.00 1,124, 10,000.00 tls.V.V43t60 1 1,000.000.00 200.000.00 180,136 67 600,000.00 every mental caliber ana every naa oi Wyo . lne Quartermaster. IT. U. A nnlltlral belief. You Can read about them i Waah.. nd the postmasters at them In the yellow Journals. In the pon deroua and erudite . editorial of the conservative press. In the magailnes. In books, on the bill boards, every where. I have tried to estimate In words, lines, columns, pages, tons of paper and miles of extent the advertising that lias been given these two gentlemen In the last half doien years. But the brain reels and I the Intellect stand aghast at tne tremen dous totals. And. figured out In advertis ing rate. I feel safe In stating that there 1 not ufflclent money In the world to pay the bill If either of the gentlemen had to pay In the ratea of the respective publica tions for the advertising which they have secured free. "It la for this reason that I say, eliminat ing Roosevelt, who has declared repeatedly he will not run, William Jennings Bryan will be elected for the simple reason that advertising pay." C. F. Ho. At. aa. Pr. NC Ae. Sk. 44 .- ... 44 44 1 ... lo I to a to u Jvs it tl n ... 6 4tit it ri to 16 00 t 44 (7 . tO at 1M 10 I ti 1 2,i ij (4 X 40 t 44 CU la t 240 I lo Tl tM to II 1U 40 I 6 It 4 t ti "4 lie I M Ti iae w H M 44 I 46 U ttl ... U lu D 4 tlSt U t 44 ar. it,. eri it tat ... tl t:t Mil 4 til ... bt ji ... l to t ut e a rn h in ti i ... it t4 ... it n t iu 41 41 4 6 Trt r, BI ... 4S MS It IN T Ml ... a n ... 4 nk at rat t 4 !1 ... I IS 17 Ut 1) M Sit ... 4 1 41 tlX til New York Money Market. NEW YORK, Aug. 26. MONEY On call, steady, 2U321 per cent; ruling rate. 2H; closing bid, 2; offered at iU. Time loans, easier for short dates. Sixty days, S cor cent: ninety days, 6 per cent; six month, 6''G7 per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER-?6H per cent. I BTFRLINQ EXCHANOK Irregular, with actual bualne In hanker' bill at 14 R7fWi4 871A for demand, end at I4.WMJ 4 8 for elxty day bills; commercial bills. 14 8V4. SILVER Bar, 680; Mexican dollars. 62c. GOVERNMENT BONDS-Steady. Rail road bonds, weok.. Condition of tha Treaaary. WASHINGTON. Aug. 6 Tudav's state ment of th treasury balance In the en eral fund, excluelve of the 1160 000 000 aold reserve shows: Available cash halnnce. t::i WiT.SM; gold coin and bullion, t54,2iS9.207; goll certificates. tW.4f.719. and all bids or any part of any bid. Larrabee, Acting Commissioner. A26dl8t aad Mlnaeaoolla Wheat Market. MINNFAPOMS. Aug 26 -VH":aT-8.i. tember. tl; December, tl.02i4: No. 1 hard. 11.06: No. 1 northern. 11 04V,: No. t north ern. tl-OlHtH-C-l: No. I northern. tTi-SSc. Whlaky Market. CINCINNATI. Aug. . WHISKY Steady, baal 11.21. Wool Market. ST. LOUIS. Aug. 94-lVOOL-Steady; territory ad weatcrn mediums. 9jrrV6c; fine medium, 19J4c: fine, lV3o. Be Want Ad Ar Business Booster. THIEVES AND BURGLARS MANY NameroD Caaea ot Robbery Thievery Reported from Batarday to Monday. VreU E. Dark of Beatrice, Neb., had hi pocket picked ut the Burlington station Monday morning and lost a watch. Henry Cnolman. another traveler, was robbed in the same way at the ame place Saturday and la poorer by W and 40 marks In Ger man money. Hev. Carl A. Tumqulst was robbed Satur day at hla home. Konn j weniy-uuru street, of hi watch ana chain. 11 is up posed that they wer taken from hla per son by two men who called at Ills home and aeked for work. . H. S. Ol'cn, proprietor of a cigar atore at 2129 Fainam street, wa robbed by burg lar Bunduy night of about t5 In mall change. The grocery tor of B. Altmnn at 2Clt Farnam street was entered by burglar Saturday night and three boxe of cigar and a quantity of grape Juice atolen. May Kshaata Ferklaa Bady. TOPEKA, Kan.. Aug. 26 Whether the body of !. H. Perkins of Lawrence shall be exhumed for'lhe purpose of examining the stomach for traoes of poison will b decided next month. The case will come up fur hearing before Judge McPherson In the United States circuit court in Topeka September 4. The New Turk Mutual Ufe Insurance company, agalnat which the Per klua estate hold tlOO.ouu In Uisuranc pjll-tlt-s, la th complainant. PROPOSALS FOR CAVALRY AND AR tlllerv Horses and Draft. Saddle and Pack Mulea Chlrf Quartermaster's Office, Omaha, Nebraska. August 26. 1907. Sealed firnposala, In triplicate, will be received at his office until 13 o'clock m., central stand ard time, September 24, 1907, and then opened. In the presence of attending bid ders, for forty (40) cavalry horses, one hundred and alxty-three (168) artillery horses, three (3) draft mules, wheel; four hundred and eighty-four (44) pack mules, ninety 90) saddle mules and one (1) cart mule, for delivery at Omaha, Nebraska, or other prominent railroad polnta. The animal to conform to specifications for cavalry and artillery horea and mule. United State reserve right to accept or reject any or all proposal or any part thereof. Particulars and blank fnr pro posals will be furnished on application. Envelopes containing proposals to be en dorsed "Proposal for Horse or Mules" and addresaed to Major Thorna Cruse, l iner nuartermawtcr. AZO-X7-ll-si-Il-t3 u REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS 718.041.71 22.96000 138,677.14 ' 2ST.902.71 298,136.67- 11.173.496.1 .,,! til. J58 638.10 State of Ncbraaka County of Douglaa, aa: I. W. H. Buchola, cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly gwear that th above tatamenl ia irue iu urn knOW"U-Wn.'BUCHOLZ. Chirr. Correct At teV -:.-- . J. H. MILLARD, ' : . I. W. CARPENTHR. . .'. C. F. M'ORKW. ' . ' , Director. v Subtcribed nd. sworn to before m thlg 26th day of Augti, wi. Im a. araiAiiwi Notary Publlo. my OCEAN STEAMSHIPS JAPAN. CHINA, PHlUPflXES. H0R8 . LULU AK.I AUSTRALIA By th fcoyal UU "toamoe of tttt) Canadian Pacific Railway ? Sallmt from VanootwfOg. 0. C. laateat Aaa Am-m aaa tk atr mm. ftMoiar Moataaate. 4 rtat. of e aeev BlTa Ml IP WT afntnnj ... tT4r Oally ; Bianner Meaaa, auovar aaa "r.oa. t .air Ua Aurtraltai r" Val. ll-fiaatle as llwratasa, age t;C.Ski.a. Atl.. t8. aarktt Ckt C. J. Neilaon and wife to Joseph Bmola. lot 1, block 13, Brown park... 43S Joaephlne H. Weldcnfeller to Ben Rosberg. lot 14, block 7, Hiteh- cock'a first addition 1 i Arthur H. Bailey and wife to H. E. Fouch. lot lo, block 2, Marysvllle. . .. 1 Kmliv M. Dorn to Paul Thomaen, lot 2, block R, Lowe' first addition 1,200 J. G. Bwansen and husband to Sam uel Sugarman, Iota 4 and It, block 4. Ifoppe'a Bonanxa 1 Cara FX Curtla et al. to Sign Bond eon. lot J4, block 1, Curtla & Stone's addition 360 Peter Maer and wife to Domlnek Unna. lot 7, block 1, Hush tk Selby addition ttO Mary B. Tatman to F. (. Martin, cast 110 feet lot 1. block 70, Omaha.. 2,000 A. L. Barr and wif to Alice C. Allen, block t45. South Omaha 1,750 John H. Iavy and wife to Peter S. and Kate M. Bogars. lot I, block 4, Summit addition '. 400 Samuel R. Faulkner effid wife to'-Axel Heleren. part lot 2. block T. Drake adjlil-ji : s.. 60) Iena S Thuraten to Kaile Llugonner, lot 1. block 11. Druid 1 1 ill : 1,800 Pauline prince to E. J. Weherg. part lot I1H.. Millard aV Caldwell add ... t K. J. Webrrg apd wife, to ' Pauline Prince: aame.'. r. A. C. Slmmona to Mlthllde M. Cast- tierg and husband, part sub. )! IN. tax lot 6 and sub. lot 17, tax lot I. n. . Vt -16-U J.3O0 Rugenle M. Far) to Thomas Sirlb- Her aouh 76 feet lota 1 and 2, block I. Dupont place 1.750 Total 117.821 EGQ-0-SEE MAN COMES AGAIN Oenergl Mssitet t.laaan ai iaa yany Will Hold Seconal t-anter-ono with Omaha a. J E Unahan of Ctilcago, general man- . . a a, n. .k-mw avklok ager pr tne r-gg-wnre h""'' " -.. propose the erection .of , a tm cereal plant In Omaha, will be. In th city for a second eonfeivnr wKri repreeentatlve of th Omaha Drain exchange ana xn funeh Commerclal t-lfb. He wlU fc tha opinion 01 tba local w a to how much of tire company'e bond could b Boated In Omaha. ' ' Providian for glgnat Corn. WASHINGTON, Aug. M-vBuUdlng fof the accommodation at ach place of two companies of tb algnal corps . are to ba constructed at th brigade poata at Fort Leavenworth. Kort Riley and Fort D. . Hussell, Wyoming. Two lgnl orp aom panle are to be ttloned at theae poata a oon brlgad organlattona ar main tained at them, aa la now ronUmgleted In the near future Tb Bee Want Ada Are ui Bat Iluatn Booster. 'jr.