T1IE OMAHA STXDAY BEE: AUOUST 25. 1907. r r i, Prices Are Slrunr anA Rti'i tv.' a - w Ad ranee. VEAT HAEYIST IAIZ IS 30BTH K porta Are) Cettlafr taaae Be- . lekeel Before tfpltakr 3S Fear of rratl Art En tertain. OMAHA, Aug. 14. 1W. a he g-.n market t still in a Mnsf posi l.'j) id price ir a Jvancir.g. from the northwest cars fsrmers ear no; fintsn cult r.g wheat before Septera "r rd there is no tfuenoo that a large l-rrectag of tba crci, win be caught by f r"t. V heat opened strong and higher on firm sbis. and continued bullish on news fmni th northwest wheat country. Buying waa general an-1 offer-rr very light, pric, depend upon th news from tba r.ortheaest at prenl. TH)br wheat at Rr-ac. and c re-n at Fie. Com i tr rraln atterdon rf the trae M It ia the j--'attve teadr. PrVe tj-ve vrme up an ft rt trader are -arrlsl , trU their feet. Th' waj a "?erml crim 'e tn bur arid trrerr were Tery l!bt Pep'.t-mber torn r.j-red at iJVe and cKed C: were firm and a bale !r!er on cn rmp r.ea and llH arrtrala. Trad Irm waa not active, a n-r ln1eret wa Ir wheat and tf-u F' nteTnber cU opened ai anl closed at IPvc l-rr- mere !.'..'' ba. of corn V.iw . on or rata anl wursi ar.d Our. equal to TZ("t bti rma nrm ara uncrangea on wh. at and ViV1 higher on c-rn. Peaf-r sr-! reported Ft Of kSn. of wheat i an r,j o: corn for eKport. i Lxai rarge of cptwna Artlcler ! 0;-en- H!(ih.l Low. 1 Cloae t Ts"y. CRAIX AND PRODUCE MARKET Vt-eat-- I 1 1 ! Pept...' KTH : ' ' ft O 1 2:- r....j JTS ; i tr t gt- j n-. May. .1 ' , I V"t MS ; SS'a Com- j j ! S-pt..'-' STS 1 ! I 5S I :CS i-c....: &"s i , v :: May... iiS j. j H aT- j il rPt...i tl j MS ' &-H i F!H ! W1 It.... t ; t-i i : Hay...' H t H ! 4kS 4? i H Oaaka Caew M'HKAtr,Vo. 1 hard Prleea ac: No. 1 nan". I f-Hc: o. 4 l.r.l .ij.Sc No. I spring. M ': no gnu", i i ic. CORN-No. 1. &'',r.lc; No. 4. I'JWc; no rrad". No. S yeliow, SllraiTc; No. . Hi.ilf. 535&HC ATS-N'o. ! mixed. t5?ic; No white. . No. I white, 43H:-V; atahdard. SHV To t RYE No. i 71c; No S. rSc t arlot Receipt. Vbeat. Corn. Oat- Chicago Minneapoli Omal.a luiulo 1 !S 173 B 41 l.H M CHICAGO OHAIX AD PROVISIONS realarea af tke Tradlag aad Cleala Prleea Beard at Trade. CHICAGO. Aug. 14. Conflicting report and a acercity of definite irf,rmatKn cnii.inriii m r! ... ..run., ' I'.i ii-et.c. iri.pii5 mib. iiw cm aine w-;iir.s by ahort. Offeritigs eoon became scsre. howerer, and prices stTffened on g ol demand. Attempts to realize on the bulge brought out the greater part of th? early bougiit wheat, and the market broke again. Damage reports from th west and aM.iii.wvei -ere nuinr.ua. .u ..-j -ctt l" contradictory character. Definite In- ' Tk :.rmUn waa at a premium. Oa ail I . ', -ri aT , , . ' ' r. j, ' " f - -. . . n. k- 1 tember opened Vsd'vC to S&1c lower at aac to K?rc. sold between 7c and wc. and clos.d firm at too. ' Clearances -of . wheat a ml flour . ware, equal o bushels, Primarw receipt were 7lX(' bu. against fr4i' bu. on the' same day last year. Minneapolis. Dulutk and Chicago reported receipts of 17 ears against tS. cars last wck and l!j oars a year ago. The cor a market waa almost as nerrous as wheat. The opening was easy on sell ing by pit traders and commission house. which waa baaed upon better weather for I th northwest. The decline stimulated the . the rjuyir.g ana prices quK-aiy snot upwara. There were occasional breaks on realising sales but the market generally waa s roi.g. September opened c to SSc lower at i7c to i'c. sold between and ic and closed strong at the latter figure. Local ree,pta were 1M cars wilh 2 of contract grade. Trading In oats was In much less volume than in the wheat and com. There wa a larger amount of cash eata offered than for several days past- Th eastern shipping demand declined somewhat, and the general ton of tb market waa easier. September opened Vo higher at 41c.' sold between svvc and HSc. end closed at W'c Local re a:rts wre 171 cars. A light run of bog and a fair speculative dvmand in the January options caused a firm market In provisions. Tbe opinion of many speculators waa that higher prices for corn must eon bring advance in pork. At th clos September pork was He higher at 114.10 Lard was up lSwo at te 4Ct tti7V Rlbe were S cent higher et 1 7. ' Estimated receipts for Monday: Wheat r.4 cars, corn ls cars, oats 17 cars, hoar r.etav head. Prices furnished In Chicago by the Up d.ka Grain company, telephone Douglas 147. !() Be builduux. Article.) Open. High.! Low. Close. Tes'y. Wheat 1 I I J Sept... SsHfrU try 'sstr IT S54 tr6 May. Com Si-pt. fv-r.. May.. Ou: Sept. Dec.. May. Pork Sept. Lard 1 A-V! a 01 V i 1 WV.V. 1 Ul'tB I SSflMV.1 iit-r-.( 7VaNi R'SR SfNA in S7S' Mi e-S 1 US.' 4a AHtTttfHt 47M 4kif1, 4"-- 45.: aVi It Ok ) 14 U 1 5 1 14 ion' U SS Sept,..! 13 97 7 ttemn fct. Not i 17r?f I1$ tl ! (6 J W I.IK TieTT; I7 in IC I ir I in I its ! in Ri Sept...! I Oct....( I A asked. B bld WEATHER I THE CRAIX BELT Pair aad Waraer la tbe Prwgraa for lay. OMAHA. Neb.. Aug 34. Iv7. Heavy rains are talluig In to middle Auantic a la lea. and xnoderatejy rirart rama were general througiKeul I h Ohio valley with in tbe t-ast 4 boura. with lighter -shower In tb las region, th Miesiasippi val ley ana sou then: states. The weather la generally ctear west of th Maiasippi river. It ia eowler in the upterr Miaa:a:ppi and upper Mtaswurt valleys, and "ill be slightly cooler in this vicinity tonight, fol lowed by naaag temperature Sunday, with continued fair wralhee. uiuii a record -f tefnoeratur aad pre, rtpiiaiioa compart-d with it correpocd:r.g Ia of the last lure year: le7 1M tea ia Vinlmum tempera. u re .... 41 A 7u Precipitation .. T V, oral temcerature for today 71 de- ret.- Deftclencr In precipitation sine March I I '.Hi rnchea. IieAiieocy corresiwrul'.ng period In Jim 1A incta I .effete n.y correrpocKling period in m 7.J1 !nchea. L. A. WCISH. Local Forecaster. Cerw and Wbeal ategrtaa Balletla. For the twenty-four knur eakdlag at I a, m. 7th mervaa time. Salui day. August li, :7: ' - an iii.-puji anu ni-ltuua .t-i in j , , moving StppilC OI 1111,1,- wheat today. At t.ie close September wheat , .,;, racre from o to wea up ,J-VC. Corn staKc hlg'H-r. oat ! 5 c;.fo,nia fruit and from Sc to fc I were up V,c FrovUiona were rHc to lie j l"l oKon. Peachea ar s)igbtl easlr. higher. I LV.v xeiiow ouoted at US'- t-x f-.-rrt at the Immediate oneninar th ... . . ' . v.mwn 1ne Hue Temp F.aii- S'tieM-,. TMax. Mn. fall. Sky. AMnd. VeS i M ja Oar Atbx-s. Neh . Clear ... .a.iu. Neb... yt a a Clear Fatbiirv, Neb ... Ka - .( Car Fs-rrtortt. Neb... ' M ' : Clar Or I and. Neb.. t e . C r l-y.sil.-cv N"eb.. " Clear e 4. dale. Neb M k , a-l-r r.ir.a.a. Nb Ne i T Cir Tekma?. Neb... a 'a a. iVir Al a. I..:..-. a - . n-ar Carroki. Ia .... i . . "t.-r C.rta.'s. It I? : v.' iV-.r CI ear i Clear lor tweire-hour ,Sicux City. I... Iw 4 I 'M.nLnam temperature ; per -d ewdtng at I a. m. fcirrpicT averaoes. . jn f.f l, - T'fl,rL,., . Chit ago. Ill ,S M'iJui. o 14 i Le.uisviiie. Kt i TVT.p- Ra'n i ,-th,i! .1 ! rS-Mey. 1.-.. K Mil. Un 7i 4 74 c 41 M 74 M W K M 4S Minneapolis. Minn, li . Oiml.l Neb .... li St. Louis. Mo.. W I Cool weather tn:inoea In the upper Mip , liw.fn and Miaaourt valieya. It la I r-.mmix irBr in Ir.a eavlera and aouth lem Efrttona rt tse com and wheat rglr.n. : Uood rair have falien in the eastern and I aoutnern diatrida. L. A. WCLEil tI Torecatter OM4HA WHOLESALE VARKCT. rlaa af Trad aad Oaatatloaa aa taal aad Faaer P red are. tUftH-Pum t .-.. JV: thotc lo 'rT Car) . in . creamery. i3c. LIV K P.H.fKl-4-rrir.. cr.,.aer,a. lg I4t: hen. ir; rnciini i turk.r. i ducka. eee. c. HAV-.rK.W o. I upland. $:n: me- 1 diura. 1.. No. 1 bottH:i. Jmh; c5 trr4 from to rye atraw. : .; No. i , allalfa, l.l.w FSL" ITS AND MKIjON'R- AFPLLjt-L'tn. I as and Wealthy. for ! c-ca:rij. Il.u per bJ ; eaUr.a xant-tiea. : w per market bmjiktt. -V BIACKBEKBIKS Caae. it quart. CALIF RN1A r-KAC HKS-Ptr tx.g CAUFOhMA I LL MS Ptr irate, IS. fcU EBEF.RIFJPer H-q-iart e. C.r. TK.XAtt WATKHMEIX'NS Mach. ILCjA'c; I ctai-d for h:trf r.t. iVc I r in. . CAXTAUil i'E F:cm kr Foid. Mardarl ! crate. M Atk.a 'uairl. te i PKAiiS Celt r;.J Hartt IFiemal! Beaut . ii l t r bo; fTC I box. Cai riniu;i n 71 jr ti. (JliAPES Hern- grown. f- V' baaket. TkfiWi-AL "P.i lTS. 90r. LKMCNS U'm'pra. :-. ... )t. t. is.': other tiranrta. 5c !. KANANAS Per Jn-d:un. Ied bunch. l. y"'j. 25: Jui: t-. t- .'.. 1 tj-.A.NiJEtr Valtm-i. w and aite.. Jg.i4., ij.. l.vi iX ?n aad Ii '. i 4 pvf. I L'ATLS Kadawav. $e: Savera. 5c; Ha!- Ic.wt. m:: r.f -u?ei walnut oatea. -lb. t.. tl.o.1. V Y.'i ITT A P L ES. XAVT PFANP-IVr bti . No. L t'? tl No i. f : I-imau pr ID. 1-TtTATtiE. ler bu.. r,w. -c. ASHARAtil -'.:" pr d JS bunche. PliANS-Nvw wax anu atr:r.g. .ec r r.sT K t basket. HEICTS. TURNIP" AND CARROTS Per tnarkft baaket, 'llc. liAIMSHEi Per dot. bunchea. home r"n TC'M AT.'ES Home grown. market Va j i aiat li' ! CI CI MbLhS Pr basift. t.ZK. , LETTl'C E Per do.. 2. CELEHY Xalarraxoo. U--- . I ONioNS Vei.ow. 3c per lb.; red, x Ir lb ; Stn;u. per crate. NEW Piil-ft.rv& t-er rr.iiri. basket. Market baket. EET POTATOES BEEF CUTS. . . .w i v - ,k l w : ro. a no. 7c; No I loin. lc; No. J i loin, lie; No. I tl.wt At . "' 1 &c: No. I cluck. 4V; i I 1 ro-urA Hc: NO. rounrm. - I'.au, -.: No. I piate. ate. 7,c: .-no. a iai, -r- , l.-'tl.LAMH.'(. S. .. COFFEEitoaated. No. i. lc per Ib l i -Vr ' . . -. . IS - I No ;f- iWaKTlb ' .Vl ."xYiPSlA 7 DRIED FRUITS from aecona ria..-. - ' - - " - catels are quoted at c; loaoav-' " ; riLU Hailbul, 11c; troui. -. 'ja,- ,iIF 14c- pike, fresh froen.. lie: I h,i'tef.shu 14 ltc: buffaJo. c; bullhead, j i,.nnej and ored. lie; catfish, rireaeed. .... white percn. 7c; white basa. 15,c; ( D,ak fic: sunflh, 4&c crippie. ;iac- larre crappte. lie: herring, fresh frotpru 4C; w hiie&sn. iroien. plrkeri. freth froaen. c: upanlsh ., v. itr native mackerel. 1 a b iper nh; coann. iresn iiwii. ..... . na per. lie; nounaera. i'"" ii.--. j-. nmr.fl-it. iresn rrosen. nr. nuri... .... ihad roe. 4e pse 10.; arog ir, -r I dox.f rreen sea turtle meat, .c per 1. -. v.jk.-a.i uwuo v. ---r l I 11.11, standard. J-pound cans. II. Is. Pino- I apples, grated. i-pouna, I ;. ' llce-a. ll.TiDZ ii. uiiion rpi. .; v!l".'llu" ...... - - - - -. Il P-sches. I1.7SBI4: Pa.e . I' M'lia. A.iasa snimon, rea. iu, 1 i.... rkiAk ri.t t 1- finer aockeve i',Mf..".,nM ",l "i'V'...;.': tbree-eiuarters mustard. 12 10. Sweet rwotatoes. IllSOlli. Sauer kraut, .c. r-otatoes. II lS0i:i. Sauer kraut, c. 1- mucins, ivro ii.tx. aUiirim ormns, .ek aask. . . a it. r.cti !.:. lxaea peas, z-io, tc; fancy. ' . - . . . . Il Dill HIDES AND TALLOW Green . sailer. No. 1. Hc; No. I. 7vc: bull hides. c; r." hide. NO. 1. No. c. horse, tl.ivfil.IO; sheep pelts, iacfill li. Tal low. No. 1, 4 Vac; No. 1. WooL li tiSle. Xrw Y ork (.eaeral Market. NEW TORE, Aug. 14 SUGAR Raw. steady: fair refining. IBc; centrifugal. S teat. .Sc; molaeae sugar, a tc. Refined. Meady: crusbed, .rc; arranu'ated. i twe- powdered. r-v. OOFFEE Steady; No. Rio. 4-V; .... , t. , : Orleans, .wa-sa. w..4, . - .... -, V. . . 1 . U w 1. C K.v . V rv.. V"- BLTTER Steady: receipt. I.I3 pounds: creamTy special (grades scoring over lit. I; Vf2 jStv ; extras. J5c; thirds to first. Mir 1V CHEESE Steady, unchanged. EXieJ Steady: rceipta. 4.43 doren; weeterw Brsta. lStS-S.-: seconds. ITVynllc. POULTRT Alive, euiet snd unchar.red Dreesed, quiet; western broilers. 17fl-3uc; turkeys. Utilic: fowls. HtJISc. Kaaawas City Grata aad Ptrwvl slews. KANSAS CITT. Aug. 14 WHEAT Un changed to He htarher; September, STtkC: I December. tTc; May. SM,c; cash. No. 1 hsrd. MtMc; No. J. tltji)Cc; No. 1 red. I sac: o. . envv- nflA.ir.crs " .... ... RYK No. 1 TV5't HAT Firm: choice timothy choice prairie. I 6 . BITTER Steady; creamery, ing. V7V-. EGGS-Firm. I'eV- Vii sVtTll 99: St Leal C serai Market. 8T EOUIS. Aug. Jt-WHPAT-P!rra On Iraik No 1 red. caari. ,("-: No. 1 bart ,vir- Seoteenber flw- Iwr tut, t September. I'V; December, r . Cl'-R-V- Flrm On track: No. 1 cash. 578 l"Hc: September. 56; December. K'jc; No. S white. t7V- OATS Lower: No. 1 cash. 4V; Sept em- ber. ar: fte-ce enter. ac: Nek. 1 white, ev POULTRT Ce-all: rhvekena. 1S; eprirg. lUrc; turkey. li-Vyc; duck. Sc: geeae. ii. rilTTER tad ; creamery. aKjttijc. EG3S-Flrm. lie. case c.urt. Re-eivts Shipn-e-t' Wheat, bu llv loSrtVi Corn, bu 12-(1 71 rt Oat, bu IC'i f..(tm Liverpool Grata anal frevlalaaa, LIVFRPtTOU Aug t-WHKAT-ltil. flrm: No. 1 red western winter. Ts Hyd; future, firm; 8eptemter. 7s fv3: December. 7s rd: March. 7s M CftRN Spot, ateadv; American mixed new, fa ld: okd northern, ia P-td: turea. 6r:a. Septetiiber. ia Id. October, ia . M I are eel ha trala Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Au. 4 -WHKAT-Sep-tembrr. TVt&ti'Hc: 1 Tember. SSV-: No. 1 hard. tlu5: Na 1 northern. $1.0;,: No. I northern. IV'ac; No. 1 northern. sH'jiV twftea Market. NEW TORK. Aug It COTTON Fut j re SOtferel sieauy; VM.g.ict. II lc bid; Sep tember Iliac; October. 11 iaVc; Decen.ber tjl'.c; Jariuary. liic: F.'-ruart, Ulta ac; Mrch. It lie: May. UiV bid Futurea cleed very steady. ClKirg Mis: August. HO: September. 1142c . Octob-r. U-wac : November. 11 lite: IVc.t ber, li . ; Jsnuary. !llic; February. UXTc: Marco. tlJkc; Ape-.i. Ullt: Mar. 11 46c Spot mar ket canard steady: middling ucla'.d. 11 lie; .klJi:cg gu.t, lllc. &aiea. ka t-a.e. Metal Market. SEW YORK. Aug !4 METALS Lead. K':: IC ',,.; U.e Copper, easy. Iti-a l": s!r '(.. ST. Ltl IS. Aug. 14. M ETALS Lead, fjii. li Spelter, dull. li.,.!. . - Haal Market. ST. LOT IS. A'-g iA - V. I- .L - 6teadv; leeT.'.ory atd le: n n.ei. jrn. imc; "-.v.- H.e-k,..:. , Lux, L-VJia.'. COKN-l ncnangea to nigner: Beptem- i vantage aa tne eariv ber ilc; December 4Vc; May. SIVc: i Th receipt of iiota this week have ca.h. No- 1 mixeL flS-Wc: No t m-f ; been ligftet aa compared with the previoua ilc: No t white S:fj-,e: No. J. Sle , week and still lighter aa compared w.th OATS-lnchanged; No. 1 white, tflii year ago. The tendency cf to market . during in first half of tbe week waa ! WAD A LIVE STOCI MARKET C i , -e in w i m . . 01 All AVID, a I ffWaaj VO UT(r for Wetk. .HOGS STE05G TO IT7X HIGHX2 ; Fat keea a ad All Klada mt Fabler ! aad Laaafca Tea t Flf- j teea Hlsher far Week ' aad Actio. ( SOUTH OMAHA Aug, 14. 1C i Receipia were: C-r!.al lloncar Caul. ...K.imi ... c:7 ... 7.I7J ... .!. ... U47 ... Is! .. rsssr ...iv.t."' Hog Snep. II 1 X.W. i 1 1 Z..t : 1M 4M . G!!cial Wemadar J v ;"t il ThorMay 'Ornate Saturday ... , c, . ... j r' d d lt week ;.rw I 1' Cl ti i 4j a. i" 4i.'."4 11 tl tame daa 1 wet-ka ao..l4.t d a wa ao..;i..4l ,;m weeae a . Mlr,e '" yar....: Tte follow ing table ;.w 7f.l li-l v relit of catue. ti-gs and p at S jth unuai l-r tl.e tar to date, ...niiaied with iai year: r ' -c LHc. it - a::. .CD i Hon i.n: hit -sjnep hw j.: i.v:a.. I Tl.e lc!ioai:, la Me ahoaa Xl7 UI.T57 a- u t:,e avtiat? P7K w ,,.,fcg al j,,. ,:. r,:nai., lor tr.e Krverai da. mini comparlaopa: i .;. .ij..B.;i.4..ira. ix..tki. Aug Aur Ajc. 11. ..i j i 4 M I 11 . . S S5 I'M IllliS O I - a ati a li C C ; A--g. A.g i 4 . t H it' : ..! i; i t: t r; & fa, -. Aug iAug 1 . t g ' A.e if in su! 1 .i i 1 1: l 10. 11 li, ii, 14 Kt n, i i M, i 46; car 1 I S O a - i ' ' I 71 I hi ' C, t I. 6 r. t . & I? , t " V, i kr a., a.. 14.. 5 M e k i ;. i t. i A. C S j ! ill jAug. Sunday. RANGE -OF PRICES. Caiue. Jo-naha Chicago J Kansavs city ; St. Iouis i Sioux c ty .. 1 e cfS.'.il Hoga. i ; e,' kni .Jr.7 &,4j$ .' of Hock 1.8 j7 ti i.i''i7 !w i rj7 io IjvSS number cf car , Drought in today bv each road , Cattle. Ho t wpH K... C. M. St. P .. Missouri Pacific Union Pacific ysten. 1 C. ic N-. W.. east C. N". V . wtat ... t C, 6t P.. M. 4t O C. B at 1.. eat 1 1 t 1 ri 4 i 4 & ? FW,e;;; ;' lllhnoia iVntra, Chicago Ol W extern Total receipt 1 Th disncaition of the dar a avefnta as followa. each buver r,i.rcV ,r . k,.. - -'" . I,. . vi4i, nop Nirrp a-acaingvo Hwift tnii t r,rr,rnv . 1 Ufa Cudahy Pai. king: Co..!!"" !! Armour Co 1.7 k. ,,': .7." e (Other buyers.. . v.. .............. . rju 14 ... 435 Total irn -? CATTLE There was thp usual (tur I holiday in tba cattle varfls there Kme u.ii, oi any i-nportance on sale. Vh , ..-i.jf. a jioerai ga.n over the rret..u weea a ti run and an Increase of fully 40' I per oem over the corresponding weea of jSEH' j ' "c m.Tif oi came nave Deen running tarce ail this rear, there rtn ; ga.n since January 1 of over hA.aj head j compared with the corresponding period ; or iat year. The market tnia Wee has not been at all to the liking of aeliers, for in addition t-, K..n. 7. . , - irrmur uneven, prior Jumping bc nd jionn, way up one day and way down n- oiner. maaunc It both riifflcuit ant in... . lactory 10 eao business. On account of tha : unerenaeaa ot U market oterators bath u-jr aaa seirers liner widely In txeir ue week , offe very I1Iim.,1r,J 01 com-lfdl. inner ine in!,.. ence of Urge receipts the market .7 lUJiv r.n vi.. . .. ,:..r. ' lnr conoition at the ci? of veiupmer.ts. Including the sUtrment. of toe 1 " B rr-t aa comparod with last week. .-i.. v.r .,r. i large bulne from the retaiier. Fr'c S rings of U-el steers hare nwvi ..r, . . . . . oa rr.acufaclure-a goo3 have lem ram -I largely of weaterns hm with n,i. . : I . . . ..... . . and it is not likely tnere will be any charge n- ui.l,.,, mur on:nowevor. Aonoe irt.ra ll,e pnnci.ai liicoa- iTueaday. when receipts were li-hter. went n.i cni. wr. r.i her cri. 1 r, i,..., 1, ,aa to pieces again on Wednesday, when thZr. kI. tJll ?'...,Z " - -' aa aa ajiaujuaii ULI LAK IIHI1 t sr-.a.n i. i . - . . - . " . 7 . . aaa aa t terwraa, i latr rirap ni 1 -1 vaaah ,h. , , '.. --V"- viciif near.y . i.r.uj Wlin a VHI ara. While It . ir.i i. grades ar fulW bar-lie low.- ( eilflutu, alri" ,fc. Veea" e -,T: l.in any other c'.h of cattle; that Is. the advances and dec'.ne have been more pro- Bounced. A was the can with fat cattle. the market broke badly on Monday and v"y inucn imoral:K-d x.la. o wedneedar. Since then it has advanced sharply and at the close of the week is , oa an averaee nnlv K. . , 1 1 1, 1 . . i si ma ci js oi last week. The best e . . . . . tip verv wen an th. . u . . , . .i.Viy lillie crarre I in ih. . ., . 1 A - . " ' ' ' , .tie moaiiim rr... v . . i , .. . . tlfgiSC as COmnared wilh lt wjm.1i ! toe common and Inferior grades of light atockers U.e neat thing to unsalable. Representative aalea CALVES, k . rt. no. rs s s HOGS Today's Log trad basis of nricea tli h Av. rr tii I as on tli siroaui to ac t.glrf-r than tnt day before. There demand and ior a t:m the market was a "" reasonably active, so much so that the r!y arrivals sold In f:r season. A big proportion of the hogs' sold al ti. vs. as against t..5nty ? yesierdav. To- ward the close, after ih more urgent or- oer were Clled. the market run! off. th la I . a n , . . 1 - ..... . , . . . . . , - .. hj ...I. , ti m m .mm Mil. j apid year apioly down ard. the low point of tr.e 1 year being touched on Wednesday, burin I J th latter half of the week the tendency c; pack- ' ha been upward and a consxiera til pro I portion of th decline ha been recovered, j The market at the close of the week 1 on I an average of about 7Sc lower than at the 'close of last week or irc loaer lean to TV. , . - , . i. '. . , i , r e.irs. A. ..IM . i'l ..aw ..ear . A ..1 ..III . li : eak ..rat I i . li .14 . m . Jm . S.I . rr . toj wf. . rt. rr 4 Ut lira I 44 44 t-T 4 i i 4i e- 4 i 44 ct :-ri 4 4 u. ... U c r a ia a ai 4 Shi a 4 'w t. i: 4 i Ch 4 Si-4 tot I , 7 .....?4l Vt I "w 44 s: 4 i : a 7 it I ta tl .. ... 4 4 7 let ... 174 r ct a t: 47 Si4 ... 4 7 71 ! 4 4 7 47 Wt . i 7 c r m in 41 I "I . . ST 43 "1 14 I TH, gi :sa l Tiw al ai . . T-. 7 ie I 7 71 t l S4 4 r aa r.i . . 4 r li II 7l 44 144 iri 44 Ml in ia ti a i t n r ... i ta 71 irJt : i 7 71 ... 17 74 tii sa t rtkj 4 ill i in 7J C 4 i T7., 7 ta ... i 7 in ia i a 71 Ice ... I ti lie . i ar, 'a r i ti is 7 a a I rr. if ... i 14 tae . : . I as U IS 4 4 to 7t la ... I 44 . i u i M ' 'A at at. I 4 i e I t I i V. U I ai i ki a aa i U t ii I W i F"S a Si a I 4k t 4 I i 4 I a i 4 t I a . I I 4 I 4 t i I fit i a-t 43, !:, I ci i 4 I 4k i S I 41 4 4 I ti t i I i i! . k-. . ; 1 u - u . i If , c " ) y " at a-., e . 1 S4 . ! . ...m ij .. n ;s ...in m ..ii ...i s .. ta .. lit ..II ..lii .. ...fa 14 -. i .. i it... i U... 1 M... ' . .. I !-.. ; a .. 2:: ' 4... ! 4 -Hi 4 .. V ... . re is r. m .. tl a ...XI .. let .. X: .. HA .. JU .. r .. tu ...r ... rt ...fc4 .. Hi .. Ui I aa lit I S SHEEP-Ctnly two car of sheep were reported in today which was two car .... ii tr.an cua;iy txpevied on a bklurd Tr.ey acid very reaolir to a k::i,r n ' receipts Il ls week kav hee. I.. .t..M the record of last wee end ieaa tnaa fcs.f t as Urge aa for th correpui.ou.g week add that the receipts have beea tar ahort ucanei which baa been aa large as Td, . ... , a ooJ rl'i. ilii-t..'!- f-a " fok tory to -i aeiur leTt.r..t ir.. , . LvtltLVl 'rlZKr1. pra.l.ca. y ataUvtarjr aU SSmmP Bos.nA least rfajr Both re and Umh hsv i beua free sellers, eeca dai- a arrival be- arg rind uVer rrr."rt:r Tha attendance of fe5er burera at th : raria ha a been lar a'1 the:r wanta far In nceaa of the aupt'lr The reeult haa been a rood alrnr.41 i:.arkt everr ,jav with , rrrea at the c'ore of the Week r.fht at I Wlic higher. TVere la no queetioa but . jwhat twioa or three t;rpe a many feedna . could hare been Bold had they been axat- : ahle. At the eame time c-jrrent trtoet are ' i avnerally recaroed aa Terr hiah. lry ! i one la hoping" for larger rec:pa In the r.ar j future, tut whether thir ropea are ta I be realised remalra ta be en. I i Quotailona an klllera: Good t ch- c I (latrba, V .fdJTT ; fatr o gfod lair ha KTI t,t, good to choice yearling wetvr. ,S714)2i: good to r.oce wehera M4I it:; fair to good wethera. I6jtf: g --l ! to choice wa. tt.4i6 fair to g-od ewea. M .;: ctil'a and bucaa lLVa ". Qjotatwr.a on feedei: Uml. P- W-f ' far! nil ttittjifci wether. .H4 ltd. ft M. ' CHICAGO UU STOCK MIRKET Cattle aad lt-ep Meady Ha a-i ta Flfteea Ceata Hlaker. CHiCAG". Aug it -CATTLE rrated re-jt. i rad: rnarret a:-"!!-: beeve. llt'UTiS: ron aid be'f-r tl i tf ; T'Sir.i. ei--r rd f-e-4- er. t! j. calvt-f .. H.M.;S llrt:rrjatd rc-ir. t.'V' he4. mar ket 5 to . r cv T Ligl.t. St i- e-. n::ed Uutchet K T .ST b ai y. ;.. M i.li. rc iipn. fi t ?tV." ; p . ;. -i .. FHEF.F EstiTated r:r".a. Z' mar ket -.endy: aieep. fl yearl.r.gs. I'.W; lamb. B.IjT''. Kaaaaa tltr Live Stali Market. I K ANSAS CITY, Aur U -CATTLE-Re-ce ft. had. Iiwiudirg 5" "'j'.hir.; ' mar-l lteadr. rutive leer. fi'WT.lM; if-ui-r:! HTa. PEjIC: ajthern con a. Ht'fe?": r,at:re tjws and heifer. IMV3 . bu'.l. I- cal' . IC "K","i; k:ii ;er. ln;.'c nr;s P.'c-it.t. '' bad market h e vy . nt,!v: bu.k of fie. r..75j I-..7 v : tat kcrs. li ..?. and l:ght. 'J. SHFEP AND I Air? Re. eipts. none: nrke steady: imt. re5'.r'; ew r1 ver-.r'iinsv i fii-: ra' re yearii-rs. v it': rarf" sheep. K-O'S.SV. strKkera ar,d ac ar.'.io.r.-. a. Ial Lire to-k Market ST I.riT'IS. Aug lt-ATTLE-'.ec ttL 1 1.;-- had. 'I'tlMoin; ste ; beff at'-fr. H M-'S K .iS V ; c-wf . v,. Tnx" steer. KTT-fc-; Tians: r-ar'Kt Ft -v-kcrs and a-. 1 heifer tl y : ccw and b'lf- en fi.''tiS '"TV Reor f l.y ved: Trket MVer! r c "id Vt.t. r 7S: r'?:- fj T-W. y . "butchers and st heavy, r No hitn on aie. "j ; Slaax City tire twefc Market. SIOUX C1TT. Ta Auc. 74 ;H-ial Tfi .. rram.t CATTLE Rc--i. ' heed; mar .. ' k-1 ateadv: beve. 14 KSiu .?: cow a-'l I hi'c l7 7iQ4: smoker and f'-ler. 3 iD "fe4 75: calve and year!i-.w. f?ii4. "' " HfXiS P.eccirt y0' head; market . ' steady: sel'.ing at-ti 'K3S ST: bulk of aal, 1 ' St. Jeerpk LIt Stoek Market. " j ET. JOSEPH. Ho.. Aug 14 CATTLE Receit-.s. head: market ateady. i nrn-55 ikeretot 1 S'w head: met tv : f -ei.- K.-1W cf eat, ft. r?iS 14, 1 i SHEEP AND i-A J re Mece-.p'.. npnt. Stack la Slskt. Recelj't of i cipkl western live tck at the . prin- market a yestfrday: Cattle. Hogi Sher p. 4M ' South Cemaha )S:u City... ' Kar.ni City. . 11 .l . H) JV . !" . ln I ?,-' . !' Rrt . 4.m r. s:7 I St. Josrh. 1 St I out ' l!'V j Chicago Totals - im BONDS YORK STOCKS AD Market Ojrei Oareas Bread, Straaa aad Netably Hlbrr. NEW YOC.iv. Aug. li.-Vith a hxUday in tjDd .n, t..c locau luaraet uad to ' luu itself. This it dlU by a bread ana strung opening, in wclcn pnoes for imuiy ft Uti: active iMurt adaaced Irom 1 to Jiia. benui irtii was lavorai.o affrtej i.y t:: pmn i .ne a reaaur,- oepanmem u e th money ailoatioa during c:vp m),e 1,.. , . e e,,r, r v... 7..:. . ".H . . 7" " . . - . .. -.-..... 1 the more reliaUe rei.ris bespoke lncr-as- U1 ,n ,M na 1 1 rs-t 5 mflffl : r r laV 4b ra laawT I.C"ani rtinii TI , : . . . . - . a 1 sc. a 1 7 Tr.: another decline in copper. An barometer of general trade c rai.iDie n- . . ... .... .w . .i ... , t ...i. ..-. , ... . . .V the decretae of per cent Te" Z''. . ."""L'l'', 'V' " " ''i1 with recessions of a point. Before the end I of the Aral hour aii u.e opening gkii. 1 were lost. j Th market developed a stronger tone on the bank exhibit, which showed a loan ' contraction of over .... and a rain loss of shout Jil.. Tn:s e:t the legal . .. - ... w . , ,-r ..... .. . l.l?.Me tiie previous week and 4.J..nti.-4 Th marKel j for the same week la ret year . . ..t, . . avy In th Hnal trading ..4 r'. . ... , .1 P ...... - . .... . w . ... ..... ' wa moderately active . ,. w . , . . . . i , .u . . atr.it a r.... it-linat k. per cent and the coupon 4a V per cer.t on call durirg the wk. Total sale of bond. par value ! Closinr auoLatio'ns follow: -V Atrk iD SiNrlker Parttr ... .:! ' l' - Aata.raaia-.e4 l'tf S' :tIS Acer. Car iCV 4 B A o Oaaa4iaa Pans CAW W ... .. l"er Utvewealee . .f Aaer. saenif .. .. as ni .. Mi Brsi-a A T... . ...t Cola Foel . llMr raaer . 1C Xailoxal Bla.wt . :i Natleal beat .. TV. Pat-Se Mill , .. reof le-i Gas . I"h imi g'. ar .. ..i: aptiie-k .. M"1t ftaaear Oil .. 17 Ivcr .. : Iea C. A i ... . V. Stee .. : :.. .. atkcea4.- l aiea . IH Irler. Melrgf-eiitu .. ; v'.i .. :(-j Merkar .. 24 pfl ,' 2' s-k. . . : D C i o stl Erie imaMs Oatral i IV A ; feanl .. l , e.a. -. JJ at n it is T ceairal.... J e-a - . ':" . 'M J a .el "' ' SL.LlJL sti ..it ..IIS . - w .. : nj,.e I TC tea Pe:r 4 ' . rv Stbtat Wis COlra! B:d " learlag Hawae Baak Staleaaeat. NEW TORK. Aug. !. Th stalerrert of clesrirg bouse Dana I'.r the we-k shows that in banks bolu lisTtew irror than th legal reserve retirement.. This is sa Inirak. elf XtSCr IX eV ,1" t . w , t K .... I week. Ti.e elalemect fo..o: j Derrease. ' t K'7".i'iu1 j Loan ' Dep-it ! C.rculatlon i Legal tender 'Specie i Reserve I Keain e r juirwl 'purtlus .C ti Ur' .. LiNf ivt tvn IH.3C 4 C'lt .. ?1 trs.Krj .. r:.ii7i a...i .. :.; io s t i i 14.iil7.4S4 lV"l.t). X 4 ' 114 00 llrt) 1 i'M.l-f1 :-4.-ji n -t .; Ei-U. X. deporlts I ncreaac. - . - - Baak Cleariat. OMAHA. Aug. :4 -Eank clearings for to day were tl.77.1 71. and for the corre sponding date last year I- Til 14V 14 1- ir i 11.774 l f. ' 1 474.74 1.1 1 1 471 Z&.'4 ' . Mor.car ... j Tuesday ... i Wed.. rsday j Thursday . ! Friday .... : Saturday, .. I t ill eJl 41 . l.iei..".iH . i .iri' . I4cir7 . 1.7V: e 11 . 1.77 Ti i rr? i.iiitiir l.fcl :4 Totals Icti -e over tli week last year.. IMetASaiT P.44if Cfrre;nd:ng tl.'Mx.axd wr York Meaey Market. NEW YORK, Aug !l-MO.TT-On can. normnaL T'rri loan, quiet: ity dav f,.j iH per cent : ninety day. fvt7 per er.::' i a x montr.a. 75r7 per rent 1 n , . i.- iii-tii ..'tii d T, . .- . i j per ceT.tr STERL1MJ EXCHANGE Easy. witn actual buslneaa in baeker b,. al It ""73 for den and ard at M TT5 for eix'.j-dar b:!!; rri il b''l. 14 wr SILVER liar. iic; Mexiran doVars, Re ' N li'S Go verc men t . steady; railrc.ad. I ! - NEW TOP easy. . e - Apple aad Dried Frwlta. RI. lt'( . EVlPllRlTWl ' APPLES M arket firmer, fancy qiaoted at i-Vc: cfH,lc. sc. pnme. !;:. poor U . fa.r. A..,7n,c. Prune ar.char.ge4. but firm, 1 ",,n k.rIK. i s p on a aneaay .deanand, Aprtcot. an reache. i qurt fcnJ u&chaxiged. a.rau, I e . . , . . i .Tetr GiTe Added Prinie of Btinj' Kcit Proiproi, GCCD EIPOSTS FllOX COUXTHY fw Hraaeke Ire Open ed la Weal hr lwcal Jaaaer aad Otkera ag Trad larreaaea ta .Yarlkwrtl. Aa the rraaon advanca t.e Indlcati.Mi are more and mre that t:e yar. when conrludet. will jrove to le t-y far t.v. mt f rfpeft'iie one In the Hat cry of Omaha. The jt'.ir. trrde w nrver l uc t proirou cor.Jition- All l"-.e report r,or orcra than they had at the Mm l:m Ut rsr. with P.n rroepet Icr fail a"vd alnter bui;ne. Ixral Ujw ' rutting on additioral t-areimg fal ne:t. : 1. E- ST.it h. At Co la1 week ert tvt rew oi.e. to cf tl.em to covr terr.tory explored by the Ccjnrr.erc.al c;ub on I i 1 g trade ecurion in J.ine in the nort et iai. Th' ame comr-aT iiaa orxed b-anch houa- at Sslt l-ake Ciy. Tle M'dland Glrnw and Taint corrrany ha o;m-4 brart . at Rore. Sail Lk C::y and Perver. Oth.r houee r.p"tt Isrg k-ama ir nade In we:ern Nl-ava. tVynTMiig,. Ida.'io. Montaia and Sutli 1 Dakota. Ixa! hariiir hne are busy barking crdr f r fa:i and airier v5 airafv a ' o-i 1t!' vol u ne of w.nter g -d? : be i lrg ahipped cu! rartx-ularly In the lire of itrv. t :ve r"" a".d coal 1 i. In a few ra !-e d' rt sre a'tw-iptig the' , warta for rext r,"n. Pu'rri w'th I'v-al bcuaw ir exceed:-g"v a-t:ve. ror!iru!r!y n the lire of bjl!''-' ha-dare. the atr-ount cf wMfh bcutM ;jiH I.''.?, 'Z ' f-at the rriml-rs t-r V .- bu.lirg, r-f,ve--ri to -"rtira" '.yiirh :h winter Neer'e vry 1-rn- of Urlsur fide Is; overc-ow!ed arltt, tHinf.. " 7 , M to be buvne ti o, ve-s The hort- , ,r. cf ,e-l threater ti d s-urb the wt-e is.!' r'u N? rvsnr in rri-.e hr.e hwen "f!f- -'I'n the week Staple : are all r.r,T- at the re-i! h:h pfco. Interest ia Cat tea Crea, 1 The K.i.i'' :ti -r,ttcn en r 'Ji a r'lr.l of m- ! 1er'-1 r-. i. 11 cas'.em l;:i! oaii'I Jut at i-o-N-r i. and on ac -.ri of the unfavor- about 17 years old. wa brvf-M jr,to cjurt reports fr,in t:ie nrl!? t."ey are think- tori:-ce!ve hi aentence. He was a clean, ling of making ij rei.i fc-r raw cctt-n a ,.k, ... .tV, . c.. ' bas:a for mar.ufatturc-d good. lb g-n-j liking !4 1th a god face, and tral -tuati'Mi i uncha:.eed Print anod vidently wa hia mother s hoy.- He waived ri.! strong, and th-re is l ttle likliliood ; trta ,nj vMuntarihy entered a p a of wr- River, and t. ,'y gt no opprtarlty to artence heu!d not be pronounced p n , mail ar.v surplus sur-j V.es. Iabor trouble , h;m he turned to hia attorney. Mr. Mac ! 'he SKr ty of gxJ make ) . k Uni mho a4 p-.. mn9X t Ur.r, jri-f- -x, i1 v : anv Wrong , j Tl.e New York (V.mrr.-ral tar: ing appeal In the boy bt-half. Maefar J -Msr.ufa -turr r of white goot ere -! land rtferrej to the fact that the b?y' lrietv:r treum-. in g-i-.m - trou!i In getting d' Prery ot c'autTl'r.g' them to limit 'further operation In tian reople; that the boy had been ae'.l the a ay of accepting forward bue-.ne. brought up and had always been kir,d and Price, on lire are hirher nd the jr.tlt' he,rfui , fc rhf.r ,na mo,her; tnal on genially fr'in to 5, cent abote tn ... ... . . . pnee of a week ago. Th long tanle;tha right of the unfortunate tragedy pre, cf c'lon liav been in short rupr-lT .young Nelson waa overpentuaded to Join thi vrir and n-w T:nner are aaairtg an - f. r combed yarn in higl count above ! w arv. I rc. bave teen name! on the ne w! Vr,e of tow-lv dansssk. crashes and otner in d -met-lie white arooda that are from IT- r-r cent ebive Jest year rree. The j much larger ust- rj crashes ard damak n th- ina-k.t .luring, recent year, ha made th dTar.d !rr'y excee.i tne nor- mal pr"-.du'.inn. and r n,'!,. ev-i now. Siabaiigh. the county attomey. who care an ret hl" lo get up suflcicnt stock to fui:v renewed ai: the facts and' most lm- . mt th al's. j "The Jr.blers of the country j alnr on a r.arrcw sleek and 1 e-ii;re rev coifls f-n firet are ge't'ng when thev bd will hv in rav surh av"ce a i':l nece- sitate at h urt a M to a rwr ce--t adrarcj ir the nrlce on the rocci in the J-vbnng 1 ejrice. On fi-reir" white rood lire ' a'e n Kfimd lc W the present iaii (and r.nr and v-ry large rr:r.g Import , ordi r rre In -81 '" j Big rkae Trade Caaalac. Tnj-jlr- abouf the territory rv int u- eling alonen of tno snce r.o" t 1U. -n-.-A tnr tbe rrediction that the I ,no tra1e ,nJ, f,j will be the bigger! r. j llw hiatory of local trade. Fcr the last ! . " . .v.. . k ii verv ' ,, . efn'r.e to lav 1 .;k In any qnamitv. and now th'r . .,V(. coniMrtlve:y empty of fall I , 4 winter Tnc country ia prs;ei- .k. tvi. f.tl and winter wi;i beo-e the end of the year. Consumers are '. aaid to be askirg for h'gher grade i hoe-a this year than they have ever i-d before. veral shoe mar.irf aturer have t-e-en cerr.pelled to buy leather recently in I order to gft stock to run their factories, snd for that r-eson the leather matk.-t :s , strong. Large feld of rice have teen dertr .ved by su rma In Lou::ana snd Texas, ani th ! is l.kc-ly to stiffen the market a HtUe. Prir-ea ere firm and flock iaw. I The big':; price in years c'airis on ' evanorate'l rsst berriea. which are quo'.e J at Sj to SI cent. All k'.noa of berri. are ; hiajh. In general there has been cj change I in va;'ratod fru't lately. t In d-ii-d pache there ia eonsf derable tr3e. Prune-a are f rm. R-p..rt frxn Cal ifcrr ia are that the crop there will not rt- cee if rv.r.ei't, tiiinilk rliffirr. k aee-4'..l rai rs sre dull. . c. v. .,.n eti. ,.e n w . .1 . ... . .it .k, ,arVe! I ttrrtis with an n. .. "J., ,......J. are In liant iit'iiv ar.il ninvi-.e gSiwlr. Baltimore aava lU'rn-n w-111 be l.rrvr a. I , .ru- , vlf is. Ji- S ,0 rl ,0 n r hat the w-tern pack of I rnn ' hut It 1 ex;r.ted to b b-riow .le. - " j laaatrovesnent la egar. , . . J 'J!nf Iniprovemect I showa in reflncl I lions of a month ago. Not for ir.an years i iM vuivu ujur.eaa uuiaineo in ir. sugir ; n .iarL i ne inaruiiiy i.aa anecieo. .ne 1 price of rsas and refiners r still cautious j about buying. With the maturir.g of u -e . cro orn' improvement is exoecteL . -Ki'i an-iiie v eil.eiii la tipene'l. I ir.r maret tor green cc-ffr is dull ar.d friM on rnai'1 remain ur.chanvL I i The gfrantic sio.-k of l.vKV bar of' J coffee, held by the brail Han syndicate, is , barging ir. a threater.liig manner over the i.iaiat-i mi a. reaay ua we:grit seems to r ave cru'.ed the life out of call trading In New York. I-,, email tr..i. ....... that the big men tireiiiian offic ala. local ou..a ar j tirotetn nr.ancier have th i situation under trteir thumbsand they do : not snow w.'.lcn war to turax aa a rr.lt i they are not turning. Crop and weather report from Brazil at Unporunt Jt.nl now. The n.arkel is more than ever ill- tided sharply into two fsctKr.s. the one looking for an overs helming cr ip th com- ire tear and tee oi her for a am!! . 1.1 1 ' irg ear snd the other for a small yield I from lee Rnn'iin r . r.i1 the ce.r,. J que-nt success of the vsloriia '.sn project. ifraga aaie ateaaaerwiea. 'Since our report a week ago there l.aa been no developments of no;e in tr.e drug hn. A fair Jobbing buslnexs U being ducr In o; lum al si ghtly sdvanceJ orvs. There e. .v. 1... , i, .,.11 t n a itns. In 1 of 14 cents for bulk In lA-eur.c Herlem oil 1 mdiine aj-: e I at the i. ; . . j . i ... . t 11. b u ji.teu a .em, neka aa:.. e-i,ar- ; dtred aiifrr.ory U Hile lower In price but the promise Is that t:.ere ;;i soon b an adNan:. Palata, Oils and Glasau TT.ere l.ss been little change in th tur pem ii a,ijation. imprx-vement waa r.-t -l early In tl.e week in the Lnseed oil lir.e. i There is hitle activity in oil r.iarkets cf I the east, the greatest movement being In j the west. or. a -.-count of ex.ensive b-.ilid'r-s j oi-rt:ons Window gias remain tn I Mine a lt ejuoied. wifi no car.-- In , diseoiist. There l a 1 vely demand in th est. with a dullness la eta tm mameie. ; Maveaaeata NEW YORK. Aug at New t-rk for t rier and W l t"M f Specie. i4 Inif-rt tf specie I wee were UL.C) tif .rts sere 11 m.. 11 ?;ver and ti li.o.5 ( lJ- Hw, aiilm ,. - wa lama "!?. A teT.tk .1.1. . . ...e . . . , . , . . , . j V rT. tw, .r!. wa. Vh cfF 'aware irf.aaa'tr i-uneMej and th remarkable fa-i-t alul It wa that It i e r n wi in a rt.a m.i Th. . . ... k-. jtaeen two four-nited Aaientaa hit . . t - e zj'. "in reii.i a.-.o tr.e As'.ra ". tl.d lent ad ('nigral Interest, aa the ful-rir?ed ii!n veseei fyn-.g th Antericsa f.aa u jiast var.rsMng irom ihe- seta The tno' j 'r set sa l from Honolulu on April U rs lfc d.'nce covered by them wa . ie- Biutt in niffbi oetore sailing tne rival ceptAtna had made a eager cf tl ' to wiiMib sr,:p would be first to reach u.t lelaaar breaawaler. tain ubee,uently arreed r.4 each cap- ' to divii gjva . arr.cng bis crew ia fa tie Mp woa B-nn , j Vaeaex were fr. .Med in lU.a-at, aaiair. i,iu uc acatuoijcaia, l - jUDGE SUTTON'S CANDIDACY Connell Discusses Some Phases of Juvenile Reformation and Protection of th? Home. CMAHA. Aug :.-T the Ed lof cf T',e Bee: Another grandstand p.ay of Judge Sutton, which ;e baa much overworked, i the Jueni!e court. An a;;eai for the reacue of little children ta one that End a natural response in tha. human t.earu Tak ing auxantage of this. Juilge Su-.t.ft baa pc-aed a the avjle guardian of reglx-t-d chlldrtn and th champion of tie law fjr prevention el crime In tv-aton and out of aK,n he baa attend-d cl,urcu meetir-ga anj relurm gatherings and told what great thir.ga be had accompllaucd In the Una of inaii hirsr branda from th burning. l.ke a,l g t-d t.'.-nus. thia tan be over uone. it ben overdone by Judge Sut ton. If he wa aictre in the work lis cxcs ia thia direction nilgr.t te over looked, but when he Is er.faiod in mere grandstand play for political fet be is ' not niull to txa credit be aceka to c b ta.n. ! The real fact is Juice Suttan has no t sympathy or kind'r feeling for wayward boy or girl. I do not ray th'a fro: a prejud.ced tan!po'nt. but because I know ; It Is true. It 1 known to many, but not i to ail. that Judce Sjtl -n I the most hard- hearted n-an tat evr occupied a crlm.nal wi-.n in tree America. The moal e 1 and cruel jTOce-ding I ever witfitaaed to;.k p'ace before him about a ' , '' . "t'" he lrr.poid a life sentence on ycurg Nelson, the bey who assisted In .h ridul, - Moh resulted in O Ha-n shoot. rg the rroprietor of a M'oon on 'Curr.,ruj street. I happened to te In Judre 8'jttc-n'a court room when thia your.g b--,T, I Mrent were hard-workinr. roM. rr:- , mvd j,, ,our fellowa who uroooaed raiding the saloon: that he did o cn- thinkingiy and little realiiing the possl- bliity of the serious and disastrous results I which followed Mr. Msefarland concluded , by making- a most pathetic appeal for clemency. , ... , ,,, , k t.... pres-slvery made known to Judge Eu'.ton Jail that young Nelson had done tj atone , f-r tli crime and how young Nelrn had admitfed the truth of the entire transac tion and had aided and assisted the state in every way possible and in conciuin i expressed the hope and belief that In Tiew 'of th fact that young Nelson had noth i ing to do with th shooting and that he had voluntarily entered a plea of gruiHy. and In view of the further fact that h had put tie state to no trouble or expense, only BOY ENDS A WORLD TOUR Telia af Some Reaaarluable Teatares la All Parte mt tke Glob. At). Oa a carutal of Si cent ar.d an Irre- ' f ' pressiVe wanderlust. Jerr.ea Erk!n. Ill years old. has Just completed a tour on and one-half times around the globe. He arrived in New Tork as full of tale of strange adventure as a Marco Polo, and ' with more money and better ekithe than : he possessed at the Inception of hi ro- n antic Journey. ' "My peolle were drowned la the Gal- J ve-ston flood." he said, "ar.d thai s what , made me leave heme. But I rn going to i gt off the roid now. Traveling la not Ijnny 1.5: It used to be. It Is easy when you sre young, but not now. I'm getting ! too old." j That is the way th adventuroua youth I stirs it all up. j When h left Galveston five year ago he ii a barefooted by of II. He eroa the great F.ate of Texas on a freight train, but charged to th top or a passenger itach at El Paso, and Journeyed through to Irs Ar.geles on the Southern Paciflc'a fastest express. Rv working at odd Jobs and boarding the blind bag-gag, the bump ers cr th trucks, he Brad Kan Franciaoo Just aa th United States transport Thomas j about to sail for th Philippine. : . K.. I I IA. on n,ht he uMM " rmb1 ! den under one of th dock and rowed I himr mil to wiier in 11S eesaei mmw I himself out to where th big- . H ,. UD .k. ha r chain "cored. H climbea up tne Into th ship and concealed himself within ' canvas-covered lifeboat- Her he found ' h....-k rrnviitesd la advance for the ship- . . , . . ,,tii a:tov ' wrecked. ad ubslstej on It ur.til dlacoi i ej a thousand ralle from nor. I Me was nenr.ilted to go ashore on th i . . r- ..... e.iiiwi tn eet hack I island of Guam. on th boat, and w left. one among a In mldocean. fee hundred white people. i . c,ernment supply tt J1tk'' him up j f . . .... . rt be arot he orM for the a.ess ur.tu r.e got to Manila, He attached t.lmaelf to tn I , . r. liiarv CC'ITlMny and Mnmlaaarr Of a Miliary ivn,i..j toured it Uland. The transport which took him from Ban Francisco brought him bark, but he hid hirr-eelf as a auwaway on the Snerroan. eid rrriuM the Pacific again to Nagasaki. rie-4ie the virilanc of th crew he rred off th ship and briled Cblna- man to row h:m ashore. He ssw Kobe , . . , a 1 . T . r- ua ! ana j o&or an: a, ana ov. I to Shanghai and thence up th Tenow sta. Th youth tella or meeting wilh a China, man who owned a sailing poultry craft, on which he raised ducks, and fold them In conven'ent pr-rta. The Mongolian gave him a Job, and landed him in Hong Kong, wber b cnx-fM a packet from Calcutta. Work ing at everything from "cleaning potatoes J to n ra'rj rifr'r.g " he Journeyed from ' India to Li?on. G'bralrar and Alexandria. ! A tarty cf tourists picked 1.1m up lher. i and he wa carried can camel Lack to Cairo "ID re th pyramida and gravea" Crossirg to Cot.stantinop.e, he boarded a , saing vessel tor lapetown a no spent aei. , era! week In South Africa, wasriir.g caret , la a Ktmberley reataurar.t far C a week A ftsl-lrg scl ooaer trahapone-d him to Bj d- nr and Melbourv.. Aa a part of a cargo I " d th ' San Francisco. tli itinerary irora ine coast here Locluded the cities of Salt I Lake. St. Paul. Kar.aas City. Galveston, BOYCE & BLAS1HGHAM, cgii asp stock brokers Renders cuxmer tb best ten ice In OeiLa. Tradea ia 1.000 buibol jrkln And tipwsrds; 10 ftbire and ttpwArds. A reliable firiu. Room 4 N. T. Life. Omata. Losg d 1st a nee telerhoce. DoosUa 754 S. full be posed. I bexan-.e muh ir.tret.-d In these re. utals and area's made to Judare Sjttot and I fupt-.w-d. of cvure. that Judat Sul len wou'd g:r th poor boy th minimum penally of ten yar. which seemcw to tii mre tfan reaTy iinu!d te imposed. To my furri. and to the con t em at ion of averybifiy irerl. Judaie Sutton in place of rpeak r-g krd t th bey, vctou;r oi-r,e.l up on hii.n with the meet terrific tlra5e of ahjse I ever listened la. and hfi the p.r little fellow looked as though he would sink through th ffoor. Judge Sutton concluded by giving him a life sentence. The proceeding wss so in contrast with what I knew J;;dg Etll or Judge Iay would bave don under simi lar circurr. stance. I could not heip tut feel that tru7y a dcil waa on the bench, I realiie tliat the Judge of a criminal tourt has a duty to perform In the Irlerert cf the state which an not well be avoided If Ju'V- Suttoa had merely engaged ia the perforrrance cf this duty 1 would not lava a word to say. But when, for the purpce .f n-akir.g grandstand plays to builJ himself up poltt K-ai:y. a tdg goes to the wl.d extreme Judr Sutton has gone in Inflicting cruel and unusual pun ishments In this and many other case, he rot only violate the constitution, but brings discte-d t on th lench. It 1 th boast and priie of Judge Sutton that dur ing his b;l.f career a crirr.lnsl Judge be has t-irvwd sentence, not IncJudiTg life enteric, whith agrreg,.e over " years. Surely a Ju '.ge with such feelings and such a record cannot be dee ply 'or sincerely In terested m Juvcri!" reformation. It some of hi other grandstand play in Juvenile work manifestly for political ef fect. Judge f jtton l.aa violated, not only the contit-;tl -n. but the right aurround Irg lie h -me, regarded sacred from time Immemorial. Th hurr.bl home of the rvr man or the poor woman ia entitled lo protect ion and freedom from invasion, aa rrwh a the more elegant home of the rich. T'ntll Juflge Sutton aseumej to run the jucni:e coi.rt, it waa supposed that every persc-n home waa hia castle. Thia illusion wa recently dispelled when couit effker under direction ef Judge Sutton raided the little home of a poor washer woman In the Third ward and compelled her to move with her child, against her win. to some other portion of the city. I do rot question or doubt but that th Immediate surrounding of this poor wemsn s hicr.e mad It an undesirable ptace m whkh to ring up a little chMd. But all th same It was her home, th best the cculd afford, and if the king ot Ergland would not have been permitted to molest it. Judre Sutton ought not to have been allowed to do so. If In tl.e enforcement of his juvenile court edicts he can do as he did In the ae of thi pcr woman why cannot he extend his po"!" Jurisdiction to other more pretentl us home? YVhr Is the lire to be drawn? Only Judge Sutton In the xercis of unlicensed and unlimited power can answer thia question? If each xtrem and arbitrary power xits, will it not be more saf'ly snd reasonably -erc'sed fT th next four yesrs ty some other Judke? W. J. CONNELX Chicago. Cincinnati, Norfolk and Wash ington. "I'm going to get a Job and settle down now." be says. New Tork Press. If you hsve anything to trade, advertise It in the For Exchange columns of Tb Be Want Ad pages. WHICH IS CORRECT 9 To Say: OR To Say: TWM OOWTZaTTti IS 07 TAitf TO AjDs8srr Tri COWTkJTS All or TAtVS TO III AJJDB.ESSSB-' Tz rst rive pareoBS ftlr ta tk cerreet answer aaul pro par reaaoa for mat, will rsoclv 100 Shares sack ef Stock la the BUM0xrriZX.O IIS MOUIAI M3aTIS3 CO. Tela ef Stock. 19 casta per skaxe. ADORXU WONDER-GOLDFIELD BROKER ACE CO. BOX in ColtSRald, - Nevads Send for ear Free Mar bet letter. It will g"iv tba came and addresses ef tiii pr3ia reoelrixf this stock. rrrrjqljet. y,,i fB.RjwiM.1. u..w?, WE WILL SELL I Assr. Maroewl. I I Alaaaa Cau Ptt-. 44, 4te Aa.ee. M-a . kr. 1" At Inj- Eir. 1. ett.e fea!ei4a. lie iW Aseiaea Caa . HA. lot WieeJ E ee . be at kaaakaaa ceo.. Sis. 4 to N T. tk.it Uh, :Jb cal. Maa Oil . n k E.f Meeewlea, ie E.Faeee. 14 S bate tY. gut. ft,. I'" G Wear. Ob A. e. lit. 1 OC tar Uk, mr at O A Cagaa. Mt t U Kkta C-Of K TSc 14 Je Ciaat , ike Sua K af Sot . Hit i Uenikrun Mr A Wj K.k.'ieit M A . Cetutrae . 11 4. 4-e Neesai lkr. lem. Ki kkiaave. Ike -,liier M:.. be i Teiejt,iLe. t ! Pcaa-Wr.. W4. WE WILL BUY i r!i las Sw4 G.'4 H.k. :S t wn ti to . 1 Gee. Aa 'he Uarw rr Caflaa Mia ir Mil Sol . '.I've Waslern Bustosss Exchange II! La gall St.. Cklt-e, TO. Farnam Smith & Go. Stocks, Bonds, . I Investment Securities- f ffr, sakjaca to ale, 60 ekareat tTylon Stock Tarda. 1320 FaraaaSL. TcL Coa,!asl064 Ih l glit-l awntence pille