10 WANTED TO BUY WANTED To boy, seronrt hand furniture, cook end liep'ira tnvn, rarr-eta. linn. Ifumi, office fnrnilur. old i Inthe and hoes, pianos, feathers, bed pillows, ajutl's ar-d all kinds nf trw.ls: or wilt hujr the furniture of riif rtm cnmpl". Tl a hifhral pr'cearald. tall the rtfht man. Tel. r-iugisi xi. (? M AS CARD CAFINFT of 1 to drawer for cartl i8 Inches; eie'e price; rrmst be cheap. Address I. ?. Fee. () 1 CASH r.aM fr roni1 hand clothing ,h,.a. etc. No. 141 h St. Trl. Red tt. (2sx-n WANTFD To bur: will buv out rooming house or flrst-i lass boarding house. Ad dress. N 3. n (251707 SFj CAPH paid Tr old hooka. Crane-Foy Co., S13 . 14th. 'Phone Pougl! 1Z2 ( WANTED TO RENT WANTED Py nest boy, with references, board and room In a private family; will help arounil house If desired; please state what hoard and room bill will be. Addresa Y 100. Be. (Ml M7i 0x ROOM furnished or unfurnlahed with board, near Haneeom park Address T 179 Bee, (3D-M4SS WANTED -Refined young lady aa room mate; all modern conveniences. tl N. 17th Bt (attJ-MSW 17K TWO nlrely furnished rooms for light housekeeping In good neighborhood. Ad dreaa J 43. Bee. (201 MM1 SI WANTED Addresses of private families that will board and room lady atudenta at 14 00 per week Hoylee College. Tel. Doug. 1984. (,:) M9T3 LAPT wanta board and room with a nice private family; no boarding house need reply. Address ISO. Bee. tail Ml x GENTLEMAN and wife d-slre first-class board and room In atrlrtly private Amerlran family; atate terms. Addresa A 120. rare Hee. C) 129 2ix WANTED SITUATION WANTED POSITION IS yeara- experience bookkeeping and ofTce work In real estate, department store, lumber, grain and mill ing E. K. Feaee. Fremunt, !.'eb. (27J-M1UJ EXPERIENCED, honest Japanese boy wanta a position aa a cook In family. Addresa, Charles Kawal, rca 8o. 9th St. (?n M736 mx VOUNO MAN. who Is now and for past five years has been a mail carrier, wants po sition of trust where honesty, ability and lntngrlty will be recognized a lid rewarded. Addreas, K 73, Bee. (27) 65 28x FIRST ciasa Janitor wishes position. 4030 Seward. (27) M465 Mx WANTED-In same town by two ladlea, positions as office clerk and trimmer. Ad dress ISO. fltuart, la. (27) Mot I7g FOBITION by colored man as porter or waiter, a Janitor, No. 1 reference. Address 1913 lsard. U7)-C14 17g YOt'NQ Japanese boy wanta position after school In private family; can give good references. Address Klra, 4.18 Bee Bldg. ' (27) M734 J6x 1'OBITION WANTED Experienced retail salesman dry goods, shoes, clothing with reference. Addresa J 77 care Bee. (27) Mt39 S4z lOUNG man, 22. wlshea position aa col lector or other outside work: beet refer ences. What have you? Address B M. Bee. Cf7)-7T6 2x REAL ESTATE salesman, experienced, able to handle additions; best references! salary or commission. Address P 117, care Bee. (27 M747 2x WANTED Position as clerk In general merchandise store; fifteen years' experi ence; best o referencea. P-ox 3, Bwanton, Neb. (-7)-M741 SOx WHEN you write to adverfsera remember It takea but "n extra stroke or two ot the pen to mention the fact that you saw ,. the ad In The Bee WANTED Situation by two young ladlea lalsters). violinist and pianist: four years' experience In orchestra work and good eight players. Address Y IP, care Bee. (27) M7S3 30 PITl'ATION wanted by office man. even Inga and Saturday afternoons, at Qguresi have had experience In cigar store; At leferences. Addreaa C 139. Bee. (27) M7dStlg GOOD colored woman wants cooking, pri vate femily or prlva:e boarding house. 113 Webster. 1119 North 19th St. 7-2 28X EX PERI KNCED office man wanta small set of honks to keep; all or part time. Addresa K 141. Bee. (27) MM59 31X TOI'NO man wanta place to work for board while attending school. Boyle college. Tel. Douglas 19S4. (91 M3ft REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS H. Said and wife to Joaeph Hanxerovaky, hit 12. block 9. Ktrt addition to South Omaha.. t 60S Josephine Ertckson to John Mr Ivor, lot iO. block . Shelby Place 1.400 litKHIuml Realty company to Mvyne Timblln, lots 1. 17 - and 1. block 4MI. and lota 1 and 17. block 471. Orand View 1 11 A. Tukoy to Jda Johnson. n!7 feet of lot I. block 2, Hbull a ' First addition 1,400 A. C. Ranney and wife to William K Weber, lot 13, block 1, Millard Place : 2,500 Agnea W. Lendruin to William E. Herkman. e30 feet of a0 feet of 'lot 1. block 14, Mhlnn'a addition.. 1,300 Prank O. Bogue to M. W. Quick, , lot S, East Omaha 1 Rosa A. Nelson and husband to Joseph and Anna Neniecek, lot .'. I. lock IS. Rron Park........ 140 Hxttie A. Cook to Daniel T. Mur phy, tract In ae of aw4. . 9-15-13 1.700 Joseph Barker, trustee, to Jo. in Colberg. lots 51. 54 and u, HiiMwoke addition 20 Atlantic Realty association to H. A. Rose, lot 7, replat of block S. Beml Park 7J Adele L. ('. Worthing and husband . to A. C. Weltiel. it, of lot I, block C, Saunders A Himehaugh'a addition j 're(la M. Timme and husband et al. to same, same Isabella A. Relchenberg and hue- . hand to Hippie Heyn, nil feet of iU of w37H feet of Wn 4, and n: feet of a 4 of lot S. block 12. jMK'ormlck's addition 4 2B0 G. If. Drew to Wllllanv H. Ullde hrand. nRO feet of lot 12. and w4. feet of si 40 feet of lot 12. Bark ers' Allotment 1 Total S1M30 LEGAL NOTICES RON Del FOR SALE WATER BONDS Or Beaver 1ty. Neb., to the amount of lit,. . dated day of delivery, pavabla at Ne braska Fiscal Agency, New York City, N. T. Twenty yeara after date. Interest t per cent from date, option to city to redeem si.rne any time after five years from their date. Issued In denominations of SufiO each 'Hv reserves right to reject any and a',i I. Is. The above will be rrcelved by VI. L. Ionard. city clerk, up to and Including Member in, 1907. W. U I.ENARI, city '" AXdUt RAILWAY TIME CARD JAPAN, CH!XA, PHILIPPINES. HONO LULU AN3 AUSTRALIA By h Reyal Mall Steamers ef I he Canadian Pacific Railway 8 Hint Irtis Visus. vi r tn 'VS mrvc9 to th OrMU aa sar Mua- Isortit l U41S. Iaru of Cnla a. 4 Rlt'rrM rvf Jmptu. TkrM Maaars are te (.uei Mttiat AaMrka saS ia far ftaat. StaaSMT Moetaagl eiarm af a4a piimm S eatr. si ma I'O-r mtil rai. Sallluas bl( arr tas 4avs. Staaax rs Mbsaa. allnwara ill Arans tone lb a..l)r Ima l AaMrna; avltasc it iai m fatiHUL laotsstf mr a amth. ' laiaa, uluiauwi aka HiarMsea, as sir la k. c.tn ,.. t..tnt, rurkturkteage- ! BIBLE RECORD FOR PENSION i Requirement of New Law Works i Hardship on Veterans. j MANY CA5N0T COMPLY AT ALL Hill Be laahle t Dn-ara In " llm I'ktaif la Made the Melke4 ef l"S Ages. Prot. ld soldiers who were rejoiced over the passage of the age pension bill which pro Tided for a penalon of 112 per month after reaching the aa-e of 70. and SjO per month after reaching the age of 7B. are experi encing all sorts of difficulty in securing the Increased award under the new law. The trouble lies In the fact that a great many veterans enlisted under the age of IS. but gave their age aa IS and when mak ing a subsequent application for a pension, gave their actual age at the date the ap plication was made, which doea not cor respond with the age given at enlistment. This same rule applies In the rases of many of the older pensioners whoso en listment ge does not correspond with the age appearing upon their present pension applications. Bible Record Reqalred. The penalon department has therefore re quired the applicants under the new age pension law to establish their actual age from their family Bible or christening rec ord. In thousands of cases It Is now Im possible for the applicant to furnish this record because of the loss or destruction CITY OFFICIAL NOTICES ORDINANCE NO. 6030. An ordinance regulating the depositing of ashes, providing for the furnishing of receptacles for the same and prescrioing a penalty for the violation ot this ordl ranca. ' Be It ordained by the city council of the city of Omaha; Section 1. It shall be the duty of the owner or ownera of each and every build ing and of the agent, or agents having uie cnarge or control of any building, to furnish a close and secure metallic or earthen veusel, or brick or stone room or bin, as a receptacle for ashes, and It shall be the duty or such owner of agent, and also jf each and every tenant attd occu pant of any building to remove the as he from audi receptacle when the same is tilled. And no ashes shall be kept or deposited In anything other than such me tallic or earthen vessel, or stone or brick room or bin. All receptaclts herein provided for shall be built of brick, stone or other Incom bustible material, with walls not leas than eight Inches thick, with proper Iron doors, the doora to be kept In repair and closed when not being used to empty said pits. No receptacle for ashes sliall be allowed to overflow or he so constructed that the shes will be blown about In the wind. W'hen ash cana ate usrH thv tnimt h,v. double bottoma, with a space of at least two Inches between the covers, secured with Iron hinges, and the can at all times shall be in proper repair, the lid to be closed when not being filled or emptied. flection S. Any person failing to comply with or violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall, upon conviction, be fined In the sum of not less than three (S3) dollars, nor more than fifteen (SIR) dollars, and the additional eum of two (Si) dollars for each twenty-four hours of fail ure or refusal to supply such receptacle or remove such ashes after notice so to do from the commissioner of health or any police officii- of the city of Omaha. Section 3. That thla ordinance shall take effect and be In force In ninety days fD.u and after !ta passage. Passed June 11, 1907. DAN B. BUTLER. City Clerk. 1 R. JOHNSON, (Seal.) President City Council. Approved June 12. 1907. JAMB8 c- DAHLMAN. A 26d It Mayor. RAILROAD TIME CARD UNION STATION lOth AND MARCY. lwiat Par I fie. ... Leave. Arrive. Overland Limited a S:6u am a 8:40 pa a h - lima B.I1U jaiiaa Fast Mall a 1:60 pm Colo. A Calif. Ex a 3:60 pm California V Ore. Ex. ..a 4:00 pm Loe Angeles Limited.... al'J:66 pm Colorado Special all:65 pm North Platte Local a 7:42 am Beatrice Local b 7:42 am Wabash. a 5:00 pm a 9:30 am a S:50 pm a 9: IS pr.i a (:G0 am a :15 put b :lfi pm Bt. Louie Express a J0 pm Bt. Louis Local (from Council Bluffsi a S:30 am Stanberry Local, from Council Bluffs) b 6:00 pm a S.ao am all:16 pm bl0:16 am Cfclcage Great Weatera. Bt. Paul & Minneapolis. 8:30 pm 7:30 arn Bt. Paul tt Minneapolis. 7:30 am 11:36 pm Cnlcago Limited :U6 pm 8:27 am Chicago Expreaa t:80 am ' 11:36 pm Chicago Express 8:30 pm 3:3w pm Chlcage, Mllwaak.ee at St. Pan!. Chicago Ac Colo. Special. 7:02 am 12:06 am Cllr. Oregon Exp 6:68 pm 3:26 pm Overland Limited 9:6o pm :S7 am thlcage. Hack islaad at raelAe. EAST. Chicago Limited a 2:4a am Iowa Local a 7.w am Dea Molnea Pass a Y'ft pin Iowa Local ail w uin Chicago (Kaalern Ex.). a 4:bo pm Chicago Flyer a t:uu pm WEST. Rocky Mountain Lmld. all 4.) all Jo pm a 4:30 pin ali':jr pm b i.lA pin l:i pin .a 8:35 am 2 86 am a 4:40 Dm Colo, ac Cat. Kxpress...a 1:35 pm Okl. A Texas Express.. a 4.40 Dm a 1:46 pm Lincoln Falrbury Pass.b 8:46 am blO lo am Mlaautrl I'aelUc. " K. C. it St. L. Exp a :00 ant K. C. A Hi. L. Exp all:15 pm Nebraska Local a 2:00 pm Chicago av inrlanriirru. Chicago Daylight a 7:( am Bt. Paul-M apolla Exp.. a 7 :60 am Chloago Local ali .30 am a : am a 6:26 pin aU:40 am all 64 pm alU:0o p, S 28 pin a 8:28 pin S.ao am a k::'3 am 7 40 am ail:34 pin khx fiiy ravnir...i T:bU am tniusa raaaeiiger. a 6:00 pm a 0 pm ..aJ ts pm a Rt pm CliW ago Special Bt. raul-M'plolls Lmtd. Los Angelea Limited... Overland Limited Fast Mall Sioux City Local Fast Mall Twin City Limited ... Norfolk-Bonesteel Llncoln-Chadron Dead wood-I Jncoln C'aaper-Shoahonl Hastlnga-Superlor Fremont-Albion llllaota Ceatral. Chicago Expreaa Minn. & St. Paul Exo.. h'h s:i:i am a 2.60 pm a 8.2 pin a 7:40 am b 7:40 am a 8:00 pm S:o0 pm b 2:00 pm b 6:n6 pm am 8 20 am a i :3a pm 40 am S 36 pm II. ai am " 6 pm 113R ,, b S:3B pm bl:46 pro S:4b pin p:n S SO am S:80 am T 20 am b 1:4M am v niragu xuniiea a :ou pm Minn, at St. Paul Lmld a 8:So pm VsU.aaT.'atHI tTa. ItTU HAIOil arUagtaa. Laava. Ar .!,. 4 1 pre a 4 11 pm 4:lp. a 4 4. am a 1 pnt a 4 it pm a 7:4a a to aia ali t pm a I n pm a I H am 11 -M am ail m Sia an a tot pm rallfonla. ortnweat finer lal :l pm 4 It pm :) pna .. am .. ;;4 am i l. pTO Black uuta Northwest Espresn.. Nobraska poliita Nebraska tuxpreaa.... Lincoln Faut Mali.... Lincoln Local Llnooin Local Iulavllle tt PMUtnt'Ut.k lot mm Pellayae-Plattametitk ..a I J Dm lattamouth-Iowa m to ant Belleviee-PlaltaiTMrata Denver Limited all R pna Ch lease BpecM a 7 as am C hkago Kpreas a 4) pm Chicago riyer a i pm Iowa Ical a 1:1 am fit. Leu's Kspreeav..... . Kaaaaa nty A Bt. loa aig bra Kaaaaa Hty St. o..l 3 Kaaaaa Ciur i. c Jo... l WtCMTKM CTA-IITH WBBSTCit rklaaia, Waaaata. t. rmmU aslannntMii, ak Leg ye. .k M am Twta fTty Pasaenger A.rwa t It M rnvi i ii riRamiir - a a aa .M . , . - a t t pm fcmerso. JLKal b I 41 am I.'S!? Kinerawa local .a l et am a tie a . Lo-l rla Weeping re.v i-ai:::::::::: - r-', a, rt.llw ..a a 1.- " . - Hair, Buaday sly, of his hlrth record. Thii alsA applies to many veterans who were born In foreign lands and who have no mesne of verifying the actual date of birth. Tlie department hsa Intruded the special pension exam iners to require the applicants to furnish these records or at least the testimony of old schoolmates or playmates who can verify the claimed age. Aa the matter now stand verv few of the age pensions have been granted, and this Is particularly true of old soldiers in luglss county. Msnv of them who were receiving but S. $s or S10 are entitled to the $12 rate because of having passed the age of 2 years, but action on the ap plications have been deferr-d until the ctual age could be verified. ' ! (o aM-ara (linage. A movement is on foot among the Grand Army posts of Omaha to secure a modi fication of the age pension law In that the age limit may he based upon the 1 age given at enlistment, which was th" ' basis of th enlistment contract with the government and the recruit was accepted In the service at thst age. Should this be done every old soldier now living would receive the minimum rate of 111 The Trial Wearier cures all Kidney. Bladder and Rheumatic troubles. Sold by Sherman A McConnell Drug Co. and Owl Drug Co.. or two months' treatment by mall, for SI. Dr tk W. Hall. 29-.-S Olive St.. St Loulg. Mo. Send for testimonials. ANOTHER BIG TENTHS TOURNEY International and Canadian Opena on Monday. NEW YORK. Aug. 24.-The InternaUonal and Canadian lawn tennis tournament will be held on the Queen's Royal grass courts at Niagara-on-the-Lalce, Canada, Monday, August 26, and following days. Owing to the Increase In the number of tournaments being held throughout Amerloa, the Cana dian Lawn Tennis 'association decided, af ter careful consideration, to combine Its two tournaments, thereby bringing together tne players ror the one event Instead of having two separate meetings. The chief trophy Is the Canadian championship chal lenge bowl, which displays the names of Tanner, Avery, Mansfield. Hovey. Mat thews, Lamed, R. D. Wrenn, Leo Ware, Whitman and Wright, three players hav ing won It twice. This bowl Is now held by Beats C. Wright. The International challenge bowl Is also well known and Is now held by Irving C. Wright. A new club house has been erected by the Niagara Tennis and Golf club. It Is completely fur nished with every modern appliance, hav ing shower baths, lockers and a buffet In the bunding, to say nothing of the beauti ful verandas overlooking Lake Ontario. Miss May Sutton, who has Just returned from winning the English and other cham pionships, makes her first appearance slnoe her victorious trip at the Canadian and InternaUonal championships. Have Root print It. Bricklayers, Notice. All members of No. 1, Nebraska, will meet at hall. Nineteenth and Farnam, at 1:30 p. m. sharp Sunday, August 26. 1907, to attend the funeral of Brother Conrad Beck. Funeral from late residence. 1810 North Sixteenth street. By order of president. A whole volume of knowledge won't do a man much good If he's "broke" and unem ployed. And capable men often fall to find employment because they fall to take the proper course to find It. A Bee want ad will do more searching for a position for you In a few hours and at a cost- of a few pennies than you could possibly do In person In many weeks. REAL ESTATE'S HIGH VALUE Six Soaare Miles oa Manhattan seased for More Than All Mlaaanrl. As- NEW YORK, Aug. I4.-In his report to the mayor, president of the Tax board, LawsoS Purdy, makes this Interesting com ment oti the land values of the city: The ' assessed value of land alone, ex clusive of Improvements In the city of New York. Is greater than the assessed value of all the real estate Improvements Included in the state of Pennsylvania and nearly twice as great as the value of all the real estate. Including improvements. In the state of New York, outalde the city. The aawessed value of the land for six square miles of Manhattan In the neigh borhood of Central park Is greater than the assessed value of all the real eatate In the atate of Missouri Bow to all the people of Omaha through The Bee want columns. That's the cheap est., quickest and best way to get at all the people who will be In a position to fill your wants. If you want to buy a new house or rent an old shotgun, If you want a three-dollar errand boy or a twenty-flve-dollar position, try a Bee want ad. The Bee's want columns dissipate all wants NO USE FOR ASIATIC LABOR "''deration of Labor, Throngh Ita Hi. ecatlve Board. Takea Aetloa at Norfolk. NORFOLK. Vs.. Aug. 24. -The executive board of the American Federation of Ijibor, In session here, last night requested all civic organizations to co-operate with the federation In an effort to have the next congress enact some stringent Immigration laws providing for the exclunlon of Asiatic laborers of every description. President Roosevelt and congress were asked to investigate the cost o' buying the telegraph lines for governmental owner, ship. Take In the whole field. If you have a want that you think some man In Omaha can fill, take In t lie) whole field at once by Inserting a want ad In The Bee. There'e no halfway business about The Ree j, gets right out among all fie people who are worth talking to. and If vour man la In town you'll about that. find him. There's no doubt ANNOUNCEMENT ON THE .WAY Pnbllr Will Know In Doe Time Mr. Bryan la Candidate for President. ATLANTIC. Ia.. Aug. 24. (Special.) William J. Hryan expects to be a candi date for the nomination for president be fore the democratic national convention, In private conversation here lie has stated that such was his Intention, but at the same time remarked that It was not yet ready for publication, aa ha would an nounce It himself in due time. Mr. Hryan waa royally entertained by the ituslness men after his lectute here Thursday. An advertised article must bare merit, therefore do not let yoi:r dealer talk yo.i Into taking something else, which he claims la Just aa good, almply becauae he Is making a larger profit on the substitute. TORNADO AT BRUNSWICK, WIS. Itoasea Blra Down and Hsrk Dam ns Im)s f'nannltlea at Fall f reak. BAIT CLAIRE. Wla.. Aug. 34 A tornado struck the town of Brunswick last night. Several house and wind mills were blown down. The roof of a farm house was blown off and the kitchen carried a mile and a half. Reports aay that PaU ("reek waa struck kjr tha tarnada and six peopl tn-Jtsad. THE OMAIIA SUNDAY BEE: AUGUST 25, 1907. WATCH OUT for the big SmoKoI ads THINK OP miiue ny loe ,-nnnol people s or wmcli ffr 100. These well known goods as follows: 1 Sanllol Liquid Antiseptic for the Wtli, :he: 1 Hsnttol Tooth 1'nader, Jac; 1 Kinitl Tooth PnM 2ic, 1 Santtol Tooth Hi uh. She: 1 Santtol Violet i:lte Soap. 2T.c; 1 i-nnltol Face Cream. I'Scw 1 sMntto Hnlli Powder 2Sc 1 Sanllol Face 'o der, "tic; 1 Sanitol Toilet Powder. -ic; I Ssnltol shm liw Cr-ani. 2Ro Totsl, S2.70. You surely know the SHnitol iroodn nr.. tl,.. r,. line made, but if you don t know Journal. Woman's In Ladies' Home day Evening Post. Collier's Weeklv anlnes. Ve are Omaha and South tlons. Re sure to put OCR name on SCHAEFER'S CUT PRICE DRUG STORES Omglia Corner llth and Douglas Pla.; Ifith and Chicago Sts. Bouth Omaha N W Cor. 4th and N Sts. Couaoll Bluffs 6th Ave and Main Sts. The druggists who don't have to substitute. '"''""i"-nin.imn .- . llaVB ex w i Watch I Mainspring On Monday we will put a mainspring In your watch and GUARANTEE IT FOR ; ONE YEAR wo N. P. STILLING Rooms 2 and 3 Psiton Block See 5 Cents a Day That Is about what It costs a fam ily to keep their refrigerator sup plied with Ice. It Isn't much, is It? Can you afford to Jeopardize the health of yourself and family for this small amount? Ice is an absolute necessity during these hot summer days. Better 'phone us today. PEOPLES ICE & COAL CO. Room 11 Board of Trade Bldg. 'Phone Doug. 50. BETTER FEELING IN MARKET Sentiment Favorably Affected by Ab sence of Furl hern Liquidation Increase Reaervea. NEW YORK, Aug. 24-The more aerious conditions of last week In the stock mar ket have given way to a better tone and marked diminution of operations. Senti ment appears to have been favorably af fected by the absence of further liquidation, but the public utterances of President Roosevelt and Secretary Taft were at first somewhat disturbing. From outward ap pearances, however, the market is grad ually drifting away from considerations of a political character. More attention Is being given to monetary conditions. There Is a threatened stringency, not only at home, ' but In most of the world's money markets. The tlghtneas of money precipita ted another commercial failure during the week, and more are predicted for the same reason. Time loans are being made on bases well In excess of normal rates, and the banks are safeguarding their reserves j Hn anticipation of crop demands. DISCRIMINATION MUST CEASE Nebraska Railway Commission Kntera Order In Great Norlbern" -OmIs t'aso. LINCOLN, Aug. 24. The State Railway commission today made an order com manding the Great Northern to ceaae Us discrimination against Omaha In favor of Mlnneapolla by refusing cars for loading grain destined for the Omaha market. Halae l.eaatlons lo Kmhaaalea. ST. PKTERSBl'RG. Aug. 24.-The Rus sian and Japanese governments have finally agreed to raise their respective legations j "l Tokio and St. Petersburg to the rank ! of embassies. A bill providing for the change will be Introduced at the beginning of the session of the new Russian I'arlia ment. 5 a. . ? ' ' . i - W- ! ' . ... r .' - - J: iiwi.1 ail. . n in.n M, .., W. M. McKAY tor COUNTY CORONER TUat'a AIU Thavnk You. get in different prensratlona flo nrl ' a r 1 o arfl.il.. . all are SSc articles . are worth Just S2.70 of anvhortv' monev ak your rtenllM. Watch for the hl( nd Horn,. Companion. The I vlhii-utor Km,,r. end the larae dally lutoer' Kundnv omo. Omaha headquarters for Sanltol urcimra- your rounon. IT You can BAILEY (EL MACH DENTISTS TH1RII K.lAXIt l'AXTON I1LOCK Crrnrr 16th and Farnam Streets. Best equipped Dental office in the middle west Highest grade 'Dentistry at Reasonable Prices. Porcelain fillings. Just like the tooth. EXCEPTIONALLY GOOD SHOE FOR MEN AT With leather sky-high in price, you'll find it hard to 2 buy a $3 shoe for men that is honest. Most of them drop below good quality on one or utore points. Our $3 shoe is nonest only the best of leathers and high grade workmanship enter in the making. Give this shoe a trial and you'll be more than pleased with it. Brexel Shoe Co. 1119 Farnam St. L. f t't, t i 1 "1 1 ' aii-nn. ft tarn ' i ij HOWARD KENNEDY District Judge Candidal for Re-election lepnbiicaa Primaries, Tarsdsy, Sept 1, 1907 The Last Week! OF OUR lean-up Sal Nowhere else can such bar gains be found as we are of ierui ai uiis sale. l"nce cut lower than ever on liih grade Oxfords. LIEN'S $5.50 and $5 Oxfords, now, , $3.85 LADIES' $.'5.50 and $4 Oxfords, now, $2.65 FRY SHOE CO. 16th and Douglas Streets. Tax Payers! It begins to appear to many as If the "Hank and File" of the Republican parly are not supporting all the candidates on the slate, and especially for the office of County Treasurer. They are atronkly In favor of K-'lty Treasurer A. ii. ICd wiirds, who has kept off all the slates. The voters should nominate a man who has made one of the heat and most econ omical treasurers Omaha hag ever had TOTS FOB A. C. EDWARDS TOM COVHTT TKZAglTBZm. Primaries Kept. , 107. A. O. KDWAKDa ., , , ne Way His V "??'i 4 IV er- "V It' Copyright 1907 by Um Schiffher W Marx MEN'S SUITS Actually worth to $22.50, in two lots, at 10.00. 12.50 BOYS' KNEE PANT SUITS An immense assortment, values up to $1.00, at 35c and 50c 1 . i i IIP' See our Fall Line of Hart Schaffner & Marx Suits. m HMDENS' EIRSI karl heap BsaWtasl Dally During September and October to Galsf orTaia-and the $25.00 To s"n Francittco, Los Antfeleg, Portland, Tacoma and Seattle. $22.50 T Ppokane district. i $22.00 To fialt Lake, Ogdon, Butte and Helena. DAILY THRO' TOURIST SLEEPERS to California, past the grand panorama of the Rocky Mountains by daylight. TWO DAILY TRAINS TO THE NORTHWEST from Omaha, at 4:10 p. m. and 9:30 p. m. Chair Cars, Dining Cars and Tourist Sleeping Cars to Spokane, Seattle, Tacorna and Port, land. Tickets,- Official Route NEBRASKA life law" ". $16.4 From Chicago to Saratoga Springs, Sunday Afternoon, September 8th LIBERAL STOP-OVERS Through Sleeping Cars From Various Nebraska Points. For reservation sleeper space, description, literature, time tables, rates, etc., call at WABASH CITY TICKET OFFICE, 1601 Farnam Or address Harry E. Moores, (I. A. i S., Wabnsli, Omaha T TTsT lirisMsslBTfcltil CHICAGO AND THE GREAT LAKES Tickets on sale daily, return limit October .'51st. CANADIAN, NEW YORK AND NEW ENGLAND RESORTS One fare plus $2.00, return limit thirty days. JAMESTOWN EXPOSITION On sale daily, variablo routes, 8tojHvers. SARATOGA SPRINGS, N. Y. G. A. R, Encampment $.'13.40 round trip, on sale September 5, G and 7, re turn limit October fth, by extension. Further particulars at City Ticket Office, U02 Far nam Street, or write, SAMUEL NORTH, District Passenger Agent, OMAHA, NEB. Are you looking for the low est priced clothes, or are you looking for the best garments for your money? If the latter il TBS BEUAIIiS 8TOBS is the place you're looking for. No antiquated styles, no poorly instructed, unsatisfactory gar ments shown in our AUGUST CLEARING SALE but just the best styles, host quality and most perfect fitting garments. You'll find at our clearance prices all new stock bought for Spring and Summer 1007. selling. All backed by our guarantee of satisfaction. Your money back. See them before you buy! MEN'S SUITS actually worth to $15.00, in two lots, at 5.00 and 7.50 CHILDREN'S KNEE PANT SUITS All newest styles, worth to $3.95, on sale in two lots, at 1.50 and 2.50 orfhwest CALL FOR DETAILS 1502 remain St. SPECIAL TRAIN aviaaW Illinois Central Excursions CtJ!AJENTS tnat PROTtCT i asM f., aiiimaf UMt MuMal