Tim OMAHA' SUNDAY BEEi AUGUST 5, 1907. " '7 1 HELP WANTED MAUE Asjeata and Salesmen Caatlaaed. MANUFACTfREH having a monopoly r quired an energetic, reliable representa tive nn a commission basis, txrluslve territory ami opportunity to bulM up a permanent business paying a large re newal commission. When answering please give full particulars. Address P. O. Box 1014, New York City. () 5S 26x AGT3NTS What do you think of a 26 cent sellorT 20o profit; everybody need onj anybody can snll 26 dally. L C. Mfg. Co. (not Inc.), T, euis Dearborn Bt., ( hl-cae"- (9868 26 X EXCLUSIVE territory to district manag er ; liberal contract to write our wage eaZ35-r" . com"'nUon health and accident certificate Addreaa World Accident Asso ciation, 602 XV. O. W. Bldg., Omaha, Neb. f- M PER WEEK and traveling expenses paKl salesmen to aell gooda to grocery dalers; experience unnecessary, purity Co., Chicago. . () Clerical and Offtco. ' CO-OPRRATIVE OPPORTUNITIES, Stenographer. Mfg. Co., $. Stenographer, wholesale, $00. Stenographer. Railway, $W. Extension clerk, wholesale, $S0. Assistant bookkeeper, Mfg. Co., $"15. Teacher of shorthand and typewriting, dnalred to fill position In high school. Lo cated in Nebraska, $1,200. Coma to ua at once If you will consider a high grade position. Ask for a list of positions that WE HAVE FILLED dur ing tha last month. THEN INVE8TI gate. Also ask for list of vacancies not given above. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE- CO., 404-5 N. T. Ufa Bldg. (9) 993 25 WANTEI Clerks, both men and boys, In railroad office. Address P. B. Southard, A. P. A., U. P. R. R., Omaha, Neb. (8) M683 29x "WANTED Clerk for general atore; ono speaking Swed'sh preferred; state ex perience and wages expected. Llles Nuernberger, Wakefield, Neb. (9)-8t6 26x WANTET Young man to clerk In Jewelry tore; mention references In your answer. Addreaa H 146, Bee. () 106 25x W A N TK1 A hustling clerk for tea and coffee store, one who will advance, sal ary $10 to begin. L 148, Bee. (9) 113 2CX Boys. "WANTED Strong boy, good habits, care iful and Industrious; must write plain hand; position permanent. Inquire Mr. McArdlo, mall room, Bee, 17th and Far nam. (9)-M731x WANTEI-Experienced office boy; perma nent position. Apply 10th and Farnain. Bocbe & Runyon Furniture Co. (9)-647 24 BOYS wanted to work on brick yard, 16 years old or over. Smith Brick Co., 22d and Woolworth Ave. (9) 886 26x WANTED Good strong boys for nailing machine. Omaha Box Co., East Omaha. (9) MliO 8odU4 WANTED Young man about 18 to run motor cycle. 1M Capitol Ave. (9) 652 24 WANTED One Gordon press feeder and one errand boy. Potter Printing Co., $17 N. lth. ()-808 26 BOY wanted to learn watchmaker busi ness. Apply 1614 Dodge SU (9) M912 27 Factory ana Trade. POSITIONS for drug men everywhere. F. V. Knlest. 707 N. Y. Lite, Omaha. (8-80 W ANTED- Steam fitters and plumbers; $6.00 por lay; union shop; steady work. Billings Hardware Company, Billings, Mont. t jkiuo jbx ,VOD cornice man and tinners, at once. Lincoln uormce ana saeiai woras, Lin coln. Neb. (W-M770 ' ONE good tinner wanted; pay $2.60 per day: steady Work. E. Oaruloh A Sons, Ashland, Wis. (9) M447 tlx WANTED A union cigar maker at 11 Pearl k street. Council Bluffs, Iowa. (9) M708 list WANTED Paper ruler, who can handle a 64 machine and do all kinds of lob work; good wages In an eight-hour shop. Ad dress, with references, Y 1G8, Bee. W-M457 I8x DRUG CLERK with a couple years' expert i enoe; also young man for soda fountain. W. A. Plel. 18th and Farnam. ()-M642 36x DRTOUI8T wanted In good business town. Address Lock Box 62, Dunning, Neb. (.) 617 B2x WANTED Good cabinet man and finisher, fine, steady position. Nebraska Furniture and Carpet Co., 4U7-9-U North 24th St, South Omaha. (9) M6&6 9 TlLOR Pants and vest maker j married I an preferred; steady work year around; $.26 up. Parker, the Tailor, Oelweln, la. () M668 27x WANTED Immediately, union machinist linotype oierator; speedy, sober; $21, eight hours; evening paper. Tribune, Cheyenne. (9r-M681 26 . WANTED Good all around blacksmith. Write James Clack, Wagner, 8. D. (9)-M672x - WANTED A cabinet maker and finisher t for outside work. Inquire Hartman Fur f niturs Co., 1416 Douglas St 0)-71i 26 WANTED Six first class, experienced chocolate dippers; highest wagua, steady employment, The BaldufI Pure Candy Co. () M736 $4 WANTED A voting man to learn the piano business; referenoes required. Apply A Hospe Co., piano department 1613 Douglas. )-M6 a WANTED Linotype operator (union) for night shift; good wages to good operator. C. U. Palmer. Hastings, Neb. ( M59 27x BUTCHER A 1 man, on speaking Ger man preferred; state experience and wages expected. Jackson and Kettleberry. York. Neb. (;-M576 17 WANTED First -class coat maker; can have steady wora year erouna. write J. A Go ugh, AUantlo, la. (8) M664 $7x X MAN with $500 to engage In a good busi ness U interested. Address O 110. Bee. (W-727 26X WANTED First-class coat and pants - makers, aaarun rvterson, tio uroadway, Council Bluffs. (9) MiM .. A OOOD draughtsman. Henry Voss, Ar chitect, 602 Ware Block. ( MOJ X.X J1E.V learn plumWnjr. Western Plumbing j ra-ne Bcncxu, uue iremooi, ienver, t ola. Write for catalogue. ( WANTED A nrst-olass planing mill bench hand: a man who thoroughly un derstand u of the better class of planing mill lionet vrork) none other need apply; write statins' axpertenoe, age, whether married or single, and wages demanded. Addreaa T lit uee. v9 COMVEITENT tinner for all round shop ana furnace wora. itarunao m Mullock, York, NeU () MS07 SI PRINTHll WANTED Oood all around man fur country weakly; married man preferred; must be steady; state wages and furnish referenoes. Argus, Red Cloud, Nab. IB) 968 26 WANTED A ahlrt-cnakeri steady job, good wages to rignt party. Address J. H. AAowies, CYemont, Neo. t. (9) VW Six BOOKBINDERS Four forwarders; none but first-class forwarders need apply. Call or write 6amuel D. Page A Co., Dea Moines, la. . ()-M87 Six stlsoellaaeaae. OOOD PAY Men wanted everywhere to tack signs, distribute circulars, sam ples, etc ro oaDvaaslnc. National Put xiureau, cnicagu, lit O-M4J0 2tx FREJ employment Wureaa of Business ww.i - umt'iauuD, u n. i. l-A re, asautis without charge workmea to obtain poat- uooa OU-MasI Alt WAjnti-rna-ni janitor, msmmi man; goo4 rvfantattes) reQ.tareeV Address Y (L t w r'i HELP WANTED MALE naeellaaeoaa Caatlaaea. WTSTHRN REf. BOND ASS'N, (Inc.). 721-i N. T. Life Bid. Office manager, with good chance to pro cure Interest in the business. Bookkeeper, must operate typewriter, $76. Asst. bookkeeper, young man, $50 to 10. Billing clerk, railroad, $00. Bookkeeper, young man, Herman preferred. $do to $75. Oeneral merchandise clerk, Montana, $66. Electrician, Montana, $126. Young man to take orders over 'phone, wholesale house, $.10 to start. Office clerk and stenographer, $00, The above is a partial list of position open for Immediate consideration. If you are In need of a position see us at once. If you are employed at present and want to- better yourself call us by 'phono and we will make a special appointment. All business confidential. Hours: 8 a, m. to 6:30 p. m. (9-0 25 WE want for Monday early 6 stenog raphers, $00 to $7i; 8 stenographers, $40 to $6o; i expert salesmen, dry goods, 2 city salesmen, confectionery; $ hotel clerks, 1 expert real eslste salesman, $ bright office boys for 'wholesale houses, and many other positions. It would be uaeleaa for us to give you a full Hat of positions we have open. We would be glad to have you call and register. We have a con stant call for help from the best business houses In Omaha, South Omaha and Council Bluffs. Suite 4t4 Bee Bids'., Key stone Surety & Ref. Agt. (Inc). 'Phono Doug. 8307. () Vb 26 LOCAL representative wanted; a large In come assured to anyone who will act as our representative after learning our business thoroughly by mall; experience unnecessary; all we require Is honesty, ambition and willingness to learn a lu crative business; no soliciting or travel ing; an exceptional opportunity for those who desire to better their condition and make more money. For full particulars address department 765-B, any office, Na tional Co-Operative Realty Co., 62 Dear born St., Chicago; 607 B 8t., Washington, D. C.j Phelps Bldg., Scranton, Pa., or Delgar Bldg., Oakland, Cat. (9) 869 2Ex BOUND young men. ages 18 to 35, for fire men and brakemen during rush season on leading railroads here. In the west and on new lines being completed. Experience unnecessary. Firemen $100 monthly, be come engineers, $200; brakemen, $80, be come conductors, Many posltlona now open. Call or write at once for partic ulars. National Railway Training Ass n., m x Paxton Blk., Omaha, Neb. (9) 68 8 WANTED Good, all around cook, lady or gentleman, must be sober; will pay 1.4 or more for light party; to commence work first of September at Smead Hotel, Lead, S. D. Come or write W. Bartlett, Manager, Lead, S. D. (9) M704 2x GOOD, stout husky men wanted to work in a grain terminal elevator; must ne sober and Industrious. Steady employ ment to right parties. Apply Transinls slssippl Grain Co.'s Elevator, Council Bluffs. (9) M690 MALE HELP WANTED Druggist of good address, single, with five or more years experience, must be able to register and come well recommended. Salary $76 per month. Address with references. Harrison & Roth, Evanston, Wyo. 19) 778 26 BOOKKEEPER and cashier, Germai. pre ferred. 850. Bookkeeper and stenographer, $60. Two retail clerks, groceries. $R0-$6tX Two retail clerks, dry goods, $0). Shoe clerk, $56. Assistant bookkeeper, $60. Extennion clerk. And many other flrst-clas positions. If you are In need of a position or want to Detter your position you should see us at once. We can place you on short notice. WESTERN REF. AND BOND ASS'N. Inc.. T21-2 N. Y. Lite Bldg. (9) M766 24 LABORERS for handling freight at Union VM cents per hour. Board ; arranged if necessary. Apply xuoa. oceman, iuh man. ()-e03 FOUR traveltng men; high commission; ex clusive territory; bond and reference; stamp for reply. Address A-776, care Bee. (8i M706 GOOD PAY Men wanted everywhere to tack signs, distribute circulars, samples, etc No canvassing. National Dist. Bur eau. Chicago, 111. (9) MS96 S4K WANTED Tile ditchers to wr by rod; make lz.50 to $3.60 a day. Apply J. w. Ten Brink, Nlckerson, Neb. (9) 844 FOR A BUSINESS education register Mc Cartney Institute, 18o2 Farnam. Fall term begins September 2. (9) M411 WANTED Masseur or rubber for medical business. Address H 76, care Bee. (9)-401 23x MAN and wife, cook and coachman, on (arm. a. nospe, idu jjougias est. (9) 708 25 YOUNG man for shipping department Ne braska i:ioining uo. (S) 7i TEAMS wanted to haul brick: good wages. Bmltn Brick Co., UtX and Woolworth Ave and 81st and Lake Sts. (9) -884 26x WANTED Detectives; we want good men; oldest secret service in united states; no experience needed; we give full instruc tions; write today. American Detective association, Indianapolis, lnd. (9) 863 26x WAN TED Detectives ; shrewd, reliable men lor profitable secret service, to act under orders; no experience necessary. Write H. C. Webster, Indianapolis. Ind. (9)-870 25x CTVTL service examinations will soon be held In every state. Full Information and questions used by the commission free. Columbian Correspondence College, Wash ington, D. C (9) WANTKD Man to sleep In store room; rent free: send references with answer. Address J 146, Bee. (9) 106 26x LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Xtaraea aad Vehicle. RUBBER-TIRED road wagon. W. A Stone, 801 Linoola Ave., Council Bluffs. (11) MiOJ FOR BALB Two standard bred driving mares, good drivers either single or dou ble: can be sewn at Cole's barn, 1718 Cass. For particulars call 'phone Douglas lu. Llnlnger Implement Co. UloAUm SI FOR BALE Three runabouts, rubber tires; will sell worth the money. Harney St Btable. UU-46a OOOD rubber-tired surrey for $60; cash or payments. Hear tie n. una Bt fJLD-Mt&S THE late Henry Human's livery stock. In cluding I geuertU purpose horses, ready for use. Is for sale ut Myers' stables, 1114 Douglas Bt (ID Mos 29x FOR BALE. A very stylish southern bred, high class galted saddle horse; 7 years old; 17.1 high; very faat and gentle. Frank La termer, Phone Harney $4it (11) M797 31 WH are selling delivery wagons, teaming gears, bustles, carriages and harness cheaper than any other tlnu in Omaha. Johnson-Da&forUi Co., b. W. Cor. loth and Jones 8U. (Il S4 HIGH-WHEELED RUNABOUT, Ilka new; must be sold before Friday. Make us an offer. 8614 Leavenworth. 'Phone H. 1986. UD-878 Six DR. COFFMAN offers for sals his horses and carriages and two buggies. Inquire tutt Douglas Bt UD-17 AU ONE 8-eprlng wsgon, new, and one deliv ery busgy, rubber tired. Oscar Harto, S9th aud Farnam Bts. (ID Til HARNESS, daddies. Trunks, Traveling Bags, some good bargains. Alfred Cor blah ft Co., U10 Farnam Bt. (UV 147 WORK horses, light wagon horses and drivers, omana Horse and Supply Co., rear 414 No. luh Bt (11 M571 SALOONS Six barrels Pepper whisky In bond for sale or trade for standard bred coit m a. mn. t (U UTat lux FANCY YEARLING COLT must be sold. Own.r leaving the city. StiM Leavenworth. H. 19S6. (11 877 Sx ONE horeu. 1.060 lbs.. T- years old: 1 horse , i. . . i . . . . . , . . iua., 9 jwwi uiuj man ids, I years old. OA juapie street (1D-M957 M GOOD work team; good heavy haraess aud wages, frheap. 401$ Parker St I ku$ U LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horses aad Vehicles Coatlaaed. F. M. WEEKS offers to sell his family surry mare, weight 1.160 lbs., age 64) years; also harness and rubber tired runabout. 4E7 Grant Bt. 'Phone Web. 921. (11) M962 27 WILL TRADE good building lot In either Crelghton Heights, Swift Place or Bed ford Place additions for good driving horse. Byron R. Hastings, 174 Farnam St. (ID ! 25 FOR SALE Shetland pvny and rig com plete. J. H. Klnts, 715 South Sixth street. Council Bluffs, la. (U)-Mlut 8 4x FOR pony buggies, runabouts, wagons, traps, carts and harness, see Johnson Danforth Co.. S. W. Cor. lOtu and Jones Bts. (1U-S48 Ponltry aad Baca. GOVERNMENT book free. Model Squab Co., Omaha. 11 MSMSenl FOR SALE Pure bred Plymouth Rock, Homer pigeons for breeding purpose. Harry Higby, Blair, Neb. (ID 898 26 Co it a. Birds, Does aad Pets. NEVER din, mule-footed gtlts, weighing luO pounds, for $16; Scotch collie dogs. W. II. Knowles, James, la. (11) M877 29x GOOD young cow for sale. 8901 Leaven worth. (1D-M701 25 FOR SALE Female Scotch Collie puppies. $3. E. B. Cook, south Country Club grounds. (ID M423 $4x A FINE lot of Boston terriers can be bought at low prices at this time; all pedigreed and prise stock. Rob Roy Presto kennels. Myron Robinson, Entjle wo.mI, N. j. (11) 807 26x FRESH Jersey cow for sale. 2016 North 20th .St. (111102 25 LOST AND FOUND LOST Telescope suit case containing lady's wardrobe, between Burlington depot and town. Reward for return. 8128 Cass St. (12) Mtil6 24 LOST Sunday evening, between 33d and Farnain and 20th and Dodge, a gold and pear fraternity bodge. Finder will re ceive reward by bringing same to 3221 Dodge street or 419 N. Y. Life Bldg. (12)-60 24 FOR SALE Young milch cow. 180$ Fiercest. (11) M746 26 LOST Price and order books, with rub ber band around. Initial of B. Heller & Co. on face. Reward for return to 131 S. 26th St. (12) M688 STRAYED Two red and white spotted cows. Reward. A. P. Groheek, 1708 Van Camp Ave. Tel. Douglas 8296, (12) 718 25x LOST Small green bag containing $10 In paper money, $4.60 In silver and papers of value to owner. Finder return to John V. Fyfe, Shoe Dept., Hayden Bros. (12)-M752 26 LOST Black handbag at B. A M. station. Please send Eastern Star pin, as It was mother's, to Mrs. Amy Stroud, 2033 Hur ney St. Reward. (12) 711 26 LOST OR STOLEN Sorrel mare, light tall and mane, right ear split, weight about 1.100. Tel. Webster 2128. Chas. D. Sum mers, 4311 North SBth ave. (12) 788 26x LOST Saturday, the 17th, reddish brown telescope, containing lady's wardrobe. Liberal reward. Tel. Harney 789. 02) MS80 26 LOST Small Docket hook, a s-nM nan with baby's picture In. Reward. Tel. Web- Bter Paz. q2)-986 25 MEDICAL FREE medical and surgical treatment at Crelghton Medical college, 14th and Dav enport Bts. ; special attention paid to con finement cases; all treatment supervised by college professors. 'Phone Douglas 1167. Calls answered day or night. (13W29 RUPTURE CURED No knife, no reten tion from business. QUICK CURE RUP TURE CO., over & W. Cor. 14th and Douglas, ' Omaha. (18) M136 BEST nerve bracer for men, "Grays Nerve Food fins," ii a oox, post paia. Bbermaa eV McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. OS-351 ANY poor girl In need of a friend call or write to the matron of the Salvation Army Home for Women at 3824 N. 24th Bt., Omaha. Neb. (12-M10 DR. PRIES, specialist, diseases of women. 80 years' practice In confinements. Office, 614 N. 16th; residence.. 842. Charles, Omaha, DR. HUTCHINSON, specialist of women and children. Office, 2206 Cuming. 'Phone Douglas 8067. MONEY TO LOAN SALARY AND CHATTELS. OUR BUSINESS IS TO LOAN MONEY on furniture, pianos and all sorts of per sonal property.- WE ARE NOT a finance company, or a brokerage company, and do not have to de pend on the payments of one person to get the money to loan to another. WE HAVE BEEN engaged in this busi ness In Omaha for FIFTEEN YEARS. OUR POLICY has been to deal FAIR and SQUARE with every one. WE HAVE a thorough understanding With the borrower as to payments, rebates, cost snd requirements. COME IN AND BEE US. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN COMPANY 119 Board of Trade Bldg. (H-317 Loans. Loans. Loans. Bankera to HaiarieA Man. Do not be without money when wa will lend you without security. Bee us for loans on Salary, Furniture, Ware- nouse Receipts and Personal Froperty. Reliable, quick to act and confidential. Cheapest rates In the oity. Make trmi to auit vourself. Your employer, family or friends know notning about it RELIABLE CREDIT CO.. $07-808 Paxton Blk., Sd Floor. 'Phons D. 141 L (1V-S4I Bowen, 703 N. Y. Life Bldg., advances private money on chattels or sal ary; easy to get; no red tape. You get uiuuoj aiu oar uua iwr b auiau uubi. Open evenings till 7. (14) 366 FOR A SQUARE DEAL OO TO THR PHOENIX CREDIT CO. for chattel or salary ar.au. 623 Paxton Block. 'Phone Douglas .Vi. (14) Ml GIVE us a trial with your next loan. Wa are equipped to give best service, best terms, and loan at as low a rate as money has ever been loaned In Omaha. Nebraska Credit Co., 214 Board of Trad. f arnam entrance. (it) no 81 MONEY LOANED SALARIED PFOPLB and others, without security; easy pay ments. Offices in 6$ principal cltina. Tol- man, room n New York Ufa Bldg. . Cl4-57 EAOI.R LOAN OFFTniC Roll.hl. aocnm rpodatlng; all business confidential, im Douglas. (14) 86 CHATTEL, salary and storage receipt teana. jpoiey i-oan w., ion amain Bt C14)-S6t FURNITURE, live stock, salary loans Duff ureen i-oan to., room s. Barker Block. (14i ste OFFERED FOR RENT ABaa-tataata sua Flats. 8324 HARNEY BT.. 9-room. modern, tftu. tun Harney St., t-room, modern, oak and mapte nnisn, stu. Apartment No. 1, Majestic, steam-heated, $48. 3 B. 87th. 8-room, hot water heat, oak fin is n. . HASTINGS HEYDEN, 1704 Farnam Bt (16)- FLAT8, 2626-T-t Lake Bt. opposite new street oar buildings; also good oottage In rear, on Eraklne St.; net rental $60 a month; Improving building alone coat aa.uuu. rrioe, o.uuu. FOK RENT Nine-room modern flat Wu tlfully decorated. Possesion given at mum. C4 at M SL flat fee $&-HX OFFERED FOR RENT Apartnseata aad Flats Coattaned. FOR RENT 4 rooms, city water. 151$ N. 18tn St C. M. Bachmann, 43 raxton hik. (15) MJ SIX-ROOM modern new flat, osk and ma plo finish, newly decorated, $40. Telephone Maple 6148. 29U Harney. (15) 611 BoareUac aad Roaata. DEWEY European Hotel. 13th and Farnam. (1& SSI NICE south room, outside entrance, modem and private; choice location; large, beau tiful lawn. 627 Park Ave. (16)-M234 VIENNA hotel; private dining rooms; cafe. (16) 4 2421 Dodge. Rooms with OOOD board. (16) eia Sllx NICE front room, with all modern con- venrancea uougias nasi, m a. aotn Bt T (16) US DESIRABLE rooms, first-class board; fine location; walking distance. 218 S. 25th St (151-M573 27X FURNISHED rooms, with good board, in inoaern, detached house. IMS apitol Ave. (15) M617 28 THE PLEASANTON-2324 Harney St. -An lueai nome tor people desiring rooms and board. Everything modern and good home table. Good location. Call early. (16) A48 Six ONE or two rooms with or without board. ua iiuri Bt. (15) 780 25x FIRST-CLASS board and nice comfortabln room at reasonable rates can be socured at 620 South 19th St. (16) M947 31 x FnrnlaBed Rooms. 318 S. 26th, front rooms, all modern; steam neat;, iurmsnsa or uniurnisned. (16)-709 29x ROOMS, $2 per week; cool dining room. ugaen notet, council jjiuhs, la. (16) M696 S22x NICELY furnished slnglo room; modern. 646 S. 24th Ave. (16) 245 S16 NEWLY furnished rooms: fine location; bio ii. in v rfi.t.nM, 9ia a or. v, a. (16)- 27x 2039 HARNEY, furnished rooms. 05) M674 S22X 2 LARGE FRONT ROOMS, nicely fur- nisnea ana in nne locality, ino transients desired. 412 N. 22d St. (16)-2U7 LARGE, elegant front room, private fam ily; modern conveniences; it will pay you to call red 7090. 2606 Dewey avenue. (15) M479 24X FURNISHED rooms for two gentlemen. 2416 Pierce. Tel. Doug. 447L O6)-M470 29 406 BO. 24TH AVE., new furnished rooms. $10 montn, up; plenty not water, bath and stationary washstands; 'phone, elec trio light. Bachelors' Quarters. (16)-M526 619x COOL south front loom, modern, well fur nished, private family, close In, reason able. 'Phone Red 6367. (16)-M621 26x BEAUTIFUL front room, five windows, modern; also other rooms. ti4 iso. &id. 1 (16)-M637 26X FOR RENT DESIRABLE ROOMS IN ALL PARTS Or THE CITY OMAHA RENTAL CO.. 808 N. Y. LIFE BIDG. TEL. DOUO. 88S1. (11) M689 S 20 FURNISHED ROOMS Excellent front parlor, modern, light housekeeping per mitted. 1920 Capitol Ave. (16) M636 24 X LARGE front- room, furnished, In new mod ern home. 2708 Cuming. Harney 8X10. (15)-784 30X BEAUTIFUL furnished rooms; modern; reasonaoie. sue r. ua tsi. (is) M4W) nx 2U8 DOUGLAS; desirable rooms. (16) MH7 28x WELL furnished rooms, large, modern. reasonaoie. m n. lua. ua) nM sux FRONT rooms, new brick, strictly modern. ciock ana nan irom nome notei. sz3 b. 17th Ave. (16) 782 30x FINE modern rooms for students. 606 So. 24th Ave. (15)-J776 20 ELEGANTLY furnished rooms. 191B Cap itol Ave. (1) 7b9 S23 TWO front rooms, furnished. 2211 Douglas Bt (15) M93Z 31 FIVE rooms, newly furnished; gentlemen preferred; board can be had within a lew doora 607 Bo. 26th Ave. (16)-938 26 NICELY furnished front rooms. 646 South 24th St (16) 938 26X SPLENDID furnished or unfurnished rooms in absolutely new flat 210 N. 24th St Tel. Douglas 830L (16) M970 81 BEAUTIFUL large east room, suitable for one of two young men; reasonable, Zioz Farnam. (15) M913 Six GOOD rooms In first class condition; easy walking distance. 260Z Dodge St. (15) M799 28x FOR GENTLEMEN, large front room, modern house, private ramtiy, wanting distance; references required. 'Phone Douglas 4061. (16) M108 27x NICHLY furnished rooms, new house and furniture; nne location, private family; rent reasonable; board If desired. 609 Bo. 26th Ave. (16) M108 Six NICELY furnished front room, large closet; Gentleman preferred. Phone. 647 So. 24th Ave. (16) 128 27 Hoasekaeplas; Rooms. LARGE front rooms with or without housekeeping privileges; reasonable. 1810 St. Mary's ave. (IS) 206 GET your rent free by Investing $360. Furniture or IV room tor sale. Modern house; close In Address Y 151, Bee. (16)-M4C$ Six $ SUITE, newly furnished double rooms, with gas stoves for light housekeping; also single rooms. 607 So. 13th St., near Howard St (15)-607 26x THREE modern rooms complete for house' keeping to young couple without chil dren; walking distance. 685 South 24th Av. 'Phone Red 6504. (15) M62S 25x NICELY furnished front room for light housekeeping. Also nicely furnished front parlor, modern house. S3 18 Doug las. (16) M748 20a HOUSEKEEPING, first or second floor. 1713 Jackson. (16) M 469 34x THREE furnished rooms for liaht house. keeping. 3119Va California. Tel. Harney wu. (U III HOUSEKEEPING, first or second floor. 171$ Jackson. (16) 116 lx TtTBfmraleraed Rooms. FOR RENT $ furnished or unfurnished rooms; modern, wio Darnam St. (15) 706 26x ONE elegant unfurnished room, strictly nioueru. iw rara Ave. (10) 761 sux FOR RENT Sept 1, Ave desirable rooms. 2213 North 19th. l 7n6 TWO or three rooms and small kitchen furnished or unfurnished; In private lamuy; reaeonauir. swie IN. urn Bt (15)-39 26x ROOM8-S rooms. 701 a 27th. $12. $ rooms, Wlthnell Bldg., 16lh and Har ney, I2U. N. P. DODGE eV CO., 1714 Farnam Bt (18)- Faratsajed Ho am. MODERN HOUSE FURNISHED In mw. change for board and room for self and wire, uwa umcuuurnuou, near car line Further particulars address W 88. Bee. (16) M453 26 X DESIRABLE furnished house, Kountze Place; 9 rooms, modern; no children. A desirable tenant preferable to high rent Aaarees jl hi, care Bee. (16) 804 26x FIVE rooms, ground floor, very nicely fur nished; attractive house and yard; mod ern exoeyi neat law n. ruth Bt. (K)-M786 S7x FOB KSMT Modern. SOut Bt Mary's Ave. LJy U Skx. OFFERED FOR RENT (Continued.) lloaees aad Cottaa-es. CHOICE HOUSES. 6rt8 and 670 8o. 2Mh. two 6-room, strictly modern St. Louis flats, Just being finished; these are modern In every respect and are finished right up to the minute; within easy walking distance of city hall. $.17.50 each. 9.'4 No. 27th Ave., 7 rooms, all modern. close In, only $'!6. 6" No. Hist, 8 rooms, strictly all modern, very choice; hardwood finish, gas stove and. laundry stove and shades furnlsneo; mis house nearly new and within easy walking distance. Oo up and look It over; $00. 60$ No. list, same as above, only a corner house. $5260. 646 So. 2tJth Ave., 7-room, modern, close In; $30. 606 So. 2Sth. 10 rooms, strictly all modern. walking distance, choice neighborhood; a bargain at $40. we have six new Bt. Louis nais or rooms each under construction, that will be for rent Nov. 1. Applications for these may be made at our office. PAYNH B08TWICK ft CO., Main Floor, N. Y. Ufa Bldg. (151100 25 Rent a Modern Home Eight large rooms, all modern, brand new house, attio and base ment beside, situated in a first class neighborhood. Call at once, as this must bo rented tt once. Keain & Co., 535 Fasten Block. 19 i $40-61SH N. 24TH ST., South Omaha-Blx- room apartments in new "Bcargo" build ing; all modern conveniences. Including hot water In kitchen and bath. $30-2517 N. 18th St. Nine-room modern house, with attic and barn. $151807-9 Farnam St Six-room apart ments in "yuivei" ouuaing; all modern conveniences, Including hot water in kitchen and bath. Hall Distributer Co., 817 First National Bank Bldg. 'Phone Red 7406. (15) 774 Six new strictly modern 8-room brick nouses; nne location; three at 140 ana threo at $12.50. Elpht-room modern house, $35 per month. All or these houses are two blocks irom Walnut Hill and Farnam car lines. Shop and house combined, $26 per month. isui ana tauiomia sts. J. 11. DUMONT A BON, 1605 Farnam St 05) FOR RENT. Roomy cattage, all modern, 6 rooms, elec tric lights, gas, etc., at 4as cumins, omy $.7.50. Fine 10-room modern home, all oak on first floor, large stable, 840. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, First Floor, N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel. Douglas 1781. (15) FOR RENT. 417 N. 18th, new brick flat, modern, $87.50. 823 8. 26th Ave., 7-r. house, modern, $3a. 8620 Dodge, 7-r. house, bath, $18. 607 8. 84th, 5-room cottage, $15. 3323 Dewey Ave., 6-room cottago, $15. 621 S. 29th, 4-room flat, bath, $15. 2319 S. 16th, 6-room flat, $16. GARVIN BROS., 1604 Farnam St. (16) M749 25 VACANT September L 720 N. 23d, 9- room, all modern, large house and corner lot, $40. 2723 8. 9th, new 7-room all modern cottage., tV7 KA 1 CTKEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 1001 N. Y. Life. 'Phone Douglas 2162. (16)-M574 24 720 No. 23d, S. W. Cor. Burt, 8-room, all modern, close in, 40. 2721 So. 9th, 7-rom and hall, all modem cottage, $27.50. N. W. Cor. 27th and Poppleton, 6-room, large lot, gas, water, $15. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO.. 1001 N. Y. Life. 'Phone Doug. 2182. (16) 766 27 41st Near Dodge, 8-room new all modern lst-class. $142.60. 1V4 blocks from Farnam car on Bo. 9th, new 7-room modern cottage, .ou. . Large 8-room, fine for roomers, close In, large corner lot, $40. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE) CO., 1001 N. Y. Life. 'Phone Doug. S152. (16) 707 87 HOUSES TO LET. 110 S. 25th Ave., 8 rooms, modern. 812 Park Ave., 7 rooms, modern except furnace. 906 N. 25th St., 5 rooms, city water. W. FARNAM SMITH ot CO. (16)-4)21 25 MODERN HOUSES FOR RENT. Brand new. 9 rooms, 415 N. 40th Bt, a beautiful iiouae, juat finished, $i0. Eight rooms and bam, 22ol Orant St., $35. Six rooms, 978 N. 27th Ave., $18. Two rooms In Davldse Bldg.. $20. JOHN W. BOBBINS, 1802 FARNAM ST. Ut) 1515 North 20th, hath, 6 rooms, $20. New store, 1904 No. 24th St., $26. JOHN N. FRBNZER, Opp. Old Po. (16)-951 25 T-ROOM house, 3239 Evans, $15.00. 5-room house, ivv in. aa, iu.uu. J. H. PARROTTE, FSxton Blk. (15) M961 SI Eight-room modern house and barn, 4168 Farnam, $22.60; store room and basement 1517 Burt street. $25. F. D. Wead, 1624 Douglas. (16)-988 26 FIVE and seven-room cottsges, city water, sewer, hath and toilet. $16 and $20. JACKSON CO., 1611 Frederick St., 'Phone Ash 48332. (16) ill 26 820$ No. 84th, t rooms, partly modern, $11. 4174 Cass Bt. 6 rooms, modern exoeot heat, $26. 4408 Leavenworth St., 6 rooms. Sit, BEMIS. 'Phone Doug. 686. Paxton Blk. (16)-4147t IF YOU are thinking of building It will pay you to see the Western Home Build ers, rooms 21-36 U. S. Nat l Bank Bldg., for prices and terms. 115) 410 HOUSEHOLD goods packed, forwarded; cheap freight rates. Moving and storage. Expressmen's Delivery Co. Tel. Douglas 894. (16)-S70 WB DO expert piano moving at lowest prices. Tel. Douglas 1626. Schmollsr Mueller Piano Co., 1311-131$ Famam. 05)-S71 1224 B. STTH ST. 6 rooms, gas, well and cistern, corner lot shade trees $16. O'Keefe Real Estate Co., luul N. Y. Life. (15) ta $6 HI 8. 48TH AVE. 6 rooms, bath and gas; choloe 817 and water. Ready Sept 7. Ad dress 2&2S Parker St (16) 11641 TTOTTQFS In all parts of the olty. R. UUUOLO c. j,Ur, A Co.. Bee Bldg. (16 373 OMAHA Van aV Storage Co. pack, move, store H. H. good; storehouse 1120-24 N. lath. Office 16u9 Farnam. Tl. Doug. 1569. (16J-&6 FOR RENT 8-Rooin dwelling, 1624 North 26th Bt., $26 per month; good repair; good location. Enquire of Henry Brown, UU North 26th St (16) M670 26x WE MOVE PIANOS Maggard Van and Storage Co. Tel. Doug. Hixi. Office, 1711 Webster St. (16) $71 667 So. 28th Bt . 1st floor, 4 rooms, $26. Su9 No. 18th Bt, 6 rooms; all modern, $25. BEMIS, Paxton Blk., Phone Doug. IM'. (16-M581 FOR BENT By owner, 3831 No. X2d, new - room moaern cottage. Tel. Webster isoo. (16) 724 TTfTTTSF'S all parts of the city. The (15) 474 FOR RENT Large store room, 16th and Vinton Bts. C. M. Bachmann, 437 Paxton block. (16) StiO ALL MODERN house. 71 No. 26th Bt. six room; barn.. Putnam Co., 604 N. Y. Life Bldg. (15) M7SI 25 FOR RENT Modern house, nine rooms. with, furnace: In first class condition. In quire at Zl a. 80th Bt (16 977 26x FOR RENT T-room house, modern. $48$ rarxer m. iu) Tit mi FOR RHNT Modern 10-room house; furni ture for sale; full of roomers i close In. Aaareaa p so pare; () Irw x. OFFERED FOR RENT He FOR RENT-Hous with 9 rooms, all mod ern; largo lawn. Slst and lke. (lo)-87 2."x FOR RENT Five rooms, modern except neat bis n. 41st Ave. (15) 9D 23 IIOUBE8 In all parts of the city. Hast ings a iieyden, 1704 Farnam St. (16) HlOOM modern house, 2701 IVmIito St. i-none Webster ztso. (15) r.o 17 HOUSES. Insurance. Rlngwalt. Barker Blk. Hi) Ji SIX-ROOM cottage, 2115 Burt St. (15) M760 26 HaHdlngs. THE entire building formerly occupied by the Dally Nsws, 44x30 feet, i stories and Dodge St. (15)-Sn 1312 HARNEY ST. S floors and basement. 83X120 feet; suitable for wholesale. Mc Cague Investment Co., 1606 Dodge St. 05)-S7S FOR RENT October 1. 2-story brick store punning in south central Nebraska town; excellent location. Address Union Stat Bank, Harvard, Neb. (16) 905 2 Wholesale District BUILDING For Rent The four-storv and basement hrlek riulM- Ing at 916 Farnam St. Apply F. D. Wead, 1524 Douglas St. (15) M 380 Offices. A OOOD OFFICE Is a holp to your business and your busi ness deserves one. Pee us for that office. Wo have modern offices at low rates in the only stone office building In Omaha, situate In the banking center of Omaha, half way between the wholesale and re tall districts. No better location could be had. Only a couple left, and they won't Inst long. DO IT NOW. REAL ESTATE TITLE-TRUST CO.. CHAS. E. W1LLIAMHON. pnr.9 U. S. Nat l Bldg. laol Farnam St. (l)-975 26 FOR RENT Desk room In Bee office, city nan DUiiding, 417 N. 25 th St., South Omaha. Apply to manager. (16) 134 DESK room for rent In stenographer' of- nce, ok raxton tllk. (16) M00O FIRE PROOF BUILDINGS Are the safest for office purpose, but other tuiiciiiciiii iicurBHRry in protect IIIS tenant from losses through this source. THE BEE BUILDING Is a fire proof constructed building, having m ivi iiumutsr ui nre prooi vaults, with out a boiler room in tne basement to ln creaae the danger. We tako every pre caution to ruard aanlnst loss hv Are There are two connecting offices on the fifth iiuor ior rem, one room is Sixau, mo other 7x20. There are four large windows in the larger room affording plenty of light, an this room hss a good vault also, making this oonblnstlon of rooms the most de sirable In the butldln. On the sixth floor we have two small rooms wnicn can De rented separately or as a Suite. Janitor service, water and lights furnished. r or xunner particulars see R. W. BAKER, BUPT. THE BEE BUILDING 17TH AND FARNAM BTS. STOREROOM, 621 B. 16th St Clarke Powell. bum r arnam Bt. (16) 776 FOR RENT Concession for rent to ca terer in Fraternity hall, 1816 Harney; good trado with lodges, dances, etc.; ref erences required. N. P. Dodge A Co., 1714 Farnam. (15) ' FOR RENT-709 S. 27th, small store, 810. siuo Lavenwortn Bt, 117.60. N. P. DODGE & CO., 1714 Farnam St (16)- 0FFERED FOR SALE Feaelns;. ANCHOR and Iron fencing; wire fencing 6o per foot $06 N. 17th St Tel. Red 811 16)-842 Farm It ore. TTUUSiS UltiT-lULaJUl 15AKUA1MS, Furniture and complete equipment of 11-room house, 14-room flat and 16-room house, for quick sale at much less than actual cost; all well located; close In and making money. 'Phone Red 1283, or call 424 N. Y. Life Bldg. (16-ei0 28 ZD HAND furniture bought and sold ; busi ness on tns square. Rosenberg, formerly with Chicago Furniture Co., 108 S. 14th St Tel. Douglas 6886. (16) 728 A29 FOR BALB CHEAP-Solld oak roller-top office desk, chair and typewriter. Ad dress B 70, Bee. (16) M628 UNTIL THURSDAY Household goods at your own price, owner leaving the city. 8614 Leavenworth. 'Phone H. 196. (16)-87S 26x FOR SALE Furniture of nine-room mod ern flat; practically new. 'Phone Doug. 2906 or call at 606 N. 21st Bt. (16)-92 26 FOR SALES Furniture 6 rooms complete. Modern 6-room cottage, $15. Close in. Address O 88, care Bee. () 790 25x FOR SALE A nearly new Hoosler kitchen cabinet, Jewell gas range, Herrlck refrig erator (enamel lining), Qun'a folding beVi (oak). Apply SU & 87th Bt (16)-12 27 Fiaaos, Organs, Masloal Iastraaaeata. Piano Bargains Investigate the special offer we are making; tbls week It will save you tome money. MOO Gabler, practically new.... $220 400 Ivera & Pond, fine condition SIS 300 Kimball, parlor size 116 800 Kimball, Urge site 5 450 Emerson, nearly new. .... , 185 260 Hoffman, mahogany case. . 166 600 Geo. Bteck, new S25 The same easy terms: f 3, f 4, $5 or 110 monthly. New Pianos for rent f 3.50 monthly Schmoller & Mueller Piano Co. 'Phone Doug:. 1625. 1311-1313 Farnam Street. (16)wM979 DEAOAN'S moramaphone, in line trunk maao zor it; bargain, bus n. 16th. (16)-71$ x FOR SALE Fine upright piano for sal at a uig uargam. au) no, ua. (16s-M430 $4 FOR SALE Fine uptight, nearly new pianu, cneap. vaii ruesaay, a. in., use b. sun ck. (16) 73 XI FINE Upright Kimball piano, $06. Dealers da bat call. 1A1A Luunori. OFFERED FOR SALE Pianos aad Orsjaas Coattaaed. FOR SALE CHEArStory A Clark cabinet orKBii, IS stops, a beautiful, strong-toned Instrument, suitable for church or home, food condition; cost $60. Address L "M, lee. (16 M78 Pool aad Bllllara Tables. FOR SALE New and second-hand Millars' snd pool tables. We lead the world la cheap bar fixtures; easy payments Brunswick-Balke-Collendar, 07 8. 10th St. (16)-$)tS Typewriter and Sevrteg Maehlae. $100 TYPEWRITERS $15 UP A well selected stock of high-class, rebuilt and slightly used typewriters of all makes. Machines that are to all pur poses equal to new, both In appearance) and general condition. One-fourth to one half manufacturers' prices. Bold and rented everywhere. Ask for bargain list, prices and terms. CHANGE i TYPEWRITER V.C0MPANY 1824 Farnam St., Omaha. Thone D. S874 (16) FINE Remington No. 6, with cover, $! can at once, as 1 need the room. 641 Paxton block. (16) M757 S6 FOR SALE High grade second-hand type writer; gooa condition; a Daigain at uo. Call room 608, Bee Bldg. (16) 671 ONE Remington typewriter, No. 6, In good vonumun, ior aaie cneap, can at hn Office. 16) 62x FOR SALE Nearly new Remington type writer, wun oak taDie; $46. 641 paxtoa block. (16)-M622 I FOR SALE Hammond typewriter, good. only $10. CENTRAL TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE iwi farnam St. Tel. Douglas mo. (i6)-oao $ Mlacellaneoas. OAS, ELECTRIC AND " "Cj COMBINATION FIXTURES Largest, most un-to-data stock at Inweae prices in the olty, select now. Delivered when needed. Inspection Invited. BURUESS - GRANDEN CO., $1S So. 16th St. Tel. Doug. 68L (16) 4s HAVE paid over one-third on my contract (or Americanised encyclopedia Brllan nloa; owing to sickness am not able to keep up payments. Will give my contract and books to anybody willing to keepi up same. Address F 74, care Bee. (16)u2 2SX FOR SALE Onyx soda fountain, 14-syrup, two body, refrigerator base, oounler au tomatic carbonalor, niter, all as good as new; also drug store fixtures, counters and show cases. Howell Drug Co., 16th, and Capitol Ave. (16) 648 FOR SALE A butcher's refrigerator, sev eral snow cases, a new peanut roaster, large coffee mill, two large automatic oil tanks and store fixtures too numerous to mention. Globe Land and Investment Co., Omaha, Neb. (16)-M88$ FOR BALE Finest boarding house in tha tuy; Dtai location, an rurmsnea; walk ing dlstanoe, etc.; cheap. Inquire tut Karbasu Block, Omaha, Neb, (16) 288 DRUGS at cut prices; freight paid on SlA order: catalos-ue free. SHERMAN & M'CONNELL DRUG CO.. rkMK M.I. .... w 110) SOI FOR BALE About October 1, one SOO-gal- iun rvonningion aupiex pump, SIX ui lOftxlO. W. H. Bridges, engineer Omaha Bee. U6) M7 FOR BALE Cheap, complete outfit of mov ing pioiures ior travel. Inquire 1604 Howard St., room 14, $d floor. Call be tween and 4 p. m. (16)-M627 2ex FOR SALE One roll top Jeweler's bench, and one lathe; only used four weeks. Ad dress 1L I. Ennls, Bruce, 8. D. (16 M618 26x HOMEOPATHIC medlolnes, wholesale and (it) m BEND US your mall orders for drugst freight paid on $10 lota Uyers-Dilloa Drug Co., Omaha. (It) 884 6HERWIN WILLIAMS CO., best mixed pauiu anerman at sdoconueil Drug Co. (i)- H ALL'S safes, new, td-hand. 181$ Farnam. . (it)m HAY $3 per ton. Wagner, 801 N. 16th. u) Mia SECOND-HAND rubber hose. tool. Singer. 411 KJ 1 sW W Kv Jl " "" U) 1 FOR BALE Several loads rock. 181 So. m) Mt36 tlx THREE fine tool chests, also butchers' meat block; $8 each. $o8 N. 16th. 041718 tx FOR SALE Under-feed furnaoe, shelter, piping, registers, floor plates, from 10. room house; good condition. Call 1431 N. 26th St., Bo. Omaha. (16) MteS $6 GASOLINE launch. Is 22 ft. long, seats SO imupiv, equipped wun a norao power auto marine engine, In perfect order, bulit last year. Will sell for 8300 cash or trade on a runabout automobile If sat isfactory. Cost over $450. Address Dr. R. A. Weston, Little Sioux, la. (16)-$37 S6x FOR SALE Two Cyphers' Incubators and two brooders, one tuO egg else and a 6 egg size. Also a large upholstered fold ing davenport and 70 young chickens. 4010 Franklin St. (16) 788 26x FOR BALIS A fine English cross saddle. In good condition, S12& Chicago Bt. (1) M104 M PATENTS D. O. BARN ELL, patent attorney and ma elilne designer, Paxton Blk. Tel. Rod TUT. (17 Mw7 81$ LARSON at CO. Book (res. Bee Bids, (7) mi PERSONAL TILE ELITE Eltrt operator XXXLi (lveg jna.., andchaly. beats scrub baths. Room too. Barker block. 16th and Farnam. New establishment. U M76S tlx WILL the gtntleman who saw a passenger struck by the conductor on a North Ht)x St. car, coming south near Cummlng on the evening of August 8th, kludly send his address to A H. Murdock. 817 New York Life Bldg., Omaha. (1$) M780 26a THE 8ALVATION ARMT solicits cast-off clothing; in fact, anything you do not need. We collect, repair and sell, at lit N. 11th St., for cost of collecting, to tha worthy poor. Call 'phone Doug. 4136 and wagon will call. (lk all YOUNG WOMEN coming to Omaha as Strangers are Invited to visit the Youna Women Christian Association rooms, 16ig Farnain street, where they will be di rected to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. U U I.ADY SKILLED IN SCIENCE OF MAS SAUE, and stranger In Omaha, desires patrons; scrub bath, manicure and chlr opotlr, 1624 Dodge Bt., corner loth, oppo site P. O. Gs-6i4 kx BACHELOR GIRL, cultured, pretty, will wed physician, widower, established prac tice; under 60 years old do not answer. Address T U. Omaha Baa, (ly M67B S6x PRETTY orphan girl. S3 years of ag. worth $20,000, desires to correspond with gentleman, with view to matrimony. Ad dress Lock Box 4, Cast Bvston. Mass.