Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 25, 1907, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 6, Image 14

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1 1.
f ii
Want - ads
A4rrrtUrmril tor the want ad
rolamn will be taken entll IS m. for
the rtrnlug edition aad aatll 9 l. m.
(or the morn la and aaday editions.
t'nah snast a croupe ay all orders for
! ad aad no advertisement will
he accepted for leaa than 10 rent for
the II rat Insertion.
Natea nnaly to either The Dnllr or
Bandar Bee.
Always roiDl six worda to a line.
f'omhlnatlona of Initial or a amber
roant a one word.
flKta I.Alt C I.AIHlt'ATIO' One
laaertloa, per line, lO ernta. Two or
Inorc ronarcatlre Insertions, per line,
rent. Each Insertion made on add
days, 10 centa per llae. fl.BO per
line per month.
Heath and Faneral Xotlrea, Tarda of
Thank aad Lodge otlre. T ernta
er line for one edition, mora In or
rvtalaii 3 renta a line for each ad
dltlonal edition. Sander, 10 reata a
line. Ma ad takea for leaa than 30
(roar advertisement la Inaerted nnder
Bar one of the elaaalflrattona iltrn
helow, It will be charged at the fol
lowing rateai One laaertlon, 4 renta
per llnei three ta alx eonaeentlre In
sertion H renta per line each inaee
tloni aeven or more eoaaecatlve In
sertion, 2 rente per llae each Ineer
lloni HO tenia per line per month.
Kxcenf Agenta, Sollcltara aad Salea
owa, Bird, Doge aad Peta.
Horses and eh Idea.
Pnoltrr aad Kgga.
Typewriters and Sewla Maehlnea.
Plaaoa, Organ and Mnelcnl Inatru
Furnished Rooma.
Unfarnlahed Rooms.
Housekeeping Rooma.
Boarding and Rooma.
Waat Ads for The Bee may he left
at aay of the following drag; etnree
one 1 "yonr corner drnaglat" they
are all Branch offlces of The Bee and
yoar ad will be Inaerted Jaat na
promptly and on the aame ratea aa at
the main olB.ce In The Bee Building,
Seventeenth and Farnam Slreeta.
Albach, W. O.. 40th and Fartiam.
Beranck. 8. A.. 14(0 B. Nlfti St.
Becht Pharmacy, 730 S. 1Mb St.
Benson Pharmacy, Benson. Nob.
Bemls Park Pharmacy. 33d and Cumins.
Blake s Pharmacy. 2816 Sherman Ave.
Caughltn, C. R.. th and Pierre Bts.
Clifton Hill Pharmacy, 2213 Military Ave.
Conte, J. B., 3lHt Ave. and Farnam.
Crlssev Pharmacy, 24th and Lake.
' Cerma'k. Emll, 1264-6 8. 13th St.
Eastman Pharmary. 41)48 Hamilton.
Khler. F. 11., 2S2 Leavenworth,
. Foster & Arnoldl, 218 N. 25th St.
Freytag, John J., 114 N. 24th St.
Florence Drug Co., Florence, Neb.
Goldman Pharmacy, 20th and Lake.
. Greens Pharmacy, corner Park Ave. and
Orecnougli, G. A., 125 B. 10th 8t.
Greanough. G. A., 1624 8. 10th St.
Hayden, Wm. C 29JO Farnam Bt.
Hnnscom Park Phar., 1501 8. 29th Ave.
Hoist, John. 624 N. 16th Bt.
Huff, A. U, Z2- Leavenworth Bt.
King. H. 8., 213 Farnam 81.
Kountzc Place Pharmary, 8:4 N. 24th.
Patrick Drug Co.. Iti24 N. 24th Bt.
I-athrop, Cliaa. K., 1324 N. 24th 8t.
Peyton, L. E.. 24th and Leavenworth.
Saratoga Drug Co., 24th and Ames Ave.
Bchaefer'a Cut Price Drug Co., lth and
Schaefcr, August, 2631 N. 16th Bt. .
Schmidt. J. H . 24th and Cuming Bts.
Storm Pharmacy, 16th and Martha Bts.
Walnut Hill Pharmacy, 4iih ami Cuming.
; Walton Pharmacy. 2uth and Grace Bts.
I Worth, O. 11., 4Uth and Hamilton Sta.
tICKSON Mary W , . at residence, 823
South Twentieth street, Thursday even
ing, wife of C. K. Dickson.
Funeral Sunday at l:3i) p. m. Interment
Toretit Lawn cemetery. All friends in
R. W. Kock. 1025 Hawthorne avenue, boy;
Manuel Negethon, 3438 South . Fourteenth
atreet, boy; Carl Swan, 1733 bouth Twenty
eighth street, girl: James . Walker, 3zl3
North Twenty-fifth avenue, girl; John
Wejwoda, 1713 South First street, girl; W.
1J, Baker, 2ti2 North Twenty-fourth street,
girl; Joseph SliulmlHter, lt23 Dodge street,
girl; B. L. Johnson, l2 North Koity-tlrst
street, girl; Lewis McNabb, 4737 North
Thlrty-eeventh street, boy; Lawrence
Sorensen, 2428 Patrick avenue, boy; C. R.
Woolery, 1816 North Twenty-second atreet,
Deaths Mrs. Elizabeth Grant, 1KW South
Thirty-first street, aged 84 yetus; Howard
Llnd, county hospital, aged 27 years;
Harry Gust us, Kltihtnenth and Ohio snoots,
aged S days; Hdward Hansen, Kescue home,
aged 2 months; Mrs. Silby Groves, liiJJ
kancroft street, aged 60 years.
' Tha following marriage licenses have been
Name and Address. Age.
Mayor Robinson. Fort Dodge, la 21
Clara Btock, Omaha X!
XMwIn R. Booth, Omaha 32
Anna M. Agnew, Omaha 27
Ollln P. Sullivan. 0T,aha 43
Marie Woods, Omaha 30
W. Pierce Wilson, Bouth 'Omaha 22
Rosalie Miller, South Omaha 23
William H. Ftnley, San Francisco 24
Clarabel 8U John Booth, Fort Omaha 21
Henry Gray, Omaha 39
Hannah Wilier. South Omaha &
Frank Spevak, Omaha so
Agnes Blovic, Omaha 27
Oluf W. Larsen, Omaha JJ
Dalma Prdersen, Omaha is
Wa herewith extend our heartfelt thanks
4o relative and friends for their sympathy
. In our late bereavement of our beloved wife
and mother.
. McCartney institute
1S08 Farnam St.
. 1 Fall term begins September 2.
tUiortVan-l. Typewriting, Bookkeeping
Cvmmercia Law and Penmanship.
to students registering on or before Thurs
day, August 29
Dav and night sessions. ,
Call on or telephone Doug. 1070. '
Miss E. F. McCartney, Secretary
VloRAND'S classes for adults (entrance
opp. Burwood Iheatrr) will reopen on
Tuesday. September I, I p. m. Pur your
ticket on or aefore opening nlpht and
ray 12 less than regular price. Open all
day, noon and evening. Private lessons
snd stsge dancing. Assemblies Wednea
a. Call or 'phone Douglas 1041.
v . Hi Ml Bis
(Continued )
SIGN PAINTINO-S. H. Cola. lJnt Douglaa.
(11 "2
TUB CITT GARBAGE CO., office 4th and
Leavenworth Bts. Tel. Douglas 187.
SEND for our list of second-hand automo
biles. DERIGHT. 1818 Farnam. (2) 306
FOR SALE 22 horsepower, five-pastenper
Bulck auto, 19Nt model; top and full
equipment: moderate use; good condition;
would trade for electrlo runabout or land,
lots. Address D-38. Bee. (2) 147
FOR BALK Cheap, two automobiles. In
quire C. K. Klmbal, Ogden Hotel. Coun
cil Bluffs, la. (2) M74 SO
IHft-acre farm, 30 mllea southwest of
Ewlng. miles from Chambers; level land,
good soil: l' acres under cultivation; all
teticed and cross-feiiCKd; good 7-room nous.-,
large barn, artesian well, plenty timber.
Will sell at $:t0 per acre, or trade for 20 or
30 acres Improved close to Omaha. Write
J. A. Hershey, 3523 Blierman Ave., Omaha,
Neb. (3)-U4 26x
For Bale of Exchange I am the owner of
30 acres of land eight tulles west of the
town of Eddyvllle. Neb., In Dawson
rountv. Rolling farm and grazing lands.
This Is 12 mllea north of this city, Lex
ington, Neb. Surrounded by stock
Will sell this for rash or take In exchange
clear Omaha residence property.
Price Is 1.5 per acre and give a clear deed.
Will take clear property In exchange.
Will be in Omaha August SO end 21. and
you can see me at olllce of Htate Insur
ance Co., N. Y. Life Bulldliur, and I will
go and see your property. Address F. P.
K.. Care State Insurance Co., Omaha.
(3) 34 26
match soy dral, for hotel or good resi
dence, 160 acres of fruit and timber land
In Hpoksne county, Washington; 20 miles
from city; 20 acres In fine bearing or
, chard; fine spring water; 2 miles from
' railroad station; land Is sublrrlgate; no
Incumbrance. Price, $100 per acre. Same
kind of land few miles closer to city
sells for ,V per sere. Don t writ If
you don't mean business. Give full par
ticulars In flrjit letter. Address P. O. Box
164. Omaha. Neb. (S-M579 27x
EXCHANGES If you have city property,
stocks of goods, farm isnd or property or
sny kind to exchange, write for our com
Dlete list. We have nronertlea and landi
In all parts of the country to exchange.
Our list Is free. Send for it at once.
Globe Land and Investment Co.. 1822 Fsr
nuin St., Omaha, Neb. (3) 306
TO EXCHANGE Patent right on a lawn
wccdT for removing dxndelions from
ysrds. A fortune in this for the right
party. Will trade for stock of hardware
or land. Specifications sent on request.
Address Y-202, care Bee.
(31-MSS7 S24x
TO EXCHANGE for a hotel. 661 acres. 1
mllea of ra'lrond town: Lincoln county,
Oregon; best of soil; all can be culti
vated; well-settled neighborhood; price,
$10 acre; mortgage, ,1,000. R. Mather,
Cedar Rapids, la. (3) 872 25
GOOD stock of general merchandise In an
Iowa town of 2.600. Will trade for clear,
cheap land. Globe Land and Investment
Co., 1822 Farnam. (3) 307
TO EXCHANGE for elevator, first-class
Iowa farm. Mather & Co., Cedar Rapids,
la. (3 871 26
NICE cheap lot for small home. Will pay
cash difference. 2004 Wirt St.
(3)-660 24x
NICE runabout for brick work. 2004 Wirt.
() 770 26x
$9,000 Will Buy a First-Class
Modern 40-room Hotel
Steam heat; electric lUjht throughout;
8-story brick building, with basement;
good location, and- In one of the beet
small towns in Nebraska; terms to suit
purchaser; 6 per cent Interest on de
ferred payments, or will rent to a re
sponsible party; possession In October.
Address Henry M. Bacon, 1239 First Na
tional Bank Building, Chicago, 111.
(4 830 26x
WB have several bargains in rooming
houses for sale now, especially one 15-
room flat, all pew . furniture and car
pets, best location for high-class roomers;
party wishes to leave the city and must
sell. We also have them from 2E to 40
rooms. Now Is a good time to get lo
cated before the fall rush. Call or write
for particulars at once.
Suite 404 Bee Bldg. Keystone Surety and
Ref. Agt. (Inc.). "Phone D. 3367.
(4)-990 26
THE best Investment Is a mining Invest
ment, If the mine Is good. I will pay
the railroad fare to Colorado for any
Investor to look at this mine In order to
prove that we have 110,000,000 wort.i of
fold ore in sight; dividends guaranteed,
f you care to lnvetlgate a good mining
proposition, write me for particulars. L.
W. Teagarden, 625 Commonwealth Bldg.,
Denver, Colo. (4) 836 26
On account of wanting to leave the city.
822 N. Y. Life.
(41-938 25
SPLENDID opportunity for any ambi
tious man to establish hlmnclf In a
profitable business. Particulars on ap-
. plication. The Interior Display Co.,
Moillna. N. Y. 4j KSO 25x
HARDWARE stock for sale; cash only;
county seat town, eastern central Ne
braska: well established trade; Invoice
about $10,000. Box 474, Omaha Poatofflce.
CAPITAL wanted to form stock company
to manufacture home-made sausage; pro
tected by patent permit. Addrees O 144,
care Bee. (4)-M972 Six
CATERER WANTED To rent storeroom
In Fraternity hall. 1816 Harney St., to sell
refreshments to lodges, dsnces, etc; ref
erences required. N. P. Dodge A Co.,
1714 Farnam St. (4)
WILL buy local bank stocks at good
prices In exchange of high grade indus
trial shares, large dividend developers.
Discretion offer. P. O. Box 1662, Pitts
burg. Pa. (4-804 25x
FOR SALE Acouunt sickness, owner will
sell 60-room brick hotel property, with
complete furnishings, In good town of
S.ScU at a bargain; immediate possession:
worth investigating; also fully-equipped
dairy farm of 2S0 acres and 26 cows,
cheap. Address Geo. H. Lennox, Colfax,
Wash. (t um Six
FOR SALE Job printing plant, doing good
business; only three printing plants lo
entire city and county; Washington press
and almost enough material for weekly
paper: fine opening for practical printer;
bargain; Investigate. Box 1176, Durango,
Colo. , (4-M8i4 Six
WANTED to correspond with parties who
can sell stock In copper properties
located In Coeur D'Alenea Addresa W.
K. Wilson. Mullan. Idaho. (4-8U 25x
I DESIRE to represent factories and In
troduce American articles Into the
Argentine Republic. Conditions, rl's
ard samples to Julio Laulhe. iTire
,11.. Buenoa Ayres. (4 114 26x
FOR 8ALP 26-room hotel cheap; hustling
town, end of railroad: no competition.
Address J. L. Bourret. Stickney. 8. D.
(4-Ml 17 Six
AN NVFSTMFNT in Washington. D. C.
real estate will double your money In two
yeara. It u prove it. Howara T. John-
but a- C VUmmhinmtnn- FL C.
t Continued )
I KNOW OF a legitimate proposition which
requires $40 a month for a year to de
velop it Into a fortune big enough for
two; I can only spsre ty a month front
my salary and want some man In the
same fix to go In with me; requires no
attention from us for a ear; look into
this the longer 1 look the better It looks.
For Interview address W' 119, care Bee.
(41-121 27
HOTEL MAN WANTED-Dell Rapids. 8.
D. ; 1.600 population, located In best por
tion or state. Is building $ stone hotel:
company has favorable concenslons for
five years; needs tenant for term of years
to furnish building and take some stock;
must be good hotel man of good financial
standing and furnish good references. K.
J. tlllott. secretary, Dell Rapids. S. D.
(4) M565 27 X
FOR SALE At a bargain, one of the best
40-rcom brick hotels In southern Minne
sota, modern In every respect, large lot
and pretty park with property. Will
make price right to anyone wishing to
buy a good paying hotel. Can give beat
of reason for selling. Address Y 174,
care of Bee. (4) M6H6 2Sx
BETWEEN forty and fifty thousand shares
of the Arizona Gold Mines A Milling Co.'s
stock for sale at 26 cents per share; sold
by M. E. Langley and John J. Wyatt at
75 cents per share; any Information. Call
or write N. F. Anderson, 5811 Wslrath Bt.,
Los Angeles. Cal. 4) M5K3 820x
?ne of the oldest and best grocery stores
In the city; high class mest market in
connection; must be sold today or to
morrow at any reasonable price offered;
get your order In at once. Douglas WW1.
(4) Mi87
HORSESHOEING, wagon and blacksmith
shop for sale cheap: centrally located In
Omaha; must he sold at once on account
of owner's health.
'Phone Red 1246. Room :03. Barker Flock.
(4)-M4.'6 24
80S New York Life Building,
Omaha, Neb.
A snap for somebody that wants to build
up a nice business. See
822 N. Y. Life.
(41-924 35
I HAVE good legitimate money making
proposition and want a partner to travel
with me through California and Oregon
this winter. Experience not necessary.
$3,000 to $5,000 required. For particulars
Investigate. Address A 87, care Bee.
(41-M671 26x
FOR SALE A good paying hotel in Cen
tral Iowa, town of 10 to 12 hundred. 2
railroads; am going Into other business.
Will sell building and furniture or fur
niture alone and rent building. Hotel H
block from depot. If looking for a snap
get busy. Address Y 173, Bee. (4) M41
YOUR notes, accounts and mtgs. collected
any place. Write me what you have and
I will advise you what I can accoin-
11sh for you. Address O. B., 938 4th St.,
es Moines, la. (4)-M501 25x
FOR BALE In Fullerton, Neb., blacksmith
business, one set of tools, one 4 H. P.
gasoline engine, new, a good opening
now; easy payments. Address C. R.
Stenberg, Indian School, Genoa, Neb.
(4)-M491 S9x
BEST laundry In the city of Longmont
for sale cheap; low rent; fine trade;
$1,500 cash will handle It; owner sick 'and
must change altitude. Call on the Long
mont Realty Co., at Longmont. Colo.
(41 M761 30x
SHOE repairing machinery and stock;
best location in the city; amounts due on
mortgage takes this snap. The Pond
Realty and Loan Co., 15 N. Tejon St.,
Colorado Springs. Colo. (4) M450 Ux
FOR BALE Or rent, good store building,
82x72; good opening for another store In
thriving town. Call or address Helen
Thurston, Daxey, Barnes county, N. D.
(4 M624 28x
FIRST CLASS, up-to-date jewelry stock
located in best business portion of busi
ness district. The Pond Realty & Loan
Co., Colorado Springs, Colo.
(4)-M758 30x
FOR RENT Store, 22 ft. by 100 ft.. In
brick block, well located In one of the
best county seat towns In northern Iowa,
Address John Galbraith, Algona, la.
(4) M626 28X
FOR BALE Two hydraulic chair barber
shop with bath tub In connection. In
country town of 1.800. Frank Rest, Ran
dolph. Neb., Cedar Co. (4) M640 frx
FOR SALE First-class blacksmith and
wagon work business, with tools; $4 to $6
received for shoeing and $4 to $8 for set
ting tires. Address Y 129, Bee. (4 313
FOR SALE Only meat market In good
business town of 500; good trade and best
location in town. Address Fulton Meat
Market. Farnam. Neb. (4) M62S 28
WANTED A partner In hotel and 'cafe; a
good paying business; open night and day.
For this I have too much to attend to
to be around all the time; must have $1,900
cash. This is a good chance for the right
party to make money. Come and see for
yourself. Write at once. Ick Box 736,
Mllbank, 8. D. (4) M886 31 X
BOARDING Houses, Rooming Houses,
Gen'l Mdse. Stocks, Hardware, Bakeries,
Laundries, Job Offlces, Repair Shops and
many other for ANY BUSINESS, ANY
822 N. Y. Life. (4)-922 25
WANTED Parties who will Invest $25,000,
$50,000, In substantial going Industrial en
terprises, located In Virginia and West
Virginia; fruit, dairy, farming, timber,
minerals. Robert H. Young, 824 Colo-,
rado Bldg., Washington, D. C.
(4-805 26x
$100 INVESTED NOW will return $30,000 In
months; seven mines consolidated; as
say $638.90 ton; prospectus free. Write
quick. Gold Horn Mining Co.. Los An
geles. Cal. (4) 864 25x
DO YOU need capital to extend or start
business? Write me today; exceptional
. facilities for placing stocks or bonds
quickly. Everett Dufour. corporation at
torney, LeDiolt Bldg., Washington. D. C.
(4J-861 26X
YOU can never profit ty business chances
unless you have some money; small sav
ings are tha foundation of large fortunes;
tart a savings account with J. Lw Bran
dels A Sons, Bankers, 16th and Douglas
Bts. Assets over $400,000. (i
Ten Dollar Note for a Flyer
will carry a 26-word classified ad.
Into a million homes one time
Boston Herald, Omaha Bee.
Phila. No. American, Buffalo Courier,
Syracuse Herald, Roch. D. 4 Chron.,
Pittsburg Dlspatoh, Provldenoe Telegram,
New Haven leader, Cleve. Plain Dealer,
Bt Louis Globe-Dem., Des M. R & Leader,
Washington Popt, Denver Republican,
Mil. Free Press, San Fran. Chronicle,
Cincinnati Enquirer, Atlanta Constitution,
Minneapolis Tribune, Dallas News,
Detroit Ftee Press, Chicago Inter Ocean,
Indianapolis News, Kansas City Journal,
Write for combination offers magasine lists.
TURNED Illustrated guide book and list
of Inventions wanted, fraa to any ad
dreaa. Patents secured by us advertised
fraa In World's Progress; sample oopy
free. Evena, Wllkena Co., 68 F tiL
Washington. D. C. (4
TELAUTOPRINT It revolutionises mes
sage sending by telegraph, using type
writer keyboard; company now organised;
greatest opportunity ever offered Invest
ors. Send for free booklets. Printing
Telegraph Co., 604 Chronicle Bldg., San
Francisco. (4
TELAUTOPRINT It revolutionises mes
sage senllng by telegraph, using type
writer keyboard. Company now organ
ised; greatest opportunity ever offered
Investors. Send for free booklets. Print
ing Telegrsph Company. 61H Chronicle
Bldg.. San Francisco.
CAPITAL wanted for an electrical neces
sity, large returns assured. For full par
ticulars address Box 71, General Post
office, New York. (41 91T ttx
FOR BALE Good paying laundry for
$1500: will aland strict Investigation; it
is a bargain. Answer M 149. care Bee.
COOS BAT. Oregon's Deep Sea Harlnr.
now stands st the head of the list f
northwest opportunities. Billions of feet
of stsnding timber; ) square miles im
derlsld with coal; mills, shipbuilding
plants and factories In operation and oth
er going up. It Is here C. A. Smith, tha
millionaire lumber king of Minnesota, Is
turning his attention and Is constructing
the laigeat mill In the west. Coal at tho
mine's mouth, lumber at the manufactur
er's price and water transportstlon for
the manufacturer; excellent dairy, fruit
and garden land partially developed and
awaiting settlers: grsss green the year
round; equable and delightful climate.
Write for free booklet to Chamber of
Commerce, Marshtleld, Ore. (4)
TWO new dining rooms, furnished: doing
paying business; best location; chesp for
cash this week. Apply lu7 South 17th St.
(4)-MI77 24x
LIST your property with us; we have buy
ers; have property for exchange also,
Jacobson A Co., 935 N. Y. Ufe Hldg.
(4 M638 8 11
THE new town of Rosalie needs a drug
store and physician, harness shop, furni
ture and jewelry stores; new brick store
room for ' rent. Address F. L. Cook,
Rosalie. Neb. (4) M6J7 27
A BARGAIN Furnishings 20-room (only)
hotel; full of $2.00 trade all the time; town
1.000; Junction point. Address Y 1W. rare
Bee. (4J-MSS1 S
FOR SALE Drug store. In Fort Collins,
Colo., doing good business; no sgents.
Address P. O. Box 1176, Fort Collins,
Colo. (41-M644 2x
Ali. KINDS of mining and oil stocks
bought and sold according to their value.
Omaha Finance Co., 212 N. Y. Life Bldg.
(4)-SS8 86
IF YOU want a well established, paying
hotel business in 7.(00 Nebraska turn'
best reason for selling; communicate with
Y 104, Bee. (4) M 25
WISH to meet gentleman who can Interest
few people to extent of $r.00u or $6,010.
You can make same or more at no ex
pense to yourself. Address L 82, Bee.
. (4)-M271
FOR SALE Stock of general merchandise;
good, clean stock; invoice $10,000; town
of 450; well established trsde: owner
hss other business; must sell at once.
Address Y 197. care Bee. (4i M676 25
HOTEI with furniture, saloon connection
and barn; will sell or trade for a farm
in southern Minnesota. Box 359, Hudson,
Wis. (41-M738 30x
FOR BAIaE Pantorlum In a good town
doing a good business; no opposition.
Address Y 198 care The Bee.
4)-Mti9 29
GOOD paying bakery In a good size outside
town; for sale cheap; $400. Addresa W.
Kohlenberger, Anaheim, Cal.
(41-M442 24x
A MAN with $Sno to Invest and take charge
of a good business In Omaha: must be
steady man If Interested. Address N 116,
Bee. (4) 728 26x
Average sales, $4,000 per month; location,
one of the best In city; 6 years' lease at
reasonable rent. Owner wants a rest.
822 N. Y. Ufa.
(41925 25
IF YOIT have $1,000 to Invest in a safe
enterprise that will yield good returns,
address S 118. Bee. (4) M733 26x
DRUG stores for sale everywhere. F. V
Kniest, 707 N. Y. Life. Omaha. (4) SU
GROCERY and meat market for sale; will
Invoice and give good discount. 2227 W.
Broadway, Co. Bluffs. (4) M578 27x
LIST your property with us. Berks A Co.,
838 N. Y. Life. (0-616
FINE two-story hotel In new Wyoming
town, $2,200; part cash; must be sold.
Box 67, Rlverton, Wyo. (4) M742 26x
Life. Tel. Doug. 5149. (4 M968
TO BUY or sell any business or real es
tate, call on or write E. G. Gangestad,
403 Bee Bldg. (4) 312
LIST your property with us. Graham A
Wright. 922 N. Y. L. Tel. Red 658.
(4) M65
FOR BALE Drug store: good for doctor.
Address Box 124, Ashley, Mo.
(4) M740 SOx
RENT Ritchie's hall, Bouth Omaha; second
floor; no posts; 60x60; long leas. A. G.
Ritchie, 220 S. 15th St.. Omaha. (4) 666
LADY In rooming house business wishes
partner with capital. Addresa M 114, Bee,
(4 724 2SX
ROOMING houses for sale,
Gangestad, 4oS Bee Bldg.
all sixes.
QUICK transfers made in selling or buying
property. 424 N. Y. L. (4) M498 89
A NEW article for mall order people. Get
It quick. 1.000 per cent profit. If not In
the business, start at once. Full details
and IlluHtrations for $1. J. F. Thompson,
711 Pioneer Press Bldg., Bt. Paul, Minn.
(4)-fl33 25x
LAUNDRY for salo or rent; la a good
thing for experienced parties. Jas. Halre,
Albion. Neb. (4) M840 Six
I DESIRE an active correspondent In every
town to sell approved Investment securi
ties; high-class proposition, paying big
commissions. G. W. Clawson, Kansas
City, Mo. (4)
$50 WEEKLY and Independence; 100 of our
maontnes lor vending salted peanuts pay
an average daily profit of $7. Write for
Particulars. Milo uum Co. (Inc.), 49 80.
nlon Bt., Chicago. (4) 849 25x
WANTED Members to Join the Co-operative
Producers Club; opportunity for
persons with moderate means and small
Income. For Information write R. F.
Brown, Marietta. O. (4) 848 26x
MONEY-Do you need it? We are In a
position to furnish capital for any meri
torious enterprises; we can sell your
stocKs ana Donas quickly on commission
basis; money advanced on good securi
ties; charters procured In any state; do
not iau w conrer wun ua; it will be to
your Interest. R. Kaats A Co.. bankers,
Tacoma Bldg., Chicago. (4) 860 25 x
$25 WEEKLY can be made on Investment
of $4o operating gum machines. Hilo
Gum Co. (Inc.), Dept. Z, 49 Bouth Union
St.. Chicago. (4)-4 26x
MINER assayer engineer returning to Ne
vada wanta partner. Address F 142, care
Bee. v (4) 963 26 x
BLACKSMITH SHOP for sale; welt
equipped shop doing good business; must
sell on account ' of poor health. I.w
Coleman. Ansley, Neb. (41126 26x
SALES made on Mdse., Jewelry, household
goods, live stock, farm implements, etc
, Roth A Tyrell, 1212 Douglaa, Omaha.
EXPERT shaving A haircutting. SO Jt. II.
($) 896 Septl
Bar Iran and Steel.
The Pennsylvania Iron and Steal Co.,
Omaha, Neb.,
Bells merchant bar iron and steel In any
quantity and slse cheaper than any Job
ber In the west. Write for prices.
(6) MoU BU
AUGUST KROFFT. building contractor,
1003 N. Cat St.. Bouth Omaha. (6-tl
to Beatrice Creamery Co., Omaha.
(continued )
Cauratet Cleaalagr.
SANITARY Cleaning Co.. 191 Farnam.
DR. ROY. R. 2. U08 Farnam 8t. Doug. 8497.
BAILEY A MACH.'id nr. Paxton. D. low.
IN FAMILIES Miss Sturdy. Tel. Harney
1338. (5-&3
M' DOW ELL Dressmaking School. 1623 Far. St. (51-M6S5
THE SCHLITZ, European, 16th and Harney
HESS A SWOBODA. 1415 Farnam. (5)-324
L. HENDERSON, 1619 Farnam. Tel. D.12SS.
Jewelers aad Watcasnakera.
N. P. 8TILLING Watch, clock. Jewelry
repairing, 2-S Paxton Blk. Tel. D. 4:7.
laaect Extermlaatar.
KEEP your home sanitary with Insect
germ exterminator. Room 11. Frenser
Block. (6)-M710 28
( 1T? ATRTjATN H, nopl of Imruages.
EJlJlliy French, German, Span
ish. Davidge Bldg.. 18th and Farnam.
Day and evening clasaee. (61119 826
KEYS, etc. Hefiln, 1324 Farnam. Tel. D.
S974. (S)-Sll
LAWRENCE. 2703 Leavenworth St. Tel.
Harney 2406. (5) M597 810
JOHNSON IN8., 418nT Y. I Tel. D. 1664.
C. B. TRUSSELL, lIiBouth lth St.
(6) 329
Pool and Billiard Tablea.
POOL and billiard table for sste, five pool
snd two billiard tables; must be sold in
fifteen days. 418 N. 24th St., South Omaha.
) 04 27
BEFORE placing your 1908 calendar order
don't fail to sea our elegant Imported line.
Lyngstad A Jorve, printers, 16 A Cap. Ave,
HIGH-GRADE Imitation typewriter letters
and Job printing; no Job too large or
small. Anchor Publishing Co., 1822 Far
nam St. Tel. Doug. 5662. (6) MS32 819
Electric Blae Printing.
NORTON-CARSON CO., 620 Bee Bldg. Tel.
Red 3167. (6) M6.U 819
Bafea, Shatters, Ete.
OMAHA Safe and Iron Works makes a
specialty of fire escapes, shutters, doors
and safes. G. And teen. Prop., 102 8. 10th St.
Shoe Repairing.
RAPID SHOE REPAIR CO.. first clsss
work. 1618H Capitol Ave.' Phone Red 994.
STORAGE at 1408 Harney.
ft) 198 '
No matter how little or how much you
want to Invest, this opportunity Is the
freatest In years. Do not mis 1U Write
o us at once for particulars.
The Pennsylvania Trading Co.
614 Sansora St., Philadelphia, Pa.
, 39 Kx
Agents and gale ladles.
WANTED Makers and millinery sales
ladles having department store experi
ence; references. La Ferte, 24 W. Su
perior St., Duluth, Minn. (9) M7S7 SOx
WANTED--At once, fifteen capable, Intelll
gent young- women to act as sales ladles
In dry goods sections. See Mr. Culver,
main floor. The Bennett company.
(7) M756 28
WANTED Lady manager In home terri
tory; $50 per month and expenses; new
suit every ninety days and $26 caah; To
llable firm. J. E. Mc Brady A Co., Chi
cago. (7) 859 26x
Clerical and Office.
Stenographer, Insurance. $75.
Bookkeeper, groceries, $60.
Stenographer, retail store, $45.
Stenographer, Mfg. Co., $70.
General office, wholesale, $50.
Coma to us at once If you will consider
a high grade position. Ask for our list
of positions that WE HAVE FILLED dur
ing the lsst month. THEN INVESTI
GATE. Also ask for list of vacancies not
given above.
404-6 N. Y. Life Bldg.,
(D-W4 26
WANTED A stenographer who operates a
Remington and who Is also a good pen
man; addresa In handwriting, stating ex
perience and salary wanted. Address K
147. Bee. (7)-99 25
STENOGRAPHER. Address D 71 care
Bee. (7)-M538
Factory and Trades.
1 FIRST CLASS shirt finisher, $14.00 per
I first class starcher, $12.00 par week.
1 first class marker and sorter, $18.00 par
week. Nine hours per day.
(71-M500 28x
WANTED Women for hand Ironera and
machines. Kimball Laundry, 1611 Jackson
Bt. m-M640
WANTED Lady to run ahlrt mschlne and
starch In small laundry: good wsges. Ad
dress Hnlslngton Steam Laundrv Hots
tngton. Kan. (7 M696 27x
WANTED Experienced dressmskers at
1018 Douglas. C7j M46 Mx
EXPERIENCED mschlne girls wanted;
ahort hours; good wages. Call any time.
Omaha Tent A Awning Co., UU and Har
ney. (7 M9oe
WANTED An experienced hair draaser,
one who understands hair work; also an
apprentice. Apply Hair Dressing Parlor,
J. L. Brandsta A Sons. (7) M978 17
GIRLB wanted to work by the week; good
wages, steady work. King-Graham Mfg.
Co., 11th and Jackson, 2d floor from via
duct. Bemls Bag Bldg. (7)-18 26
WANTED Lady barber at 10 W. 16th Bt.
Cheyenne, Wyo.; good wages.
(7 M89S Six
LUNCH countsr girl immediately. 818 8.
10th fit.
1 1 j 1
-114 16
Ha keenlas sal Damestle.
WANTED Experienced girl general bouse,
work, amall family, no washing, best
wages, reference required. 2661 Dodge
street- Telephone Harenjr 7M.
(T 174
TWO girls; ona to help cook, tha other for
dinlngroom. Hotel Howard, fOdgertoa,
Minn. (7)-M67 Sx
GIRL for general housework. Sta Harney.
(7-M7S A
NEAT GIRL for general housework: small
family; good wages. Inquire SIT Capitol
Ave. (7-64 $4X
Hoaeekeepera aad DvMeetlca Ceat'd
WANTED Girl for general housework:
good wages; small family. 3. 2'h
Ave. (7-
WANTED G4rl for general housework;
small family. 2621 Bristol Bt-
(7 M4rtl 2
GOOD Cook wanted. Apply S4 rarnam.
cr "4i
GIRL for general housework. 3315 Burt St.
(7J-721 29
SECOND cook wanted, at Walnut Lodge
farm. Gllmore, four miles south of Bouth
Omaha; good wages; German preferred.
() 715 25
WANTED Finishers on coats and skirts.
Apply at cloak department. Hsyden Bros
(71-M761 26
WANTED A girl for house work; no
washing; no cooking. 1129 8. Slst St.
O) 774 30
WANTED Two respectable women to as
sist In laundry and kitchen, good home
and good wages. 'Phone Benson 112.
GIRL for general housework. 602 No. 40th
Bt. Tel. Harney 2045. (7) 772 26
GOOD COOK-family of three where sec
ond girl Is kept; good wages. 1043 South
80th ave. (7)-7s7
WANTED First class cook for tamlly of
two, coal and gas range In house; whito
woman preferred. Inquire Major C,
third floor Army building, between a.
m. and p. m. (7)-M838 26x
GERMAN housekeeper; cook for ranch,
$40.00. Canadian omce, lbin inn uooge.
W) 338
WOMAN to assist In housekeeping and care
of two children; $ per month; give
references; address P 84, care liee.
Or-M942 27
GOOD girl for general housework. 1212 S.
vsa. (,) m, mx
WANTED Girl for seneral housework: no
washing: good asres. 4819 Cass St.
'Phone Harney 1061. (7) M796 27x
WANTED Girl for chaniberwork; country
girl preferred: good character required
ticket furnished. Perkins hotel. David
City, Neb. (7)-M891 27x
6MALL girl to wash dishes.
818 8. 10th St
9)-117 25
721-2 N. Y. Life Bldg.
We are getting ready for fall business
and will have numerous calls for stenog
raphers, bookkeepers and office clerks to
be accepted tho first of September. If you
are holding a temporary position at present
or If you are dissatisfied with your place,
see us at once. Now Is the chance to get
a good position. Do not delay, but see us
at once. (7) 839 25
WE want for Monday mnrnlnr:
Several Al stenographers, salary from $35
to $00.
Four good clerks, soma for dry goods, some
ior conrectionery, stores, cashiers for out
of town, three office girls. We have many
cans tor neat appearing young ladles, not
experience required so much as natural
aptness. Call and register If you wish
a position.
Suite 404 Bee Bldg., Keystone Surety and
net. Agt., (inc.). -phone JJ. 3367.
(7)-989 25
WANTED A party to sell stock In a
Nevada Gold Mlnlnir Co. The location of
tha property cannot be surpassed. Both
the property and Its officers will bear the
Closest Investigation. Liberal commission.
Address F (, Bee. (7) 307 86.
WANTED Ladv to aammmrilii tha Mar,
love Hair Grower; liberal salary to tight
party. Dr. Minerva James. 2024 Daven
port. Tel. Douglas 6586. (7J-S49
PARTIES can have shopping done at low
est prices, by experienced buyer. Write
for particulars and reference. Address
M 46, Bee. (7) M166 S16X
LADIES AND GIRLS, at home, day or
evenings, to stamp transiers; aj
learned; $1.60 to $2 dozen. Room 606 Paxton
01 a. (Y ) ex
FOR A BUSINESS education realster Mo
Cartney Institute, 1808 Farnam Bt. Fall
term begins September 2. (7) M412
Two young men for hotel clerks; must
be bright.
Two young ladles for clerks and cashiers
combined; these are fine positions; for the
next rew days wa win register stenograph
ers free.
Two Al city salesmen; fine positions.
404 Bee Building. Phone D. 8367.
(71-M729 26
GIRL to assist In housework. 3315 Burt St.
(7) -722 29x
Model Steam
(7)-7b9 26
ACTIVE Catholic lady to collect subscrip
tions; salary and commission $100
monthly; extraordinary offer; state age.
Address National, 517 Lakeside Bldg., Chi
cago. (71862 26x
ESTABLISH beauty culture parlor in home
town and earn money under our free cor
respondence course of Instruction. Little
capital required. Rare opportunity; write,
Melba Bystem, 416 Bowen Ave., Chicago.
WANTED Colored dust girls; stead v work.
Apply Hartman Furniture Co.. 1416 Doug
las Bt (71969 25
Agnate, oHcltors aad Salesmen.
WANTED Man to represent a large cor-
? oration In handling customers In local
errltory from office In your city. A
large Income assured. We will give full
and complete Instructions relative to our
successful methods. Will require In
tegrity, honesty and willingness to push
a paying business. Bend references. A.
Alexander, 201 Metropolitan Bldg.,
Minneapolis. Minn. (9) MT4S 25x
WANTED A party to sell stock In a
Nevada Gold Mining Co. The location of
the property cannot be surpassed. Both
the property and Ita officers will bear the
closest Investigation. Liberal Commission.
Address J . Bee. (9)-St 86
WANTED A first class clothing salesman;
good salary to right man. palace doming
Co., 14th and Douglas. (9-Mi93
WANTED General furniture salesman,
fine, steady position. Nebraska Furniture
and Carpet Co., 407-9-U North S4th St.,
South Omaha. (9)-MG86 29
WANTED Men who are honest snd In
dustrious to sell jmeruman tuuiwiy
stock In the towns and country. R. B.
Hughes, 120 First National Bank Bldg.
(9) M616 24
SALESMEN Bide line for advertising
novelty men; weight of sample to pound;
sent on request. Fulton Metal Works,
Fulton. 111. (9)-W 26x
WANTED Salesman to carry standard
line of liquors . on oommlesion; large
house; excellent proposition to right
party. Address Southwest Corner 4Ui
and Elm St., St. Louis, Mo. ()-M 26x
A COMMISSION big enough to produce
heart failure for agenta with golden
golden tongues and established routes.
Address Bide Line. Box 6t3, Cincinnati,
O. () SS3 26x
AGENTS WANTED Legitimate substitute
for slot machines; patented; sella on
sight for $1. Particulars, Qlsha Co., An
derson, Ind. ()-S6 ttx
WANTED Best and most profitable reg
ular or side line on earth for all classes
of retailers; leather case with samples,
weighing t pounds; straight commission.
Give present and previous lines and ter
ritory covered. Kling, 109 Randolph. Chi
cago. (9 860 25x
WANTED Traveling salesmen. experi
enced tn covering Iowa and Nebraska
territory, accustomed to calling on drug
and general atore trade; good men ca-
fable of earning good salaries will find
t decidedly to their advantage to
answer; established, progressive house;
good Una; give age, lines handled In
first letter; replies confidential. Box 656,
Chicago, IU. (- Bx
WANTED Bide line salesman to sell
article that everybody buys; prospectus
free. A Holmer Co., m Washington St.,
Chicago. (9-80 25x
WANTED Traveling salesman calling
on drug trade to carry whisky aa aid
line; liberal compensation. Address Y
17. Bee. ( 2
Agent. ..d ...en-enc...-.
AGENTS We have a gasoline lighting ays-
tern for store and houses; a world .'
beater; 200 to 600 candle power: uses a
mantle upside down; runs 40 to eT hours
on one gallon of gesollne; almost as
cheap as sunlight; all Hunt directed down.
Just where wanted; mantles last four
times as long aa old style; a proven suc
cess; looks like (he latest electrlo arcs:
demand enormous; quick seller; big
money maker; exclusive territory. Gloria
Light Co., 17 N. Curtis St., Chicago.
(9) 806 25x
WANTE3 A high class salesman to han
dle our line In Omaha territory on a
branch agency proposition. Instantaneous
heaters, power washer and plumbers'
supplies; other quick selling articles under
way; an excellent oppoit unity to build up
a good business for yourx.-lf on a line ofk
repeaters and with a company that 111
financially responsible. The Monarch Sp4r
clalty Mfg. Co., Vine St., Columbus.
Ohio. (9)-tn 25 X
WANTED Two expert subscription book
salesmen, who are producers, but tired
of old and worn-out methods. Will show
you how to make $150 to $200 per week.
Mr. Burnham, Paxton Hotel.
(91-956 26x
AGENTS One exclusive agent for every
town to take orders for made-to-measure
suits for men and women; $100 monthly
or mote easily earned; sample outfit, 260
styles newest woolens, packed In hand
some carrying case, delivered free of coat.
Opportunity To establish prosperous and
growing business without Investment or
capital. Full Instructions with everv out
fit. Apply todsy. The Kagle Tailoring
Co.. 212-21$ Franklin St.. Chicago.
(91-801 26x
WANTED Manager branch automobile
aaleeroom; responsible man with first -clsss
references and $6,000 essh to man
age branch automobile salesroom: high
class machines; position pays $0,000 per
year; highest bank and commercial ref
erences furnished. Address P. O. Box 869,
Chicago, 111. (4)
THE Law of Financial Success, a hook
that tells how to win out dnd make
money. Quick sales and repeater. Big
firms buy quantities. Everybody wants
it; 100 per-cent profit; $5 a day essy.
Hend 10 cents for sample and ajreney.
The Fiduciary Press, 9K2 Tacoma Bldg.,sv
Chicago. () 25x P
WANTED Slde line salesmen to sell arti
cles that everybody buys. A. Ilolmer
Co., 171 Washington St., Chicago.
() 965 25x
8ALESMEN If you don't sell advertls
Ing pipes we both lose money. A strong
commission side line. Curiosity seekers,
save your postal cards. Japunen Nov
elty Co., St. IjouIs, Mo. (9)964 25x
WANTED Man with large acquaintance
to sell excellent mining stock.. Write (or
full particulars to I.. W. Teagarden, 626
Commonwealth Bldg., Denver, Colo.
(9)-934 25
WANTEDHaleaman: $75 per week and
expenses; stsple specialty; old-established
house; permanent; high-priced men Inves
tigate; references. Frank R. Jennings,
sales manager, Chicago. (9)8j7 25x
SALESMAN WANTED - Stove salesman
with experience in selling stoves and
ranges to best trade.
(9)-794 25X
WANT agents to Introduce a new and
novel article In every locality; sells rapid
in every home where shown. Mfg. Co.,
616 Main St., Kansas City, Mo.
(9)-M894 27x
8A LESMEN for Nebraska to sell our
goods; can make $75 to $125 monthly;
experience unnecessary: speclsl oppor
tunity to right party. Send for particu
lars. Continental Cigar Company, Phila
delphia. (9)-hl8 2&X
SALESMEN, traveling, to devote their
whole or spare time In handling an 'M -.
vertlslng specialty of exceptional mflf;
can be used by every line of huatneHs
samples carried In pocket ; average com
mission each sale, $20: some salesmen
earn $10,000 yearly. Taylor Mathers. 336
Broadway, New York. (9) 808 25x -
AGENTS wanted to sell $1 box of Native
Herbs for 80c. For sample and particu
lars write P. C. Melrose, Columbus. O.
(9)09 26x
SALESMAN, traveling on the road, visit
ing the dry goods trade to handle a
strong and complete line of laces and
ladles' popular priced neckwear and up-to-date
novelties 011 good commission
basis. State reference and what ter
ritory covered. J. M. Meyers A Co., 434-436-438
Broadway, New York.
(9)-810 26x
SALESMEN who contemplate making
change write us for particulars; several
of our salesmen earned from $300 to
$i00 per month during June and July.
McAlllster-Coman company, 356 Dearborn
St., Chicago. (91-801 2Cx
WANTED An active real estate agent or
Insurance solicitor or reliable buxlness
man In eacl. town in Nebraska: $'.50 lo
$500 per month in it for right man; hlgh
claeu proposition. Address, with refer
ences, Tulsa Heights Co., Tulsa, I. T.
(9) 86ti 25x
WANTED High-class specialty salesmen
by old-established wholesale house to
sell staple line to general stores; will pay
$350 and expenses a month to the sales
men that can get the orders. Address
Wholessler, 706 to 708 Houser Bldg., St.
Louis. Mo. () 866 25X
WANTED SeversI high-grade, flrst-clsss.
experienced rosd salesmen; men who can
earn from $8,000 to $6,000 a year; old and
reliable Jobbing house; staple line. Ad
dress 6 8. 7th Bt., Minneapolis. Minn.
(9) 831 25x
YOU can earn from $1,000 to $10,000 a year
and expenses as a traveling salesman.
We prepare young men for these posi
tions In eight weeks by mall and secure
them positions with reliable firms. Write
for particulars today. Address National
Training Ass'n. Suite 362. Bcarrltt Blk.,
Kansas City. Mo. (9)-828 2&x
WANTED Young men with ability to sell
goods for positions as traveling salesmen
fn various lines; experience unnecessary;
salaries $100 to $260 a month and ex
penses. Write for particulars today. Ad
dress Y-19S, care Bee. (9l-.9 26x
WANTED To correspond with real estate
and immigration agents in position to or
ganise and bring colonies of desirable
people Into Oregon. The best place on
earth for a live real eatate agent. Ad
dress Chamber of Commerce, Room 684,
Astoria, Ore. (9) 826 26x
WANTED Salesmen; men with regular
route and established trade can add $100
per month to Income with our goods aa
side line; pocket samples. Model Cutlery
Co., 1502 Bouth 10th St., St. Joseph. Mo.
(9J-824 2&x
CAPABLE salesmen to cover Nebraska
with staple line; high commissions, with
$100 monthly advance; permanent posi
tion to right man. Jess H. Smith Co., De
troit. Mich. (9) 823 Tlx
SALESMAN for Nebraska; experienced
traveling man preferred; line kisple for
general trade; position permanent; $30
weekly advance, with commissions. Saw
yer, Leslie A Co., Detroit, Mich.
-fc'l 26s
SALESMAN W A NTED Sell retail trade.
your locality; sso per month and expenses
to start, or commission; experience un
necessary. Hermingsen Cigar Co., T
ledo, O. (9) 817 tfciy -
SALESMEN wanted to sell to grocers.
arugsisis ana coniecuoner; siOO per
month and expenses. California Cider
and Extract Co., Bt. Louis, Mo.
t$-ll JCx
WANTED Agents to sell wrapping paper
aa a side line In Nebraska; samples can
be carried in pocket; can earn $25 to
$40 per week; state where you travel
and what other line you carry; ask for
paper samplea and address paper depart
ment. The Kemper-Thomas Co., Btation
H, Cincinnati, O. (9) 817 26x
WANTED Traveling salesman for old
established vinegar and older house; sal
ary snd expenses. Red Cross Vinegar
Co., Bt. Louis, Mo. () 820 26
LfVB salesmen earn $300 monthly with)
our specialty; staple and quickly estab
lished: good extra Income on re-ordera
no samples to lug. Manufacturer, box
1198. Bt. Louis. Mo. ()lx
WANTED A young man with experienea
In selling men's furnishing goods.
Thomas Kilpatrtck A Co. (in 3