Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 24, 1907, Page 9, Image 9
TOt; OMAHA DAILY BEEi SATURDAY. ATJGCST 24, 1507. GRAIN ASD PRODUCE MARKET i &ep3rta Giro Strength ind Send Op tion Sky-Hlga. GE1AT DAT 1XR THE BULLS CaMto Firm aa All Foreign Mar sets Ajs High, Giving- AMU tlaaal Strength ta tha -Oosaostlo. OMAHA, Keb., Aug. 21, 1807. Wth perfect stream of damage and etroar bull reports from ths northwest this morsng, the mark waa strong and all optima went skyward recovering from yes terday's slump. . , Cales came strong and all foreign mar ket were much higher, airing additional trerjth to domestic mark. Wlsat opened firm and higher and ad vance) steadily. Repeats from " the mrthwHi were ex treme bullish and with the strength iremey unman and witti tne at shtrwi la European marketa, buylri gener! and price recovered from day's break. September wheat ope Ing waa I y eater enened at Ste-ad close at Cor opened strong and higher on gen eral bring and higher eablea. Trad waa err antra and, owing to ha higher am rata, all offering wars absorbed readily. rVptbey eorn opened at Ho and cloaed af3te. CM tj opened with a general rnah of buy ing1 bj oommheslon houaeo. Prleaa advance steady with wheat and corn and on gen eral aaaraneaa of a ehort crop. Serternber oata aened at EOe and cloaed at uOVe. Prtrary wheat receipts were U vo bush ala ad shipments were fJOarr) bushels, again reoetpts last Tear of 477.000 bushels and alptnenta of IM.000 poshel. Con receipt were 414,400 buahete and shtprmts 811.000 bunhela, agalnat recelpta laat r of 414.000 bushels and ahjpmenta of Ah) bunhela. Oannres were 61, 000 buahela of com, 16,40 uahela of oata and wheat and flour qtlalio IV 1,000 buahela. Argfitlnev ..wheat- shipment thla week were MA, 00 buahela. fast week 1.000, Of ) bushe) and thla week laat yarl,2u.,000 bush. ' Argitlna- corn shipments were 1.674.0P0 bush, laat week 1,065.000 buahela, thla week aat rear 3.433.000 buahela. Ltvspool cloaed 7t01d higher on wheat and y higher on eorn. Loc range of options: Artlck l Open. Hlgh. Low. Close. Yssy. Whea-4 I Sept Deo. Maj. Corn-" 87 S3 87 SS S1H I i Be p.. Defl.. 62S S1 4S. 491 sis! 60S 4H 4K" 4n 4SH - - Mat. Oata-t Set). 62 B0 B1H ' 4H . atflfcj 4H 47H De... 47H 4SVI 4 48V.I 4SH Oaaki Caah Prteea. WTtAT-Ko. t tiard, 34e: No. t hard. 7i1 No. 4 hard. 7G4778c; No. S aprlng, 84Mh no grade, TT74o. COK-Ko. 8, aWn,6lc; No. 4, 449c; no grad4947o; No. I yellow, 63QezHc; No. t wliltfMialHo. OA$ No. I mlxrd. 44MSc: No. t white, o47 No. 4 winter, 43ViMc: atandard. 4707i KXe-NO. I. 7ie: NO. J, mso. I i larifi aria llecelpte. I Chlra Kanai City Mlnngtotla Omali Dulnti St. Iila ... S.r ' Wheat. Corn. Oata. 160 145 118 109 .. .. TJ 71 11 116 107 CH1CGO On All Alf D PROVISIONS Peat tea of lha Tradlaa;. aal Claataa; rleea on Board af Trade. CHUOO. Aug. S.-Wheat prlcea on the local eh an go advanced nearly-I cent todajrbecauee of higher prlcea at Liver pool al freah reporta of damage by froat. At th eloae the September delivery waa . up 11 He. Corn ahowed a net gain of "lc. ata were IHo higher. - Provlalona were i to 10l2V4c higher. rheitarket opened etronr beeauae of the Kdvaira at Liverpool of mora than Id In th fie of yeeterday'a decline hera. The ne wa rem the - northweat ' of damage" by froat lao etrengthenlng prloei. ' Caah' In terest and commteaton houaeer were active durlni tha day. . The claim that wet weatlr ta Inflicting damage on tha winter whrarrop by Interfering with harveetlng aided he market lata In the day. Inga were I he loading aetlera. The market clolrong. September opened Ho to hlitl'r f.t SH9c, Bold between 885Sc and c. and clewed at ReHrfo. Cleanceia of wheat and flour were equal to 8.0 bu. Eaporta for tha week aa ahowty Bradatreet'a were equal to t.teS, 00 bt Primary recelpta were 411.000 bu., again 477 JI00. Uu-. on the aame day laat yeanflnneapolla. Dulath and Chicago re nortee-eeelpta of Ui care, agalnat US cars laat tek and 1M car a a year ago. Thanrlca of all dellvertee of corn ad vano more than I cent today, the mar. aei trig unuauaiiy active. An urgent de manctwaa In evidence all dav and all offer were readily ahaorbed. There weren new feature In the altuatlon. the domiaing Inflttencea being email reeelpta, an aloat complete depletion of the local atockaan excellent demand for caah corn by ahpera. and th fear of damage to the new op by froat. The market cloaed atrohi September opened unchanged to Jc. hher at Wrc to B7e. advanced to B9c. id cloaed at Mc. Local recelpta were 16 car, with 14 of contract grade. Oatifor September delivery aold today at t an advance of I4o compared with the oka of yeaterday. Other onttona fol loweavtth galna of He to c. The upturn wa(e to the active covering by ehorta. who tre actuated by a fear that the new crop 111 fall far below general eipecta tlona.8mall recelpta. light atorka. and an actlvartilnplnaf demand atrengthened the mark The dcae waa atrong. September opere4c higher at Hoe, aold between 49He and Ke and cloaed at SCt. Icl re celptiwere 214 car. Pronlon were quiet and Arm. The fcatui of trade waa the buying of lard and ta by a local packer. At the rloae Rpptefcer pork waa up to. at 115 96 Lard MhearS:"1 R' wer. 103,-hc Reflated recelpta for tomorrow; Wheat lLfe: corn, isi ears: oata. 174 cara; hoga! V.000 tiQt Yarki Ueaeral Market. NK1 TORK. Aua. zt. firnA nn. ,,??v.f,Jr inning. $.sio; centrifugal. 3i Of tnolaaaee augar, 1.00c. Refining. rrwnFn, aiv; powaerea, .10e; COJEi-Steady; No. T Rio, Hc; No. MOiSSEA-Staady; New Orleans, re 4Ro. BUTER Firmer: recelpta, 4.S28 pounds; creunry anec'ala tgradea aoortng over 9T, H1; extraa, 26c; thtrda ta llrata. 203 NHc. ' CHtSB-rirm, unchanged; recelpta. 8,1W junds. EO Firm: recelpta. t3f doaen; west ern At a. lSH20Vrt; aeconda17H4rl8c. POLTRY Alive., weak; western chick ens. I: fowla. l&c; turkeya. 11c. Dreased errwetrn brollera, lg)0c: turkeya 14-4 13 fowla, 14(SiV. It. Laala Oeaeral afarkat. $T, aOUIS, Aug. H -WHKAT Iflrtier ; No. 2ed. caah. 84iOc: No. 1 hard. So 91c : riember, $7Hc; IXember, tie, COH Higher. On track: No. 1. cash, 57e; t ember, 841tC December, $2Hc; No. 1 Ml 97c. OAI-Htgher. On track: No. t. cash. 4 September, 40c; December, 44V:; No. trhlta. 400. -v . RYlHIgher, 83c PRCIBIONB Portl, firm: Jobbing, atand ard taa. $1430. Lard, higher. $4.3. POCTHY Fitm; chtrkena, lOHe; aprtnga, 1SH'. irkeya. IZHc; ducka, V; geeae. 6o. Bl'TKR Steady; creamery, 109440. EG-Flrm, Uc. case eonnt, Recetnta Bhlpmeta. WlMaba 118 71 000 CorruU ....118.(M - 70.000 Oata, 11 13K00O - 4J.0U0 14 1 ' Arf Oralai aad PraiUleaa LI Wt POOL Aug. 28--WHEAT-8pot. tead; No. t red western winter. Ta Wd. Futut, atrong; September, 7g 4Hd; Da remtN Ta Td; March. 7s 8d. CO-8pot. firm; American mixed, new, 8a ldld northern, 6a Id. Future. Arm; Sepreaer. 6a lSd: October. 6a 1L HOI-In London (Perlfio coast), quiet attl ftl 6a. Kaa City Grata aad Pravletaae. KAUS C1TT. Aug 21. WHEAT Mar ket 1- higher: September. 6JVB3c: De C4na 87e; May, WH"-Wo; caah No. t hard auate; . No, 8, &e; No. t red. 4Hrx-: No. l.n4Sic, . . ... COt'-Marke? HSlVo higher: Septem bar, e; December. 4VJ-c; May, 41Sc; I rash No. 1 tnled. Sit-: No.' 1. EmSElc; No. 1 white. HViW''; No. S. SKielVtc. OATS-Msrket ItilSe higher; No. 1 white. 4SV"Hcj No. 1 mled. 4TW4oVc HIE No. 1, 7Jj7sc. HAT Firm ; rhol-e timothy, 12 601713.00; choice prairie SSS&tiSM. BUTTT.R Fteady; creamery, 2Sc; pack ing atock. 17tyc. EGtiS-Firm; trav ISc; Urate, 17c. OMAHA WMOIKI 4LB M4HK.KT. Coadltfoa at Trade Had ttantatloaa aa tale aad Faaey Pragace. EGOS-Pea doe , lilc, - - . blTTEn-Packlrig a'oJt. ISc: choice to fancy dairy. 27lc; preampry, EK. IJVE Pot'L.'1'KY Svrlng chlckrna, 1S 14o; hena. 10c; rminters, vol turkeya, Uct ducke. Hi9c; geee, 4c. HAV t-holce No. 1 uplnnd, $10.00; me dium, !nr; No. 1 bottom, $k.; ff gradea from tb.M to i.E; rye atruw,, Tm); No. 1 alfalfa. 1.1. oo. ' KHfIT8 AND MEMNB APPLE-luclir and ' Wealthy. for cooking, 1. a per bu.; eating varletiue, per market banket. BLACK ft KHrfIE8 Caee. 14 qtiarta, 1150. CAUFORN1A PKAC HES Per box. ll.Tfi. CALJfXJrlNlA i'LL'MSPer crate, $W HI jI.'BB E R R I I'JS Per -qnart caae, I1J0. TKXA8 W ATKRMETLON8 Bach, lMi0c; crated for ahlpment, Kc per lb. CANTALOUPE Rocky Tord, atandard crate, f4tO; Arkanaa atandard. 13.00. PE AIR 8 Colorado Bartletta. B 60 per box; Flemiah Heautlea, per box; California Bartlettg $3.75 per box. U RAPES Home grown. S-lb. baaket, 60c. TROPICAL FRL ITa . LEMONS Umonlera, ) alse, 17.60; KO klae, 17.60; other branda, 0a leea.' BAN A NAB -Per medium alxed bunch, $2.004ri.26 Jumboa. $1064.So. t4.60tl-4.74; 120, 160. 14, auO and 116 a! tee, 16.14 600. DATES Kadaway, Vic; Pa) era, 5c: Hal lowia. 6c: new atufted walnut dataa, -lb. box. $1.00.. VF.OETABLB3. NAVY BEAN8 Per bu.. No. V $2 009 t.10; No. t, 2.il0; UlM, 5VC per lb. POTATOES Per bu new, 66o. ASPARAGUS-75c per doa. bunchee. BEANS New wax and at ring. 76c par market baaket. , . BEETS. TURNIPS AND CAJLROTS-Por market baeket, iou-tOc. RALISHE Per doa. buncbea, home grown, Vk. , ' . TOM A1XJE8 Home grown, market baa ket crate, 4uc. ... CT CUMB1-JRS Per basket. t0o. LETTC Cr-Per doa., -a6c "- CBLERy-Kalamaaoo. xq36c ONIONS Tellow, 3c per lb.; red, 2c per lb.; Hpanleh, rf ttata, $10. NEW PEPPER9-Per market baaket, 7&c ' " ' SWEET POTATOES - Market baaket, ,1W" BEEF CVTS. t No. 1 rib, lc; No. I rib, Ufcc; No4 rib. 7c; No. 1 loin, 19c; No. 2 loin, 14Vc; No. I o n, 12c; No. 1 chuckle; No 2 rhuck. Oc; No. t chuck. 4Wc; No. 1 round, 9c; ho 1 round. c; No. J.f'tLj plate, c; No. 2 plate, 2Ve; No. I plate, iw:. piie, ew, MIEUL,ANuouS. . COFFEE Roaated, No. $6, o.P'r No. 20, 14 Ho per lb. No. 25, 19o per lb., No. 11, 12 He per lb. .... CALIFORNIA PRIED FRt 1TB Prunea are aomewhat unaettled by free, offerlnga from aecond handa, who aeeni dealroua of moving auppUei i of lmmedinte gradea. Quotatlona range from io to 9C for California fruit and from 8 He to tc for Oregon. Peachea are allghtly eaaler. with fancy yellowa uuoted at Ralalna are firm: three-crown looae M' catela are quoted at c; four-crown, 10c, aeeded ralelna, hUc. . .... FISH Halibut,. 11 o; Woit, lie: plckeral. 10c; pike. 14c; pike, 'freah ffen. whlteflah. 14fl6c; buffalo, 8p; bullheads, ikinned and dred, 11c; cattish, dreased. 17c; white perch. 7c; white baea, luo; black baa, 26ci amflah, . 4 o; vrapplea, 49c; large erapplaa, 15c; herring, fresh froaen, c; whltefish. froen. lllfic; pickerel, freah froaen, c; Spanish mackerel, 16c; native mackerel, 188.ic per flah; codflah, fresh, froaen, 12c; red anapper. 12c; rloundera,- freah froaen, 12c; haddock, fresh froxen. 12c; amelia, 18c; had roe, 44c per lb.; frog, lege, 25c Jr dot.; green aea turtle meat, 26c per lb. CANNED UOOD8 Corn, atandard, weat ern, 66c. Tomatoea, fancy, 3-pound cans, $1.45; atandard. 3-pound cane. $1.26.. Pino, apples, grated. 2-poumV, $2.202 80; ellced. 11776(12.36. Gallon apples. $3 25. California apricots, ' $2.00. Pears. ll.fSQi 2.60. Peachea, $1.752.40; L. C. peaches, $2.0091.60. Alaska aalmon. red. $1.20; fancy Chinook, flat, ,$2.t0; fancy aockeye. Bat. $1.86. Sardlnea, quarter oil, $3.1'&;l three-Quartera mustard, $3,10. Sweet potatoea, $1.25 Q 1.25,' Sauer-kraut, $0c. Pumpklbs, 80c $1,00. Lima b'eapa, t-lb 7$c'll.J5. Soaked peaa, 2-lb., 60c fancy, 1.I63L45. HIDES AND TALtjOW Oreen aaltad, No. 1, tHc; No. 2, 7fec; 4ull hidea, 6c; freen hide, No.- L 1c; Mt. -S.: 6ei ,liraj, 1.40C310; aheep pelts. , 0c $1.16. Tal low. No. 1, 4 He; No. 2. 3 He. Wool. 15 tio, - - - - WEATHER IN ' TBI' CRAgH BELT Fair for Saturday, with No Important Temperatnre Changea. ,..- OMAHA. Aut. 23. 1907.' The weather la warmer In the lake region and centrar valley and" a alight, but general rlae in temperature ia shown In all portions of the country.., W ithin the laat twenty-four "hours ralna have fallen in northern lexaa, uxianoma, southern Kansaa and the east over the aouthern atates, and rain la falling thla morning In the lower Miaaouri, middle Mississippi and Ohio valleya. The weather continues fair In the upper Missouri valley and northwest. It Is unsettled In the lower Missouri valley thla morning, but will be followed by fair Irt this vicinity tonight and Saturday, with hot much change In temperature. Omaha record of temperature and pre cipitation compared with the corresponding day of the laat three year: . . .17 1306- 1906 1904 Minimum temperature .. 64 70 71 65 Precipitation .00 .00 T .00 Normal temperature for today 71 de greee. Deficiency In precipitation since March 1, 4 80 Inches. Deficiency corresponding; period In 106 t' Inchea. Deficiency correapondlng period In 1905 7. 14 Inchea. - L. A. WELCH, Ivooal Forecaster.- Cora aad Wheat Hegloa Dolletla. For the twenty-four hour ending ot 8 a. m . 75th meridian time, Friday. August 23, 1907: OMAHA DISTRICT. Temp. Rain- r Stations. Max. Mln. fall. Sky, Ashland. Neb w ? .00 .00 . .00 .00 .00 ,n .x .to .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 Clear Cloudy near Foggy Cloudy Cloudy Clear Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Clear Cloudy Cloudy Clear Auburn. Neb 71 Columbus, Neb... 82 Kalrbury. Neb..- $ Fairmont, Neb... (3 60 f ft 60 6fl 62 6i 61 64 60 65 64 64 64 83 Or. Iland, Neb.. M Hartlngton. Neb. 84 uasunsrs, .-eo. Oakdali. Neb... Omaha. Neb Tekamah, Neb. Alta. la. Carroll. Ia Clarinda. Ia.... Ptbley. Ia Sioux City, la.. Minimum temperatrire for twelve-hour period ending at 4 a. m. DISTRICT A VERAOES. No. of Temp. Rain. Central. Station. Mas. Mln. Inches Chicago, 111 1 T 7S M .On 7 M . 71 43 .K M hi .01 M W .on ( 74 6? .S lea Motnea, ia.... Indianapolis. InJ.. U loulavllle. Ky Minneapolis, Minn. 23 mara. Neb........ 14 fit. Uoula, Mo T The weather la allghtly warmer through out the corn and wheat r"glon. Sliower occurred In all except the Omaha and ! Moines districts. 1 A. WSIJ3H. Local Forecaster. Metal Market. NEW YORK. Aug. !3.-MTTALS-The London tin market recovered part of tta recent loss, with apot cloalug at li 17a toi and fulurea at 1S 10. The local mar ket was dull, with eoot quoted at t:ie.?S and in.Ou. Copier waa lower at 477 Ha far iot and 74 H for futuri-a in the London mar ket. Locally the market wa weak, wiih Lake quoted al llS.aftloi; electrolytic at $17 Kxii-la-iV; casting at 117.06til7.6iX Lead a higher al 1 oa in London, but weak and unchanged locally. Bpelter waa lower at -1 17' id In London. The local markt-t aaa wa.k but unchangid. Iron wa lower In London, with Standard Foundry quoted at Sua and Cleveland Warrant at it yd. Ixxally the market waa nulet ar.d easier. No. 1 foundry northern, 1.1.3'; No. 1 foundry northern, Sj.70jI1.iO; aouthern grade, nominal. BT. 1JV1S, Aug. Zl METALS Spelter dull. W. Evaporated Applea asg Dried Friht, NEW YORK, Aug. 2Y EVAPORATED A Market waa unchanged. , CALIFORNIA DRIED KKriTS-Prunea are In fair demand on apot, with trlcea nrmlv pirvlnta'n'"d. Apricots an-1 peachea are cuiet at lo Tt . prices. Ralvtna aru quiet but steady, owing to Hgt supply. , Quarter Sawed 4(1 Qr This quarter sawed oak Slile f board 4 of handsome design. Vornamentel with elaborate , carvings and nicely polished. , Has two top drawers, one . plush lined, for silverware, and one Inrge drawer with I awell front. An extremely Imprnealve Sideboard at a very low price. 3 ROOMS Furnished Completely Terms: $75 $7.50 Cash, $6 MontHly. Mafjnlticfnt Qnarter Sawed This Rocker Is made of selected quarter sawed oak, of extremely hand some design, with fancy shaped back, large carved front poata with carved heads and claw feet. Has IMA LITE STOCK MARKET Very Light Bun of Cattle, - Prices Generally Stronger. with SHARP BEACTION'IN HOG TRADE 4- Sheep and . Lambs Cootlnae la Verr Light Ila-celpt, with. remand la Exceaa of tha' Sapply .nod Frtcea Fit v SOUTH OMAHA, Recelpta were: Official Monday Official Tuesday Ofllulal Wednesday . Oftlolal Thuraday ... Katlmat. rYttlny Neft.', Aug. 23, 1907. Cattle. logs Sneep. 10,150 .... 4,627 .... 7.1TS .... S.3.9 .... 1.100 Flve dayf this eok.::.W.9 Same daya last weak. .',.1233 Hame daya I weeka ago MM) Same days 3 weeks ago,.15,2vS Same daya 4 weeka ago..l,C!'J Sams, days laat vear....J9,3jS r,6i: S3.140 1 10,151 ftl'.SAl .144 li,S00 ' lS.k-,3 3ti.l5J Th. following table shows the receipts of csttle, hogs and aheep a; South Omaha for the to date, compared with laat year: 1807. lJwi. Inc. Deo. Cnttls 6W,3fa ' &M.1M0 102,411 Hogs , l,ts,5lu l.S;D,T3S Sheep &y3.37i 1,012.45.2 112. 23 S 19.110 Th. folloa-lns- turtle showa average price of hogs at South Omaha for the laat several, daya. with comparisons Date I i07. J19u.l5.19o4.!W3.19Ca.1901 Aug. Ag. Aug. Aug. Alf Aug Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. U,., 12... IS... 14.. 1&... 1... 17... Id... 1.., 20... a.. 72... 23.. 6 sj 4 SSI I a4l SKI I S S4 S K 4 st; 1 ml S 23) I'll I 80U a 21 r 9 " i 15 4 8? 624l 6 74 6 73 I 5 74 a '4 ir. 5 74 S 77 5 W! 5 o 6 fl! 5 lii 6 e 5 8S b S.-I & 02V I 5 S tM 4 11 6 21) s a 5 tel 5 4 1 4 W 5 17i 6 671 5 'i S 59 5 10 6 12i 731 St9 S S24l 6 03 I 5 131 5 l&l 4 5 87 6 78 6 87 5 91 5 &3Y 5 Sil 5 Mi 15 24; r. K. 5 Ud 6 9l 0 M( 5 3i Dl 7 Mi 5 Ss 5 S3! S 95! 6 03 4 60' lSunday. RANGE OF PRICES. t Cattle. Omaha .....12.&350 Chicago l."i,vtt Kansas City 2.0Ka7.1O Bt. Louts 1.25-&7.W Sioux City louotf W Hogs. I5twe6 0) 6.6'.'rt.i 5 2.4J6U) 6. J&O.S0 auv uniciai numner 01 ran or stock brought in today by each road a-aa: Cattle. Hogs. 8hecp.H ses. c, M. ft St. P. ....... 1 Missouri Pacific 2 U, P. System M C. A N. W east C. N. W.. west.... 7 C, St.- P., M. A O... 2 13 2 3 1 13 6 1 1 1 C. C, C. B. A Q . east 1 B. A U., west 7 R. I. A P., eaat.. .. II 1. & P... west C. Illinois Central Chicago Gt. Weatern .. Total recelpta. 40 81 The dlanoslt! as follows, each buyer purchuslng tho nuni- ber of head Indicated Cattle. Hojrs. Sheep. 800 Omaha Packing Co.. 8wlft and Companv 11 Cudnhy Packing Co 408 Armour et Co 7i Swift Co., Fort Worth. 135 Lehman A Co 33 W. I. Stephen hi) Hill A Son 9J P. P. Lewla 4 Huaton At Co ., 3 Hamilton A Rothschild.. 85 J H. Bulla S Mike Haggerty 20 T. B. Inghram S Klngan Other buyera 76 i.:su 1.0H0 1,55 Totals l.Oio CATTLE 'Receipts of cattle ing weio very light, not enough of any one kind bring reported to make much of a teal of valuea Th few lef ateera on aale changed handa quite readily at good, steady to strong prlcea. but there er not enough auy 10 not enough to make much of a showing and nothing tery Choice 10 put a lop on me market S.41Z 11,H 8,1( 1,397 7,740 2,St6 4,292 ' 1780 6.00 but ' ! 7 so Dt rtT M J4 , 2t 44 Ill .... ., 44 S T....,.;6i h.: :4 II JW k 7t .Vi .... .... li , ,7 j-.i I It t4 6.0 If 75S M t this morn- I 81IEEP- Th few kada ot i and heifers in sight celvers have met with no difficulty what chjir.ged hand readily at good, strong ever in disposing of their holdings. The prices, some would aay strong to luc ! tendency has been atrong. aa might be higher. Everything in sight aaa sold at e&peoled under tha clrcumstancea, and an early hour. aheep are Quits a little higher for the There ha been a better feeling In tha wee. Feedera have been atrong aellera feeder market during the laat two daya. Uvery day and the only cause for regret ia peculators have been clearing -jp their lnal auppllea have been entirely too light surplus sinca ana tne onrici wme on l a more liealtfiy condition. lew irei feeders today changed hands al fully steady prices. - Representative sales: . BEEF STEERS. Ka Av. Pr. Mu A. Pr. IC 1494 4 m 1 IMS I COWS. .. i i .. .. I I .. VI ., .. 444 .. t .. i ..1-tl 1 10 1 10 1 11 1 SO 1 tv I 40 I M 1 a 1 u , 10 . 4J .10 it .1410 . M . .Ul I M I U I 15 I 40 I 44 I 40 I 40 I Ml 12 .. 4... I... 1.'.! xC,' 1:.'. August 25 to 50 a THESE specials represent a cut in regular prices of- 2 to 50 p?r cent. The goods represent small lots which we must of nscessity close out quickly to make room for our fall stock so soon to be coming in upon us. Great saving opportunities now await you. . T Generous Credit to All. Terms to Suit. fomhlnatlon ft Q It Is a large alie Combination Table, con taining two large bins for flour and meal; two. .large drawers for cutlery, and glid ing bread and meat boards. Thla Is one of the bandleat articles a, woman' -can have In her home. The Tattle Is-extra well made, ia strong and substantial. It Is a special - - , wbjch w.-hav. made for our great chain of i tore a In enormous quantities and there by sre abie to quote t h e exceedingly low price above mentioned. A C novel spin dle sides, the. spin dlf.v extend ing from arm to run ner. T h a seat la ex tra wide: spacious am) comfortable This is pos Itively the greatest rocker valu that was ever offered or your. con- sideration. . : HEIFERS. 4M 1 7t f 151 I 7S 167 IM ' 4 tW 4 7S HULLS. , ISM t(t . , I., V...1M t 15 lii 1 7t 1.. e-o t 15 ijw t oc -s tie 1 k UN I IS . 1 Ul 1 tf CALVKS. ..... 170 4 0 I.... Ml in 8TOCKERS A,XD FEEDERS. Ut IK tt.. M I 71 .....622 K:l"lt Ill IN tki I 0 l; I M7 IM 4.... 1.... I.... 1.... I.... II 10 11 WESTERNS NEBRASKA. 3 stockers. fOO 1 60 ... . 2 heifers... 49S 2 cows UC6 J ,5 7 stockers. 74i 6 stockers. IK 4 I 7.t . .' 1 75 S 73 12 co's 9U i cows..... 964 1 ffi V calves... 21? 4 t It ivrm. 1 r 8 cows,.... gay- r? 'fl heifers.. 44 co a s. 42 XI 4 cows... 440. 1 24 DAHO. ? ; - " 35 feeders.. J-Jt 415 49 Cows 1072 145' UTAH. 43 feeders.. IftTJ 4 43&."i Et ,W. Whltaom.. Wyoming. . 1 feeders.. llsS 6 15 4 feeders . IM 5 15 5 feeders.. 1181 13 feeders. .11M S re "13 fee.lers .1156 5 16 5 J5 eteers.,..12! 4 . 4 a 1 u I 76 6 steers.. ' 4 . "9 eierH.-,i"w -S cewe...;.lcvi7 rows... .101)6 I bulla... 4.W70 2 80 r.Va.l6 cowa....l12 4 00 i 6 rers....l46s 4 lu XT Clark, Idaho. rvne jjroa. 21 feedera.,1042 4 54 12 feeders.. 645 4 40 T feeders. .1118 4 C6 40 feeders.. M Iti 6 feeders.. 1000 S 55 10 feeders.. P2a 42 feeders.. low "7 feeders.. 11S4 6 feeders.. 13 41 feeders.. 932 4 40 J 55 1 55 1 55 446 4 40 4 50 4 15 4 40 4 75 t 75 5 60 Oeorge Melini. Wyoming. 35 steers ... 145 4 40 . 4 steers. ...1234 Soper Cattle Co.. Wyoming. 1 ateera....llW 4 00 2 steera...,1200 2 steers.. ..UM6 4 50 l heifers... 1016 T. W. Mattbsws. Wyoming. & steers. ...1311 4 50 4 steers. ...1114 IS steers.. ..1200 4 80 4 steers. ...1377 4 steers. ...1042 4 10 - 14 cows 10)1 11 cows 1W3 4 00 r calves... 170 4 cnlvrs... Mi 4 10 HOGS-Hoga sold 6ffl0c higher thla morn ing, but the trade waa not overly active at the advance. After having suffered auch a sharp decline aellera were aJl de termined to get every cent possible out of their holdings and were hence asking good, atiff prlcea, while buyera were not overly anxious to put on very much. Thla would naturally account for the market not be ing more active. ' Light hoga, aa usual, aold moat readily and It waa easier to get the advance on that kind than on the rough heavy. As Jiaa been the case for somo time bark, the "market wss more or less uneven. Some d the medium hogs, which on daya when the' buyerB were not anxious for supplies would be clasaed with the heavy hoga, looked lighter to thorn today, when the demand waa better. Such i hots would naturally gt more advance in some cases thsn they were really entitled ' to as compared will, the way otuera were 1 selling. I Representative aalea: Kt AT. ' 17 124 M 4 ! Cl IM II. 112 I 4i I 41 1 0 in 1 cs ni to too tt v K . bt 2S4 l Ml 40 74 ti 171 , l Vt St.. Pr. No. A. fu. rr. Hi M 46 211 10 I 24j 100 I M W tl 40 I t N IH U li IM Itt 40 I M 41 tit M I i UI IH Ti 110 I la ... 60 . Tt l ... I o ... I T4 t4. M t II ... t SO 110 171 10 I 46 SO 1 SO 44 m ... I II ... inn . it at? ie 1 110 ( (lit it mi to it 4 111' 74 i 0 6 7H IM I II 14 K .... I 70 J t ii 10 14 121 I 70 I 15 ' 14 144 ... I 7 IK ID . It lil 44 I 7tV4 tO IU L tit ... I 72 ... I si ? a t7 ... 1 11 It M 44. m M0 I 71 U IK 70 tM 2-0 I 71 ... Ill BO .419 4) I 71 W i " 71 Ml ... 1 TTUj I C7 00 ...ill 10 I TTV4J IM I I7i4 II 121 M IS ... II H Ill 140 I 10 120 I M 17., lit ... 1 14 ... I ti II IU ... I 10 ... 6 BO I!4 40 I 14 ... I 40 k s.1'7 ... I i IN I U 71 l 10 I M IW IN 17 Ill M I 42V4 t 4 71 Jll ... Ili II I 10 II IM ... I H M I M II 1 44 I II 140 I 10 M Ul ... I U ... I 40 II. 174 ... I it ... 14 17 11 ... I r M I 45 M lit ... I IIS ... I riH 1 IM ... I N 10 I ti ' 1 Ill .. I 00 Receipts were light thla morn- j it'.','.'. U 171 trw tiir. belntf onlv three cara and a I amall bunch driven In. The demand waa I xood and tne fen' loads on sale met with ' ready lakera at good, ateady prlcea. The marKei ail tma weea naa Deen in a 1 rood, healthy and entirely aatlstactory con dition. Hie aninana naa Deen tar in ex- eu of the suoolv every dav. ao that ra- t0 supply the wsnts of buyers. Quotations on killers: Good to choice lambs. !T.utf7 &. fair to good lamba, 44 76i 7 uu, good to choice yearling wether. 45 75n 410; good to choice wethers. S&.2635.60; fair to good wethers, S6.0o6.24; good to choir ewes. 44459615: fair to good swsa, l.503 IX. cull and bucks. 12 hU4 04. Quotstlons on feeders: Lambs, S4 0ojT7 00; yearling.; wethers, S4.s4.24; ewes. 14.0014 60. Repreeentallvs sales: . No. . Ar. Pr. 25 Iowa cull ewes luO 4 25 i western bucks 114 4 ti 7 i loica w 114 4 41 27 vrcaiern swes 114 1 15 ...14 . I U M I 47 ..n M M 3(7 . st no 1 Sale Specials Per Cent Under Hartmsn's Imperial Monarch C 7 C Bnissrls Hon, size 9x12 lerl Look where you will you can't find tho equal of this rug value In Omaha. "The Ilartman Imperial Monarch" Brussels Rug is a specially made rug of superior excellence. It Is made without miter seams, a point worthy of con sideration. The materials are of that durable sort that Insures greatest possible wearing quality. They are made of worsted, aniline dyed. Fully guaranteed. A1WR5 A11 MR MMJS Teather your nes HI4-MIO-I4I8 DOUGLAS ST J22 west, yearlings and weHiert M , 5 60 71 western-wethers 1"2 B 60 lit western lambs , 62 r 4 no 1 lambs 70 7 CO .CHICAGO LIVE STOtlC .3IABKET Cattle and Sheep Steady to Strong ' Hogs Higher. - CHICAGO. Aug. 23,-CATTLEr-Rcceipts, about 1,500 head. Market steady to strong; common to prime steers, 44. 0047.35; cows, 13.tKVji6.00: heifers. 2.75fi5.ffi; bulls, 12.70.j4.8S; calves, 43.OOfil.60;-stockers and feeders, 12.25 ( HOGS-Recelpts. about 10,000 head. Mar ket J0fi16c higher;- choice heavy shipping, tti.uv34.06; light butchers, 4.lOit4.20; light mixed, 4.0i:'i416; choice light. tsaVgA.Tfi; rackrng "stock, 15.105.90; pigs, 14.O34iC.0O; bulk of sales, 15.75170.00. , SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, about S.K head. Market steady to atrong; sheep, t3.rf.35; yearlings, 45.753.C5; lambs. KO0 4j7.60. Kansas City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY, A UK. J3. CATTLE Re ceipts, 1,000 head, Inctudlng 800 southerns; rrmrkct steady; native steers,' 4$.O0fi7il; Southern steers,"; southern cows, 12.OWi3.n6: native cowa and heifers, IJ.Sitf 11.00; Blockers and feeders, f3.254j5.76; bulls. K.iMii.W-. calves, ll.OOfy(1.75: western ateera, l4.0f"iMj; western cowa. 82.6071 4. 0. 11009 Receipts, 6,0iX hea.1: market steady; bulk of sales. 45 heavy, K'ud.M: packers, $5.7rn5.90; pigs and t5.SiVQri.00. SHEEP AND LAMPS Receipts, 1.000 head; market steadv. active: muttons. 15.00 IB5.75: !am1. $!.o77.35: range wethers. U.0OS5.CO; fpd ewes, I4.25f75.30, St. Loots Live Stock Market. HT, IX)riS. Aug. 23-CATTLK-Recelpts. 5.V0 head, including l.Oro Texans: market steady; beef steers. 14.(O7.10; stockers and feeders. 12 75153.40: coth and heifers. 400; Tess steers, 12.723.50; cows and heif ers. 11. 2 65. HOGS Receipts. S.Oro heart; market 10c h1her: pigs and lights. t".50$i4 .30: packets. K tVfrfl.20; butchers and best heavy, SHEEP AND I.AMBS-Recelpts. 5.000 heed; market steady; natives. 13.0075. W; lambs. 14.OeC76.85. St. Joseph l ive Stork Market. ST. JOSEPH. Mo Aur. 23. CATTLE j neceipis. i.t nena. Aiarsei sienay; ns tives. f4.50i.75; stockers and feeders. $3.25 . e4.78. j KrvOS-Recelpts. 2,545 hesd. Market tVf IV ble-fcer; medium heavy, SD.63fj6.90; pigs. f.l.7M'R 75. ' SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 174R head. MneVet steady; lambs, IS.OCTfJI.IS; yearlings, 15.2500. Nloax City Lire Stork Market. BTOT'X C1TT. Ia . Aue. 23. f Special Tele gram.! CATTLE Receipts. '00 head; mar- 4.75: stockera and federe. 13 IwyrM SO;' caive mn yrarnnga, .,oja.Bo; aiocg neirers, 5-'.ic 325. HOfi Receive. S.fAO besdH market 19 1V- higher, selling at $5.Kr7jC80; bulk of sales, S5.557l6.65. Stock la Right. Receipts of live stock nt the six prin cipal western markets vesterdav: Cattle. Hogs. Sheen. South tVnaha l.VO 6 nro pa Ploux Cltv 4)f0 V.W Kansia Ctly S.'w) 6vo 1 0vi St. Joseph l.frvi J.5 1.741; St. Iouls S OiYI II (Wl R OM Chicago 1.5-10 10.000 6.000 Totals .10.050 80.745 20.409 Ttevr York Money Market. NEW YORK. A up. S3 PRIME MER CANTILE PAPET-:-4itlH per cent 8Tr.Ul.ING EXCHANGE Eaaler. with actual business In hankers' bills st It.bT.O for demand and at 44 M2 for CO daya. Com mercial tills. H.k2. SILVER Bar, C.c. Mexican dollars, 52iiC. HO NT Oovemment, steady; railroad bond heavy. MONET On call firm. 2H1 per cent; ruling rate, Z per cent: closing, t per cent, offered at 1 per cent Time loans, 00 days, 6 rer cent; 90 daya, 6H Pr cent; six months, Tff7i per cent. Disk Clearings. OMAHA, Aug. r.Bank clesrlngs for to day were 11.792.449,13, and for the corre apondlng date laat year. 11,552,056 17. Dalath Grain Market. Dt'LTTTH, Minn., Aug. 23 WHEAT September, SVic; Decembor, Sl.tW; May, 11 04 i4. OATS On track, 4o. OH Market. TOLEDO. O.. Aug. 2i OIL North Lima. 94c; South Lima and Indiana. 89c. Haa Loaea fJoth Aria. 8L'N DANCE, Wyo.. Aug. 23 -(Speclal.-Frank Titus met with a horrible accident a few days ago while feeding the rolls of a mill on Spearflah creek, east of here, when hie left arm caught In tha machinery and was pulled from Its socket. The shoul der was also badly crushed and mangled. Strange to say, Tltua is now without arms, he having lost 'tils right srm In exactly the same manner seven years ago. ce Ilartman Iron C r7 C feed SpeclaT This Iron bed Is of handsome design, ss you will note the above Illustration. It Is massive, strong and durable. Has or namental Joints and pouts. lla1ly en ameled, the enamel being baked on, and is therefore of great durability. It la 43 Inches high at head. Thla bed Is specially made for fie great llartmun chain of stores. No other concern In the country can possibly mi tcli thla value. This New Model Sewing Machlne 18.75 Mechsnlctil p I iria inclosed in dust cases, niCKrieu parts heavily plated, baa au tomatic bobbin winder, n a w feed motion op erated on ball hearing, - dou ble four motion drop feed stitch regulator, aelf aettlng needlo. Complete with all acceasorles and thoroughly guarantrd for ten years. NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Volume of Business Strongly Sug gestive of Midsummer Dullness. FEAR OF FUETHES FAILURES Prices Are Generally Narrow and Irregalar London Market Drifts Aimlessly, with Tendency to Reaction. NEW YORJfi, Aug. 23. Business on the stuck exchanger looay was strongly sug gestive of toe nnusummer dullness ot previous years. 'ITadlng was almost the smallest of any day of the ween, and restricted' to ttiu purely speculative laauea. Price movements were unuauaiiy narrow and irregular and auch changea aa were registered resulted almost wholly from the operations of the professional element, for ot public Interest there seemed lu be ab solutely none. Judges of the general situation look for an indefinite continuance of these con dltlone though somewhat apprehensive of Important failures In commercial lines. Brokerage flrma that give special attention to investment buying reported a steady absorp'.lon during the week of the dividend paying Issues on a very moderate scsle. Little gossip waa heard today In speculative circles regarding Individual stocks. The disposition among traders wa to buy on all material receaalona and sell on rallies. The short Interest has been somewhat re duced during the week, but is still a fac tor to be reckoned with. London reported a condition similar to our own. The market there drifted aim lessly with a tendency toward reaction, especially weakness being shown by the United States Steel Issues snd foreign cop per shares. The Bank of England waa again g purchaser of bar gold In the open market. In the money market limited offerings for the shorter dstes caused s break In rates, but no chsnge was re ported for long maturities. Forecasts in dicate a cash loss by the hanks for the week of not leas than 14,000,000, excluslvs of 11000.000 shipped today to Chicago and Sen Francisco. Bonds were weak and unchanged. Total sa'es, ttol.f. Tloslng auotstlons follow; Arrnison do pit B. A O rn4ltn Psrlflo C. 4k N. W so pfd Colo. A Souther. 4U, Northern Pacta ...-I14V. 89 Goat Northers M..11V t Anal, fossae rrai ,.14 Amor. Car A P 7 142 Aster. Lneomotl ... lou Aaier. Barn. A It.. M .. MH do pfd 4 .. 2C Broklrn It. T 4V5 .. 41 Colo, fuel A I tlu .. M4!atar. Paper J .12 National Blaeult .... Tnu ..l4H Naiional L 46 .. 17 Pacis Mall 94 .. 44 Peopl', 0 ..fOItt PeTMrd Strol Cr ... 27 ..liSVi'Pallmso Palc Car. Ill .. MH Standard Oil 491 .. 1V( Snar 11 ; D. A R. O. pra Rrle Illinois Outral .. L W Mes. Central .... Mioun ptcifle N. T. Central ... PnnrWnla .... kM4int , Ro-k Inland ao rf t. Paul So. Pirllte southers Rtllwar I'll los Pacific ... do aid Wataib Wia. Central .... Bid. ..llKHt'. 4. 8tel... . .. 1 ' " as i. ..ini ...juj, ao pfd . . l' 'iri t'nlon MS ..IH4 Inter. Metropolitan.. IU .. II Marker iu .. 10 do ptd 14 71 REPORT OF T1T13 CLEAIUwo nOTJSB Tranaaetions of the Associated Basks for tha Week. NEW YORK. Auk. n-nH.t,i'. h.-t. clearings reported for the week ending August 22. show an aggregate of S2fi7 672 . t4). aa aa-alnst H ?fr klA im l..t ...i. 13.291,304 0 In the correapondlng week laat year. Canadian clearlnga for the week total SS7.067.iiin, aa agalnat SmO,S97,O0O last week and 170,O71,fO0 In the aame week laat year. The following la a list of th cities: New York Chicago Boston Philadelphia St. Loula Pittsburg San Franclaco ... Baltimore Kanaas City Cincinnati New Orleans Seattle Denver Fort Worth OMAHA Bolt Iak City ... Portland. Ore St. Joaeph Spokane Tacoma Peoria Des Moinaa Sioux City Wichita Davenport Utile Rock Topeka Springfield Helena tl,54A.f4J7.O0O . 32.4 S3).o4M0; 140.394.or 91.. ui, 4ja y . 66.246.000! 61,037,000) 40.e90.flro'. Mlfl.0iVH 33.567.0u0 24.2:9.0.01 16.5rt.U10,. 10.410, OOnl. f.tot.OOOl 4 44.00f(i 10.344.0O0 11 ! .1 17. S 4 6 14. 4l. 44 4 . is. 2;. 6.1 14 g'. K.s . 15.4 . 3u. . 20.01. 11 6 . si:.): 4 6'. II. UI. 31. I1. 41.7. 11 1 . 66.7'. SO.TI. U.4. 1549.UCOI 4.47.0001 t.Ht.Ot 6,647,000 , 4 M.ftXM 1 tsO.Ot-l 2.997,OMij 1.7SO,00n( 1.4l6.00O 72,0O l.lfto.grml 1 04. OHO' 727. '0 1.430,000 CITIES. , Clearing J Inc. Doa Solid Oak 8.98 Dreser You ' will appreciate the handsome appear ance of thla rrcsner. It Is very neat and tileaelng in design. It Is made of b t Solid onk, has two awell front top drawers and extra large French beveled mirror. You can't possibly equal this value else here In Omaha. 4 ROOMS Furnbhed Completely Terms: $9 Cash. $8 Monthly $95 prour 2 Codnr Raplda Kargo, N. D Bloomlngton (Julncy Sioux Falls Fremont, Neb Lincoln, Neb....... Oklnhoma '. ... Galveston 4)n4,fKV) . 4"7,Onoi. SJa.floo 871, W 4M.(i0( r.1,fv l,10f,rt 829.(XI . 4 1 11.11 27.4 7.7 42.1 12.8 10,254,000)... 10.1 Foreign Financial. BERLIN, Aug. 23.-A B-rlln banker of large International connections expressed the opinion In sn interview today that th chief cause of the money stringency In European marketa la the apprehension re garding the American situation, which was felt to be uncertain. He added that In his opinion European fears regarding tha American financial and apeculativs situa tion sre exaggerated. American hankera contlue making Inquir ies In London and Berlin regarding th term a for discounting their bills, but the banker interviewed aald he thought' that the actual amounta taken thus far for American account were much smeller than currently stated. The effect of these Amer ican attempta to borrow, however, has been out of proportion of the uctual business done, since It caused alarm lest the Euro pean market be depleted of It a reaources and arttllclally high rates of discount re sult. . The situation "1 the American SecDriUeg market the banker quoted regarded as sim ilar to thst of Germnny and other countries. The situation in Wall Street Is looked upon as due to the fact that the capital requlrementa of the United States hftrs outgrown the capsclty of the country to create new capital, uia stocxs and bonds sre being scsled down In competition with excessive new Issues seeking for a market. ine depression in the American market preventa any considerable Investment de mand for American aecurltlea here. IXiNDON. Aug. a. Supplies of money were easier to obtain In the market today. Discounts were ssy, with brokers taking bills more freely. On the stock exchange better monetary conditions prevslled and the steadier tons of the foreign bourses helped in the cheerfulness and caused further hardening of prices In ths fore noon, but prices at the close were below tha best quotatlona of the day, owing to re alliatlona aa a result of tomorrow's holi day. Americans experienced a steady morning at a fraction over parity. Union Pacific. Southern Pacific. Atchison. Topeka A Santa Fe and I'nlted States Steel re ceived the most attention, but In tha sfternoon the New York advice cauaed a heavr feeling. Erie and Union Paclflo fell smartly and other stocks sagged In sym pathy. The market cloaed weak at a frao- ' tlon above the worst of the day. Foreigners were firm. Japanese Imperial 4s of 19o4 closed at Cooper shares eased with the price of ths metal. Section Foreman WoaadedL SHOSHONI, Aug. 23. Speclal.)-J. H. Ayers, formerly section foreman at Bho shonl, received a serious, and probably fatal, wound st ths Btuchell ranch OB Brldger cfceek tha night before last. , It seems thst Ayers, with two others, bat) been drinking prior to the shooting;, and how the affair occurred none ot them ar able to say. Ayers claims that the affair was an accident and exonerates his com panions from all blama. Ths weapon uaed was a small caliber pocket revolver, tho bullet entering ths left aids of ths' body snd was extracted by ths attending phys rlan after having paased through both lungs. His chances for recovery ar small. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Jsmes D. Butler and wife to Ante Blankl, part taxlut 21 In se4 nw4 3-15-11 S William Price, jr., snd wife to John flwanson, lot 22, block 1, East Stds (0 Margaret V. Baylor and husband to Patrick Dougherty, sA lot 10 and nl5 feet lot 9. block 49. South Omaha 1,300 John O. Brandt and wife to William 11. Brandt and wife, lota 24, 26 and 24, block 14. Saundura 4k Hlmebaugti's Highland Park 400 I. O. Bohleber to Mary H. Harts, un divided hslf Interest In lots S and 4. Kaufman A Jetter's subdlv 1 Fred W. Koetter to Lawrence Con nors, lot I. blork 1"0. South Omaha. 1,700 Oeorge Mctjiiade to Mathilda Me Quade, nV lot 14, block . Kountse's 4th add X L. D. Spalding and wife to O. P. Laraen, lot 16. block 7, Plain view.. 2,500 Paxton Real Estate company to , Henry Neuhaus, lot 76, Keystone Park 875 John Swanson to T. C. Bowles, lot 22, block 1. Eaat Side O0 Sarah J and John M Gaynor to Flo rlan Welsa, n5o feet nf e7S feet lot . 1, Morrison's sdd 800 D. J. O'Donahoe and' wife to Harry ' K. Care. Ms 1 to 5, block 4, Kilby Place 1 Jans A. and William If. Rusaell to H. A. Tukey. nils) feel lot 1, block 2. Shull a add II. A. Tukey to Teresa Dluan. 2& foot r.71 feet lot 1, block 1 fJnuH's add.. 1 II. A. Tukey to Frank Zttntk. n37 feet sill feet lot I. block 2. Btiull e add.. 1.900 Total liaL m