Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 24, 1907, Page 5, Image 5
TIIE OMATTA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY, AUGUST 24, 1007. ' i IVlP. Sale of Picliirn nnd piiiM N vi Mnnrlv I CIGARS CIGARS Picture Frames New Arrivals in Rosewood and Maple nismarck," a straight 6c Cigar 8 for ...25c - TB I "I I - l , yy yy,,, NOON LUNCnFONETTS Finest Service and Menu in Omaha Popular Prices Sporting Goods Department 2rt IYr Cent IHcount on any llm-s mork In the houso Nat unlay to clove out. Ila-mrnt. Teddy Bear Special Kox of 60 81.50 El Afecto." a high grade 10c Cigar, 5tt " straight; box of 25 Pyrography Bargains The gcnnl'i Impnrtod Hoar, carh fe with toUt, sprvlal Hatur- "IMP day, mrh , CJlt, astiras Glovo Box, Jewel Box, Work Box, regular OQp 70c combination, at.wvv Soe the best Coaster Wagon made, the Wa bash, large and strong on sale A nn Saturday. ... tlO The Exer Ketch Hand Car, the strongest, easiest run ning and best made, 5.00 twenty others a aa to select from, JL lx at. ii n from VVV Rose designed hnnd kcrcliicf box, will go in ppeeial sale, for odL Circular Prnctieo Pan els, regular ten cents value, will go Saturday at . 5c AUGUST DINNER WARE SALE WILL CLOSE SATURDAY i Best oracle Fruit Jar Rubbers, thick sale Saturday, per dozen Bennett's Big Regular $23.60 Gas Ranges, with high broil eri special . . .810.85 Regular $25.60 Gas Ranges, with high broil er, special .,.821.65 Regular $14.60 Gas Ranges, with high broil er and oven, 812.00 1 burner Gasoline Stove, $1.98 value, .. .81.00 1 turner Gasoline Oven, special 8145 2 burner Gasoline Oven, special .... ...81.65 Meats Spring Ducks, per pound . . . . 12 4 Spring Chickens, pound ..... IQH g Lamb Legs, per pound.. OH 4 Porterhouse Steak, pound .. 12 H Rib Roast, all .bones out, lb..10 Pot -Roast, per , pound . 7 and 5g Boiling Beef, 10 pounds for , . 25 Leaf Lard, 10 pounds for. . . .81.00 Morrill's Iowa Pride Hams, per pound . 17H And 30 green trading stamps Swift's Premium Hams, per pound And 30 green trading Cudahy's Rex -Bacon, per pound fesas OMAHA smothered BY SIOUX Both Thompson and Sander Are Batted Hard and Often. OMAHA. UNABLE TO HIT WILLIAMS la Addition Thvr Put V a Listless Game Which Netted Them Nothing- While Sloax Score Eleven Times. i. t SIOU CITT, Io., Aug. 23. Davoy Wil liams was a riddle to Omaha this after noon, and by hammering both Sanders god Thompson Sioux City took the sec ond game of the series, 11 to 0. Outside of the riard flitting of the Sioux In the first ant eighth Innings, there were no features. Oonding split two Angers on his band, but plucklly continued in the game. Omaha played without ginger during the 'attire game, being lifeless both at bat and in the field. Johnny Fisher, Sioux City's new pitcher, who is filling at third base., pulled off several sensational fielding stunts. Score: ' sroux citt. AB. R. H. PO. A. E. t ampoeii, rr 4 ail 1 Nance, If 4 2 2 0 Weed. Ib , 4 2 12 Nobllt, cf , 4 0 14 Slattery. o 5 117 Hart, lb I 0 3 Fisher, 3b ..4 1 1' 1 (iran villa, sa 4 0 10 Williams. B 3 2 11 - Totals ..86 II 13 27 OMAHA AB. R, II. PO. 0 1 A. 1 1 1 3 8 0 1 0 1 3 14 Belden. rf 4 0 4 Uondtng'. lb-c 4 0 Dolan, ss 3 0 2 2 Austin. -3b 3 0 14 Graham, 2b 4 0 1 2 Autrey, If 3 0 0 1 lBrand, c-lb 4 0 0 5 Welch, cf 8 0 V 8 Banders, p ...1 0 0 0 Thompson, p 2 0 0 0 Totals 81 0 24 Bioux City . 8 2 0 0 1 0 0 6 11 Omaha 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 Two-tse hits: Nance (2), Nobllt. Fisher, Dolan, Graham. Sacrifice hits: Nobllt, Wil liams. Hioieu base: Weed. Double play: Campbell and liari. Hits: Oft Sanders, i in one and one-third innings; off Thomp son 8 In soven and two-lhlrda innings, ttuses on bulls: Oft Sanders, 1; off Thomp son, 2; oft Williams. 2. Left on bass: Sioux City, ; Omaha. 8. Struck out: By Thompson, 8; by Wllllame, 5. Pasaed. ball: Loiiiand. lilt by pitched ball: Wed, Austin, Autrey. Time: 1:6a. Lmplre: 11 re 11 nan. Attendance: 1.S00. Des Moines Jumps oa Dohannon. D1C8 JAOINES. Aug. 23.wporer settled down in the third inning and held the vis itors, wll while Des Moines, after being unubla ro ' find Pal Bohannon for five In nings, landed upon liim In tne sixth and tleit thi score, winning in the eighth by a score of 6 to 3. Wheeler opened the gams for Des Moines, and his namesake's single. Cascade's sccrlnce and White's ou. 1 buss tu lAiiterborn and Doll's single scored two runs. Biorr replaced Wheeler and al lowed singles by McDonougn and A. Ad ams in the fourth, which, coupled with a !) on balls, gave Ivnver one more run. Bases on balls to Hogrlevcr and McLaugh lin were followed in the sixth with singles by Yeaor and Dexter and a two-base hit by Uociinaur, that netted three runs. Two utore era added in tho eighth, when An dreas singled and stole secuud and scored on Sporer s single, tforer went to second on the play and scored on Wilson s single, boom; , ' DES MOINES. AB. It II. PO. A. K. Wllaon, rf 4 0 2 1 0 0 llrl,r. If t U o 1 0 V ltiigr'.ever. Jb 3 1116 0 M 'iJl'lf J.n, cf ,.3 1110 Wager.- 4 1-14 10 Dexter, lb 4 0 1 IS 0 0 Ajidreas, 20 3 1114 0 ihchnaur, sa 41310 Beautiful thin Ger man China set, pretty rosebud dec oration, a $20 val ue, in 1 this sale. . . I Three patterns, 100 pieces, worth up to $12, that will be closed 98 out at Ol Beautiful thin blown Table Tumblers,, regular 60c a dozen, on sale Saturday, 6 for ...181 Handsome Cut Glass Bon Bons, In 6-inch size, very good cuttings, regular $1.75 and $2, Sat urday, each J)8 Jelly Tumblers, with tin lids, on sale Saturday, each, lc; per dozen 12 elastic rubbers, regular 10c per dozen, 5 Hardw'e Tin Tomato Cans, with overs, per dozen . .45 Sealing Wax, lb. . -lOt Brush and Comb Case, hand painted, extra nice, imported 18i Whisk Broom Holders, hand painted, Imported .... ISO Carpet Beaters, 13o, ISO, SSo And 20 Oreen Trading Stamp with each. 21 lb. Japaned Sugar Cans, special 890 Qood House Paint, per gallon 980 Beet quality Paint, per gallon SI. 30 Double Oreen Trading tamps oa all Valats and Oils, Seturaay. aaa aval am MPirs ava.a $25, Men's $20, Men's $15, with each ham. 16 H 4 stamps. 12H Wheeler, p..!. 0 Sporer, p 4 Totals.... 31 t DENVER. AB. R. t 27 15, H. PO. A. .3 0 , 0 0 0 3 1 8 0 Wheeler, es Cassady, If...... White, lb McHale, cf...... Lauterborn, 2b. Doll. 3b McDonough, c. Bohannon, N p.... R. Adams, rf... 2 1 ....... 4 Totals Des Moines .... Denver , Earned runs: 83 S 8 24 10 2 2 -6 0 0-3 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 10 3 0 0 0 Des Moines, 2; Denver, 2. Two-base hits: McLaughlin, Qochnaur Bases on balls: Off Bohannon, ; oft wneeler, 1; oft Sporer, 1. Left on tasea: Des Moines, 8; Denver, 8. Wild pitches: Wheeler, Bohannon. Struck out: By Sporer, 4; by Bohannon, 7. Stolen bases: Andreas (2). Double play: Doll to White. Sacrifice hits: Cassady, McHale. Time: 2:05. Umpire: Haskell. Attendance: 800. GAMES IJT AMERICAN ASSOCIATION Hooslera Defeat the Bllllera and Dl. tillers the Saints. MINNEAPOLIS. Aug. 23.-Results in the American association: At Minneapolis R.II.E. Indianapolis 5 4 8 Minneapolis 4 10 1 Ten innings. At St. Paul R.IT.E. Louisville 8 U 7 St. laul 2 8 4 At Milwaukee R.H.E. Milwaukee 7 1 g 13 0 Columbus At Kansas City- R.H.E. Kansas City Toledo 4 0 1 6 13 2 GAMES IJT THE AMERICAN LEAGUE Waahlnarton Wins from Detroit an-1 tktcaao from New York. CHICAGO, Aug. 23. American league re sults: At Detroit R.H.E. Washington 3 12 1 Detroit 1 5 4 At St. Louis It. H E. Philadelphia 16 3 St. Louis 0 4 1 At Chicago R.H.E. New York. .. 0 4 0 Chicago At Cleveland Boston Cleveland . . v R.H.E. ..341 ..163 GAMES IN THE NATIONAL LEAGUE Reds Win ' from tnakers and Cabs from Beaneatera. NEW TORK. Aug. 23. National league results: At ' Philadelphia Cincinnati Philadelphia jl... A t Boston Chicago Boston R.H.E. lo )4 3 .Ji (i 13 1 R.H.E. H 4 2 7 2 Two Games at Cambridge. CAMBRIDGE. Neb Aug. 23. (Special.) In yesterday's games of the tournament Iudiunola defeated Wllaoiiville by a wlCj margin and Cambridge defeated MoCook in a fast and well-played game. Scores. Wllm.nvllle 0000000 x 31 Indianola 2000042 A 14 Batteries: Indianola, Adami and M I r; Wllsonvllle, McMurrin snd Warner. Hits Indianola, 11; Wllcnvllle, 1 Struck out: Pv Ailama. 6; by McMurrin, a. Umpire: ney. McCook ...-.. 000001 00 01 Csmhrldge 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 3 Batteries: McCook. Sheffle and Ling; Cambridge. Ward and Ossrdn. Hits: Mc Cook. : Camtirlilr. 4. Struck out: By Sheffle, 2; bv Ward. T. Fraaklta la Shot Oat. FRANKLIN. Neb.. Aug. 23 -tpeclal.-The Kensington, Kan., team defeated the local team here today In a fast and inter esting game by the score of 1 10 0. Clerg li s Havrlock- pitcher, started to do the rlfhlng for Franklin, but dislocated his ahnulriVr in the fourth inning nnd was relieved by Bennett, a southpaw from Omaha, who held the Kensington sluggers to oite hit. The features of the game was the cstci-.lng of Bonner snd the hitting of Bennett and Leach's playing at second for "."'Negligee 150 Dozen Men's Fine Negligee Shirts, beautiful assortment of col ors and patterns, also including blues and tan chambray. Values up to $1 and $1.25, n C Saturday DZC 150 Dozen Men's Fine Negligee Shirts, plain or pleated, mostly cut coat style, cuffs attached or de tached, all the latest patterns and effects, values u pto n $2, Saturday OZfC on CLEAN SWEEP Every one of our Men's Spring and' Summer Suits in dark-mediums or light color worsted, or cheviot and our fine blue serges go in this sale, nothing reserved. Everything goes at these prices. .mmi Sink nn in A w MJg IV go al Suits up to go at 1 Suits up to go at Franklin. Franklin got three hits and Kensington two. Batteries: Frsnklin. Clegg, Bennett and Bonner; Kensington, Peterson and Davidson. Umpire: Houchln of Omaha. GAMES in TUB IOWA LEAGUE Qalncy Takes Both Games of Doable Header ' from Marahalltown. MARSHALLTOWN, la., Aug. 22. (Spe cial Telegram.) Following are the results In the Iowa league: At Qulncy, first game R. H. E. Qulncy 3 2 0 0 2 0 0 0 7 1 1 Marahalltown. .0 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 03 8 6 Batteries: Bennett and Walsh, Havll and Burns. second game Qulncy 0 0 0 1' 1 0 1 Marahalltown. 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 R. H. E. -3 2 8 0-2 8 3 Batteries: Rause and .Tameann Vent a nA Forney. At Ottumwa R. H. E. Keokuk 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 5 0 Ottumwa 4 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 10 1 Batteries: Fleming and Welgart. Spencer and Williams. At Odkaloosa ' R. H. El Oskaloosu ....0 1 0 4 0 0 0 0 5 7 4 Burlington ....0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 03 6 2 Batteries: Schaff. Mitxe and Moody; Mc Millan and Bruggeman. At Jacksonville R. H. E. Jacksonville ..0 2 0 1 0 4 0 0 7 11 1 Waterloo 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 4 1 Katterles: Townsend and Patrick; Searles, Gasper and Walm. Oxford Takes Two Games. OXFORD, Neb., Aug. 23. (Speclal.)-Ox-ford fast team defeated Lebanon In an interesting game today by a score of 7 to 0. Tho feature of the game was Beltser'a 1 shortstop playing and the heavy hitting ; of Schoonover. Oxford has played twenty- I eight games this season, winning twenty- I two or mem. They now hsve the fastest tesm in southwestern Nebraska. Score: R H E. 1 Oxford 1 0 2 0 2 2 0 0 -7 12 2 j Lebanon 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 3 3 Hits: Oxford, 12; Lebanon, 3. Batteries Oxford, Owen, Harris and Schoonover; Le banon, Weatherway and Oummln. 1-ehsnon played a better game the sec ond day, holding Oxford to six runs and annex'ng live lor themselves. Score: R H.E. Oxford 0 12 0 12 0 I Lebanon 0 1 2 0 1 1 0 0 - 8 2 0 0-5 6 3 I Batteries: Lebanon, Hlnton and Cum jmlns; Oxford, Salene, Bramble and f-'choon- ovcr. Haskell Indiana Defeated by Sidney. S1DNKV. Neb.. Aug. IT (Special. 1 The most interesting game of ball played here ; this season was pluyed Wef-nrsilay, re- ! suiting in the dcreat or the Indians by score of 7 to 4. HASKELL INDIANS SIDNEY. .W. Rodman ...J. Rodman I 1 wer nee... . Catch... iiapp I'runt Felix Herd Hftlrd , Field Levi Duepln. Hill ... Pitch..., ... Phr.rt... ... First.... ... Second.. ...Third... ... Left ... P.'rht... ...Center.. Curlls Kleepsle It. Pettit .... Kehr '"iiS -ttuiger P'.rtney Indians .0 0 0 . a a - . - '.'.'.'.1 0 0 0 0 0 1' 0 24 Krrors: Brown. 1: Balrd. 1: Diienln . Reed. Z. Hits: Brown, 3; W. Rodman, 1; Curt:s. t: Kleersie, 2; Pettit, 3; Kehr. 2. J. Rodman, 2; pr.lrd, 1; Duepln, 2: Hill. 2; Heed. 1; Felix. 1; Field. 1. Stanton Wins In Eleventh. STANTON. la.. Aug. 23 -fSpeclsl ) -The Stanton base bull team defeated the Red tint k etars in one of the fat t games that s ever seen on the local grounds by a wa scote of 5 to 4 In eleven Innings. The ra. tures of the game were Thill's catch snd isewquist s tiaitmg. tscor: ii. H B Stanton ..021001000 1 i 11 5 Had Oak.. 00030 ) i 0 0 04 12 8 Batteries: Stanton, Mollenhnff and San deen; Bed Oak, Dusty and Taylor. Earned runs: Stanton, 2; Red Oak, 2. Two-bate hit: E. Molletihon. Struck out: By Mullen hoff, 12; by Dusty, 7. First base en balls: Off Mollenhoff, 1; off Dusty, 2. IWt on bnses: Stanton, 8; Red Oak, . Time: 1:46. Umpire: Vetter. , Do Awar with Toarnament. SIOUX FALI.S. S. D., Aug. 23 (Special.) The base ball tournament which was to have been held In Sioux Falls during ths fsll festival, which is scheduled hers for next month, has been called off as the re sult of a meeting of the general commit tee and subcommittees which hsve charge at the im itl arnuiglng or the festival 250 Shirts Men stale and Early SA1E "(lOTHMG SECTION Boy's Long Trouser Suits up to $8.50, go at Boy's $5 & $4 Knick erbocker Suits, go at Boy's $3.50 Knicker- itiArivn and Knee 50 Trouser Suits, at FIGHT FOR CHAMPIONSHIP iTemier Event of Middle West Tour ney Comet Today. PETERS AND HAYES TO BATTLE The Omaha Boys, Potter and McCou nell, Play Splendid Game, bat Lose In Finals to Sea soned Players. Tennis fans are now waiting for the championship round in singles at the Mid dle West tournament between Walter T. Hayes of Toledo, la., holder of the title, and Charles 8. Peters of Chicago, winner of the tournament. The match will bo played this afternoon at 8 o'clock and seats on the porches and lawns at the Field club will be at a premium. The principal match Friday afternoon was the finals In the championship doubles between Hayes and Peters and the two Omaha boys. Cub Potter and Lyman Mc Conneil. The Omahans had played a splendid game the day before, when they forced Young and Caldwell to bite the dust and their friends were looking for them to make a good showing against the cracks from the east. Nor were they disappointed on that score, although the locals were out classed by the older and more skilful players. Potter and McConnell .both evinced considerable skill, but they were no match for the classier Diavers. who ... .u. w. .... couru place the ball out of their reach often enough to win. The crowd was more Interested In watching the work of the two cracks who were playing torether and I trvlnfl In fltrtii-n .M.i 4. . ... . 1. 1 . 1 1 i " ' " 7 ' ' "mv tne rtest of the argument when they meet this afternoon. Neither had to extend him self very perceptibly and it was hard to get a line on which was In the best form. HjM.n-.--l of "..-.- "' .nieee iwo, r-eters snd Hayes, met last we;k at Sioux City and In tho fifth round Hayes had to forfeit to Peters because his wrist gave out and swelled. Hayes had a good excuse, however, as he had played an exceptionally hard match of chamnlon- I b,P doubles in the morning. This is the third year tournament at tennis for Hayes, i " Mu flrnt tournm?nt wa, .hen he cm ! to Omaha three years ago and won. His i r'cord ,hat ",r remarkable, as he entered In rn,,. ..... . 1 ... ,uuiii.iiipni ana .'nn ihM, i '"eluding Des Moines, Sioux City and i-'fiiAua. The scores: First set- Haves ard Peters. McConnell and Potter.!! Second set Hayes snd Peters McConnell and Totter ' Tt,frI . 4 4 6 7 4 4 6-SS-6 113 8 0 2 3-16 i 5 4 4 4 2 4 29- 3 0 4 1 2 4 1-15-1 Hayes snd Peters McConnell and PnYrer" 3 4 4 0 4 4 7 4-SO-6 1 2 2 4 1 2 6 !- III fh n.LAnnl. I.. ' ' " I "-o in me 1 irenoon Peters (and- Hayes proved themselves to h too strong a tesm for Scrlbner and Blather- wicx and beat them In strsleht set. .1 , l , , ... ' ""'"" "er on nine games in the In the 2:35 trot, purse .iu. Iicelle, a three sets. Scrlbner played some remark Corning horse, won, with Miss Blaney aec ahle tennis, while Blathermlek V ond ,nd BIU Klley ,hlrd Best time: 8:26. con.lder.M. n. l. seemed to be ln the 216 pace, purse J00, Teddy M won. considerably off h!s game. The final scores Prince H was second and Joe K third, were 6-4, 6-8, -!. Best time: 2:23,. Seml-finnls ,r,e hsif-nille dash, purse oi Ixnox Hsves end Peters 1 i t r 1 1 a 1 1 a ,a . won- w,th Bob K second and Billy M third. Blnth w k Scrlbii'er'i 1 0 4 J fl J i t"fc5 Time: 0:62. Second get- 10 4 4 0 3 4 0-254 j i the bsse ball game Vlllisca won from Have A Peters ii,..,, . . Corning, to 2. Coming's errors made tt BUth'w'w 8crlbner'.;:!'.4 1 6 3 3 1 4 Zut I e"ty iOT XmK 1'avea g- Peter 4 4 4 4 x 4 6 4-SV-6 I Raeee fer Haw Heeralts. Biath w '- SrHhn.-. .1 4 9 ff ft 1 3 j 273 ATLANTIC, la., Aug tt. -(Special.) In entertain the Visitors. . An enjoyable automobile rid. was given f""" bjr ,,nV h '' u"m,oou M rvenlm, merchant ot Atlantic tav. subscribed CAnM fl BCfOUll UcUS Saturday we show some chic advance Fall styles Following brands in both Stiff and Soft Hats: The La Crosse . .' 81.50 The Lamont 52.00 The Kingston 82.50 The Ben.nct Special 83.00 JOHN B. STETSON HATH Stiff, $3.80 and 85.00 Soft, 8)8.50 to 87.50 23 Dozen Men's Fine Soft Hats, in black, pearl, tan, brown and nutria, values up to $3.00 81.50 Choice of any Man's Straw Hat in the hows 25 it. Thursday night to the visiting tennis men. The ride included a trip to Florence, the Country club, the Happy Hollow club and other points of Interest. A mock marriage at the Happy Hollow club helped to furnish fun and amusement. the tennis men are all looking forward to tho banquet which will be given at the Field club' this evening to the visiting ten nis players. This banquet has become an annual affair and Is one of the most en joyable occasions of the week. Ben T. White, president of the Field club, will act as toastmaster and plates will be laid for seventy-flro. CONSOLATION DOUBLES. Seml-finnls: Sweet and Dosh defeated C. Potter and Koch. 6-4, 0-1. Moore and Faust defeated Cannon el liner, C-0, D-7, 6-1 Finals: and Sweet and Dosh defeated Faust, 8-4, 6-0. Moore and CONSOLATION SINGLES. Third round: ' Readlnger defeated Donaldson. 6-2. 7-5 Koch defeated Rasmussen, 6-0, 6-4. Semi-finals: Koch defeated Readlnger, 6-4, 6-4 CHAMPIONSHIP DOUBLES. Semi-finals: rftorVn''1 H"V defeated Blatherwlck and Scrlbner, 6-4, 6-3, C-2. Finals: Hayes and Peters beat McConnell Potter, 6-1. 6-1, 6-2. , WITH TUB BOWLERS. and In a practice mntch on the association '" " nigm ire Aieis uros. tea two ffamea frnm tht. U'at. ri... . ,. m won hv ,17 . i V,.i.' 'r,'."Z"11. : mi Inillvlrinal tni.i. ni, ui ...j ' !Mi.. ;r. ::,,,i'n,,,nK"' - rip h nn. oi'ure: STORZ BLUES. I 3d 16S 174 167 115 m 812 3d. 1M 1K4 180 lt) m 1st. 2d Total 1 'yn 421 5X3 Total. 51 47 517 627 6&S Frltpcher . Cochran . Conrad ... Weber ... Francisco . l' . 172 . m . 133 . 162 14 213 1B2 153 233 Totals.. m 93 BROS. METZ 1st. 2"3 1M 172 m 221 2. 177 137 HE 26 178 iBrunke : Lucos Marble Keale Huntington Totals... K7 862 r4 2.R92 Ball Toarnameot at Underwood. QUICK, la., Aug. 23. (Special.) Yester day was the opening day pf the baie hall tournament at Underwood and four of the fastest teams In, southwestern Iowa aro contesting for honors. Results of the dsy: R H V Quick 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 2 4 7 a Niola 000103000381 Batteries: Quick. Kogatts and Clair: Neola, Stcnhanv and IMifr. In the second game Underwood defeated nm turai-nuBiieia ui council liiuns oy a core ot i 10 o. On tho second dav the Underwood team proved easy for Quick. Score: R H K. Quick 2uO0O104 782 Underwood .. .00101010 1 461 Batteries: Quick. Dorn and Clair; Under wood, Nelson and Kennedy. In the second gsme Neola defeated the Ideal-Hustlers by a score of 7 to 6. Close of Coralna Fair. CORNING. la.. Aug. 23.-(Sneclal )The "'""-.", --r. ""'.."'.'I J', iicbi aim imii m gmiu aiienillince. I aoouion to ins excellent speed program 1 mw&am goo 198 J J MEN'S,! WOMEN'S OUR REGULAR STOCK-NO JOBS Clean up sale of Wo men's Oxfords, about Women's W hite Can vass Oxfords, small sizes, . J to 4, val 200 pairs, values up ues up to to ,v,r.:!...9oc long as they last KO Clean-up sale of Children's Slippers, rn values tip to $1.75, Saturday only. . JUC Clean-up sale of W. L. Douglas $3.00 to $3.50 shoes, about 100 pair Union made shoes for men, largest line retailing at $3.00, $3.60. $4,00 and $5.00. 1 Bennett's Capitol Flour, Ser sack 11.40 green trading etmp Bennett's Beet Coffee, t pounds for tl.00 1j0 (rrfon trading etanips. Bennett's Best Coffee, per pound 36c 30 green trading stamps Tea. B. P. Japan, Oolong, ttunpowder, K n g 1 I s h Breakfast, per lb.... 68c 60 green trading stamp. Bennett's Capitol Baking Powder, pound can... 24c And SO green trad ing stamps. Egg-O-See, four packages .... 25c Cnocolatlna, can.fcc Corn Starch. lb. pkg 4c Potato Chips, per pound 20c One half lb.... 10c Bpcclal Pickling and Pura Cider per gallon 20 green trading New York Full Cheese, pound 10 green trading Hand Cheese Neufchatel And Dates, worth 10c, 3260 In cash to be paid In purses for three running races on September 24, 26 and 23, at the Cass County fair. There Is no en trance fee, and only farm horses, owned outside Incorporated towns, and who have never been run on a race track are e ligible. After a horse has won one race, he cannot run again. There will be four purses in each race. EVENTS ON THE Hl .NMVG TRACKS J. C. Gore Wins the fteneea Selling; Stakes at Saratoga. SARATOGA, N. Y., Aug. 23 On a slow track J. C. Core, the even money favorite, won tho Seneca selling stakes, clx furlongs, here today. He whs receding favorite. Don Enrique, a 20 to 1 shot, was the esrly pacemaker, but In the stretch J. C. Core came strong and won by three lengths. After Mark Antony had finished first In the first raco Henry, on Sir Toddingtor. made, a claim of foul against Swain, on Mark Antony II, and after a short de liberation the stewards disqualified Mark Antony II. Results: First race, S-year-olds and up, selling, seven furlongs: Sir Toddlngton (104, Henry, 7 to 6) win, Security (H7, Beckman, 4 to 5 second. Eastend (1(6, E. Dugan, 8 to 1) third. Mark Antony II finished first, but was disqualified for fouling. Second race, steeplechase, handicap. 4-year-olds and up, two and a half miles: Rocks (143, Archibald, even) won, Garrett (150, Ray, 2 to 6) second. Time: 6:2k. Sandalwood fell. Three starters. Third race, 2-year-olds, selling, five and a half furlongs: Martha Jane 9i, G. Burns, 7 to 1) won, Thomas Calhoun (08, Notter, S to 6) second, Miss Catesby (97, Brussell, 26 to 1) third. Time; 1:10. FourMi rsce, the Seneca stakes, selling, 8-year-oliis, six furlongs: J. C. Core (Kio. Miller, even) won, Don Enrloue (OS, Beck man, 7 to 1) second, Aletheuo (91. E. Dugan, 3 to 6) third. Time: 1:HH- Fifth race, mares of all sges. handicap, one mile: Zlenap (119, E. Dugan. 2 to I) 1 won, Clare Bunnell (r, lwe, out to placet second, Keawall (K7, Goldstein, out) third. Time: 1:44. 8ixth race, maiden 2-year-olds, six fur longs: Miss Delaney (102, Brussell, 16 to 6) won, C. J. Cella (106, McDanlol, 6 to 6) second, Darknight (102, Sandy, 10 to 1) third. Time: 1:17. EMPIRE CITY, N. Y.. Aug. 23,-Results: First race, 2-year-olds, selling, five and a half furlongs: Hollow (110. J. Iee, 4 to 6) won. Silver Cup (1(2, W Olt, 15 to 1) second, Lavatrlna (H2. Llebert, 4 to 10) third. Time: 1:0"V. Eleanor Fay stumbled and feli about llu yards from tha finish and Coincident fell over her. Jockevs Musgrave and L' "-Williams were badly shaken up, but not seriously Injured. Second race. 8-year-olds and up, selling, about six furlongs: Ciolsteress (104, Shill ing. 2 to 1) won, Goldproof (113, Preston. 6 to 6,1 second. Royal Onyx (1U1, Leibert. to 1) third. Time: Third raco, 4-year-olds and up, one mile: Escutcheon (104. Hilling. to 1 won. Bredent (W. Preston. 11 to 6) second, Usury (115, Crymmlns, 16 to 1) third. Time: l:02t Fourth race, the Melrose handicap. 8-year-oMs and up, one mile and 10) yards: Polly Prim (1M, Preston, 7 to 1) won. Carthage (111, C. Toeker.'.7 to 6) second. Orphan Lad (106. Musgrave) third. Time: l:4fs. Fifth race, 2-year-olds, about six fur longs: Colbob 4117, J. Lee, 'l to li won. Manh'eimer (114, 1-iggins. IS to 0) second. 10) third. Aristotle I l'J'J, Morris, 6 to Time: l:fl(rH. Sixth race. S-year-olds and up. selling, one mile and a sixteenth: Confessor (I'll, Musgiavo, 7 to 2i won. Minos ('.. Preston, 10 to 1) second, Princess Orna (96. W. Ctt, 8 to Vl third. Time: l:4dS. Spqrtlua: Gossip. Comiakey lias secured two new player J I from the .New Orleans team, jaae All ana. Moxle Manuel. Duekv. it is said, will get a new prea i agent fur next year. The one he now ha cut .11 u-, A benefit base ball game for Bug unj, inn ucii' ( 111 niu v-1111 unlaw nm, will be given September 6. Pa Rourke la scouting esrly for some material for next years team, realising that seversl players of a pennant winning team will be wanted by some of the big league clubs. Iktwll has IxH-.glit a half Interest in the WichJta bsse tall team, John Holland of Wichita owning the other iinlf. The pries paid for the toam was said to be 16,fw). 1 Joe Cantlllon is still scooting around ths country looking for material to strengthen ! that of Algl. McBrlde shoru op of Th. J Kansas City team and well kbowa in ins Washington team. His latest purchsse AND CHILDREN'S SHOES At End f - Seaten PRICES 12.50, as 50c J98 In Omaha, Bennett's Big Grocery "B..t We Have" Baked Beans, two rans 2 So 10 green trading- stamps. Sheet Oolatlne, special, per pound 8 Do Mans Olives, bottle. .. .2!io 10 green trading stamp. Peanut Butter, 2 jars... 20c 10 green trading stamp. -Old Dutch Cleanser, three rans for 2nu 10 green trading stamps Castile Toilet Soap, six rakes. ...ita And 10 green trad ing stamps. Dunbar' bhrlmps. per can 20c. And 20 green trad ing stamps. Threo Star Corn, three cans...2Fc And 10 green trad ing stamps. Booths Hweet Po tatoes, can. . . 10c And 10 green trad Ing stamps. Vinegar, 36o stamps. Cream 203 stamps. 2 Vie .......4c Hnarman's Malt Vinegar, quart bottle 20o 10 green trading stamps. Wircetcr Table Halt, 2 sacks for 10c 10 green trading stamps. Batavia Corn Sturch, two packages IGo 10 gren trading stamps. aHMHTTB OAPITOXj CSIIKIST, pound Boo Large quantity of ripe Juicy (Sweetheart) Water Melons, on Ice, each 200 CAJTDT SSFABT1CX1TT Orocory Section. Chocolate Bon Bons. assorted, per pound box 280 20 green trading stamps. per pound only 6o Omaha from the years he spent on the St. Josepii and lienver teams. He gives Nig Perrlne and Milan for McBrlde. Nig Went from Kansas City to Washington, didn't . ,Z Pa. Rourkc's action in getting armther, man to give Joe Dolan a rest Is being gen erally applauded by the fans. Dolan has ftone along playing the game all theHImn, lelplng the team out of many a hole by his timely batting, but he is tired out and ought to have a rest. Every team needs a good utility man and liolan could fUU that place for Omaha better than anyone, else now available. The fact that such teams as the Chicago Cubs, the best tkere is, keeps as good. If not better men for utility than several of tne regulars, has long ago removed whatever of odium might once have attached to such a place. Dolan can play short, second, first snd hit in excellent form and would fill the bill to nicety. His experience is needed on the team. Walter Johnson, the Idaho marvel, has made good In the American league and with the Improvement this Is sure to come with experience will develop Into a hisjor lesgue star. He Is six feet In height, sym metrically built, has a frictlonless move ment, possesses speed snd a slow ball, la cool under fire, fields his position well and 1s a better batsman than most pitchers. He' opened the season with -ihe- Welser team of the Idaho State league and pitched seventy-five Innings without a hit being scored against him. He struck out bM men ln ninety-nine innings, pltcpod, seven consecutive shut out games and -played In gamea In which his tesm Scored ninety eight runs to its opponents' five runs. He Is credited with striking out eighteen men In esch of several games. In one game he retired the first e'ght men to face him, while eleven others did not reach first base. In California, from which state , he halls, playing wlt;i the Ollnda team, he pitched forty-nine innings without a hit being scored by the opposing team. Sporting News. SOUTHERN REDUCES DIVIDEND One Per Cent Is Taken Off Irnl-As. anal Payment for Stock holders. NEW YORK. Aug. 23. The directors of the Southern Railway company, today cut the semi-annual dividend on the preferred stock of the company from !H to Vr per cent. President Flnley made the following announcement: "At a meeting of the board of directors of the Southern Railway com pany today trie Income account and result of operations for the fiscal year ended June SO last were considered. A dividend of 1H per cent, was declared on the pre ferred stock out of accumulated surplus, making a total dividend distribution of 4 per cent, for the year. For this purpose there wss appropriated a portion of the surplus Income carried forward from the year ending June 80, 1906. after payment of the dividends for that year." RAISULI DEFEATING MOORS City of Alenaar la Grave Daager Capture by Hold Ban dit Chief. ( WASHINGTON. Aug. 23,-Informatlort has reached ths Slate department by cable to the effect that the bandit Rataull lias completely defeated the Urge force sent against him by the sultan of Morocco in the effort to secure the release of Cald ,. MacLean. According to the report the l.n- fm rtant Moorish city of Alcaxar, which is muii oniy two days by the caravan Holl-IMe from the city of Tangier. Is In great Exploiting- Boiler Kills Six. W TORK. If I Peterson. tnsi New Yor Aug. 28. A b'qler on the which usually bites be- rk ami P.nat.m. XDlodel too... In Hnboken. killing M. Hopkins, the engineer, snd six other men. Caparhla Priest Dying. PITTSBURG. Aug. Il-Vrry Rev. P. Hy acinth, flvs times head of the Capuchin order ln America and cne of the ot.lent Capuchin priests in tha country, is said k'Sft.fBt a J,."""' " ".'J yVrglnli U