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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 24, 1907)
1E. UMAilA LIAILr NATUITDAY, AUGUST 1907. JUDGES ASD THEIR PASSES BtS Sedgwick ui Keese Hake Sute 'r . meat en ths Subject KxnHu axe' vtnaa them kow y Tar Qalt ! ifrog, Taaagb. He Had Ob la !, kt Deale Bna( niddea Oa It, ' (From a BUS Correspondent) LINCOLN. Aag. 21-Speclal Aprp f th discussion of th pass question. Judg R H. Sedgwick nri: "I hsve cot used railroad pass since the ls mat convention eHard against their use." Judg H. R. P.e said: -I bad a pan la 1 and uH It. I vu gent paes In January. lxn, bat I sever weed that on. I kept It a while and then a ivi up. 11 TW DO para TKJW. "I Mil a ton br reason of the fart, that Twaa and am president of th Nebraska Prises association. I tM the 16 paw only, on tnii nmt connxted with that ascoclaUoa. . I used it when I went to Genera to speak. The meeting waa beld in the Methodist church there, and I tnajr bare used It tn riding to Ashland. But I never used It on pm-ale business. I never used the IS" pass and never ujned It. I kept It a wtiile and then tore It up. Aa president of the Nebraska rr-n association I am instrumental In getting prisoners who are discharged back to their homes and the board had special ar rangement with the railroads for trans portation for these prisoners. I spoke In Various parts of the state and took up col lections ft the aaewlaUon, and on these trip I naed a pas furnished me by the railroad." Tot several days rumors have been In Circulation regarding Judge Reese and his passes and this afternoon he was asked regarding these rumors and be made the above statements. rl'BlTerslty Warraats Held Cs. A Urge numaer of university employes and Instructors and others are liable to go without their August psy or ,on tlme as Btat Treasure. Brian refused today to aign th warrants which were Issued by the auditor upon the certificates filed by the Stat Board of Regents. Mr. Brian re fused to act because Secretary of Rate Junk In refused to Indorse th certificate wntil the vouchers from which the certifi cate war Issued -were submitted for bis InspectJew. Until the stste treasurer af fixes hl'r signature to "the warrants they are worth Just the paper they are printed on. Mr. Brian said he would countersign Bo warrant when he knew the voucher bad not been Indorsed by the secretsry of state aa the constitution clearly pro vides th secretary of state and the auditor hall audit and sign all vouchers for money to be draws out of the state treasury. cgrav imin u jar. ui.kiii ijuwi Upon the regents that he would not sign certificate Issued by them, until he hsd examine the vouchers surposed to be on file at Ue Stat University. That month the vouchers were given to him for In spection, and be signed the certificates. Last moctlh be signed the ceniflcates with out examining the vouchers, but this month be has Balked and until the regents con duct their business as other state officers or until the supreme court compels him he said he would ot sign another cer tificate. As It Is contrary to law for the ate auditor to give out a warrant until . countersigned by the tressurer there Is lit tle chance for the regents to get the war rants In circulation before they comply ' University Viae Waats Deaet. The cltisens of University Place have petitioned th Ftate Railway commission to compel th Rock Island Railroad com pear to-bulld a depot In that city. They assert tbere are several hundred students who come and go from University Place very year, to say nothing of the comings and goings of the cltisens. and this road - feas ao depot or stopping place. Cklrkeaa at Stat Pair. Two years ago the board of managers f th ftat fair' was compelled to build a. new poultry exhibition bouse In order rto accommodate the largely Increased poul try exhibits. This new building affords a plendld opportunity for the many breed ers of n chickens in Nebraska to put them oa exhibition In one of the largest poultry hows or the west. In fact, they Cad that they cannot afford to stay away WW on the MO Pan 1 Tbc toS I I for the ;i tim& 1; If they have any birds worth exhibiting and care to be in the market to sell. Jadge Estelle at York. TORK. Neb.. Aug 3. iSpecial -Thursday s attendance at the York Chautauqua was the largest this year and the Unrest In the' history cf the Tork was fortunste in having Judge Le Estelle Pawnee county. When the fact was dls cf Omaha to supply In place of Governor j covered the minister was again called and A. B. Cummins of lows, who failed to parties went over Into Pawnee county get here and deliver his address on "Oov- ; and had the ceremony performed a second emmenL" Juflse Estelle s sublect was i time. If there Is anything in the proposl- "Making Good." Another subject thst Judge Estelle showed he .thoroughly un derstood was "Juvenile Criminality" and as Justice of the criminal court of Omaha, he tolj of many a boy who was saved from being sent to the reform school who made good and several who were now occupying official positions and .engaged In business pursuits in which they were mak- j ing a success In other cities, where none of their new acquaintances knew thst they had been charged with crimes and only i for the intervention of Judge Estelle and ! others of Omaha were they saved from a i criminal life. The afternoon was Hobeon's day and the new pavlllion. accommodating nearly three thousand people, waa filled to overflowing to hear him. At the close of the meeting a resolution was offered: "Resolved. That is Is for the best interests of the United States to increase Its navy until It would be the largest nary in the world," and when the vote was taken It was earned unanimously. A copy of these resolutions win be sent to Congressman Hlnahaw. the two Nebraska senators, and I ' rrarami nooseveii, py the mayor of Tork. with request that they be acted upon. Isereaslat Rallnas Facilities. MITCHELL S. D., Aug. 3--(SpeciaL-Tfce Chicago. Milwaukee A St. Paul rail road, after putting off proposed improve ments requiring the expenditure of many thousands of dollars, has at last authorised the beginning of the work. A letter was received today from W. B. McKenns, sec ond vice president of th company, an nouncing that the work would be taken up at once. The Commercial club for several weeks has been in correspondence with the officials relating to the Improve ments that the business interests of the city demanded, and after the officers were out here a couple of weeks ago. and dis covered to their personal knowledge the congested condition of things, where the rairoad yards were so full that loaded cars had to stand on the switch in a long line before they could be unloaded, they came to a realising sens of what th company needed in the way of additional room. The company will first put In sev eral new switoh tracks and enlarge the cope of the others. A new freight bouse will be erected east of the depot, which will be 40x200, and will be built in all probability of cement, wltn plenty of plat form room around th bouse, and a tri fer platform. Red Cload a Dlvlsloa Btatloa. RED CLOUD, Neb.. Aug. 2t (Special.) Wednesday four B. tc M. railroad officials from McCook were here overseeing the ex tension of the roundhouse and making ar rangement to make Red Cloud a division MATES Omaha to Saratoga Springs, N Y.. and return Tickets on sale September 5, 6 and 7 Liberal return limits, and stopovers at New York City on return trip may be arranged Side trips to hundreds of interesting points in the East are offered at low rates On tickets reading via Cleveland and Buffalo or via Detroit and Buffalo, the passen'ger may use the boat line if he prefers Saratoga Springs has made unusually elaborate arrangements to entertain the members of the G, A R and their friends at this encampment. Three daily trains from Union Station, Omaha, to Union Station, Chicago. Rates, routes and complete information free on request F. A. NASH, Ctneral Western Agent 1824 FAR NAM ST., OMAHA. station. Three more trains will be added and several new stalls added to the round boom. Fifteen men. fourteen of them with families, have been transferred to this place. It is probab the division station will be chsr.ged from Oxford to this place. rorni married third time Ualw Esaevteare of Killer! i. Terrr aad Wlaale Pbllaot. HtKBOLTiT. Neb.. Aug. a -fpeclal V A somewhst romantic marriage is ached uled to tske place at "mlthfleld, Krt.. to day, the eontractlng partlea being ESliott J. Perry and his divorced wife, whose maiden - name was Mis Winnie Phllpot snd who was raised from childhood in this city. The latter waa within the last year granted a divorce from her husband, suit being maintained In this county on the grounds of desertion, snd her maiden name was restored. Since her husband left her about two years ago she hss been residing a portion of toe time with her father. James W. Phllpot of this city, later going to Omaha, where she remnlned for some time. A short time ego Perry went to Omaha, the couple met and effected a reconciliation, and after she came and visited a couple of weeks with her folks here she left yesterdsy for SmtthPeld, where Perry has been engaged In business since leaving here. Her Intention was to meet her divorced husband at ber destina tion, where they would be reunited In mar riage, making their home at Smlthfield A peculiar feature Is the fact that if this ceremony takes place as planned !t will be the third time the couple has stood at the marriage altar. 'When they were originally married some eight or nine years ago an error was made and the minister performed the ceremony In this county while ths license had been Issued in tlon that the "third time is the charm Mr. and Mrs. Perry should be "happy ever after." Farsaera Orgaalse for Dralaage. ASHLAND, Neb.. .Aug. 3. (Special.) For several years overflows from the Platte river have destroyed crops along the low lini itnrth nf AiManit. For mutual de- fMe lnrt the,e r,.r,r inundations 300 flrm,r, met Wednesday evening at the church ,n Wann to oranix a drmlne district. Martin U Shupe of TuUn elected chalrnl and Nova Z. ganor. ecretary. There are about acres to comprise the district. B. E. Hend ricks of Wahoo addressed the meeting, giving the law governing drainage districta. E. Bignell of Lincoln, superintendent of the Burlington railroad, gave a talk and de tailed hi thirty-five years' experience in such work. Bt vote the organixation was delegated I to a board of seven directors, their bonds fixed t r-, each and that of the treasurer at .(. About thirty farmers Blga a petition to the commissioners of Saunders county to call a special election to form the district. A committee of three, consisting of E. Bignell. Georre E Rlcker and Martin U Shupe. was elected, who. with a surveyor, are to outline the pro posed district. The farmers donated M as preliminary expenses for the purpose. The meeting was very enthusiastic. The Platte bottom contains some of the richest farming land in the state and if the over flow can be stopped will make it very valuable. It is estimated that the cost of draining the bottom and dyking and rlp- I rapping along th Piatt will amount to rx.. Boy Arrested for Barglary. HUMBOLDT, Neb.. Aug. U. (Special.) Sheriff Fenton came up from Falls City last night and this morning took down with him OUn Chumm, O. A. Cooper and Floyd and Ralph Shaffer, fcur lads of the city, ranging in age from It to IS Tears, charged with robbing the department store cf Boyd ft Lyford of this city. The thefts were first no ticed by the management of the store during last Thursday, the day of the carnival. During that night the money drawer waa robbed of til, the miscreants having gained entrance through a broken window pane into the cellar. A watch was set and kept at this and adjoining stores each night, but the thai la con tinued, much to the discomfiture of the watchers, among the things missed being cash, candy, tobacco, sweet chocolates, rings, etc Finally last evening about t o'clock the Chumm lad was caught emerging from ,the cellar with the 11 left la the cash drawer aa bait, and con fessed everything. Implicating the other MM lads In th work. Th Cooper boy con- J f eased to taking some rings from th store oa ftundsy dorltig the day. but along with the others denies th re mainder cf the Cbamm boy's story. OCIKTT Or F.QriTV MEETUO tat Coavewtloa la aeoaloa at Haetlna-a. HASTINGS. Neb. Aug. It (Special Telegram.) Th preliminary aeeMon ef the annual state convention of the Amer ican Society of Equity was held this aft ernoon. There waa a falr-slsed attend ance, and tomorrow a large number of visitors are expected. The Important ses sions of the convention will be tomorrow rooming and afternoon. Baptists la Coaveatloa. BEATRICE. Neb.. Aug. S. tSpeclsl.V The fortieth annual meeting of the Blue River association of Baptist churches convened here lest evening in the Baptist church, with about fifty delegates in at tendance. After devotional exercises con ducted by Rev. U. O. Miller. tr. A. H. FVV h read the address of welcome. The sermon of the evening wss delivered by Rev. J. F. Wstta cf Falrbury. Special music waa rendered by the choir, and Prof. Watts favored the audience with a cornet solo. The meetings will continue until Sunday evening, and an Interesting and instructive program has been prepared for each day during the session. Reaaloa at Waterloo CI uses. WATERLOO. Neb, Aug. J J. ( SpecUl Telegram.) The last day of the reunion o fthe Ixmglas County Veterans associa tion opened with threatening weather, but at noon had nearly cleared up and, while not so many were present as yesterday, the crowd was large and th adlress of Hon. J. H. Tan Dusen waa listened to with Intense interest by about the usual number. The campflre tonight was not largely attended. All are loud in the praise of the treatment received and de clare the reunion the best of lste years. Judge Troup also spoke briefly Uils after noon. Jadge Estelle talks to Veterans. CAMBRIDGE. Neb, Aug. 21. (Special.) Yesterday was one of the big days In the annala of the southwest Nebraska Grand Army of the Republic reunion as sembly here. Judge Lee S. Estelle s ad dress along the line of Juvenile reform ccntained a message that should be car tied to every father and mother and to every boy and girl in the land. Xebrask 5ewi Xete. NEBRASKA CITT Mrs Wm. Pousch of this city, aged S7 years, died bere Thurs day. BEATRICE VIlss Margaret Hager died yesterdsy st her home In Blue Springs, after a brief lllinesa TORK Judge Taylor married Henry B. Dorsey and Pearl Bfamehorn. both of Bradshav this afternoon. FA LU CITT The teachers Institute at this plsee erms to be progressing In about the usual fashion of such gatherings. AIN8 WORTH The dry spell was broken Thursday by a heavy rain and hall. It came In time to st the large crop of corn in Brown county. NEBRASKA CITT The Overland thea ter will open bere on September la. and Manager Kolfe says b haa an extra fine line of attraction. WEST POINT Th Cuming county teachers' lnetllue Is now holding Its ses sions at w est Point, nearly one hundred teachers being In attendance. RED CLOUD WMllam I. M osier of Huron, Kan., and alia Georgia De Tour of this place were married at Sacred Heart church this morning at s.JQl BEATRICE Mrs. Thomas McBride. liv ing six miles southwest of Ellis, died yes terday afternoon. She waa & years of age and Is survived by no family except ber husband. . . NEBRASKA CITT The members of Queena Esther Chapter, No. 1. Order East ern -Star, were guest at the chapter at Shenandoah, la. A banquet was served in tneir no nor. . FALLB CITT Thuredsy afternoon about t o'clock, after threatening all day to rain. a cold drlxsle set In and kept on inter mittently until late In the evening. The weather is deciedly cool. RED CLOUD A juvenile band number ing thirty-one was organised this week. The new band will be an auxiliary to the Cltisens- Cornet band and will be under the direction of Alvin Snapp. RED CLOUD-J. O. Butler has sold Ms hard war and harness stock to R E Counce and Charles Bailey of Hayes Cen ter. The hardware stork will be clos-d out and the harness shipped to Hayes Center. BEATRICE Mr. William Taylor of Pier son, la., and allss Alios Hess were married yesterday at th horn of the bride's par ents east of th city. Rev. J. E Davis offleistlng. Mr. and Mrs. Taylor will make their home on a farm near Pierson. TORK Mr. and Mra. E. Relslnger cele brated their fiftieth wedding anniversary this week. They wer married at flrter mantown. Pa., and have resided at Tork since IF?, Their children aad about 100 cf their friends enjoyed ths occasion. TORK Mr. Shoemaker has defeated G. Hulburt, the Seward county checker cham pion, winning three and Brewing one. Mr. Hulburt has won the championship from the champion of Iowa and Is said to be the best checker player In the west. WEST POINT J. E. Ny Strom, a well known Swedish fsrmer of Cuming county, died at the Presbyteriaa hospital In Omaha of menlngltia. at the age of forty-two. The body was brought home and Interred under the auspices of the Modern Woodmen. BL.UE HILL Plans were consummated thla week whereby N. L. Grimes of this city and Flavlus Grlce of Red Cloud be come partners In the wholesale drug busi ness, to be located at Red Oeud. The new firm will begin business October L TORK At th dtlsens' meeting held In the courthouse to discuss the matter of securing suitable grounds for aa athletic field for all organisations ef this kind. It was unanimously decided that a petition be circulated to act asid a part of East Hill park. NEBRASKA CITT Mrs. Charles Gard ner, who lived a few miles west of town snd wss the wife of a well-known farmer. died Thursday morning, and the body was taken to Hamburg. la, for Interment. aa that was ber old home. Eh was only 27 years old. BEATRICE The Commercial club of Omaha has taken notice of th golden an niversary celebration to be held In Beatrice the last week in September, snd plans are being made to bring a special train from the metropolis to Beatrice one day during the big event. WEST POINT News hss been recelvel In the city that James Hudec. sn aged man. a relative of Gerk of the District Court Pinker, was killed yesterday at Watt hill by falling from a load of hav. The deceased waa a former prominent res! dent of Lincoln township. BEATRICE At the meeting of the county board yesterdsy a number of heavy taxpayers presented their claims for lower valuation and a large number of theae matters were acted upon. The contract for publishing the delinquent tax list was 1st to ths Express on ths third ballot. BEATRICE Announcement has ben made of the marriage of Mr. B. L. Rlghter. manager of the Lyric theaters at this plsce and South Omaha, to Mlaa Mamie Chswn lng of LJnco'n. which occurred there a few days ago. For the presont Mr. and Mra Righter will reside In South Omaha TORK Otis Oocke. proprietor of the sporting goods bouse of this city, hss pur chased a handsome trophy, which he will preat-nt to the city club that wins the larg est number of gamea la the city Ira sue this year. It Is a hsndsome sliver got.let rest 1 rig on three base ball bats and the balL BEATRICE A complaint charging Guy Eastman with burglary was filed In th offloe of the coun'jr judge yesterday bv County Attorney Terry. The rase will be disposed of Saturcsr. and young Eastman, who bas made a full con fusion, will do aouot os sent to the reform school. TORK Two very well known and popu lar Tork county people were married at the home of th br4e, near Georgetown. Neb. They were Mr. Lor a Mohler and M'ss Francis Woodward. Rev. C. E. Lrng of this city officiated. The groom Is a gradu ats of th philosophical course of Tork col'.eg. VEERAEKA CITT Th gtrla f th I guars 3er&oAlmr&t, JVIORE PANTS BARGAINS OUR BUYER, tiozu in iVezv York, bought about 600 pairs of pants at about one-half the regular price. These together with all th odd pairs from our suit stock will be added to those remaining from our big pants sale of ilu last two weeks. This will make thc selection greater than ever and that the prices are a temptation, to economical men is evidenced rvery day. Get a couple pair today. Pants -fl Cf! I Worth 52.50 J I ' for . . "a I Announcement of Boys9 School Suit Sale On Saturday, August 31, re will start a sale of Boys1 School Suits that will pay yoi) to heed. Not the "any thing-will-do" kind of clothes so often seen, but those GOOD CLOTlfES which makes this store so well and favorably known. Attend this Eale and start your boy to school looking as well as the best dressed boy there and considerably better than most of them. Stvle Will Sioirt Saturday, August 31. telegraphers may be settled but the Mis souri Pacific officials here do not thing so. The night agent got Into trouble snd left snd since then the aaent and the dsy man have been doing duty. They are looking for some man to put to work, but have nut yet been able to find one. McCOOL Tom Smith, the well known auctioneer, shipped a car load of steers to South Omaha, and Mr. John Egen. jr.. living adjoining McCool. purchased through Mr. Smiths commission agents the steers snd shipped them back to McCool. Mr. Smith paid the freight to Omaha and Mr. Lgen paid the freight back. WEST POINT William Collins, a pioneer settler, former representative from Cuming county, ex-school superintendent snd county surveyor, became suddenly mentally un balanced last week and after attempting to kill his wife with a flat iron became violently Insane and was brought to West Point in custody of the sheriff. LIND9AT Miss Mayme Griffln anfi Henry Lachnlt were married at the Cath olic church yesterday. Mies Griffin is one of the popular young women of Lind say and Mr. Lachnlt Is a prominent busi ness man of this place and is at present a candidate for nomination for sheriff of Platte county on the democratic ticket. BEATRICE Work on the new go.Wk.pal. Ion water tank for the Union Pacific road at this point will be started In a few days, and crushed rock is now being placed on the ground for the foundation. It is re ported thst the company will erect a forty stall roundhouse here soon, but nothing definite has been given out by the officials oi the road at this point. NEBRASKA CITT -Mrs R. M Self, who had long been a resident of this county, living for years in Palmyra precinct, but for the last six years a resident of this ctty. died this sfternoon at her borne, of heart trouble. Sht was the wife of Elder Pelf, one of the best known preachers In the Latter Dsy Paints- church. She leaves a Urge family of young children. BEATRICE Word was received bere yesterday from Herrlsonville. Mo., an nouncing the death of James W. Cole, a former resident of Gage county, which oc curred there Wednesday eight of Bright disease. Mr. Col was a veteran of the civil war snd was 64 years of age. He leave a widow and five children. The re mains will be brought bere for Interment. LEXINGTON The fourth snnual ses sion of the Dawson- county chatauqua has been successful. The assembly Is under the management of Prof. James E. Deisell. Sunday the main feature of the day was a sermon-lecture by Dr. Frank Loveland of Omaha, and In the afternoon a lecture by him on the "Wandering Jew." Wednes day Judge B. B. Llndsey of Denver lec tured. WEST POINT A young son of John Tonjes of Grant township was killed at his home three days aso. The young man waa leading a team hitched to a load of cobs when the horses became frightened and ran away, caused by children climbing on the wagon. The end of the tongue hit him In the breast, knocking him down, th wagon collidng with a feed box. over turning It, In It fall the heavy box struck the young man on the head, killing him In stantly. RErVBLICAN CITT A lsrge crowd as sembled one mile south of town In Brown Gifford's grove for a good old-fashioned picnic, given by the Modern Woodmen of America. After dinner a short program was rendered, consisting of short speeches by Hon. W. C. Dorsey and Hon. C. E. McPberson, and music by the Gillespie Glee club. After the program were the race greased pig chase, girls' foot race, boys- foot race, fat men a race, tug of war. also bojs" and girls' basket ball games. NEBRASKA CTTT-At the meeting of th Commercial club an effort waa made to settle the differences with the residi-ni of Anderson's sddltion so thst Nebraska City may secure a new Burlington depot The company wanta Sixth street closed and to build a road under the track and make Ninth street the main thoroughfare. This does not suit the people living across the creek and all kinda of lawsuita have been promised. It Is intended to hold a public meeting and permit each on to express his views. NEBRASKA CITT-The Commercial club haa taken hold of the stock show and sale, to be held her September It and IS. snd have appointed the chairmen of the various committees and given them power to appoint their assistant. The first day will be given over to the farmers, farm products, manufacturers and the mer chants snd on the second day there will be a parade of decorated vehiclea. women and men riders, and the prise win ning animals will also be displayed. On the first evening there will be a Chinese lantern parade In which at least l.S will participate and the stores will be decorated In appropriate style. There Is a good pro gram for the second night. There will be music all the time. The colors are gold and purple. NEBRASKA FROM DAY TO DAY Qaalat aad Carlaas Feslsm f I.lf ta Rapidly Grswlsg tat. Mr. Weaver had a kick from a young colt that demolished his glasses and caused him to wear his bead In a sling Auburn Granger. Oofton Holds Record There's no use talking about this base ball business with Bloomfield. They are not In our clasa This season we hare on broken bead for Harrington, a broken finger for Cole ridge, a broken collar bone for Harring ton, a broken finger for Crofton, a dis located ankle for Crofton and seven or eight hundred sore heads for Bloomfield. What has she to show for ths season's playing? There's nothing to It, she's not la our class Crofton Journal. Nature Fake The bees have been swarm ing this week, although It Is late in th sea son. Two swarms visely selected Beaver City for aa abiding place, and as there wer no vacant buildings for their reception, they campd out as best they could. On swarm was attracted to th north Bid by th good things kept at ths restaurant of Joha Bickford. and ar aow happy in that location between th weather boards and th plastering. Th other swarm set tled down as does to U Christian church 1 Pants (SftCf) B I Worth $3.50" I as possible without getting their feet wet, and roosted in an elm till otherwise pro vided for. Beaver City Tribune. Horse played 'Possum Aa ordinary horse played rretty good Joke on Jo Smith of th 'Waller Bros, lumber yard on day last week. Aslds from being the right hand man M the lumber yard. Joe, with th assistance of his boys, farms quit extensivly. While cutting oats on day last week one of his horses became over come with beat and as th animal failed to display any signs of life, Jo supposed, of course, the horse was dead. He waa In town trying to secure somebody do go out and bury the dead horse, but falling to find anybody to do th Job, he went home with the Intention of doing the work himself. When be reached home, however, to his great surprise and pleasure th bore had come to life again and seemingly did not feel any bad effects from Its passage over th great divide and return. Humphrey Democrat. A New Church Rule The official board of the United Evangelical church held a business meeting August 7 In the even ing. All members of the board were present save one. They authorised the pastor to make some Improvements on th church building, and also passed the fol lowing resolution: Resolved. That after the dste of this meeting, persona attending meetings at the United Evangelical church at Odessa, will be required to go into the church when services begin, or If they remain on the outside of th building they must go off the church lots. This rule Is made necessary because some young men (?) tampered with rigs, changing wheels and wiring buggies together and endanger ing the lives of the owners. The rule will be rigidly enforced, and violators will be prosecuted to the fullest extent. Boys, you had better' go- elsewhere for your fun. Elm Creek Beacon. Right of the River-Last Trlday the government snag boat J. B. McPhersoa went down the river. When they got to the former village of Hillsdale, Instead of going down the main channel of th river, they went down the 'chute- be tween the Island and the main land on the west, and ran Into John H. Moors head's cable ferry that runs to the Is land, demolishing th boat and tearing the cable down. Th boat was at th west bank and a wagon loaded with corn had just driven off It- Th steamboat appar ently made no effort to avoid th ferry. This will be a serious Inconvenience, aa a corn aheller waa on th island, shallljig corn, which was being hauled over on th cable ferry and then to market. Appar ently the pilot of tide steamboat believes cable ferries have n rights that a steam boat is bound to respect. Nebraska Ad vertiser. There's no chance for an argument aa to whether The Bee's want ads pay or not. They always pay If they ask anything consistent- There are so many people In Omaha that somebody is qualified to fill any sort of a want. If you want to find a position or somebody to fill a position; if you wsnt to find the loser or the finder of an article; If yon wsnt to find a land lord or a tenant, try a Bee's want ad. Be Want Ads Ar Business Boost era. The Easy Meal has GRAPE-NUTS as its foundation. Ideal on hot days because GRAPE-NUTSjequires no cooking and is at the same time a per fect food. A perfect hot weather breakfast, made tip of GRAPE-NUTS, and cream, some fruit, soft-cooked eggs, and a bit of crisp toast, starts the day right, keeps the blood cool and body and brain well nourished. ! Compare the cool, contented GRAPE-NUTS-fed man or wo man with your meat-fed neighbor who is sweltering and miserable. You don't have to cook GRAPE-NUTS, for the reason that this food is cooked perfectly at the factory. This cooking is done on scientific principles, so that all the starches of the grain are transformed until they are ready for immediate digestion and yet all the good of the grains is left in. Grape-Nuts . is the most famous food product in the world. i "There's a Reason" : nrmAw xats that sold high er than 11 1 at 95c NOT AN ASYLUM. BUT A HOME Baaktr BehlC gays Jew Wa Csa t This Cava try Saeald B C It laeas. NEW TORK. Aug. H Th American Hebrew will publish todsy a letter writ ten by Jacob H. Schlff. the banker, to Dr. Solomon Schechler, president of the Jewish Theological seminary of America, In which be aays: Speaking as an American. I cannot for a moment concede thst one csn be at the same time a true American and an honeet adherent of the Zionist movement. The Jew should not for a moment feel that be has only found sn "asylum" In this country. He must not feel that he Is In exile snd that his abode here is only a temporary or passing one. If those who come after us are to be freed from th prejudice from which this generation is. not unnaturally, suffering, we feel that politically no one has any claim upon as but the country which of our free will we have become cltisens; that even If w are Jews In faith, there Is no string to our cltisenshlp. BRADSTRELT'S REVIEW OF TRADE Primary Markets Are Filled with Caaatry Merrhaata. NEW TORK. Aug. S.-Braditreefs to morrow will say: Buyers' excursions have been a feature of the week and the leading primary mar kets of the country have been fllU-d with country merchants. As a result, house trade has been stimulated, snd orders for dry goods, clothing snd shoes show con siderable Improvement.- Fell business, ex cept at a few centers. Is said to equal a year ago at this date, the volume being made up of numerous orders rather thaa by any new interest of heavy business. In fact, many merchants displsy a dispo sition to go slow, fearing that orders may fall off, not because of a decline In con sumption,' but more particularly of th tightness of money. ...... The cotton goods manufacturing situa tion Is sn Interesting and almost unprece dented one. in spite of high raw material and expensive cottons, the mills are pros perous, dividends large, surpluses Laavy and their stocks sell at high prices.. On the other hand, owing to the uncertain money situation and some minor labor troubles, there Is an Increasing undercur rent of conservatism In the trade. ' The mills are oversold, msny mskes are "st value" and some manufacturers are re fusing order. Tsken all in all. th situa tion is such as to repay examination. Which la rendered possible br sn article In an other column. The woolen and worsted manufacturers bought more heavily di rectly from the growers this season thaa ever before, paying fairly high prices. Iron continues quiet. The undertone aa regards prices Is leas favorable and some foundries are said to be seeking loopholes for getting out of high-price contracts placed early In th year. Lead, spelter and tin are weaker, copper Is dull aad prices are weaker than before. Stocka over th sea ar said to be light, .therefore. It would not be surprising to se soma sort of a buying movement coming from that quarter. Business failure for ths weak ending August 22 number U4. against 144 last week. IK In th like week of UXrt. 17C In 1K6. IK tn IP and 1U In 13. Canadian failures for the week num ber 1. as agatnat K last week and 10 la this week a year ago. Wheat. Including flour, exports front th United States snd Canada for the week ending August H aggregsted UUifl bu.. against I.WT.iSJ bu. last week. 1.1375 bu. this week last year and c.6u6,!k bu. in 1WL For the first eight weeks of the fiscal year the export are bu.. against ItlM.euO bu. In 1-T and tlMlMi bu. in It 1-t Corn exports for the week are 1.1 TIM bu., against 1 Ul.T7 bu. last week and cl &"4 bu. in IS. For the fiscal year to date the exports sre 1LB22,S06 bu., against .::. bu. In 16-7. All goods sold at Hubermann's jewelry tor guaranteed a to price and quality. I Pants DqAg I Worth $5.00 " I i .