2 WE OMAHA DAILY SATURDAY. AUOUST 24,. lf07. Telephone DoujUt 61&- Reachet All Department. Special Sale of . Ecru Colored Fine Lace Curtains Sedurdivv : To make room for "Winter goods, which are rrowding us, we have made the following re-' ;. Unctions in prices on Lace Curtains. It will V an exceptionally opportnnity to save money. JIIS1C AS -A MONEY MAKER Capital and Labor Employed in Mak ing Musical "Instruments. ' Errn Nottingham I-aee tentelle Arabian, 'in 0xif $1.80 Kcru Netting- Curtain. regular II 78 Kcru. regular $JJ,o hl"i ItUp Our Kcru Finn Net Katurduy a-f - riaturdny rT p a P Plr WOV Curtain at. C"I TO par pair .... VA --- per pBlr .... 'U Colonial design, splendid per pair .... ?-- - .. for dining rO'Uii. . m'.? kT:"'uZ- cruVta.r:U ?f, T7 IV," ,lnt- "r $4.50 Two Toned " uav at a - r . -r.tirrtny . t-iberg Ecru l.nce Oir- MCQ Ourtalna. Hatur- s4'5 iir 88c c.vr; $2.19 $los Ml MM i I H-i m M ai a. ---. PIANOS HOLD . A STRONG LEAD SEE THEM IN CJR HOWARD STREET WINDOW Women's Neckwear, Half Prce Saturday. Just such Neckwear as you wou? choose at full price; Saturday at hrjt price. Thomson. Belden & Co.'s bargains are raL Tailored and fancy stocks; otue hand embroidered ones are Included, regular 26c ' to ? !.00. on special sale Satu tt IIALF PRIC. Main Floor, Saturday Glove, Specials. Good qualities couple J wltn ,ow prJo,,, Should mus llvnly sell'f ,-. XXBOW IHKOII. OXOTXS. Ksyser art.1 I'ownes t.ibow length double tipped silk Ulovea, pi,, lglt blue tan navy, gray, black ,j .,,,,, regulur per olr Saturday PJQ , tow, ' forii ix S LOVES. Tlie rineal Mllaeae. elhnw length llnle (Hoveo,' In grey, black and white, regular $1.8 -ial-Itlee, n aperi aala Saturday, onn par pair , OiC Main Floor. Saturday at' . Bargain Square in Basement. Remnants of Calicoes, best grade, in dark col orings, reg ular 7Vc goods, on sale at, per yard, 4VS Women's Knitted Underwear, Tall Weight. It Is rather chilly these mornings with gauie underwear. Change now to a medium weight and avoid colds. Women's medium weight cotton Vests, high seek, long sleeves, Drawers to match, ankle length, the famous "Merode" make, Kfj at. each JVC Women's Lisle Vests, high neck, long sleeves, tights to match, knee length, FA,, nt each j UVrU Main Floor 5c Saturday Lace Specials. A grand clean-up sale of Pt. de Paris Edgings and lusertlngs to match,, at . Kg, per yard French and Herman Val Laces, at per yard ' Embroidery Remnants. Saturday we shali close out all our rem nants of l.nMil olrtrry; odds and ends that have accumulated during our b'jay selling season will be marked at greatly reduced prices. If you are needing dainty embroidery for chil dren's clothes, odd edgings for underwear, or Inaertlngs for making up waists for late sum mer wear, It will pay you td come Saturday and share of these embroideries. Main Floor. Saturday News frcm Men'n Department. il Special mle of Belts. Social showing of fancy vests. New number of half hose just re- - woiuc. oume suins now Teaucetl. ' Belts. Reduced. The talanca of our line f Men's Belts In blirk and brown leMther, regular prices SSe, le and 75e to go at XAZ.F rmiCB AT Extra Value in Half Hose. Men's black cotton hose. good quality Egyptian yarn, double heel and toe, a hose that will stand lots of good, hard wear extra value at Of),, per pair .... 'vl Special Showing of Fancy Vests. We are showing the finest line of farcy Vests In the city. Tou will jv..d them now for It Is rather cool these evenings, without a vest, and they look so dressy. The new est patterns are here. In checks, fig ure, e'tc also plain white; r10R sm&XT AT tl-S. See. display 4a corner window. Shirts Reduced. Men's Madras Shirts, In light, medium or dark col ors, some pleated, others plain, all have cuffs attach ed, regular prtcea are $1 50 1.7i and $2.00 on sale Sat urday, at each t $1.15 Toilet Goods. Only the best sorts are sold here. You can buy your soaps, tooth powders, etc., at Thomp son, Belden & Co.'s and know they are absolutely non-injurious. Popular prices always. Talcum Powder. Colgate' Violet and Cash mere Ilouquet ISo a box. Eaatman'e Crushed Roses and Verona Violet and berated Taloum, and Johnson's Baby Powder. For the Teeth. To have good teeth, one must use good prepar ations. Ycair favorite kind 1s here. Cotgates' An t septic Dental Powders; Sanltol preparations for Hie teeth in powder, liquid or paste, one le equally as good as the other; Cheney's Llsterated Tooth Powder; in-. Lyon'e Tooth Powder. We also carry a complete line of best Toilet Waters. Howard and; Sixtenth Toilet Soaps. AH our Toilet Soaps marked at low prices. Colgates' Eng lish Process, Elder Flower, Glycerine and Brown Windsor are some of our leaders. Open . Saturday Evenings. II Bee. l-2l-'07 HITCH IX SCHOOL BALLOT Vtw Primary Law Worrie the Bcrd r of Education. SlOrS PRlHTKO OF TICKETS Matatei Hay Oeaeral Hate U Xt (inttra School Board N a ! mU ls el CmuWts Mar ' Namlaate. Printing of tlcketa tot -the irttnartea so tar as the Board of F.duc atlon Is con cerned Is suspended until fi arther notice. The legaf advisors of the cUy and of the school board, are delving .'into the Intrl cacWaof the primary law and the different eMy e mltteeei may hav a to shoulder the fvapohslbtttty for making school board nemtnatlnos. Fron tae time speii'Ad In the primary law for the filing of a illcatlons of candi date for places on tr primary ticket, the asaumption was eer-al!y accented that seminations for the , card of Education would be governed fcy the law regulating tb aomlnatlnn of tl'y officers, t'nder this aaeu-iptkm the clt clerk caused a procla matioa to be I jiued for' the primary, blank to- be pi epared for the filing of aaae a ad aJI wther necessary prellml parteai He aece a'.ed nomination papers and acknowledged. 'jLeigaaUoas just as though he ware authrkd by law and placed an erder fo tka printing cf tickets. Tlie printer even tjarted to work. Then a fa,1 k outsider picked up a copy el the nrun cry law to find If It were neces sary for the names on the school board ballots to be rotated. The rank outsider never found what he was looking for, bat did find: Provisions of the Law. Section 1 Candidates How Nominated Hereafter all candidates for elective of fices, except those expressly exempted from the provisions of this act. shall be nomi nated, etc. Sec. . This art shall hot apply to special elections to All vacancies, nor to municipal elections in elites having less than SS.IWO population. Tillage, townaMp and school district odloera, nor to members if school hoards nor members of bards of educa tion. The attention of the city clerk was calld to this provision. He hes tated. Tlie city attorney read tiie law and said ha was too busy to talk about tlie matter; but when the city clerk went to the attorney's (.office he talked; then he thought; then he eeld he would give an opinion Saturday. Then the city clerk told the printer not to proceed with the printing of the ballots until further ncttce. The clerk also gave the Information that he was acting under the advice of C. E. Horrlnc, attorney for the school board, who had notified the necretary of the Board of FMucation that It would be ncceanary to nominate five candidates of the echnol board under the terms of the new law. Mr. Herring was not In town Friday, but will he given another opportunity to pass upon the subjet. 'herenB Clt- Halt r-aar. CHEYENNE, Wye., Aug. 2X-(Sreclal ) Mayor Cook has called the attention of the e.iunell t the 11lapHnted and unsafe coa.tltlon of the city hall, ead In all proba bility the building will b condemned by the city engineer. It la one of the oldest buildings In the city, and a familiar land mark. An effort may be made to effect 0 More Bargains Saturday Only a few mere days kft to take advantage of our splendid shoe and other bargains. We especially men tion the ladies' and children's shoe bargains from the Norris stock. Ladles' and Children's Shoe All ladies' Oxford! without restriction s. . . 1.95 h ahoes ...245 All children ' Oxfords in two lots. IT. !?!':.. 49c69c Choice of any ladles' high shoes la the store for All girls' Slippers and Oxfords In . two lota. At ...... 38cl.35 Girls' Hats and Caps, YarietT, to close, at in big 25c Glrla' Dresses and Suspender Skirts. In two lots, to close Quick, at . . . . One hundred Boys' School Suits Jn $6.00 and $C.OO values; to close Saturday,' t 1.90 'ENS ON THORNE ri5L3-1517 DOU av- Wr i-s a e SRpflPW. kusaaa I will take the county court house, and a new structure will bo erected T f or , he r.renJh,enC'ty .overnmenU lnV7 and tath CrI!iPed th8,r oi bulld ings, and both need new quarters. While entirely too small for the county goVern! ment. 1 buMtag wouM quat. for the city authorities ,n event some such trad. i. . -.'n ",a WU bulM.an entlr;" no; homr G0MPERS VISITS " EXPOSITION He, with KxeentlVe Conocll of Asnerl. o Federation, laapets Lnioa Labor Exhibit. NOJtKOLK. Va.. Aug. tt-The executive council of the American Federation of La bor. headed by President dumpers, arrlvod here today to complete arrangements for the annual session of the federation, which convenes here November 13. The council, after completing hall, hotel and printing' arrangements for the federa tion convention, proceeded to tha Jm, . Itapld Growth ef Meghan leal riayer Iteflclmt Infof matlon Abont t rank Uranu aeerfallr Aekaartledaed. WASHIN'OTON. Aug. ?3.-(epeclal.)-The buearu of th9 census has Just puhllshod a bulletin on the manufacture of musical Instruments, there were 5 establlehments engaged In this Industry In l. They em ployed S6,KX) wagn earners, reported an aggregate capital of (7.326,379, and manu factured products jo the, value of i9.57i,S1. Five years before when the censjs of 1900 eras taken, the number of establish ments reported tor this Industry was CIS; total number of wane earners, 23,714; the argregate capital, H7.704.&F2, and the value of products Mi.fU.978. . . Comparison of the figures for these two censuses shows that there was an Increase In the five-year Interval (1PC0 to lfc) of $2S.155,3t.l, or 66.6 per cent, In the value of products; I25,t1s,797, or SI. 4 rer cent, In the amount of capital employed, and 11,806, or 48.5 per rent. In the number of wage earn ers. The establishments In the meantime Increased by only six, or aoout 1 per cent. This comparatively small Increase In the number of establishments Is more or less characteristic of all lines of Industry In recent years, being Indicative of the ten dency toward production on a large scale or of combinations. It Is evident from an Inspection of the figures publlKhed In this bulletin that the musical Instrument Industry made much greater progress In' the five years between 1SKK) and 1W than U did In the ten years between 1SP0 and 1900. .Taking the value of the .product as furnishing, perhaps, the best Indication of growth, It will be found that this Item shows an advance from tM.E6S.169 In 1KW to 144,418,978 in 0O. which waa an Increase of only ri.BSO.K. or M.5 per cont, as compared with the remarkable Increase of over i:6.0fifl,000. or 86.8 per cent, In the five years between 1900 and 1905. rrtnHpal Prodncln tnte. The leading slate In production of musical Instrumenta Is New York, which reported ,t.,t tv the value of $:4,277.927. repre senting more than one-third of the total product of the United States, me siai ranking next In Importance as regards this Industry was Illinois,' for which the ag gregate product was $18,997.-28. Next comes Massachusetts, with a product of $8,638,073; then Connecticut, "with a product of S79.WS. ."'.".' . . . . New York has been a leader in im A...trv fnr. mora than 4wenty-rtve years. Massachusetts was the second state In Im portance In 18S0 and again In 1W, but In 1900 was outranked by Illinois. In which state the recent development of the in dustry has been very rapid.- - In resenting th statistics of this In dustry the census bureau classlned the establishments with respect to their principal--product under four main heads, namely, piano, organs.- piano and organ -..ini. nd instruments and materials ' not specified. , There were t49 piano es tablishment.' 94 r,a establishment. ! 101 establishments producing principally ptnno and organ materials and 181 oh- tabllshments manufacturing Instrume ua an4 'materials ot .peolned.. Thejralue pTprpductsor; tjfoM-tour lotabllshments wor-, respectively. JIJ. ' 022.471, $8,041,844, $18,128,818 and .-, 710 The produc of the piano establish ments does' not 1 represent pianos ex r such establishments fre- ouently manufacture organs also, and Blntilarly the organ . establishments pro duce a limited number of pianos. Pianos nd.Orgrane. . The bulletin, however, gives the total number and aggregate value of pianos and organs produced In all Masses of es tablishments. Ot upright pianos .261.957. or more than a quarter of a million were manufactured In the year 1906. and th.ilr aggregate value ' 'eras -'4' ' ' grand pianos 7,372 were produced, with an aggregate value of .. 9' reed organs the number was 113.0 W. and the aggregate value $4.13,053. Of pipe organs' 901 were manufactured, with an aggregate, value k of $1,989,979, It may be noticed that e aggregate value of the piano product waa more than tix times that df the organ product and that the number Of pianos was rather more than twice the ndmbef of organs. The number of upclght pianos manufactured In 1905 exceeded the number reported in 1900 by 85.171. ' The manufacture of pianos Is largely centrallxed rnNew York City, which re- l a nrnflucUOn Ot "i"'"' considerate Importance as a distinct hrineh of the Industry and the value of such materials Is shown separately for the first time at this census. The figures d.t not Include the value of the materials produced and used by -manufacturers of the instruments. The aggregate value ot the. piano and organ materials manufac tured for . sale a as $13,U8,.1l5. Nearly one third nf the total product waa reported for the city of New York. HENRY TOO FREE WITH GUN Tries to Shoot Several and la Him self Shot an4 Inataalty Killed. PTTROIS. ft. IT. Ana. S3 fSneelal Mike Henry, oldest son of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Henry, waa shot and killed by Pyl- i vester Carney at 8 o'clock Wednesday aft ernoon on I-er ereek, nenr White Oa-I. Young Henry. It la reported, had been drinking and waa In a quarrelsome mooi, making threats to kill someone. When Henry got ready to pull out, he told Otr ney he would kill him and snapped the gun at him . several times, discovering It was not loaded. Rich Freel and Asel Granger, who were witnesses, took the gun away from the young man. Honry then mounted a horse and rode over to Mike Carney's house, where he frightened the women and secured a shotgun, re turning Immediately to Vest Carney and taking a ahot at Freel before tackling Carney, but Freel was beyond reach of the gun. He pulled his gun down on Cnr ney and said he would kill the whol d m outfit, when Carney thought matters had gone far enough and shot Henry with a six-shooter, Carney claims the shoot ing was done In self-defense, and was supposed to have started for Sturgls Wednesday to surrender himself. Richard Freel was sent here to notify Coroner McSloy and Sheriff Stewart of the affair, arriving In Bturgls with the news this morning. The remains and the shotgun were leTt where the killing occurred, showing one barrel of the gun still cocked. The coroner and sheriff left to day for the scene of the shooting. Episcopal Convocation. , YyKTON, 8. D.. Aug. 2S.-(8peclal.)-Prepuratlona are on foot here for the en tertaining of the delegates to the trien nial convocation of the Episcopal mission ary district of South Dakota, which gath ering Includes delegates from the three deaneries, the Eastern, Black Hills and Niobrara, the lust named an Indian dean ery, to be in session this week on the Rosebud. The delegates Will be two In number from each parish and mission, with many workers In the Jurisdiction, from the many Sunday schools and Women's Auxiliaries to the board of missions. The parishes and missions number nlnety olght In the Indian field and some fifty-odd In the white field. General Secretary Lloyd of the board of missions Is expected, as Is Mtss Emery, general secretary of the Woman's Auxiliary. Bishop Hare will be present, and also the bishop coadjutor, Rt. Rev. Field Foole Johnson. D. t). The ftrst fathering will be a reception to oe hold Tuesday evening. September 3, and the business and Services of the convoca tion will take up the better part or me next two days. The sessions will be held at Christ church, founded nearly fifty years h h. ite nr. Melancthon rtoyi, n pioneer missionary priest Of the Episcopal church In this section. town exposition grounds und Inspected the pianos In the year 1905. representing at exhibit ot the federation, which occupl. a ' most one-third of the total number pro over 4.0M square feet In the Boclal Economy 1 duced in the United States. The numbs. pro- mimher Economy duced In the unuea r-"""- Z ":' The exposition was pronounced ; produced In Chicago was 4Z.SJ3. o.m produced 12,989. census or iuu rcpuivov. building, oy i-resiaent uompers a memorial to or ganized labor, having beon contracted en tirely by union labor. President Gompeis. arter going to Washington and Boston, will return to Norfolk to nmke the Lal;,,r day address at the Jamestown exposition, on which occasion W. R. Hearst of New York also will speak. HYMENEAL Cheney-Bars am. NEHAWKA. Neb.. Aug. 23. -(Special.)-A charming home wedding was solemnized at t o'clock Thursday, August 21, at the Trooper Accidentally Shot. K ucini- a. D.. Aug. 23- (Spe cial.) Private Walter Shope of Company ti vrr Meade, was acciuun.. Shot by rlte Cuslck of the ' The boys . were ioonnB -- i.i e,m a rack In the quarters, which, of course, he thought was not loaded. nnappio .v -v - . it v, hail penetrating his ine ecu ii wriu win - - , , . . abdomen on the left side, striking the hip bone and ranging aown i. part of the leg. The Injured man was taken to the hospital, operated on and the ball removed. At last accounts the patient was resting easily and no seri ous consequences feared. Stadents Dig for Fosalls. ' WILLOW. Wyo., Aug. 2S.-(8peclal.)-A large number of students from Amherst college, Massachusetts, headed by Prof. A B. Loo oils, are encamped at the Span ish Dies"''' ' prehistoric quarries, near here. They are making collections aud studies of the remarkable work of the American aborigines, -which antedate, probr ably 'any" works whlcti have heretofore been uncovered In America. The Spanish Dtgglns are located in the northern part of Laramie county. 100 miles north of Cheyenne. "'.". . attrsspt 4e Commit JIneder. GILLETTE. Wyo., Aug. 23.-8peclal.) An unidentified person attempted to com mit murder near here last night, when he fired a ahot through a car window on a Burlington train at a passenger. The pas songer escaped, but the glass was shat tered. All efforts to locate the would-be murderer have failed, but railroad detee tlves are working one the case and may run him down. I Formerly I tfy n-ifsoonttD J mi. BROS 15 lO DOUGLAS ST. FORMEPLY r.soonaD w hIils'Im .si JfVrfajs esasj Women's ileiv Fail Suits Special Sale Price $25.00 TO START THE SEASON WITH A BIG RUSH we 'will place on sale hundreds of beautiful wo men's new tailored suits that are regu lar $27.50, $30.00, $32.50 and $35.00 values, on sale Saturday, August 24, choice.". .. . . . We would advise early shopping, there being only 1 or. 2 of a kind. Up to $15.00 Women's Skirts $6.75 Up to $10 Skirts $4.95 . Saturday, August 24, we will sell a limited number of women's regular $10, $12.50 and $15 Skirts for. $12.50 , ; Silk Petticoats $4.98 Saturday, August 24th, we will place on sale a big purchase of Silk Petticoats purchased by our Mr. J. L. Orkin, who is now in New York. The skirts are made of the I Q Q very best heavy silk, has deep flounce and All WO extra cotton or silk under flounce. -They ja.'' come up to $12.50 values, on sale Saturday. .. . U . rrV.sk nlanoa. In 1908. IU1-IUIO - " ' - . as far as manufacturing for the trade waa concerned, the square piano Is prac tically obsolete. The production of the reed organ does not show any such growth as that of tha piano, the number of reed organs produced In 1908. (114.875) being not much greater than the production In 190S (197.830). The leading atate In tlw production of reed organs Is oi which reported the manufacture of 67.au with an aggreaaia ' representing over 4$ per reed organs. the home tif Mr. . r,l Mi . T n t.. i H 717.210 Union, when thetr hi ui.. I .. L.nt of the total production OtJ was united in marriage to Mr. Want U'nlted Stales. Evidently the mlddlft west Cheney of Fairmont, Rev. W. A. Baldwin Is the principal seat of the production of Lincoln officiating. After a slo by of the reed organs. 0 per cent of tao Mis. Laura Rhode, of Omaha the bridal ! total product being reported for the four party entered U the strain, of Models- j states. Illinois. "d." sahn's Wedding March, rendered by Miss Ohio. In both tu " J Ina Davis. The bride was gowned In whit. yvanla the production of reed organs chiffon tlsiua and vilcnr'.nn.i ir. i,k . la oeciimng. veil and white roses, and her cousin. Miss Charlotte Wallace of Lincoln, as maid of honor. In blue, with forget-me-nots. Mr. King of Lincoln was best man. The parlor was decorated In white roses and clematis. In the bay window was suspended a lare wedding ring, previously used at the wel ding of the bride's mother, under which the rretty double-ring ceremony was p?r forraed. Immediately after this the guests ad journed to the, dining room, decorated in red aad earns Hons, the colors and flower of the Alpha Onilcron PI, the bride's sorority. Here refreshments were served by Mrs. Harvey Shotwell of (Vattle, Wash.; Mrs. WtlWts Stern of bogwn. la.; Mis. Emma Wallace of Lincoln and Mrs. B. M. Pollard of Nehawka. assisted by six mem bers ef the eorcrlty. Tlie ring from the bride's cake fell to Miss Grace Cheney of EmareoB. Ia.. for whose home the happy couple left lirn.edlately for a short honey moon, after which they will make their home at Kdlaoa, Neb., where Mr. Cheney la superintendent of schools. The bride's family are old residents of Union, her father having been bora there. She Is a tia'o ef Congressman Pollard. Both she ijad tlx groom were students at tha SUata ubtveratty. where Mr. Cheney waa graduated, thai year. Bee Wast Ada Are Business Boosters. . . - iM i.ni A comparison ot in "S"'" with those of l0 shows a very marked growth In' the ruanufcure of pioe or gana, the number produced having In creased from 678- In 1900 to 9J8 In l0i. and the aggregate value from $l,18S.l to $i.08.l9J. Uaaaachusetta Is the lead ing state In this branch ef the Indji try. reporting a production of 1J7 pipe organs In 1905. having an aggregate value of $&2,&87 and representing about one-fourth of the total product of tho. United Suites. Illinois Is the state which ranks sucond Jn this respect, producing 185 pipe organs with a total velu. of $310,323. - Other Branches ! the ladaetrr. The manufacture of piano players and piano playing attachments la of recent urigtn and shows a more rapid growth than any other branch of the musltal Instrument industry, the production ad vancing from only $dU?.8Tl in 1900 to $2,029. TM In nut. There may be prsuns of a statistical turn of mind who woeld like te know the number cf street pianos and ergana man ufactured In the United States. Thia In formation la not to be fonnd in the bulle tin, but the aggregate value of such tn siruments produced In 1105 was reported SS The manufacture of piano and organ ma terials has In recent years attained a very largest payer of dividends !n the coming month. Payments by this company will aggregate nearly $8,000,000. The Illinois Central railroad will disburse $3,326,400, the Baltimore ft Ohio will pay out $3,778, 118 on the common and preferred stocks and tho New York Central distributes $2, 049,522 to stockholders. The United States Steel Corporation will pay $2,641,511 The American Tobacco company pays out l.OW, 0q0, as the regular disbursement, and $3,018 as an extra dividend. The Pennsylvania Railroad company Is the heaviest interest payer, over $1,000,000 being ready ' for the bondholders. Other Com ponies paying more than $1,000,000 In Interest payments are the Lake Shore & Michigan Southern Ralrload company and The Chesepeake A Ohio Railroad company. FULL SUIT AND EXIRA TROUSERS - For the price of the suit alone Hotel Goeata Have Narrow Esesp. LARAMIR. Wyo.. Aug. 23.- Special. ) The Union Pacific hotel here had a nar row escape from destruction last night, and a numbeY of guests escaped with their lives. An Inexperienced fireman was placed In charge of the engine room temporarily, and he permitted the water to get low In the boiler. Luckily Manager Congden dis covered the situation In time to prevent a terrible accident. Maccabees Erect Moa-iuent. HURON. S. I).. Aug. 23. (Spectsl.)-Jlm River tent No. 22. Knlghta of the Marcj bees. has erected a handsome monument on Its burial plot In Riverside cemetery. The base. of the monument Is. three feet three inches square, on which stands a tapered granite column surmounted by a huge granite ball weighing more thsn half a ton. HIGH RECORD FOR SEPTEMBER Corpora"" Will Dlshorao Mora Than Serenly-SIs MUIloa Hol lars la Dividends to Owners, NEW YORK, Aug. 3 tSpectaD-Dis-bursoment of Interest and dividends dur ing September by tha large railroads. In dust rial and mining concerns of the United Stales will aggregate approximately $?, KXl.rn. Tills amount Is tha ls-gest ever distributed during SVptemher. and com pares with a total of $S)r844 In Septem. ber of nW. 948.3Se.lR2 In 15 and $41..7 tn September. 1904. The large total this year was due not t Increased bonded In debtedness or Increases In the dividend rates of tha large concerns, but to the large number of comrantee paving Initial dlvUUods and to the Increased bonded In debtedness of the small concerns. In the cumlng month the railroada will pay out In dividends 318.784.838, as com pared with fl7.77S.lsg last year, and the miscellaneous companies will disburse 128, 318.S57, as compared with ta.lMVtl last year. Jntereat payments aggregaao fTT. 191.015, of which the railroads will pay flft.fTS.Stfl and the miscellaneous com panies IH.H14U. This compares with pay ments of fU.507.TSi by railroads and $8. iM,75 by miscellaneous eompanlea tn September of last year. . The Standard Oil company will be the DEATH RECORD Mme, Asnes I.nke. NEW YORK. Aug. 23. Mme. Agnes Lake, the first woman olrcus owner In the world and champion high wire walker, died yes terday at the home of relatives In Jersey City. Mme. Lake's career has been one of remarkable romance and adversity. Both of her husbands, Wm. Lake, a circus clown, and "Wild B1U" Hickok. an associate of "Buffalo Bill," were killed by desperadoes. She was eighty-one years old and hod been with various circuses for forty-four years. For the last ten years she had been an in valid. ' ' ' : Carl Taw-man. Mr.' and Mrs. Otto Zeulow of Schuyler are In 'Omaha on their way home from Atlantic; la., where they attended the funeral of Carl Thurman, Mrs. Zeulow's fattier, who "was burled In the Iowa town at 1 p. m., Thursday. He was one of the oldest settlers of that portion of the state;' In fact, only one other man had lived In Atlantic longer than he. He was 63 years of ago. He was a native ot Germany and left a large family, 'lie also left a large estate, having a farm of the rich Iowa soil consisting of 900 acres. Pro Helsc. Fred Helse. a prominent farmer living six miles northwest of Florence, died Thurs day, at the age of 9 years. The funeral will be held from the residence at 1 o'clock Saturday afternoon with Interment at For est Lawn cemeffcry. Gsryaor Critically 111. NEW YORK, Aug. 23. Advices from Ma con. Ot., atste that John F. Oaynor, the Syracuse contractor who was convicted of complicity In the Savannah harbor work frauds, is critically 111. Physicians say he cannot live long unless removed from Jail. - IMP '.'I I WE HAVE the choicest fabrics -tb boat skilled tailors mo'st compel tent cutters and tempting prices to ' make good our boast that Nicoll leads for best tailoring at nomInal( c9i, Suit and Eitri Trousers 525- to $45 SERGE SPECIAL.' C, Handsome line of Blue, Black or Gray Serge fabrics, full suit and gJrtjC extra Trousers this month. 5 DURING AUGUST we will Include our medium weight Fair woolens Suit and extra Trousers for price of suit alone. TAILOR WILLIAM JERREMS' SONS 209-11 Ho. IRtll St. - . Krs. WIheIcWsT Soothing Syro flu. bn mod for orf 8TXTT-FTVE YFAP.S r? irM.fON ef MOTHI.fta for tl.eir- CHiriiBES wnii.r, iMiniftUjWHB EA, 1 Bl'Ul.bnit. It S JO'I U E8 the ( m LD.NOFl'K NKtliuGCJd4,AJJLAYH ui r n SHIRTS 1 tmc rnccisioit seen in rug PATTgNN Of A CLUgTT HtuLlaS HIHT SHOwl THC CLOSS ATTtNTIOM TO DCTSIL WHICH- ATTSNO TMg MAR. INQ Or Alt. CLOUT MIT. ' STHITg AND FANCY PATTgRNg. s wm ecurrr eNiere. ee bviTriiim, CLUKTT. PCABODV 4 CO. HAND SAPOLIO FOR TOILET AND BATH Delicate enough for the softest kin, and yet efficacious ia removing any stain. Keeps the skin in perfect condition. In the bath gives all th desirable after-effects of a Turkish bath. It should be on every wash Stand. Ali. nonrEDt and npitfinitTS low'. BnnthliiK HjrriiP." and take no oilier kind, Twenty. Ami rrutu s Ixittle. Ou.vanlred under the Food and prior. Art. June untb. J. firil Number M. AN OLD ASK WE U TkiI IIIlMJEDY. I READ THE BEST PAPER abserlbe Regularly for The Bee. A1UUSEMBNTS. 001) CLAN 00R PICNIC (RUG PA0S( TODAY krug park;t This Afternoon and Kvanlng ,( rXlfK'B OIIiTSa OMAHA BAJTO , THAI IXTIXO BIMDHULU todati cx.Ajr ooasoar. AITSKsTOOV, 10o STZSTIaTO, 8So. AtO. ii. CAPIENDO S TSMETIAJf Sain. KRUG Thenter 15.25-50-75 TOBTIOHT 8:18 ATUDAY MATISTEfl The Melodramatio Sensation THE GREAT EASTERN WORLD. 8U9DATI TMI COW BO OIBXta 'Phone 494. OTVWM BUBTDAT. MAT., firf. 1ST. sjeatg oa sale Monday, Angnty get. The Busy Business Man Appreciates our prompt service and excellent noonday lunch. Ghe CALUMET ) A. IN 1 V 1 U 4