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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 24, 1907)
10 THE OMAHA DAILY HEE: SATURDAY, ATTOUST 24, 1907. Want - ads -rertl-ewirnte tha wast ad roiaata will tahea aatlt IS an. for the areola edltlea a.d aatU a, aaoralaa; aad liitaf rdltloaa. Cash aat arronaaaar all order far ad aad advrrtlaraaeat will h accepted far Iraa thaa 10 rente fnr the Inl Insertion. Ratr apply la either Tk Dally anday lira. Alwaye roaat el words ta liar. Otawlaatloas af laltlala aanabera roaat aaa word. All RATri FOR WAIT ADS. f RKM LAIl n.AsairiCATIO One Inarrtloa, er liar, lO rrata. Two ar rnoro eoaaeeatlve Insertions, arr liar, M rrata. Each Insertion mad add Hay., 10 rrata prr liar. 1.80 art liar per month. I AMI RATE FOR NOTICES. Ilratk Faarral Notice., Tarda ef Thanh aad Lodge Notices, T rrata evening 8 rrata a llaa far rark ad dltioaal rdltlon. Bandar, 10 rrata a llaa. No ad takea far Iraa tkaa 30 crata. BPECIAt. CLASSIFICATION If roar ad vrrtlarmrnt la Inarrtrd aadrr any oa of tha rlaaalflratloaa alven brlovr. It will ba charged at tka rol lunlaf ratrai Ona laarrtloa, 4 rrata prr liar i tkrrr to als ron.ecatlve ln arrtloaa, 8 rrata prr Una rark laarr tloa erven or more roaarratlra Iti-J rrtloaa, S rrata prr liar rark lion i BO rrata prr llnr prr month. n A RTRR AND EXCHANGE. lU'SINRSS C II ANTES. HKI.P WANTED rENALK. HELP WANTED MALE. I'.xrrpt A rn I a, flollrltora aad 9alr mm. OFFERED FOR SALE. I'owa, Blrda, Doc and Prta. Harare and Vrhlrlra. Poaltry aad Egae. Fnrnltarr. Planoa, Orcana and Maalcal laatra- manta. OFFERED FOR RENT I Faralakrd Room. I'afaralshrd Room. , llonarkrrplaa; Rooms. Roardlnc aad Room. WANTED TO BUT. WANTED TO RENT. SITUATIONS WANTED. Want Ada for The Bre mar he left at any of tke following? 4r atom oa la "yonr eornrr draa-a-lBt" tfcry arr all braark offlrra of Tka Bra and roar ad -rill be Inarrtrd Jat aa promptly and oa tke aam. ratr. a. at the mala ofllre la Tke Bre BaUdlng Seventeenth aad Farnam Strrrta. Albach, W. C. 40th and Farnam. Reranck. 8. A.. 1402 8. 10th ,8t. Recht Pharmacy. 720 8. 16th St. Ilmann Pharmacy. lienson. Nob. Bcmls Fark Pharmacy, S3d and Cuming. Blake'a Pharmacy, 2816 Sherman Ave. Caughlln. C. R., 6th and Pierce St. Clifton Hill Pharmacy, 2213 Military Ave, Conte, J. B., 3Ut Ave. and Farnam. Crlsaey Pharmacy, 24th and Lake. Cermak. Emll, 12M-6 8. 13th St. Eastman Pharmacy, 4048 Hamilton, hhler. F. 11.. 2ao2 I,eavenworth. Foster 4t Arnolill, 213 N. 26th St. Freytag. John J., 1914 N. 21th St. Florence Drue Co., Florence, Nob. Goldman Pharmacy. 20th and Lake. Green's Pharmacy, corner Park Ave. and Pacific. Ureenough, O. A., 1025 8. lHh Bt. Oreenough, O. A., 1624 8. 10th St. Ilayden, Win. C, 2920 Farnam St. Hanscom Park Phar., 1501 8. 29th Ave, Hoist. John, 624 N. 16th St. HulT, A. L.. 2924 Leavenworth St. King, H. 8., 22S8 Farnam St. Kountse Place Pharmacy, 3304 N. 24th. Patrick Drue Co., 1624 N. 24lh St. Lalhrop, Chas. E., 1324 N. 24th St. Peyton, L. E.. 14th and Leavenworth. Saratoga Drue Co.. 24th and Amea Ave. Schaefer'a Cut Price Drug Co., 16th and Chicago. Schaefer. August, 2631 N. 16th St. Schmidt. J. H., 24th and Cuming St. Storm Pharmacy. 16th And Martha Hta. Walnut Hill Pharmacy, 40th and Cumins. warwn rnarmacy, ann and urace Bt. Worth, O. II., 40th and Hamilton Sta. DEATHS AMD FUNERAL, NOTICES DICKSsajN Mary V.. at residence, 823 Bouin rwentirin street, Thursday even Ing. wife of C. E. Dickson. Funeral Sunday at 1:30 p. m. Interment Forest Lawn cemetery. All friend In- vueu. ( . x GRANT Mrs. Eltaabeth. August at 4 S0 p. m., aged M years p months 16 days mother of Mrs. J. B. Rahm and Mr. Wil liam Grant of Kansas City. Mn. Funeral services from the residence, 110S ouuwi i niriy-nrsi sireei, r rid ay evening, August Z3. 1S07, at S o'clock. Interment at n.anaa .ujr. neaae omit, nowera. HEISE Fred. Thursday. Aurust M in7 at hla residence, l mllea northwest of Florence, aged year. Funeral from residence Saturday at 1 p. in. in.rrmeni, r oren Lawn cemetery, Friends Invited. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Births Joseph Grunerdat, 1414 South Fif teenth, boy; W. H. Henney, 630 South Twen- iy-nnn avenue, gin; Kalph Davison, 2429 ouuwi rvnj'BRcuiia, otry ; lunocn A. Wlg Btone, 1417 North Fortieth, boy; Rudolph Corrall. 2720 Rugglea, boy; August Peter sen. SOU South Fifteenth, boy; Edwin R. Morgan. 1607 Plnkney. girl; Dean L Gregg. Jw Grace, boy. Deaths-Mrs. Mary W. Dickson, 823 South Twentieth, 63; Josephine Novak, 1469 South Fourteenth. M; Mollle Kelaer. Tenth and Center. years. MARRIAGE LICENSES. Walter" Lutman, South Omaha Gaynell Jacobaon, South Omaha .... ANNOUNCEMENTS McCartney institute ISC Farnam St. Fall term begins September t COMPLETE BUSINESS COURSE In Bhortrand. Typewriting, Bookk Commercial Law and Penmanah ping. Also COLLEGE PREPARATORY WORK SPECIAL TERMS to students registering on or be for Thura dsy. August 29. urs DHy and night sessions. Call on or telephone Doug. 1070. Miss E. F. McCartney, Secretary a)-STTlJ SIGN PAINTINQ-tV IL Cola. 1301 DouguT 1)AjI THE CITY OARRAGE CO., offlca 4th and Leavenworth Sta TsL Dougla lsV. . (1-301 AUTOMOBILES END for eur list of K-ond hand automa. b.lea. DER1QHT. UU FarnajL FOR SALE 13 horeepower, flva-naucnaee Bulck auto. 1 mod9 tou fun; moderate uae; good condition '" y 'or electric runabout or land lota. Addreaa D-M. Be. 2-l47 FOR SAIJi Cheap, two automobllea. In. V. rS,C- B-.Klml. Ogd.a Hotel. Coun cil Bluff. la. -M74 30 BARTER AND EXCHANGE (VtOtt stock of general merehanl In an Iwa Iowa of Will trad for alear ! ol,b La4 and Investment -. m rm - u-7 BARTER AND EXCHANGE (Continued.) FOR BALK OR EXCHANGE-Tn tret. to match any deal, for hotel or good real- aence, in) acre or milt and timber land In ripokan count r, Washington; mile imm city; acre in nne bearing or chard; nne spring water; t mile from railroad station; land la suhlrrlgste; no Incumbrance. Price, $100 per acre. Same ainn or land rew mile to city aella tor t"0 per acre. Ivn't write If you don't mean business. Give full par tlculars In first letter. Address P. O. Box 1M. Omaha, Neb. (3I-M379 17 EXCHANGER If you have city property eioca nt noons, farm land or property or any ainn to exensnae, write for our com plete list. W have properties and lands in an pans or tne country to eicnance. our list la free. Send for It t once. Olohe I,nd nd Inventmeat Co., UI2 Far nam St.. Omaha, Neb. (S) 38 NICE cheap lot for small home. Will pay cash difference. 2004 Wirt St. CD-SOO 24 BUSINESS CHANCES HOTEL MAN WANTED Pell Rapid, 8. D.; 1.500 population, located In best por tion of slate, Is building llo.OHO stone hotel; company ha favorable concession for five years; needs tenant for term of years to furnish building and take some stock; must be good hotel man of good financial landing and furnish good reference. E. J. Elliott, secretary, Dell Rapids, H. D. 14) M063 27x FOR SALE At a bargain, one of the best 40-rcom brick hotels In southern Minne sota, modern In every respect, large lot and pretty park with property. WUM make price right to anyone wishing to buy a good paying hotel. Can give best of reason for selling. A,ddreas y 174, care of Bee. t4 M696 28x BETWEEN forty and fifty thousand shares of the Arizona Gold Mine & Milling Co.' oca for sale at 25 cents per share: soi l by M. E. Lnngley and John J. Wyatt st '75 rents per shsre; any Information. Call or write N. F. Anderson, 511 Wa'ratu Ht ixis Angi'ies, cal. (4) M5S3 hzox GOLD MINE IN A GROCERY STORE. One of the oldest and best grocery stores In the city; high claas rhrat market in connection;, must ho sold today or to morrow at any reasonable price offered; get your order In at once. DouglRS '. t4) Mf.87 HOnSEPHOEINO, wagon and blacksmith shop for sale cheap: centrally located In Omaha; must be sold at once on account of owner's health. V L. U JOHNSON CO., 'Phone Red 1246. Room T03, Barker Rlock. (4) M426 24 INDUSTRIAL AND MINING STOCKS BOUGHT AND SOLD. ROBERT C. IlRI'SI"'" & CO., STOCK BROKERS. 809 New York Life Building, Omaha, Neb. (4)-Sl4 I HAVE a good legitimate money making proposition and want a partner to travel with tne through California and Oregon this winter. Experience not necessary. $3,000 to $5,000 required. For particular Investigate. Address A 87, care Dee. (4)-M671 25 FOR SALE A good paying hotel In Cen tral Iowa, town of 10 to 12 hundred, 2 railroads; am going Into other business. Will sell building and furniture or fur niture alone and rent building. Hotel H block from depot. If looking for a snap get busy. Addres Y 173. Bee. (4) M641 YOUR notes, account and mtgs. collected any place. Write me what you have and I will advise you what I can accom plish for you. Address O. B., 936 4th St., Des Moines, la. t4 M501 2ox FOR SALE The only cold storage meat market In the city; good trade and best locality, In the city, with small stock of fancy groceries; owner has other busi ness. Address Ideal Meat Market, Pa ducah, -Ky. (4) 237 23 x FOR SALE In Fullerton, Neb., blacksmith business, one set of tools, one 4 H. P. gasoline engine, new, a good openlnaj now; easy payment. Address C. R. Btenberg, Indian School, Genoa, Neb. (4)-M491 69x BEST laundry In the city of Longmont for sale cheap; low rent; fine trade; tl.EOO cash will handle It; owner sick and must change altitude. Call 'on the Long mont Realty Co., at Longmont, Colo. (4) M761 S0x SHOE repairing machinery and stock; best location In the city; amounts due on mortgage takes this snap. The Pond Realty and Loan Co., 15 N. Tejon St., Colorado Springs, Colo. (4) M468 24 x FOR SALE Or rent, good store building, 32x2; good opening for another store In thriving town. Call or address Helen Thurston, Dasey, Barnes county, N. D. v (4)-M624 28x FIRST CLASS, up-to-date Jewelry stock locmco. in oesi Dtisiness portion of busi ness district. The Pond Realty & Loan Co., Colorado Springs, Colo. (4) M758 30x FOR RENT Store. 22 ft. bv 1C0 ft.. In brick block, well located In one of tha uesi coumy seat towns in northern Iowa, Aaareas jonn ualDraltn, Algona, la. (4) Mii26 28x FOR SALE Two Jiydraullc chair barber snop wun Da tn tuo in connection. In country town or l.aoo. Frank Rost, Ran- uuipn, nen c eoar CO. (4) M640 3SX (OK BAL,l&-Flrst-clasa blacksmith mH wagon work business, with tools; $4 to $6 mnvta mr Biioeing ana s to s ror set ting iires. Aaaress x 129, Bee. (4) 313 run sale only meat market In good business town of 600; good trade and best location tn town. Address Fulton Meat marasi, larnam, neo. (4) M623 28 TWO new dining rooms, furnished: doing paying business; best location; cheap for wbbu una Apply 1V( BOUin littl Bt. (4)-M477 24x LIST your property with us; we have buy- 7r, pruperiy ior exenange also. Jacobson 4 Co., 935 N. Y. Life Bldg (4) M638 S 21 THH new town 01 itosslle needs a drug aim piiyaicittn, narness snop, rurnl ture and Jewelry stores; new brick store room for rent. Address F. L. Cook Rosalie. Neb. (4) M567 27 ' A BARGAIN Furnishing 20-room (onlv) hotel; full of $2.00 trade all the time; town 1.0UO; Junction point. Address Y 1. care (0-M361 86 FOR BALE Drug store. In Fort Collins. Colo., doing good business: no sgent Address P. O. Box 1179, Fort Coilm.' Colo. (4)-M644 Sax ALL KINDS of .mining and oil stocks nougni ana sola according to tbelr value Omaha Finance Co., 212 N. Y. Life Bldg' (4)-386 84 ' IF YOU want a well established, navlm hotel business In 7.C00 Nebraska town best resson for selling; communicate with Y 14. Bee. . (4)-M2S5 25 TO GET IN OR OUT OF BI"SINFSt CALL ON WILLIAMS. 411 MCAGLE BUILDING. 15TH AND DODGE 8TS (4)-3ie WISH to meet gentleman who can Interest lew pwpiv iu vftieiit 01 ao.UUU or $6 ChW You can make same or more at ho ex pense to yourself. Address L 82, Bee 4 M271 FOR SALE Stock of general merchandise; Via. 1 . , iu.w; town wi wwii rsiauiisnea iradu: owner lias otnrr Dtiainess; must sell Address Y. 197, care Bee. (4) at once. -M6T79 25 HOTEL, with furniture, saloon connection ana Darn: win sen or trade for a farm In southern Minnesota. Box 359 Hudson Wa. , . (4-M738 30x ' FOR SALE Pantorlum In' a good town doing a gooa business; no opposition Addreaa V 1 care The Bee. "",l,un- 4)-M6G8 29 GOOD paying bakery In a good slxe outside town; iur mim cur-ap; aei. Address V Kohlcnberger, Anaheim, Cal. (4) M442 24x A MAN with $600 to Invest and take charge n a ww Duainens in omana; muM be steady man If Interested. Address N 115, (4-72 25x F YOtr have $1,000 to Invest In a safe enterprise that will yield good returns, address 8 118, Be. (4) M733 2x DRUG stores for sal everywhere. F. V Kniest. rti N. y. Lire, Omaha. (4) 315 LJIIT yo'ir property with us. ta N. Y. Life. Berk A Co., (4J-516 I Thf REE i a s wa w m w a advertising than any other Western interested, it will pay you to rcixd BUSINESS CHANCES (Continued.) GROCERY and meat market for sale; will Invoice aad give good discount. tzSl W. Broadway, Co. Pluffa. M)-MS, 27x FINK two-story hotel In new Wyoming town, vz.srai; part cash; llox 67. Rlverton, Wyo. must be sold (4) M742 26 TO nCT, TRADE OR SELL see "lU'SI NP-.HS CIIANCK HLNNELL, S3 N. Y. 1,1 re. iei. uoug. mi. TO BUY or sell any business or renl e tate, call on or write E. U. Uangestad, u nee (4) aid I.I8T your property with us. Graham & wngm, n, l. u. lei. ited bhi. FOR 8AIE Drug store; good for doctor. Address llox u4, Ashley, Mo. (4)-M740 80x RENT Rltchle'B hall. South, Omaha; second u noor; no posts; 60xio; long lease. A. O. niiinic, tji d. join m., omana. (4) 666 LADY In rooming house business wishes partner with capital. Address M 114. Heo, (41-724 2!) ROOMING houses for sale, Uangestad, 4v3 Bee Bid fir. all sixes. (41310 QUICK transfers made In selling or buying property. 424 N. Y. U (4) MI9S 9 BUSINESS DIRECTORY Anctloners. SALE8 made on Mdse., Jewelry, household goods, live stock, farm Implements, etc. Roth & Tyrell, 1212 Douglas, Omuha. (5)-M581 Darbrra. EXPERT Bhavlng & halrcuttlng. 309 N. 16. (5) 895 Septl Bar Iron and Strrl. The Pennsylvania Iron and Steel Co., Omaha, Neb., Sells merchant bar Iron and steel In any quantity and size cheaper than any Job ber In the west. Write for prices. (6) Mb2 S23 Carpet Cleaning;. SANITARY Cleaning Co., 1919 Farnam. (5) 317 Chiropodist. DR. ROY, R. 2, 1609 Farnam St. Doug. 6497. (5) 318 Chop 8uey Parlor. FIRST-CLASS CHOP SUEY, 1306 DOUG LAS, UPSTAIRS. (6) MS94 Septl Contractor. AUGUST KROFFT. building contractor, WlW XV. 21st St., South Omaha. (5)-S19 Creameries. 1 DAVID COLE CREAMERY CO., auccessor 10 .tseamce creamery Co., Omaha. (6)-S21 Dentlata. BAILEY & MACH, 3d fir. Paxton. D. 1085. (6)-323 Dressmaking,. IN FAMILIES Miss Sturdy. Tel. Harney M'DOWELL Dressmaking School, 1623 Far nam oi. (5) M660 Hotels. THE SCHLITZ, European, 16th and Harney (5) 326 Florists. HESS k SWOBODA, 1416 Farnam. (5) 324 L. HENDERSON, 1619 Farnan Tel. D.1253. (5)-325 Jewelers and Watohmakers. N. P. STILLING Watch, clock. Jewelry repairing, 2-8 Paxton Blk. Tel. D. 4367. (5)-32J Insect Exterminator. KEEP your home sanitary with Insect germ exterminator. Room 11, Frenzer aiocK. (5) M710 23 Locksmith. KEY8, etc. Heflln, 1324 Farnam. Tel. D. 2974. . (5)-818 LAWRENCE. Harney 2406. 2708 Leavenworth St. Tel. (5) M597 810 Osteopathy. JOHNSON INS.. 418 N. Y. L. Tel. D. 1661. (6)-328 PbotoKrapher. C. B. TRUSSELL, 115 South 16th St. (6)-329 Pool and Billiard Tablra. POOL and billiard table for sale, five pool and two billiard tables; must be sold In fifteen days. 418 N. 24th St., South Omaha. (10)-iio4 27 Printing. BEFORE placing your 1908 calendar order don't fall to see our elegant imported line. Lyngstad & Jorve, printers, 16 & Cap. Ave (5) -330 HIGH-GRADE Imitation typewriter letters and Job printing; no Job too large or small. Anchor Publishing- Co., 1822 Far nam St. Tel. Doug. 6S62. (6) M532 819 Eleetrle Bin Printing-. NORTON-CARSON CO.. 620 Bee Bldg. Tel Red 3167. (5) Midi 819 ' Safe, Shatters, Etc. OMAHA Safe and Iron Works makes a specialty of fire escapes, shutters, doors and safes. G. Andreen, Prop., 102 S. 10th St C)-312 ' Shoe Repairing-. RAPID SHOE REPAIR CO. first clas work. liUf.4 Capitol Ave.' Phone Red 904. (5)-r$l ft or ace. STORAGE at 14CS Harney. d) ir HELP WANTED FEMALE Aa-eat and Balrsladlra. WANTED Makers and millinery sales ''J"!-? -h?-V'n-. .dPa"m!" -f.XDe.rl ' ence; rciirreiiwes. i n r erte, ii , tin- t perlor.St., Duluth, Minn. (- M737 ()r I WANTBD-At once, fifteen capable, intel.l- gent young women to act a sales ladles In dry goods sections. See Mr. Culver main floor. The Bennett company. (7)-M755 28 Clerical aad Olllce. BTENOGRAPHBR. Addres D 72. care (7J-M53I Be. Factory and Trade. 1 FIRST CLASS shirt finisher, $:4.00 per week. 1 tlr.t class atarrher. $12 f0 per week. 1 first class marker and sorter, lU.'O r BILLINGS LAUNDRY CO., Billings. Mont. (i) MaX) 28x WANTED Women for band Ironera snd macninea. iiuiiury, jtll jarKson St. (7)-M540 I WANTED - Experienced j 1018 Douglas. dressmaker at - ' t7)-M45 24x n.fM.Ri mnr Pt HELP WANTEDFEMALE rartory aad Trades Caatlanrd. WANTED Iidy to run shirt machine and tarch In small laundry; gool wages. Ad dress Holslngton Steam Laundry, Hnla- Ington, Kan. v7 M596 27x EXPERIENCED machtn girls wanted; snort noun; goou wages, (.ill any time. Omaha Tent as Awning Co., 11th and Har ney. (7) M0O Iloaeekreplna; aad Dwnaeetlo. WANTED Experienced girl general house work, small family, no washing, best wages, reference required. 2601 Dodga iriel. Telephone Hareny 733. 7-74 TWO girl; one to help cook, the other for dlnlntrroom. Hotel Howard, Edgerton, Minn. (7) MtiT9 2x GIRL for general housework. SJ28 Harney. (7)-Mfl72 25 WANTED Good girl for general house work. Mrs. W. D. Winiams, lix Georgia Ave. (7)-2 23 FAMILY cook and maid. $40 and A. Can adian Office, 10th and Dodge. t7 838 WANTED Girl for general housework: good wages; small family. 6o5 8. 2tli Ave. (7) 608 WANTED Girl for generat housework; small family. 2521 Bristol St. (7)-M4;i 24 GOOD Cook wanted. Apply 826! Farnam. (7-' NEAT GIRL for general housework; small ramiiy; good wages. Inquire 2517 Capitol Ave. 7)-4 24X GIRL for general housework. 3315 Burt St. (7J-721 29x SECOND cook wanted, at Walnut Lodgo larm, Uilmore, four miles south of South vmuna; good wages; Uerman preferred (71716 25 WANTED Finishers on coats and skirts, Apply at cloak department. Hayden Bros. (7) M ibl a AUscellaaeoa. Two youna- men for hotel clerks: must Do bright. Two young ladles for clerks and cashiers combined; these are fine positions; for the next rew days we will register stenograph ers free. Two A 1 city salesmen: fine positions. KEYSTONE SURETY & REE. AGT. (INC.) o uoo Building. Phone D. 83H7. (7)-M7 25 WANTED A ' rtarfy to sell stock In a The location of Neveda Gold Mining Co. the property cannot be surpassed. Both the prODertv an1 tt nmcara twill hear the closest investigation. Liberal commission. Aaaress " 6, Bee. (7) W7 B5. WANTED I-adv to n,,.i. fh. vr.. love Hair Grower; liberal alary to right Party. Dr. Minerva J a me. 2O04 Daven port. iei. uouoas C6S5. (7) 319 PARTIES can have shopping done at low est price, by experienced buyer. Write for particulars and reference. Addres M to. wee. (7) M166 S15x LADIES AND GIRLS, at home, day or evenings, to stamp transfers; easy ,ea.rned; 1S0 t0 2 down. Room 506 Pnxton "' ' (7) M506 26X FOR A BITSINESS education register Mo tartney Institute. 1802 Farnam St. Fall term begins September 8. (7) M413 GIRL to assist In housework. 8315 Burt St " . 7 (7)-722 2X HELP WANTED MALE A sent. Solicitor aad Saleamea. WANTED Man to represent a large cor poration In handling customers In local territory from, office In your city. A large Income assured. We will give full and complete Instructions relative to our successful method. Will require In tegrity, honesty and willingness to push a paying business. Send references. A. Alexander, 201 Metropolitan Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. (9) A1743 2bx WANTED A party to sell stock In a Nevada Gold Mining Co. The location of the property cannot be surpassed. Both the property and Its officers will bear the closest Investigation. Liberal Commission. Address J I. Bee. (9) 866 S3 WANTED Salesmen for high class stock proposition; must be. men of Integrity. R. B. Hughes, 320 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. , (9)-M616 24 WANTED A first class clothing salesman; good salary to right man. Palace Clothing Co.. 14th and Douglas. (9) M593 WANTED General furniture salesman. fine, steady position. Nebraska Furniture and Carpet Co.. 407-9-11 North 24th St., South Omaha. (9) M686 29 Clerical and Office. WANTED Clerks, both men and boys. In railroad olllce. Address F. B. Southard, A. P. A.. U. P. R. R., Omaha, Neb. (9) M683 29x Boys. WANTED Strong boy. good habits, care ful and industrious; must write plain hand; position permanent. Inquire Mr. McArdle, mall room, Bee, 17th and Far nam. (9) M731x WANTED Good s'rong- boys for nailing machine, umana aox Co., t;ust omana. (9) MHO fieptlt BOYS at once for factory work: good chance. Bemls Omaha Bag Co. (9)-45 22 WANTED Young man about 16 to run motor cycle. Iti22 Capitol Ave. (9) 652 24 WANTED Experienced office boy; perma nent position. Apply loth and Farnam. Bcebe & Runyon Furniture Co. (9)-647 24 Factory aaa Trade. POSITIONS for drug men everywhere F V. Kniest. 707 N. x. Lilt, Omaha. CD-841 WANTED Steam fitter and plumber; $6.00 per aay; union snop; steady worn. Blillub'S Hardware Company. Blltln. Mont. (9) M90C 2Sx GOOD cornice man and tinners, at once. Lincoln Cornice and Metal Works, Lin coln. Neb. (9) M770 WANTED First-class cabinet makers for bank fixture work. Steady work and good wages for the right kind of men. Ad dress the American Sash Ac Door Co., St. Joseph. Mo. (!i)-M645 23 ONE good ttnner wanted; pay $2.60 per day; steady work. E. Garnich & Son.i, Aslilana. wis. () M447 81 wTvTF - n A union claar maker . 11 . : 7 . , V 7" ' - . street, vuuih-.i uiuii, uw. KvjuilViax w .SLOES' wTn. 54 machine and do all kind of Job work; good wages in an eight-hour shop. Ad dress, with references, Y 168. Bee. (9)-M467 :8x DRUG CLERK with a couple years' experi ence ; also young man for soda fountain. W. A. I'ltl. 18ih and Farnam. . (3)-M542 2Cx DRUGGIST wanted In good business town. Addres Lock Box 62, Dunning, Neb. 191-617 82x WANTED Good cabinet man and finisher, tine, steady position. Nebraska Furniture ind Carpet Co., 407-9-11 North 24th St, v South Omaha, (9) iliM 29 WANTED Good all around blacksmith. Writ James Click. Wagner. S. D. (9I-M678 2x WANTED Immediately, union machinist linotype oparator; speedy, sober'; $21. eight Lours; evening paper. Tribune. Cheyenne. (9)-Ml 86 Hna MJ PM..fl... U1IU A t J paper. If you are them. HELP WANTED MALE Faetorlrs aad Trades Contlaard TAIIX1R Pants and vest maker: married man preferred; steady work year around: $2.26 up, Parker, tli Tailor. Oelwein la (9) MM i'x WANTED-A cahlnct maker and finisher i or ouisiae wor. inquire llartman Fur niture o., iiio uougias si. (9i-714 28 WANTED-SIx first class. . experienced fiMx-iHHie dippers; iitgncat wagt-s, steady employment. The Balduft Pure Candy () M736 30 WANTED A young man to learn the piano business; reterencea reaulred ai. i Hospe Co., piano department 1613 Douglas! () MfiSO 28 WTElr,',nor' I",rn"r (union) night shift; good wages to good own C. II. Palmer. Hastings. Nob. 1 (9)-MS9 27x butcher A 1 man, one speaking Qer- waKes expected. Jackson and Kettlehe'ry York, Neb. (9-M575 27 ....... , - n'uin r a ! r .. - W ,ANTED-Flrst-class coat maker; can have steady work year around. Write J a n..,,h Atlantic i. a. "' ; M60 27x A A .UL S'u . .i nn to enxage In a good busl- ..o ii Miirin,iw. Aaaress O US. Bee (9J-777 2Sx WANTED Cl-a I makers Martin Peterson, 415 Broadway. Council Bluffs. (9) M4 A (KK)D draughtsman. H.n --. M taenia Dfe?rFv,;.PER an1 CRSh,er- "mn' Pre- Bookkeeper and stenographer, $50. 1 WO retail Clerks rrnp..U. fj, l,n Two retail clerks, dry goods', $J. Shoe clerk, $65. Assistant bookkeeper, $60. Extension clerk, $W. ",IU many oilier Ilrst-class positions. If j.i nlr m neca or a position or want to better your position you should see us at o can piace you on snort notice. WESTERN REF. AND BOND ASS'N, Inc.. - iii-j in, x. iue uidg. . Ol-MTM 24 BOUND young men. uges 18 to 35, for fire men ana DraKemen during rush season on leading railroads here, In the west and on new tines being completed. Experience unnecessary, f iremen $10 monthly, be come engineers. $200: brakemen. fsO. b. come conductors, $150. Many position now open, call or write at once for panic- 'iuni nauway J raining as n., ron umana, uto. (9) C8 S8 WANTED Good, all around conk, lartv or gentleman, must be sober: will pay $75 or more for rl ..IL . ...... . K work first of September at Smead Hotel Lead, S. D. Come or write W Bartlett Manager. Lead; 8 D. f9)-M7W I fflx . GOOD, stout husky men wanted to wort in a grain terminal elevator' mn.t h soner and industrious. Steady employ , ' . , ..w ment to right parties. Apply Transmls sissippl Grain Co.'a Elevator. Council Bl una. (9) M699 GOOD PAY Men wanted everywhere to m", uiHtrioiiio circulars, sam ples, etc. No canvassing. National Dist. .uurcau, umcago, ill. () MtxlO 2Sx LABORERS for handling freight at Union Pacific, Council Bluffs transfer; wages 17V4 cents per hour. Board arranged If necessary. Apply Thoa. Scanlan, fore man. . , , (9) J0J FOUR traveling men; high commission; ex- wiu.ive territory! -oonn and reference; stamp for reply. Address A-77C, care B.e. l M70S uuuu PA Y Men wanted everywhere to lac signs, distribute circulars, samples. etc. No canvassing. National Dist. Bur eau, unicago. 111. (9) M396 S4x FREE employment bureau of Business Men association, 842 N. Y. Life, assists wnnoui cnargo workmen to obtain posi tion. (D-M450 A24 PHYSICIAN WANTED-Reglstered. Ne- DrasKa, good appearance and case taker; uveruBins omce experience not neces sary. Address G 76, care Bee. (& 600 23x WANTED Tile ditcher to wera by rod; .ov ia to.ou a aay. Apply J. w. Duna. oicKerson, xxeo. ( 4o FOR A BUSINESS education register Me- yanney institute, 180. farnam. Fall term begins September 2. (9) M411 WANTED-Masseur or rubber for medical Dueines. Address li 70, care Bee. (9)-601 23x wAit aim wire, cook ana coaenman, on mrin. a. nospe, uia Douglas Bt. (91-708 25 YOUNG man for shipping department. Ne- urasHa -ioining uo, (9) 716 LIVE STOCK FOR SALE xlorses aad Vehicle. RUBBER-TIRED road wagon. W. A Stone, 303 Lincoln Ave., Council Bluffs. (11)-M10$ GOOD rubber-tired surrey for $50; cash or payments, near ui xm. win Dt, CD M653 FOR pony buggies, runabouts, wagons. traps, cart and harness, see Johnson Danforth Co.. 8. W. Cur. 10th and Jones St. U-143 FOR BALE Three runabouts, rubber tires: win sell worth the money. Harney St. Blame. (LU M FOR SALE Large, stylish combination horse; brass harness. Stanhope, surrey and cutter, in good condition. Would trade for vacant lots or surburban acre age. Address E 39, Bee. (ID 148 THE late Henry Homan's livery stock. In cluding 8 general purpose horses, ready for live, la (or sale at Myers' stables, 1114 Douglas St. (ll)-Mi8 29x FOR SALE Shetland . pony and rls com plete. J. H. Klntx, 715 So. Eighth street. Council Bluffs, la. (1D-M103 8 4x WE ar selling delivery wagons, teaming gears, buggies, carriages and harness cheaper than any other firm in Omaha. John.on-Danforth Co., S. W. Cor. 10th and Jones Sta (11) 849 DR. COFFMAN offers for sale his horses and carriages and two buggies. Inquire 024 Dougla BL (U)-817 All ONE S-pring wagon, new, and one deliv ery busgy, rubber tlrod. Oscar Harto, 29th and Farnam Sts. (ID 718 HARNESS, Saddles. Trunk. Traveling Bags, some good bargains. Alfred Cor nish A Co., 1210 Farnam St. (ID 847 WORK horses, light wagon horses and drivers. Omaha Horse and Supply Co . rear 414 No. 16th St. (11) M671 8AIX)ONS 81x barrels Pepper whisky In bond for sale or trade for standard bred colt. 626 8. liKh St. (11) M763 80x Poultry aad Batata. GOVERNMENT book Co., Omaha. free. Model ftnuab (11) M386 Sepl Corrs, Blrda, Dos aad Pet. NEVER die. mule-footed gilts, weighing 1 pound, for-$16 ? Scotch eollle dog. W. H.. Knowle. James, la. (11) M677 29x GOOD young cow for sale, worth. 3901 leaven- (1D-M701 26 FOR SALE Female Scotch Collie puppies. 88. E. B. Cook, south Country Club grounds. (ID M423 24x FOR SALE Young Here, bu milch cow. 1806 (11) MT4I 2( LOST AND FOUND LOST Sunday evening, between d and Farnam ana wnn ami inni, a gold and lear fraternity bailge. Finder will re ceive reward by bringing same to 12:1 Dodge street or 41 N. Y. Life Hldg. tl3)-i0 24 18T Teleacope ault cane containing lady wardrobe, between Hurllngton depot and town. Reward for return. S12 Cae St. 0?h-M61S 24 LOST Price and order books, with rub ber band around. Initial of R. Heller A Co. on face. Reward for return to l.ii S. 25th St. (12) Mfl9 8TRAYF1 Two red and white spotted cows. Reward. A. P. Grobeek, 1708 Van Camp Ave. Tel. Douglas S2H5, (12)-713 r . ' 1 . 1 ' r trmsu green nag containing iin In paper money, $4 50 In silver and paper of value to owner. F'lnder return to John V. Fyfe, Shoe lept., Hayden Bros. (12)-M752 26 LOST Black handbag at R. a M. station i'lease senrt r.astern Btar pin. ss It wa mother's, to Mrs. Amy Stroud, JQ3 Har ney Bt. Reward. (12) 711 26 MEDICAL BEST nerve bracer for mnn, "Gray's Nerve Fooa Fllia, It a dox, postpaid. Bhernian & Mcconneu Drug -o., umana. 1X 361 ANY poor girl In need of a friend call or write 14 tne matron or tne salvation Army Home for Women at $R24 N. 24th St.. Omaha. 1SD. (12) M106 DR. PRIES, specialist, diseases of woman 80 years practice in eonnnements. OfTlcs, 614 N. 16th; residence, 2421 Charles, Omaha, OS) 333 FREE medical and surgical treatment at Crelghton Medical college, 14th and Dav enport Bts. ; special attention paid to eon, flnement cases: all treatment supervised by college professors. 'Phone Douglas iitii. t-aus answerea aay or nignt. G3)-129 RUPTURE CimED No knife, no reten. tlon from business. QUICK CURE RUP TURE CO.. over S. W. Cor. 14th and Douglas, Omaha. (13) M13 MONEY TO LOAN SAI.AHV AND CHATTELS. Rowen, 703 N. Y. Life Bldg., advances private money on chattel or sal ary; easy to get; no red tape. 1 ou get money same day asked for at small cost. Open evenings till 7. (14) 356 FOR A SQUARE DEAL GO TO THE PHOENIX CREDIT CO. for chattel or salary loana. 623 Paxton Block. 'Prion. Dougla 745. t14 361 Loan. Loans. Banker to Salaried Men. Loans, Do not be without money when we lend you without security. 111 See us for loan on Salary, Furniture, Ware house Receipt and Personal Property. Reliable, quick to act and confidential Cheapest rates In the olty. Make terms tn suit wnurself. Your employer, family or friends know notning about it. RELIABLE CREDIT CO.. 807-308 Paxton Blk., 8d Floor. 'Phone D. 141L (14)-fc43 OUR BUSINESS IS TO LOAN MONEY on furniture, pianos and all aorta of per sonnl property. WE ARE NOT a finance company, or a brokerage company, and do not have to de- nd on the Payment of one person to get tne money to loan to another. WE HAVE BEEN engaged In this busl- news in Omaha for FIFTEEN YEAKS. LPA'R POLICY has been to deal FAIR end BVA ARE with every ona. , .1' 71 T I a trc, - .1 WE HAVE a thorough understanding with the borrower as to payments, rebates, cost and requirements. COME IN AND SEE US. OMAIIA MORTGAGE LOAN COMPANY 119 Board of Trade Bldg. (141217 MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE and others, without security; easy pay ments. Office In 63 principal cities. Tol man, room 714 New York Life Bldg. fl4)-6T EAGLE LOAN OFFICE Reliable, aoconv moa.timrr all business confidential. 1301 Dougla. (14) 869 CHATTEL, salary and storage receipt loan. Foley Loan Co.. 1604 Farnam St. - (14)-S5S FURNITURE, live tock. salary loan Duff ureen ijoma co., room a. Barker biock. at) 360 GIVE u a trial with your next loan. We are equipped to give beet sen-Ice, best term, and loan at as low a rate as money has ever been loaned In Omaha Nebraska Credit Co., 211 Board of Trade, Farnam entrance, x (14) 710 31 OFFERED FOR RENT Apartment aad Flat. 8IX-ROOM modem new flat, oak and ma ple finish, newly decorated, 2913 Harney, no. leiepnone Maple 14S. uti .is FOR RENT 4 rooms, city water. 1519 N 18th Bt. Q. M. Bachmann, 436 Paxton Blk, 06)-M7 Boardlas and Rooaaa. DEWEY European Hotel. 13th and' Farnam. (15)-868 NICE south room, outside entrance, modern ana private; choice location; large, beau tiful lawn. 627 Park Ave. (16) M234 I vtenna hotel; private dining room; cafe. '(15) 364 2421 Dodg-s. Room with GOOD board. (16)-412 Sllx NICE front room, with all modern con veniences, uouglas 8837. 217 S. 25th St. (16)-61I DESIRABLE room, flrat-clas board; fine location; walking distance. 218 8. 25th St. (16)-M673 17x FURNISHED rooms, with good board. In noaern, detached house. 1818 Capitol Ave. 116) M617 28 THE PLEASANTON 2S24 Harney St. An laeai noma ior people desiring rooms and board. Everything modern and good home t.uie. uooa location, can early. (15) 648 tlx fnralshed Itoonaa. 818 8. 26th, front rooms, all modern; steam neat; furnished or unfurnished. (15) 709 29x ROOMS, $2 per week; cool dining room. ugaen notei, t ouncii uiuns. la. (16)-M696 822x NICELY furnished single room; modern. 646 B. 24th Ave. (16) 246 S16 NEWLY furnished rooms: fine location- weiauiB uiiian-o, o. &iwi DC. (16)-2D8 27x 2039 HARNEY, furnished room. (16)-M674 822x 2 LARGE FRONT ROOMS, nicely fur nished and In fine locality. No transients desired. 413 N. 22d BL (15) 267 LARGE, elegant front room, private fam ily; modern conveniences; It will pay you to call red 7090. 2006 Dewey avenue. (16 M479 24x FURNISHED rooms for two gentlemen. 2116 Pierce. Tel. Doug. 4471. O6)-M470 29 THREE furnished rooms for light house keeping. 3119 California. Tel. Harney 304L (161-717 405 BO. 24TH AVE., new furnished rooms, $10 month, up; plenty hot water, bath and stationary washstanda; 'phone elee trle light. Bachelors' Quarters. (15)-M526 BVjx COOL south front room, modern, well fur nished, private family, close In, reason able. 'Phone Red 67. (15)-M521 26x BEAUTIFUL front room, five windows, modern; also other roams. 614 No. 23d. (15)-M537 :&x FOR RENT DE8IR ABLE ROOMS IN ALL PARTS OF 'I HE CITY OMAHA RENTAL CO, 808 N. Y. LIFE B1LO. TEL DOUG. 38S1. (15)-M5w9 8 20 FURNISHED ROOMS Excellent front parlor, modern, light housekeeping per mitted. 1920 Capitol Ave. (li; MikM 1U OFFERED FOR RENT . Famished Hoatasa C BEAtTIFt'L furnished rooms; nuwleral reasonable, a N. 2Jd St. 16-M4Ma 2118 DOUGLAS; desirable rooms. (U)-Mir HeneeaeeataaT liaaass LAROR front rooms with or whonl housekeeping privileges; reasonable. 1X10 St. Mary a ave. (11KJ06 GET your rent free by Investing $58n. Furniture of 19 room Cor sale. Mulern house; close In Address Y 1M, Be (15j-M4.Hx I SUITE, newly furnished double rwims. with gas stoves for light housek'plng; also single rooms. 607 80. 13th St.. near Howard St. (16) 87 25 THREE modern room complete for iouae- keeping lo young couple without chll- K dren; walking distance, M5 Sout, 84th Ave. 'Phone Red 64. (15) MJ Xx NICELY furnished front room fOi light housekeeping. Also nicely fnnlshed front parlor, modern house. 231Moiig- (15) M74.20X Y HOUSEKEEPING, 1712 Jackson, first or seconr floor. (li)-M 141 FOl'R furnished rooms for light house keeping. 29) Farnam St. (15)-m a Vararatahrd tiaonsa. FOR RENT 8 furnished or unfunlshed rooms; modern. 9679 Farnam St. (16)-a 8Ax FaraUhed Roaaea. MODERN HOUSE FURNISHED 1 .-. change for board and room for .f and wife. Good neighborhood, near cc line Further particular address W 6.Ree ' . 16-M Xx lloaara aad Cottacra. $40-lSH N. 24TH ST., South Omab-SIx-room apartment In new "Scargo'bulld lng; all modern convenience, InudlnaT hot water In kitchen and bath. . $302517 N. 18th Bt. Nine-room ndern house, with attic and barn. $451807-9 Farnam St. Six-room tpart ment In "Qulvet" building; rJJ Cilorn convenience, Including ln't irair in kitchen and bath. Hall Distributer Co.. 817 First Kttonal Bank Bldg. 'Phone Rod 7406. (11-774 FOR RENT. 417 N. 18th, new brick flat, modern, S7 59. 823 S. 25th Ave., 7-r. house, moder. $35. 8620 Dodge. 7-r. house, bath. 118. 607 S. 84th, 6 -room cottage, $15. 8323 Dewey Ave., 6-room cottage, $;. D2i h. zmn, 4-room jiat, bath, $15. 2319 S. 16th. 6-room flat, $16. UAKVIN UHUM., 1604 Farnam I j (16) M 7) 25 VACANT September 1. - 720 N. 23d, 9-room, all modern, largeiouaa and corner lot, $40. 2728 8. 9th, new 7-room all modern ctaga. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CC 1001 N. Y. Life. 'Phone Dougla 2162. (16)-M4 24 FOR RENT 8-Rootn dwelling, 1524 North 2flth E, $25 I" r monm; gooa repair; good lottlon. Enquire of Henry Brown, 14?4 Nort 26th St. (15) M',26x WE MOVE PIANOS-Mareard Va and Storage Co. Tel. Doug. 14D6. Offlc 1718 Webster St. (16476 123 N. 87th St., six rooms, Just moi st, five rooms, Jut mod- eled. $20. 127 N. 37th eled. $20. HASTINGS A HEYDEN, 1704 Fanm, (16) M7i25x 8208 No. 21th, 6 room, partly mod $18. 4174 Cass K h a rn,m, mnan. . a . heat. $26. ' 4408 Leavenworth St., 6 room, $14. Phone Doug. 686. PaxtoiBlk. - tu)-(470 IF YOU are thinking of building will py you 10 see me western Mom ulld- ers, rooms 21-86 U. 8. Nat'l ll-.nk lldg., v. ior prices una terms. (15-210 HOUSEHOLD goods packed, forwded: i iienp ircigin rates. Moving ana srage Expresamen'a Delivery Co. Tel. IHglaa (18-870 WE DO expert piano moving at . west prices. Tel. Douglas 1625. Schmosr 4k Mueller Piano Co., 1311-1313 Faman oa-sn 1224 8. 27TH ST. 6 room, gas, we and cistern, corner lot, shade trees, 1,500. O'Keefe Real Estate Co., 1001 N. YLlfe, (16) I 26 211 S. 28TH AVE. 8 room, bath an.gas; choice $17 and water. Ready Sept. Ad dress 2823 Parker St. (16)-41 HOUSES J? prt of the "it'-RT AJ.7 U kJ-t-oJ C. Peter & Co., Beelldg. . (16.878 OMAHA Van A Storage Co. pack, iov. store H. H. goods; storehouse 11201 N. 19th. Office 1609 Farnam. Tel. Dounl569. (1&666 I I M 667 So. 28th St.. 1st floor, 4 rooma, $28. 8809 No. 18th St., 6 rooms; all modemiS. BEMIS, Paxton Blk., 'Phone DougAI. (16)-681 FOR RENT By owner, 3831 No. 22d. iw 9 room modern cottage. Tel. WebatrlftSO. (15JT26 HOUSES ,n U Part" ot th CltjTha (U1874 FOR RENT Large store room, letland Vinton Bts. C. M. Bachmann. 437 Rtoa block. (16)860 ALL MODERN house. 971 No. 28t St., six rooms; barn. Putnam Co., 604 , Y. Life Bldg. (15)-M7 26 HOUSES. Insurance. Rlngwalt, BarkeBlk. OJ4o$ BY THE OWNER, at 90S 8. 38th ve., strictly modern 6-room; hot waterieat. (15)-d6x SIX-ROOM cottage, 8115 Burt St. (16) M7- 2S Ualldlaca. THE entire building formerly oecupB by IK. nil if T m , J I M . l a 1 ...w ..,1 ieei 1 atone and basement. McCaguo Investment Co 1608 Dodge St. 06,77 ?lARNT ST, floor" n-bent. -u-.-v . -uuaui tor wnoieaaie. Mo Cague Investment Co., 1608 Dodge 84 (1678 Offices. . 1 FOR RENT Desk room In Bee offfcmltr j,-... uuiiuius, mn n. win Bt., tut ft Omaha. Apply to manager. (16X34 DESK room for rent In stenographer of -w iiwiiw vuui, inng. tu-KQ Store. STOREROOM, fi21 8. !6th St. Clarke JvelL . mm pl. 416176 "LHES '7?V wrlt ,0 Jvertlser resrn. i -w' out an extra strok otwo of the pen to mention th fact (bayou sw the ad In The Hm. OFFERED FOR SALE Fencing. ANCHOR and Iron fencing; wlra felna do per root, suo n. 17th Bt. Tel. R14. (18848 Faraltaro. 2D HAND furniture bought and sold Hurl. ness on tne square. Rosenberg, fowrly with Chicago Furniture Co., 108 B14th St. Tel. Douglas 6--5. (16) 72S2 FOR SALE Solid oak roller-top ofrlceesk. vnair iiu vjrp.wrnvr. Aiwnwi n futfee. . (16)-I24 FOR SALE Elegant furniture and avea. riurovx wiw 00. Willi Bl. tioi aiax Plaaoa, Orgssi, At astral laatr t. FOR BALE Fine upright piano foaaU 1 ma vie to. llluVJU FOR SALE Fin upright. nearly new pieno. chean. Call Tuesday. m.. 1536 8. 27th St. (16)-72x DEAGAN'8 moremaphon. In fine tins mad for It; bargtlu. M N. 16th. 0J-718a 1'