Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 24, 1907, Image 1
The Omaha Daily Bee VOL. XXXVII NO. 53. OMAHA, SATURDAY MORNING, AUGUST 24, 1907 TWELVE FAGES. SINGLE COFY TWO CENTS. 1 OBJECTION TO COURT Projection for JTw Arbitration Tri bunal Hot Satisfactory to Brazil SATS STEP 13 USELES3 Court Created by Conrention of 1899 Corert Ground. BISLXXXS TO BE KKOR POWEE Claiiiication of Vatiom Ihitaitefal to South American Republic ' SOVEREIGN STATES AEE EQUAL Strnngr rrttMt Against rmiufal Jadaree far Larger Nations ul Tenas-ermry Owes far tke latUn. RIO JANEIRO. lu(. U. -An official re celtal of the position of Brasll In tha jnat ter of the organisation of a permanent court at arbitration at Tha Hague haa barn made public It esy that Braxll does net Insist upon superior position In tha A Olio German-American project fot tbe organisation of a new permanent court of arbitration. It pronounced Itaelf aa against the creation of men a court aa an utterly useless step, lnsamuch ene there exists at Tha Hague a permanent court of arbitration created by the conrention of IBM. Ureal! eleoputs Itaelf on record aa against the classification of the sovereign atatea represented In the conference Into atatea of Drat, second, third, fourth and fifth rlssa. Independent and civilised na tion It ia declared should not be tnrlted to a conference la order that they may sign conventions tn which they are claaaed and claaatfy '? themselves aa powers of fie third and even of the fifth order. Tha demand miilt by tha Brazilian dele gation te tha conference la that tha prin ciple of the equality of sovereign stste m their- International relatione, accepted by the convention of 18. continue to be recognised. Braall Insists that tha Ir-.ter-eata of peace win not be eenred by the creation between the varloua atatea. by means of eantrertual stipulations, of dif ferent degree of sovereignty which hu miliate aotne at tha profit of others, and which undermine tha fundamental Inst it u tlona of an, and by proclaiming, by a atrlktng analogy, the Judicial predominance of might, orer right. Better Net Create Haw Cowrt. It hoi da that If tba establishment of a new court oa each foundation la Inateted - upon tt will be better not to create it at an. Coneeo.uer.Uy tha BraiilUa delegation ta The Hague, acting tn accordance with the Instructions received from lta go ern- Dent, proposes a reform of tha preaeot permanent court of arbitration. Each at ate filling a ad able to pay tha cmolumcnta es- tsbtlahed by tha conference would haea an arbiter parmancntly at Tha Barva. Par ties ta litigation wouid have tba privilege of submitting their differ epota either ta tha plenary sWatt-ar f tlWtr selected among thaaa attached t tha court. If tha other project. establishing permanent Judges only for the six great military powers of Eu rope, tha United States and Japan and temporary Judges for tha other countries. classified on a seals of lmportanos abso lutely arbitrary and unjust, is adopted. Braall wtU not sign ths convention. Braxll will content Itself with tha court of ar bitration already la existence and It will not figure la an International act as power of tha third class. ixsTarcnoxs citki bt root Geaeral Herae Parte Make Tkena Pwblle at The Haawe. THE HAOt'E. Aug. tt Oaneral Horace Porter at today's session of the committee charged with tha examination of tha ob ligatory arbitration proposals announced that Secretary Root had Instructed the American, delegation aot te rota on any of the lists presented by Yartoua powers, gre Ing the v subjects they would agree In variably 'to submit to arbitration, but to lnslat oa tha American proposition, regard- lng general arbitration aa being more likely to be accepted, and also to keep tha prop osition regarding contractual debts separ ata from obligatory arbitration. INTERBOROUGH RESISTS ACT 5tw Task Casspaar Befasea Its Beaka ta Experts af aerrfea Caaa saaaalaa. NEW TORK. Aug. XX Announcement waa mad today that the beads of the In terborough MetropoHtaa company, the trac tion combination here, bare refused to open their books to the public eerrtee com missi oa. The eoBunlsstoa has been noti fied that because tha company la not railroad corpora tto a, but merely a balding concern, ia tha belief of the offiosra of the Xatarboreugk Metropolitan, tt is aot within the Jurisdiction at tha commission Ths expert accounts ta employed by William M- Ivlna, special counsel te ths commis sion, to go through tha books of tha com panics aew comprised ta the Interborough sought ta get access to tha books of tha Inter bo rough Metropolitan for the purpose of ascertaining the details of the merger aarraeme&L These book were cloaad to the representatives of the corn mission. If the attitude of the railroad officials is persisted la It la certain the matter will go Into the courts. Tha practical effect of this develop ment aney be te bring up the quest ion of the constitutionality of the act which Brought the public aervlce commission late telng. EIGHT THOUSAND ARE FREED! Klnc Ckarlea af Boasaaala Crania Asaaeety la Tkeaw Wka Wera BCCHAREST. R Rumania. Aug. tl. King Ckarlea today granted amnesty to all those who wre Implicated ta tbe re cent agrarian revolt, with th exception of about tot militant prleeta and those already seatenced for murders committed during the uprising, t The prisoners, who total about Ms, will be released forth a 1th. MONEY TO MOVE THE CROPS' 1 Vtrst CaauUderaAlo Trauaafer af reaer Weal fee Tkta Fw Taken Flae. NEW TORK. Asg. tt. Tbe firvt alderabla traKafsr ef cwrreacy to tb w est for tk movement of crop acd other lum wul Interior aaeds of the country waa man saad a dally and Burton will take edl by the (tbtreasury today. Five huadred tortal charge. Mr. Burton win continue to thousand dollar was transferaed te Chi- re Id In Abilene and conduct the home cago aaA aaathet till.ttS ta ban Fran- rule paper here that be established after ciaoa, hi release freaa Jail at Iron ton. V.a. SUJ-V v OF TUE BEE Sata 1007 1ST ran 190? rai gat 2 3 0 10 16 17 23 24 30 31 Ma n y:r 3 4 II 18 I S 5 12 10 6 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 rax wiATira. FORECAST FOR NEBRASKA Fair Sat urday. 1 nnperature at Omaha yesterday Hoar. nour. Dec. ' 74 ; f a. m.. C a. m.. ... 4 ... 4 ... ... 7 .... m ... w 70 ... 'tl 1 p. m I p. m i n . g i 7 a. m.. 1 p. m. 4 p. m. t p. m. p. m. t p. m. 0 p. m. t a. m. t a. m.. t a. m.. 1 a. m.. 11 a. m.. U m Boiamc. The Interborough Metropolitan rallmaj Of New York City refuses to permit a public inspection of its books under the new public service commission law. Para 1 President Roosevelt calls the high offi cers of the navy to Oyster Bay for a consideration of the problems attending the Pacific trip of the Atlantic squadron. Pace 1 Western legitimate theaters determine to preeent vaudeville three nights each week. Page 1 Seven persons were killed In an ex plosion of a small boiler In a barge near New Tork. Pag X Four miners entombed near Wllkesbarre are believed to be dead. Page 1 Control of the Chicago A Alton roil passes to the Toledo, 5t Louts & Western road. Page 1 Chicago's chief of police announces that an effort will be made to clean the city of criminals. One footpad waa killed by a policeman. Pacs X Braall dislikes the terms of tha inter national court of Justice agreed to at The Hague because It attempts to classify the powers. Pag X Fire loss aggregating 1710.000 Is suf fered by business men of Cincinnati. Pare X Meat drlTers of New Tork City go on a strike without warning and meat famine la threatened. Page X Texas haa filed suit agalnat the Har vester trust, claiming penaltiea aggregat ing tl. 100,090. Page X Two Austrian laborers were killed af Wlnfleld. Wto- In a riot by sheriffs offl- Page X Oreat Northern railroad shown to bare refused cars to shippers In northeast Ne braska for routing to Omaha In bearing before Railway commission at Lincoln. Pace 1 Judges Sedgwick and Reese make state ments regarding uae of railroad passes. Both deny using them sine 10S. PagS S V POBXXSB. Eight thousand prisoner were released by King Charles of Ron mania. . Pag X State depart meat at Waahtngtoa recog nises ths provisional government of Hon duras and lays the' foundation for peace la Central America. Pace X BOILER ON BARGE EXPLODES eve a Men Killed Dsrlag Teat Made Will Overkaallaa- the Mackiaerr. NEW TORK. Aug. XL Six men. who are testing a boiler of a donkey engine In the bold ef ths coal barge Peterson, were instantly killed today by the explo sion of the boiler. A seventh man was seriously Injured. The dead are: M. M. HOPKINS. East Boston. Mass., the captain of the barge. C. A. GIBBONS. Wlnthrop. Mass.. en gineer of ths barge. CLAUDE NEIFF, Hoboken, aged 2. a student In ths Stevens institute at Ho boken. employed as machinist helper. EDWARD HERESET. Jersey City, ma ChUtsC LORENZO FITZSIMMONS. Hoboken. machinist. JOHN DTER. machinist. Ollvsr Bright man of Wlnthrop. Mass.. a deck hand, was seriously injured. Th barge, which belongs to the Erie Railroad company, waa hauled out on a railway at Teltjeo A Lang's docks In Ho boken to be repaired, after having been Id service between Boston and New Tork. A general overhauling was under way, when Captain Hopklna, his engineer and deckhand and the- four machinist em ployed by Teltjeo A Lang went Into the engine room to test the boiler. This room waa only twelve feet ecuare. Engineer Olbbona started a Are la the boiler, and It bad been burning only a abort time whan tha boiler exploded. It la supposed that the water ta the boiler waa low. The bodies of the men. who were crowded into the lutle engine room without a pos sibility of escape, were terribly torn and one mas s head was blown off. Tha decks of ths barge were blown up aad th vessel waa otherwise damaged. Mrs. Hopklna. the captain's wife, was at the forward end of the barge aad escaped injury. Her 14-year-ald-soa was nearly blown overboard, but escaped with severe bruises. VAUDEVILLE T0HAVE BOARDS Jw Order ky Wkleh Lesrttlsaate Tk eat era Will Faratak Tkle Eatertalnaaent. CHICAGO, Aug. a -AH legitimate the aters controlled and operated tn the smaller ; dties by th Middle West Manas era' as- , eoclatlon will, after September 1. devote I three evenings of each week to high class i vaudeville. This action was determined at a meeting here yeaterday of the officers : and board of directors of rne association. K ta Mwi to be the result of th rapid encroachment of the- I and M cent the- j sters la the cftie occupied by th assorts- . , 1 v. I m Iowa. Indiana. Ohio, Nebraska. Arkan- ... Missouri, Indian Territory. Michigan . .in i. n- ... . , - BURTON BUYS NEWSPAPER alted States toe ta Taka "11 t ZuTlCZelZ. rB aauaa rttuea. Farsaer Ci Ckari tion. 1 a mi rw w.m , .. . a-.,. . .. r".i..- 4J . I fc , mm , mm. w. , wiwi Statee Senator J. R. Burton of AbUao and L C Heusel and J. H. Tatter, th latter two connected with the business efflce of th Topeka Capital, today purchased th FIRE COVERS CITY BLOCK Cincinnati Suffers Tbree-QnartT Killion Lota. 1IAHT BUSDTESS HOUSES BUENED , j Dwellers la tke Tenements Are Seat . Flying far Befagc wltk Oaly Tlssc ta lart Valeablee. Tkelr rtvnvKin r, a... ni .Mft of the wind aided the firemen in their heroic efforts to overcome the fire that trtel In the Eagle White Lead company's plant last night and five hours after the fiaines were uiKVTrrra in 111 V wu auuri ivi v., after wiping out property valued at tno.sge, driving hundreds of tenement dwellers rrom tnetr pomes ana leaving vrasxe ktiw acres of ground. Nearly everything on the Irregular block, bounded! by Broadway. East Court street. Hunt etreet and the Vnrfntk a tvmjka em destroved. Numeroua crowded tenements fringed the ! flirg between teamsters aiui tne com fir section and fsmllles hurried to place. rnlc for some time. The agreement be of aafety. many carrying their valuables 1':".,! .l' with them. Trolley and telephone .. i ! had to be cut by the firemen, r1ppling both kind of service and adding to the loss by the fire Itself. Only one tnsn ws Injured, and his in juries were not aertoua. , The principal loases were: Eagle White Lead com fan jr. tSO.ox: Morrison A Snod grass. window sash manufacturers, tlOO.GOO; V. T. Williams Yslve compsny. 10.0; B. j H. Kroger, wholesale and retail grocery warehouaea. $0,000; E. Roberta' A Co., wholesale lumber, OP.000; Isaac Joseph A Co.. wst and scrap Iron. SICQOO; Clnctn- natl. Lebanon A Northern and Norfolk A j ,and durtng the night, had been sent out Western railway. U.00O. Minor loases tojtt) ro,k, th. rounda Agents of tenements, ssloons and retail groceries j the Cudahy. Morris, Armour and Swift bring the total to about $750,000. Packing companiea said that their big re- For a Ume the big plant of the Krehblel frig;eratinc Punts oa the West Side, where Printing compsny waa threatened, but the . .. bf ta received from the west efforts of the firemen avsiled to savs 1L j dirlributed. were not affected by the The Kreger Grocery company's big ware- j ,tr1ke- customers sent their own wagons house, from which about eighty retail j for th- mrat aa Dmiaj. stores belonging to that firm are served. Haf , doxn strikers held up a delivery waa destroyed, thereby crippling the hurt-. ness of the chain of atores whose supplies are delivered dally as needed. Baraed la Blgbt Metke-r. LACROSSE. Wis., Aug. 22. Ore life was lost and five other persons had narrow es cape in the destruction by fire of the home of Mrs. Msry Kersters here today. With a grest desl of difficulty Mrs. Ker sters and four of her children were taken out of the burning structure; but ber old- boy, Fred, aged 11. could not be reached ths "firemen and. refusing to Jump, waa burned to death before the eyes of his mother and a large crowd of spectator. VEIL LIFTS JUST IN TIME Aaanwltlaa- Party at Casablanca Drive Baek wltk Heavy PARIS, Aug. t Vtos Admiral Phnrlbert commanding th French naval forces off Casablanca, telegrapbee that whila the Moors were advsnelnc on ths French . camp near Casablanca yea-' terdsy under the cover of a ' fog. the fog lifted and permitted the French batteries ashore and afloat to shell the Moore with deadly effect. At 1 o'clock Is the afternoon General Drude had moved forward his field guns to a ridge situated t take place until the Hawlf y Interests hsve about four miles from ths camp, whence j obtained definite knowledge that the gov he shelled the Moors, who were then in full . ernment does not Intend to fine the Alton flight eastward. Admiral Philibert reported K9.000.0f) In connection with the PtaoAerd that th situation elsewhere was practically Oil rebatea Two other factors of less unchanged. Th report thst Mulsl Hang. Importance have not yet been settled. A brother of the sultan, had bean proclaimed I statement explaining the transfer of con sultan etill lacks official confirmation. trol issued today read In part: "The terms A correspondent of the Matin at Caaa- under which the Chicago A Alton has been blanca says ths besigers are now divided acquired by the Toledo. 8. Loui A Western Into three campa. the smallest of which provide thst the Utter shsll issue Its col contain 4.000 men. General Drude. in an 'lateral trust bonds secured by the Chicago interview, declared It was Impo..!ble to Alton common "n1 J"'1 Dur dilocge the Arab, from their camp j chased on the basis of 4 percent st par. . . , for 43.000 ahares of the preferred stock, snd 1 . 7 . : partment affirms that each Arab is pro- vld-d with from 300 to j0 rounds of rifle ammunition. Adolphe Maujan. under secretary of the Interior, announced officially tonight that General Druda has been ordered to d!s- perse oniy inose inoesmen rouna wiuun six to ten miles of Casablanca. "General Drude will not go further afield." M- Maujan declared, "and there never haa been any question of msrchlng oa Fes or any other point in the Interior. Our warships will merely patrol the ports where it Is necessary to organise the inter- national police tn f ulflllment of the under- standing reached at Algedraa. France and Spain are in complete accord. CASABLANCA. Aug. tt-Twelv, French- men were wounded during roe fighting of yesterday morning. They Include Captain Detuillea of th Foreign legion. A battery of TVmllllmeter. guns was disembarked from a transport and used shrapnel with tremendous effect upon the enemy. The Arabs again showed reckless courage. They would rids close up to the French ramp, dtamount and fire persistently until they were dipossesed by ths shell fire from the cruiser Glolre. Th cruiser Gueydon has bombarded the port of rid ail ah. te the north of Caaa- blanca. Th smuggler of arm had their headquarters at Fldallah. ORAN. Algeria, Aug. a The Vlnh- long aalled last evening. i PACIFIC TRIP TALKED OVER President Booeevelt Confers wltk Leading? Ogaelala at tko Sarr A neat It. OTBTER BAT, N. T Aug. 8 The j of Mary Ball. B-.other of George Washing plan for the crulae of the battleship fieet ton. John Smith Barry waa her father. .' from the Atlantic to the Pacific oceans ' axt winter were to be discussed by Presl- ' dent Roosevelt and representative of the 1 Navy department today. I i The president has aa his guest at lunch- 'eon Assistant Secretary ef the Nary New- i berry. Rear Admiral Brownsoa of th v -r R,.r admiral c.u ; commander of th Atlantic squadron;) Francis C. Lsupp. commissioner of Indian ! elra' tAvnsca Graham, aacretarv of -Lr'S,J!5?. JTTZ ' agendee ef the west aad will submit 1 W- et-rvations to the president. MEXICAN VETERANS GATHER jmMumtumtm. s 9mm Aaaaal Beanlon Saest at Bsa Una, AddreesM lag Glvosu NORFOLK. Vs.. Aug. B. Th annual reunion of tha National Association of Mexiraa War Vetarana opened at the Jamestown exposition today. Welcoming addressee were snad by expealtioa officials wtth rospoasea by Colonel Louis F. Bee lev ef BaiUntora, president, and Mrs. Moore Murdoch ef D:lsa, secretara MEAT DRIVERSJO ON STRIKE ; Xew Tark Threatened wltk Faastae if wkeleaale Batchers Da Net Break It. NEW TORK. Aug. 3.-Deliveri-e of the tr-m Ik, Irwa I rarliiM hmuM were comnlelelT halted today by the fP wttoi drivers who went on a strike lart evening. ( Kot delivery wagon of the wholesale ( 1 tmtchr was mnrM durtnr the eerlv morning hours. The strikers asid that only meat from the Chicago refrigerator trains was being delivered, and that the I drivers who hauled that may be called out I on strike today. With a aw-page of de- would be quickly affected by a meat famine. Police reserves were etstioned ta the parking house district on the west side of the cKy. but no disorders were reported. Inside employee of the slaashter houses were st work today, while the heads of th effected plants were busy r reps ring to break the strike, which we called without warning by the driver. The companies, tt was said, would Import strike bresker If necessary. There baa been no little 111 cA7irr-u AUBush r ... "- . - t .. miAm K -w Imm n conference endeavoring to adjust their dlf ferencea. The teamsters declined to sccept th clsuse in the contract calling for the arbitration of all mooted question. Representatives of msny of the big pack ing and distributing houses said thst a large number of nonuatoa men were em ! nktred durlna the forenoon to take the plfcCe, of the strrkera At ths aboatolr of the New Tork Butch err Dressed Mest compsny It wss said thst up to soon thirty of their trucks, manned by nonunion men who had been brought in from New Eng waRon of.tbs New Tork Butchers" Dressed M. .d attempted to drag 8u- pertntendent Brown of that company and his driver off the wagon aeat. Superin tendent Brown, who formerly was a police captain, tackled the striker and put them to flight. A possibility that the strike may extend until it embraces all branches of the packing Industry waa intimated today by Joseph A. Masterson. head of the butchers craft, who ssld: ""Ws are better organised than ever before." We stand resdy to lend what assistance is asked of us by the other employes of the trad." CONTROL OF ALTON CHANGES Exact Conditio af Deal Will Nat Be Determined, for Several NEW TORK. Aug. a The Toledo, St. Louia A Western Railroad company has aceulred controt-taa CMcasje A Allan, according to aa aansessn1 ment tsade here today. The acquisifloa of the road is sub ject to certain condlUona which will not be final!? determined for ten days or two weeks from the present time. - While the negotiations hsve been closed ' the change ia ownership will not actually 1 per cent for the first five years and 4 j CfCt for ln. flve ynn on im i ? . j these terms. It the Chicago A i AMon cntlim,. to earn 4 per cent on Its . p,,, stock, a it has done during the lMt five TWir, with a surplus over and jye this amount ranging from a mini I mum of 1"S.S for the fiscal year ending . June 80. 1?. to a maximum of fL K.0-"J ' for the fiscal year ending June 10. IK. j The only risk to the Toledo. Bt- Louis A j , Western will be IWC,30 for the first five year and Cto.OOS for the second five years, i This risk seems very slight, as compared ' with the benefits to be derived from the j acquisition of the Alton property." , I " MRS. RYAN MADE A COUNTESS : 1 ' Pep Flaa Grants Title Beeaaae of j Her Many Benefaettoaa ! Cknrek. j " ! NEW TORK, Aug. 3. Information has reached here from Rome that Pope Plus X i haa bestowed the title of countess on Mrs. ; Thomas F. Ryan, wife of the well known financier, ln recognition of her charities j and benefactions to ths church. Mrs. , Rrsn's rift to th church and to charity, It la stated, run into million. The bestowal ; f th title la not the first favor she hss j received from the Vatican. Pope Leo XIII granted her dlspensal cf having a travel- lng chapel. Thia is Installed In her private car, the "Pere Marquette." and la the only ene of Its kind ln the country. The only other in the world belongs to th queen dnwsrer ef Fpain. Like her husband. Mrs. Ryan Is a native of Virginia. Her great great great g-ardmother was a first cousin He was a son of Robert Barry, whoa ' enntfn was Commodore Barry, "father of . .v- American navy." ADTICT RFFllfiF n I Id I.O ncruut IN NAVY ! , , ... Texas Teetk Finally Located by Hie Fatker la Hospital at pkltadelaktn. PHILADELPHIA. Pa.. Aug. S. -After a j b cttT TermJ, mm' hI- 'VaL " a magaslna. Suddenly his letters boao l1 J to find him came te this city and searched j himself. As a last bp k appealed to ths new spa per a ins siory was printea and the result waa tha ideettneatioa ef Wright la tbe naval hospital. There was a glad reunion between father ' asd son aad thea ths boy told bow he had tried In vain to obtain work and at last. driven desperate by hunger, enlisted In th Buruy corps. Hs wss sent to League Island whet he becams ill wtth rbeao-s- tiaai gad was seat te the home, CHICAGO RAIDS CRIMINALS, Policeman Killi Footpad and Taket Hit Companion. CHIEF SHIPPT STASIS CLEANUP Two Me Fatally Skat aad Three Weaaded nkt fa a Free-far-A 11 la Kaea Caaaty, Keataeky. CHICAGO. Aug. tt The Chicago polk-s rounded out a dsy of warfare against crim inal last night by killing a holdup man Just after be had robbed a cltixen and by capturing the robber's companion. Thomas Kelly, who hsd a record of crime, wss the j men who ' wss killed. His slsrer wss Policeman Tstrlck J. Fee, Kelly hsd held up Michael O'Neill, a steam fitter. A companion of Kelly's, Thomss Roach, was arrested at the ssrse time. Esrlier ln the dsy the police hsd gone actively to work to rid the west side of crooks. As a re sult more thsn twenty thieves and pick pockets some of them criminals of inter national reputation were shown to the detectives ln the central bureau at the nightly lineup. It waa the result of the first dsy's work of four squads of picked men. sent out to rid Cfclcsgo of Its recent Influx cf crlmina's. This raid on criminals Is to be kept up, ssvs Chief Shippy. snd is to be extended to other sections of the city. Fatal Sheeting In Keataeky. . LONDON, Ky., Aug. a-New ha Jul been received here of a free for all gun fight nesr the Knox county fair grounds at Harbourvllle, In which two men were fatally ahot and three other persona one a woman, were badly wounded. Constable L. R Campbell, who sought t9 quell the disturbance, waa ahot dead. Ed ward Smith died of his wound yesterdsy. j John Warren is seriously hurt snd msy i die. Rslph Tuggle. a policeman, la ln a aerious condition. Warren' mother, with a babe st her breast, wa hot through one arm and the member was amputated. , The only arrest U that of John Bailey, who la charged with" having fired the bullet that killed Corstsble CsmpbeM. Nearly all the fighters who escaped unharmed have fled Into the country. Btaek Hand It a raters Two. COALDALE, Pa, Aug. a A double murder, for which the "black hand" la held responsible, was committed on the streets here today, ajid adds snot her crime to the long list thai haa been com muted tn this neighborhood by unknown persons. While Frank Pecknolas and Samuel Am brose were walking together slong Rid (re street they were attacked by several men and stabbed to death. Peknolas throat was cut almost from esr to esr and Am brose received a knife wound thst pierced his heart. As robbery wss not the mo tive aud as the "black hand" haa been ac tive in this section the crime la charged to that mysterious band. Beveaae Paaaea Klerk t Each Otkcr. WASHINGTON. -Aug. H Commissioner of Internal Revenue Capers todsy received a telegram freaa Internal. Revenue Collec tor Bur ber at Gteensboro, K. C, ssytngr Deputy Collector Hendrix with posse from Rslelgh. N. C, and Dnputy Collector Henry, with posse from Durham, met at s moonshine still last night. Each took the other for moonshiners and fired oa each other. Deputy Marshal Gordon wss mor tally wounded and Deputy Collector Henry and two posaenien were seriously wound. Commissioner Cspers telegraphed in structions that no expense be spared in caring for the wounded. TEXAS ASKS HEAVY "PENALTY File Bait Against Harvester Trast Desaaadlac Fine af Over One Million Dollars. CHICAGO. Aug. a A dispatch to the Tribune from Dallas, Tex., ssys: One of Ui most Important anti-trust suits started In Texaa waa filed at Austin yesterdsy. Th suit wss filed by the sttorney gen eral's depsrtment ln behalf of the state against the International Harvester Com pany of America, which was organised un der the laws of Wisconsin. The petition alleges thst the defendant concern has violated the sntl-trust lsw of Texas and demands penalties In the sum of n.ij,0C. It is further alleged that this j concern haa formed an unlawful comblna- Ulon with the following companies: McCor- 1 mck Harvester snd Machinery company. Deering Harvester company. Piano Manu facturing comapny. arder, Bushneil A Glessner company. Minneapolis Harvester company. D. M. Osborne A Co. and Ault man Manufacturing company. AUSTRIANS KILLED IN RIOTi .ortk western laborers at Wlagel-t, Wra, Skot ky Onteera Call for Troopa. LANDER. Wyo., Aug. 3 -(Special Tele gram. V-Two Austrian laborers were killed and several wounded ln a fierce riot at Wlnfleld, a ststlon on the Northwestern, in this county, this morning. Deputy 8 he riff Morrison of Shoshoni attempted to quell ths riot, with three deputies, but they wr driven off with stones and 'clubs. Morrison had hla arm broken and all es caped with severe beating. The deputies killed one and wounded another. In the absence of Sherifl Stough. Deputy Morse has ssked Governor Brooks to send Com- pany B. Wyoming National Guard, of this place to the scene. I r.ree gravel trams are working at WlnCeld and there are about started over a dispute between the Inter- sevenry-flre men ln the crest. The riot prater and one of tbe boaaea OMAHA ROAD FINED $20,003 BesatUg Geta Railway aad Fori General Freight Agent A 1m la Trouble. M1NNEATOL19. Minn.. Aug. 8 A fin of t3f.C( was Imposed upon the Chicago. St. Psul. Minneapolis A Omaha Railway company and its former general freight agent. Hiram M. Pearc e, ordered to pay a U. fin ty Judge Page Morris ln th I nlted gtau district court todsy. Ths Omaha road, conjointly with its former general freight agent, was convicted in tbe aame court, April 11. of granting re- bates to the Spencer Grain company. MONEY NEEDED IN PANAMA Lack of Fa a.ds Hnssperlng Fresrre-a an Ballroad Mea Belag OtT. ' . PANAMA. Aug. a-Lack cf funds . la checking csnsl work. Four thousand mea i. -m u . t . . A ,k. have beea laid off on th new line of the Panama railroad, and It is stsled thst the mobl;e Ber thl cty, 4 wh ra 40 n ' ton scoommodstion train on the Birn-lng-department ef municipal ecgtnevring haa kuied a peddler, diod todayv III com- , !n" M neral railroad, a branch of th beea ordered to lay off V more, A re- n,ioa. Pouget. has beea arrested, th tes- , Louisvllls A Nsshvlile railroad. fas I auction in ins ctencai lore is aiso mun I for. Tb excavation for August will show j a big; In crease ever Juy SPECIAL REGISTRATION According to cl"it! rnllng. co one will be qua-MleA to vote at the primary election Tuesday, Septem ber t next, ln OmaHa or Soir.h Omaba, unless properly enrolled on the registration books. The. bonks are now. opvn for special rcRifttration and for trans fers on application at the office of the cltr clerk in the city hall. Registered Totera who hare moved elnce last November .aajr get transfers by merely asking for them ln person. New voters or voters who failed to register last year for (tood cause may be specially registered on certification of two resident free holder. Special Registration close to dsy. NO WARRANTS FOR CASHIER Crlaalaal Proceed I as sidetracked la Case of Oregon Trait nad Savings Bank. PORTLAND. Ore.. Aug. a Outspoken Indignation among many of the KOta depos itors of the Oregon Trust nd Savings Back, the doors of which were closed Wed nesdsy. caused ths report to be circulated yesterday thst warrant had oeen Us Jed for offlters of the bark. It developed, how ever, that no warrants hsd been Issued and that the net result of numerou: demands for arrests by certsin aepositor were the preparation of complaints by the district attorney. A maas meeting of depositors has been called to devise wsrs and mean to protect their Interests. While some of the directors sesert thst Csshler W. C. Norrl erred In buying huge block of bonds and lending money to enterprises ln whkh he is alleged to have been Interested, friends of Morris warmly defend him and aasert that the directors ahould have been cognisant of the bank's dealings. It is stated that Morris is now on the wsy to Portlsnd from the esst, where he went tc dispose of securities ln sn endeavor to ssve the bank. Receiver Devlin expressed the belief thst the depositors will be paid in full. TAFT ARRIVES AT ST. LOUIS Secretary of War Given Reception tion While oa Way to Okla homa City. ST. LOriS. Aug., a Secretary Taft ar rived thi morning from Lexington, Kr- snd wss met at th union station by United States Senator Warner of Missouri, former Judge Franklin Ferrlss aril other. As he passed through the crowd of spec tators assembled he frequently pnused a moment to ehake hands. He was escorted to an automobile and driven to the Plant ers hotel where he' was the guest of .lonor st an informal breakfast. This afteraoon be will proceed to Oklahoma City whero he will speak tomorrow. A light rain has rendered th dsy dts agreeeM. bat hould th weather dear aufflciently. Secretary Tft wUl be takes for a short tour around St. Louis In an automobile, and will be tendered a I unci eon at the fit. Louis club, after which he will take the !.- p. m. 'Frisco train for Oklahoma City. STOCK BROKERS ARE RAIDED Wasklnarton Determines to Enforce Law Anwlnat tse of Gaaaiag Device. WASHINGTON. Aug. 3. Warrant were today Issued for the arrest of Chesley snd Spenoe, Wade and Hedges, Allison C. Jenkins and Prank Kane, stock brokers, for violation of the law making It aa of fense to sot up gaming tables within the District of Columbis. A squad of police men, a detail of detectives and a secret aervlce officer, beaded by Assistant District Attorneys Given aad Perry, raided the of fice of these firms. The raid on these pisces, ahich ths authorities allege to be "bucket shops. has been under consider ation for a month. RECOGNITION JF0R HONDURAS State Department at Wasklnwton De cides to Admit Cooatry to List af Stations. WASHINGTON. Aug. II A distinct forward movement towards the establish- , ment of a permanent peace in Central America was made today when upon thei.v. v. rr.rket, invitation of the State department Senor "fjecrge C. Thomas, a grain dealer of Vgarte, the representative ln thl couu- i o,,,. tetifle 1 t th? difficulty his cus try of the provisional government of 1 towr hsd In getting tJreat Northern care Honduras, railed upon Acting Secretary j th!rvr frra ,tr,e Wllntar A Siou Falla of State Adee and was by him informed : ieTTixorr. even though H was to the aaV that the American government had de- varitage of the producer to sell In Omaha, cldfcd to extend formal recognition to the j jocn Kuhn. with th fpd! Grata government of President Davila. company, testified to the am facta. WEALTHY CONTRACTOR KILLED '"GenTr,-i KKt0.Vet M-outr. Dead Body af Evander Foand la Stairway I Chicago. CHICAGO, Aug. .-The body of Evander Mclver. a wealthy contractor realding at 54 Prairie avenue, was found todsy In a ' stairwsy leading to a basemeBt at the cor- ) rer of Twenty-fifth and State streets : There were mark of violence on th body, ' All ot tne money ana vaiuaoies hsd been : taken, and it la the opinion of the police that ' Mclver was murdered snd thrown doan ' the stairway. Death had evidently been J caused by a blow on tb head that frac- , tured the skull. FOUR MINERS BELIEVED DEAD Men Cnngkt In Cave-In In Cm faaael at Wilkeekarre Have Ferlakad. i WILKESBABRE. Pa, Aug. "-Four of the six miners whp were yes-.erday caught u the cavin in a tunnel of the Pennsyl- van:a Coal company are still entombed mad tt u believed they are dead. Tti voice of James Boyle, one of th entombed mm. was heard early this morning, but uiBlCm tCM1 Bii.nce has reigned. Two of (na crawled from under some of the ; debris after seventy hours' effort. FRITZ DIES OF HIS INJURIES ..... wv, ...... rk..g. S.,.. ., t , Frrnee. ; LOirv iERs. Frsnce, Ac. tt-Jcsech rrt chsuffeur of Psyn Whitney rbo was mjured while driving an auto tlmony taken proving trial tr.a automotui was going at the rate of thlrty-fiv miles aa hour when the accident occurred. ; OMAHA CARS REFUSED Grain Bayers Teitify to DicriirunA tion Ajtinit Tliii Jiarket GREAT KOETHLBJf OITEKDEB Plfnt7 cf Empty Can to Be loaded for Other Destination. SHITPEES ALSO HEAVY LOSER Grain Worth More in Omaha Thaa I Where Forced to Ship. ICOliMISSION HEARS COMPLAEfT I Road Aaalgaa a Reason It Win Not Its Cars ta Co OS? Its Own Lines, as Tbey Caaaet Get Tkesn Back. (From a StafT, Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Aug. a- Special. -In th case before the State Railway commission wherein the On. aha Grain exchange charges the Great Northern Railroad company with discriminating against Omaha to the ad vantage of Minneapolis and the northern markcta by refusing to furnish csrs to shippers long the line of the P'oux Falla A Wilmar ralxad In which to chip grain to Omaha. Attorney M. L. Learned for the exchange showed by witnesses that th Wilmar A Sioux Falls railroad is owned and operated by the Great Northern: that though Great Northern empty care were on the aldctrarks. shippers were rot per mitted to use them in shipping to Omaha, though they could have them to ship to Minnespolls: agents of the areat Northern compelled shippers to wait for Burlington cars If they dt sired to ahlp to Omaha; that this kind of treatment caused a loaa to the shippers, as the price In Omaha waa from 1 to IS cents higher for grain than in Minneapolis; thst the rate to Minne spolls was 4V cents higher than to Omaha, and that the grading of oats In Omaha was easier than In Minneapolis. Omaha allow ing taenty-three pounds for No. I white snd Minnespolls twenty-six pounds for No. S white; thst one party lost several hun dred dollars because he waa roroed to wait for Burlington cars, wnlch It usually took him from five to ten days to get. As a defense ths Grest Northern set up that It did not operate the Wilmar A Sioux Fall road; that thl road was a separate corporation and therefore the com plaint should be dismissed agalnrt the Great Northern. Then lis sttorney. J. L. Ken nedy of Sioux City, claimed snd attempted to show ty witnesses thst it was a rule of the Great Northern not to allow Its equipment to leave Its own trscks. and therefore it did not discriminate against Omaha more than aa;aint any other city not reached by It road- Eatabllak Ownerskig. of Roads. To establish ownership of the Wilmar A gloax Falls road, in the. Great Northern, S. J MoVann, secretary of the Omaha Grain exchange, testified that he had aeen th re port of the comptroller of th Great Northern filed with the Interstate Com merce commission and that report showed that practically all of the stock of tb A Sioux Fall road was owned by the Grest Northern and the same gen eral officers conducted the affairs of both roads. Other witnesses testified thst trstnmen of the Wilmar A Sioux rails roal wore caps and uniforms stamped "Gnatt Northern;" that ths depot superin tend. st 61oux City in calling trains re ferred" to tie Grest Northern for Nebraska points. The psss list fumlahed by the Great northern waa Introduced to, show that the general officers issued passes over the Wilmar A Sioux Fall road. H. H. .Jrownell of Allen aaid he was re fused Grat Northern cars for ths ship ment of Sain when he desired to ship to I Omaha. bt.t could get them tor siinnemp- olls shipment. Oats in the omana nuntn. he said, would bring him from 1 to 1H cents more a bust el thsn in the northern mar ket and the freight rate north was H cents higher. . Lou's E. Mann of Osmon testified to tha same aa did W. S. Hart of Allen. C K. Spena. freight sgent of the Bur lington, and O, L. Dickson, aaaistant freight agent, testified it had been a rule of the Great Northern to keep It trains and equipment on Vs own tracks, but both denied they ever hsd any correspond ence with the Great Northern regsrding Its r,fussl to furn'.fh Or to wing gram 'of the Great Northern leaiinw u - i... . Melverj4 giOUx Falls road was a separate cor I poratlon from the Great Northern and run I by a different set of officer and as a i unti coreoratloa: tnai Great 1 Knnhrni enaines run over this road they w9 paid for by the Wilmar A BWrnx v.n mad though the profits of the road fnt jnto the general treasury of te Great Northern system, which also made up any vtoflcierjcv The Great Northern system . . l i a . r wViiAh tha owned several i.nea. nt - main one wa known as the Great North ern and another one was tbe Wilmar A Slo-JX Fs!!. He plsced eonaiderabl Ue on th Great Northern company and the Great Northern line a being separate anvl diatlnct- "The Great Northern Is a system until you want to row that It is a separat corporation. Is thst It?" asked Learned. ' "I am Jut ststing the facta," answered ; tbe witneaa. j -Then if the Floux F1U road I a aepa- rate road what objwtlon has it tosendlng Great Northern cars to Oir lahar asked Learned. The witness said there was no objection unless the csrs were needed on th Great Northern. The Sioux Fells road run from O'Neill to South Sioux City ln Nebraska and grala shiptd to Omaha on thia road haa t be trsnsferred at Sioux City. The Great ' Northern. It 1 charged, refuses to have r transfer there. FOUR AKt MLLtU III WKtLK ' Bloektoa Aeeossssodatloa Trala Dltrked ky Spreading Bella Near Adger, Ala. i BIRMINGHAM. Ala.. Aug. -Th Bloc- i rvt-ra oj t.uiu, i.iw svoaer 1 and Johns today. Four persons were kUled aad eight or tea l&Jartd,