Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 22, 1907, Page 9, Image 9

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(Continued )
Typewriter and Machine.
$15 UP
A writ selected stock of high-class, rebuilt
and slightly used typewriters of all
make. Machines that ar to all pur
tsises equal to hew, both In appearance
nnrt general condition. One-fourth to one
t.alf manufacturers' prices. Sold and
rented everywhere. Ask for Iwrwln list,
prices and terma.
ZK Farnam St., Omaha.
'Phone D. M74.
U9) W tt
FOR SALE High gTade second-hand type
writer; good condition; a bargain at $.'i0.
Caai rem '. Bee. Bldg. U6j-ti71
ONE Remington typewriter. No. 6, In good
condition, for dale cheap. Call at Bee
office, .16-Kk
FOR SALE Nearly new Remington type
writer, with oak table; Uh. Ml Paxwn
block. :
Largest, most up-to-date stock at lowest
"prices In the city, select now. Delivered
when needed. Inspection Invited.
313 So. 15th at. Tel. Doug. uSl.
( 4t.t
'HAVE paid over one-third on my contract
lor Americanized, f.ncycinpeum nijin.ii
nlca; owing tj sickness am not able to
keep up payments. W ill give my contract
and books to anybody willing t- keep
up game. Address F 74, care Ree.
, (1B)632SX
FOR SALE Onyx soda fountain, 24-syrup.
two trndy, refrigerator base, counter au
tomatic carbonator, filter, all as good as
new; also drug store fixtures, counters
and show cases. Howell Drug Co., 16th
and Capitol Ave. (ltt)-o4
FOR SALE A butcher'a refrigerator, sev
eral show casus, a new peanut roaster,
large coffee mill, two large automatic
oil tanks and store fixtures too numerous
to (mention. VI lube Land and Inves'ment
Co., Omaha, Neb. (HD-MsW
FOR BALE Finest boarding house In the
city; best location, all furnished; walk
ing distance, etc.; cheap. Inquire isuj
' Karbaoh Block, Omaha, Neb.
DRUGS at cut prices; freight paid on $10
orders; -catalogue free.
Omaha. Neb. (14) 387
FOR BALES About October 1, one 800-gal-lon
Worthlnglon duplex pump, slse 1-x
lottxlO. W. li. Bridge, engineer Omaha
Bee. (16)-M879
FOR BALB Cheap, eomplete outfit of mov
ing pictures tor travel. Inquire 1006
Howard St., room 14, 3d floor. Call. be
tween 1 and 4 p. m. U6) M5;i7 Ax
FOR BALK One roll top Jeweler's bench
and one lathe; only used four weeks. Ad
dress II. 1. Knnis. Bruce, 8. D. ,
- ' UU M51S 26x
HOMEOPATHIC medicines, wholesale and
retail. Sherman & McCunnell Drug Co.
U6) .US
BEND US ytiur mull orders for drugs;
freight paid on $10 lots. Myers-Dillon
Drug Co., Omaha. (16) 384
BRIUK FOR SALE -In carload lots. Ap-
ply to Llvesey llrlck Co., Gibson, Omaha,
-Mn Z3x
6HERWIN WILLIAMS CO.. best mixed
paint. Sherman A McConnell Drug Co.
'.... (161-SS5
HALL'S safes, new, Id-hartd.
ISIS Farnam.
JiAT- per ton. Wagner,
SOI N. 16th.
SECOND-HAND rubber hos-. tools. Singer,
416 N. 14th. (16) 76
FOR SALE Several loads rock. IHH So.
Hh. (16) M6J6 2fix
FOR BALE First claaa, itondescrlptlve
lady's ticket from here to Salt Lake, W
days. Address L 45, Bee. Ob) Mliat 22x
D. O. BARN ELL, patent attorney and ma
chine designer, Paxion Ulk. Tel. Hed 711,'.
' ' U7) M!0 si-:
LARSON CO. Book free.
Bee Bldg.
. 17)-&u
THE SALVATION ARMY solicits cast-off
clothing; In fact, anything you do not
need. We collect, repair and sell, at 114
N. Ilth St., for cost of collecting, to the
worthy poor. Call 'phone Doug. 41.15 and
wagon will call. - 'IS) ill
YOUNG WOMEN coming to Omaha as
strangers are Invited to visit the Young
Farnam atreet, where they will be di
rected to suitable boardlug places or
otherwise assisted. (IS) tu
TTrrc ELTTFil:,'rt "d"' operator
A Ogives massage and chaly.
beata scrub baths. Room auo. Lacker block
I5t and Farnam. New establishment.
... OS)-M5 22x
OfAHA cHammarers'
Institute. Ramg
SBWINO machines ranted. Neb: Cycle Co.,
lith and. Harney. 'Phone Douglas ltk4.
Smith, 118 N. loth. Id floor.
(1 e
FXW bargains In Sd-hand soda fountains,
monthly payments. Derlght. 1818 Farnam.
ECZEMA absolutely cured by W. A. Paxton
salve. B. J. Bcanlan, agt., 60 Ware blk.
(18) M938
MAGNETIC 9teol0gy and Massage.
VJ 11 U -1. Vat,or an(j T b B "JJJ
Room X. 1201 Faram, St.. 3d floor.
. - . .(18)-M486 AM
8TRINQE, rubber goods, by malli cut
prices. Mend for free catalogue. Myers
Dillon Drug Co., Omaha. (1SS;
br. King. 1320 N. $4th St. Tel. Doug. W
HEALTHT. wholesome, satin skin be
stowed by Satin skin cream and Satin
powder. 26c, ,jm)
IVANTED-FTea attractions at Randolph"
i. .v V k v rue qu ex.
J. W. Oliver. Randolph. Neb. (18)-M570
W. H. TURREU 1 Patterson Blk. Doug.
1129. (1$) $9,
PAYNE LNV. CO.. 1st floor N. T. L. Doug.
V tH-00
R. C PETERS CO.. Bee Bldg. (1 401
Douglas 114. 01) 401
Bank bid 'Phone Douglas TO. (l 4oJ
171 Farnam. TeL ' Douglas 75C
(1 404
& U. RICH, Ida 4 Locust. Tel Web 14Tt
i a) ti7 iix
IT rRorr.nTY rnn a. amc.
House Is full two stories, In
good condition, lias new, up-to-date
bath room, open
plumbing, new American fur
nace, burns wood or nny kind
of coul; water meter, full base
ment, storm windows to all
windows, cement walks, barn .
with two box stalls and room
for two buggies; chicken
house, raved street; south
front lot 50x132, alley In rear.
House alone could not be built
for much less than $.1,000. All
for only $3,300, and will make
terms so you csji buy this
place on easy monthly pay-
ments, less than rent. Investi
Thone Doug. 70(1. 11 Farnam.
(19I-M631 23
Good 7-room house, full
lot, near 14th and Wester
ficld Ave. Only $1,100. $100
cash, halanre $10 and 6 per
cent Interest monthly.
Neat 4-room cottage, city
water, full corner lot. $1.22.i,
:0 cash, balance $10 and 6 per
cent Interest.
Good 2-ronm cottage, full
Int. shade, outbuildings, etc.
Near isth and Fort flts. A
bargain at $150. Your own
We have plenty more simi
lar to above. Also, a number
of larger homes on rental
payments. See us at once.
432-34 Ramge Bldg. 15th and Harney.
('91-611 22
North side, 7 rooms, reception hall and
store room; well built, well arranged. In
good neighborhood, close to car, good lot.
Look at It today. Trice I2.7CO.
Another one north, 8 rooms, finely con
structed, modern except heat, well lo
cated, large corner lot, near car; a pretty
home, for $2,500.
'Phone v.s for Information
Brown Block.
Doug. 19S0.
(191-609 2
20 A. mile west of South Omaha;
15 acres In fruit, 2 A. pasture, iH
A. alfalfa. Good Improvements; cheap
price. Owner lives in town and can't
give land personal attention. Easy
terms to right party. An exceptional
chance for a large family hy industry
and thrift to get rich quickly.
40 A. vncnnt land. mile from
South Omaha city limits. mile from
grade of Interurban line. Only $200
per A.
1605 Farnam St.
(19) 633 22
Two 5-room cottages, nearly completed;
one on the south side of Hlondo street, be
tween 2iith and 7. and one en the north
side of Blondo street. Just east of 27th;
all thorouahly well built; bricked up and
cemented cellars, double floors, surface
floors being of yellow pine, selected ver
tical grained; strictly modern, with the
exoeption of heat. Permanent sidewalks
will ne laia in streets, i-rice, easy
terms to good parties.
C. O. CARLBEKU, 911 N. Y. Life Bldg.
North side, 7 roams, reception hall and
store room: W(4I built, well arranged,' In
good nelghliorhood, close to car, good lot.
Look at It today. Price $2,700.
Another one north, 8 rooms, finely con
structed, modern except heat, well lo
cated, large corner lot, near car; a pretty
home, for $2,60rt.
'Phone us for Information.
Brown Block.
Doug. 1960.
(10) 609 23
Here is a good and substantial eight-room
residence Just finished, built ' by one ot
Omaha's best housebullders. Strictly mod
ern and In a fine neighborhood. Location
J high and slfchtly on 31st street.
little south
of Cass. Price and terms on application.
Key at our office. " ' N
Rylander & Simonson,
802 and 30$ N. Y. Life Building.
(19)-M530 :
A Rare Bargain
A good house of seven rooms, with bath,
gas, shade trees, small barn, paved street
and permanent sidewalks; will be sold on
reasonable terms by owner; location near
Hanscom park.
Inquire at 1315 S. 32d St.
08)-eJ 22x
Very nice little home, four rooms In good
repair, lot 30xW, cement walks, for Im
mediate sale $l,JeO. Rents, $166 . per , year.
313 N. 27th. Big snap.
ERNEST SWEET, 613 N. Y. Life Rld'.
(19) 651)
Six-room house and large lot, close ti
school, church, car line and bus'ni'ss cen
ter, cheaper than you ran build . $1851.
easy terms. Turrell A Co.. 17th and Far
nam Sts. R 17 Patterson Bldg.
Will buy a nine-room house; has gas, c tv
water, bath, furnace, permanent waks.
beautiful lawn, lot 5"xl24. Nineteenth snl
nnitney, can make terms. Turreil 4 Cu.,
17th and Farnam Sts. R 17
Pa'.tTson BliU.
(19) M5'2 iJ
1501-1503 South 2Slh St.. corner lot, 60x142
feet; two cottages; tent $X5 per month;
room for two more cottages or flats. asy
Room 1. New York Life Bldg.
'Phcna Douglas 1264.
130$ B. Strt atreet (Georgia Ave ). This
thoroughly modern k-room house, with
cemented bksement, muat be sold before
September 1. Lot 60x160. with small bant
In rear. Possession given immediately
This property can be bought v;ght now at
an exceedingly cheap price. Conrad
loung. Agent, 161$ Dodge St.. Tel. lioug.
LOOK AT THIS-4 room houVsT's'trictly
modern, up to date, cement walks, shsde
J" wlkin distance, S blocks from
school, l blvck from car. Price.
easy terms. Geo. Hoimes. feJH Brown
wiocic a-Mu a i
For Subu rlmn Home
You Should Hy All Moans See
Out of ,"52 aires almost has been sold.
What bitter evidence do you want than
this, that Keystone Park Is the Ideal lo
cation for a home In the country.
(19)-K? 22
We have sold the Flsetto suburban
home, and now offer G acres In bearing
fruit and garden, 2-story house, 2SxJd; barn,
chicken house, etc., Inside of city limits;
miles from St. car. at $3.3uO. Must be sold
before Sept. 1st. This year's crop goes with
'Phone Douglas 830. 1605 Farnam St.
(19)-M632 22
STRACTS OF TITLE are the safest.
You are protected by a $10,000 bond
against loss by errors. You don't' buy a
luwsul when you buv a "Kerr'' abstract.
1(114 Harney. Tel. Douglas 64S7. (1
24 LOTS in Halt-yon Heights. Benson, lying
well: close to car line; 20 minutes' ride
to Omaha. Will sell altogether or In
bunches of five. For prices and terms
address 11 42, care Bee. (19) 157
LIST your property with Chris Bover. 2:d
and Cuming Sts. (ID 407
WANTED Agents to represent us In the
sale of our Kansas lands, write for par
ticulars. Globe Land and Investment Co.,
Omaha, Neb. (20) 412
FIRST-CLASS Nebraska farms and ranches
for homes or Investment. Bemls, Omaha.
oath Dakota.
ticulars write Tripp County Land and
Abstract Co., Dallas, 8. D.
(20)-M781 A29
SIX or 7-1 oom house north or west part
of city. Can make small payment down
and good monthly payments. Give loca
tion, price, etc. Box V 171, Bee.
(25)-M5S3 23
LOANS on Improved city property. W. H.
Thomas, 606 First National Bank Bldg.
(22) 414
$1,000,000 to LOAN on business and resi
dence property in Omaha; lowest rates
no delay. Thomas Brennan, Room 1, N.
T. Life. (22) 416
MONEY to loan on Improved city property
or farm lands In eastern Nebraska, W.
J. Uermody Investment Co., 83 N. Y. L.
(21) M469
LOANS on Improved Omaha property.
O'Keefe R. E. Co., 1001 N. Y. Life Bldg.
(23) 415
WANTED City loans' and warrants. W.
Farnam Smith A Co., 1320 Furnam Bt.
. (22) 417
$500 TO $50,000 TO LOAN, at lowest ralea:
no delay. GARVIN BROS., 1605 FARNAM.
PRIVATE MONEY-r. D. Wead, 1530 Doug.
.. (22)-418
MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment Co.
LOWEST RATES Bemls, Paxtofi Brock.
WANTED City loans. R.
C. Peters er Co.
(22) 4.2
$20,000 PRIVATE money to loan: no de
lay. J. H. Sherwood, 937 N. Y. L. Bl lg.
(22) M40? 31
$1,000 to enlarge a good paying business
with privilege to reduce loan yearly. Ad
dress W 775, Bee. (24) 291
CASH paid for old books. Crane-Fnye Co.,
til fl 1 Itl. lltinna Tfl,-lial nr 14'1 IlUt AlA
$13 S. 14th. 'Phone Douglas 13-L (36)-910
WANTED To buy, second hand furniture,
cook end her.tmg stoves, carpets, lino
leums, office furniture, old clothes and
aboes, pianos, feathers, bed pillows, quill
and all kinds of tools; or will buy the
furniture of your house complete. Tho
highest prices paid. Call the right man.
Tel. Dekiglas 8971. (28) M459 A25
CARD CABINET of 15 to 2S drawers for
card 8x5 Inches; state price; must be
Cheap. Address L Ct Bee. (281 19
CASH paid for second hand clothing,
shoes, etc. 3' No. lflth St. Tel. Red
125) 21.1
WANTED Furnished or unfurnished hous
or apartment for family of four. lie:nls
Pork district. 'Phone Douglas 3741.
(iiij Mua 22s
MODERN, steam hed apartment, 5 or 1
rooms, centrally located. Address N 4
Be:' (tUJ-Mia: J2x '
ROOM furnished or unfurnished with
board, neur, Hanscom park. Adnro
170 Bee. 2C1 MP8 ?5x
! TWO nicely -furnished ' rooms
In go-jil J
neighborhood. Add lev a J 43, 1'
fill)-153 tl
i' ANTED (tne or two rooris, furn'shed
for Unlit housekeeping, wlth'n walk'ng
distance of South Omaha, car barn
V'r A -
dnss W 80. laie Dee. (2ti)-5f3
n i Mi-iii'iinca young lady as ro
rrlHte: a 1 rnoilern eonvo.i! ,',... "ill vt
IT'h St. (L'mM'jfi "7T
WANTED-PCK1TIOX -15 years' c-xperU ne
bookkeeping and otl'ee work in real estate,
department store, himbcr. grain u,:d null
ing. E. il. Pease, Fremom, .Neb.
(27 MUS
FIRST class Janitor wishes position. 4.i-'0
Seward. (i7)-M4t2 21g"
WANTED A tobition by an expert em
broidery worker; will show sampUs of
woik done. Address Miss Fannie Hjvlt
Box 20. Fort Crook. Neb. (27) tiul 2'x -
TOl'NO man with references wishes to
take pare furnace for room rent. Address
C 37. Bee. (27)-Mll 21x
WANTED In same town by two ladles
positions as office clerk and trimmer. Ad
dress ISO. Stuart, la. (27) M5CS 27x
POSITION by colored, man as porter or
waiter, a Janitor, No. 1 reference. Address
ISMS ItsTd (Zi)-14 27x
POSITION WANTEr-Exp7rle"nced "retaTl
salesman dry goods, shoot,, tsothtng
with reference. Address J rt tttrm B'e.
tf7)-M Six
Ollli-e, IB Scott
tllOtl MKMU)..
Davis, drugs.
Stoekert sells carpets.
Kd Rogers' Tony Faust beer.
Fine engravings at I.rfTert's.
See Schmltit'a elegant new photo. v
lrtwis Cutler, funeral director, 'phone Mi.
W'oodrliig rndeMakiug Company. Tel. 039
Picture framing. C. E. Alexander, ;'; B'wy.
Ira Frod.-rtckHiiti l as bci n culled to 1
1'ortc. Ind., by the ileatb of 1 is father.
Walter Cunning arrived yesterday from i
Colorado on a visit to Ms purentH, Shetlfi
and Mrs. fanning.
FOR f A I'Al.Olil'E. I
1'HoNES 1.
The body of F. M. Oibson. the painter
who. died In St. P.ernard's huspilal from
acute ulcohollsm, was sent yesterday to
ftdnr Rapids, la., Hi tin request or the
Charles Walter Young yesterday hy order
of the court was permitted to assume the
nanio of Charles Walter Young loucks,
the latter being the name of his step
father. Joseph Hlgelow was sentenced to twenty
days In police court yesterday for slashing
Walter Hart with a Uiokknlfe. Both aro
colored. Blgelow declared Hart called him
un offensive name.
Jesse C. Manley. a cook, and f. Town
send, proprietor of the Metropolitan hotel,
charged with disturbing the pace by fight
ing, were discharged yesterday In police
court on payment of the costs.
Fred Klopplng and brother of Wayne,
Neb., were In the city yesterday en route
to Boulder, Colo., called there uy the se
rious condition of their sister, Mrs. Conrad
Geiso of this city, who was Injured In the
dynnmlte explosion at that place.
The preliminary hearing of John Shefflef,
charged with killing James Lank ton. which
was set for today, before Judge Snyder,
has by agreement of both the prosecution
and defense been Indefinitely postponed. Tt
Is likely that the case will go stralgnt to
the grand Jury, which convenes August
Mrs. Humphrey, wife of the custodian of
the county court house, has been called to
Fort Laramie by the death of her father,
Samuel Misner, a former resident and
member of the Board of Supervisors of
Audubon oounty, this state. Mrs. Hum
phrey was accompanied by her sinter, Mrs.
James Zike, of Carson.
The receipts In the general fund of the
Christian Home last week were $167.12,
being $42.88 below the needs of the week
and decreasing the balance In this fund
to I2B4.75. In the manager's fund the re
ceipts were $22, being $13 below the needs
of the week and -Increasing the deficiency
In this fund to $743. SO.
Martha MeCann, administratrix of the
estate of Floyd Mitchell, who was run
down and killed by a Northwestern train
In this city Av ust IS, 1904. was authorlied
by the dlHtra court yesterday to settle
with the railway company for $."niO and
costs of suit. The suit was transferred
to the federal court, where at the first trial
the Jury disagreed. -
O. L. Hathaway, who for some reason
assumed the name of O. L. Barrltt, super
intendent of the county poor farm, was
bound over to the grand jury yesterday for
breaking Into Dr.- P. J. Montgomery's barn
and stealing two nets of harness. In de
fault of ball placed at $500 Hathaway was
sent to the county Jail. Hathaway ad
mitted the theft and pleaded drink as an
excuse. .
The funeral of Edward Brltton, who died
Monday, aged 70 years, will be held this
afternoon at 4:80 iit'clock from the resi
dence of his son. E. Brltton. 1407 High
street. Burial wt If be. In Walnut Hill cem
etery and the se?vloS will be conducted
bv Rev. Charles Mavne, pastor of Trinity
Methodist church. Mr. Brltton, who was
born In Somersetshire, England, came to
Council Bluffs In 1S0S. Besides his wife, he
Is survived by one son. F. E. Brltton, and
one daughter, Mrs. D. Williams, of Lo
gnn, la.
George W. Klein, 19 South Main street.
Phones: Ind., 710; Bell, B48.
Carriage, always .ready. Grand Livery,
J. E. and Elmer E. Mlnnlck. proprleters,
' Phones 272. 'Light livery riss on a few
minutes' notice; Just 'phone.
-Jnnea Talks to Frnlt Growers.
Prof. J. W. Jones of the State Agricul
tural college at Ames, la., was the guest of
honor at a banquet given at the Grand hO
tel last evening by the Commercial club and
the Council Bluffs Grape Growers' associa
tion. An effort Is being made by the fruit
growers of Council Bluffs and vicinity to
have Prof.. Jones permanently located In
this city to look after the fruit growing In
terests of this section of the state, and the
banquet was principally for the purpose of
affording an opportunity for the fruit grow
ers and others to rheet and become person-
ally acquainted with Prof. Jones
Prof. Jones is at present collecting an ex-
hlblt of Pottawattamie county fruits for
I the state fair at Des Moines and Is plan-
I A 1- . - t ...t,
ning to conduct a number of experiments
ln spraying In this vicinity. It Is Prof.
Jones' opinion that this may be made one
of tho greatest apple-bearing sect on In
the middle' west, provided the trees are
properly cared for.
At uresent Prof. Junes has the entlr
.. .'. . .
state to cover Willi tils experiment ana
educational campaign among fruit men, 11 I'luns do not miscarry or unless pre- couriers at over 2.000 killed,
but a movement has been started to have vented by bad weather, make the start at j PARIS, Aug. II In a telegram dated
him assigned to this section exclusively, j a. m. from Firrt avenue and Pearl street. ' Monday. Vice Admiral Phlllbert reports In
Present at the ban. met. In addition to j Dinner will be taken ut Carson and Oak- J termlttent artillery firing at Casablanca
the guest of honor, were J. A. AulaV.augh, land w;il be reached, i rovldlng there are both from the land and the sea. to keen
T r. rtuth.r J. C. Ruck. J. S. Gretxer. Ed.
Howe, W. S. Keellne, W. 11. Kuhn, W. G.
I Rich, O. a. Rice. P. Bauldnuf. J. F. Wll-
'cox, Alex Wood. J. P. Hess, J. P. Biicon,
1 ,,,. K p Schoentcen G L Petty
: 'd' ,IlPf"'' J" si noi ntgen, u. ---y.
-, M. R. Smith, George Allinglmm. Henry
i Elders. T. G. Green, E. 11. Merrlam. C. A.
, Jlcn ' K' "' P""11"'-. w
! Bloomer. Henry Myers; J. I
Eegk-y and P. Wahlsre'i.
Binder. R. II.
Bigley. P. B
i 1ce crer;m flavored with pure
! something that will please yoa.
Condy Kitchen, 6-iti Broadway.
Council Bluffs. I.i. , 1ms the lowest lum
ber frtsht rates. Hafer has the lowest
' prices and the best assorted stock of goods,
I Keul K-tale Transfers.
Those transfers were reported to The
Fee August 2ft by the .Pottawattamie County
AbHtmot company of Council Bluffs:
Anna 1'
F.rumbttUKh und husbiiud to
Rose Schutz, north 20 feet if cast
half of lut 8. block 6. Jackson's ad
d tlin to Council Blufls, la , w. d... $1,000
William J. Iver--'t end v Ife in a. J.
Chandler, lot 8 In block 2. Plalnview
addition to Council Muffs. la.. v. d.. fj
Anna I.ouckcs and hus'.innd to Churl s
Young, lot 4 In block S in Hall s
addition to Council Bluffs. Ia., w. d
Total (three transfers).
One hundred girls who wish to work dur
ing the fall and winter can find pleasant
and profitable employment at the cundyi
factory of John C. Woodward V Co. We
employ girls both on time and ylece work.
Hotsea and cattle hauled free of
charge. Garbage, ashes, manure ami
all rubblah; clean vaults and cess
pools. All work done Is guaranteed
Calls promptly attended to
lad. Pbone 1239 T. Boll Bed 1873
suiuis m UiHUOH.
at. Tel. 4.1.
Congressman Denies Any Aspirations
to Succeed to Senatorship.
Unnie Reasons Prevail o n
One Usr Ann 'or lleellnlna In Be
n fnnilldate for the Allison
A h linber of Iowa newspapers having re
cently suggested Congressman Walter I.
Smith of this city as a likely successor to
t'nlted States Senator Allison. Mr. Smith
den-ed It incumbent on him yesterday to
make the following statement:
I am not an aspirant, much le. a candi
date lor the 1'nlted States senate, and W II
not be a candidate to succeed Senator Alli
son. It would be a very grc at honor to be
senator from and It Is certainly most
gratifying to me to know that there are
those 'who regard tne as qualified for that
high office. My candldm y Is. however, en
tirely out of the question. When the sug
gestion of my piisslng from the house of
represent it Ives to the senate was made In
some of the conventions of the counties
comprising li e Ninth congressional district,
I publicly announced nt Ihe time that I was
not nn aspirant for the senatorship. That
declaration was made after the most full
and careful consideration and for reasons
which are as controlling now as they were
then, and will be as controlling next year
as now. I fully appreciate all that has been
snM and printed in my behalf, but this
positive denial of any aspirations on my
part to be senator must be taken as final.
We have the piano that has Just the tons
to suit you. We will save you money
on It. Easy terms, A. Hnspe Co., it! South
Main .treet, Council Bluffs, la.
Hoard Decides It Cannot Cbnnge the
F.xlstln- Plans.
The Joint session of the supervisors of
Harrison and Pottawattamie counties as
a drainage hoard yesterday afternoon was
enlivened somewhat by a discussion over
the rl&ht of .the board to permit the drain
age of what Is known as the Wilson creek
ditch In the western part of Harrison
county Into the Allen creek ditch. At the
time the drainage district was established
a number of years ago the Wilson rreek
ditch drained Into Noble's lake, and now
the residents of that section of Harrison
county want It turned Into the Joint ditch
now In course of construction by Potta
wattamie and Harrison counties.
On behalf of those opposed to the propo
sition it was contended that the boArd
had no authority to change to enlarge
the drainage district comprising the Allen
creek, Willow creek and Boyer cutoff
ditches by including the Wilson creek
ditch, especially as there was no indica
tion that the people benefited by the Wil
son ditch were willing to pay any of the
cost of the new ditches In course of con
struction. The applicants and the oppo
sition were both represmted by attorneys.
After a lengthy discussion the Ward de
cided It had no authority In the matter.
An arrangement was reached between the
board and W. A. Smith whereby the lat
ter's claim for work done on the Boyer
cutoff ditch under the original contract
will finally be settled. Seth Dean, the en
gineer in - charge of construction of the
new ditches, was appointed to act with
one man selected by Mr. Smith to measure
the work done by Smith, which can ac
tually be used In the present construction
of the ditch, Smith to receive '10 centa a
cubic yard for the same.
The time for the completion of the con
tracts for the Allen creek and Willow
creek ditches was extended to September
m, to which date the Iniard adjourned.
Complaint was made by owners ot land
through which the big ditches run thnt
the embankments needed putting In con
dition and a number of gaps filled. The
matter was referred to Engineer Seth
Dean for Investigation.
The supervisors of Pottawattamie county
will meet today as a drainage board to
consider bids for the bonds for the Pigeon
creek ditch and In regular session to take
action on providing for the Issuance of
bonds for Pottawattamie county's share
of the cost of the Harrison-Pottawattamie
county ditches and to take action In the
matter of the proposed drainage ditch at
Pottawattamie county's proportion of the
cost of the Joint ditches is $40,T9.17, of
which $15,113.58 has been collected from the
property owners benefited, leuvlng $25,5.58
to be provided for by bonds,
We correct all defectu of that eye that
, fliicma till I n .
; glasses will remedy. Consultation free.
Dr. W.W. Magarell, optometrist. 10 Pearl
j street.
Trip for t'arnlvnl Boosters.
The paity of street fair, carnival and
B""u roBila convention boosters which will
I Ult ........ ...
i " " ""v""iu ,ioaay oy automobile will,
... .. ' - -
""""!. "n time to near the address
r.r ca..nut..,. I .! -i .. . ., , . irey. siailBticai - icq, j ,
or amatoi Lut i.ilotte at the chuutauqua. prevails at the other Moroccan ports. I treasurer.
From Carson the automobiles will keep SAN SEBASTIAN, Spain, Aug. 21 Count R. v. R. H. Dolltver. pastor p he largest
closo together In order that a proper show- de Allende Salaxar, the foreign minister. ; church In Jollet, 111., In the stock River
lug may be made on entering Oakland. ha announced that Great Britain, France, 'conference, who twenty-seven years aa
lian-y Van Brunt went over the road , Germany and Spain have Instructed their ! came to Deadwood a the first home ml
yesterday in his big touring car, accotn- j respective consuls at Fe to leave, together aionary of the Methodist church, was ap
punied by Freeman Reed, and mude the I with their countrymen, when they Juilan . pointed superintendent of th Black HU1
necc-rsary uraiigement for the party at j the situation to be dungerous. I mission, succeeding Dr. C. B. Clark, who,
Curscn. His auto will lead iho procession! ! the first of the month, become chaplain
to.laj and Its occupants will strew confetti
along the road so as to enable the strag
glers to diKcern the proper route and pre
vent them getting lost.
The following owners of automobiles have
notihod Recictary Reed of the Commercial
club of their willingness to make the trip:
Dr. II. B. Jennings. H. H. Van Brunt. Dr.
R. B. Tubbs, J. T. Brooks. M. Woolman,
G. J. Hr.r.sen. V.' W. Hart, J. C. Plumb.
F. It" Davis. F. F. Everest, J. F. Wilcox,
George ts. Wright, Tom Farnsworth, L. A.
Casper, Charles Krlngle, L. P. Mudsen
and H. rnderuood.
1'iich auto owner will arrange his own
rarty and it Is expected that from seventy
I've to one hundred will make the trip and
assist in advertising the good roads con
vention and street fulr and carnival.
N. Y. Plun.btng Co. Tel. 250. Night, L t.
Attorneys lie! Tbelr Fees.
The loim-druwn-out controversy over the
attorney fees due Fllcklnger brothers of
this city In the case of A. 1'. Wyman. re
ceiver of the defunct Nebraska Fire Insur
ance company against certain local stock
holders, has been finally disposed of. Yes
terday Judge Smith McPheraon Issued an
order In fedi ral court to the effect that
Flickinger brothers were entitled to S7tn.
The sum of 10 In the registry of the court
was ordered turned over to them and th
receiver Instructed to pay the balance.
Counsel for Receiver Wyman had taken
the position that the Omaha court had
Jurisdiction in the matter of the fees, and
Juds-v Sutton had ordered Messrs. Flick
Inger to appear before Ms court and make
their claim. Messrs. Fllcklnger. however,
rernsed to acknowlcdi the JuilmllcMon
of the Omaha court, and In (Ills were sus
tallied by Judge McPhcreon.
Bt It j
Only Few Ml miles Separates Den 111 of
Hie l.lltle Ones.
Ceoige sod Charles Wesncr. lie young
sms of Mr. and Mrs. Fiiink U Wisner.
"in h
w ho w. re terrioly I
thclr I
t burned
iMieoeri Finn' 10 immr-n o. ,n. .,
after midnight at the Jennie IMimmdson
Memor ,rlt.,l. The deaths of lhv two
Ind. took Place but ten apart.
Oeorge, the elder,, dying at 12. .10 and
Charles at 1':4n. In each case death was
due more to the shock than "the actual
Injuries from the burning.
The bodies were removed yesterday to
the home of the grandn, other, Mrs. A. W.
We.ner. TOP Mynstor, from where the
funeral, whl h will be strictly private, will
be held this afternoon at 2 o'clock. The
services will be conducted by Rev. F. A.
Case, pastor of the First Baptist church.
and interment will lie In Falrvlew
f!,n1r" I
tery. In addition to the father and mother,
the boys leave one brother and two sisters
Petersen & Schoenlng sell matting.
Frnlt (irimeri o Help C'rerke.
The Associated Charities has made ar
rangement, with the Grape Growers' asso
ciation whereby the former will have a
I'urneii rum .noimaj in tn, ... ........ u
home bv the explosion of kerosene, which Meh Includes the Department, of the
the elder lad poured fin the tire In the j l-"kes. Dakota, and Missouri. . that
Ln. . .. . ... o .n-.i .i,...iiv i the main reason for desertion, according
large exhibit of fruit-at the street fair i (leneral Urcely recommend, the pu
and carnival. The exhibit will occupy one proper of all enlisted men except recruit
booth. In addition to furnishing the fruit of less than a year's service be Increased
for the display, the Grape Growers' asso- , from 20 to 50 per 'ent, and that minimum
elation will give the Associated Charities ' penalty for desertion should never lie les
luo baskets of grape, for the 'latter to dis- than the unexpired term of enlistment,
pose of for the benefit of the Creche. Tho General Oreely urges the necessity of mn
commlttee from the Associated Charities tcrlally Increasing the pay of officer and
which will have charge of the fruit ex- ' declares that unless It Is contemplated that
hlhlt consists of Mrs. Oeorge T. Fhelps,
Mr.. Frank Clark and Mrs. M. Woolman.
Marriage License.
Licenses to wed were Issued yesterday
to the following:
Name and residence. Age.
O. Elwood Anderson, Columbia. Mo :m
Olive Inei Morton, Oakland, la 2"1
W. A. Brunson. Dodge Clly, Kan Z
E. E. Preston. Dodge City, Kan 24
Death of Iowa Pioneer.
OLENWOOD, la., Aug. 21. (Special.)
Ont bf the largest funerals ever held In
Mills Tounty took place at Ghnwood Sun
day, when A. J. Russell was burled. Mr
Russell came to Glenwood fifty-two years
ago lnht May and was actively engaged In
business from that time until about two
months agb, when he suffered a slight
stroke of paralysis, which resulted in his
death Thursday evening. August 1R. Mr.
Russell was the oldest of four brothers and
Is the flrst of them to die. It was largely
through Ms efforts that the town" of Glen
wood was made possible. He was one of
the hardest workers for the location of the
Institute for Feeble-minded Children at
Glenwood and was one of the first trustees
appointed by the governor ufter Its erec
tion. Mr. Russell was always public-spirited
and nny time he could be of any benefit
to Glenwood he was always willing to de
vote time and energy In Its behalf.
The funeral was conducted by the Ma
sonic lodge, of which he had been a mem-
her for npArlv fnrtv vpnri. tl Iaavam aur-
vivlnghlm. besmes a wife, three brothers -
L. W. of Glet.wood, Gu of Hastings, la.; I
Charles of Forest Grove, Ore. and five
children Charles, Jay, and Mrs. C. C.
Wright of Omaha, Frank of New Castle,
Wyo., and Fred of Colfax, Wash.
Des Moines Murderer Cnptared.
MARSHALLTOWN, Ia Aug. 21. (Spe
cial Telegram.) Ottavlo Leprovltare, the
Italian wanted St Des Moines for tha mu:--
dnr of his cousin, Ottllle Screnvlno, on
August 12, waa captured here today by the
local police after an exciting chase. Offi
cers from Des Moines positively Identified
Laprovltare this afternoon. He was taken
to Dos Moines this evening.
Iowa fiews Kotes.
ATLANTIC The little son of Mr. and
Mrs. George Pratt of Grove township, who
was so horribly burned end scalded a week
ago by falling Into a tub of boiling lye
water while at play, died at his home yes
Another. Assault on Preach Camp at
Casablanca Results la Defeat
of Natives.
CASABLANCA, Aug. 21.-The Arabs have
delivered another attack upon the French
force, under General Drude, encamped out
side this town, but they were routid, with
very heavy losses.
1 i . I
A general uprising of the natives la ex-
I pected... The European residentr, of the
coast towns, a well as those who live at
Fee, Morocco City and other places In the
Interior, are leaving their homes and neck
ing safety In flight.
The loss of the Moor In yesterday's at-
, .... I ........ , 1. Ml,,, , 1 ...... ...t 1. .. T......1.
tain uiinii nir vnj in .oilman u u , m i, i
the tribesmen back of
the town. O n I r
" "
American Hans Down PeiMler and
Kills lllm and Is Himself
nadir Hart.
IXU'IVERS. Fiance, Aug. 21. While Jo
seph Frits, an American, was driving a
powerful automohllo near here today he
ran down and kl'led a peddler. The ma
chine swerved and was wrecked. Mr. Frit
was thrown out and sustained a fractured
skull. He was removed to a hospital, where
Ida condition Is said to be critical.
(Jreat Britain Accepts I nl Htatea
Offer la Arbitrate Fisheries
LONDON. Aug. 21 Great Britain ha ac
ceplod the proposition of the I'nited States
to submit the Newfoundland fisheries dis
pute to arbitration at The Hague. While
the matter Is In probess of arbitration the
fisheries will be conducted und r the same
modus vlwndi as last year.
yy . Dangerouacoujui
Desperate ssaa;
X f ' ' reCular medicine, doctor! medicine, for'
I j f jV "en
KJU W lO Cherry
71 W fcse
KM i fori
" mm
Division Commander r$mrt Canteen
" and LfcTfcTfr Pay.
lie l ,l voce Irs n lllacer Army,
lirmlrr Variety ol Fos an
! Heavier Penalty for
' WASII1NUTON'. Aug. 2I.-The annual re
it of Major Oehcral A. W. C.reel. com-
'sanding the north division of , the army.
to the universal opinion of a large number
commissioned and n".m)T
officers, was the .mall pay, ,"r"m1odiii1,h'
lack or the canteen and resultant trouble
In dives surrounding tho army posts, and
"Ihe low standard and general worthies
ness of recruits." The moral deterioration
of the recruits Is characterised as a corol-
lery ot the small ay given men.
General Oreely urges Increase or pay or
officers and men, a five-year term of en
listment, a material Increase In strength of
the Infantry and restoration of the canteen
I privileges to the extent of selling beer, or.
If the canteen I.- not restored, that thera
should he legislation similarly restricting
the use of liquor by all federal official
and employes.
Canteen Decrease DronkenneM.
He says It Is beyond' reasonable doubt
that the establishment of the canteen do
creases drunkenness and that It. elimina
tion has largely Increased liquor drinking
urul dissipation among enlisted mn..
the army shall be officered from an aris
tocracy of wealth, for an officer' position I
fust becoming Impossible for a man without
private Income, Increased pay should ba
given him.
More Infantry Seeded.
General Grt-oly says the minimum In
fantry strength should be Increased
fifteen regiments, but if duty In
Cuba and on the Isthmus Is to
be part of the army work It should bo
twenty regiments. Discussing camps of In
struction and post schools be expresses tha
opinion that thero Is a tendency of over
education by books and lectures, both as
regards officers and enlisted men.
General Greely holds that the army ra-
lion, while excellent In quality and doubt
I less of sufficient nutritive value. In qusn
' Ity and variety does not satisfy the Amer
ican soldier.
When not supplemented, through suppling
from gardens, post exchange profits, etc.. It
furnishes only a meager, monotonous diet.
He suggest that various edibles found on
every American table, even of the poorest
people, are entirely lucking In the army ra
tion, although they appear on the naval
Said to Re Fully I'p to the Stand
ard of Those In the
Rose bud.
PIERRE, S. D., Aug. 21. (Special Tele-
' ram;-Former Congressman Burke who
Introduced the bill which places the Lower
Brule lands In the market, which are to
be opened In October, has returned from
a trip over the lands, In which he Was
accompanied by Register Wheelon of 'tha
land office and John I. Newell. They re
port the tract, with the exception of a
few bluff claims along the river, to be of
as good a quality as the Rosebud lands and
j no Indians holding allotments upon It.
ta Be Made ta Itedeem Ot
College Buildings.
HOT SPRINGS. 8. D.. Aug. 21.-(SpeclaU)
The twenty-eighth annual conference of
the Black Hills mission closed It session
this morning. The education committee
aubmltted its report In regard to the loca
tion of an academy In the Black Hill,
which was unanimously adopted. They
said they believed the time had come to
open an academy In the Black Hill In
affiliation with the Dakota Wesleyan unl
verrJty at Mitchell In accordance with tha
plan previously agreed upon, approved by
the board of directors of the university.
The commute believed It best to try to
redeem the property of tha old Black Hill
college here. It can be bought for $13,000,
and Hot Springs ha raised Its bonus to
The appointments as read by the bishop
were as follows:
Belle Fourche, A. L. Baker! Buffalo Gap
and Cascade, to be supplied; Custer, J. w.
Lucas of Dakota conference; Dead wood
First, Thomas Andrews; Trinity, D. W.
Tracy; Kdgemont, K. R. Gilmer; Hot
Springs, E. 8. Chapped; Lead. John Hall
i of Dukoia conference; Washta, 8. M.
1 Davis; Nashville, J. M. Gardner; Ransom,
M. C Roberts; Rapid City, F. F. Case:
Keystone, E. T. Chamberlain; Rubalx and
Gaiena. to be supplied; Spearflah. W. R.
Jeffreys, Jr.; Sturgis and I'ledmont. G. M.
Carter; Sundance, Terry, Whitewood and
Vail, to be supplied; Robert Tltmarah,
D. E. Murray. J. L. Dlmmett, W. J. Getty,
William Mason, return to own conference.
i ' D.,K,.rt. mrum urrnUrV! W. R Jef-
. ' ... . , , . i ,.k ijii
of tha Battle Mountain National Sanl-
tarluni. Dr. Dolltver Is a brother of Senaj
, tor Dolltver of Iowa, and la universally
. irtv(,d and resuected.
Conference meet next year at Custer,
S. D.
A very touching incident of the closing
hours of the meeting was the presentation
to Dr. C. B. Clark, who retire a super
intendent after six ears of faithful, hard
senice, of an oak writing desk. Rev. John
Hall making the presentation speech In be
half of the ministers who have served
under Dr. Clark's administration. Dr.
Clark accepted the gift with a heartfelt
response, bringing tears to many eye.
Ahwoudrr Pound Dead.
EVAN ETON, Wyo., Aug. 21. (Special.)
Tho remains of the man found near 8 moot
s.ihih time ago have been Identified a those
of Alexander Wliite, th Jackson Hoi
Justice of the pesce who absconded last
fall with about $1,500 of . the funds of th
oounty. White had evidently attempted to
reach the railroad on foot, and, overtaken
by a storm, perished in the open.
Dangerous cougbg. fcxrremely perilous
iloua cougba.J
at and lungajS
r. You need
nedicine. forll
rasp And tear the throat
bake the whole body
coujn. ai your doctor about Ayer'a
Pectoral for these aeyere caaea.
a eeeress I We aklU f O.iraOt.,
ifii our arjpMmHass. f JiT.