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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 21, 1907)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: AVEnNESPAY. M(JLT lT."gW7. 7 ANNEX TO THE TRAIN SCHOOL $Mrd Criera Te-taoom Addition to LV frae-i Siildisx. XATTOyl TOX EIGIAI COSTS t Btea Drl4d t Ota faa Itatr laker Dtf aad lUm rtl eTta tb city hall tb thrower OA Da stair Ot top ef tba T Labor day. ro form-llty af A R-tr th tearetber ft, u tba CUcak de a Th tutl tendered thaet tb -onor at tba bmOh a ftitrht aa it was ac eted M trrtfhp fiaasfbVR It to all tiimi w that k tlx asrvator oon darter a be off duty aad cftjatfr blidy, and lb staUri rjuir-s a board tinrtlmi e Chat data. XeA-tat aside frota hi tm of rvuttea -atar traTrd at tba aaaaAac Wat era-tar except that th eonatrwetv-i af a fa atecy tram rnwi the Treat aft, at aa atiroBtd cost of tUta, w MOartiai aa4 a formal mo- erdered entered eirats tba Toa stret acboot toulMtof a tba tba eeavlaar cf Calais U B. arnamaa, fareer ectntnaadaet cf tba rutd Btafaa Kraal corpa atatSoa. tbc baftaUoa baa aecnbt two airnaJ for a e tba fcirb aeboal rnH Tba batlaJtaw baa aodaarornd to bare awaoant mapantf f tbia klnfl aaaCB4l tor tta oaa, tat mm nawfi Hy. A lettaa- Craa Caatala WDftmaa. read at tba taatliiar. atata that ba ba4 puchaa4 aad rppOr4 M atatloa lamp and ooa fiad laatcrq, vblcb ba aaatrad -. ta piomut tbroosa tba board ta tba bait: tea. Tba a(ft waa aorf tad acd tba aaoratarr CT aaiud ta acaraaa tba tba&ka at tba board la tba dtaaar. IHIiant m Bmta pfaaBtad Cracm tba traaaurer and awmytraaer abaa WLMLM a-raflabla for varraatta in -tba vaaaral f nad and XX!. 1B.N of aobofil fokda aWaealt. ta aotai a raiaa la aakxrr for H. ravban aagtnaar at tba birb acboaC by tatrtraottrg tba aacraUry aad ta atwaafiy bin for ana yaar trota at W par aaontb. taOcd ta pre vail. aa4 a. eaatraflt for taa mac tba at lata. Tba oc atlpand Cram Aa aatlmate af M.TR.M ta tba Capttal Oty Brick aad Ptaa company ea tba Tlotoa buOdbas aa aQawad, aJao aa aaDmata of IMt to Rstbarfard A laeaea aad eaa of tJM to F. ijiiaoa tor gradlaav Tba raalf aattas af Hny Raroea Tvm& aa klaoer- axtaa dlraelor waa raeatrod aed aeoaptad. Repair aa tba aoraral acboat boUdiaaa ai dai d aa faOawa: anndara, Q; t: Oaatrai. Plat); Ooiim.biaa. btaaaa, SUXM; Ktak. aiiaaaaary abada x taraa: Maauaeajtb. ran, aiiciaaary tnftoa apaira, Gaiaaa ta tba aaaaaat at HIMX aiao war ailowad. Tba apart af Sacratary Borreaa la aa faOawsi Appor- Bamaliv- lna iiwiinn ...,m.....t ho 9 i.t Lata ,. Prawtna. arrtaa aa; tMJI iuaema 7&.M llati-M Lb P M,aHtt na.M Jaattora Ligkt. fad aad jdapa. eaana Totala ...4 CRJtt.M am tor m raaam Uoa road . n.M Add far aaaaraaoa fond.. LM Total 1 OLJCS Caacparatrra Titian ant of aaaaVCUaraa tor tba firat aoaatb af tba fiaoai yaar IM-, wua taa urax zaavot ac tba Daoai yaar Ut btaatb lat bUmtb Fiaoai Ta, rtoeai Tr. 1X4-4C. lMial Adaorttata ..m .. t at Arcaitact a aai niaa..., . ror radaaipttaa f uad, . Baoba Carta J Uil Canaua aaaaaarau XMCt 41 t- n U at wi a ITt.Tt Hli 1-Bprv verseota laauraaoa f uaA. .. Liu raaaa aratlam .. Taterwa aad stskaaa. Tat M Ja-itar lat W lAgbi. fuel and rA... Map, abart aad raf- fffioera aad akrka.., U Pnatiar ....-....., st at plaaa rat aad taabar- tt st Beat .,, M t Repair BAM fcatl ta ea lim a atJt ""it t-iM luaaery aad tnujwilM m Teacher Maoaliaaaeaa UtLU Totala BVrwA I7UT.M Cash ta tTtaarai ru d Aaruat L It 4MU04-S Oeaeral fuad wwrraata eotetaa d- tnr Autruet L IM" LtCt.M Baiane la atta and build'.nr taad Ar-t L 1"..... . f J2A.7J CHARGES AGAINST SALOON MAN ai Case (ear Oa Week, ef th tib a af tb Beard of takaa ap Monday air t nU tb heartec af taa -vtaa Cat by Vr. Jaaa 1. oloaaea. 1K7 ThBtoa stiaat, araiaat Bar Pak s. wb ran a a aakiaa tiim tb atrast fissx ba Tb cbarr war that Pair" la a anise nr a. ta that a rw s a Aaac baH. taa mt-tc tor which la Bira-tbed by a -rieatalit aad trust hy aad that profaa awaa aad Wwd stay In tbe aaiooa till a i n tjr hoar aad ttAka tb aigbt altt-w wtlk their and. A Plat bar of ansa i wee txawrr A. aad aa a a am bar wham tba iw vaacuUea wished ta lat t doc b aet appear, tha bearter waa put aver ta be flalahed aaxt Maaday aic-L U Mrfanrbb af tb deed t aack far fall- laf ta rssianadl ta aa ai na af era. Cb Arsra tbasth par t-tU-r to lap on read aad tb hitri-r was aet for heart Meat ay -lathi. Tha tt th iiiial eJfiai mt the kiad cAard ar -tt t th rKhta Dstrty Aaya. Tb aarat ef the trbara r1at Omeer Joha Davis over dor tw (V Me oad aatretar- Bitr oatirtag wl trf BwaceUoa ttaaod. HO Arennaot a lilillil , VV Booha - n n t Cartaca -, M Coaaoa r) a La Oaaaaracooa . .. aata aad kta- Ftamlalaa- aaaaaaltlaa.M. U K'praaa aai traaght m ruai i . tawo ra(ta .j. . , . . 4 XX tuaaaaaaata , , IlAo wraaoa awatun... lAoa irK aad n0 ...4 aVaot aaa ral- oroaea boaka . tM UaV.aV OfBoora aad elarfca km U.(U n frlaUac .. M....M. t,M Lfaa fiaaa rat ., . , . u u at Rat ... i. , Ut H at Rapaira , ,. li.aua UJK.M tpaoMU tazaa teat aiatiaaary aad aapaJtaa-a t ftw at Swobara .nn , i B4.M aUa0 laraliaaaaaa .. ..-, CM rlJt aaw atAai Oaatracoaa . t -, XXaarlns. taaala, kla- dafaarvaai aappltaa..w .-.. Tacuoa aitauM.M S M Kiaewta pa war . . ... d ot aaatala wMKua, la A Kcpraaa aad 'aK rual - . Wrattara at B week la order t allow SteaAe maa to -car paper shewtnar fci ar. Ckar were preferred by Ckief Dor.abo Araraat OfScer J. r. BUrr for tt patrol La brat. Tit tr!r. w art far rert Monday. Aawuel leave ef & anted t D tertre J. H. Saras. Eei grant A. Taaaje and Ofictt rrei-k Murphy. Three rr fT wer sffjirted to tit wwnt lift. Tby ax J. R. Tarn wtw. Jot Q. Adam and WTOUm tT-ho. At next Monday hirbrs ntctM tin betrl 13 rx mla arplK-art for th pelic depart PALMER RAISES FIRST FLAG OaaeA r Hotara rlra Battta Moaatala aottiU-ra aaltarlaaBw Captain H. E. Palmar rKorwJ Monday from a visit cf ee-eral days to tha Battle Mountain aanltartwm al Hot SrTlrir. B. D. and left T-ueiar for Erie. N. T. WhD there Captain Palmer, irho la tra TTHnA mnr cf tba aaXLltatan iT rlrtua of tit efSca aa a frrabw of tba boar of tnwtvaa of tha JtatlPtai Hotnaa for tlaabtd Volantra. vu mad tba rot cf hoti or at a ri1on t'.vyu at tba Ban- harlum TYVlay wnlc- Sa.tnrfiar tba Bnr iron fiaCa3 at tba aanftarlnia u raiaid anfl Caflaln Palnapr t waa rlTrn tb braor of bolt!e tba ftrat fla. ta tba martbaad. Tba ea, afT waa 1 wttiwj ai a ocm or a cosuicion betcf Faxtoo dt Virrtlr.a' cf OmahA Tba aar.lta.rtun feaa -alraady dlacharrd aixty pallmta durlc, tba moctba cf June and July, fully raco-rrrod from tblr ail fDrsta. Tfcera are now about 13t old vet eran raealTlt trattnact at tba Baat- tarlnax and new anoa are bain recrTTod oonelanCy. Capalaia John H. Hobba of Omaha ta about reoorrred from hie aCmest. mni wtU abortly retura to Omaba. CaptaJn B. R. Bail of Omaha, who la a patient there la lmproTlas eteadBy. and experta to be able ta return, botse In a week or two. BUNCH OF NEW PHARMACISTS Stat Board Aaeaaafea Rewalta ef Exaalaatlau Held Vmmt ret xry H. I Harper of the Board cf Examtsera to tba SebraakA State Beard of Ptiarmacy. aaaouacaa the followtec auc tiaaafal appHcasta for oertiflcatea to prac tice pharmacy la the atate, aa a ratoK of tba examloaUo&a beld is OmabA by the board laat wwak: D. J. Barber. Era ret Biotmberr, R. K. Carrotbera, X. . Currier. Jaroea H. Ftr- Sart E. Kopplcc. O. J. Kadary. H. Lccc f. W. Jdaraban. FVm Meabaa, O. W. btyera, G. U McMillan. F. E. PoCett. T. W. Retmera. Soreo Rinr- raad. D. B. Bamoelaon. Alfrad P. Schiller. Anna B. Scbiumberrer. H. E. Beibert. "W"jU- tar BneS. Oworr P. rewicw. R M Thora too. WUllAm T. Tooa aad C 'WaJthaU. TEST OF GARNISHMENT LAW Ralea Caaploywr Moat Haiat Xotlew af Aawtaraaaewt Wkea tenadU Joerneet aratnat A. rona4-bDe, tba Sortat and in faror cf the Omaha Loan and Truat oampacy waa irrrea Tueaday by Judf Poater for d under procee&lnr ta car&labmest. Henry Payne borrowed CO from tba loan company aad cara aa aa alrnwtent of hla warea doe bim froai Doaa rbaa. Notice of tbia aaalynmcnt was r.'rta. but Doaarboa paid tba money c-rer to bia amploya ta epite cf tt. Tba Juatioa baM that wbere ootid of tcarsiahiaeat or aa Sfameat la riven to aa employer be must honor tt or ataad reapoaalbla ror tbc ram iaralrad, Do&arbu appealed to tba dia- trtct court. DEATH RECORD. WtUtaaa Wtablramaa. NEBRASKA CTTT. Aur. X. SrcijLl, WUHan Wmklemaa. once an Omaha book binder, wb was dotnr carpestar work oa eoa of tba new ataia bnndmr at Pere, aad Vt fan Troaa a aaacaid atorw- wwlMjer. died la tba bospttal la tbla cfty. Tba body takaa to Para laat erwnbxr tar tntar- t. By kia tan ha trete bia ttack and brwarht to this city and operated epos. It was found nooeaaary to . reanoTe twa rartebraa. when tt waa dlatoo-eered that tba aptnal cord waa rery ba!y bmaad. Ba loaraa a wife and two groarB.-da.arb-tara. wbo ara raaidezrta of Omaba. Be livad ta Omaba for twenty year, 3r. Wlckiaman was at on time la charxe of tba acock roora at tba Omaha Prlndnr pal iij amy. EaawoAov at Barbouak. t. D. KTTCBELU & Tw Aur. .-npecralV-A. A. Traaa rocereed a talepboaa meaaar this aftamaon of the burainr af bia ale waAor at Burbaak. Oear . buabela of eraia war bttrnod. wltb a loss of B.OXL Whack Is cor red by tnauranoa. Tha ala- waaor wfa ba rebeUt at Fawaraaly. MTTCKELU S. D, Aur- MpocMil. Tb b-rvtwucr et rrops-la tbts aouaKy was prarticaJly ftaubed wbea tbe last of tba wbaat was placed ta tba stack Satur day nirht- It ka been tba moat favor able re ana for b-ar eet la a rreat maxy year. Karotofor the farmer handicapped to a ooosiderabl extent by tb prw alacioa of rain, but tb last three week baa been tb driest tbroarb any tisresat aeaaoa in tb laat tea years, and as a result tb wheat aad oata bar bee put tt tb stark perfectly dry. Na rata baa fallen ta tb is aaction atac tb last days m July, la the norther portion of tb oeesty wbaat and oata ar Uxrht. owmr to tb k-anstorm which vtatea that sectloa about tb sniddle of July, wall ta tb souther part a very rood crop of both oereals ts as, inn, tnaklnr aa averar crop. Corn ta kastllnr ta rrt out of tn way of frost, but tt W13 tak at least two weeks ta put tt oa tb aaf aide. Ncrrwttbstaad inr tb dry weal bar tt caa made a splendid devwloprnent during tb bust two XoB't throw your tire away. If yox ha ppaa to ba out of emnioyw rat, ret tit, a rytnant. If yo caa do kaythlnr Just fairly wn -ro need aot be without plenty t do. Put a wast ad ta Tb Be your cj lTV-atirna and youU eooa b bury araax. To ar past tb perao som em ployer want, and you'll find that employer if jre tak tb rirht ceurae. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Tbomaa Pox of David City to tbe aTttart of Omaha mauve. - Mis Marraret Morris of -HnonvQle, Kaa is tb rueet or Miaa uraoa uavta. W. O. Bouthwick of Prifetvd aad Dr. Geoew H Potter of Shelby ar at tb Henahaw. Mia Certred Lrford ef New Tork Is ex ported tb early part of next week la speed a few eAyt am -ion a rue T. A- Matthew cf Linoola. Candida te for county corcaar. was ta Omaha ah atrg baada with hat rnenos Tweeoay. Mr. Matthew was a former Omaha a. Mr. aad Mr. H C. Ricbmoad ef Prara t r at th partoa. Mr. Rirhaneed ta tha editor af the Ptomowt Heraid and la well knew a te Omaba and South Omaha people E- M. Coilm of Pre-nont J. L Bra-nell ef Pawtt. Idaho. I. R Nesrjii of Pt ant, w. wmaolrk ef Cre.rhloa. A Neieoa ef Brush and J. M Caia of Cb ad- r a ar at ts Murray. Mr ajtd Mix C P Taylor of Bpokaa Saud era of Bieocrifiekd. E J. Rad'.ae ef Nerfuia, K. B. Maxey aad dac-h;er of Maak'r . It B. Muaa of Lincoln t a. u . , - - r a w, , . . . , . - w T GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET . AO IrOft OB Xd9 JUXei Ptt CrOWi . , i aJll!L I WEULT STEOJO 03 FAR BnTfO , aaa Hrarr Rradlly ftlUa-, bat It by Caab Hi Caatlaa aad rtraa. la Tatvra idy OMAHA. AufTt . W7 Te ornIrif ir.araM a r.TPTt in ali tram ajid a.iacoS atvral fracuot CatJaa ran, roucfc f.r-.'Lttr, but tf-a r'J crowd araa ocrrj larri it-'rk Ff froat d.a not rhrw on th athr t-jr'-aa rrp'rt. .imr. rm r,T. f.:r . tnr by tt arkr.a aad mu.i; fcJr-,T cah). Ttr aai anrn brarr a".llr It. rnjt it waa takn ra!'.:y b caah hon. Pnca ur.i4 aiay and trm and willica to aranoc ptiTbr arfcat cpneJ at TW- and c)m1 at Sc- Coro cpiiHl atmr j a4 aiTanoo-1 afffraj fracuona. Rrpona cf ba-ry r.0T-r ta Iiiinoia. low ana I fM ah orrvorta arrra 1 La rhi-f Jaciora Si-trrbrr corn opond at avse and cUd at Hc Oalo ortipa a"m as-T r. "l'-.r of lra rtt!T Tra.d ttt hcrit wtd f armra ahan-tnir tio u-t f -t to au can r3 n twnl c.n prt Srp rm "ZrSTr buahei ar.d ahirfnottte wrrr IfSi.ff .jn ela. aralnat rc-e)pta lat rar cf fll.''' r, .r-.r,,. it t 'fcc.h: fcr,a ahltrnenta were Jtf'.t-Oli r-ufht-.. aainft recelpta laat year cf .l ('f'O buhe.a nt.4 ahipmente cf tTl.M'O Vuhel- UTerpcol cloaod. Id h:ifcfr cn wheat and S4 hicher cn com Local ranae of cptjC'na: ArOclerl Open. I HlshJ Low. t Clcn. Tea'y. rvrt... t,' -ps Loc... M"-' I I May... fco, W fcs, Si Corn I 1 I I Bept...i HS i1 Iw....: 4'K May...! vv "S CS, Oata i I lept-.. t'S' Pa Iec.... j ar- ova iar.-.' rv. .ard. baaaba Coah Price. VTTTEAT No. ! hard 7-v(B-: No. t 7sf77c; No- t hard. triTx, No. S rprag. 7KJic; no fraoe. aneiCTr. CORN No. , 4fH4Il; No 4. n4: no rrafle. asc: No. 1 ei;w. 4l(?4in1c; No. t white. 4f'&93c. OAT No. I m!xd 4V9,i,o: No. . color, etc; No. I white. 44947c. No. while, aiStf aWc; atandard. c. RTE No- t Car: No. i. CC-rc Par Vt Recetpta. Wheat. Corn. Oata Chicaro n la a 4fl m in n JV lltl X ar. k ia City Minr)fprluB Otr.h lruluth St Loul CHICAGO CltAIS AID PROnIO. PeaUmrea af the Tradlar aad Ctoatar Pi lea a Board of Trade. CHICAGO. Aur- . "heat price on, the local exchanre adrancefl more Uian 3c today berauee of unfaaor.ahly low tem perature in the norttweet and a lively demand for exjiorL At the clriee tr;e 6-7-temir dellrery waa up lic Corn waa up lc Oata were c hifher. Proviaiona were unchacred to be higher. eestimert in the wheat pit waa bullish all day cn an active demand by export houeee and caeh lntereata. The market opened atronr tecaua cf a aharp advance at Liverpool ad reports cf froai In max.y locaiiUes in Mlnna4A ad the Iitkotaa. Laier tha market dertred atrenrtb from reporta cf aa unuauaily beavy exiort bustaeaa. OTer l'A) boat loa6a. It waa cialmed havinr been taken today at New York. The cloae waa nronr and elooe to the hlrht point. 8-i-i-rat opened. So to Vfcwe tlrher at few's"-, old at Coc. adraactid to K7c and cioeed at W)BPc. Primary receipts were fci. i0 bu., ag-aJnrt tai.OiiO bu. -C'O the same day laat yaax. Mraneapoha. I'oluth and Chi caro reported rxoeij-ta cf til cars, arsinat V' cara last week and r7 care a yea.r aea. Trade in corn waa tircly SDa etie market bewed prooounoed strength. CMd weajiier ! ib tha west as a Borttivest I urnit&ea tne chief reasons for buyinr Sruali rectipta. firm cablea and the bulre in oa-ta were minor ir.fluenoea. Cicmmiasion bauaes and local bulla were aK-tiwa bidders and the aelllnr aa larrely by lonra. Tha market eloeeo stronr. September cpened c k.rher at 6Mr. advanced to i&yc and dosed at tac. . Local receipta were lUt cars, wltb MX of coe.tract grade. Oata for SepiamtAr daliTwry today Bold at .Vc wblch la a new klrh point for tba seaecm. This was an advance cf Pe ever tha cloetr-r quotaiiona of yesterdav. Other dellvrnea ahewed ra;n of about lac Tha aharp upturn ru caused by an actir a-eoeral demand, which waa baaed upon tba cold weaiber. am all crcp rrKne tnent and ainmat oomplete xhaution f local stocka and a Uvr!r eh'tinr demand. The market was stror.r all day and rliat-d bear the kurheat point. SrtemtK-r OTned a&,lc hirher at ea-wtl-tfiac advanced to V and cloaed at -wC Local receipts Were Ml cars. Proiialcma were f.rm. chief y In sympathy with rraia. At the cloae -ptembr pork waa up iTVV at tli.Ti. Lard waa a ar.ade hirher at ti.ft. Kiba wars onchanred at Letin-iated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, IB cara. com, at cars; oata, ll4 cara; hora. bead. OMAHA WHOLEtilX MARKET. Caadltlaa af Trade aad Beta t tows Staple aad Paaey Pied are. EGGS Per do., lie. BUTTER Pat kin stock. Ikr: rhoiea to fancy dairy, 5c; creamery, aie. t f Tl' TT t-.T-V -T-C, T 2. 1 S fT. Af - I tern, luc; roomer. Cc; turktya. lie; ducks, VttsaC " a fiaafwhth waC HAT Choice Na. 1 Bfland. t!."; medium. atav; No. 1 bottom. SAW'; oSim iea from tL-M to KM', n straw, r.jt. Nu. i alfalfa. lO-Ot, rT.rrrn and vej-ons. APPLES Early Juxe aad Atrachan, TSc per market bacitet. lu,e and VYea.lU.y Applea, for cookicg. tl tt a buaheL BLACKBERRIES Case 14 quarta. t7? tUUJrX-RNIA PEACHES-Per tx x. U o. CALIFORNIA PLUMi-Per crate. tl-KXS MS BLiEEERRlES Per It-quart case. K. 5" TEXAS WATERMELONS-EacA. Sc; rrated for aropment. per Ib. CANT LOCPE Te- iar4ard crate, tl; Arkanaa etwderd. U su PEARS CaJ. fort, la and Colorado F-art- letta, tt t a t i. Fiemith F-eauuea, B.3. LEMONS Llmoniera. :se. r. sis, r .Ti, bran da,'u ieaa. BANANAA Ph r nMiurstlsd tun JO. CAplA- Jumboa. tirvtiA UJUtGE A Vftueciu M and HI sixes. l4JiB4,Jt. 1A i. lsu. lit, iJt a a t t taa, Sa DATES Kadaway. le: Sayer. sc; liai lowia ac; lis atuSed walnut date, s-lb. box. CLOa. TEG ET ABLE . NATT BEANS Per bu. No. 1. CtbtJ be. 1 (. . Lima. Se per lb. POTATOES Per bu.. pew a'tiai. ASPARAGU S lie per due. feunchek EEANS New w ax ana suvia. kc per tears el Laekel. bEEIeL TVRNIPS an C-JiROTS Per Bracket taa ket. tactile. RALIfctill Per dok tunc ea. boms rre wn. 3rtG. To MA TOES Home rrowa. market basket crate. fcttxc.. CI ."T' V fi 1TJ Per basket. V3a LETTVCE Par doa.. Sac CbLERT KtnlMiK, Jt ONIONS Tel w. i c per lb; red. he; B(jnan. per rrata. tl .fc. KaW PEPfj Per market basket. Ha. Mb. I r-b -f 1 rib. W No. I rib, ?- N.-. 1 Z&l S? J.1?:." Plata Sc; No t t ut. rc; Na. k, mi- SlK..UJlIMiVl a COFFEE Roasted. No -. He per .tb.; No. tk. 1- c par lb., Na ti. lbs per la; No. S. Ur -r 1A CALIFORNIA DRIED PRVrTS Prune ar aoairwbat a settled by- freer offering from second hands, a he seem desire f anwuig supplies i unmeeiate rra'ea '- tatAnna rane. f rar, A ta tc f or CtsLtmrrim Peacbea are ai.gttly a tier, with fancy yel lows ajaoied al LS- n. Fais.r.s are Arm; three crown loo. Mescal are quoaed st te; foiir-crcwa. lOr . seeded raisin. s$71c rUH-Uai'.eut. lie; trout, lie. pickerel, H; p:e. 14c. k. freah fr. are, tii, wuue f A. 101bc, bvtt io. sc. buliheada. ak-iri?et. and dresaed. Ike , ratfisA Creveed 7cf w Mie perch. W. while taa a. lit: bieca ass. : tVtc, rkf-piea. ais. ; Urc crap- ffc, fi vrmn, 1 r' rri. frrt frrn R Fja-'ih itixif', lar: r.att mfk-L I SiV rT wai froh tr-wn. lie: r"-J anatTw. lnlOT pwt rta n. hlk frh frcarn. I, atrtora Ur; ahad ro. -r prr lb. ; frof lr. c r o- ; r "-" 13 .i nttt. S prr ib. CANNED CXX'1'9 Cora, a'ardard. aroat. .vf VIi tpVwf .SSi r. 1 Oaikoti a:r- Caffcm'a rr"o;i, Rb ara ni1 Parha . f: 1 : 1- C fa-va. t-VtV- Alavka j talvk-o. r4. C T : f arry Cr 'nrvo. flat. C 1; ; rniy iKi. flau CK fean!;tia. arT 1 p L. P5: tf.r-ov)'"ra tnuniri (lit. ! -rt i-oiatora. t! aWlJL frr krast. Kno. juTTfit-iia. SK-sri.a. L?r a brana. 71ref..i. ScaA1 peaa. -ib. faacy. HrrtS ANI TAr.lyCTr-Orwn aa'.trl No f-c; jca L TS: b-aH M5oa. ac; irn. cfl-. "a L Tc. Nn 1 ar; f '-e. t aig tU; iap r?U. K'-CtlR Tallow. No. 1. No. t. J-f- Wool liffSe. -.-.. M L.H THE CR1I5 BELT ralr aad Wiraer for Wedaee-aar. aiya tba rroa-bet. omaha. Aur -. iter. The Mltir la anucb cocrr in the up por lake rerKn. to ujjtr M.aaiaatppt ai.d Maoun Ta.l)-a. ana i allhuy oooer la Vlje aoiithaeat. It la warmer In the nortb wwt atid the terxperaaore will nae a'.ead 1:t in U.ia rHinr.y Umicct and Wadnaeoay. Sr.owera a ere aoat'.ered tt.reufriout tie tawer Miaaoun and o;-;T Mlaa-aapp. tJ leya &um.f Hi iaal taenty-f cur ftonra. ai.d bearier rajia were aeueral throuariout tba upjfr lake rxion Tl.e weather ta fair in tre wc-at ana aonhwen. and 12 coi-Una fair In chla vlcinitj vonvcLt and Wrdnee-6a-. fmaha record cf t-nr.porature and pre r 1 j'.Laui compared w:ta i cyrrr;cSi.f cay of U0 Jat Uree yeara: mcc. . 1K4. M;c1m-jtn temperatiire Procir nation Nonjial temperature .. 67 71 .. .TO .( !! for today, 7 de- rrea L-fictency t..r,: inchea. t-f-cencT 14 incriea. Lt-aoiency T.tS tnchf-a. ln precipitatioa since Marcb 1. correajiOTidlnr period In L, correeponaiiir period b. IX. U A. WELSH. .Local Forecaster. Cora aad Wheat Rertea Batletta. Por the twrnty-four hoian endir.a at I a. m.. Tirtn mencljaa time, T"ueaay, Auruet 3d, UW7: OMAHA t'lSTRlCT. iran- Kain- Ptatlcna. Max. M:ru laU. tay. Ciear ciou ay Clear Ft. cloudy Clcuay CUuay Oear C'K.uay Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Minimum - Aar.iand. Neb .... K U T 'Auburn, Neh t' -I !S.clumbua. Neb.. 7K Vj 'Fart'ury, Neh.... 7 U S . . .00 .09 .( .1 T .0(1 .' .80 .('7 .Of F.irtrcnt. Jeti..- t au "Jr. Island. Nt-b. 7 M Hartlnrton, Neb. 7 44, Neb. " OakdaJe, Neb t Crnha. Neb 7 Ttkamah, Neb... I lAlta, la 75 J Carroll, la 7i j Ciannda, la 16 flbiey. la. 71 jtSioux City. la... 71 Not m eluded in 4S 47 et Bl 44 averarA 'temperature for twelve-hour period endinr I at a A m. DISTRICT AVERAGES. Na. of Cettral. Btaiicna. Chicif o. Ill -. 14 Colurr.bua. 0 14 Temp. Rain. Max Min. Inches M H .( T te T Ht t4 T HO 4 . 7 atf M i r-a Muinea. la ... 1 ' Ind-.anapolia, Ind- 11 jLoulrrille. Ky..... It lOmaha, Neb... 14 Much cooler weather prevails is all ex cept the extreme east i-r-rtion of tbe corn and wheat rerioo. Showers were scattered throughout Che eeaiiral am d western por IKir.s X the corn and wheat refioei aad heatT rains occurred at potr. u In ue upir Mwna:piii valley ard uiT-rr lake region. L. A. WEUa Local Forecaster. Kaaaaa City Grata aad lTvtaloa. KANSAS CTTT. Aug. - City future : Arttcle. Oin. Hlrh-1 Low. Ooee. Wheat Sejitember.... rieoember-.... Corn September.. Iecember 71 ?. a PA New Tork PreAaea Market. NEW TORK, Aur- Jrl-BTrTTER-Pirm ; creamery, acnta-i-n t special. Wpc; western factory, commoa to extra, p-i3 CHEEPE AND E 00 Firm, uncbanred. iHEEre AXS I.J'-nrm. uncnanreo. , urm:iy created a aomewhal twt-POl-LTRT-AKrr, firm; western chicken, '1 4 at tt .ark et was at least lie: fowls. c: t ark era, iv- dreeeed, aieady; western broiler. T70Xc Uy-JK, XoaiA 16". tnrk.ri t-tvatpaal GraUa Market, LIVrPJPOOL. Aur JO. WHEAT Bprt, steady; No. 1 red western winter. 7s Vrd. Pntures na: Brptember. 7s -d , Iwoem -her. 7 6: March, Is Pa. . CORN tKl steady: American trr!i"-d. new. aa w J. old northern, ta Zd Fu ture, firm; Sepouatier, a "ad; October, It Vs- Mil a aakat Grata Market. M1LWAVKEE, Aur 9D WHEAT SteiA) : No. 1 northern. rr$?l .; No. S nortl-iern. lrt Hivr ;, lie bid. RTE Pull , No. i, 7S-7tc BARLET Plrmer; No. V 7Sc; sample. i'lTJIc. CORN H A-her: K. t CAah. De cember, UC bid. Code Market. i NEW TOr.K. Aur. -COTTOV-Ppot ; I closed quiet, middling vplaoda, UJbt; mid- j filicr f-"U U-tc ; eklee. A balea ! Metal Market. NEW TORK. Aur Jt-METALn-Th i London tin market was 1 i lower, with ' spot quoted at 1G la and fururea at 17. j i Lcxa,..v U.e market waa dull, with spot : 'quoted at IXJI ixpKM. Copir waa higher 1 In London at 1 ia for iipot and alTt Ifia I for f uiurve. Locally th market waa nom inally unchanged. Lead was higher al Alt in London, but weak, at aVlmae - j S. Spelter waa uncbanred at A 1 in London, but declined ta ti ai 70 in the local m rkec Iron was uacbanred. with i stand rm foundry auoted at a td aad : Cioeiiid waxraats at at k d in tha Lon don market. Locally o c a r was re ported. New Terk Meaer Market. virw vr.o V Air r, V0NET On call. atesciy. P61 I-er cent; rulinr rate. 1. cloa ir.g tnd, c flared al 1; time loan, dull, and no oRerinra fur long dates: aixty daya. i per cent; ninety daya w bid; a.x moniha, bid; TVi bid on Induatrlaia. Pnrr mercantile paper. I-r cent Bterlinr exchanr. steady, writb actual buameaa in barkers' toil at 4 rt fcr de mand and at tt tt for sixty-day btlla Cora hi Us, ! f3V Bar ailver. tr-ec Mex ican dollar. i"-rC Parelgra Plsaac la i. LC-NDON. Aur Su Money continued ara'-ix-eiy chean and plentiful in the trarket today and d aoounta wer firmer on the riTospeeis cf a further fie i th Bask cf rrlnda rate cf disoount Trdir,r ere the P-.ock renllnued Irrea-uiar and the tone waa undecided. American ataneid weak and below rriTv en Secretary Taft's speech and rksed with aa uncertain tone. Ba ak Clear la a-a. . Aug l( Bai.k cleerinrs OMAHA fr today were H.4 Ei (A. and for potulir-r data las' year Il.tTt.' tk correa It tl. Ku City Lrv Stock Market. KANSAS CITT. Aur Pi. CATTLE Re- ceijria. L.iw' r-eax mc iuaing X su jt herns ; market Heady, retiv teer. t".a7.U: taout riern sierra, O .$4 V.: acuthem cowa tl wKrat tf rauv ctaa and hei'er ti-3 ht: nor-cra ana Teener nsfN; hulla P-VjII. calvea. eenem ate:, .4ustT; western cove, C ira 1 HOGS-Receipt. ( ha: mrk-t f - i'. i-w:s n neavjr, i .7 t J B.A4I; , ir and !irhV j 6 SHEEP AND LAMES - Receipts t ai'rt I fed ewea. tiXftP tlsst nty Live ttaek Market. F10.X CITT. Aur Ju. 'Soecial Tele-g-ram.r CATTLE P-oelpta LWi read: mar ket steady; stocker weak' beevaa t4 75 cos ar.d he'fer. tl7T7. stocker nd feeder, tit!, raive and yearlmr. s a. ., -. ! "k AZ-rIZ , he-.fer CSWUIL pta, it head. market IV lower: eelhr g at A0S h: hulk. k3 tTf. t. Jeseph Live Stark Market. FT JOSEPH. Acs It Special CATTLE! Receipt 1 t(-t: market, ataaly. HO3e Rr:pts. 7 !(. maraet it Haer, top It t-t. bu.k. tlTt0,tl SHEEP 4 Mr. market e aeep steady; la ba. lee birber. VARA LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle lecript LirUer PriPti Gtaeraliy 5tdy witi Jtoadiy. H0GS CO ST 15 IE OS DOWIt GBJLDE ' tbeep aad Laaaw la rate apTi with Trade Very Artie aad ttreat, t ready r at Lewat. BOVTH OMAHA, Au . 17 Cattle- Hot Sheea. Pce!pt wera: OJT.iiai Monday E-uoiate Tueaday . t.. Two daya thte week .. Same daya laat week .. Pam dar 1 week arc 14 It I t 14 Ml 1- tA U.7B Same day I week aco. K..X1J fare daya 4 weaka a a..! X Same days last year U.Ht7 ii?i Xi 17 - -.4 The fcllewing table ahw th JT"1",": cattle. h"g and sbeep at South Orr.aha tor tba )ear to eaie, eon-pared with last J WfmVT . ir. t . irtt-. v--. CatUa r.TB t K" m Hrs 1,-mm lta.i'w Steep r-7.7td Ki.n t Tba foticwing table anewa Ui aewraga prtc cf bog at South Omaria lor Ua last eeveral daya, with companaoaa: tata 1W7. -3at.-iiO..4 ;u.;imi am. . Aur Aur. Aut. Aur Aur Aur. Aug Aug Aur Ai-r. Aug. -I $ v I at n I w 1 1 I .1 J I D 44 fcTWI, . I KM.' I k I CI. I b I " '1 t tr-! I K. a 111; r t. 74 IN 11 in t ss H nl t : i n iti in is !' '$ !i!Zl ititis ! t m 4 1 t r J r tM I It 171 I" lillllltKIR ! 71 j . t 74 .1 t I r ' !iq 1 1 a Sub day. BANGS OP PRICES. Caitie Omaha tl !! Kansaa City 10T1 Chicar 1 7 If, Skux oty iiiS7a The efficial number cf cara Hot Hawctw? tAi Of SUM brourhl la jesterdar by each roa CatU. Hot, bbeep. H l ., M. K.. P I Mleeoun l aciflc 1 V. P. Sjetem tt C, N. W.. ea-et C. A N. W.. w.t E7 C. St. P M. A O ... t C. B Q. eafa C. B A Q , west r C, R 1. A P.. east C. R. 1 A P- weat.. .. Illinois Central Gt. We-tern .. 11 r. "t ii 4 1 13 IS Total receirta ....10 13 15 Tbe diapoeition cf the day recelj.ts was s folio, each buyer pure Ua t.g Uaa cum ber ci head indicated: Buyera. LAtt'e. nor o C'roaha Packing Co Ll Swift and Company 127 l.l Cudahy Pack;r Co tb Armour A Co TA I S A3 Swift A Co.. Kan. City. Carey A Benton Lehman A Co McCreary Carey Hill A Son Hueton A Co P. P. Lewi HamUioa A RotbacWid. tot n tin 1E7 17 tt 111 J 7 Vt a u 10 7 1 4 71 A "vr, L. P. Hum J. H. BuMa Sam W ertheimer . j Mike Katr"-.y -I Sol LerB I J. B. Root A Co... O- McCV.Bnaurhey T. B. 3nr rara Eu!l:vtJi Broa. . Lehmer Erca Le's ton Other buyers it Totala ... ,..74t :.a 1,7-10 r a TTTLE Receipt of oattl wer fair M compared to 1-revlous weeks. 2l r "2eZ lea. d.sparpo'.Dilng'.y stnaiL J. "f! taa arrived whea arrer recent aratoba txpected Teslerday . bir -" to Indicate that tha faU run bad aet in elrnr-t, but buy.r. very tooUablf -V" Vhe market roucb harder than preya'oA conoition. at other point wou.d J wlth vh result that rl,Vm.?I" inr w-er as noted . above, d-4J,ntl':: Tu eountry want aa even market, not all oa one day and aU off tbe aext. Tha supply of beef ateer loc.ked .."aJ thmorni.f and tba rurr.her of really - sirs hla killer was smau. i i Ti A ,.rA,r .rwi ras:uy a lltll "' .""4' I t ee IB aoota. Ccwt and heifer aid wot abow we TT axurh chanrc a comfred with yesterday. Som who fell th full force of Teer days decline thought that they rot out to a litOe better advantage today, hut others ware -nwlllirr to QUOt tb BT ket ttter than steady. , . Feeders sold largely la tb aame aotcbea as yeaiarday with som cf the more De sirable kinda poeaiWy a Jtttle ! not any stronrer, they wer at sreei a uv Ui easier to ecu. Represent', vr saiea- BEEF STEERS. ICS. 1 Pt. J0. av. rr. UM III m MS i at CO A 171 in u n is CALVES. f 4 Tt WESTERNS NEBRASKA. B . stockara Aw I Ti 44 feeders. 11BS3 4 M I 4 I 7 I t 7 1 to 4 M 1 It I 1 I l r 4 w t 4t 1 1 1 1 at I 70 1 B 1 t 1 at 4 4 I et 1 hy 1 st- 1 1 B t I tt i te 4 M 4 4t I 1 at 1 ft 1 t I B I at 1 tt ; a 1 Ml t it 61 cowe m I 1 ateer ' !4 eowa IR1 I 1 S I ID 1 so 4 V t Ttt 4 Hi I K 1 at I 4 1 1 a 1 li 1 71 1 4 40 1 tt 1 t m 4 7-0 4 70 I 7 I 7t t 4 10 1 Ht I at 1 It 1 Tt 4 10 1 to i a t I 1 ti I ! 1 Mt 1 K I S 1 3 COWS... 11 feeder. 1 bull e cow.... il feeder. 17 steer.. 4 .!.... cows... . SM . 7t .! . 774 . 711 .im .iOA .JM cows teat 4 feeder.. tn t belJera i-i 1 steers . US 17 cow s Mt t csHe... MS 1 bull 1E . 1 feeders.. 73 I 4 calves... r.7 ; It cows til 41 feeders.. 1ST C ouwa CI cow set a cow ti tt feedsr .Ktt E feeder.. KM 11 cowe rWu ! t oow ll It feeder.. luav jit feeder.. liot ! feeder.. j 11 feeders., llot t hellers-, as calve... H7 I feeder., ta 1 bull IMP K t..... i a rows hat It helTer. 1.1 )4 he:?er... 27 t cow l'l li cow liS tt cows r 11 feeders., tm feeder.. Mat It COWS SMI 17 cow ti cow ttl It cowa 77 1 bull Ik 4 heifer... 4(2 t feeder.. t4 t half ere... 171 S feeder . tut U feeder. .T I heifer.- rA M roar -t t rest 71 If cow 1CM ccsrs ard 10 cow 1S1 t tri... t I eew rt t oow ?st t feeler.. Tsv 1 anetra...-10ta b oow A ! feedtrs. .1UJS t feeders 4ul t feeder I feeder.. 1 steer... I feeder 1 btl II cow... fa . via i'-ti .. 4 i U cow... I ot a 47 cows HT R cows JW'J t oow lCTt 1 news lot 1 cow 3 1 bulls 11-1 l buii i I a) WTOMING tt steers .. t cow a U ctwa... M CC W ti' calve.. It feeder. 1Z3 . ret . tea . K4 rn .Kit.- 4 40 1 3 1 sv 1 U 4 (v 4 71 1 40 4 Su 1 tt 4 B 4 TS XI oow 91 1 tft s0 1 t B 1 1 9 I ' I 1 B 4 4 lid ecw a SA It better. MS IC calvea... 17 1 calve... 17 t cowa l(&t t cow II cow....J;t T. cow ha t t ET steer.. .JS3 I cw 14 feader. .llflt I cowa l'l li. ateer. ...llJu ts feeder . 14 It cowa li.7i I it t OCWS lcti i Th Tolland Cattle Co- Wyomirr If cows.... K2 1 b S-X'TH DAKOTA. I' steers. ..-37 st It steers It 1 4 B j, c.w ski 11 feeoer . too 11 tew. 4 M 4 At 4 tO 'Jf Steera..lit4 3 ateer.. 11 4 t r steer.. .11 4 at t t raoi -rj 91 I A tl JI t IBS M ( L A Co.. B D. U feeder. .lU3t 4 S 70 aieera. .. 11!A i stetr .. 11 a - tj4 ' el t tut ' I Vo. laoj n tau 4t aaoa i Parmir.f A i s feeder. re 4 ateer a... 1 H7 4 a Kent A Bnsa ell. South Dakota. 71 steer.. ..11 o 1 steer tao 1 co WM I it Mom A Kr llfaer South Dakota. 14 cowa 1 ii steer.. ..Ill 4 B 71 str ..11", Lou i E t feeder.. 7! 1 feeder.. 7M 11 feeder.. K4 4 br.fers.- U2 4 tf' TTaBy. South Dakota. 1 71 t feeder . HI IS I 7V I feeders.. 17 4 4 40 1 bull 1 1 Ti 1 si COLORADO at cowa li- calvea... II feeder 11 feeder. eS cows cow I calvea.., til IM 4 calve. bi 4 Tt J. S-Jva. Idaho. BT 4 t M7 4 to ft feeder. .113 t Tt Ml 4 S 8 cc si. N If .Itt 1 K It cow ... ..l.n I at V3 I i ti oewa. ..1H I K 17 i tw It calvea... A D SHva. Idaha . 14 4 Tt 4ii cowa.... .111 1 f WESTERN. Jk3 ie Uayrue Ne 4 IS M IS t calve. U cc... Jtstoers... knot 4 t at feede .11M 4P KJ A Orakaaa Neb. fee . .. , t la m feeder.. tT I C. A Hoyv-Neb. 41 feeder kw 4 4 faeders Ti t tt iJHSTrd!.i ward increment af bof ' S11U tMWiitaaaa Aa wul wnea the avartH ta areaAiri erwry a it is B eaay taaitar to eaoia the tnarkrt from day to day aat etaotly aa tt M t-rr tt.em- wiu :r 1 tr:r vw-a aa to the amewnt el tha -oIite aa compared wttk the pravtoua day Thus this mamlnr tkere wa.e a wide differ of epir.tca. but the am i'wit of aei.r -re quottr.g a awl Aec.loa. Aa wauai tba iat two w-ki ar mora tba taoe ww lata in oj r r and waa ew from start te taian. a-'.h-gli tbe mwt of tba receipts chanred band la fair eaeaoa. Later trains amrtnat near midday did not far ao weii. Buyer had tha.r scar urrn( order fined aad were la a pctoa to buy la aoar their cn way or leave tbeia I aloe. The result waa a rr aiow and w. ek elooe, with price a bis X lower tvaa yeatrday On ih h.g heavy lod It waa hard work ta ret rei of ever St Taking the a erar price paid for an o" aa the market tooay was ' tcwer tha tbe rtoe cT last we ' lower ir.aa it mi two weeka TV... M Wa. e Afe t- I twee the prvw paid for s-d Hrht , --v.u tal ,r. averar Price la net ic , , ,ur ,4, o( Uj ,-ftrB, aa tt was a few weeks aro. a a. aa.Pt a a, sv pr it rt . . t sm . t m rw ... tat m m m t u . . t i n t 4 w I ?4.. u ... I cr ax at a4 ... it m fit m m m. xr w at ... t at at m la r M - at w l at k a m at m m l e a t m m n m tM av i m a t at ra i. ... st at t ... at i rev ... im a: 'I ru a 1 1 n u im t m u .i . in m tr ... i It tit t iut n h --l I si ia a lu, 44 sm H i f 1 17 M ia at at win 7i n its I if n r ... ib MS ... Ill IM ... W) M iB . . Ill a Hi ... It b l in tt at I t ....... ... Ill r; rr w in n t-t ... in h m m !. r tt t tt at tt t Jm w in a m it U Ht m es KM .. IT i m i I cr t t l n n . I r . ri ei ... i tt, j st as tt t u i t st 1 n J tl ... IP, - Ut 4 t I 71 I Id M I Tl SM tt I 71 at a I tt Tt it a 11 f-A W' I M lt BK M ' t ji at i a r ... i Ml M S 71 M at I M it a I A Jt sa r I r 71 Mt ... I T? IA B I IT 4 Ml . . I K rS S let i at l a st 1 7 it l at at a a -i ct . . I r 71 Hi it tat 77 SM B I t fi let I at it it ... t It M AU IM l at r 1 aHAluf Kecelpts of sheer this snorninr --i i rouneea cars oewr re- ( ported- Irama war lat la arnrmr and i the aiieya la tba bars w are l a with j evuniry puyars walung for ta stuH to ar- n-e. It waa after a o clock bet ore the aheep wera placed in the fens and tt took iuat ahout mb iritkiiiM i. tin iK , Whole buaineaa. ba-rtna onr two liia. tt . whicb had ta be aoruwi. J The bir bulk of tbe arrival consulted f ' a liler-a. ttiere belr-r eix ear ef tba sum I earlier that eoio at tt at yesterday, w it I a few out. Tby brourUt the aunt prio tooay etrairht. Pour car ef wctbera, irh as have aeea eoenwg fer sometim back. brought the eeoie prV as yesterday, la ether word a. trie market aa audr te atronr oa rood kiiiera. Tht fel:nr ta Uie feeder market was aieo sirenr aad had there bee aarthln of cer j isenca ea fa ole fer feeder it would aadoubtedly 1-r. met wMta ready sale, aa tn atteaaanc cf buyer was large, to say aothtar of buyicr order in th ba ads af commissi ua x sa. wuoiationa on killer: Oood to erto'ee lamba. fT AKtr7 K. fair to rood lamb. K7MJ 7 V, roo to ciiovc yerl.r.g wether. t.7MJI Mt; rod te choice wethers. tt.K'; fair te rood we-her. KwtKJI: rood te cbeio n M.tofst.B; fa:r to rood ewes. A-t8 ttt; culls aad tx.cka. ttsiaM.. Quotations oa feeder: Lamb. M.w(X: yearlina. V. tH . wether. tt kVoAHi; era. ttWapt iA Repreeeniatrre aalea: Ka A. B( Wyomrnr yatrtinr M 4 Wpominr yarl:nga. culls.... 71 It Wyoamr wetfcer and rlra .lH Ki Wyoming yearTtnr. for.... 71 M Wyomlnr yearMnara tl Mb Wyomlnr ywrtmrs Tt a Idaho yea rilng tl I B t It I tt t tti t M i K B T t t B f W t I 71 ewe, feeder 17 lambA feeder tt .HI . ts . tl ,ie . rr . list Wyomi r yrlr. Ht Bo. Dak. w thrrs. It So. DaA ewea , K3 So. rkak. yrlr wether. tc Ba. taAw yrlr fdrs klRKET CHICAGO LITE STOCK cam steady Hag Blow t rtv Cent a Lewaw. CHTCAfJO, Aur 'IftA I aboat IWt head, a tarket steady: ta prim steer. 14 1037 at; cow. tt w a; heifer. B 0fcS: bull. tiSJtr f calvea tl XS m; stocker and feeder. C srOS.OA HOOtV Receipt a. about 11MM heed; mar ket Blew, tc lower; rholo beavy st.lppmr. tt tttrteV Hrkt butcher. KVVJtlC: ltrht mixed. BteiCrtlt- choice l:gt. ttlf&t packinr Bart.Ht; prv BHtl, bulk of sale tt T'jfe&.H, SHEEP AND LAMBS Re lpta, about Uti head; market steady to stroog: sTieep. U kiA , yearling. (& 79t.Tt: lasiba. ttAwa f k. tt. Laala Live Stark Market. ST. LOriS. Aaar -ATTLE Bee lrts, tH bead, inclsxitnr 4 Texan: market etsady; bee steer, st Tff7 Is. sfv-ker snd feeders CTMKAtt oew rd heifers, Ptt ttV; Taxes steer, tX7!-i; row and bet'era tl Bel tt HOOSReoerpt. T WW he- -isrket Ifie krwer: rtias and Hsrhta. P- TtaX. ": tack era tt. tvanctt. butcher aad best haavy, ft li SJ?rEP AND LAMBS Rere'rta H head; market sower; native, Oktrtti; lambA ttajfeASd. tack ta Stark t Receipts of live stock st tb rlpal western market yesterday air prln- Caitie. Hww ETbeen South Omaha Hour. Cttv Kane City St. Jraewb Bt. Lout Chirac 4 tva fta t.K IMO tsm ..... tSI t too AS) tta) f 4 0W 4.00 f.ara t.trn t-a lt-fltm ii xi It tot kXM Totals HYtlENEAL tpellavaa-MeK-e. feka Bpellmaa and Mis Edith McKee wer married at tb court boue Taeeday meralnr kr County Jadg Leslie They will rwsid ta Omaha Dedtrattaa af Bow fa wrrh. SIOCX PALLS. S. Alt -Member of tbe Cons-reratioral church at Retiane bar bee officially advised tr Suite Super tateadent W. H. TV. rail of Ho roe tYj! aaxt Bu day i-t been determined uroe as th tlrxi for tb dedctia of a fen new Coa rrerational church buiMwf whicb recently v a completed at Reliance Aa el bora is yreara i belnr prepared for th or raa-ioa, which win b a Ira port ant oa ta th work cf th church la that part of tb slate Reliaar ts on of tb new tc m o tii Cbeasherlaln-Blark Hill xtenoa of th Ckicaro. Mllwaakee A Bt Paul rarirced. and a sit aa ted la tb oast era part of Lyman county. Vr toper Carea Ra ad. S IOCX FALLS, S D . Aur- .Special ) Chartes E Hi-, wb Is eerv tag hla sec ant term as eo-unty auditor of this (Miane- ka ha county, ar.d wbe waa on of th pieaeer aewvpapar an of tbe territory and snatA Las sold tb Valley Sprtaa 1dett te Mi ear. Deroja and Easbsy. of Valley Sprier, wk wiTl Bwm control cf tb paper oa September 1 aad conduct it there after Th Vtdrtte la aa af tbc leading weekly newspaper of rasters South Da ket a and waa oo ndisrtd for many year by Mr. Kill, wbe is a vet craa TS LeavtatT Part Meade. rrVRGIA. B. D, Ar 'Sfa-tal-i troop of tb Bixtk rvairy at Port Mead wfll leave Scurf oa Sunday aoominr Brp lia tir L fer the Pblltppiae AU tb bar rar nll be loaded oa Aurust Bt The troops bar aU beea recruited 19 ta tbe'.r f ill arambeA NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Srtee-e ky ud Tait Of--enl Icjic cf Ihcaio- SOT rATOBJLBLE 10 SPIXTLATT03 l adeetaae of tha Market Waa T la aad It Teraed frail mm -Ahart Rally rtear tha NEV TORK. Aug Ccasid-rattona o a pulttK-al character roveraed today t Sloth Biaraet t.inil to the earluaioB cf ail anher thinga Secretary Taft S speech- wboA Wail street cb t reard aa th ky ttota' of tba next 1 aKal oa maw, mtA Freataent Rartlt t provtncoiaa a ad dreaa were practically Ui sole topic of 1 Avto la tuancial and epecalatlv . cie There waa naturally urn rewftct ef cpirio aa ta the a.-rnifroa-ra of thee Important uiveranoea. Tbe situation was f si-the cMBp,icaid y tbe preatdeat s aap piesnentary remarfca is whicb he madt di reel reference to existmr f a neial roo diivora and declared wrrh atveA i lephaata for th remainder cf ba ta Bare of ofTloe the gvvemmeat'S policy with re ard to tha proaecutio ef rfTaodlnr trwete and rw-portuions would be uncban d. Basflnees ce th local exrhenree waa batteT and uncertain all through the early si aaluB and operation were a i a anoderal la vxJaava. The undertone was urtcertatrt. but tbe fart thai tba market became dull oa all aaarked recesslobs was rerarded a a faworable ela-n. London seemed disturbed at th two of aecretary TaTt a speech Tbe wake ( tswut in tbe local trarht were the tractioa atiarwa. which went than at any time la tkie particular Trent. It has become a settled that nothing abort of eompiele tlon caa reeinr eotaftderic to thl f-eovo ef securities The general list atads fwrlSer tmii y la the last boar, hirbeex pr ices cf the day being then Attained. Local monetary conditions evinced a farther harder ins tendency. The bead market was trre-o'.r Total saiea. par value. Sl.tAttWl. VaWed Btate 1 and the registered a dec Used per ct aod coo tv.-. aa V Ter cent. Closlnr Quotation follow: Ateba p ... at asaJ C- - a a. rrt a car A PM-aarr. r rtMtiu Pacite lMt a-M U .... !' c a w im- a a. a a jite im . a a I Colo A tnsUMi... t.barankl i R. T at PAR O nCr,n rel aal Ire a.. a -.'1 at raeer j M " Kwioaal Itiseaa .... IlllaxM Oeatral 1"J Nsonwl LeaA 4 1. A C VHrrrjr Mail ar rest-wi rPeoi' o att Mnsoun ranSe ay r isnl Bu-4 Car ... a i r Cent .1 j a-afliat .. I inul . j - t St . .! slias l-sawa Cw lH .. Ktunut cm 4a .. it.sisu i r .. ; h Tens Cos! art liwaJtf ..:rr t wi r .. M a set a . iW n ratsa , ta- run Pacias wisk u juw ainQsiBsa,. Ww. Cwatral 74 . t4 KarUMra PartAe . .. 1J rfc.e Si fr t Kanas-a Pte Ut. a pit at Bid. BIG TIMB AT THB SAXITABirM Concert hy the sVead aad Cap A a Palaver Raise Ftr- HOT SPRINGS. S. D, Aur, 1 (Special.) 1 TesterAsv was a rad-lter dav ta tbe v n.,(U , ,.-..i lo of tb. Battle Mountain SAnttarl-rA. Captata Henry E Palmer, local wbo live la Omaha, arrived th day be for and waa aerenaded by lb An bend of twelve piece upon his arrival oa tba rrounda, tb band weartr.r Its new a illlt ry uniform. A An concert waa given ta tb ppea fr. following which Cbaplak Bleed Dr. C. B. Clark, of Deadwood. affarad prayer ta tb AAnialstralioa buUdinr. which was followed by add-w by Barbop Heery C Warren. D. J.. of Denver, Hot. Ebea W. Martin f Deadwood. Actl r O--ernor Major W. A. Tucker, and Captain Henry C Plar cf Omaba. Durta his ad 4 res Mr. Martin pre r led t tba National aaaltsriaat tb penholder and tnk at ad whicb Preaident Boooeve It bad WSed In sltmiar tbe b'.U which englaany crevtd the aaaitArtum. aad Major Tucker ac re pted It, tavmr It would be placed a inji caa ta tb rotunda of tb Admini stration buildttr. At tb cloae of Captain Palmer adders th crowd raihered a ' fremt of tb AdmUiistratioa build in wbfla Mr. Palmer raised to iarr r.s. iu-, for tb first time oa tb new cta.aty-are- foot steel fiar staff. RertstereA Mall Bobbed. CH ET KN NX. Wyo., Aur Ppertat Tbe postal aatboritie are wroutrht up ever a stranr ro beery that oocurred at mld nitrM yete.-dy. when a pouch of r7ss tered matter was opened and tweaty pack are stole. Tb register poucb was de jTered to the postal clerk by the Alrbt fore at tb local office. The clerk sign1 for It and left th pouch with tb ether mAtl In tha vestibule In the rear af tba office while b bunted UP th mall traoafer mae. Tbe peacbea acre take to tbe depot snd placed oa a track, wkil tb clerk at his breakfast. He did not discover th robery u.-rtll he started to work tb snail oorout rest. Tbe thief bad rejaoved tba lock from tb pouch, evidently veins- a key for tb purpoee. and tben took tba packrA Detectrrea bar been work inr on tb rase, but tnus rar u iu v ela. Tb poet o Sloe autborrUes ar re tkreat and tb value of tb Stole aacAAdea has aot bee learned. CaalVear far Steer ttaplea;- HARTVTLLEi, Wyo.. Aur ( Special. V Jim wiaiamA aa expert ruwr re per front Tsxba ba tsrud a cballecr to A ATU MePhes, tb world' ebampsoa. for A oon tert, asm to tak place either to CbtTwBa. Hart rille, Gaeraasy or Wheatland- REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS C. Oeorg Carl be rr aad wlf to Iita Scderetrdt, tot 4. block L Carlberr Ay J LsOt Ida A Bradford to Ida L, Rodrera. we lot t and el 7 feet lot 1 block 1. Llnwood park JBS Enigen B. Ctiapraaa to William Ii. Kuserll. Vol 1. I aad X. biock 1. Cot Brilhant - II James C a throe and wtf to Aurusta C. Goody, lot a. Port View ITS Right Key. Richard neaanell to St. Bridret ckarch. Wt 1. t. I and A bi or tt South Omaha 1 Paxtoa Real Estate Ce. te Bea B. GrerC. ic-t 17, aleytrtca park SKI Max 0. Ha bier and wife to GebQ . Pere Anlokel. a let H. hleca A Dwerak add AA Prank Felder and wife to laarpb Stoetter. lot I. block -. Grand view S Knndl Thompaoa and wife to Job R. Morra, an lot lb. Uock 1 Park Piao B Hatrei ya-a and wife to LI ussy L. Iijara. wi aeVi swii 14-B- XM W. E Neavi aad wife te Jobs R, Gift, nit feet tot t. block U. WU oox ( td add Lte E G. Rnaendine and wife eo Peter and Anna WSrael. lot tt, AurTvo s rivi , ,, .. . tot Kate Boctedo. trustee, to A. M fi-.nftrr tot to hrlock A Cliftsa TT'iL 4U Shimtr A Chaae Co. ta Jam F. Mo laurhim. lots I and a, block t. Boulevard Park LKd Boulevard lmprm neat Co. to Srilmer A Chaae Ce , l.X feet lot 7, all icH I and (l feet lot i, block t. Boule vard park . 1 Total ....4Jr- OCEAN STEAMSHIPS CANADIAN PACIFIC "IMPIIli" Urvt) of tna Atianuo ovBBBO to trvrtroe- s. POtTB BAtt AT P-nprees rail Aur. t. II; BepC A A First Lb'a It i, r-ecend Cat-la ttl sp; Th'rd Ciaaa littt Wrf for lartlcul-ra. C. B. Beajan-a. B swl Ag-wsV, Tel. U-ruat 1I1A III a . vra av.