Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 21, 1907, Page 6, Image 6

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Fourteen Inning and the Score ii
, Four to Three.
OmtktM Oataat Ducklings, bat Male
Plrrara, While Visitor Errorle
Day lag, AaaUtvd by neclsloas
t Caaahaa, Wine.
.v; Lincoln, 4; Omaha, 1
.Omaha was forced to lose another extra
Inning r&ma to Lincoln Tuesday, when,
; after fourteen innings of ups and downs,
'.the,' Holmes .family were winners by the
acor of 4 to 1 It was all foolishness to
ksa that gam Tuesday, but when the
"rates and the umpire are against a team
which is ( making errors It Is pretty hard
sledding.' In the fourteen Ions Innings the
' Bryanlles hit Sanders safely but seven
times, but they hit at opportune times,
just connecting up nicely with errors by
-th Rourhe family. Lincoln played an er
rorless fame, which was largely respon
sible for the lack of runs on the part of
the Omaha team, for Omaha hit the ball
harder than did Lincoln.
' War Sanders not only pitched a splendid
Its me, but he also fielded well and was
responsible for everyone of the runs Omaht
made, as It was his little bat which drove
them home two the first time and one the
second. He made three hits altogether, but
one wss . wasted, as neither Belden nor
Oondlng could boost him around. Shorty
Stlmmell was also quite active with the
stick and made two hits, one a double.
' The umpire was Just as rotten as he was
the day before and a oouple of his rank
decisions, If different, might have changed
the tide of battle before the extra Inning
session began. At the opening of the sev
, anth Inning Oraham, the first man up, hit
;the ball down the first base line for a
double, clearly on fair ground, but the
umpire said nay It might give Omaha a
hance to win.
Omaha's Poor Start.
j .. Omnha should have annexed a few runs
i In the first Inning, but did not. Beld.m
, Opened., with a single and Oondlng followed
with a double, but there. It all ended. Hel
ton being doubled, up at the home plate on
an attempt to come home on Autrey's fly
'to Davidson. Two runs were made In the
A second Inning by hitting out the ball. Ora-
'ham and Austin singled and were advanced
,. a base by LeBrand's infield out, and came
home on War Sanders' single.
Lincoln tied the soore In the fourth ln
7 nlng on LeBrand's error and two singles
and a double. They then went one to the
grood in the fifth Inning without making a
hit. With two out, Davidson hit a grounder
.lta Austin, who gobbled the ball up all
v ns ni, pui inrew n too nign ror LeBrand
. U- reach. Davidson then stole second and
,. Oondlng made the throw to catch him,
..but the runner was In the way of the
. ball and Oraham muffed It. It rolled out
r to H. John Welch and berore It could be
f gathered together Davidson has crossed the
- plate. ,
- Omaha tied the score again In the aev
: anth. Inning w hen Austin walked, stole sec
ond, then stole third and came home on a
single by Sanders. Thus It stood until the
, fourteenth Inning, when, with one man
ut. Senders hit Ketchem, who was saerl
..flcetf to second by Fox and came home on
rolon s hard drive right past Sanders'
t legs. With two out In the last half of the
fourteenth Oraham walked, but Austin
on was retired and the crowd came home,
, ,The same teams this afternoon.
.-,pThe score:
.'. qi ! i...
": Wedon, " rf .
AB. R.
H. PO. A.
1 0 0
1 4 2
0 8 0
1 8 0
1 4 6
14 4
1 1 7
0 23 0
8 0 8
42 27
it. ro. a.
0 4 0
tl 2 2
1 4 0
0 12 1
10 3
1 3 2
V 12 1
1 6 1
2 0 4
7 42 14
'"OOndhig, o 6
PtAOtrey, If g
elWelch, cf 6
Jol.n, ss 6
rtfahstn, 2b.-... 5
-Aoetln, Sb 6
LeBrand, lb 6
Sanders, p 6
0 1
.Ketcjiem.'' cf..,
Fox. 2b
Fisnlon,. rf
Davidson, If..
Reddick. Sb...
tlaRnler, ss...
Thomss, lb...
vSiWUvan, c...
Stimmell,, p...
ntuna -
49 3
AB. R.
... 6
... 6
... 6
... 4
02000010 fro oooo-a passed ball prevented him fro malso scor
0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 S ft 0 0 2 0 S3 . ' 'huout. Score first game:
,. Cleveland' t 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 8 8 1
Omaha s ft i n o 1 fl A i i e n na
Lincoln 0 0 1 3 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 17
i Two-base hits: Oondlng. Oarnler. Stim-
Btlmmell. 3. Hit by pitched ball; By San
ilere, 1. Struck out: By Sanders, 2; by
Stlmmell, 8. Left on bsses: Omaha, 7:
Lincoln, I. Sacrifice hits: Oraham. Fox
(2) Reddick,' llsgiiler. Stolen bases: Aus
tin (2), Fox, Davidson, Riddkk. Double
pluy: Davidson and Sullivan. I mplre:
Cooahgn. Time: ,2:iX. Attendance: 9u0,
IN o tee of the Game.
The same bunch again today.
A twelve-Inning gam one day and a
fourtren-lnnlng game the next day is going
Conahan reallv acted aa thotish he wss
a.-llule ashamed of himself, but that did
nut stop him from going wrong.
Joe, Dolsn tbok nine Infield chances
without an error, which la going some,
and is quite different from the day before.
. Pavldsen had a busy dsy, having thlr
teen chunces thrust his way and taking
them alU He had twelve putouls and an
The Omaha team had twenty-seven as
sists to fourteen for Lincoln, while twenty
outputs were made by the IJncoln outfield,
'r nearly one-half, to six for the Rourke
D If Omaha had been blessed with a little
luck on some of those numerous long
Trial Treatment Free
DR. r.lcGREW
is one of the Oldest and Most
Successful Specialists in the
treatment of all forms of Dis
eases "of Men.
,'30 .'j ears' experience.
25 rears in Omaha.
: Tho best equipped offlc In the west
fjr air- formg cf modern treatment.
He can cure you at tie bai thousands
of others. Treatment by mall. Bos
a office SIS South 14th Street.
s i n ii m mf sill's i ii limn i
I'layed. Won. Lost. ' Pet.
Omaha laO Tl 4 iN
Des Moines 10 6 10 .641
Lincoln . . . 117 I 64 .6J
Jenver lit 61 9 .444
Puebhj Ill 69 J .444
Klous City 114 48 44 .414
Chicago trt .727 Detroit S 41
Pittsburg... 62 U .o! Phlla ..S3 42 .WO
New York. .Ml J .5'.) Chicago M
Phlla 64 .M. Cleveland. ..42 47 .Ml
Brooklyn. ..61 f .44 New York. .49 67 42
Cincinnati.. 47 3 .431 Boston 47 1 .
Roton......40 67 .l;4 St. IoulS. ...44 61 .424
St. Louis.. ..34 SO .2SH WashlnfTl.U 71 .804
.Western League Lincoln at Omaha.
Pueblo at Des Moines, Denver at Bloux
National League Chlcsro at New Tork,
Pittsburg at Boston, St. Louis at Philadel
phia, Cincinnati at Brooklyn.
American league Washington at Cleve
land. Philadelphia at Chicago, New Tork
at St. Ir,uis, Boston at Detroit.
American Association Columbus st Mil
waukee, Toledo st Kansas City. Indianap
olis at Minneapolis, Louisville at St. Paul.
drives which went to the outfield, the out
come of the game would have been dif
ferent. Buck Tranek did everything he could to
change the luck. He even kicked over
the array of bats which the care-tender
koeps lined up so nice and straight. But
what good Is a line of bats If there are
no base hits In themT
leas: City Baarhe Hits.
BIOTTC CITT. Ia., Aug. M.-Denver lost
the fourth straight In Sioux City this
afternoon, the locals taking the game bv
a scors of 7 to I Opportune hitting was
the secret of the home team's success
while the Teddy Besrs were wholly unable
to hit llllanis when they had chances to .round the Chicago crack takln the son.
score. I'sually, with two out. the Denvers aruna Lnicago crack, taking the seo
began hitting, but Just when they filled oni ,et- n(1 "Inning by 34 to 29 points,
the bases the batter would be an easv He was un and mnnr all the time and won
tifiyjZXV Wer" 1"' toT. th" Cu.bJ1'
nlit Illshv Pftlllfl not m ) Irak mnrA nvar t ha
entire circuit, although they outhlt the
Sioux. Adams' wlldness, coupled with
some expensive mlsplays In the first two
Innings, cost Denver the gnme. Score:
AB. n. H. PO. A. E.
Campbell, rf 4 2 2 1 0 0
Nance, if 4.2 2 1 0 0
Weed. 2b 4 1 1 4 S 0
NoblU, cf 8 . 1 2 2 1 0
Fisher, 2b 8 0 2 0 1 0
Granville, ss 4 0 0 8 8 1
Hart, lb 8 0 1 10 1 o
Shea, c 4 0 0 4 0 0
Williams, p 4 1 12 1 0
83 7
11 27 12
8 6
. 0
Wheeler, ss....
Cassady, If 4
. 1'
. 1
White, in 6
McMnle, cf 4
I.aulrrlorn, 2b 4
Doll. Ib 4
McDonough, c 4
R. Adams, p 4
Bohannon, rf 4
Totals . ,
Sioux City
2 12
0 1
0 1
16 " 2
1 -7
r 0-2
3 2 0 0.0
0 0 0 0 0
Left on bases: Sioux City. 7; Denver, 10.
Two-base hits: Nsnce (2), Noblit, Bohan
non. Sacrifice hits: Campbell, Weed, Hart.
Double play: Weed. Oranvllle and Hart.
Base on balls: Off Williams, 1; off Adams,
4. Struck out: By Williams. 3; by Adams.
3. Time: 1:40. Umpire: Brennsn. Attend
ance: SOO. --
St. I.oola Defeats New York by Score
of 81 to Tbreo.
ST. LOUIS, Aug. 20 -New Tork defeated
St. Louis today, 6 to 8, In a free-hitting
game. Two errors by Yeager In the sev
enth Inning let In the winning runs.Score:
St. Louis 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 1-3 j j
New York 1 0 0 0 1 0 4 0 0- 11 0
Batteries: Dlneen and Stevens, Newton
and Thomas.
Detroit "hats Oat Boston.;
DETROIT. Mich., Aug. 20.-Crawford's
single and a long fly by Rossmsn follow
ing two bsees on balls decided today s
game in-favor of Detroit. Boston jewhel
second base but twice. Score: . R H.E.
Detroit 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 1 3 10 1
Boston 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0
Jlatterles: Mullln and. Schmidt; , Winter
and Shaw. .
Chicago Wins In First.
CHICAGO. Aug. 20 All the scormg of
todays game In which Chicago defealel
Philadelphia, 4 to 1, occurred In the first
1 ' Inning. Tne visitors scoreo. on a dbj-b on
0 'tans, a sacrmce aim cwymtiu. n,
I Chicago's runs were due to three singles, a
4 j hit batsman and Dougherty's triple. After
Plank had given the. next man his bae
on balls he was succeeded by Dygert and
i the scoring stopped. Score: R.H E.
A ! Chlcngn 4O0OOO0O-4 7 0
0 Philadelphia 1 0000000 0-1 5 1
0 i Batteries. Welsh and Sullivan; Flank,
0 ; Dygert and Powers.
01 Napoleons Shot Oat Senators.
9 I CLFVBLAND, O., Auk- 50 Cleveland
X ' shut out Washington In the first game,
" but the second was a tie In twelve tn-
ntngs, being called on account of darkn-se.
0 ' T..B- fatiupA in r-nv.r the nlate on a shnrL
I Washington 0 o OO o o o o o-u -i
B attertes: Rhodes and Clarke; Johneon
i "d Kahoe.
Score, second game: R.H.E.
Cleveland 0 000001 0000 Ol 4 0
Washington 0 0000010000 01 10 8
Batteries: Joss and Clarke; Falkenberg
and Shannon.
Barllaarton Crawl Fp While the
Leaders Rest.
MARBHALLTOWNV la.. Aug. 20. (Spe
cial Telegram.) Following aro the results
In the Iowa league:
At Iiurllnslon R.H.E.
Burl'nton 0 2 2 0 0 1 1 0 0 8 0
Marshalltown .0 2000000 0-2 6 S
i Batteries: MrMIUand and Bruggeman;
Slsnnlk and Burns,
1 At Ottumwa Ten Innings: R.H.E.
I Ottumwa 0 00011100 14 11 3
putney l u u v v u u u j o ii a
Batteries: Fleming and Welgart; Jeyea,
Rause. Bennett ana Jameson.
At Oskaloosa I-lrst game:
Oskaloosa ......1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
Jacksonville ...0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
Batteries: Schaffcr and Moody
and Townsend.
Second game:
Oskaloosa 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Jacksonville ....0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0
-3 6 2
0-12 3
8-8 8 4
0-3 6 2
Batteries: Schaffcr and Moody; Wels
brod and Townsend. . '
St. LodIi Win front Philadelphia and
Boston front Plttbnre.
At Philadelphia
St. Louis
I'hlla.lelphla ....
At Roston
Iloston ;..
Pittsburg ........
At New Tork-
New York
At Brooklyn
3 8 0
1 6 2
9 11 4
8 6 8
6 13 3
2 T 1
14 2
t U 1
Kaasaa City Wlas front Loatavllle,
Five to Nothing.
KANSAS CITY, Aug. 20.-Score:
r R.H.E.
Kansas Clty....O 0000113 683
Louisville 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0-0 3 4
Hatterl: Kltson and Sullivan; Durham
and Pelts.
Wtkss Defeat Hooper.
WAHOO. Neb.. Aug. 80.-(8pecll Tele
gram.) Wahoo and Hooper played a fast
and Interesting game on the Fremont
grounds Sunday. Wahoo winning by a score
of 4 to 1. Scor: R.H.
Wahoo 0 1100O8O-48
Hooper 0 0 0 0 0 11 8
flatteries -. For Wahoo, Anderson and Boh
ner; for Hooper, tiulger and Jcnson. Um
pires; Cook and Jondele.
Girl Dtataaee.
READVILXJ4 Mass.. Aug. Sonoma
Girl, the horse whose purchase at a great
price oy ns ixiiia craotree was an
nounrea issi nignt. was dtstsnoed In the
6"i,.iLth:re5l!sr "i" ?-fl!L,.,il,"-K
made a standstill bresk an eighth of
mile from the stand.
Tempus Fuglt won
the beat In I otv
Be. Want Ads Ar Business Boosters.
Omaha Flayer Defeats Jack Cannon
cf Kansas City.
lt of Des Moines Beat Art erlb
aer, Loral City tnnmplon The
Cbaainlonshla- Contest la the
Doable This Morning.
Sam Caldwell of Omaha, by his defeat of
Jack Cannon of Kansas City In the third
round, of the middle west tennis tourna
ment yesterday afternoon. Is the only man
from Omaha to remain In the singles tour
nament and retch the semi-finals, all the
others being put out by the crscks from
neighboring states. Cannon had beaten
Jack lilies In the forenoon and was picked
as a comer, having shown considerable
speed, but Caldwell's great reach and his
lobs were too much for the Kansas City
crack, who delights In hard smashes and
quick placing. Caldwell won, 6-2, 6-1.
A much larger crowd was present than
on Monday afternoon, as It is. well known
that as the week progresses there are
speedier matches and faster playing. Those
Jrwho occupied the porches and lawn Tues-
day afternoon were rewarded by seeing
some good tennis. Several of the matches
were of more than ordinary Interest, espe
cially that between Blatherwlck and Pe
ters. Peters won the first set of their
match with comparative ease, and then
Rlathftrwlnk trwilr A hr.p mnA nmvmA
th A4 tnr of the third set, when i
us sn-ow nu iwur fiT-iwi. out itaiiiro i
straight, giving him the match and putting
him Into the semi-finals.
Tlie score:
First Set
Peters ;..
Blatherwlck .
Second Set
Peters Blatherwlck .
Third Set
Peters Blatherwlck .
4 4sr t
2 2151
4 2595
1 4 34 7 '
4 4 4
1 1 0238
Kohn and Blatherwlek.
The first match of the afternoon and that
to which considerable Interest attached was
that between Herbert Kohn and Dr. Blath
erwlck, the ambidextrous wonder from
Iowa. While It was generally conceded
the doctor would w.ln, as Kohn has had
managerial duties on his shoulders In prep
aration for the tournament, still there was
general surprise when Kohn took the first
set by the score of 6 to 4. He had the
ambidextrous one going some, but the doc
tor rallied In the second set and took It,
6-1, although many of th games went to
deuce. The battle royal was In the last set.
where the doctor's superior returning abil
ity began to. tell, and, although all th
games were close, the doctor finally
won, 6-4.
Cub Potter surprised many of his friends
by the splendid game he put up against ,
Dr. H. B. Whitney, the Colorado champion,
In the third round, but the youth was
forced to give way to age and the doctor
beat him, 6-3, 6-8.
O. J. Sweet of Des Moines, champion of
Les Moines, furnished the sensation of the
morning by beating Arther Serlbner,
the Omaha city champion. In the third
round, which puts him In the semi-finals.
Sweet possessed accuracy and speed and
was . more . steady than Serlbner. Th
Omaha lad had more fancy strokes and
played prettier tennis, but the lowan ex
celled in accuracy and ability to get the
ball. The first set went to Sweet by the
srofe et 6-4, and then he had Sorlbner 6
love'ln the second set before Serlbner could
get a game. Serlbner took the sixth game
and Sweet won the last game, giving him
the second set, 6-1.
Whitney Attract Notice.
Considerable Interest . attached to the
game of .Dr. H. B. Whitney, the champion
of Colorado, because of the age of the
mountaineer. He Is 51 years old and gets
around the courts like a youth, and is un
usually active for a man of his years. His
first match was wlth.Dufrene of Omaha
and his second with Faust of St. Joseph,
who started out like a winner and had the
Colorado champion 4-8 on the first set,
when Whitney braced and won the first
set and then took three straight games on
the next set. Whitney won, 6-4, 6-2.
The most Interesting match of the morn
ing was between the two "Jacks," Jack
Cannon of Kansas City and Jack Hlles of
Sioux City. The first set wss nip. and
tuck all the way through with the end In
doubt to the finish. Cannon Is an all-round
athlete, a member of th Kansas City
Athletic club and has ?. ;rctt reach. He
also has several pretty strokes ss well as
sure-choppy strokes which are hard to re
turn. He is fast In getting to the net and
keeps his opponent reaching all the time.
The first set was won by Cannon, 8-6.
Hllss ' showed the effect of his gruelling
first set and could not brace strong enough
to head off the. Kansas City crack, although
he won the first game. The score:
First Bet..
Hiles 4 3 2 6 4 0 1 4 4 4 4 2 4 1-41-6
Cannot. ..........2 448144621246 4 17-i
Second Set
9annon . 7 4 4 4 4 4 8 4 36-!
Hlles 9 00 0 1 6 3 019-2
Potter Win Over Nevln.
Kevin of Chicago was expected to put
up A better match than he did, tut he
clearly showed that he was not In form
and the more steady work of Cuthtert
Potter told and finally won out. Potter it
the. boy wonder of the tournament and i3
playing the game of his life, seeming not
to tire under the heavy strsin of a hard
tournament. Monday he played three full ' ers of the Western and American leagues
matches and won them all. He has played have been seriously crlpplod most of the
tennis several years and in addition Is an . ) tr-
all around athlete excelling In rraiv ! wlr your eye8' Lincoln. Omaha will
an arouna ln'Ple' exceuing in rrany wln lh9 pen4nt and you mlght a, wu
branches of sport. He wss the winner of graceful about It. It s too late to form
the Junior tournsment last year. combines no.
W- F. Thompson of Kansas City Is taking Sullivan Is credited with having said he
entries for the Mlseourl Valley Tennis i ldn notice It was Pat Ragan when he
championship which will he held in that j rTtlm. eP'thet- "e'"
city next week. As Kansss City has sent j Mr Frnck, tne l8 a book of b,tt,
a good delegation to Omaha some cf the somewhere in the archives of base hall
Omaha players will return the compliment thst wouldn't be uninteresting at odd mo
by' going to that city for the toumim.-i t ; nients for members of the teom.
Others who sre at the Middle West prcb-
ably will go to Kansas City to Join It the
Peter Picked to Win.
Charles 8. Peters of Chicago ia picked by
many of the wise ones as the winner of the
tournament In progress this week. He Is
playing a much faster game than ever Americans. Boston Has made a good deal,
before and ha. Improved hi. serve wonder- ! - .. ".non.
fully. H serves a hard ball, which fairly i Not a pitcher In th lesrue has him beat
sltses through the air. It seems to rssp ; on this. . Hs works up hill Just as well as
the entire length of th racquet and pulls . down.
right off th end. When It strike the I 8m fsns sre Jabbing st Wn,eKeler
rigm u in- . ,, . . because he has been unable to hit at a
ground In the opposite court It bounds ( M c,p ln, ,eason. Great heavens, what
much higher than Is expected and the op- . do you want? This man has maintained
ponci Is unable to return by a Lawford. an average of .J33 at the bat for fourteen
P V " . . . ' years something unparalleled In the hu
ll forced Hayes to quit In th tournament ; fory of ba bu Mut , kp u up fof.
at Sioux City last week, but Hayes had
played a hard double match In the morning
and was tired out. Should Hayes and
Peter get together for the championship
f th Mlddl West Saturday ther will be
some tsnnls worth going to sea.
On of th spectacular figures missing
from th tournament Is B. R. Beard of
" ... j.a Bl nrvtoii
Tulla. Ia.. who has attended all previous
Mlddl West tourneys. He Is a veteran
at the came, being aooui m years or age
th. ant t i hi. .mry. bt
for some reason ha failed to show up to
eare Taeeaay Mernlag.
O'j s'weeU Pe. Molasa, defestsd A, H.
Serlbner, Omnha, -4. a 1.
H. B. Whitney. Denver, defeated C. L.
Faust, St. Joseph. -4, t-i.
J. Cannon. Kansas City, defeated Jack
lilies, Sioux City, 8-4, 4-1. -
Second round:
K. Potter, Omaha, defeated R. II. Dosh,
Stuart. Is . 3-6. 6-1. 4-4.
A. H. Snrlbner, Omaha, defeated R. Din
nlng, Omaha, 6-0. 4-4.
t). J. Sweet, Ie Moines, defeated A. O.
Welhener, Kansas City, 6-2, 4-1.
First round:
H. B. Whitney. Denver, defeated F. Du
frene. Omaha, 6-0. 6-1.
C. I Faust, St. Joseph, defeated F.
Doherty, Omsha, 6-1, 6-0.
O. J. Sweet. Des Moines, defeated L.
Van Csmp, Omaha, t-4, 7-6.
II. Kohn, Omaha, defeated J. Eppeneter,
Omaha, 6-2, 6-4.
H. T. Moore, St. Joseph, defeated A.
Ja.vnee. Omaha, 6-4, 7-6.
J. Cannon, Kansas City, defeated W.
Megenth. Omaha, by default.
Preliminary round:
W. Mcgeath, Omaha, defeated P. Cooley,
Omaha. 2-8. 6-6, 7-S.
8. a Caldwell, Omaha, defeated W.
Wood, Omaha. 6-4. 7-6.
H. Kohn. Omaha, defeated Warren HilUs,
Denver. 6-6, 6-2.
cores Taesda? Afterneon.
Second round:
W. B. Blatherwlck of Rock Valley, la.,
defeated II. Kohn of Ointiha. 4-4, 4-2. 6-4.
J. Cannon of Kansas City defeated II. T.
Hlles of Sioux City, 8-fi, -2.
8. S. Caldwell of Omaha defrated H. T.
Moore of St. Joseph, 9-8. 6-0, 6-6.
Third round:
Dr. II. B. Whitney of Denver defeated
W. B. Blatherwlck of Rock Valley, la.,
6-1. S-7. 6-8.
S. S. Cnldwell er Omaha defeated J. Can
non of Kansas City, 6-2, 6-1.
Doubles, prellmlnsry round:
Donaldson and HHUs of Denver defeated
C. Potter and Koch of Omaha. 6-1, 6-L
This morning there will be no champion
ship singles, but championship doubles and
consolation singles will be played. The
semi-finals In singles will be played In the
l)rarrlng Championship Doables.
Sweet, Des Moines, and Dosh, Stuart, la.,
Fal s bye
7fiin, uc
Hlles, Bloux City, and Hitchcock, Sioux
I'riui.i, v inta u, HI1U 1 II 1 11 1 1 1 g$ a filial! S,
Peters. Chlcaa-o. and Haves. Toledo. Ia..
Rradlnger, Omaha, and Cleveland, bye.
Thompson, Omaha, and Doherty, Omaha,
Blatherwlck. Rock Valley, Ia. and Serlb
ner, timana. Dye.
eJric Hotter, Omaha, and Koch, Omaha,
play Donaldson and Warren Hlllls, Denver.
win linns, omana, and fernesi. Bweei,
Omaha, bye.
Moor, St. Joseph, and Faust, St. Joseph,
Chambers and Hamilton, Omaha, bye.
Young and Caldwell, Omaha, bye.
Dr. Whitney and A. N. Other, Denver,
J. Caldwell and McPherson, Omaha, bye.
McConnoll. Omaha, and Cub Potter,
Omaha, bye.
Cannon, Kansas City, and Wehlemen,
Kansas City, bye.
Paul Jones Wins th Steeplechase
Handicap at Saratoaa.
SARATOGA, N. Y., Aug. . Results:
First race, for mare, 2-year-olds and up
ward, selling, seven furlongs: Tipping, 103
(Horner), 12 to 1, won: Belle of Iroquois,
ftl (Swan), 8 to 6, second; Sister Frances,
103 (Garner), 1 to 4, third. Time: 1:2H.
Second race, steeplechase, handicap, 4-yesr-olds
and up, about two miles and a
half: Paul Jones, 160 (Ray), 7 to 2, wn;
Paprika, 146 (Mclnerneyi), 1 to 2. second;
Rocket, 144 (McClaln), 1 to 3, third. Time:
Third race, the Kentucky, fllles, 2-year-olds,
selling, five and a half furlongs: Ella
O'Nell, f9 (Mnn), 16 to 1, won; Black Mary,
PI (E. Dugan), 8 to 8, Serond; KYIxette, 102
(Miller), out. third. Time: 1:06.
Fourth race, handicap, 3-year-olds and
upward, mile and an eighth: Temaceo.
Ill (Nottcr), U to 6, won; Cresslna. 118
(Horner), 1 to 4, second; Rio Grande, 91
(Oarner). out. third. Time: 1:52.
Fifth race, 3-year-olds and upward, sell
ing, one mile: Zlpango, 96 fTieckman), 18
to 6, won; Stsndovcr, 116 (J. Powers), 6 to
1, second; Phil Finch, 115 (W. Mclntyre),
even, third. Time: l:40m.
Sixth race, maidens, 2-year-olds, which
have run at Oils meeting, five and a half
furlongs: Dennis Stafford, 112 (Radke), 4
to 1, won; C. J. Cell.-110 (Nlcol). 3 to 1,
second; Muta Del any, lkii Drus.iell, 6 to 6,
third. . Time: 1:07. - ,
F.MPlltE CITY, N. T., Aug. 20. Results:
First rate, for maidens. 3-yesr-olds, purse
sun, five furlongs: Spunk, 110 (W. Ott).
16 to 5. won; Enticing. 110 (J. Lee), I to L
second; N'Imperte, 107 1 (Crtmmlns), 80 to
1, third. Time: i:oi. ,
Second isce, 3-yea,r-otds and -upward,
eelllnp, mile and ViO yards: Nellie Racine,
87 (Kycurgus), 12 to 1. won:, Mattle H, lot
8li!111ng, 6 to 1. second! LaVieta, 100
(Preston), 8 to 5, third. Time:
Third rnce, 3-year-olds and up, tl.fon
added, mile and a sixteenth: I.lghtwool,
f9 (Shilling), 6 to 5. won; Ostrich. 1(? (J.
l,ee), 4 to 1, second; Polly PTlm. 1.1 (Pres
ton). 8 to 6. finished first, but was dis
qualified for fouling. Time: 1:45.
Fourth rsce, for 3-year-olds and upward,
81,600 added, about six furlongs: Colloquy,
117 (Shilling), 8 to 1, won; Carthage, 118
l J. Lee), 13 to 6, second; Ooldproof, 113
(Crlmmlns), 11 to 5, third. Time: 1:10.
Fifth race, for 2-yenr-oIds, 81.000 added,
about six furlongs: Stanley Fay, 11 to 6.
won; C. W. Burt, 2 to 1, second; Harls, 3
to L third. Time: 1:10.
Sixth race, 4-year-olds and up. non-winners
since August 9, 18U", II. '100 added, mile
and three-sixteenths: .Bequltc, 97 (Mus
gravfil. 4 to 1, won; King of the Valley,
10U (Shilling). 6 to 1. second; Leonard Joe
llayman, m6 (Pohanka), 16 to 6, third.
Time: 2:0013.
Clark Claim the Game.
OMAHA, Aug. 20. To the Sporting Editor
of The Bee: I wish to rectify the report of
our game at the Florence Atletlc park last
dato with the McClure Advos. The score
wss not 7 to 7, but was 9 to 0 In favor of
the Clarks. In the first of the eighth In
nlng. the Clsrks brought in three runs
without an out, making tho score 10 to T.
in favor of the Clarks, Manager Gambia
of the McClure's claimed unfair umpiring
on a close decision, called his team oft the
field and told the umpire to award the
gnmn to the clarks, which he did, by the
score of I to 0. Orlo Ochseiheln. Manager,
Walter O.. Clark Co. Basa Rail Team.
Davl.I City Defeats Colurabos.
COLUMBUS. Neb.. Aug. 20.-(SDeclal.)
I David City's base ball team came to Co
' lumbus Sunday to play Columbus on their
own diamond. They won. 8 to 6.
Sporting Gosel.
Joe Dolan Is sick and in no condition to
pley ball.
. 1 he Cubs have gone along this fsr; they
might as well make It unanimous now.
There's no further Incentive to lose,
it la a strsnae coincidence that the tesil.
I 7'.n" Bniu" n.a w Welsh, the Sox
premier pitcher, have asked l.'omlskey to
let them pitch all the rrmalnlng games
for the world's champions this season. Al
trock and Dr. White and Owen are still
laid up. Owen has been practically out of
the game all season.
Clcotte. Lincoln' premier Ditcher. !
said to have been picked up by Boston
law Kewi Kote.
ATLANTIC Cass county claims th record
for raising big hogs; not the thoroughbred
kind, but common stock hogs, which go
on the market at regular prices. Fred
Stirrer of near Lewis has Just marketed a
bunch of twenty-nine hoes, all of which
were over the usual weight for stock hogs.
d of whu.n pptd th. ,t tM
, oounds. He received 16.70 ier 100 pounds
ror me ounrn. n. iw wrens agn j. .
Steven marketed a hog that weighed IS
pounds, ana a snort time berore mat two
more were shipped by buyer her that
totaled 1.070 pounds for the two. None of
them was thoroughbred, and in the last
few weeks Ave hogs, weighing over twO
pounds each, have been marketed here.
Tennis Tournament Attracts Attend
ance of Deroteei at Field Club.
Jtovel Osen Air Performance Tne.
4mr Evening tho Consplenons
Fonetlon at Season Oat
Season Wtr,
The open-air vaudeville given Tues
day evening at the Country club was
not only a brilliant success, but an
entertainment so cleverly conceived and
admirably carried out as to remain a con
spicuous feature and a memorable event
long after the club closes for the present
season. The committee on entertainment
Included Mrs. E. S. Westbrook, Miss Daisy
Doane, Mr. Dee McShane, Mr. Frank Has
ksll and Mr. Clement Chase, and the re
sult of their efforts In completing an Im
provised stsge and the arrangement of the
table and chairs so as to give every person
an opportunity both to see and hear was
admirable. The stage was arranged on ths
front porch between the two large wings
and Instead of painted scenery for a back
ground they arranged potted plants,
box tree and palms, and a more artistic
or gratifying effect would be difficult to 1
produce. Iron poles were placed at In- j
tervals on the lawn and these were strung
with Chinese lanterns, lighted by electric
bulb. These formed an enclosure, where
about fifty tables were placed, and all dur
ing the performance, which began at 8
o'clock, Dutch lunch wss served a la
carte. Two or three hundred chairs were
placed on the lawn and In excellent view
of the stage. The stage was lighted by
acetylene lights, and th following pro
gram was given:
By Dot LeeUe Scherman Band, Ikey
Ka'jfman, Kapellmeister.
a. March The Country Club Ellis
b. Melodies from the Yankee Consul. Robyn
C. Vaudllle Overture O'Hars
Wllllsrd E. Chambers, Stage Manager.
Songs from the Southland
Walter Bell Colored Quartet.
Dance with banjo Sen Antone
Marie Snowden.
Ensemble and solo dancing A Bunch of
Mildred Wert a, Halycon Chambers,
Corrlne Cllne, Oretchen Langxlon
Ann Bailey, Adle and lone Fogg.
Monologue The Teddy Bear
Nelly Perry.
Rube Dance Sally
Marie Snowden.
A Little Ragtime
Walter Bell Quartet.
Selections froin The Mocking Blrd...Sloanc
Extra Barrel Jumping Act
Hnpny Hamilton.
Blackface Sketch, a la Malntyre
O'Donnell and Joyce.
Dutch Dance Oretchen von Vetchen....
Marie Snowden.
Trained Dog Act
King William.
S'more Rag Time
Walter Bell Quartet.
Toe Dance Carlsslma
Marie Snowden.
March-The Glad'ator Sousa
Among these who mad reservstlons for
the evening were Mr. and Mrs.
Joseph R. Iehmer, whose guests were
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Rogers. Mr. and
Mrs. Arthur Remington. Mr. and Mrs.
William Redlck and the Misses Mattle and
Ida Sharp.
With Mr. and Mrs. Clement Chase were
W. H. Wheeler and E. J. Larson.
Miss Curtis. Mr. and Mrs. W. El Msrtln.
R M. Fhirfieid and 8hermsn . Canfleld
lunched together.
Mr.- an Mrs. Charles Crsry. were the
guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Lewis.'
With Mr. and Mrs. E H. Sprsgu were
Mr. and Mrs. Frances Bropan, Mr. " and
Mrs. C. E Craln of Springfield, Mrs. Bslch,
Mrs. Perley of Emporia, Kan., and Charlie
Major and Mrs. Thomas Swobs entftN
talned Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Dleti and
Major Ptanton of Chicago.
Mr. and Mrs. W. 8. Cowglll entertained
for Mr. and Mrs. W. R. McKeen. Their
guests were Mr. and Mrs. McKeen,
Miss Marie Mohler, Luther Drake and Dr.
J. E. Summers.
Mr. snd Mrs. Luther KounUe, Mrs. Stan
ton of Washington, D. C, and Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Kennedy lunched . together.
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Love had as
their guests Mr. and Mrs. Daniel R. Fuller,
Mr. snd Mrs. John Forbes and Miss Helen
Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Peters entertained
Mr. and Mrs. Bucholr, Frlta Buchois. Miss
Gladys Peters, Ralph Peters and Masters
Clarence and Douglas Feters.
Bee Want Ads Are Business Boosters.
The -.Lakev-
, . .nt
General Wesiera
rj , . It Jrvj m iii roBpMV 1 -bt'
If you get a car like this for winter you
will need to get your order in soon-
The Reliaduc Specialiots
Vigorous manhood Is the stepping stone to success In life. The man who
has preserved the strength and vitality given him by nature, or, having lost It,
has regained It by securing proper treatment In time Is enabled to shove aside
the Harriets which Impede his progress, both commercially and socially. It
forces men to the front In all walks of life. You should be strong, posses
nerves of steel, self-confidence, strength In every muscle, ambition, grit,'
energy and endurance In order to make your life oomplete. We have gladdened
the hearts of thousands of young and middle-aged men, restoring them to
specimens of physical perfection. If you are lacking in these essential ele
ments of manhood you should consult us at once.
Men whose strength is exhausted, those who have some special disease or
weakness lurking In their system, and who are prematurely aid while still -young
In years broken down wrecks of what they ought to be, and who want
to be strong snd to feel vigorous as they did before they lost their health
to enjoy life again to win back the vim, vigor end vitality lost should con
sult the eminent specialists of the State Medical Institute before It Is too late.
It Is humiliating to know that your manly strength Is slipping away to
he weak, nervous, fretful and gloomy; have pains and aches in different' part
of your body, your sleep disturbed, weak back, headache, despondency, melan
cholia, palpitation of the heart, unable to concentrate your thoughts, poor
memory, easily fatigued, specks before your eyes, aversion to society, lack of
ambition, dlxzy spells, poor circulation, to feel oold, llfuless and -worn Out, '
primarily Induced In many cases through overwork, worry, etci -
We treat men only, and cure promptly, safely and thor"--oughly
and at the lowest cost, BRONCHITIS, CATARRH,
CIAL diseases and weaknesses and their complications. ..
fret C:3snltatlaa and MoallOB-f" VtWLttXtfc:
1308 Farnam St., Between 13th and 14th Sta., Omaha, Neb.
We sell s thousand different Items made of
Rubber. Write for our catalogue of Subbe
Goods and Patent Medlotne rftBB.
2-qt Fountain Syringe, 6uo; 'by mall..... .600
J-qt. Water Dsg. 60c; by mall ..60o
Good Trusses, $1.00 and Ja.OO
Rubber Clloves. 49c to . tl.OO
Freight paid on $10.00 Cash Order.
Ooraer leth and Hodfo Sta.
Bee Want Ads Produce Results
Why not apend a few day,
et one of the popular lake
Ilhnoio, Wisconsin or Minnesota, ..'.
Go where you may enjoy boating, bathing, fishing, camping or any
ether outdoor summer pastime
Among the more popular of these are the lagea In the Fox Lake dla
trlctrin ininols; Delavan, Lake Gesera, Lauderdale Lakes, Elkhart
Lake. MInocqua, Tomahawk Lake, and Star Lake lfl Wisconsin; "Lake
Mlnnetonka and Prior Lake In Minnesota; Lakes Okobojl and Spirit
Lake In Iowa.
The summer hotels, cottages and farm housee at these resorta offer
excellent aertlce at reasonable rates. ( .. t .' '
&p$f The Dells of the Wisconsin, at
Itinerary, a more piciuresnuo khuiiuou. vi v
tlons and wonderful natural acenery Is not to be found In the Mid
dle West.
Ask any agent of this railway for free Information regarding tow
rates and train service offered to these 'reaorU, or addraaa the u4f
signed. Descriptive literature and maps free. .. .f r -....J
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Corner 16tn and Harasy.
a week, or the remainder of the iummet
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you desire. ,
Kllbourn. should be Included In yor
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1524 Farnam St.. OmaiW