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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 21, 1907)
rilE OMAHA PAHA' DEE; "WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 21. 1D07. ! BRIEF CITY NEWS Bobert Smith. onglaa Printing" Co 314-16 6. lth St. Xmmet CK Solomon for Co. Comptroller ' T. A, Blnehart, photographer, removed Eighteenth and Farnam atreeta. W. W. Bingham, candidate for repuo Ucan nomination clerk of district court. The City sarinr Bank la atrlctly a savings bank and la limited to the highest f securities. Book Springs Coal Place your order now for' prompt delivery. Central Coal and Coke Co. of Omaha, 16th and Harney. alt For Dlvcree -Helen Eanders sun John Eanders for divorce. She alleges that he abuses her. They -were married In 1817. Our Stock of Tall and winter woolens la complete. An order placed now may be filled at your convenience. Guckert & McDonald, ill 8. 16th. rive Dollars for Two A. C. Herring was fined 13 and costs In police court Tues day morning for stealing a (2 pair of trousers from a Douglas street second-hand store. . f Mas Steals Sold Teeth T. H. Rock well, accused of stealing a number of gold tooth, fillings from Dr. E, A. Mason, a Brown block dentist, was sentenced to thirty dsys In jail Tuesday morning. .. , Twenty Collars from Printing Shop Proprietors of the Douglas Priming com pany reported to police headquarters Tues day that $20 was stolen from their place of business on Nineteenth, near Harney street. Monday night. Hundred-Dollar Fire Fire broke out In the bottling works at 2381 Cuming street Tuesday morning about o'clock. About $100 damage was done, covered entirely by Insurance. The establishment Is owned by the firm of Singer tt Zellgson. Slega of Jericho The Omaha Ball club has closed a contract by which It leases the Vinton street grounds to an amusement company for the week beginning September It. During that week the spectacular ex hibition of the Siege ot Jericho will be pre sented. Weed Inspectors X.rUa Off All weed In spectors of the Board of Health have been laid oft, as the appropriation for salaries has been exhausted. During the thrae weeks they were busy owners of practi cally all of the vacant lots In the city were notified to cat weeds and In great measure the response was satisfactory. One or two Good Beer and Good Health Dr. Ashbell Parmclee GrinnelL First-Vice President If S3 ' York Medico-Legal society, states that the drinking of ; beer promotes health. The reason is simple. Pabsi BlueRibBon TKe Beer of Quality ts made from Pabst Eight-Day Malt that is matured by a special process which follows Nature closely and retains in the malt all of the wholesome, healthful food properties of the barley-grain. The Pabst Perfect Brewing Process transmits these qual tries, together with the invigorating properties of the choicest hops, to Pabst Blue Ribbon Beer in predlgested form, ready for immediate assimilation by trie When ordering beer, ask for Pabst Blue Ribbon. Made by Pabst . . at Milwaukee d?gffll .And Bottled only at Pabst Brewing Co., V I Phons Douglas "' THERE'S only ono thing that beats a good chew of tobacco That's a good chew of the best tobacco and the best is always PIPER HEIDSIECK CHAMPAGNE FLAVOR PLUG TOBACCO Not only the best tobacco grown but, the very choicest selections from the finest crop3 are used to make JPiper Heidsieck. That's what has made it so popular among men of cultivated taste3 that no other tobacco is considered good enough for them. . ' Costs more than ordinary tobaccos, but is inexpen sive enough for any man who wants the best. Distin guished for its delightful "champagne flavor" gives lasting enjoyment and unalloyed satisfaction. Piper Heidsieck i3 the only plug tobacco that b gold in every good tobacco store. cases remain where the health commis sioner Is working through his regular force. Victims of Snsak Thieves H. Elsllng Of 110 Cass stret find Fred Goch of 311 Pierce street, were victims of sneak thieves Monday evening. A watch and several dollars In cash were taken from Mr. Els- ling's room and Mr. Goch lost $10 and a suit of clothes. Wsad on the Ground Floor F. D. Wead will take the corner office on the ground floor of the new building at Eighteenth and Farnam streets. As the Anchor Publish ing company has taken the offices facing on Eighteenth street on the first floor, all the space In the building Is now leased. Show Indian on Jamboree James Sbaw, a full-blooded Sioux Indian, just escaped from Pawnee Bill's aggregation, was taken Into police court Tuesday morning, heavy eyed from a long night's spree. He knew where the show was going Tarklo, Mo. and Laid he could telegraph for a ticket, so he was discharged. Ixard Stroet Eewtr Flans Plans and specifications for the big Izard street sewer outlet arc nearlng completion at the office of the city engineer. Bids for the construc tion will be opened next Monday. There .v 111 be several plans and specifications and bids will be received on different materials, the object being to give the greatest com petition. lira. Towle Doing; Field Work Mrs. Towle, probation ofllcer. Is now doing Hold work," having been relieved at the office In tho city hall by Miss Bessie Frelmann, Mrs. Towle has been combining field p.nd office work since the creation of the office, but the business has grown to such an extent that It keeps three persons busy In the field all the time. X.ast Initiations September 16 The final initiation night for Kr.lghta of Ak-tiar-Ben will be September IS. Only 2S5 mora knlghta can get In under the wire, which will make the total up to 1.313, the limit to which the membership is fixed for thin year. One thousand three hundred nnd fourteen won't go, so if you expect to wear the brand of Ak-Sar-Ben you must become one of the 285. New Article of Incorporation Articles of incorporation of the Peters Trust com pany were filed with the county clerk Tuesday. The Incorporators are R. C. Peters, W. H. Bucholz. Foster C. Hen nlon, R. 8. Hall, Edwin Huney. M. D. Cameron and Henry J. Abrahams. The officers are R. C. Peters, president, and M. D. Cameron, vice president and treas urer. The capital stork of the corpora tion is :00,000. and its life 100 years. It is authorised to do a general trust com- v system. tneurewery 0. Ml " W mW M not ievenworth St. ' I "is 3T1"I HI pany business and to begin business when the entire capital stock Is paid In. Byaa Is a Poor Starter George Ryan, a confirmed boarder at the city jail, who promised Judge Crawford last Saturday that If he was released he would start im mediately for the Black Hills and walk all the way If he had to, appeared s-galn be fore the people's bar Tuesday morning. "Didn't get started, somehow, Judge," he said. "I'm afraid to let you go for while, George," said the judge. "Thirty days." Plana for Taller Drainers The county commissioners went to Valley Tuesday to consult with farmers as to the organization of a drainage ditch association, having for Us object the draining of a large amount of farm land. All members of the board were in attendance but Fred Brunlng, who missed the train. A delayed street car reached the depot In time for Mr. Brunlng to see the smoke of the departing train on which the other members of the board were going west. Prank Sin as so Snes Mother Frank Dl nusso sues James and Mary DInusso to se cure possession of a house and lot In Hickory Place addition. He allege he deeded the place to Mary Dinuxso, his mother, so she could have a home, ' but there was no consideration for tha deed. and the understanding waa tho property should revert to him. He now alleges that the, defendants have mortgaged the place, and he therefore asks title to the ground and. a Judgment for the amount of the mortgage. Delay In Plxe Hons There la delay In the construction of the fire house at Twenty-first and Lake streets, and the contractor is saying evil things about the architect, who, he alleges, Is dilatory in preparing details for the Iron work of the building. The architect was awarded contract for plans and supervision of con struction last winter. He prepared the plans and specifications upon which the work was let and was paid t per cent of the estimated price. The contractor has been asking for the details of the Iron work for a week and Is now compelled to shut down until the architect delivers them to him. Bebraaka Aathor Attracts Wotloe John G. Nlehart ot Bancroft, Neb., has a book fresh from the press, which Is well spoken of by the eastern book reviews. It is "The Lonesome Trail." a collection of - short stories of the frontier, dealing with rough nature and the primlUve In man. Sever! years ago Mr. Nlehart was a reporter on an Omaha daily, but after a short experi ence he decided his mind was better adapted to verse and atory writing than to newa gathering. It required several years to break'into print, but a year or mora ago he -got a stajrt and many ot the popular magazines are now taking his verse and stories. Wo More Conpon Packages la answer to the demands of the Omaha Retail Oro cers' association the German-American Coffee company of New Tork has promised not to ship into Nebraska any more coffee packages bearing coupons good for pre miums. It may be the company considers discretion the better part of valor, as Dep uty Food Commissioner Johnson has made a ruling under the pure food law that cou pons in packages will be considered the same s dishes' or other premiums, which are expressly prohibited. Still, the grocers found the coffee company more willing than other food concerns, for many of the latter still place premiums or coupons in their packages. Never before Waa Travel So Cheap. Jamestown exposition, $35. Boston and return (certain dates), pa n. Dead wood and return, tlS.TJ. St. Paul and return, SUM. Toronto and return, M tf. Hundreds of other points. Information a pleasure. THE NORTHWESTERN LINE (The ONLY Double Track Route) 1401-ltot Farnam St. Writing a want, ad for The Bee is only a moment a work, and Incurs but trifling expense, and does the work every time If you mail a want ad to The Bee at mid night, enclosing price In stamps or coin It will be printed the next afternoon and probably answered the same evening if you would try this wsnt-fllllng method onca you would probably find frequent use for It afterwards. That's the cas with others. The Bee want ada never disappoint They always fill your want. Sow Rate Baal VI Chleaco, Bfllwankeo at St. Paal RF, One fare plus $10 for round trip 10-day ticket, on sal daily to eastern Canadian points, and on August (. 10, , 24; Septem ber 10, 14, 24 and 2S. to New England points. Choice of route east of Chicago, stop overs at Detroit. Niagara Falls and other points. For rates, routes and Information, call City Tick it Office, UM Farnam Street, or write- F. A. Naaa, General West era Agent. Omaha, Net RAILWAYS GROWING IN CUBACARR,E NAT,L RA,DS den New Lines Being Built and Old Onei Improved. E. W. DE2TCS0N TELLS OF PE0GEES3 Brings Reports of Geae-ral Prosperity t Island anal Rarer of nr. forms rremilidri by Governor Magns. E. W. Denlson of Havana, representative of the Railroad and Publicity league of Cuba, passed through Omaha on his way to his old home at Nebraska City. Mr. Denison'a territory Is through the eastern. middle and southern states, comprising an area of about t.000 miles. He gives a glowing account of affairs In Cuba and speaks In the highest terms of the administration of Governor Magoon. Ti e greatest success Is attending Gov ernor Magoon's efforts. New roads are be ing built all through the Island, which has tha effect of giving remunerative employ ment to the discontented natives and a kindly feeling la growing toward Amer icans. This feeling Is today much better than It has ever been. Recent appropria tions for Improvements Include their exten sion into sections of the country that It was hitherto thought Impossible to reach. These roads Include both highways and railways, particularly through the eastern part or the island. The Cuba Eastern rail way Is extending Its lines through Orient e, In the Santiago province, Into the banana, cocoa and cane sections of that province. They are raising sugar cane there, tha atalks of which are an average ot fifteen feet In height, and remind one much of the big corn of eastern Nebraska. Tha country is also flelled with the finest of hardwoods, embracing over twenty differ ent varieties, all te be found along this line of railway. lalted Ball wars of Havana. The United Railways of Havana have recently acquired the old Mantanzas rail road, 200 miles in length and will greatly Improve the system. The road has over 4.000 cane under lease to haul the cane mills or Ingenlos. The Western railway which enters the heart of the finest to bacco lands of the world, In the Plnar Del Rio country, last year carried over 20,000 tons of tobacco over Its system west of Havana. They have recently opened a new branch to Guane, which brings In some very fine tobacco lands that have not heretofore had railroad facilities. "This road soon will begin building a railroad extension to a point opposite the Isle of Pines, which may possibly develop a new route to the Isle of Pines from Ha vana. "Tha Cuba railroad, of which Blr Will iam Van Horn is president, has made great strides In securing settlers on the cattle lands around Camaguey and between Santi ago and Camaguey many Wisconsin and Michigan lumbermen have acquired im mense tracts, consisting of various hard woods of great value. On these lands will be placed portable saw mills to get out the hard wood lumber. Ifew Road at CtenfuaYoa. "Another railroad is being built from Clenfugos to Sagua la Grande, at which point are being butlt new piers of sufficient else to unload cargoes of cattle and have them Inspected by sanitary officers right on the piers. At Clenfugos have been built terminals and a pier at a cost of over C, 000,000. ' This pier was built against the opposition of many cltisens who were stock holders who held the lighterage conces sions. This new pier makes a difference of six or eight hours in the handling of a ship's cargo." . Tsi Texas - Wonder cures all Kidney. Bladder and Rheumatlo troubles. Sold by ' 'Sherman & McConnell Drug Co. and Owl Drug Co., or two months' treatment by mail, for $1. Dr. B. W. Hall, K2 Ollva St., St. Louie, Mo. Send for testimonials. Vacation. Eiesnloai. Via the Baltimore tt Ohio railroad. Jamestown exposition. Tickets on sale daily until November 80. For particulars write W. A. Preston, T. P. A., 244 Clark St., or B. N. Austin, G. P. A., Chicago. Bnlldinar Permits. Victor Danlelson. frame dwelling, Forty fourth and Jackson streets, $1,360; Charles Brock wav. barn. Twenty-seventh and Fort Streets, 260; I. T. Carpenter, brick and stone dwelling, Thirty-eighth and Cass afreets. I1S.A00: Charles Boyce, frame dwell ing, 82 North Seventeenth street. 11.000: F. wT Lehnhoff, alterations, 1470 South Six teenth street. $S00; Joseph M. Roucek, frame dwelling. Eleventh and Hickory atreeta, 12.600. BOWEL TROUBLE CURED Mr. John H. Wood, of Connersville, Indiana, who It 77 years old, praises Duffy's Pure Malt Wlilsi,.; for Curing Him of Bowel Trouble) and Cramps la his Llnitia. On Nov. 21st, 1906, he wrote: "For 20 years I have been troubled with cramps In my limbs. I com menced tuslng your Pure Malt Whis key and have not since been bothered with cramps. "I have had recently a severe sick spell with bowel trouble, and your Pure Malt Whiskey again helped me wonderfully. I am 77 years old." Duffy"s Pure Malt Whiskey Is dis tilled wholly from malted grain by a most expensive method which has never been made public, and this pri vate process insures quality and flavor. Its softness, palatablllty and freedom from injurious substances make it ac ceptable to the most sensitive stomach. It is an absolutely pure, gentle and Invigorating stimulant and tonic, It builds up the nerve tissues, tones up the heart, gives power to the brain, strength and elasticity to the muscles, and richness to the blood. It brings into action all the vital forces. It makes digestion perfect, and enables you to get from the food you eat the nourishment it contains. It is invaluable for overworked men, delicate women and sickly children. It strengthens the system, Is a promo ter of health and longevity,' makes the old young and keeps the young strong. Dnffy's Pure Malt Whiskey is a form ot food already digested, and is recog nised as a great family medicine every where. Sold by druggists, grocers and deal ers or direct, tl a bottle. Illustra ted medical booklet, containing some ot the many convincing testimonials received from grateful men and women who have been cured, and doctor's advice free. Duffy Malt Whiskey Co., Rochester, N. T. Rrlaae Along; Some Other Women te Help Kep the Knlcnta Straight. But for the diplomacy or Grand Mufti W. R. Bennett serious things would have happened at the Den Monday night. Some traltoroua Knight of Ak-Sar-Ben gave away the grip and pass word to half a dosen women, and. led by Carrie Nation, the women got lnilde the castie hull and the proceedings were about to be called off. Carrie had her hatchet with her and Intimated that the youth of Omaha were being corrupted by the nightly or pies at the Den and she had come there with LMla Wheeler Wilcox. May Irwin, still on her honeymoon; Annie Anthony, a niece ot Susan B., charged to the guards with woman's rights theories; Maud Qonne, who came with her vials of Irish wrath uncorked; Jane Addams, with a proposi tion to erect a series of apartment houses at East Omaha or Dundee, and all of them surfeited with suggestions to make Ak-Sar-Ben Into a Queen of Sheba sym posium. The women were finally mollified Into a quiescent state and under the as surance of Grand Mufti Bennett that the Ak-Sar-Ben proceedings would be con ducted peacefully and decoroualy, peace was secured and the women were permitted to remain. Incidentally Grand Mufti Bennett sug gested that there was a quantity ot old Junk about the Den that might be dis posed of to an advantage and before he got through with the suggestion, a Fin lander giving the name of Izak Guggena helmer, butted In through the recruiting office and volunteered to buy the whole shebang for "dwendy kopecks." Gus Rense dropped the old duffer Into the cellar and got him mixed up with a lime barrel, and after he was rescued he handed the grand mufti three large red lemons. The con fusion during all these proceedings waa so Intense that the women, fearing for their safety, fled. They were finally run down and searched and It was developed that W. T. Canada did the Carrie Nation part. O. O. Lleben the Jane Addams part, W. S. Stryker the Ella Wheeler Wilcox part, T. F. Swift the Anna Anthony part, E. H. Brunnlng the May Irwin part and Dave O'Brien the Maud Gonne part. After he was washed Izak Guggenshelmer proved to be none the less than Ed F. Thompson. Seventy-five recrulta were enlisted dur ing the seance and 1,03 members were found to be the paid enrollment, against but 831 a year ago. It waa Intended to make Monday night governor's night, but the wires got crossed through the Carrie Nation part of the busi ness and it waa Just a plain, good-natured love feast. Short addresses were made by the women, and by Doe Tanner of South Omaha, Judge O.. C. Jackson of Blair, Ralph W. Breckenrldge ot Omaha, J. W. Bowman of Marlon. Ia., and John R. Web ster of Omaha. Nebraska, Maryland, Illinois, Tennessee, Colorado, Wyoming, Ontario, Ohio, New Tork and California were represented among the new recruits. Monday afternoon the Board of Governors gave a luncheon to the former governors at tho Omaha club. The purpose of the gathering was to endeavor to stimulate a greater Interest in several features of the approaching festival of Ak-Sar-Ben, and the meeting Is deetlnd to bear the most abundant fruits. Burnett's Extract of Vanilla Is the standard everywhere. At best grocers. INDIAN SMASHES THE JUG 9 apposes That Destroys All Evidence . Aaalnat Him na a Boot legger. Ansley Walker, an Omaha Indian, waa brought down from the reservation by Deputy United States Marshal John Bides and arraigned before United States Com missioner Anderson on the charge of Intro ducing liquor onto the Omaha Indian reser vation. In default of $300 ball Walker was placed In the Douglas county Jail to answer to the federal grand Jury next month. The discovery of Walker's wrongdoing was made by John M. Commons, superintend ent and special disbursing agent of the Omahas, who, with Captain H. A. Hutch tngs, was driving over the reservation last Thursday on a tour of Inspection. They met Walker driving along in his wagon and Mr. Commons observed a suspicious look ing Jug In Walker's wagon nd Investigat ing the matter found It contained whisky. He demanded the Jug from Walker, who turned It over to Commons with much re luctance and Commons placed It In his own buggy- Walker then came over to Commons buggy and asked to see tha Jug again, as he wanted to know how much liquor was In It. Walker then broke the Jug over the wheel ot his wagon, thinking he had destroyed all the evidence against him for taking llauor onto the reservation. The federal grand Jury will, however, de termine that feature of the evidence. Man wanted. It doesn't matter what you want a man for. It doesn't matter whether you want a whit man or a black man, a large man or a small man, there's a man In Omaha who wants to serve you. He's Just the man you want, and if you insert an ad in The Bee's want columns today that man will call upon you tomorrow. DOCTORS ENDORSE MANSFELDE Commend His Cnndldney for Reseat of tho Stat I'al eralty. At the meeting of th State Medk.l association held In Omaha last winter rnmmittee was appointed to wait upon Governor Sheldon and urge the appoint ment of Dr. von Mansrelde or Aenianu to fill the vacancy on the Board of Re gents for the state university. Since the governor has decided that th va cancy should be filled by election ratlwr than hv appointment. the Saundors County Medical society has caused the name of Dr. Mansfslde to oe piacea upon k- ticket to be voted for at the primary election September 3, and his candidacy Is being urged by the councilors or me Nebraska State Medical association, all of whom have signed resolutions com mending him to the republican voters at the primaries. Announcements, wedding stationery and calling cards, blank book and magazine binding. 'Phone Doug. 1604. A. I. Root, Ine. WOMAN HAS HER LEG BROKEN Falls ! Attempting? to Alight from m enr at Fourteenth and Harner. Mrs. E. U Miller of Cblcsgo. an elderly woman wbo la visiting friends in South Omaha, fell from a moving Harney street car at Fourteenth and Harney at o'clock Monday night and had her left leg broken near the hip, and was bruised about the face and body. She was attempting to alight from the car, but evidently was thrown off by a sudden Jolt and struck tha pavement with much force. She was unconscious for a time. Dr. D. F. Lee at tended her and took her to the home of her friends in South Omaha. Conductor J. J. Cobey and Motarman Pete Thompson were In charge of the car. In a Pinch Lee ALLHVS FOOT-EASB. Schools AMD - ii a t-i-ru i i Colleges IS " m si pome ecnoois mane a nr.nty or their fine catalogues; others, of their fine buildings. The hobby of the MOSHER-LAMPMAN BUSINESS COLLEGE Is Its Xxperlenoed Teachers. Although our rooms ore the lightest, bright est, end best equipped of any in the city and our catalogue a n pn s.-iitn-tion of facta rather than a beautiful example of the printers' art, our teaching force should have the greatest Influrnoo In enabling- you to deride where to attend school. Our Instructors have long besn known as the most skilled and experienced business eduoators In the west F.very prospective student who has carefully Investigated the merits of the different col Jrges hus decided to attend our school. Investigate for yourself. Catalogue free. Call: 'Phone, Douglas 66 IS or address: MOSHER-LAMPMAN BUSINESS COLLEGE, TAI.I, TERM Opens September Jnd. Will be the largest enrollment in its history. GEITEBAI. UrrOBafATIOST New 1100.000 building and equipment. Rated unions the ten largest schools In the U. 8. Has a body of ex-students of over 20,000. En rolls over 1,100 every year. Courses thorough. Strong faculty of specialists. Frve lecture course, literary society and gymnasium. Can work for board If dealred. All graduates placed In position. Catalogue sent free. Write today. Address Kobrbongh Bros., Omaha, Bob. IVcntworth RlSietaty Academy Oldest and Largest in the Middle West. Active U.S. Army officer detailed by the War Department. Class A.' Prepares for Universi ties, Government. Academies or Buninewi. $40,000 m improve- uicnia now urinR completed, nates fjou.uu. Separate deaarnaeat far Bays, iauuogus ASK a school We will send you catalogue and school information of any kind which you cannot obtain so eaiily in any other wiv The service is ABSOLUTELY FREE No charge now or at any oier time. The following classei ot schools are included in this oiler: 1. Collcfct tlia UnlTCriltlrt. 2. Sort or Girli' Frer'!orr Schools. 3. tchooli na College! lor Young Li 41m. 4. Milltiry tchooll. 5. Butineil Collece!. 6. Mu,ic ind Art School!. 7. Normtl Schools. 8. Meoicil Schools. 9. Pemsl School!. 10. Phsrmscsl School. 11. l.sw Schools. 13. Telecrsph ana Trsaes Schools.' IS. Technical Schools. 14. Trsininc Schools for Nurses, Etc. 15. Correspondence Schools. Educational Information Bnrau 03 Klnloch Building. St. l oala. Mo. aaiaiiiauiuuHir i n;: aissiaii i ii . 1 1 snii McCartney Institute leoa Farnaaa Street, Fall Term Begins Sept. 2nd Complete Business Courses la Shorthand, Typewriting, Bookkeeping, Commercial Ltv and Penmanship; Also College Preparatory Work. Bpeolal Terms To students registering on or before Thursday. Aug. 29th. Call, or Tel. LoukIqs. 1070. MB X. F. SCcOABTBXT, Beorstary. Say and Bight Sessions. University of Notre Dame "OTIS SAME, XATDXABA A Catuolio College Borne Every Ednoationa) Advantage Every Moral Safeguard Ill Buildings 76 Piofessors 80U Students. Courses In Ancient and Modern Lan guages, KnKllsh, History and Eco nomics, Chemistry, Biology, phar macy, Civil, Electrical, Chemical and Mechanical Engineering, Architecture, Law. Shorthand, llooa keeping, Type writ I n p. TEBMSt Board, Tuition and Laun dry O0. Special Hepartment for Boya Under 13 1350. Attdrois The Rav. John Csvanaagu, President. How about the boy . your boy? What school for 1907-08? The book called "The right school for your boy" gives manv helpful suggestions. We send it and cur catalogue, without cost, if you ask for it. Racine College Grammar School Racine. Wisconsin TUDOR HALL SCHOOL FOR GIRLS 1840 V. Meridian stZadlaaapoUa, Ind. Boarding and Day School. College Preparatory General Course. Special Courses In Music, Art, Voice Culture. Native French and German Teachers. Gymnasium. Private grounds for ath letics. Bible Study in all Depart, ments. Household Sclenoe. 140 Lay Vuplls. 26 boarding pupils. Certificate admlta to such colleges as Vasaar, Wellealey, Smith, University of Chi cago and Cornell. JalSe) FRfcDOXIA ALLEN, Ph. B., Principal. Cornell University. REV. J. ClMMI.Va SMITH, D. D, Kounder. rev. neil Mcpherson, a. m. Dean. POTTER CO LLC QB-For Toung Ladles students from to States. Number select and unlimited. i0 teachers. Departments under specialists. Appointments of the highest order. Recommended by leading man of the 17. 8. Bend for Catalog-us K-. B F. Cabell, D. D.. Pres., Bowling Green, Kentucky. TOSD SBnTXtTABT POB BOT8 An Ideal school for young boya, beautl f illy situated in the "hill country" of Illinois. One hour from Chicago. 0tb year. Bend for our prospectus. IOIU BILL, Prtu, Woodstock, CI. II . . - I as mm 17th and Farnam Streets, Omaha, Nebraska. QOYLES COLLEGE FALL TERM SEPT. 3 BOOMMMUfJ, SHOatTKAsTD and TTTEWRlTIltO, TILEOBAtXI, SHOUSM and ZX.OUUTIOM. Free Catalogue. Address, H. B. HOY L1CS, President. 1803 aTASVWXT STBBET. OMAHA, HSKABK. J iree. Adores, THE ttCRtTunv. Bon. LmxInnUm. Wit. Brownell Hal! A boarding and day School for Toung Women and Girls. Students holding cer tificates covering In full the entrance re quirements of a standard State Univer sity, are admitted without examination to Junior year In advance course. Curti flcnte In coll"po preparatory coursi admits to Vaasar, Wellealey, Smith, Ml. Holyoke, Untv. of Nebrnsku, L'niv. of Wisconsin and Univ. of Chicago. Exceptional advan tnrjes In Music, art and Domestic Sclencv. Well equipped gymnasium and outdoor aports. Students mothered sympathetically by women of large practical experience with girls In that highly important forma tie period between fourteen and twenty one years of age. Send for Illustrated Year Book. Address Miss Macrae, Principal, Omaha. WHAT SCHOOL Information concerning the ad vantages, rates, extent of cur riculum and other data about . the best schools and colleges can be obtained from the School and College Informa tion Bureau of The Omaha Bee All Information absolutely free and Impartial. Catalogue of any particular school cheer fully furnished upon request. ' American Kimosll Hall 839 to 853 Wabseh Ave. ChioagOs III. Conservatory The Leadlrc Schoo. of Music and Dram stlc Art. TYVKNTY-Si-COND SEASON. Seventy emi uent instructors. Unsurpassed course of study. Teachers' Training Department. Diplomassnd Teacher's Certificates. Unnvaltd I'm Artvan tarts. Thirty tree snd one huidred partial scholar ships awarded annually to talented students of limited means. Fall term begins Septernber B. 1SU7, Catalogue mailed free. JOHN J. HATTSTAEDT. President Hansen Military Academy For boys and young men. Good Instruction; good board; stood mili tary drill and athlet ics. We are patron ised by the very beat families. A. M. BAB ICS, President, fUL TOB, ILL. mm DELLEVUE COLLEGE tVLUMH Clue' Ml, aclonUOc. philosophical aetussa, ACai S Is Y a a aortraaiue high achoul praaans tat ts.llaoi or an etbar Mllase or aiTaraur. fiuKMAL, Si ao4 aaTaaeag mna. CsrtiBcataa graataa. COKiKRVATOKY Tasotjr at ssuals. pUok, vata, violin, location ana art, OMAHA CONHBCTION8 Blaetrla llaa aaa Barllar lea railway. IT our ktodara iMrstitorlaa. Aasruae rraa!-ant Wadaworta. Naa. TBB TAB SASTT SCBOOX, OP SBOBTHABO has recently moved into new quart era In the Heal Estate Exchange Building, 18th and Farnam. It will maintain Ha character as a . select school for tha training of steno KTHphera sjgflJQrrjQBjg Chicago Conservatory getaMteaas !, Wakaa SaHuae, Pra. Oiaeat aad beat aoltonl for tbomuab taacalns of MUSIC AND DRAMATIC ART Tfala aubnol alaa mttintaina tha hlghawt ataao. arda of arti.llo aircllenca) rjlor only lal u- mat eMilla laatraouira, (riuala are wi.ll equipM' in avary oawnt ial fiuirt'irient of Mu.l.i aad Iiramatio Art. iu-nti for intrtiatiiic catalog. Sa 4 Slaar, aualrarlma Bullaief, OHlaaau, III, OMAHA. ITAaTKIKESS' IHSTXTTJTB Stammering or other fcueech Defects cured. Medical references and Information about the school furnished on appll- ! cation. bamob atrrxsoia, omajea. bub. Illustrated Music ScbooI,1611 Farnam Muslo by Mall !. than lot a day. Klght different courses. Investi gate them at the store of the Perflald Plana OoH Otaaba. STIX.Z. OOtLiaB OP OSTXOPATBY, Ds Moines, la The standard osteopathia college of America. We have more calls for our graduates than we can supply. Terra begins bept. 16lh. Catalogue o. WrXSO COilEfTB POB WOMH Is tbs baautlful CauibarlanS VU7. ( curse bd lu( la avgraaa of A B ant hi us. hv Claaaua, hi- Art. A Bloat axcallrnt faculty. Casiua SO acraa; 14 ballaias; raadsrate. at. H HKASKS, tm. It., fraa" U tolltia Ave-, Caaaioaraimg, fa. I.