Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 21, 1907, Page 4, Image 4

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TitE Omaha Daily Bee
Kntered at Omaha postofflce as second
las matter.
ally Bee (without Sunday), one year.. 1400
ally bee and Bunday. one year
unday Bee, one yer. J -W
snurday lie, on yeer. l.M
a!1y B (Including Sunday), per week..T5c
lly Bee (without Sunday), per weeK..10c
Cvenlng Bee (without Bunday), per week c
tvenlng Bee (with Sunday), per week. .100
Address all complaints of Irregularities In
lellverjr to City Circulation Department.
Omaha The Bee Building.
South Omaha City Hall Building.
Council Bluffs 15 Bcott Ptreet.
Chicago UM I'nlty Building.
New York 16 Home Ufe Insurance BWg.
Washington ffl Fourteenth Street.
Communications relating to newa and edl
nrlal matter ahould be addressed, Omaha
See, Editorial Department.
Remit by draft, express or postal order
layahle to The Bee Publishing Company.
Dnly 8-rent atampii received In payment of
hall accounts. Personal checka, except on
maha or eastern exchange, , not accepted.
Itat of Nebraska, Douglas county, ss:
Charles C. Rosewater, general manager
f The Bea Publishing Company, being
luly mm, says that the actual number
If full and complete copies of The Dally
Morning, Uvenlng and Sunday Bee printed
luring the month of July, 19u7, was as
... 80,700
It 38,480
19 86,510
20.. 36,530
21 35,550
28 87,970
27 36,700
Total 1,139,390
Lass unsold and returned copies . . 10,335
Nat total 1,191,585
Dally average 38,183
General Manager.
Subscribed In my presence and sworn to
before in this 1st day of August, 1307.
Ideal) M. 13. H UNGATE,
Nntuv Publio.
Sakaerlfcer leaTlnar the city tem
porarily should have Th Be
mailed to them. Address vrlH ba
causa ged a often as requested.
The publio will not despair so long
as the letter carriers refuse to strike.
Standard Oil stocks are now down
to 1423 a share. How much have
you lostt
Morocco doubtless would prefer to
have its civilization administered in
homeopathic doses.
Secretary Taft wants it made plain
that he is not trying to steal any of
Colonel Bryan's political clothes.
George) Bernard Shaw thought he
was drowning tha other day, but, like
most ot Shaw's thoughts, it proved to
be untrue.
Richard Harding Davis knocked
down a man who called him an imita
tion Englishman, Davis Wants to be
taken for the real article.
The projection ot another Fonta
nelle slate may make pertinent the
old question, "Are you a republican,
or are you a Fontanelle?"
. Germany's claim of 41 per cent of
the world's supply of wireless teleg
raphy cannot be accepted by this coun
try so long as the strike lastB.
"Billy" Mason cannot be very sin
cere in his campaign for re-election to
the United States senate from Illinois.
He is making speeches every day.
Attorney General Bonaparte insists
that he wants to put some trust mag
nate in jail. The magnates might
shake dice or draw lots for the honor.
Cozey is to organize another "army
of the discontented." He will. have
to look for bia recruits ' in Wall street
this time instead ot on the western
The annual crop ot newly organized
political clubs is springing up in the
usual profusion. The quotations on
the market for endorsement will be
posted shortly.
A Venezuelan court has fined the
Asphalt trust in the sum ot $5,000,
000. The name ot the Keneeaw
Mountain Landia of Venezuela is not
given in the cables.
It should be distinctly understood
that the announcement that "King
Edward has the most remarkable col
lection of sticks in the world" does
not refer to the House of Lords, -
King Ak-Sar-Ben Is said to be con
aldoring ways and means of Infusing a
little more ginger among the crowd
who watch th annual street pageants
The way to snthusa is to enthuse.
physicians have discovered a St
Louis boy who possesses only a table-
spoonful of brains. . Nothing but his
youth keeps Mm from being a shining
light in society of the Newport brand.
Eugene Schmlts wants to be re
elected mayor of San Francisco aa a
vindication. The trouble with the
proposition ia that it would then be
' nececaary to do something to vindicate
Ean Francisco.
Th World-Herald la willing, for Its part,
to have the democratio randldat choaen
by th democratio rank and file. World
Il.rsU. Always excepting wfcen ita editor
wants th democratic juoroinaUon for
rntsiDEXT nooanrtLrs MOGBAM.
Napoleons of high finance and rep-
eBentallves of the speculative inter
ests who have been clamoring for some
fflcial expression to allay the nervous
ness ot Wall street, will get little con
solation from what President Roose-
elt said at Provincetown, Mass., on
occasion of the anniversary celebration
of the landing of the Pilgrims. In re
sponse to these frantic appeals for
some statement that would stamp out
hysteria, the president makes It ex
ceedingly plain that the administra
tion can not abandon its policy, but
must go ahead with Us work of reform
and law enforcement, to the end that
the country may be rid of the flagrant
abuses too long endured. At the same
time, he gives assurance that It was
the purpose of the administration fear
lessly to defend property against all
unjust attacks. "No individual, no
corporation obeying the law," the pres
ident declares, "has anything to fear
from this administration."
Reviewing the work and character
of the Puritan pilgrims, the president
notes principally the changed condi
tions of our national life and the ne
cessity for change in our laws and gov
ernmental methods. For five years the
administration has been pursuing a
policy toward the defiant corporations
deemed necessary to the future wel
fare of the nation. The president de
clares that experience has demon
strated the need of a far more efficient
control than at present "over the busi
ness use of those vast fortunes, mostly
corporate, which are used In Interstate
business." On that subject he uses
these words:
There Is no objection in the minds of
this people to any man's earning any
amount of money If he does It honestly and
fairly, If he gets It as the result of spe
cial skill and enterprise, as a reward of
ample service actually rendered. But there
a growing determination that no man
shall amass a great fortuno by special priv
ilege, by chicanery and wrong-doing, so
far as it is In the power of legislation to
prevent; and that the fortune when
amassed shall not have a business use that
Is anti-social.
As to his further program; the presi
dent declares in favor of a national in
corporation law, giving the federal
government a supervisory authority
over all Interstate corporations similar
to that now exercised over national
banks; laws permitting such useful
combinations as are made with abso
lute openness after approval by the
representatives of the government;
laws to punish trust offenders by Im
prisonment as well as by fine; more
liberal laws for the protection of em
ployes, and laws giving federal author
ities wider power over the public
While the president has offered no
strikingly new additions to his pro
gram for future legislation, his ad
dress Is significant as serving notice
on the country that there ,1s to be no
halting and no turning backfrom the
advance steps already taken. The ad
ministration, under President Roose
velt's direction, has worked an eco
nomic revolution, the effect of which
must be felt for years to come. The
establishment of publicity and fairer
methods of competition, the destruc
tion of the vicious system of rebates
and discriminations by railroads and
the enactment of laws for "a square
deal" In the great business institutiona
of the country are the triumphs of the
Roosevelt administration, and they
have been achieved without real in
Jury to legitimate property rights. No
one wants to return to the old regime
of rebates, discriminations, stock in
flation and nonenforcement of the law.
The work has been well accomplished
and the country will approve the pres
ident's course In determining for a res
olute continuance of his policies to
their logical conclusion.
The call ot the railroads for at least
1,000 men for immediate employment
In the coal mines ot Wyoming and
Utah, with the certainty of a more or
les8 pronounced shortage in the winter
fuel supply it the call is not answered,
serves to emphasize the abnormal con
dition ot the labor aupply of the coun
try. For Borne months there has been
almost a labor famine In the Industrial
centers of the east and, notwithstand
ing the unusually large immigration
arriving at New York each day, the de
mand for workmen far exceeds the
supply. The west la also beginning to
feel the shortage of labor, which Is
really the only factor in sight that
threatens to check its industrial ex
pansion. The largest steel plant in the world
will be opened at Gary, Ind., next
week, and 'the operation of the mills
and the business of the city which has
eprung up as the new plant has been
built, will call for more than 20,000
workmen of all grades. Steel trust offi
cials report greatest difficulty in secur
ing the help needed. Cripple Creek
has sent out a call for at least 1,000
miners, with assured wages ranging
from $3 to $6 a day and Bteady em
ployment. Attractive as this offer Is,
the mine owners have difficulty in re
taining working miners on account ot
the more urgent call, with higher
wages offered, from the gold fields ot
Nevada. From the Michigan copper
mining region cornea the complaint
that men can not be had ia sufficient
numbers to meet orders for larger
quantities of ore than it Is possible to
produce with the working forces ob
With the farms, factories, mills,
railroads and mines bidding against
each other for workers, tbe wage-
earner occupies an enviable position
While the immigration has been more
than 1,000,000 a year for several years
exceeding 1,800,000 ia 10, every
section of the country is still crying
for more help. The farmera are pro
ducing more cereals and other prod
ucts than ever before, the mineral out
put Is breaking all records, the rail
roads are hauling more merchandise
and every activity offers evidence of
steady, If not increasing, business. As
long as the "Help Wanted" sign Is out
the wheels of industry must be revolving.
It is hardly probable that anything
The Bee may say on the subject will
have any weight with the democratic
mayor and council in their determina
tion to ask the people to vote them
authority to issue $3,500,000 of bonds
with which to purchase the local gas
plant. The Bee is free to say that be
tween the purchase of the present
plant and the waste of several million
dollars in constructing a duplicate
plant for purposes of alleged competi
tion, It would favor the purchase
scheme. Aside from that, however,
it seems to us that the democratic
mayor and council would be putting
the cart before the horse, even It they
had the backing ot a unanimous pub
lic sentiment in favor ot the object to
be attained.
Why should Omaha be asked to vote
$3,600,000 of bonds to buy the pres
ent gas plant? Does anyone know
whether it can be bought within the
limit of $3,500,000, or whether
$3,500,000 is not a largely excessive
figure? Some years ago we voted
$3,000,000 in bonds to buy the water
works, but when the appraisement
came In it was for more than $6,000,
000 and the bonds have never been is
sued. The outcome of the water
works purchase proposition will be
either the voting of more bonds or an
extension of the contract with the
water company on more favorable
So far as purchasing the gas plant
Is concerned, Omaha is in exactly the
same position that It was with respect
to purchasing the water works. By
express terms ot the gas franchise or
dinance the city has reserved the right
to buy the plant at any time without
paying for franchise value. It may
buy either by appraisement, under the
three-appraiser plan, or by exercise of
the right of eminent domain. If the
appraisement plan were chosen the
city would name one appraiser, the
gas company another and the two
would select a third. If the right of
eminent domain were relied upon the
city would apply to the proper Judicial
tribunal, who would appoint all of the
appraisers on the nomination of the
city. In the first case the city would
probably be bound by the appraise
ment. In the second place it might
be free to approve or reject if the fig
ures were not satisfactory.
Any ordinary business man, expect
ing to buy a piece of property, would
find out what it waa to cost before
borrowing money to pay for it. If
the city of Omaha wants to buy the
local gas plant, why should we not
make the appraisement first and find
out whether a satisfactory price can
be had before voting bonds in any
sum that would be notice to the gas
company of how much we were will
ing to pay?
One candidate for the republican
nomination for county treasurer is re
ported to have already started out in
speephes before improvement clubs to
abuse The Bee and its editor, not with'
standing the fact that he has just
made several pilgrimages to The Bee
office begging for support. Inasmuch
as he is not on the political map it ia
hardly worth while to tell the people
the real foundation of his grievance.
The time limit for candidates to
withdraw primary filings haa expired
without any rush at the counter. Some
people think a $5 filing' fee cheap to
find out with mathematical precision
the difference between the number of
friends who promise to vote for them
and the number who actually deliver
the goods.
It waa to have been supposed that
Brother-in-law "Tommy" Allen had
learned enough not to write letters aa
chairman of the democratio state com
mittee. The object lesson of last year,
however, seems to nave gone un
heeded. Chairman Allen's strong
point Is in making deals with the rail
road lobbyists.
The Zt. Gaudens designs for the
new gold coins may not be accepted
because the projection upon the coin is
a bas relief which would prevent the
coins from being stacked in a pile.
The American people will not want to
be bothered with gold coins that can
not be stacked up aa evenly and easily
aa poker chips.
In asking for bids for printing the
official primary ballots the county and
city clerks ought to request figures
for printing with and without rotation.
Thla would, at least, let th taxpayers
know just bow much in money the ro
tation foolishness ia likely to cost
According to official reports fifty
four officers and nlnety-flve private
soldiers were killed and forty-seven
officers and fifty-two privates were
wounded in "maintaining order" in
Russia, during the month of July.
Russia must be as turbulent as New
York City.
Secretary ot State Junkin has gone
to the trouble to make an official rul
ing to the effect that votes cast by dem
ocrats for candidates for republican
nominees are not to be counted toward
putting them on the republican ticket
The prime object tf nominating by di
rect vote Is to make sure that the rank
and file of each party choose the candi
dates to carry the party banner. It
would be the height of absurdity for
anyone to try to construe the new pri
mary law into permitting democrats
to make republican nominations or
vice versa.
"Is there anything wrong In the
president of the United States listen
ing to the representatives of Wall
street?" asks the Wall Street Journal.
Nothing at all, except the standing ad
monition against wasting time.
An association ot eastern barbers
has decided to refuse to cut the hair
of men who use safety razors. That's
a big Inducement for some genius to
Invent a machine with which a man
can cut his own hair.
In closing his address at Columbus
Secretary Taft said there were a num
ber of minor issues which he did not
have time to discuss. While he men
tioned no names, Senator Foraker is
probably one of them.
The Standard Oil company's divi
dends for the seven months of the
year amount to but 80 per cent No
telling what the company might have
divided if it had not been harassed by
federal courts.
Secretary Taft rather enjoya travel
ing, but he would be willing to stay
at home for four years, beginning with
March 4. 1909. '
Sweating Oil.
Baltimore American,
The unfortunate oil octopus cart hardly
look In any direction, state or federal,
without taking for the burden of Its song
th mournful refrain, "They're after mo."
Why Some People Worry.
Chicago Record-Herald,
Attorney Oeneral Bonaparte says people
who have not violated the laws have no
cause to fear. The amount of confidence
his statement has not restored Indicates
that the lawbreaklng haa been pretty gen
Serenity of tha Former.
Baltimore American.
"Uncle Joe" Cannon holds views very
much opposed to those of Mr. Rockefeller,
who fears that the country Is plunging
headlong Into business ruin. Uncle Joo
says while the bulls are trying to gore the
bears and the bears are baiting th bulls,
the farmers are happy, which is all that
Is necessary, and that It won't hurt the
nation to let others do the worrying.
Legal Mean of Strike Settlement.
Portland Orcgonlan.
The publio, which Is paying the bills and
is every day losing what little love it might
have had for the corporations, or for some
of them, would like to sea the men secure
all that the traffic will bear, but it would
also welcome the enactment of legislation
which would place the settlement of these
differences in other hands than those of
disgruntled employes and overbearing em
ployers. Rllroskd.jMl Standard Oil.
. Railway Age.
The Standard Oil company has been a
leech upon the .railways of tha United
Btates for many years. By means of th
tremendous pressure It has been enabled
to bring to hear It has extorted vast sums
from the carriers, both directly In th
form of rebates and Indirectly In other
forms. There can be no question that If
thla great corporation shall finally ba held
to have broken the law and shall be heav
ily punished, the ultimate effects will be
most salutary for both the public and th
The Need ot Automatic Printing; Tele
graph Instruments.
Springfield (Mass.) Republican.
The strike ot the telegraph operators
has doubtless suggested to many minds the
advance that would be made by the in
troduction of automatlo printing telegraph
instruments. The process of transmitting
Information by telegraph might then be re
duced by the elimination of two distinct
stages, that of sending the message in the
Morse oode and that of receiving It and
translating It back again, both of which
now require expert and practiced men. If
such instruments were In general use to
day the country would not be at the mercy,
as It is more or less, of these specially
trained men whose places are difficult to
fill. There would be one occupation less
In the world, but it Is unnecessary, at thts
lata hour to refute the false theory that
society suffers any real hurt In such ways
or that there Is any real reduction of op
portunity. The world progresses by the
elimination of unnecessary labor. But It
will probably come as a surprise to most
people to learn that a practical printing
telegraph Instrument was Invented and In
actual use In this country over fifty years
ago. This was House's printing telegraph
which was largely used In tha United
States until about 1860. It was simple in
principle though complicated In construc
tion. The letters of the alphabet, a period
and a blank, or twenty-eight spaces In all
were engraved on the rim of a type-wheel,
upon the shaft of which was a scape-wheel
of fourteen teeth. By means of a retracting
spring and an electric magnet the type
wheel could be revolved at will and any
desired letter be presented by breaking
and closing the eleotrlo circuit. But more
successful instruments have been Invented
since then and the automatic printing
telegraph or "ticker" which records the
stock market quotations and which Is In
every-day use uiil Instantly suggest Itself.
The "ticker" was originated In New Tork
In 1867, has been Improved by many In
ventors and Is In use all over the world
today, many hundreds or thousands of In
struments being operated by a single In
dividual at the central exchange. Rut
that House's automatlo telegraph for
ordinary messages went out of use must ot
course have been due to Its not being able
to oompet with the speed achieved by ex
pert aenders and receivers using the Morao
cod. Since then, however, there has been
a tremendous advance In electrical ap
paratus of every nature and It has b.n
said that the only reason why automatic
printing telegraph Instruments have not
already been put In general use In America
haa been the conservatism of vested and
practically monopolistic Interests. If this
Is true, today must b the dsy of regrets;
the two big telegraph companies must sigh
for the Inventions they are said to have
smothered. At all events necessity Is still
th mother of Invention and th present
strike must hasten the coming of the per
fected automatic machine which In Its final
form Will rrobably require at one end no
roor than the ability to strike th key
of a typewriter, while at the other end
of th wire It automatically records th
Beatrice San,: King Horn never reared h'i
head quKs so high nor save off so haughty
a look as at present. This la the sort of
weather that makes him smile.
Stantsn Ticket: The railroads are not so
cheerful In obeying the 2-cent law as they
were In th cne ding away with the
Long Pine Journal: A shortage of rear
admirals Is reported by the Navy depart
ment. It won't be long before we can send
them down a bunch of disappointed candi
dates for district Judge, If that will help
Beatrice Times: It should steadily
be borne In mind by the voters
of Nebraska v ho Insisted on tho
enactment of a primary election law
for the nomination of public officials that
thoy have tho power to make It a success
by turning out to the primaries, but that
they will kill It too dead to skin It thev
shall fall to do this.
Ord Quia: They ought to elect more edi
tors and fewer lawyers to the legisla
ture. Lawyers are schooled In making
things as blind as possible, to use as many
words and convey as Indefinite Ideas as
they can. On tho other hand, editors are
schooled In the art of saying things clearly
and to the point with as little verbiage
as possible and with no ambiguity. Nearly
every law on the statute books Is capable
of sundry Interpretations, wherefrom the
lawyer In later years will get his money
back. Take, for Instance, the new law rela
tive to primary elections. It Is full of
ambiguities, absurdities and contradictions.
Sentences are mixed and probably trans
posed, and a Jumble generally Is made of
an effort to say something, but It Is hard
now to say what. It starts off to tell, In
one place, how the county clerk shall
prepare a written sample ballot to hang up
In his office and winds up with an obscure
description ot how the ballots shall be
printed, and It fails utterly to tell what
shall be done In the makeup of the bal
lot. It ever a thing needed editing it Is
the new primary ballot.
Beatrice Express: The public does not
feel very cheerful over the crippling of tho
news service of the country, and If re
ports' are true officers of the telegraphers'
combination, operating for the American
Tress association, did not act within the
bounds of reason In urging their grievance.
They wired Melvln E. Stone, manager ot
the American Press association, that he
would be given twenty-four hours In which
to yield concessions of higher wagos and
shorter hours. Stone had no authority
to grant the request, and as the American
Press association la not St money-making
organization and carries no surplus, a plan
of Increasing wages would have to be
adopted to meet the demands if they were
conceded. Thus It was impossible, within
the time mentioned, to call together the
fifteen members of the board of directors
scattered In different parts of the country.
The operators were already receiving for
day work 10 per week and 60 cents per
hour for overtime, and for night work $35
per week and 70 cents per hour for over
time. Bo they were not suffering from
wicked lack of compensation, and could
at least have delayed Injury to the publio
until sufficient time had passed for their
demands to be properly considered and
acted upon.
Crete Democrat: The only way out
of the everlasting grind which aur
public school teachers have been placed
by the wild normal erase sweeping
over our country as a result of a deslra
on the part of the big headed superin
tendents to earn a salary during vacation,
ia for the colleges and universities to In
crease their facilities for Instructing teach
ers or prospective teachers In matters cov
ered by the aforesaid craze and thus relieve
the 'public of the heavy expense, and per
mit the over-worked and tired teachers at
the end of the school year to take a rest
and recuperate strength for the next year.
Hera we have a lot ot so-called junior
normals In different sections of the state
to which teachers must go and spend most
of their vacation listening to the peculiar
Ideas of the several wise superintendents
who are engaged by some other wise guy
to Instruct the tired teachers during the
hottest period of the year, In some new
fangled methods of teaching, which som
crank has evolved In his poorly balanced
belfry. That which a person needs In
order to teach Is, first, good home train
Ing; second, an education; third, govern
ment, neither of these can she or he get
at the Junior normals set up by a lot of
cheap legislators at tha behest of design
ing superintendents to make a show and
earn some money. ' It costs the taxpayers
many thousands and does them no good.
Central City Democrat: State Superin
tendent McBrlen has been getting after
some school districts of the state that have
been suspected of padding their censuses,
with rather astonishing results. In 1905, for
Instance. Hastings came to the front with
a reported school population of 4,383. Tlie
enrollment of the schools showed up but
J.ZS8, which looked a little suspicious. Last
vear. belnir under fire, the census enumer
ator could find only 2.611 eliglbles to school
privileges In all the city, and as the en
rollment shows 2.S53, the census appears
reasonable. In Grand Island the census for
laos showed 2.6S6. while the enrollment in
th schools was only 1,630. Fremont and
Kearney have shown even greater discrep
ancies. As each on tho census rear
lot r la worth some S3 per year to the dls
trlct, it can easily be seen why a district
hmild make Its list as large aa pnssime
those mentioned apparently profiting by
from 11.000 to 13.000 per year by their little
deception. .There Is little chance for the
smaller districts to pad their censuses to
any appreciable degree, and the excess the
fraudulent districts get Is thus tanen irom
the smaller and weaker ones. We are glad
to see an effort made to stop this kind of
thieving from the public treasury and hope
it made entirely successrui. as
means to that end It might be a good thing
I for tha legislature to provide that any dis
trict eullty. through Its census enumerator,
of stuffing its census should hav Its state
apportionment cut off for the next turee
Emperor William and King Edward met
the other day and kissed each othor sev
eral times. Luckily neither carried a gun
Daniel Worcester, said to be the original
"Uncle Tom" of the original "Uncle Tom's
Cabin" company, Is still living In Roxbury,
One of the t wo ' Edinburgh houses asso
ciated with the name of Blielley, Is In pro
cess of demolition. It was In this house
that he wrote his "Refutation of Deism'
and "Queen Mab."
Dr. Harry T. Wiley, chief of th bureau
of chemistry of the United 8tates Depart
ment of Agriculture, Is to attend the fiist
annual world's fair pur food show which
is to be held In Chicago In November.
Thomas Pry or Gorem, said to be th
political leader of Oklahoma, la Mind and
has been i since the age of 11. He la one
of the most sought lawyers and has been
active In all campaigns since he went there
from Mississippi.
The enforced popularity of the water
wagon provokes from Colonel Watterson
a woful lament for the rising sons as In
"Old Kentucky Home." "Instead of th
rich red blood of Virginia," he exclaims
"Ice water shall flow through the veins of
the people." To the sideboard, patriots.
and banish tb (rest!
The greatest menace to woman's
permanent happiness in life la tho
suffering' that comes from some de
rangement of the feminine organs.
Many thousands of women have
realized this too late to save their
health, barely in time to save their
To be a successful wife, to retain
the love and admiration of her hus
band, ahould be a woman's constant
If a woman finds that her ener
gies are flagging, that she gets easily
tired, dark shadows appear under
her eyes, she ha backache, head
ache, bearing-down sensations, ner
vousness, irregularities or the
"bines," she should start at once to
build up her system by a tonlo with
specific powers, such as
Lydia E. Pinkham's
the great woman's remedy for woman's Ills, made only of roots and herb.
It cures Female Complaints, such aa Dragging Sensations, Weak
Back, Falling and Displacement. Inflammation and Ulceration, and all
Organic Diseases, and is invaluable In the Change of Life. It dissolves
and Expels Tumors at an early stage. Subdues Falntnesa. Nervous
Prostration, Exhaustion, and strengthens and tones the Stomach. Cure
Headache, Oeneral Debility, Indigestion, and invigorates the whole
female sytero. It is an excellent remedy for derangements of the
-Kidneys in either sex.
Quaint and Carlon Features of Life
In a Rapidly Growing
Early nird A young fellow In our town
went to see his lady love the other night
and must have had an Interesting time, be
cause when he said good-by, he discovered
that her father had borrowed his bicycle
to ride down to the butcher shop to get
some meat for breakfast. Deciding to
make the best of It, he accepted an Invita
tion to break bread with the family, and
promised, upon going, to come again when
he could stay awhile. Wakefield Republi
can. Girls In a Scrap We learn that two
young women In a vicinity several miles
north from here got Into a fight last Sun
day. One of the girls had a buggy whip
and the other used her fists. They were
separated before they had done each other
serious damage. The fight was over a case
of eavesdropping on the telephone, of which
one of the girls accused the other. Tha
young woman was talking to her beau, and
the conversation was overheard by the
eavesdropper. Columbus Telegram.
Licensed to Call Names Lawyers stand
up In court houses before Jurors, In the
presence of large audiences, and denounce
men as liars, scoundrels, thieves and per
jured vlllians, and when court adjourns
the men appear to harbor no 111 will against
them. But let a newspaper faintly Inti
mate that a man's character Is blemished ,
and he ha to confront a horse pistol,
stand a libel suit or suffer what the people
think to be the greatest of all mortifications
lose a subscriber. Humphrey Democrat.
Job for W. F. A. M.-W. P. A. Melten-
dorff on Tuesday cam Into possession of
his bird dog, Soulard, which was kidnaped
thirteen months ago by some member of
the Sioux tribe. . The pup waa taken from
Its owner when but 4 months old, but came
back la first class condition which, con
sidering the Item of a year's feed. Is In
favor of the owner, but It looks to us as
though Mr. Meltendorff will have to get
busy and learn the Bloux language In
order to get any work out of the dog
thla year. Valentine Republican.
A Norfolk woman was Immensely pleased
the other night by a compliment which her
husband paid her. Tha woman's neighbors
have considered her a heavyweight and
have said so. In taking a drive she and
her husband came to a bridge over which
hung a sign: "Unsafe for heavy loads."
The man drove over without tho slightest
apparent fear of danger, and the woman
naturally felt flattered. Norfolk News.
In a Predicament Zob Cox Informs us
that the young liveryman at the Diamond
livery has run away with his wife. Zeb
says this is not the first time that this
fellow has kidnaped some other man's wife
and there will be something serious happen
to him if he doesn't get a woman of his
own. The marshal is now looking for
someone to wash dishes for him until his
wife's return. Long Pine Journal.
Nature Fake On Wednesday morning P.
W. Roland was attacked by a swarm of
bees which approached him from the rear,
Covering himself and team almost In an
Instant. Both he and the horses were very
warm and the bees stung furiously. Andy
Guy happened to be near at hand and ran
A Great Roast!
Over a ton of Arbuckles' Ariosa
Coffee is roasted at a time, in a largo
revolving cylinder, which drops tho
coffee through heat again and again
until each bean is uniformly roasted.
No other coffee is in suffi
cient demand to afford such
scientific and perfect prepara
tion. The sales of Arbuckles' Ariosa
Coffee exceed the sales of all other
packaged coffees combined, and this
scientific roasting, which no othes
coffee can afford, by its very magni
tude, reduces our cost to a minimum,
and enables us, with our other advant
ages, to give better value in Arbuckles
Ariosa Coffee than is possible for any.
'one else.
Arbuckles' Ariosa Coffee is
the cheapest good coffee in the
world, and the best of all for
, f its 1 1 i ' 1 1 imri t
Vegetable Compound
across the road to his house, getting a
dish pan with which he soon set up a din
that attracted the bee and caused them to
settle in the grass. This undoubtedly saved
Mr. Roland's life, aa he could not possibly
have fought more than a few minute la
the Intense heat. The horses simply rolled
and stumbled about until the bees left them.
Both man and beasts were literally covered
with stingers. Dr. Pac happened to
available and th patient waa made
easy as possible and It Is thought will
recover In good time. Guide Rock Signal.
FLAM1K9 OF Flit.
"My son," said the aged trust magnate,
"be honest, upright and above all thing
be truthful. Never tell a lie."
"I won't, fattier," answered the noble
boy, with flashing eye, dilated nostril and
glowing cheek. "I'll refuse to answr,"
Chicago Tribune.
"Do you regard yourself as a servant of
the republic?"
"Oh, yes," answered Senator Sorghum;
"but the fact that I am a servant of th
republic doe not make me forget that I
am tha political boss of my particular dis
trict. "-r-Washlngton Star.
"Hasn't Kloaeman proposed to Belle
"Why, I'm sure he wants to marry her.H
"Yes, but he's not sure that the engage
ment ring he got back from May will fit
Belle." Washington Herald.
"Please send my bathing suit by mall. I
forgot to pack It in my trunk," wrote th
wife from the eashore.
"Can't find It. You know you took my
field glasses away with you," said th hus
band In his letter of reply. Tonkers States
man. "Brains In woman should count for mors
than beauty."
"O, but, Miss Sweetly, your beauty Is too
strong an argument on the other aid of
the question." Browning's Magaslne,
Proprietor Mr. Adsum, th combination
to our vault is exceedingly Intricate, in
volved and hard to retain. Do you wan to
tackle It? v
1 Assistant Bookkeeper--!, think I o-e-can
hold It, Mr. Benson. I w-w-wear a 1 hat
and I have an imp-p-p-pediment In my
speech. Chicago Tribune. t
"You don't seem to display any tatarMt
in these theories that animals talk?"
"Certainly not," answered th brusqo
cltlsen. "I see no possible need of an In
crease In the present supply of conversa
tion' Washington Star.
"It was one of these personally conducted
"And how are they?"
"All to the good. Postcards were brought
to us at every town. Often we didn't have
to leave the train." Houston Chronicle.
Katherlne Lyman In the Argonaut
He left so little, did you say?
He had so brief a time to stay,
'Twas hardly worth his while to gathet
Dross of our little earthly day.
The things that other people prise
He gave to others, being wise,
Being so heavenly foolish rather.
That kept his gains for Paradise, '
Hardly a keepsak did he leave.
And all his gold was fugitive.
He kept those things that will not perish.
For him th widow and orphan grlav.
He gave with a light laugh Indeed,
As he and gold were 111 agreed;
Held It the poorest thing to cherish,
Save that it filled another's need.
He had his Pilgrim's Scrip of Hope,
And Living Waters In his cup.
The Staff of Faith that stlli suffices
The stumbling soul to lift it up.
Being so soon a traveler,
Of earthly things he had no care;
But on the road that's Paradise's
He went the lighter, being bare.